japanese classic nude porn does not work with mosaic in western/american markets. japanese fetish porn works also with mosaic in western/american market.
>>18 The increasing use of biofuels in developed countries is thought to be another cause. Initially seen as a 'clean and green' alternative to fossil fuels, biofuels such as ethanol may be used to run vehicles instead of gasoline. In theory, they seemed a logical alternative to regular fuels. Biofuels are made primarily from grain crops such as maize and an estimated 100 million tons of grain per year is now being redirected from food to fuel. 打ち間違いがあったらすみません。前後はこんな感じです。
Thank you for contacting AE! Thank you for your recent fax. Unfortunately, we have not received a copy of your most recent credit card billing statement; therefore, your order was not processed. So that we may receive the verification necessary to process your order, please fax a copy of your statement, showing your name, billing address, along with the last four digits of your card number to 1-724-779-7891. This information may also be sent via email attachment. Thanks for being a part of the American Eagle brand!
>>25 ありがとうございます。 AEと言う所で洋服を何度か買ってました。 send a fax of your most recent billing statement, showing the last four digits of your credit card number as well as your address, along with your drivers license/state id to 7・・・・, please include your order number. If you do not have access to a fax machine, please email/scan the requested documents as an attachment・・・ というメールが来たので、前回の取引した領収書と運転免許の写しをスキャンして 指定されたメールに送ったらこのメールが来ました。 今度はFAXしてみます。
>>39 そういうときはnetで調べよう。 初めて見る ぐらいに訳せるかも。 ttp://www.oxfordadvancedlearnersdictionary.com/dictionary/random より 2 [only before noun] (informal) (especially of a person) not known or not identified Some random guy gave me a hundred bucks. You don't want some random dude telling you how to live your life.
・・・って思ってたら、その辞書の三番目にちゃんとそういう定義が書いてあるじゃん。 3 (informal) a thing or person that is random is strange and does not make sense, often in a way that amuses or interests you ・Mom, you are so random! ・The humour is great because it's just so random and unhinged from reality.
'When you are joyous, look deep into your heart and you shall find it is only that which has given you sorrow that is giving you joy. When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight.' This quote comes from my favourite writer, Kahlil Gibran, but the secret link between these apparent opposites has fascinated many poets.
I mention it now because it's too easy to take a superficial view of a deep situation.You must go beyond the obvious in September - if you want to make true progress I've got lots more to tell you about September - and you're going to like it.Do yourself a favour.
お願いします。 The Indefinite Generic refers to the Definition of a species, that is, those properties that are absolutely necessary for anything to be a member. It doesn't work as the subject of any predicate that isn't definitional. But with a definitional property, it's certainly true for any member.
Damn!!!! That's freakin' sharper than anyof the vids I've seen !!!!! what is that call? It looks real originof Bowie knife. IO would like to know the name of this. thanks.
Yeah, That's Ken-Nata. I don't know for hunting. For that That's waay too bulky. I probably won't carry that to my Hunting expeditions.... but hey, Some people like it too Large!! LOL
This is not an easy task in a world where art and commerce can, and do, merge seamlessly into each other, where museums can become part of vast entertainment complexes, and where museums are compelled to act more and more like commercial enterprises.
suimasen nanka nihonngo de utikomemasen. kanma de kirareta bun no tunagari ga yoku wakarimasen. yorosikuonegaisimasu.
This is not an easy task in a world where art and commerce can, and do, merge seamlessly into each other, where museums can become part of vast entertainment complexes, and where museums are compelled to act more and more like commercial enterprises.
This is not an easy task in a world where art and commerce canできる merge seamlessly into each other and do強いてする merge seamlessly into each other where museums can become part of vast entertainment complexes ディズニーランドなど and where museums are compelled to act more and more like commercial enterprises.
いつもありがとうございます。 今日もよろしくお願いいたします。 Ever wondered why things get so complex and convoluted? Could it be because, for all that's infuriating, you quite enjoy the challenges you face and the hardships you have to put up with? You're now finding it hard to feel quite so philosophical.
The crisis was provoked by the mayer's rash actions, and the museum had to fight to keep its door open. But the museum's protection was never in doubt, as was clear from extensive pre-existing case law, and like every other major paper The New York Times defended Brooklyn's rights to present the exhibition. 段落ごと載せましたが、分からないのは3行め以下の文章です。 asの意味や 、その後にコンマがくる意味を教えていただきたいです。
この段落の次の段落で What the times and other papers critisized was Brooklyn's apparently intentional mislesding of the public over the way in which the exibition was financed. ときたため混乱してしまいました。よろしくお願いします。
>>104 sitck outは突き出る=目立つの意味です (身長が)(舌を)stick out (態度が)sitck out 我慢するならsitck it out Why wouldn't you wanna stick out? なら「なんで目立ちたいの?」だと思います。 You wanna stick out to the bathroom? は会話の前後関係が分かりませんが 「バスルームに(何かを)突き出したい?」 であとは推測して下さい
>>111 そこまで行ったのならその先を見るべし。 Thread: You wanna stick out to the bathroom? I have some party papers paper はこの場合少量の(日本では警察に捕まる)禁止薬物 スレッド: 風呂場に行かないか?ヤク持ってるんだ。風呂場に行ってヤクやろうよ。 風呂場に行くのは一応隠れてやるほどの意味だと思うよ。 アメリカのバスルームの構造を理解する必要もある。
>>112.>>113,>>118 ありがとうございます。 stick out to〜で「〜へ行く」の意味でいいんですね、 「バスルームに突き出したい?」はスラングなのかな? イデオム辞書を調べたら ttp://idioms.yourdictionary.com/stick-out stick out like a sore thumb 痛む親指の様に固執する とありました基本はまだ、今一つ意味がつかめませんが 突き出すの意味でいいみたいですね Travel to japana . We don’t want to stick out? この場合だとでは日本では目立ちたくない?でいいのでしょうか? なかなか難しいですね。
>>128 のリンク先 ttp://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=2100697 の From the last episode of Shameless US, while fiona and her friend are at the school party: を見たのかよ。 fiona は女名前だぞ。 youtubeのどんな動画にWhy wouldn't you? wanna stick out? とコメントされてたの?
質問は Is it correct that "stick out to" = go to (the bathroom) and "party paper" = drugs? If yes, what kind of drugs? だろうよ。 回答は"stick out to" = go toについては否定していない。 また回答のリンク先からはpaperはdrugまたはその量だろ。 Hope you find it useful! その情報を役立ててくれ 言外にdrugをやるなと言ってる。
A rash imposition of a regime of "Liberarl Democracy" in its almost pure, American version would give rise to cultural crises and chaotic conditions, oftenrendering the transition period more painful and even violent.
Whatever gains the museum may have had in attendance and profile were more than offset by the fact that this came at the cost of public trust in the institution. よろしくおねがいします。 動詞部分がmay have hadだと思って読み進めたらまた動詞が出てきて わからなくなってしまいました。
Whatever gains the museum may have had in attendance and profile 名詞節で主語 were 述語 more than offset 補語 by the fact that this came at the cost of public trust in the institution 副詞節。
this is an exciting time for the written word: it is adapting to the ascendant medium, which happens to be the most immediate, universal and democratic written medium that has ever existed. But it is all happening too quickly for some people, and we have to face some uncomfortable facts: for example, it is already too late to campaign for adding punctuation marks to Alphabet Soup, in the hope that all will be well. 途中までわかるのですがfor example以降がよくわからないのでお願いします。
>>161 質問する場合はthis effectの内容まで引用すべきだよ。それから、for this serviceっていうのは あなたが書き換えたのかな?だったらあなたは解釈を間違えてる。
原文はこれじゃないの? In trials of behaviour change, in which participants cannot be adequately masked to allocation of intervention, participants who have been allocated to the control group could have reduced motivation to quit. To minimise this effect we offered all participants contact details for existing NHS smoking cessation services.
行動変化の検定においては、参加者を介入(禁煙を助ける[かどうかを確認したい]試みを行うこと)の割り当て情報から 十分に隔離することができず、準拠集団(試みを行わない参考グループ)に割り当てられた参加者は禁煙への モティベーションが下がってしまうということが起こり得た。 この効果を最小化するため、全ての参加者に対し、National Health Serviceが既に提供している禁煙サービスの 連絡先を教え(て、全員に禁煙に向けた行動をしているという感覚を与え)た。
One letter should be from a faculty member at the last school you attended as a full-time student unless you have been out of school for more than five years.
We would like to send a replacement order to you. Can you confirm that you are happy for us to do this? We also ask that you could confirm your full delivery address? Once we receive this information we can process a replacement order to you.
What's recommended is as close to a formal break-up of Britain's biggest banks as it's possible to get without obliging the likes of Barclays and Royal Bank of Scotland to physically separate their retail and investment banking operations.
I mean that you ask serious questions and when I answer I need to be sure and serious. It is not about question 1,2 or 3. I mean you have serious questions (all of them) and I want to answer serious.
After studying samples from the Great Barrier Reef they found that fish feeding off the coral are also able to withstand powerful ultraviolet rays, leading them to believe that the protective amino acids - the key ingredient - pass up the food chain.
Tests on human skin could take place within two years, though the scientists say it could take them a lot longer to work out whether the protective chemical can be turned into tablet form.
ANDREW CARNEGIE is to his biographers, friendly and hostile alike, the hardest American robber baron to fathom. Somehow they have to try to understand themselves, and make coherent to others, a dramatic change in their subject's behavior somehow以下の訳し方がよくわかりません。。
We still owe you more for the 4(個の物) we were going to purchase. We will get back to you, Pease make your order and we will work on the funds on our side.
What's recommended is as close to a formal break-up of Britain's biggest banks as it's possible to get without obliging the likes of Barclays and Royal Bank of Scotland to physically separate their retail and investment banking operations.
This person may be constantly in and out throughout the afternoon, too busy with settling in. Make a mental note to drop some cookies off at the door sometime over the next few days, however. You'll be glad you did.
Up to two trillion pounds of loans and investments would end up behind these ring fences and the big idea is to reduce the danger that there may once again be huge costs for taxpayers as and when there's a banking crisis on the scale of the crash of 2008.
Is a new neighbor moving in close by, dear Sagittarius? This person could hail from a very interesting locale, so you might want to get to know him or her. Don't expect to be able to do this today, however. This person may be constantly in and out throughout the afternoon, too busy with settling in. Make a mental note to drop some cookies off at the door sometime over the next few days, however. You'll be glad you did.
宜しくお願いします。大概は読めるのですが see figure 2 for an image の部分はどう翻訳し読むべきでしょうか?
This is obvious from the message that the prophet sent to the Egyptian ruler Al-Mokawkas inviting him to embrace Islam, see figure 2 for an image of the preserved original hand-written manuscript.
If you would like for us to again attempt to receive the authorization necessary to process the order please send a fax of your most recent billing statement, showing the last four digits of your credit card number as well as your address, along with your drivers license/state id to 7○○-7○○-7○○○, please include your order number.
None of the researchers has explained when and how the prophets' real whereabouts had been shifted from their real geographical positions in Arabia towards the north and systematically projected over another vast Arabian land stretching from the River Euphrates in Iraq all the way to the River Nile in Egypt.
The proposed shifting theory cannot be substantiated unless the perpetrators are identified and their motives are determined. So who are those who embarked in what looked more like a "mission impossible" and worked hard on re-documenting significant historical events to make them sound and appear as if they had occurred in different places? And what were their motives?
japanese peope are much better people then americans. like when you watch that great japanese catch in the outfield the japanese baseball player just sort a acted like he was doing his job. ya know what i mean? if that was a american he would a been celebrating and showing off and all. thats what i mean by japanese are better people. i can see it patrick and thats why i was so proud to put up that video first.
Romantic Venus could inspire you to branch out and break new ground this week. But trouble in the skies could cloud your judgment, so do not make commitments or decisions yet. It seems you share common ground with someone, but you could create more problems than you solve by trying to force the pace.
Any mysteries of the intentions of others can suddenly come out in the open creating a much better picture of future opportunities for you. You need to work on maintaining a balance between what needs to be major priorities by eliminating any that are not that important. You should not avoid this detailed analysis of your life.
>>266 So who are those people? Those who embarked in what looked more like a "mission impossible"? Those who worked hard on re-documenting significant historical events? Just to make使役動詞 them sound/appear as if they had occurred in different places? What were their motives?
sound/appear as if 〜 〜であるかのように見せる themはこの文章の主題になってる「言われている、移した説」の対象物だろう
>>265 None of the researchers has explained when and how [the prophets' real whereabouts主語] had been shifted {from} A[their real geographical positions in Arabia] {towards(=to)} B[the north北の地域一帯]
[the prophets' real whereabouts主語] systematically projected広めた over another vast Arabian land stretching {from} A[the River Euphrates in Iraq] all the way副詞”はるばる” {to} B[the River Nile in Egypt].
To this day I wish I were in Kyoto, a place where the water runs cleanly and steadily. I wish you well and one day, will have a chance to have a cup of coffee with you. It may happen in about one year from now.
When the party was all over, Father Christmas led the boy and the snowman to stable. Light spilled through the door, and inside they could see the reindeer which he used to pull his sleigh. Father Christmas gave the boy a lovely blue scarf as a present, and he put it on. It was time for them to go. The snowman gripped the boy's hand, and once again they started to run . . . faster and faster . . . bounding and jumping until they were flying!
Bearing in mind how the forged information was trafficked, we can put forth a scenario for the sequence of events since the Septuagint was released. During 282 B.C, and while Egypt was under Greek occupation, the Greek ruler in collaboration with 70 rabbis translated the Syriac Torah.
すみません、↑リンクの「How did the Septuagint do it? – How to hide a mountain in a desert?」章のところです。 固有名詞はよいですから、 Bearing in mind how the forged information was ・・の部分は、何か善い訳が無いでしょうか?
The translation which was called the Septuagint concealed the word "Misr" and replaced it with "Egypt". Ptolemy Ben Philadelphus would make financial benefits once Egypt becomes a holy land in the eyes of the western world, while the Jews rabbis would secure a bigger and more strategic lands for their future offspring under the made up "Promised - land" saga located on the rich Silk Trade Route as a substitute for the hard to get Incense Trade Route.
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論文の初めのあたりですが、↓が、この仮説学説の致命的欠点になるわけですよね。 Noneは、正確にはどういうように訳せばいいのでしょうか? 1. None of the present research work conducted an in-depth analytical study in the ancient Arabic historical literatures to provide Arabic historical evidences confirming that the Israeli prophets were actually Arabic people who reside in Arabia.
According to Arabs historians, this well of water sprung underneath Ishmael feet and is called today Beer Zimzum. It still provides water to the annual multimillion pilgrims and is located only few meters from Beit Allah (Al Ka’aba). The Torah however indicates that this well was later called Beersheba .
>>330-331 ありがとうございます。 >>331(そういえば、そうでしたね・・・)冷や汗 どこから、どこまでが主語部分なのでしょうか・・・? ↓ None of the present research work conducted an in-depth analytical study in the ancient Arabic historical literatures to provide Arabic historical evidences confirming that the Israeli prophets were actually Arabic people who reside in Arabia.
According to Arabs historians, this well of water sprung underneath Ishmael feet and is called today Beer Zimzum. It still provides water to the annual multimillion pilgrims and is located only few meters from Beit Allah (Al Ka’aba). The Torah however indicates that this well was later called Beersheba .
According to Arabs historians, this well of water sprung underneath Ishmael feet and is called today Beer Zimzum. It still provides water to the annual multimillion pilgrims and is located only few meters from Beit Allah (Al Ka’aba). The Torah however indicates that this well was later called Beersheba .
・・・is located only few meters from Beit Allah (Al Ka’aba). は、文字通りに「数メートル」とは違うのでしょうか?
This volume, written by leading authorities from Eastern Europe, outlines the history of the health and environmental consequences of the Chernobyl disaster. Although there has been much discussion concerning the impacts of nuclear accidents, and Chernobyl in particular, never before has there been a comprehensive presentation of all the available information concerning the health and environmental effects of the low dose radioactive contaminants that were emitted from the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant.
The official discussions emanating from the IAEA and associated UN agencies (e.g. the Chernobyl Forum reports) have largely downplayed or ignored many of the findings reported in the Eastern European scientific literature and as a consequence these reports have erred on the side of negative findings simply because much of what was known was not included in their assessments.
That is an impressive level of dedication and patience and skill to put that edge on a blade the size of the Ontario full size machete, that would be a dream to work with on grasses and light vegetation at that level of sharpness.
Give and takeは譲り合うですが、GiveとTakeのどっちが貰うや受け取るですか? 単純にGiveは与えるでTakeは取るですが Giveに頂くの意味はあるし、Takeに持って行くの意味もあるし Please give meは下さいだし、これだけ頂いたらこっちも差し出すって意味だと Giveが頂く、Takeが差し出すって意味になりませんか? よろしくお願いします
Unfortunately,my boss has a cancer and is away,the secretary is pregnant and doesn't work.Because of the budget we can't have anybody to replace them and we have to write ourself our reports on the computer which takes lots of time.I don't know if you hear somethings on the news in France, the politics look so unethical and people are not disposed to vote to anybody.
Wakin up feelin good and limber when the telephone it ring was a bad man from california. Tellin of a stone he'd bring and of better days from this town, We'd escape. If We holler loud and make our way we'd all live one big holiday. So we listened and up the river and recorded all the sounds was some shakin and some record playin. All the leather kids were loud.
NHKワールド記事です、自信が無いので訳し方がおかしかったら教えてください The Obama administration is trying to dissuade members of the UN Security Council from supporting the bid to avoid use of the veto. オバマ陣営は国連安保理で、国連加盟への拒否権の使用を避ける勢力に 考えを改めるよう働きかけている
But in certain organizations, especially fammilies, the specific personal associational character is emphasized by the use of a common surname, though often geography or function wer originally combined with a baptismal name (John Kent, John Smith).
"The person in transient". With time, this simple denomination transformed into the famous word “Hebrew” and was inflated beyond its original meaning to denote the identity of a nation with a distinctive language and religion. The Torah itself clearly indicates that being Hebrew does not necessarily mean one is Israeli (i.e. son of Jacob). This is obvious from Mose’s direct teachings to the Israelis “…If thou buy a Hebrew servant, six years he shall serve: and in the seventh he shall go out free for nothing.”
It is forbidden to enslave a fellow Israeli as per Judaism teachings. Therefore, this only means that the word “Hebrew” is originally an expression used for Israeli as well as any other person as long as he/she is in transit (traveler or crosser). This term simply never meant to be an expression of a distinctive religion, nationality or identity and using it in such a context is a historical abuse.
that being Hebrew does not necessarily mean one is Israeli (i.e. son of Jacob). ↑ 特に・・・ one とは何のことでしょうか?>>385 >>386後半は特にexpression used for Israeli as well as any other person as long as he/she is in transit (traveler or crosser). が分かりません。
A is my first choice; B is second and C is third. I would like to get 20 of those. I'll leave how to take this amounts up to you. It means like it doesn't matter if it's all of A ,A and B contained or something. You can surprise me. よろしくおねがいします。
I am unsure if I mentioned we had a new addition to our family in April this year, a little girl who we have called Flora. As you can guess a young boy of only 2 years old and a newborn baby has meant a busy tiring time at both home and work - but it is worth it.
すいません。get...out ofの意味の一つなのですが If an activity gives you pleasure,satisfaction,or some other benefit, you get pleasure, satisfaction, or some other benefit out of it. とあり、例文が The judge didn't get any pleasure out of imposing such a harsh penalty. とあり、自分の英和辞書に載ってるたくさんの"get out of"の意味のうちのどれの事なのかよくわからないので この2文をよろしくおねがいします。
>>395 can do business withは「お互いに利益を得られる関係になれる」と言う意味で、明確に商取引ではなく、 どちらかと言えば交渉を上手く進められるという、漠然とした関係性を示す、元々、曖昧さを狙った言葉だと思う だから日本語訳もどうにでも解釈出来るんで、どっちも間違いだとは思わん 非公式でアングラな場で使われる印象があるんで「彼となら腹を割ってお互いに成果を取れる関係になれる」みたいな意味だと思うがな
単に仕事や取り引きが出来るだけなら I can make a deal with him とか言うんじゃないかね まあ、あくまで俺の個人的な印象なんだけど、make a deal〜も含みを持たせた言い方をすれば同じ意味に取れるなw
では 外出好き ということにしよう。 she was a funny girl who likes to watch movies and hang out. 映画を見ることと外出することが好きな変わった面白い女だ。 一緒 とはどこから出てくるんだろ? 研究社英和中辞典より ★【類語】 funny は奇妙でこっけいで人を笑わせるような; amusing と interesting はおもしろくて愉快で人を楽しませる; ludicrous は常識をはずれたばかばかしさのため人を笑わせる》.
I need to get my muscles nice and lose so I don't pull anything. Don't worry baby. I won't leave you hanging! So what are you going to do? Are you ready for me?
! I'm glad that you found time to come and visit me again. had so much fun talking about us in the outdoors last week that I thought I would do it again. This time I'm in a more secluded area so there is no chance of anyone seeing us. But watch out now! I can get pretty wild and there will be no one around to hear you scream for help! お願いします
お願いします。下品なv訳でないように。 Hey guys, So I see you want to join me! While I take a walk in the woods! It was just a beautiful day! I just had to go for a walk.. I usually like walking alone, but I'll let you keep me company.. By the way... How do you like the outfit?? Its new and thought I would show you guys! But you wont see it long.. Because you know I can hardly keep my cloths on when your around! But you don't mind that don't you!
おねがいします I think some confusion in last email. I will have some stock ready in about 2 weeks time , I can send you another mail then if you are ready to receive some stock.
おねがいします My characters are oppressed, under pressure and irritated. And this impression probably affects the public, who walk out wondering, what next? Where do we go from here?
おねがいします I think some confusion in last email. I will have some stock ready in about 2 weeks time , I can send you another mail then if you are ready to receive some stock.
I'm not sure if I have already inform you but we have increased our family from two to four.We had a baby, a pretty girl, she was born last 6th November, almost a year (time spent too much quick),and also just few months before we had adopted another one, she was another pretty 7 years old girl. Last 21th August we celebrated their 8th birthday.So nowdays our live is quite diferent and we are a very very happy family. We explained to our daughter our trips to Japan and she want to go there also, but we need to wait our smaller dauhther is being bigger.
Don't tell me you're looking for raping Hitler depicted as a little girl... I know anons are pathetic but this level of patheticness should be contained to /a/ or /b/. Shit like that makes me glad my country was somehow not involved too much in WWII. I would be mad as fuck if I was russian since apparently, it's a "game" all to the glory of the japanese lead character who can have sex with dozen of women who are retarded anime versions of real life characters.
裁判で友人(Brian)の父親としての適正について証言している場面で Your honor, Brian'll be a great dad. Hell, if I was half the parent Brian is, I'd know that Chris' ice-cream is...Chocolate-chip. Brian=父親としての適正が疑われて裁判にかけられてる Chris=証言者の息子
if I was half the parent Brian is,がわかりません。よろしくおねがいします。
和訳お願い致します。 状況としては、私有料カード、相手無料カードのトレードで割に合わないから、 私は無料5枚対有料一枚のカードの取引を希望すると書いたメールへの返信です。 but many are you trying to postcards, 3 cards is correct, but it depends if AD Cards.
This week’s meeting between Mercury, the planet of communication, and down-to-earth, committed Saturn should provide a firm foundation for a new and important friendship. The bonds that you form now are destined to be real and lasting,so focus on your private life from Thursday.
The decision not to inject capital into the banks, but to effectively relieve them of their bad assets and then allow them to earn their way out of a hole leaves the banks bumper profits and then allows them to pay bumper bonuses
OK I just sorted your order out 5x pair. Shipping plan is 5th October or 6th October. I just await the customs permit now as we have new permit system for export paperwork . I will send another email when insect is sent. Thanks for your patience .
This central lunar junction port city, which has the only spaceport within the United Nations with ships going to and coming from the Lunar Embassy, is, as its name suggests, the gateway which connects the Earth and the moon. 訳よろしくです!
The best quote I ever recieved from my mother after a horrible break up別れ、離婚: "Losing him does not matter. It is you who will be found, and charished!" -The Joy Luck Club. 彼を失う事なんてなんの問題でも無いわよ。救われて大事にされるべきなのは貴女なのよ。 You keep on keeping on girl. Do what you need. GET MAD! Get Sad, but above all, keep on being you!
The government says it has enough cash to pay pensions, salaries and bondholders until mid-November, having previously said it needed more money by mid-October to avoid a default.
I'm not sure if you remember me telling you that I was going to have a baby not long ago. Sadly, we lost the baby due to unknown reasons a few months into the pregnancy. We are both very sad about the loss, but we are staying hopeful that we can have one once we are married and settled down.
・You do not get ill, but your body's immune system responds by producing antibodiesas if you had been invaded by a disease-causing germ.
・The immune system recognizes that chemical groups (molecules) called antigens on the surface of these 'invaders' are not part of your body and that the germs that carry them are not wanted.
・The human body is protected from disease by white blood cells whose job it is to recognize and destroy germs that enter the body.
・People can also catch HIV from receiving a transfusion of blood already infected with the disease, although today most donated blood is checked for HIV.
Granite gravestones rolled along a low hill, which sloped down and then up again onto a large flat stretch, also marked with rows of low grave markers and monuments. お願いします
You have a particular goal or objective in mind for yourself but it appears that it may have been put on a hold status. By next February everything clicks into place. Be patient and keep working hard for what you want. It will not be in vain as you will realize this in just four more short months. Right now you have to reach out and keep the ball rolling until then to keep things in line.
1. With Japan’s economic structure undergoing drastic changes, an increasing number of people are showing keen interest in start-ing up businesses of their own. The current nationwide trend to promote new enterprises is said to be the third of its kind in the postwar era. Some people begin their business to follow the example of those who have succeeded by conforming to the current of the times.
2. The central and local governments are implementing various programs to help new enterprises. The labor ministry, for in-stance, inaugurated a system in February to financially help busi-nesses started by three or more people aged 60 or older who are still healthy enough to continue work. These ventures, the minis-try hopes, will eventually create more jobs.
3. Some kindergartens have reportedly started classes to foster would-be entrepreneurs by teaching children how to deal with money and read newspaper stock pages in mock investment les-sons. The operators of these kindergartens must surely be entre-preneurs themselves, aren’t they? お願いします。
When dramas involving close friends or colleagues or even loved ones first arose, you did everything you could. However, since then dilemmas have devoured your time and remain fundamentally unresolved. The moment has come to force issues or withdraw, leaving others them to take full responsibility. This isn`t just wise, it ensures you`re unencumbered now, in the run up to late October`s extraordinary events or offers.
OK I`ll post you two ・・・・・・ as discount from you last order .
But regarding last order there is still $53 oustanding for postage cost .Also for the two ・・・・・ I will send you this week you can cover the cost of postage thanks.
お願いします。 Anchorage may be obtained as convenient in the bay, but vessels usually anchor about 1.5 miles N of Eru at the head. Local knowledge is advised. 特にobtained as convenientが難しいです。
They blame, with some justification, the problems in the financial sector for getting us into this mess, and they're dissatisfied with the policy response here in Washington. And at some level, I can't blame them," Bernanke said during a hearing before the Joint Economic Committee.
Wall Street caused the implosion in the first place and is getting away Scot-free while workers, transit workers, everybody, is forces to pay for their excesses.
>>649 They blame, with some justification, the problems in the financial sector for getting us into this mess 彼らは、それなりに正当な理由があってのことだが、われわれがこの窮地に 陥ったのは金融部門における諸問題のせいだと考えている
>>651 のように with some justificationを「もっともらしい理屈をつけて」と訳すと 全然ニュアンスが違ってしまう。
お願いします。 The Blue Hole is set in a shallow reef stretching across a bay, and its deep blue circle is clearly visible with breakers on its far side as we drive away
Every religion in the world is represented in London and there are, for example, always major celebrations in London to mark Diwali, observed by Hindus, Eid which is a Muslim festival and, of course, Christmas. 。この部分の脚注を載せておきます。 be represented 見られる celebration 祝賀行事 mark 祝う Diwali ディワーリ、ヒンドゥー教の新年の祭り observe 守る Eid イード、ラマダン明けを祝うイスラムの大祭
英和活用大辞典から例文と訳を She said, with considerable justification, that she had been unfairly treated. 自分は不当な扱いをされてきたと言ったがそれにはかなりもっともな根拠があった There was abundant [ample] justification for his anger. 彼の怒りには十分正当な理由があった。
good/full justification ではなくsome justification と言っているので、「彼ら」の主張に 全面的に賛成ではないけれども、ある程度正しい部分があるとは考えているわけです。 at some levelと留保をつけているのも、同様の気持ちでしょう。 いずれにせよ「もっともらしい理屈をつけて」は誤訳です。
Her name might not be Helga but she is from Sweden and she is blonde so that thing about the country is 100% true. Yup, just doing my part to perpetuate the myth that Sweden is populated exclusively by blonde bombshells.
Khamenei's remarks came a day after U.S. officials said the Obama administration plans to leverage charges that Iran plotted to assassinate Saudi Arabia's ambassador into a new global campaign to isolate the Islamic republic
特に難しくないでしょ。 Khamenei's remarks came a day after U.S. officials said the Obama administration plans to leverage charges that Iran plotted to assassinate Saudi Arabia's ambassador into a new global campaign to isolate the Islamic republic
Obama has tried this line of attack before, railing in 2009 against “fat-cat bankers” who he accused of taking excessive bonuses in the wake of the financial meltdown.
>730 who 以下は一応関係詞節なので、 he accused them of taking 〜 のthemが 本当はwhom になって先頭に来る んだけど、731さんのおっしゃるように、who を使う事もあるようですね。 he は小浜だし、who は銀行。 もし、無くすとすれば 関係詞の who の方かも。
Moreover, OT-I T cells primed systemically in vivo with TL-transgenic bone marrow DCs loaded with SIINFEKL transferred failed to generate memory cells in the spleens of wild-type hosts.
>>739 文の構造はSV 第一文型だろうけど意味はわからない。 Moreover, OT-I T cells primed systemically in vivo with TL-transgenic bone marrow DCs loaded with SIINFEKL transferred ↑↑ 名詞節 主語 failed 述語 to generate memory cells in the spleens of wild-type hosts.
OT-I T cells primed systemically in vivo with {(TL-transgenic bone marrow DCs) loaded with SIINFEKL transferred }
それでいいなら、The invoice to be sent with the package would be OK. で多分分かってもらえると思うよ。コピペほとんどで楽だし。 他の方法がいいなら、Could you send the invoice by 〜 ? で、〜のところに、メールとか、封書とか、速達とか入れれば。 もっとちゃんとした文章もあると思うけど、これでも分かってもらえると思う。
Your wishes could become a reality much more than you realise. Even so there is so much that is hidden from view right now that you need to be patient and wait. There are things that need to be put together and this can be a big job that has little appeal. There is no escape.The sooner you start on it the sooner you will finish.
There is a lot that is hidden from view right now although there are new directions beginning to take shape. You need to focus on future goals and what is most important. Don't worry too much about how this will be sorted out because details need to surface before this can take place. Clear up any backlog of past matters.
We are contacting you to inform you that our technicians has completed the assessment and this item was found faulty. May we ask you if you wish for us to arrange for a replacement or refund to be issued ? google翻訳使っても意味が分からず・・・ 翻訳お願いします。
He has been bumping along at like a quarter of the vote in the Republican primary and there seems to be resistance to him," he said on CBS' "The Early Show." "I think there is a sense there is no core to him," he added.
>>785 彼=Mitt Romney 不法移民を自分の農場、牧場で使っているのが予備選で問題になってる。 オバマの側近AxelrodがMitt Romneyを非難してる。 ttp://www.vxec.com/2011/10/obama-adviser-mitt-romney-has-no-core/ の見出しが Obama Adviser: Mitt Romney Has ‘No Core’ 記事の一部 "Mitt Romney finally conceded, 'Yes I had illegals working on my property from a lawn service.' He said, 'I went to the lawn service and said, for Pete's sake I can't have illegals, I'm running for office!' And, not it was wrong; not, it was illegal; but I'm running for office," Axelrod said. "I thought that was the most unintentionally revealing moment of the debate."
For Turn 10 to have achieved this level of fidelity in its graphics, physics and AI and for it to consistently meet that 16.66ms rendering budget is a milestone of engineering on the Xbox 360 platform. For it to be achieved with a significant boost in the amount of cars being simulated is phenomenal.
>>795 構造は For Turn 10 to have achieved this level of fidelity in its graphics, physics and AI and for it( Turn 10) to consistently meet that 16.66ms rendering budget ここまでが主語 is 述語 a milestone of engineering on the Xbox 360 platform. For it to be achieved with a significant boost in the amount of cars being simulated is phenomenal.
Thanks to things like FOX News and the Tea Party, being educated or just being willing to think for yourself, is beginning to become considered a negative thing.
Fortunately it's not universal....although I fear the rest of us are being drowned out by the morons. The popularity of such dreck like "Jersey Shore" and "The Kardassians" doesn't do anything for our collective image either...
The speech was to be titled "A Fair Shot at the American Dream and Economic Growth." That's an odd subject to discuss exclusively in front of the University of Pennsylvania community, seeing as the fact that their status as students or alumni or professors at an elite Ivy League institution probably lends them the necessary insight to know they've all essentially received a "fair shot" at the "American dream."
CCD takes you deep behind enemy lines as an elite covert soldier. Carry out secret actions and deniable operations with this essential guide. Highly detailed Single-Player and Multiplayer Maps, pinpointing critical locations, items and objectives specific to each game mode. Comprehensive Multiplayer Coverage of all 14 original maps (Note: does not include coverage of any DLC maps) including expert tactics.
This paper focuses on 'green' bonds and alternative investments in exisiting renewable energy technology as it is through these instruments that additional persion fund assets could be tapped for financing green gryowth related projects. 一文が少し長いですが、よろしくお願いいたします
This paper focuses on green bonds and alternative investments in existing renewable energy technology as it is through these indtruments that additional pension founds assets could be tapped for financing green growth related projects.
You should be at your most intuitive this week, so read between the lines and trust your instinct about how to handle someone’s feelings. A powerful link between your ruler Jupiter and Pluto, the planet of creative growth and change, suggests that you can turn a tricky situation to your advantage. Be diplomatic but determined.
スコープは日本語で言う所のスケール。 a game of the scope of one in the Elder Scroll series は scope of one game of the Elder Scroll series とも書ける。 というか、書きなおすと連絡が読みやすくなるかな?
one は game in the Elder Scroll Series を指している。 文法としては多少変則的な一文だね。 「ElderScrollシリーズのゲームが持つようなスケールをプレイした事が無ければ、脅威の体験があなたを待っているでしょう」
If I ignored an email you sent me in the past 6 months or so, it's not because I'm a jerk. I am a jerk, but that is not why I didn't respond. Malik S. Mohammed,if you haven't died from your mysterious unnamed disease,I am ready to accept the $18 million you offered me for my "good work of the Humanity"!
Whenever automatic checking is taking place, any signals related to the check shall be excluded automatically through positive means from all accumulations of aircraft and non-aircraft sound.
Korean people are gaining popularity in Japan. K-pop artists are very popular in Japan. The Japanese people feel as if they are watching rare animals in the cage. They are so fascinating and addictive to watch because Koreans do so many bizarre things that the Japanese are just unthinkable.
it's just out of my budget. I just got a K-7 as my first DSLR but the two zooms that I got with it isn't bright enough for the Aquariums. What fish do you got and what are you feeding them in the video?
It is essentially an idea that aims to make things worse in order to make them better - for the guarantees that participating governments pledge themselves mean an additional burden on their already amply stretched public finances.
>>899 for the guarantees that participating governments pledge themselves mean an additional burden on their already amply stretched public finances.
forは接続詞 理由を説明する文を導く the guarantees that participating governments pledge themselvesが主語 参加している政府(市役所)が自ら担保する保証 meanが動詞 an additional burden on their already amply stretched public financesが目的語 既に十分広げられた公的ファイナンスへのさらなる重荷
Soon afterwards, the FBI broke up the spy ring. Ten defendants pleaded guilty to acting as foreign agents, before being exchanged last July for four Russians who'd been jailed in their own country for spying for the West.
Five years ago, if you’d told a fellow book lover that eBooks were poised to surge in popularity and overtake traditional books, このtraditionalの訳として「伝統的な」に飛びつくのはどうかと思う。「伝統的な紙の本や」
お願いします。 It is bad to hear it -bloody Royal Mail- but I believe that all will be OK. However the next parcel will be sent by DHL courier and will be there after 3-4 working days but the shipping costs is over £50
Turning straight, conical, curved, or grooved workpieces, such as shafts, spindles, pins, handles, and various machine components. これどう訳したらいいですかね?自分で訳したのが↓です ・直線旋削,円錐,カーブ,溝の入った半製品は,シャフト,スピンドル,ピストンやハンドルのような様々な機械の構成要素をなす。 turning=旋削は,全部にかかってるんですかね?
>>957 Obviously Amazon doesn't account for all print or eBook sales, but it's a very impressive milestone. アマゾンが全ての活字媒体やイーブックの売り上げを占めているのでないの は明らかだが、それは非常に印象的な画期的事件である。