Two men were arrested late Saturday in connection with the killing of a NASA engineer and three other people last week, Los Angeles County sheriffs said Sunday.
Jae Hwan Shim, 39, of Palmdale and Steve Kwon, 37, were taken into custody in Douglas, Ariz., said Sheriff's Deputy Derrick Thompson.
They are suspected of taking part in the killing of Joseph Ciganek, who worked for the NASA Dryden Flight Research Center, as well as a woman and two children June 23 in an Antelope Valley home. The woman and children were relatives of Ciganek's wife.
The victims were slain before the intruders set fire to the house, county coroners said last week.
Another suspect in the slaying, Si Young Yoon, 34, of Lancaster, remains at large, Thompson said.
画像&動画あり Ciganek and the boy had been "beaten and slashed" and both died from blunt force and sharp force trauma, Winter said. The woman and girl both suffered multiple stab wounds, he added. Their bodies were badly burned and it may take several days to confirm their identities through dental records, coroner's Lt. John Kades said.
Shim and Kwon are accused of killing Joseph Paul Ciganek, a 60-year-old NASA engineer and owner of the house; Jenny Young Park, and her children Jamie, 13, and Justin, 9.
Park and her children went to live with Ciganek and his wife, Jocelyn, after the breakup of her marriage. Jocelyn Ciganek was Park's cousin.
Prosecutors said Shim is the second ex-husband of Park and has a history of domestic violence. Shim was not the father of the two children killed last week, but did have a 3-year-old child with Park. Shim left the child in another person's care when he disappeared after the slayings, officials said.
The Menace of Japan: Prescience and paranoia in prewar Tokyo by Peter O’Connor Was 1930s Japan specialist Taid O’Conroy a biased fantasist or one of the few prewar Japan watchers brave enough to take on the might of Tokyo? Peter O’Connor leans toward the former and sees parallels with journalism in the run-up to the Iraq war.
曝しブロガー Red Pines Englishでサマースクール(お子様が対象)が開かれます。 第1セッション 7月28日、29日、31日、8月1日 第2セッション 8月4日、5日、7日、8日 時間 午前10時〜午後1時まで 興味のある方は下記のアドレスまで [email protected] なお、スペースは限られています。 (下のコメントを訳させていただきました。) Red Pines English will be having a Summer School for children on July 28,29,31 and Aug.1 for one session. And a second session will be held from Aug.
Japanese men see girls as food. They want to fuck all types of cultures and races or different styles. We all can see the jappo behavior through watching their hentai and anime. Their hentai contains crude things they have done to women during WW2. IN games and anime they always make girls with big boobs and create games about sex. Jappos men disrespect women and see them as food! They saw China as a buffet as they invaded China during WW2!! We? must unite to stop their nasty genes!
Thank you“GIZA” much !! cute chubby Sephiroth came out the elevator (・ω・;)(;・ω・)(・ω・;)(;・ω・) Wowwwww ━━ヽ(゜Д゜)ノ━━!!!! = Shokotan =
Meal time! So hungry! I got a seat, and you know what?!? Akemi Takada was there!! ・ω・;)(;・ω・) Because of her, there is Creamy Mami and other great anime, and also people whose lives were touched by it. If there was no Creamy Mami, my little Mamitasu wouldn’t be Mamitasu! And who knows? I might have gone in a different direction and not have become a singer…
bitch クソが stupid ugly korean pig アホのチョン豚 Plastic Surgery is the only thing your country should be proud of いばれるものはプラスチック爆弾だけ i'm a japanese who is living in England and in our mind 俺は日本人、イギリスに住んでる ,japanese and chinese are very polite and kind but 日本人や中国人は親切で礼儀正しい korean people are rude and selfish, u guys talk freaking 朝鮮人は無礼でわがままで loudly in public to attract people's notice maybe 公共の場所でも声がでかくてよく注意される it's like korean people never get any education 朝鮮人は無教養だからな! u are freaking overacting every moment いつだって大げさ hate this poor small "country" あのちっぽけな国は大嫌いだ
Everyone, 「全員へ An IP trace on #35 "misaki"'s post reveals the country #35 "misaki のIP見たら of origin to be S. Korea. 韓国から接続してるのがわかる Anyways, Koreans posting inflammatory messages 韓国人が日本人のふりして against Korea while posing as 外国の掲示板に韓国をえげつなく罵る投稿するのは古い手だ Japanese on internet forums is nothing new. This 韓国人の厨房がいつもやることだ seems to be a very common practice amongst Korean trolls on the internet. Cowardly and repugnant? Yes. 卑怯でえげつない? その通り Surprising coming from Koreans? Absolutely not. 韓国人がそういうことして驚いた? あり得ん
I can't believe you guys fell for this. お前ら簡単にひっかかったのが信じられんな」
FRUS stands for Foreign Relations of the United States, published by the Department of State of the U.S. government. Those books are consist of the collection of top secret documentations and telegrams.
----------- November 14, 1949. -----------
FRUS 1949 volume 7 page898 and900 740.0011 PW(Peace)/11-1449 The Acting Political Adviser in Japan (Sebald) to the Secretary of State Tokyo, November 14, 1949. SECRET 495. For Butterworth: General MacArther and I have independently given careful study and consideration to the November 2 draft treaty forwarded under cover of your letter November 4, minus chapter 5 reserved for security provisions. General MacArthur ____________submits the following observations: (omit)The following are our preliminary comments concerning those provisions which we consider of high importance:
Article 4: Presumably security provisions will effect eventual determination Taiwan and adjacent islands. Suggest consideration question of trusteeship for Taiwan consequent upon plebiscite.
Article 5, paragraph2: Japan will unquestionably advance strong claim to Etorofu, Kunashiri, Habomai, and Shikotan. Believe United States should support such claim and due allowance made in draft for peculiarities this situation. Consider problem highly important in view questions permanent boundary and fisheries.
Article 6: Recommend reconsideration Liancourt Rocks (Takeshima). Japan`s claim to these islands is old and appears valid.Security Considerations might conceivably envisage weather and radar stations thereon.(omit)
----------- Undated in 1950. -----------
FRUS 1950 volume6 page1327 and 1328 694.001/10-2650 Undated Memorandum by Mr. Robert A. Fearey of the Office of Northeast Asian Affairs [Washington] SECRET Answers to Questions ____________submitted by the Australian Government Arising Out of the Statement of Principles Regarding Japanese Treaty Prepared by the United States Government
(omit) It is thought that the island of the Inland Sea, Oki Retto, Sado, Okujiri, Rebun, Rishiri, Tsushima, Takeshima , the Goto Archipelago, the northernmost Ryukyus, and the Izus, all long recognized as Japanese, ~~~~~~~~~~would be retained by Japan.(omit)
FRUS 1951 volume6 page 1202&1203 Memorandum of Conversation, by the Officer in Change of Korean Affairs in the Office of Northeast Asian Affairs (Emmons) [Washington,] July 19, 1951. SECRET Subject: Japanese Peace Treaty Participants: Dr. Yu Chan Yang, Korean Ambassador Mr. Pyo Wook Han, First Secretary,Korean Embassy Ambassador John Foster Dulles Mr. Arthur B. Emmons, 3rd., Officer in Charge, Korean Affairs
The Korean Ambassador called upon Mr. Dulles at 2 o`clock this afternoon by prior appointment. In opening the conversation Dr. Yang presented Mr. Dulles with a note addressd to the Secretary (copy attached) raising certain points which the Korean Govenment wished to have considered for incorporation in the Japanese peace treaty.(omit)
Mr. Dulles noted that paragraph1 of the Korean Ambassador`s communication made no reference to the Island of Tsushima and the Korean Ambassador agreed that this had been omitted. Mr. Dulles then inquired as to the location of the two islands, Dokdo and Parangdo. Mr. Han stated that these were two small islands lying in the Sea of Japan, he believed in the general vicinity of Ullungdo. Mr. Dulles asked whethr these islands had been Korean before the Japanese annexation, to which the Ambassador replied in the affirmative. If that were the case, Mr. Dulles saw no particular problem in including these islands in the petinent part of the treaty which related to the renunciation of Japanese territorial claims to Korean territory.(omit)
This normally uninhabited rock formation was according to our information never treated as part of Korea and, since about 1905, has been under the jurisdiction of the Oki Islands Branch Office of Shimane Prefecture of Japan. The island does not appear ever before to have been claimed by Korea.
Coming to the defence of the weeklies, as well as Connell and his collaborators, is unflagging media critic and campaigner for human rights, Debito Arudou.
It's about time, he says, that people realised foreigners can and do read the tabloids.
Disappointed Japanese fans of South Korean pop singer Rain look at their tickets after the concert was canceled just one and a half hours before the scheduled performance in Los Angeles, Saturday.
Pop star Rain shed tears after his concert in Los Angeles was abruptly canceled just hours before the scheduled performance due to the local promoter's lack of preparation and financial problems, according to reports yesterday.
>>86 Shoko Nakagawa Special live in AX Donyoku Matsuri 2008
7,100 fans packed Los Angeles’ Nokia Theater in the heart of the new “LA Live” district to see Anime Expo’s musical Guest of Honor, Shoko “Shokotan” Nakagawa! Appearing in her first ever concert held in the United States, Shokotan wowed the audience with her energy, enthusiasm, singing voice, and of course cosplay costumes of some of her favorite anime characters.
Following that song, she took time to introduce herself and even taught the audience some “Shokotan words” that she often uses in a style uniquely her own. Her two words of choice were “giza”, which means “very”, and “giganto”, which means “very, very”.
Before leaving the stage, she thanked everyone and said she loved anime and cosplay and proclaimed with cheer that she was an “otaku” which garnered many cheers and applause from the fans.
After a few moments of the fans shouting requests for an encore, Shoko rushed back out on stage to perform “Romantic ageru yo” from the anime series, “Dragonball”.
Overall the concert was a great experience, and Shokotan really connected with her American fans. Everyone was on their feet during the concert, singing, waving their arms, pumping their fists, and all in all everyone had a good time at the show.
OAS Rapid Assessment Report : Trafficking in Persons from the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) Region to Japan This report is a rapid assessment on the estimated number of victims.
12Mainichi Daily News, November 28, 2003. 13Mainichi Daily News, November 28, 2003. Ryann Connell, Staff Writer of the Mainichi Daily News, reported on two women accusing Anita Alvarado of bringing them to Japan to serve as sex slaves. July 10, 2003.
This is commonly believed to be true in Japan. They still have fascist vans driving around the city blaring out fascist slogans this day. I have heard these stories come out of the mouths of old Japanese "Oyaji" like that guy. I have read up a bit about that and as far as I have read,
Made-Up Japanese Sex Stories Gawker, NY - Jul 21, 2008 As it turns out, moms are not blowing their sons to get them to study harder, there is no bestiality restaurant in Tokyo, and housewives probably aren't turning tricks in suburban coin showers.
NOT so long ago Ryann Connell, an Australian journalist based in Japan, pointed out happily that he was doing his "dream job". Since accepting police protection from incensed Japanese last week, the chief editor of the Mainichi Daily News English website has been more circumspect. ↑ なんでこんな糞豪州人の為に日本人の税金を無駄遣いしてんの?
sunnyhwangJun 6 2008, 08:29 PM Hi, I'm a Korean national and I've been to the Philippines 3 times for travel. (I stayed 3 months during one of those trips.)
More than I care to admit, I have seen a lot of arrogant Korean @ssholes in the Philippines, which was part of the reason why I tried really hard to stay away from them while I was there. Most of those arrogant Koreans are students who stay there for English. They get sometimes racist, hot-tempered and often impatient with the locals in the country. I totally hate them and I'm even ashamed that they're Korean.
One thing I need to mention, though. is that those jerks behave the same way here in Korea. I know it's rude to say this, but most of those dumbass English learners come from a low educational and social background. Let's get it straight; the Philippines is not the best country in the world for learning English. Of course, educated people speak very good English with little to no accent, but it's not like everyone in the Philippines speaks that well, am I right? Then, the question is, why do those Koreans choose to go to the Phillipines. You guessed it. They can't really afford to stay in other English speaking countries.
Six women who said they were sexually assaulted by naval aviators at the 1991 Tailhook Association's convention here have reached settlements gang-rape became virtually indistinguishable at the Tailhook convention
THIS SITE CONTAINS SEXUALLY EXPLICIT MATERIAL. PARENTAL DISCRETION ADVISED. This site is a condensation of the Dept. of Defense Inspector General report 1993.
Police arrested three women Saturday for their involvement in what police said was a prostitution ring. Police charged business owner Son Jarkowsky with human trafficking, maintaining a place for prostitution, continuing a criminal enterprise and 33 city ordinance violations.
The project, dubbed End Slavery Now, is the creation of sisters Joan Park (15) and Grace Park (17), and now includes a planning group of about 24 teen girls who will hold an educational conference July 25 and 26, with an expected attendance of 50 to 60. Human trafficking is real in Minnesota, according to Yae Joon Kwon, an advocate for the anti-human trafficking program administered by the Korean Service Center in Minneapolis. Kwon has been raising awareness among youth, in community groups and in law enforcement in educating about this emerging crime since she took the job in January. Minnesota has been named as one of the 13 states in which human trafficking incidents are the highest. Internationally-trafficked victims are often kept under control through "debt bondage," Kwon said, where the captors tell the victims they have to work off their debts of flight tickets, visa fees, or other costs incurred by the trafficker to bring them to the U.S. The captors may tell the victims their family will be told and/or that children or other family members will be hurt if the victims do not cooperate. " where individual women, some from Korea, are purchased as wives through internet commerce sites. They end up in rural areas of Minnesota where they are kept away from other people, not permitted to travel, to learn English, and especially are not allowed to have any connection to their ethnic community in the U.S. Grace and Joan said they were compelled to do something to aid trafficking victims after seeing a film that dramatized their situation and after hearing a presentation that Kwon made to the youth group at their church, Korean Presbyterian Church of Minnesota. Their mother, Meeock Park, who works at the Korean Service Center, recommended they
Kevin Hallinan, an FBI supervisor who has worked organized crime for 18 years, said that groups of Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese nationals, for example, are heavily involved in immigrant-smuggling, gambling, prostitution, counterfeiting and extortion of legitimate businesses as well as other crimes.
Japanese Didn't Invent Military Sex Industry To the Editor: Lest your report on karayuki-san, "comfort women," forced into prostitution by the Japanese army in Korea (news article, Jan. 27) be used to fuel the fires of Japan-bashing, let us be clear that the military exploitation of women through rape and prostitution has a long history in every military society, including ours. A former Navy chaplain who served in Japan during the post-World War II occupation told me that when he protested the American base commander's efforts to set up prostitution centers using Japanese women, he was reassigned stateside.
As a Japanese-American woman growing up on United States military bases, I faced the assumption that any woman who looked Asian was sexually available to soldiers. I was often called "geisha-girl" or "Suzy Wong" (soldiers usually couldn't tell Japanese from Chinese). Every base I ever lived on, in the United States, Okinawa and Germany, had a thriving red-light district near it.
The enormous growth in the Thai sex industry occurred with the escalation of the Vietnam War, in which Bangkok was a major rest and recuperation spot for United States troops. When the war ended, the economy was so dependent on the revenues generated by the sex industry that Thais shifted their sales pitch to tourism.
The largest users of Korean women for prostitution now are United States soldiers. My Sister's Place, an agency that works with Korean women who marry soldiers or work as prostitutes, estimates that one of every six Korean women 15 to 35 years old works in the sex industry. The women have few other economic options, especially if they have run away from abusive homes or are divorced.
I am dismayed by "Japanese Didn't Invent Military Sex Industry" (letter, Feb. 23) by Rita Nakashima Brock. I couldn't help feeling a great deal of admiration for Professor Brock's efforts against sexual exploitation of Asian women. As she indicates, sex industries in Asian countries prospered during and after wartime. In a sense, invading soldiers took women as war trophies. Women of occupied countries were exploited willingly and unwillingly.
However, the plight of Korea's "comfort women" during World War II had a different dimension. These women were originally drafted as members of the Women's Volunteer Corps ("Teishindai"). The Japanese army had solicited Korean women to join the corps under the pretext of having them take manufacturing jobs for the war.
By this malignant deception the young girls were then sent to Manchuria or China, where they were turned into so-called "comfort women" and forced to be the objects of sexual entertainment for the Japanese solders. They had no recourse whatever with which to protect themselves. Some of them were as young as 12 years old.
The so-called "comfort women" were innocent women who were deceived and unjustly exploited by the Japanese military. They shouldn't be swept into the same category as postwar prostitutes in Korea, Japan, the Philippines, Thailand, Germany, France, Italy. That would be another injustice. They were not prostitutes. They gained nothing, and often they lost everything. That included their lives.
July 21, 2008 US government opens investigation into '07-08 Hyundai Elantra after reports of engine stalling WASHINGTON: The government is investigating 2007-2008 model year Hyundai Elantra compact cars after receiving reports of engine stalling, officials said Monday.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration said in a posting on its Web site that its preliminary investigation involves about 167,000 Elantras. NHTSA said it has received four reports of engine stalling because of problems with the vehicle's fuel pump module.
One owner said the car stalled in the fast lane of a three-lane highway and caused a crash involving three cars and one injury. Three of the four reports involved vehicles with only 600 miles (1,000 kilometers) or less; the fourth vehicle had 2,839 miles (4,568 kilometers) at the time.
On July 12 1953 Japan send 3 patrol boats again to Dokdo with intention to remove the Korean coast guard personnel as they had done before; the Koreans opened fire when the Japanese attempted to land. The Japanese fired back on them and in the ensuing hostile exchanges one Japanese patrol boat was sunk with loss of life; the Japanese withdrew. ?- The Japanese repeated the same exercise again in August (1953) with the same exchanges of fire but without loss of any vessels or personnel, and finally withdrew. (Since then there have been no further military hostilities, just “hot” rhetoric!) ? Korea then reinforced their armed presence on Dokdo.
South Korea metro bans Japanese condom adverts amid islands row
The order came amid rising tension over the countries' competing claims to two islands in the Sea of Japan. Earlier this week, South Korea recalled its ambassador in Tokyo in protest at Japan's decision to mention Japan's claims to islands in new guidelines for junior high school teachers.
The Seoul metro, which operates trains on four subway lines in the South Korean capital, said it had informed Okamoto, the condoms' maker, of its decision to remove the posters advertising "Japan's No.1" prophylactic
従順で素敵な外国人男性 "My Yes Man" と楽しいひと時を過ごしませんか? 女性の皆さん、外国語の上達を目指し外国語会話スクールで貴方の貴重な時間を無駄に過ごしていませんか?貴方の貴重な時間を有効に活用し、 目標をもっと高く持ちましょう。さあ、エキサイティングな人生の始まりです。 Get Two Guys For Yourself Share One Guy with a friend
+++++ Extremely Critical Document 超重要文書 +++++ Dear sir/madam I will report following as an objective FACT. And I have some correction requests. (sry for my english is poor) U.S.A National Security Council retitled "LiancourtRocks" as Korean islands,,
But, this island (Eng name = LiancourtRocks) is a Japanese territory "Takeshima."
Japan has been claiming occupancy since 1600's, and it has been a part of Japan when it was admitted into formally in 1905. In other words <Before War and Japan/Korea Annex.>
But Korea started ILLEGAL occupation in 1950's. Then, Korea MURDERed and injured 44 Japanese fishermen, and kidnapped 4,000 people. The kidnapped people were taken into custody for 13 years, and they were used as a Hostage for the release of the Korean criminal.
<<< Also U.S. gov or other country admited "Takeshima is part of Japan." >>>
#Report of Van Fleet mission to the Far East ヴァン・フリート特命報告書 1954年8月15日 - One-sided territorial waters declaration (이승만 라인 line) is illegal. - U.S.A. Government puts on Peace Treaty signed in San Francisco and Takeshima concludes that it is a Japanese territory.
#GHQ's SCAPIN677(Supreme Command for Allied Powers Instruction No.677) & SCAPIN1033(MacArthurLine) "It is Not the Final decision." "These are the TEMPORAY stop of the administrative power, and it is NOT which took up territorial rights from Japan."
Even If it was dominium deprivation, It is NOT the thing which justifies Korean possession. Actually, Ogasawara / Okinawa was returned to Japan under the same condition.
#Telegraph from the USA to Australia in 1950 合衆国からオーストラリアへの電報 1950年6巻1327、及び1328,694.001/10-2650 by Robert・A・F This is an Answer between qualities that Aus' gov submitted to declaration of principle concerning agreement that the USA prepared toward Japan. "As for these islands, Seto-inland-sea IS, Oki,Sado,Okushiri,Rebun,Rishiri,Tsushima,Takeshima,Gotouislands,Ryukyuislands and Izuislands are Japan from of old. It will be maintained by Japan."
#Rusk-Note of in 1951 Aug.10 ラスク書簡 1951年8月10日 "As regards the islands of Dokdo, otherwise known as Takeshima or Liancourt Rocks never treated as part of Korea and, since about 1905, has been under the jurisdiction of the Oki Islands Branch Office of Shimane Prefecture of Japan. The Island does not appear ever before to have been claimed by Korea......."
#Treaty of Peace with JAPAN SFC 1951年9月8日 Takeshima is Not included in the abandoned territory.
So not ordinary person but also public agency., For ex: Oregon and Dokdo Korean half public agency "VANK = Voluntary Agency Network of Korea" Officialy,,,the purpose of this group "Make friends in the world." In FACT,,,, VANK is a Cyber Terrorist organization. "Korean Cyber Terrorist VANK" sends a enormous amount of [spam Emails] all over the world, like as "Change the name of the [Sea of Japan] into [East Sea!] " or "[Dokdo =Liancout Rocks] is korea!!"
So not ordinary person but also public agency., For ex: Oregon and Dokdo Korean half public agency "VANK = Voluntary Agency Network of Korea" Officialy,,,the purpose of this group "Make friends in the world." In FACT,,,, VANK is a Cyber Terrorist organization. "Korean Cyber Terrorist VANK" sends a enormous amount of [spam Emails] all over the world, like as "Change the name of the [Sea of Japan] into [East Sea!] " or "[Dokdo =Liancout Rocks] is korea!!"
U.S. servicewomen seek justice for sexual assault July 31: When a Red Cross worker said she had been raped by an Air Force doctor in Korea, she found herself entangled in a broken military justice system dominated by male commanders. NBC's Jim Miklaszewski reports.
マンガ『やっぱり有り得なかった南京大虐殺』の英語版 :" Out of Drawings of Scenes of War; From Shanghai (August, 1937) to Nangking (December, 1937) " (c)Hyodo Nisohachi & Kosaki Takeshi を、無料でリリースします。
イザベラ・バードの朝鮮紀行(Korea and Her Neighbors)のエセコピーがNYタイムズから 出ています。(実本とは全く異なり、100年前のソウルは近代化されていて東洋一きれいな 都市と書かれていますが、 おそらく先導者はNYタイムズのオオニシノリミツあたりではないでしょうか) The Streets of Seoul.; From Korea and Her Neighbors, by Mrs. Bishop.
95 :名無しさん@九周年:2008/08/03(日) 18:03:21 ID:kvB/9u6u0(3) Fujimori gets married from cell
Peru's ex-President, Alberto Fujimori, who is currently under arrest in Chile, has married his long-term ★Japanese★ girlfriend from his detention centre. Mr Fujimori married Japanese hotel magnate Satomi Kataoka under Japanese law after the required documents were filed in Tokyo.
In 1990, Ishihara stated in a Playboy interview that the Rape of Nanking was a fiction, claiming, "People say that the Japanese made a holocaust but that is not true. It is a story made up by the Chinese. It has tarnished the image of Japan, but it is a lie."
Ishihara addmitted that he subscribed to a theory that "old women who live after they have lost their reproductive function are useless and are committing a sin," adding that he "couldn't say this as a politician."
During an inauguration of a university building in 2004, Ishihara stated that French is unqualified as an international language because it is "a language in which nobody can count."
On February 20, 2006, Ishihara also said: "Roppongi is now virtually a foreign neighborhood. Africans ― I don't mean African-Americans ― who don't speak English are there doing who knows what. This is leading to new forms of crime such as car theft. We should be letting in people who are intelligent."
Hi I'm Ken Nitchy! What do you think about Jap's anti-Korean sentiment? And what measures should we take to stop their persistent slanders? Japan's falsification on the history, anti-Korean education, plagiarism of Korean culture and origin forgery... Those factors can be summed up in two words: "inferiority complex". That's of course their inferiority complex toward Korea! From now on, let's talk about Jap's pathetic inferiority feelings and their sneaky acts in English!
“When the napalm hit our village, many people were still sleeping in their homes,” said Lee Beom-ki, 76. “Those who survived the flames ran to the tidal flats. We were trying to show the American pilots that we were civilians. But they strafed us, women and children.”
>angry protests by bloggers, including the ubiquitous “2-channeler” bloggers >and an anti-Korean right-wing group, 偏在する2chブロガーと”反コリアン右翼(an anti-Korean right-wing group)”の 抗議により毎日は6月にWaiWaiを打ち切った。
毎日の謝罪と記者の処分についての段落のすぐ後: >How did it come to this, and why is a nationalist group, whose raison d’etre is > to stop Japanese-born “Koreans” from acquiring citizenship and voting rights, > so concerned with a column that translated lurid, and often hilariously unbelie >vable, stories from the Japanese gutter press?
こんなんあったよ >The true history of Japanese Unit 731, from it's beginnings in the 1930's >to it's demise in 1945, and the subsequent trials in Khabarovsk, USSR, >of many of the Japanese doctors from Unit 731. The facts are told, and >previously unknown evidence is revealed by an eyewitness to these events, >former doctor and military translator, Anatoly Protasov.
In the immediate aftermath of the bomb, the allied occupation authorities banned all mention of radiation poisoning and insisted that people had been killed or injured only by the bomb's blast. It was the first big lie. "No radioactivity in Hiroshima ruin" said the front page of the New York Times, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ a classic of disinformation and journalistic abdication, which the Australian reporter Wilfred Burchett put right with his scoop of the century.
Amsterdam - Dutch paedophiles are launching a political party to push for a cut in the legal age for sexual relations to 12 from 16 and the legalisation of child pornography and sex with animals.
The Charity, Freedom and Diversity (NVD) party said on its Website it would be officially registered on Wednesday, proclaiming: "We are going to shake The Hague awake!" The party said it wanted to cut the legal age for sexual relations to 12 and eventually scrap the limit altogether. "A ban just makes children curious," Ad van den Berg, one of the party's founders, told the Algemeen Dagblad (AD) newspaper.
誰かWIKIの編集が出来る方いませんか〜? 統一教会の英語wikiで Members are found throughout the world, with the majority living in South Korea or Japan . このJAPANを消したいんですけど。
Chinese School Can't Just Mouth Its Enthusiasm By HIROKO TABUCHI August 11, 2008; Page A9
BEIJING -- Ahead of these Olympics, Huajiadi Experimental Primary School here offered up its students as cheerleaders for another country. Under a China-run program, each visiting country would get a local school to root for it. But while Huajiadi beat out scores of other schools in winning acceptance to the program, it drew what many in China would call the short straw. Of the roughly 200 countries up for grabs, Huajiadi was charged with rooting for Japan.
本当の事 ------------------------------------------------------- If you compare Yi Sun-sin to the invasion of England by the Spanish Armada, Yi Sun-sin would still have been harassing supply convoys at Plymouth in the south of England while the Spaniards had already landed and wreaked havoc all the way north to Scotland. ------------------------------------------------------- を書いたらつれますたw
マンガ『やっぱり有り得なかった南京大虐殺』の英語版: " Out of Drawings of Scenes of War; From Shanghai (August, 1937) to Nangking (December, 1937) " (c)Hyodo Nisohachi & Kosaki Takeshi を、無料でリリースします。
"Japan's Multicultural Multiethnic Future: Problems and Solutions for the 21st Century" Arudou Debito, Hokkaido Information University
DATE: Wednesday, August 27, 2008 TIME: 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM PLACE: IEAS Conference Room, 2223 Fulton Street, 6th Floor FORMAT: Brown-bag lunch lecture SPONSORS: Center for Japanese Studies
Contact CJS Center for Japanese Studies University of California, Berkeley 2223 Fulton Street Room 500 #2318 Berkeley, CA 94720-2318 [email protected] 510.642.3156 (phone) 510.643.7062 (fax) Duncan Ryuken Williams, Chair Keiko Hjersman, Program Representative
イザベラ・バードの朝鮮紀行(Korea and Her Neighbors)の エセコピーがNYタイムズから出ています。 (実本とは全く異なり、100年前のソウルは近代化されていて 東洋一きれいな都市と書かれていますが、 おそらく先導者はNYタイムズのオオニシノリミツあたりではない でしょうか) The Streets of Seoul.; From Korea and Her Neighbors, by Mrs. Bishop.
The issue of how pro golfers speak English, or if they speak it at all, broke some new ground this week when the LPGA Tour warned its members that they need to be proficient in English by the end of 2009 or face suspension.
While the LPGA Tour's deputy commissioner, Libby Galloway, said the vast majority of the international players speak English well enough to pass any proficiency exam, there is a clear perception that the policy is intended at players of Korean descent.
Koreans condemn LPGA's English-only rule The LPGA's policy, which stipulates that international players must pass an oral English evaluation after two years on tour or else face suspension, is a hot topic among players and media at this week's SBS Charity Ladies Open on South Korea's Jeju Island.'s-English-only-rule
What a bullshit. Why do profesional sport players have to be able to speak a certain language. Its only thier skills that should be valued. Why do they make it harder for players? Is this true?
Have your fellow Koreans to sponsor the tournament. Ask your fellow LG, Hyundai and Samsung to sponsors the tournament.
it would help if its players spoke enough English to satisfy the tour's corporate clients who play in pro-ams and put up prize money, as well as please its core of English-speaking fans.
There are other issues for the LPGA Tour to solve that appear equally daunting, such as having as many as six tournaments that may be without title sponsors.
How this message on speaking English was delivered didn't help appearances -- at a mandatory meeting of South Korean players at an LPGA event in Portland, Ore., last week.
The LPGA's new policy of requiring its members to be relatively fluent in English has been seen as targeted at the 45 Korean golfers on the tour. But Se Ri Pak, the most accomplished Korean player on the tour, says she supports the LPGA's position.
I would tell them to fuck off. Like being told to learn Russian. No way. Its not like your a non French designer going into Paris to do some apprenticeship at some big couture house.
イザベラ・バードの朝鮮紀行(Korea and Her Neighbors)の エセコピーがNYタイムズから出ています。 (実本とは全く異なり、100年前のソウルは近代化されていて 東洋一きれいな都市と書かれていますが、 おそらく先導者はNYタイムズのオオニシノリミツあたりではない でしょうか) The Streets of Seoul.; From Korea and Her Neighbors, by Mrs. Bishop.
イザベラ・バードの朝鮮紀行(Korea and Her Neighbors)の エセコピーがNYタイムズから出ています。 (実本とは全く異なり、100年前のソウルは近代化されていて 東洋一きれいな都市と書かれていますが、 おそらく先導者はNYタイムズのオオニシノリミツあたりではない でしょうか) The Streets of Seoul.; From Korea and Her Neighbors, by Mrs. Bishop.
Mi Sook Yoo, 2 others facing prostitution charges The owner of the spa could face up to 24 years in jail for pimping.
Police raided Tokyo Sauna on Aug. 6 and arrested three adults for activities related to prostitution. Owner Mi Sook Yoo, 48, faces charges of pimping, keeping a place of prostitution and pandering.
Police records indicate Lee, a resident of Valley Stream, N.Y., flew to Colorado on Aug. 5 after responding to an advertisement in a Korean newspaper. She told police she was living at the spa along with Yoo and another woman.
Yoo was aware prostitution took place at the spa, Lee told police. Clients would pay Yoo for a massage, and prostitutes would keep "the tips" for sex acts.
71 :文責・名無しさん:2008/09/12(金) 06:48:07 ID:ne4Dev+90 Comment by Ken Y-N 2008-09-11 15:05:35 ・・・・However, one surprising thing was that although he gets 42% of his traffic from Japan, 44% comes from China!・・・・
The murders in Tokyo of Lindsay Ann Hawker and Lucie Blackman provide the background to John Dryden and Miriam Smith's three-part thriller A Tokyo Murder, about the disappearance of Daisy Whitelock - like Hawker, an English teacher - and the difficulties encountered by Detective Inspector Julie Hill (Rachel Ferguson) when she arrives to chivvy the locals into actually doing something to track down her abductor and probable killer.
Thursday, September 18, 2008 Consumer Reports' tests found big discrepancies with two newer French-door refrigerators. Samsung says their refrigerator, which qualifies for an Energy Star, consumes an estimated 540 kilowatt-hours per year. But Consumer Reports' tests, which are more demanding than Energy Star to better reflect real-life use, show this refrigerator uses 890 kilowatt-hours per year.
LG says their refrigerator, which also has an Energy Star, uses an estimated 547 kilowatt-hours per year. But Consumer Reports' tougher tests show energy use could be more than double that.
The mother of a Filipino overseas worker is appealing for help to rescue her daughter from a white slavery syndicate that victimized her almost a week after arrival in South Korea Marivic Butil, a resident of Malaybalay City in Bukidnon province, said her 20-year-old daughter, Genesis Gilmar, was recruited to work in South Korea as a singer.
“When she arrived at her workplace, ready to do her craft as a singer, she was alarmed by the unusual operations of the said institution as she was asked to entertain the customers and be ready to be taken out as a prostitute,” Butil said in a letter dated Sept. 10, 2008.
October 5, 2008 Letter Japan’s New Leader To the Editor:
I disagree with your Sept. 25 editorial “The Return of Taro Aso,” about Japan’s new prime minister.
Mr. Aso, as Japanese foreign minister from 2005 to 2007, greatly contributed to enhancing relations with China and South Korea in cooperation with his counterparts.
Regarding China, Mr. Aso devised and advanced the establishment of a mutually beneficial relationship based on common strategic interests that led to subsequent significant improvement of Japan-China relations. Li Zhaoxing, the former Chinese foreign minister, thanked Mr. Aso in Tokyo last month for his endeavors in achieving this.
Concerning South Korea, Mr. Aso strove to build a constructive, future-oriented relationship. In September, when he called on Secretary General Ban Ki-moon after his United Nations speech, Mr. Ban thanked Mr. Aso, recalling that their efforts and friendship as foreign ministers had been quite instrumental in resolving problems and improving bilateral relations.
As Japanese foreign minister, Mr. Aso strengthened Japan’s equal partnerships with China and South Korea. Returning to the diplomatic forefront as prime minister, Mr. Aso articulated his pragmatic approach in his United Nations speech, with his core message of peace and happiness through economic prosperity and democracy.
Kazuo Kodama Press Secretary Ministry of Foreign Affairs Tokyo, Oct. 1, 2008
Los Angeles lawyer Richard B. Kendall described the sonar as like the sound of "a jet engine in this room multiplied by 2,000 times." He said beaked whales, in panic, dive deeply to escape the sound, and they sometimes suffer bleeding and even death when they try to resurface.
Kendall also said the judge's order has had a minimal impact on the Navy. It has conducted 13 extended training exercises off California in which Navy officers practice detecting enemy submarines. Only on a few occasions have ships been forced to turn off their sonar, he said.
In this case, the Natural Resources Defense Council in Santa Monica sued the Navy,
A Bush administration lawyer urged the high court to throw out a Los Angeles judge's order that requires the Navy to turn off its high intensity sonar whenever a whale or dolphin is spotted within 1.2 miles of a ship.
Hi I'm Ken Nitch! What do you think about Jap's anti-Korean sentiment? And what measures should we take to stop their persistent slanders? Japan's falsification on the history, anti-Korean education, origin forgery, plagiarism of Korean culture, etc.
Those factors can be summed up in two words: "inferiority complex". That's of course their inferiority complex toward Korea! From now on, let's talk about their pathetic inferiority feelings and sneaky acts in English!
Please join Animal Rights Center (ARC) and hundreds of caring people for an exciting anti-fur demonstration:
Anti-Fur Demonstration in Tokyo—No More Victims to Vanity!
Fur fashion is rife in Tokyo: From small key chains to large winter coats, the city’s crowds flaunt a range of cruel goods. If you’re opposed to animals being the victims of human vanity, join an anti-fur demonstration in Shibuya on Sunday, October 26. Meet at 1pm at Yoyogi Park’s Keyaki-Namiki Avenue.
Event Info Host: Clarissa Type: Party - Night of Mayhem Network: Global
Time and Place Start Time: Friday, October 31, 2008 at 9:00pm End Time: Saturday, November 1, 2008 at 12:00am Location: Yamanote train line City/Town: Tokyo, Japan
Contact Info Email: ○○@e○
Description So the Yamanote Line just goes around in a circle, and people get on it in costumes and party. You can't not want to go.
Exclusive: Killer of Lindsay Hawker, teacher buried in bathtub, 'commits suicide'
Richard Lloyd Parry, Asia Editor, in Tokyo
Detective Chief Inspector Ally Wright, a senior murder investigator from the Hawkers' home county of Warwickshire, has visited Japan with Mr Hawker and taken part in police raids on 24-hour internet cafes where young homeless people often spend the night.
We do not yet have the details for the party in Ikebukuro, this will likely be something that we hand out flyers for on the train.
After the train ride, we will be attending a party at a club in Ikebukuro. Yes, there will be various parties at many different clubs in the Tokyo area this Saturday. You are free to join any of them you prefer.
Memoirs of a modern-day geisha Lea Jacobson's tell-all of her life in Tokyo's shadows reveals more than she bargained for Jacobson's journey begins when she arrives in Japan to teach at the Happy Learning School of English in Kanagawa. The school arranges for her to live with a Japanese host family, and as a recent English/Japanese graduate with high expectations, she immediately immerses herself in the language and customs. It doesn't take long, however, before she feels the strain of fitting into a foreign society. After an argument with a Japanese psychiatrist who informs her school of her medical history, Jacobson is fired and forced to move elsewhere. Feeling betrayed by the psychiatrist's breach of confidentiality and horrified at her school's swiftness to label her with a "mental condition" of debilitating proportion, Jacobson stops trying to conform. "Bar Flower" takes on a more serious tone when it inevitably arrives at the topic of Lucie Blackman, the British hostess whose gruesome murder in 2000 made international headlines. While Jacobson doesn't deny there is an element of risk involved, she sheds light on the unfair misconceptions about hostessing and the distorted portrayals of Blackman that were promulgated by both Western and Japanese media. As if to help restore Blackman's reputation, Blackman's story is not introduced until more than halfway through her memoir, by which point readers have already gained a better understanding of hostesses and their work. Blackman also serves as a reminder to Jacobson that as a hostess, she is fortunate. At their worst, her clients are arrogant or juvenile, but they are never dangerous or abusive. The biggest threat to Jacobson is in fact herself — her inexplicable low self-esteem, which she only makes worse with alcohol. After a few unsuccessful attempts, Jacobson eventually stops hostessing.
>the unfair misconceptions about hostessing and the distorted portrayals of >Blackman that were promulgated by both Western and Japanese media. misconceptionsなのでgeishaという東洋の神秘的タイトルにしますってアホかw distorted portrayalsって、少なくともテレビでは不運な白人女として以上の 報道は無かったぞ。書籍にはドラッグやってる写真とか出てるが、distortedでは ないだろ。悪いがジャンキーの売春女の殺人なんて欧米の三面記事に載るかどうかも 怪しいレベル。まあ、死に値するとかいう気も、オバラを擁護する気もさらさらないがな。 そもそも先進国の女がホステスなんて、アメリカでマッサージ店にガサ入れしたら 正真正銘の日本人がいたとか、そういう痛いレベル。そんなのを記事にするザパン・タイムズw
The tuna did come back as tuna. But the snapper turned out to be tilapia – a much cheaper fish. A Todai spokesman apologized, saying the mistake resulted from the translation of the Japanese word "izumidai." They say it means fresh water snapper -- but it's really "tilapia."
Fish fraud: The menus said snapper, but it wasn't! At Todai, inside Schaumburg's Woodfield mall, what was labeled on the buffet line as red snapper shouldn't have been, a company spokesman said. "This is an isolated incident," said Paul Lee, a vice president of the California chain.,CST-NWS-sushi10.article
Three months ago, a customer complained of diarrhea and cramps after eating sushi at "Todai.". Health inspectors cited the restaurant for keeping foods, like fish and sushi rice, at unsafe temperatures -- a major cause of food poisoning. "Todai" has a "B" rating. "Todai" was cited on its last four Health Department inspections for keeping food at unsafe temperatures and the restaurant had to dispose of food.
650 :マンセー名無しさん:2008/11/07(金) 19:07:44 ID:UjiASNLH JAPAN EXPOの日本オフィシャルエージェントは日本人からの抗議を主催者に伝えていないのかも
CHO Jung-man Auteur de Witch Hunter chez Ki-oon Kara Auteur de Demon's Diary chez SeeBD Kim Dong Hoon Auteur de Veritas chez SeeBD Kim Se Young Auteur de Kiss me Princess chez SeeBD Kim Yoon Kyung Auteur de Yureka chez SeeBD Lee Jong Eun Auteur de Trois soeurs jumelles chez SeeBD Park Chul Ho Auteur de P.K chez SeeBD KIM Young Oh Auteur de Banya chez SeeBD
おい、シーシェパードをヒーロー化した番組がアメリカで放送開始されるぞ、 全6回(6週間)放送予定の番組で、日本極悪人vs.ヒーローシーシェパード。 さっき予告観たけど、いろいろデマばっか言ってたし、どう見てもフイルムエディットし捲くり、 正義の味方シーシェパードだそうです。 Whale Wars on Animal Planet November 7, 2008 Captain Paul Watson and his Sea Shepherd crew risk everything when it comes to saving the whales
To make that compromise easier to swallow, Hyundai has taken the extraordinary step of de-badging its own car: There is no flying H on the big grille of the Genesis. This is a first, in my experience, and it's a move that subverts the grammar of luxury in ways I can scarcely wrap my head around. It's like taking a Rolex knockoff -- a Romex, say -- and scratching off the name. A real counterfeit, a fake genuine article? I'm dizzy.
Doubling down on its own perverse anonymity, the Genesis' styling is hyper-generic -- a ransom-note collage of cues from BMW (tail lights), Mercedes (grille) and Lexus. Check out that Hofmeister kink in the C-pillar. Been to Munich lately, have we?
I'm far too much of a romantic to buy this car. I like a brand with provenance and I'm willing to pay for it.
This is what I noticed. Koreans only want their own Korean people or white people at their restaurants. Others they see as trash no matter how much you tip them or how well dressed you are.
Yesterday, it was our third time at this Korean bbq restaurant. I went with a Hong Kong, Vietnamese and Filipina coworker. We all dressed in expensive clothing. Their behavior towards us seem to be of avoidance once we began eating more than 20 plates of their all you can eat bbq dishes. But, when I looked at how they were treating their own Korean customers and the couple of whites at the restaurant, I realize it is because they really don't feel like serving 'our kind'. They knew from our features that we were not Korean nor Japanese, so they treat us like s.hit.
I still tipped them, but my Vietnamese coworker got mad and said I should take back the tips. I told him that in our Chinese culture, we have to make these people realize how bad they were and so we had to leave the tip.
Nara Bank, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Nara Bancorp, Inc. (Nasdaq: NARA), and was founded in 1989 as a community bank serving Korean-American in Southern California. Since its inception, the Bank has grown nationwide to have offices in major cities throughout the United States.
しかし、ヨーロッパで慰安婦問題が知られるにあたり、EU内での 中国系圧力団体の活動は特に見られない。 アメリカに比べれば中国ロビーの影響力はかなり限られているからだ。 それに、西海岸のアジア系のプロ市民運動があっという間にヨーロッパに拡散するというのも考えにくい。 では何が原因だろうと考えていたら、 衛星放送から目を釣り上げた白人女性アナウンサーの怒号が聞こえてきた。 S E X S L A V E S ! BBCだった。 ヨーロッパでは、イギリスが慰安婦問題火付の犯人だったのだ。 日本人が変態で残酷だというニュースが恒常的に出回っているプロパガンダ王国といえば 欧州ではイギリスを置いて他にない。 英国内で繰り返し語られる「ジャップが英軍捕虜を奴隷にして虐待した」という怨恨物語が 慰安婦問題の姿を借りてぶり返し、憎悪のエネルギーを爆発させたのであろう。
案の定その後カナダやオーストラリアに騒ぎが拡散した。英連邦だから宗主国様の 特定国弾劾キャンペーンを真似るのはお決まりのことだ。 やはりというか同じ恨みを持つ反日国オランダも追随した。さらにドイツやフランスまで加わり 今ではEUの対日非難勧告決議まで出ている。 Sex Slaves=‘性奴隷’は英語メディアの力で世界中に普及してしまった。 その数はイギリスいわく20万人らしい。こんな数字もアメリカで騒動が始まった当初には無かった 根拠のないデタラメな数字である。
American newspaper headlines announced the “Murder and Rapine” by the “Fiendish Filipinos.” General “Fighting Joe” Wheeler insisted that it was the Filipinos who had mutilated their own dead, murdered women and children, and burned down villages, solely to discredit American soldiers.
This video is not Japanese. this is maede in USA. "Tokyo Breakfast" is a 2000 independent live this comedy short film created in America. "Tokyo Breakfast" by former MTV producers comedy short Mike Maguire and creative Tom Kuntz. this is american comedy.
UK Obara was born Kim Sung-jong in 1952 to Korean parents. As Korean immigrants his family were considered second-class citizens in Japan, but his father's successful taxi business allowed them to escape their humble origins. Obara was born in Osaka in 1952 to Korean immigrant parents. His father was an entrepreneur who built his fortune on taxis, property and pachinko, the addictive arcade games beloved of so many Japanese. He was born Kim Sung Jong in 1952 to Korean parents in Osaka. His father was a poor immigrant who built himself a fortune in taxis, property and pachinko, the addictive Japanese version of bagatelle. At 15, Kim Sung Jong was sent to the preparatory school for the private and prestigious Keio University in Tokyo.
USA,8599,108848,00.html Joji Obara was born in 1952 to an impoverished Korean family in postwar Osaka. His father had been a scrap collector, then a taxi driver who worked his way into owning a fleet of cars and a string of pachinko parlors from which he amassed a fortune.
Japan man guilty of abducting, not killing Briton By Chisa Fujioka TOKYO (Reuters) A Japanese serial rapist was convicted on Tuesday of abducting Briton Lucie Blackman eight years ago and dismembering and abandoning her body, but was acquitted of killing her.
今回の葬儀(2005.3.23)について、BBCは「Japanese property developer Joji Obara,」と報道。 「日本の不動産開発業者、織原城二」。これではまず100%日本人と思われるだろう。 逆に英Guardian誌では「Obara, who described himself as an introvert, was born with the surname Kim to a wealthy Korean family in Osaka」 「大阪の金持ちの韓国人の家庭に生まれた織原は差別によってひねくれた(? 最後はちょっと 訳しきれませんでした)」と説明している。
Family furious as serial rapist is cleared of Blackman murder By David McNeill Published: 25 April 2007 ?(中略) The verdict ends the brutal career of a man who will go down in history as Japan's most prolific modern serial rapist. Police believe that the multimillionaire property speculator may have targeted hundreds of women in a history of assaults going back to the early 1990s. The son of a Korean immigrant who had set up a chain of Pachinko, or pinball parlours, Obara made a fortune speculating in real estate during the years of Japan's bubble economy in the late 1980s and the early 1990s.
Recently,people in Japan tend to decline Japanese profitable system. Especially,crowds near Japan have some certain malice. We Japanese must save ourselves, and if we get some ugly experience, let them have severe lesson.
a 41-year-old Santa Ana man suspected of being drunk when he crashed into a stopped car, killing her, is scheduled to appear in court. Takayuki Saito, a 41-year-old chef from Santa Ana, is being held in lieu of $1 million bail in connection with the crash, which sent a car straight into the path 20-year-old Kaydee Campbell and a 16-year-old passenger she was trying to help Sunday night.
Send these foriegn car companies back where they came from before it's too late I propose a 1000 % tarriff on ALL foriegn products coming into the US! Americans PLEASE UNITE! DIVIDED,,, WE FALL!
that's because korean, japaness and european have strick tariffe enforced towards import vehicles. It's called protectionism which every country has, to protect their own market/economic.
A husband and wife are suing United Airlines for "negligently" overserving alcohol during a flight from Osaka, Japan, to San Francisco, saying the carrier's drinks fueled the domestic violence involving the two shortly after their plane landed.
Fortified with Burgundy wine allegedly supplied at 20-minute intervals by United crew members during the December 2006 trip, Yoichi Shimamoto became so inebriated "that he could not manage himself," according to a lawsuit filed Dec. 5 in U.S. District Court in Tampa.
Shimamoto was arrested, accused of disorderly conduct and battery after he struck his wife, Ayisha, six times, injuring her face and upper lip as they were heading through U.S. Customs in San Francisco, the complaint said.
The Shimamotos want United to pick up the $100,000 tab for Yoichi Shimamoto's bail, and defense and Immigration attorneys' fees, as well as the costs they incurred to have his probationary sentence transferred to Florida, where his wife had a home.