I would be true, for there are those [ who trust me ]; 真実であろう、信じてくれる人がいるから I would be pure, for there are those [ who care ]; 清くあろう、気にかけてくれる人がいるから I would be strong, for there is much [ to suffer ]; 強くあろう、耐えなければいけないことがたくさんあるから I would be brave, for there is much [ to dare ]; 勇敢であろう、勇気を持ってしなければならないことがあるから I would be brave, for there is much [ to dare ].
I would be friend of all—the foe, the friendless; I would be giving, and forget the gift; I would be humble, for I know my weakness; I would look up, and laugh, and love and lift. I would look up, and laugh, and love and lift.
Edelweiss, Edelweiss Every morning you greet me Small and white clean and bright You look happy [ to meet me ] Blossom of snow may you bloom and grow Bloom and grow forever Edelweiss,Edelweiss Bless my homeland forever.
Amazing grace! How sweet the sound [ that saved a wretch like me ]! I once was lost, but now am found; Was blind, but now I see.
(I)twas grace [ that taught my heart [ to fear ] ], And grace my fears relieved; How precious did that grace appear the hour [ (when) I first believed ]!
Through many dangers, toils and snares, I have already come; (I)tis grace hath brought me safe thus far, And grace will lead me home.
The Lord has promised good to me, His Word my hope secures; He will my Shield and Portion be, [ as long as life endures ].
Yea, [ when this flesh and heart shall fail, and mortal life shall cease ], I shall possess, within the veil, a life of joy and peace.
The earth shall soon dissolve like snow, [ the sun forbear to shine ]; But God, [ who called me here below ], will be forever mine.
[ When we've been there ten thousand years, [ bright shining as the sun ] ], we've no less days [ to sing God’s praise [ than [ when we'd first begun ] ] ].
[ When we've been there ten thousand years, [ bright shining as the sun ] ], we've no less days [ to sing God’s praise [ than [ when we'd first begun ] ] ].
片岡は究極の低能 865:片岡数吉 ◆X8bUvIiQ1A :2009/09/13(日) 23:52:56 >>855 彼が営業部長に昇進できなくて落ち込んでいるのは 彼に会えばすぐに分かるよ。 You will know the moment [ that you see him ] [ that he has been disappointed [ not being able to be promoted to the sales manager ] ]. the moment (that)は副詞節をつくるから、目的語のthat節の前には入れない。 「すぐに」をthe momentと訳したのも間違い。easilyが正解。 that節内が現在完了なのも意味不明。knowを使ってるのも間違い。 disappointedの後ろにatが無いのも間違い。片岡は、beingは分詞構文だと主張したいのだろうが、 そんな使い方は無い。to不定詞なら可能だが。 昇進できなかったのは過去だから完了のhaving not been ableの形にしなければならない。 わずか一文でこんなにもたくさん間違いを盛り込むのは片岡以外にはできない芸当かもなw
彼が営業部長に昇進できなくて落ち込んでいるのは 彼に会えばすぐに分かるよ。 You will know the moment [ that you see him ] [ that he has been disappointed [ having been unable to get promoted to the sales manager ] ].
You will know the following fact at the following moment. You see him at a moment. He has been disappointed. He was unable to get promoted to the sales manager.
WASHINGTON – Senate health care negotiators said Monday [ they've narrowed their differences on a host of difficult issues with [ just a day or so left [ to seal an elusive bipartisan deal [ that could change the course of the contentious debate ] ] ]. After months of [ closed ]-door negotiations, Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus said, "We're getting very close." But it remained unclear [ if the Montana Democrat could strike a bargain [ that would mark a [ turning ] point for President Barack Obama's top domestic priority ] ].
In this way the American Revolution which we sometimes call the War of independence,broke out. この様にして私達がときに独立戦争と呼ぶアメリカ革命が勃発した。 という訳でいいですか?sometimes時にでいいです?
The negotiators pared the cost of their 10-year coverage plan to under $880 billion, and also reported progress on several issues, [ including health insurance for the poor, restrictions on federal [ funding ] for abortions, a verification system [ to prevent illegal immigrants from [ getting benefits ] ], and ways [ to encourage alternatives to malpractice lawsuits ] ].
With or without Republican support, Baucus said [ he'll have a formal proposal by midweek — most likely Wednesday — [ to meet a deadline for [ moving ahead ] ] ].
>>72 In this way the American Revolution [ which we sometimes call the War of independence ], broke out. この様にして私達がときに独立戦争と呼ぶアメリカ革命が勃発した。 という訳でいいです sometimes時にでいいです
The judge gave the boy a lenient sentence,staing that he had been impresssed by his regret
この文ではstaingから後ろはhad 過去分詞の文なんですが
sinceやafterでつながってる文には過去の事をhad 過去分詞で表すのはだめですよね?過去の事をhad+過去分詞で表していいのはthatでつながった文だけだと思ってたんですが (He found that she had stollen some money)など staing that he had been impresssed by his regretは可能なんでしょうか? わかりにくいとおもいますがよろしくお願いします
>>94 The judge gave the boy a lenient sentence, [ stating [ that he had been impresssed by his regret ] ]. 分解してみましょう The judge gave the boy a lenient sentence. He stated. He had been impresssed by his regret. 少年が罪を悔いたのは判事が判決を下した(過去)よりも前で、 その時から判決の時まで裁判官は少年の悔い改めに感銘を受けているので過去完了形になるのです。 He found [ that she had stollen some money ]. はfoundの過去よりも古いから過去完了形
The judge has been deeply impressed [ since the boy regreted his deed ]. は言えるけど The judge had been deeply impressed [ since the boy regreted his deed ]. は時制の調整が付かない・・・ The judge had been deeply impressed [ since the boy had regreted his deed ]. では、継続と大過去が並んでしまう・・・
■ with= When Coleridge reached Mickledore, he legged it down into Eskdale with all speed. = They darted with lightning speed after one another. = Unfortunately this coincides exactly with its ideal cruising speed. = For example, the 6x686-P200 system I tested uses a Cyrix chip with a clock speed of 166 megahertz. = All atoms with a particular speed thus deposit in the same place. = In spite of their rigid structure they can move through the water with surprising speed. = The greater the fraction of atoms with that speed the greater the intensity of metal deposited at that place. = Word of the feud arrived in Britain with astonishing speed.A
■ at = But of course the foam system had better switch itself off automatically at low speeds. = Wheels are not locked at the same speed and there is grip at each corner. = This agrees with the observation that human marathons are won at about half the speed of 100 m sprints. = So a user could be surfing the Net at warp speed while talking on the phone. = For motors with a large number of phases the torque reduction at low speeds is less pronounced. = If they had been alone ... She shook her head in disbelief; everything was suddenly moving at breakneck speed. = For one thing, you are forgetting the basic fact that light travels at finite speed.
■ with = When Coleridge reached Mickledore, he legged it down into Eskdale with all speed. = They darted with lightning speed after one another. = Unfortunately this coincides exactly with its ideal cruising speed. = For example, the 6x686-P200 system I tested uses a Cyrix chip with a clock speed of 166 megahertz. = All atoms with a particular speed thus deposit in the same place. = In spite of their rigid structure they can move through the water with surprising speed. = The greater the fraction of atoms with that speed the greater the intensity of metal deposited at that place. = Word of the feud arrived in Britain with astonishing speed.
But the speed with which he walked, and with which Isabella could hardly keep pace, indicated a feeling that some exertion was necessary to accomplish his consolatory prediction. [Sir Walter Scott / The Antiquary]
Two of his brothers worked at Crandall Canyon, as did several cousins, including Kerry Allred, a short, ebullient man nicknamed "Flash" for the speed with which he drove the shuttle car hauling coal underground. http://articles.latimes.com/2007/aug/21/nation/na-allred21?pg=2
移動の速度にwithが使えないという主張が正しいなら、 FOXNewsやThe Los Angeles TimesやWalter Scottは 誤った英語の表現を使用していることになるのか。
I usually drive my motor bike [ at the speed of 40 kilometers per hour ]. 時速40キロに合わせて Today I drove my motor bike [ with the speed of 40 kilometers per hour today ]. 時速40キロの速度で
Tomorrow, I meet two young persons at my extra learning school room. We are going to have learning of 10 formulas. We are going to spread 10 fomulas all over Ikebukuro. More people will join us. We are going to spread it to the whole of Tokyo. Still more will join us. We are going to spread it to the whole of Japan. Still more will join us. It will be spread all over the world.
長いのですがよろしくお願いします。 各文が同じ意味になるように()に入れなさい 1 Next week I'm going to London. My sister lives there. Next week I'm going to London. () my sister lives. 2 Since I don't have a watch, I can't tell you the time. If I had a watch, I () tell you the time. 3 She had not arrived yet. Perhaps her car broke down. She had not arrived yet. Her car () () broken down.
日本語の意味になるように()を補いなさい 1 居間に入ると、父がソファーで眠っていました。 I came into the living room, where (). 2 父は一日の仕事を終えて疲れていたのかもしれません He () after the day's work. 3 突然、父は自分の腕をぴしゃりとたたきました。蚊に刺されたに違いありません。 Suddenly he slapped hid arm. He (). 4 窓を閉めて寝てたら蚊に刺されることはないのに、と私は思いました。 I thought he would not be bitten by mosquitoes ().
とりあえず辞書引いたら? 1 linking verb (not used in the progressive tenses) to give the impression of being or doing 3 [v, usually + adv. / prep.] to begin to exist or be known or used for the first time:
The teacher gave her students the freedom - other than just choosing their research topic - to plan their entire project on their own. →その先生は、彼らの調査の主題を選ぶことだけでなく、彼ら自身のすべての課題の計画を立てるために、生徒たちを自由にさせた
A survey was conducted at a shopping center in which the customers who were given free parking seemed happy. →無料駐車場を与えられている客のいる商店街で調査が行われた seemed happyをどのようにつなげればいいのかがわかりません
>>325 The building that stands there is a hospital. そこにたっている建物は病院です。
A hospital is a building that stands there. ある病院はそこに建っているとある建物です・・。 と言いたいところだけど、まず意味をなしてないよこの文は。 A hospital is a buildingの時点で変だから。 ある病院がとある建物だって意味不明な文になっている。
>>343 それはまったく問題がない。 He is a teacher.みたいなもん。 会話の中で"the"といえる、あの建物だねと会話に参加している誰もが解る1棟の建物。 それが病院だと説明してるだけ。 この病院は1つなのは当たり前だけど、別に世の中には病院と呼ばれる物は無数にあるでしょ。 その中から何でもいいけど"病院"1つだけを取り出している感じになる。 具体的な○○病院みたいなイメージとかはないよ。
Nothing less than an attack was expected この文は本当に「攻撃は当然予測できた」という訳が正しいんですか? nothing less than まさしく〜、〜にほかならない nothing more than 〜に過ぎない、〜でしかない であって、この文のNothing less thanはan attackにしか掛らないから、 「予測されたのは攻撃に他ならない」という意味になるんじゃないですか?
aってのは、「数多くあるもののうちから任意に取り出した1つ」という 意味で、日本語でいうところの「とある」とか「ある」という表現が雰囲気的に近い。 「昔々、あるところに、おじいさんとおばあさんが住んでおりました」を英語で言う時、 "Once upon a time, an old man and his wife were living in some place." みたいな感じになると思うんだけど、この"an old man"のanがまさにそう。
The building is a hospital. (あの建物は病院です) The hospital has a brilliant doctor.(その病院には優秀な先生がいます) The brilliant doctor is from a country.(その先生はある田舎町出身です) The country is in Kyushu. (その田舎町ってのは九州の中にあります)
Nothing less than an attack was expected. 攻撃よりもでない事は何もないは予想された。 攻撃に他ならない事は予想された。 Nothing was less expected than an attack. 何もないは攻撃よりもより少なく予想された。 攻撃がないことは攻撃があることよりも少なく予想された。 かなぁ。
日本語に当てはまる語が分からなかったのでお願いします もし私があなただったら、この車は買わないだろう。 If I ( ) you, I ( ) ( ) buy this car. その少年は大きくなって立派な若者になった。 The boy grew up ( ) ( ) a fine young man.
>>375 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/09/17(木) 01:07:56 日本語に当てはまる語が分からなかったのでお願いします もし私があなただったら、この車は買わないだろう。 If I (were) you, I (would) (not) buy this car. その少年は大きくなって立派な若者になった。 The boy grew up (to) (be) a fine young man.
すみませんがこの問題も答えてくださいませんか? (1)The chair was made (アofイbyウfrom) wood. (2)The letter was written (アofイbyウin) English. (3)Kazuko was plesed(アofイonウwith) my present. (4)The ground was covered (アbyイwithウof) snow. (5)The writer of this novel is known (アbyイwithウto) us all. (6)I was laughed (アfromイtoウat) by everybody. (7)He was surprised (アatイwithウin) her sudden death. (8)The Tokyo Dome was filled (アbyイwithウat) a lot of people.
訳お願いします Japan is obviously a smoker's paradise in the developed world ― especially for men,since less than 30 percent of American and British males are smokers.
>>427 The chair was made [ of wood ]. This is a chair [ of wood ]. The letter was written [ in English ]. A letter [ in English ] has arrived. Kazuko was pleased [ with my present ]. Kazuko is [ with my present ] in her hands. The ground was covered [ with snow ]. The ground [ with sonw over it ] looks beautiful. The writer of this novel is known [ to us all ]. The writer [ to us ] has great meanings. *I was laughed *at [ by everybody ]. Everybody laughed *at *me. He was surprised [ at her sudden death ]. His surprise [ at her sudden death ] was indescribable. The Tokyo Dome was filled [ with a lot of people ]. The Tokyo Dome was [ with a lot of people in it ].
>>428 Japan is obviously a smoker's paradise in the [ developed ] world ― especially for men, [ since less than 30 percent of American and British males are smokers ].
[ Less than 30 percent of American and British males ] are smokers [ More than 30 percent of Japanese males ] are smokers.
Regarding Sapporo-Okadama and Okushiri, JAL has applied to reduce its share in Hokkaido Air System Co., a joint company it operates with the Hokkaido prefectural government, and for the Hokkaido government to operate flights in and out of these facilities.
まず構造が分かりません。 JAL has applied to reduce 〜 and for the Hokkaido government… って構造?
まさかあなたから返事がくるとはおもっていなかったので、すごく驚いて、そして幸せです。 あなたが何とかして自分のいっていたことを理解しようとしていたので、あなたと会話をするとき 一番幸せでした、自分は全然話せないのに・・・。 これを英訳して自分なりにやってみたんですが、訂正お願いします… I am so surprised and glad so as to seem to cry because you replied me. I was happest during talking to you because you tried to understand what I said by some means or other ,although I cannot speak English.
I ( ) her somewhere before, but I don't remember her name a.must meet b.might meet c.can't have met d.might have met What kind of music ( ) you? a.interests b.is interested c.is interesting in d.are interested in The number of children ( ) rapidly in recent years. a.have decreased b.has been decreased c.is being decreasing d.has been decreaseing If I had taken a taxi, I ( ) at the airport now. a.will be b.would be c.have been d.would have been Whose fault ( ) the work has't been finished yet? a.is b.is it c.is why d.is it that もし私が君の立場なら、その申し出を受け入れるだろう。 ( ) I in your place, I would accept the offer. 本当に私が1人でこの問題を解いたんだよ。 I ( ) solve this problem ( ) myself! 彼は立っているのが精一杯だった。 ( ) he could do was keep standing. そんなところで彼に会うとは思っていなかった。 He was the ( ) person I had expected to meet there.
They saw the young man steal a bike.(受動態に) It seems that there was somebody in this room. (Thereで文を始めて)
困ったことに私達は十分なお金がない。 (have/is/we/the/that/trouble/don't) enough money. ここへ最初に到着した車を運転していたのは誰ですか? Who (car/here/the/was/that/driving/arribved) first? 図書館にいたのはべティではなく彼女のお姉さんです。 (Betty/her sister/was/but/that/not/it) was in the library. 問題集を解いていて分からなかったです。 よかったら教えて下さい。お願いします。
毎回お世話になってますまたお願いします 各文がほぼ同じ意味になるようにしなさい 1 I don’t have enough time, so I can’t talk with you If I ( ) enough time, I ( ) ( ) with you 2 I threw the ball to Sam, and he threw it to Ann I threw the ball to Sam, ( ) threw it to Ann 3 They seemed to love each other If ( ) ( ) they ( ) each other 4 We went London, and there we first met Mr.Brown We went London, ( ) we first met Mr.Brown
>>455 I don’t have enough time, so I can’t talk with you. [ If I had enough time ], I would talk with you. 事実でないので過去形にする I threw the ball to Sam, and he threw it to Ann. I threw the ball to Sam, [ *who threw it to Ann ]. そして彼が They seemed [ to love each other ]. It seemed [ that they loved each other ]. そのことを従属節にして言う We went London, and there we first met Mr. Brown. We went London, [ *where we first met Mr. Brown ]. そしてそこで
すいません分からないのがあったのでよろしくお願いします。並び替えです。 アテネを訪れることができるなんて想像もしていませんでした Little (imagine / did / I / that / I) would be able to visit Athens 彼女は目を閉じていすの背にもたれかかっていた She lay back in the chair (with / closed / eyes / her) 毎年、多くの種類の動植物が失われている Many kinds of plants and (being / animals / lost / are / every year)
By Linda Sieg and Tetsushi Kajimoto Linda Sieg And Tetsushi Kajimoto – 21 mins ago TOKYO (Reuters) – Japan's Yukio Hatoyama was voted in as prime minister by parliament's lower house on Wednesday, [ ushering in an [ untested ] government [ that must try to revive a [ struggling ] economy and manage ties with nervous ally Washington ]. Hatoyama, [ whose Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) trounced the long-ruling Liberal Democratic Party in an election last month ], faces pressure [ to make good quickly on campaign promises [ to focus spending on consumers, cut waste and reduce bureaucrat control over policy ] ]. The U.S.-[ educated ] Hatoyama, 62, [ wearing his lucky gold, silver and blue [ striped ] tie and signature pocket handkerchief ], stood and bowed after the vote. "I have [ mixed ] feelings of excitement about [ changing history and the very heavy responsibility of [ making history ] ]," said Hatoyama, [ whose party ousted the LDP for only the second time since [ its founding in 1955 ].
By Linda Sieg and Tetsushi Kajimoto Linda Sieg And Tetsushi Kajimoto – 21 mins ago TOKYO (Reuters) – Japan's Yukio Hatoyama was voted in as prime minister by parliament's lower house on Wednesday, ushering in an untested government that must try to revive a struggling economy and manage ties with nervous ally Washington. Hatoyama, whose Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) trounced the long-ruling Liberal Democratic Party in an election last month, faces pressure to make good quickly on campaign promises to focus spending on consumers, cut waste and reduce bureaucrat control over policy. The U.S.- educated Hatoyama, 62, wearing his lucky gold, silver and blue striped tie and signature pocket handkerchief, stood and bowed after the vote. "I have mixed feelings of excitement about changing history and the very heavy responsibility of making history," said Hatoyama, whose party ousted the LDP for only the second time since its founding in 1955.
>>475>>459 [Little did I imagine [that I would be able to visit Athens.]] [[She lay back in the chair] [with her eyes closed.]] [[Many kinds of plants and animals] [are being lost every year.]]
Little did I imagine [ that I would be able to visit Athens ]. 従属的主語述語を括る She lay back in the chair with [ her eyes closed ]. 従属的主語述語を分詞で言っている部分を括る [ Many kinds of plants and animals ] [ are being lost ] [ every year ]. これは単文。主語、述語、修飾語を括る。
皆さんは>>371の以下の説明で分かるんですか? >Nothing less than an attack was expected. >攻撃よりもでない事は何もないは予想された。 >攻撃に他ならない事は予想された。 >Nothing was less expected than an attack. >何もないは攻撃よりもより少なく予想された。 >攻撃がないことは攻撃があることよりも少なく予想された。 かなぁ。
>>488 Japan is obviously a smoker's paradise in the [ developed ] world ― especially for men, [ since less than 30 percent of American and British males are smokers ].
[ Less than 30 percent of American and British males ] are smokers [ More than 30 percent of Japanese males ] are smokers.
>>437 >>511に同意。その文章を正しい英語で書いてしまったら、書かれた内容と一致しなくなる。 つーかそれ以前にスレ違いだけど一応・・・ I am very surprised and happy to hear from you. What made me most happy was that you tried hard to understand my poor english.
>>437 まさかあなたから返事がくるとはおもっていなかったので、すごく驚いて、 そして幸せです。 I did not expect you to rely to me, so I am very surprised and happy. あなたが何とかして自分のいっていたことを理解しようとしていたので、 あなたと会話をするとき一番幸せでした、自分は全然話せないのに・・・。 You were trying somehow [ to understand [ what I said ] ], so I was truly happy [ talking with you ], [ though I really could not say things well.....] ---------------------------------------------------------- I was so surprised and glad so much as [ to feel like crying ] [ because you replied me ]. I was happiest [ while I was talking to you ] [ because you tried to understand [ what I said ] by some means or other, [ although I could not speak English ] ].
>66 :片岡数吉 ◆X8bUvIiQ1A []:2009/08/26(水) 02:38:49 >Source criticism, after all, is being able to respond any questions raised. > >67 :名無しさん@英語勉強中[]:2009/08/26(水) 02:42:36 >>>66 >「(質問などに)答える」という意味のrespondは自動詞だよ。 >従って、respond any questionsではなくて、respond to any questionsが正しい。 > >68 :片岡数吉 ◆X8bUvIiQ1A []:2009/08/26(水) 02:45:36 >tribial light error
Reuters) - Microsoft Corp on Thursday filed five civil lawsuits in Seattle, Washington against [ alleged ] "malvertisers."
[ Malvertising ] is the term [ used to describe harmful online advertising and works by [ camouflaging malicious code as harmless online advertisements ], Microsoft's associate general counsel Tim Cranton wrote in a blog. "The lawsuits allege [ that individuals [ using the business names "Soft Solutions," "Direct Ad," "qiweroqw.com," "ITmeter Inc" and "ote2008.info" ] used malvertisements [ to distribute malicious software or present deceptive websites [ that peddled scareware to [ unsuspecting ] Internet users ]," he said. Cranton added [ that names of specific individuals behind these activities were not known and the lawsuits were being filed [ to help uncover the people responsible ] ].
The generative grammar of a particular language is a theory that is concerned with the form and meaning of expressions of this language. One can imagine many different kinds of approach to such questions, many points of view that might be adopted in dealing with them. Generative grammar limits itself to certain elements of the larger picture. Its standpoint is that of individual psychology. It is concerned with those aspects of form and meaning that are determined by the "language faculty", which is understood to be a particular component of the human mind.
This is because they were born on a Leap Day, the extra day added to February each Leap Year to keep our calendar adjusted to the changing seasons. Leap Dayのカンマ以降ですが、addedは過去分詞で the extra dayを修飾していると 参考書にはかいてあります。 では、主文はカンマ以前でカンマ以降は分詞構文ということですか?
The generative grammar of a particular language is a theory [ that is concerned with the form and meaning of expressions of this language ]. One can imagine many different kinds of approach to such questions, many points of view [ that might be adopted in [ dealing with them ] ]. Generative grammar limits itself to certain elements of the larger picture. Its standpoint is that of individual psychology. It is concerned with those aspects of form and meaning [ that are determined by the "language faculty", [ which is understood [ to be a particular component of the human mind ] ] ].
>>563 This is [ because they were born on a Leap Day, the extra day [ added to February each Leap Year [ to keep [ our calendar adjusted to the [ changing ] seasons ] ] ].
addedは過去分詞で the extra dayを修飾している 主文はThis is、because〜は従属節。 Leap Dayとextra dayは同格
There are two things I have trouble remembering. (私には覚えるのに苦労するものが2つある。) troubleとrememberingがどうなっているのかよくわかりません。 thingsの後ろのthatが省略されていて、troubleは名詞だと思うのですが、 rememberingは何ですか?
Tony Blair, the British Prime Minister, met with Condoleezza Rice, the American Secretary of States, at 10 Downing Street. 英国のブレア首相は米国務長官ライス氏と首相官邸で面会した。
Joe Black, 29, the father of the 3 children, was charged today with their murder. ジョー・ブラック29歳は3人の子を持つ父親であるが、3人を殺した罪で告訴された。
>>604 @There are two things [ [ which ] I have trouble [ remembering ] ]. AThere are two things [ [ which ] I have trouble *[ as I remember ] ]. (私には覚えるのに苦労するものが2つある。) BI have trouble [ as I remember things ]. CThere are two things.
whoの前にコンマがなくて Mr. Cook [ who is *our *mathmatics *teacher ] never smiles. なら*だけを捉えて [ Our mathematics teacher ] Mr. Cook never smiles. でいいです。[ ]の部分はMr. Cookに対する修飾語になります。 同格というのは並列させた言い方です。
こういう英作で大丈夫でしょうか? The car industry must promote further to develop the car which is more friendly for environment, considering the increase of pollution of atmosphere.
>>698 自動車産業は大気汚染の増加を考えて より環境にやさしい車の開発をもっと進めなくてはならない。 The car industry must further proceed developement of cars [ which is kinder to the environment ], [ considering the increase of air pollution ].
>>702 >The car industry must further proceed developement of cars >[ which is kinder to the environment ], >[ considering the increase of air pollution ]. これ真面目にカキコしてるんですか?
Jesus died for us. Jesus suffered on the cross. He was insulted and spat. He went to hell. But he came out of the hell and came back to the earth's surface. And he has risen to Heaven. He died for us. [ If we repent and take in Jesus' truth ], our sins are forgiven and we can be free from sin and live a really free life.
All intellectual people who count take it for granted that there is no subject in heaven or earth which ought not to be investigated without any deference or reference to theological assumptions. No man of science has any fear of publishing his researchers, whatever consequences they may involve for current beliefs.
>>745なぜ綴りくらい正確に打たないの?下は直したものです。 All intellectual people who count take it for granted that there is no subject in heaven or earth which ought not to be investigated without any defence or reference to theological assumptions. No man of science has any fear of publishing his researches, whatever consequences they may involve for current beliefs. いっぱしの知性を備えた人なら全て、天上にも地上にも、 神学上の仮説に対する用語か言及なしに研究されるべきではないテーマ など存在しないのが当然だと思っている。 科学者ならば、たとえそれが現今の信仰にいかなる影響を与えることになろうとも 自分の研究の発表をためらう者などいない。
>>745なぜ綴りくらい正確に打たないの?下は直したものです。 All intellectual people who count take it for granted that there is no subject in heaven or earth which ought not to be investigated without any deference or reference to theological assumptions. No man of science has any fear of publishing his researches, whatever consequences they may involve for current beliefs. いっぱしの知性を備えた人なら全て、天上にも地上にも、 神学上の仮説に対する盲従か言及無しに研究されるべきではないテーマ など存在しないのが当然だと思っている。 科学者ならば、たとえそれが現今の信仰にいかなる影響を与えることになろうとも 自分の研究の発表をためらう者などいない。
A reporter posing as a pimp recently filmed staff (since fired) at a radical group called ACORN advising him to claim some of the underage prostitutes working for him as dependants for tax purposes.
>>796 For freedom of discussion and speculation was, as we saw, fully realized in the Greek and Roman world, and then an unforeseen force, in the shape of Christianity, came in and laid chains upon the human mind and suppressed freedom and imposed upon man a weary struggle to recover the freedom which he had lost.
All intellectual people who count take it for granted that there is no subject in heaven or earth which ought not to be investigated without any defence or reference to theological assumptions. No man of science has any fear of publishing his researches, whatever consequences they may involve for current beliefs.
Tous ceux qui soient intellectuels trouvent assez naturel qu'il n'y a pas de telles choses qui ne meritent pas etre etudiees sans reverence ni reference aux assomptions theologiques. Nul homme de science ne craint de publier ses rechercehes, quelles consequences imliqueraient-elles aux dogmes presents.
Peter’s Declaration about Jesus 27 Jesus and his disciples left Galilee and went up to the villages near Caesarea Philippi. [ As they were walking along ], he asked them, “[ Who ] do people say [ I am ]?” 28 “Well,” they replied, “some say John the Baptist, some say Elijah, and others say [ you are one of the other prophets ].”
29 Then he asked them, “But [ who ] do you say [ I am ]?”
Peter replied, “You are the Messiah.[b]”
30 But Jesus warned them [ not to tell anyone about him ].
Jesus Predicts His Death 31 Then Jesus began [ to tell them [ that the Son of Man[c] must suffer many terrible things and be rejected by the elders, the leading priests, and the teachers of religious law ] ]. He would be killed, but three days later he would rise from the dead. 32 [ As he talked about this openly with his disciples ], Peter took him aside and began [ to reprimand him for [ saying such things ]. 33 Jesus turned around and looked at his disciples, then reprimanded Peter. “Get away from me, Satan!” he said. “You are seeing things merely from a human point of view, not from God’s.”
34 Then, [ calling the crowd [ to join his disciples ], he said, “[ If any of you wants to be my follower ], you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross, and follow me. 35 [ If you try [ to hang on to your life ] ], you will lose it. But [ if you give up your life for my sake and for the sake of the Good News ], you will save it. 36 And what do you benefit [ if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul ]? 37 Is anything worth more than your soul? 38 [ If anyone is ashamed of me and my message in these adulterous and sinful days ], the Son of Man will be ashamed of that person [ when he returns in the glory of his Father with the holy angels ].”
Peter’s Declaration about Jesus 27 Jesus and his disciples left Galilee and went up to the villages near Caesarea Philippi. [ As they were walking along ], he asked them, “[ Who ] do people say [ I am ]?” 28 “Well,” they replied, “some say John the Baptist, some say Elijah, and others say [ you are one of the other prophets ].” 29 Then he asked them, “But [ who ] do you say [ I am ]?” Peter replied, “You are the Messiah.[b]” 30 But Jesus warned them [ not to tell anyone about him ]. Jesus Predicts His Death 31 Then Jesus began [ to tell them [ that the Son of Man[c] must suffer many terrible things and be rejected by the elders, the leading priests, and the teachers of religious law ] ]. He would be killed, but three days later he would rise from the dead. 32 [ As he talked about this openly with his disciples ], Peter took him aside and began [ to reprimand him for [ saying such things ]. 33 Jesus turned around and looked at his disciples, then reprimanded Peter. “Get away from me, Satan!” he said. “You are seeing things merely from a human point of view, not from God’s.”
All intellectual people who count take it for granted that there is no subject in heaven or earth which ought not to be investigated without any defence or reference to theological assumptions. No man of science has any fear of publishing his researches, whatever consequences they may involve for current beliefs.
Tous ceux qui sont intellectuels trouvent assez naturel qu'il n'y a pas de telles choses qui ne meritent pas etre etudiees sans reverence ni reference aux assomptions theologiques. Nul homme de science ne craindrait de publier ses rechercehes, n'importe qulles implications impliqueraient-elles aux dogmes presents.
>>871 『特別メニュー』→ special menu 『退団選手達』→ leaving players 『練習風景』→ excercising scene 『(チーム)上達日記』→ skil-improvement report 『個々のプロフィール』→ profile of each player
Turns out that during the downturn, Coke still has plenty of fizz. According to a new report from Interbrand, global consulting firm, Coca-Cola is the world's most valuable brand. 景気の下落中の間もコカコーラは今だに多くの炭酸飲料を維持していることを わかりなさい。世界的なコンサルティング会社インターバードによれば、コカコーラ は世界で最も価値あるブランドである。
To qualify for the list, a brand must offer publicly available financial data and must book at least one-third of its revenues from outside its country of origin. 和訳お願いします。
>>882 [ To qualify for the list ], a brand must offer publicly available financial data and must book at least one-third of its revenues from outside its country of origin.
>>879 It turns out [ that, during the downturn, Coke still has plenty of fizz ]. [ According to a new report from Interbrand, a global consulting firm ], Coca-Cola is the world's most valuable brand.
This can be purchased in a variety of materials including latex, silicone, neoprene, stone and metal. When choosing a plug, it is always best to start small and work up to the size that gives the most pleasure.
@Leaves fall from trees. fallは自動詞です。 AThere are leaves [ which have fallen from trees ]. 従属節です。 BThere are leaves [ fallen from tres ]. 分詞句です。 CThere are [ fallen ] leaves. 分詞1語の場合は修飾する相手の前に出します。 完了を表すfallenです。
>>938 This can be purchased in a variety of materials [ including latex, silicone, neoprene, stone and metal ]. これはラテックス、シリコン、ネオプレーン、石、金属を含む様々な素材の状態で買うことが出来ます。
[ When (you are) choosing a plug ], it is always best [ to start small and work up to the size [ that gives the most pleasure ] ]. プラグを選ぶときは、小さい物から始めて一番ぴったり来る物まではめてみるやり方をするのが一番いいですよ。
>>971 @The [ [ nearly ] impossible ] job of Secretary of Defense AThe job [ which is nearly impossible ] of Secretary of Defense BThe job [ nearly impossible ] of Secretary of Defense Cthe job of Secretary of Defense