>The distance [ covered (by us) ] was not great. (We did not go far.) >The distance [ they covered ] was small. >Let's hope [ that we cover more distance today [ than we did yesterday ] ], (Let's hope [ we go further today ].) >これで構造を見てください。僕は英検一級です。
>>969 You cross the road there. *行動は10公式A You do not cross the road here. *行動の否定は10公式C You must not cross the road here. *助動詞は10公式C You do not cross the road here. *命令文は10公式のCに直す Do not cross the road here. *命令文はyouを省略して言う
>>93 a)The train arrived at Ueno Station In the morning of September 8. b)There was a big fire In my neighborhood last night. c)My uncle In Hokkaido skis very well.
>>969 You cross the road there. *行動は10公式A You do cross the road there. *行動の疑問と否定は10公式Cに直す You must cross the road there. *助動詞は10公式C You do cross the road here. *命令文は10公式のCに直す Cross the road here. *命令文はyou doを省略して言う
安価ミスってた >>13 a)The train arrived at Ueno Station In the morning of September 8. b)There was a big fire In my neighborhood last night. c)My uncle In Hokkaido skis very well.
質問です。 どなたか教えてください。以下の文についてです。 The house, built at the turn of 20th century, is now his property. このbuilt は分詞構文と思われますが、もともとは、 The house, had been built at the.... が The house, having been built at the turn となり、そして、 The house, built at the turn となったんではないでしょうか? しかし、そうなら、もとの文で、 The house, had been built at the turn of 20th century, となりますが、過去完了と、時期の明示が並立してしまいますが、 いいのでしょうか?
>>9 @ [ When I walked a few minutes ], I got to the park. A We couldn't go out because of the bad weather. B Strong coffee will keep [ you awake all night ]. C Her father's sudden death made [ her to look for a job ].
>>22 @Why are you back? AHis high salary leads him an easy life. BThis test proved his blood type. CA sudden illness prevented me from traveling. DThe computer will save you a lot of time and work. EThis medicine will ease your headache.
>>34 @Why are you back? AHis high salary makes [ him lead an easy life ]. BThis test proved his blood type. CA sudden illness prevented me from [ traveling ].
DThe computer will save you a lot of time and work. EThis medicine will ease your headache.
>>58 1 Many people also died from diseases [ which broke out in the dirty camps [ later occupied by homeless people ] ]. @多くの人達が、C病気で死んだ[A[後にホームレスの人達に占居された]B汚い野営地で発生した]
2 Many people also died from diseases [ which broke out in the dirty camps [ which was later occupied by homeless people ] ].
>>39 The house, having been built at the turn この having been は、分詞構文で、分詞の方が主節より過去の時、 過去だと示すために使うhaveだから(beingだけだと時制がわからない)、参考書もあってるよ。
The house, which was built at the turn of 20th century, is now his property. The house is now his property, and was built at the turn of 20th century, どちらにも読み替えられるということ。
>>73 169 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2009/04/22(水) 02:39:36 Yeah, some of you have a way better command of English than me. The guy who puts mysterious brackets in his posts is quite unintelligible, or maybe my brain just refuse to understand him. But most of others speak English really well.
The house, [ built at the turn of 20th century ], is now his property. *分詞を使って簡単に言うときは誤解を起こさない限り時制を無視してよい The house, [ which was built at the turn of 20th century ], is now his property. *主節が現在形なら従属節は過去形
The house, [ built at the turn of 10th century ], was then his property. *分詞を使って簡単に言うときは誤解を起こさない限り時制を無視してよい The house, [ which had been built at the turn of 10th century ], was then his property. 主節が過去形なら従属節は過去完了形
>>76 >>73 >>169 Yeah, some of you have a better way of [ commanding English ] [ than I (do) ]. The guy [ who puts mysterious brackets in his posts ] is quite unintelligible to me, or maybe my brain just refuse [ to understand him ]. But most of the others speak English really well [ though I haven't heard [ them speak ] ].
>>89 マジにそれがあなたの知識? [ What is important ] is [ to know the basis of strucure ]. [大切である物は]である[構造の基本を知ること] [ What is called Saint Peter's Town ] was once Lenin's Town]. [聖ペテロの町と呼ばれる物は]かつてはレーニンの町であった。 [ What was called Lenin's Town ] had before been Emperor Pyotor's Town]. [レーニンの町と呼ばれた物は]前はピョートル大帝の町であった。
Saint Peter was, [ what is called ], a great Christian. 聖ペテロは、[(一般に)呼ばれる物で言うと](=いわゆる)、偉大なクリスチャンであった。 Emperor Pyotor was, [ what is called ], a tyrant. ピョートル大帝は,[呼ばれる物で言うと](=いわゆる)暴君であった。
I'll ( ) someone carry this heavy suitcase. a,have b,get c,tell d,ask There ( ) a video shop near my house. a,used to b,used to be c,was used to d,was used to be I have three foreign friends. One is an American, and ( ) are Canadians. a,other b,others c,another d,the others She decided ( ) English in order to study abroad. a,to practice speaking b,to practice to speak c,practicing to speak d,practicing speaking How about ( ) in Shibuya on Saturday? a,go shopping b,going shopping c,to go shopping d, to go to shop
わたしたちは彼の発言を信じるべきだろうか I wonder ( ) we should believe ( ) he said.
友人を選ぶときにはどんなに慎重にしてもしすぎではない You ( ) be ( ) careful when you choose your friends.
日本とアメリカの祝日を比較してみましょう Let us compare the holidays of Japan with ( ) of American.
その小説は映画化されるそうだ It is ( ) that the novel will be made ( ) a movie.
Please speak more loudly so that everyone can hear (不定詞を使って書き換え)
He'll be back in ten minutes (in ten minutesをたずねる疑問文)
Masao ate the most hamburgers of all the students. (比較級を使って)
>>96 I'll have H[ someone carry this heavy suitcase ]. I'll ask someone H[ to carry this heavy suitcase ]. There used [ to be a video shop ] near my house. I have three foreign friends. One is an American, and the others(=そのほかの二人) are Canadians. She decided H[ to practice I[ speaking English ] in order H[ to study abroad ]. How about I[ going I[ shopping in Shibuya ] on Saturday ]? I wonder G[ if we should believe G[ what he said ] ]. You can't be too careful G[ when you choose your friends ]. Let H[ us compare the holidays of Japan with those(=holidays) of America ]. It is said G[ that the novel will be made into a movie ]. Please speak more loudly G[ so that everyone can hear ]. Please speak more loudly H[ for everyone to hear ]. A: When will he be back? B: He'll be back in ten minutes. Masao ate the most hamburgers of all the students. No other students ate more hamburgers G[ than Masao (did) ]. G主語述語をそのまま言う従属節 H主語述語を捉え簡略して言う不定詞 I述語を捉えて簡単にして言う分詞、動名詞
A: When will he be back? B: He'll be back in ten minutes. Masao ate the most hamburgers of all the students. No other students ate more hamburgers G[ than Masao (did) ]. G主語述語をそのまま言う従属節 H主語述語を捉え簡略して言う不定詞 I述語を捉えて簡単にして言う分詞、動名詞
There were eight apples in the kitchen. *8個あった He ate an apple at one o'clock. *1個食べた He ate another apple at two. *もう1個食べた He ate still another apple at three. *更に1個食べた He ate two other apples at four. *更に2個食べた He ate the other three apples at five. *残っている3個を食べた
*リンゴが8個あって、最初の1つはone、次の1つはan otherでanother、次の2つはtwo other、残りの4つを言うなら、the other four
OALDのcallを見ても、補語に実名を取る例は無くすべて別称。 1to give sb/sth a particular name; to use a particular name or title when you are talking to sb:[vn-n]They decided to call the baby Mark. His name’s Hiroshi but everyone calls him Hiro.What do they call that new fabric?[vn]They called their first daughter after her grandmother. We call each other by our first names here.?see alsocalled
2to describe sb/sth in a particular way; to consider sb/sth to be sth :[vn-n]I wouldn’t call German an easy language.Are you calling me a liar?He was in the front room, or the lounge or whatever you want to call it.[vn-adj]Would you call it blue or green?[vn-n]I make it ten pounds forty-three you owe me. Let’s call it ten pounds. 3~ yourself sthto claim that you are a particular type of person, especially when other people question whether this is true:Call yourself a friend? So why won’t you help me, then?She’s no right to call herself a feminist.
If the medicine is the best one for his disease, it cannot be given to him too soon. We put the food into the fridge so that it may not go bad. You might as well expect a river to flow backward as hope to persuade him into resignation.
1, For years that city wanted a subway but lacked funds to build ( ). (A)one (B)it (C)that (D)this
2, They have four daughters. One is married, and ( ) are still single. (A)others (B)the others (C)the other (D)another
3, You have to make up your mind, and ( ) at once. (A)it (B)that (C)this (D)those
4, Don't you think it prudent ( ) until you get a more detailed map of the area? (A)that for you to wait (B)before you wait (C)that you wait (D)you to wait
5,Elizabeth found it difficult to ( ) the new surroundings. (A)adapt herselt to (B)be adapted for (C)adapt itself to (D)adapt her in
1.Not every individual offered ( ) opinion then, but many opposing viewpoints came to light later. a) no b) their c) his d) whose 2.I don't have a nice bookcase, and so I am going to ( ). a) have one made b) have it made c) have that to be made d) get it to make 3.Those of us who are over fifty years old should get ( ) blood pressure checked regularly. a) their b) our C) his d) your 4.Every one of the boys ( ) here yesterday has a bicycle. a) was b) were c) who was d) who were 5.At the end of the party, Mary found ( ) the dishes alone again, as usual. a) her did b) she doing c) her done d) herself doing お願いします!
>>125 She thought of a good way G[ in which the children could play happily ]. She thought of a good way G[ how the children could play hapilly ]. She thought of a good way H[ for the children to play hapilly ].
>>126 [ If the medicine is the best one for his disease ], it cannot be given to him too soon. 彼の病気にはその薬が最良であるなら、それを採用するのにはまだ時期が早いということはない We put the food into the fridge [ so that it may not go bad ]. 食べ物が腐らないように私達は冷蔵庫に入れる You might as well expect [ a river to flow backward ] [ as hope [ to persuade him into resignation ] ]. 彼に辞任するように説得しようなんて、川が逆流することを望むようなもんだ
>>127 For years that city wanted a subway but lacked funds [ to build one ]. They have four daughters. One is married, and the others(=other three) are still single. You have [ to make up your mind and do it at once ]. Don't you think [ it prudent [ that you wait [ until you get a more [ detailed ] map of the area ] ] ]? Elizabeth found [ it difficult [ to adapt herself to the new [ surroundings ] ].
>>136 I came to the Olympics [ not expecting much ]. 大して期待しないでオリンピックにやってきた She is a kind of mother model(=性質を備えた物) in our office [ because she looks after all of us ]. figure=外形 My mother has a brilliant mind, and I know [ she is destined for big things ]. 僕の母は素晴らしい心を持っていて、彼女は大きな事をなすさだめにあることを僕は知っている
>>138 Not every individual offered his opinion then, but many [ opposing ] viewpoints came to light later. I don't have a nice bookcase, and so I am going to have [ one made ]. Those of us [ who are over fifty years old ] should get [ their blood pressure checked regularly ]. Every one of the boys [ who were here yesterday ] has a bicycle. At the end of the party, Mary found [ herself doing the dishes alone again, as usual ].
>>147 Ask yourself [ if it is really important [ that your ham is pink ] ]. The Food Sanitation Law was strengthened in 1995 [ to address food safety concerns ]. The law now covers so-[called] natural additives.
>>151 Additives are basically extras [ that our bodies don't need ]. There is no need [ to be unnecessarily fearful of food additives ]. The important thing is [ to be fully aware of [ what kind of additives are in the food [ you eat ] ].
>>123 Japanのj 日本語の「ジ」です legitimateのl 日本語の「ら」 を発音する最初の構えのまま舌を口の天井から話さないでエを言えば le の音になります の本語の「らりるれろ」は アルファベットで正確に表記すると、 lra lri lru lre lro ですので、「ら」を発音するときの最初の舌の位置のままに言えば la li lu le lo になります
He sees her for the first time. He falls in love with her. His first sight of her made [ him fall in love with her ]. He loved her at his first sight of her. It was [ love at first sight ]. それは[一目惚れ]だった
>>183 Kate was rather sick, yet she worked hard as usual. それでありながら、彼女はいつものように力を入れて働いた however=どんなことがありながらも
It should be easy [ to cash traveler's checks ] at any bank, どの銀行に於いても旅行小切手を現金に換えるのは簡単な手続きであるべきだ but we will be asked for our passport as identification.
Any student may ask any question. どの生徒でもどんな質問でもしていいですよ。 any=不特定のもの。不定。疑問文では不定なのでこれを使う some=どれとは示さないが話す人の心の中にある特定のもの。一定。
>>157 You have [ to make up your mind and do it at once ]. >>160 She is a kind of mother model(=性質を備えた物) in our office [ because she looks after all of us ]. >>162 Those of us [ who are over fifty years old ] should get [ their blood pressure checked regularly ].
>>195 and that (1)しかも, それも. ▼前文の全体あるいは一部を受ける He speaks English, and that fluently. 彼は英語を話す, しかも流暢(りゅうちょう)に.
mother figure an older woman that you go to for advice, support, help, etc., as you would to a mother 〔OALD〕 An older woman, often one in a position of power or influence, who elicits the emotions usually reserved for a mother 〔American Heritage Dictionary〕
Incorrect: Those of us who are over fifty years old should get their blood pressure checked regularly. Correct: Those of us who are over fifty years old should get our blood pressure checked regularly. 〔Pass key to the TOEFL, Pamela J. Sharpe, P187〕
The New York Times Book Review 12 March 1989, p. 29
Our thanks to you and to Marianne Wiggins for recalling THOSE OF US who write to OUR duty as heretics, for reminding us again that power is as much our sworn enemy as unreason, for making us all look braver, wiser, more useful than we often think we are. We pray for your continuing good health, safety and lightness of spirit.
"Sure," says John McCain. He explains that at the Hanoi Hilton "those of us who gained our spiritual help and strength through God seemed to do better physically than those who basically gave up." http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,996351,00.html
>>209 ×for [ recalling [ those of us [ who write to our duty as heretics ] ] ] ↓ ○for recalling [those of us who write] to our duty as heretics *recall A to B
自分はネイティブレベルだとか自慢してるくせにすぐネイティブに質問。 [275]片岡数吉 ◆X8bUvIiQ1A 2009/04/23(木) 03:04:34 so their blood pressure or our blood pressure? [276]名無しさん@英語勉強中 2009/04/23(木) 03:06:26 Those who are over age 50 are recommended to regularly have their blood pressure checked. You should regularly check your blood pressure if you're over 50. Over 50? Check your blood pressure once in a while! Always check your blood pressure if you don't wanna die. You're already 50+. やっぱり間違えてたね。本当にセンスが無い。 >>196なんかも得意の10公式で英語の根元に迫ったつもりだったのに、 てんで的外れ。10公式ではplaceならIn不要でhouseなら必要という区別が 説明できない。10公式には10万個の穴がある。
>210 :片岡数吉 ◆X8bUvIiQ1A :2009/04/23(木) 02:43:23 >*Those of us [ *who are over fifty years old ] should get *their >blood pressure checked regularly. >この文では >わたしたちのうちで50歳を超えている者達という、全体の一定部分だと思いますが
>>255 I would definately use it. I would ask the stone to make my every request come true. After that I'd ask the stone to make me live as long as I was originally supposed to live. Then I could get back my original life expectancy. In fact, I could even live as long as I want because all of my request would be accepted. Using the stone, I would fuck as many girls as possible all around the word. I would rule the world. I would have nothing to fear. Everyone would kneel down in front of me. I'm the king.
>>260 こんな感じかな?256は悪ふざけだから使っちゃだめ。 I wouldn't use the stone. Even if I used it, I could enjoy my life only for a short time. And if I didn't use it, I might not be able to make my wish come true, but I could have a lot of different experiences in my long life. So that's why I wouldn't use the stone.
1)The coast (is twenty minutes a walk from here.) 2)It (takes twenty minutes to the coast from here on foot.) 3)You can (walk in twenty minutes to the coast from here.)
英作文です。添削お願いします 1,私の家族はみなそれぞれ休日の楽しみを持っています。(pastimes)を使って My family all (have pastimes of vacation). 2.父は釣りが大好きでしばしば近くの川へ釣りに行きます。 My father (loves fishing and often go fishing) in a nearby river. 3.母は友人と買い物に行ったり、スポーツセンターで運動をして楽しみます。 My mother (enjoys going shopping with her friends, exercising) at the sports center. 4.私は外へ出かけるよりも家にいる方が好きです。 I (like being in home better than going out). 5.休日は私達にとってリラックスするためのとても大切な時間です。 Holidays are
途中で間違って投稿してしまいました・・・ 英作文です。添削お願いします 1,私の家族はみなそれぞれ休日の楽しみを持っています。(pastimes)を使って My family all (have pastimes of vacation). 2.父は釣りが大好きでしばしば近くの川へ釣りに行きます。 My father (loves fishing and often go fishing) in a nearby river. 3.母は友人と買い物に行ったり、スポーツセンターで運動をして楽しみます。 My mother (enjoys going shopping with her friends, exercising) at the sports center. 4.私は外へ出かけるよりも家にいる方が好きです。 I (like being in home better than going out). 5.休日は私達にとってリラックスするためのとても大切な時間です。(feel relaxed)を使って Holidays are (very precious time for us to feel relaxed).
>>234 It should be easy [ to cash traveler's checks at any bank ] but we will be asked [ for our passport ] [ as identification ]. 私達は尋ねられる[パスポートを出すように][身分証明として]
英語の問題 お願いします A ( )内に適語を補いなさい。 1.Why don't you take tomorrow ( )? 2.He got up very late, but he made up ( ) it by running to school. 3.She never participates ( ) any of our discussions, does she? 4.She won the championship four times ( ) succession. B 日本語の意味になるように、( )を補いなさい。 1.彼女は日差しを背に、ただ独り走っていました。 She was running alone ( ). 2.彼女がマラソンゲートをくぐり抜けると、スタンドのあちこちに日本の旗が見えました。 She ( ) Japanese flags here and there in the stands. 3.そのレースに勝ち、彼女は目に涙を浮かべてスタンドを見上げました。 She had won the race and ( ). 4.彼女は人生でこれほど自分を誇らし思ったことはありませんでした。 Never in her life ( ).
Among topics we discussed over lunch was the regrettable habit film directors then had of altering the plot of a novel to suit themselves, to the extent even of changing a sad ending into a happy one.
The scientist and the theologian approach the deep quesitons of existence from utterly dirrerent starting points. Science is based on careful observation and experiment enabling theories to be constructed which connect different experiences. Regularities in the workings of nature are sought which hopefully reveal the fundamental laws that govern the behavior of matter and forces. Central to this approach is the willingness of the scientist to abandon a theory if evidence is produced against it.
>> >>256 I would definately use it. I would ask the stone [ to make [ my every request come true ] ]. After that, I'd ask the stone [ to make [ me live as long [ as I was originally supposed [ to live ] ] ] ]. Then I could get back my original life expectancy. In fact, I could even live as long [ as I want ] [ because all of my request would be accepted ]. [ Using the stone ], I would fuck as many girls [ as (it is) possible ] all around the world. I would rule the world. I would have nothing [ to fear ]. Everyone would kneel down in front of me. I would be a king.
I wouldn't use the stone. [ Even if I used it ], I could enjoy my life only for a short time. And [ if I didn't use it ], I might not be able to make [ my wish come true ], but I could have a lot of various experience in my long life. So that's [ why I wouldn't use the stone ].
>>298 The scientist and the theologian approach the deep quesitons of existence from utterly dirrerent [ starting ] points. Science is based on careful observation and experiment [ enabling [ theories to be constructed [ which connect different experiences ] ] ]. Regularities in [ the workings ] of nature are sought [ which hopefully reveal the fundamental laws [ that govern the behavior of matter and forces ]. Central to this approach is the willingness of the scientist [ to abandon a theory [ if evidence is produced against it ] ].
お客 Is this 1230-9876? Oh, I'm sorry. I see, Thank you so much. Hello, is this the Sansuikan Ryokan speaking? 旅館 Hello, this is not the Sansuikan Ryokan. Don't worry. I will look up the right number. It is 4230-9651. No, it isn't. You are calling the wrong number. You're welcome. Good bye.
>>288 Why don't you take tomorrow ( )? He got up very late, but he made up for it by [ running to school ]. She never participates in any of our discussions, does she? She won the championship four times in succession.
She was running alone with the sunlight on his back. She went through the marathon gate [ seeing Japanese flags here and there in the stands ]. She had won the race and was looking up at the stands. Never in her life has she felt as much proud of herself [ as this time ].
with sunlight falling on her back ran through the marathon gate to find looked up at the stands with tears welling up in her eyes had she felt more proud of herself
>>288 後半 1.backed by the sunshine 2.ran through the Marathon Gate to find 3.looked up at the stand with tears In her eyes 4.has she been proud of herself
>>277 Each of my family has his or her pastime on holidays. My father loves [ fishing ] and often go [ fishing in a nearby river ]. My mother enjoys [ going [ shopping ] with her friends ] and [ exercising at the sports center ]. I like [ being at home ] better than [ going out ]. Holidays are very precious time [ for us to get relaxed ].
>>289 Among topics [ we discussed over lunch ] was 昼食を鳥ながら私達が交わした話題の1つは、であった the regrettable habit [ film directors then had ] その頃映画監督が持っていた悲しむべき癖であった of [ altering the plot of a novel [ to suit themselves ], 小説の設定が自分達に会うように変えるという to the extent even of [ changing a sad [ ending ] into a happy one ] ]. 悲しい結末を幸せな結末に変えるぐらいにさえも
()からどっちか選んでください Never have (I seen, seen I) such a beautiful picture. Few people live (to be, being) 100 He stood (in, with) his back against the door. He went home (to find, finding) his friend George waiting for him. お願いします
(39) I have some sherry that they tell me isn't bad. (まずくはないとされるシェリー酒がある) (40) We feed children who(m) we think are hungry. (腹をすかせていると思われる子供らに食事を与えるのです)
(39)では、that は isn't bad の主語として機能している。(40)の whom も are の主語であるから who が文法的であるが、しばしば think の目的語と 感じられて whom になる(関係詞牽引 (relative attraction) と呼ばれる現象)。
(39)の基底には、概略、次のような構造が考えられる。 (41) I have some sherry [s1 they tell me [s2 (that) it isn't bad]]
この it が isn't bad の主語であることは明瞭であるが、これを関係詞化して S1 の文頭に移動すれば−つまり、先行詞の直後に置けば−(39)が得られる。
この時、S1 に現れる動詞は、believe, hope, imagine, suppose, think, say, suggest, tell などで、これらの大部分は次のような"連鎖疑問詞節"にも現れる (§9.4.3)。 (42) a. Who do you think he will do? b. What do you suppose happened next?
[ antibiotics such as penicillin are among the drugs more likely than others [ to produce allergic reactions ]. ペニシリンのような抗生物質は、他の物よりもアレルギー反応を起こしやすい 薬の内の1つであると
367 :I Love London ◆rKzxtzG6tI :2009/04/23(木) 23:56:26
>>360 微妙に違うよ。among〜は比較の範囲を示してるんだよ、だからきみのように 「誘発しやすい薬品の部類に含まれる」と訳すべきではなく 「(様々な)薬品中、他と比較してアレルギーを誘発しやすい」と訳すべきだよ。 あなたはamong〜があたかもantibiotics such as penicillinの主格補語のように訳したけども、among the drugsはmore likely...という主格補語を修飾している副詞節なんだよ。 だから「ペニシリンのような抗生物質は(様々な)薬品中、他と比較してアレルギーを誘発しやすい」と訳すべきなんだよ。 まあ、大学で教鞭採ってる人間がいい加減な和訳の問題集を世に出してるくらいだから、これくらいなんでもないことですけどね。
among the drugsはantibiotics such as penicillin are の補文だよ。 drugsにtheがついてるのはmore likelyの後置修飾による。 than othersとamong the drugsが両方more likelyに係っていて片方だけ 前に、しかもbeの直後に置くなどありえない。 よってI Love Londonは間違い。
>>348 I have never seen such a beautiful picture. *Never *have I seen such a beautiful picture. *neverが文頭に出て助動詞も前に出る
Few people live [ to be 100 ]. 生きて百歳になる He stood with [ his back against the door ]. He went home [ to find [ his friend George waiting for him ]. *家に帰って知った
404 :I Love London ◆rKzxtzG6tI :2009/04/24(金) 00:36:58
>>397 真理を曲げて大勢にへつらう卑怯者め。 It says antibiotics such as penicillin are among the drugs more likely than others to produce allergic reactions をgoogleで検索してみろ。俺は一瞬で正しい訳を出したんだぞ。 片岡数吉、あんたも間違えてるよ。
>>417 なんか分かりにくいが、つまり We left the park and saw something strange down the street. はseeの後の目的語somethingの後ろの前置詞句downは目的語の場所であるからWeが進む事は有り得ない。 あるとしたらsomethingだろうって事なんだろうが、そもそもこのdownってストリートのどの位置かって事じゃないんかい。
[415]片岡数吉 ◆X8bUvIiQ1A 2009/04/24(金) 01:02:11 >>410 I saw you [ with Bill ] [ in that store ] [ yesterday ]. 僕は君を見た[ビルと一緒にいる][あの店の中で][昨日] 昨日君があの店の中にビルと一緒にいるのを見たよ。 [428]片岡数吉 ◆X8bUvIiQ1A 2009/04/24(金) 01:16:03 We left the park 私達は公園を出た We *saw something strange *[ down the street ]. 私達は奇妙な物を見た[通りの先のところで] [ ]はsawに繋がるのだよ
As Salamu Alaykum! I'm Rima from Syria. Only a few girls go on to senior high school after finishing junior high. Most girls stay home and help around the house. In high school ,both boys and girls wear jackets and pants as school uniforms. Also, many girls in high school wear scarves around their heads. At school , we have a religion class. We have no school on Fridays because it’s a special day for us. After praying, we have fun with our family and friends, and then we pray again. A few years ago we started having Saturdays off, too.
Q1 Why do only a few girls stay home and help around the house? Q2 What kind of school uniforms do they wear in Syria? Q3 Why do girl students in Syria wear scarves around their heads? Q4 What do students in Syria do on Fridays? Q5英文作成 What country do you want to study in? 以上、お願いします
またまたスウキチ伝説 [415]片岡数吉 ◆X8bUvIiQ1A 2009/04/24(金) 01:02:11 >>410 I saw you [ with Bill ] [ in that store ] [ yesterday ]. 僕は君を見た[ビルと一緒にいる][あの店の中で][昨日] 昨日君があの店の中にビルと一緒にいるのを見たよ。 [428]片岡数吉 ◆X8bUvIiQ1A 2009/04/24(金) 01:16:03 We left the park 私達は公園を出た We *saw something strange *[ down the street ]. 私達は奇妙な物を見た[通りの先のところで] [ ]はsawに繋がるのだよ
455 :I Love London ◆rKzxtzG6tI :2009/04/24(金) 02:20:08
It says antibiotics such as penicillin are among the drugs more likely than others to produce allergic reactions の文をgoogleでまるごと検索すると出てくるBBC learning Englishというサイトで、 冒頭で書かれている語釈でもamongは「〜の間で」と書かれているだろうが。 ここではamongがone of の意味では使われてなく、あくまで副詞句として使われてるんだよ。 おまえら全員間違えてただろうが。 自分らが間違えると反省もなくとぼけてみせる、最低だよ。もう一度この問題を審議しなおせ。 そして自分らの見解に自身があるのならBBC Learning Englishのサイトに連絡をとって訂正の要求をしろ。 そうでなければやっていることに筋が通らないだろうが!? てめえらは馬鹿な癖に自分の間違いを隠すことにだけは長けてるんだ。 再審議しないのならこんなスレつぶせ。社会の害悪だ。訴えてやる、
456 :I Love London ◆rKzxtzG6tI :2009/04/24(金) 02:21:52
研究社の辞書だと I see some people in the garden. 庭園に数人の人が見える. Can you see the dog over there? 君はあそこの犬が見えるか? 前置詞句は全部目的語の説明でseeにはかかってないですね。 ラーナーズプログレッシブだと I saw a lot of fish in the pond. 池の中にたくさんの魚がいるのが見えた. I didn't see you there. あなたがそこにいるのに気がつかなかった. やっぱり目的語の説明ですね。 downだけ例外ってことはないでしょうから、これは片岡先生がまた 残念ながら間違えたってことですね。
There was a little bired named PIKO.このnamedは過去分詞形容詞 ですか?それともbiredのあとのwhichが略されてるのですか?
481 :I Love London ◆rKzxtzG6tI :2009/04/24(金) 04:20:24
そもそも be among the drugs のthe drugs を more likely than others to...が修飾するだなんて感覚的におかしいと思わないんだろうか? 一流大の受験やその後の研究生活で英文を読みなれていく中で英語のセンスが磨かれた人ならこんな過ちは犯すはずないよ。 そういうバックグラウンドを私も持ってるし、 この英文をのせてるサイトの回答者もきっと共有してるからこそ同解釈になったんだよ。 君らには呆れるなぁ。精進したまえ。
>>481 @Wait until late in infancy or after infancy to introduce egg white and shellfish, which are among the foods most likely to cause allergy. [Pocket Guide to Nutritional Assessment and Care / Mary Courtney Moore]
AAlthough shellfish are low in fat and high in protein, vitamins, and minerals, they are one of the foods most likely to provoke an allergic reaction -- and so are best left off the menu until your child is twelve months old. [Raising a Healthy Eater / Mandy Francis]
BMen, Southerners, rural residents, Republicans, and self-described conservatives are among the groups most likely to say they own guns, and are also among the most favorably disposed to the NRA. [The Gallup Poll / Alec Gallup, George Horace Gallup, Frank Newport, Gallup Organization]
CThis is particularly unfortunate as prisoners are a group in special circumstances: first, they are one of the groups most likely to suffer a severe physical violation of their rights, and secondly, in the words of the Commission, there exists a basic human need to express thoughts and feelings including complaints about real or imagined hardships. [Human Rights in the Private Sphere / Andrew Clapham]
508 :I Love London ◆rKzxtzG6tI :2009/04/24(金) 13:13:05
t says antibiotics such as penicillin are among the drugs more likely than others to produce allergic reactions の文をgoogleでまるごと検索すると出てくるBBC learning Englishというサイトで、 冒頭で書かれている語釈でもamongは「〜の間で」と書かれているだろうが。 ここではamongがone of の意味では使われてなく、あくまで副詞句として使われてるんだよ。 おまえら全員間違えてただろうが。 自分らが間違えると反省もなくとぼけてみせる、最低だよ。もう一度この問題を審議しなおせ。
There was a road ( ) to the town on the other side of the river. という文の空欄を埋める問題で、答えがleadingというのはわかっているのですが、 to leadでダメな理由を教えていただけないでしょうか? 不定詞の形容詞用法として使えるかなと思うんですが。
>>517 Can I use your computer while you are out? There may be a call for me this afternoon. It may rain later. Koji, will you help me with the dishes? Unfortunately, I'm not available, ma'am. I've a lot of homework to do. Maybe Dan can help you. This picture cannot be genuine. He may come to the party on Sunday. You may photocopy this part of this book. Can you drive a car?
Hello! Let me tell you how many people will join the excursion tomorrow. So far no one has canceled, which means the participants will be nine as scheduled. I leave that entirely to you on that day. Thank you.
There are times when the sea is nearly still , though no doubt even when it looks like glass there are waves in it too small for us to see. っていう英文で in it too small for us to seeの部分はどういう構造になっているんですか? it(←small)の名詞←形容詞の修飾関係にtoo〜to構文が入ったと解釈するのですか?
(初号機の写真を指して)This picture of robot "EVA-1 TEST TYPE" coming out to my favorite robot animated cartoon"Neon Genesis Evangelion". An official name is "general-purpose type dicisive battle weapon robot Evangelion". The robot has a very interesting thing unlike the one of other robot animation.
おねげえします。全く解りません。 Having followed a dangerous diet,she was heavily sufferring from a serious diarrhea when otherwise she might have been asked to go dancing by her boyfriend. これで一つの文なんです。複雑で複雑で。助けて下さい(><)
Having followed a dangerous diet,she was heavily sufferring from a serious diarrhea when otherwise she might have been asked to go dancing by her boyfriend. お願いします、うぅ..(ノД`)・゜・。
>>521 Hello! I report on the participants for tomorrow's excursion. Absence has not been reported so far. Participants are expected to be nine people. Thank You!
>>522 Can I use your computer [ while you are out ]? There may be a call for me this afternoon. It may rain later. Koji, will you help me with the dishes? Unfortunately, I'm not available, ma'am. I've a lot of homework [ to do ]. Maybe Dan can help you. This picture cannot be genuine. He may come to the party on Sunday. You may photocopy this part of this book. Can you drive a car?
>>526 Hello! Let [ me tell you [ how many people will join the excursion tomorrow ] ]. So far no one has canceled, [ which means [ the participants will be nine [ as (it was) scheduled ] ] ]. I leave that entirely to you on that day. Thank you. >> Hello! An official bulletin has just arrived on the participants for tomorrow's expedition! No report has been made so far [ that he or she will be absent ], and the number of participants is likely [ to be nine [ as (it was) planned. Best wishes for our joyful hike. Thanks!
>>532 There are times [ when the sea is nearly still ], [ though there is no doubt [ that [ even when it looks like glass ] there are waves in it too small [ for us to see ] ] ] ].
There are waves [ which are too small [ for us to see ] ] in it.
This is a picture of robot "EVA-1 TEST TYPE" [ which has become my favorite robot. It is an [ animated ] cartoon "Neon Genesis Evangelion".
An official name is "general-purpose type dicisive battle weapon robot Evangelion". The robot has a very interesting thing unlike the one of other robot animation.
Each of my family has his or her pastime on holidays. My father loves [ fishing ] and often goes [ fishing in a nearby river ]. My mother enjoys [ going [ shopping ] with her friends ] and [ exercising at the sports center ]. I like [ being at home ] better than [ going out ]. Holidays are very precious time [ for us to get relaxed ].
これが知覚動詞のSVOCだって!わらうぅ! Weblog / 2009-04-24 18:05:57 Unknown (Unknown) 2009-04-24 17:02:36 結局スウキチの間違いじゃん。知覚動詞とか前置詞の語感を全然つかめてない証拠。 Something strange is down the street. There is something strange down the street. めちゃ自然な英語。 ***************************** Something strange is [ down the street ]. There is something strange [ down the street ]. めっちゃ自然だよ。 We saw something strange [ down the street ]. これもめちゃ自然 We saw [ something strange down the street ]. これはめっちゃ不自然。 これをめっちゃ自然と言うケチ付けどもは SVOCフェチで文法アホ
”東京公園で”テニスしませんか?の英訳で、これまで at Tokyo park と 言ってたんですが、それは明らかにおかしいから in Tokyo park とすべきだと 指摘されました。 広い公園の中のテニスコートという特定の場所を表現するために、inではなく atの方が適当ではないかと考えていましたが、おかしいでしょうか?
って言ってるだろ。 テニスコートという特定の場所を表すのにatを使うのは正しいけど、東京公園でという文章の中のどこにテニスコートでという表現があるのさ。 at Tokyo parkだと他の人も言っているように東京公園という特定の場所でテニスをするというように聞こえる。 テニスをするからテニスコートだとは限らない。
空間だよ、空間の把握だよ。さらにいえば“言語的時空”の把握だよ。 Sur les notions linguistiques spatio-temporelles「言語的時空概念について」みたいな論文がたしかあったよ。 もちろん数学みたいに厳密な公理を設定して論理的に展開するわけじゃないけど 言語独自の理(ことわり)があるんだよ。とくに西洋古典語をなさい。
>>646これは深夜の洋画みたいで少し面白いから、ちょっとだけ変えて作文してみよう。 I want to marry you, London, who are an idiot,a real chatterbox and a little bit shabby dad. Gay-marriage is admitted in Massachusetts,so let's live together there.
人格異常のキチガイ晒し [650]名無しさん@英語勉強中 2009/04/25(土) 00:27:55 >>649 ()が一つ足らない [653]London ◆rKzxtzG6tI 2009/04/25(土) 00:39:37 >>649 As I have another task, I can't play tennis with you. =If I (did) not have another task, I (could) (play) with you. >>650 足りなくねエじゃねか、とんま。 [654]London ◆rKzxtzG6tI 2009/04/25(土) 00:46:33 >>650 どこに()が足りないんだか言ってみろよ、ほら。馬鹿が。 [662]London ◆rKzxtzG6tI 2009/04/25(土) 01:08:33 >>659 そうだね、たしかにtennisが抜けてた。 高学歴者は細かい間違いは見のがしがちなんだよ。 それに抜けてたのはむこうのケアレスミスなんだから訳す際に補ってあげれば済むことじゃないか。 生徒はお客さまなんだよ?自分の内弟子じゃないんだ。それくらいサービスしなきゃ。
After visiting ruins nearby, I was relaxing on the bed in my hotel room. Just when I was falling aseelp,I heard a soft melody being carried in through the open windows by the breeze. The melody sounded like it was coming from a reed instrument and a drum. I got curios about the melody and left the hotel to find where it was coming from. I walked down the road in the moonlight.
I had difficulty mastering the complicated steps of the dance. これはSVOOですか?SVOですか?SVOCですか? difficultyは名詞ですから、 私は難しいを持つ そもそもこれだけでさえおかしな感じです。 mastering the complicated steps of the dance このダンスの複雑なステップをマスターする事 このようにmasteringは動名詞ですが、to masterとある程度同じように考えていいのですよね?
単語がそれぞれある程度わかってるので、ある程度は読み取れるのですが、 文型がわからないというか、後一歩。 have 名詞 名詞 という使い方なのでしょうか?私はAとBを持つ?
but she saw it was not a dog,but a sheet of newspaper blown in the wind;but he still insisted it was a dog,and stopped to touch it,then said it had run away. That made her realize how bad his sight was becoming,and she begged him to see some eye doctor;perhaps a special kind of glasses or treatment would help.
>>688 but she saw it was not a dog,but a sheet of newspaper blown in the wind;but he still insisted it was a dog,and stopped to touch it,then said it had run away. That made her realize how bad his sight was becoming,and she begged him to see some eye doctor;perhaps a special kind of glasses or treatment would help. 「だが彼女が見たところそれは犬ではなく、風に飛ばされた一枚の茶色の紙だった。 だがかれは、犬だ、と言い張り、立ち止まってそれに触れると、犬は逃げていってしまったんだ、と言った。 このことで彼女は彼の視力がどれほど悪化しつつあるのかを悟り、彼に、どこでもいいから眼科にかかることを勧めた。 おそらく特別な眼鏡か治療で彼は助かるであろう」 最後のperhaps a special kind of glasses or treatment would helpはいわゆる抽出話法で、彼女の内心的独白を表しています。
質問です。 Among them was his grand-grand-father, who devoted all his life to the Restauration - undoutedly a political cataclysm which, without his remarkable contribution,is likely to have been a series of gradual improvements. まったくお手上げです。教えて下さい。
急に世界の変わった私は、少しの間口を利く事も出来ずに、 ぼうっとして、その光景を見ていました Suddenly thrown into a strange world,I was contemplating the scene for a while, unable to pronounce a word.
There were a lot of people dancing merrily in a very big circle. このinとcircleですが、 大きな輪を作って踊っている(つまりジンギスカンとか盆踊りなどのように円を作って踊ってる)と捉えるのがヨシですか? それともcircleは仲間や集団という意味もありますのでbig circleを大規模な集団で踊っていると考えるのがヨシですか?
a lot of peopleという言葉も出てきているので・・・ inを〜環境の中でという意味で捉えると in a very big circle 大集団の中で これもいいと思うのですが、逆にa lot of peopleとかぶるんですよね。
And since the kings were more likely than the farmers to influence world events and to have biographies written about them, what we know of history has been largely shaped by the careers of famous men.
And since the kings were more likely than the farmers to influence world events and to have biographies written about them, what we know of history has been largely shaped by the careers of famous men. 「また、王達は農夫達に比べ世界の出来事に影響を与える可能性や自分達についての電気を書いてもらえる可能性が高いので、 我々が歴史について知る多くの事柄は、多くが高名な人々の経歴(or業績)によって形成されてきた。」
>>672 After [ visiting ruins nearby ], I was relaxing on the bed in my hotel room. [ Just when I was falling aseelp ],I heard [ a soft melody being carried in through the open windows by the breeze ]. The melody sounded like [ it was coming from a reed instrument and a drum ]. I got curious about the melody and left the hotel [ to find [ where it was coming from ] ]. I walked down the road in the moonlight. 「いくつかの遺跡を訪れた後、私はホテルの自分の部屋で休んでいた。 ちょうど眠りかけた時、穏やかなメロディーがそよ風に乗って窓から入ってきた。 そのメロディーは管楽器と太鼓のようだった。 私は興味を持って、音がどこから来ているのかを探すためにホテルを出た。 月明かりの中道を歩いて進んだ。」
>>678 @I had difficulty [ mastering the [ complicated ] steps of the dance ]. AI had difficulty [ as I was mastering the [ complicated ] steps of the dance ]. 私は困難を持った[このダンスの複雑なステップをマスターしている際に]
>>688 But she saw けれど彼女は見た [ it was not a dog but a sheet of newspaper [ blown in the wind ]; それが犬ではなく、風に乗って飛ばされてきた一枚の新聞であることを but he still insisted [ it was a dog ], and stopped [ to touch it ], けれど彼はなおも犬だと言い、立ち止まってそれにさわった then said [ it had run away ]. それから犬は逃げたんだと言った That made [ her realize [ how bad his sight was becoming ] ], このことは彼女に実感させた[彼の視力がどんなに悪くなっていっているのか] and she begged him [ to see some eye doctor ]; perhaps a special kind of glasses or treatment would help.
The Gentle Barn, which Ellie opened 1n 1990 is a place where abused animals can find there home to feel relaxed. Ellie changed love for animals into the efforts to save abused animals as well as to aid young people. Abused children learn from the animals of the Gentle Barn that they can overcome the abuse inflicted in them.
An electric company is constantly looking for the very best engineering talent in general, and it seeks people to fill specific openings in the organization as well.
The Gentle Barn [ which Ellie opened 1n 1990 ] is a place [ where [ abused ] animals find home [ to feel relaxed ] ]. Ellie made her love for animals into the efforts [ to save [ abused ] animals as well as [ to aid young people ]. [ Abused ] children learn from the animals of the Gentle Barn [ that they can overcome the abuse [ inflicted on them ] ].
>>772 An electric company is constantly looking for the very best [ engineering ] talent in general, ある電気製品会社は常に本当に最高の技術的才能を求めている。 and it seeks [ people to fill specific [ openings ] in the organization as well. その会社は、人々が企業の特定部門を埋めてくれるように求めている。
The Gentle Barn [ which Ellie opened 1n 1990 ] is a place [ where [ abused ] animals find home [ to feel relaxed ] ]. Ellie made her love for animals into the efforts [ to save [ abused ] animals as well as [ to aid young people ]. [ Abused ] children learn from the animals of the Gentle Barn [ that they can overcome the abuse [ inflicted on them ] ].
>>779 The Gentle Barn, which Ellie opened 1n 1990 is a field where abused animals can find their homes. Ellie changed her love of animals into efforts to save young people as well as abused animals. Abused children learn from the animals in the Gentle Barn that they can overcome their experiences of abuse.
>>788 The Gentle Barn [ which Ellie opened 1n 1990 ] is a facility [ where [ abused ] animals can find a home free of abuse ]. Ellie changed her love for animals into efforts [ to save young people as well as [ abused ] animals ]. [ Abused ] children learn from the animals in the Gentle Barn [ that they can overcome their experiences of [ being abused ] ].
(A)The Gentle Barn, which Ellie opened 1n 1990 is a place where abused animals can find there home to feel relaxed. Ellie changed love for animals into the efforts to save abused animals as well as to aid young people. Abused children learn from the animals of the Gentle Barn that they can overcome the abuse inflicted on them.
(B)The Gentle Barn, which Ellie opened 1n 1990 is a field where abused animals can find their homes. Ellie changed her love of animals into efforts to save young people as well as abused animals. Abused children learn from the animals in the Gentle Barn that they can overcome their experiences of abuse.
《People too often despair only seeing a door mercilessly closed before their eyes. Turn back! Another one is just opening behind your back.》 - K.G.Wisenburg
>>798 The Gentle Barn [ which Ellie opened 1n 1990 ] is a place [ where [ abused ] animals can find a home [ to feel relaxed ]. Ellie changed love for animals into the efforts [ to aid [ abused ] young people as well as to save [ abused ] animals ]. [ Abused ] children learn from the animals of the Gentle Barn [ that they can overcome the abuse [ inflicted on them ] ]. 語の使い方ではこちらの方がよいが、as well asの部分が逆になっていた。動物に対する虐待への対応同様に、虐待された子供達をも救う、 となるべきだからです。
The Gentle Barn [ which Ellie opened 1n 1990 ] is a facility [where [ abused ] animals can find a home [ to be free from abuse ] ]. Ellie changed her love of animals into efforts [ to save young people as well as [ abused ] animals ]. [ Abused ] children learn from the animals in the Gentle Barn [ that they can overcome their experiences of being abused ]. こちらの方は語の使い方が不正確でした
>>827 だからロンドン結婚しようってば London, get married with me, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease! この世のしがらみやいざこざは、もううんざりさ I've been fed up with wearysome busy throngs of this world. それなりに働いて、休みの日にはおんぼろトラックに乗ってドライブするんだ We'll work for living's sake and we'll drive out on an old truck on holidays. でこぼこハイウェイを駆け抜けるのさ We'll speed [ bouncing ] through rough highways. 夕方になったら橙色に染まる太陽を眺めて、安モーテルに泊まろう [ When the eveing comes ], we'll look at [ orange turning ] sun and stay at a cheap hotel. サンフランシスコのゲイパレードは見ものだよ San Francisco gay parade is faaaaaaaaaaaaaabulous!
Two-for-one specials.Alcopops to make booze tasty to teens. Supermarket prices that reward buying in bulk. ANd pubs on every street corner,making it easy to start your day with a liquid lunch. No wander that Britain's notourious binge drinking is so out of control that the government's top medical adviser came out Monday in favor of stiff new price policies to cut off the massive flow of cutrate booze. 新聞記事の冒頭ですが和訳お願いします
Mr.Howell lost the memory of his life to some extent in percentage terms. ↓ To what extent did Mr. Howell lose the memory of his life in percentage terms?
>>839 A: [ To what extent ] did Mr.Howell lose the memory [ of his life ] [ in percentage terms ]? B: He lost the momory [ for 8 percent ] [ in terms of percentage ].
>>841 Two-for-one specials. Alcopops [ to make booze tasty to teens ]. Supermarket prices [ that reward [ buying in bulk ] ]. ANd pubs on every street corner, [ making [ it easy [ to start your day with a liquid lunch ] ] ]. No wander [ that Britain's notourious binge drinking is so out of control [ that the government's top medical adviser came out Monday in favor of stiff new price policies [ to cut off the massive flow of cutrate booze ] ].
>>765 The Gentle Barn, which Ellie opened in 1999, is home to animals rescued from abuse. Ellie turned her love of animals into an effort to serve abused children, as well as to save animals. Children that are victims of abuse learn that they can overcome abuse, through the interaction with animals in The Gentle Barn.
>>857 Gentle Barn, [ which Ellie opened in 1999 ], is a home to animals [ rescued from abuse ]. Ellie turned her love of animals into an effort [ to serve [ abused ] children ], as well as [ to save animals ]. Children [ that are victims of abuse ] learn [ that they can overcome the abuses through the interaction with animals in The Gentle Barn ]. @which の前のカンマと終わりのカンマは必要。 Agentle barnは施設でa home。
英作文なんですが 日本を訪れた外国人が朝の通勤ラッシュを見てまず驚くのは、日本には、日本人ばかりがこんなに大勢いるということである。 The first thing that foreigners who have come to Japan are surprised to see is that there are many people in Japan and almost all of them are Japanese. と書いてみたんですが、だめなところを指摘していただければ幸いです。
人生、哲学、学問、英語 上級者用ブログ I have been to the nearest McDonald shop, [ where I got in after [ drinking [ plumed ] rice wine [ which I bought at the convenience store close to the Mc shop ] ] ]. I got a hamburger, hot coffee and [ fried ] potato and went upstairs, [ where there were about 10 people, [ among which was a young man with a small computer upon the table ] ]. I went to an [ unoccupied ] seat, put out a novel magazine and started [ to read ] [ eating [ fried ] potato ] ] ]. It is a passtime for me [ to go out of my lone apartment and sit among peole and have some fun ].
>>881 日本を訪れた外国人が朝の通勤ラッシュを見てまず驚くのは、 日本には、日本人ばかりがこんなに大勢いるということである。 The thing [ that foreigners [ who have come to Japan and get on commuter-[ crowded ] trains in the morning ] get first surprised [ to see ] ] is [ that most of the people on the trains are almost all Japanese ].
何を屁理屈を付け回しているの? Gentle Barn, [ which Ellie opened in 1999 ], is a home to animals [ rescued from abuse ]. Gentle Barn is a home for animals. でしょう! Gentle Barn is home for animals. だって、笑う!
>>896 現在分詞present participle、現在の部分を表す語、 過去分詞past participle、過去の部分を表す語、 have,has + 過去分詞=現在完了は現在を基準にして、現在に至るまでを表す。 過去のことを現在持っている、ということなのでしょうか? I have cooked miso soup. 僕はみそ汁を作って今できあがっている。 I am eating the miso soup. 僕はみそ汁を作るところにある(ある、いる=is,am,are)。
is,am,are + 過去分詞=受身は、過去のことが現在あるということでしょうか? Miso soup is cooked by me. みそ汁は私のもとに作られこうしてある。
Do you have comments or questions about The Gentle Barn? Would you like to become a member or sign up for an upcoming event? Please get in touch! http://www.gentlebarn.org/id3.html ↑ 「homeが無冠詞だなんて笑っちゃいます」とでもメールしたらどうだ?そんなに可笑しいのなら。
I do not consider that making no mistakes is a blessing. I have erred once, but I shall not make the same mistake again. Nothing is gained by wasting time in regretting mistakes. It is much better to employ that time in analyzing and correcting what is wrong. The greatness of man does not lie in his being faultless. Error is sometimes inevitabele. The real virtue of man lies in recognaizing that faults can be set right and in striving to correct them.
〈 )the service industry will grow four times as quickly, manufacturing will experience the lowest growth of all sectors. a. if b. while c. once d. however この中で、正解はb. whileのようですが、どうしてif じゃいけないんでしょうか?
しかし、この英文を改めて検索エンジンで調べてみると、 Jessica Williamsの50 Facts that should Change the Worldが出典で、 本文は、 Pundits predicted that millions of small websites would proliferate, allowing people to tell their own versions of the truth, and the power of the traditional media to influence our thinking would be hugely diminished. となっていた。
if節の中でwillを使うのは次のような場合。 (formal) used with 'will' or 'would' to ask sb politely to do sth: If you will sit down for a few moments, I’ll tell the manager you’re here. If you would care to leave your name, we’ll contact you as soon as possible.
A dicsionary is a book that gives a list of the words of a language and explains what they mean. giveの文は第B文型ですか?目的語がひとつしかないみたいだけど・・。 このexplainsは自動詞ですか?それともwhat−が目的語になって他動詞ですか?
【語法】 (if) 次のような場合には if 節に助動詞 will が用いられる. (1) if 節がその主語の意志にかかわる仮定・条件を表わす場合 If you will help, we'll [we shall] finish sooner. 手伝っていただければ(仕事が)早くすみますが. (2) if 節が未来の仮定・条件を表わしても, 文全体が現在の事実にかかわる場合 If it will help, I'll give you support. お役に立つのなら支援しましょう.
>〈 )the service industry will grow four times as quickly, manufacturing will experience the lowest growth of all sectors. a. if b. while c. once d. however この中で、正解はb. whileのようですが、どうしてif じゃいけないんでしょうか
Monika(1.be)my classmate. We(2.be)different in many ways. T(3.be)an only child. Monika(4.have)two brothers and a sister. T(5.live)with my family. Monika(6.live)in her own apartment. We both go to Sonoma State University, butT(7.study)English Literature. Monika(8.study)business. T(9.not have)a job, but Monika(10.work)at a cafe on the weekend. T(11.love)dance music, but Monika(12.not like)dance music. She(13.listen to)jazz or classical music.
>>989 Monika is my classmate. We are different in many ways. Tam an only child. Monika has two brothers and a sister. T live with my family. Monika lives in her own apartment. We both go to Sonoma State University, but Tstudy English Literature. Monika studies business. Tdon't have a job, but Monika works at a cafe on the weekend. T love dance music, but Monika doesn't like dance music. She listens to jazz or classical music.
1.Monique( )in her eighties. She( )elderly. 2.T( )blue eyes. 3.Max and Charlie are twins. Max( )a beard and a mustache. Charlie( )clean-shaven. They both( )blond hair. 4.Tanya's dad( )average height. 5.Damon( )heavy. He weight about 136 kilos!