so you are 20 years cool, well, i put Vejita's name in my profile because i like this character so much. Him and I are alike and it is quite a long story about my life but i am loner person so i feel like him. Vejita is a symbol to he's been all the time with me in my profile. why are you asking me this question? do you like Vegeta? just curious
電気双極子モーメントの話なのですがここだけ訳すことができません。 if we observe this effect in a point at a larger distance from the particle, the lines of force superimposed on the homogenous field will be those of a dipole m, which can be either positive of negative, and which by its strength and direction defines the particle in all the details we need for our purpose.
If we think that in life a single false step is likely to be fatal, we shall never learn to move boldly and freely through it. We shall be afraid of experience, which is the best of all teachers, and at the end we shall find that we find that we have profited nothing by all the dangers we have avoided.
>>936 > If we think that in life a single false step is likely to be fatal, もし我々が、人生ではたった一度の失敗ですべてが台無しになるかもしれないと考えたら > we shall never learn to move boldly and freely through it. 我々は何かを大胆に、かつ自由に変えてしまうことを絶対に学ばなくなるだろう
> We shall be afraid of experience, which is the best of all teachers, 我々は経験を恐れることになる、その経験こそ最高の師であるのに > and at the end we shall find そして最後になって我々は気づくだろう > that we find that we have profited nothing by all the dangers we have avoided. 「危険を避けることが何の利益も生み出さなかった」ということを知ったと
I can order the Goods for you and have them shipped to my friends house and have him ship them to you, or maybe i can have the supplier ship them directly to you?
Anyone want to go after this douche kiev? Sanctioned me without cause and now talking shiit.I sancitioned him til it told me. I couldn't any more.Any help will be returned in kind when needed.
The unit price of 0 yen established it as the whole world-like market price, and was 3 age and the situation that cheat-like business of the English school is also disclosed one after another. The foreign language which will be English conversation now will be the whole world standard to learn everything for free of charge.
All translation schools become complete in a management crisis. The person who receives a going to school correspondence course of education at the translation school isn't a specialist of a translation target thing, so mistranslation delivery occurs frequently. A representative of the information weak. Therefore the unit price of 0 yen became whole world-like with the market price. This tendency will be also continued from now on.
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Pretty much for Passive anything you want to put emphasis on you can make a Passive. I see why you use it as honorific because you're placing emphasis on what the person is doing rather than the person them selves. It makes that persons work or action important.
I am 16 year old going on 17 in another month and i just wanted to say that I am really not looking forward to tomorrow since i have college and ughh.. I am plus i wanna get up at 11 o'clock in the morning to go and revise a little but yeah, as for my interests i like reading books, and i am currently reading a book called gracelings at the moment which i really enjoy to that extent.
What is the city? How did it come into existence? What purpose does it fulfill? No single definition will apply to all its manifestations and no single description will cover all its transformations, from the embryonic social nucleus to the complex forms of its maturity.
東大の試験問題です。 最後の「from A to B」のAに関しては、全く分からない単語でした(辞書を引いても良く分からないです) 試験場でコレに出会ってしまった場合、AからBへってことで Bは簡単な単語で「成熟期という複雑な形」ってあるので Aを「初期の単純な形」と解釈したんですが、どーなんでしょうか? 訳を含め、解説お願いですm(_ _)m