There's no doubt that some of this reconfirmation panic is nothing but political opportunism. When we opposed Mr. Bernanke's reconfirmation on December 3, the facile consensus was that the Fed chief was a master of the universe who had saved the world from depression. But after Scott Brown's victory in Massachusetts last week, Senate Democrats are suddenly looking for a financial political sacrifice. President Obama doesn't look ready to throw over Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, so Mr. Bernanke is the designated spear catcher.
But what principle can Wagner draw upon to prove that his natural repugnance is moral and legitimate? The liberals invoked the universal brotherhood and equality of all men to justify denouncing hatred of the Jews as unjust and irrational.
Wagner as a revolutionary is also devoted to the brotherhood and equality of mankind, but unlike the liberals he views humanity through the same lens of 'race' as did Herder and Fichte. Wagner's concept of revolution is, in fact, based here quite openly on his idea of the Volk: the revolution and the race are not only compatible with one another, but in fact inseparable.
自分なりの解釈は以下です。 ワーグナー(次のasの使い方がわかりません。)、革命に同朋と同等の人類はさらに専念し、 しかしHerderとFichteが違った、豊富な人文学を通した見方を同じレンズ?で競争した? 次の文のon his idea of the Volk:がわかりません。 ワーグナーの革命のコンセプトは…革命と競争はほかのものと共存できず、 しかし現実では分ける事ができない?
We regret to advise you that we do not have the Alfred Sargent Shoe Trees you are searching for. Very sorry to disappoint you. We were disappointing customers so we took them off our Web Site. If in the future, we can be assured of regular supply we will again retail the item Trust we may be of better assistance to you in the future.
>>33 申し訳ありませんが私どもには貴方がお探しの the Alfred Sargent Shoe Trees はありません。ご期待に添えなくて申し訳ありません。お客様方を落胆させたので その商品をサイトから外しました。この先、供給が確保できた時に販売を再開致します。 今後ともお役に立つよう努力いたしますので何卒宜しくお願い申し上げます。
Orson block me a long time a go when i was a dick that y i am starting up my channel again with a life? this time =Orson blocked me a long time ago when I was a dick. That's why I am starting up my channel again with a life this time. という感じでしょう。
ちょっとだけ長文ですが適切なスレが見つからないのでお願いします。 解説もつけていただければ助かります Alma mater, alma mater! Thy rich treasures we've recieved; As thy grateful sons and daughters, we would serve thine every need. ICU, oh how we love thee! We are proud to bear thy name, hold thy honor high forever; make us worthy of thy fame.
As we shall see, Wagner conceives culture as an emanation or reflection of the 'essence' of a people and regards it as almost impossible for a Jew tomigrate genuinely from Jewishness to Germanness. Certainly, Wagner rejects baptism as a certificate that a Jew has lost hisJewishness. Indeed, the peculiarity of a Jew's Jewishness is only intensified by conversion to Christianity, especially where the Jew is a money-Jew or anartist-Jew.
1)NTT Corp. said Tuesday it logged a group net profit of \315.24 billion in the first half of fiscal 2010, up 11.7 percent from a year earlier, due in part to more customers for its Internet services.
2)TOKYO (Kyodo) -- Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp. reported Tuesday a group net profit of 315.24 billion yen for the first half of fiscal 2010, up 11.7 percent from a year earlier, due partly to more customers for its Internet services and cost reductions at group companies such as NTT Docomo Inc.
訳もお願いしたいんですが、この2つの記事(1つ目はjapan times 2つ目はmainichi) )の違う点と共通点、また特殊な語句などがあれば教えてください。
コレお願いします。 These sign of interest include standing or sitting with both feet flat on the ground, mirroring or using the same gestures as the other person, and turning one’s body to fully face the other person.
特に「with both feet flat on the ground」のところの意味が分からないです。
It directly contributes to keeping inflation under control by tying the inflation rate for internationally traded goods to that found in the anchor country. お願いします。
Because exchangerate pegging fixes the exchange rate, it eliminates an important signal that can help limit the time-inconsistency problem by constraining monetary policy from becoming too expansionary. よろしくお願いします。
専門用語多いですが、翻訳お願いします。 In a smectic phase, the molecules form aligned regions as is shown in the diagram. In a nematic phase, the molecules still form aligned regions but there is a smaller degree of ordering as is shown in the diagram. In cholesteryl benzoate, the molecules are associated in layers. Within the layers the long axes of the molecules are parallel to one another. The layers are stacked upon one another such that, viewed form above, these long axes are in a spiral arrangement.
Ester can be prepared either by acylation of an alcohol:or by alkylation of a carboxylate anion: The most common acylating agents used for the preparation of esters are the carboxylic acids themselves, the acid halides, and the carboxylic acid anhydrides. In this experiment, the ester is prepared by treating the alcohol with an acid chloride in pyridine solution: In 1888, an Austrian botanist prepared cholesteryl benzoate and noticed that about 150℃ it “melted” to give a cloudy liquid that became clear only on further heating to above 180℃. Since this first observation of the phenomenon, which has come to be called the formation of a liquid crystal, many other compounds have been found that show similar behaviour.
Hello there Playstation Network user I'm Kevin Butler from the Sony Entertainment Company I would like to stop this spaming rumor about Playstation Network users have to pay for playing online, please help me stop the rumor spaming if you send this to 35 people you will be granted $37 on playstation store just check your wallet money on playstation store. This message is tracked by me Kevin and Sony Entertainment Company 翻訳お願いします
# In Stock. Ships from WI, United States. Domestic shipping rates and return policy. # Moderate use, in good condition with all cords and equipment. Ships ASAP. In original box. Thank you.
私:(喪失した商品の分も私が払うので)貴方の使った費用を教えて下さい。 相手:金額は*$*です。 私:それでは*$*を貴方に支払えばいいのですね? 相手:yes that is correct altho please wait a few days before paying anything as I am hoping I can get at least some of the cost of the **喪失した商品*** reduced for you,
A third, and probably the most severe, problem is that an exchange-rate peg leaves countries open to speculative attacks on their currencies, and if these attacks are successful, the collapse of the domestic currency is usually much larger, more rapid, and more unanticipated than when a depreciation occurs under a floating exchange-rate regime. お願いします。
To illustrate this we can make a rough estimate that a typical winter storm over the Atlantic releases about 100000 tines as much energy as did the first atomic bomb.
I am very sorry but it seems our Call for Entries didn't explain the entry fee process well enough. Our entry fee is actually $35.00 for each piece being judged.If you could let me know which piece you would like to be judged, I can process it for the judging. If you'd like to chose more than one piece you can do so but you'd have to send an entry fee for each of them. I apologize for the misunderstanding and if you'd prefer not to enter at all, just let me know and I can refund your $35.00
その通り、倒置。 The first atomic bomb released(=did )that much energy( as much enegy). の as much energy as を前にだして文をつなげるたために倒置となった。 一般に、副詞や、形容詞など補語などを前に出すと、主語と動詞の倒置が起きる。
The mist enshrouded valley that hides the Temple has been known throughout time as the Gods' Hopyard, supposedly because of a great portal that was opened one night by a demented archmage.
Seat tube is measured c/c. 56cm is equal to a medium. I'm sorry we don't measure standovers. For a medium the right rider height is 5'8". Over 6" you will need a large. You can ride either a medium or large comfortably. Medium would be better for you.
I wonder xbox360 is worst popularity but there are most numbers xbox360 believer in geha......why? I guees there is on account of geha is most notoriety in 2ch
We have just whitelisted your account in our payment service's back office, could you please try to purchase the game again and inform us of any problems?
Should the payment still not go through, please allow up to 24h from the moment your original purchase was made for the whitelisting to become effective.
Thank you for telling me in. I knew a long time ago.You're welcome, and I can not sleep at any time and return you in.. You have to stay original, I have the eye membrane fellow women together for everyone in. Thank you.If you have problems you can call me in. I.
うーむ。 めちゃくちゃ想像だけど、 教えてくれてありがと。ずっと前にしってたよ。 あんまり眠れないからいつでも来ていいから(return you inで let you inといいたかったと勝手に想像)。 あなたはそのままでいなきゃだめだよ。(この後の分はさっぱりわからん。 なにか網膜についての話?) ありがとう。もし何かあったら連絡して。
In this case, things are less ambiguous in the public, so China will either step up or be discredited by virtually every nation in the region as irresponsible and unworthy of being a regional leader.
The weather has now turned cold here so think we are going to have to "close down" for the winter with regards to getting anything in but do let us know if you get anything exciting in.
Otherwise, we will be back in contact in the spring.
Hope you have a good winter and xmas (assuming you celebrate it),
The weather has now turned cold here so think we are going to have to "close down" for the winter with regards to getting anything in but do let us know if you get anything exciting in.
Otherwise, we will be back in contact in the spring.
Hope you have a good winter and xmas (assuming you celebrate it) 何方か(;;)
The road for Netflix has gotten very crowded and the competition is coming from the largest – and this time the most innovative – brands in the industry. … It will be interesting to see how he meets the coming challenge.”
お願いします。 For example,the common procedure of counting how many of our participants mention a certain topic and then comparing the results saying that Topic X is more important than Topic Y because more respondents mentioned it is usually erroneous because a qualitative sample is not meant to be representative and therefore subproportions of it do not reflect any real tendencies.
The third in a series of joint large scale drills since the sinking of the South's Cheonan warship in March, the U.S. military said the exercise was defensive in nature and demonstrated U.S. commitment to regional security.
Tokyo said it too would stage a joint drill with the United States off Japan from Friday.
The Japan-based carrier was already under way and bound for the bilateral 'Keen Sword' exercise with the Japan Self-Defence Force (JSDF), according to the navy. While at sea, the ship was tasked to join RoKN forces for the as-yet unnamed exercise. お願いします。
It is reported that if North Korea fired ballistic missiles in the future sign, the Japanese Ministry of Defense missile defense will enter the state, by the Maritime Self Defense Force's Aegis ships, etc. alert. US-ROK joint military exercise will last until December 1. Kyodo News agency reported that on December 3 -10, Japan Self-Defense Force will work with U.S. forces in Japan and surrounding waters of the airspace around the joint exercises. Including the U.S., "George • Washington", including nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, Japanese and U.S. sides of about 4.4 million people, 60 ships and 400 aircraft will take part in joint exercises. Self-Defense Forces cadres, said: "Japan-US tensions before the end of the exercise will continue."
諸先輩方に質問です。 レポートの文章構成について、先生よりアドバイスのメールが届きました。 あるアンケート結果についての文章なのですが、結果については小見出しを つけて書くことを提案します。といった内容に引き続き、 These results could also be put in Table format.と書いてありました。 これは、アンケート結果を小見出しで分けて文章で書いた上に、Table形式でも書いてね といった意味なのか、小見出しで分けて書くこともできるし、Table形式で書いてもいいね といった意味なのか、どちらでしょうか? 御教授よろしくお願いします。
Radio requires from the listeners powers of concentration and an ability to disregard distraction which I at least do not possess except when I am hard at work. Moreover, the radio set, as contrasted with the television set, is a stern companion, which isolates the listener.
David Brown has braved the weather to swim and buy some more xmas presents, visit his friend Ricky in hospital,now its off to Kelly Annes for lunch, a nap really looks on the cards today.
David Brown has braved the weather to swim and buy some more xmas presents, visit his friend Ricky in hospital, now its off to Kelly Annes for lunch, a nap really looks on the cards today.
David Brown has braved the weather to swim デービッド・ブラウンはどしゃ降りだったけど泳いで行って buy some more xmas presents, クリスマスプレゼントを買って visit his friend Ricky in hospital, 病院のリッキーに会いに行って now its off to Kelly Annes for lunch, 今はケリー・アニーズと昼食を取ってる a nap really looks on the cards today. 居眠りしそう
(1)There are cases , however , ( in which ) we failed to do our best. (2)I do not think that the number of people ( to whom ) this happens is very large.
I met the girl I liked when I was a teenager on the way back home from supermarket the other day and I talked to her for a while. It was the first time we met in last 7 years and she smiled at me and said "I wish we could've met earlier because I'm married now." Then I said "Hey, do you think a guy holding a plastic bag with some groceries and raw fish in really chats up a girl ?" We laughed loud walking down the street in dusk.
Today your Present arrived. A very nice coloured sheet and so old.I'm very Proud of it. It will become a good Place in my cultivation room.
All the Best wishes to you too,not only for the next Year. How are You and your Tulip bulbs ? Here by me everithing is O.K.
Now i have 78 different species of Tulip at Home and i think that's Not the end. 名前 we will stay in contact.This Year its impossible to send Tulip bulbs to you.Its very Cold here at the moment. In Spring i can send New Tulip bulbs to you. (ever for free) Best Regards an thank's again,
A technical error caused a error in your international shipping price. We will not be charging you for this error. In the future please note international shipping charges are $50.00. We apologize for any confusion.
How come the heck ya son of a bitch split your 200-MB file into fucking as small pieces as of ~ 25 MB, he? Your previous mention of your so slow connection speed is ABSOLUTELY nonsense because you will have to upload a total of 200 MB anyway and the total time is the same!! Sweep your small craps away now and upload it again as 100-MB files!!
これはトールキンの有名な言葉↓ を下敷きにしているっぽいが。 I don't know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve 「ここにおられる方のうち、半数の方々は、存じあげたいと思うこと の半分しか存じあげておりません。 また、皆さんのうち半数以下の方々に対しては、その方々が受けて しかるべき好意の半分しか抱いておりません」
Like the first whiff of burning incense, or like the taste of one's first cup of saké, there is in love that moment when all its power is felt 漱石の「こころ」です。 原文を見つけたいんですが、訳が分からないために見つけられません。 だいたいでもいいので訳してください。
This account of the development of aspirin is a fascinating history of the drug, which is a product of accidental discoveries and intuitive reasoning, of scientific ingenuity, personal ambition and intense corporate rivalry.
Today, my girlfriend dumped me via text message. The sad thing is that I left my fiancee of 5 years to be with a girl I worked with at Walmart. My ex-fiancee is now a doctor. I still work at Walmart. FML
Today, I was explaining our new hand-crafted ale to a customer. After describing some flavors, I added that he could really taste the nut on his palette. He then looked at me and said, "I don't think I really want to know what nut tastes like on my palette, but thanks." FML
2行目の「 taste the nut on his palette.」辺りからよく分からないです。 慣用句なのかな・・・?
>>413 nut= a hard problem or undertaking 客に新しく手作りした(あやしげな、得体の知れない)エール(ビールみたいな物)味見させたんだ。 くどくど能書き垂れた後でnut(難物、手作りビール風)の味を本当にわかったか聞いたわけだ。 そしたら客は私を見据えて そんなの知りたくもないよ ありがと。
Delayed items--your approval required Your approval required by: January 26, 2011 We will still try to dispatch the above item(s) by the approval required by date(s). If this is not possible, and we have not received your approval for the delay by the date(s) listed above, we will cancel this part of your order.
The willingness of graduate students to embrace the role of obliging guinea-pigs, to take part in all manner of intrusive, humiliating and bizarre experiments is nothing short of incredible.
I saw a guy I like when I was out shopping. We acknowledged each other with a little wave, but as I walked away, I heard him say to his friend, "She's never gonna get me with THAT moustache."
Today, I spent the first day of the new year helping out at an old folks home. I was assigned to watch over a group which includes the delightful Earnie; an 83 year old delusional man who sees absolutely no problem with showing off "what the good lord gave him" every chance he gets. FML
>>434 430が正しい。 showing off "what the good lord gave him" every chance he gets every chance he gets事ある度に "what the good lord gave him"神から授かった物を、神が与えし物 showing off 見せびらかす 惜しげもなく見せる
We have successfully received your form of ID however would it be possible for you to provide us with 1 more form of Photo ID please so that we can fully verify this order, We do apologise for any inconvenience caused however due to the value of the order we have to be very vigilant with security, Please advise as to the next course of action, If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us by replying to this ticket. As always, it is our pleasure to assist in any way possible!
Yes that is fine, we have changed your order from three to one complete set of Rainbow Light Body Essences and we have refunded you the difference in price. You should receive a confirmation email from RBS Worldpay also to confirm the refund.
I hope that you enjoy using the set when it arrives.
キング牧師の演説の時の話に出てくる文章なんですが、どうしてもわからないところがあります。 By noon the marchers, mostly black but many of them white, stretched like a multicolored ribbon toward the Lincoln Memorial. という文章なんですが、カンマでくくってある部分がまったく理解できません。 ほとんどの黒人と少数の白人みたいな意味になるのでしょうか? この形でそう訳すならもっとわかりません。何卒よろしくお願いします。
Tracking objects with ID One limitation of camera-based tracking is the inability to easily detect emitter identity. Researchers have explored temporal variations in emitter behavior to communicate identity. However, the data rate of ID transmission is directly related to a camera’s frame rate, which has typically been in the range of 30Hz. The wii remote’s 100Hz refresh and several bits of IR dot size or intensity provide an opportunity for higher data rates resulting in faster recognition of a larger set of trackable and identify able objects. 専門用語が多くて・・・ どなたかお願いします。
Don't underestimate the Chinese. All the Americans are so scared that someone will be better than them so they? just automatically assume that everyone else is worse at everything. Their pride will one day cause their downfall.
1.All the Americans are so scared that someone will be better than them they? just automatically assume that everyone else is worse at everything.
The recent launch in the USA of one cologne for men,named after basketball star MJ ,was preceded by a flood of TV commercials and talk show appearances by the player to create plenty of excitement and hype.
Today, I was talking to the man I've been dating for the past three months about having an actual relationship. His response was "I like you, but you're everything I hate in a female." FML
Alternatively, we could couple the Wii remote with high speed IR receivers, similar to those used for remote controls, to support an even larger numbers of objects. The IR transmission would be visible to the camera that prvides location data, and we could use the high speed receiver to demodulate the data.
David overslept again this morning. He only just had enough time to get dressed and wolf down a piece of toast before running out to catch the school bus.
プロのスイマーが怪我で練習できないときの言葉: Not swimming just blows your confidence away, because that’s what you’ve grown up doing everyday of your life and you rely on it for so many things.
>>486 脱字があったので訂正しました よろしくお願いします Alternatively, we could couple the Wii remote with high speed IR receivers, similar to those used for remote controls, to support an even larger numbers of objects. The IR transmission would be visible to the camera that provides location data, and we could use the high speed receiver to demodulate the data.
IR glyphs Because the Wii remote can track up to four points simultaneously, we could use spatial and temporal multiplexing of IR emitters to create unique identifiers. This would let the remote discover the identity of an object it’s pointing at, which means it could control arbitrary instrumented objects in the environment simply by pointing. The remote could manipulate lights, electron icdoors, vehicles, appliances, or other objects I the environment. お願いします
Not long after, rose was also made permanently ineligible for the baseball hall of fame—where, as a legend of the game, not as an individual, doesn't he deserve his place next to Babe Ruth, Hank Aaron and all the others?
It is an argument which maintains that if the truth of given premises be accepted, certain conclusion follow, because it would be inconsistent with what has already been admitted for them not to do so.
You said you would never let someone talk to you like that... But you did haha! That woman spoke to you very patronisingly and you just "scowled" at her... Wow.
Btw where's your music? You seem to constantly be "writing new music" but how come none of it has been realised yet?
返事 callumhghes I know, I released some for a very short period. The actuality of releasing music commercially requires a lot of time and effort that I just don't have at the moment.
Please allow up to 2 business days for your prepaid return label to be received via email Per your request , we have generated a Return Authorization , RA 686885 , for you.To facilitate the return of this item , please follow these instructions
Please allow up to 2 business days for your prepaid return label to be received via email Per your request , we have generated a Return Authorization , RA 686885 , for you.To facilitate the return of this item , please follow these instructions
As soon as you’ve placed your order online, please email me with your new order number. I will then ensure that we refund you the necessary discount (and free P&P) , which I will confirm to you in an email upon receipt of your new order number.
Summer Okay,is this where I feel Sorry for you? Taylor Okay,look. I'm sure people write prose poems in your yearbook...about what an incredible friend you are. You Know what I get? "Have a nice summer" But it's my senior year.And I wanted more.I want someone to write. "I'm glad I finally got to know you." この先はSummerがTaylorを許す感じで続きます
You know what I get?以下からがどう解釈したらいいのかわかりません。よろしくお願いします。
The study was also designed to evaluate whether the risk-benefit balance seen with first-generation drug-eluting stents would be similar with second-generation drug-eluting stents.
経済に関する記事です。よろしくお願いします! It is to be emphasized that we atttribute to these recurring relationships an empirical character only, and that we do not by any means hold that they contain the explanation of the cycles.
Exquisite gardens snaking through the property encourage you to sit and contemplate. Those hankering for more can make the short climb to the ramshackle Daihikaku Senkoji temple to sip tea and take in the view of the hills and central Kyoto. You can also venture onto the river at night and watch men fish with cormorants by firelight. But perhaps the most memorable experience happens at dawn, when guests can take part in a prayer ceremony led by a monk from one of Kyoto's most prestigious Zen temples. Talk about heavenly getaways.
How do you say? Do you say,"OK,I will call or I shall call right away?" or I am going to call right away? If you used will or shall then you are correct! What is the difference? お願いします。
There is also a sizable Hindu Balinese population, and significant numbers of Chinese and Sasak Buddhists. All of this means a lively festival calendar.
海外のサイトでとある下着を買おうとおもってるんですが 注意書きみたいなのがあって 3 for 2 on Women’s sloggi(下着のメーカー). Simply add three items from the offer to your shopping bag and add the promo code SLOGGI342 at the checkout to receive the cheapest item free. Not valid on sale items. と書いてあるのですが分からないので翻訳をお願いします。
>>586 3 for 2 on Women’s sloggi(下着のメーカー). 三つ買って二つ分の支払い Simply add three items from the offer to your shopping bag and shopping bagに三点入れてください add the promo code SLOGGI342 at the checkout to receive そしてコード SLOGGI342をチェックアウトの時入れれば三点のうち一番安い商品が只になります。 the cheapest item free. Not valid on sale items. 特売品は対象外です。
Synchysis is an interlocked word order, in the form A-B-A-B; which often display change and difference. This poetry form was a favorite with Latin poets. They are often employed to demonstrate such change within the event in which they are situated; on occasion, there are synchyses within a poem which were not intended but happened to be written in such a way.
好きなアーティストのtweetなんですが翻訳お願いします。 英語圏のファンもよく意味不明って言っているので支離滅裂な話なのかも…。 Animosity boils in times of change. Only those who aren't evolving w/ time are getting their panties bundled.
Since cats have a very good sense of smell, they naturally would have been attracted to the mice and rats, and therefore the places where humans stored their food.
But these qualifications were not enough for a few Manhattan landlords he tried to rent from, partly because he did not want a one-year lease. 文の途中からですが、どなたかよろしくお願いします
In dairy production, contrary to industrial branches, we speak about HACCP-like applications because our ‘raw material’ regards living animals, cows and calves. お願いします。
Surgery has been scheduled on: Monday, Jan. 24th, 2011 Instituto de Laser y Cirugia Ocular San Fernando Address: Clinica San Fernando, Torre Especializada, Mezzanine, Tel. 229.6678 Time: 13hours
アメリカ人って人前で普通に友達格差つけるのが普通らしいね。 高校の時に短期留学で私のクラスに来たアメリカ人が一緒に来た数人のうちの 友達を紹介してくれた時にShe is my friend **.って紹介した後 She is my super friend **.って紹介した子がいて、次の子はmy friend に戻ってた。 英語の先生に聞いたら、日本人ならその人たちの前で格差つけないけど アメリカ人はそんなもの、習慣の違いって言われた。
>>569 While they appear to be playing together, they are more likely to be playing with the same materials as the others (are playing with) but (actually they are) using them in different ways.
but は「しかし」という逆説というよりも、むしろ補足説明です。 彼らは一緒に遊んでいるように見えるが、 実は他の子供たちが遊んでいるのと同じおもちで 思い思いに遊んでいるのだ。
Its two trilobate(three sided) rotors revolve in housings shaped in a fat figure eight. なんですが、2個の三弁(3つの側面)のローターが太っている図8で形成されたハウジングで回転します。 と訳したのですがfatなどの良い言い回しが分からず困っています。 訳が根本的に違ったりしていたら訂正してくださると助かります。 よろしくお願いします。
Sorry for the inconvenience that we have brought to you. Do you have any other unshipped orders? If you have one, I can add the replacement in your unshipped order and send them togethere for you.
お願いします 自分が送った返事はこれです→Sorry, I certainly can hear it. But doesn't this video alone sound too low? 来た返事がこれです↓ Yes, I had some issues in recording. Sorry :( I believe it is loud enough at full volume, but I agree that it's a little annoying. It's my first LP, so I guess it's one of those learning process things :\
Today, my manager told me that if I didn't pick up my slack I would be "let go". I guess my grandma dying and my mom being sick in the hospital isn't a good enough reason to not give 110%. FML
Well he is goddamn happy to get his hand on a thought to be extinct trout. Is there anything wrong if his intent was to brag about his trophy catch? And guess what? He's got his eyes on Europe and Asia so he could have already flown in to catch black kokanee.
Today, the co-president of my non-profit organization told me that our slogan was "clique and cheesy" and that she didn't want to use it anymore. Not only is 'clique' not an adjective, but our slogan is "when everyone cheers, everyone wins." Apparently the word "everyone" is a little too exclusive. FML
Non stock items will normally be with you in 7-10 working days.
We shall expedite your order as soon as possible, in the unlikely event that your goods are not in stock at the time of order, you will be notified of next stock availability. Out of stock items will normally be replenished within 15 days. You will be notified if the item has become discontinued.
I am writing with my personal respect with regards to Your reposed personality / firm as a reliable,Trustworthy and God fearing.
I got your contact Through the help of chamber of commerce in Abidjan the Capital of COTE D?IVOIRE. In deed I am the wife of Late MR. HABIB from Sierra Leone. I and My two children are presently staying in burkina faso as Refugees, my husband was one of the Ministers of Johnny Paul Koromah's regime in Sierra Leone.
Your order was with xxxx at helkat, Not me, I am xxxxand Im here to help get you your costume, I need some information from you to help, Please keeo the emails together So we can work on this as soon as possible, I have Fired creig a few days Ago, and I am tring to organized everyting order. Please refer you my first email to you yesturday
A:and her dad's not only a copper,but he's a bloody big bugger, so hands off. B:I've got something she could take down in evidence! C:Do you want to receive some swollen goods?
During the intervention of the ECOLOGY Soldiers to Restore the presidency of Alhaji Tejan KABBAH from Johnny Koroma, my husband was among the 23 executed Ministers. As our breadwinner is dead (my husband) And our stay in Sierra Leone is no more safe, I and my Two children decided to move to Burkina faso a Neighboring African Country for fety. Due to our Status in Burkina faso as refugees I was forced to Lodge our family funds (USD $ 50million dollars) in finance house london.
Ever since then we have been receiving help from our Mission, because we are staying in one of the Visitor's villa in the church premises and attends Fellowship and worship fully. I hope you will be Touched to understand my request. We have agreed to invest our money valuable in any Overseas country through your assistance and Directives.
You will provide or look for a lucrative venture where This money can be invested on before proceeding, we Will get to be more familiar and also go into an Understanding working agreement because our family's Future now depends on this money. The boxes containing The money and treasures were all deposited and Registered as a family treasures. This was done for Security reasons. We would like to know what you will take as your Percentage for assisting us. we sincerely wish to introduce and make you our Business partner and overseer of our proposed Investment in your country.
We are prepared to send all the information regarding to This deposit as soon as you show your immediate Response Email. Do not fail to give me Your telephone and fax numbers.
>>732 During the intervention of [ the ECOLOGY Soldiers to Restore the presidency of Alhaji Tejan KABBAH from Johnny Koroma ], my husband was among the 23 [ executed ] Ministers. [ As our breadwinner is dead ], (my husband) And our stay in Sierra Leone is no more safe, I and my Two children decided [ to move to Burkina faso a Neighboring African Country for fety ]. Due to our Status in Burkina faso as refugees, I was forced [ to Lodge our family funds (USD $ 50million dollars) in finance house london ].
>>738 You will provide or look for a lucrative venture [ where This money can be invested on before [ proceeding ], we Will get [ to be more familiar and also go into an [ Understanding [ working agreement [ because our family's Future now depends on this money ] ] ]. The boxes [ containing The money and treasures ] were all deposited and Registered as a family treasures. This was done for Security reasons. We would like [ to know [ what you will take as your Percentage for [ assisting us ] ] ]. we sincerely wish [ to introduce and make [ you our Business partner and overseer of our [ proposed ] Investment in your country. We are prepared [ to send all the information [ regarding to This deposit ] [ as soon as you show your immediate Response Email ]. Do not fail [ to give me Your telephone and fax numbers ]. Best Regards, Mrs Rachael HabIb
When I joined the project back in 2007, the soundtrack was basically nonexistent. The earliest devs made a handful of concept tracks that floated around the old forums for a bit, but they never really got off the ground. I ended up writing something like 20-25 tracks from scratch from between 2007-2008. I left the project for personal reasons, and Blue came just in time to take over for me.
Second, the basic touchstone of the method is your own bodily experience of something opening up in you. An interpretation is sure if, and only if, you have a breakthrough, a physical felt shift.
海外通販で、注文後にさらに追加オーダーをしたらこのようなメールが来ました。 すでに追加分も支払っています。お願いします。 I sent you an invoice for the below addition items to [email protected]. Since you have not paid this invoice yet, I wanted to check to see if you still wanted the additional items or if you want me to send your original order as is.
>>792 ありがとうございます。 なぜか794さんが出典を書いてくれてるのですが、 その文の前には The method of dream-interpretation presented in this book has three advantages: First,it is not limited to any one theory or belief system. The experts give conflicting interpretations. They approach a dream from diferent angles.
お題:もし無人島に三つだけ持って行くならなに?理由は? i would take the three books; alice's adventure in the wonderland, winnie the pooh,and the frog and toad, because i think i can find what i need to survive such as food, water, and space to sleep in a desert island. however, i am sure i can't do without books even a day.
Actually, we are full revolution in our country. The president was dechu and .we have a Provisional Government while waiting for new elections legislatives! We live an historic change… Tunisia is going to become a democratie. You can read articles about Tunisia and what’s happening actually..
Today, my 6 year-old cousin went missing while I was watching her. I called the police and they said they got a call about a child walking around Walmart with a shopping cart full of toys. I went down to Walmart and found out that it was her. The police officer gave me a $500 fine. FML
Today, I knew the Black Eyed Peas Super Bowl halftime show would be awful, but I sat through the whole messed up microphones and terrible singing debacle with honest hope that it would get better. FML
Funder shall deliver the Funder Contract and any other documents responsible for ascertaining that the individuals executing the Required Documents on behalf of customer and Partner, if applicable, are authorized, and that those signatures are genuine.
Today, while working on our home renovations, my husband thought it would be funny to write "constipation station" on the bathroom wall in red paint. The unfunny part? The bathroom is supposed to be light grey. FML
Today, I received a phone call from the hospital telling me my mother was there because of an accident. My boyfriend came home to find me panicking and crying, only to tell me to quit sobbing and that "someone didn't put on her big girl panties today." FML
>>860 例えば、“Put on your big girl panties!”と言ったなら 「いい加減、大人になれよ!」という感じの意味。 ここでは、母が事故にあったという病院からの電話にパニクり 泣いていたというのに、心配するでもなく、事情を聞くでもなく、 慰めるでもなく、「泣くのを止めろ、大人になれ」と言いやがった 彼氏のくそっぷりに、そんな男と付き合っている事実に Fuck my life。
Today, I was on the bus heading home from school, when I noticed a ridiculously hot girl near me, checking me out. I was about to say something charmingly funny when I suddenly got a whiff of onions. Turns out she had turned around simply to catch the essence of her own fart. FML
>>867 「Effort continued until success is attained」これぜんぶでひとつの名詞句になってる。 「成功するまで続けられる努力」くらいの意味。 continuedは動詞じゃなくて過去分詞。 continued until success is attained が Effortにかかってる。 仮にcontinuedが動詞だとしたらuntil以下との時制の兼ね合いがおかしなことになる。
原文はググって出てくるこれでしょ。タロットカードの解釈。 Happiness. Effort continued until success is attained. Festivity. Joy. Gaiety. Feasting. 名詞を羅列してるからこんな表現になるわけだ。
I'm an Italian journalist but I have troubles with videos of Japanese races. I can see all races of NAR on their site but not JAR races. Is there a website where I can see them? Where do you take video that you post on Youtube? Thanks for help
mixi上でのやり取りです。和訳お願いします 自分「【youtube動画のURL】カラオケ行った時はよくこの曲を歌う」 相手「OMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMG I thought it might be this song OMOMOGMG...I love this song!!!」 "It might be this song"の部分が全くわかりません
perfumeの「ワンルームディスコ」という曲のPVに対してこんな米がきました Really like this music video. I think it's how they're all in different rooms at the same time. このPVはperfumeの三人が同じ時間に別々の部屋で暮らしてる様子を撮ってます それをふまえて↑の訳なんですが「このPVめちゃくちゃ好き。私はこれが彼らが同じ時間に別々の部屋で暮らすやり方だと思う」って解釈でいいですか?
It is because they supass us so greatly that we use them in a million different ways and know that our economy would fall apart if they all stopped worjing at once. と In fact, we consider that ability of so little value that no matter how quick a computer is and how impressive its solutions are, we see it only as a giant calculator with no true intelligence at all. 別々の文です お願いします!
The Internal Affairs and Communications Ministry , which evaluates public works projects , urged the agriculture and five other ministries conducting biomass projects using sewage sludge , garbage and wood , to take corrective action .
今朝のThe Japan Times の記事の一部です。 最後の「to take corrective action」をどう訳すべきか教えてください。 おねがいします。
>>920 show say argue などの動詞や argument theory evidence などのthat節をうける英単語が省略されていると考えるような感じだろうと思う。 英語特有の表現だから難しいけど、原文の違和感を残しつつ「について」と訳すかなあ 「論理なしには思考は完全となりえない、について」
Today, I just pulled out of the fast food drive through, only to pull right behind a septic truck. Just as I was about to dig into my food, I noticed it had a handy window about a foot round. I had a stare-down with a turd until I could pass. FML
エミネムがグラミーアワードをボイコットした?記事です。 "He got iced out. He did the Grammy people a solid favour by coming in from Detroit and performing. They egged him on and gave him the impression it would be a big night for him," a source was quoted by media reports. これが一区切りです。
Thank you for submitting your request. Unfortunately the transaction has been declined for the following reason. *Please ignore this message your withdrawal has been complied.
>>947 Thank you for submitting your request. 申し込みありがとう。 Unfortunately the transaction has been declined for the following reason. 残念ながらこの取引は以下の理由で成立しませんでした。 *Please ignore this message your withdrawal has been complied. あなたの申し込みが撤回済みであったらこの文言を無視してください。
Today, I ran out of toilet paper in the bathroom. I was forced to use tissues to do the job. As if that wasn't bad enough, the sanitizer in the tissues gave me a rash that made me have to stand up frequently in the lecture hall. Several people asked if I had Tourette's. FML
"Chest-beating" is commonly used to illustrate that the subject is displaying dominant or aggressive behavior by comparing them metaphorically to an adult male ape beating his chest to proclaim his status.
Today, I found out that to save on expenses, my wife booked a very small hotel room for ourselves and the kids while we visit Disney World. I've been officially cockblocked by Mickey Mouse. FML
しかしやたらかっこいい演説だな > To those waiting with bated breath for that favourite media catchphrase, the 'U-turn', I have only one thing to say: "You turn if you want to. The lady's not for turning."