were(状態動詞)を使っているのだから、当時の状態(つまり過去の状態)を言っているんだよ。 主節に過去形の動詞thoufhtを使って過去の事を述べているのだから、従節の文でも過去の状態(〜だった状態)を述べないといけない。 だからwereが正解。 He thought his children were too noisy. 「彼は子供達がうるさすぎだったと思った。」
>>27 The ministry of foreign affair expressed his concern that the incident might cause an unfavorable effect over the relationship between Japan and the neighbor countries.
The Foreign Affair Minister expressed a fear [ that the incident might cause a bad influence to Japan's relations with its [ neighboring ] countries ].
>>49 scaryは、形容詞です。 例えば、The movie is scary. だと、その映画が怖いわけで、映画がこわがっている訳ではないですよね?自分が映画を怖がっているときは、I am scared the movie. 私はその映画に怖がらせられる。つまり、私はその映画が怖い。になります。
He thinks his children were too noisy. と同じってことですか? この文章は、文法的には間違ってる文です。(時制の一致ね) 日本語で普通に 彼は子供たちがうるさすぎると思った。 という意味の文なら、 He thought his children were too noisy. で合ってます。
>>151-152 The meeting will commence as soon as he will come. で 彼が(まだきてないんだけど)来る気にでもなったらすぐに、ミーティング始まる とはならないんですか? 2より不自然な文ですけど、文法的におかしいということはないのではないでしょうか
I guess you are a troll. But I have a lot of time so let me keep comapny with you. I don't understand the gist of your question. The last sentence you made has no grammatical mistakes but the meaning has changed a lot from the original.
>>212 I want to learn in person from a person like you who are well-educated and intelligent. On top of that, no one in Japan is more fluent in English than you.
Oh, it's good for you to have enough time to solve such a question. As for me, I tend to think of the usage of those words as rules of the same kind as committing a murder is prohibited.
we can get up at any time when we want to (get up). 2文にわけると we can get up at any time. いつでも起きられる we want to get up at the time. その時間(=いつでも)に起きたいと思う 副詞句「at the time」を関係副詞whenに置き換えて 文を繋げたと理解したら分かりやすいんじゃない?
>>159ではon the trainという前置詞句がカッコに入ってるのに >>231ではat any time以下全体がカッコに入ってないのはなぜなんでしょうか? 10公式は一貫したやり方はなくてその場の思いつきなんでしょうか? あと、on the trainはカッコに入れるのにhereやyesterdayは入れないのは なぜなんでしょうか?同じ副詞句の修飾語だと思うんですけど。 なんか10公式って見れば見るほど複雑怪奇でわかりにくいですね。
>>224's explnation has made you convinced? If so, I don't have anything more to say about it. But if I were in your shoes, I'd rather say," So what?" じゃあ、なぜas やsince は相手も知っている情報を扱ってbecause は新情報を扱うの?
>>243 When the robot is shown a doll そのロボットが人形を見せられた時、 it(=the robot) watches carefully before reaching out a hand to touch it(=doll). (ロボットは)注意深く見てから、それ(=人形)に触れるために手を伸ばした。
>>251 簡単だよ。非常に簡単。 The 10 percent dicount offer will expire in 30days. まずdicountをdiscountに訂正。 しかして The 10 percent dsicount offer提案、申し出 will expire(期間などが)終了する in 30days. offer 先方からの提案、申し出の感じ 実務ではここからネゴ。 10パーセント割引きの期限は30日菅です。 菅となってるのは現首相に敬意を表してホントは間。
というの と訳すべきはむしろ a robot。 a robot いわゆるrobot the robot 特定のrobot 蛇足 定冠詞の使い方例 Car of the Year 2010 The Volkswagen Polo is the Car of the Year 2010. It won a close contest with the Toyota iQ. Just ten points, 347 to 337, separated the two leading contenders, while the Opel/Vauxhall Astra took third place, with 221 points.
I was a teacher at schools. A teacher is one of many teachers. A school is one of many schools. Schools are some of all the schools. There are many teachers. there are many schools. I am one of all the teachers. I remember my teachers. One of the teachers was Mr. Yugawa. The teacher washonest and frank. He told of himself to us very frankly. I like him. I remember him as a good teacher. What is the teacher? The teacher teaches truth and facts. The teacher teaches important things. Those important things help usd in our lives. One of my greatest teacher Mrs. Ayako Miura an woman author. Through her books of manifestation of Jesus Christ, I could get to real Jesus and the deapth of His love.
What is the teacher? The teacher teaches truth and facts. The teacher teaches important things. Those important things help usd in our lives. One of my greatest teacher Mrs. Ayako Miura an woman author. Through her books of manifestation of Jesus Christ, I could get to real Jesus and the deapth of His love.
予想通り総称で盛り上がってるな。 andで結ぶ場合はthe。 The beaver and the otter build dams. ビーバーとカワウソはダム作りの習性がある。 aではダメ。 全体として捉える場合もthe。 The beaver is increasing in number. ビーバーは数が増えている。 aでは完全にイミフ。 The beaver is found in Canada. ビーバーはカナダで見られる。 aでは完全にイミフ。
>>307 do one's homework (宿題をする)という表現はあるわけだし、たまたま その本の中ではそういう言い方をしていただけでしょ。そんなに気にすることは ないんじゃない? do with 「どうにかする」という意味が英二郎に載ってるけど、そういうニュアンス で理解すればいいだけの話だと思うけど。
Many days have passed since I kept the last diary. I had studied so hard after failing the entrance exam. At a time when I failed , I was dissapointed so much , wondering why I must have been the only person who did. However , as a result of my studying much , I passed another entrance exam. Now , I study English so hard to get over 860 scores on Toeic test. It has been three months since I studied English , so it was so difficult for me to read even easy English sentences that I was appalled by mu having trouble in understanding English.
But , with continuous hard work , I will achieve my goal again.
Russia is a large annual range of temperature. In winter, there would have been -60 degrees. In summer, however, the maximum temperature exceeds 30 degrees.
オレの三流英語だと Russia has a wide range of temperature within a year. In winter, there are some regions where the temperature falls to minus sixty degrees centigrade. In summer, however, the highest temperature goes over thirty degrees centigrade.
>>314 ロシアは気温の年較差が大きいです。 冬には、-60度になるところもあります。 しかしながら夏季には最高気温が30度を超えます。 Ruusia is a country [ where terperature within a year is wide-ranged ]. There are places [ where the teperature goes down even to minus 60 degree centigrade ]. However there, in summer, the temperature can rise so high as 30 degrees.
I [had studied -->have studied] At [a -->the ]time when I failed , I was [dissapointed so much -->so disappointed], wondering [why I must have been --> if I was ] However, [as a result of my studying much, --> as I worked hard] to get [over 860 scores --> a score of 860 or higher] It has been three months since I [studied -->began to study]?? 以下時制が変 achieve my goal againって言い方はおかしい set a new goal and achieve itとかではないか
The Escape to Egypt 13 [ After the wise men were gone ], an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. “Get up! Flee to Egypt with the child and his mother,” the angel said. “Stay there [ until I tell you [ to return ], [ because Herod is going to search for the child [ to kill him ] ].” 14 That night Joseph left for Egypt with the child and Mary, his mother, 15 and they stayed there until Herod’s death. This fulfilled [ what the Lord had spoken through the prophet ]: “I called my Son out of Egypt.”[e] Herod was furious [ when he realized [ that the wise men had outwitted him ] ]. He sent soldiers [ to kill all the boys in and around Bethlehem [ who were two years old and under, [ based on the wise men’s report of the star’s first appearance ] ] ]. Herod’s brutal action fulfilled [ what God had spoken through the prophet Jeremiah ]: “A cry was heard in Ramah— [ weeping and great mourning ]. Rachel weeps for her children, [ refusing [ to be comforted ] ], for they are dead.”[f]
Return to Nazareth [ When Herod died ], an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt. “Get up!” the angel said. “Take the child and his mother back to the land of Israel, [ because those [ who were trying to kill the child ] are dead ].” So Joseph got up and returned to the land of Israel with Jesus and his mother. But [ when he learned [ that the new ruler of Judea was Herod’s son Archelaus ] ], he was afraid [ to go there ]. Then, after [ being warned in a dream ], he left for the region of Galilee. So the family went and lived in a town called Nazareth. This fulfilled [ what the prophets had said ] ]: “He will be called a Nazarene.”
>>343 must have doneの使い方の問題もあるけど、もっといえば mustの「〜しなければならない」という訳に引きずられてる。 mustというのは義務的にしなければならない動作を表す(命令されてる感じ)のであって 「何故落ちなければならなかったのか」という表現にはそぐわない。
At the time I failed the exam , I was so dissapointed that I could not help but wonder why I had to be the only person who failed it. もし「〜なければならなかったのか」という訳を出すなら「had to」を使えばまだ自然。 それでもネイティブはこういう言い方をするかな? やっぱり〜why I failed it. と言う方が良いと思うけど。
第三者だったんだけど、 >>341のThe problem has with carbon offsetting is that is not direct. に引きづられて has with、has with、という風にしか見れなくなってた >The biggest problem Carbon Trade Watch has with carbon offsetting is that is not direct. これはとても自然な文? わからなかったこっちの学力不足なのか・・・
"We thought if teens and young kids are reading manga, they why don't we get something in the paper that teens want to read?" said John Glynn, vice president of a company which distributes comics and columns globally to newspapers. "Newspapers ( A ) as their parents' medium."
(a) are being seen (b) have seen (c) saw (d) will be seen
Go to any bookstore, ( B ) there are kids gathering around the manga shelves.
・先日仕事で(on business)、遠く離れた街(a far-off town)を訪れる機会があった(haveを使ってください) ・この部屋を出る(leave)時は、必ず窓を閉めてください(be sure ofを使ってください) ・コンピュータを買ったら(if)あれこれ心配しないで(without worrying too much)、まずキーボードに触ってみることが大切です ・この扇風機は故障していると見えて(seen)、さっぱり動かない ・身の回りの自然現象の中に、思いがけない美しさを発見して、驚くことがある(sometimes)(to不定詞を使って) ・この家は私のような老人が独り(alone)で住むには大きすぎるので、大部分の部屋は現在あまり利用していないんですよ ・8時のバスに乗れる(catch)ように(so as to)、普段より(than usual)も早く家を出なさいよ ・日本の代表的な古典建築(typical classical japanese architecture)を見たければ、寺院を訪れるのが最も良いでしょう(had best) ・現在、解決が最も難しい問題の1つ(one of 〜)は、ゴミの処理(garbage disposal)です ・私は、意味の分からない言葉に出会ったら(find)、辞書を引く(consult a dictionaly)ことにしている ・大変多くの本が図書館から無くなっています。借り出し規制を必ず守るようにして下さい(try to〜)(follow the rules) ・外国に住んで(move to a foreign country)、その国の言葉や生活(way of life)に最も手っ取り早く通じる(the easist way to get accustomed to)には、 何はともあれ(first of all)その国のテレビを見るのが得策である
>>368 "We thought [ [ if teens and young kids are reading manga ], why don't we get something in the paper [ that teens want to read ]] ?" said John Glynn, vice president of a company [ which distributes comics and columns globally to newspapers ]. "Newspapers will be seen as their parents' medium." 新聞は子供たちの親たちのメディアとして見られるようになるであろう。
Go to any bookstore, and there are kids [ gathering around the manga shelves ].
わたくしの用いている参考書に 「形容詞節は名詞を形容すれども、それは付加的にのみにて、 形容詞節は叙述的に形容することを得ず」 とあるのですが、例えば I found him as I had expected.「私は彼を予想通りの人だと思った。」 などという文ではas以下の節が形容詞節として 名詞himを叙述的に形容してはいますまいか? そうすだとすると上の文法書の記述と異なります。 どなたか、この疑義を正してくださいますようお願いいたします。
中学2年の問題です。 動名詞を使えという条件なんですが、「本を読むことは大切です」の英訳は@とAどちらが正解になりますか。 「読書」の表現のしかたがイマイチわかりません。お願いします。 @ Reading books is important. A Reading a book is important.
それと、 「父は私たちにかばんを買った」の英訳なんですが。 問題集の答えは「Father bought us a bag.」となっているのですが、 Father bought us bags. ではまずいでしょうか。 bag を単数と複数にわけるとどのような違いがでますか。 こちらもお願いします。
>>431 なるほど、ニュアンス的には合っているけど、あんまり使う文句ではないみたいですね。 直訳すると、「私は女の子を迎えに行く機会を得る。」と言ったところでしょうか。 実はこのI get to pick up a girl.文章は、ニコニコ動画の書き込みで見つけたんです。 何か不思議な感じがして、質問したのです。 ありがとうございました。
>>430 pick up a girl の部分は問題ないわけだから get to の意味について わざわざ辞書を引いて意味を載せてあげたでしょ。 結局はその一文自体では意味が決まらなくて状況依存、文脈依存ということに なるんじゃないの? 2でいくと 少女を迎えにいくことができる。 少女を迎えに行くことを許される、 3だと 少女を迎えに行く機会を得る。 辞書以外の意味があるとしたらそれは当方の関知しないことなので悪しからず。
We live half a mile away from the highway; and a week would often go by without my seeing anyone expect my family. セミコロン以下の訳が分かりません 恐らく動名詞の意味上の主語だとは思うんですが…
The weather is going to be rainy tomorrow.[今日(の天気)は晴れるだろうなぁ] Is the weather going to be rainy tomorrow?[今日(の天気)は晴れるでしょうか?] What is the weather going to be like tomorrow?[今日の天気はどんな感じになるでしょうね?]
They need to work hard on their task while maintaining an awareness that life is much more than just success on entrance exams. の訳をお願いします。特にmuch more thanがよくわかりません。
What makes America a nation unique, and gives its culture such dynamism and flexibility is the diversity of its people. アメリカは国がユニークであるのとそのような活力と柔軟性の文化がその人々の多様性を与えて創る。
The first time Japanese visitor to America, upon alighting from the plane and entering the airport terminal, invariably is struck by a strange sensation of being surrounded by people of varied racial background. アメリカへの初めての日本人の訪問者は、飛行機を降りて空港ターミナルに入るとすぐに、常に異なった人種の背景の人々に囲まれる奇妙な感覚に襲われる。 struckは「〜に襲われる」と訳しましたが合ってるでしょうか?
varied racial backgroundの訳が困ってます
White, black, red, yellow, and brown people are well represented. 白、黒、赤、黄、そして褐色の人々はよく見受けられる。
The first time Japanese visitor to America, upon alighting from the plane and entering the airport terminal, invariably is struck by a strange sensation of being surrounded by people of varied racial background. アメリカへの初めての日本人の訪問者は、飛行機を降りて空港ターミナルに入るとすぐに、常に異なった人種の背景の人々に囲まれる奇妙な感覚に襲われる。
Once an understanding has been reached of thought and culture to language, along with an awareness of cultural differences,distances,and how they affect language learning, the foundation has been laid for the teacher`s inclusion of culture somewhere in the curriculum. However,no matter how willing,or even anxious,the teacher may be to follow through in the classroom, a lack of practical knowledge of ways and means may prevent implementation.
Once an understanding has been reached of 抜けてました→the relationship← of thought and culture to language, along with an awareness of cultural differences,distances,and how they affect language learning, the foundation has been laid for the teacher`s inclusion of culture somewhere in the curriculum. However,no matter how willing,or even anxious,the teacher may be to follow through in the classroom, a lack of practical knowledge of ways and means may prevent implementation.
一応自分なりに訳したんですが、どうでしょうか… いったん、理解することが考えや文化と言語の結びつきに到達すると、(relationship A to Bの形で訳しました) また、文化の違い、文化の距離(隔たり)、文化の類似点、そしてそれらがどれほど言語の学習に影響を与えているかという事を加えると、 履修過程の中のどこかで、(大元の)土台が教師の文化の含み(=教師の中の文化?)を拠り所にする。(よく分かりません…) しかし、教師がどれほど望み、不安にさえなろうとも、教室の中を通して従わなければならず、(ココも意味不明) それはつまり、方法や手段の実際的な知識の欠如が履行を妨げているのかもしれない。
>>539 そういう説明で合っているという奴もいれば違うという奴もいる。 以前見た書き込みでは a book on the table のo the table を 副詞句だと言っていたのがいたな。オレが学んだ参考書類では形容詞句 だったけど。 とにかく文法的なことになると意見が百花繚乱、収拾がつかなくなること必至。
>>537 和訳上のテクニックだと思えばいいんじゃない。 だいたい「ある人が何もかもを欲する」なんて日本語として 不自然だとおもわない? some 〜、(the) others〜(〜する人もいれば、中には〜する人もいる)という表現は特に重要。 辞書例 Some students like science very much, and others like music. 「科学がとても好きな学生もいれば、音楽が好きなものもいる」
Q.空欄に適する語はどれか Investors fear the company's latest profit warning could have a ( ) disastrous effect on the firm's stock price. 1.potentials 2.potentiality 3.potential 4.potentially
>>547>>548 違う文です。 たとえいくらかかろうともその傑作を手に入れると、その大富豪は言い張った。 正解 The millionaire insisted on acquiring the masterpiece no matter how much it cost. 最後のcostはsいらないのですか? それはなぜでしょうか?
>>567 いやー俺の説明も分かりづらくてすまんw the terrific strain (which) using the paower seemed to put on her~
the terrific strainが名詞で、using~ からの文が、the terrific strain を修飾しているのは分かる?
the snack which he seems to like 彼が好きそうなお菓子 みたいな構造になってるの。
(Using the power) seemed to put < the terrific strain> on her ~ その力を使うことは、彼女の臓器にひどい負荷を置きそうである。 これの<the terrific strain>を中心にしたのが the terrific strain (which) using the paower seemed to put on her~ になるわけ。んでこれは文じゃなくて一つの名詞になってるの たがらofのあとにもおけるってわけよ
After all, I did not stay in Glenwood Hostel in Brooklyn. There, the room was only walls [ with the tops open to the alley ] and [ without any windows ] and [ still with a long small bed [ with seemingly not clean sheet ].
After all, I did not stay in Glenwood Hostel [ (which is) in Brooklyn ].
Do you understsand? There can be any number of prepositions in one sentence. I will tell you [ that [ strucure learning ] is the most important in [ learning a language ] ].
例文として、 We swam and played tennis in summer, and in winter we bicycled. In the evenings my grandmother read books in the living room. My sister always walked to her school. In those days I went to a lot of summer camps.
>>563 She had grown a little wary of the terrific strain [ (which) [ using the power ] ] seemed [ to put on her heart and lungs and internal thermostat ] ]. 彼女は念力を使うことによって 心臓と肺と体温調節機能に大きな負担がかかるらしいことを いささか警戒しはじめていた。
We *swam and *played tennis in summer, and in winter we *bicycled. In the evenings, my grandmother *read books in the [ living ] room. My sister always *walked to her school. In those days, I *went to a lot of summer camps.
>>525 [ What makes [ America a nation unique ] and gives its culture such dynamism and flexibility ] is the diversity of its people.
The first time Japanese visitor to America, upon [ alighting from the plane and entering the airport terminal ], invariably is struck by a strange sensation of [ being surrounded by people of [ varied ] racial background ].
Whte, black, red, yellow, and brown people are well represented.
The formmula elabolated by a genius has no flaws or defects in every single aspect withrespect to English grammar. So people all over the world are destined to be obliged to learn it.
You must accept the fact that the ability to accomplish something differs from person to person. I can finish the task which you take a day to complete in a few minutes. So I have enough time to fool around here.
For example, you can say, " There are two girls in this room. One (girl) is from the US, and the other (girl) is from Japan."
But you cannot say, "There are three girls in this room. One (girl) is from the US, and the "others" girl are from Japan." ^^^^^^^ In that case you gotta say "the other girls" instead of "the "others" girls" In the above sentence, "the others" means "the other girls".
So you can say "the other + noun( either singular or plural) ", but not "the others + noun"
唐突ですが、すいません、ご教授下さい。 "The farmer was bothered by his watermelons being stolen overnight." この文の"being"は動名詞でしょうか、現在分詞でしょうか。 his watermelonsは動名詞の意味上の主語(目的格になりますが)だと解釈したいのですが、 いかがでしょうか。
I think that as a nonnative speaker, nothing is more difficult than to understand the meanings of English lyrics. Because in general they tend to be grammatically incorrect. What is worse, it's a part of a song, so I'm reluctant to answer your question. When it comes to words of songs, there are a lot of Japanese songs whose meanings I don't understand, I'm a native speaker of Jaoanese though. Let's say You listen to a tune titled "Syonenjidai" sung by Inoue Yosui, do you understand the meaning of it ?
皆さま、どうもありがとうございました。 最終確認させて下さい。 by doing 〜「〜することによって」の形はよく見かけます。 ただ、by A (所有格'sではない!) doing〜という形になると、 解釈が分かれますよね。 1 Aが〜することによって(Aは動名詞の意味上の主語) 2 〜しているAによって(Aは現在分詞によって修飾される名詞) 日本語に直した場合、大差ないかも知れませんが、 文法的にどうなっているのかと思いまして。 ネイティブの方はどう捉えているのかなという疑問もありました。
The bike was moved along by the rider's pushing his feet against the ground. これは書遊廓なのでpushingは間違いなく動名詞だと言えます。 The bike was moved along by the rider, pushing his feet against the ground. カンマが入ると分詞として理解せざるを得ません。 これは「独立分詞構文」で、しかも意味上の主語を省略するというパターンですよね。 受験英語を越えていると思いますが。 で、 The bike was moved along by the rider pushing his feet against the ground. これが厄介だなあと思って質問させて頂きました。 どちらでも取れますよね。何かアドバイスを頂ければ幸いです。
>>634 分詞構文です 主たる主語述語はThe farmer was botheredですが、by his watermelons being stolen overnight.の his watermelons being stolen overnight.にもSVMの構造があります すなわちwatermelonsがS’、being stolenがV’、overnightがM by his watermelons being stolen overnightの中は受動態になっていて「一夜にしてメロンが盗まれる」 全体の訳は 一夜にしてメロンが盗まれることに農場経営者は悩まされた ぐらい かな
>>628 listening以下は分詞構文です。 I study listening to music, → I study while I listen to music だと思ってください。分詞構文にしたのは、そのあとalthough以下の文が続き、こうしないと文が重くなると考えたから。 なおadmitは認める、と意味ですが、自分に都合の悪いことを認める、という使い方がほとんど。この場合にはぴったりします。
質問です He left us crying. は「彼は私たちを泣かせた(て去った)」と訳すのだそうです。 この文を「彼は泣きながら私たちと別れた」という意味にとるのは間違いでしょうか。 そう思う理由は He came home crying. を「彼は泣きながら帰宅した」と訳すからです。 よろしくお願いします。
>>674 構文や文法上の間違いはないでしょうが、そんなふうには言わない、ということだと思います。 He left us crying. は「彼は私たちを泣かせた(て去った)」という意味になるのが普通です。 なぜかといわれると理由の説明は難しいが、そういう使い方になっている、ということです。 そうである以上「彼は泣きながら私たちと別れた」というのは別の表現を使うしかない。 例えば、 He left from us (while) crying など。この方が意味ははっきりするでしょう。
Although analysts expect to see a surge in demand from Central and Eastern Europe within a few years, there will also be an influx of products from low-cost producers in those regions.
I think that the phrase "hitsuyou to sareru" is en expession peculiar to Japanese language. So it would be better for you not to translate it literally into English. Since I'm not a native, I'm not sure whether the English phrase " that we are needed by people" is awkward or not, though. If I were you, I would paraphrse it by using active voice and then compose a sentence like " Helping others in need makes us happy."
Although analysts expect to see a surge in demand from Central and Eastern Europe within a few years, there will also be an influx of products from low-cost producers in those regions. Although〜a few years、の部分とthere will also be〜は異なることを述べています 需要が増えるという予想とは逆に流入が増えるだろう ということ
That is right. Since it is called a participial construction, it becomes a mistake. What is necessary is to call it only a participle. It is clear that it is not a gerund.
先程、質問したものです。Bが間違っていたので新しく添削お願いします。 It just doesn't make sense to me that America would have most of its capital cities in cities,and that the capital of the whole country would be so small. これが文章で僕の日本語訳が アメリカのほとんどの州都は首都が大部分で他は国の全体からみてもとても小さな州都だ。私はそれに理解出来なかった。
God blesses me today, too, [ just as he blessed me yesterday, the day before yesterday and the day before ], [ because Jesus died for me and I have been repenting of my sin ].
>>702 It just doesn't make sense to me [ that America would have most of its population in cities ], and [ that the populaton of the whole country would be so small ].
>>713 どちらも可。海外転勤するのが課長自身である場合は省略も可。目的語が主語に一致する場合は省略も可。 これに対し、違う場合は省略は不可。 The manager didn't approve of the CEO's decision to relocate his subordinate abroad. その課長は自分の部下の海外転勤というCEOの決定を認めなかった。 など。
I have a question. There is a sort of adjective made from by connecting some words, I don't know what it is called in English, though. Let me take a few examples. I have a five-year-old son. Lions are meat-eating animals.
Is is all right if I originally create a new adjective of this kind and use it? Thank you in advance for your answer.
Basically, it's no problem to create new words like three-year-old daughter. But the words just before the noun should refer to some kind of attribue of the target noun.
>>719 I have a son [ who is five years old ]. Lions are animals [ which eat meat ].
In order to make the subbordinate clause simpler or shorter, you say
I have a [ five-*year-old ] son. * is simplification of a noun using its basic form Lions are [ meat-*eating ] animals. * is called a gerrand. It`s a noun-like use of the participle.
I`m in New York now. Yesterday I strolled all over in Central Park. It took, say, over 4 hours. It was Sunday, so people brought barbecue tools or percussion instruments, and people were dancing. I joined in their dancing. My dancing may have looked sexy , so many people enjoyed it. At night, it roared like thumdereing. I wondered if it was the subway. But it was not. It was Hudson River firework event which is held once a year, I started to walk west toward the Hudson Rivber. Tall buildins prevented me from seeing the firework. When I arrived the river, it was about to end. I could see only the ending part which is abou two minutes. The area was too crowed. After walking a lot, I got on a bicycle taxi. From 47th Street to 20th street, I was on the bike-taxi.
I could get back to Chelsea International Hostel at last at about midnight.
When I arrived the river, it was about to end. I could see only the ending part which is abou two minutes. The area was too crowed. After walking a lot, I got on a bicycle taxi. From 47th Street to 20th street, I was on the bike-taxi.
I could get back to Chelsea International Hostel at last at about midnight.
I guess you made a typo. That's why you give thanks to Mr Kataoka for his post. Judging from the meaning of the sentence, the word " ladder" is more suitable than " leader" Is my guess right?
I do not get to listen to english for quite a while, my ability of english listening began to decrease.
While, if I increase to training of English listening, It causes obstacle in listening Japanese language. and I becomes quite difficult to live on japanese social life.
For these about two years, The score of an English listening has been unable to move upward due to that vicious circle.
Please teach me some efficient method of training English listening that doesn't interfere to Japanese language in Japan.
Professor Katoka enjoys walking under the stars. Atmosphere of New York surrounding him, he went on his jovial promenade. Should any of you encounter him by any chance, I pray you to give him your lovely smile!^^
>>769 I do not get to be listening to English for quite a while, My ability of [ English listening ] began [ to decrease ].
While, [ if I increase [ my training of [ listening to English ] ] ], it causes to get obstacles in [ my hearing Japanese language ]. and it becomes quite difficult [ for me to have Japanese social life ].
For these reasons, for about two years, scores of [ my hearing English ] have been unable to move upward due to this vicious circle.
Please tell me some efficient methods of [ training [ English listening [ that doesn't interfere with [ my listening ] of Japanese language.
>>781 He is just praising himself against his real Englirsh ability, and saying vulgar words every time. So almost all people here hate and ignore him. Only new comers like you talk to him because they don't know what he is like.
Kataoka Kazuyoshi is a great man. He is a teacher who persevered all the persecutions which ruling authorities exerted to tried to kill him. He is a obedient Christian, so he persevered and remained in Jesus however fierce the persecutions may have been.
he has English Ability Certificate top grade. He has just published a great book called 10 formulas of English, a revolution in English Grammar,\. Go to a big book store.
you will find how totally logical and exceeding thetheory and the new teaching is. You can level up the university that you take the entrance examination of for two ranks upward! How surprising it is!
He has never lived in any foregin countries. But he is very logical and can pronouce and speak English [ just as native speakers do ]. Now he is in New York City. He will live there for about three months. It is his first time of [ living in a foregin country ]. So many people envy him and keep [ speaking ill of him ]. But now it is useless [ because his book is beiing sold well ].
How miserable ill-[ speaking ] people are [ because soon there will be no place [ where they can be [ because they have to go away and hide themselves in shame ] ] ].
You know, humans started [ using language [ starting with nouns [ telling [ that a thing is there, that is, to tell existence of the thing ] ] ]. Next, an action verb of the thing is said after the noun. Then, a state of a thing is said and it is said in an adjective. First three formulas are three kinds of subject and predicate, [ which are existence, action and state ].
Haven't you read his posts? I don't understand how come you are still in a state of indecision. You can judge from his English whether you buy it or not. I've never read any of his books but I'm sure they are not worth reading. They must have been produced from his vanity.
I wonder why professor Kataoka is now in NY. What's the motive? He has some business to do there? Or simply a whim? ...Anyway, it was nice for him to change the mood. Good stay and have fun,professor Kataoaka!^^
訳せません・・・。辞書で調べても意味がわからない結果になりました。正しい訳を教えてください。 I had often heard of 「women's lib」and how American how women wanted to be treated just the same as the men.
Is it CM after all? It was CM of the publication which also involves in anti. Seemingly it is AHO. There is a thread for exclusive use. Don't communicate here.
先ほど、質問したものです。 新たに分からない文章が立て続けに出てきました。僕の訳の答え合わせしてください。 @I learned that,when being introduced,I could shake a women's hand only when she extended it first. AIf she didn't put out her hand, I just smiled and said,[Nice to meet to.] BTo my self, each woman I met seemed very happy with my polite manners.
Central Park Bicycle Shop is the best and most convenient site [ to rent a bike in NYC ]. [ Bike riding in Central Park ] is an unforgettable experience for all ages. Park Bicycle Shop holds a large selection of quality and [ well maintained ] bicycles for private bike rentals [ to satisfy any type of cycling activity in central park and new york city ]. Rent a bike from Central Park Bicycle Shop and you will get a bike, map, helmet, lock and a bell. New York bike rental is always a remarkable part of any outdoor fun.
TTI Technologies is the name of the company [ a computer of whose I am using now ]. I was running out of time, so I put in one dollar bill. But the site went out. [ When it restarted ], it asked me minimun 2 dollars anew. The company stole my one dollar! They are a thief!!!
>>819 >>the first wrestler to gain the rank since November 2008.
the first wrestlerという主語の後にto不定詞が来ているのですが、これって普通なんでしょうか? 今まで主語 動詞 to不定詞と習っていたので、こういう文は良く分からないです。 to不定詞には主語(〜することは)補語(〜すること)目的語(〜することを)があると習いました。 この場合の用法としては3つの内のどの用法になるのか教えてください。
>>825 He was the first wrestler [to gain the rank since November 2008.] 彼は最初のレスラーです。[2008年11月以来そのランクをえた。]
こういうのって何といえばいいんでしょう。He was the first wrestler.だけで文が終わっていて、 更にそれを詳しく捕捉するためにto gain the rank since November 2008.を付け加える事を・・。 修飾語にto不定詞を使ってるって事ですよね?to不定詞の目的語(〜することを)でいいんでしょうか?
as is often the case with~ as was expected などの主語って一体何なんでしょうか? この種の構文としてas regardsなどもあるにはありますが 気のせいか受動態におかれている場合が多いように思われます。 この構文に想定される“主語”の正体と 受動態が多いことには有意的な関係がありますか? なにとぞお教えくださいますよう宜しくお願い致します。
>>832 君は形容詞的用法を「〜するための」と覚えているようだけど、それは間違いだ。 形容詞っていうのは名詞を修飾する(つまり説明・補足する)ものだ。 He was the first wrestler.という文が骨になっていて、 そのレスラーってどういうレスラーなの?っていうことを説明しているのがto以降。 そのレスラーは「"そのランクを得た"レスラー」。 レスラーっていう名詞を修飾しているからこれは形容詞的用法といえる 意味をイメージしてから適切な日本語を探すほうがいい
前者の例でいえばThis is a tool.っていう文が骨になっていて、 その道具ってどういうツールなの?ってのを説明しているのがto以降 その道具は「"車を直す"道具」。この場合はたしかに「〜するための」という働きはしている。 一々「〜するための」だからー…とかって考えるのではない。 どこがどこを修飾しているのかを考えて、適切な訳を考える。 練習しているうちにどういった意味合いをもつ場合があるのかはわかってくるよ。
>>843 someを単数に用いる場合があります。 someを単数に用いる場合、複数に用いた場合と意味が違います。 辞書を引いてみてください。そうすればわかります >There is still hope.でも正しいのか はい 蛇足:There is hope.とThere is a hope.の違い 話し手の意思により、hopeが漠然としていたら前者、具体的なら後者を使います。
There is still some hope of [ his recovering ]. kaifukuno kanouseiga ikuraka aru. arukotonitsuiteno kanousei, nozomino ookisawoitteirunode tannsuuatsukai shimasu. You can hope [ that he will recover ].
すいません、>>858について誰か教えてください。 both ofの後に 人称代名詞の目的格(him her it us them) or 人称代名詞の所有格(his her it our ther)+名詞の複数形(例 Both of his parents) ここまでは合っていますよね? ここまでは理解できるのですけど、私の持ってる英和辞書ではあんまり詳しく乗っていないんです。
正しく訳して下さい。お願いします! @The fact that woman want to be treated as equals and yet want to enjoy the advantages of「lades first」seems to be contradictory to me.
ASome people say they want to have it both ways.It set me Wondering how the custom of 「ladies first」ever got started.
以下のパラグラフの1、2、3、4のどの部分に、次の文を入れるのがもっとも適切か、という問題です。 挿入する文は What makes oil paint so effective and popular as an artistic medium is the oil itself. という文で、数字入りパラグラフは以下の通りです。
1. Oil paint is slow-drying paint where pigment particles are bound or suspended in various oils,most commonly linseed oil from the flax plant. 2. Other binders can distort the purity of the pigment,tinting a painting with unwanted hues and dulling its surface sheen. Not oil. 3. Oil is what gives an oil painting its unsurpassed luminosity ,depth and brilliance. 4. It is also what makes oil painting such a flexible and versatil medium.
質問させて下さい。 1、statement makes such an impression that we wish to refer to again 述べられてる事が印象を残すのでまたそれを読み返したくなる。 2、Human being are so made that they forget the thing〜 人間は〜な事を忘れるように作られてる。 1では「So(such)〜that」構文なんですがなぜ2はso〜that構文の訳が当てはまらないのでしょうか?
>>941 ありがとうございます Some foreign women believe their extravagant promises. ITALIAN women know that this gallant behavior is only a (game). They accept the compliments,the flowers,and even the kisses,but not the promissof eternal love.
()と同じ意味で使われているgameを1つ選んでください 1,Finally our team won the game by the score of 1 to 0. 2,He is always easy game for our jokes. 3,My grandpa makes agame of me whenever we see after along time. 4,She got angry over mypractical joke which was just agame,not serious.
本文の内容と一致しているかしてないのか Iterlian men like to court women but few Iterlian women belirve their words and actions religiously ― though some foreign women are deceived by them.
以下の英文を訳していただけないでしょうか。英字新聞、雑誌に苦労すると言ったら 課題英文が出題されました。これ英字新聞か雑誌ですよね。 中高生には難しいのですが。。。 >下の英文を和訳し、文型について解説してみ。 >これレベル低い記事だよ。 といわれてしまいました。 The arrests of suspected al-Qaeda supporters in Europe this week illustrate the evolving challenge authorities face in identifying and keeping watch over terror suspects, as radicals from increasingly disparate backgrounds gather in smaller, overlapping cells.
>>932 I am 片岡. I came to New York City, and I live here in a foregin country for the first time, I 'll live here until September 23. I have reasearched human language, and I found 10 formulas [ which will explain everything in English sentences ]. So [ if you check things up with 10 formulas ], you can easily understand any question [ that you may come across ] very easily. My newest book has just gotton on book store shelves, so check it up at large book stores. ` 10 formulas of English ' or ` Eigo no 10 ko-shiki 'is the name. [ If you use the book ], your ability of [ using English ] will grow to the double of [ what yours is now ].
>>933 今まで長期をかけて構築されてきた既存の英文法は, dannpennteki de zatta de hannzatsu desu. 自分が tannkyuushte miidashi mashita. 10公式という独自の理論で自費出版などをしている老人教員 desu. 実名らしい。クレイジー to hitowa iukeredo, jitsumei = sekininn でしょu? 10公式っていうの de たやすく gimonnga kaimeisare, kechitsukewa kanntannni 論破され masu. 和訳 yorimo 括弧 de kouzouwo haakusurukotoga daijidesu. ブログに書けばいい日記みたいな内容の文章とかmo, keijibanndewa, taisetsuna komunike-shonn desune.
>>952 The arrests of [ suspected ] al-Qaeda supporters in Europe this week illustrate the [ evolving ] challenge [ (which) authorities face in [ identifying and keeping watch over terror suspects ], [ as radicals from increasingly disparate backgrounds gather in smaller, [ overlapping ] cells ].
>>943 Some foreign women believe their extravagant promises. ITALIAN women know [ that this gallant behavior is only a (game) ]. They accept the compliments, the flowers, and even the kisses, but not the promises of eternal love.
1,Finally our team won the game by the score of 1 to 0. 2,He is always easy game for our jokes. 3,My grandpa makes a game of me [ whenever we see after along time ]. 4,She got angry over my practical joke [ which was just a game, not serious ].
Iterlian men like to court women but few Iterlian women believe their words and actions religiously ― [ though some foreign women are deceived by them ].
Sweet hour of prayer! sweet hour of prayer! That calls me from a world of care, And bids me at my Father’s throne Make [ all my wants and wishes known ]. In seasons of distress and grief, My soul has often found relief And oft escaped the tempter’s snare By thy return, sweet hour of prayer!
Sweet hour of prayer! sweet hour of prayer! The joys I feel, the bliss I share, Of those [ whose anxious spirits burn With strong desires for thy return ]! With such I hasten to the place [ Where God my Savior shows His face, And gladly take my station there ], And wait for thee, sweet hour of prayer!
I comprehend languages, Japanese, Russian, English. Wish I could comprehend Spanish. Next to me are a Spanish cute man and a Russian ikemen young man. Wow, we are humans. I love Spain, I love Russia, I love Broadway, I was in Marry Poppins playing theater, and during the play, I was a child.
>>945 > 英作の問題で「彼の働いている会社は仙台に新しい支社を出した。」の答えが > 「The company whitch he works for has setup a new branch in sendai.」 > なのですが、worksは主文の時制にあわせてworkedになるのではないんでしょうか?
>>984 何となくですけど、分ったような気がします。 前置詞が付くとその後の名詞には冠詞(theとかa)が付くという事が分りました。 Please push this button.「このボタンを押してください」 Please push this button here.「ここでこのボタンを押してください」 Please push this button at the station.「その駅でこのボタンを押してください」
Despite the fact that Brazil's economy was in turmoil, Whirlpool invested $30 million to develop the new washer, the ldeale, to meet the needs of a large class of consumers who still wash clothes by hand.
1 Initial () regarding the establishment of a joint venture took place yesterday. (A)negotiations(B)innovations(C)propositions(D)announcement 自分の答えA
2 In only three years at the trading firm,Ms.Williams advanced to the () of financial director. (A)level(B)degree(C)measure(D)ambassador 自分の答えB
3 The data analysis of the newly developed vaccine revealed several () that called for additional research. (A)confidences(B)inconsistencise(C)colleagues(D)endorsement 自分の答えB
誤文訂正です Francesca Winters (is a perfect) candidate (for the) position (because) her accumulated experience in financial affairs. 自分の答え because→for
Buying (in bulk) is (considerably) more (economic) than buying packaged (products). in blukが副詞なので動名詞にかかるのはおかしいと思うのですが、答えがわかりません。