it's okay i'm like real lazy most of the time lol stupid texas weather . me too! like ohh my god i swear i was gonna cry, i loveee him! and mike, i was like the first to notice him when he came out.
Sen. Obama said,"People of the world, look at Berlin where a wall came down, a continent came together and history proved that there is no challenge too great for a world that stands as one."
short of 【1】〜が足りない[不足している]、〜に達していない、〜の手前で ・We are a little short of paper cups for the picnic. ピクニックのための紙コップが少し足りない。 【2】〜を除いて、〜以外は、〜を問題外として、〜がなければ◆【類】except for
Our staff is currently involved in making modifications to "the english teaching collection"to address some of the very issues you have raised. と Each is independent with no progression to another exercise.
Provide to the issuer, in a form suitable for release to the market, confirmation that it is not aware of any non-compliance with the Rules by the issuer that has not been brought to the attention of the new sponsor, or if there is no new sponsor,
I'm going to a club today right now. I'm on my way,waiting for the train I'm planning to dance all night. do you like clubs or live houses?
yea every weekend I have a day off and starting from 1st of august I have summer holidays. any hanabi is fine with me so you can which day suits you best. and a supper is definitely a good idea.
One frequently mentioned concern is that an engineered gene for a trait like resistance to insects or drought will move from a crop to weedy relative. お願いしますm(´..`)m なんとなく意味はわかるのですが、最初のほうの文の構造が良くわからなくて・・・ 【One frequently mentioned concern】が主語だとすると、 これを肯定文に書き直したら They(We) frequently mention concern one that ... となり、 mention の目的語が、concern であるとするとconcernは名詞となるので、その後に続くoneが良くわからなくなってしまいます。 また、mentionの直接目的語がconcern で、間接目的語がone that...であるのかとも考え、 辞書でも、mention O1 O2といった使用法がないか調べたのですが、どうもないようで、
次に、【One】が主語だとすると、動詞が【mentioned】で、その目的語が【(that) concern is that...】となり、うまくつながるのですが、 今度は時制が変で、時制の一致で、thatの中は過去形になるはずであるのに、 isやwillと、現在形で書かれています。 考えたところ、不変の真理でもないようです。 すごく初歩的なところで躓いている可能性もあるので、 わかる方がいらっしゃったら、ご回答お願いいたします。
We tend to regard the people who crossed the plains in covered wagons along time ago as pioneers. But they were not the only pioneers,nor did all pioneers live long ago.
I now have a new job,my first major one since finishing school. I work at a small company(there are only three of us right now) that we call a'start-up'here in the US.We are trying to make a new device to measure pH(if you recall your chemistry,pH is the measure of how acidic something is).It seems promising but is a lot of work.
外国に対するうどんの輸出量は増えている→apparently due to a growing fondness overseas for Japanese food and the growing ranks of Japanese baseball players plying their trade overseas.
Most were udon noodles, of which about 40 percent were shipped from Osaka, Kobe and other ports in the Kansai region near Kagawa Prefecture, the top-ranked prefecture in udon manufacturing. 直訳&意訳(できれば直訳)お願いします
We cannot always do what is absolutely best. Those with whom we act have different ideas. They have the right and power to act on their ideas. We make progress only one step at a time. To do our fellow men the most good, we must lead where we can, follow where we cannot. But we must still go with them, watching always for the moment we can help them move forward another step.
A man of virtue,and not of wealth deserves our respect.
I have told you of primitive oliterature composed before the time of books and of grammars,which was and is,and will long continue to be ,urivalled literature.
Children - as such forgive them - pick flowers and drop them by the way side.
Elders should be more thoughtful and consider what chances the flowers they gather or tear up by the roots have of survival in their vases or their gardens.
英文それ自体は、適切だと思います。ただし、軟らかい表現を多用しているので 読みづらくなったのだと思います。まず、本文でイメージしているのは、現在は アパートに住んでいて、過去に住んでいた一軒家での鯉を飼っていたことを なつかしんでいます。 次に、英語の表現ですが、back into a houseには前に書かれている 動詞moveが省略されており、またa houseはaですから一軒家全般を指します。 また、to be out backについてですが、その続きとしてmaking a new pondと 書かれていますから、outの意味は庭に出る、と解釈しました。さらにbackは 戻る、と言う意味ですが、先に出たa houseを一緒に考えると、自分のイメージの 中にある過去においてすごした、一軒家全般のイメージに帰ることを言っていると 考えました。蛇足ですが、正直言いまして、柔らかい文ほど、読みとるのが難しいので 気にされる必要はないと思います。
You should have a look at them on the internet. They are absolutely brilliant. I visited them last year with Lauren but I'm going with my friends this time (as Lauren and I are not dating any more). It should be heaps of fun.
a history of congestive heart failure, which was defined as symptomatic New York Heart Association (NYHA) class II or IV heart failure within the previous 6 months, an asymptomatic condition for which the patient had been hospitalized for heart failure during the previous 6 months, or a left ventricular ejection fraction of 25% or less
For me, it is an important saying that has to do with the setbacks I have had in my life. Please, help me out, I would really appreciate if you could translate it for me in Japanese writing.
First I wanted to say that I send this e-mail also on behalf of Ellis and that you e-mails don't annoy her.Just like me se really likes them, but I awnser them for the both of us.
Therapies for rate control included adjusted doses of beta-blockers with digitalis to achieve the targeted heart rate, which was defined as a ventricular rate of less than 80 beats per minute during resting 12-lead electrocardiography and of less than 110 beats per minute during a 6-minute walk test; お願いします
ATTENTION : In order for your order to process completely, the Shipping & Billing fields in the form MUST be filled out correctly or your order will not be able to be processed.
i havent, i go back to my home town and didnt use computer for a long time, and cant contact with the friend of mine. i will ask for this theme from my friend if there is any oppunity but i need to come back and get my computer first
but now wer gettin a anotha puppy. crnt beleve it that we had the dog since i wos 8 years old..!!!!!! =but now we're getting another puppy. (I)can't believe that we had the dog since I was 8 years old!!! かな。
>>154 ありがとうございます。 we had the dog は絶対2匹目の犬のことだと思ってましたorz 「getting O →Oを得ているところ →得ようと探している →手に入れる予定」、となるんでしょうか。 違和感というか少し無理があるように感じたのですが、こんな風にgetting を使うのは普通のことなんですか?
Cart up-sell: Checkout by Amazon enables you to up-sell your products within the checkout pipeline. At your option, you can also earn Associate commissions for up-selling Amazon products during checkout.
アマゾンのCheckout by Amazonというサービスを調べているんですが Cart up-sellって意味がうまくつかめません。 up-sellってのはよりよい商品を売るということはわかるんですが。
Jack told me how pissed off he was over the swap. ''I wasn't real happy with the way things turned out. My end of the deal didn't last too long.'' I assumed Jack didn't get what he wanted out of the bargain.
Its ethereal sound is due in part to the bell begin pointed toward the back wall instead of directly at the audience. The horn has a conical bore wrapped tightly in a circle of valves and tubes.
The argument can certainly be made that The Iliad celebrates war, obviously, but not all the symbols in this poem support that interpretation. What symbol or symbols might suggest a less vainglorious attitude toward warfare?
分の途中なので旨く訳せないかもしれないので最初から書きます。 The French horn is probably the most mysterious of the brass instruments. Its ethereal sound is due in part to the bell begin pointed toward the back wall instead of directly at the audience. The horn has a conical bore wrapped tightly in a circle of valves and tubes. The horn has a much more mellow soud than the trumpet and trombone, more closely realated to the tuba, which is also conical.
>>196 水に前もって浸すと、およそ10日で発芽すると書かれています。 to hasten はto不定詞の副詞的用法「〜するために」であり、 関係代名詞whichの先行詞はgerminationです。 前の方の内容は、水に浸すであり、それを受けて発芽について 書かれているので、上のような解釈になります。
It is also possible that it is important for an animal to feel that it has some purpose, that for social animals
that purpose involves keaningful interactions with others, and that the self-respect gained from cooperation might be more important than getting a biscuit as a reward?
then it is the belief in equality, not in the sense that everybody is alike or equally gifted , which is obviously untrue, but in the sense that everyone should have certain basic oppotunities.
That is really nice of you,I would probably visit you but I also have a friend that lives near TOKYO. I would prpbably visit her first.She is really pretty her name is Kiyoko. I am not sure if I spelled that right lol.
can you get me a favour? I would like you to send me some bra jackets (cover books) from Tokyo, because we don't have this in France,and I know in Japon It's free and you can find it everywhere.Thank you very much if you can do that for me, and if you need something from here very french for example, you can ask me too !
お願いします I moved to California to start a new life, but instead I lost a good friend ... well I thought he was a good friend. It just wasn't meant to be.
大筋では理解出来ているのですが、細かい所(友人を失ったのはカリフォルニアに行ったからか そこから出たからか?という点やIt just 〜の部分がよくわかりません)
>>256さん ありがとうございます。 メルトモの文なんですが、かなりディープなので、誤解したくないのですが moved to は目的地に移ったということでしょうか?英辞郎とかはそんな感じで出ますが。 書き手は、今カリフォルニアにいるのでなく、帰郷しています。しかしカリフォルニアにも 最近移住していました。時勢的に回想を書いているのか現況を書いているのかも把握していません。 おねがいします(><)
「」の1文だけ訳してください。 “Look, no matter where you live, the biggest defect we human beings have is our shortsightedness. We don’t see what we could be. We should be looking at our potential, stretching ourselves into everything we can become. But if you’re surrounded by people who say ‘I want mine now,’ you end up with a few people with everything and a military to keep the poor ones from rising up and stealing it.” 〜中略〜 “The problem, Mitch, is that 「we don’t believe we are as much alike as we are.」 Whites and blacks, Catholics and Protestants, men and women. If we saw each other as more alike, we might be very eager to join in one big human family in this world, and to care about that family the way we care about our own. お願いします。
rewrite the sentences below by substituting one of these expres- sions for underlined part of each sentence. make the necessary changed. listen to check your answers.
「」部を訳してください The “Nightline” crew came back for its third and final visit. The whole tenor of the thing was different now. Less like an interview, more like a sad farewell. Ted Koppel had called several times before coming up, and he had asked Morrie, “Do you think you can handle it?” Morrie wasn’t sure he could. “I’m tired all the time now, Ted. And I’m choking a lot. If I can’t say something, will you say it for me?” Koppel said sure. And then the normally stoic anchor added this: “If you don’t want to do it, Morrie, it’s okay. I’ll come up and say good-bye anyhow.” 「Later, Morrie would grin mischievously and say, “I’m getting to him.”」 And he was. Koppel now referred to Morrie as “a friend.” My old professor had even coaxed compassion out of the television business. よろしくお願いします。
>>278 まず、wouldの使い方ですが、これを控えめな表現と考えました。 ここでの「〜したらしい」は推測の意味です。この根拠は本文の次の行に And he was. とありますが、訳すと、実際そうであった、となり、教授がその場にはおらず、その前の部分は後から人づてに 聞いたことがわかる。それで、wouldに推測の意味を込めました。一般に、常識的に考えて なぜここで助動詞の過去形を用いるか分からないときは、控えめな表現をしたいのでは、 と疑うのも一つのやり方です。
つぎにget to himですが、Koppel now referred to Morrie as “a friend. を訳すと、コッペルは今ではモーリを友人としている、となり、実際のところ、2人は仲のいい 友人になったわけですから、その流れから、戻ってget to himを解釈しました。手前の And he was.も加えていくとわかりやすくなります。つまり、実際には、モーリはコッペルと親しくなった。 コッペルは今ではモーリを友人としている、と言う流れです。以上が自分なりの解釈です。
I am thinking about perhaps coming to Japan to teach English as it seems there is much demand for native English speaking teachers there. Do you know anything of this … is it true? I am curious if it would be fun for me to do such a thing? If so, where would you recommend I live … what part of Japan is most interesting or beautiful?
>>296 I am thinking about perhaps [ coming to Japan [ to teach English [ as it seems [ there is much demand for native English [ speaking ] teachers there ] ] ].
Do you know anything of this … is it true? I am curious [ if it would be fun [ for me to do such a thing ] ]. [ If so ], where would you recommend [ I live ]… what part of Japan is most interesting or beautiful?
>>263 “Look, [ no matter where you live ], the biggest defect [ we human [ beings ] have ] is our shortsightedness. We don’t see [ what we could be ]. We should be looking at our potential, [ stretching ourselves into everything [ we can become ] ]. But [ if you’re surrounded by people [ who say ‘I want mine now,’] ] you end up with a few people with everything and (with) a military [ to keep the poor ones from [ rising up and stealing it.” ] ] 〜中略〜
“The problem, Mitch, is [ that we don’t believe [ we are as much alike [ as we are ] ] ]. Whites and blacks, Catholics and Protestants, men and women. [ If we saw each other as more alike ], we might be very eager [ to join in one big human family in this world ], and [ to care about that family the way [ we care about our own ] ].
[ If we saw each other as more alike ], we might be very eager [ to join in one big human family in this world ], and [ to care about that family the way [ we care about our own ] ].
A week after he stunned Wall Street by selling billions of dollars of toxic mortgage investments for pennies on the dollar, Mr. Thain defended his decision on Monday...
1.「リスクの高い不動産投資」=risky 2.「不良(債権)化した不動産投資」すでに不良化している = bad, uncollectible, etc. 3.「不良化する危険のある不動産投資」今後不良化する可能性ある = likely to be defaulted
Okay no problem, I must wait also still for the second magazine, I get it supplied. With interest I in addition, still another expenditure of the magazine have on DVD for you. It would reduce forwarding expenses. It exists to acquire then still the possibility the "A" magazine, the second magazine of "B" is burned on DVD (Mac/Windows).
I am skeptical about that being the entire reason. I suspect that, at least in some cases, it is just a convenient and socially acceptable excuse to do what people wanted to do all along. 教えてえろい人。
Can you imagine,taht I found your email in a my spaminhilator`s "garbage bin"? I hope I have taught that tool that you are very important person and it will never repeat that!
Heya Tom, it's Bob, from the office down the hall. Good to see you, buddy. How've you been? Things have been okay for me, except that I'm a zombie now. I really wish you'd let us in.
answer the questions with words from the essay. そのエッセイから単語を使って質問に答えなさい。 rewrite the sentences below by substituting one of these expressions for underlined part of each sentence. 下記の文の各文の下線部をこれらの表現で書き換えなさい。 make the necessary changed. 必要なところを変えなさい。 listen to check your answers. あなたの回答を確認するために聞きなさい。
「」部をお願いします。 “Last night …” Morrie said softly. Yes? Last night? “… I had a terrible spell. It went on for hours. And I really wasn’t sure I was going to make it. No breath. No end to the choking. At one point, I started to get dizzy … and then I felt a certain peace, I felt that I was ready to go.” His eyes widened. 「“Mitch, it was a most incredible feeling. The sensation of accepting what was happening, being at peace. I was thinking about a dream I had last week, where I was crossing a bridge into something unknown. Being ready to move on to whatever is next.”」 But you didn’t. Morrie waited a moment. He shook his head slightly. “No, I didn’t. But I felt that I could.
This state of things might have lasted until his working life and had ended in the natural way had not his employer, the head of the firm, died and his son, young man with modern ideas and a determination to increase his business, come into possession.
cooking breakfast朝ごはんを作るで使えますか?それおとも料理の 名前がcookingの後に入らないとおかしいですか? I help my mother in preparing breakfastを変わりにcooking で使えるのかなぁ。。。と思って。検索するとcooking breakfastも 英語のページには載ってるのですが、日本のページはすごい少ないので・・ にある記事を読んだのですが、 "My Pocket Monster would get a real workout if I had a Woody." という文の意味がさっぱりわかりませんでした。 前後の文脈から判断すると、アメリカ人はこれを卑猥な言葉と解釈するようなのです。 分かる方がいらっしゃいましたら、アメリカ人が取る意味での和訳を教えていただけないでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。
「」部お願いします He enters the classroom, sits down, doesn't say anything. He looks at us, we look at him. At first, there are a few giggles, but Morrie only shrugs, and eventually a deep silence falls and we begin to notice the smallest sounds, the radiator humming in the comer of the room, the nasal breathing of one of the fat students. Some of us are agitated. When is he going to say something? We squirm, check our watches. A few students look out the window, trying to be above it all. This goes on a good fifteen minutes, before Morrie finally breaks in with a whisper. "What's happening here?" he asks. And slowly a discussion begins---as Morrie has wanted all along---about the effect of silence on human relations. Why are we embarrassed by silence? What comfort do we find in all the noise? I am not bothered by the silence. 「For all the noise I make with my friends, I am still not comfortable talking about my feelings in front of others---especially not classmates.」 I could sit in the quiet for hours if that is what the class demanded. よろしくお願いします。
お願いします。次の英文中の memes はどういう意味でしょうか。 Like a lot of unsanitary places,4chan is gloriously fertile. What grows there is memesーideas and jokes and fads that spread acoss the Net.
there was an actor here that just dyed from pneumonia because it start out as a cold that just doesn't go away until ur lungs fill with moisture and then die!!! plz don't die on me!! lol. wow, that medical stuff sounds sexy ;P i bet that u enjoyed it alot lol!!
>>309, >>396 That shirt was soooo your birthday present as of right now あのシャツはいま君の誕生日プレゼントのためにぬううううううう(意味不明)。
>>394 "Which is your book? (どちらがあなたの本ですか。)"に対しては、 "The red one is. (赤いのです。)" "The red one is my book. (赤いのが私の本です。)" "The red one is mine. (赤いのが私のです。)" いずれでも構いません。くだけた会話では、 "The red one. (赤いやつ。)"のようにbe動詞がなくなることも多いです。
>疑問視が主語みたいなので使えるんですよね? これは"Which is your book?"という質問文の、"which"に関してでしょうか? もしそうであれば、主語になりうるという解釈でOKです。ちなみに"which"は、 限られた選択肢の中から選んでもらうときに使う疑問詞です。どこから選んでも よければ、"what"や"who"を使います。しかし、文法事項の確認は、スレ違かと。
Did you come to Tokyo ? You wrote me that you would in April. I should have made sure earlier.But I didn't have chance to e-mail you to make suer because my job turned to be hectic suddenley though I concerned about your visit. I'm really sorry if you came to Tokyo.
The need for war was strongest among people who had been too young to fight in the Cvil War. ※Civil War「アメリカ南北戦争」
I've seen the bodies piled like wood.
Despite the evidence of accidental explosion, the American media immediately blamed Spain so that Americans would be justified in fighting that country.
>>401 Did you come to Tokyo ? You wrote me [ that you would in April ]. I should have made sure earlier. But I didn't have chance [ to e-mail you [ to make sure ] ] [ because my job turned [ to be hectic ] suddenley [ though I concerned about your visit ]. I'm really sorry [ if you came to Tokyo ].
Maihoumu-shugi or‘my-home-ism’−the tendency of young salarymen to rate highly the claims of wife and children−has not proved the threat that officials and the business elite thought it might become in the 1960s and early 1970s.
John knows everything there is to know about economics./that is all there is. Just before he started speaking, you could have heard a pin drop. The town has changed a lot - you wouldn't recognize it now. If he had been a more skillful teacher, he would have treated such a child otherwise. That couldn't be further from the truth.
Quiet, gently spoken, given to thought before offering an opinion, her husband had been regarded by Judy as cleverer and wiser than she was herself, and more charitable in his view of other people.
This measure depends for its integrity on a robust control enviroment. お願いします。
ところで、depends on 〜 の間に for its integrity が入っていますが、 このような文章は、文法的に正しいのですか? 例えば、下記のセンテンスでは、 consists of の間に副詞 primarily が入っています。 The banking book is consists primarily of loans.
they were pround of all thir flwers. they were specially pround of thir roses. 彼女たちは、全ての花に満足していましたが、特にバラの花は 彼女達の自慢でした。or バラを素晴らしいと思っていました。 どっちがいいでしょうか?どっちも駄目??
'Popular' music can be said to comprise all the various kinds of music that might not be considered under the general heading of 'serious' or 'classical' music. The division between the two worlds has always been fairly clearly defined, with those active in one sphere rarely trespassing in the other, and never more so than today, when, inseted of the distinction being based on fluctuating artistic 'taste, it is fairly firmly based on economic consideration.
so what ones are bath powder the ones that show an onsen じゃあ ones?(しかし最初からones。。その前の文章はありません) 温泉のパウダーか証明しろといってるのでしょうか? no was wondering if the box was the bathpowder 箱のがお風呂のパウダーかどうか疑ってるのでしょうか? then i would have to live with you till i am very old
1.Any meter with a volts scale can directly measure current without converting. 2.A meter must have a resistance scale to directly measure ohms without converting.
Many people in the West place announcement in the newspaper when they get married. In Japan people may send postcards to inviduals, but when Westerners place eye catching announcementing in the newspaper, friends and acquaintances who see them send message of congratulations and gifts.They are able to do this because nespapers reserve a special space for placing personal notices inexpensively.
If the reason is that having done so, one may pass on to the next and the next, and in this concourse one may keep a residual freedom by not lingering with any single temptation long.
i'll probably just throw together songs from my favorite artists on to one AMAZING cd, u like hip hop and r & b right? lol, jk i had a different cd idea i wanted to make 4 u but i don't have some of the songs i planned to put on it, so i'll just make u a different one!
As we get older, our immune system usually wanes becoming less able to fight off diseases, but survivors of the 1918 flu pandemic are still primed to fight the disease.
They are stronger than all the other teams. allもotherも形容詞って考えて、彼らは他の全てのチームより強い。 i am a ichirou's fan. aren't you? 僕イチローファン。 君は違うの?(イチローのファンじゃないの?) No i am not. うん。僕は違う。
今、海外のレストランにメールで予約をしているのですが、ホテルから返ってきたメールをうまく翻訳することができません。 下記の文を翻訳していただけませんか? Once you get the number kindly drop me an e-mail or give us a call, so i can update your reservation .
She noticed that if a crow had found a particularly large meal that couldn't be eaten in a single gulp, another crow would often come by and try to steal the food away. おねがいします
ok thanks yet it act あるやり方の説明をしたところこの一文が返ってきたのですが、これはうまくいったという 意味でしょうか?それとも「もしうまくいかなかったらごめんね。」と最後に書いたので それに対して、上手くいかなかったけど大丈夫という意味でしょうか? お手数ですがどなたかよろしくお願いします。
Hi,I am Mrs Mylene Brown from USA,I came across your Dell Laptop on yahoo auction. .I would have place bid but i am buying it urgent for my husband that was sent to Nigeria by his company. .I will offer you $2,000USD included shipment cost by EMS via Bank transfer..reply me here ..
Mum:What date do you leave, love? Steve:I'm going on 12th August. I'm really looking forward to it! Mum:Did you buy that book I recommended? Steve:Yes, It's really interesting. It's got everything I need to know about SanFrancisco. I can't wait to see Alcatraz. Mum:Well, don't miss the boat back to the city!(Steve laughs)When are you coming back to England? Steve:On 1st September.
「」部お願いします When his breathing approached normal again, I cleared my throat and said I knew he was tired, so I would be back next Tuesday, and I expected him to be a little more alert, thank you. 「He snorted lightly, as close as he could come to a laugh.」 It was a sad sound just the same.
The starting address where the file mapping begins is called an HMODULE. given an HMODULE, you know what data structure to expect at that address, and you can use that knowledge to find all the other data structures in memory.
まずyou know what data structure to expect at that addressは文法として正しいですか? at that addressはあるアドレスにおいてと訳していいですか? that knowledgeはなにを指しているのでしょうか? you know what data structure to expect at that addressは直訳するとどうなりますか?
The survey found that 385 facilities in 21 prefectures, out of 776 in 37 prefectures that authorities knew about, remain unregistered even though the revision brought them under the scope of the law. <!-- 全文は ttp:// です --> この文章をどう訳せばいいのか、理解できません。 よろしくお願いします。
But Beijing is developing the fiscal and monetary tools to regulate the economy so as to prevent these problems from becoming catastrophic once they emerge. お願いします
But the McCain camp thinks it can make the economy a winning argument by focusing on Sen. Obama's plans to raise taxes on wealthier Americans and other policy proposals.
On Sturday, friends and I would each take a bow and arrow into a friend and try to fell rabbits. 土曜日に友と私は、一本の弓と屋を携えて、兎を獲りにいくかもしれない。 That we missed all the time was testament to the crudeness of our equipment, usually made from little trees, and our impetuousness, made of youth. 私たちは一度も成功しなかったが、これは、ほとんどが幼木から作られた装備の貧弱さと 若さに由来するこらえ性のなさの、証明である。
their argument for a dual focus on good language learning as a struggle for identity, a view that is very much positioned within a poststructualist critical perspective.
You seriously made these vid...although I am very spektical ima take your word for it for now. Because niether of us have any proof....or at least I have no proof that you are until I do ima just subcribe to u.
Obama, sharing the stage with running mate Joe Biden, has often criticized McCain's stand on a failed Senate bill called the Fair Pay Restoration Act. It essentially would have reversed a 5-4 Supreme Court decision holding that 【a woman had only 180 days to formally complain that she was paid less than male colleagues for the same work.】
1.Any meter with a volts scale can directly measure current without converting. 2.A meter must have a resistance scale to directly measure ohms without converting. 3.The device used to measure the potential difference between two points is called: 4.The device used to measure the amount of opposition to current flow offered by a . particular component is called:
I'm bored. What shall I do? I could clean the room, but I'm too tired. I might read a book.Hmm,,,My eyes are tired. I know, I'll watch TV. Oh, not the news again! If I take the dog for a walk, I'll get really wet. But if I stay at home, I'll be so bored. Pete! Of course! He gets home at about six o' clock.if i ring him, he'll probably invite me round for dinner. He's such a lovely man.That's what I'll do, Now what shall I wear?
>>646 1.Any meter [ with a volts scale ] can directly measure current without [ converting ]. 2.A meter must have a resistance scale [ to directly measure ohms without [ converting ] ]. 3.The device [ used [ to measure the potential difference between two points ] ] is called 〜. 4.The device [ used [ to measure the amount of opposition to current flow [ offered by a particular component ] is called 〜.
>>647 I'm bored. What shall I do? I could clean the room, but I'm too tired. I might read a book.Hmm,,,My eyes are tired. I know, I'll watch TV. Oh, not the news again! [ If I take the dog for a walk ], I'll get really wet. But [ if I stay at home ], I'll be so bored. Pete! Of course! He gets home at about six o' clock. [ If I ring him ], he'll probably invite me round for dinner.
He's such a lovely man.That's what I'll do, Now what shall I wear?
If you ask a young person if his or her is a face in the crowd, the most likely answer will be "no". A face in the crowd! That brings to mind a sea of people, beyond counting,too distant for recognition, too loud for the hearing of a single voice.
the science of one age has often become the nonsense of the next. consider,for exampie,astrology,or the idea of certain numbers being lucky or unlucky. お願いします。
I am afraid that we do not speak any other languages than Chinese and English at our customer service. Can you come to us in English please? Best regards,
Early Roman philosophers invented over theories, as well. In the first century BC, Lucretius came up with that idea that the earth was decaying and would in time cease to exist. The poet Seneca(first century AD) felt that there might be a link between the earth and human behavior.
According to his ideas, as long as people persist in wickedness, the earth will constantly try to destroy them and to replace them with a better species. However, all of the ancient thinkers were in accord on one point. お願いします!
I am very sorry for the delay in shipping your order. We haven't yet received sufficient stock for this item, since our supplier couldn't provide us this item unexpectedly. The item was ordered long time ago, we will try our best to ship your order as soon as possible. We kindly askyou for patience. Sorry for the inconvenience caused. Best regards,
If you paid for your account or invitation, let us know by clicking here, and ask the seller for a refund. We'll give you an invitation code so you can create a new account All sold accounts end up banned sooner or later.
Since nature could not be transformed, they agreed, people, people could endure its harder blows –pain, disease, natural disaster-only by learning to transcend it in a moral and intellectual sense. In other words, they had to develop their own inner resources to help them rise above nature in order to survive.
this is a prime consideration for the approach pursued here, ethnic considertion for the approach pursued here, ethnic conflict also includes an especially significant psychocultural dimension which has to receive substantial emphasis on the analytical agenda.
1. One day while the king was away, his son was killed by a large wolf. 2. The king thought the dog had killed his son, so he shot it to death on the spot. 3. When the king was about to kill the dog, he heard it crying for help. 4. The king found the dog had fought against a large wolf to save his baby son.
out of ebay deal i can do is £200 gbp shipped to you vias ems ems is very expensive her it copsts £100 gbp to post headlights ill do them out of ebay deal £200 gbp shipped
stated that "a weight which has no support falls by the shortest road to the lowest point, which is the center of the world" and "an object offers as much resistance to the air as the air does to the object".
The previous time, in 1992, a dispute over the result propelled Jonas Savimbi, then the leader of a rebel-movement-turned-political-party, to flee to the bush and restart a brutal civil war that continued until his death in 2002.
once for 6 month check-up for cancer. all clear thankfully & next time for funeral.
友達からの手紙なのですが、友達は一年ほど前にガンの手術を受けました。 「手術後の6ヶ月検診では問題なかった」と書いてあると思うのですが、 最後の「next time for funeral」の部分がちょっと気になります。 どのように訳したら最適なんでしょうか? どなたか教えてください。よろしくお願いしますm(__)m
We do have availability at ×× for your requested dates, however we have a three day minimum during the holidays. Also most of our rooms only accommodate 2 people. Please let us know if we can further assist you.
out of ebay deal i can do is £200 gbp shipped to you vias ems ems is very expensive her it copsts £100 gbp to post headlights ill do them out of ebay deal £200 gbp shipped
what is obvious from fig. 2.34 is that, as the temperature increase, then the modulus decreases, the yield strength decreases, the tensile strength decreases, and the curve changes from a hard brittle material (high modulus, small elongation to breake) to a hard tough material (high modulus, large elongation) through to a soft tough material (low modulus, large elongation).
DAVID BECKHAM does NOT have a sock or any other padding down his pants in those Armani adverts.
Australian DJ KYLE SANDILANDS told listeners to his show: "I was in the toilet at Villa nightclub in LA and there's only two urinals in there, it's very small. "Somebody comes in behind me, and I hear a soft voice say 'Hello, how are you?' I turned around and think: 'Holy s***! It's David Beckham!' "I'm midway through and I think, I've got to slow this down. I couldn't help myself, for the first time in my life, I glanced down to the left and had a look." Asked whether Becks was a big boy, Kyle replied: “There's two types of penis. "There's the one that's the same size all the time and the other one changes in size. "Let's just say he looks like he's got it going on whether it's happy or not."
お願いします。 One semester’s credit would be used in place of the one elective credit you have. The second semester would take you one credit over the required 40 credits. It would only increase the “credits needed” to 12 but would still save you many credits worth of investment.
>>781 well i work at in a comapny that make waterproofing it dosent rain as much i hope that you like your job my suck but pay the bills ああ私はそんなに雨の降らない防水加工の会社に勤めている。俺は嫌いだが金は払うお前が自分自身の仕事を気に入ること願ってる。
well i work at in a comapny that make waterproofing ああ私は防水加工の会社で働いてる。 it dosent rain as much (以前ほど)雨は降らない。 i hope that you like your job 君は自分の仕事が好きだといいけど。 my suck but pay the bills 俺のは最悪だけど、生活費を払う足しになる。
Increasingly common misspelling of the verb "lose." The pronunciation listed here (L-ooooo-se) does not apply to this definition. The correct pronunciation of "loose" rhymes with "goose" and "noose." The word many people think they are spelling, "lose," rhymes with "booze" and "news." "No matter what I do, I'm going to loose sic this chess game." The sentence should read: "No matter what I do, I'm going to lose this chess game."
source: Urban Dictionary
ググってみると、海外アーチストの曲のタイトルや歌詞なんかでは 結構あるみたいですね、"loose you"
ex) Backstreet Boys: Don't Wanna Loose You Now PATTY RYAN - I don't wanna loose you tonight
>>799 I think it is you who is baka and academic stuff means nothing to a baka anyways so just shut up and get lost. That's probably the kind of feelings nihon-jin around here have.
Sorry about the delay !! Yes, i want you to come for training on the 13th On that day i want you just to familiarize yourself with the bar, like learning where things are, etc It's easy
stated that "a weight which has no support falls by the shortest road to the lowest point, which is the center of the world" and "an object offers as much resistance to the air as the air does to the object".
why not you must have someone in mind should go for him. i used vaction to visit you. cept stay coool is so 19×× それからsqueeky door squeeky これはなんて読むんでしょうか?
incomomってなにか略語ですか? You sound so interesting to me i will like to know you beter and even have something incomom with you in fact if you like i will also like to meet you in person someday.
>865 間違いも何も。 ”People who are dead, we see alive” でググるから関係ない。ヒットするのはハングル語のサイトだけ。
In our dreams, the categories of time and space are neglected. People who are dead, we see alive; events which we watch in the present, occurred many years ago. We dream of two events occurring simultaneously when in reality they could not possibly occur at the same time. 夢の中では時間や空間の区分けは無視される。〜 矛盾する事柄が同時に起こるのを夢見る。 くらい。
>>878ちょっと違います。俺がやってる長文は、 Most of our dreams have one characteristic in common: they do not follow the laws of logic that govern our waking thought. The categories of space and time are neglected. People who are dead, we see alive; events which we watch in the present, occurred many years ago.〜〜 です。
The sudden lengthening of the neck alone was probably caused not by pressure for food, but by the advantages it offered in fighting with the neck. お願いします。
President and CEO of the organization since 2003, Elizabeth Ponsolle des Portes began her career as an academic before joining the French Culture Ministry and later UNESCO. The Japan Times caught up with her at the Grand Hyatt Tokyo during a recent trip to Tokyo. What do you think is behind Japanese people's fixation with French luxury brands? The French luxury sector is really a cultural industry; although we are manufacturing products, they rely very heavily on French culture. As Japan is also a country where culture is very important, our products resound very strongly for Japanese consumers. We are not only speaking about products, but we are also speaking about culture and they are very sensitive to that. What does Japan's fondness for French luxury goods say about this nation? Like [Marcel] Proust said, reality exists only as a part of your memories, and in a way the reality of French luxury products lies in the depth of the imagination of the consumer.
A: You head over to pay the berman a visit. Have a good drink and come back then. No use talking to you now - you look like a controller has rearrange your brain.
>>922 The diva keeps cool with breathy, rapid-fire verses until the final プリマドンナは息漏れや最後まで矢継ぎ早の詩(が続く)ことにもめげず冷静さを保つ 。 full strong-voiced climax that...proves that 'The Voice' has indeed returned. 最大限に力強い声でのクライマックスというのは・・・’その声’が本当に回復していることを証明する。
Then the Video, it says that it's produced by a famous American producer. Is that producer a racist or something? the video is horrible. It has cheap graphics and the theme is kind of childish (?) impressing the judges, and weird scenarios: Dancing in the snow? In my final opinion, i believe that this song will not work because people who first hears this song will just think it's a non talented asian trying to grab attention with computer generated hip hop music
It have always relieved me when I have witnessed or suffered life's hardships. This belief has made me tolerant, for it does not allow us to take ourselves or others too seriously ; it makes us look at others with a sense of humor. お願いします
Specifically, implicit and explicit measures might have something in common justifying their shared interpretation as attitude assessments, and something unique justifying the implicit-explicit distinction.
The understanding of the organization, development, and neural control of play in rats has provided a model with which to examine how the experiences accrued during play fighting can lead to organization changes in the brain, expecially those areas involved in social behabior.
the duel was tooo short DAMN THAT ZAKIRA ! P.S ; sry fellows i know im a ko fan but i knew that someone like zakira can beat him no offence to t e other ko fans
As is true for play in general, there is no accepted definition of play fighting, but there is growing agreement about some of its key elements, such as being engaged in voluntarily and being associated with positive affect.
Louis Leaky had only somewhat facetiously suggested she have(?) her appendix removed. この訳をお願いします。 文法の構造がいまいち理解できません。 自分の訳では Louis Leakyは彼女の付録を取り除いてもらった可笑しい何かを提案してもらった。 ってなりました。。。
[ 大切な文法事項] suggest (that) 主語 + (should)動詞 I suggest that she should visit there. = I suggest she visit there. こういうthatが省略されるのは知ってると思う。I think that she's pretty. =I think she's pretty. のような省略。