>>27 I still remember how cute you were at this time. You've really had a magnicent experience. I'm sure this is a treasure for the rest of your life. Thank you for showing me the picture. It made me feel happy.
>>31 While opening a Japanese sliding door, the old man bumped his forehead against the right-side wooden frame, causing a swelling on his forehead. Due to elderly stage in life, he is getting heard of hearing and of remembering things.
>>40 Payment has been made by my visa david card on January the 1st for the canceled order. I have to know when the pay back can be done. I want visa david to pay me back as soon as possible.
>>43 The school was pretty fun because I had a lot of English class there, and it was educational as well. I experienced home stay in Australia in winter as a short term foreign student. This is going to be a never forgetable experience in my life. It was summer in Australia and it was very hot and dry. I feel I coud somehou understand the culture in that country though I enjoyed the stay too much to study English. I began to think that I wanted to have a job using English soon after.
>>55 You have been late in shipping before due to the deleyed inspection for the items but this time we must have the items delivered right on time. So please be sure that shipping is completed on the exact schedule.
I know that you have the next shipping on February the 2nd for 48 items if it is likely to be late to ship, please send us at least 12 items of them. Thank you.
>>64 Why do you cancel my order in spit of the fact that I didn't ask for it? I was astonished to find that the payment is already made and a certain amount of money was taken away from my bank accout. I, therefore, strongly demand that you undo the process of cancellation. Or, if the cancellation is impossible, you are obliged to give me back the refund immediately.
× Or, if the cancellation is impossible, you are obliged to give me back the refund immediately. ○ Or, if you cannot undo the cancellation, you are obliged to give me back the refund immediately.
>>68 68、71のひとではありませんが、「女性として」の部分は 女性としておかしいのではないかという、男性からの 意見なのでしょう。 この仮説を前提に「女性として」の部分だけ英訳 Though you are female,you don't understand the importance of giving birth to a child.
>>68 From a viewpoint of men: It is absolutely impossible to say to a girl you love, ''Kill the baby when you get pregnant." Or, so I think. Abortion is equivalent to killing. To Recommend a lady an abortion means that the man does not love her.
From a viewpoint of a lady: I cannot fully understand what ladies think bacause I am a man. However, I cannot possibly accept the idea of killing a baby borne from a man you love. Abortion is equivalent to killing.
Do you have a feeling you are loved by him? Do you have a love for him?
Don't tell me the tiny life can't be regarded as life, do you? Don't you feel guilty for killing small life?
Couldn't you just call a taxi on behalf of me.. and send it to my home, when you wake up tomorrow?
(When you wake up tomorrow morning, couldn't you just call a taxi for me, and tell the driver to come to my house<my apartment> to pick me up..?)
I'm having a baddest headache ever..<feeling most awful headache ever..>now.. So I wish to go to the hospital but I cannot walk there by alone<I'm not supposed to be able to walk to the hospital by myself,> because I'm getting high fever and chills..)
*寒気がする‥ 寒気がする develop a chill●feel a chill●get the shivers●give someone the shivers●have a cold fit●have the chills●have the shivers I've got the chills. だそうです
寒気がする cauldrife●chilly〔coolより寒く、coldほど寒くない〕●feel a chill●feel one's chill●get the shivers●give someone the creeps●give someone the shivers●have a cold fit●have the shivers