One day, a man was having a checkup at his doctor's office. He was told by the dcotor he should watch his weight. He decided to try to lead a healthier lifstyle. A few days later, he found an invitation notice on the message board near the station. It said, "Join our running club!" He hoped to get in good shape by jogging frequently, so he joined the club. That Saturday, together with the other members of the running club, he jogged for the first time in many years. He found out he had become a very slow runner. It was very hard for him to keep up with the other runners. The next day, his knee ached badly and he had to go to see the doctor. His wife said he had overdone it, but he had not really run very long.
How are you doing? I've been pretty busy. Last weekend, my friends and I went to see some fireworks. They were great. Afterwards, I noticed that a lot of people had left garbage around. But I was glad to see some volunteers were helping clean up. Why do you thing people do volunteer work?
After I got home, I told my mom about the fireworks and the amount of garbage I saw. She thinks that people's manners are getting worse. Do you agree?
By the way, who do you think has the most influence on young people's attitudes?
Write back soon.
Hi, Geoff.
I'm doing fine. You had a great time seeing fireworks with your friends. I think people do volunteer work because it's really a great job. People naturally want to do something good for others. And, I don't think people's manners are getting worse. I should guess we could find people who don't know good manners in all ages. The third question is the most difficult to answer but maybe parents do. I think they are the closest to their children and could affect thier behavior or thinking.
Joking man occasionally disgusts it with a vulgar fellow. However, the effect of the humour as a kind of lubricant in the interpersonal relationship might be recognized more. Rich receptivity is necessary for a flexible idea method and it to become man who understands the humour with wide knowledge. Being said that it has the sense of humor is the highest praise word.
stun /st n/ vt (-nn-) 気絶[失神]させる; びっくりさせる, どぎ もを抜く, 唖然とさせる; 《騒音で》呆然とさせる, (極 度に)感動させる; ぼうっとならせる. n 衝撃; 失神, 気絶; 呆然自失の状態. st n・ned a 《俗》 酔っぱらって. [OF estoner to ASTONISH]
as・ton・ish / st n / vt 突然[ひどく]びっくりさせる《surprise より強 く, astound より弱い》; 《廃》 突然…に恐怖を与え る. ・The accident astonished everybody.=Everybody was astonished at [by, to hear] the accident. 〜・er n [C16 astone (obs)<OF (ex 1, L tono to thunder)]
spurn /sp rn/ vt 踏んづける, 足蹴にする; 一蹴する; 《廃》 けと ばす〈away〉. vi はねつける, 鼻であしらう〈at〉; 《廃》 けつま ずく, けとばす〈against〉. n けとばし, 蹴り; はねつけ, 冷たい仕打ち; 《廃》 つまずき. 〜・er n [OE spurnan; cf. SPUR] sp r of the m ment a 時のはずみの, 思いつきの, 急ごしらえの. spurred /sp rd/ a 拍車[けづめ]を付けた[もった]; せきたて[駆りたて]られた; 【植】 距(キヨ) (spur) のある.
去年の京都大学の問題 One day I was struck by the admittedly obvious but also incredible realization that, ever since Homo sapiens evolted, every single member of the human race must have possessed a completely unique brain, never duplicated in ever tens of thousands of years. How else could each human being have been unique? As every single one of our predeccessors has lived out thier particular life story, a variety of experiences have literally left their mark on each and every brain. And as each of our predecessors has followed thier own particular narrative, so the accumulation of events has in turn acted as an ongoing frame of reference for evaluating whatever comes along next. Could this be the key to unlocking that most controversial of issues; the physical basis of the mind? Sometimes human beings lose their minds - be they drunk, drugged, ecstatic or simply mad. All are very different conditions, but with this one crucial factor in common; something very special is missing. But what is it exactly that has vanished? Certainly not consciousness, that first-hand, subjective experience of the world. After all, in mindless moments our brain still function; all senses are present if not entirely correct, as the final perspective on what is happening around you is a little distorted compared with 'normal'. Not only that, but you can move your muscles, even if with a little less control or with greater hesitancy. So 'loss' of mind is not the same as loss of the most basic brain functions of senses-input, movement-output; And the converse holds; a paralyzed patient still has a mind comparable to that of anyone else, even if crucial brain functions for interesting with the outside world are not operationla.
stand back 引っ込んでいる from あとへ下がる 離れてみる 手を引く fall over 倒れ掛かる つまずく 向こう側におちる たれかかる < fall over onself ころぶ turn out 消す 追い出す 追い払う 解雇する 狩り出す 外に出す sit up 起き直る きちんとすわる 寝ずにおきてる さっと緊張する きっとなる はっとする draw up 引く 引き上げる 作成する 立案する 整列させる 止める roll down ころがり落ちる 取っ手をまわして窓をあける sign out 署名して出発する 外出を記録する サインして預かる win over 人を首尾よく味方にひきいれる、説得する press for 支払いを迫る 回答を迫る give off 発する 放つ 放出する 枝を出す run throught さっと通り抜けさせる 通す 消す 突き刺す 機械にかける 通し練習 経験させる pass up のがす 断る 辞退する 無視する 除外する そばを通りすごす building up 囲む たくさん建てる 集める 増やす 強める 築き上げる 確立する 改造する 更新する 積み重なる holding off 近寄らせない 防ぐ 離れている 待たせておく ためらう 待っている rubbing in こすること 摩擦 あんま マッサージ dealing out 分配する 捌きをする 札を配る
The central theme of this book is the position of 'native' in what I call the 'world system' of anthropology. Since anthropology originally developed in the West mainly as a science of 'primitive' people under colonial rule, sholars used to gather ethnographic data and interpret it in books and articles without seriously considering the reactions of the people they were describing. The situation has changed dramatically in the postcolonial age, hen the traditional boundary between the colonizer/researcher and the colonized/researched has become increasingly blurred.
1.なら、after two weeks, six months later, the next day 2.なら、When the man read the newspaper, As she took the bus, On her way to work 3.なら、He decided to participate in the event. She saw the elderly woman having trouble 〜ing 4.なら、He looked satisfied. The elderly woman seemed embarrassed.
・100語前後書かれているか ・スペルミスの有無 ・名詞、接続詞、副詞、前置詞、関係代名詞など文法誤用の有無 ・時制の一致、 ・文章の理由、裏づけ、説得力に関する表現(A because Bのような表現があるか) ・自論、結論( I think 、 As a resultなどを使って自分の意見が述べられているか) ・3つの質問に確実に答えられているか ・手紙の形式を使って意思疎通ができるか(名前の順序、dear、take careなどが添えられているか) ・全体的表現力(これは、分からないけど14点とれるかどうかの最後のポイント? 長い主語の使用で文法上OKだけど理解しにくい文章だったりとか)
主語と述語と修飾語を言う文 @主語 +be動詞(is,am,are) +前置詞(at, in, with, on, for, to, by .......) +名詞 I am in Ikebukuro. A主語 +一般動詞(〜する)(←s) +前置詞(at, in, with, on, for, to, by, as ........) +名詞(目的格) I stand on Sunshine Street. B主語 +be動詞(is, am, are) +形容詞 + 〜 I am old. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 助動詞を加えた文 C主語 +助動詞(will,shall,can,may,must) +動詞原形(〜する,be) + 〜 I can help you with English. D主語 +be動詞(is, am, are) +動詞の原形←ing + 〜 I am inviting you to a good extra learning school. E主語 +be動詞(is, am, are) +動詞の過去分詞 + 〜 English is used by almost all the people in the world. F主語 +have動詞(have, has) +動詞の過去分詞 + 〜 Have you learned English enough? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 従属的主語述語 G接続詞・疑問詞・関係代名詞・関係副詞 +主語( 疑問詞・関係代名詞が主語に当たる時は無し) +述語 + 〜 I will help you [ so that you may use English easily and freely ]. H ( (for)+目的格 )+ to +動詞の原形+ 〜 We must use English [ to communicate with someone on the earth ]. I動詞の原形←ing + 〜 [ Learning English with 10 formulas ] is the best way of [ learning English ] ever. 動詞の過去分詞+〜