入試問題でこんなのがありました。 私が引っ越すのを手伝ってくれませんか、の意味の文の正誤問題です。 Could you help me moving〜かCould you help my moving〜の どちらが正しいですか? 〜の部分は正確な文章を忘れましたが、上記の日本語になるはずです。 もし文法的に解説して頂けると最高です。
みんなありがとう。喧嘩しないでおくれ。 私もアメリカにいたんだけど、アメリカ英語だと could you help me moving〜 の方がしっくりくるんですよね。 なんとなく文法的にはmyだと思うんですけど、誰か説明して頂けるスマートな方いらっしゃいませんか? S V O O の文型で could you help me movingでもいける気がする。 私、なんとなくカタコト英語は自然に話せるんですが日本式文法がどうも分かりづらいんです。 日本人なら「て に を は」を意味を考えなくても自然に正しく使えるのと同じ感覚です。
>>11 君、@atmosphere Amood Bsenseは動詞じゃなく名詞だよ、君、君。 良くすることができるものは、基本的にすべてimproveで表現できるよ、君。 The atmosphere is improved.雰囲気を良くする。 The mood is improved.ムードを良くする。 The sence is improved.センスを良くする。 すべてOK。 ただ棚を良くする。とか、雲を良くする。とか意味のおかしくなるものはダメだよ。へこっ!とね♪
>>6 @Could you help [ me moving〜 ]? ACould you help [ my moving〜]? BI move〜. CCould you help it? *CのitにBを繋ぎます。 Cの述語動詞と捉えて繫ぎます。10公式のIに従います。 helpを動名詞に変えます。 動名詞の主語は所有格です。 故にAが善いですね。
*Cの主語述語を捕らえた上で簡単にして言うと Could you help me to move 〜? のように不定詞を使い、不定詞の主語は目的格です。 10公式のHに従います。 10公式に従えば間違いはありません。 10公式は、言葉の根源だからです。
>>11 Prime Minister Aso can not improve the atomosphere [ because his brain is no more than [ how comics are ]. This is truth, and the fact is a shame on us [ because he represents us the Japanese people ].
I can not help [ our shaming ourselves for hell's sake ]!
>>17 君、I my me mineの中から選ぶという問題だよ。 だからCould you help me to move? はダメなんだよ。 本当はCould you help me in moving?としたいところだけど、in meという選択肢がない以上Could you help my moving 〜? とするしかないよ。 ちんちんもみてぇ〜〜〜っ!!!
>>could you help ( ) moving〜 I は勿論違うし、 my moving は、Could you help with my moving ? みたいにwith を付けたくなる。 me だと、Could you help me to move to a new place ? とか、 あるいは、toを省略して、Could you help me move to a new place ? なら普通のような。 mine も勿論駄目。 あー。わからない!
Mr.Kataoka understands English [ the deepest ] among those 10 people. なんての、イギリス人はしっくり来なくて、 Mr. Kataoka understands English [ most deeply ] of those 10 people. ですもんねえ。 話が進まないよりも文法に抵抗があるほうがまだましだからねえ。
>>10 アメリカ英語だと Could you help me moving〜 でもOK。 英語根源的にはmyです。 アメリカは文法間違いでもOKなんです。 僕は頭がスマートで身体は逞しいです。 S V O O なら Could you help [ me to move 〜 ]? となります。 僕、なんとなく住んだことも無いのに英語は自然に根源的に話せるんです。 日本式文法はどうも分かりづらいですから、 片岡氏が開発した、言語根源式英語10公式文法を最大にご利用ください、アーメン。
You can not help [ your falling in love with me ].なら 君は助けることが出来ない[きみが僕のことで恋におちいるのを] が 君はどうすることもできない[きみが僕のことで恋におちいるのを] となるでしょう? どんな用法も基本とつながっているのです。 アーメン 真実は気持ちいいです、すっきりしますから、アーメン
Opinions or misconceptions at the other end of the scale from so-called primitive languages are those concerning the natural superiority of certain languages.
>Not only, but alsoの表現知らずに、 >日本人として誇りをもって白人にこう唱えようとかほざいてる。 >"I am a Japanese. Not Only a chinese."(この文見ただけで英語できないってわかるよなw) >本人はずっと、僕は日本人で中国人じゃありませんと言ってると思ってて、間違いを指摘されると >初めからわかってたわいと逆切れ!! 手のつけようがない。ここの精鋭たちよ、黙らさせてくれ。
スイマセンこの英語を日本語に訳してくれませんか?? 中学生なんですがよくわかりませんお願いします Can you read this book? Yes,Ican. Can you, Aki? No,Ican't. But I'm interested in tenji. How do you say tenji in English. Tenji? You mean those dots? Yes. Braille ですよければ教えてくださいお願いします
>>115 C*Can you *read this book? 君はこの本を読む[ことが出来るか]? Yes, CI *can (*read). C*Can you (read), Aki? ああ、僕は読む、ことが出来るよ。あき、きみはどうかい? No, CI can't (read). But EI *am *interested in tenji. いいや、僕は読む[ことが出来ないよ] CHow *do you *say tenji in English. 君は英語で点字をどのようにして読むのかい? Tenji? AYou *mean those dots? 点字?きみはあれらの点々を意味するの? Yes.うん Braille=点字 10公式で見ると、 @存在を言う主語述語A作用を言う主語述語B状態を言う主語述語 C主語述語に助動詞を追加 D行動の途中を表す助動詞(進行形)E働きを受けることをあらわす助動詞(受身)Fこれまで〜、と これまでと、過去から現時点までのことを表す助動詞(完了形)
In the nineteenth century the picturesque beauty of “la belle Napoli”inspired writers, artists, and musicians from around the world. Enamored of Italy's romantic past. He also was inspired to bring to life the charm and character of Naples. That he did so during the opening years of World War U,when the city underwent great destruction, signals his interest in preserving culture as well as his empathy for the suffering imposed on the people of Naples.
Our passport to his portable “miniature kingdom of Naples” is a baggage ticket, dangling in he midst of his recreation of a narrow, laundry-slung street. The timeless features of Neapolitan city life are juxtaposed with the sea shell, an allusion to the Bay of Naples, and the image of Mount Vesuvius on the ticket's verso. Made during the period of his most passionate interest in the Romantic Ballet, the box also evokes the presence of Neapolitan Fanny Cerrito in her role as Ondine the water nymph who rode the sea on a shell.
After six months on the Equal Billing Plan we will adjust this amount depending on whether or not you use more or less gas than we estimated At the end of year you will receive a debit or credit from us to balance the amount owed with the amoust used.
1.Let's take up some American novelists; () , Hemingway and Steinbeck. 2.She is an excellent student; () , she is at the top of the class. 3.I got a bad grade; () , I was scolded by my father. 4.() I must check the number. 5.It was a pity that she could not come ().
[ as a result / in fact / for example / after all / first of all ]
>>227 The news that ten college students died in the Northern Alps caused a sensation. The news reminded me of my close friend's death of two years ago.
>>227 It is said that mountaineering is a challenging sport. Mountaineers, however, must bear in mind that they climb mountains despite worry of their family and friends.
>>229は I can't make out what leads mountaineers to climb mountains in the winter at the risk of their life. にしとくべきだったかな。 書く文章や、大勢を前に話す文章ならyouでいいんだけど。 微妙だな。
Mark was asked to report to his boss before lunchは 第何文型ですか?尋ねられたかと思ったら、言われたと書いてあり ました・・・・。 それから Whenever the telephone rings,answer it right away の訳が、電話がなったらいつでもすぐに答えて下さいになって いましたが、answer は命令形じゃないんですか? すぐに答えろだと思ってたのですが・・・
Among the successful new added-value products that incorporate screens for visual images are DVD players with large memories and high-resolution TVs with antennas and tuners that can receive digital satellite signals.
>>286 1) She will be able to ride a horse soon. 2) He must be sick. 3) I had to finish my homework by five yesterday. 4) His watch cannot be expensive. 5) That might be Mike's bicycle. 6) You need not go to bed.
rikisi eat huge portions of protein-rich stews called chankonabe , packed with fish or meat and vegetables, plus vast quantities of less healthy things, including fast food.
Your rule doesn't apply to everyone. You are the lucky one. You are smart enough, rich enough to have access to both written and spoken English, and open-minded enough to be ready to absorb other cultures. Some people are not so lucky as you.
>>326 I started talking to you in English because I just wanted to find out how good their Englihs is, when they can finally say that they are quite happy about their abilities of their own Enlgish.
>>335 I advise you it is quite sbjective It's just your imagination. Nobody's going to feel happy when he/she finds his/her English skills. Just on the contrary, most people's going to find themselves how poor their English skills are.
Although impressing the interviewer,he couldn't get the job という文で、訳が「面接担当者には良い印象を与えたが・・・」 となっているのですが、impressingは「良い」印象なんですか? 辞書を見ても特に「良い」印象とは出ていないと思うのですが。
1.テキストに I gave them what books I had = I give them the books I had, although I didn't have many. とあったのですが、 what 名詞 S V =what little 名詞 S Vってこと なんでしょうか?
2. Who met us was the professor. 文としてちゃんと成立してますでしょうか?
He slowly backed away from the line, then circled over to the side of the truck. He looked through the window. The keys were there, dangling in the ignition. Stanley felt his fingers start to twitch. He took a deep breath to steady himself and tried to think clearly. He had never driven before. But how hard could it be? This is really crazy, he told himself. Whatever he did, he knew he'd have to do it quickly, before Mr. Sir noticed. It's too late, he told himself. Zero couldn't have survived. But what if it wasn't too late? He took another deep breath. Think about this, he told himself, but there wasn't time to think. He flung open the door to the truck and climbed quickly inside. "Hey!" shouted Mr. Sir. Think about this.のthisは何を指すのでしょうか また、the door to the truckとありますが、「truckのdoor」という時の「の」はtoなのでしょうか。 the door of the truckにはならないのですか。よろしくお願いします。
1. Put your coat on at once, or you will catch a cold. 2. Shall I call you back, or will you call me again? 3. I’m studying in astronomy, or the “science of stars.”
>>399 this is anecklace i bought in france rembrandt was a great painter born in the netherlands my cousin, whom i met five years ago, lives in new zealand
もし昨日彼女が暇だったら、彼女は彼に電話しただろうに If she ()() free yesterday, she would have called him. もしバスに乗ってたら、彼らは時間通りにそこに到着しただろうに If they had taken the bus, they would ()() there on time. もしあなたが彼女の手紙を注意深く読んでたら、 彼女を怒らせることもなかっただろうに If you ()() her letter carefully, you wouldn't have made her angry. もし私が彼のアドバイスを聞いていなかったら、 試験に合格できなかっただろうに If I hadn't listened to his advice, I could ()()() the test. もし寝坊していなかったら、 彼は始発の電車に間に合っただろうに If he hadn't got up late, he would ()() the first train. この5つが分かりません お願いします
And no matter what you are eating it always seems small and slippery, even if it isn't. It makes a lot of practice before you are finally able to use chopsticks, and while you are learning, it is frustrating to see Japanese people use them so skillfully.
>>411 His gentle smile at that time grasped my heart and I have been a fun of him. What is written in this paper is `Mnonoke-Hime` and this is one of the most favorite works for me. Do you n\know why his works are popular? The reason is that his works are based on affection, I think. Any time I see his autograph wrtten in this, I feel I want to become a person who smiles kindly like him in the future.
>>419 もし昨日彼女が暇だったら、彼女は彼に電話しただろうに If she (had)(been) free yesterday, she would have called him. もしバスに乗ってたら、彼らは時間通りにそこに到着しただろうに If they had taken the bus, they would (have)(arrived) there on time. もしあなたが彼女の手紙を注意深く読んでたら、 彼女を怒らせることもなかっただろうに If you (had)(read) her letter carefully, you wouldn't have made her angry.
もし私が彼のアドバイスを聞いていなかったら、 試験に合格できなかっただろうに If I hadn't listened to his advice, I could ()()() the test. もし寝坊していなかったら、 彼は始発の電車に間に合っただろうに If he hadn't got up late, he would ()() the first train. 何を入れればいいでしょうか
>>460 君が正しい。 確かに受け身の意味を表すには〜ingが好まれるが、andは基本的に 同じ形態の要素をつなぐ接続詞だから、君の考え方でいい。 looking after and protectedだと、protectedがneedにつながらなきゃいけないが、 need protectedは認められてない語法だから×
>>486 1. I want to participate in NPO that helps homeless. 2. It seems to postpone the sport meet on Sunday. 3. It is forecast that the weather is rain all day long. 4. He is looking forward to seeing me command the brass band. 5. Perhaps, he can leave in two weeks hospital. 6. A Japanese team is expected to advance to the final.
It is important for you to continue it everyday.と相手に言ったことがはっきりするね。 It is important for you to go on with it everyday.とgo onを使うと口語的だね。 keepも使えるけど、君にはまだ難しいかも知れないね…へこっ!としたね♪
>>486 手直し 1. I want to join in the NPO that helps homeless people. 2. It seems that the athletic meeting of Sunday will be postponed. 3. It is expected that we'll have rains the entire day. 4. He is looking forward to seeing me command the brass band. 5. Perhaps, he will be able to leave hospital in two weeks. 6. I expect the Japanese team will advance to the finals.
適切な語を選ぶ問題です 1.There is a car (towait, waiting, waited) in front of the house for us to drive home. 2.Is there any coffee (leave, left, leaving) ? 3.She lay back in the chair with her eyes (close, closing, closed). 4.This bicycle is very (sure, easy, willing) to ride on. よろしくお願いします。
1.だれか窓から私を見つめる人がいます。 There (at/is/looking/me/someone) from the window. 2.そのイスは座り心地がいい。 The (comfortable/chair/is/on/sit/to). 3.この川で泳ぐのは危険だ。 This (in/is/dangerous/river/to/swim). 4.ジョージは腕組みをしてテレビを見ていた。 George was watching TV (arms/folded/his/with). 5.その少年は目をかがやかせて部屋に入ってきた。 The boy came into (eyes/his/shining/the room with).
>>493 1 is someone looking at me 2 chair is comfortable to sit on 3 river is dangerous to swim in 4 with his arms folded. 5 the room with his eyes shining
I hope to take part in the NPO that support the homelesses. It seems to put off the athletic meeting on Next Sunday. It is forcast that the weather may be rain all day long. He is looking forward to seeing me command the brass band. He can possibly leave the hospital within two weeks. I expect the Japanease team reach the final.
適語補充問題です 1.It is () no means good to tell a lie to your parents. 2.My father has been so busy these days that he can only sleep four hours () average every day. 3.I have a point () view different from his. 4.The government introduced a new law () the name of civilization.
1.我々はメッセージをEメールで送りました。 We sent the message ( ) email. 2.その赤ん坊は、わっと泣き出しました。 The baby ( ) ( ) tears. 3.(一列に)整列しなさい。 Keep ( ) ( ). 4.父からこの仕事を引き継ぎました。 I tool ( ) this job from my father. 5.彼のケガが心配です。 I am concerned ( ) his injury. 6.人生の真理を探しているところです。 I am searching ( ) the truth in life.
The adolescent, with his passion for sincerity, always respects parents ( A ) admit that they are wrong, or ignorant, or even that they have been unfair or unjust.
( B ) the child cannot forgive is the parents' refusal to admit those accusations if the child knows them to be true.
1. In 1850 the daily diet most Americans had was both tasty and balanced. 2. In the years after 1850, trains and cars began to carry fresh foods to the cities. 3. As soon as supermarkets appeared in the early 1900s, they became popular. 4. Some frozen vegetables and fruits as well as fresh ones were made available in 1950.
It is important to learn to deal with embarrassing or seemingly hopeless situations.
However, high school students often depend on their teachers to help them through difficult times.
While company employees are likely to lose their jobs for coming to work late, high school students just receive extra attention from their teachers if they have difficulty coming on time.
A person who does not like waking up early can find a night job, but as a student this person has no way of avoiding morning classes.
There are also more cases of bullying in high school than in companies, since employees must cooperate for the good of the company.
In other words, students can't travel or shop with the freedom of many company employees.
All in all, when you consider the responsibilities and financial pressures placed on company emplyees, the life of a student is not all that bad.
1、深呼吸しなさい、そうすれば気分が楽になりますよ ( and ) Take a deep breath, and you will be better. 2、困ったことに、今母親が病気で寝ているのです。 ( that ) The trouble is that my mother is sick in bed now. 3、その物音を聞くとすぐに、彼は庭へ走って出た ( as soon as ) As soon as he heard the sound, he run out into the garden. 4、雨が降るといけないから、傘を持っていきなさい ( in case ) Bring your umbrella with you in case it rains. 5、私は一人で長崎まで行けるかしら、と和子は思った ( if ) I wondered if I can go to Nagasaki alone.
6、大阪へは最近来たので、友達がほとんどいません。 ( few ) Because I've come to Osaka recently, I have few friends. 7、彼は金持ちだが、とても紳士とは言えない。 ( far ) It is true that he is rich, but he is far from a gentleman. 8、私はいつも日曜日に家にいるとはかぎらない。 ( always ) I never always stay at home on Sunday. 9、スミス婦人は決してうそをつくような人でははい。 ( last ) Mrs.Smith is the last woman to tell a lie. 10、市立図書館へはめったに行きませんが、いくと必ず木村君に会います ( seldom , without ) I seldom go to the City Libraly, but I can't go there without seeing Kimura.
>>531 1、深呼吸しなさい、そうすれば気分が楽になりますよ ( and ) Take a deep breath, and you will feel better. 2、困ったことに、今母親が病気で寝ているのです。 ( that ) The trouble is that my mother is sick in bed now. 3、その物音を聞くとすぐに、彼は庭へ走って出た ( as soon as ) [ As soon as he heard the sound ], he run out into the garden. 4、雨が降るといけないから、傘を持っていきなさい ( in case ) Take/Bring your umbrella with you in case [ it rains ]. 5、私は一人で長崎まで行けるかしら、と和子は思った ( if ) Kazuko wondered if she could go to Nagasaki alone. 6、大阪へは最近来たので、友達がほとんどいません。 ( few ) [ Because I've come to Osaka recently ], I have few friends. 7、彼は金持ちだが、とても紳士とは言えない。 ( far ) It is true [ that he is rich ], but he is far from a gentleman. 8、私はいつも日曜日に家にいるとはかぎらない。 ( always ) I do not always stay (at) home on Sunday. 9、スミス婦人は決してうそをつくような人でははい。 ( last ) Mrs.Smith is the last woman [ to tell a lie ]. 10、市立図書館へはめったに行きませんが、いくと必ず木村君に会います ( seldom , without ) I seldom go to the City Libraly, but I can't go there without [ seeing Kimura ].
7、彼は金持ちだが、とても紳士とは言えない。 ( far ) It is true [ that he is rich ], but he is far from a gentleman. 8、私はいつも日曜日に家にいるとはかぎらない。 ( always ) I do not always stay (at) home on Sunday. 9、スミス婦人は決してうそをつくような人でははい。 ( last ) Mrs.Smith is the last woman [ to tell a lie ]. 10、市立図書館へはめったに行きませんが、いくと必ず木村君に会います ( seldom , without ) I seldom go to the City Libraly, but I can't go there without [ seeing Kimura ].
>>523 It is important [ to learn [ to deal with [ embarrassing ] or seemingly hopeless situations ] ]. However, high school students often depend on [ their teachers [ to help them through difficult times ] ]. [ While company employees are likely [ to lose their jobs for [ coming to work late ], high school students just receive extra attention from their teachers [ if they have [ difficulty coming on time ] ]. A person [ who does not like [ waking up early ] ] can find a night job, but as a student this person has no way of [ avoiding morning classes ]. There are also more cases of [ bullying ] in high school than in companies, [ since employees must cooperate for the good of the company ]. In other words, students can't travel or shop with the freedom of many company employees. All in all, [ when you consider the responsibilities and financial pressures [ placed on company emplyees ] ], the life of a student is not all that bad.
みなさまに質問があります。 There is not agreement as to where the main emphasis in English teaching should be. という一文についてですが、as to where はどのような働きをしているのでしょうか。 学校文法真っ只中のみなさま、どうかわたしの疑問にお答えください
多いですが、よろしくお願いします。 ■ 適切な語句を選び、訳しなさい 1,David Robert Joseph Beckham (bore/was born) in London on May 2,1975. 2,He (joined/was joined) Manchester United as a trainee in 1991. 3,In 1993, he (signed/ was signed) as a professional player. 4,His first Premiership goal (came/was come) against Aston Villa in 1995. 5,In 1996 he (made/was made) his first full international appearance against Moldova. ■ ☆で囲まれている語を主語にして全て受動態の文に書き換えて訳しなさい 1,People recognize ☆David Beckham☆ as one of the richest celebrities in the world. 2,People call ☆his house☆ “Beckingham Palace.” 3,People often compare ☆his house☆ to Buckingham Palace. 4,The media created ☆his image as a loving father☆. ■ 日本語の意味になるように単語を並び替えて英文を作りなさい 1,1998年にイングランドはワールドカップフランス大会に参加した In 1998 (in/part/took/England/the World Cup) in France. 2,アルゼンチン戦においてベッカムはディエゴ・シメオネを蹴って退場させられた In the match against Argentina (Beckham/for/off/was/sent/kicking) Diego Simeone. 3,イングランドはアルゼンチンに敗れました (by/was/England/defeated) Argentina. 4,ベッカムはイングランドがトーナメントから早く脱落したことで、非難されました Beckham (for/blamed/was/from/early exit/England) the tournament. ■ ☆で囲まれている単語のひとつに間違いを見つけ、訳しなさい 1,☆In☆ the next season Beckham ☆showed☆ that he ☆be☆ ☆over☆ the setback. 2,Manchester United ☆won☆ many ☆titles☆ and he ☆voted☆ ☆second☆ in the FIFA World Player of the Year. 3,David ☆made☆ ☆the☆ ☆captain☆ of the England ☆squad☆ in 2000. 4,He ☆pleyed☆ an important ☆role☆ in the team and ☆was lead☆ the ☆team☆ into the World Cup. 5,In the World Cup 2002 England ☆was☆ met Argentina again and Beckham ☆converted☆ a penalty kick that eventually ☆gave☆ England the ☆victory☆.
・That's just what you'd expect from him. ・That's just as you'd expect of him. さすがは彼だ。この二つのさすがはどういう違いがあるのでしょう? それにしてもなんで このふたつの文がさすがになるのか 解りません。解説御願いします。 (予想できてすごいってこと????そういう意味じゃないすごい!に は使えないのかな・・?)
>>592 どうもありがとうございます。 That's just what you would expect from him. これだと それはただ何を彼から期待されてる ・That's just as you'd expect of him. このjust asはどのように訳すのでしょうか? asの用法が 沢山あっていまいちわかりません。 あなたが彼の 期待のように???
>>597 訳し方の問題があると思う。 expect A of (from) B で「BにAを期待する」 つまりこの場合、前置詞のof とfrom は同じような用法なのにことさらfrom を「から」 of を「の」と杓子定規に訳している。 例えば rob A of B は B「から」Aを奪うと訳すのが自然で決してB「の」rob とは ならない。 それからwhat を疑問代名詞として訳しているが先行詞を含んだ関係代名詞とみるほうが いいと思うんだけど。(expect A of B のA が what に置き換わり前に出ている) as は様態でlikeと同じような意味合いかな?
1 "Do you need a dictionary?" "Yes, I need ( )." 2 "Do you need my dictionary?" "Yes, I need ( )." 3 The former laws were unreasonable compared to the present ( ). 4 ( ) present were all moved by his story. 5 Tokyo is ( ) of the largest cities in the would. 6 The climate of Tokyo is milder than ( ) of New York.
>>604 let O (目的語) do O に〜させる me 私に suck なめる。すう your あなたの kiss (名詞)1 キス 口付け 接吻 2軽く触れること (ビリヤード)球と球との接触 3 (チョコレートなどの)小さなキャンディ メレンゲ菓子 Please compose the meaning of it for yourself by using these Japanese translations
From whatever source water is produced, whether from ocean, river, lake, or spring, it is always the same.
It is true that water from the sea has a different taste from that of river water ; but the difference does not lie in the water, but in ther substance dissolved in it.
>>634 Dherer ounli e fyu stuedent wehring glovz in dhis skuel. Aim naht interehstid in kloudhing. Sou Ai nou ol bat nathing ebaut dhe leitest faeshenz.
>>636 1 Can I use your bicycle for a whlie ? 2 If you are tired,you needn't do this work today. 3 He must be happy because his mother release from the hospital 4 You may attend the tomorrow's meeting
(1)John is very funny. He always _____ me _____. (2)Cutting onions _____ me _____. (3)Doctor to nurse: _____ the next paitient _____ in, please. (4)There's bellboy. Shall we _____ him _____ our suitcases? (5)Keep an eye on this. Don't _____ anyone _____ it. (6)This is such a nice camera. Will you _____ me _____ it for a while? (7)My bicycle is gone! It looks like I've _____ it _____ again. (8)I need a photo for my passport. I must _____ one _____.
carry / come / cry / laugh / stolen / taken / touch / use
>>644 (1)John is very funny. He always make me laugh. (2)Cutting onions make me cry. (3)Doctor to nurse:have the next paitient come in, please. (4)There's bellboy. Shall we let him carry our suitcases? (5)Keep an eye on this. Don't make anyone touch it. (6)This is such a nice camera. Will you let me use it for a while? (7)My bicycle is gone! It looks like I've had it stolen again. (8)I need a photo for my passport. I must had one taken.
walk,sit,come,standなどの自動詞が分詞を伴うことがある They walked laughing into the room.(彼らは笑いながらその部屋に入っていった) この用法と分詞構文の付帯状況の用法が同じにしか思えないんですがどう違うんですか? My mother is cleaning the kitchin singing a song.
コンサイス英文法辞典より抜粋 After lunch we went fishing in the lake. The children came running toward me. こうした文について分詞構文との違いは(3)(4)を参照 (3)stand、lie、come、sitなど出現や存在を表す自動詞の後ろに位置して、 これらの動詞の表す動作・状態における主語の様態をより具体的に表す。 通例、分詞の前に休止は置かれず、分詞構文のように分詞を文頭に置くこともできない。 分詞構文の付帯状況の用法との区別が難しいことがあるが、分詞構文の場合には 分詞の前に休止が置かれ、分詞よりも主節の動作・状態に強調がある。 それに対して、ここでの用法での分詞は、分詞のほうに強調がある。
let's walk hang around the bilding hangは他動詞、自動詞、名詞がありますが、ここのhangは 名詞?hang aroundでひとつの名詞ですか?しかし 名詞だとぶらぶらするの意味がないです。 自動詞でhang aroundが句動詞だとしたらhangingに ならないのでしょうか??
>>679 (At) what time did you go to bed last night? 前置詞を省略しただけのこと I go to (the) school on Sunday. He went to school (on) yesterday. 省略はいっぱいあるよ。わかっていれば省略、これが言語の基本
「付帯状況を表すwith+名詞+分詞」について疑問に思ったことです。 He was watching TV, with his arms folded. は He was watching TV, folding his arms.(←付帯状況を表す分詞構文ですか?) と同じじゃないですか? 名詞の部分を目的語にもってくれば後者の表現でいいように思うんですが
>>686 Tanaka and Sato live in the United States now. Which of them is good for English? Mr. Tanaka. Can you translate this into English? 君、君、あひゃひゃひゃあぁぁ〜〜〜〜〜〜ん!!
>>707 ありがとうございます。ちなみになんですが、さっきの文 He was watching TV, with his arms folded. は 独立分詞構文でも表せるということですよね? He was watching TV, his arms folded. 独立分詞構文で付帯状況を表すことはあまりないですか? 理由を表す例文しかみたことがないです。
>>714 独立分詞構文に意味の制限は無い。 ただし、be、haveの動詞以外は慣用表現を除いて文頭には置かない。 文頭に置くなら分詞構文であることをはっきりさせるためにwithを付ける。 例)With population increasing everywhere, improvements in agriculture are an absolute nececssity. 世界中で人口が増えているので、農業技術の向上が不可欠である つまり、withが付いたものも分詞構文だから、単にwith付き分詞構文か 単なる独立分詞構文かということ。
>>717 ありがとうございます。 すいませんまた疑問がでてきてしまいました。 with+名詞+分詞 = 独立分詞構文 ということは解決済みとして、 with+名詞+分詞 = 分詞構文 に出来る場合と出来ない場合がありますよね? 出来る場合は>>706に書いたような例文です。 出来ない場合は I can't write a letter with you standing there. (君がそこに立っていると私は手紙が書けない) これらの出来る出来ないの違いは分詞が自動詞か他動詞かの違いですか?
>>713 A: How much (money) is your kiss? B: Well, my kiss is 100 yen. I work for young people [ who are poor and sad ]. For extra service, I massage you for 10 minutes for 0 yen. My massage makes [ you in heaven ].
A: How much (money) is your jacket? B: Well, this jacket is 100 yen. I work for young people [ who are poor and feel cold in witer ]. For extra service, I massage you for 10 minutes for 0 yen. My massage makes [ you in heaven ].
Now [ that all the members have arrived ], we can begin. 皆着いた今、始めれるよ〜ん さあこれで大丈夫〜ん In case [ that a few members have took a wrong airplane and can not come ], we can begin. 何人か行き先違いの便に乗って来れないというような場合でも、始めれるよ〜ん 万一これでも大丈夫〜ん
こういった文をよく目にしますが、これはどのような構文なのでしょうか? これは自動詞+分詞の場合のみしか使えないのでしょうか? 例えば、I saw the movie laughing on TV. のように他動詞を用いてもいいのでしょうか?laughingとon TVの順序も正しいか分かりませんが・・。
不定詞について 用法がいまいちわかりません I have nothing to do today.と同じ用法のものを ア.I have a lot of homework to do. イ.What do you want to do this afternoon? ウ.It is very important for me to do my best. エ.Kate visited me to do her Japanese homework. の中から選びなさい。っていう問題なんですが
>>769 I have nothing [ to do ] today. [ ]はnothingへ、形容詞的
ア.I have a lot of homework [ to do ]. [ ]はhomeworkへ、形容詞的 イ.[ What ] do you want [ to do ] this afternoon?[ ]はwantへ 、名詞的 ウ.It is very important [ for me to do my best ]. [ ]はitの中へ、名詞的 エ.Kate visited me [ to do her Japanese homework ]. [ ]はvisitedへ、副詞的
>>713 君、値段のいくらはhow muchだけだよ、君、君♪ 恐らく君は、how much price is it?とpriceが省略されていると思ったのだろうね、君。 だがhow muchにはすでにいくら?という意味が含まれているので、priceを使うと意味が重なってしまうのでダメなんだよ。 また君は、how muchが値段以外の数量を表わす場合があるので、その場合の値段との区別についても悩んでるようだね? だがそれはいくつありますか?はhow many is it?になるし、量をたずねるときの、その量はいくつですか?は、how much does its quality?と、isdehanaku doやdoesになるんだよ。 君はこれでへこっ!と完璧にすっきりしたようだね♪♪
While it may be an exaggeration to say that if you understand an idea you can explain it to someone else , it is certainly no exaggeration to say that if you do not understand it you cannot explain it.
>>781 [ While it may be an exaggeration [ to say *[ that [ [ if you understand an idea ] you can explain it to someone else ] ] ]* , it is certainly no exaggeration [ to say *[ that [ if you do not understand it ] you cannot explain it ]* ]. *から*まで、です 僕意外にこのように図・表を持って示してあげれるものはいないのでどうしても進学校教員の妨害アク禁のために僕のブログで答えてあげざるを得ないのです。 もうホテルロビーで1時間以上レスしているので今夜はこれで、 クリスマスは恋人と過ごしますか?家族で過ごしますか?教会に行きますか?
Throught the evening everyone was talking, and even though the conversation had to break through many language barriers, it went on almost all night. これの had to ってどうゆう意味ですか?
>>800 I went [ to china ] [ on business ] [ several times ]. @パーティーはあさってトムの家で行われる予定です。 The party is going to be held [ at Tom's house ] [ on the day after tomorrow ]. A多数の日本人学生が海外旅行に出掛けます。 So many Japanese students travel overseas.
>>787 Through the evening, everyone was talking, and even [ though the conversation had to break through many language barriers ], it went on almost all night.
I could have gotten much more for the painthing if I ( )it overseas. had sold/would sell/have sold/sold
( )your help, I would not have been able to accomplesh this project.
I do not deny that your informaition was invaluable.( )it I could never have formed our plan. Far from/In spite of/With/Without
Had I known you were coming to Tokyo. I ( ) to the station to meet you. would have gone/did not go/had gone/would go
The man at the window must be a spy. since he works slowly and keeps looking around. A real cleaner( ) the windows twice. had never washed/was not washing/would not wash/did not wash
My brother helped me ( )my homework. with/for/to/on
>>818 I could have gotten much more for [ the painting ] [ if I had sold it overseas ]. Without your help, I would not have been able to accomplesh this project. I do not deny [ that your informaition was invaluable ]. With it, I could never have formed our plan. Had I known [ you were coming to Tokyo ], I would have gone to the station [ to meet you ]. The man at the window must be a spy [ since he works slowly and keeps [ looking around ]. A real cleaner would not wash the windows twice. My brother helped me with my homework.
>>819 He objected to [ being treated like a little child by his mother ]. It has never occurred to me [ that I should visit my parents more often ]. [ When I had to cancel our date last week ], she accused me of [ breaking my word ]. The boy denied [ that he had told lies ]. His international reputation owes most to the fine translations of his works.
>>822 交通渋滞のため彼は会議に遅れた。 The traffic jam (caused) [ (him) (to) (be) (late) (for) the meeting ]. 彼女が援助してくれれば、君は研究を続けることが出来るでしょう。 (Her) (assistance) (will) (enable) [ (you) (to) continue your research ]. 虎は本能を頼りに獲物へと近づいた。 The tiger's instincts (let) (get) (closer) (to) (its) (prey). 彼がEメールをくれたので、私はわざわざそこに出かける手間が省けました。 His Emeil( )( ) the trouble of [ going there ]. もし昨夜早めに寝ていたら、今頃はもっといい気分かもしれないのに。 If I (had gotten) to bed earlier last night, I (might be feeling) better now. 僕達がもう10分も早く出発してさえいればなあ。 (How) [ (if) we (had) left) ten minutes earlier!
否定疑問文が解りません。 won't you give me a hand?の訳に 手をかしていただけませんか?とありました。それなら will youと同じでは?? 手をかしてくれないつもりですか? の意味かと思っていました(依頼というより・・・嫌味とか 脅しみたいですが・・) won't youの文は、どうやって 訳しますか?その答え方も教えいただけると助かります。
>>856 もし京子が彼のアドバイスを聞いていれば今頃もっと幸せだろうに。 [ If kyoko had taken his advice ], she would be happier now. もし太陽が消えてしまえば、地球上のどの生物も生きられないだろう。 [ If the sun (were) (to) disappear ], no creature on the earth would survive. もし万一兄が忙しければ、私が代わりに父の仕事を手伝う。 [ If my brother (should) (be) busy, I would help my father with his work. あなたと同じくらいピアノが上手ければいいのになあ。 I (wish) [ I(could) play the piano as well as you ]. ロンは夕食の前にあまりたくさんのお菓子を食べなければよかったと思っている。 Ron (regrets) [ he (has) (eaten) so many snacks before dinner. ケンはまるでエミのことをすべて知っているかのように話す。 Ken talks [ (as) (if) he (knew) everything about Emi.
ロシアで歌おう清しこの夜 Тихая ночь, дивная ночь! Дремлет все, лишь не спит В благоговенье святая чета; Чудным Младенцем полны их сердца, Радость в душе их горит. Радость в душе их горит.
Тихая ночь, дивная ночь! Глас с небес возвестил: Радуйтесь, ныне родился Христос, Мир и спасение всем Он принес, Свыше нас Свет посетил! Свыше нас Свет посетил!
Тихая ночь, дивная ночь! К небу нас Бог призвал, О, да откроются наши сердца И да прославят Его все уста, Он нам Спасителя дал. Он нам Спасителя дал.
>>900 まあよく考えたら3やね。 でも全部正解にはならんよ。 1 I dont agree with anything. Thatd be just total contradiction. You just said you do agree with much. Everyone'd think you're a retard if you say things like this. 2 Man I dont agree with nothing. If you say that, and make yourself sound so uneducated your mum will seriously spank ya!
>>904 somethingを否定文で使うのはありです。 この場合は、anythingなら全否定。nothingの時と同じになります。 I dont agree with anything = I agree with nothing.
somethingなら部分否定?。 I dont agree with something = there is something that I dont agree with. 同意しかねるものがある。
他にも、疑問形でも、somethingを使えます。 例 Did I do something wrong? anythingとの違いは、説明すんの難しいけど、 まあsomethingの方が、オレがやったんでしょ感が強くなる。 Lolz, I dont think Im making much sense... oh well
>>853 否定疑問文というか、この場合は依頼文。 人に物を頼むのって、いろいろやっかいだから、あの手この手で様々な言い回しがある。 仮定法にしたり、過去形にしたり。 I was wondering if you could help me with this ,please ? 例えば↑なんかも普通に日常会話で聞かれる。
すみません教えてください。空所に入るものが分かりません【問題】 The alarm was heard ( )at an early hour on the second floor. 【選択肢】 @have rung Arang Bringing Cring 分詞の問題何ですが、訳もよくわかりません。答えの根拠教えてください。
Unlike most young writers,he understands that what he does with his life now will affect what happens and how he is poem speak directly to adult than to children.
怒らないでマジレスしてほしいんだけど と言いたい場合、 Though I don't want you to be angry and respond for real だとdon't want youがrespondまでかかってまいそうなんですが、 want you to respond and don't want you to be angryにすればいいんですか?
in here や in there の here や there は副詞であって、(代)名詞になることは ありえません。 here = in/at/to this place there = in/at/to that place ということを 理解していればほとんど解決します。here, there には in の意味が既に含まれています。
Open the window. It's baking(hot) in here. (ジーニ大) Does anyone else feel a chill in here? (ジーニ大) It's noisy in here. (ジーニ大) May I smoke in here? (ジーニ大) You have no right to come in here meddling with my tnings. (ODE) It's nice and warm in here. (ODE) There's an awful smell in here. (ODE) "Get in here now!" she bawled. (ODE) Can you shut the door? There's a draft in here. (OALD) It smells in here. (OALD)
400例ほど辞書の例文を見ると、そのほとんどが「暑さ/寒さ」などを言うような 場合だとも分かりますね。 さて、このin と here ですが、高校生用学参にもあるように両方とも副詞で同格的に 並列されているわけです。大きく「中」を言い、次に細かく「ここ」を指示するという二段階 で場所を示しているわけです。
このようにout と here が同格的に使われることもあるわけです。 単に「ここは寒い」と言っても、「ここ」がどこか相手に上手く伝わらないかも しれません。「大きく→細かく」することで情報伝達をスムーズにしているわけです。 in やout を添えるだけで、話し手と聞き手の位置関係を表すことになっているんですね。
Grace is out in the garden mowing the lawn. (ジーニ大)
なお、 You can see Mt. Fuji very clearly from here. (ジーニ大) などの here は(代)名詞扱いになります。here, there にはin/at/to 以外は 必要だと理解していればいいわけです。
>>953 The alarm was heard ( )at an early hour on the second floor. は [能動態の主語] heard the alarm( )at an early hour on the second floor. を受動態に転換したものだとまず理解しましょう。受動態は対応する能動態から考える ことが重要です。the alarm が受動態の主語になっているんだから、能動態の目的語であった とします。heardの後ろに節が来ている可能性はなくなります。もし、節が来ていたら その節全体が目的語となりますから。 さて、この能動態の( )には ring(原形不定詞)とringing(現在分詞)が可能ですが、 受動態にしたら、原形不定詞は to不定詞になります。選択肢に to ring がないので正解は ringing になります。to ring があれば、それも正解です。「鳴っている」という意味は与えられて いないので根拠にはなりません。あくまでも(意味ではなく)統語的な問題です。
Television programs do sometimes stimulate people's curiousty to pursue interests and read books which they would not otherwise have known about or understood.