>>44 名詞句じゃないずらよ。名詞句というのは名詞の働きをするから名詞句という だで。 例えばそこにget を加えて to (get) a fair trail という不定詞句を作ってみても a right を修飾しているから形容詞句になるでにゃ〜も。 (公正な裁判を受ける→権利) 因みに(前置詞+名詞)は形容詞句か副詞句にしかならないずらよ。
例えば、 He lives in Osaka.はHe lives.で成り立つかと言えば、 決して成り立たない。liveの意味が変わってしまう。 このように、副詞的修飾語句も文中の欠かせない要素となっている。 だからin Osakaはcomplementとして扱われる。 He lives.で成り立つと言うならば、He is tall.がHe is.で成り立つ とも言ってしまうのと同じで、文としては確かに成り立つが、完全に 意味が変わってしまうことを容認することになる。 学校文法において補語であろうが修飾語句であろうが、伝統文法では同じ補部。 どちらも文に欠かせない要素。
具体個別的にある一回の出来事として実際に行為を行ったことを表す場合は could じゃなくて was[were] able to を使え、ってことじゃない? ことばだからそりゃ微妙な使い方や間違った使い方なんかは調べれば見つかるんだろうが ノンネイティブとしてはこの指示に従っておけばよい、ってことでよろしいかと。
even の位置がよくわかりません。 最初はalready,alwaysのように動詞の前、助動詞またはbe動詞またはnotの後かと思ったのですが 下記の文を見る限りどうも違うようなので混乱しています。 何か法則とかあるんでしょうか? 1:He always sings a song, even in difficult times. 2:We could even hear noise from the next street. 3:We use even to say that something is unusual and surprising.
あとstillの位置で I still can't do it. I can't still do it. の意味の違いを教えてください。
(1)I am proud that I know him. (2)He was afraid that he would die. (3)I regret that I was unable to come. (4)I remember that I saw him somewhere. (5)I insisted that he should go to see her.
1.( ) me another glass of water,please. 2.The news will ( ) her very happy. 3.Could you ( ) me the way to the nearest station? 4.I'd like to ( ) you a few question. 5. This song is ( ) by many japanese young people.
>>290 1 is suffering from illness has 2 to see a baseball player he 3 sent him a letter 4 after, a bat and a pair of gloves were sent to the boy 5 made him very happy
1.as part of a famous experiment a series of rapid flashes advertising an ice cream were inserted in the middle of a film.
2.the system of having a permanent name for each family linking its members together and going on from one generation to another is very practical and convenient.
3.looking at a photograph of a sheep from the same breed calms stressed sheep, a U.K. study shows. The findings point to a simple way of reducing separation anxiety in animals and human children, the researchers say.
>>343 1.As part of a famous experiment, a series of rapid flashes [ advertising an ice cream ] were inserted in the middle of a film.
2.The system of [ having a permanent name for each family [ linking its members together and going on from one generation to another ] is very practical and convenient.
3.[ Looking at a photograph of a sheep from the same breed ] calms stressed sheep, a U.K. study shows. The [ findings ] point to a simple way of [ reducing separation anxiety in animals and human children ], the researchers say.
1.アフリカ音楽は多彩なリズムに特徴があることでよく知られています 2.空港の土産物屋で小さなガルーダの像を買いました 3.Our goal is{keep/culture/our/within/to/tradition/alive/this}. 4.there are an increasing number of people{important/tradition/who/think/modernizing/is/more}. 5.{do/how/so/become/strong/to/fighters/the/train}? 6.{havent/in/I/exercised/ages}
The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith!” He replied, “[ If you have faith as small [ as a mustard seed (is) ], you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it will obey you. “Suppose [ one of you has a servant [ plowing or looking after the sheep ]. Will he say to the servant [ when he comes in from the field ], ‘Come along now and sit down to eat’ Won’t he rather say, ‘Prepare my supper, get yourself ready and wait on me [ while I eat and drink ]; after that you may eat and drink’? Will he thank the servant [ because he did [ what he was told [ to do ] ]? So you also, [ when you have done everything [ you were told [ to do ] ], should say, ‘We are unworthy servants; we have only done our duty.’”
>>416 1. The sales of CD players in 2010 was down 25% from the previous year. 2. We propose that the number of sales representatives be increased as soon as possible. 3. We are expecting sales to improve. 4. We should seek new markets in China.
質問です 「どんなにすごい力を持っている人でも、他人の心をコントロールすることはできない」 というセリフを強調気味に言いたいと思っていて、 However great power one has, he cannot control others' minds. としたのですが、文法的に誤りは無いでしょうか><? よろしくお願いします
Then Jesus went around [ teaching from village to village ]. [ Calling the Twelve to him ], he began [ to send them out two by two ] and gave them authority over impure spirits. These were his instructions: “Take nothing for the journey except a staff— no bread, no bag, no money in your belts. Wear sandals but not an extra shirt. [ Whenever you enter a house ], stay there [ until you leave that town ]. And [ if any place will not welcome you or listen to you ], leave that place and shake the dust off your feet as a testimony against them.” They went out and preached [ that people should repent ]. They drove out many demons and anointed many sick people with oil and healed them.
一部の人々は自分が正しいと信じている という文を、Some people believe that they are correct. みたいに訳したいんですが、この日本文の自分が正しいって所の「自分」って「they」で良いですか? これだと「自分達皆が」みたいになって、一人一人が自分が正しいと信じるっていう日本文の主旨から外れる気もします
1.It was happy to win much money. 2.I was happy to win much money. 3.It was happy for me to win much money. 4.To win much money was happy. 5.To win much money was a happy thing.
[ When the Sabbath was over ], Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices [ so that they might go [ to anoint Jesus’ body ] ]. Very early on the first day of the week, just after sunrise, they were on their way to the tomb and they asked each other, “Who will roll the stone away from the entrance of the tomb?” But [ when they looked up ], they saw [ that the stone, [ which was very large ], had been rolled away ]. [ As they entered the tomb ], they saw [ a young man [ dressed in a white robe ] sitting on the right side ], and they were alarmed.
Combined with another \200 billion it plans to raise in preferred securities , the total worth of the capital boost may reach \800 billion. はbillionとitの間にwhichが省略されてて、plansの目的語はto reise〜で、to raiseの目的語が関係代名詞の対象という解釈でいいんでしょうか?
>>463 本質を見失ってるぞ。 例文には関係代名詞は使ってない。省略も無い。 Combined with another \200 billion it plans to raise in preferred securities , 別途2000億円追加して資本に厚みを持たせ the total worth of the capital boost may reach \800 billion. 資本増強の総額は8000億円に達するだろう。
[ Combined with another \200 billion [ it plans [ to raise in [ preferred ] securities ] ] ] , the total worth of the capital boost may reach \800 billion.
With what anguish now would they have been if for a few short years of bliss they had sacrificed that Life Everlasting which with so bright a light at long last shone before them!
A moment before there had come up for judgement a philosopher,decreased full of years and honours,who had told the Eternal to his face that he did not believe in him.
>>475 With what anguish now would they have been [ if for a few short years of bliss they had sacrificed that Life Everlasting [ which with so bright a light at long last shone before them ] ] ]!
A moment [ before there had come up for judgement a philosopher ], [ decreased full of years and honours ], [ who had told the Eternal to his face [ that he did not believe in him ] ].
なるほどなあ。 Combined with another \200 billion it plans to raise (another \200 billion) in preferred securities , the total worth of the capital boost may reach \800 billion. in preferred securities 優先株で 優先株を発行して2000億円資本増加計画で資本増強の総額は 8000億円に達するだろう。
構文的には Combined with another \200 billion it plans to raise in preferred securities ,副詞節 the total worth of the capital boost may reach \800 billion. 主文 関係代名詞が入り込む隙は無い。
Combined with another \200 billion, the total worth of the capital boost may reach \800 billion. + It plans to raise another \200 billion in preferred securities
Combined with another \200 billion which it plans to raise in preferred securities , the total worth of the capital boost may reach \800 billion.
Combined with another \200 billion it plans to raise in preferred securities , the total worth of the capital boost may reach \800 billion.
[ Combined with another \200 billion [ it plans [ to raise in [ preferred ] securities ] ] ] , the total worth of the capital boost may reach \800 billion.
>>563 I don't think so. As for summer, nowadays it is for sure hotter than it used to be due to air-conditioning. On the other, I would often see ponds or pools freezed as a child in winter.
>>568 You don't think so? As for summer, nowadays is it for sure hotter [ than it used to be due to air-[ conditioning ]? On the other, You would often see ponds or pools [ freezed in winter ]?
>>641 >>589に関しましてはすでに何名かの方がお答えくださっておりますね。 これ以上お答え申し上げるとありがたい罵倒のお言葉をいただくことになりかねませんので 大変恐縮ではございますが、これまでのレスの中からご推察下さりますようお願い申し上げます。 >>604につきましては一般的に「授業がない」という意味ではどちらも使われるかと存じます。 We have no class. のほうは場合によっては「私どもには品がございません。」という意味にも なりましょうか。お役に立ちそうもない返答で誠に申し訳ございません。的確な回答をなさってくださる方が いらっしゃるのをお待ちくださるようお願い申し上げます。
>>654 「明日は月曜日です」は本来tomorrow will be Monday. 未来時制だからwillを使う。 上に書いたようにこれをtomorrow is Mondayと現在時制で代用することが多く、 現代ではそのほうが一般的。 わざわざwillを使うのは、その例のように、「今日は・・曜日だから明日は・・曜日」と現在/未来を特に意識している場合。
Yesterday was Saturday, today is Sunday, and tomorrow will be Monday.
will [可能性・推量] ・・・だろう,でしょう《現在(発話時)に関する推量.確信度はmustの次に強い.be going to で代用できない》 例文 ・You'll be starving now after your long walk. 長い間歩いたのでもう腹ペコでしょう ・"There's the doorbell.""That will be John, I expect." 「玄関のチャイムが鳴ったよ」「きっとジョンよ」 ・She won't be there. 彼女はそこにいないでしょう(=I guess she is not there.)
1,The novel is 800 pageslong, ( ) it reads more quickly than many shorter books. 1, or else 2,and yet 3,even 4,otherwise
2,You can't have your cake ( ) - if you want more local services, you can't expect to pay less tax. 1, to eat it 2,and eat it 3,or eat it 4,instead of eating it
The relative ease of cultural diffusion in this sphere has been reflected in the spread of many genres and major artists all over the world. There can be few more global products, images and messages than those associated with Madonna, Michael Jackson and the Spice Girls.
3行目canの訳し方がわかりません。 fewは「ほとんどない」で訳して良いのでしょうか。 more global productsは「よりグローバルな製品」「もっと多くのグローバルな製品」 どちらで訳したらいいのかわかりません。
>>701 The relative ease of cultural diffusion in this sphere has been reflected in the spread of many genres and major artists all over the world. There can be few more global products, images and messages [ than those [ associated with Madonna, Michael Jackson and the Spice Girls ] (can be) ].
In no way was Mr.Squillaciotti's act of shooting another driver a normal consequence of driving into the lane of travel of another vehicle. この文章が文法的に分からなかったのですが後半の名詞句?が二つ並ぶところは どう解釈すればいいのでしょうか?倒置が起きてるのは分かりました。
問題集からの問題なのですが He is no more fit to be a president than a schoolboy would be. 訳が 私は学童が大統領になれないのと同様に大統領になるのにふさわしくない。 とあるのですがなんかこの日本語少し不自然な気がします。 もっと違う言い方はありませんか?
In no way was Mr.Squillaciotti's act of shooting another driver a normal consequence of driving into the lane of travel of another vehcle Mr.Squillaciotti'sの走行車線を普通に走っている他の車のドライバーを銃撃は決して無い事だ。 という訳で良いのかな?
>>720 In no way was Mr. Squillaciotti's act of [ shooting another driver ] a normal consequence of [ driving into the lane of travel of another vehcle ].
Mr. Squillaciotti's act of [ shooting another driver ] was ,in no way, a normal consequence of [ driving into the lane of travel of another vehcle ].
He is old enough,twelve years and a few months,to have lost the prominent belly of childhood; and not yet old enough for adolescence to have made him awkward.
>>739 He is old enough, twelve years and a few months, [ to have lost the prominent belly of childhood ]; and not yet old enough [ for adolescence to have made him awkward ].
He is old enough, twelve years and a few months, [ to have lost the prominent belly of childhood ]; and not yet old enough [ for adolescence to have made [ him awkward ] ].
This creature evolved from a smaller, horselike creature into what we know as a horse. He exceeded Larry by a large amount. この二文の和訳お願いします。エキサイト先生使っても分かりませんでした…
This creature evolved from [(a smaller, horselike) creature] into [what (we know as a horse)]. He exceeded Larry [by a large amount]. ※evolve 進化する ※creature 生物 ※what=something which ※by a large amount かなり多く、かなり大きく、かなりの程度まで,に
How has the awareness of the danger of cholesterol changed what people eat?
American's awareness of nutrition , along with their changing tastes and needs , leads them to consume a wide variety of foods - foods for health , for fun , and simply for good taste. これら2つの訳をどなたかよろしくお願いします
>>749 How has the awareness of the danger of [ cholesterol changed [ what people eat ] ]?
American's awareness of nutrition , along with [ their changing tastes and needs ], leads [ them to consume a wide variety of foods - foods for health , for fun , and simply for good taste.
Chapter 3 moves forward into the early 20th century and Japan's emergence as a great imperial power in Asia , defeating China and Russia , and then building a vast empire in the so-called Pacific War.
ややこしくなるので tell で考えておくと たしかに単に You should tell her anything. はパッと読んだ感じ違和感を感じる。 should tell と言ってるんだから言うべき内容があらかじめ決まってると想定しちゃうからだろう。 だが、たとえば文脈上「言いたくないことがあるのはわかるが」のような文脈があったとすれば You should tell her anything. も違和感なく成り立つような気がする。 それでも You should tell her everything. のほうが自然に感じてしまうが。
1.NOT since the East India Company was finally brought to heel in the 19th century has political power over an influential private enterprise in Britain been so brutally enforced.
2.Instead of the PCC, a new press body should be set up free from financial dependence on the industry, with a tougher code of conduct, powers to investigate compliance with it and others to penalise lapses from it.
>>823 Not [ since the East India Company was finally brought [ to heel in the 19th century ] has political power over an influential private enterprise in Britain been so brutally enforced.
Instead of the PCC, a new press body should be set up [ free from financial dependence on the industry, with a tougher code of conduct powers [ to investigate compliance with it and others [ to penalise lapses from it ] ] ].
Political power over an influential private enterprise in Britain has not been so brutally enforced since the East India Company was finally brought to heel in the 19th century.
>>835 Political power over an influential private enterprise in Britain has not been so brutally enforced [ since the East India Company was finally brought [ to heel in the 19th century ] ].
1.What is the big difference between the original book and how it has been adapted? 2.What was the true intention of the book? 3.What more recent television series does the speaker compare Gulliver's Travels to? 4.Why does he make this comparison? 5.Why might the readers of Gulliver's Travels have thought the book was true when it was first published in 1726? に答えるそうです
さらに4分くらいまでで What does Swift do to make the worlds which Gulliver visiys real to the reader? について3つ答えるそうです
ある年の東大入試問題です。 Until a few years ago, the common idea among archaeologistsd was that early human beings began to practice farming because they had no choice. Experts claimed that population growth led people to push some of their group members out of the most productive areas where it was easy to hunt and gather plenty of food from the wild. これをどう読んでいくかですね。 10公式のGHI部分を[ ]で括っていけば、もう大丈夫ですよ。 Until a few years ago, the common idea among archaeologistsd was [ that early human beings began [ to practice [ farming ] ] [ because they had no choice ] ]. Experts claimed [ that population growth led people [ to push some of their group members out of the most productive areas [ where it was easy [ to hunt and gather plenty of food from the wild ] ] ] ]. このように全英文を10公式のG従属節H不定詞句I分詞・動名詞句で括るだけで、全体が完全に分かるようになります。
“Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way [ you judge others ], you will be judged, and with the measure [ you use ], it will be measured to you. “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ [ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye ]? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly [ to remove the speck from your brother’s eye ]. “Do not give dogs [ what is sacred ]; do not throw your pearls to pigs. [ If you do ], they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone [ who asks ] receives; the one [ who seeks ] finds; and to the one [ who knocks ], the door will be opened. “Which of you, [ if your son asks for bread ], will give him a stone? Or [ if he asks for a fish ], will give him a snake? [ If you, then, [ though you are evil ], know [ how to give good gifts to your children ] ], how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those [ who ask him ]! So in everything, do to others [ what you would have [ them do to you ] ], for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.
Until a few years ago, the common idea among archaeologistsd was that early human beings began to practice farming because they had no choice. Experts claimed that population growth led people to push some of their group members out of the most productive areas where it was easy to hunt and gather plenty of food from the wild.
Until a few years ago, the common idea among archaeologistsd was [ that early human beings began [ to practice [ farming ] ] [ because they had no choice ] ]. Experts claimed [ that population growth led people [ to push some of their group members out of the most productive areas [ where it was easy [ to hunt and gather plenty of food from the wild ] ] ] ].
After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went [ to look at the tomb ]. There was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, [ going to the tomb ], rolled back the stone and sat on it. His appearance was like [ lightning ], and his clothes were white [ as snow (is white) ]. The guards were so afraid of him [ that they shook and became like dead men ]. The angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know [ that you are looking for Jesus, [ who was crucified ] ]. He is not here; he has risen, [ just as he said ]. Come and see the place [ where he lay ]. Then go quickly and tell his disciples: ‘He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee.
There you will see him.’ Now I have told you.” So the women hurried away from the tomb, [ afraid yet filled with joy ], and ran to tell his disciples. Suddenly Jesus met them. “[ Greetings ],” he said. They came to him, clasped his feet and worshiped him. Then Jesus said to them, “Do not be afraid. Go and tell my brothers [ to go to Galilee ]; there they will see me.”
Until a few years ago, the common idea among archaeologistsd was [ that early human beings began [ to practice [ farming ] ] [ because they had no choice ] ]. Experts claimed [ that population growth led people [ to push some of their group members out of the most productive areas [ where it was easy [ to hunt and gather plenty of food from the wild ] ] ] ].
こんなのがヒットした To my future self,I hope that time has been kind to you, and that you are well.You wrote this letter some time ago and gave it to someone you trust in the hopes it would never be needed.I can't predict what your life is like, but it's likely that some of the things you may be facing are things you went through with your own parents and others. It's because of that that you wrote yourself this letter.Know that the person who has given it back to you cares about you a great deal, and is concerned for your well-being. Please keep an open mind and listen carefully to what he or she has to say. Accept that you may need to trust in their judgment over your own.They may ask you to stop doing something that you feel you are still able to do. Remember that your father drove well beyond when it was safe for him to do so, and how you and your mother worried every time he was out. 途中まで
The habit of planning is no less essential to the finding of real pleasure in reading than it is to the other pleasures of life such as traveling. 計画を立てる習慣は、旅などの人生の他の楽しみと同様、読書においても本当の喜びを見出すのに不可欠なのである。
This is the most boring movie I've ever seen.はThis is the most boring movie ever.でも同じ意味を表せるんですよね? ではHe's the nicest guy I've ever seen.も He's the nicest guy ever.で同じ意味として通じますか?
NOT since the East India Company was finally brought to heel in the 19th century has political power over an influential private enterprise in Britain been so brutally enforced. 東インド会社が19世紀に権力の座を追われて以来(マードックは)イギリスの有名私企業に 政治力を使って過酷に支配してきた。 Instead of the PCC, a new press body should be set up free from financial dependence on the industry, with a tougher code of conduct, powers to investigate compliance with it and others to penalise lapses from it. PCCの代わりに新しい新聞社はその会社の資金を使わずにより厳しい行動規範を設け、その行動他が法にかなっているか 監視する組織 、不法行動があれば処罰する組織を設けて設立されるべきである。 itは両方ともcode othersその他の法、規則。
>>944 Not since the East India Company was finally brought to heel in the 19th century has political power over an influential private enterprise in Britain been so brutally enforced.
Political power over an influential private enterprise in Britain has been so brutally enforced not [ since the East India Company was finally brought [ to heel in the 19th century ] ].
Instead of the PCC, a new press body should be set up [ free from financial dependence on the industry ], [ with a tougher code of conduct ],
powers [ to investigate compliance with it and others [ to penalise lapses from it ] ] ].
>>939例 Why an "essay"make me scratch my head Dr. 〈`ε´〉! IINSTRUCTION Every time my teacher orders me to write an essay, I suffer from my writing inabilitiy and lack of topics. So, this time once and only, I will try to center the theme of my present essay on the question 《Why on earth are there such rubbish as is called an "essay"》, by so limiting my sphere of interest, to make a one which will be praised as one of the finest essays ever written by human beings.
>>975 中高の教師は低学歴なのに勘違いしちゃってる馬鹿が多いしね。 >>972 Moi aussi, je crois que c'est une bonne idee.L'anglais a un particularite grammaticale que le francais ne partage pas, et c'est ce qu'on appelle la "4e Construction(SVOO)". Cette construction permet la troisieme element d'une phrase d'avoir le sens Datif (ou quelquefois Ablatif). Ceci me parait une invention geniale. Qu'est-ce que tu en penses?
>>980 【英訳】 Me too, I think your idea is a good one. The English language has a grammatical uniqueness which the French language doesn't share: the 4th Construction (SVOO). This construction allows the 3rd element of a sentence to have the Dative (to) or sometimes the Ablative (from) value. I find this to be an admirable invention. What do you think of it?
Political power over an influential private enterprise in Britain has not been so brutally enforced since the East India Company was finally brought to heel in the 19th century .
>>983 Political power over an influential private enterprise in Britain has not been so brutally enforced [ since the East India Company was finally brought [ to heel ] in the 19th century ].