>>5 It was careless of you to leave the front door unlocked. He hurried to the classroom only to find that it was empty. His answer leaves nothing to be desired.
You may find that the last score was your quickest reaction time. This generally means that the rest of the time. You were not using your 'startle' reflex to react quickly enough. To internalize reaction patterns and train the brain stem to react more quickly than the conscious part of our brain can is a skill useful to people such as martial artists racing drivers.
便宜上、改行で区切ってありますが、ピリオドが無い部分は繋がっており一つの文です。 2行目のthe rest of the time 4行目のto不定詞以下からがうまく訳すことができません。 初めにrestは安心と訳したのですが、どうも違和感がある気がします・・ よろしくお願いします。
>>23 You may find [ that the last score was your quickest reaction time ].
(S)This generally means [ that the rest of the time [ you were not using your 'startle' reflex [ to react quickly enough [ to internalize reaction patterns and train the brain stem [ to react more quickly [ than the conscious part of our brain can (react) ] ] (V)is (C)a skill [ (which is) useful to such people as martial artists an racing drivers.
You may find [ that the last score was your quickest reaction time ].
This generally means [ (S)that the rest of the time [ you were not using your 'startle' reflex [ to react quickly enough [ to internalize reaction patterns and train the brain stem [ to react more quickly [ than the conscious part of our brain can (react) ] ] (V)is (C)a skill [ (which is) useful to such people as martial artists an racing drivers.
>>19 ねえ、君、ねえ、にだー、ひひひぃ〜〜〜ん!!! 名詞節に単数、複数あるよ。 a number of〜という名詞節は複数だから、 A number of children are foolish. とareがつく。 the number of〜という名詞節は単数だから、 The number of children is 100.とisがつく。
>>52 原則として、ボキはお気に入りのヴィクトリア時代の言葉を使って、いい仕事したり自分を規制したりするのが、ひひぃ〜〜〜ん!と好きだよ。 >>53 先頭のwhereが語尾のfromの目的語にへもくっ!となってるんだよ。 It bring "from" back to "where". >>54 ほぼ間違いないよ。強いていえばmovieが2つつかないように、 I'd like to see this movie most in these.とへこっ!としなさい。
Last night he said to me.``I came back from New York yesterday. の話法を転換せよという問題なのですが、解答が Last night he told me that he had come back from New York the day before yesterday. なのですが、the day before yesterdayじゃなくてthe day beforeではないのでしょうか?
>>59 辞書を引かずに読み書きできるようになれば、ほとんど話せると思うんだがね… それでも話せないとなると、異常に融通が利かない性格なんじゃないかな?もくっ? >>60 1 There were two boys working on the program. 2 My brother is bvery usy for preparing the finals. 3 I cann't concentrate on watching TV with you singing there. きひっ、きひっ、もくっ!!!へこっ?
>>61 I will go to Paris. ボキはパリへ行くつもりだ。 I am going to go to Paris. ボキはパリへ行くと決めてるんだ。 I am going to Paris. ボキはパリへ行こうとしてるんだよ。 かひゃっ、かひゃっ!!
1. 2人の少年が問題に取り組んでいた。 There were two boys working on the problem. 2. 兄は期末考査の準備でとても忙しい。 My brother is very busy preparing for the finals. 3. 君がそこで歌っていると、テレビに集中できないよ。 I can’t concentrate on watching TV with you singing there.
>>70 yesterdayのthe day beforeはthe day before todayのtodayが省略されているんだよ。 だからthe day before yesterdayはおととい。 でも一昨昨日はthe day befoer the day before yesterdayとはならず、3 days agoとなるよ。 もくっ!としたかい?
すみません 宿題じゃないんだけど、訳してほしい文があります・・・ we`re heren ur grandparents u know a lot of food. About u did eatur dinner? っていう文なんですけど、 私はあなたの祖父母からあなたが食に関して聞きました。 あなたは夕食とりました? ってな感じでいんでしょうか。 詳しい人教えてください><
もうひとつお願いします My mother said me,``You ought to be ashamed of yourself.Never make such a mistake hereafter. というのを話法転換すると My mother told me not to be ashamed of myself and never to make such a mistake thereafter. らしいのですが、 My mother told me that I ought to be ashamed of myself and told me never to make such a mistake thereafter. ではダメなのでしょうか?
Let us take as simple an example as the addressing of envelopes.
If an Indian,a Thai,or a Mexican asks an american about an overall goal, a basic theory,or a principle,he often feels buried under detail in the answer he gets.
>>126 It seems Mark wishes he applied for the job. マークは彼がその仕事を申し込めばいいのにと思っているようだ It seems Mark wishes he had applied for the job. マークは彼がその仕事に申し込めばよかったのにと思っているようだ
AとBの文がほぼ同じ意味になるように空所に適語を入れる問題です 1. a.She aimed to be a composer. b.Her aim ( ) ( ) be a composer. 2. a. She went to Vienna to study music. b.She went to Vennia. Her purpose ( ) ( ) study music.
>>171 Houses should be built so as [ to admit plenty [ of light ] as well as [ of fresh air ] ]. The former is not less necessary [ than the latter to a healty condition of body ]. [ Just as plants, [ when deprived of light ], become white in their stalks and leaves ], so man becomes pale and unhealthy [ when he lives underground ]. 空気も大事だが光もそれに劣らず大事ですよ、と言う話です。 宿題は先生に誉めて貰えるでしょう、「君は理解が良くなったね」と。 >>172 We just waited, and hoped [ for the best ]. 望んだ[最良を目指して]
>>169 Choose for your friends, those [ whom you can respect ]; and always act so as [ yourself to deserve the respect of your friends and companions ].
Choose those [ whom you can respect ] for your friends ; and always act [ so that you will deserve the respect of your friends and companions ].
>>196 [ To quit [ drinking alcohol ] ] is difficult. [ Quitting [ drinking alcohol ] ] is difficult. [ That anyone may quit [ drinking alcohol ] ] is difficult.
It is convenient [ to send e-mails ]. [ To send e-mails ] is convenient. [ Sending e-mails ] is convenient. [ That anyone may send e-mails ] is convenient.
I love [ to take a walk on sunny days ]. I love [ taking a walk on sunny days ].
It make [ me happy ] [ to sing karaoke ]. [ To sing karaoke ] makes [ me happy ]. [ Singing karaoke ] makes [ me happy ].
高3の英語の宿題です。どなたかお願いします… Many people who are interested (ア) studying birds join bird watching clubs. In these clubs they can share their knowledge and exprience. The members often go on walks together either in the country or in the city parks just to enjoy listening (イ) the songs of birds.
>>201 For instance ,book titles like The Germanic Invasions :The Making of Europe, AD 400-600 ( of 1975 publishment ) did not question the reality of the invasions.
The Making of Europe, AD 400-600 (of 1975)
German tribes moves west, invaded western areas, and made Europe. This is a book of this story. (1973年出版の)ゲルマン民族が西に移動して、ヨーロッパを作ったことの話です。
>>209 あ〜人間の歴史、カジノギャンブル資本主義倒産ですね。 Ohh!! Human history. It's like a bankruptcy of the gamble capitalism in a casino. >>216 He is a boy whom I think as good at English.
>>233 In the years ahead, we will need not only more water but also good water. No water in nature is 100 percent pure. 時代が進めば、我々は多くの水だけでなく良い水が必要になるだろう。自然の水で100純粋なものはない。
Even rain and snow, the purest natural products,absorb a certain amount of gases and dust particles as they fall through the air. もっとも純粋な自然の産物である雨や雪でさえ、空気を通じて降ってくる過程である量のガスやほこりを含んでしまう。
1.一般的に言って、女性は男性より長生きだ。 () (), women live longer than men. 2.空模様から判断すると、午後は雨になりそうだ。 () () the looks of the sky, it is likely to rain in the afternoon. 3.メアリーと言えば、彼女が先月結婚したのを知っていますか。 () () Mary, do you know she got married last month?
英文の誤りを直して全文を書き換える問題です お願いします (1)He was seen come out of the house. (2)He is believed that he is a spy. (3)She is said to be a movie star when she was young.
>>245 あやっ!あやっ!いぎぎぎぃ〜〜〜〜〜〜っ!!! @Get up soon! Otherwise you miss the train! AWould you please stand up so that everybody can see you. BIt is very busy not only you but I. CIt was a very difficult problem, therefore I was not able to answer. はひゃん、はひゃん、はひゃひぃ〜〜〜〜ん!!
>>255 Get up early at once, or you can't catch your train. Would you please stand up so that everyone can watch you? It is not only you who are very busy, but also I. It was so difficult a conundrum that I was unable to answer it.
>>272 23. I work from 8:30 in the morning to 6:00 in the evening, so I come home at about 8:00 in the evening. On Saturdays and Sundays, I teach swimming to children at nearby pool. -What a hard worker you are. Yes, I am because I'm young, but I haven't got any time for dating.
>>275 I didn't listen to everything [ he said ], 僕は彼が行った全てのことを聞かなかったけど but the way [ he said things ] made [ it all sound very interesting ]. 彼が話した話し方は、その全てを面白くさせた。
22時ごろお世話なった高3です☆又よろしくですm(__)m I have no doubt that a large number of American lawyers do wonderfully worthwhile things. But the trouble is that there are just too many of them.
>>284 I have no doubt [that a large number of American lawyers do wonderfully worthwhile things]. But the trouble is [that there are just too many of them]. in fact ,the U.S. has more lawyers <than all the rest of the world put togethere>. The U.S. now boasts 300 lawyers for every 100,000 citizens. 多くのアメリカの弁護士がとても価値のある仕事をしていることは疑う余地もないことだ。しかし困ったことに弁護士の数が多すぎる。 実際、アメリカでは他の国よりも多くの弁護士がいる。アメリカは今10万人の市民に対して300人の弁護士がいることを自慢している。
Meanwhile, Roebuck had already made his own contribution to industry with a new process for the manufacture of sulphuric acid. Not long after graduation he had invented an improvement in refining precious metals. This process used sulphuric acid, and in 1749 Roebuck set up a new sulphuric acid manufacturing facility at Prestonpans, near Edinburgh. The earlier manufacturing technique had involved burning sulphur and niter over water and condensing the acid from the fumes in glass globes. Roebuck replaced the glass globes with small chambers and quartered the manufacturing costs.
A. 1. We were shown a picture which they said had the value of a milion dollars. 2. I cannot remember the name of the girl who I think I have met before.
B. 1. These shoes are more comfortable than pretty. 2. I amhappiest when I listen to music.
>>321 he expects to get a driver's licence〜 I doubt if japanese people〜 would you mind turning down〜 I wonder who invented the telephone I remember visiting don't forget to come〜 why don't you try to play this new CD?
1、私の希望は絵の勉強をするために海外に行くことです。 (C=to-不定詞) 2、英語をマスターする最善の方法は毎日英語に触れることです。(C=to-不定詞) →〜に触れる expose oneself to〜 3、実は私は彼と一度も会ったことがありません。(C=that節 The fact is that〜 4、彼女は20年前の彼女ではありません。(C=wh-節) →以前の彼女 what she used to be 5、こうして僕は新しい自転車を買うためにお金を貯めました。 →(お金)を貯める save〜 6、彼が生徒会長に選ばれるのは確実です。(Itではじめる) →生徒会 the student council 7、夜遅くに食事をするのは健康によくない。(Itではじめる) →夜遅くに late at night 8、専門家であるか、そうでないかは、この種の問題においてあまり重要ではない。(S=whether-節)
>>306 Meanwhile, Roebuck had already made his own contribution to industry with a new process for the manufacture of sulphuric acid. Not long after graduation, he had invented an improvement in [ refining precious metals ]. This process used sulphuric acid, and in 1749, Roebuck set up a new sulphuric acid [ manufacturing ] facility at Prestonpans, near Edinburgh. The earlier [ manufacturing ] technique had involved [ burning sulphur and niter over water ] and [ condensing the acid from the fumes in glass globes ]. Roebuck replaced the glass globes with small chambers, and quartered the [ manufacturing ] costs.
>>284 [ ]括りは一番はっきりしますよね。皆さんに広めましょう! 追加解説します。 I have no doubt [that a large number of American lawyers do wonderfully worthwhile things]. But the trouble is [that there are just too many of them].
In fact, the U.S. has more lawyers [ than [ all the rest of the world put together ] makes ]. 米国は、もっと多くの弁護士を持つ[世界のその他の者達がなすよりも] The U.S. now boasts 300 lawyers for every 100,000 citizens.
本文17行目 And then he laughs. Peter Dut has no idea why. ここでビジネスマンが笑った理由が分かりません。
また、本文19行目からの The boys tell me that, until now, all they have ever known about cold is what they felt grasping a bottle of frozen water. An aid worker handed it to them one day during a "cultural orientation" session at the Kakuma Refugee Camp, a place where the temperature hovers around 100 degrees.
ここが上手くつかめません。 「The boys tell me that...」のmeは誰なのでしょうか? この段落(特にuntil now,の扱い)は「今までは寒いと冷たいの違いが分かっていなかった」ということで合ってるでしょうか?
>>326 1 My hope is to go to overseas in order to study painting. 2 The best way of mastering English is to expose oneself to English every day. 3 The fact is that I have never met him. 4 She is not what she used to be 20 years ago. 5 In this way, I saved money in order to buy a new bicycle. 6 It is certain that he is elected the student council. 7 It is not good for one's health to have a meal late at night. 8 It is not so important in this kind of problem whether you are a specialist or not.
>>334 You can imagine [ how limited, his ability [to communicate ] would be ] without language. Man can communicate [ in many non-verbal ways ]. Man can also learn about the thoughts and experience of others [ without being present ]. Language has provided mankind [ with its most important tool ]. [ If it were not without language ], man would communicate only simple things. He can put his talk into [ writing ] [ so that other men may read ].
The Shichi-go-san is an event of Japan November 15. The boy is congratulated by 5 years old, and the girl is congratulated by 3 years old and 7 years old.
A英文の筆者としか考えられない。 19行目ではすでにFargoに舞台が移っていて、NIGHTTIME IN AMERICAの最初の 段落では筆者が雪の中、3人がFargoに到着するのを待っている様子が描かれている。 (その間の4つの段落はアメリカに来ることになった経緯を説明している。)
ビジネスマンとの遣り取りは実際に筆者が隣に張り付いて聞いていたのではなく、 3人がFargoに到着した後で聞いて、それをあたかもその時の様子が目の前で 展開されているかのように描いただけだと考えられる。 And now they find themselves alone in Minneapolisという記述からも Minneapolisでは筆者はそばにいなかったように感じられる。
Happiness lies in the very process of their achievement.
Lastly, do things that you enjoy and that are good for your body. Getting plenty of sleep, exercising, stretching, smiling and laughing can all improve your mood in a short time. Practiced regularly, they can help make your daily life more satisfying. Although the sense of happiness differs between individuals, why don’t you try to put these examples into practice? Then you will be able to live a happier life from now on.
The student is ashamed of having asked such a silly question. →The student is ashamed that he asked such a silly question.
1.Cellphones aren't responsible for having introduced these time-wasting searches. 2.I'm ashamed of not having prepared well before the speech. 3.The woman complained of having been kept waiting so long.
それと、問題の書かれ方がよくわからないのですが この三文も上の問題と同じように書き換えられるものなのでしょうか? 4.A park official complains about them relying on their cellphones just to get information. 5.I remember my grandfather being very kind to me. 6.She didn't approve of her husband eating too much meat.
(1)日本に来られてどれくらいになるのですか。 How____________________________in Japan? (2)もう手を洗いましたか。 Have___________________________? (3)ディズニーランドに何回行ったことがありますか。 How____________________________to Disneyland? (4)祖父が死んで10年になる。 My grandfather_______________________ten years. (5)彼は昨日の朝からずっと寝続けている。 He_______________________________yesterday morning. (6)父が帰宅したときには、私たちは夕食を食べ初めていた。 We__________________________when my father came home. (7)あなたが戻られるときまでに、それを済ませておきます。 I______________________________are back. (8)来月で姉は5年間ニューヨークにいることになります。 My sister___________________________________five years next month.
>>377 She has decided to stay in Australia for a month this summer. Tom stubbornly refused to alter his plan. It's time to go to bed. Stop watching telly. Do you remember having come to this place before? Do you know how to use knife and fork properly? I wonder if I should get in touch with Ken. I hope that you will come on time. Can you figure out what he means?
>>383 How long have you been in Japan? Have you already washed your hands? How many times have you been to Disneyland? My grandfather has been dead for ten years. He has been asleep since yesterday morning. We had began to eat supper when my father came home. I will have finished it by the time you are back. My sister will have lived in New York for five years next month.
長文 If life on another planet evolves intelligence like that of people on Earth, it would have at least a few human-like features . There are good reasons for eyes, ears, and noses to form a kind of face. There are clear advantages in having fingers at the end of the arms. For protection, the brain needs to be in a hard case and as far from the ground as possible. It is possible that strange-looking creatures are living in the seas, land, and skies of other planets. They are not likely to be so strange, however, that we could not recognize them as animals. This is simply because their bodies would have bilateral symmetry.
質問 Does the writer think animals on another planet have something in common with those on Earth? If yes, explain why he thinks so.
答え Yes. This is because he thinks they are (@)(A) way tomore about in thier (B) and it is easy enough for them to (C)
2つの文を組み合わせて1つの文にする問題です 1.The woman pays me a fair. / I work for her. 2.I want to tell you about the party. / I went to it last night. 3.The office is on Main Street. / Amy works in it.
If life on another planet evolves intelligence like that of people on Earth, it would have at least a few human-like features . There are good reasons for eyes, ears, and noses to form a kind of face. There are clear advantages in having fingers at the end of the arms. For protection, the brain needs to be in a hard case and as far from the ground as possible. It is possible that strange-looking creatures are living in the seas, land, and skies of other planets. They are not likely to be so strange, however, that we could not recognize them as animals. This is simply because their bodies would have bilateral symmetry.
質問 Does the writer think animals on another planet have something in common with those on Earth? If yes, explain why he thinks so.
答え Yes. This is because he thinks they are (@)(A) way to more about in thier (B) and it is easy enough for them to (C)
>>380 1. Cellphones aren't responsible that they introduced these time-wasting searches. 2. I'm ashamed that I did not prepare well before the speech. 3. The woman complained that she had been kept waiting so long.
4. A park official complains that they rely on their cellphones just to get information. 5. I remember that my grandfather was very kind to me. 6. She didn't approve that her husband should eat too much meat.
1と6はかなり微妙。 responsibleとapproveはthatを従える可能性のあることが辞書には記載されていない。 また、google book searchで検索しても、調べた範囲では、年代の古い文章でしか、 responsible/approve thatは見つからなかった。
Is the Storekeeper-General in no way responsible that those stores used in the manufactories shall be used for the public advantage, and that due economy shall be practiced in the manufacture? [Parliamentary Papers / Great Britain Parliament. House of Commons, Parliament, Great Britain, House of Commons / 1861]
I do not approve that the answers of learned men, whether advocates or doctors of law, given to those who ask their advice on a point of law, should have such authority that the judge should not be allowed to depart from their opinions. [Works of Francis Bacon / Francis Bacon, James Spedding, Robert Leslie Ellis, Douglas Denon Heath, William Rawley / 1864]
>>395 The woman for whom I work pays me a fair. I want to tell you about the party to which I went last night. The office in which Amy works is on Main Street.
My friend, whom I came to Japan to visit before, has been studying English these days. (私の友人は、私は以前会うために日本に行ったのだが、彼は最近英語の勉強をしている)
とするか、友人の中の不特定の一人を表す、a friend of mineを使って、 A friend of mine whom I came to Japan to visit before has been studying English these days. (私が以前会うために日本に行った私の友人は、最近英語の勉強をしている)
i was eager to close up that chapter of my life forever.as i could not think of any suitable biblical names, i finally chose to be baptised with my chinese name. i had come a circle. 「私は永遠に人生の部分部分を切り取って一つ一つ見て行きたかった。聖書の名前に適したものがないと思ったので、 私はとうとう自分の中国の名前を聖書の名前とした。そして、ことなきをえた。」 自分で訳していてよくわからなかったのですが、訳おねがいします
>>440 へごっ、へごっ!!君。 1 She has been studying for an examination at a library as long as 4 hours. 2 The book which he had been looking for was on the table. 3 Telly's carelessness caused the traffic accident. 4 If you tried that Japanese meal restaurant, you could be surely pleased. はひゃいいぃ〜〜〜〜〜〜ん!かね?へこっ!!!
>>440 She is studying no less than hour hours in the library for a test. The book she was looking for was on the table. Terry's careless driving caused the traffic accident. Try eating that Japanese cuisine at the restaurant, or you will surely get to like it.
1. ここは私が生まれた町です。 This is (where/ born/ the town/ was/ I ). 2. 彼はスーと初めて会った日のことを思い出した。 He recalled (he/ met/ first/ the day/ when) Sue. 3. どんなに忙しくても、1か月に1冊本を読むべきです。 (are/ ,/ however/ you/ busy/ should read/ you) a book a month. 4. 姉は、海外で働いているが、年に1度は帰省する。 My sister, (overseas/ comes/ who/ ,/ is working/ home) once a year.
>>449 This is the town where I was born. He recalled the day when he first met Sue. However busy you are, you should read a book a month. My sister, who is working overseas, comes home once a year.
John's car went ( ) to David's. 1. as two times speed as 2. two times speeding of 3. twice the speed of 4. as twice speeding as
Just going there costs you nothing. It ( ) to try it. 1. will be worth 2. won't be worth 3. won't hurt you 4. will hurt you
The advertisement is for a two-day workshop for freshmen ( ) have just started working. 1. which 2. whose 3. those 4. who
One of the things which people of the industriealized nations ( ) is an adequate supply of clan water. 1. take most for granted 2. take for granted 3. take up with 4.take it out of
>>445 I happened to see a child drop in the pond. The film was so sad that it made me cry. You may be a little nearsighted. You should had your eyesight tested.
>>453 1 3. twice the speed of 〜倍のというときは、2倍までは、twiceを使って、3倍からはthree timesを使う。 2 4. who freshmenが先行詞なのでwho、さらに主格なのでwho 3 2. take for granted 主語が〜のひとつなので、take most for grantedだと意味がおかしくなる。3、4は知らない。
Not much students have the experience of living abroad for long periods.
@Not much Ahave the Bof living Clong periods Although they worked very hardly,they were unable to complete the building on time.
@Although Ahardly Bunable to Cbuilding on time All of the mountains in Japan, Mt.Fuji is the highest.
@All of Athe mountains Bin Japan Cthe highest As conductor,Ms.Hernandez insists that her musians practice as regularly and as hard the way she has always done herself. @As Apractice Bregularly Cthe way
1. 学生時代にもっと英語を勉強していたらなあ。 I (English/ wish/ in my school/ harder/ study/ I ) days. 2. もっと早くに出発していれば、そのバスに間に合ったかもしれないのに。 If I (earlier/ ,/ had/ may catch/ started/ the bus/ I ). 3. 仮に今洪水が起これば、農作物に多大な損害を与えるだろう。 If (were/ a flood/ now/ it/ will cause/ happen/ to/ ,) a lot of damage to the crops. 4. もしあのとき私のアドバイスを聞いていたら、あなたは今ごろもっと幸せだろうに。 If you (then/ will be happier/ my advice/ you/ taken/ ,/ had) now.
>>476 1 I wish study English harder in my school days. 2 If I had started earlier, I may catch the bus. 3 If a flood were happen now, it will cause a lot of damage to the crops. 4 If you had taken my advice then, you will be happier now.
>>476 I wish I had studied English harder in my school days. If I had started earlier, I might have caught the bus. If a flood were to happen now, it would cause a lot of damage to the crops. If you had taken my advice then, you would be happier now.
>>462>>463 ありがとうございます。 Just going there costs you nothing. It ( ) to try it. ですが、最初の文が訳せません。 「そこに無料で行けるよ。」 なのか 「そこに行っても無駄だよ。」 のどっちかの意味だと思うんですが、どちらの訳になりますか?
日本語に訳す問題です。長くてどこで切るときれいに訳せますか? According to the Bible, there was an open field, whose name was Eden, in Mesopotamia, and in the eastern part of this field, a garden was placed, enclosed in evergreen trees, and flowers.
As always happens, people appreciated different values from age to age and the idea of the ideal garden consequently chanfed.
>>489 The new school building is now [ under construction ]. 建物はある[建設下に] They construct the building. They work [ upon the the building ]. The school building is being constructed.
Tomorrow, they will have an outdoor concert [ regardless of the weather ]. 天候に関わり無しに They disregard the weather. They do not decide [ regarding the weather ].
>>491 まずはかたまりごとに区切って部分ごとに訳す Many people fear [that government services might break down and the country's 多くの人々はこわがっている 政府の政策がはちゃめちゃになり国の経済が崩壊してしまう economy fall apart ]<if a major earthquake were to occur in Tokyo>. ことを もし大きな地震が東京で起こったら <With 26 percent of Japan's population>, Tokyo is by far the largest and most 日本の人口の26%を占める 東京は日本のなかではるかに大きくて crowded city in the country. 密集した年である
>>491 Many people fear [ that government services might break down and the country's economy fall apart ] [if a major earthquake were [ to occur in Tokyo ] ]. 大きな地震が、であるとした場合[東京で起こるもの]
With 26 percent of Japan's population, Tokyo is [ by far ] the largest and most [ crowded ] city in the country. [遠きを通して=かけ離れて]、[人々により密集された]都市
>>481 Many people ignore the fact [ that the [ idealized ] body images [ that surround them ] are just-------idealized, 人々を取り囲む理想化された体のイメージは理想化された者にしか過ぎず
and ( the images are ) not something [ that most of us can achieve ]. 私達の殆どの者が達成できる物ではない
The majorty of people do not have and will not have <these perfect bodies> either, but what does that really mean? The truth is [ that it doesn't actually mean [ you can't have the positive thing [ we associate with these images ] ]. <This> is a fantasy [ that started in Hollywood ].
>>495 Many people ignore the fact that the idealised body images that surround them are just that - idealised - and actually unattainable for most of us.
It helps to put the whole issue into perspective, remembering you're not alone. The vast majority of people don't have (and won't ever have) these perfect bodies either, but what does that really mean? The truth is that it doesn't actually mean you can't have the positive things we associate with these images. This is a fallacy that started in Hollywood - and it should remain there.
The biggest myth is you can't be considered physically attractive without fitting into this mould. There are many ways to be attractive beyond the stereotype. It's certainly not always the best looking person that gets the girl or guy.
明日暇なら遊びにいらっしゃいよ。(一語不要) Come[and / are / free / if / me / play / see / you]tomorrow. Come and see me if you are free tomorrow.でいいのでしょうか?
He had placed the lamp on the floor,so [from / I / sat / that / where]I could see only his silhouette. that I sat from where でいいでしょうか?
夏休みは、ほんの6週間しかないが、学んだことを生徒が忘れないように先生は宿題を出す。 During summer vacation, which lasts only six weeks, teachers assign homework [students / what / forget / so / they / will / have / not / learned]
近年のように温暖化が続けば、平均気温は急激に上昇するだろう。(8語) [as been continues global has if it so warming]in recent years, the average temperature will rapidly go up.
it was not until the 20th century that music therapy was first used professionally to answer a need for forms of treatment that were different from comventional practices.
>>516 現在完了形は、[have,has+動詞の過去分詞]で、「これまで」と過去から今までのことを言います。 I eat the dinner. I have eaten the dinner. 僕はこれまで御馳走を食べて今食べ終わっている。 I was hungry. I have been hungry. 僕はこれまでお腹が空いていた。
>>527 More and more students who travel abroad on vacation are increasing. This kind of trip gives them a new experience and broadens their views of the world, so it is very precious.
>>527 The students who go abroad on a vacation have increased.This type of traveling is important because it gives them a new experience and spread their view of things.
>>526 It was not until the 20th century そのことは、20世紀まではなかった [ that music therapy was first used professionally 音楽療法がはじめて専門的に用いられたこと [ to answer a need for forms of treatment 治療の型を生み出す必要に答えるために [ that were different from conventional practices ] ] ]. 従前の施療とは違う
>>529 文法的というか、もしthis letterじゃなくて、a letterなら、コンマなしの 関係代名詞を使う。なぜなら、aっていうのは限定しないから、「色々な類の手紙があるが、 その中でも、私をかなしくさせるような手紙」っていう風に制限できるから。 this letter はもう「この手紙」ってことで十分に制限されてる。
>>527 An increasing number of students travel abroad on holidays. A trip of this nature is invaluable because it offers a new experience and widens their horizons.
Major supermarkets are engaging in price cuts to keep customers as a sagging stock market and worsening corporate earnings pressure consumers to tighten their purse strings.
日本語に訳して下さい おねがいいたします。 Gyudon, a bowl of steamed rice topped with sliced beef cooked in soya sauce, onions and herbs, was priced at under 300yen because American beef is cheaper than meat from Japan.
The beef shortage was caused by the Japanese government's ban on imports of U.S. beef, following the discovery of mad cow disease in the state of Washington in December 2003.
With its famouse gyudon dish no longer on the menu, Yoshinoya hurried to introduce new menu items, including salmon bowls, and curry and chicken dishes.
>>554 I was learning [ what it felt like [ to be black ] ]. What does it feel like [ to be black ]?
A: What does [ being black ] feel like? B: [ Being black ] feels like [ ( that ) you are being treated as a [ being ] [ which is less valuable than all the others ] ].
>>566 Gyudon, a bowl of [ steamed ] rice [ topped with [ sliced ] beef [ cooked in soya sauce, onions and herbs ] ], was priced at under 300yen [ because American beef is cheaper than meat from Japan ].
The beef shortage was caused by the Japanese government's ban on imports of U.S. beef, [ following the discovery of mad cow disease in the state of Washington in December 2003 ].
With its famous gyudon dish no longer on the menu, Yoshinoya hurried [ to introduce new menu items ], [ including salmon bowls, and curry and chicken dishes ].
( )には何が入りますか?簡単な解説もください。 ( ) in a small town near the Sahara desert,the fossil was estimated to be almost two million years old. 1. Discovering 2. Having discoverd 3. Discovered 4. By discovering
If you ( ) me, I would have helped you input the data. 1. ask 2. asked 3. have asked 4. had asked
The recommendation that ( ) to our head office in NY was approved. 1. Barbara will be transferred 2. Barbara transfer 3. Barbara shall be transferred 4. Barbara be transferred
Since there are so many rings on display, I don't know which ( ). 1. to choose 2. should choose 3. can choose 4. is choosing
>>565 Major supermarkets are engaging in price cuts [ to keep customers ] [ as a [ sagging ] stock market and [ [ worsening ] corporate [ earnings ] ] pressure consumers [ to tighten their purse strings ].
( 2) in a small town near the Sahara desert,the fossil was estimated to be almost two million years old. 発見されたのは、2百年前のものと推測されるのよりも前だから。
If you ( 4) me, I would have helped you input the data. 仮定法過去完了
The recommendation that ( 2) to our head office in NY was approved. recommendのような推薦・提案を表すもののあとのにはshouldが入るので、動詞は原形となり、またshouldは 省略されるが、その名残として、原形である事は残る。 あと推薦するわけだから、受動態はよくないから4はダメだと思う。
Since there are so many rings on display, I don't know which ( 1). 主語を省略してwhich to Vとできる。
並び替えお願いします I [get up/don't/early/as/as]Nick. My father's watch is [mine/more/expensive/than]. This dictionary is[useful/less/that one/than]. Study[quietly/as/possible/as]in this room.
simply finding what you love to do and having time to do it is also a key factor. what~doのあたりとhaving~doのあたりがわかりません high paying jobs can leave people with little energy left over for their loved ones. so what place should money have in hiroshi's life? もうわけわかりません。お願いします
カッコの中を埋める問題で、 The people ( ) I met at the party last night were interesting. という文章があったのですが、このカッコの中は、whomだと思ったのですが、 回答をみると、whoになっていました。 なぜwhoなのでしょうか。それとも、回答が間違っているのでしょうか。 教えて下さい!!!
askのobjectに人をいれるとその対象になるobjectを入れる必要がある。 -> I asked him the answer to make sure. I asked his answer to make sure.と意味は同じで言い回しの違い。
言っている意味わかりました。 例えばI answered to his question.という言い回しだと「彼が質問をしてきたから回答した」という意味になる。 それに対してI answered his question.だと「質問に答える」となって、話の場面によっては意味が微妙に違ってくる。 例になるパラグラフがあるといいんだけどね。
679 残念ながらアメリカ暮らしの長いおっさんには副詞用法って言葉の意味がわからないんですよ。 to make sureが副詞adverbとして動詞askedを修飾しているという意味では副詞用法で正しい。 英語だとinfinitiveって言って動詞askedの状態を表すto do。日本語で言うと不定詞。
Now there is in America a curious combination of pride in having risen to a position where it is no longer necessary to depend on manual labor for a living and genuine delight in what one is able to accomplish with his hand. の和訳を誰か教えてください
1 あのレストランは席を予約する必要があるかどうか知りたいのです。 I want to know whether I should make a reservation at that restaurant. 3 野球場へ行くのに、どのバスに乗ればよいかわかりませんでした。 I didn't know of which bus to go to the ballpark.
The lady is very lucky. She won five million yen in the lottery. 関係代名詞で一文にする問題です the lady と sheをあわせるのは分かるんですがその後に続く説明部分がどれを持ってきていいのやら wonのほうを持ってきてもinからの部分はそのままつなげていいのやら分からず 解説お願いします
日本語に訳して下さい。 1. Her first submitted manuscript, The Myusterious Affair at Styles, was rejected at least six times by publishers before it was finally published in 1920.
2. Agatha's real life contains mysteries as deep as those she created in her fiction.
(Now) there is (in America) a curious combination of @pride in having risen to a position (where it is no longer necessary to depend on manual labor for a living) Aand genuine delight in (what one is able to accomplish with his hand).
>>691 @The lady is very lucky. She won five million yen in the lottery. ↓ AThe lady [ she won five million yen in the lottery ] is very lucky. ↓ BThe lady [ who won five million yen in the lottery ] is very lucky.
CThe lady [ having won five million yen in the lottery ] is very lucky.
>>694 Her first [ submitted ] manuscript, The Myusterious Affair at Styles, was rejected at least six times by publishers [ before it was finally published in 1920 ].
Agatha's real life contains mysteries as deep as those [ she created in her fiction ].
>>695 World conditions are constantly changing, and attitudes must change with them.
We must see ourselves as citizens of a world community of nations [ which cooperate with one anoter for their common good ].
Gyudon, a bowl of steamed rice topped with sliced beef cooked in soya sauce, onions and herbs, was priced at under 300yen because American beef is cheaper than meat from Japan.
The beef shortage was caused by the Japanese government's ban on imports of U.S. beef, following the discovery of mad cow disease in the state of Washington in December 2003.
With its famouse gyudon dish no longer on the menu, Yoshinoya hurried to introduce new menu items, including salmon bowls, and curry and chicken dishes.
>>706 1Why don't you go to a river to fish if it's fine tomorrow? 2A lot of my friends consider those who can speak English and have been to America as internationally-minded people.
>>706 Say! I love you! [ If the weather is fine tomorrow ], Let [ us go [ fishing ] ]. I want [ to spend the day, us two alone ], [ because I really love you and wish [ to share our souls] ], and in the evening, we will share bodies. Oh, how exciting it would be [ as I imagine that ]!
A friend of mine speaks English well as he has been in the USA. There are lots of people [ who think blindly [ that he must be an international-minded person ] ].
Women enjoying the pleasures of working in society no longer regard marriage as their goal of 'lifetime employment.'
Perhaps you've heard of 'The three Ts'? Apparently young women nawadays see their ideal man as being Tall, coming from a Top-level university and having a Top income.
和訳して頂けませんでしょうか? 1. It's ture that in the United States, if you don't care what school you go, and if you have enough money, any high school graduate can be aditted to a college.
2. Their average overall grade is calculated and yused as a way for universities to evaluate applicants.
>>723 Women [ enjoying the pleasures of [ working in society] ] no longer regard marriage as their goal of 'lifetime employment.'
Perhaps you've heard of 'The three Ts'? Apparently young women nowadays see their ideal man as [ being tall], [ coming from a top-level university ] and [ having a top income ].
@But if there is only a little knowledge about it, then any information has more impact. AThis is one of the problems Americans have concerning Japan. BBy getting rid of negative stereotypes, we should be able to appreciate each other in more "true-to-life" fashion.
( ) in a small town near the Sahara desert,the fossil was estimated to be almost two million years old. 1. Discovering 2. Having discoverd 3. Discovered 4. By discovering
3番の Discovered が正解との事ですが、つまり分詞構文ですよね? 略せずに文に直すと、Because it was discovered になるのですか? それなら Being discoverd 〜 .になると思うのです。 問題はこの通りで合ってます。
>>782 > 782 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 []: 2008/10/23(木) 00:38:25 > > be able toまたはhave toを適切な形にして空所を埋める問題なのですが、これらは適切な形に出来るのでしょうか? > 基本的なことですみませんが回答お願い致しますorz > > > 1.The train was full.Fred()find a seat. had to
> > 2.There are no buses tonight.She()walk home. had to > > 3.I'm afraid I won't()come to the party tomorrow. be able to > > 4.He didn't understand much English.Kate()speak slowly. had to > > 5.I()speak two languages.I'm bilingual.
>>786 > >>782 > > 782 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 []: 2008/10/23(木) 00:38:25 > > > > be able toまたはhave toを適切な形にして空所を埋める問題なのですが、これらは適切な形に出来るのでしょうか? > > 基本的なことですみませんが回答お願い致しますorz > > > > > > 1.The train was full.Fred()find a seat. > had to > was not able to 電車が満員で席を見つけられなかった
a seat(席)→ a vacant seat(空席) 英語のseatに空席の意味はない。おそらく問題文が間違ってる。
> > 5.I()speak two languages.I'm bilingual. > > なし > > am able toで良い。 「言語を話す能力がある」ことを表す場合、は日本語では可能の助動詞を使うのが、英語では“can”や“be able to” を使うといやみに聞こえるので、普通は使わない。 この問題文では、「俺は2ヶ国語話せるぜwww、母国語しか話せないおまいら涙目www」って意味になる。
>>817 現在完了進行形はhave been doingの形。 I have played soccer for 3 hours. (3時間サッカーしました) I have been playing soccer for 3 hours. (3時間ずっとサッカーしてます) I am playing soccer. (今サッカーしてます) てな感じ。ググ゙ったりすると詳しくわかると思う。
It always seems that the amount of effort and energy put into a piece of writing has no relation to the results.People without education say, “If only I had education I could write.”People with education say, “If only I had talent I could write.”People with education and talent say,“If only I had self-discipline I could write.” People with education,talent,and self-discipline―and there are plenty of them who can not write―say,“If only...”and do not know what to say next.
>>825 It always seems [ that the amount of effort and energy [ put into a piece of [ writing ] ] has no relation to the results. People without education say, “[ If only I had education ], I could write.” People with education say, “[ If only I had talent ], I could write.” People with education and talent say, “[ If only I had self-discipline ], I could write.” People with education,talent,and self-discipline― and there are plenty of them [ who can not write ]― say,“[ If only... ]” and do not know [ what to say next ].
Not all environmentalists think this way , of course. But many people have come to believe that all we have to do to save the world is leave nature alone, minimize human impact , protect the places untouched by human activity, and try to rediscover the values of tribal and village life.In this view, science and technology are bad things.But a different idea is beginning to emerge , born of a revised understanding of the past , new information about the present , and different scenarios of what may lie ahead.
In this view, science and technology are bad things. この見解によると、科学や技術は悪いことになります。
But a different idea is beginning to emerge , born of a revised understanding of the past , new information about the present , and different scenarios of what may lie ahead. しかし、違った認識が出始めており、修正された過去の解釈、 新たな現在の情報、待ちうけるであろう異なるシナリオが生じてきています。
>>878 This is a three-day tour which allows you to savour the Japanese culture and which will, for sure, leave a memorable imprint on your brain -- a tour we offer you with unabated confidence.
This tour provides you a full satisfaction with Japanese culture. It is gonna be a memorable three-day. We are confident of your satisfaction with this tour.
>>890 1. The musical instrument must have been rare to the audience. 2. That is called Bagpipe and may be needed when you play Scottish music. 3. Bagpipe might have been brought to Scotland by Romans. 4. That must have been discovered quite a long time ago.
In the early days of the war, my grandmother impolred him to stop taking the German newspaper and to take a English language paper instead. He scoffed at the idea, explaining that the fact that it was in German did not make it a German newspaper, but only an American newpaper, printed in German.
>>906 @ここのhave が「占める」の意味。平叙文の語順で言えば money have some place つまり「金が、ある場所を持つ(占める)」 Ashould は、「〜であるはずである」というニュアンスの単語。 それが転じて「〜であろう」(確定的な推定)になっている。 ここでは、money should have で「金が占めるであろう」(位置) という意味。 分かるでしょうか?
>>901 > In the early days of the war, my grandmother impolred him to stop taking the German newspaper and to take a English language paper instead. > He scoffed at the idea, explaining that the fact that it was in German did not make it a German newspaper, but only an American newpaper, printed in German.
He scoffed at the idea,(彼はその考えをあざ笑った) explaining that (that〜を説明しながら) the fact that (that〜という事実) (the fact that)it was in German(それ[←新聞]がドイツ語であった) (the fact that)did not make it a German newspaper, (それ[←新聞]はドイツの新聞を作ったのではなく) but only an American newpaper, (アメリカの新聞を[作った]) printed in German. (ドイツ語で印刷した)
区切って訳すとこうなる。 the fact that it was in German (新聞が)ドイツ語であるという事実が did not make it a German newspaper そそまま「ドイツの新聞」を意味しない but only an American newpaper, printed in German. 単に「ドイツ語で書かれた(刷られた)」米紙というだけだ。
※ German を何と訳すかがポイントな気がする ※この物語の前後関係が分かれば、多少違った訳もあり得る。
>>901 In the early days of the war, my grandmother impolred him [ to stop [ taking the German newspaper ] and [ to take a English language paper instead ].
He scoffed at the idea, 彼はその考えに対して笑った I[ explaining 説明して G[ that the fact G[ that it was in German ] did not H[ make it a German newspaper ] ], 新聞がドイツ語という事実がドイツの新聞であるとはならなくて but G[ ( that it was ) only an American newpaper, I[ printed in German ] ]. 新聞はドイツ語で印刷された米国の新聞であると
>>860 日本にいたら、私の若い時代が何もしないで過ぎてしまうという思いがあった。 だから、私はアメリカに来たのだ。 I thought *G[ that *G[ if I had stay in Japan ] my youth would have passed without I[ doing anything valuable ] ]. This is G[ why I came to the US ].
もし、何をしてもうまくいったら、 われわれは人生が退屈だと思うことであろう。 *G[ If anything G[ that we do ] went well ], *CWe might think G[ that our life is boring ].
One still hears a foolish claim G[ that a child of German ancestry ought H[ to be able H[ to learn German more easily than some other language ] ]. Our experience discredits this. An infant G[ whatever race ( it may be ) ] learns G[ whatever language it hears ], one about as easily as another. Complete adaptability confers the gift of survival. Children do not depend on particular culture but fit themselves to the one G[ into which they are born ], and that culture in turn is one G[ that is maintaining itself in a not always friendly universe. G[ Whatever success it has ] is largely due to the I[ understanding ] and cooperation G[ that language makes possible ].
@( ) are today's women less restricted to their homes, but increasingly they refuse even to accept the roles of junior partner in the marriage. 1. What 2. There 3. Nothing 4. Not only
ASome countries like Thailand, ( ) be sixty percent coverd with forest, now hasu to import wood. 1. which used to 2. which will 3. where used to 4. where will
BI don't know why you drank that much. You ( ) while you could still stand up. 1. should stop drinking 2. should stop to drink 3. should have stopped drinking 4. should have stopped to drink
CWe need forests for oxygen, to keep away heat, to keep down noise levesl, ( ) for beauty. 1. as far as 2. as much as 3. as long as 4. as well as
>>923 ありがとうございました。 where used toではなくwhich used to なのは何故でしょうか。 先行詞が場所の時はwhere だったような気がするのです。
ATiger Woods has many fans. They love to watch him ( ) golf. 1. play これもto play もしくは playing だと思っていました。ゴルフをすることを、の意味ですよね。 参考書、辞書を見ても載っていません。 なぜ動詞の原型になるのですか。
@( ) are today's women less restricted to their homes, but increasingly they refuse even to accept the roles of junior partner in the marriage. 4. Not only not only A but also B : AだけでなくBである の構文だとは思うのですが、 今日の女性は家庭にあまり制限されていないだけでなく、結婚において ますます配偶者の役割を受け入れることさえも断る。 junior partner も上手く訳せないのですが、これだと意味がよく分かりません。 どなたか日本語訳添削して頂けませんか?
>>931 ありがとうございます。すいません、2番目の問題があちこち間違っていました。 AThe solar system ( ) the sun, nine planets and other celestial bodies that orbit the sun. 1. is consisted of 2. consists of でした。 ソーラーシステムは太陽、9つの惑星、太陽の軌道に乗っている天体からなる。 consist inは辞書に載っていたのですが、間違えて書いてしまいました。 問題では上の2つのどちらかです。 この問題は、受動態にするのか通常の文なのかどちらなのでしょうか。
私が調べた範囲ですと、「提案・要求・主張・命令・判断を表す動詞・形容詞 主節に提案・要求・主張・命令・判断を表す動詞・形容詞 ( suggest 「提案する」 , demand 「要求する」 , insist 「主張する」 , order 「命令する」, necessary 「必要だ」 など)があるとき、従属節に訳さない should が入ることがある。」 なので、例えば I recommendated (とか suggested) that Cindy (should省略可能) transfer to our head office. なら分かるのです。この文章と>>932の問題は問われている事が同じと思えないのです。
>>938 1 Turning the corner left, you will find the hotel. 2 Being persuaded by his parents, John decided to apply for the job. 3 Not knowing the answer, Scott asked me for help in class.
>>938 [ Turning the corner ], you will find the hotel. [ Persuaded by his parents ], John decided [ to apply for the job ]. [ Not being able to answer the question ], Scott asked me for help in class.
>>921 Not only are today's women less restricted to their homes, but increasingly they ( also ) refuse even [ to accept the roles of junior partner in the marriage ].
Some countries like Thailand, [ which used to be sixty percent coverd with forest ], now has to import wood.
I don't know [ why you drank that much ]. You should have stopped [ drinking ] [ while you could still stand up ].
We need forests for oxygen, [ to keep away heat ], [ to keep down noise level ], as much as for beauty.
コテハンの人、ありがとうございました。ですが 空欄にひとつ間違いがあるので、直す問題。 If I (were) you, I (would) (have) (taken) that important position right away. やっぱり納得がいかないんですよね。I would be taken ならどういう意味になりますか? 問題が間違ってる可能性もあるんですが、入試の過去問なので。私の転機ミスはありません。
文脈はないです。この文だけ出されて間違ってるところを指摘する問題です。 おそらく口語的には問題なくても、文法的に何か間違ってると思うんです。 would は合ってますよね。 合ってるなら次は原型が来るからhave も大丈夫。 takenが to take とか taking とか been taking にはなりませんか?
>>959 Then I noticed something else, something I would have noticed right away if I hadn't been hit so hard by the baby's dark skin.
What have happened if Jesus had been a woman? I'll tell you. If she had been a woman, a female, she would have gotten killed right away unless the divine spirit of God would have prevented it.
>>993 干ばつが広範囲にわたっている国々では、国土を安全するには どうしたらいいかを国民に考える運動が行われている。 In countries [ where drought is widespred ], there are compaigns [ to educate the people on [ how to preserve the land ] ] ].
>>994 Who discovered America? Who(m) was America discovered by? いいんすよ〜ん よろぴく〜