>>933 仮定法 Where did she go? 彼女が現在どこにいるか問題ではない Where has she gone? 彼女が現在いないこと、または、その時いなかった状況が現在にひびいていることを強調 Where could she have gone? 上記の意味に、話者の以下のような主観を付け加える 普通なら行かないのに彼女はよく行ったな 彼女のやつ本当にどこに行きやがったのだろう
夜分遅く失礼します これを和訳していただきたいのですが・・ The meaning of "selber" can be seen in a sentence like "I do it on myself". You would say in german "Ich mache es selber". You can use selbst on the same way, but most time if somebody says something bad against me like "du Arschloch" the most people say "selber". This would mean you tell him that he is the "Arschloch" xD. This word (Arschloch) is quite often used, but you should try to avoid it, it´s so unfriendly and the poeple think you´re a bad educated child ^^.
Hmm firstly there are the forms "derselbe, dasselbe, dieselbe" whom just stick to the article ;). So an example would be: "Das ist dasselbe Auto wie vorhin." In english it means it´s the same car as before. It can maybe translated as the same, just with the article in front.
>>967 日本語と同じ 表現技巧と内容技巧を分けて覚える 表現に費やす構文は暗記して頭を使わない 喋る時は内容の技巧にだけ頭使う オバマの演説冒頭 If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible, tonight is your answer.
これの If there is anyone out there who still や is a place where all things are みたいなものを集めて暗記して 鼻くそほじりながら小脳だけでも言えるように あとは内容だけに大脳新皮質がフル回転するようにしむける
tonight is your answer. みたいなそれ自体にエスプリを含む内容技巧も 詐欺師バリに口から出てきたらもう神の領域
うむぅ、まず第一に"derselbe, dasselbe, dieselbe" という冠詞にくっつける活用があってな、 例文は"Das ist dasselbe Auto wie vorhin."英語で言えば it´s the same car as before たぶん同じように訳され、前の冠詞につけるだけだよ
宿題スレ1000いったのでこちらでもヨロシクお願いします。2題あります。()の抽象的な表現が具体的になるように書き換えなさい。1)He has(a good memory). 2)I have (a pet bird)at home. 3)The flood water(came)into the house. 4)Jonathan lives in a (bad)apartment. 5)She (quickly)took the lead in the race. 次の文を意味を変えずにインパクト 力強さのあるものに書き換えなさい。 1)Jack was called on by the teacher when he was dozing off in class. 2)The guitar was played by Jane,who won the 1999 state high school guitar contest. 3)There is no cure for the disease. 4)I saw that there was a large oak tree in the garden. 5)I think there are three main reasons.