The countermeasures for such things are not easy. We need two levels. One level—the immediate—various governments are taking, including some violent methods, right or wrong. But we have to have a long-term strategy, too.
Some, like John Ruskin and Juliana Ewing, fashioned their observations of the disparate ways of knowing and relating to plants into evaluative classifications of flower enthusiasts.
These experiences will definitely improve my comprehensions. I appreciate having a great experience through this program. This experience will also help me to advance my self-understanding and develop my career plan.
Q what do u do 4 luv??? r we havin fun yet??? yea well English, japan, Court life... hmmm luv me wit ur eyes... undress & Luv me cause when I'm sexin u I',m next ta u it's alright!!!! Cum hold me I'm closin in!!! Happy Birthday baby!!!
一番最後の数行のうち一行の意味がわかりません。 --- タイの米の輸出組合は、2007年の収穫はどうなるかわからないと話す。 Vichai Sriprasert, a big exporter, describes the Thai rice market using language that, elsewhere, is literally true. 訳すと Vichai Sriprasert、大手の輸出業者は、タイの米のマーケットは、どこかほかのところで文字通り真実の言葉を 使っていると述べる。
Im sorry that longer i write to you but i have problems to my dog:((( i love my dog but just anything the damage is done him :((((( Im very very sad:(((
Drought affects every agricultural industry based here, not just rice−from sheepherding, the other mainstay in this dusty land, to the cultivation of wine grapes, the fastest-growing crop here, with that expansion often coming at the expense of rice. よろしくおねがいします。
Only once in his ten years has he been in trouble─when he met a dog who refused to negotiate. Charley lost a piece of his right ear that time. But he is a good watch dog─has a roar like a lion.
The reason countless lab animals have given their lives during the testing of experimental drugs is to allow manufacturers and regulators to see that a compound might be toxic, even deadly, before millions of people use it.
Your authorization to charge your account an additional $45 is required to cover the extra fee. To avoid further delay in the future, please mark authorization up to $5.00 on our Additional Shipping Charge field.
>>103 追加料金/残りの料金をカバーするために、あなたのアカウントにもう45ドル課金しなければなりませんが、あなたの了承が必要です。 これ以上の遅れが出ないために、Additional Shipping Charge(送料追加料金)欄で「authorization up to $5.00(五ドルまで了承)」をチェックして下さい。
So , I read your Profile and I think your really cute, and kinda obsessed with parsley.. Ha Either way, Im coming to Japan In the fall, and I currently speak some Japanese, I want to learn some more, before I go, and want to have some friends who know the area for when i get there. If your interested in meeting someone new, Please write back. Thanks Heather
Mr. Koo outlined one of main causes of a recession being that no one is borrowing money due to companies who are still paying off their debts, but with households still saving at the same rate. 「Your authorization to charge your account an additional $45 is required to cover the extra fee. To avoid further delay in the future, please mark authorization up to $5.00 on our Additional Shipping Charge field. 」 「追加料金/残りの料金をカバーするために、あなたのアカウントにもう45ドル課金しなければなりませんが、あなたの了承が必要です。 これ以上の遅れが出ないために、Additional Shipping Charge(送料追加料金)欄で「authorization up to $5.00(五ドルまで了承)」をチェックして下さい。 」 の返信として書く文です、宜しくお願いします。
SIM Unlock Codes will only be provided after your account has been active for 90 days. Only one unlock code may be provided per customer every 90 days. No SIM Unlock Codes will be provided within the 14-Day Buyer's Remorse period. SIM Unlock Codes are not always available from the Manufacturer.
The girls stood aside, talking among themselves, looking over their shoulders at rolled in the dust or clung to the hands of their older brothers or sisters.
すみませんthe lotteryって言う小説を調べて読んでたんですが、 文章で検索したら違う文が出てきました。 多分こっちが正しいのかもしれませんお願いします。 The girls stood aside, talking among themselves, looking over their shoulders at the boys. And the very small children rolled in the dust or clung to the hands of their older brothers or sisters.
Traditionally the term career has been reserved for those who expect to enjoy the rises laid out within a respestable profession. The term is coming to be used,however,in a broadened sense to refer to any social strand of any person's course through life.
ゴッフマン著『アサイラム』中の 論文The moral career of the mental patientの序部です。 宜しくお願いします。
I thought this was a wonderful story because so many of us get overwhelmed by the problems we face―environmental pollution,poverty, and destruction of the ecosystem.
The best thing to do is contact our Japanese distributor and purchase locally through them. We are no longer able to process orders to Japan . I think the 5% you are referring to is the $5 promotion you can get through our newsletter. Going forward you need to negotiate with Kentaro who is cc’d to this note.
お願いします。 Lost of records or transaction mistakes due to system failures could also cause trouble (although I don't mind a bit of money accidentally transferred into my account).
Scenarios range from a killer running riot on the staircases, beyond the reach of guards,to a suicide rilot who strikes before anyone can be evacuated,to a ship that opens fire from the harbor.
This is what we do above all, Jerry,Yoko and others, it is to try to change the apathy of young people,the apathy which exists in America but which is infiltrating everywhere because evryone follows the American pattern, above all because of music.
It would be a flight beyond his usual foolery to seek for the perpetual motion; and yet I know enough of my old business to be certain that what he is now so busy with is no part of the machinery of a watch.
Most explaining essays fall into into one of two categories. The first type explains why, helping your readers understand your topic as well as you (). ()に @forAresultBrarelyCdoDcauseEgivenFdidGwithHgiveIlikely のどれかを入れて日本語に訳して下さい。お願いします
Ernest had finished eating and took out a cigarette, struck a match across the iron fastening of a table leg and, having inhaled deeply , allowed smoke to wander from his mouth. Like a gentle tide washing in under the moon, a line of water flowing inwards and covering the sand, a feeling of acute loneliness took hold of him, an agony that would not let him weep. The tow girls sat before him wholly engrossed in themselves, still debating whether they should buy a cake, or whether they should ride home on a bus.
>>226 アーネストは食い終わってタバコを取り出した、テーブルの脚の鉄製留具でマッチに火をつけ、深く吸い込み、口から煙を漂わせた。 月の下で寄せる優しい潮のように、内に流れて砂を覆う水の線のように、するどい孤独感が彼を攫んだ。涙も流させない苦痛が。 The tow girlsは自分たちの中だけで全く夢中になって、彼の前に座って、ケーキを買うべきかどうか、それともバスに乗って帰るべきかどうか、まだ議論していた。
winning eleven yes i have but i never played it so how is your track going? おねがいします。 trackって何なのかな。 一応曲を作っているので、曲のことなのかな。 goingの意味もちょっとわかりません。 winning eleven yes i have but i never played itまではわかります。 おねがいします!
The rates of violent and property crime, reported for 2005 as 799 and 4974 incidents per 100,000 residents respectively[92] are higher than the national average
A black twin head bad dragon lives in the silver building of the famous ramen shop parking lot side. The bad dragon always tells a lie and sends a playful E-mail. And the bad dragon raises up money from a lamb. Even if the bad dragon eats money, the bad dragon repays the bank it.
Feel free to tell me I'm full of shit if you think I'm wrong, but I think Japanese has a little more leeway in terms of this. Like you've got a little more room, a slightly larger margin to work in, in terms of how exactly you phrase things (in Japanese). It's not *as* easy to say things that are blatantly awkward or bizarre. English seems to me a lot harder to get a feel for.
>>247 これだろ They parted. Kevin put the bottle into his poket. He didn't know why he'd wanted the bottle, but he had. Lots of things were like that. You needed them for a bit; and then you didn't need them any longer.
どなたか翻訳お願いします。 I could have a lot to tell you, but it's mostly questions I've been asking to myself and it's not really joyful so I prefer to skip it, because when you have an email from me, I guess you prefer to smile when you read it, instead of making you sad, knowing that your friend at 20 000 km is sad!!
The whole world knows that the Japs denied and lied about the Rape of Nanjing because they do not want to have a bad name for their country, after the veterans die(Also the chinese) china will have much to say. There are Some Japanese admitting what they did but not all. Remember, it was around 1400- 1500 (around there) So it was like 500 years of brainwasting.
Step 1. Disconnect negative battery cable from the battery バッテリー線をバッテリーのマイナスから外す Step 2. Disconnect the positive battery cable from the battery 次にプラスを外す
Step 3. Connect the positive battery clamp of the battery charger to the positive battery post Step 4. Reconnect the negative battery cable to the battery Step 5. Connect the negative battery clamp of the battery charger to a well ground part of the frame away from the battery
As to the other part of your post, I've always found it distasteful when an artist injects too much of their identities in their work. Perhaps this is residual prejudice from my many years at Ego School (also known as Art School), but it seems to me, just from that quote, that she's taking more of a solipsist's view, which isn't easy to disagree with. Generally I couldn't care less about who an artist is, only what they do, so when they attempt meta-work and meta-philosophy the patience quickly oozes from my puckered anus - unless by objectifying themselves it acts as a relatable universal, but when it does it's rarely acknowledged.
>>272 Step 3. Connect the positive battery clamp of the battery charger to the positive battery post 充電器のプラス電池器具を電極に取り付ける。 Step 4. Reconnect the negative battery cable to the battery マイナス電池ケーブルをもう一度電池に取り付ける。 Step 5. Connect the negative battery clamp of the battery charger to a well ground part of the frame away from the battery 充電器のマイナス電池器具を、電池から離れた箇所にあるフレームのアース部に取り付ける。
A trip is made that much more special if the visitors get to meet the people who live in the country. We have tried to be hospitable to foreigners when we meet them in New York City. It adds to the pleasant feelings people have about the country they're visiting.
Ball had been visible in RKO and MGM movies since the '30s, playing a variety of comic and serious roles,often stealing scenes(Stage Door), sometimes winning a major lead(Du Barry Was a Lady),but never quite making thebig time. お願いします
>>289 そんな感じ >>290 ボールは1930年代からRKOとMGM映画に出演し、種々の喜劇的な、あるいはまじめな役を演じた。 しばしば主役をくうほどの脇役となったり(stage doorとか)、時には主役となったりもしたが( du barry was a ladyとか)、一流と呼ばれるところまではとうとう行かなかった。
Despite the existence of the offence in the ICTY Statute, the Trial Chamber very boldly stated that in the absence of any clear indication in the practice of States as to what the definition of the offence of ‘violence to life and Person’ may be under customary law, it was not satisfied that such an offence giving rise to individual criminal responsibility exists under that body of law.
を誰か訳していただけないでしょうか?(;;) 専門用語が多くて難しいです・・・
一応、 ICTY規程における違反行為の存在にもかかわらず、 公判部はthe offence of ‘violence to life and person’(‘生命と人への暴力’の違反行為)の定義が 慣習法の下で何であるかに関するStatesのpractice(?)において明確な示唆がない場合、個人の刑事責任を問える そのような違反行為がその法典の下に存在するという要件は、 満たしていなかった、と非常に大胆に述べた。
587です。あと一文がわからないのですが… Despite the existence of the offence in the ICTY Statute, the Trial Chamber very boldly stated that in the absence of any clear indication in the practice of States as to what the definition of the offence of ‘violence to life and Person’ may be under customary law, it was not satisfied that such an offence giving rise to individual criminal responsibility exists under that body of law.
をどなたか訳していただけないでしょうか?(;;) 専門用語が多くて難しいです・・・
「ICTY規程における違反行為の存在にもかかわらず、 公判部はthe offence of ‘violence to life and person’(‘生命と人への暴力’の違反行為)の定義が 慣習法の下で何であるかに関するStatesのpractice(?)において明確な示唆がない場合、個人の刑事責任を問える そのような違反行為がその法典の下に存在するという要件は、 満たしていなかった、と非常に大胆に述べた。 」
The phrase 'too good to be true' springs to mind as I look at your outlook. It's not that I think there's something suspicious about the impact of Jupiter's alignment to Mercury, It's more that I suspect that this is what you will think. Faced with a surprisingly good opportunity, you may feel more inclined to question it than to accept it. You will doubt the extent of your own good fortune or worry that there's a hidden problem. Yet there isn't... or need not be. Relax and, most of all... enjoy.
おながいします While you’ve been conscious others were pressing for a decision, your options have been so fascinating that you simply couldn’t stop exploring them. The move by your ruler Mercury to accent these plans has considerably boosted the pressure. This means you need to at least discuss your intentions, if not actually commit.
Any meter with a volts scale can directly measure current without converting. A meter must have a resistance scale to directly measure ohms without converting. What is the proper instrument to boost the level of a pre-amp signal?
Why should they have to? And obviously you don't know it either. In English, we capitalize letters at the beginning of a sentence and we also capitalize proper nouns, like "English". Also, since "don't" is a conjunction, it needs an apostrophe, which you? forgot.
For ages you’ve been trying to get certain arrangements organised, but with limited success. Now, suddenly, others are ready to discuss taking things further. Better yet, having done some serious thinking, you’ve some new ideas to suggest, so are feeling more confident than for ages. Yet you’re distracted and can’t keep your mind off of certain intriguing ideas or ventures.
These wouldn’t just broaden your horizons, they’d highlight questions about your priorities. They’re exactly the questions you should be asking. It isn’t a matter or either/or. With only a little imagination you can fit both those existing plans and new ventures into your life.
On the southern outskirts of the city, where the fields began and the house became shabbier, the ruins of small amphitheater lay hidden in a clump of pine trees.
It makes sense that if a child is overexposed to a certain kind of visual stimulus during the period when its brain is being "wired", it could be affected.
Any meter with a volts scale can directly measure current without converting. A meter must have a resistance scale to directly measure ohms without converting. What is the proper instrument to boost the level of a pre-amp signal?
That is why I did not write you and see how you are feeling. i was not sure if you started to feel bad again or not. So now I am a little worried how you feel since I did not hear back from you.
For women like me, as Liz Stanley and Sue Wise write,feminism is a way of living our lives.
It occurs as and when women,individually and together, heaitantly and rampantly,joyously and with deep sorrow, come to see our lives differently and to reject externally imposed frames of reference for understanding them lives, instead beginning the slow process of constructing our own ways of seeing them,understanding them,and living them. For us,the insistence on the deeply political nature of everyday life and on seeing political change as personal change,is quite simply,“feminism”(L Stanley and S Wise, 1983,p.192)
Why should they have to? And obviously you don't know it either. In English, we capitalize letters at the beginning of a sentence and we also capitalize proper nouns, like "English". Also, since "don't" is a conjunction, it needs an apostrophe, which you? forgot.
Soccer's soccer wherever you're playing it, of course,but I was pretty sure that training at Real would be very different to what I'd grown used to back home. How much of what I'd learned so far, as a player and as a person, was going to be of any use to me here? It didn't help matters that I'd had some of the Spanish paper talk translated for me.
Please help me!!! My horrible huge cock is terribly stinking of massive grime of glans!!! 'cause I've not taken a shower for five days. What should I do, you guys !? X P
japans cool my friend lived there for 4 years i remember she was tellin me storys of how there was pages ripped out of hentai comics on the ground around the train stops or somthin lol
For women like me, as Liz Stanley and Sue Wise write,feminism is a way of living our live 私のような女性にとっては、Liz Stanley とSue Wise が書いているように フェミニズムとは生き方そのものである。
といってそこからLiz とSue の文章を引いてるんだろう? 次の一文は長いからパス。眠いんで頭が死んでる。5行以内だから誰かおねがい For us,the insistence on the deeply political nature of everyday life and on seeing political change as personal change,is quite simply,“feminism”( わたしたちにとって、日常生活における政治的な側面へのこだわりや、 政治的な変化を個人的な変化と見なすことは、まさしく「フェミニズム」にほかならない
It occurs as and when women,individually and together, heaitantly and rampantly,joyously and with deep sorrow, come to see our lives differently and to reject externally imposed frames of reference for understanding them lives, instead beginning the slow process of constructing our own ways of seeing them,understanding them,and living them.
The bargaining at the meeting of trade ministers in doha was though; implementing agreements during the planed three years of talks will be even together ,but the result surely will be worth. お願いします!
お願いします! Are you lucky? No, you are much more than lucky. You are blessed. The cosmos has a special place for you in its heart. It doesn't so much look out for your best interests, as look out for everyone else in case they inadvertently compromise your best interests! You are not aware of this? That's as it should be. You don't need to fawn with obsequious gratitude in order to earn this heavenly boon. It comes naturally. Just trust that help is there and reach for it. A minor miracle may yet occur today.
おねがいします You’ve long known that one particular individual on the family front needs careful handling and so have tried to be sensitive to that, even in difficult situations. But they’re more resilient than you think. Not only that, they’re also well aware of your concern, and are doing everything they can to take advantage of it.
"Imagine", both the song itself and the album, is the same thing as "Woking Class Hero" and "Mother" and "God" on the first disc. But the first record was too real for people, so nobody bought it. It was banned on the radio. But the song 'Imagin', which says: "Imagine that there was no more religion, no more country, no more politics" is virtually the communitist and I do not belong to any movement.
Mice with subcutaneous fat transplanted into their abdomen gained only about 60% of the weight packed on by the control group, which, like most mice, continued to expand.
Any meter with a volts scale can directly measure current without converting. A meter must have a resistance scale to directly measure ohms without converting. What is the proper instrument to boost the level of a pre-amp signal?
Any meter with a volts scale can directly measure current without converting. A meter must have a resistance scale to directly measure ohms without converting. What is the proper instrument to boost the level of a pre-amp signal?
It is the mathematical aspect that makes possible what physicists mean by the much-misunderstood word theory.Theoretical physics entails writing down equations that capture (or model, as scientists say)the real world of experience in a mathematical world of numbers and algebraic formulas.
An internal power struggle developed between Jobs and CEO John Sculley in 1985. Apple's board of directors sided with Sculley and Jobs was removed from his managerial duties. Jobs later resigned from Apple and founded NeXT Inc., a computer company that built machines with futuristic designs and ran the UNIX-derived NeXTStep operating system. Although powerful, NeXT computers never caught on with buyers, due in part to their high purchase price.
One particular individual knows exactly how to wrap you around their little finger, and without saying a word. They’ve convinced you that they’re dependant on you in some way, which has triggered the rescuer in you. Until you recognise this and make it clear they’re on their own, you’ll remain at their beck and call.
She walked over to Brad and sat down next to him. As she introduced herself, she tossed her long hair back. Brad couldn't believe how smoking hot she was.
誰か翻訳お願いします!困っています。 thank you for meeting me on time. I was trying to tell you that it was good you didn't have to wait for the mail. How far did you have to travel to get to me?
Have you ever heard the saying "saved by the bell"? Well, in old England they were running out of places to bury people, so the local people started digging up old coffins to reuse the graves for new ones.
Seminars have fewer student and are taught either by the lecturer or by a graduate students.The purpose of the seminar is applying information covered in the lecture.Seminars are more informal than lectures.
jaja nothing happens (imaginate that I use a translator for a web not mistaken ..) I love B'z hope that lasts many years! A question .. already gone to japan in the special B'z not? as is? is that what brings me the best export ^ ^
携帯から失礼します。 One of the chief reasons why man alone has made great progress while other animals remain what use to be is that he learned how to use fire. 和訳お願いしますm(._.)m
日本語訳お願いします apparently due to a growing fondness overseas for Japanese food and the growing ranks of Japanese baseball players plying their trade overseas.
日本語訳おねがいします。科学英語の長文でわからなかったところだけ抜き出します。 Mix the Quantum Prep matrix by repeated shaking and inversion of the bottle to insure that it is completely suspend.(No tubes are supplied with the sample size kit.However,most2.0and1.5mltubes will accommmodate the Spin Filters. )
>>561 Mix the Quantum Prep matrix by repeated shaking and inversion of the bottle to insure (本当にinsureか?) that it is completely suspend.(No tubes are supplied with the sample size kit.However,most2.0and1.5mltubes will accommmodate the Spin Filters. ) Quantum Prep matrixを、間違いなく完全に浮遊混合されてるよう、 振りとボトルのひっくり返しを繰り返して混ぜろ。 サンプルサイズのキット(試供品、ちゅうことか)にはチューブはついてないぜ。 でも普通の市販の1.5か2.0mlのマイクロチューブでスピンスピンフィルターを使えるぜ。
Thank you. Well, now, continuing about my own financial affairs. The Westminster Bank pay me a small pension ―three hundred and fifty to be precise―and my wife has about two hundred a year of her own. Apart from that we have nothing, except such savings as I've been able to make during my career at the bank―the interest from which raises my total income to about eight hundred pounds per annum.
おねがいします。 5. Fix driver bug : Unicast workaround fix causes TX/RX stoped after system resumed (8101E/8168B) This is only happens on few specfic motherboards which enable unicast workaround fix
イギリス人(イングランド人)論の最後の一文なのですが、うまく訳せません。 よろしくお願いします。 This self-deprecation is typically English, and, mixed with their reserve, it often produces a sort of general air of indifference which appears to foreigners as a pose, difficult to understand and even irritating.
On each occasion, I've been denied a copy of that study. It is not surprising that the incidence of side effects declined dramatically in the fifth year of use. Patients who did have sexual side effects simply wouldn't tolerate those side effects for five years. With this in mind, the report of 0.6% of Propecia users having sexual side effects after five years of use sounds incorrect and misleading.
So the conclusion is clear from the 5-year results. For those people using Propecia who do respond positively, Propecia will at best grow some more hairs, and at worse maintain your existing hair with minimal hair growth. This makes more of a case for using a multi-agent treatment program to maximize the possible results.
So the conclusion is clear from the 5-year results. For those people using Propecia who do respond positively, Propecia will at best grow some more hairs, and at worse maintain your existing hair with minimal hair growth. This makes more of a case for using a multi-agent treatment program to maximize the possible results.
The transistors have resistance The power supply does not produce enough current The heat sink is connected to them The heat from the heat sink flows into them The output devices cannot push power to the speakers quick enough and thus causes a heat breakup
Make sure that your final submission has the number of pages allowed for this category which is 5 pages (additional pages up to 1 will be charged as specified in the registration form). Also note that your final submission must be a WORD file since proceedings are produced in WORD,
日本語訳おねがいしますっ!(ToT)/ Childhood is not a time of unbroken happiness. Most children have to go through the real terrors,disappintment,and agonies which inevitably happen in child hood. Most people,however,forget all of these things in the course of time and look on the world in which they grew up as the best of all possible worlds.
why we relish stories that lionize individuals who start at the bottom and fight their way to the top, rather than stories that frame these forms of competition as varying degrees of insanity?
Finally, don't mention to the car dealer that you intend to pay cash or use a bank for financing until deal is closed. Some dealers will offer a lower price if they believe that they willhave the opportunity to arrange the finamcing and collect a commission.
The sine of alpha times the cosine of beta equals one-third on the outside of the braces times the sine of alpha plus beta, both angles in the parentheses, plus the sine of of alpa minus beta, both angles in the parentheses on the inside of the braces. お願いします。
That is, these line segments see the inside of the polygon in the left of their directions. All coordinate values are between 0 and 10000, inclusive. You can assume that the polygon is simple, that is, its border never crosses or touches itself. As stated above, the given polygon is always a convex one. The last dataset is followed by a line containing a single zero.
In the morning they are too busy getting off to work to have time conversation; in the evening ,when they get home, the children are (or ought to be ) in bed. One hears stories of children who only know of their father as ‘that man who comes for the week-End!’
The trade paper's reviewer, Justin Chang, wrote that Brazilian director Fernando Meirelles may have turned out a "slickly crafted drama" but that the tale by Nobel laureate Jose Saramago "emerges on screen both overdressed and undermotivated, scrupulously hitting the novel's beats yet barely approximating, so to speak, its vision."
In the serious business of caring for the child, farther can seldom participate; in fact this Duty is shared between mothers and education authorities.
It was Miss Rose who made all the business arrangements for the new shop, who saw the bank manager, the estate agent and the builder, Miss Rose who advised with the orders and the accounts.
The mother chooses the nurse, and the father chooses the school , so that they preserve intact their sense of power over their children, which working class parents are not allowed to do.
>>718 > The sine of alpha times the cosine of beta equals one-third on the outside > of the braces times the sine of alpha plus beta, > both angles in the parentheses, plus the sine of of alpa minus beta, > both angles in the parentheses on the inside of the braces. > お願いします。
Some scientists have suggested using aerosols to stave off the effects of global warming as an emergency measure. Russian expert Mikhail Budyko understood this relationship very early on. In 1974, he suggested that if global warming became a problem, the planet could be cooled by burning sulfur in the stratosphere, which would create a haze. According to Ramanathan (1988), an increase in planetary albedo of just 0.5 percent is sufficient to halve the effect of a CO2 doubling.
Welcome to our IMAGE GALLERY. These pictures were created by patients with bad Lasik or other refractive surgery results. Click on any thumbnail below to see an example of how we see after surgery. Many of these are examples of "20/20" vision. ttp:// これお願いしますm(_ _)m レーシックに関する文みたいです。
Stuntin in my loc locs. Dreamin bout me M.I.A., Boyfriend wonderin where I'm at, Cause I'm in the spot spot. Why he always tryin to be puttin me down on lock lock?
If the salespersons know in advance, they may quote you a high price for the trade in, but the price of new car may be adjusted to include the added amount. Furthermore, try to buy your new car at the end of the year, just before the next year’s Models arrive in the fall.Dealers are usually glad to move these cars off their lots to make room for the new model. お願いします。
We say ultimately because use of the word to describe a type of Web site that allows people to contribute and edit content -- as Wikipedia does -- actually dates back to 1995, six years before Eikipedia was born.
It turns out that Wikipedia's name ultimately derives from those buses, which are themselves named for the Hawaiian word for "quick" or "to hasten."
Wikipedia の名前は最終的にはこのバス(ハワイのウィキウィキバス)に由来していることがわかります。 このバスの名前自体は、「素早い」「急ぐ」という意味のハワイの言葉から来ています。 「最終的に」というのは、人々に内容を寄稿させたり編集させたりするタイプのWebサイト−−Wikipediaのような−− を表すのにこの単語(Wiki)を用いるのは、実のところ1995年までさかのぼるからです。Wikipediaが生まれる6年前です。
"Ideas that we should increase aerosol emissions to counteract global warming have been described as a 'Faustian bargain' because that would imply an ever increasing amount of emissions in order to match the accumulated greenhouse gas in the atmosphere, with ever increasing monetary and health costs." Climatologists are stressing that the roots of both global dimming-causing pollutants and global warming-causing greenhouse gases have to be dealt with together and soon.
white girls, you just have to be a little more proactive. i know plenty of chicks like you who have jboys flocking to them, and even more white guys who can't get the time of day from the girls here (japanese or otherwise).
The Attorney General of the United States is again invited to participate. The Attorneys General of the states requiring or permitting segregation in public education will also be permitted to appear as amici curiae upon request todo so by September 15,1954,and submission of briefs by October 1,1954.
>>816 言いたいことは分かります。 this time = the book subject to = known to と考えてください。 subjectは形容詞で this time を修飾し、knownは過去分詞なので同じく名詞を修飾する 働きがあるため、下の右側の例では直前の the book を修飾しています。
the book ( which is ) known to everyone = the book known to everyone this time ( which is ) subject to a strong... = the time subject to a strong...
ところで817がいっているように「3行目全体が副詞(句)」というのは、このthis time 以下が副詞の役割をしているということです。名詞の形になっているのに副詞の役割とい うのは一見矛盾しているようですが、以下のような例を考えると不思議はないと思います。
I ate an apple this morning. "this morning" は副詞句になっています。(主語になっ てれば、通常this morning って名詞句ですよね) かえって、混乱しちゃった?
the lives of married people are rarely so readily diminished or dismissed. the multidimensionality of their interests and concerns is touted and respected. homes, for example, are sold to couple as havens for indulging their love of relaxing,working,cooking,gardening, nurturing, and entertaining.
Aki story would have been no tolerble representation of the troubled life of those who strive to create the beautiful,if,amid all other thwarting influences,love had not interposed to steal the cunning from his hand.
お願いします。直訳はできるのですが、なんというかネイティブのニュアンスを知りたいです。 アメリカのメル友です。 I am still looking for a job ...this small town does not have much to offer. Every job requires a college degree, which I do not have roommate is going to kill me soon if I do not find a job, soon. My bill collectors are going to kill me, too.
He was standing too near the fire again and as she pushed past him, almost brushing him with the fork-handle, a turn of wind took all the smoke of the three fires upward in a single spiral column that turned in air and doubled back again, plunging down into the central core of ashes so that they grinned, red and teeth-like, in the fanning wind.
Some data do not change frequently, and it is often the case that such data must be received once by a terminal and then be refreshed only infrequently.
>>859 it is often the case thatは「(that以下)はよくあること、ケースである」 と訳すとうまくいく構文のようなものです。 that以下の中身は such date must be〜 and (such date must)be〜 とつながれています。省略は少し前のよく似たところを見るとなんとなくわかるかもしれませんよ
You have item item that are back order so i took them off of you order! if there is something elas that you want instead let me know thanks ***(商品名) **/**(入荷日)
Dear Seller, Im Moji presently in Canada.Im highly interested in purchasing your item placed on YAHOO AUCTION for my son in Nigeria.i will offer you 400usd plus shipment to Nigeria by EMS.Payment will be made through Bank To BankTransfer I want you to reply me to my personal E-mail for further conversation
Edwina and her brother just looked in on their way to the Grahams' dance―they only stayed a minute.
What an idiotic girl that is! Oh, sorry, Dickie―I was forgetting. You're rather keen on her, aren't you?
You would have had ample proof of that fact, Grace, if you had seen them in the attitude in which I found them last night.
We appear to be straying from the point. Whatever animal was responsible for the posture I found you in has little to do with the fact that to my certain knowledge you have not yet done one single stroke of work so far this vacation.
mean I will offer you 150,000yen for each so I will like to buy 5pieces so pls go and get the 5Nokia E90 and get back to me with your bank information for the payment ok
if you wanted to come over and help me ,that might be a lot of fun. I just wanted you to know anytime is good for me and I look forward to spending the day with you.
Young couples will try to arrange their work schedules so that they work opposite hours or shifts in order that one parent is always home with the children.
1. An air or electric metal nibbler creates crescent shaped chips that are difficult if not dangerous to clean up. When cleaning up these metal chips you should never:
2. An ohm meter may be used to determine the condition of a diode. Based on the readings in the meters below, what is the condition of this diode?
Do tehy teach foreing language there? Do they allow Ameicans or Salvadorians to attend? I ask because hopefully you are a student there and I want information becasue I want to study abroad.
>>947 原文は What can be done with fewer assumptions is done in vain with more. じゃないでしょうか? 全くの誤訳でした。 より多くの想定をしても徒労に終わるのに対して、なされうる物事のうち、より数少ない 可能性を考えれば、その可能性の中から物事はなされている。 意味分かりますでしょうか?
>>947 最初は当然のごとく、in vain が is done にかかっているものと思い込んでいましたが、 そうではなくて with more 以降にかかっているということで 954 のグダグダな訳になり ました。最初の「、」までは in vain with more 以降の訳で 「なされうる物事」が What can be done 「うち、〜考えれば」がwith fewer assumption になっています。こ このwith〜 は 「〜を持つもの」といいたいところですが、assumption -> assume する のは人間ですから、敢て「考えれば」にしてみました。
there is a lot of confusion over your booking as you have changed I soman times Can you be clear of what and when you require a roomKindest regardsAlan
In which period did the runner the greatest progress in the eight km run? 8km走ったのは、どの過程の点ですか? How long did it take the runner to run eight km at the end of the year? 最初の年の終わりに8kM走ったのはどのくらいの長さがかかりましたか? What happened during the following six years? ???
>>982さま ありがとうございます! すごく勘違いしてますね^^; そうなんです、グラフがあり、タイトルが Best times in the eight km run: The first eight years で、走り始めて8年間の8km走のベストタイムと和訳したのですが・・ あと、What is the difference in time during the first eight years period? も和訳をお願いして良いですか? 走り始めて時間の差は何ですか?・・訳になってないですね。