>>12 Do you know the people [ who live across the road ]? Do you know the man [ who lives across the road ]? です。 He lives [ over the river ]. は、彼は川の上に、つまり、橋の上に住んでいる、となります。 He lives [ on the bridge ]. ということです。 He lives [ over there ]. は、 He lives [ over some distance and there ]. いくらかの距離を超えた、あそこに住んでいます、 ということでしょうか。
>>34 1. The family broke [ just after he was born ]. 2. We hadn’t seen each other for a year and so we spent the whole night [ speaking(*talking) ]. 3. I got off my car [ to inspect the damage ]. 4. He cut the strip of photographs and gave one to me. 5. [ Looking through the magazine ], I found out several interesting articles. 6. I didn’t want to talk with him [ because I was in a hurry ]. 7. The dialogue in this video is very difficult [ to catch ]. 8. Then I looked *at the person [ sitting next to her ]. 9. [ When he arrived ], they said *to him [ that his friend had died ]. 10. John said, “This old clock doesn’t move.”
スピーチです Hi I am going to introduce Hotel to you(私は貴方にホテルを紹介します。 I have ever been to hotel once(私はホテルへ行った事が一度あります。
ここまではホテルの部分のみ自分で、決めてほかの部分は先生が決めてある感じです ホテルの所はほかの固有名詞が入りますが、伏せておきたいので「hotel」と書きます。 固有名詞が入ってると考えていた抱いておkです I went there when the scool excursion There are many foods to eat For example a salad fruits and so on. I stayed at there two days and I enjyoed myself So. I learnd that it was important to help and get along with each other then If you have a chance you had better stay there Thank you
>>86 Hi I am going to introduce a story of a hotel to you. I have been to a hotel once. ここまではホテルの部分のみ自分で、決めてほかの部分は先生が決めてある感じです ホテルの所はほかの固有名詞が入りますが、伏せておきたいので「hotel」と書きます。 固有名詞が入ってると考えていた抱いておkです
I went there on a school excursion. There were a lot of food [ to eat ]. For example, salad, fruit and so on. I stayed there for two days and enjyoed myself so much. I learned [ that it was important [ to help and get along with each other ] then. [ If you have a chance ], you had better stay at a hotel, too. Thank you.
Japan, in which we live, has no war and has all its habitants equal to each other, will never have a high level of illiteracy as do under-developped countries.
>>91 In Japan, our home(homeland), we are free from war and are equal under the law, which keeps most of us away from illiteracy unlike in poor countries.
>>112に俺なりの修正を加えてみる As we have no war and everybody is equal here in Japan, the illiteracy rate never becomes very high in this country unlike in poor countries.
Biotechnology has opened up new opportunities for human progress. New medicines are being developed, which may end the suffering caused by many illnesses.
>>138 The person who doesn't have spontaneity at all likes for what should be done to be always directed. However, though it is assumption the action is not difficult but hard addition.
You cannnot understand why I like an achievement-oriented working environment? I'll ( ). As long as you make achievements,you can your time as you like.
a)agree with your idea b)do a research about that c)give you an example d)define what the word means
It is intended that the amusement in the newspaper be able to be amused of the reader. Recently, the leisure activity, the hobby, and the article on the interest in a specific person etc. increased suddenly as people came to obtain a lot of time of leisure. The motive for it is in the background that the editor selects such a story is related to should the attraction of a lot of readers ,that is, the customer. The purpose is in the expansion of the market for the advertiser in the future.
では回答してあげるよ。 Entertainment in newspapers is meant to amuse readers. In recent years, as people have gained more leisure time, the number of articles about leisure activities, hobbies and personal interests has greatly increased. More stories about social events, famous people and scandals, now appear in most newspapers. The motive behind the editor's choice of stories is related to the need to attract as many readers, or customers, as possible in order to expand the market for future advertisers.
This is in part due to the ( ) demand of society. 1.grown 2.growingで正解は2となっていたんですが、 2でも他動詞のgrow〜を育てるの過去分詞で育てられた→育った。になって 自動詞の育つでも自動詞の過去分詞は完了の意味を持つので育ったという意味になりませんか?
@The driver kept the engine running while we waited. のrunningを 〜を動かすのrunの過去分詞run にしたら エンジンをかけられたままにする という受動関係になり、文としては正しいですか?
AI cannnot keep my eyes closed to his terrible situation. のclosedもclosingにすれば能動関係が成立し、目を閉じたままにするという意味になりますか? それとも、目を閉じた動作を継続する=かなりスローモーションで目を閉じるという意味になってしまいますか?
Blike so many 複数名詞で 何故さながら〜のようにという意味になるんですか?
CYou are not too kind than you think you are.という文は意味不明ですか?
Das 原級 as ever livedの原級の次には必ず名詞が来ますか? 例えば、He is as great a scholar as ever lived.のように。
>>218 @ 基本的にThe engine is runningだから 過去分詞のrunはまちがい。 A keep + something + openはなぜかopenedとはいわず、 keep + something + closedはなぜかcloseとはいわない。 そういわないというだけ。 BStars are shining like so many diamonds.のようにつかう。 「あたかも同数の〜」という雰囲気をもつ Ctooは奇妙。soを使え。tooはもともと「〜過ぎる」といういみ。 D「原級」と書いてるじゃないか。つまり形容詞。形容詞は名詞を修飾する言葉だろ。
>>201 肯定文では使わないと覚えて大丈夫。 出てきた例文を見れば分かるように肯定「文」になってるものは一つもない。 > the most beautiful picture that I have ever seen > If you are ever in our neighborhood > Have you ever > I have never ever > I will never ever > Have you ever been to Kyoto? > any man who has ever lived
There must be ( ) ( ) with the computer system. コンピューターシステムはどこか故障しているのに違いない There's ( ) ( ) than an ice crean on a hot day. 暑い日にはアイスクリームほどいいものはない Can't you do ( ) ( ). 少しはましなことができないのか
@She is a girl whom it is difficult to get to know well.を She is a girl whom to get to know well is difficult.としても文法的には誤りじゃないですか?
APut the book back to where it was when you're through with it. は何故whomの前にtoがいるんですか? put backと もとへ と方向をあらわす副詞があるのでtoは不要じゃないですか?
BWhat to doは 何をすべきか という意味以外にも〜をすること。のような意味にはなりませんか?
C関係形容詞whatを使ってWhat 名詞 S V(〜するすべての−)のSを抜いた、 What 名詞 Vという組み合わせはありますか?あれば例文がほしいです。
DA is to B what C is to Dの構造ってどうなってるんですか? イディオムとして丸暗記するしかないですか?
EThis is a picture of what is called a caveman.を This is what is called a picture of caveman.としたら、 前者は”いわゆる”が”穴居人”までしかかからず(珍しいのは絵ではなく絵の内容)、 後者は”いわゆる”が”穴居人の絵”全体にかかりますよね?(絵全体が珍しい)
FAs a child, Derek was exposed to an ideal enviroment in which to learn foreign languages. のin whichを取って、 As a child, Derek was exposed to an ideal enviroment to learn foreign languages. としても同じ意味になりますか?
The study, funded by the Wellcome Trust, was carried out on rats, but scientists say they have every reason to believe that human babies may suffer as much harm as the offspring of rodents from exposure in the womb to high levels of fats, sugar and salt ↑長文すいません!ジャンクフードについての話で、この文章を私は 「この調査はWellcome Trust社からの資金提供で、鼠に行われた。 だが、さまざまな理由時から、科学者は人間の赤ちゃんもマウスのおなかの中 の子供と同じように十度の肥満などの被害をうけるのでは?と考えている」 と訳したのですが、最後の塩と砂糖の意味がわかりません(p_q*) どなたか解説お願いします(m。_。)m
偉人の伝記を読むたびに、我々は彼らがいかによくその境遇を利用したかに 驚かざるをえません。 →Every time I read a biography of heros, I can't help being surprised at how they well made use of thrir position.
I do not think the number of people 【】 this happens is very large. 【】の中には関係代名詞が入りますが、the number of people (人の数)が 先行詞ですよね?この場合は物(which)人(whom)どっちを使えばいいですか?
質問御願いします。 She said he is special,that he loves me.という文章なのですが、 1つの参考書にはこの省略されたthat節に対して後ろのthat節が同格となってるのですが、 別の参考書(透視図)には、コンマにはand/orの役割があるとなってるので、 それによると後ろのthat節がsaidの目的語になるみたいな感じなのですが、 どちらが正しいのでしょうか・・・。
大都市に住んで得られる楽しみのひとつは、巨大な人の群れを眺めるよろこびである。 One of the pleasures that living in 【@acity Adelight Bis Clarge Dof Eprovides Fthe】 viewing a large mass of people. 並び替えなんですけど、お願いします!
大都市に住んで得られる楽しみのひとつは、巨大な人の群れを眺めるよろこびである。 One of the pleasures that living in 【@a Acity Bdelight Cis Dlarge Eof Fprovides Gthe】 viewing a large mass of people. 並び替えなんですけど、お願いします!
和訳お願いします。 In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I’ve been turning over in my mind ever since. “Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone,” he told me, “just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had.” He didn’t say any more, but we’ve always been unusually communicative in a reserved way, and I understood that he meant a great deal more than that. In consequence, I’m inclined to reserve all judgement, a habit that has opened up many curious natures to me and also made me the victim of not a few veteran bores.
・I would like to be able to answer the question by studying hard. ・I will study hard enough to be able to answer the question. ・I want to be a person who can answer the question, so I have to study hard.
分詞構文の問題なんですが Written in English,the letter is hard to read この文の訳と分詞構文を使わない形に直しなさいという問題なんですが 訳は「英語で書かれているので、その手紙は読みにくい」 変形は As the letter is written in English,it is hard to read. これであってますか?
>>359 ほれ。 It is foolish to shrink from thinking about death. You can't see what death really is until it is facing you, but if you think about it, you can have less fear of it.
>>359 It is foolish of you to stop thinking about death. To be sure, you never know what death is until you face it actually, but by doing so, you can reduce fear of death to some degree.
>>364 Spinoza says that it is foolish to shrink from thinking about death. You can’t see what death really is until it is facing you, but if you think about it, you can have less fear of it. I have often wondered how I would feel if a doctor told me I had a fatal disease and I had only a little time to live. Of course I am aware that thinking about death is different from actually dying. I have had many serious illnesses but I have only once been within a measurable distance of death; at that time I was so tired that I did not fear death: actually I wanted the struggle to end, even if it meant death. Death is inevitable. It is a part of everyone’s world. But no one can be blamed if they hope to be fortunate enough to undergo death without pain.
>>359 死について考えるのをひるむのはおろかなことだ。 It is stupid [ to fear and avoid [ thinking about death ] ]. あなたは死が実際どんなものか、死に直面するまでわからない。 You will never know [ what death is ] [ until you actually come [ to face it ] ]. しかし、もしあなたがしについて考えるなら、死に対する恐怖はより少なくなるだろう。 But [ if you think about death ], your fear for death will reduce.
>>378 I think our life is to continue asking about the meaning of life as we live through our various experiences, including the occurrences that are completely unexpected in our daily lives.
>>345 Did any student [ in our school ] swim across the river? He is the first *student. 前の文を従属節にして*に繋ぐと He is the first student in our school [ that swam across the river ]. 従属節の主語述語を簡単にして不定詞にして繋ぐと He is the first student in our school [ to swim across the river ]. です。
Not only do we offer English lessons,but we endevour to provide our sutudents with a satisfying service and the best possible environment for international exchange.
この文章に関してなのですが、Not only~ but 間は S V ではなく、 V Sとなっています。
>>423 Not only do we offer English lessons, but we also endevour [ to provide our sutudents with a [ satisfying ] service and the best possible environment for international exchange ].
2009年未来予想図です。 今宮崎県で、東国原さんとは2年前の年の暮れ都城駅前の酒販売店で1人寂しそうにしておられたときに 話しかけました。 [助動詞+動詞の原形]を守らなければなりませんので、can quiet us か can give us か can do になって あてはまるのは、can do になるのです。
>>445 A: Would you like [ either ] of these hats? [どちらか一方を] B: No, I do not want [ either ], thanks. [どちら一方を]ほしくない=どちらも欲しくない C: I want [ both ]of them. [両方を] です。
scientists have been unable to explain with any certainty how the process works. Animal and laboratory experiments have suggested possible mechanisms but involved doses of broccoli extract far in excess of what would be consumed in real life.
>>461 Scientists have been unable [ to explain with any certainty [ how the process works ] ]. *その過程がどう進むのか説明できないで来た
Animal and laboratory experiments have suggested possible mechanisms but involved doses of broccoli extract far in excess of [ what would be consumed in real life ]. *実験は、機構を説明はしてきたが、 現実生活で人が消費する量を遙かに越えるブロッコリの抽出物摂取を含んでいたのである。
Who is the girl staying with you? Who is the girl staying at you? 「きみのところにとまっている女の子は誰?」の英訳はどっちですか?
以前から with の用法って支離滅裂だなと感じていて、 ちょうど自分なりに調べて深く勉強したところだったので、これを見たときにBだと思いました。 いくらなんでも stay with you では「あなたのところに泊まっている」ではなく「あなたと一緒に泊まっている」だろうと思いました。 Bについての話はよくわかりました。 stayは省いて at you だけに注目していたので stay at you に違和感を感じませんでした。 でも、なんで with で「あなたと一緒に泊まっている」という意味にならないのかは今でもよく分かりません。
訳してください! オネガイシマス! Many of our dream do not fit the person we are sure we are during daytime. We dream of hating people whom we believe we are fond of, of loving someone whom we thought we had not interest in.
>>565 *急いでいるとき、It's me. Can I come in? *急いでいないとき、I am. I am here. It is it. Excuse me. Would you mind [ if I come in there ]? *急いでいないとき、It is [ that I am here ]. Excuse me. Would you mind [ if I come in there ]? *少し急いでいないとき、It is I. Would you mind my [ coming in ]? *急いでいるとき、I という主語を me という非主語(=独立的単純単語)にして It's me. Can I come in? です。
単文だけで言うと、 I am ( here ). This is it. 僕が居ます。これはそれです。 二つを一緒にして、 This is [ that I am ]. これは、[私がここにいる]のです。 接続詞を省略して This is [ I (am) ]. 従属の節を簡単にして This is [ me ]. *言葉はこのように変わっていくのでしょうか?
>>604 A: Who struck him? B: It was I [ that struck him ]. C: You struck him! *強調構文では原則的にこうなるけど、 僕が英文法総集約した10公式による、公式@の 主語+be動詞+(前置詞)+名詞(非主格=目的格) に近づいて行っているのですね、生きている言語というものは。
>>615 何のことか分からぬまま機械的に訳しました。 > it doesn't mean you shouldn't make use of the very things > that excited you on a basic level. 「だからと言って、あなたが、あなたを 基本的レベルで興奮させた当の物(の数々)を 利用すべきではない、という事にはならない。」
You wanted to be a great singer,a baseball player,or a writer. (子供のころ)あなたは売れっ子の歌手や野球選手や小説家になることを夢見ていた(、が結局は叶わなかった)。 It doesn't mean you shouldn't make use of the very things that excited you on a basic level. そのことは、ごく低い水準において(つまり、経験が浅く、事柄を弁えてないときに)あなたの心をかき立てた 事柄を(夢や目標として)用いるべきではないということを意味しているわけではない。
>>669 I forgot [ how much I missed the outdoor ]. =The thought [ how much I missed the outdoor ] has gone out of my mind until now, but I just remembered.
> As I walked home through my middle−class neighborhood ,my thoughts were on the other side of the world . 「下衆の家々がさなかを歩き過ぎ行くほどに、 余が思ひ、異界へと巡りぬ。」 > > And my own world seemed a little darker . >「己が世のいささか暗がり行くをおぼゆ。」 > I came home feeling down. > 「思ひうち伏してやうやう帰り来ぬ。」
>>667 Put the book back [ where it was ] [ when you're through with it ]. Put the book back to the place [ at which it was ] [ when you're through with it ]. Put the book back to the place [ where it was ] [ when you're through with it ].
>>728 修正。 > >>727 > 当然可能です。 saidを忘れてました。 > It is often said that it is not until do we go abroad > before we realize the excellence of the traditinal cultures of Japan.
>>710 Not [ until the figure was quite close ] did they see what had come. 「いと近く寄らざる先は、殿輩(とのばら)は 何もの来しか見分きざりけり」 They did not see [ what had come ] [ until the figure was quite close ]. *普通はこうですが、Not until は、「本当に近くに来るまでは、全く分からなかったんだぁ」 という感じの言い方でしょうか?
> For individual Americans,the park is without equal for calling up happy past memories in the midst of a hectic life in pursuit of the American dreams. 「このパークは個々のアメリカ人にとって、 アメリカン・ドリームの追求するあくせくした生活の真っ只中に、 幸福な過去の思い出を呼び起こすことにかけて 比類無い存在である。」
>>762 修正。 > >>751 > > > For individual Americans,the park is without equal for calling up happy past memories in the midst of a hectic life in pursuit of the American dreams. > 「このパークは個々のアメリカ人にとって、 > アメリカン・ドリームを追求するという、あくせくした生活の真っ只中に、 > 幸福な過去の思い出を呼び起こすことにかけて > 比類無い存在である。」
>>751 For individual Americans, the park is without equal 並ぶ物がない for [ calling up happy [ past ] memories ] 過ぎ去った思いでの楽しい物を思い出させることにおいて in the midst of a hectic life in pursuit of the American dreams.
流れを無視しますが質問です。 あるドイツ文を英訳したものに There can be no doubt that 〜. というものと That 〜 there can be no doubt. という二つがありました。 (〜の部分はまったく同じ) どうして一番目の文が二番目の文のように 書き換えられるのでしょうか?
>>787 1.助動詞が入っている文: 5 patters *can not explain (when there are auxiliaries). 2.複合動詞になっている文: My cat is coming to me. *be動詞?一般動詞?僕、わかんな〜いよぉ、せんせ〜い。 Dear, you are loved by me. I haved loved you so long. 3.従属節がある文: You said [ that you were happy ] [ when I said [ that I loved you ] ]. *せんせ〜い、SV、SV、SV,SVO、どれを言えば善いんですか〜、頭ごっちゃごっちゃです・・・・ 4.不定詞句がある文: I want [ you to use my 10 formulas ]. *せんせ〜い、SVOCですけど、SVOの変形に見えるのですが、僕、変なのですか? 5.分詞・動名詞句がある文 [ Learning school English ], I become worse and worse with English. *[ ]の部分って一体何なのですか、[ ]の部分は、文型で考えてSVCみたいなのだけど、Sが何でないんですか? SVOかSVCか、一体5文型って何のためなんですか。はっきり言って下さい。もう、泣いちゃいますよ、せんせ〜い
10公式のGHIを囲っちゃうと、超イケイケですよ! The Importance of Plants Close to 2.5 billion years ago, the earth's surface and atmosphere were stable enough H[ to support primitive life ]. Single-cell organisms began H[ to develop in the seas G[ that covered the planet ]. A simple organism I[ known as blue-green algae ] appeared and spread across the seas. Blue-green algae used sunlight and water H[ to make food ], and in the process, created oxygen. G[ As the blue-green algae grew in the earth's seas ], they began H[ to fill the atmosphere with oxygen ]. The oxygen G[ that blue-green algae produced ] made H[ it possible H[ for other types of organisms to develop ] ]. Plants play the most important part in the cycle of nature. Without plants, there could be no life on Earth. They are the primary producers G[ that sustain all other life forms ]. This is so G[ because plants are the only organisms G[ that can make their own food ] ].
Animals, [ incapable of I[ making their own food ] ], depend directly or indirectly on plants for their supply of food. All animals and the foods G[ they eat ] can be traced back to plants. The oxygen G[ we breathe ] comes from plants. Through photosynthesis, plants take energy from the sun, carbon dioxide from the air, and water and minerals from the soil. They then give off water and oxygen. Animals and other non-producers take part in this cycle through respiration. Respiration is the process G[ where oxygen is used by organisms H[ to release energy from food ], and carbon dioxide is given off ]. The cycles of photosynthesis and respiration help H[ maintain the earth's natural balance of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water ]. Leaves are the main food-I[ making ] part of most plants. They capture energy from sunlight, and turn water and carbon dioxide into sugar and starch. This sugar and starch becomes the food G[ that provides plants with energy H[ to grow, to produce flowers and seeds, and carry on their other life processes ].
Close to 2.5 billion years ago, the earth's surface and atmosphere were stable enough [ to support primitive life ]. Single-cell organisms began [ to develop in the seas [ that covered the planet ]. A simple organism [ known as blue-green algae ] appeared and spread across the seas. Blue-green algae used sunlight and water [ to make food ], and in the process, created oxygen. [ As the blue-green algae grew in the earth's seas ], they began [ to fill the atmosphere with oxygen ]. The oxygen [ that blue-green algae produced ] made [ it possible [ for other types of organisms to develop ] ]. Plants play the most important part in the cycle of nature. Without plants, there could be no life on Earth. They are the primary producers [ that sustain all other life forms ]. This is so [ because plants are the only organisms (省略されました・・全てを読むにはここを押してください)
Animals, [ incapable of [ making their own food ] ], depend directly or indirectly on plants for their supply of food. All animals and the foods [ they eat ] can be traced back to plants. The oxygen [ we breathe ] comes from plants. Through photosynthesis, plants take energy from the sun, carbon dioxide from the air, and water and minerals from the soil. They then give off water and oxygen. Animals and other non-producers take part in this cycle through respiration. Respiration is the process [ where oxygen is used by organisms [ to release energy from food ], and carbon dioxide is given off ]. The cycles of photosynthesis and respiration help [ maintain the earth's natural balance of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water ]. Leaves are the main food-[ making ] part of most plants. They capture energy from sunlight, and turn water and carbon dioxide into sugar and starch. This sugar and starch becomes the food [ that provides plants with energy [ to grow, to produce flowers and seeds, and carry on their other life processes ]. *構造が見え見えになって、助かりますよね。
初心者には公式@〜Fで括りましょう。 Close to 2.5 billion years ago, [ the earth's surface and atmosphere were stable ] enough to support primitive life. [ Single-cell organisms began ] to develop in the seas that covered the planet. [ A simple organism [ known as blue-green algae ] appeared and spread ] across the seas. [ Blue-green algae used sunlight and water ] to make food, and in the process, created oxygen. As the blue-green algae grew in the earth's seas, [ they began ] to fill the atmosphere with oxygen. [ The oxygen [ that blue-green algae produced ] made ] it possible for other types of organisms to develop. [ Plants play the most important part ] in the cycle of nature. Without plants, [ there could be no life ] on Earth. [ They are the primary producers ] that sustain all other life forms. [ This is so ] because plants are the only organisms (省略されました・・全てを読むにはここを押してください)
[ Animals, [ incapable of [ making their own food ] ], depend directly or indirectly on plants ] for their supply of food. [ All animals and the foods [ they eat ] can be traced back ] to plants. [ The oxygen [ we breathe ] comes ] from plants. Through photosynthesis, [ plants take energy ] from the sun, carbon dioxide from the air, and water and minerals from the soil. [ They then give off water and oxygen ]. [ Animals and other non-producers take part ] in this cycle through respiration. [ Respiration is the process ] where oxygen is used by organisms to release energy from food, and carbon dioxide is given off. [ The cycles of photosynthesis and respiration help ] maintain the earth's natural balance of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water. [ Leaves are the main food- making part ] of most plants. [ They capture energy ] from sunlight, and turn water and carbon dioxide into sugar and starch. [This sugar and starch becomes the food ] that provides plants with energy to grow, to produce flowers and seeds, and carry on their other life processes.
Frieds are very important in our life. First, they lend us money, and momey is surely useful. Secondly, if you had friends, you could say you had friends. Lastly, with friends could we fill our spare time. These are the main merits of having friends...
>>834 綴り直し。 > >>833 > > Friends are very important in our life. > First, they lend us money, and money is surely useful. > Secondly, if you had friends, you could say you had friends. > Lastly, with friends could we fill our spare time. > These are the main merits of having friends. (^ω^)
I was wondering how on earth I was going to get through the evening. Saturday. Saturday night and I was left alone with my grandmother.
The others had gone ― my mother and my sister, both dating. Of course, I would have gone, too, if I had been able to get away first. Then I would not have had to think about the old woman, going through the routines that she would fill her evening with. I would have slipped away and left my mother and my sister to argue, not with each other but with my grandmother, each separately conducting a running battle as they prepared for the night out. One of them would lose and the loser would stay at home, angry and frustrated at being in on a Saturday night, the one night of all the week for pleasure. Well, some chance of pleasure. There was hardly ever any real fulfillment of hopes but at least the act of going out brought with it a possibility and that was something to fight for.
"Where are you going?" my grandmother would demand of her daughter, forty-six and a widow for fifteen years.
"I'm going out" My mother's reply would be calm and she would look determined as I imagine she had done at sixteen, and always would do.
I will have been living in this town for ten years at the end of this month. haveは状態動詞で継続を表す時、have been livingではなくhave livedじゃありませんでしたっけ?
They say she is a famous American actress. →She is said to be a famous American actress. 下の文、by themが無いのは単に省略してるだけですか? それともShe is said自体に「世間から」という意味が含まれていてby themが必要ないのでしょうか? もし「世間から」ではなくある特定の人達からだったらby themを付けるのでしょうか? その場合文末に付けますよね?
You are to pay the money at once.(義務)を、 You are not to pay the money at once.としてdon't have to doの意味にすることは可能でしょうか?
> 英訳お願いします。 > > 1 今週の週末に私たちの学校の体育祭があります。 We will have an auhletic festival this (coming) weekend. > 2 友達といっしょに見に来ませんか Why don't you come to see our festival with your friends?
We might take a closer look, for even drinking water that is clear an looks all right might contain dangerous elements. このfor〜は理由で「つまり〜」らしいんですが、 それだと、「つまり澄んでいて大丈夫そうに見える飲み水でさえも危険な物質を含んでいるかもしれないので」という意味になって、 We might take a closer lookが「もし細かく観察してみると」(解説はこう訳してありました)なら、 「もし細かく観察してみると、 つまり澄んでいて大丈夫そうに見える飲み水でさえも危険な物質を含んでいるかもしれないので。」となって意味不明ですよね? それに「もし細かく観察してみると」なら、 If we took a closer lookじゃないですか? なぜmightで「〜してみると」とになるのでしょうか。
Jessica found that"the more you talk as a family,the better you feel about your family." Most important,"everyone felt his or her point of view was respected,which means that everyone can accept what happens in the family without feeling left out.
>>921 Jessica found [ that"[ the more you talk as a family ], the better you feel about your family ]." Most important," everyone felt [ that his or her point of view was respected ], [ which means [ that everyone can accept [ what happens in the family ] 誰もが家族内に起こることを受け入れることが出来ると言うこと without [ feeling [ left out ] ] ]. 除け者にされることなく(=放り残されていると感じることなく)
>>882 文法は簡潔に! @Tom paints a picture for two hours. 2時間使って絵を描く ATom is painting a picture now. 絵を描いている途中 is=助動詞、 painting=本動詞、 の複合動詞 元々は、is=いる、 painting=例えば@を従属的に扱い、paints を painting にして主節 is に繋いだもの BLook at the baby [ sleeping in the cot ]. 簡易ベッドで眠っている赤ちゃん [ ]は、A baby sleeps in the cot. の sleeps を sleeping にし、主節の the baby に繋いだもの CLook at the [ sleeping ] baby. 眠っている赤ちゃん DThis letter was written by him. この手紙は彼によって書かれた。 *元々は、was=あった、 written=書いたものとして、 by him=彼を通して の様な話 生成の結果、複合動詞となり、was=助動詞、 written=本動詞 となっている。 EI have a watch [ made in Japan ]. 日本で作られた時計 FI explain things of participle. GI have explained things of participle for 10 minutes. これまで10分間説明した *元々を言うと、have=帯びている、所有する、 Fのexplain を explained=説明した物、 にして、主節の have に繋いだもの 生成物としていうと、have explained は複合動詞で、have=助動詞、 explained=本動詞
> The offer of a year abroad with all expenses paid seemes too good to miss. 「『全部費用の面倒は見るから、 海外で一年間過ごしてみないか』という申し出は、 見逃すには余りにも魅力的である (非常に魅力的なので見捨て難い)ように思われる。」
>>942 僕は佐土原町の人気者で、通信制の人気者で明日は高鍋町でスクーリング授業です。 >>941 The offer [ of a year abroad with [ all expenses paid ] ] seemes too good [ to miss ]. 申し出条件[外国での一年間[費用全額請負]]は、良すぎる[見逃すには] The offer is so good. You will be abroad for a year. Expenses will be all paid by the offerer. We can not miss it.
>>945 @She "was elected" leader of the art club last year. 去年、選ばれた AIn the inter-high-school [ swimming ] competition, our school "has been chosen" [ to be a representative of our prefecture ]. 先日選ばれて、今、県の代表となっている。これから、全国大会に行き、チャンピオンとなって、世界大会に行って、金メダリストとなる、どんなもんだ、えっへん。
What are the science-related issues that the public will have to make decisions on in the future?By far the most urgent is that of nuclear weapons.Other global problems,such as food supply or the greenhouse effect , are relatively slow-acting.On the other hand , a nuclear war cuold mean the end of all human life on earth within days.The relaxation of East-West tensions has meant that the fear of nuclear war has decreased in the mind of the public.But the danger is still there as long as there are enough weapons to kill the entire population of the world more than once. Nuclear weapons are still aimed at all the major cities in the Northern Hemisphere.It would only take a computer error to start a global war. If we manage to avoide a nuclear war, there are still other dangers that could destroy us all. There is a sick joke that the reason we have not been contacted by an alien civilization is that civilizations tend to destroy themselves when they get to our level.But I have sufficient faith in the good sense of the public to believe that we can prove this wrong. 訳してくれないでしょうか?よろしくお願いいたします。
Instead of measuring and competing on results ,efforts to improve health care delivery have made the fundamental error of attempting to control supply and micromanage provider practice.
No one was prepared for Professor Hill’s questions. この文は受動態でしょうか? もしそうなら能動態にすると、No oneが主語なので no oneが目的語になり、人を用意するというよくわかんない状態になってしまいます。 どういう文構造なのか教えて下さい。
My friend [ ] here by now, for he took the first train. 1.can arrive 2.may arrive 3.must arrive 4.ought to have arrive 答えとその理由を教えて下さい。
> 和訳です。 > > Nearly one of every seven dollars spent on final goods and services in the USA economy goes to > the health sector. 「合衆国経済に於いて 末端の物やサービスに支払われる 弗の七分之一近くが 健康分野に費やされる。」
>>986 一つの文を「主部/述部」と割った際に、 述部(Predicate)の中心となる動詞が述語動詞(Predicate Verb)です。 例えば Nearly one of every seven dollars spent on final goods and services in the USA economy goes to the health sector.では goes to the health sectorが述部、 goesが述語動詞です。
>>973 どうもです。 あ、私質問間違えてました。 ×haveは状態動詞で継続を表す時、have been livingではなくhave livedじゃありませんでしたっけ? ○liveは状態動詞で継続を表す時、have been livingではなくhave livedじゃありませんでしたっけ? で、liveは継続を表す時have been livingなんですね?