【翻訳依頼文】 Some Japanese typing fans of mine have been wanting me to use this Japanese typing program to set English-language records on their software. I think it's kind of weird but they went through such effort to show me how to make the foreign software compatible I felt I had to do it.
Times are unsettled, so you recognise lively discussions about changes in others` lives, in the world around you and in your own existence are unavoidable. The challenge is mustering the discipline to avoid excessive speculation on their outcome. The heightened emotions you`ll be experiencing in the build up to Saturday`s Virgo Full Moon are another matter. Instead of imposing discipline, give in to them. You`ll be amazed what you learn.
【翻訳依頼文】 @ Regarding wages give you an example: They have tourists as salary of 1700 euros + accommodation + food + percent cash bar. but salary stops first ticket. From here you have made an average, since the contract will be 6 months and will not be able to provide a salary that high. The ticket cost is around EUR + -1000. In these days will send and profiles available. Thank you!
A Tourist visa for Romania is open until September. So I found a "gateway" to get girls to work in Japan and because of that emigration has not issued work cards as Entertainment. Girls are waiting to leave with enough working visa in Japan. Before salary was $ 600 + ticket + accommodation + food + percent cash bar, I think it would be better to raise a little salary. Now send the profiles available. thank you!
ルーマニアの女性を日本のクラブで働かせる話でしょ。 percent cash bar 酒売り上げ歩合 but salary stops first ticket. サラリーには最初のチケット代運賃を含む かな? From here you have made ??an average これを元に諸費用を計算してくれ。 かな?
At approximately 0700 local (Japan) time, 15 March 2011, sensitive instrumentation on USS GEORGE WASHINGTON (CVN 73) pier-side in Yokosuka, detected low levels of radioactivity from the Fukushima Dai-Ichi Nuclear Power Plant. While there is no danger to the public, Commander, Naval Forces Japan is recommending limited precautionary measures for personnel on Fleet Activities Yokosuka and Naval Air Facility Atsugi, including: A. Limiting outdoor activities. B. Securing external ventilation systems as much as practical. These measures are strictly precautionary in nature. We do not expect that any United States Federal radiation exposure limits will be exceeded even if no precautionary measures are taken. We are continuing to analyze the situation and will update you as we learn more.
Dear vipper , I am sorry that we have not shipped your order beause we forgot to submitted the order to our supplier, but i just send th order to them , we will prepare the items of your order as quickly as we can and ship the order soon, we will email you when we shipped the order out and tell you the tracking number. Sorry about the inconvenience Best regards Kyle---------
いきなりすいません。メールなんですけど どういういみなんでしょうか? STYLEfromTOKOYO for AT-SCELTA project; Choose your fab pic,and share it with your friends. you can get souvenir from Paris and Milan. see more details HER
Because the current crop of planetary changes are influencing everybody, you`ll be deeply absorbed in dramas around you and in others` lives. Still, don`t ignore the more personal matters raised by yesterday`s pivotal but emotionally unsettling Virgo Full Moon. True, these focused on precisely the issues you`ve been ignoring, in the hope they`d resolve themselves - or vanish. They won`t and, challenging as they may be, they really must be your first priority.
As with all manufacturers of radiation meters, we have been inundated with orders for instruments and requests for information. While we do have a few instruments that have not been shipped yet, we have sold out our normal inventory hundreds of times over. We are still entering all the orders we have received and in the meantime more orders are pouring in. Regrettably, we are not able to respond to each individual email or telephone inquiry at this time. よろしくお願いいたします
Please be assured that we are striving to fill ALL ORDERS as quickly as possible. We have geared up for emergency production runs in two different locations and are doing everything we can to procure parts, manufacture more instruments, run them through calibration and our quality control process, and make them available for sale as fast as possible. We expect to have more instruments within the next week but it could take up to several weeks before we are able to fill all orders.
Dear ***(お店の名前) Customer, ***の顧客へ To complete your order with us, we additionally need a copy of your creditcard front- and backside to verify the holderdata. あなたと私達の注文を完了させる為に、 私たちはさらにholderdata(ここは具体的に何を指しているのかわからない)が正しい事を確かめるため、 あなたのクレジットカードの表と裏のコピーを必要とする You can zip the Images password protected with your account-password. あなたはアカウントのパスワードをイメージパスワードをzipする事出来る (どうすればいいのかまったくわかりません) Additionally you can cover the first 8 digits of the creditcard number. あなたはクレジットカードの最初の最初の8ケタの番号を隠す事が出来る。 You can send us the information trough following ways: あなたは以下の方法で私たちに情報を送る事が出来る eMail (scan): (お店のe-メールアドレス) Fax: (お店ファックス番号) Snailmail: (お店の住所)
Can you tell me if whether or not you are still having aftershocks in Tokyo,if so,are they small or larger ones? Are there food shortages / train stopages and petrol shortages as reported? Is the electricity being cut to certain areas at a time to help conserve it? What else is being affected?Are the people leaving Tokyo in droves as reported. they said that the big quake was felt all the way to Osaka - is that true?Is your workplace busier or quieter.. We'd still like to come over in May - I hope you don't mind me asking you these questions, but we are completely unsure of what to do at the moment.
Refund cost some money for us and please be so kind to understand us. We could give you an alternative ways to solve this situation. We could repay money on your YUPLAY's account in yum's. And you could purchase another games from EA. Also we could give you 2% discount on all games from this publisher.
***PRODUCT ADVISORY***: Due to high demand of this product resulting from the tragedy in Japan, the manufacturer has implemented a triage shipping schedule which prioritizes orders based on the greatest need. At this time, there is minimum one to two week back order.
If you haven`t already figured it out, the complex situations you and the world around you are よろしくおねがいします
currently contending with resist even the most patient of analysis. Since this is how you approach almost everything, you`re feeling increasingly uneasy. Add your ruler Mercury, which is retrograde from Wednesday, and creates confusion both with facts and your confidence. While very unsettling, this prevents you making decisions that, later, you`d only regret.
If you haven`t already figured it out, the complex situations you and the world around you are currently contending with resist even the most patient of analysis. Since this is how you approach almost everything, you`re feeling increasingly uneasy. Add your ruler Mercury, which is retrograde from Wednesday, and creates confusion both with facts and your confidence. While very unsettling, this prevents you making decisions that, later, you`d only regret.
please fax the copies of your tickets and boarding passes along with your Sky Miles membership number to 404-773-1945 we need additional documentation. Unfortunately, we are unable to access information on tickets issued through other airlines in our system. If your no longer have your ticket and made your purchase with a travel agency, you may be able to obtain a copy from the agency. An agency itinerary or credit card statement cannot be substituted,as they do not provide all of the necessary information To view the mileage credit restrictions that apply for partner airlines, the following link and scroll down to the airline of interest: At the time of your next reservation, you can expedite the posting of your mileage by providing your Sky Miles number to the airline representative. Also, it is important to note that the name on the ticket must be an exact match that of your Sky Miles account.
Due to the increase in demand from recent events occurring in Japan, we do not have any International Medcom radiation meters in stock. We received the following information from International Medcom regarding availability of radiation meters.
As a result of the nuclear events in Japan, International Medcom is adopting an emergency triage response with respect to orders for radiation meters. They are striving to fulfill all orders as rapidly as possible. However, they also want to ensure that instruments are being delivered first to the people and communities who need them most urgently.
Highest priority will be given to orders that will serve communities in Japan, Alaska, British Columbia, and the Western United States, and also orders from emergency response agencies, members of the media, and community leaders who are willing to share the data they collect with the members of their communities.
For International Medcom to process your order, we are required to collect specific information. Please complete the attached End User Statement and answer the following questions:
1.) Where will the instrument(s) be used? 2.) What is the size of the community that each instrument will serve? 3.) Are you willing to share your data with International Medcom and with members of your community? 4.) If applicable, are you will to accept partial shipment?
The most recent update from International Medcom states that areas deemed top priority will receive the first shipments, and the secondary priority areas can expect a several week back order for shipments. All of the above information is required for the manufacturer to make a decision regarding order priority.
While there is an initial back order - International Medcom has emergency manufacturing at two separate locations and are committed to filling ALL orders.
I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. Please let me know if you have any questions or if I can be of any assistance. In addition, please let me know if you would like to cancel your order.
are you will to accept partial shipment? これって文法おかしい気がするし、こういう用例を実際に見たことはないと思うんだが、知ってる人いる? もし言うなら、Will you be to accept partial shipment? というべきだと思うんだけどね
天罰と思ってるってのは間違いで、38%の人が「津波は神の仕業(sign of god)」と考えてるってだけ 天罰だと思ってるのも29%いるらしいが、それも今回の震災被害個別の話ではなくて、一般的な天災についての話ね もともとキリスト教は「この世のあらゆる物事を神の仕業で神は全てを見抜いている」っていう教えなんだが、 それでもそれを信じてる人も60%くらいしかいないってことだし
あとこれFoxNewsなんだが、Foxってアメリカでは「Fox(笑)」みたいに思われてるところで、 まともな報道はABCとかがやってて、Foxの話を真に受ける人は誰もいないらしい そこのコメ欄ちょろっと見てもこんな感じだからね At least I know FOX is so biased media. that's until I heard Megan Kelly's voice, it was just another Fox News "poll".
Your ruler Mercury`s retrograde cycle could easily be blamed for the unsettling situations you`re facing. However, this, which lasts until April 23, is about errors, past and present, and untangling them. The dramatic and often abrupt events reshaping elements of your life and the circumstances of others is actually the beginning of a new and dynamic era. Although you`re more aware of what`s going, shift your focus ahead and you`ll spot what`s coming next.
Thank you for contacting Donky Support Help Desk. This message is to confirm that we received a service request with tracking # 774 from you.
You can view and update your service request here: Ticket 774
ACCESS KEY: 29278Z6056225930
Donky Support Help Desk
You may check our daily updating new products here: http://www~ We value your opinions and suggestions, for contacting us sales at skype Donky for quicker support.
That's great! I like all, but House is my favorite. Shinichi Osawa is very good. I like Perfume too. I'm listening to House Rulez now. Good you have fun at school! What is your study?
Dear one Thank you for contacting Donky Support Help Desk. ドンキーにお問い合わせありがとう。 This message is to confirm that we received a service request with tracking # 774 from you. 追跡番号774に関する確認です。
You can view and update your service request here: ここであなたの現在状況をみたり更新できます。 Ticket 774 券 774
You may check our daily updating new products here: http://www~ ここで最新情報新製品情報がわかります。 We value your opinions and suggestions, for contacting us sales at skype Donky for quicker support. 貴重なご意見ご提案ありがとうございます。
Your order no#is Q45226,hence could you mind we keeping your money as your coupon, you can use the coupon in your next coming order(purchase other merchandise ),please kindly advise.
The effects of the level of energy intake (high E and low E) offered before and after calving on body condition score at calving, production performance, and energy status in the first 250 d of lactation were evaluated in a 2 × 2 factorial design experiment involving 80 Holstein-Friesian dairy animals (40 primiparous and 40 multiparous).
I have just seen your fantastic new image, '************', and would love to feature it in the Gallery section of 3D Artist magazine - our printed mag with international distribution. It will look wonderful on a full page! If you are interested, we will just need a high-res render of the image, suitable for a full page, a photograph of yourself, plus a little background information about the image and some WIP shots. Approximate guideline dimensions for the high-res image are:
Single full page (portrait image) = 3000(w)*3500(h) pixels
I hope this is of interest to you. Please let me know your thoughts or if you have any questions at all and I will send you further information. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Many thanks for your time
I am contacting you regarding your last order with ××××. Please check if your payment went through if it did you need to cancel ASAP. The payment should go to ××××@gmail.com through paypal. I had a problem with whith website and the payment email got switched. If you still would like me to ship your order, please send the total amount to ××××@gmail.com.
Thank you so much and sorry for the inconvenience.
Dude it's fair that as the second guitarist you wanna look cool with the low guitar and all. but the lead is hard enough as it is why the hell do you have it so low ?? :) you missed some sections clean because you were to busy bending to reach your guitar XD 機械翻訳では意味がまったくわかりませんでしたorz どうかよろしくお願いします。
At the same time, though, Twins coach Jerry White, who played two seasons in Japan, said the impact of the play made it quite different from what he recalled from his experiences in the Far East. "There," White said, "if you get hit by a pitch, the pitcher says, 'Sorry, sorry, sorry. ...' They don't play the same way. You probably wouldn't see a slide like that. And you can get used to that."
Our factory trying to improvement more this material in next coming soon. Please order this part like you order any other spare part in your spare parts order tool. During ordering please mention the incident ID. Use the one noted in the header of this mail.
すみません、どなたか訳していただけないでしょうか。 Thanks for your messages on CGTalk. Please can you send the following and I will make sure you get in the next issue? I'll also send you a copy of the magazine for your records if you send me your shipping address :) - High res image at around 3000 pixels wide - At least one image of the work in progress (this can be the wireframe, base model, etc) - A photo of yourself Plus the following information: - Your full name: - Image title: - Year image was created: - 30-60 words about why you created the image: - Your country of origin: - Your website address: - What software was used: We will also need permissions from you to publish the image, which can be given very simply by returning the following statement in a reply email: I, <<insert name here>>, confirm that I am the copyright holder of the supplied images, and give Imagine Publishing and its overseas, electronic and licensed editions permission to use my images in conjunction with the Gallery and on the HTML 5 cover disc. Thanks so much Atsushi, I'm looking forward to hearing from you so I can get your image in the next issue :) Any questions please don't hesitate to ask! Very best wishes, 宜しくお願いします。
I, <<名前をここに入力してください>>, confirm that I am the copyright holder of the supplied images, and give Imagine Publishing and its overseas, electronic and licensed editions permission to use my images in conjunction with the Gallery and on the HTML 5 cover disc.
翻訳の依頼です Girt around with cruel foes, still their courage proudly rose, For they thought of hearts that loved them far and near; Of the millions true and brave o'er the ocean's swelling wave, And the friends in holy Ireland ever dear.
Machetes were originally designed to be farm and trail tools--that's an application few of us will need these days unless we cut sugar cane for a living or wander about in Tarzan quality jungles. This machete is the standard Army issue, which says a lot about it (the Army buys from the low bidder). The only improvement over the traditional design is the black oxide coating, which actually does make good military sense. The polymer handle undoubtedly is shatterproof and long lasting, but if you expect to actually use this machete rather than hang it on the wall, I would warn you that plastic is much less hand-friendly than wood. Plastic makes blisters faster than natural materials. This isn't a cheap machete built of steel that dents or bends when you chop something with it--it's a solid and quality tool. For most of us it simply isn't something we need. In spite of that, I have a machete myself (a cheaper one by a different manufacturer) and I've spent many hours learning to use it and seeking excuses to carry it with me in the woods. I like old things, and traditional tools, and the best way to learn about them is to use them. The first thing I learned about machetes is that they are designed to cut succulents, not woody plants. If you hit something like an oak branch with a machete it will painfully resound all the way to your shoulder blade and the machete will try to jump out of your stunned hand, causing the ephemeral spirits of the African porters around you to laugh and laugh. In spite of that, I did use mine to cut trails on my property in the Ozarks, learning to hit with the right part of the blade and not to expect miracles. It isn't the right tool for the American woods, but there's a mystique about this knife that I still enjoy.
The more we humans looked outside the Bible for answers, the more we advanced in our knowledge and understanding about the world around us. All the voids in our knowledge that were originally filled with 'God' are now being filled with scie...ntific knowledge and the more we advance, the less places 'God' has to hide. If you base your knowledge on a book from a couple thousand years by various unknown authors in a time when it was thought that the earth is flat and we are the center of the universe, you're going to have quite a few delusions. Overtime with the social-advances made by humans, the church has had to make sure they picked the verses that would somewhat appeal to our more modernized society. As our knowledge evolves, the church devolves.
>>201 我々が、答えを聖書以外に求めれば求めるほど、我々の知識、世界に対する理解は進歩した。 我々の知性における全ての隙間は、もとは「神」によって満たされていたが、現在では科学的知識に よって満たされるようになり、我々が進歩すればするほど、「神」の隠れ得る場所は少なくなる。 もしもあなたの知識が、、世界は平らであり、我々が宇宙の中心であると思われていた時代の、 複数の名も知れない著者による、何千年も前に書かれた本に基礎を置くなら、あなたは多くの 妄想を信じるようになる。 Overtime with the social-advances made by humans(ごめん、ここ分からない…。人間の力による 社会的進歩を伴う残業???)、教会は、我々のより現代化した社会にとって、少しは興味をそそる 韻文をちゃんと選べているのかよく確かめなくてはならない。 我々が知的に進歩するほど、教会の権威は失墜するのだ。
以下の文の日本語訳を教えてください。全文は長いのですが支払の件なのでよくわからず困っています。 however there is an outstanding amount of $567.67 on this account at this time. The final bill was dated January 28th, 2005 . Since this is such an old date, I do not have access to see the invoice at this time. Since we are showing delinquent since September 22, 2005 then it would make sense that some of the outstanding charges are for your monthly service fees and usage from September, October, November,
>>209の続きです The cancellation was done on January 25th, 2006 due to non-payment and there was a termination penalty of $200 for the cancellation of the account prior to the contract being done. Your $50 deposit was applied to this amount so your final invoice would have been $150 plus the cost of the outstanding amount from the previous invoice.
Start by splitting a piece of bamboo. It should be long enough to wedge between your stomach and the ground while kneeling. You'll need to pad the stomach end, unless you leave that end blunt by cutting it at a node. There should be a long, straight, sharp edge facing away from your body. This piece needs to be fairly beefy since you'll be leaning into it. For the moving piece you need another short section of split bamboo. You grip this with two hands and saw up and down, with the curved side of the hand piece against the sharp edge of the belly piece. Once you've worn a good groove in the hand piece you need to prepare the tinder. Scrapings from the inside of the bamboo work great for this. You put the tinder inside the hand piece, then put a little bamboo shim over the tinder. To use, grab the hand piece with both hands, while lightly holding the shim with both thumbs. A coal will (hopefully) form in the tinder after you burn a hole through the hand piece. To get the sharpest edge on bamboo, don't cut it - peel little splits off the edge. Peel from the outside of the bamboo toward the center so that the hard outer layer forms the edge.
To surprise of party leaders, the young candidate's campaign to become governor gathered momentum, and she soon became the leading contender. よろしくお願いします。
I apologize for the inconvenience, but due to new Shoei regulations, we are unable to send Shoei products out of the U.S. If you do have a alternate address that is located in the USA that we can ship the order to, please provide me with the alternate address. If not, please let me know if there is a different brand helmet or item that you would like, and I will be happy to get you a substantial discount for the trouble.
Are you interested to share your great work with us for promotional use as for example Maxon website, brochures, flyers etc? I would appreciate to hear from you. Please get in touch with me for further information via email ************* (please dont reply via CG Talk as I'm not online on a regularely base) I'm looking forward to your reply. best regards,
My name is Alex Philson Ammon; I worked as one of the aids to the deposed government of Hussein Mubarak of Egypt. When the 18 days of civil unrest/protest that finally forced Mubarak out of office started, he entrusted into my care the sum of Fourty Five million Three Hundred Thousand united states dollars [$45,300,000.00] for safe keeping, following the news that Swiss bank has confiscated his one hundred and seventy billion dollars offshore in their country.
The Fourty Five million Three Hundred Thousand United States dollars [$45,300 000.00] in my possession is presently somewhere with a security and finance company in Asia as classified material pending claim. Now that his government has collapsed and he Mubarak flown out of Egypt to seek asylum, I am left with an opportunistic option to divert this money for my private use as situation at hand have cut off communication with my self and our leaderMubarak in the interim.My main reason for my contacting you is to seek for your business expertise if you have any, as in my entire life, I have worked as a civil servant and does not have good business idea or what to invest this huge money into for myself and my only son. If you think you can partner with us feel free to get back to me soonest for discussion of this deal and further details. Get back tom through this my private contact email:[email protected]. Regards, Alex Philson Ammon
3 X 2"- Refers to the height of the capital letter(3”) and the height of the lower case letters(2”). This is the most common size when purchasing for the back of a jacket.
2 x 1" – Refers to the height of the capital letter(2”) and the height of the lower case letters(1”). This is the most common size when purchasing for a name on the front of the jacket
at first - sorry for my english) I know, it's sounds strange, but I like Japan and wanna know more about this country from inhabitant) Can you answer on some questions? Such as - What films are more popular? What Japanese does think about Russians? About accident? etc... And sorry if I take your time)
>>241 3 X 2"- Refers to the height of the capital letter(3”) 大文字の上下が3インチ and the height of the lower case letters(2”). 小さい字の上下が2インチ This is the most common size when purchasing for the back of a jacket. 上着の背につける場合の普通のサイズです。 2X1" 上着の胸につける場合の普通のサイズ。 ttp://www.mountolympusawards.com/products/namesf32.htm を見てるの?
We are writing in relation to your submission through Symantec's on-line Security Risk / False Positive Dispute Submission form for your software being detected by Symantec Software. The software(WoW.exe) we have downloaded from your submitted URL can't run.
Due to not being able to reproduce this issue we require the additional information below to progress the dispute.
* The message or a screen shot of the message received
* A specific URL to download the detected file
* Exact instructions on how to recreate issue
* Symantec product and version being used for detection
If this dispute is no longer valid please respond to this email and we will close off the dispute.
Please respond to this email within 14 days with all questions or requests above answered. Failure to respond to this email within 14 days will deem the Security Risk Dispute submission to be no longer valid and initiate a closure procedure. Once closed a new submission for the same issue can be opened up to two times. Each new submission is subject to the time frame for response of a further week from the submission date.
New without tags: A brand-new, unused, and unworn item (including handmade items) that is not in original packaging or may be missing original packaging materials (such as the original box or bag). The original tags may not be attached.
It gets complicated. Situations get complicated; machines and instructions can be complicated. Saying that you yourself are complicated doesn't collocate for me.
When the Philips, her royal ancestors, tired of a mistress she entered a convent,for it was unfitting that one whom the king had loved should be loved by another and was not Calist de Santa Ana greater than any earthly king?
It is not only lovers of classical music who should worry about this trend,however,for what's happening on the radio only mirrors what's happening in society at large. つながりがよくわかりません よろしくお願いします
To improve our reading ability, we should increase our knowledge of both the language and the background information needed to understand what we are reading. Let us look at some ways to improve our skills in both areas. One useful exercise is learning frequently used "chunks" of language that may appear often in the types of text we are reading. For example, if we are reading a newspaper article, knowing the kinds of verb or noun phrases that frequently appear in newspaper articles can make them easier to read. In relation to background knowledge, we need to recall all we know about the topic or subject matter of the text. Once we have identified the ideas in the field being discussed, it should be easier to associate them with what we already know, and therefore, to make guesses about what we are reading and ultimately to understand the entire text.
>>275 To improve our reading ability, 私達のリーディング能力を向上させるために we should increase our knowledge 私達は私達の知識を増やさなければならない of both the language and the background information 言語と、背景情報の、両方の needed to understand what we are reading. 私達が読んでいるものを理解するために必要とされる
Let us look at some ways いくつかの方法を見てみよう to improve our skills 私達のスキルを向上させるための in both areas. この両方の領域で
One useful exercise is ひとつの有効な練習は、〜である learning frequently used "chunks" of language 頻繁に使われる、言語上の「チャンク」(かたまり)を学ぶこと that may appear often しばしば現れるであろうところの in the types of text we are reading. 私達が読んでいるタイプのテキストで
>>275 For example, 例えば if we are reading a newspaper article, 私達が新聞記事を読んでいるとしたら knowing the kinds of verb or noun phrases 動詞の種類や名詞のフレーズを知ることは that frequently appear in newspaper articles 新聞記事で頻繁に現れるところの can make them easier to read. それら(新聞記事)を読むことをより容易にすることができる
In relation to background knowledge, 背景知識に関して言えば、 we need to recall all we know 私達は私達の知っているすべてを思い出す必要がある about the topic or subject matter of the text. そのテキストの題材やテーマについての
Once we have identified the ideas いったん私達が知識を見分ければ in the field being discussed, 論じられている分野での it should be easier それはより容易になるであろう to associate them with what we already know, それらを私達がすでに知っていることと結びつけて考えることが and therefore, そしてその結果、 to make guesses about what we are reading 私達が読んでいるものについて推測することが and ultimately to understand the entire text. そして最終的にはテキスト全体を理解することが
>>276 >Historians usually reveal in their work as much about themselves and the generation to >which they belong as they do about the past which they are describing.
To improve our reading ability, we should increase our knowledge of both the language and the background information needed to understand what we are reading. 読解力をつける為に、我々は、両言語の語学力に加え、内容を理解するためのその背景に関する知識も増やさなければならない。
Let us look at some ways to improve our skills in both areas. この両方のスキルを向上させる方法を考えてみよう。
One useful exercise is learning frequently used "chunks" of language that may appear often in the types of text we are reading. 一つの有効なやり方は、我々が読んでいるテキストに繰り返し出てくる多くの言葉を学ぶことである。
For example,if we are reading a newspaper article, knowing the kinds of verb or noun phrases that frequently appear in newspaper articles can make them easier to read.
In relation to background knowledge, we need to recall all we know about the topic or subject matter of the text. 背景の知識に関連していえば、我々は、文章のトピックや題について知っているすべてのことを思い浮かべることが必要である。 Once we have identified the ideas in the field being discussed, it should be easier to associate them with what we already know, and therefore, to make guesses about what we are reading and ultimately to understand the entire text.
>>276 Historians usually reveal in their work as much about themselves and the generation to which they belong as they do about the past which they are describing.
But beware, there are two kinds of readers who are not successful. The first are those who read the text from beginning to end in a word-by-word fashion, stopping often to look up all unknown words in a dictionary. These readers lose track of the meaning of the text because it takes so long to work through the text. The other type of unsuccessful readers do not rely on dictionaries at all and depend too much on wild guessing even when their knowledge of the language or of the field is very poor. The successful reader learns to work between these two extremes.
When Craig arrived late at work for the third day in a row, his manager When Craig arrived late at work for the third day in a row, his manager gave him an official reprimand, warning him that habitual lateness was grounds for dismissal.
Of course Donald Trump is just doing the birther thing to get publicity. But for those of us who find birtherism a sad and tedious spectacle rather than a cause for curiosity is there anyone who can end the idiocy once and for all? It turns out one man has the credibility, the standing, the firepower: Dick Cheney. Bear with me. The entire birther charade is built on the absence of a photocopy of Obama's original birth certificate. There is a reason such a photocopy does not exist—the law. By law, original birth certificates in the state of Hawaii can only be inspected by a specific and circumscribed group of people. (a) To protect the integrity of vital statistics records, to ensure their proper use, and to ensure the efficient and proper administration of the vital statistics system, it shall be unlawful for any person to permit inspection of, or to disclose information contained in vital statistics records, or to copy or issue a copy of all or part of any such record, except as authorized by this part or by rules adopted by the department of health. (b) The department shall not permit inspection of public health statistics records, or issue a certified copy of any such record or part thereof, unless it is satisfied that the applicant has a direct and tangible interest in the record. The following persons shall be considered to have a direct and tangible interest in a public health statistics record:
Use only in appropriate products This card can also be used with instruments which use Do not touch the terminals To replace the battery carefully read the instruments
They are regularly refused "security clearance certificates" -documents now required to apply for work,business licenses,travel or access to education- usually on the basis of association with,or being related to,"anti-nationals"living in the refugee camps in Nepal.
There is a long way to go before ethnic unity and harmony return to the land of the "Thunder Dragon,"it appears, and only then can this remote Himalayan nation truly lay claim to being the word's only Shangri-la.
チャットで英語を勉強しようとチャットでその事情を話し始めたら、相手から yea im honest but ur bitch. ur raly ugly. so what do u want bitch. i said ur fucking bitch! thats ture! raly→realy and ur kids not girl. fuck off! と言われました。相手は日本人なのですが、あまり良いことは言われていないのは分かるのですが、正確には何と言われていたんでしょうか。
It seems some are getting a little frustrated with the lack of d-tests here. I have knives here that were donated for the tests if anyone of these people who have donated knives to me are getting impatient I'll gladly return them. They are all unused. Just let me know. Sorry for the delays but life is a little crazy right now. I sure don't want people to think I get these knives for free to keep because I don't. When I'm done with them there isn't much left but the parts. So if anyone needs them back just PM me and I'll get them in the mail to you. I'm not saying I'm not going to test them. It may be two days from now or two weeks from now. I need to see how things go. My apologies, Thanks
@ We’ve having some difficultly with the Dance Class contractor. In short, we keep going back and forth with Ms. Miwa on a particular work order. Do you have anything in the contract with her that states the level of the support that we should provide? We always want to help, but at some point, our help for certain activities gets excessive. I think there’s just not a good understanding of how much time it takes to complete certain requests, how much support we can realistically provide in a certain time frame, etc. In the case of contractors, it’s even trickier, as each contract seems to state something different (or doesn’t state anything at all). Can you help us out with this?
A No... but why is she not including me in on her requests? At the end of the day, the club is the customer, not the contractor. Meghan, draft up a letter for my review to email instructors to remind them not to deal with marketing directly.
おん願いします・。 We have refunded to you indeed,but it need several days for you collect it,pls kindly wait more days,you can consult paypal for refunding on transfer day as well.
Per your order Q452263,paypal is on surveying currently ,it may need quite time to deal with and it caused the unsuccessful refund at the moment.
We have no ideal on this matter till paypal finished the surveying then we can refund to you accordingly.
Other solution is we keeping your money as your coupon,you can use the coupon in your next coming order(purchase other merchandise )as mentioned in previous letter as we are not sure when the Paypal finish the surveying.
Thanks for your kindly understanding and comment back.
nice to haer from you ;-) It makes me really you are okay. True, unfortunately many people are affected. It really is a shock for me was. I have already donated 400 euros to a relief fund. I just hope that those affected people get the money. In fact, I never donate but I really like Japan. I know some customers. Thank God no one is directly affected. お願いします
A slight adjustment was Mede on the deposit,but the total remains the same. your card was only processed with the state deposit on yourcobfirmation and rental balance topaid45 days before your pick up date. 長いといわれてしまったので2レス使わせていただきます、すみません
please be advised as well thatweneed anew credit card for your rental balance on June,15,2011 as the credit card used to pay for the deposit will expire on May 2011 please contact the depot to confirm your pick up time. you can find the number on your booking confirmation document. おねがいします
The popular notion persists that every language consists of one “correct” dialect from which all other “inferior” or “substandard” dialects emerge. This misconception has arisen from social stereotypes and biases. It is not a linguistic fact. It is important to realize that a person’s use of any particular dialect is not a reflection of his or her intelligence or judgment.
和訳をお願いいたします。 What do you think of the idea of the deal until after 9 May carry on? I do not mind I send the items also on Tuesday. I mean just because the packages now take a little longer it may well be that the animals are on holiday at the Japan Post. please send me your adress.
お願いします。Thanks for taking time to translate this letter. I have greatly admired your manga in [LEN] that impressed me so much. Actually, i've been a long-time fan of your artwork.
お願いします。 Your artworks have always inspired me. This is my first time to write a email to my favourite 絵師. It sounds incredible even I can't imagine what I am doing now by myself.
お願いします。 It's very painful to think about the victims of the earthquake in Japan. I am so pleased to see the message from you which you said you are safe.I wish Japan can get throuth this difficult time soon. I really wanna watch more your comics. May i sometimes email you?Cause i dont wanna you feel like i'm bothering you. Hope to hear from you. Cheers
よろしくお願いします 長文なので2つに分けますすいません Because I want to have money to spend and save,I work part-time while I am in school. I try not to work more than 15 hours each week so that I have enough time to relax. Last year,I had three jobs,but each job only required a few hours per week. In the art history department at Rice,I am an office assistant. I open mail,make photocopies,and organize files. In the slide library,I put slides away that professors have used in their classes becase art history and studio art professors show artworks in their classes by projecting slides onto the wall. I like my job in the slide library because I can listen to music and work any time of day. My favorite job,however,is my job at the Contemporary Arts Museume,Houston.
>>395 続きです I am the Teen Council assistant,meaning I help the Teen Council coordinator organize a group of thirty high school students students,aged 14-18,who create programs for teens at the museum. Since I began woeking at the Contemporary Arts Museum, the Teen Council has put on several srt exhibitios,made t-shirts,met famous artists,published a comic book,and hosted movie 15 nights for teens at the museum. Three days a week,I go to the museum for the TeenCouncil meetings to help them run smoothly. I also chaperone Teen Council events such as a lock-in that happens every spring,where teens get to spend all night in the museum watching movies,looking at artworks,meeting artists,and playing games. As you can see,my job with the Teen Council is very important to me. I like it because the teens are fun to work with,and I think they contribute positively to the Houston community. Many of my friends also work part-time to earn money. It is popular to work on-campus because it is easy to work,and most on-campus jobs let students haveflexible work schedules because employers understand that students can be very busy. Students may work in academic depatment offices,at on-campus cafes and cafeterias,and in the admissions office.
ある日、急に全世界の物が1匹の青い鳥Blue Jayを除いて、全てスミレ色になってしまい、Blue Jayが鳥かごから 解放されると色が戻ったという話だと思います..非常に多いですがどなたかよろしくお願いします。 ・People sat around looking at one another wondering if they were dreaming.
・And no longer could people say they felt "blue" or were "green" with envy or had a "green" thumb. So what they said and how they said it began to change.
・They lined up for miles just to take a look at him.
・Others said this was silly, that the Blue Jay ate bird seed and drank water and fluffed his feathers and that other than his special color he was still just a bird.
・In some ways a yellow world isn't any different than a violet world. People simply said yellow instead of violet when they talked about things.
・until in the fifth year the whole world turned blue.
・Now that he was neither more nor less important crowds stopped coming and one day,six months into the year that the world had turned blue,
・They returned to saying they felt "blue" or were "green" with envy or had a "green" thumb.
翻訳お願いします。 You are conscious of the word'warped' because your penis is 'warped', I thhink. I don't freaking care if my penis were making an 8 figure knot. It's kind of creepy to talk to a guy who cares about how my penis looks like. Leave me alone. I nailed it, didn't I? 他スレで察しろでやってもらえませんでした。宜しくお願いします。
All the needs and aspirations of all parts of the country, 全国あらゆる場所からの需要と熱望の全部 all departments of government, 政府の全部門、全省庁、 all nations of the world. 世界の全部の国。
ウイルスの発見についての長文の一部なのですがうまく訳せません; どなたかお願いします。 For 20 years, he led a search for the cause of the tobacco disease. He tried to learn if bacteria caused the disease. Test after test failed to show the presence of bacteria. Part of his plan was to discover the size of the disease-causing substance. He ground up some diseased leaves, pressed out the juice, and pressed this juice through a filter.
Donna Marsh O'Connor, who lost her pregnant daughter in the 2001 attacks and is active in the group September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows, watched events unfold on television. "Osama bin Laden is dead, and so is my daughter, " she told Reuters. "His death didn't bring her back. We are not a family which celebrates death, no matter who it is."
The main contribution of La Fura was to approach its shows by encouraging the audience take an active part in areas traditionally reserved for the public and adapting its stage work to the very architectural elements found in the spaces in which each performance takes place.
宜しくお願い致します。 雑誌の編集者から送られてきたメールです。 My editor has just told me she has a place in issue 29 for your image, in an 'I made this...' page. This is separate from the Gallery, but it is still a full page feature of your work with the addition of some helpful tips from the artist on how they created the image. I hope this sounds interesting for you? All we need to make this happen is as follows: Artist tips: These will annotate the image, pointing to parts of the image to give readers a little insight into the work/inspiration behind the final render. What we ask is for artists to pick four of the strongest elements of your image, and give us a tip on how each was done. For example, you could tell us about the techniques; the software; how successful you think it is or if you would make any changes, etc? You need only write approx. 40 words for each of you four "artist tips" :) Image permissions: Finally, we just need permissions to publish the work, which can be given very simply by returning the following statement, if you agree, in a reply email:
I am looking for somebody for cooperating in **商品** business from Japan. I would like sell and buy **商品** in Japan but there is a problem with Japanese language on the Japan websites. The next problem is that Japanese creator do not want to send **商品** ouside Japan. Can you advise me some good **商品** advertising websites (forums)in Japan,please? Thank you for your time.
thanks for your response. Yes the goldfish is my specialization (my business) but I am interested in other fish too. I would like know some Japanese trade fish websites. If you can let me know some of it than I will be happy. When do you want to send the Goldfishes? 宜しくお願い致します。
Perhaps you could help me on some Japanese.Our Sensei is always asking us to name different muscles, I would really like to surprise him by saying them in Japenese :) 1. tricept 2. biceps 3. quadriceps...oh the fun I can have with these and any other body parts you have time to tell me. I can just see the look on his face now... I surprised him the other night when I got the ball of the foot correct "koshi" of course I had to take a moment to think. The higher the rank you get the more you have to know in Japanese which we have a list of terms you have to learn with each belt...muscles are not on this list so that is why I am asking you for some help.
>>444 正解率6割ぐらい。 日本語教えて下さい。私たちの先生はいつも私たちに筋肉の名前を聞いてきます。 筋肉の名前を日本語で言って先生を驚かそうと思ってます。 1. tricept上腕三頭筋 2. biceps 上腕二頭筋3. quadriceps大腿四頭筋 おーあなたが教えてくれるこれらの筋肉の名前や他の体の部分について 日本語で言えたらとってもうれしいです。先生の驚く顔が目に浮かびます。 I surprised him the other night when I got the ball of the foot correct "koshi" of course I had to take a moment to think. 訳せない ランクが上がるほど日本語の述語を知らなくてはならず有段者になるには必要述語のリストがあります。 筋肉の名前はこのリストに無いのであなたにお聞きしています。
Thanks for your message,When i got your message in my box here am really happy to read from you, Where do i start from the introduction from,as you know my first name is Jeffrey while my last name is Donelly, I was born in Ca in the city of Redding.... My step mohter brought me up as i dont know my mum, i know my step mum as mum....i am a father of 2 lovely girls,(Faith & Favour) they are twins,i love them so much though they live with my step mum in Nigerian anyway i lost their mother about 6 yrs ago,i love their mum so much, though we never married but we plan to before she died...... ever since i lost their mum was when i have relocate to the England.... thats where am living for now, though soon am planing on getting back to the states with my kids so that we can start a good life and have my own family with another woman that i will love so much for the rest of my life as i have bee single for many years and want to live with someone who really know what love is all about....
Well i have said a little about myself and i had like to know little about you too and i will welcome question from you.... really am new to this internet dating stuff and i hope you can understand me, i really dont know how to proceed so well but i think i made the right contact with you now that you reply me on here and i will be looking forward to your next reply...
長文の一部なのですがいまいち上手く訳せません。 どなたかお願いします。 The doctor spoke some pidgin Vietnamese, and the nurse a bit high-school French. Using that combination, together with gestures, they tried to explain to their young, frightened audience that unless they could replace some of the girl's lost blood, she would certainly die. Then they asked if anyone would be willing to give blood to help.
my child name are Faith & Favour, they are 5years old now but will be 6years old soon, I do not have a girl friend am single and that is why i join the dating sites,, Anyway i have some question for you which i think will tell me more about you:
What do you do for a living?i mean in details,what is your job all about?? What do you seek for in a relationship? Like your want in relationship,,what kind of relationship you really want and all that. What are the basic qualities you seek for in a Man? What sort of relationship you seek for? What interests you? You ever been married?If YES how long? What do you do for fun? Do you like public intimacy? How long have you been single? What's being single like? How do you treat your Man? Why do you want a Man? Can you love this Man? What is love to you? Would you hit your Man for any reasons?
I'll hopefully want to know what your consent is about these questions. I want to get to know you and meet you because you are a darling,........
Modern science,unlike most other traditions of knowledge,tries to explain the universe as if things happened without intention or purpose.
In its place,there emerged a new picture of universe operating according to strict,rational,and impersonal laws that could,in principle,be discovered by science. God may have created it,perhaps in time;perhaps,in some sense,out of time.But then he left it to run almost entirely according to its own logic and rules.
Modern science,unlike most other traditions of knowledge,tries to explain the universe as if things happened without intention or purpose. 近代科学は他の伝統的知識とは違ってあたかも宇宙が世界が(神の)意志、目的とは 関係なく出来たと説明しようとしている。
In its place,there emerged a new picture of universe operating according to strict,rational,and impersonal laws that could,in principle,be discovered by science. そこで厳格な、理にかなった、個人的でない法に基づく新しい宇宙ができ科学によりその原理が発見された。 God may have created it,perhaps in time;perhaps,in some sense,out of time.But then he left it to run almost entirely according to its own logic and rules. しかしその後、神は宇宙がほぼ完全に宇宙それ自身の理論と規則に従って動くに任せたのだ。(leave A to V:AにVさせておく)
Whatever institutionalised strength was locked in this plural was about to fly apart, or had already done so, but for now it could not be acknowledged, and bravery was demanded of even the youngest.
>>480 この複数の言葉に含まれている意味は無くなろうとしているか或いはすでに無くなっているかもしれない。 しかしまだそういう認識は無い、そして勇士の出現が、最年少者であろうとも望まれる。 Whatever institutionalised strength was locked in this plural 名詞節主語 was述語 about to fly apart, or had already done 述語so, but for now it could not be acknowledged, and bravery was demanded of even the youngest.
>>483 検索したのだが その文はttp://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2001/oct/02/bookerprize2001.bookerprizeの一部で The Parents. Whatever institutionalised strength was locked in this plural was about to fly apart, or had already done so, but for now it could not be acknowledged, and bravery was demanded of even the youngest. となってる The Parentsだから複数。 strengthは 重み とした方が良いかもしれない。 あまりにも離婚が多いからもう両親という言葉の重み意味は失われているんでは無いか。 と言ってるみたいよ。
In one type of contracting, owners of inputs delegate to a central agent, for some period of time, specific rights to direct their assets in production in return for a payment.
>>487 こんな感じではないだろうか 主語[owners of inputs] delegate A(specific rights特権 to direct指図 their assets in production) to B(a central agent) 期間[for some period of time] [in return for payment(報酬に代えて)].
The Battle of Antietam, or Sharpsburg to the Confederacy, was possibly the greatest opportunity that either side ever had to end the war decisively. Major General George McClellan, in command of the Union Army of the Potomac, had been handed the entire Confederate battle plan for their advance into Maryland. Despite this, McClellan failed to act decisively. Waiting 18 hours, he failed to press a decisive, coordinated attack with his overwhelming superiority in numbers. Instead, General Robert E. Lee consolidated most of his army behind Antietam creek and awaited McClellan’s first move.
The repository is designed to store high-level nuclear waste for at least 100,000 years, an inconceivably long period of time, but a reminder of just how long-lived some radioactive materials are, and how the only feasible solution for mankind to dispose of the hazardous nuclear waste it produces is to literally hide it deep in the Earth.
>>495 これで分かるかな The repository is designed to store high-level nuclear waste for at least 100,000 years, an inconceivably long period of time,
but a reminder of just how long-lived some radioactive materials are, and how the only feasible solution for mankind to dispose of the hazardous nuclear waste it produces is to literally hide it deep in the Earth
基本構文は The repository is A(,) but (also) B The repository は A であるが、その一方で B でもある
A[(being) designed設計されている to store貯蔵出来るように high-level nuclear waste高レベル放射性廃棄物 for at least 100,000 years(, an inconceivably long period of time←100,000 yearの等値言い換え)]
Bの内部も並置になってる B[(also) a reminder of α and β] =αとβを思い出させてくれるもの
つまり、基本構文はこうなる The repository is A but (also) a reminder of α and β The repository は A であるが、その一方で αとβ(という事実)を思い出させてくれるものでもある
α[(just) how long-livedいかに長生きするか 主語【some radioactive materials】 are] β[(,and) howいかに〜であるか 主語【the only feasible solution唯一妥当な解決策 for mankind人類にとっての (to dispose of〜を廃棄する the hazardous nuclear waste有害な放射性廃棄物 it(=mankind) produces人類が排出する)】 is(←これ述語!) to (literally文字通り) hide it deep in the Earth地球の奥深くに隠す.]
The aim is to create a model sophisticated enough to accurately predict the consequences of the increases in the greenhouse gases. It is improved by comparing the results to the observations until it can predict the observed changes accurately , after which it can be used to estimate future trends with some confidence . This of course is no different than the usual scientific method of comparing observations to a model, but the climate system of the earth is too complicated to be modelled with a few linear equations and it is only with the largest and fastest computers that even rudimentary models are possible.
>>508 いや、多分だけど、俺はこう思う。 のびた君がしずかちゃんと一緒に取ったプリクラを空き地で自慢していたら、 ジャイアンとスネオが来て、ひったくった。 のびた君は泣いて返してほしいと言うが取り合ってくれない。 「どうすれば返してくれるんだい?」のびたは聞いた。 ブタゴリラ「今度の野球の試合で三塁打を4本打てたら(hit four triples in one game.) 返してやるよ」
The aim is to create a model sophisticated enough to accurately predict the consequences of the increases in the greenhouse gases. 目的は温室効果ガスが増加すると結論づけると予測するに十分なモデルを構築することです It is improved by comparing the results to the observations until it can predict the observed changes accurately , after which it can be used to estimate future trends with some confidence . そのモデルは観察結果を比較することにより観察結果が数値の変化を予測することが出来たので改善された。 その後観察結果は未来の数値を相当な信頼感で予想することに使うことが出来る。 This of course is no different than the usual scientific method of comparing observations to a model, これは勿論普通のあるモデルに対する観察方法とは異ならないが but the climate system of the earth is too complicated to be modelled with a few linear equations and it is only with the largest and fastest computers that even rudimentary models are possible. しかし地球の気候はあまりにも複雑で少しの一次方程式ではモデル化出来ず 最大の最速のスーパーコンピュータで初歩のモデル化が可能である。
>>502 最初の文はこう言い換えると分かり易くないかね The aim is to create a model, a model which is sophisticated enough to accurately predict the consequences of the increases in the greenhouse gases.
文字が読みとれないとこもあり間違ってるかもしれませんが 手紙の和訳お願いします。 Please write iam ok Shll working at post office Got a divorce but iam ok Will sevd pics some time ok ttow are things ? Let me know
文字が読みとれないとこもあり間違ってるかもしれませんが 手紙の和訳お願いします。 Please write iam ok Shll working at post office Got a divorce but iam ok Will sevd pics some time ok ttow are things ? Let me know
First, disinflation, in which the inflation rate declines or stabilizes at a low level, has taken-hold. The participation of former Communist countries as well as socialist countries in the market economy has boosted supply over demand. China and the countries of Central and Easten Europe have made use of their cheap labor to become their factories to the world. Companies now compete on a global scale : the age of "mega-competition" has arrived. As a result, the cost of many goods has fallen.
Next, as a result of stronger ties, trends in the economies of countries and regions have become similar. In particular, the semiconductor industry's "silicon cycle" is the same throughout most of the world. Developed countries' production cycles for most IT-related products, which are closely tied to semiconductors, are also largely synchronized. ( See "Inflation in OECD Member Countires", and "Matching Japan, U.S. and European Business Cycles")
I'll play you out like PSP, Nintendo Wii and Sega 3 or 4 or 5 What have you Why would you even try to get above me? You're too ugly, ugly I'm like TV, you see me, hear me like CD But clearly we be on Different degree levels, whatever No you can't me touch me, T-T-Touch me, touch me Ladies and Gentlemen, you're welcome to the freak show It's official and you're seated in the front row Don't you blink cause you're about to see some heads roll Live and direct - Full on effect, Sh_t gonna, gonna get Ugly – Ugly Oh Wee OH my God you didn't Are you kidding? Can you keep your kitten in the cage? Instead of every tabloid page Now that's nasty That sh_t is nasty, nasty Don't tell me watch my mouth, I'm not about to watch my mouth I can't turn my eyeballs inside out, This is my house, my house I'm classy, you're t-rashy, trashy
As a Trading Company in Japan what other types of products can you get that I could possibly sell here in the USA? Please send me a list of what you deal in. I need to try to expand into different areas to make more money
Her friend was arreted because he had been hiding two Jews. She was afraid. She knew it could just as easily have been she who had been discovered. アンネ・フランク一家をかくまっていた女性の話、「わたしも逮捕されちゃうのかしら」と不安に思うシーンです。 第3文がわかりません。よろしくお願いいたします。
一般的な英会話は分かるので、良くオンラインで海外の人と遊ぶのだけど thank you MOTHER FUCKERってこの前始めて言われたんだけどこれって thank you very muchの砕けた言い方で合ってる?煽られていたとしたらこっちも言い返さないとノリの悪い奴と思われそうで スルーしてしまった
>>545さん、ありがとう。 >>544です。私も意味はわかるんですが She knew it could just as easily have been she who had been discovered. itは何をさすのか、as easily(簡単にのように?) she who had been discovered(発見されてしまった彼女?) 解説もしていただけるとありがたいです。
本文該当箇所 When Larson asked if the young man had been a part of the conversation, the young man acted defensive, as if he would get in trouble if he admitted it.
When Larson asked if the young man had been a part of the conversation, ラーソンがその若者がその会話に加わっていたのではないかとたずねた時 the young man acted defensive, その若者は警戒的に行動した。 as if he would get in trouble あたかも彼が将来トラブルに巻き込まれるかもしれない(仮定法)として if he admitted it. もしそれを認めれば。(仮定法)
@the young man acted defensive, as if 〜. を訳すのであれば、 「まるで、もしそれを認めればトラブルに巻き込まれでもするかのように、その若い男は警戒した態度をとった」になる。 Aここで、「まるで、〜であるかのように」の部分は、実際にthe young manが「〜と思った」ことを表しているわけではなく、 書き手(話者)が「まるで、〜であるかのようだった」と”描写”しているだけである。
Bしかし正答とされる選択肢では、「(若い男は)トラブルに巻き込まれるのではないかと(思い)、警戒した態度をとった」と、 the young manの「警戒した態度」は「『トラブルに巻き込まれかねない』という『判断』」によるものだという書き方をしている。 以上より、正答とされている選択肢の和訳は「正確ではない」。
I came from Colhane's vid who ever tried to cut a ceder with his machete. I thought you could sit down to work and use a baton to remove, but watched with fun in this country. Thanks for sharing.
お願いします As neither the enjoyment nor the capacity of producing musical notes are faculties of the least direct use to man in reference to his ordinary habits of life
One of the joys of listening to music is a general familiarity with the way it is put together: to know roughly what to expect, then to see in what particular ways your expectations will be met or exceeded.
8-9行目 Only one TFN will ever be issued to you. Once you have a TFN , you don't need to re-apply for one if your circumstances change, for example, if you change your name, have investments or claim government benefits.
最後の「have investments or claim government benefits.」というのが、どうも意味が取れません。
We normally only issue one TFN to you during your lifetime, even if you change your circumstances such as your name or residency. You should keep your TFN secure at all times and advise us if you change your name or address so we can update your details.
While working with conventional readout electronics,imperfect insulating materials, and reduction in internal sensor resistance will result in a constant loss of electrons.
Finally,when should you treat a fever? Doctor Nelson Fl Amin says a fever should be treated if it stays at forty degrees centigrade or adove for a day or more. A temprature that high can damage brain cells. The doctor also believes in treating a fever if it prevents a person from sleeping. What follows are some of the traditional cold reme-dies thought to be acutually effective by Mayo Clinic.
The increasingly strong ties between economies are one factor, but the link is primarily the result of the growing trend toward arbitrage, in which investors compare markets around the world and buy comparatively cheap securities while selling comparatively expensive ones. As this trend grows, there will be fewer differences between markets. In the past, even if there was an attractive investment overseas, investors tended to put their money to work close to home, where ample information was available. This is referred to as a "home bias" in investment funds. The growing trend toward arbitrage represents a decline in home bias : investors are also globalizing.
It is certainly true that parts of the human form considered sexually arousing are often covered in such a way as to exaggerate and draw at-tention to them. よろしくおねがいします。
お手数ですが、両方お願いします We give you three days to change your mind. All tickets for participating venues and teams are fully refundable for 72 hours after purchase, up until one week before the event.
All tickets for events at participating venues are fully refundable for 72 hours after purchase, or when you buy tickets from us of equal or higher price, up until one week before the event. The standard policy for other venues and many artists, teams, etc. is No Refunds or Exchanges. But if something comes up closer to the event and you can't make it,we'll do everything we can to help.
"Great Moderation" occurs when fluctuations in the economy become very small. This has been seen globally, particularly in the U.S, for the past 20 years. There are several causes. Disinflation has taken fold, allowing for greater flexibility in monetary policy. Also, businesses are now able to take prompt and flexible measures to meet the demands of the changing economic environment. These developments have resulted both directly and indirectly and indirectly from globalization.
On the down side are widening gaps in income between the northern and southern hemispheres as well as within countries and the worsening of global environmental problems. Even in the U.S, which is recognized as being among the "winners" offshore outsourcing to foreign companies with low wage and salary costs is booming, and many jobs have been lost. In some cases, the free movement of huge sums of money has had a major impact on economies and financial markets.
>>603 The standard policy for other venues and many artists, teams, etc. is No Refunds or Exchanges. 他の会場(venues)、アーチスト云々は基本的に無返金無交換です。 (でもウチは返金・交換するんですよ。サービスいいでしょう?)
When the waiter at last comes to ask their pleasure,Black orders a Black and White on the rock, and Blue cannot help but take this as a secret message that the fun is about to begin, all the while marvelling at Black's effrontery, his crassness, his vulgar obsession.
Quarantine Digest for 自分のメールアドレス Click here to access your spam quarantine. The spam quarantine contains emails that are being held from your email account. Quarantined emails can be released to your inbox or deleted using the spam quarantine link.
Sports team names like those discussed above—as well as more grammatically ordinary names such as Reds, Knicks, and Canadiens, and straightforward compound names such as Blue Jays—form a particular set of collective nouns. Closely related to the class of essentially plural headless nouns typified by Red Sox are the growing number of orthographically singular sports team names that may be classified as examples of a special type of collective noun—one that (a) has identical terms for both the collective and an individual thereof (as with the essentially plural headless noun) but (b) is not used as a counting noun beyond the singular. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_plural
headless noun主体無き名詞とは 例えばRed Sox 本来の意味は赤い靴下であるが球団固有名詞であり 主体headの赤い靴下は無いless。 a special type of collective noun-one that (a) has identical terms for both the collective and an individual thereof (as with the essentially plural headless noun) but (b) is not used as a counting noun beyond the singular. 特別な形の集合名詞 (a)集合名詞と普通名詞が同じ形であるから(主に複数形主体無き名詞において) しかし(b)単数形としては勿論可算名詞としても使われない。 球団Red Soxは一つしか無いから加算できない。
Red Sox は赤い靴下を「履いた人」 lowlife は low な life を「おくる人」 というように、名詞それ自体に「主体」を含まないから、 これらを headless noun と呼ぶ(by スティーブン・ピンカー)。 これらは普通加算名詞のように最後に [s] を付けるだけで複数形になる。 また、[s] がなければ、単複同形となる。
二人の lowlife (ならず者)は two lowlives とはならず、two lowlifes。 the Red Sox = レッドソックスの選手一同(チームそれ自体)。 a Red Sox = レッドソックスの1選手。 a Red Sock とはならない。 two Red Sox = レッドソックスの2選手。 the Reds = レッズの選手一同。 the Blue Jays = ブルージェイズの選手一同。 a Red = レッズの1選手。 a Blue Jay = ブルージェイズの1選手。 two Reds = レッズの2選手。 two Blue Jays = ブルージェイズの2選手。
最近は the (Miami) Heat のような名前も増えてきている。この場合、 the Heat = ヒートの選手一同。 a Heat = ヒートの1選手。 これは Red Sox と同様、単複同形。 だが、単数以上、全体未満の複数を意味する場合、 two Heat とか two Heats とならず、two Heat players という風に形容詞として使われる。 この点で Red Sox と異なる。
ちなみに、the (St. Louis) Blues というチームの場合は a Blues、 two Blues という風に言える。
絵を投稿したら情報がおかしいと修正のメールが送られてきました。 和訳機に掛けると名前と出るんですが、絵のタイトルの事でしょうか? 宜しくお願いします。 We at CGSociety.org would like to offer encouragement for your next submission. Your submission has been declined for the following reason(s): * You have not used your full, real name. Please re-submit with the correct information.
Frag eXecutors have announced Mariusz "Loord" Cybulski will not be able to attend East Games United 2011.
The Polish player had been in doubt for the tournament after suffering multiple injuries as a result of being assaulted in Warsaw during the celebrations of Juwenalia, a national students' holiday.
Fear Factory's ?ukasz "drive" Snopkiewicz had initially been announced as a stand-in for the fnatic PLAY tournament, but Cybulski ended up playing after all.
The Polish side crashed out of the tournament in the Round of 16 with a 2-0 thrashing by a2g, and with confirmation that Cybulski will not completely heal in time for EGU, the team have decided they will call in a substitute.
It is still unknown who will fill Cybulski's shoes at EGU, which will take place from 28-29 May in Bialystok and have all of Poland's big guns.
Gross(1990)caluculated the cumulative number of species in 25 unconcentrated soil samples (each consisting of five cores of 2.5 cm diameter and 15 cm depth). From the saturation curve, she concluded that 20 samples were sufficient to include 90% of all species present in the seed bank of the study site. Ter Heerdt et al.(1996) found that alalysing 10 concentrated samples (each pooled from 10 cores of 4 cm diameter and 10 cm depth) guaranteed (with 99% probability) that every species would occur at least once in the samples from 53 to 96 % of the time, according to the soil type. In contrast, only 18-70 % of the species-sample combinations assured finding a species was 10-15 % higher than the unconcentrated samples.
>>657 We have found [ that people [ who watch a lot of TV ] see the real world as more danagerous and fight ?tering than those [ who watch very little ].
Energy,strength and health were regarded as attractive,and they were expressed through bright,glowing colors and full-cut gowns with strong,sweeping curves that often accommodated and flattered the pregnant woman.
1. Initialize first the P-array and then the four S-boxes, in order, with a fixed string. This string consists of the hexadecimal digits of pi (less the initial 3): P1 = 0x243f6a88, P2 = 0x85a308d3, P3 = 0x13198a2e, P4 = 0x03707344, etc.
2. XOR P1 with the first 32 bits of the key, XOR P2 with the second 32-bits of the key, and so on for all bits of the key (possibly up to P14). Repeatedly cycle through the key bits until the entire P-array has been XORed with key bits. (For every short key, there is at least one equivalent longer key; for example, if A is a 64-bit key, then AA, AAA, etc., are equivalent keys.)
3. Encrypt the all-zero string with the Blowfish algorithm, using the subkeys described in steps (1) and (2).
4. Replace P1 and P2 with the output of step (3).
5. Encrypt the output of step (3) using the Blowfish algorithm with the modified subkeys.
6. Replace P3 and P4 with the output of step (5).
7. Continue the process, replacing all entries of the P array, and then all four S-boxes in order, with the output of the continuously changing Blowfish algorithm. In total, 521 iterations are required to generate all required subkeys. Applications can store the subkeys rather than execute this derivation process multiple times.
There was widespread amusement in 1980, when Ronald Reagan famously declared that most air pollution was caused by plants, however, scientists have since learned that some flora do contribute to smog.
A girl of relatively modest means,however, if her shoes and gloves were tight enough,her dress properly fragile and her corset laced so that she could scarcely breathe,might hope to be admired. お願いします
We shall construct Mother's circle corresponding to the given data and then read the results directly from the diagram. You can construct this diagram with compress and scales and find the required information with the aid of scales and protractor,if you choose to do so. Such a complete graphical approach is perfectly satisfactory and sufficiently accurate for most purposes. In the semigraphical approach used here,we first make an approximate freehand sketch of Mother's circle and then use the geometry of the figure to obtain the desired information. Draw the σ and τ axes first(figure.2-5a)and locateσx=80Mpa along the σ axis. Then,from σx,located τxy=50Mpa in the clockwise direction of the τ axis to establish point A. Corresponding to σy=0,locate τyx=50Mpa in the ccw direction along the τ axis to obtain point D. The line AD forms the diameter of the required circle which can now be drawn. The intersection of the circle with the σ axis defines σ1 and σ2 as shown. The x axis is the line CA;the y axis is the line CD. Now,nothing the triangle ABC,indicate on the skeych the length of the legs AB and BC,as 50 and 40 Mpa,respectively.
According to sources, Boeing's latest schedule, thus far, has the 787 program starting F&R and ETOPs flight testing on June 9th. This information comes on the heels of ZA102 restarting flight tests after several months going through re-work and change incorporation at ATS Hangar 3 in Everett.
This aircraft flew a 50 minute check flight and landed back at Everett. No word yet on first delivery date but it is anticipated that ETOPs and F & R testing should take about a month followed by type certification for the Rolls Royce powered 787. Currently Boeing is 95% through the certification program for the Trent 1000 powered aircraft and 75% complete on the GEnx-1B powered version of the 787. Delivery of the first GE powered 787 to Japan Airlines is expected about a month or so after delivery of the first 787 to ANA.
They are all large countries with abundant natural resources. They also have large populations. These four countries have a combined population of 2.7 billion, which represents more than 40 percent of the world population. At 1.3 billion, China's population is the world's largest, while India, with a population of 1 billion, ranks second. On the other hand, their economies represent a mere 9 percent of global gross domestic product(GDP). With the exception of Brazil, because they have not had market economies for long, these countries still have great potential for growth. The governments of these countries have adopted pro-growth policies with the introduction of foreign capital, the establishment of industrial infrastructure and legal systems and the easing of various regulations. Another of their major strengths is the high quality of their labor forces. Because it is an English-speaking country, India has an advantage in the IT and software industries, while Russia has an abundant supply of qualified personnel in the fields of science and technology, a legacy of the Soviet era.
She was often called 'divine' -and ,as is the custom with goddesses,stood on a pedestal,which is an inconvenient place to stand if you want to do anything other than be worshipped. お願いします。
We the Escrow officials really appreciate and thank you for patronizing and using our services.We need you to send us the scanned original receipt of the item indicating that the item was sold to our Mr Tony Johnson.
NOTE: Your Total Pending Payment Order is right here and safe with us here. As soon as you have emailed to us with the Shipment Tracking Number we will commence with the shipment verification process of about 3-5 business days so as to enable us transfer your total payment order to you onetime. With all due respect,we are appealing to you to get the merchandise sent to your perspective buyer immediately and mail back to us the shipment Tracking Number for us to commence with the shipment verification processes which is one of our outstanding policies before the transfer of any fund is made. We are very sorry for any inconveniences this might have caused you, but we are assuring you that this is to secure both the buyer and sellers' interest against any occurrence of fraudulent practices among both parties.
These differences in vision have important implications throughout our lives.
Car insurance statistics, For instance, show female drivers are less likely to be hit from the side in an accident at an intersection than male drivers.
Women's greater peripheral vision allows them to see traffic approaching from the side.
They are more likely to be hit in the front or back of the car while attempting to reverse parallel park, as that challenges their less-developed spacious skills.
>>692 the shipment verification processes which is one of our outstanding policies before the transfer of any fund is made 相手に荷物が着いた事を支払い前に確認するのが我が社の実に優れた、傑出した方針の一つです。 エスクローは相手からすでに金を受け取っているが売り手にあなたには相手が物を受け取るまで支払わない。 相手が受け取れば3-5営業日内に調査し支払う。
their combined effect hasbeen weaken labour's bargaining power and expose a growing proportion of employees everywhere to the risk of unemployment or conditions of work and pay that reduce workplace autonomy and increase lifestyle insecurity.
I'm sorry but we do not like to pick clothing for others as everyone is different when it comes to style,color preference etc. If you could please provide us with the products that you would like to exchange for. Again the reason is when it comes to clothes it may be something that I really like but you may not. That's why we would like to send you some stuff that you picked out and know you want. Once we hear back from you we will make changes and get the order shipped out ASAP! If you have any additional questions please let us know.
In photographs of the twenties men and women do look more alike;but this is because they both look more like children,and the difference between the sexes is less pronounced in childhood. both look more likeと、this is because がうまく訳せないです よろしくお願いします
I went ahead and re-sent the order with the updates! You should be receiving a e-mail confirmation as well. Thank you for your patience and thanks again for choosing bodybuilding.com!
It looks like your order's been shipped through UPS Ground , and we estimate that it will be delivered by Jun 3, 2011.
I'm sorry there's no tracking available for this shipment.
The delivery estimate is calculated based on a few different things, including the location of the inventory of "Powerline PAB21X Ab Bench"(商品名) , the delivery address, and how quickly we can put your order together and get it to UPS Ground .
In my experience, the estimates we provide are very accurate, so I think you'll see your order soon.
thanks for your help ~! nice to meet you, 綾部 i forgot to introduce myself i am responsible to post the artwork of my father to pixiv this is the account created for him he does not like communicating in the internet so i did this for him my father does not have an english name and "Henry" is the net name i made up for him once again thanks for the help and looking forward to see your artwork soon
Thanks for the email! I apologize, but it looks like the Pro Hooks II PGRIP076 have delayed the order because they are not in stock at this time. We should be getting that back in soon hopefully, at which time it would go out for you immediately. Otherwise, we can always sub that out for a similar product if you'd like. Please just let us know what you'd prefer to do, and we'll get that taken care of for you! If there is anything else we can help you with, please let us know! おねがいします
Original Rolexなんて書いてるRolexが存在するとは思えんが、もしあるなら偽者で間違いない 販売者が改造したRolexならCustom Rolexという言い方になると思うが、 改造販売はRolexに許可取らないと商標権侵害になるからそんなものも存在しないだろう 本物という意味の英語はauthenticとかgenuineだが、仮にそう書いてても偽者で、 本物のRolexに「本物のRolex」なんて書くわけがない originalは、そこから派生品やコピーが多く作られた美術品でしか使われない言葉で、 original Rolexという言い方自体がナンセンスだと思う
>>721 Pro Hook〜は在庫がないから注文が遅れているようです 在庫が入ればすぐに発送されると思いますが、同等の他の商品に注文を替えることも出来ます どうしたいかお知らせください。すぐに対応させます。他に御要望がある場合も、どうぞお知らせ下さい
A: We have a carefully selected production partner in Asia. The knife is almost 70% handcrafted by top professional bladesmiths.
Q: The Outback? is a pretty heavy knife, but not nearly as blade heavy as one would expect. Why is that?
A: The knife is designed to balance well for practical use. The weight of the blade is very effectively offset by the heavy tang and solid brass pommel and guard.
Hello! Thank you for your email! Unfortunately the Progryp Pro Hooks are also on backorder at this time. I appologize for the inconvenience. Please let us know if you have any more questions!
英英辞典の例文なんだけど意味がわからなくなったので確認したいんですが。 inquiryを調べていてOxford英英辞典に出ていたのがこの例文で After th accident there were many calls for an inquiry into safety procedures. 事故の後、安全手順の質問をする多くの必要になった
It is a work of pure engineering, a magnificent representation that represents only itself. Itエッフェル塔 is a work of pure engineering,純粋な工学技術の作品 a magnificent representation that関係代名詞 represents only エッフェル塔self. エッフェル塔自身だけを表現してる偉大な表現物。類似の物は無い という事。
The MBOs were characterized by (a)smaller and more secured positions held by banks, and substantial junk bond financing, and (b)more up-front payments to management and deal makers.
>>731 諦めるのでお金を返して!とメールをしました。 すると下の内容が。 The Pro Hooks have already been cancelled from your order and the items are ready to ship out! The refund for that product will take 2-5 business days to arrive to your account. Thank you very much for your patience.
In a cruel fluke of the calendar, at precisely the oneyear mark in his presidency, obama awake Jan.20 to headlines shouting about the Republican takeover of a U.S.Senate seat from Massachusetts , an election that a shift of a legislator from one side of the aisle to other.
We have started to roll out your LifeProof purchase links today! LifeProof購入リンクの展開を開始しました!
We want to reserve your priority in the pre-order process according to those customers who have been waiting the longest. 大変長く待っているお客様においては、前注文プロセスにおける、あなたの優先順位を保持することをお勧めします。
We will be sending out purchase links in that order on a rolling basis over the next five days. この5日間の間に順次、注文順で購入リンクを送るでしょう。
Once you have received your link you will have five days to finalize your order. 一度、購入リンクを受け取れば、5日間の間に注文を確定させる必要が有ります。
So that you can continue your priority, したがって、あなたは優先権を続けることができます--
be sure to activate this order as soon as possible as shipments すぐに出荷できる様にするため、この注文を必ず有効にして下さい --
will be processed in sequence with those who finalize their purchase. 注文を確定する担当者により順次処理されることでしょう。
海外通販で、jawbone ICONを購入したのですが、付属のmicro-usbが純正品だったり、 違ったりしていると聞いていたので、購入時に純正品を希望と送っていたのですが、 black berryの充電器でした。最終的なやり取りは下記の形なのですが、 We only carry this travel charger for your headset.とは、充電器には違いないんだから、文句いうなと言われているのか、 充電器送ったあげようかと言われているのかどちらに読み取れますか?前者な気も致しますが、よろしくお願い致します。 Dear Sir/Madam, We only carry this travel charger for your headset.Would you like to return the headset to us?Thank you.P.S. For easy reference and to avoid delay in handling your inquiry, please include the contents of all previous/relevant emails when you send us further email on the same issue. ----- Original Message ----- The enclosure that I received is the following.
Package Includes Jawbone ICON The Thinker Universal Bluetooth Headset. Includes 1 earloop and 3 sets of earbuds in small, medium and large sizes. english manual. travel charger for mot v9 Blackberry 9500. Please teach if there is insufficient information. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Sir/Madam, Sorry, can you please clarify that whether you received any item which is not compatible with Jawbone ICON?Thank you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Order Number: ***** The following sentences were sent at order.I want JAWBONE ICON attachments for the USB connector of JAWBONE of genuine products. Hereafter, good dealings will be hoped for. But, actually JAWBONE ICON was attached for the USB connector of Black berry. Why?The answer is hoped for.
Stone Age people probably looked and dressed exactly the same way for generations. Even a or less the same for decades at a stretch. A historian can look at a picture from the Edo Period and guess when it was painted only to within fifty years or so, but he can look at a photo from the Showa Period and guess when it was taken to within five years.
すみません、間違えました; Stone Age people probably looked and dressed exactly the same way for generations. Even a few centuries ago, hairstyles and clothing styles remained more or less the same for decades at a stretch. A historian can look at a picture from the Edo Period and guess when it was painted only to within fifty years or so, but he can look at a photo from the Showa Period and guess when it was taken to within five years. です。お願いします
It would be a mistake to presume that English is widely spoken in the world because it has some overwhelming intrinsic appeal to foreigners. Most people speak it not because it gives them pleasure to help out American and British monoglots who cannot be troubled to learn a few words of their language, believe it or not, but because they need it to function in the world at large. They may like a few English words splashed across their T-shirts and shopping bags, but that isn't to say that that is what they want to relax with in the evening. 好きだから英語を話すんではなくて英語を話してもらうために英語を話す Tシャツに英語が書いてあるからといって英語が好きだというわけではない ってことですかね
Most people speak it not because it gives them pleasure to help out American and British monoglots who cannot be troubled to learn a few words of their language, 俺が英語を話すのは、英単語を覚えるのに苦労しない英語ネイティブの白人様を喜ばすためじゃねー。
believe it or not, but because they need it to function in the world at large. 英語を世界共通語にするためだ!
Most people speak it not because it gives them pleasure to help out American and British monoglots who cannot be troubled to learn a few words of their language, believe it or not, but because they need it to function in the world at large.
who cannot be troubled to learn a few words of their language, their英語を習って話す人たちの言葉(例えば日本語)の片言も 学ぶ困難を経験する事が出来ない(英米人) 外国語を習わなくても済む。 they need it to function in the world at large. 彼らは英語を世界全般で機能するようにする必要があるのだ。 英語を学ぶ人たちは英語を政界全般の共通語にする必要があるのだ。
Even if children can be persuaded not to use their store of adult shockers, they seem endlessly fascinated by their own taboo words like "wee-wee" and "poo-poo".
Is there any way you would accept 6.00 off to keep the other ones? for me to send the other sent it would cost around 18.00 plus I would be loosing the 10.00 forthe kit I sent by accident. This was my fault and I want to make it right but is there any way we can work something out for you to keep the kit I sent by mistake? I can give you 6.00 back which would make the kit only 4.00.
その1 A native New Yorker, Gaga talked about the tragic day for the first time publicly and revealed to radio presenter Toby Knapp that she watched the towers fall from her school fooftop at age 15.
その2 Gaga heard the news of the killing of 9/11 mastermind Osama Bin Laden after getting off a plane, arriving at her hotel and turning on CNN, at which point she tweeted her immediate reaction to the news.
その3 Gaga explains,"As a New Yorker, its very intense and I've never really spoken about this, but I was in New York on September 11th and I watched the towers fall with all my girlfriends from the roof of our school."
>>817 推定 総支払額はホントの品物代金+間違い品価格4ドル。 Is there any way you would accept 6.00 off to keep the other ones? the other ones(推定ホントの品)を6ドル引きで買っていただけませんか? for me to send the other sent it would cost around 18.00 plus I would be loosing the 10.00 forthe kit I sent by accident. the other sent= the other onesとして the other sentを送るには18ドルかかり それにプラス間違って送った分10ドルを損することになります。
>>829続き長すぎる文があると怒られた。 This was my fault and I want to make it rightこれは私のミスで有り正したいと思います but is there any way we can work something out for you to keep the kit I sent by mistake? しかしどうか間違って送った品を買っていただけませんか? I can give you 6.00 back which would make the kit only 4.00. 6ドル値引き出来ますからあなたはたった4ドルで買えることになります。
I like your Illustration very much. And I send you this letter is for asking whether I'll offend u if I put your Illustration「絵の題名」on my Twitter. I just wanna to share it with some of my best friends. I'll sign its ID,and if it needed,I'll sign your name. I'm looking forward your reply. Thank you.
論文の一部分なのですが、 On the day they were killed, animals (∼5.5 mo old) were weighed, and between 1300 and 1800 they were anesthetized with an intraperitoneal injection of pentobarbital sodium (60 mg/kg body wt). と記述があるのですが、 ここでの、「〜5.5 mo old」は5.5ヶ月未満、「between 1300 and 1800」は13時から18時までの間という解釈で大丈夫でしょうか?
I hope my smile can distract you I hope my fists can fight for two So it never has to show And you’ll never know
I hope my love can blind you I hope my arms can bind you So you’ll never have to see What we’ve grown to be
One may think we’re alright But we need pills to sleep at night We need lies to make it through the day We’re not okay
One may think we’re doing fine But if I had to lay it on the line We’re losing ground with every passing day We’re not okay
But that’s one thing I would never One thing I would never One thing I would never say to you That’s one thing I would never One thing I would never That's one thing I would never say to you
While 440C might be the amongst the better stainless steels, its not my top choice for a big chopper. The tang could be stronger (not saying its weak, I have never used the knife - just that there is plenty of room for improvement). I dont like the fake-crocodile leather sheath - just feels cheap to me. Last but not least, I dislike the way they do business: The company is registered in Norway (or was it Finland?), knives are being produced by a "carefully selected production partner in Asia" - no connection with Australia whatsoever. Also, they have spammed forums with fake reviews/praise in the past. Now, none of this means that their procut is worth less than what they are asking for it. However, I think there is ample reason to be suspicious, so I wont lay down any cash until I have seen some proper testing (Noss? nudge, nudge). Let me finish on a positive note: I absolutely love the design of this knife - if they turn out to be any good I will likely get one.
長文の手紙ですが和訳お願いします。 Congratulations on thebaby .What is her name?tell Aina than kyou For the picture .it is on my sofridgerator.iwill send some pictures When Iget them back from my exーwife .I will be sure to show your photos.Who are all the people? How is your mom? Iam sorry i have not written for so long .I will always regret that .
>>ー851ありがとうございます。 まだ続きがあるんですがいいですか? I was in a bad marriage for a long time,now things will get better . I live in an apartment with 2cats.I have the nicest girlfriend her name is bonnie she lives in Nebraska one hour from me.I really love her . The livorce made me poor but at least I am happy
>>846 [ While 440C might be the amongst the better stainless steels ], its not my top choice for a big chopper. The tang could be stronger (not saying its weak, I have never used the knife - just [ that there is plenty of room for improvement ] ). I dont like the fake-crocodile leather sheath - just feels cheap to me. Last but not least, I dislike the way [ they do business ]: The company is registered in Norway (or was it Finland?), knives are being produced by a "carefully [ selected ] production partner in Asia" - no connection with Australia [ whatsoever ]. Also, they have spammed forums with fake reviews/praise in the past. Now, none of this means [ that their procut is worth less [ than [ what they are asking for it ] ]. However, I think [ there is ample reason [ to be suspicious ], so I won't lay down any cash [ until I have seen some proper [ testing ] (Noss? nudge, nudge). Let [ me finish on a positive note ]: I absolutely love the design of this knife - [ if they turn out [ to be any good ] ], I will likely get one.
The campaign that Venables Bell fashioned, which begins first in the United States and globally later on, focuses instead on the amusingly weird, technology focused culture of Intel and celebrates the company's role in the future, rather than the present.
I know from experience that the habit of avoiding controversy can in the end cause far more trouble than it avoids, because strong feelings, unexpressed, don't die but build up. They can accumulate other resentments that might otherwise be unimportant, don't die but build up.
No less important is the delay in their enactment of laws to protect intellectual property rights. Because they have had little experience with a market economy, there are many unknowns, such as whether or not the authorities can manage the economy well and whether or not they can respond flexibly to external shocks.
Finally, alignment of the gratings, both with respect to each other and the vertical, is challenging, and misalignment can cause classical Moiré fringes which differ from expected interference patterns only in visibility and wavelength dependence.
Every cellphone company, every printer company, even Web sites―they're all claiming to be the ones delivering that everyday life angle, but it's just really trite.
ttp://www.archive.org/stream/bookofopeningofr01in/bookofopeningofr01in_djvu.txt の一部だね。続きは↓↓ In a word, the method of science is the appeal to phenomena, the appeal to nature. To the scientist the test of truth is not logic, nor inner con- viction, nor conceivability and inconceivability, but phenom- ena, or what are commonly called facts.
After some digging, I was able to final remove the FPS cap through console commands in Aion. Since the "system.ovr" file is no longer read in 2.5, you will have to do this every time you log in. First off, enable the dev console using this method as posted here
Then, press pause break to open up the console once ingame, and type in the command "\g_maxfps 0". You can realistically set this to any value, but 0 will uncap it completely. I would appreciate if this could be permanently fixed however, as it is just another annoyance to deal with.
※system.ovr=ファイル名です ※FPS=Frame Per Secondの意になります。FPSのままでかまいません
>>888 政界は混迷してるが正解はあとで偉い人が車で来るまで待て。 しばし考えてAionのコンソールコマンドを使ってthe FPS cap を外すことが出来た。 "system.ovr" file は2.5では読み取れないためあなたはログインする度にこれを実行することになる 最初に the dev console をここに書いた方法で使えるようにして下さい。
After retiring from boxing Hernandez was diagnosed with fourth-stage cancer of the head and neck, a very rare form of cancer, and one which Hernandez' insurance would not cover for treatment. Although Hernandez has collected several large purses in his career, including $600,000 for his final fight against Mayweather, he was not able to afford his expensive treatments and benefits were held to assist in paying what insurance would not cover. In mid 2009 it was reported that Hernandez' cancer was in remission but in early 2010 the cancer had returned and Hernandez was undergoing treatment. On June 3rd, 2011, it was announced that Hernandez would stop chemotherapy treatment. Hernandez worked as a boxing instructor at the LA Boxing Gym in Lake Forest, California until early 2011. He helped out in a broadcast of a boxing match in Maywood after that.
Hello there, you were saying that you were looking for english speaking friends, and it happens that i need to get a working grasp of your language, So could we work something out?
長文の一部です。「:」や「-」の使われ方がよくわからないです。 どなたか和訳お願いします。 Back in the 1960s , futurists predicted that the biggest problem for Americans in the year 2000 would be managing all their free time. What happened? People in the U.S. have all the timesaving tools they could want:jet travel , cellular phones , microwave ovens , personal computers , and faxes. Yet they work more , not less. Unstructured time - a day just to spend time with friends or family - is hard to find. Obviously , the futurists'idea was the opposite. In reality , the more technology a society has , the less free time it has. Americans in most cities feel that time is scarce , that there is never enough of it.
Never mind the royal yacht; which of us in 1981 could have imagined that every British chocolate bar would be made by firms run from Switzerland and the U.S.; that London’s water supply would be owned in Germany and its electricity in France; that the future of Britain’s steel mills would hang by threads attached to headquarters in Mumbai and Bangkok?
905で和訳をお願いしたものです。 和訳していただいた次の段落は訳せたのですが、その次の段落がうまく訳せません; 何度も申し訳ないです。和訳お願いします。 A recent Harris poll showed that American leisure time decreased almost 40 percent within the past 20 years , but that is only half the story. During that time , Americans' consumption increased by 45 percent. When people buy more , they have to work more so they can pay for the things they buy. One question on the poll asked if people agreed with the comment , "Most of us buy and consume far more than we need." Eighty-two percent of the respondents said yes.
英検三級レベルの英文だよなぁ、これ訳せないでその前の段落を訳したって、This is a pen. としか 書かれてなかったんだろうか。全文訳すと楽させるだけだから要点だけ訳して他の奴のおせっかいを 防ごう
A recent Harris poll showed that American blah-blah-blah 最近のハリス調査によるとthat 以下のとおりである (pollとは世論調査のこと) but that is only half the story. しかしそれは話の半分に過ぎない During that time その間 (thatは前の行に書かれている「the past 20 years」) Americans' consumption アメリカ人の消費 (高校生でも「個人消費」とかニュースで見たことないか?) One question on the poll (ハリス)調査の質問の一つは asked if people agreed with blah-blah-blah with以降のことに同意する かどうか(ifの「もし」以外の定型的な用法) と尋ねる far more than blah-blah-blah 〜よりもずっと多く respondents (ハリス調査の)回答者
Its close association with Japanese culture 名詞句主語 is 述語 apparent 補語 以下副詞節 is apparentである理由を説明 from the buildings and customs that have been carefully maintained.
1they were only charged with petty theft, as they finally cooperated with the police to hand over their leader, 「a generous man with a clean name in his community.」
2「Their leader had taught them to maintain a steady hand using an eye dropper」 to drop nitrogen on bike locks to freeze them instantly and then break them with a hammer in a matter of seconds.
3The teens had no idea that 「their leader was making thousands of dollars painting these bicycles」, and then exporting them to different countries.
4The leader tried to put blame on the 5 teenagers, 「claiming no affiliation to the bikes.」 どなたか「」内の訳をお願いします。
The opening movement has a kind of nautical saltiness to it that uses the jaunty tune ‘A rovin’ yet this is balanced with the more reflective counter melody ‘I sowed the seed of love. Of course the ‘racy’ tune wins the day. The second movement is my favorite. This is a perfect evocation of an elegant young lady who is keen to display her new bonnet to the local swains! Yet perhaps she is a little shy and is apprehensive about possible comments. This is well scored and balanced and perfectly satisfying. From the last section I believe she found her hearts desire.
The ‘slow’ movement is based on the folksong 'O Waly Waly.' To people of a certain generation this will be associated with the late Kathleen Ferrier. However the strings play this tune with a definite sense of regret and sometimes intensity that matches the words:-
始まりの楽章(movementは楽章だったね)は‘A Rovin'の気取ったようなメロディを用いていて、そこには海水のしょっぱさ(辛み)のようなものがあるね。 でもこれは‘I sowed the seed of love’のより内省的で(‘A Rovin'とは)対照的なメロディによってうまくバランスが取れている。 もちろん最も素晴らしい箇所は‘Racy’だね。
Yes, and also a pretty big chunk of Kurenai, but it sounds kinda odd in this style because the notes of the melody are so high up from the bass notes in some places.
The included keycodes will be valid only during the next 14 days as we are planning to release our finals afterwards. Some of you have oftened asked about that date as we have promised to provide you with WinRAR keys when the beta-testing is done. So we hope there will not be any crucial bugs left. Should there be any problems you see, please feel free to report them to us by answering to this e-mail or by sending a new mail to [email protected]. We have decided to not use a questionaire this time. Just test the software and be aware of anything that doesn't seem to work properly.
It is probably a mistake to assume that whatever little children touch they will destroy, and that we must therefore keep them from touching anything that is not theirs. This deprives them of their curiosity and confidence. More than that, it probably makes them too fiercely possessive of what is their own.
>>951の続き We should try instead, I think, to teach that respecting property does not mean never touching what is not yours, but means treating objects carefully, using them as they are meant to be used, and putting them back where they belong. Children are perfectly able to learn these things; they are less clumsy and destructive than we suppose. And it is only by handing and using objects that children can learn the right way to handle them
The Ainu were the first people in Japan. We could even call them the first Japanese, but this would in fact be discriminatory since it negates their true ethnic identity.
send back ONLY the 1 midrange in a priority mail flat rate envelope and Ill exchange is and pay you back for the mailing, heres my address: Send the item(s) back to us with a copy of the invoice / or a note explaining the reson for the return..
Miracles happen all the time, but they never happen unless there is a need, a longing, a wish and a sincere heart involved in the asking. Your ruler Jupiter within the last week exited Aries and entered Taurus. This forecast week starts off with Jupiter making an exact sextile, an angle of profound ease to heavenly Neptune in Pisces. This transit can come and go with the wind if you allow yourself to feel lazy in its energy but if you utilize this time as it is intended which equals an opportunity to enter a true portal opening into the unknown,into the spirit world, the miraculous can happen.
Voice your need with the purest of intent for the chances of it being heard and answered are greater now than I have seen in forever or so ago. It reflects a time where you can be released of a worry or a burden, a time when you may be forgiven for something you once thought was unforgivable, a time when you can experience the true feeling of unconditional love. Ask humbly, and just see what happens.
Mercury, the planet of communication, and persuasive, sympathetic Venus are due to help you win a loved one over to your point of view this week. A few well-chosen words could be all it takes to overcome their doubts, so do not miss this chance to leave a problem in the past where it belongs.
Because of the forbidden aura around words that have to do with sex and excretion on the one hand and God and religion on the other, we are particularly aware of this part of our vocabulary.
we have a new person living with us. It is the son of my wifes brother. He was a little bith lost his way in life (he is 19), and we desided because his mother and father couldn't take care of him, to let him live with us. It goes very well and we hope we can learn him the necessary things in life.Of course he also provides in our need because we had no children. So it works both ways.
Republic at War needs to install files to your games root directory. Please make sure you do not have any other files or folders from previous mods in this directory as this can cause serious issues with Republic at War. We suggest backing up any files you need and moving them to another location.
海外通販を利用して、決済が完了したと思ったのですが こういったメールが来たのですが、長文ですがどなたか和訳をお願い致します! Thank you very much for your order . Here are the details of your order. Please make sure you go through the payment procedure. We will deliver goods to you within 12 hours . And give you the tracking No# then. A.Pay by Paypal :Paypal Account( haiqingqian5 [email protected] m.cn ) http://www.paypal.com How payment :Directly send the money for goods into our paypal account. Note:Please verify the correct shipping address in your paypal account before making your payment. And when you send the money, please put only order number (Do not put website name and products brand name )for note in the paypal.
B.Pay by Western Union or MoneyGram Our Western Union or MoneyGram Information: First name: QingXian Last name: Qian City:Putian Zip Code:351100 Country:China Note:After you payment please tell me Money Transfer Control Number and sender name. After receiving the customer orders the Company will be in the shortest possible time delivery (usually 12 hours). and we will email u the parcels tracking number in time, it will be arrived at your door in 5-7 days. You can also use credit card or paypal to do transfer with Western Union. You can simply click www.westernunion.com and you can finish the whole process online.
When you ship your package, please put the package value as $30 since if you put more, the Chinese custom will charge heavy taxations. If you are afraid that the package might get lost or damaged, you can insure the package for the original value with your shipping carrier.
Please send your package to us the following address; Address: Unique Melody (UM) ear monitor
my heart was with you & my friend who's wife and smallest child were in Tokyo when the earthquake struck and i was very relieved to find that everyone was shaken,but all in all unaffected from event. Nature is humbling sometimes and i have found in recent months that the human experience is one of a small scale and is to be taken on its merits,but not to be generalized from.I have been spending a lot of time on my hobby of late and have finally finished an album with my friend, i'm not sure how computer savvy you are but i have included the link so you can download
ちょっと質問 ある大学の和訳問題で、文頭に“Often and often" てあるんですけど、どう訳したらいいんですかね? 和訳対象の全文を見た方が分かりやすいですかね。↓
Often and often in later life I have come across peaple doing jobs that I had never dreamed of before , and which would have thrilled me had I been told about them at school.
Nature is humbling sometimes and i have found in recent months that the human experience is one of a small scale and is to be taken on its merits,but not to be generalized from. 自然は時に大地震、大津波のような破壊行為をするけど 人間がやってきた事も小規模の破壊行為で有り その破壊行為はメリットがある場合に限りなされるべきで 普遍化してはいけない。 なのね。