Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 133

952名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/07/16(木) 16:36:39
Which do you choose curry that taste shit or shit that taste curry?
953名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/07/16(木) 16:42:50
I see, too bad.
Thanks for the reply.
954名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/07/16(木) 22:55:44
Anoo Fish-san did you manage to have a bath?
Should i send you bath salts so you have your bath?
955名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/07/16(木) 23:36:47
Thanks for talking to me.
I forgot whether I declared that I'd take a bath last time I posted, but I didn't take
a bath in the end. So I haven't taken a bath for 5 days. Or six. I don't even know now
how many days I haven't taken a bath. One thing I know is my face is
kind of like itchy and when I wipe my face with the rim of my blue T-shirt I'm
wearing now, something white powder is left on my T-shirt. It's scurf.

Plus, I really stink. I'll take a bath today. I mean it. I can't stand my
body odor anymore. Thank you for the offer, but I have nice liquid body soap
and shampoo so no need to send me bath salts. I don't know what bath
salt is. Is it a liquid soap including salts?

Japanese people in gneral are famous for their cleaness and Japanese makers sell all sorts of
soaps and shampoos that serve for Japanese trend of cleaness. I know I'm an exeption.
Japanese people are senstive to their cleaness. You'd be surprised how many
products are sold in Japan to be clean. Sheets of paper that are supposed to
place between armpits and your clothes are sold, too to prevent your
shirt is wet with your sweat. This product is popular with women.

This product is just one of the examples.
Japanese people have creativity when it comes to cleaness product.
956名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/07/17(金) 00:44:22
Russians, on working out that you're foreign, don't really react much
differently - though the first time I was asked for directions (and so
tried to give them), the guy stood back with his hands up slightly, like
you would do if you were trying to show someone you were not being threatening.

These senteces are hard to understand? Can somebody elaborate on this?
957名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/07/17(金) 01:08:15
If you are like shizuchan from nankaicandies, no thank you.
If you are like angelina jolie, advantage is bigger than disadvantage.
I want to flaunt you walking with me.

I'm not a fan of Angelina though.
Just picked up a good example everbody can
think of.
958名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/07/17(金) 01:26:28
Today, gook is more popular thanks to the korean waves.

Distinguishing koreans from japanese is not impossible with careful
Cos Koreans are more handsome and sturdy.
I'm glad to be carelessly included in gook category instead of Jap.
959名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/07/17(金) 01:45:00
I stopped the procrastination and took a bath now.
I rubbed my body really hard with a towel like when you wash an elephant.
I shampooed three times to get rid of oil and scurf stuck to my head
skin and hair.

I rubbed my face so hard that my face is red and sores. I shaved my face and
now I look like a Hollywood movie star. My skin is as silky clean as a newborn baby
and a skin care product company would offer me a CM.

Now anybody can jump into my arms. Don't forget to put off a clothes peg off
your nose. You can put it on again when I hug you three or more days later.
960名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/07/17(金) 01:59:45
Do you use air condithioner in your room?
I guess staying in a cool room won't make you smell as bad as
you in just a few days.
961名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/07/17(金) 02:09:34
Fish-san well done! now we need to change your name to Movie Star-san.
Congragulations on your bath. Here, I give you a hug. without the nose clip.
I know what you mean about cleanliness in Japan. there are three nations in the world who are
obsessed with taking baths: Finns, Turks and Japanese.
One day if I can visit Japan, I will head straight to a
foreigner friendly onsen. I should not become a yakuza and get tattoos
before I visit the onsens. I heard they don't allow he yakuza memebers in onsens.
anyway, women cannot be yakuzas, right?
I am curious about the Hokkaido onsens.
I would love to try Japanese soaps and bath cosmetics, unfortunately
they are hardly available here.
962名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/07/17(金) 02:11:06
From american bbs:People are just mad becuz a black man
is president of this rasist ass counry . if it wasn't
for slavery you dumb nigger ! you would be living in
Africa right now , dieing of Aids or walking 10 miles
a day for water . so be happy that white people brought
blacks on ships from Africa . when will black people
evolve to looking like a human ? Why are blacks' hair
always so grease?
963名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/07/17(金) 02:12:32
>>957 wow your standards are high. Just imagine me as a plane looking person,
if you imagine too much you can get carried away :-D
964名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/07/17(金) 02:14:08
>>963 Aw... typo! plain not plane!!! vroom vroom
965名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/07/17(金) 02:14:35
No, I don't. If it's a hot day, my room is like a sauna.
I just use an electric fan when temperature gets too high with windows
open and meshed window closed so that wind comes in.
AC is too luxurious.
966名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/07/17(金) 02:28:47
I understand why you stink too much.

Today's energy saving technology of AC is phenomenal.
It doesn't cost money as much as you think.
Think about this choice. I bought AC for smallest room, just for
5-6 tatamis. AC cost about 50,000yen at that time. That was the chepest kind
among new models sold in appiliance store.

Don't your body itch either? Heat and sweats must make yourbody
967名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/07/17(金) 02:30:48
By the way, I only use dehumification function unless tempereture is
exceptionally hot.
968名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/07/17(金) 02:36:44
Thanks. Nobody congratulates on just taking a bath, though. :p
Don't throw away the nose clip. You'll need it in three or more days if
I start to make a personal record of not taking a bath.

Yeah, although getting tatooed has become a fashion statement for
some people in Japan like the rest of the world, tatoo resembles
outlaws, meaning yakuza in Japan and if you have a tattoo you can't
bathe in onsen, can't go to swimming pool and public bath. Some people
get rid of tattoo when they have a kid because they can't go to swiming pool
with their kids. Tattoo is still a taboo in a way.(pun intended)

Women cannot be yakuza but wives of yakuza get tatooed.
The designs of Yakuza's tatoos are different from those of young people for
fashion statement. Japan's young people's tattoo is westernized and
the design is in many cases, geometric and gin women's cases, butterflies
and such. And they are relatively small while yakuza's tatoo is very
big and sometimes almost the whole body except neck, face, hands and

Don't you feel shy about taking a bath naked with other people in onsen?
I heard western people are confused with the notion of taking a bath with
969名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/07/17(金) 02:45:48
Right girl is shizchan. She is over 180cm. Two models next to herare also over 170cm.

To make things worse, shizchan herself thinks she is good.
she talks too much and she is noisy. I don't like her.

She must be happy, having a perfect face guy like korean as partner.

For me shizchan has been shizchan in doraemon and perfect match for my wife.

I think you can model here in Japan.
Tall nordic? white women is highly appreciated here. Average tall white women
is not average here.
970名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/07/17(金) 02:45:48
Even if AC itself is getting inexpensive, there's still electricity bill to
pay, right? Once you turn on AC, you never can't turn off because you
get accustomed to the comfort it gives you and that leads to much electricity

I try not to use an electric fan because once you turn it on, you can't turn off
and I'd end up keeping it turned on all day. I wonder which electricity bills is
cheap, electric fan or AC. If it's almost the same, I think I'd better
think about buying an AC.

Yeah, I know that just using dehumification function makes you comfortable.

Body itches, too but somehow it stops itching after three or more days.
Instead, face starts to itching after three or more days. I wonder why.
971名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/07/17(金) 02:47:32
Hey the time of my post is the same as >>969.
To celebrate this, you stop taking a bath for a week.
972名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/07/17(金) 02:57:59
No. I can't do that. cos familuy member start to critisize my odor.
I take a bath almost everyday but a family member reluctantly notifies me
of my odor of sweats from my t-shirts.

By the way, Do you change your clothes? I sleep with my daily clothes on.
I won't change into pajama. I sleep with t-shrits and underpants.
I sometimes use t-shrits for two days in winter time when thigs are
bothering. Sometimes it reveals though..

If you keep on wearing the same clotes for a few days, you are king.

973名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/07/17(金) 02:59:07
but a family member reluctantly notifies me
of my odor of sweats from my t-shirts.

To make things clear, it's not everyday incident. sometimes,
every once in a while.
974名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/07/17(金) 03:01:44
I forgot asking a question to you.
Do your family member mention your odor?
975名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/07/17(金) 03:19:42
Your body odour is out of order.
976名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/07/17(金) 03:23:43
No, I don't change clothes. I don't change to pajamas either when
I sleep, meaning I keep wearing the same clothes until I take a bath the next time.
My hair gets sticky after three or so days so I lay out a towel on my pillow so that
the pillow won't get sticky.

My parents are accustomed to me not taking a bath for days so they don't tell me
anything now. I think as far as you keep distance 1 meter from me, I don't smell that bad.
If you step into 1m range, you'd feel dizzy and if you're hugged by me,
you'd faint. Sometimes my mom tells me to shave my face but she doesn't tell me
to take a bath anymore.

Now that I've just taken a bath, I smell like a soap. I know this won't last
many days though.

That's a pun? Nice try but "Tatoo is still a taboo" is a better pun if you ask me.
977名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/07/17(金) 03:54:13
So there are two Fish-sans here, Fish-san and Fish-to-be-san.

But Fish-san has transformed into a Movie-star-san, albeit temporarily.
Fish-to-be-san will be his disciple. "Sensei! please teach me the
language of body aroma,...onegaishimas.." he bows. Sensei throws
a mean look in Fish-to-b-san's direction... "that is my trade secret...
it will cost you"...

How will the story unfold?

>>968. People taking baths and making an effort for grooming should be
congragulated. Because it is a speacial event for them. Don't you agree?
I can imagine, maybe if your room is already hot like asauna, your bathroom w
might be unbearably humid, naturally you wouldn't want to be in that enclosure.
What you need is lots of space and a calm, cool atmosphere with warm water.
Anything other than that requires effort and should be congragulated.

I do not like tattoos, but in case I decide to become a yakuza, I guess
I need a tattoo. What is the point if I cannot be a Yakuza and act really tough
that is so unfair...being a Yakuza wife must be adventure

well I have been to a public SPAs when I was a child, yes I never thought about
being naked in the same bath as an adult, but if other people act natural
and don't mind me being there I would be fine ( I hope :-D)

No no not nordic, (phew glad I am not, they age rapidly)
978名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/07/17(金) 04:54:48
Hmmmm. a man who smells like bum with decent English skill.
You don't go to liberary?
979Tennessean ◆3VadybvJ.s :2009/07/17(金) 05:31:34

It's likely that the homeless folk around here are have better hygiene than you... you disgusting pig.
But your stories are entertaining at least. I'll contribute one. I often piss in the bathtub because
I'm too lazy to lift the toilet seat.


The AC for my house costs around $400-500 per month. I use fans too, but they hardly help. I don't really
mind paying for it though because otherwise I'd be living in misery.

Second, I'd guess your face itches because bacteria and microscopic organisms have accumulated on your
face (and those organisms shit, which leave allergens on your face).
980名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/07/17(金) 07:13:15
The AC for my house costs around $400-500 per month.

Really? I guess it's more than triple or so of total electricity
cost in my house case.

I recommend you buy AC made by Japanese company!
Mitsubishi, Sharp, Daikin, etc, etc.
981名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/07/17(金) 10:16:59
Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 134
982名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/07/17(金) 11:19:05
983名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/07/17(金) 13:32:50
Writings seems to be serious and have no joke.
But you see. American rookie baseball player has only one wiki page
which is Japanese. What do you think does it mean?

Every time I see the word Ochinko, I can't help smirking.

And His nickname is chink? LOL
984名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/07/17(金) 14:23:33
985firestar:2009/07/17(金) 18:12:27
i am back. well it seems all i have missed was spam
986firestar:2009/07/17(金) 18:27:50
so.... endless eight pissing anyone off here too?
987名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/07/17(金) 22:41:56
question: for how long can i keep the natto in the fridge?

I remember picking it up from a freezer, so i guess the
life time is quite short
when it stays in the fridge.
988名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/07/17(金) 23:40:25
As far as I know, it doesn't get rotten any further since it's sold rotten in the first place. It just gets dry and loses flavor.
989名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/07/18(土) 00:15:55
A library sounds good because they keep AC on all day.

Piss in the bathtub must be sootihng.
It feels good whenever you break conventional rules.
I often pee when I take a bath, but not in the bathtub but the area
where you wash your body. Japanese Bathroom is different from that of
Americans so we don't wash our body in the bathtub.
Some kids pee in swimming pool at school.

Natto can last long so you don't have to worry too much.
You don't store huge amount of natto, do you? If you are too worried,
just eat today. 988 might be right.
990名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/07/18(土) 02:26:38
Ohh.. It's scary boards.
To me that hell is very weak in English
991mr fag:2009/07/18(土) 02:37:04
hi japanz I have a few questions

a) what application should I use to segregate all AA? I have thousands
and it's always VERY slow to find something, I want tags

b) which board on 2ch has the most 荒らし?

c) is there something like a japanese version of urban dictionary?

992empty.:2009/07/18(土) 03:05:31
Shut the fuck up, white boy!
993名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/07/18(土) 03:13:42
hi mom
994名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/07/18(土) 05:58:10
fish-san today i got caught in the rain on the way home, then on the way to and from a tango lesson.the dancing was
for two hours and the rain also soaked me too. i thought of you. maybe i cannot compete with your fish-ness but
i did feel..wet as a fish. a good shower and a cup of tea made me recover. that i what showers and baths are for,
i thought.
995名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/07/18(土) 07:04:10
I happened to see again the Uzbek boy in a certain chatroom.
He talked to me so we chatted for an hour or so.
I told him to sell some of his eroge on a Uzbek auction site so you gotta
check it out, アメリカ人. You should ask for a sick leave and find the site
and bid on them and play all day.
996名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/07/18(土) 09:59:19
We are so into a world of shit.
997名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/07/18(土) 10:31:50
Our world is like a swimming pool of shit. No diving!
998名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/07/18(土) 10:48:16
Hey guys.
How do u think about jews?
999名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/07/18(土) 10:49:45
Who is going to creat a better world than a shitty one?
1000名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/07/18(土) 13:05:41