The Silence of the lambs のLOOK INSIDEだけ見れる部分だけ精読してみます。
From Thomas Harris, "The Silence of the lambs"
Behavioral Science, the FBI section that deals with serial murder,
is on the bottom floor of the Academy building at Quantico, half-buried in the earth.
Clarice Starling reached it flushed after a fast walk from Hogan's Alley on the firing range.
She had grass in her hair and grass stains on her FBI Academy windbreaker
from diving to the ground under fire in an arrest problem on the range.
* Behavioral Science (noun) The term behavioural sciences encompasses all the disciplines
that explore the activities of and interactions among organisms in the natural world.
It involves the systematic analysis and investigation of human and animal behaviour
through controlled and naturalistic experimental observations and rigorous formulations. * serial murder (noun) Serial killer
A serial killer is a person who murders three or more people over a period of more than thirty days,
with a "cooling off" period between each murder, and whose motivation for killing is largely based on psychological gratification.
Often, a sexual element is involved with the killings. The murders may have been attempted or completed in a similar fashion
and the victims may have had something in common; for example, occupation, race, appearance, sex, or age group. * Quantico (noun) , FBI Academy (noun)
The FBI Academy, located in Quantico, Virginia, is the training grounds
for new Special Agents of the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation.
* Hogan's Alley (noun)
Hogan's Alley is a tactical training facility of more than 10 acres operated by the FBI Training Academy.
Hogan's Alley was opened in 1987, and was designed to provide a realistic urban setting
for training agents of the FBI, DEA, and other local, state, federal and international law enforcement agents.
The term "Hogan's Alley" is also used generically to refer to any shooting range devoted to tactical training.
* firing range (noun)
A shooting range or firing range is a specialized facility designed for firearms practice.
Each facility is typically overseen by one or more supervisory personnel,
called variously a range master in the United States or a range conducting officer or "RCO" in the UK.
diving to the ground under fire in an arrest problem on the range は、
No one was in the outer office, so she fluffed briefly by her reflection in the glass doors.
She knew she could look all right without primping.
Her hands smelled of gunsmoke, but there was no time to wash
- Section Chief Crawford's summons had said now.
* outer office : 建物の数ある部屋のうち、外に面しているオフィスのこと
* fluffed < fluff (verb) 1. [also fluff up/out] to make something soft appear larger by shaking it : The bird fluffed out its feathers.
2. (informal) to make a mistake or so something badly : Ricky fluffed the catch and we lost the game. (LASD4)
* primping < primp (verb) to dress or groom oneself with elaborate care; preen (AHD)
* summons (noun) < summon (verb) (formal) to officially order someone to come to a particular place
[sommon somebody to something] I was summoned to the principal's office.
She found Jack Crawford alone in the cluttered suite of offices.
He was standing at someone else's desk talking on the telephone
and she had a chance to look him over for the first time in a year.
What she saw disturbed her.
* clutter (verb) to fill a space in an untidy way : Piles of books cluttered up his desk.
* suite of offices < suite (noun) 1. (especially British English) a set of matching furniture for a room : a living-room suite
2. a set of expensive rooms in a hotel : the honeymoon suite
* disturb (verb) 1. to interrupt someone so that they cannot continue what they are doing : Sorry to disturb you, but it's urgent. / Noise from the street disturbed her sleep.
2. to make someone feel worried or upset : Something about the situation disturbed him.
* crafty (adj.) good at getting what you want by cleverly deceiving people : He's a crafty old devil.
* the plate : [Baseball] Home plate
* puff (noun) 1. when you breathe smoke in and out : He took a puff on his cigar.
2. a small amount of air, smoke, wind etc : puffs of smoke
* cath hell : [米話] 大目玉を食う
* be on the juice : (slag) drinking heavily; on a drinking bout. : Fred spent the whole week on the juice.
Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions by Richard A. Spears.Fourth Edition. juice には、俗に To drink alcoholic beverages excessivelyという意味があるから、かなり酒を飲んでいるということだろう。
そうであれば、That seemed most unlikely here.にうまく意味がつながる。
Normally, Crawford looked like a fit, middle-aged engineer who might have paid his way through college playing baseball
-- a crafty catcher, tough when he blocked the plate.
Now he was thin, his shirt collar was too big, and he had dark puffs under his reddened eyes.
Everyone who could read the papers knew Bahavioral Science section was catching hell.
Starling hoped Crawford wasn't on the juice. That seemed most unlikely here.
he had dark puffs under his reddened eyes は、徹夜明けのような疲れた赤い目をしてタバコを吸っていたんでしょう。
Crawford ended his telephone conversation with a sharp "No."
He took her file from under his arm and opened it.
"Starling, Clarice M., good morning, " he said.
"Hello." Her smile was only polite.
"Nothing's wrong. I hope the call didn't spook you."
"No." Not totally true, Starling thought.
"Your instructors tell me you're doing well, top quarter of the class."
"I hope so, they haven't posted anything."
"I ask them from time to time. "
* spook (verb) to frighten, especially to startle and cause nervous activity in (an animal or animals).
* post (verb) 1. (BrE) to send a letter or package by post [=mail]
2. to send someone to a place to work
3. to put a notice about something on a wall or board
4. [keep somebody posted] to regularly tell someone the most recent news about something
That surprised Starling;
she had written Crawford off as a two-faced recruiting sergeant son of a bitch.
She had met Special Agent Crawford when he was a guest lecturer at the University of Virginia.
The quality of his criminology seminars was a factor in her coming to the Bureau.
She wrote him a note when she qualified for the Academy, but he never replied,
and for the three months she had been a trainee at Quantico, he had ignored her.
* criminology (noun) The scientific study of crime, criminals, criminal behavior, and corrections.
* the Bureau = the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is an agency of the United States Department of Justice
that serves as both a federal criminal investigative body and an internal intelligence agency.
The FBI has investigative jurisdiction over violations of more than 200 categories of federal crime.
The FBI's headquarters, the J. Edgar Hoover Building, is located in Washington, D.C..
Fifty-six field offices are located in major cities throughout the United States
as well as over 400 resident agencies in smaller cities and towns across the country.
More than 50 international offices called "legal attachés" are in U.S. embassies worldwide.
Starling came from people who do not ask for favors or press for friendship,
but she was puzzled and regretful at Crawford's behavior.
Now, in his presense, she liked him again, she was sorry to note.
Clearly something was wrong with him.
There was a peculiar cleverness in Crawford, aside from his intelligence,
and Starling has first noticed it in his color sense and the textures of his clothing,
even within the FBI-clone standards of agent dress.
Now he was neat but drab, as though he were molting.
* press (verb) to try very hard to persuade someone to do something : [press for] Nurses are pressing for a pay rise.
* she was sorry to note : ここは、ちょっとよくわからないのですが、"She wrote him a note when she qualified for the Academy "のことを言ってるのではなく、
たぶん、"she had written Crawford off as a two-faced recruiting sergeant son of a bitch."の方を済まなく思ったということではないでしょうか。
* peculiar (adj.) strange and surprising : a peculiar smell / He's a rather peculiar boy.
* drab (adj.) not interesting or bright : Everything looked so darb and colourless
* molt (AmE), moult (BrE) (verb) when an animal or bird moults, it loses hair or feathers so that new ones can grow
読んでますよ、まだLongman Active Study Dictionaryをやってます
"A job came up and I thought about you, " he said.
"It's not really a job, it's more of an interesting errand. Push Berry's stuff off that chair and sit down.
You put down here that you want to come directly to Behavioral Science when you get through with the Academy."
"I do."
"You have a lot of forensics, but no law enforcement background. We look for six years, minimum."
"My father was a marshal, I know the life."
* Berry's stuff (noun) [somebody's stuff] the things that belong to someone [=things (BrE)] : I need a place to store my stuff for a while.
* put down (phrasal verb) to write something on a piece of paper : Put down your name and address.
* forensic (noun) using scientific methods to solve crimes : forensic evidence
Forensic science
Forensic science (often shortened to forensics) is the application of a broad spectrum of sciences to answer questions of interest to a legal system.
This may be in relation to a crime or a civil action. * law enforcement (noun)
In North American English, a Law enforcement agency (LEA) is an organisation that enforces the law.
Outside North America, such organisations are called police services.
In North America, some of these services are called police, others have other names
(e.g. sheriff's department; investigative police services in the USA are often called bureaus (e.g. FBI, USMS, ICE, ATF, DEA, USSS, SBI, etc.).)
Crawford smiled a little. "What you do have is a double major in psychology and criminology,
and how many summers working in a mental health center - two?"
"Your counselor's license, is it current?"
"It's good for two more years. I got it before you had the semiar at UVA - before I decided to do this."
"You got stuck in the hiring freeze. "
Starling nodded.
"I was lucky though - I found out in time to qualify as a Forensic Fellow.
Then I could work in the lab until the Academy had an opening."
* current (adj.) happening, existing, or being used now : her current boyfriend / The word is still current in some circles.
* UVA : the University of Virginia
"You wrote to me about coming here, didn't you, and I don't think I answered - I know I didn't. I should have."
"You've had plenty else to do."
"Do you know about VI-CAP?"
"I know it's the Violent Criminal Apprehension Program.
The Law Enforcement Bulletin says you're working on a database, but you aren't operational yet."
Crawford nodded.
"We've developed a questionnaire. It applies to all the known serial murderers in modern times."
He handed her a thick sheaf of papers in a flimsy binding.
"There's a section for investigators, and one for surviving victims, if any.
The blue is for the killer to answer if he will, and the pink is a series of questionas an examiner asks the killer,
getting his reactions as well as his answers. It's a lot of paperwork."
* operational (adj.) 1. working and ready to be used : The new airport will soon be operational.
2. relating to the work of a business, government etc : operational costs
* questionnaire (noun) a set of written questions that you answer in order to give information about something
: Students were asked to fill out a questionnaire (=answer it).
* sheaf (noun) several pieces of paper held together
* flimsy (adj.) thin and light, and not thick or strong : a flimsy cotton dress / a flimsy table
LOOK INSIDEではあと3ページ見れるので、あと3ページだけやってみます^^
このあと、続きの Thomas Harris, "Hannibal"のペーパーバックも買ってあるので、
Paperwork. Clarice Starling's self-interest snuffled ahead like a keen beagle.
She smelled a job offer comimg - probably the drudgery of feeding raw data into a new computer system.
It was tempting to get into Behavioral Science in any capacity she could,
but she knew what happens to a woman if she's ever pegged as a secretary - it sticks until the end of time.
A choice was coming, and she wanted to choose well.
Crawford was waiting for something - he must have asked her a question.
Starling had to scramble to recall it :
"What tests have you given? Minnesota Multiphasic, ever? Rorshach?"
"Yes, MMPI, never Rorschach, " she said. "I've done Thematic Apperception and I've given children Bender-Gestalt."
* snuffle (verb) to breathe noisily in and out through your nose
* drudgery (noun) boring work : the drudgery of housework
* until the end of time : "to the end of time" = forever なので、退職するまでずっと、でしょうか
* scramble (verb) to try to do something difficult very quickly
* Minnesota Multiphasic (MMPI) : The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) is one of the most frequently used personality tests in mental health.
The test is used by trained professionals to assist in identifying personality structure and psychopathology.
* Rorschach : The Rorschach test is a psychological test in which subjects' perceptions of inkblots are recorded and then analyzed
using psychological interpretation, complex scientifically derived algorithms, or both.
Some psychologists use this test to examine a person's personality characteristics and emotional functioning.
It has been employed to detect an underlying thought disorder, especially in cases where patients are reluctant to describe their thinking processes openly.
The test takes its name from that of its creator, Swiss psychologist Hermann Rorschach. * Thematic Apperception : The Thematic Apperception Test, or TAT, is a projective psychological test.
Historically, it has been among the most widely used, researched, and taught of such tests.
Its adherents claim that it taps a subject's unconscious to reveal repressed aspects of personality,
motives and needs for achievement, power and intimacy, and problem-solving abilities. * Bender-Gestalt : The Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Test, or simply the Bender-Gestalt test, is a psychological test
first developed by child neuropsychiatrist Lauretta Bender.
The test is used to evaluate "visual-motor maturity", to screen for developmental disorders, or to assess neurological function or brain damage. 難しい専門用語が続くが、"What tests have you given?"の答えになってるので、心理テストの一種だろう、くらいの理解でも問題ないでしょう
"Do you spook easily, Starling?"
"Not yet."
"See, we've tried to interview and examine all the thirty-two known serial murderers we have in custody,
to build up a database for psychological profiling in unsolved cases.
Most of them went along with it - I think they're driven to show off, a lot of them.
Twenty seven were willing to cooperate.
Four on death row with appeals pending clammed up, understandably.
But the one we want the most, we haven't been able to get.
I want you to go after him tomorrow in the asylum."
Clarice Starling felt a glad knocking in her chest and some apprehension too.
"Who's the subject?"
"The psychiatriest - Dr. Hannibal Lecter, " Crawford said.
* psychological profiling (noun)
Offender profiling is a behavioral and investigative tool that is intended to help investigators to profile unknown criminal subjects or offenders.
(Psychological profiling is not the same as offender profiling and the two should not be confused.)
Offender profiling is also known as criminal profiling, criminal personality profiling, criminological profiling, behavioral profiling or criminal investigative analysis.
Television shows such as Law & Order: Criminal Intent, Profiler in the 1990s, the 2005 television series Criminal Minds,
and the 1991 film The Silence of the Lambs have lent many names to what the FBI calls "criminal investigative analysis."
* death row : Death row is a term that refers to the section of a prison that houses individuals awaiting execution. * appeal (noun) a formal request to a court or to someone in authority asking for a decision to be changed
* pending (adj.) (formal) not yeat decided, agreed on, or finished : Their divorce is still pending.
* clammed up (phrasal verb) (informal) to suddenly stop taking : Tom always clams up if you ask him about his girlfriend.
* asylum (noun) (old-fashioned) a hospital for people with mental illness
* knocking < knock (verb) if your heart is knocking, it is beating hard, especially because you are afraid [=pound]
* subject (noun) a person or animal that is used in a test or experiment
A brief silence follows the name, always, in any civilized gathering.
Starling looked at Crawford steadily, but she was too still.
"Hannibal the Cannibal," she said.
"Yes, well - Okay, right. I'm glad of the chance, but you have to know I'm wondering - why me?"
"Mainly because you're available, " Crawford said.
"I don't expect him to cooperate.
He's already refused, but it was through an intermediary - the director of the hospital.
I have to be able to say our qualified examiner went to him and asked him personally.
There are reasons that don't concern you.
I don't have anybody left in this section to do it."
* cannibal (noun) someone who eats human flesh
* intermediary (noun) someone who tries to help two people or groups to agree with each other
* examiner (noun) the person who officially judges how well students perform in an examination
"You're jammed - Buffalo Bill - and the things in Nevada, " Starling said.
"You got it. It's the old story - not enough warm bodies. "
"You said tomorrow - you're in a hurrry. Any bearing on a current case?"
"No. I wish there were."
"If he balks on me, do you still want a psycolgical evaluation?"
"No. I'm waist-deep in inaccessible-patient evaluations of Dr. Lecter and they're all different."
Crawford shook two vitamin C tablets into his palm, and mixed an Alka-Seltzer at the water cooler to wash them down.
"It's ridiculous, you know; Lecter's a psychiatrist and he writes for the psychiatric journals himself
- extraordinary stuff - but it's never about his own little anomalies.
* bearing (noun) [have a bearing on something] to have an influene or effect on something : His age had no bearing on our decision.
* balk (AmE), baulk (BrE) (verb) to not want to do something unpleasant or difficult
* evaluation (noun) < evaluate (verb) (formal) to judge how good, useful, or successful something is [=assess]
: Teachers meet regularly to evaluate student's progress.
* inaccessible (adj.) impossible to reach : In winter, the village is often inaccessible.
* Alka-Seltzer (noun) Alka-Seltzer is an effervescent antacid first marketed in 1931 by the Dr. Miles Medicine Company.
Alka-Seltzer is marketed for relief of headache, heartburn, and hangovers while neutralizing excess stomach acid. * anomaly (noun) (formal) something that is noticeable because it is different from what is usual
: In those days, a woman professor was still an anomaly.
He pretended to go along with the hospital director, Chilton,
once in some tests - sitting around with a blood-pressure cuff on his penis, looking at wreck pictures
- then Lecter published first what he'd learned about Chilton and made a fool out of him.
He responds to serious correspondence from psychiatric students in fields unrelated to his case, and that's all he does.
If he won't talk to you, I just want straight reporting.
How does he look, how does his cell look, what's he doing. Local color, so to speak.
Watch out for the press going in and coming out.
* make a fool (out) of somebody : to deliberately try to make someone seem stupid : She didn't like being made a fool of.
* correspondence (noun) letters that people write, or the activity of writing and getting letters
: She keeps all her correspondence. Their correspondence continued for years.
* local color (noun) additional details in a story or picture that give you a better idea of what a place is really like
: His description of the smells from the market added a touch of local color.
* the press (noun) newspapers and magazines, and the people who write for them
: He agreed to give an interview to the press. The press have been very nasty about him. a press report about the tragedy
Not the real press, the supermarket press. They love Lecter even better than Prince Andrew."
"Didn't a sleazo magazine offer him fifty thousand dollars for some recipes?
I seem to remember that, " Starling said.
Crawford nodded. "I'm pretty sure that National Tattler has bought somebody inside the hospital
and they may know you're coming after I make the appontment."
Crawford leaned forward until he faced her at a distance of two feet.
She watched his half-glasses blur the bags under his eyes. He had gargled recently with Listerine.
* the supermarket press : Supermarket tabloids are national weekly magazines printed on newsprint in tabloid format,
specializing in celebrity news, gossip, astrology, and bizarre stories about ordinary people.
Supermarket tabloids are particularly notorious for the over-the-top sensationalizing of stories, the facts of which can be called into question. * sleazo = sleaze (noun) immoral behavior in business or politics
* the National Tattler : a tabloid
* half-glasses (noun) a pair of eyeglasses, often shaped like the lower half of regular eyeglasses,
containing lenses to aid in reading and not suitable for distance vision. Unabridged, Based on the Random House Dictionary * blur (verb) to become less clear, or to make something less clear : His writing blurred beneath her tired eyes.
Electronic resourses have blurred the distinction between learning and play.
* the bags under his eyes : Lack of sleep, lack of exercise and water retention can cause young people to get bags under their eyes.. * Listerine : Listerine is a brand of antiseptic mouthwash.
"Now. I want your full attention, Starling. Are you listening to me?" "Yes, sir."
"Be very careful with Hannibal Lecter. Dr. Chilton, the head of the mental hospital,
will go over the physical procedure you use to deal with him.
Don't deviate from it. Do not deviate from it one iota for any reason.
If Lecter talks to you at all, he'll just be trying to find out about you.
It's the kind of curiosity that makes a snake look in a bird's nest.
We both know you have to back-and-forth a little in interviews, but you tell him no specifics about yourself.
You don't want any of your personal facts in his head. You know what he did to Will Graham."
"I read about it when it happened."
"He gutted Will with a linoleum knife when Will caught up with him. It's a wonder Will didn't die.
Remember the Red Dragon? Lecter turned Francis Dolarhyde onto Will and his family.
Will's face looks like damn Picasso drew him, thanks to Lecter.
He tore a nurse up in the asylum. Do your job, just don't ever forget what he is."
"And what's that? Do you know?"
"I know he's a monster. Beyond that, nobody can say for sure.
Maybe you'll find out; I didn't pick you out ..."
* the physical procedure : Dr. Lecterは、重大犯罪者で特別な監視の下に入獄している。話をするには、Dr. Chiltonによる特別な手続きが必要。
* deviate (verb) to change and become different from what is normal or expected
* iota (noun) A very small amount, a bit : not an iota of truth to that tale
* gut (verb) 1. to destroy the inside of a building completely 2. to remove the organs from inside a fish or animal before cooking it
* linoleum (noun) a smooth material used to cover floors
* Red Dragon : Red Dragon is a novel by Thomas Harris, first published in 1981.
It was the first novel to feature Harris' iconic character Dr Hannibal Lecter, a brilliant psychiatrist and cannibalistic serial killer.
* tear up (verb) 〜に裂傷を負わす
>>237 俺は別に気にならないけどな、もともと過疎スレだし。
>>239 スレ違いにならないように、希望を受け付けてその作品を精読しますから大丈夫ですよ^^
>>240 器量の狭いやつだな。ただでさえ過疎スレなのに。
>>211 新潮文庫の訳本では、「ガラス戸に映った自分の姿を見ながら、さっと髪に指を通した」でした。
>>213 puffsは、大きく間違えました(T_T) 訳本では「黒ずんだたるみ」となってます。
>>218 she was sorry to note.は、「癪に障るが」と訳されています。
ペーパーバックは手ごわいですね... (T_T)
248 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/07/31(土) 13:17:47
249 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/09/04(土) 11:14:32
250 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/09/04(土) 13:05:54
251 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/09/04(土) 16:31:01
単語力<文法構文 って聞いた
253 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/09/06(月) 20:52:48
254 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/09/06(月) 21:27:09
>>252 正しい常識があれば、情報の欠落(知らない単語)も補える。