I have very good friends all over the world and family as well. I am trying to keep up with most of them and it is very demanding as much as it is rewarding but this means it is harder for me to try to keep in touch with people I almost don't know because we did not have time to establish a solid friendship.I hope you can understand my words and believe that they are not in any way negative but this is my reality so you cannot expect too much from me..If this is a disappointment I do apologize. 【和訳の要約】忙しい生活のなか、大事な家族や友達とメールで連絡をとる時間を作るのは 大変だが、それなりに楽しい。でも、見ず知らずのあなたから一方的にメールを出され ても困る。返信している暇などない。
Have you ever seen a sumo tournament? The september tournament has just begun from Sunday the 13th. Why don't we get together and enjoy the game? We should invite all the people in your guest house too. Ask around, please. By the way, the game begins at 2 p.m.. But the cream of the game starts from 4 p.m.. It ends at 6 p.m.. For your information, The tournament is held six times each year. Each is held every two months. And it is on for two weeks. The national sports arena in Ryogoku hosts tournaments in January, May, and September.
1. Can I have a timetable for a bus route that connects A and B on the 20th of September? 2. How much is a taxi fare from A to B? 3. How hard is it to grab a cab in A?
I would appreciate it if you would answer these question.
識者の方この英文を添削していただけまぜんか?自称翻訳家(自称東大卒)が書いた英文です。 スレチだったら申し訳ありませんでした US president Obama announced that his government would endeavor to renounce nuclear weapons, requiring the strict implementation of the sanction resolutions against DPRK and Iran The concept of nuclear deterrent that is crystalized in the MAD(Mutual Assured Destruction) is said to lose its validity toward the belligerent parties in the asymmetric warfare, such as the terrorists without cities to be cherished and the governments in discomfiture. So theoretically speaking Obama seems to follow the beaten track, however I think he builds castles in the air. Because everybody knows that the Pentagon has the largest ordinary weapons even after the renunciation of nuclear warheads. Nuclear deterrent is even now efficient for DPRK, because it is terrified by the retaliation or preemptive attack of US nuclear warheads on a large scale The reason why US has let DPRK exist is purely geopolitic, namely in order to contain Japan, securing nuclear deterrent and preventing Japan from providing its forces with nuclear weapons. This kind of controllable risk in the Far East is the kernel of hegemony swayed by the United States. But Obama's approach is to dissolve this system, however as the flood is flushed in thawing glaciers, the new tension in the international relation will be caused by this attempt
>>42 わ、これは難しい。恋愛感情に行ってしまっては困ると仮定して I remember that you say you want to come to Japan every time you have commented in my blog. I appreciate your concern to Japan. と後半を訂正。
>>18 I would like to book a room with a bathtub and a window or windows that we can open. Please let me know if you have one available. Thank you in advance.
>>54 Hope you fully enjoy your three month stay in Japan. Please feel free asking me anything you want to know, I'm still learning English and may not be so good at it, but I'll try my best to answer your questions!
>>65 Thank you for sending me pictures (of the item). 写真が複数の場合 Thank you for sending me the picture (of the item). 写真が一枚の場合 I suppose it is high quality XX. 商品が新品の場合 XXは製品名 I suppose it is in an excellent condition. 商品が中古の場合 Looking forward to receiving it from You.
>>70 I booked a room at XX hotel on Aug 2, and then cancelled it online on Aug 13. However, the fee has not been refunded to my creadit card account. My booking number is OOOO. Please check it and let me know about the situation.
If I wasn't hard, I wouldn't be alive. If I couldn't ever be gentle, I wouldn't deserve to be alive. ↑「タフでなければ生きて行けない。優しくなれなければ生きている資格がない」 このフィリップマーロウの台詞みたいに
「お金がなければ生きていけない。お金を稼ぐ為だけに生きるのは味気ない。」 ↑この文章を訳していただけないでしょうか? 自分の語彙では、直球すぎて I need money ・・・・ みたいな文章になってしまいます。
ネット購入した荷物の到着予定日が旅行中だった為 10月17日以降に届くよう変更希望メールをし、下記のような返事がきました。 As you requested, we have changed the shipping address for your order. Your new order total is $290.88 and is expected to arrive on or before September 23, 2009.
I have very good friends all over the world and family as well. I am trying to keep up with most of them and it is very demanding as much as it is rewarding but this means it is harder for me to try to keep in touch with people I almost don't know because we did not have time to establish a solid friendship.I hope you can understand my words and believe that they are not in any way negative but this is my reality so you cannot expect too much from me..If this is a disappointment I do apologize. 【和訳の要約】忙しい生活のなか、大事な家族や友達とメールで連絡をとる時間を作るのは 大変だが、それなりに楽しい。でも、見ず知らずのあなたから一方的にメールを出され ても困る。返信している暇などない。
The purpose of learning foreign languages is to shed a new light on the Japanese language and to realize that there are different ways of thinking all over the world.
>>85 Please ship the items to the address I wrote down when I ordered them. In addition, is it possible to arrange the shipping so that they will arrive AFTER October 17th, as I'll be away soon?
>>148 I know you have many things for me. But, after a week of consideration, I decided not to change classes. Very sorry. Just my changing classes doesn't mean anything in itself. If she knows why I offered to change classes, I want to talk to her.
I like your character and your class. Your class is very interesting and you are good at explaining things, and I see you take us students seriously. But I want you to know that there are students hurt by your jokes. Do you know why he stopped comming weeks before the final exam? I know it's not my business but I want to let you know. So take some time and think about it. I'm sorry if I offended you. I don't mean to critisize you. I just want you to understand. I and all the students in the last semester like you very much. If I did't, I would not say these things and bust just give up. So please. Would you be kind enough to give this matter just a little consideration?
This is a song titled "One day in summer of 1993". It is a story on a boy who goes to seaside summer in 1993 and meets a girl and falls in love with her. She looks like an angel with a body of wonderful proportion. She is almost a different person at the beach. He wants to be with her, but it is an impossible dream for him. That is the summary of the story. Then after 15 years, a song titled "A day in winter of 2009" appears. This song is for her image in his unabated memory. In the song, there is a phrase such as " I hold a ring in my pocket". This suggests both have been in contact and ready to marry. The song says "Once again, let walk together." I believe they marry in summer of 1993. The love of summer 1993 materializes. >>223
>>225 We don't need you of poor English. Shame on you! Shame on you! An ordinary man will commit a suicide if insulted this way. I reconcile myself into pissing upon you.>>219
>>198 I wanna buy all the items listed above. But it's a shame you have none of them now. So you just need to get all of them for me and then mail me as soon as possible. I'm waiting, and you gotta do it right now, huh?
I would like to buy these. It seems that you don't have them all in stock. Could you please get them all so that I can buy them at one time (not separately)? I will be waiting for all the items to be ready for shipment. When they are ready, please let me know. I will place an order as soon as possible. Thanks a lot in advance for your cooperation.
>>>198 >I wanna buy all the items listed above. >But it's a shame you have none of them now. >So you just need to get all of them for me and then mail me as soon as possible. >I'm waiting, and you gotta do it right now, huh? 超悪質 こんなの使っちゃダメだよ お礼の必要なし
I'd like to say, Japanese see religion differently from Westerners. They have a broad-mided attitude to it, in fact, the constitution guarantees freedom of religion. In Japan, few people, particularly young, cannot answer immediately when they are asked about their own religion. Some people visit their ancestor's graves at Buddhist temples every month and others don't for many years. There are those who visit famous Shinto shrines though they never visit ones under which they are parishioners. Buddhism and Shinto are divided into some number of sects, but most Japanese don't worry too much about what sects they belong to.
I have very good friends all over the world and family as well. I am trying to keep up with most of them and it is very demanding as much as it is rewarding but this means it is harder for me to try to keep in touch with people I almost don't know because we did not have time to establish a solid friendship.I hope you can understand my words and believe that they are not in any way negative but this is my reality so you cannot expect too much from me..If this is a disappointment I do apologize. 【和訳の要約】忙しい生活のなか、大事な家族や友達とメールで連絡をとる時間を作るのは 大変だが、それなりに楽しい。でも、見ず知らずのあなたから一方的にメールを出され ても困る。返信している暇などない。
>>247 I'm afraid I wrote the wrong address. I'm sorry, but could you please send the goods to the correct address when it is returned to you? In that case, how much is the postage?
>>260 I am thinking of presenting him a necklace with engraving backside. What a proper phrase is suitable to be engraved in case that Miki presents this to Kazuya.
>>294 I appologize you for that I said something that confused you. Now I understand what you think, but I want to have one more time at last with you.
>>290 I'm very sorry to hear that. Does that mean the item is not circulated in the market any more? Because I'm eager to have the item, I would be great if you could give me any advice where and how I can get one, if it's still available anywhere. >>292 That's very unfortunate. I hope that you will extend your business for Japanese customers in the future. Thank you for everything what you've done for me.
>>288 翻訳ソフトを使ったんじゃなくて、 ・選り好みしない限り〜 As long as it avoid being picky about っていう熟語が辞書にあったから引用したんですが、 残りは、 ・日雇いであればそれを見つける事ができる it can be found If it's temporary job.
I have very good friends all over the world and family as well. I am trying to keep up with most of them and it is very demanding as much as it is rewarding but this means it is harder for me to try to keep in touch with people I almost don't know because we did not have time to establish a solid friendship.I hope you can understand my words and believe that they are not in any way negative but this is my reality so you cannot expect too much from me..If this is a disappointment I do apologize. 【和訳の要約】忙しい生活のなか、大事な家族や友達とメールで連絡をとる時間を作るのは 大変だが、それなりに楽しい。でも、見ず知らずのあなたから一方的にメールを出され ても困る。返信している暇などない。
>>331 When I'm more fluent in English, I would like to cuss out to my heart's content those fuckin dumb arrogant foreigners who say "Stop eating whales."
>>332 I know you are busy and your time is valuable. Therefore, I would appreciate it if you could take the time to reply to my message (inquiry) of .... 会社ならIとmyをweとourに変える。...のところは日付けその他。
>>345 I'm sorry but I don't understand English and have never sent goods abroad. I'm not sure whether we can make a trade successfully. So I'm afraid that I have to refuse your request. Scram and never come out again, sweetheart.
>>345 I'm sorry but I don't understand English and have never sent goods abroad. I'm not sure whether we can make a trade successfully. So I'm afraid that I have to refuse your request. Scram and never come out again, sweetheart.
P.S. I got my best friend to translate this message into English.
>>396 My speaking has not been improved a bit from when we met xx years ago. Remember that I wrestled with English using a small dictionary and many gestures. I prepared a present to you that I think you like and am looking forward to seeing you again.
>>390 Thank you for letting me know your schedule here! I'm willing to guide you around Tokyo. I think I should avoid the 28th, since you might be tired on the day, so I will in the hotel lobby at 5 PM(AM?)on the 29th. If you're not in the mood to do sightseeing, or there is a switch of plan, feel free to tell me.
>>396 I don't speak English. So our conversation will depend heavily on the dictionary and the body language. Yes, no progress since the last time. Sorry for that. I'm looking forward to seeing you. I have something to give you.
I have very good friends all over the world and family as well. I am trying to keep up with most of them and it is very demanding as much as it is rewarding but this means it is harder for me to try to keep in touch with people I almost don't know because we did not have time to establish a solid friendship.I hope you can understand my words and believe that they are not in any way negative but this is my reality so you cannot expect too much from me..If this is a disappointment I do apologize. 【和訳の要約】忙しい生活のなか、大事な家族や友達とメールで連絡をとる時間を作るのは 大変だが、それなりに楽しい。でも、見ず知らずのあなたから一方的にメールを出され ても困る。返信している暇などない。
>>423 Hello, my comments seemed to be deleted by the people concerned, so this is going to be an E-mail message. I hope that's ok with you. First, I respect the Australian culture. I myself have an objection to the idea that human beings are allowed to protect or kill all kinds of animals as they like. I feel sure that you're a vegetarian too, aren't you? My comments about the Ninja movie stems from another reason. In case you're curious, please do a search by this word[] If this mail is annoying you, please just delete it. Thank you for taking the time to read my message.
>>423 As the comment I posted, it seems, has been deleted by the admin or someone, please forgive my replying to you by this email. I respect Australian cultures. I personally don't think any animal should be killed, that is, whatever kind of animal it is. You must be a vegetarian too, I think?
My comment on the ninja video is a different story. If you're interested in it, search "検索ワード". Thank you for reading this email. Feel free to delete it if you find it just a bother. Goodbye.
>>455 Computers are good at processing things in a fixed order. Sometimes, however, you need to pick a number randomly and change the order of the processing accordingly. And that's where the 'Rdm' function comes in.
>>455 Computer is nice in a sequential processing. However, there are some cases that computers must randomly get numerical values and non-sequentially process them. In such cases, function RDM is used.
>>490 I'm thinking of showing you around the places that are not included in tours in Japan, such as facilities we use everyday or restaurants only local people eat at. It will be nice to you, I suppose.
>>489 Sorry, I can't see you today. I've got another engagement. Actually, I feel it'd be too much for me to say good-bye to you in person ... So, please do enjoy Japan to the full till Thursday.
>>484 Thank you so much for your kind advice. I managed to find the item I wanted on the site you told me. I'll be continuing to shop at MID-TOWN RECORDS, which is really exciting for me. With all my best wishes,
>>475 The registration of my credit card was rejected with the following message: "***Message***" My certificate had already been successfully installed.
>>475 I cannot register my credit card information. When I try, the following message appears: "There is a problem with this website's security certificate". But I have installed the certificate. Could you tell me what I shoud do?
I am sorry that the qualiyt of this picture is not so good. (This photo was taken with a camera of my cellphone, so the image quility is rather coarese.)
I am sorry that the quality of this picture is not so good. (This photo was taken with a camera of my cellphone, so the image quality is rather coarese.)
>>508 He talked to us an amazing story. Ivan and Nina has talked by phone for 2 hours. Look at the Sun rising from horizon. I have my hair cut a month.
>>511 However, I am concerned how the neck of the bird was dropped out. Is the neck so easily dropped out when the bird is swung around by the neck? Where are the bones? What is the one drooping from the neck of the body?
>>535 Oh, I was confusing you with another Australian who commented before you did (his comment has been deleted as well as mine, though). It was my mistake. Sorry for that.
Why did I think you are a vegetarian? Well, it's simple. I just can't believe that someone who believes in animal welfare would value only some clever animals, unlike other less inteligent ones, as too important to be eaten.
Some say they are suspicious about the research, results, and some other don't like the idea of eating after research. Anyway, in my opinion, the fundamental idea should be that we shouldn't waste lives of animals.
When I tried to register my credit card, the following things happened. 1) Open 向こうから送ってきたURL 2) login 3) Put my credit card details 4) Press "Process Payment" 5) Message appears: "There is a problem with this website's security certificate" 6) Continue 7) Message appears: "Not Found The requested URL //****** was not found on this server."
I have installed the security certificate. Is there any way I can register my credit card?
>>557 Mee-chan, a cat, aged 120 years old if he were a man. Mr. Kazuki Tamae lives with him. その通りに訳すと玉木さんが最初に来るけどそれじゃ人の目を引かない。 性別が解らないときは犬ならhe、猫ならsheだが、ニュースなら解ってないとおかしい。
I have very good friends all over the world and family as well. I am trying to keep up with most of them and it is very demanding as much as it is rewarding but this means it is harder for me to try to keep in touch with people I almost don't know because we did not have time to establish a solid friendship.I hope you can understand my words and believe that they are not in any way negative but this is my reality so you cannot expect too much from me..If this is a disappointment I do apologize. 【和訳の要約】忙しい生活のなか、大事な家族や友達とメールで連絡をとる時間を作るのは 大変だが、それなりに楽しい。でも、見ず知らずのあなたから一方的にメールを出され ても困る。返信している暇などない。
I have already reconcile myself to the reality. I am prepared to accept everything. There was a misunderstanding. We have worked very hard and this is the result. To tell the truth, I cannot deny my remorsefulness.
>>606 The matter is that you have somebody translate my Japanese message, right? If you pronounce the sound T emphatically, the hearing might get easier for understanding.
>>618 I am sorry for the delayed response. Right now. my schedule has broken down and shows no symptom of recovery. However I will be able to acquire a series of holidays as a substitute of silver week, so I am thinking of going on a rather long journey.
@ In japan. When japanese drink miso soup.off course.japanese raise owan. But in corea.to raise owao is intterpreted as rude.so corean drink soup by using the spoon with owan putting.
>>628 Also, in China eating up all the rice is concidered impolite since it expresses that the person "wants more" or "havn't had enough". So you must always leave some rice on the dish.
>>612 Aまた、中国ではご飯をすべて平らげるのは「まだ食べたい」「食べ足りない」という意味に解釈されるため失礼になるので、必ずご飯は残さなくてはなりません。 In China, if you eat all food on the table, you are supposed to wait for another food and might be embarrassing host unintentionally. Therefore you must leave some food.
>>632 Thanks for reply. I believe I have successfully registered because the check monitor appears. To make it sure, would you tell me whether I have rightly completed my registration or not.
>>647 It is prohibited among Mulsims to touch the head of a child because it 'would inhibit the child's growtth.' You can't touch even the head of a grownup in Myanmar because that's where the God dwells and/or in Thailand because that's where the Spirit stays.
[入金が遅れてすみません。月曜日までに送金しますので宜しくお願いします。] は以下の文で文法的にただしいでしょうか? I'm sorry that the remittance is delayed. Because remit it by Monday; thanking you in advance.
>>651 Which software do you use to edit your videos? (ビデオ編集ということで) I tried mine with xxx but the sound quality was very poor. Could you add sound effect to mine? If you don't mind I will send my materials to which I want to add sound.
>>651 What software do you use for editing? I did the editing using xx, but the sound quality is rather bad. Would you be kind enough to add the sound yourself? I can send you the raw files.
>>654 Translation was done for me by a native Englsh speaker. So, I think it should be completely right from a gramatical point of view. But I'm afraid he might be not so good to understand nuances of the original Japanese text. You are good at both languages, could you please check the translation if possible.
I am very sorry for the delay of the payment. 理由を書く。 I will complete the payment by Sep 28th. 日付はハッキリさせる。月曜日は普通は来週だが、 遅れりゃ相手も不安になる。 またとりしきをするなら次は遅れないように これこれの対策をしましたということも書いておく。 以上は常識なんだけどな。
I have very good friends all over the world and family as well. I am trying to keep up with most of them and it is very demanding as much as it is rewarding but this means it is harder for me to try to keep in touch with people I almost don't know because we did not have time to establish a solid friendship.I hope you can understand my words and believe that they are not in any way negative but this is my reality so you cannot expect too much from me..If this is a disappointment I do apologize. 【和訳の要約】忙しい生活のなか、大事な家族や友達とメールで連絡をとる時間を作るのは 大変だが、それなりに楽しい。でも、見ず知らずのあなたから一方的にメールを出され ても困る。返信している暇などない。
>>695 I looked in my current possesion for the pictures you've asked, but I could only find a few pictures, which are attached to this mail. Maybe I can find more in my parental home and send them to you.
>>703 I have ordered **** at your online shop this time because it's not available in Japan and there's no way of getting it. I should have cofirmed whether international shipping is possible beforehand. Sorry for taking time.
I have very good friends all over the world and family as well. I am trying to keep up with most of them and it is very demanding as much as it is rewarding but this means it is harder for me to try to keep in touch with people I almost don't know because we did not have time to establish a solid friendship.I hope you can understand my words and believe that they are not in any way negative but this is my reality so you cannot expect too much from me..If this is a disappointment I do apologize. 【和訳の要約】忙しい生活のなか、大事な家族や友達とメールで連絡をとる時間を作るのは 大変だが、それなりに楽しい。でも、見ず知らずのあなたから一方的にメールを出され ても困る。返信している暇などない。
>>712 I am writing rearding my last purchase. I haven't recieved the package yet because it was delievered to the wrong address. Your call center in Japan told me that I can recieve refund that includes payment and shipping and handling. Accordingly, I would like to have refund of $290.88.
>>730 Thank you for your kind response [to my request to revise my address descriptions]. (住所の訂正依頼に対する)ご親切な対応に感謝します。 Today I received my order. 本日注文の品を受け取りました。 With best regards,
>>758 Many people say that, without death penalty, there will be more criminals. It may be right. But I have a different opinion. I can think of two reasons we should abolish death penalty. First, death penalty is killing. Nobody should be allowed to kill anybody else. Second, death penalty doesn't pay. It would be profitable if we let the criminals work for us. These are the reasons I think we should abolish death penalty.
>>758 Most people say that crime is going to increase if death penalty is abolished. Maybe it is true but I have a different opinion. I think death penalty shoud be abolished for two reasons. One of them is that death penalty is actually a kind of murder. There can be no way to allow someone to kill humans. Secondly, nothing beneficial can be brought to our society by death penalty at all. If criminals would be allowed to work for society, it will be beneficial at least. These are reasons why I think we should abolish death penalty.
>>767 I didn't have money and I couldn't buy anything. The mountain was covered with snow. I thought it was very beautiful. Since Ivan had prepared for the class, he could understand it very well. He often visit Paris and is familiar with the city.
>>779 ごくろうさん >>780 ・「先人の知恵 我らの元に 称えよ 汝が誇りを」 Gather knowledge of our ancestors! Praise them! They are our honors. ・「人類とはひとつの兄弟であり、家族であるべきことを」 Human kind should be group of brothers and families. ・「自由よ、愛しき自由よ 汝を守る者と共に いざ戦わん」 Oh! Freedom! Our beloved freedom! Let us fight together with those who protect you.
>>779 ごくろうさん ばああああかあ >>780 ・「我らの血と肉をもって 新しき長城を築かん」 Let's built a long wall of defense with our blood and flesh. ・「愛する者を 戦争の荒廃から 絶えず守り続ける国民であれ」 You should be a citizen who keep protecting your beloved one from the disasters of war and destruction. 「団結せよ 統一と自由あらば 主たる前途は築かれん」 Be united! The your future will be built with unification and freedom.
>>779 ごくろうさん ばああああかあ お前馬鹿にされてんだよ! わかる? わははは >>780 ・「統一と正義と自由は幸福の証であり その光の中で栄えよ」 Unification and freedom are the evidence of happiness, in which you should be flourished. ・「和が愛する君の居ますこの世が 細石の岩となり苔生すまで平和でありますよう」 This world where our beloved you stay will be peaceful until the ensemble of pebbles congregates and becomes gigantic and monolithic stone.
>>791 There have been not always easy matters, but I want to stay what I am. I must always work forward. I should swallow my sad feeling and change it to my blood. I want to be a man who will forget and fight against the difficulties to make them to his own power. True strength will appear unconsciously explicit although this is accompanied with severe difficulty. It shall not be affected by the trashes or worldly view.
I have very good friends all over the world and family as well. I am trying to keep up with most of them and it is very demanding as much as it is rewarding but this means it is harder for me to try to keep in touch with people I almost don't know because we did not have time to establish a solid friendship.I hope you can understand my words and believe that they are not in any way negative but this is my reality so you cannot expect too much from me..If this is a disappointment I do apologize. 【和訳の要約】忙しい生活のなか、大事な家族や友達とメールで連絡をとる時間を作るのは 大変だが、それなりに楽しい。でも、見ず知らずのあなたから一方的にメールを出され ても困る。返信している暇などない。
>>825 only first part. It has passed several years unnoticed while I have been attending at a musical school, not Yamaha. I can't say how we met, but there was a opportunity of an indirect kiss. I played a trumpet of a girl student of college or clarinet of many girls of a high school to the working girl. Some of them played my instrument, so these are a kind of indirect kissing.
>>846 やってみます I support the ban on smoking in public places. The first reason is because it causes trouble to non-smokers and could damage their mood. The second reason being that the second-hand smoke could impair the health of non-smokers. These are the reasons why I support the ban on smoking.
>>869 Oh! This is an easy task. My mouth is preserved for more important case. I am just pronouncing the sound of perfume of my body. Do you see what I mean? Oh! No! You can't understand, because you are a low brain animal.
>>860 I 'm writing rather late, sorry. I was also busy for some time to carry out experiments and to write up my thesis. But now that I have secured a job position after graduation and the goal of my thesis is in sight, I feel a little settled. I'm thinking of visiting your place to see the Christmas market, but not sure yet if I can really go. I'd love to experience the Christmas market.
>>878 I am thinking of visiting there during the third or fourth week of October. I have no acquaintance except you, because all friend in contacts with me are now in Japan. During this visit, I will go to 00, too.
>>882 A refresher! Just a repose! I can help you circumcise yourself. Your anus too! It is a good refreshment to give easy lecture to fools like you. It is very healthy just before we must fight against smart guys. It is a tough, because we must hear what they said. Fool, moron, impotent and castrated, virgin kids. Do you understand those stand for you!
You should be ashamed that you have done a nuisance to the society. How you are ignorant of rumor on you in the neighborhood! You should work very hart to reach a level of excellent person like >>896.
>>900 The previous CDI and suspension are in good conditions, but we have some problems as for the step motion. So, we hope you to send some manuals for sequence of attaching equipments, necessary bolts and their explanatory pictures.
>>928 Do you have any wrapping kit for packing three of something like this? Do you have any larger kit? What is the most popular one?
>>929>>900 The CDI and the suspension have been working fine. But steps do not function as they expected. Is there any chance I could have a detailed installation manual and bolts to fix them?
>>930 We've been working on the manual. It will be sent to you within a couple of days. Your patience is greatly appreciated.
>>931 One day you'll be gone to somewhere beyond my reach, right? Then I have to say good-bye to you.
>>857 Some people say that we should start an elementary school kid on English because the younger he is, the more flexible stage his brain is at. However, we can also see a couple of concerns waving a red flag about it. a) Teaching English to a kid with immature mother tongue might result in the poor acquisition of his first language, which eventually leads to the collapse of the beautiful Japanese language. b) The current English teaching program in Japanese school system isn't as nearly as practical. I don't think kids will take advantage of starting it in elementary school. For the above reason, I am against having a grade school child to begin English.
>>971 Dear Sirs, I bought the DVD titled XXX of your company, but the content of DVD you delivered to me is quite different from your specification. I want the DVD to be exchanged for a correct one. So may I send this wrong DVD to your private mail box whose address is printed on the package of DVD?