>>951 Nice try. Give you a pat on the back. Below are my two cents. Order isn't 命令 in this case, so it should be 注文 instead. units in this case should be something like items, products he/she ordered, so 商品 should be an appropriate Japanese word here. And I'm not >>923->>927, who did fabulous translations. Big thumbs up to him/her
I don't suppose I could ask if you're free? I had some translation way back in post >>823 that never got finished, and I'm always fishing for volunteers. ^^
If you can, and you have the time, I'd appreciate it.
「この会社は非営利の宗教法人であり、いかなる個人の利益のために組織 されたものではない。Nonprofit Religious Corporation Law (非営利宗教法人法) のもとに主に宗教的目的のために設立されるものとする。その目的は L・ロン・ハバードの宗教的な教えを社会に知らしめ育むことにあり、法律により 非営利企業に与えられた全ての権利と力を保持し、時に行使することである。
-ソース:カリフォルニア州ロサンゼルス、WISE(世界サイエントロジー企業協会)設立定款 --------- 2ch's access denial to me had lasted about two weeks before I got to post again a week or so ago. I've been busy these days. It's not a walk in the park to translate what you have posted because those require some researches on the web and references to dictionary. Besides, the original English are rather long. I'm not sure what an appropriate translation is for "business fare" so I kept it in English. Any idea? I'm >>953 by the way.
I would love to see it, as it just so happens that I am in the children's book publishing game, and I have a big fat spot on my spring, 1957, list for a book called ○○.
"I have a big fat spot on my spring〜〜"が、わかりません。 どなたか訳していただけないでしょうか。 よろしくお願いいたします。
Sorry, I'm back. The Korean DDoS attack kept me away from 2ch. >_<;
"The training itself is standard business fare laced with the human- potential doctrines of L. Ron Hubbard." <--
This sentence means that the contents of the training is typical business material, nothing special, with only L. Ron Hubbard's ideas about human potential added. Otherwise, it's nothing new or original. Just the same old material as other training classes.
I understand that this translation work is really difficult, and I really appreciate the hard work you put into this. Thank you. I'm going to keep posting the rest of the material, but if you've had enough, don't feel obliged to continue. ^^ I'll work something out somehow.
>>965 All right. In that case, replace "business fare" in >>956, which was remained untranslated with ビジネス関連教材. That will do, I think.
One thing I have to admit is this series of translations (and maybe other series of transaltions in the past also) sounds like something translated from English. I mean when you read something translated from another language and the translation isn't excellent, you can recognize it was translated from another language, meaning its flow and wording isn't as smooth as silk if you know what I mean.
I understand what you mean about the flow and wording, but I don't think it can be helped. We're all just a bunch of volunteers here, so we just do the best we can with what we have. The translations you provide are more than we could have managed without you. For that, you have our gratitude.
I think this thread is going to end soon. I'm going to keep posting what I have. It's almost finished anyway. Whatever doesn't fit here, I guess can go in Part 4. That's me being optimistic. ^^
"Church training is mandatory for WISE consultants. New consultants must complete the “Communication Course” and “Hubbard Dissemination Course” which is part of every Scientologist’s "bridge to enlightenment". Not surprisingly, these are among the courses that teach Scientologists the high pressure sales techniques used to get new members into the church.
Directing a prospective consultant to a nearby church for mandatory religious training seems to belie WISE's claim to secular independence from Scientology. In reality, what WISE consultants learn (and then teach their customers), are the same methods Scientology has used for years to sell courses and recruit new members. An activity the Church of Scientology calls "putting new bodies in the shop". "
wish i could understand what those subtitles meant and also? what did u poor on the parts. Also nice video how long it take? というコメントをもらいました。 uはたぶんyouのことだろうと思いググル翻訳にかけました。それで、「私は字幕分かるよ、(部品が不良だとかなんとか)、このビデオ作るのにどのくらい時間かかったの?」 って感じのことが言いたいんだろうとは思うのですが、正確な意味を教えていただけないでしょうか
I won't even lie, I think mean girls is fucking hilarious.
and I like to think that my sense of humour is somewhat more mature than most people, especially most people my age…but I don’t fucking know, I just think mean girls is hilarious. I also find most mean girls related things on tumblr funny, but in a “wow you people on tumblr are crazy and I’m laughing more at you than with you” way. suck mah dick~
コンサルタントになる人を近くのサイエントロジー教会に通わせ、強制的に トレーニングを課している実態は、WISEが主張するサイエントロジー教会からの 独立性に矛盾しています。実際問題、WISEコンサルタントが学ぶのは(後に学んだことを 顧客にも指導するのですが)サイエントロジーがコース受講を薦めたり信者を 勧誘するために長年使っているメソッドとまったく同じメソッドです。 サイエントロジー教会は、このメソッドを使ってコース受講を薦めたり信者を勧誘する 活動のことを"putting new bodies in the shop"と呼んでいます。 -------------- I think I understand what "putting new bodies in the shop" literally means but I doubt I understand what kind of nuances it has behind it and what it implies. I need to your explanation for better translation. I keep it untranslated above.
My name is Joshua , I am a documentary filmmaker based in the United States. I'm currently researching and raising funds for a project about C-Rations and MREs. During my research, I came across your website and Youtube channel and thought that you might be a useful source for information. Can you tell me a little bit about yourself? How your interest in C-Rations and military lifestyles began?
My partner and I are currently applying for funds to travel abroad. If we came to Japan, would you be willing to be an interview subject?
That is what I use the Samsung brand consumer products have won the most. The Japanese company today what Samsung's products were better than Japanese products, yet I think the better stuff. Samsung is still a big one. Well .. By the way, I am a girl age among South Korea's singing 'Oh!' , Eun Ji's 'siren', Bastia LA's 'Bopeep Bopeep' so a lot of good times, but particularly girls love to sing Quite fond of the girl's age.
And besides, I think you like the song that .. Well Like seeing the city at night. Quite unusual and unique view of the city and all that but I like night. I want to see most of the city of Shanghai in China, Hong Kong, Macau, Beijing, Japan's Tokyo and Osaka, the United States, New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, and I want to go to so many. Haha, but that money can go to be a great disadvantage, there is. Haha, you want to get to where you did?