分詞構文は意味上の主語が主節と一致しなければならないでしょう?(特例:懸垂分詞) だから分詞構文ではなく、むしろ非人称的な主語を仮定してAs it is suggested by these figures, SV.とパラフレーズして理解すべきなんだよ。 asにはよくこういう用い方がある。熟語として天下り式におしえられているAs is oten the case with...もこれと同類なんだよ。
>>921 >>903さんがおっしゃるように、僕はこの分詞構文は As it is suggested by these figures that there is a big gap in car ownership between developed and developing countries. の分詞構文だと思います。 asは「例えば、のような」の役割を果たしてるかなと、あれから時間も置き、 色々調べた事が整理された今はそう思えますが、やはりasは>>917さんのいうように分詞構文の意味の取り方を限定する働きをしてるのでしょうか?
>>924 >>>903さんがおっしゃるように、僕はこの分詞構文は >As it is suggested by these figures that there is a big gap > in car ownership between developed and developing countries. >の分詞構文だと思います。 >asは「例えば、のような」の役割を果たしてるかなと、あれから時間も置き、 >色々調べた事が整理された今はそう思えますが
Suggested by these figures is that there is a big gap in car ownership between developed and developing countries. What is suggested by these figures is that there is a big gap in car ownership between developed and developing countries. There is a big gap in car ownership between developed and developing countries, which is suggested by these figures. That there is a big gap in car ownership between developed and developing countries is suggested by these figures. These figures suggest that there is a big gap in car ownership between developed and developing countries.
As suggested by these figures, there is a big gap in car ownership between developed and developing countries. As is suggested by these figures, there is a big gap in car ownership between developed and developing countries. As it is suggested by these figures, there is a big gap in car ownership between developed and developing countries.
There is a big gap in car ownership between developed and developing countries, as suggested by these figures. There is a big gap in car ownership between developed and developing countries, as is suggested by these figures. There is a big gap in car ownership between developed and developing countries, as it is suggested by these figures.
In arguing for a conception of justice we must be sure that it is among the permitted alternatives and satisfies the stipulated formal constraints. No considerations can be advanced in its favor unless they would be rational ones for us to urge were we to lack the kind of knowledge that is excluded.
>>856 The Emperor system of Japan does not allow a woman to succeed in the Emperor. This brought great pressure on her to deliver a boy. However, she has suffered from depression partly because she delivered only a girl. Some people say that certifying only a male as the Emperor is against the abolition of sexism.
For these reason, the Japanese Government introduced an amendment which approves Empress to the Diet.
If the amendment is approved, the accident that the one like Princess Masako suffers would never happen, I think.
訂正しなきゃ >>856 The Emperor system of Japan does not allow a woman to succeed to the throne. This brought great pressure on her to deliver a boy. However, she has suffered from depression partly because she delivered only a girl. Some people say that certifying only a male as the Emperor is against the abolition of sexism. For these reason, the Japanese Government introduced an amendment which approves Empress to the Diet. If the amendment is approved, the accident that the one like Princess Masako suffers would never happen, I think.
再度訂正 >>856 The Emperor system of Japan does not allow a woman to succeed to the throne. This brought great pressure on her to deliver a boy. However, she has suffered from depression partly because she delivered only a girl. Some people say that certifying only a male as the Emperor is against the abolition of sexism. For these reason, the Japanese Government introduced an amendment which approves Empress to the Diet. If the amendment is to be approved, the accident that the one like Princess Masako suffered from the pressure will never happen, I suppose.