英文を和訳しなさい Many say it is just a nice legend but not a true one. Finally,just as the sun was setting, they reached the old man's village. 日本語と同じになるよう、下の語を並べ替えて正しい英文にしなさい。 彼女は10年前に私があったときと同じように若く見えた She(as,I,her,as,looked,when,young,met)ten years ago. 彼女は彼女の友達が行くのを見て、悲しかった。 She was(her,go,see,sad,friend,to). 確聞の括弧内の動詞を正しい形に直しなさい 1.She(play)the piano now. 2.She(go)to school by bus every day. 3.When he came to see me,I(read) a novel. 4.I(listen) ti the radio about this time yesterday. 二つの分がほぼ同じ意味となるよう括弧に適語を入れなさい。 1.A.L like to listen to good music. B.I am found of () to good music 2.A.I watched television and had a good time. B.I enjoyed () television. 3.A.Will you please lend me your dictionary B.Would you mind () me your dictionary?
18 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/08(月) 17:08:03
>>17 Many say [ it is just a nice legend but not a true one ]. Finally, [ just as the sun was setting ], they reached the old man's village.
彼女は10年前に私があったときと同じように若く見えた She looked as young [ as (she had looked) [ when I had met her ten years ago ] ]. 彼女は彼女の友達が行くのを見て、悲しかった。 She was sad [ to see her friend go ].
1.She is playing the piano now. 2.She goes to school by bus every day. 3.[ When he came [ to see me ] ], I was reading a novel. 4.I was listening to the radio about this time yesterday.
A.I like to listen to good music. B.I am fond of [ listening to good music ]. A.I watched television and had a good time. B.I enjoyed [ watching television ]. A.Will you please lend me your dictionary B.Would you mind [ lending me your dictionary ]?
19 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/08(月) 17:09:10
A.I like to listen to good music. B.I am fond of [ listening to good music ]. A.I watched television and had a good time. B.I enjoyed [ watching television ]. A.Will you please lend me your dictionary B.Would you mind [ lending me your dictionary ]?
20 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/08(月) 17:10:16
21 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/08(月) 17:21:17
22 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/08(月) 17:40:22
"retired"means old and "old" means useless.という文があるのですが、動詞meanは補語を取らず、目的語しか取らないのでoldやuselessは名詞と考えるべきだと思うのですが、 その場合、辞書を見るとoldにはtheを付ける必要があると思うのですが、the無しで使うことができるのでしょうか。
25 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/08(月) 18:05:08
36 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/08(月) 18:27:45
>>30 It seems [ that this phone is broken ]. It seems [ that there's something wrong with this phone ]. This phone seems [ to have something wrong ]. This phone seems [ to be out of order ]. This phone seems [ to be in disorder ]. This phone seems [ to be broken ].
He had his copy of Unfogging the Future open on his lap at the pages devoted to crystal gazing.
atはどのような意味なのでしょうか?…に向かって、…の方を、という意味なのでしょうか?look at…, aim at…, hint at…みたいな。 でも、それだと、look, aim, hintに相当する動詞がないですよね?まさか、hadにかかるとも思えないですし。 atは、…のところで、という意味なのでしょうか?>open at the pages… …のページのところで開いている。
例えば、pull offなんかよく、(協力して)”うまくいく,うまくやる”って いう意味で使ったりするんやけど、この意味がな、offに乗り移ったりすんねん。 hit it off (with) なんかは、仲良くやる、とか、そりがあう、ちゅう意味。 初級者やったらこの文字列みてこの意味になんでなるのか分からんやろ? 前置詞(副詞も含むいみで)単独で、句動詞の意味を表すことは、 よくあるんちゃうかな。 よく、警察ドラマなんか好きなネイティブやったら、bring in とか take inとか いうもんにでくわして、inだけで警察署とか病院とか連想するんちゃうかな。 船乗りなんかやったら、Shipがoffしてるいうたら、進路がずれてる意味に とるのは常識やしな。throw offの意味も考えたらおもろいかもな。 句動詞、前置詞がお互いに影響しあってる感じ。
もちろん別の説明もあるんやと思うけど、わしが長く文学作品とか映画とかと接して きて思うことやねんけどな。だからat単独でも、あんたのいう、 look at…, aim at…, hint at…のニュアンスを含むこともあってもおかしないとおもう。 しょっちゅう出てくるからな。 むしろ、無駄が無くて洗練されてる感じやな。
大阪弁はゴチャゴチャうるさいんだ。 open the book at〜ってことだよ。 つまり動詞openの対象として先ずは大きくthe bookを指定し その詳細をat以下で述べてるんだ。 tap someone on the head (shoulder, front, etc.) とかと同様だよ。
算数の問題やってます。 According to the Department of Transportation, approximately 15.000 U.S. flights were delayed from 1 to 2 hours in 1995. In 2000 that number increased by about 150%. Approximately, how many flights in the U.S. were delayed from 1 to 2 hours in 2000?
120 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/09(火) 06:54:27
>>111 [ According to the Department of Transportation ], approximately 15,000 U.S. flights were delayed from 1 to 2 hours in 1995. In 2000, that number increased by about 150%. Approximately, how many flights in the U.S. were delayed from 1 to 2 hours in 2000? 2000年は1995年の150パーセント増しで22,500増し 22,500を15,000 に足した 37.500
121 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/09(火) 06:57:46
Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/08(月) 21:59:15 彼の尿を飲み彼のウンコを食べるだけで幸せでした。 彼の家の前を通って1分後彼が僕の背中を叩いた時は天に上ったような気持ちでした。 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/08(月) 22:04:38 とっても好きでたまらない男の子のチンポは咥えます。
質問失礼します。以下の文がどうしても理解できなかったので よろしければ、主語はなんなのか、修飾部分はどこにかかるのか 教えていただけたらと思います。 Printed on one of 350-milliliter cans of Sapporo Black Lablel beer she picked up were the words"CO2 295gtams," meaning that consuming that can of beer would be eauivalent to emitting 295grams of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
Printed on one of 350-milliliter cans of Sapporo Black Lablel beer she picked up 主語 were be動詞 the words"CO2 295gtams," meaning that consuming that can of beer would be eauivalent to emitting 295grams of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. 補語 SVC文型。
()内の語を正しい形にして空所に入れなさい。 1.She was ( ) from Austria to marry the king.(bring) 2.They thought washing ( ) bad for the health.(be) 3.They liked pretty ( ) houses.(wood) 4.There was no answer -only ( ).(silent) 5.There was a strange ( ) in his eyes.(sad) 6.Perhaps the walls are part of the ( ) island of Atlantis.(lose)
二つの分がほぼ同じ意味に成るよう空所に適語をいれなさい。 1.A. Mr.Hanks told Mr.DUff that he was a lier. B. Mr.Hanks said to Mr.Duff, "_____ _____ a lier." 2.A. He asked Mr.Watkins if he would play cards for money. B. He said to Mr.Watkins,"________ _______ play cards for money?" カッコの不定詞と同じ用法を含む文を記号で答えなさい 1.The first person (to speak) was Mr.Watkins. a. He has no house to live in. b. I got up early to catch the first train. c. I don't know to speak French. 2.You were too far (to see) anything with out a moon. a. It is difficult to write a letter in English. b. His hobby is to collect stamps. c. He was kind enough to see me off at the station.
1.She was (brought) from Austria to marry the king.(bring) 2.They thought washing (to be) bad for the health.(be) 3.They liked pretty (woodern) houses.(wood) 4.There was no answer -only (silence).(silent) 5.There was a strange (sadness) in his eyes.(sad) 6.Perhaps the walls are part of the (lost) island of Atlantis.(lose)
1.A. Mr.Hanks told Mr.DUff that he was a lier. B. Mr.Hanks said to Mr.Duff, "You are a lier." 2.A. He asked Mr.Watkins if he would play cards for money. B. He said to Mr.Watkins,"Will you play cards for money?"
1.The first person (to speak) was Mr.Watkins→.a a. He has no house to live in. b. I got up early to catch the first train. c. I don't know to speak French. 2.You were too far (to see) anything with out a moon. a. It is difficult to write a letter in English.→c b. His hobby is to collect stamps. c. He was kind enough to see me off at the station.
195 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/09(火) 16:48:05
>>192 1.She was brought from Austria [ to marry the king ]. 2.They thought [ [ washing ] was bad for the health ]. 3.They liked pretty [ wooden ] houses. 4.There was no answer -only silence. 5.There was a strange sadness in his eyes. 6.Perhaps the walls are part of the [ lost ] island of Atlantis.
A. Mr.Hanks told Mr.DUff [ that he was a lier ]. B. Mr.Hanks said to Mr.Duff, "You are a lier." A. He asked Mr.Watkins [ if he would play cards for money ]. B. He said to Mr.Watkins,"Will you play cards for money?"
1.The first person *[ to speak ] was Mr.Watkins. a. He has no house *[ to live in ]. b. I got up early [ to catch the first train ]. c. I don't know [ how to speak French ]. 2.You were too far *[ to see anything without a moon ]. a. It is difficult [ to write a letter in English ]. b. His hobby is [ to collect stamps ]. c. He was kind enough *[ to see me off at the station ].
196 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/09(火) 16:49:59
1.The first person *[ to speak ] was Mr.Watkins. a. He has no house *[ to live in ]. b. I got up early [ to catch the first train ]. c. I don't know [ how to speak French ]. 2.You were too far *[ to see anything without a moon ]. a. It is difficult [ to write a letter in English ]. b. His hobby is [ to collect stamps ]. c. He was kind enough *[ to see me off at the station ].
()内の動詞を適当な時制にしなさい By the time she (get) there, it will be nealy dark.
211 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/09(火) 19:04:52
>>205 AShe asked me G[ what I had been doing ]. AShe asked me G[ what I would like for breakfast ].
212 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/09(火) 19:06:41
>>210 By the time [ she gets there ], it will be nealy dark.
213 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/09(火) 19:10:08
>>181 [ Printed on one of 350-milliliter cans of Sapporo Black Lablel beer [ she picked up ] ] were the words"CO2 295gtams," [ meaning [ that [ [ consuming ] that can of beer would be eauivalent to [ emitting 295grams of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere ] ] ] ].
214 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/09(火) 19:21:27
Stunt persons are professional men and women who can drive fast cars, jump from high places, run into burning buildings, and do many dangerous things that most actors will not or cannot do.
>>247 ありがとうございます What kind of things do stunt persons do? の質問にはdo many dangerous things that most actors will not or cannot do. をどのように変えて答えればいいんでしょうか よろしくお願いします
These reforms were proposed to make the government serve the people and carry out more fully their desire for social progress. 自力約)これらの改革は政府を人々に仕えさせ、そして社会の発展にむける人々の思いを実行させるために遂行された。
質問 [1]makeAB でAにBをさせる--> the governmentにserveさせるの構文でしょうか? [2]fullyがなぜ副詞なのかが分かりません。"more full their desire"で彼らのよりいっそうの欲望という意味かと思いましたが そもそも構文の捉え方が間違っていますでしょうか? [3]全体の訳として間違いがありますでしょうか? 宜しくお願い致します。
@there are waves in it too small for us to see. 小さすぎて我々の目には見えない波がある
AIt is true that the sea may have great waves though there is no wind, but those waves were raised by the wind somewhere else, and they have travelled to reach our eyes. 確かに風がなくても大きな波が立つことはありますが、その波はどこか他のところで風が立てたもので、 それが旅をしてきて我々の眼に触れているのです。
>>299 > These reforms were proposed to make the government serve the people and carry out more fully their desire for social progress. >これらの改革は、政府が国民の役に立ち、そして社会の発展にむける人々の願いを よりしっかりと実現するようにさせるために提案された。
質問 [1]makeAB でAにBをさせる--> the governmentにserveさせるの構文でしょうか? そうだよ > [2]fullyがなぜ副詞なのかが分かりません。"more full their desire"で彼らのよりいっそうの欲望という意味かと思いましたが 十分に実行するということ。十分な願望では意味が通らない。
続けてすみませんがビジュアル英文解釈から Why is the seas never still? Well,there are times when the sea is nearly stii, though no doubt even when it looks like glass there are waves in it too smal fot us to sea. 訳 なぜ海は決して静止していないのでしょうか? そうですね。海がほとんど静止しているときはあります。 ただ、海が鏡のようにみえるときでも、小さすぎて我々の目には見えない波があることはたしかです。
Amal al-Nimr flips a goat on its back in her muddy farmyard in south Lebanon to show the Indian vet how the shrapnel wound in its leg is healing. 和訳お願いします
329 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/10(水) 22:30:10
>>299 These reforms were proposed [ to make [ the government serve the people and *carry out more **fully their desire for social progress ] ]. これらの改革は政府を人々に仕えさせ、 そして社会の発展にむける人々の思いをより充分に実行させるために遂行された。
348 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/11(木) 06:08:50
>>314 Amal al-Nimr flips a goat on its back in her muddy farmyard in south Lebanon [ to show the Indian vet [ how the shrapnel wound in its leg is healing ] ].
349 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/11(木) 06:10:38
和訳お願いします I have Chinese friends who are not sure of their birthday,or who forget their birthday and might remember it a month later if you ask them about it. 何となく内容はわかるのですが、きれいに訳せません。 あと、 In China,the giving of gifts is often used for the fine-tuning of relationships,or as a thank you for something that is not done yet. asは〜として、と訳すのでしょうか。
>>368-371 理解できました。ありがとうございます。 もう一つ聞いてもよいでしょうか。 The point is to celebrate that person,and their unique place in your life. という文で、unique placeは独特の位置、だと不自然ですよね どう表現したら良いですか? 何度もすいません
432 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/12(金) 16:25:14
>>367 I have Chinese friends [ who are not sure of their birthday ],or [ who forget their birthday and might remember it a month later [ if you ask them about it ] ].
He is a minute in answering. 答えるのに1分かかった訳すのですか? なんか、 he was a minute.彼は1分だった。って変ですね。 it took him a minute to answer.とか it was a minute before he answered.といわないのですか?
452 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/12(金) 23:00:48
not those who disturbed me, but who prevents me from telling important things widely, Lord, as I am weak and old and so lonely, so please do things so that I need not worry about doing good things.
一応、文脈、補足します。 Walking very close together so that nobody would see them, they crossed the hall on tiptoe beneath the cloak, then walked down the stone front steps into the grounds. The sun was already sinking behind the Forbidden Forest, gilding the top branches of the trees. They reached Hagrid's cabin and knocked. He was a minute in answering, and when he did, he looked all around for his visitor, pale-faced and trembling. "It's us," Harry hissed. "We're wearing the Invisibility Cloak. Let us in and we can take it off."
455 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/12(金) 23:05:09
Do I need one person that I love deeply? Do I need someone who does love me very deeply? I have many people I really love, but is this kind of love not enough for me? Lord, or God, am I lonely because I do not have one person that I love very deeply?
457 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/12(金) 23:17:11
Eclipse, Edward looks like my son. When I see Edward in Eclipse, I think of my son. Is this actor who plays Edward special? Does he have talents which is very special?
What talents have I been given from God? This is the assignment given to us for the next Friday Hongo Church English Bible studying and answer exchanging for topic questions.
460 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/12(金) 23:23:02
Which character do you like better Jacob or Edward in Eclipse? Jacob is so wild and in that way he is attractive. Edward is nice and beautiful. What else will I say about Edward? What other words are good for him?
513 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/13(土) 00:58:19
11日からソウルで開かれていた20カ国・地域(G20)首脳会合は 12日、首脳宣言を採択して閉幕した。 The national tops [ gathering ] summit conference of global 20 countries [ which has been held in Seol since 11th of this month ] has been closed on 12th [ declaring the summit consents ].
輸出拡大に有利な自国通貨安を各国が進める「通貨安競争」の回避で合意。 They agreed in [ escaping copetition of money devaluation [ which is saught after by countries [ seeking lower exchange rate [ which is favorable for [ enlarging its export ] ] ] ] ].
these may no longer be considered cutting-edge but they have matched, if not surpassed, visions of how we would live. The domestic robot never quite happend, but if you can phone ahead to set the heatng and use a remote control to operate the garage door, they may as well be redundant.
Liquid Crystals from Cholesterol: Preparation of an Ester
Ester can be prepared either by acylation of an alcohol:
or by alkylation of a carboxylate anion:
The most common acylating agents used for the preparation of esters are the carboxylic acids themselves, the acid halides, and the carboxylic acid anhydrides.
In this experiment, the ester is prepared by treating the alcohol with an acid chloride in pyridine solution:
In 1888, an Austrian botanist prepared cholesteryl benzoate and noticed that about 150℃ it “melted” to give a cloudy liquid that became clear only on further heating to above 180℃.
Since this first observation of the phenomenon, which has come to be called the formation of a liquid crystal, many other compounds have been found that show similar behaviour.
Although the liquid crystal phase takes the shape of itscontainer, its molecules are still ordered to a certain extent, and so the liquid still exhibits some of the properties of the crystalline state.
There are several types of liquid crystal phase, they differ in the way the molecules stack together.
In a smectic phase, the molecules form aligned regions as is shown in the diagram. In a nematic phase, the molecules still form aligned regions but there is a smaller degree of ordering as is shown in the diagram.
In cholesteryl benzoate, The molecules are associated in layers. Within the layers the long axes of the molecules are parallel to one another. The layers are stacked upon one another such that, viewed form above, these long axes are in a spiral arrangement. This is the so-called cholesteric phase.
All substances that give the twisted form of liquid crystal are made up of chiral molecules; it is the chirality of the molecules that leads to the large-scale spiral organization.
This spiral organization makes it possible for certain cholesterol derivatives, to selectively scatter light into different colors.
As cholesteryl benzoate enters and leaves the liquid crystal phase, reddish purple colors can be seen if the sample is strongly illuminated from the side. An easy way to see this is described below.
CONDUCT THE REACTION AND THE ISOLATION OF THE CRUDE PRODUCT IN THE FUME HOOD Benzoyl chloride is a lachrymator Pyridine is toxic Methanol is toxic
Place 1.0 g of cholesterol in a 50-cm3 Erlenmeyer flask. To this add 3 cm3 of pyridine and swirl the mixture to dissolve the cholesterol. Then add 0.4 cm3 (0.48 g) of benzoyl chloride (use a graduated pipette) and heat the resulting mixture on the steam bath for about 10 minutes. At the end of the heating period, cool the mixture somewhat by swirling the flask in a beaker of cold water. Then dilute the mixture with 1.5 cm3 of methanol and collect the solid cholesteryl benzoate by suction filtration, using a little cold methanol to rinse the flask and to wash the crystals. Determine the recrystallization solvent for the product (try ethanol, ethyl acetate, and water).
Recrystallize the cholesteryl benzoate. Check the purity of the product by TLC. Record the percentage yield and melting range of the dried ester. Record the IR spectrum the product (using a Nujol mull) and compare it with copies of the IR spectra of the starting materials which are provided (see Appendix 4). Assign all the spectra, pointing out the relevant differences and any other pertinent observations.
The phenomenon of the formation of the liquid crystal phase of cholesteryl benzoate can be easily seen by placing 100-200 milligrams of compound on the end of microscope slide and heating the sample by holding the slide with a pair of tongs above a small burner flame. The solid will turn first to a cloudy liquid and then with further heating to a clear melt. On cooling, the cloudy liquid will first appear, and then it will change to a hard, crystalline solid. With strong lighting from the side, color changes will be seen as the sample changes phases on both heating and cooling. The more cautious the heating, the better you can see the changes. You can repeat the heating and cooling many times with the same sample.
>>451 その英文でのto be=to spend, to use 全てのbe動詞が、○○は〜だ。と言う意味だと覚えると英文理解がややこしくなるので、素直にto be=to spend, to useという意味も あると覚えちゃって下さい 違和感があるなら、用例をぐぐればいくらでも見つかりますので、慣れて下さい
588 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/13(土) 08:25:44
>>543 These may no longer be considered [ cutting ]-edge but they have matched, [ if not surpassed ], visions of [ how we would live ].
The domestic robot never quite happened, but [ if you can phone ahead [ to set [ the heatng ] and use a remote control [ to operate the garage door ] ] ], they may as well be redundant.
592 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/13(土) 08:38:07
>>544 Liquid Crystals from Cholesterol: Preparation of an Ester Introduction Ester can be prepared either by acylation of an alcohol: or by alkylation of a carboxylate anion: The most common [ acylating ] agents [ used for the preparation of esters ] are the carboxylic acids themselves, the acid halides, and the carboxylic acid anhydrides. In this experiment, the ester is prepared by [ treating the alcohol with an acid chloride in pyridine solution ]: In 1888, an Austrian botanist prepared cholesteryl benzoate and noticed [ that about 150℃ it “melted” [ to give a cloudy liquid [ that became clear only on [ further heating to above 180℃ ] ] ] ] ]. Since this first observation of the phenomenon, [ which has come to be called the formation of a liquid crystal ], many other compounds have been found [ that show similar behaviour ]. [ Although the liquid crystal phase takes the shape of it scontainer ], its molecules are still ordered to a certain extent, and so the liquid still exhibits some of the properties of the crystalline state. There are several types of liquid crystal phase, they differ in the way [ the molecules stack together ].
593 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/13(土) 08:39:26
In 1888, an Austrian botanist prepared cholesteryl benzoate and noticed [ that about 150℃ it “melted” [ to give a cloudy liquid [ that became clear only on [ further heating to above 180℃ ] ] ] ] ]. Since this first observation of the phenomenon, [ which has come to be called the formation of a liquid crystal ], many other compounds have been found [ that show similar behaviour ]. [ Although the liquid crystal phase takes the shape of it scontainer ], its molecules are still ordered to a certain extent, and so the liquid still exhibits some of the properties of the crystalline state. There are several types of liquid crystal phase, they differ in the way [ the molecules stack together ].
594 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/13(土) 08:40:17
翻訳のアルバイトさんですか? 翻訳の本職さんじゃないですよね。
595 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/13(土) 08:48:00
>>604 keeping a matter on the down low (in other words the 'hush hush')..ya feel me? person 1: man u gon tell me!? person 2: nah homii dat shit stay on the low low
とちゃう?これなんかの記事でマリファナとかの問題ちゃうん? ゾクゴ辞典にのってるで。
609 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/13(土) 10:46:30
952 名前:Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 [] 投稿日:2010/10/14(木) 15:12:43 >>912 The rubber band encloses a convex polygon, [ the vertices of which are among the original points ], and the other points are inside of this polygon.
The rubber band encloses a convex polygon. The vertices of the polygon are among the original points. The other points are inside of this polygon. その輪ゴムは出っ張った多角形を囲む。 その出っ張った多角形の頂点はその初期点を含む。 その他の点はこの多角形の内側にある。
[ the vertices of which are among the original points ], その出っ張った多角形の頂点はその初期点を含む。
[ the vertices of which are among the original points ], その出っ張った多角形の頂点はその初期点を含む。
481 名前:Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 [] 投稿日:2010/10/18(月) 23:27:14 He got injured.
He was injured.
He became injured? 彼は怪我をした状態になった? 変な言葉〜
↑のレスをしたが即、BBC、CNN、NYTIMESからの用例を貼られてしまう数吉先生 。・゚・(ノД`)・゚・。 # BBC - Humber - BBC Radio Humberside - Rob Ellis 6 Feb 2008... paid for their work, but it wasn't without its dangers and the skipper had to make difficult choices when crewmen became injured. ... www.bbc.co.uk/humber/content/.../056_eptas_robellis_feature.shtml - Cached
他にも、山の英訳がwoodsだとか、for thatの強要だとか、keel over が膝をついてどうたらこうたらとか、本当に惨いです 数吉というコテを知らない人がいたみたいなので、2つほど数吉英語を晒してみました スレ汚し失礼しました
Knowledge is as nothing compared with doing . のcompared with doing の部分は。 副詞節のSVの省略と考えてええんでしょうか? それとも分詞構文と考えるのでしょうか? それとも副詞節のSVの省略ってようは分詞構文だよって考えて良いんでしょうか?
From the 11th, 20 nation and the local (G20) head meeting currently held in Seoul adopted head declaration, and ended on the 12th. It agrees on evasion of "currency depreciation struggling" to which each country advance home currency cutting advantageous to an export expansion. Towards correction of the world economy out of balance, "the reference guideline (indicator)" which aims at reduction of too much black figures and deficit of a current balance etc. shared recognition with necessity, and was in agreement by carrying out embodiment and the first evaluation in the contents by the first half of 2011. Head declaration writes clearly "A competitive cut of currency is avoided." In order to aim at stability of an exchange market, wording the major power of Japan, the U.S. and Europe "supervises of an exchange rate" was incorporated. [ too much change or ] [ disorderly ] Moreover, it presupposed "It shifts to the exchange rate determined more in a market, and pliability is raised", and the shift to the flexible exchange system reflecting a market mechanism was urged bearing in mind China which expands a trade surplus under yuan depreciation.
>>661 > 1私たちは今、英語を習得しようと努力している。 We are now struggling to master English.
> 2彼はレストランを予約した。 He made a reservation for the restaurant. He made a restaurant reservation.
> 3お互いに理解しようとすることは、言語の壁を打ち破るだろう。 Trying to understand each other will break through the language barrier. Efforts to understand 〜 > 4あなたはそのホテルに泊まるつもりですか。 Are you going to stay at the hotel?
Without the aggressive , active side of his nature man would be even less able than he is to direct the course of his life or to influence the world around him .
と言う文の than he is の部分で何となく「今の人間より」と訳していたのですが 何で「今の人間より」と訳したのか考えてたら訳が分からなくなってきてしまいました。
>>678 その英文は人間の性質についての一般論を述べています。 without the aggressive, active side of his nature 攻撃的で積極的な側面がなければ) と仮定しているのですから, それを裏返すと人間は一般的にaggressive (攻撃的)active (積極的)な側面を 持っているとうことです。 ですからhe is というのは「今の人間」というより「現実、実際の人間」と訳すほうが 適切だと思います。
I think that it is used in order to emphasize those verbs, lose or win. By the way,whenever I see that kind of rhetorical phrase, I can't help laughing. Because it seems far different from the truth I've learn from my life.
Have you used the word of "the truth" you have learned "from your life", only for trivial phrases? You seems to have too much exaggerated what you wanted to say. It might be good for you to learn how to use words more appropriately.
" the truth" I used is not different from " scientific truth" or " objective truth". People usually say like that. It might be good for you to learn how words are actually used on a daily basis.
昨日の河合塾の高二模試のリスニングにて、 The last caller wants an airport because more tourists will visit the town's museum and zoo,and this will help their (economy). という問題があり、()内を書くものだったのですが、theirがあるのになぜ単数なのでしょうか?解答・解説を見ても書いてなかったのでよろしければその使い分けも教えて頂きたいです。よろしくお願いします。
Concerning the thoughts of man, I will consider them first singly, and afterwards in train or dependence upon one another. Singly, they are every one a representation or appearance of some quality, or other accident of a body without us, which is commonly called an object. Which object worketh on the eyes, ears, and other parts of man's body, and by diversity of working produceth diversity of appearances.
The original of them all is that which we call sense, (for there is no conception in a man's mind which hath not at first, totally or by parts, been begotten upon the organs of sense). The rest are derived from that original.
To know the natural cause of sense is not very necessary to the business now in hand; and I have elsewhere written of the same at large. Nevertheless, to fill each part of my present method, I will briefly deliver the same in this place.
The cause of sense is the external body, or object, which presseth the organ proper to each sense, either immediately, as in the taste and touch; or mediately, as in seeing, hearing, and smelling: which pressure, by the mediation of nerves and other strings and membranes of the body, continued inwards to the brain and heart, causeth there a resistance, or counter-pressure, or endeavour of the heart to deliver itself: which endeavour, because outward, seemeth to be some matter without. And this seeming, or fancy, is that which men call sense; and consisteth, as to the eye, in a light, or colour figured; to the ear, in a sound; to the nostril, in an odour; to the tongue and palate, in a savour; and to the rest of the body, in heat, cold, hardness, softness, and such other qualities as we discern by feeling. All which qualities called sensible are in the object that causeth them but so many several motions of the matter, by which it presseth our organs diversely. Neither in us that are pressed are they anything else but diverse motions (for motion produceth nothing but motion).
But their appearance to us is fancy, the same waking that dreaming. And as pressing, rubbing, or striking the eye makes us fancy a light, and pressing the ear produceth a din; so do the bodies also we see, or hear, produce the same by their strong, though unobserved action. For if those colours and sounds were in the bodies or objects that cause them, they could not be severed from them, as by glasses and in echoes by reflection we see they are: where we know the thing we see is in one place; the appearance, in another. And though at some certain distance the real and very object seem invested with the fancy it begets in us; yet still the object is one thing, the image or fancy is another. So that sense in all cases is nothing else but original fancy caused (as I have said) by the pressure that is, by the motion of external things upon our eyes, ears, and other organs, thereunto ordained.
But the philosophy schools, through all the universities of Christendom, grounded upon certain texts of Aristotle, teach another doctrine; and say, for the cause of vision, that the thing seen sendeth forth on every side a visible species, (in English) a visible show, apparition, or aspect, or a being seen; the receiving whereof into the eye is seeing. And for the cause of hearing, that the thing heard sendeth forth an audible species, that is, an audible aspect, or audible being seen; which, entering at the ear, maketh hearing. Nay, for the cause of understanding also, they say the thing understood sendeth forth an intelligible species, that is, an intelligible being seen; which, coming into the understanding, makes us understand. I say not this, as disapproving the use of universities: but because I am to speak hereafter of their office in a Commonwealth, I must let you see on all occasions by the way what things would be amended in them; amongst which the frequency of insignificant speech is one.
1 [ countable ] ECONOMICS the system by which a country's money and goods are produced and used, or a country considered in this way : ・a capitalist economy ・Low interest rates will help boost the economy . the global/world/international economy ・a slowdown in the world economy
the few children grew up almost mute と言う文があるのですが grew up to be mute と言う形ではと思ったのですが grew up mute と言うような形にもなるんでしょうか? それともgrew up to be muteとgrew up muteでは意味が変わってくるのでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。
I Survived a Japanese Game Show sends American contestants to Japan and put them through a series of sixteen games designed to cause them great embarrassment
I Survived a Japanese Game Showは番組名か何かだと思うのですが、どう訳せばいいのか分かりません どなたかよろしくお願いします
その文どこから持ってきたの?こんなのあるよ。 As main point of entry of the house, the door is particularly important and the positioning over the porch of statues and good luck symbols (e.g. horseshoe, with points upwards to stop the luck from running out) keep out bad elements, spiritual or human. It is unlucky to enter the house for the first time by the back door, as
>>719 As main point of entry of the house, the door is particularly important and the positioning over the porch of statues and good luck symbols (e.g. horseshoe, with points upwards to stop the luck from running out) has been to keep out bad elements, spiritual or human. 「家への入り口としてドアは特に重要であり、 彫像や幸運のシンボル(例えば、幸運が抜け出るのを防ぐように つま先を上に向けた蹄鉄のような)をポーチの上置いていることは 悪い要素ー霊的なものであれ人間的なものであれーを (家の外に)締め出すことを目的としていた。」
“強調”という語は世間で多義的に用いられてるけど “焦点化”という意味でなら、むしろover the porchを後置した方が より強調されるよ(つまり複数の選択肢からの選択を示す)。 over the porchよりもstatuesやgood-luck symbolsを強調したからかったこそ over the porchを前置した、とみるのが普通の感覚だよ。 でもどっちでも通じると思うけどね。
everybody/everything/everywhereのいずれかを入れる問題で This is a nice hotel.It's comfortable and ●●● is very clean. という問題がありました。 自分は”このホテルは良いホテルだ。快適であらゆる物が清潔だった” という解釈をしてeverythingを選びました。けれど正解はeverywhereでした。 everythingだとおかしいのでしょうか?
You don't mean to say you talked to him about her? まさか、彼女のことを、彼に話したって君は言うんじゃないだろうね?
'Certainly I did. He knows all about the relentless colonel, the lovely Laura, and the 」10,000.' 'You told that old beggar all my private affairs?' cried Hughie, looking very red and angry.
(Tom and I)work at a supermarket. I invited (john and his sister) to come to the party. These are my shoes.These are (her shoes). Do you usually have an umbrella with you? Yes,I usually have (an umbrella).
代名詞に変えてほしいです。 1=We,2=they,3=hers??
856 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/17(水) 11:57:38
>>848 EAn instinctive behavior is inherited (by the creature). 本能的な行動は遺伝的に受け継がれていく。
857 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/17(水) 12:08:13
>>851 CYou don't mean H[ to say G[ you talked to him about her ] ]? 彼女のことを彼に話したと言うんじゃないでしょうね? C動きの動詞の否定文はdo/doesと言う助動詞を使って、do not +動詞の原形、の形にして言う。 You sayを簡単にして不定詞にして、to sayにして言う。G従属的主語述語を、接続詞+主語+述語、 の形で言うが、接続詞のthatを省略している。 「英語の10公式」をアマゾンで買って10公式のCHGを良く読んでレビューを書いてください。
860 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/17(水) 12:16:43
>>855 We (=Tom and I) work at a supermarket. 自分を含んだ複数はwe。 I invited *them (=john and his sister) [ to come to the party ]. @A主語でないときはthem。 These are my shoes. These are hers (=her shoes). 彼女の物=hers Do you usually have an umbrella with you? Yes, I usually have one (=an umbrella). 1本の傘で、どの一本でも良い時は、one。
861 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/17(水) 12:18:03
>>851 CYou don't mean H[ to say G[ you talked to him about her ] ]?
C動きの動詞の否定文はdo/doesと言う助動詞を使って、do not +動詞の原形、の形にして言う。 HYou sayを簡単にして不定詞にして、to sayにして言う。G従属的主語述語を、接続詞+主語+述語、 の形で言うが、接続詞のthatを省略している。 「英語の10公式」をアマゾンで買って10公式のCHGを良く読んでレビューを書いてください。
Mrs.White wanted a new hat.She saw (1) in the window of a small shop and liked (2). She went into the shop and said to the girl, "I'm looking for a hat. Please bring me that (3) out of your window." Mrs.White put (4) on.Then she looked around the shop for a mirror. There wasn't (5).She said to the girl,"Haven't you got a mirror in your shop?" "No,we haven't,"the girl said."We had (6),but we put (7) away, because ladies saw our hats on their heads,and then they never bought (8).
「私は歴史を学ぶ大切さと楽しさを教えてくれたことに対して、先生にとても感謝しています。」 上の文章を英訳する問題です。自分なりに考えたみたのですが I am very grateful her for making us learn importance and joy for the history. これであっているでしょうか?
条件としてこれらがあります。 I am very grateful her for 〜 という形を使う 「〜に気づかせる」は make+O+動詞の原型 「大切さと楽しさ」はinportance and joy
899 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/17(水) 21:11:46
>>896 ABob faced lots of difficulties H[ to set up his buisness ], but Ahe never considered I[ giving up ].
APaul spent ten years I[ completing this project ].
EThe taxi driver was killed after I[ colliding with the truck ].
901 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/17(水) 21:22:19
Today, I went to Tokyo University to listen to Prffessor Arthur Waldron's third night and the last lecture for three nights of which I attended the second and the third. He told me a lot of facts of Chinese politics of which I notice I knew only a little parts and fragmentally generally. I noticed that Chinese government is really monopoly by the Communist Party. I thought the party members have strong belief in wrong commumism. I learned that the prty leader have priviledges of having wealth which should belong to the people to themselves. I thought money and wrong ideas of communism are the majior wrongs of thoday's Chinese politics. Communism started with eraky Christian curch where people ther get together and put forward wealth to share among themselves. But it didn't work. Why? We have to think. Likewise, we have to think why past communism didn't work out well.
903 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/17(水) 21:26:26
Today, I went to Tokyo University [ to listen to Prffessor Arthur Waldron's third night and the last lecture for three nights [ of which I attended the second and the third ] ] ]. He told me a lot of facts of Chinese politics [ of which I notice [ I knew only a little parts and fragmentally generally ]. I noticed [ that Chinese government is really monopoly by the Communist Party ]. I thought [ the party members have strong belief in wrong commumism ]. I learned [ that the prty leader have priviledges of [ having wealth [ which should belong to the people ] to themselves ]. I thought [ money and wrong ideas of communism are the majior wrongs of thoday's Chinese politics ]. Communism started with early Christian church [ where the people get together and put forward wealth [ to share among themselves ] ]. But it didn't work. Why? We have to think. Likewise, we have to think [ why past communism didn't work out well ].
905 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/17(水) 21:35:01
I can write English sentences as I feel and put it in a series of words in one sentence. But bracketing the structure as above with formulas of 8, 9 and 10 makes it very clear that the sentences that I write is absolutely correct although there may be misspellings which is a very trivial thing compared with whether the main thing has been told and gotten to the listener or reader. However, stubborn believers of conventional grammar stubbornly obeject and prevent the more efficient rules to prevail throughout widely.
906 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/17(水) 21:41:04
I can write English sentences [ as I feel ] and put it in a series of words in one sentence. But [ bracketing the structure as above with formulas of 8, 9 and 10 ] makes [ it very clear [ that the sentences [ that I write ] is absolutely correct [ although there may be misspellings [ which is a very trivial thing [ compared with [ whether the main thing has been told and gotten to the listener or reader ]. However, stubborn believers of conventional grammar stubbornly obeject and prevent [ the more efficient rules to prevail throughout widely ].
And they call it masturbation [ as 904 says with the word of onany ]. I will fight with them persistently and stuubornly for the sake of Jesus, for he is truth and it's definitely him that I got all this from.
907 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/17(水) 21:45:23
I will fight with them persistently and stubornly for the sake of Jesus, for he is truth and it's definitely him [ that I got all this from ].
I 'll fight with that Satanic view writer without fail and defeat the satan with no arms but with pen! For in me is undeniably Jesus my savior, and the righteous and a true friend of mine!
909 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/17(水) 21:48:17
Proffesor Arthur Waldron was very worth trusting because he has talked with a lot of Chinese and because he knows a lot of facts. And I was given courage from him for fighting against anyone or anything that go against truth-seeking.
By the way, which is the truce to the question of 908?
911 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/17(水) 21:52:31
Proffesor Arthur Waldron was very worth [ trusting ] [ because he has talked with a lot of Chinese ] and [ because he knows a lot of facts ]. And I was given courage from him for [ fighting against anyone or anything [ that goes against *truth *[ based on lots of facts ] ] ].
Thanks to 10 formula [ 8,9,10 bracketing ], I could get to better words above with * marks.
913 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/17(水) 21:56:05
Sex preferance is too trivial [ compared with the thing [ I am doing now ] ]. I can help or rather rescue all the English [ learning ] students from fruit-[ unbearing ] toils.
915 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/17(水) 22:04:29
Maybe the greatest thing for today is that I got aquainted with Proffesor Waldron through asking questions at the end of the lecturing and also talking with him after the lecture, and I could hand in my book to him that I am seeking truth about human language. He in turn handed me his card of self-introduction withe-mail adress on it so that I could write to him.
916 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/17(水) 22:06:25
Maybe the greatest thing for today is [ that I got aquainted with Proffesor Waldron through [ asking questions at the end of [ the lecturing ] ] and [ also talking with him after the lecture ], and I could hand in my book to him [ saying [ that I am seeking truth about human language ]. He in turn handed me his card of self-introduction with e-mail adress on it [ so that I could write to him ].
917 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/17(水) 22:07:21
I shall be friendlier with Arthur all the more from now.
選択肢の中から選ぶ問題です。よろしくお願いします。 1 The essay Jeremy wrote is indeed childish in style, but its content is worth ( ). (a)look at (b)of looking at (c)of reading (d)reading
2 The mayor was arrested yesterday on a change of ( ) a bribe. (a)take (b)taking (c)tame (d)to tame
920 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/17(水) 22:12:47
I am a true Christian for which I shall even declare. So far, I have felt like tormented Job. But now I even feel like David who was tormented by the preceeding king a lot. But David won. and Job won. I can say that I can win and will win with all my efforts and belief in God, Jesus and Holy Spirit. I shall never get defeat and will persist my struggle of truth and peace.
921 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/17(水) 22:15:29
Arthur Waldron is the Lauder Professor of International Relations in the Department of History at the University of Pennsylvania. His specialties are the history of China and Eurasia, and the history of war and violence. At Penn he is an associate of ISTAR—the Institute for Strategic Threat Assessment and Response—and has been associated with the Solomon Asch Institute for the Study of Ethnopolitical Conflict.
922 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/17(水) 22:16:27
923 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/17(水) 22:18:31
Professor Waldron received his Bachelor's Degree in History and Science from Harvard summa cum laude in 1971 and his Ph.D, also from Harvard, in 1981. He lived in Asia for four years, studying Chinese and Japanese. Earlier in his career he spent a year in England, a semester in France, and a semester at (then) Leningrad State University, from which he received a certificate in Russian language. He has also taught as visiting professor at the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium and been a visiting fellow at the Institute for Southeast Asian Studies in Singapore.
924 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/17(水) 22:20:13
He has written three books in English, edited four more books, including two in Chinese, and provided introductions to four others, including one in Chinese. His works have been translated into Chinese, Italian, Korean and Japanese. He has also authored numerous chapters in books, and scholarly articles, one of which was featured on the cover of the American Historical Review. With Professor Stuart Schram of Harvard he is co-editor of the Chinese Civil War volumes of Mao's Road to Power and with Dr. David Parrott of Oxford, he is co-editor of Volume IV of the forthcoming Cambridge History of War. He is currently working on The Chinese volume for the Blackwell's (Oxford) series, Peoples of the World.
925 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/17(水) 22:22:06
Professor Waldron has served as selector for the MacArthur Foundation, the American Philosophical Society, the Social Science Research Council, the Bradley Foundation, the Earhart Foundation, and the Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation, among others. He serves on the boards of the Jamestown Foundation and of Freedom House, and is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. He is a member of the Editorial Board of War in History and formerly of The International History Review. Professor Waldron is a founder and vice president of the International Assessment and Stategy Center, an independent, non-partisan 501(c)3 nonprofit research organization in Washington, DC, devoted to work on foreign policy.
926 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/17(水) 22:23:43
He has received major grants from the Henry Luce Foundation to support academic meetings in China, of which he has organized six. He has also received grants from the American Council of Learned Societies, the Princeton University Ming History Project, Stanford University, the University of Leiden, the Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation, the Australian China Council, The Center for Research on Rural and Industrial Development (India) and others. He has lectured in China, Japan, Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, India, Germany, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Scotland and England, among other countries, and served as external examiner at the University of Cambridge. He is a regular visitor to China and India in particular, and has traveled in all to more than fifty countries.
930 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/17(水) 23:11:57
>>927 [ As Washington is not a part of any US state ], it has its own district instead. At one end of the Mall is the Lincoln Memorial and at the other end is the Washington Monument , with the US Capital Building in the background.
>>928 It was Hitomi Kinue, [ who was the silver medal winner in the 800-meter race in 9th Olympic Games [ held in Amsterdam ] ].
A: Who was the silver medal winner in the 800-meter race in the 9th Olympic Games? B: It was Hitomi Kinue.
931 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/17(水) 23:15:57
934 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/17(水) 23:19:56
Mrs. White wanted a new hat. She saw *one in the window of a small shop and liked *it. She went into the shop and said to the girl, "I'm looking for a hat. Please bring me that *one out of your window." Mrs.White put *it on. Then she looked around the shop for a mirror. There wasn't *one. She said to the girl, "Haven't you got a mirror in your shop?" "No, we haven't,"the girl said." We had *one, but we put *it away, [ because ladies saw our hats on their heads, and then they never bought *ones.
935 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/17(水) 23:21:24
(1) I cannot think about the meaning of teaching without remembering a teacher who taught me in elementary school.Thanks to him,we were able to understand that it is important to seriously do everything. Since then,I have made decisions about my life,reling on what he taught me. Now i think that what he taught me affect my thinking because much of his respectable and honest personality.We had better recognize that not only what teachers teach but also personality of them is important in education.
(2) The other day,I traveled for a long time in many years and I really recognized that I could see the surprising number of stars in the country at night. This is because there are no air pollution so air is clear from a scientific viewpoint,but it is often said that scenery refflect the mind of person who see it.At thet time,I was so busy doing chores,but I managed to take a short rest and go on the trip to escape from the busy life,so perhaps,I may have unusually had as pure mind as inocent children have.
() of the waiters came to our table.(誰も〜しなかった) (It)rained hard for two days. I want you to enjoy () at the party. () was nice and warm there. () are already here, and () will come later.(〜の者もいれば〜の者もいる) お願いします、また2番目はあっていますか?
選択肢の中から選ぶ問題です。よろしくお願いします。 1 The essay Jeremy wrote is indeed childish in style, but its content is worth ( ). (a)look at (b)of looking at (c)of reading (d)reading
2 The mayor was arrested yesterday on a change of ( ) a bribe. (a)take (b)taking (c)tame (d)to tame
966 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/18(木) 03:54:36
>>941 (1)I cannot think about [ the meaning ] of [ teaching without [ remembering a teacher [ who taught me in elementary school ] ]. Thanks to him, we were able [ to understand [ that it is important [ to seriously do everything ] ]. Since then,I have made decisions about my life, [ relying on [ what he taught me ]. Now I think [ that [ what he taught me ] affects [ my thinking ] because of much of his respectable and honest personality. We had better recognize [ that not only [ what teachers teach ] but also personality of them is important in education.
(2)The other day, I traveled for a long time in many years and I really recognized [ that I could see a [ surprising ] number of stars in the country at night ]. This is [ that [ because there is no air pollution ] the air is clear from a scientific viewpoint ], but it is often said [ that scenery reflect the mind of person [ who see it ] ]. At that time, I was so busy [ doing chores ], but I managed [ to take a short rest and go on the trip [ to escape from the busy life ] ], so perhaps, I may have to the level of unusuallity mind as pure [ as innocent children does ].
967 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/18(木) 03:55:25
(2)The other day, I traveled for a long time in many years and I really recognized [ that I could see a [ surprising ] number of stars in the country at night ]. This is [ that [ because there is no air pollution ] the air is clear from a scientific viewpoint ], but it is often said [ that scenery reflect the mind of person [ who see it ] ]. At that time, I was so busy [ doing chores ], but I managed [ to take a short rest and go on the trip [ to escape from the busy life ] ], so perhaps, I may have to the level of unusuallity mind as pure [ as innocent children does ].
968 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/18(木) 04:03:26
>>918 BThe essay G[ (which) Jeremy wrote ] is indeed childish in style, but Bits content is worth I*[ reading ].
EThe mayor was arrested yesterday on a charge of I*[ taking a bribe ].
Bは状態、Eは受け身、Gは、従属節、Iは分詞、動名詞 で10公式の3,6,10 です。
969 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/18(木) 05:04:46
>>942 > (None) of the waiters came to our table.(誰も〜しなかった) > (It)rained hard for two days. > I want you to enjoy (yourself) at the party. > (It) was nice and warm there. > (Some) are already here, and (others) will come later.(〜の者もいれば〜の者もいる)
間違ってたら指摘お願いします (whose) book is this?It's Tom's. I don't know (who) school she goes to. Do you know (who) broke the vase? (Whose) of the teams won the game?
また、この問題でotherは入りませんか? この答えになる理由も出来たら 教えていただきたいです。 Mrs. White wanted a new hat. She saw *one in the window of a small shop and liked *it. She went into the shop and said to the girl, "I'm looking for a hat. Please bring me that *one out of your window." Mrs.White put *it on. Then she looked around the shop for a mirror. There wasn't *one. She said to the girl, "Haven't you got a mirror in your shop?" "No, we haven't,"the girl said." We had *one, but we put *it away, because ladies saw our hats on their heads, and then they never bought *ones.
>>979 > (Whose) book is this?It's Tom's. > I don't know (what) school she goes to. > Do you know (who) broke the vase? > (Which) of the teams won the game?
>>980 > @先生は私に2度と学校に遅刻しないように言った > > My teacher told me (to /late /be /not)for school again. not to be late > Aこれが今日あなたが着るべき服だ > > these are (you /the clothes /wear /for /to )today. the clothes for you to wear
991 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/18(木) 12:20:37
>>942 None [ of the waiters ] came to our table. It rained hard [ for two days ]. I want [ you to enjoy yourself at the party ]. It was nice and warm there. Some are already here, and others will come later.
992 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/18(木) 12:31:32
>>945 孤独な少女、洋子は、中学生の時、 彼女の祖父に彼女の両親を殺されたことによって 彼に裏切られたというトラウマがある。 A lonely girl Yoko has a trauma from [ her parents being killed by her grandfather [ when she was a junior high student ] ]. She was betrayed by him.
そうだ、片岡先生、先生の口癖のOh, my god! これは何公式になるんですか? 文構造がさっぱり分かりません。 何が主語で何が述語なんでしょうか?
995 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/18(木) 12:38:10
>>979 Whose) book is this? It's Tom's. I don't know [ which school she goes to ]. Do you know [ who broke the vase ]? Which [ of the teams ] won the game?
Mrs. White wanted a new hat. She saw *one in the window of a small shop and liked *it. 沢山の中のある1つの帽子、その帽子、 She went into the shop and said to the girl, "I'm looking for a hat. Please bring me that *one out of your window." 沢山の中のあの1つの帽子 Mrs.White put *it on. その帽子 Then she looked around the shop for a mirror. There wasn't *one. 幾つかあると思っていた内の1つの鏡もなかった。 She said to the girl, "Haven't you got a mirror in your shop?" "No, we haven't,"the girl said." We had *one, but we put *it away, ある1つの鏡 because ladies saw our hats on their heads, and then they never bought *ones. 沢山ある内の1つ1つ
996 :Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/11/18(木) 12:39:31
Mrs. White wanted a new hat. She saw *one in the window of a small shop and liked *it. 沢山の中のある1つの帽子、その帽子、 She went into the shop and said to the girl, "I'm looking for a hat. Please bring me that *one out of your window." 沢山の中のあの1つの帽子 Mrs.White put *it on. その帽子 Then she looked around the shop for a mirror. There wasn't *one. 幾つかあると思っていた内の1つの鏡もなかった。 She said to the girl, "Haven't you got a mirror in your shop?" "No, we haven't,"the girl said." We had *one, but we put *it away, ある1つの鏡 because ladies saw our hats on their heads, and then they never bought *ones. 沢山ある内の1つ1つ