Many of our dreams do not fit the person we are sure we are during daytime. We dream of hating people whom we believe we are fond of, of loving someone whom we thought we had no interest in. お願いします
以下のa square browは、どうやって訳す? Hercule Poirot looked with interest and appreciation at the young woman who was being ushered into the room. There had been nothing distinctive in the letter she had written. It had been a mere request for an appointment, with no hint of what lay behind that request. It had been brief and businesslike. Only the firmness of the handwriting had indicated that Carla Lemarchant was a young woman. And now here she was in the flesh - a tall, slender young woman in the early twenties. The kind of young woman that one definitely looked at twice. Her clothes were good: an expensive, well-cut coat and skirt and luxurious furs. Her head was well poised on her shoulders, she had a square brow, a sensitively cut nose, and a determined chin. She looked very much alive. It was her aliveness more than her beauty that struck the predominant note.
>>24 その本に a square brow が なんで「格好の良い顔」になるか書いてある? おかしいんじゃない? browはそもそも眉か額だし、元の文章>>>9では she had a square brow, a sensitively cut nose, and a determined chin. この3つは同列なんだね。つまり最初に顔全体について「格好の良い」と述べて 次に鼻、顎に述べるのはへん。そうじゃなくてここは額、鼻、顎、と目線を上から 下に移しながらの描写なんだよ
翻訳お願い致します。 but we cannot think they have gone forever. Noble acts and deeds don't die with those that carried them, but are eternal. Take Alexander the Great for instance, his legacy still lives on.
>>88 Everybody wants to get into the [Data Quality] Act これは get into the act 仲間に加わる と Data Quality Act データの質に関する法令 (DQC) を引っかけているのだと思う。DQCが報道に関する議論でたびたび持ち出されることに言及していて、 直訳はむずかしいが 誰もがDQCを使いたがってる くらいか
>>83 私は特にFungs (fungus? キノコ?) に関するone(活動、研究? 前文がないからわからない)に興味があったが、 could't get into the data 実際に具体的なデータを扱うことはできなかった、とか、データを得ることはできなかった、とか それくらいの意味だと想像します。
Anyway, about a month ago, a magazine section appeared about the most beautiful avenue in the world (cleanness,welcome...)About the Champs Elysées in Paris,I am not very proud of the result,but I am not really surprise either:for the welcoming and taking care of the customer,we really suck (sorry for the word)
In later life we admire, we are entertained, we may modify some views we already hold, but we are more likely to find in books merely a confirmation of what is in our minds already; as in a love affair it is our own features that we see reflected flatteringly back.
My sister succombed of Cancer in July. She was an incredible person,very brave and strong. She had been fighting the disease for about 8 years. She went through many operations to remove the tumours that kept coming back to her spinal chord and brain. It's a very sad story. She was supposed to go to Japan too in April for a friend's wedding. She was too sick and couldn't make it. She will always be remembered.
>>97 スレタイぐらい読もうぜ、、、まあいいけどさ。 We would like to move to connecting rooms if available. We are happy to make additional payment for that. Please let us know of the availablity of connecting rooms.
We will take a returning flight in early morning. Can I return the car at the airport?
和訳お願いします。 We apologize for the incorrect item sent in your order, we might just as you to send us a copy of your received invoice and some attached pictures so that we can resolve the problem ASAP, again we apologize for the incorrect item and the inconvenience caused due to this.
had a bit of a delay in posting as 1 package was £60 due to weight. so i have split in to 2 packages and posted today, i have reciept for postage. £30.34. they have been posted via air mail and should be with you soon. thanks for you swift payment.
Honda Motor Co. said Dec.5 that it will withdraw from Formula One by the end of this year, making 2008 its last season in F1 motor racing. Honda President Takeo Fukui told a packed news conference in Tokyo that Japan's second-largest automaker can no longer bear the large operating costs for F1.
Japanese students scored relatively high on global achievement tests in mathematics and science, the results of a 2007 survey showed, prompting the education ministry to proclaim an end to the recent slide in scholastic abilities. Eighth-graders ranked third in science among the 48 countries and regions.
>>157 本田発電機も作っている会社は12月5日、今年末までに基地外ニック・フライと業師ロス・ブラウンに乗っ取られた 夢見る地球、パワードバイ中本チームが参戦しているフォーミュラーワンからの撤退するぞー、2008年をF1レースの 最後のシーズンにすーると言いますた。 ホンダのしゃちょーさん福井タケオさんは、東京での多くの野次馬さんが詰めかけた記者会見で、 日本第2位のじどーじゃ製造かいしゃは、(最下位争いしかできないのに前述のアホ2人が要求する)F1の莫大な参戦費に もーたえたれない、やっとれんと話した。そして最後に、Do you have a honda?と叫んだ。
Germany's finance minister accused him (Gordon Brown) of making a spectacular U-turn since his years as a prudent chancellor by adopting a "crass" and "breathtaking" policy of "tossing around billions."
>>167 >breathtakingはもちろんこの文脈ではネガティブな意味合いで、prudentの真反対と 言ってもいいでしょう。 >since his years as a prudent chancellor 慎重な財務大臣としての時以来 chancellorは財務大臣 (首相になる前Gordon Brownはブレア首相のもとで長年財務大臣だった)
I know this sounds weird but I am tryin to learn about japan before I decide to go so what can you tell me about what city you are in and what its like over there...
I'll never forget the experience of looking deeply into Carol's eyes the day before she passed away and sensing out of that deep hollowed agony a person of tremendous intrinsic worth.
以下のように訳したんですが、hollowed agony a person... あたりがよくわからないのです。教えて偉い人。
Because Tina was picked on by everyone, he would be forced to choose between fitting in, or being Tina's friend. For now, he would switch between them. While he really liked Tina, it felt good to fit in for once.
「he」がティナをいじめてる人たちのグループに入るかティナの友達になるか迷ってて 友達とティナの間をいったりきたりしてるのは判るのですが 最後の文のit felt good to fit in for once.の意味が、また何を指してるのかよくわかりません。 for onceは濃い文字で強調されてます。
it felt good to fit in(with everyone who picked Tina) for once みたいな感じで、「ティナをいじめるグループと一緒にいて気持ちよかったのはただの一度だけだった。」 という意味になるのでしょうか?
>>207 For now, he would switch between them. 「しばらくのあいだ、彼は2つのあいだでまよっていた」 While he really liked Tina, it felt good to fit in for once. 「彼はティナが大好きだった一方で、 一度仲間に加わってみると気分が良かった」
As successive European economies tumble into recession, the thing that most frightens and angers workers is the risk of losing their jobs to lower-cost rivals. The PES (Party of European Socialists) manifesto dances around this issue. It talks of "managing" globalisation for the benefit of all and using Europe's combined size and wealth as a labour market to defend "high social standards". But it does not promise to stop factory closures or lay-offs.
ここで、"dances around this issue"はどういう意味でしょうか? (全体の訳は必要ありません。)
Kelly wondered if she was be able to hold her own back then the way she was able to now. She shook her head. If she cried for Tom to let her win in Tag, she was probably an even bigger pushover than that poor Allen sent her to take pictured of. In a way, it was somewhat amusing.
辞書とにらめっこしてもよく判らないのでお願いします。 特に一行目のhold her own back がどういう意味なのか… 秘密にしておく事、ではないような気がするし、よろしくお願いします。
>>225 hold one's own 持ちこたえている、屈しない、引けを取らない back then (今から振り返って)その時 今出来るように彼女がその時屈しないでいられるだろうかと、ケリーは思った。 彼女は首を横に振った。 もし彼女がTagで勝たせてくれるようTomに泣き叫んだら、彼女は [?] 以上の弱虫だったろう。 ある意味それは楽しくもあった。
than that poor Allen sent her to take pictured of. ここわからなかった。原文通り? pictured -> picturesだと思うけど。
>>228 ありがとうございます。 「hold her own」「back then」だったんですね…勘違いしまくりでした… >>225の前には She figured she was the kid one one one liked in school. Whether or not she ever remembered, she was never one to fit in and have friends with the exception of the Townsfolk. という文がついてます。
back thenは上で書いた She figured she was the kid one one one liked in school. の時の事を指してるんでしょうか。
>>229 back then は昔の学校時代のことでしょう。 それからkellyと彼女は別人かと思って訳しましたがshe = kelly なんですね。 >>228の訳の最初の行は ケリーは、自分が今出来るように、あのとき屈しないでいられただろうかと思った。 でした。 [?] 以上の弱虫は、もちろん弱虫アレンとの比較で 彼女にお化けの写真を取ってきてくれと頼んだアレン以上の弱虫、ということです。 ここの英語ですけど than that poor Allen who sent her to take pictures of ghosts とwhoが入りofのあとにお化けに相当する単語が入ってないですかね?
どなたかお願いします。 Sarah Palin represents a huge historic leap forward for women. When Geraldine Ferraro and Hillary Clinton ran, their fates were inextricably linked with their gender. If they failed, many women felt, there was an X through the whole X chromosome. A blot on the female copybook.
>>249 ちょっとぐぐれば出てきますが、この文章は、 If not this woman now, Hillary’s supporters would ardently ask me, what woman ever?
But Sarah Palin can come across as utterly unready to lead the world — or even find the world on a map — and that doesn’t reflect poorly on the rest of us. と続きます。続きがわからなくても、そういう展開になりそうな文だというのは 普通に読めばわかりますよね。 手本という訳はちょっとどうかと思います。
This message comes to wish you happiness and every good thing too, to make this New Year, a wonderful one for you and then the kind of happiness desired by your heart , filled with peace and joy, right from the start. Happy New Year
At the same time, the nation's biggest insurance company, American International Group, had gotten into trouble selling credit default swaps. よろしくお願いします
Yes, I am also pleased to working with you. But as I said, until late March or early April, when it is warmer. One problem, however, there will give... my bad English ;-)
If you're still coming to terms with this, as long as you don't try to brush problems under the carpet or deny your own role, slowly but surely there can be the chance to heal things.
brush problems under the carpetの意訳がわかりません よろしくお願いします
I saw a guy in a store with the flag of Mexico in his shirt so I went to talk to him, He was explaining Angela (The girl you saw me with) about the temple.
Arguing that significant numbers of educated minorities will be needed to fuel America's growth,they stated,Employees at every level of an organization must be able to work effectively with people who are different from themselves
johnson introduced affirmative action policies to force universities and employers to accept qualified american applicants and given them a chance to catch up
Sorry, I don't understand your mean, " Please send it with Mini e Cigarette as separate loads" , what is this "it", is two mini e-cigarette , or invoice for two mini e-cigarette?
Moonshell 2 seem to work without a problem on my Games N Music. Its not Working with my Max Media Dock with either the GnM, Games'n Music will launch the media dock if its detected in slot two, or the media launcher. Theres some sort of glitch thats not letting the Language translate properly after you set the language. The movies seem to be playing WAY better then before. Its also been mostly working on my 8 gig card, formatted at 32k cluster size, for my CycloDS with firmware 1.51. I havent been able to get the morning timer, image veiwer, or check disk to work for some odd reason. It wouldnt work on my CycloDS with my 16 gig card formatted at 64k clusters. I'm playing with the beta two now.
in the 30 yeas following the civil rights movement,with the help of affirmative action and non-discrimination policies,the american community has made great strides
according to a newsweek poll conducted in january 2003,over two-thirds of americans thought that colleges and universities should not favor any ethnicity in admissions
As disconnections between and among the various elements are identified, those elements need to be revised until all the responsible individuals are confident that this plan has a reasonable degree of success,that it is well integrated, and that it will provide an acceptable rate of return on the investment.
According to the authors, 3.2 billion people depended on solid fuels as of 2003, not many fewer than the estimated 3.4 billion using such fuels three years earlier. お願いします。
Cub reporters are made aware of the paper's policies on a host of issues, ranging from the use of anonymous sources to the importance of clear and accurate notes.
1 Obama's transition chief , said Sunday Obama is reviewing President Bush's exexcutive orders on those issue and others as he works to undo policies enacted during eight years of Repubican rule. 3 There's a lot of that the president can do using his executive authority without waiting for congress acion,and I think we'll see the president do that I think that he feel like he has a real mandate for change. 4 Defence Secretary Robert Gates has been mentioned as a possible holdover. 5 Why wouldn't we want to keep him? He's never been a registered Republican.
>>398 Obama's transition chief said Sunday [ Obama is reviewing President Bush's exexcutive orders on those issue and others [ as he works [ to undo policies [ enacted during eight years of Repubican rule ] ] ] ].
There's a lot of [ that the president can do [ using his executive authority without [ waiting for congress action, and I think [ we'll see [ the president do that ]. I think [ that he feels like [ he has a real mandate for change ] ] ].
Defence Secretary Robert Gates has been mentioned as a possible holdover.
Why wouldn't we want [ to keep him ]? He's never been a [ registered ] Republican.
友人がアメコミを買って、和訳しながら読んでいたのですが、「offa」と言う単語の意味がどうしても分からないそうです。 「off a」や「offal」にしても意味が通らないそうです。 「 Get him offa me! 」という文で使われている様なのですが、この場合日本語に訳すとどうなるのでしょうか?
i just want a casual relationship nothing serious im sorry if i gave you the wrong impression when i have some free time ill send you a email.dont stress so much お願いいたします。
1 Obama's transition chief , said Sunday Obama is reviewing President Bush's exexcutive orders on those issue and others as he works to undo policies enacted during eight years of Repubican rule. 3 There's a lot of that the president can do using his executive authority without waiting for congress acion,and I think we'll see the president do that I think that he feel like he has a real mandate for change. 4 Defence Secretary Robert Gates has been mentioned as a possible holdover. 5 Why wouldn't we want to keep him? He's never been a registered Republican.
This is in contrast with earlier studies that typically sacrificed animals between 104 and 110 weeks of age, corresponding to about two-thirds of a rat’s lifespan. お願いいたします。
But, then again, so do most of my citizens. ↑の訳をお願いします。ちなみに以下の文脈です。 (doっていわれてもどぅーすれば...)
Governor : Well, our first meeting was a little awkward... You seemed to have trouble forming complete sentences. But, then again, so do most of my citizens.
Guybrush : But I'm not one of your citizens... ...I'm just a drifter, a nobody, a would-be pirate.
>>422 必要なところだけ取り出すと You seemed to have trouble forming complete sentences. But, so do most of my citizens. do = have trouble forming complete sentences
I love anime. So does she. 私はアニメが好きだ。彼女もだ。 このsoの構文(学校で習ったでしょ)を知ってれば簡単。
The metropolitan areas were classified as low-to-moderately segregated, highly segregated, or extremely segregated, based on the proportion of people who would have to move to achieve an even racial balance in every neighborhood of the city. お願いします。
Moreover, so absurd were the concessions to Russiain the treaty (Russia even attempted to keep them secret, fearing objections from other powers), especially those regarding overland trade privileges in the Chinese interior, that no sane Qing official could have expected them to be accepted by the cort had he agreed to them independently.
1 Obama's transition chief , said Sunday Obama is reviewing President Bush's exexcutive orders on those issue and others as he works to undo policies enacted during eight years of Repubican rule. 3 There's a lot of that the president can do using his executive authority without waiting for congress acion,and I think we'll see the president do that I think that he feel like he has a real mandate for change. 4 Defence Secretary Robert Gates has been mentioned as a possible holdover. 5 Why wouldn't we want to keep him? He's never been a registered Republican.
SYDNEY (Reuters) – An Australian man broke into three adult shops, had sex with blow up dolls named "Jungle Jane" and then dumped his plastic conquests in a nearby alley, local media reported Wednesday.
"It's totally bizarre. It's a real concern that someone like that is out on the street," said one of the owners of the adult sex shops in Cairns in northern Queensland state.
"He has been taking the dolls out the back and blowing them up and using the dolls and leaving them in the alley," the owner, who gave the name of Vogue, told the Cairns Post newspaper.
Police told the Cairns Post that scientific officers had taken DNA samples, fingerprints and pictures of the crime scene.
以下の英文がよく分かりません。よろしくお願いします。 U.S. Government Accountability Office(GAO)=アメリカ政府監査院(GAO) EPA=環境保護庁 e-waste=電子廃棄物
An investigation by the U.S. Government Accountability Office(GAO) earlier this year found that the EPA had “no plans and no timetable for developing the basic components of an enforcement strategy” to ensure proper disposal of harmful e-waste, which includes recycling components and safely handing and disposing of toxic materials, including lead, mercury and cadmium, despite having launched new e-waste guidelines in 2007 called “Responsible Recycling,” or R2.
@This drink tastes a little strong to me. A“How fast does the next movie begin?”“Sorry,Tdon't know. Ask the ticket window.” BThe assignment for tomorrow is to write a four-hundred-word essay about friendship.
Let's leave things as they are for the present; we can always make changes later on if we want. “Soccer is becoming very popular in Japan.” “That's right. Quite a few young people like it nowadays.” The student was ashamed of being unable to get his degree.
Twas so late arriving at the airport yesterday thatTscarcely had time to do any souvenir shopping. Thave been photocopying the reports all morning, butThaven't finished yet. It is regrettable that he should have lost his job.
Hi. I got this e-mail account about a year ago. I've received some mail apparently from the prior owner of this account. I believer her name was Brittany. I am sorry but I do not have her forwarding address.
>>473 i think the rise is do to the influx of foriegners (do to -> due toのタイプミス) この増加は外国人の流入が原因だと思う who dont care if they infect others 他人に感染させるかどうかを気にしない(外国人) i remember japans woman would even let you near without protection 日本の女性は避妊具なしで親密な関係にさせさえしたものだと記憶している when i lived there in the 80's 私が80年代に日本に住んでいたとき
It's quite good to be back at work. Both Lucy and I work for AA University and life is pretty good. In 2009 I am going to study at university.I didn't go when I was 18 and now I'm 27 I realise that to get the job I want I will have to study.
*Both(削除) Lucy and I work for AAUniversity and *life is pretty good.(we have a great time there)
*In 2009(This year) I am going to *study at university (go to college to study XXX).
I didn't go when I was 18(I have not been to college yet.) and now I'm 27(When I became twenty-seven,) I realise(d) *that to get the job I want I will have to study (what I would like to study to get a new job).
※の1〜3の三つをお願いします。 By the age of 14, the number of male offenders starts to increase more rapidly. ※1 The survey found that 10% of juvenile offenders were responsible for nearly half of the crimes committed by those in the 12 to 30 age group. It also found marked differences in the nature of the crimes committed by the different sexes at different ages. ※2 Girls under 16 were most likely to be involved in criminal damage, shoplifting, buying stolen goods and fighting, while over the age of 16 they turned to crimes of fraud and buying stolen goods. ※3 Comparatively high rates of offending by 14 and 15-year- old boys reflected their involvement in fights, criminal damage and buying stolen goods.
※1はwere responsible for の辺りがよくわかりません。 本当に「〜に責任がある」という意味でいいのですか?
>>492 仕事に戻るのは良いことです。ルーシーと私は AA大学で働いています。 [英語は進行形ではないが、働いている、という日本語が自然] 生活はまあまあです。[lifeだから仕事だけでなく生活全般] 私は18才の時大学には行かなかった、そして今27才で I realise / that / to get the job I want / I will have to study. 私がしたい仕事に就くためには、勉強しなければならないことを理解している。
be responsible for 〜に責任がある、でいいです。 be likely to 〜しがちだ、〜の傾向がある be involved in 〜に関与する、関わる be likely to be involved in 〜に関与する傾向がある 3)の文の主語はrates。byは〜による offendの意味上の主語を示す High rates of offending (by 〜) reflected … 〜による犯罪の高割合は…をreflectする => 〜による犯罪は高い割合で…を示す
Home Office minister Charles Clarke said ; We are determined to cut youth crime. This survey demonstrates why the government was right to bring forward radical changes to the youth justice system.
1.Bush used his executive power to limit federal spending on embryonic stem cell research,a position championed by opponents of abortion rights who argue that destroying embryos is akin to killing a fetus. 2.Many moderate Republicans also support the research, giving it the stamp of bipartisanship. 3.But they said to expect Republicans to serve as a check agaist the power held by Obama and Democratic leaders in Congress.
>>506 They claim that there are so many things happening in the world that it is not only possible that some strange things will happen , but invitable. 世界ではとても沢山のことが起こっているので、変なことが起こることは可能性があるだけでなく、不可避なのだ、と彼らは主張する。 so that 構文ね。invitable は inevitable
You may have forgotten a cheque you should have cashed or an invitation you might like to take up so, if you do nothing else of importance this week, sift through that pile of papers and give your memory a work out.
1.The report was meant to protect those who had assisted and took joy in her suicide from police invesgation. Her techers could not believe she had chosen to do anything so final.「She must have been forced to sit on the pyre」they said.Prayers were said at the cremation site for 12 days following the Woman's suttee(焼かれ死に). 2.An elderly local man boasted that it was not necessary to force widows to do suttee:“Suttee had a long tradition , and it was a matter of a pride” 3.Suttee is the ultimate statement of male-female bonding:the joint destriction of a marriage and household.
A: You are very handsome. Are you handsomer than any other boy in your school? B: Yes, I am. But my lover is *much **handsomer than I am. And my sister is *much **more beautiful than some movie stars.
>>539 The report was meant [ to protect those [ who had assisted and took joy in her suicide from police invesgation ] ]. Her techers could not believe [ she had chosen [ to do anything so final ] ]. She must have been forced [ to sit on the pyre ], they said. Prayers were said at the cremation site for 12 days [ following the Woman's suttee(焼かれ死に)].
An elderly local man boasted [ that it was not necessary [ to force widows [ to do suttee ]: “Suttee had a long tradition , and it was a matter of a pride”
Suttee is the ultimate statement of male-female [ bonding ]: the joint destriction of a marriage and household.
和訳お願いします。 President-elect Obama plans to use his executive powers to make an immediate impact when he takes office, perhaps reversing Bush administration polices on stem cell research and domestic drilling for oil and natural gas.
President-elect Obama plans to use his executive powers to make an immediate impact when he takes office, perhaps reversing Bush administration polices on stem cell research and domestic drilling for oil and natural gas.
>They claimed there are so many things happening in the world that it is not only possible that some strange things will happen, but inevitable. [Miracles are bound to happen] they claim.
これは、ある著作家からのメールなんですが最後の「don't have the access.」の 意味がさっぱりわかりません。どなたか翻訳をお願いします。 I'm glad you like the books, sorry I do not have a very consistent signature. I wish I could make nice hardcover books but don't have the access.
omg wow hi patrick im sorry i kind of talk fast in my videos because my friends thnk im wierd but wow i need to keep learning alot i dont know the whole language suguoe suguoe=wow im doing a re on my youtube page check it out and sorry i havent checked my mail in like forever
To many observers, this “brain death” should constitute the legal definition of death because it leaves the patient little more than a vegetable. お願いします
お願いします omg hi thanks subscribing do you really? live in japan ill do some actual japan videos cuz people are watching me know like every where its weird even on twitter sayonarA :]
1.The report was meant to protect those who had assisted and took joy in her suicide from police invesgation. Her techers could not believe she had chosen to do anything so final.「She must have been forced to sit on the pyre」they said.Prayers were said at the cremation site for 12 days following the Woman's suttee(焼かれ死に). 2.An elderly local man boasted that it was not necessary to force widows to do suttee:“Suttee had a long tradition , and it was a matter of a pride” 3.Suttee is the ultimate statement of male-female bonding:the joint destriction of a marriage and household.
On November 7,1991,I retired from professional basketball because a blood test showed I was infected with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. I have been very fortunate since I told the world that I have HIV. Although some people have said and written some unkind things about me since I went public with my terrible news, in general people have accepted me and most of them told me they still love me.
I generally also find Japanese men really attractive (living in Japan, it's hard not to see hot guys every day, haha) but weirdly enough, the person I love has an appearance I considered unattractive at first,
and comes from a country I would have sworn not to like any guys from!
>>595 comesの主語はthe personね。 主文は the person comes from a country (その人はある国の出身だ。) これ以降はa countryの説明。 a country (which) I would have sworn not to like any guys from (そこ出身のどんな人も好きにはならないと私が確信していたところの国) whichは最後に出てくるfromの目的格。
1.Generally speaking, marriage takes one to a dreamlike plateau in which everything about your partner seems charming. 2.It is hard to know whose side to take,or which parent to respect when they are both at each other's throats. 3.A societies that allows divorce seems to me to be preferable to a society that forbides divorce. 4.The second type can be seen in America,in which it is more common for people living together to end up marrying.
Comparisons of the mtDNA of various people suggest that Europeans and Asians can trace their origin to a woman who lived some 200000 years ago in Africa and evolved the reafter in their chracteristic ways.
1.Generally speaking, marriage takes one to a dreamlike plateau in which everything about your partner seems charming. 2.It is hard to know whose side to take,or which parent to respect when they are both at each other's throats. 3.A societies that allows divorce seems to me to be preferable to a society that forbides divorce. 4.The second type can be seen in America,in which it is more common for people living together to end up marrying. お願いします。
1. Isn't that for students who don't perform satisfactorily during the year? 2. Sometimes it's for kids want to get ahead for the next year. 3. Have you got any goals?
これをお教えください。 自動翻訳にかけるとgeneral paper の部分を一般紙(新聞)と訳してくるパターンと一般論(論文)と訳してくる パターンがあります。川崎病の治療に関するサイトの中での文章です。 this site withとあるので、新聞に寄稿したのではなく数年前にこのサイトに一般論を書いた? みたいなイメージかとも思うのですが・・・・
Finally, a few years ago I wrote a general paper for this site with specific suggestions for mitigating “Kawasaki” sickness.
TOEICの問題集にあった一文ですが、宜しければ翻訳をお願い致します。 This message is to inform you that we shipped a six-month supply of regular daily supplements and extra supplements of vitamin E and D shortly after receiving your order. You should receive your goods in about three business days. The total charge for the daily supplements is $45.95,$15.34 for vitamin E, and $23.07 for vitamin D.
The crux of Freud's discovery is that neurotic symptoms, as well as the dreams and errors of everyday life, do have meaning, and that the "meaning" has to be radically revised because they have meaning. Since the purport of these purposive expressions is generally unknown to the person whose purpose they express, Freud is driven to embrace the paradox that there are in a human being purposes of which he knows nothing, involuntary purposes, or, in more technical Freudian language, "unconscious ideas".
Jeans you cab get now no longer just blue denim, but jeans in other colors and other fashionable treatments different kinds of wash or whatever you may do to jeans they still are a good looking pair of pants, durable, reasonably inexpensive, and I think they're going to last forever.
Yet another,and the biggest,radio station will unplug its transmitters permanently next week. Radio One,famous for being the first radio station to broadcast live telephone interviews with ordinary people, has finally gone bankrupt after years of losses. The station had once been the most widely listened to and the most influential one on the East Coast until the advent of television. It failed to break into the live image broadcasting business and never recovered its former glory. When government funding for the station was stopped early last year, Radio One had no other place to go but bankruptcy.
i try to get my stuff set up before i leave, so i'm looking for some handicraft work.i have been working with mentally and physically handicapped people,so i would like to do something different for a while, aswell i did like to work with them.
In some parts of the country, such as the Black Forest, there are organized mushroom hunts led by guides with a wealth of knowledge about edible fungi. Fall is the main mushroom season, although morels, a popular type of mushroom, thrive in the spring.
but they bloom for only a week.Then,when the wind blows,fall and it looks like winter again because the cherry blossomes looks like snow. (they=桜) 桜は一週間しかもたない。そして風が吹いた時、花は散って、 それは雪のように見えるので、又冬に戻ったみたいに見えるよ。 中学の男の子が普通の日本語でという訳で考えたのですが・・。 いい訳を教えてください。そしてwindは何故theがつくの?
もし良かったら、お願いします。 It will at once be evident that on this point the position will be different with respect to different kinds of knowledge. respect toのあたりがよくわからなくて涙目です。 直訳を希望します。よろしくお願いします。
but they bloom for only a week.Then,when the wind blows,fall and it looks like winter again because the cherry blossomes looks like snow. (they=桜) 宜しくお願いします。
In restaurants many people prefer to sit at tables near the walls. They rarely select a center table in an open space. Tables in such positions are usually taken when all the wall-seats are occupied. This dates back to a very old feeding practice.
i'm not familiar with japan but i like it, would love to visit. the other day my boyfriend said to me, a girl called ▲▲ added △△, i said yaaayy that was me who told her about you :) you should have a listen to my own band with my boyfriend. we're called
Other parts of the world were not as fortunate to have this confluence of favorable factors. Their entry into modern economic growth would be delayed. In the most disadvantaged environments,modern economic growth has been delayed until today.
We can trace many scientific discoveries to human fantasies. People have always had visions of flying like birds. @In one instance the ambition to fly led one inventor to launch himself into the air from the Eiffel Tower. Unfortunately he fell to the bottom and died.
Thanks for shopping with us. The bank name and bank phone # fields on your order were left blank. Could you please advise the Card Issuing Bank and Bank phone # (Found on the back of the credit card) so we may confirm your shipping address, and process your order. Thank you お願いします。
Now look at them yo-yo's that's the way you do it You play the guitar on the MTV That ain't workin' that's the way you do it Money for nothin' and your chicks for free
To maintain a natural balance, grazers like antelopes should become food for animals such as cheetahs and hyenas. Some land in Africa should be protected from hunting and farming for plants and animals to live in natural balance.
・“Tdon't like this salad very much.” “Nor doT.” ・The bus conductor told her to get off because she couldn't pay the fare. ・There were quite a few books in his room. ・Let's talk over a cup of tea, shall we? ・You only have to let me have a glance at it.
@Twish he had followed my advice. AIn spite of her illness, she went out. BTleft early so thatTcan avoid the rush-hour traffic. CBecauseTdidn't want to make her feel unhappy,Ttold a lie.
Mathematics is not a series of techniques. These are indeed the least important aspect, and they fall as short of representing mathematics as color mixing does of painting. お願いします。さっぱりわからない。
アメリカの会社の人に、ある部品を送ってもらって、私がお礼の メールを送り、最後に、腰痛で返事が遅れて申し訳なかったと書きました。 以下は、それに対するアメリカ人のメールなのですが、 That's ok. I am glad you received them. I hope you are feeling better. 二行目は、私の腰痛に言及しているのでしょうか、それとも、たんに 私が部品を無事受けとれたことに対して言っているのでしょうか? そのあたりがよくわかりませんので解説お願いします。
When it comes to matters green, there is long been a tussle between those who argue that reviews like the ones mandated by the ESA needlessly slow development and the greens, who insist that some degree of regulation is necessary if the habitants and fauna held most dear to humans are to be projected.
Pasta Feta Delightという料理のレシピが英語で書いてあって、 自分で訳してみたのですが、間違えてたら訂正をお願いします。
1 cup feta cheese, or more→1カップ(=200ccかな?)orそれより多くのフェタチーズ 2/3 cup minced parsley, loosely packed→ゆるく詰め込んで2/3カップくらいの量のパセリを細かく切り刻む 2/3 cup minced fresh basil, firmly packed, or dried to taste→2/3カップぎゅうぎゅうの量の新鮮なバジルを細かく切り刻み、好みに応じて乾燥させる 3 seeded tomatoes, coarsely chopped→3個のトマトを粗めに切る 1/4 cup fresh or frozen lemon juice→1/4カップの絞りたてor冷凍レモンジュース 1/4 cup extra olive oil→1/4カップのエクストラオリーブオイル 1/2 teaspoon salt→小さじ1/2の塩 1/4 teaspoon pepper→小さじ1/4の胡椒
You have not been authenticated in The Killers Victims Fan club. Please authenticate into the Fan Club Site and then follow the Road link to the show you would like to puchase tickets from. Note- If you have Norton Anti-Virus software on your computer, you can temporarily disable it and try again.
>>808 The Killers Victimsファンクラブに認証されていません。まずファンクラブサイトに認証してから、 the Roadリンクを辿って、買いたいチケットのshowへと進んでください。 注:Norton Anti-Virusソフトがコンピューターに入ってる場合は、一時的に停止してから再度挑戦してみてください。
Full set of original clean on board ocean bills of lading issued to order and blank endorsed marked "freight collect" and "notifying KINUGASA SHOJI", LDT.
the smaller velocity of these two is still more than twice that required for a dendrite to travel the full depth of the ingot during the solidification of the ingots investigated here.
She pretended to be sick so that he would pay attention to her. We paid him immediately so he would leave contented. We paid him immediately, so that he left contented.
I have the water running in the bathtub. 風呂へ水を出したままにしている。 I have a picture hanging on the wall.壁に絵をかけている。 a picture to have hanging on the wall 壁にかけるための絵
関係代名詞なんかいらんって言ってるのに無視かよ・・・ 形容詞用法で「名詞A+to+動詞B」なら動詞Bの意味上の目的語は、そのto不定詞が修飾する名詞Aであって、それが抜けた位置にいちいち関係詞を入れる必要などないだろう? 今の場合はhave a picture hangingのhaveが不定詞になり、もともと目的語だったa pictureがto不定詞に修飾されるという形になっているだけだろう。 a pictureが抜けた位置に関係詞を置く必要などない。
Water is essential for people of all ages, and thus hand washing and sanitary toilets may help save lives. 「水はどの年齢の人にとっても不可欠のものである。誰でも使うのである。だから、手洗いと衛生的なトイレは命を救うのに役立つかも知れない」 なんか、直訳してもよくわからない英文です。 A and thus B.「AだからB」という因果関係成立しているのですか?
訳じゃなくて質問なんですが。 This marks the end of 4 months of unproductive reflection and outdated emotional obligations. 上の文章は後半の物事が四ヶ月を経て終わったのか、これから四ヶ月後に終わるのかどちらでしょうか? アホな質問かもしれませんがよろしくお願いします
What is the language spoken in Iran? The guests invited to the party had a wonderful time. Anyone wishing to leave early may do so. The train just arriving at Platform 3 is from New York. Tsaw something white floating in the water.
Tdon't know if he comes back next spring. Ken had been in England for two years when the war broke out. We were looking forward so much to see you again. Twon't change my mind no matter what you say. No other sport in Brazil is more popular than soccer.
These books should be easily available for everyone. The idea of publishing Penguin Books originally came from Allen's experience. If it had not been for your encouragement,Twould have given up the project at that time.
Produced for 20th Century Fox by Elmo Williams, the film crews had the daunting job of recreating two air forces and two navies in numbers sufficient to depict the massed Japanese attackers and, for lack of a better phrase, the massed American targets. よろしくお願いします。
>>924 途中で略さないで、全部書いた方がわかり良いんじゃないか。あとスペルミスとか気をつけて。 Not one of our domestic animals can be named which has not in some country drooping ears; and the view which has been suggested that the drooping is due to disuse of the muscles of the ear, from the animals being seldom much alarmed, seems probable.
中高生スレで、I am.の訳を依頼しました。ありがたいことに回答がありました。 しかし、やっぱり全訳してもらわないと不安です。何が言いたいかよくわからない文章です "I don't develop," Piccaso protested. "I am." his works reveal a restless self in fantastic discontinuity. His career might have shown more consistency and the succession of his styles might have been more comprehensible if he had committed himself to please a particular patron, or to affirm a faith, or to sell his product or promote a program, or glorify a nation or city. But none of these was his way. [早稲田大]---さすが早稲田と思いますが。 ちなみに教材のピカソのつづり間違いで、正しくはPicassoだと思います。 よろしくお願いします。
あとは(というか引用部分もだが)、真っすぐなわかりやすい文章じゃないか。 単語をそのまま訳せばいいし、Yahooとかの機械翻訳でもかなりまともな訳になるとおもう。 自らマルチだと言っただけマシだが、それでもマルチだし、向こうでは後出しじゃんけん呼ばわり されてもいるじゃないかw。自分で考えなよ。 冒頭の引用がナンだが、あとは直訳で十分で解釈を加える必要もないし、それが理解できない というなら、It's none of your English problem but your language itself. ってかんじだ。
1) We must not forget that destroying the environment not only harms us, but also affects the happiness of people in the future. (2) The other day on a train on my way home, I happened to meet a friend from my primary school days. We got so absorbed in chatting that I failed to get off at my station.
The U.S. Postal Service was electronically notified by the shipper on January 29, 2009 to expect your package for mailing. This does not indicate receipt by the USPS or the actual mailing date. Delivery status information will be provided if / when available. Information, if available, is updated every evening. Please check again later.
使われている文章は Gey men and lesbians were no more likely than their heterosexual counterparts to report having htir first sexual encounter with a person of the same sex. です。 どうやって訳せばいいでしょうか?
途中タイプミスしてますね。すみません Gey men and lesbians were no more likely than their heterosexual counterparts to report having their first sexual encounter with a person of the same sex.
no more likely than が訳せないのと to以下が何をいっているのか?が分かりません。お願いします。
In summary, the results of this study suggest that intracellular inhibition of 5 alpha reductase is a mechanism of action of SPB blend. However, it is unclear which of the ingredients is responsible for these effects.
Thank you for understanding. If you get your Paypal account address verified I would have no problem shipping to you. I also accept cash, would you like to pay with cash?
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