The yen rallied to a 14-year high against the dollar on Thursday amid speculation Japan's monetary authorities will tolerate further appreciation of the currency.
The yen rallied to a 14-year high against the dollar on speculation Japanese monetary authorities will tolerate further appreciation of the currency.
>>2 The yen rallied to a 14-year high against the dollar on Thursday amid speculation Japan's monetary authorities will tolerate further appreciation of the currency. 日本の金融当局が通貨の更なる騰貴を容認するという予想のなか、木曜日に円はドルに対し14年ぶりの高値をつけて反復した。
The yen rallied to a 14-year high against the dollar on speculation Japanese monetary authorities will tolerate further appreciation of the currency. 日本の金融当局が通貨の更なる騰貴を容認するという予想に基づき、円はドルに対し14年ぶりの高値をつけて反復した。
Then they threw water over him and carried him outside to a storeroom. They called a first-aid man,who washed and bandaged his back. As the soldiers were leaving, one of them whispered that the door was not locked. Did they want him to escape? よろしくお願いします。
Some items are included in the scope that should not be, for example, marketing expenses, awards for goods and services that are not separately sold by the company, immaterial items. Additionally, only business to customer arrangement should be in scope.
marketing expenses, awards for goods /and services that are not separately sold by the company, immaterial items. の場合は、 マーケティング費用、品物を受け取れる賞、さらに同社が別個に 販売していないサービス、即ち、無形物の項目である。
To simulate a pretravel decision, we also asked testers to select a hotel from 10 choices. We used this choice to initialize the testers’ pretravel plans before they began interacting.
>>27 映画やドラマで You made it. を使うシーンを見てると make には相手の行為を評価するニュアンスが含まれてると思う You did it.(「やったね」)よりはデッカイことをやったっていう風に俺は理解してる 「成し遂げた」って感じかな? 状況次第ではあるけど、俺なら「よく頑張りました」とか
A:Why do all living things die, I wonder? B:I don't know. But life is precious, because it doesn't last forever. And being together like this is a wonderful thing. A:You said it.
The various icons in the download menu represent the method used to discover this entry. The icon with the one-way arrow indicates that the discovery has been performed by examining outgoing packets issued by the Firefox browser. The icon with the back arrow means that the match has been found from a response from a server. Other icons correspond to other algorithms.
お願いします。 動画DLソフトの「What do the icons at the left of each download entry mean ?」への回答文です。
For the fact that A we refer to B. っていう構文はなんて訳すんですか? Aはhe is a doctorのようなもの、Bは目的語です。 Aについての文法用語は忘れました。 we refer toはどこまでかかるんですか? それとも、…せよっていうような命令調のニュアンスで使っているんでしょうか? 主語述語のある普通の文が命令調で使われている例見たことないんですが。
Little red riding hood is all about the importance of sex education. And they don't teach you that someone's gonna come along and save your ass, just before the credits roll, in sex education. ちょっと意味が分からないので教えてください
@I'm stressed. I have a paper due on Thursday, and a test on Friday! What can I do? AI'm down. My boyfriend and I had a fight. I'm not doing well in school. What can I do?
In order for our customers to receive their product in the fastest time possible, we process orders as soon as they are received. We are unable to cancel, change, combine shipping or a dd items to an order once it has processed.
They hold that the injured party cannot withdraw his demand for the punishment of the perpetrator after he has reported the case to the authorities and that the right to demand punishment does not devolve to the injured party's heirs after his death.
>>103 They hold イスラーム(they)では that 以下のような主義を固持(hold)している the injured party cannot withdraw 被害者側は取り下げることができない his demand for the punishment of the perpetrator 加害者を罰するという要求 after he has reported the case to the authorities 事件が官憲に報告された後では and that そしてまた以下のような主義を固持している the right to demand punishment 刑罰の要求は does not devolve 委譲することができない to the injured party's heirs 被害者の相続人に after his death. 被害者の死後(his death)は
Hough observes that a pardon, followed by rapid promotion, for one of Bligh's chief targets was "a public rebuke to the absent captain, and everyone recognised it as such."
(C) ISO/IEC 2003 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or ISO's member body in the country of the requester.
Who stole an egg, stole a beef!My mother say me that since i'm child. It's an important sentence for me, meaning that as if you stole something who looks not important it's really a thef. That's why i've theft something. But i don't have a envious nature it was easy for me.
These rhythms are layered on top of one another so that they all interact har- monically to produce interesting variations of the original patterns. 教えてください。
Hey Mikio, I'm very new to ebay selling. I'll have to research this and get back to you. Please be patient. ↑この相手からのメールの後にすぐまた送ってきやがったんですけど 俺はまだ待ってればいいんだと思ってました。 「私はeBayをはじめたばかりだからこれについては調べてからまた返事させてもらう」ではないですか? この文章も正確に読みとりたいので重ねがさね翻訳おながい致します。
For the 300,000 or so British youngsters putting the finishing touches to university-application forms over the Christmas holidays, it is decision time. Which institutions to choose? Which of the myriad alluringly (and sometimes improbably) titled degree courses? Weighty decisions, no doubt, but evidence is mounting that the more crucial choices were made two years earlier, when students picked which three or four subjects they would continue to study until leaving school. どなたかよろしくお願いします!
Secondly, burning cigarette may injure other pedestrians especially children. The burning cigarettes that smoking pedestrians hold in their hands are almost at the same height of childrens faces, so if is very dangerous.
This is an automatic reply to inform you that we will get back to you shortly. We have filed your request and given it the following ticket number: 555 Please do not change the subject line if you want to replyto this e-mail.
>>213 Bodily labor ・alleviates the pain of the mind and ・[arises the happiness of the poor]←( from this)
という文構造になっています。 andは同じ形や似た構造のもの同士をつなぐと思っておけば訳が楽になるかも知れません。 from thisは修飾語が前に出ただけ。arise from 〜=〜から生じる
「肉体労働は精神的苦痛を緩和し、そしてこの事が貧乏人を幸せにさせるのだ。」 後半がちょっと訳しにくいかと思います。 直訳すると意味不明な日本語になるので the happiness of the poor is arisen from thisの意味にぼかしちゃってOKです。 格言なので綺麗な形にしたかったというのもあるのでしょう。
レスいただき大変感激しております。 ボキャブラリ増強のため、単語帳にあった言葉alleviateを 調べているうちに見つけたふたつの例文 Sex alleviates tension. Love causes it. というのはウディ・アレンの映画の中に出てくる言葉と いうのをたまたま知っていたのですが、件のそれはまったく 知らず、しかも非常に難物で…いわゆる“倒置法”または “文学的表現”というやつでしょうか?まだまだ未熟・不勉強で お恥ずかしい限りです。そして重ねがさねレス、どうもありがとう ございました。
Thats not so good. Thats a pretty big problem because the shippingcosts are verry high. We can do a few things i can put it in backorder so when the next time you order that we put it in your box + something extra..? Or we can give you the ammount of the CD as a discount for your next order.
I am one of them in Germany. I lived isolated for a long time of my life, no tv, no radio, no computer. Then, a few weeks before MJ died I got a computer/internet, it took me only one interview to watch were I could see the beautiful loving soul of Michael and that was it: I love him forever...
That have bad bulb's? or are there any issues with the other models or there batteries? From what they tell me the batteries have a shelf life if they are not charged. How are you determining that it is the bulbs that are "Broken" and not a bad battery?
Oh... It is regrettable. I understood, please send it together at the next order. It writes in the comment by next order. However, what kind of concretely thing is "put it in your box + something extra."?
Thank you for your answer. Before choosing from the two options you offered, please let me ask you to clarify one thing. Regarding the first option, what do you mean by "we put it in your box + something extra"? Does this mean I can receive some extra goods as a remedy If I choose this option? Also, could you give more explanation on the "extra" in your mind.? I would appreciate your response.
Ozawa, in Beijing on a two-day visit through Friday, met Thursday with Hu as part of an ongoing exchange between the DPJ and the Chinese Communist Party, whose general secretary is Hu.
Is there one for counting everything that you couldn't place in a particular category? that even if I mistake people would understand me? And is this one to count kanji only?
I'm not really under stress, but I have the feeling that I know nothing. That's not actually the case,but my mind seems empty right know... And if I want ot study again I have the feeling that it's useless... I can't learn anything more!
We do not have a minimum dollar amount on our stock orders, we only require that you purchase the minimum required pieces per item. If you want to buy a small order or samples, you could make a minimum purchase of 5 items, with any mix of designs on the website.
Any deliberate attempt by parents to teach the language system is likely to be at best a waste of time and, quite possibly, an unnecessary source of friction between parent and child.
と it would be wrong to conclude, from my earlier remarks about the uselessness of teaching language to children, that there is nothing that parents can do to positively help their children.
As second and foreign languages speakers increase in number and gain in their international presence, usages which were once criticized as "foreign" or "wrong", such as "three person","many informations", and "he be running" might someday become part of standard speech, and in time possibly appear even in standard writing.
Another study showed that Bonviva indicated a reduction, in the occurrence of new vertebal fractures, of 62% over three years with a daily dose of 2.5mg.
Her father, Bill Hawker, said: "The chief investigator office told me we always get our man and they have done."
Her fater, Bill Hawkerとは被害者リンゼイさんの父親のことです。 で、そのあとの発言部分、 「we always get our man」というのはどういうことなのでしょうか。 「捜査の網内にとらえている」みたいな意味…? うまい日本語が浮かばないので、どなたか教えていただけますか?
With something extra i mean a free t-shirt a free cd and some stickers and a bag. Just enough to compensate the fault. The angercd01 is never coming anymore it was a verry good cd, but unfortunatley is will never be repressed...
>>287は、「...and they have done.」 =「…そして捜査(本部)はそうした[やり遂げた]」と続いているので、 「『逮捕してやる』と家族に言い続けた」とかそういう内容か、 と推測はしていたのですが、alwaysで混乱してわかんなくなっていました。 toldのあとの従属節なのになんで現在形「get」が使われているのかも、ナゾ。
Her father, Bill Hawker, said: "The chief investigator office told me we always get our man and they have done."
'Hard Battle'(←小見出し)
Mr. Hawker added: "He never gave up Ichihashi. He ran away from the scene of the crime, he was running away today when he was caught. He has no remorse and I hope the Japanese society give him the maximum penalty."
I really sorry just reply your message because I got a little busy. I got trouble from my only little staff. I hope you can come early to Indonesia after your busy work and enjoy more for beautiful Indonesia or maybe try our BALI, its a legend for pedigree culture, rampage... more beautiful than Hawai.
Ikuo Hirayama, a painter in the Japanese style known for his Silk Road paintings, Buddhist themes and his efforts to preserve and restore world cultural heritage, died of a stroke Dec. 2 at a Tokyo hospital, those close to him said.
A:Did you grow up in the city? B:Why do you ask me such questions?I don't probe you for pointless information, do I ? A:You can probe me anytime. B:Beg pardon, then, while I jump for joy. A curious question. What is it you asked?
「As for John, when American men become angry the best thing is to give them space. I know you are lonely but you don't deserve his attitude! 」 この文章を口語的に翻訳お願いします。
Normandy and just department in quoted by Paris, made us are in 1:30 am of train there! The Parisian are known to be very pressed it is for that that often we say that they are not a kind (gentil) but it is false!!! I know it a lot who are very nice if you come to Paris you will be welcomed (bienvenue) well!!!
The researchers said the findings were yet more proof that evolution is real and works through natural selection, just as Charles Darwin predicted a century ago.
Roche and GlaxoSmithKline announced in September, 2005, that European Union marketing authorization has been granted for Bonviva 150mg for the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis.
BTW, i use some sort of chinese writing device. I dont use it much. I can read chinese, but im not that good at writing it. Some times i foget how to write it.
I wouldve written bu ke chi, if i used the device.
>>343 どういたしまして ところで私は中国語入力デバイスみたいなのを使います。 あんまりは使ってませんが。中国語を読むことはできますが、 書くのはそんなにうまくないです。書き方を忘れることもあります。 そのデバイスを使ったなら、bu ke chi ( 不客气) と書いたこと でしょう。(訳注: 一番最初の you are welcomeの代わりに ということかな)
The Jenkins Committee Report (AICPA 1994) suggests that non-financial statistics about a company's business activities that are not recoverable from the financial statements and related disclosures provide users with important information.
"We have not attached any condition to the target, nor have we linked it to the target of any other country,"
The accused himself issued the "voice of heaven," prosecutors said, referring to the illegal practice of predetermining who will be awarded a public works contract.
>>371 こんな文章です。添削願います。 It exhibited straw strength during the western North Dakota grow-outs with average plant height of 44” to a maximum of 65”. 西ノースダゴで生育した期間は麦わらの強靭さを示し、平均で1m12cm、 最大で1m65cmの高さに成長しました。
Some people say that ban on smoking in public places will put stress on smokers. It may be true but I don’t support the opinion. I support the ban on smoking in public places for two reasons.
Even though he knew [ that there would come a day <when he would take the place of the man <at whose feet he sat>>], //he served A faithfully and with love.
he knew の目的語が that ...コンマの直前まで。 その中がさらに a day <when ...> であり、 when...の中にまた the man <at whose feet he sat> という「the man <形容詞節>」があるのは分かるのですが 訳となるとまとめられません。 お手数掛けますがよろしくお願いいたします。
Firstly second-hand smoke is harmful to even non-smokers’ health. Smokers themselves know that smoking is bad for their health, but non-smokers are forced to inhale the second-hand smoke given off. There is don’t have a choice. What is worse, second-hand smoke from burning cigarettes does more harm to non-smokers than to their smokers.
The importance of the opportunity to enter into an implicit contract over control ,which gives a succesful entrepreneur the opinion to reacquire control from the venture capitalist by using an initial public offering as the means by which the venture capitalist exits from a portforio investment.
翻訳お願いします。 I haven't been able to try, but if you want to have both you can try to replace "survivor_teenangst" with "survivor_nullangst" in the pak02_dir.vpk file that you created when you followed that tutorial.
whats the song name, its sound like the singer call? my name over and over again at the begining XP 前半は歌の名前を聞いてるとわかるのですが、it's sound〜の部分がわかりません。。 和訳よろしくお願いします
Oh lord, when will your awesome streak end ***** :P
Every time i think about adding you, or seeing if there's anything i can do to show appreciation for your amazing artwork; you go and do something even better, so i feel like i'd be wasting your time xD
The melting aids usually associated with the use of ceramic test tubes are normally not needed since the molten metal freely flows out without ever wetting the test tube walls and the casting that is obtained has a uniform and featureless surface.
The death of his mother had left a hunger for women. Again,he cut this confession:`I loved women.I couldnt think of anything more beautiful than women….`
ギャング・ストーキング犯罪で子供を亡くした親から他の被害者へのメッセージですが You are far too important. は、「あなたがたの命はあまりにも大切なのです。」 で十分だと思いますか?
Guess Who (Los Olivos, CA) #25 Feb 6, 2008 And don't kill yourself, I know you feel like it, I do, too, but please don't do it. You are far too important. It should be the gangstalkers and cops and politicians who kill themselves and the landlords and lousy neighbors who kill themselves, but don't you do it. Please. My son committed suicide and my daughter has made several attempts and partly from the gangstalking and partly because of losing her brother and I feel like it, too, it is horrible to lose a child and a horrible thing to live with day after day to know your son is gone and you can't see him or talk to him and I could lose both children if my daughter does it, too.
You see, ever since the third edition of the world’s leading textbook in international economics, we’ve had a box on bananas titled “Do trade preferences have appeal?” The original box ended by saying,At the time of writing, efforts to negotiate a resolution to Europe’s banana split had proved fruitless.
stand in the hall and hold a bucket of water.9 i hope your gf gets over her problem with men . anyone who makes me choose becomes my ex. 文章は繋がっていません。宜しくお願いします
>>519 ご親切にありがとうございます。私が見逃していたようです。失礼 致しました。宿題ではありません。gets over乗り越えるですか! stand in the hall and hold a bucket of water.の訳をみましたが・・・ この人はセカンドlife?だったかな。そんなゲームで日本語を勉強してる ようです。その話の中でこれがでてきました。私はそのゲームをしないので わからないのですが、ゲームの中でそういわれたのかもしれませんね。 うーん。もしかしてアメリカでもバケツもってできの悪い子は立たされるのかな??
The amount that these are detuned by depends on the timbre you require so you'll need to experiment through detuning them by different ammounts until the frequencies sit into the mix you have so far. As a general starting point, detune them from one another as far as you can without the sounding as two different timbres and then reduce this tuning until the timbre fits to the music. Due to the extremities of this detuning sync both oscillators together to prevent the two from beating too much and then apply a positive pitch envelope to the saw wave with a fast attack and medium decay so that it pitches up as it plays.
>>527の Due to the extremities of this detuning sync both oscillators together to prevent the two from beating too much デチューンの難しさのため、両方のオシレータはビートが大きくなりすぎないように一緒に同調させ
英文の方で引っかかったのなら、 Due to the extremities of this detuning, synchronize both oscillators together to prevent the two from beating too much. のようにカンマを補うとわかるかも。これは動詞としてのsync (synchronizeの略)を使った命令文です。
I was born in Argentina, in Salita, but lived 40 years in Buenos Aires. So tango is in my blood. When playing folk music, different styles arise in me. I play waltzes, it's a natural thing that gives me security and absolute confidence to face it. It will always be there.
だいたいの意味は分かりますが、最後のほうの "face it" の it が何を指しているのかよく分かりません。 解説をお願いします。
YouTubeでの感想欄を読んでいてわからない表現がいくつかあったので教えてください。 ・Oh, shi-tockie mushrums... could things get any worse. のshi-tockie mushrums(mushrooms?)の部分 ・urg, this episode pissed me off のurgの部分 ・everything is just going to shit b/c her let the monster run free. のb/cの部分
This not only means a great loss of biodiversity but also concern about the release of carbon dioxide, which increases global warming. これは生物の多様性の多大な損失だけではなく、地球温暖化を加速させる二酸化炭素の排出に関する問題も意味します。
This symbiosis is distinct from previously reported cases of ongoing symbiosis in that the symbiont plastid is selectively enlarged, while other structures such as the mitochondria, Golgi body, cytoskeleton, and endomembrane system are degraded; the host and symbiont have developed a morphological association , i.e., the eyespot of the symbiont is always at the cell apex of Hatena arenicola; and only one daughter cell inherits the symbiont during cell division, resulting in a symbiont-bearing green cell and a symbiont-lacking colorless cell.
すいませんもうひとつ聞きたいのですが、 Possible factors contributing to this long-lasting functional association that are considered here include: the presence of an algal nuclear genome in the sea slug, autonomous chloroplasts, unusual chloroplast/protein stability, re-directing of animal proteins to the kleptoplast, and lateral gene transfer.
>>559 案内ありがとうございました。 urgとb/cの意味はわかりましたが、 shi-tockie mushroomsがまだよくわからない状態です。 shitocks=be in trouble ということだから、とりあえずこのクソッたれ、的な意味でOKですか? (原文:Oh, shi-tockie mushrooms... could things get any worse.)
Everyone knows five is a crowd, so Gosling, Murray, Whibley and Aoki left around 2 to continue the party over at Tao in the Venetian. No word on whether the party of four split off into more private parties of two, but let's hope one of those babes started '10 off right by devouring our Jay!
Please note that on Jan 4 2010, we’ve processed your ○○(アーティスト名) Platinum Travel Package in Tokyo for $○ USD and your credit card (American Express ending in ××××) is invalid. If you could please call me at ×××-×××-××××, Mon - Thurs, 9 AM - 5:30 PM PT to validate your credit card information, we can complete your reservation. Please let us know as soon as possible.
I actually came across this artists because he's listed under "impersonators" on one of Michael Jackson's official websites. I listened to the song "Slowly" and said "I need to see what this kid looks like!"
>>607 Why was I spared, if not to help them? What use is my life now that I have failed in the task that was given me? もし、彼らを助けるためじゃないとしたら、いったい何のためにおいらはやられないで済んだんだ? 結局与えられた使命を果たせなかった今、おいらの命はなんの役にたつんだ?
Thank you for getting back to us so soon. Sorry but our sales are closing by this coming Monday. You may want to see if you can borrow someone's credit card and pay them back? We do take Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express. Please let us know asap.
However, if and when the IWC decides, base on a scientific consensus, to end the moratorium on commercial whaling, there will have to be appropriate quotas, they will have to be allocated fairly among the IWC members, and they will have to tale into account the other threats to whale populations, such as sonar tests by the US Navy, pollution and ozone depletion.
Haha, yea, I know ... Japanese think ... whoa, he gets three weeks holidays ... does he even have a job??? :P 自分は彼に職やなぜ3週間の休みがとれたのか聞いたのにこの回答がきました。よくわからないのでお願いします。 この文のあとに彼自身の職や休暇の回答が書かれていました。
Today, while in class, I noticed that someone had really bad B.O. I was seated next to an extremely ill-mannered girl, so I figured it was her, and thought to myself that if it happened again, I'd tell her off. Once I got home and took off my jacket, I realized it was me. I forgot to put on deodorant. FML
だいたいは分かるのですが、「bad B.O.」ってなんでしょうか? オチとして「I forgot to put on deodorant. 」とあるので、ヒドイ匂いって事かな?
Investors tempted to take comfort from the fact that asset prices are still below their peaks would do well to remember that they may yet fall back a very long way.
Investors 投資家 tempted to take comfort from the fact 事実から 慰めとする empted to の前になんでbe動詞がないのか。ないときはどう訳すのかよくわからない。
that asset prices are still below their peaks 資産価格がまだピークのしたである。 the factをもう一回使って、という事実は、 かな? would do well to remember that they may yet fall back a very long way.
>>666 Investors( tempted to take comfort from the fact that asset prices are still below their peaks) would do well to remember that they may yet fall back a very long way.
Today, I was watching Star Wars : Attack of the Clones, and Yoda was using the force to move a heavy object. While in the middle of my loungeroom, I instinctively put my hand up to use the force to help him, infront of my father and sister. My sister will never let me live it down. FML
I instinctively辺りからをお願いします。 なんとなくは分かるんですが、オチがよく分かりません。
Today, after months of hardcore flirting with this incredibly attractive guy, he invited me to hang out. At which point he introduced me to his boyfriend. FML
A silk top and knit skirt work together to make one perfect little winter dress. Long sleeved silk top with a deep v neck is accented by tiny playful ruffles. Top and sleeves have metallic buttons. Form flattering skirt ends above the knee and features slash bias pockets. Hidden zipper closes on the side. Sleeve length from shoulder: 25". Center back to hem: 33".
we have shown that economies of scope among financial and nonfinancial contributions by venture capital providers,plus venture capital investors' need for a quantitative measure of venture capital funds' skill,can explain the importance of an exit strategy.
Amazon is brave to carry this book. It is about some very evil people that the FBI and police dare not interfere with. ( The honest ones that is, the crooked cops are in on it ).
Wheel cylinder was added which brought the weight up and we also sent them by air service for speed of delivery. Surface mail would have taken about 5 to 6 weeks to get to you Denise here knows that you want one more BRH138 which is being organised for you
A woman who utters such depressing and disgusting sounds has no right to be anywhere ― no right to live. Remember that you are a human being with a soul and the divine gift of articulate speech; that your native language is the language of Shakespeare and Milton and the Bible; any don’t sit there crooning like a bilious pigeon.
In addition, a candidate timetable is penalised equally for each occurrence of the following soft constraint violations: a student has a class in the last slot of the day; a student has more than two classes consecutively; a student has a single class on a day.
1、 Were I in your place, I would accept his offer. 2、Had I known you were coming, I would have prepared a meal. 3、Were I to fly to the station, I still could not catch the train. 4、Yokohama would be a nice place if it ware not so crowded. 5、If the plane had taken off on time, I would be in Hawai now.
the microfone on my camcorder is messed up like if i play the video on my camrea you cna here it but when it goes on my computer their is no sound. i called the place and they said i need a fire wire and it should work but i havnt gotten one yet
Who's hip anyway? What you gonna do lil' buckaroo? Hey you, better ask her nice All you gotta do, happy fool, is ask your mom No, we all can't be Superfly GQPhdFBI
「It is still useful, though, as in practice such undesirable situations do not usually occur, and this instantaneous optimality provides insights for a theoretically tractable parameter smoothing scheme.」
>>801 >hahaha ,you are as you sound.....a buster.......duster buster >,...raitings are dropping for you buster !!!!!!,soon you will > be extinct ははは、君は君が言うように、buster(破壊者)...雑巾壊し,.. つづりが君を破壊者に貶めてるよ。!!!すぐに君は消えちゃうね。。 buster だかduster だかの発音かスぺリングを間違えてからかわれている ようです。。 raitingはwriting の間違いでしょう。実際なんて言ったのか分からないと 正確に判断できません。。
He said that if Ozawa fails to give a full account of the case, "we should certainly consider a motion urging him" to resign as a lawmaker in the ordinary Diet session that convenes next Monday.
The committee has not attempted to consider all the individual accounting practices that might be the subject of recommendations in the light of standards formulated in this statement. Certain general recommendations for the modification of accounting practice are made and a few important specific problem areas are also the subject of recommendations (Chapter 3 and Appendices A and B ). However, the major effort of the committee has been to establish a foundation of concepts from which particular pracices can be judged.
The committee has not attempted to consider all the individual accounting practices that might be the subject of recommendations in the light of standards formulated in this statement. Certain general recommendations for the modification of accounting practice are made and a few important specific problem areas are also the subject of recommendations (Chapter 3 and Appendices A and B ). However, the major effort of the committee has been to establish a foundation of concepts from which particular pracices can be judged.
The committee has not attempted to consider all the individual accounting practices that might be the subject of recommendations in the light of standards formulated in this statement. Certain general recommendations for the modification of accounting practice are made and a few important specific problem areas are also the subject of recommendations (Chapter 3 and Appendices A and B ). However, the major effort of the committee has been to establish a foundation of concepts from which particular pracices can be judged.
noticed you left negative feedback for Tour de Bill stating that you didnt recieve your item. please can you tell me if you resolved this issue as i am going through a similar problem?
少し長いですけどお願いします。 Because. not even once have I been absent from class. And, I never fail to do homework everytime. However, I didn't have more opportunities to talk to teachers, and couldn't answer some of the problems in Comprehension and Listening.
Can't we try just a little bit harder Can't we give just a little bit more Can't we try to understand That it's love we're fighting for Can't we try just a little more passion Can't we try just a little less pride I love you so much baby That it tears me up inside
の中の Can't we try just a little less pride の部分の訳をお願いします。
By the age of six or eight a child can watch a playmate carry out an intricate series of actions and give a running account of it afterward. お願いします・・ a runnning account の意味がどうしてもわかりませんでした。預金口座じゃ文脈おかしいし・・
I am pleased to confirm that the exchange items you order will receive the same discount as the original items. Please note further discounts do not apply to sale items.
``His steward came but brief while since,'' said the Jewess, ``panting with haste, to ask my father for certain monies, the price of wool the growth of Cedric's flocks, and from him I learned that Cedric and Athelstane of Coningsburgh had left Prince John's lodging in high displeasure, and were about to set forth on their return homeward.
If they work for a computer company, they may be explaining how to repair a software problem on the customer's computer. コンピューター会社で働いているなら、彼らは顧客のコンピューターでソフトウェアの問題を修理する方法を説明しているかもしれません。
なんだけど、that had flaps pulled off the top って書いてあるんで、(thatの先行詞はcarton) flapsがない段ボール箱と言ってる。flapにはいろいろ意味があるけど、この場合は 上の面を作る四つのぴらぴらのこと。それがない大きな段ボールに服が入ってる状態。
I do very long hours and i get paid, so there is no point in me having a part time job just now, i did have a few jobs before when i was an undergraduate though!
>>883 "3 strings for Udon,6 strings for Soba " is a Japanese saying that allude to the optimal amount of noodles one should pick up at a time with chopsticks so it can be eaten stylishly in one quick, tight slurp.
>>884 From November to December, I couldn't sleep well or eat much. When I was able to sleep, I woke up in every one or two hours, and when I eat, I got nausea and threw up. It was very hard. I never want to go through that again.
Please be informed that we were unable to accept your ID's submitted as we need all 3 forms at the same time. Please print and sign the USPS 1583 form along with the 2 forms of ID.
According to official accounts, Blue Stars “originated” (discreet term) in a field of Bobs, a Canadian white wheat in the year 1910, “probably as a result of a natural field cross.” 公式説明によると、ボブの田畑で “始められた”(慎重に選んだ言葉)ブルースター(品種名)は 、1910年のカナダの白い小麦のことで、十中八九、自然の原野で交配した結果です。
Habitats were then rated by the number of species they supported, prioritising the species most vulnerable to habitat loss with the aim of finding the most effective areas for expanding the island’s existing network of reserves.
coolはそりゃすごいね、そりゃいいね、みたいな感じだけど、あんまり深い意味はないことが多い。 「ああ、そうなの」くらいの感じの場合が多い。 A Where do you live? どこ住んでるの? B Japan. 日本 A Cool. そうなのか。(日本に住んでるなんてすごいねーという意味ではない。)
For such are the stories that barley carries and late of an evening when the fire has died to low coals, these teachers may gather round invisibly and yet fill the atmosphere with their palpable presence.
よろしくお願いします。 The chieftains named their homespun, under-gunned, guerrilla resistance and defense-league organization Chushi Gangdruk in tribute to their beloved homeland. *Chushi Gangdruk=チュシ・ガンドゥク=組織名
Today, I found out a friend of mine likes me. It wasn't by a cute gesture like a sweet little note, or a beautiful heartfelt confession like you might expect. He sprang at my boyfriend and choked him (while I strained to pull him off). Right during the middle of our 60+ student populated class. FML
She has successfully held her brain tumor in check since August.Her last MRI in October showed that it was still at 1 cm2.She has another MRI on the 30th of December. We are hoping that it still is the same. This is amazing since this cancer (glioblastoma multiforme) is supposed to be very aggressive.We were told that she would only live for 8 to 15 months.We are now at 18 months and have no new symptoms of cancer.
翻訳お願いします。 When the crop is standing tall, in the rustle of these barley leaves you just may hear the whispers and the faint staccato of hoofbeats, as the heart-felt truths of Chushi Gangdruk’s brave and heroic, patriotic acts of derring-do, spill from the ripening, star-blessed, heads of grain.
as the の前後を適当に訳してみましたが、この前後の組み合わせ方が、チンプンカンプン です。よろしくお願いします。
When the crop is standing tall, in the rustle of these barley leaves you just may hear the whispers and the faint staccato of hoofbeats, 穀物ガ、そびえ立っているとき、これらの大麦の葉が、さらさら音を立てる中であなたは、 まさに ささやく声と、かすかな蹄のスタッカートが、聞こえるかもしれません
as the heart-felt truths of Chushi Gangdruk’s brave and heroic, patriotic acts of derring-do, spill from the ripening, star-blessed, heads of grain. チュシ・ガンドゥクの勇士と英雄がハートで感じ取った真実、蛮勇の愛国的な行為、成熟からの 溢流、星になった天上の人々、穀物の頭部。
>>996 as the heart-felt truths of Chushi Gangdruk’s brave and heroic, patriotic acts of derring-do の部分は挿入句みたいなものなので、その前後のカンマはそれを示すカッコのようなものと 考えればOKです。その部分や他の枝葉をとりあえず読み飛ばせば、「You may hear+目的語+原型動詞」 という骨組みが見えてくるでしょう。 要するに「ささやきや微かな蹄音がこぼれ出るのが聞こえるかもしれません。」というのが訳文の 骨組みになるわけです。