Hey!!! you NEETs, nerds, YouTube-link spammers, pedophiles, neo-Nazis, Yukorin enthusiasts, Nanako SOS admirers, Part-Time-Preachers, Diplomats' spoiled sons, losers who can't remember Kanji characters, Big-boobs fans, Weeaboos from all over the world, learners of Japanese who are too lazy to update their Japanese blogs very often. And Let's pray for the rehabilitation of the Internet-addicted housewife.
>>5 Somewhat often yes. It's a small hobby I guess. >>6 I'm living in my parent's house right now. I'm still in high school, just about to finish. Then I will go to college (and live in a dorm there) and afterwards live in an apartment of my own or something like that.
>>8 lol This is very common. Most Japanese restaurants in America aren't run by Japanese people. Where I live it's common for Koreans or Chinese to own Japanese restaurants or sushi bars. It's sort of funny.
>>13 Ah ha, a derivative of Gikoneko. I've seen loads of Flash animations with Gikoneko in Д form, but very few as he is in the opening post. Gikopoi used to be good, too.
・Д・ feels a little more menacing, I guess, and not so many people would want to drink tea with him.
>>17 I've visited before with some friends, it's pretty close to where I live. It was kind of interesting, not all that exciting though. I'm not sure if anyone heard about this in Japan but in the CNN studio in Chicago a car drove right into the set. Here's the video: http://www.cbsnews.com/sections/i_video/main500251.shtml?id=3647051n lol
"Gikoneko (Giko the cat ) Some say Giko originated from the contents of cartoon texts. People use gikoneko for every topic and thread and in many case they customize Gikoneko with a face, a body, costumes, scenes etc. just like a illustration whihc expresses thier feelings. Lately, a famous toy company called TAKARA tried to make Gikoneko their trademark, but they were ostracized by and voted out by a majority of the 2Channel community. Needless to say, they were forced to apologize to their members."
>>20 Wow! When did that happen? The anchor looks like an Indian. Maybe curry he had eaten before the show saved his life.
I heard in CNN studio, you can pretend to be like a weather report man with blue screen in background. In the screen, meteorological charts is was supposed to be shown when aired. I heard eople like you with blue eyes have to wear color contact lenses to aboid the same color with the screen.
>>23 It was a few months ago. Yeah they have this thing where you can get up at the desk and pretend to be a news anchor or a weather man and it appears like you have a real chart/city behind you. I didn't try it myself but I guess that would make sense since my eyes would be close to the color of the backdrop. lol "The forecast for today is rainy eyes."
>>26 She had to say "cop" but she actually said "cock?" That's point of the video? And the man predicted this footage would be on youtube.
By the way, >>25 is a joke video actually, the incident didn't happen. The remor has it that he wears a wig. It's not rumor anymore because that's too obvious. Everybody knows he wear a wig.
588 :KGKGKG ◆S8KGB88cvE :2008/04/03(木) 00:28:51 ID:RJc5pNvB0 >>395 I guess Jr high students tend to consider things too much. Don't stay up this late. You'll be in trouble when the spring break's over.
You can't tell how human minds move by posts on the net. Posts only mirror a certain aspect of their minds.
590 :KGKGKG ◆S8KGB88cvE :2008/04/03(木) 00:31:51 ID:RJc5pNvB0 >>398 I thought responses were meant to someone, but you talked to yourself.
I think Magichan is cute, but she's not my type now. I want her to grow up. But I can't force her to, since it's anybody's guess whether or not people would like her that way. Japanese people prefer something loli, and I know she knows that.
225 :KGKGKG ◆S8KGB88cvE :2008/03/08(土) 08:39:46 ID:p1iecJY70 >>392 Don't get so jealous of us showing our faces merrily. LOL You can speak to the world with a 10 dollar webcam.
237 :KGKGKG ◆S8KGB88cvE :2008/03/08(土) 12:09:45 ID:p1iecJY70 >>375 You are saying that just because I have been to Thai, Vetnam, Cambodia? Basically, I'm interested in minors about 14 years of age. I've never experienced sleeping with a prostitute. I'm virgin.
>>29 Yes she said "cock" instead of "cop." This can be called a "Freudian slip" which is when you say something that you subconsciously think about.
>>32 Fox is considered to be a network that uses the worst kind of journalism. They always have segments on something to scare you into watching or present news in a very biased way. This is a clip that shows how bad they can be: http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=5XNUEINIVFo The point of the clip is that, they are talking about a serial killer in Daytona Beach but they relate it to "Spring Break" in Daytona Beach so they can show teenage girls in bikinis to get more people to watch. lol
Even here, Fox is known for its conservative bias, and a journalistic manner similar to tabloids. Which is hardly surprising considering its ownership by Rupert Murdoch, who also owns 'The Sun', an extremely vulgar British tabloid newspaper.
I watched the video. That's disgusting. They doesn't seem to have moral. Not a bit. I always think that the tone of voice of American news programs' anchors' tend to sensationalize news. They don't have to talk like that. Only Exception is anchors on PBS, from my limited knowledge. And BBC's (UK) anchors' tone of voice is calm and that sounds good to me.
>>35 He dominates the media around the world, right? The problem is that he finally got Wall Street Journal. I hope the presteigous newspaper have bad influence from his media empire.
>>39 Fortunately, Murdoch has no part in Time Warner. Last I heard, there was some sort of legal battle happening between them, because of... well, I have no idea, really. However, he does own The Times as well.
>>43 That's right, the original 'Times' newspaper. It's not a tabloid, and is read mainly by Conservatives (Murdoch was very supportive of Thatcher back in the 80s). Many people feel the quality of journalism has gone downhill since Murdoch took over, especially since it has growing coverage of news about 'celebrities' and sports.
But it is inevitable isn't it? The world we live in is a capitalist one, so seeking money is very important, so using news channels or papers to get money is something anyone can come up with. So, I don't understand people saying bad things about what's happening. Unless there is some kind of system where good journalizm means a lot of money, this is not going to go away.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDHJ4ztnldQ This video is interesting. What's interesting is the speed at which comments are posted. Of course the video itself is pretty interesting, but the comment section is very interesting. That everybody is seriously arguing about this video is intersting. The Youtube comment section is the closest thing to 2ch, in my opinion.
>>46 The main objective of most businesses is to make a profit, but it doesn't necessarily mean what they're doing is beneficial. Look at Matt Drudge for example. He makes a lot of money by selling news stories, but the way he goes about it is often immoral. When he exposed that Prince Harry was serving in Iraq, that could have put a lot of lives of front-line soldiers at risk, had Harry not come back.
Right.. There is nothing somebody wouldn't do to make money, because money is very highly valued in the world we live in. So it won't stop, unless people realize it is not good and stop paying money for it. We all know that's not going to happen.
>>47 Both the video and the interval each comments has been posted are interesting.
I'm Japanese and am not Christian but something beyond human power does exist. I think you can call it God. Scientists can explain how the universe has been created AFTER Big Ban but they can't explain what caused Big Ban. Something with its own will could cause Big Ban. I think that something can be called God.
>>50 Just because scientists can't yet explain something, doesn't mean there isn't a perfectly logical and scientific explanation for it. There was a time when scientists couldn't explain weather, or the seasons, or the motion of the planets. Our understanding of the world is imperfect (and probably always will be), but that doesn't preclude the existence of non-spiritual explanations. Of course I'm not trying to say you're wrong, just that there's another way of looking at things...
>>49 And you're right too. There's always someone who'll do anything for money. I'm sort of proud of the majority of British media for keeping the Prince Harry thing secret for as long as they did, even though it would have made major news here.
The war in Afganistan is considered a just war, so even Prince Harry participate. The war in Iraq is not, so Prince Harry couldn't participate. I want our Emperor's sons go to war in Afganistan and fight for freedom. Prince Masako would be proud of it.
>>56 I don't think it's a good idea to throw the phrase "fight for freedom" around so lightly. When does it become one country's responsibility/duty to invade another and "free" that country's people? What if the invading country is completely ignorant of the other's culture and traditions? Is it right to intervene based entirely on one's personal beliefs of what "freedom" and "liberty" are? And if it is, then isn't it necessarily that country's duty to invade *every* country it deems to be "not free"? How do you decide when one country's people have suffered "enough" to merit an invasion, while the conditions in another country are still "good enough" to merit them being left alone? Ideally we'd all agree on some standard of liberty, some basic human rights, but we don't and we can't. And we'd all like to help out those we see as less "fortunate" or less "privileged" than ourselves, but it's important to draw a line between goodwill and self-satisfaction.
>>60 God is a necessarily spiritual concept. You can't separate the word "God" from its connotations and pretend it's something logical. It's not, by definition. You can call that something or someone whatever you want, but when you call it God, you're necessarily introducing spirituality.
>>59 Out of goodwill, the western world should liberate countries where atrosities are being commited or people are commiting atrocities Of course, you have to pick one or two, because doing it all once is impossible. That's all.
KGKGKG is a necessarily stupid concept. You can't separate the word "KGKGKG" from its connotations and pretend it's something logical. It's not, by definition. You can call that something or someone whatever you want, but when you call it KGKGKG, you're necessarily introducing stupidity.
>>62 Wow. You honestly think the word is black and white? Who decides what an atrocity is? Who decides what's evil? Certainly you don't have the authority to decide for anyone else. If, for example, the tenets of Islam say that a woman should be stoned to death for some crime she committed, or that gays should be hanged, I would call those atrocities. And you think it's the responsibility of the "western world" to "liberate" Muslims, purely because you disagree with their religion? You realize that nothing, absolutely nothing in the world, makes you absolutely morally superior to those who dictate that women or gays should be executed. It's your opinion. You happen to have many, many more people in the world on your side, but numbers don't make you right. A majority of people in the USA once believed that blacks were destined to be slaves. My point is no matter how righteous or justified you may feel, nobody has an absolute mandate to "liberate" anyone else. If anyone thinks he does, he's a fool. Do I believe that we should all abide by this idea of relative morality and not help anyone else out? Hell no. But spend a couple of seconds using your brain before you leap to anyone else's rescue, especially for someone who never even asked for your help.
>>66 (cont.) Even when the issue of morality isn't in question (for example, Darfur), a country has as its first priority the wellbeing of its own citizens. You mean to say that American (or any western country's) soldiers have a duty to throw their lives away for the freedom of citizens of another country? I disagree with you heavily on that one. They may choose to do so, they may be *proud* to do so, but it's no duty or responsibility of theirs. It's easy to say that western countries "should liberate" another country. Realize that the economies and citizens of those western countries may be suffering heavily for that cause.
>Of course, you have to pick one or two, because doing it all once is impossible. And you see nothing at all wrong with this statement? Nothing disgusting about weighing the suffering of two people against each other and in picking one, throwing his or her life into chaos and disrupting the progress of his or her country, and condemning the other to a continuation of the hell they might be living in? All on what is nothing more, when it comes down to it, than a whim?
>>60 I think you're idea is right. I'm going to guess that sometime in the future we are going to start to realize that everything revolves around the idea of infinity. Some reaction/physical phenomenon started the Big Bang and there is probably something even bigger than the universe and what created it and within that there are many of those and so on. Same goes for dimensions and strings (if string theory is indeed right). Do you guys like science?
>>66 You are completely right about the world being not black and white. You're also right in saying morality is all relative. If you want to look at things quantatively though you can say that one method of government allows for its inhabitants to have a higher quality of life etc. While forcing people isn't exactly a good thing, civilization is slowly evolving and I think this is a part of its evolution for better or for worse.
Sorry I wanted to make this clear, I'm not trying to take a side here. And by evolution I mean the entire world seems to be moving towards a western style of government.
>>66 I don't think there is a case where the issue of morality is not in question. Morality is relative. There is no absolute right or wrong. So western people should decide it.
Then Western countries people should pick what they can because the economies and citizens of those western countries may suffer heavily for that cause, That's a balancing act. People should decide it.
Today, I'm gonna share with you guys one big laugh. As you know, KGKGKG is a infamous troll of 2ch, who's kept saying he doesn't like the anonymous posting system and will destroy any BBS that use such a system. BUT it came to light that KGKGKG himself post under anonimity in order to support himself anonymously.
310 名前: スウェーデン人 : 2008-04-06 08:42 ID:IuL7/8zA [削除] Apparently I can't post to 2ch any longer. Great.
As far as I can tell, the error message I'm getting says "Foreign domain restricted (.se) ... Use a 2ch viewer." -- would that mean that the whole .se top level domain is blocked? Or should I read this as "Your domain, which is in .se, is blocked."?
Annoying, either way. I guess I'll have to try and find a proxy now.
>>99 The Youtube board of 2ch uses the ID system. You can still post anonymously but in the board your ID is shown right next to the posting time like this :
He posted this one anonymously.
90 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/04/07(月) 13:45:37 ID:mugqQokC0 ←THIS IS HIS ID >>87 おいwどこまで細かいところを見てるんだお前さんw
90 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/04/07(月) 13:45:37 ID:mugqQokC0 ←THIS IS HIS ID I'm supportive, too. Now that the Daniel boy said to the world, "Magi received donations. She's a swindler", it's better off explaining instead of hiding. In other words, people in general support KG.
(Note: I don't know why he insisted people supported KG all of a sudden in a context like this. lol)
And someone noticed the person with the same ID posted in another thread as KGKGKG.
48 名前:KGKGKG ◆S8KGB88cvE :2008/04/07(月) 14:00:05 ID:mugqQokC0←THE SAME ID >>44 87 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱつ[sage] 投稿日:2008/04/07(月) 13:15:16 ID:2Ng8eFkN0 Emily saw KG's video of him donating some money. From about 26:25
He failed. lol And funnily, he kept talking non-sense all along.
When he was asked why he lied he wouldn't post under anonimity. KGKGKG wasn't able to answer it. Instead, All he was able to do was to talk nonsense. That's FUCKING funny.
>360 :KGKGKG ◆S8KGB88cvE :2008/04/07(月) 23:41:55 ID:mugqQokC0 >Those who talk to me are in reality too lonely not to do so. >Speak up, but sadly I'm not gay. >I like beautiful girls so I have only beautiful girlfriends. >Go ask out somebody else.
Personally, I don't like to see someone being bashed too hard, but in his case it owes a lot to himself; treating 2channers as enemies is not really a good idea here. After all, you must reap what you sow.
Bashing him would delight him more and he would get more eager to be querr and people would bash him more and .... malignant circle. So will you stop talking about him? Will you stay in your place like magibon thread?
Thank you for the KGKGKG information. One question, is KGKGKG really a "troll"? Usually trolls are people who want to get a reaction out of others and purposefully make themselves seem stupid or strange in order to elicit a reaction. Does KGKGKG act strange on purpose or does he really think he can defeat 2ch or something?
>>118 Don't worry about it, I've been wearing contacts for many years now and it's great. They are better than glasses because you have peripheral vision that you normally don't have with glasses. You get used to the really quickly, don't worry!
>Does KGKGKG act strange on purpose or does he really think he can defeat 2ch or something? 100% sure. If you read Japanese, I can link you to those stupid posts.
>people who want to get a reaction out of others and purposefully make themselves seem stupid Ahh, I wonder which themselves mean in this case, "people" or "others"?
KGKGKG is considered stupid and people hate him and everytime he show up, we say, "get out and stop being stupid" or something like that. What should I call him? Is there a more suitable word to describe him?
>>124 I meant themselves to be refering to "people." In American internet culture there are many people who are called trolls. Trolls only pretend to be stupid just to make other posters angry. However, it seems KGKGKG isn't much of a troll. I think a more accurate term for KGKGKG would be an idiot.
>>122 You need to watch these videos to be officially accepted in Japanese Internet community. He is a charisma musician spawned by the age of Internet.
>>127 Do you know the story of Don Quixote? KGKGKG can be considered as an internet version of Don Quixote here. It's hard to tell how mentally disturbed he is though.
424 :KGKGKG ◆S8KGB88cvE :2008/04/08(火) 09:34:49 ID:GJdWtBER0 You guys should concentrate more. Or this thread isn't active without me? Why don't you say so? But I won't be here for a while. lol
396 :KGKGKG ◆S8KGB88cvE :2008/04/08(火) 01:10:11 ID:GJdWtBER0 Yes, I'm dumbass and abnormal, so what? Why don't you guys act stupid and webcam yourself? You shouldn't flame me without doing it? lol
149 :KGKGKG ◆S8KGB88cvE( 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。):2008/04/07(月) 17:40:37 ID:mugqQokC0 >>146 I'm the chosen one to destroy 2ch from inside, aren't I? You can't break it if you don't come inside, can you?
If I were a 2cher, it means I would've been calling myself names. "2chanel is just a crap. "←KGKGKG's original sentence. I want to eliminate 2ch.
Magichan also suffered a lot because of the information posted in here.
http://4-ch.net/nihongo/kareha.pl/1106427145/ It seems like スウェーデン人 is looking for a proxy that enables him to access to 2ch again. -------- 316 名前: スウェーデン人 : 2008-04-07 20:32 ID:H15d7W2m [削除] >>314 I saw that you reposted >>310 to "Chat in English" - thank you!
It seems that posting from university does not work, and I'm not having much luck with proxies either. Most 2ch viewers won't work, since I don't run Windows. (I'm not sure how that would help anyway.)
There are a couple of other things to try, but it doesn't seem very promising. Ah well. Maybe the block will be lifted...
>>167 Thank you for your advice. I am worrying about it. Even though,it needs many money , i want to continue the school. because,i became fun to study english. so now, i decision to continue! and, i study english more.
>>170 Then you should be here all the time. THis thread is a very good place to practice your writing. You don't have to worry about anything at all in this thread. Just write whatever it is in your mind, I'll be there for you.
You said that's because it's on the discrimination for japan? but that has a little defferennce. I have ever known someone said " oh, canada oh, canada" etc on that program.
This thread reminds me of one time when I was in a music store and a couple of young girls were looking through a discount rack and one of them said, "Oh look, Paul McCartney was in a band before Wings!"
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/7334649.stm An Australian man and his daughter have asked for understanding after revealing on national TV they have an incestuous relationship, and have a daughter.
Napoleon abolished France's incest laws in 1810. Neither is it a crime in the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium, Portugal or Turkey. Japan, Argentina and Brazil have also legalised it in recent years.
I have a sister but I can't imagine myself having sexual desire toward her and never have before. I don't get horney even if I see her panties or bras right in front of my eyes.
Having said this I remeber my little penis erecting when I took a bath with my mom when I went to kindergarten or I was a 1st-3rd or so grader. I realy felt bad about it. Actually I felt guilty about it but my mom said nothing about it. That can't be helped as a boy.
In Japan you pour hot water in the bathtub and soak yourselves in the water up to your neck. Bathtub is the place to have fun when taking a bath. Sometimes two or more people soak themselves in the bathtub, like father and son/daughter, mom and son/daughter. Soaking their bodies in the batthtab and talk with each other. Bathtub is a good communication space.
I wonder people from foreign countries take a bath with their dad or mom when they are kids. They don't pour water when they take a bath, right?
Some people do weird stuff. But for that some people it's not weird, which makes it much weirder. Weirdness is something that can't be measured in an objective way.
>>236 No. I'm not kgkfun. I keep insisting on stopping the topic about him. Kgk is just trying to get attentions for his queerness. He is showing his face, but has no productivity and creativity at all. His pride is that he can show his face.
I wonder if someone who knows KGKGKG offline reveals his real name, so that we can get rid of him. I think he is self-employed/un-employed (he's on 2ch anytime of the day and night) and it seems he's suffering from mental illness. You can tell from his eyes. They look really "freaky" and "creepy", you know. He isn't usual. I'm worried if he commits crimes one of these days.
I wouldn't mind talking about kgkgkg if a topic was something interesting, but it doesn't seem like an easy task, because he doesn't make anything interesting, but just weird stuff.
This is a general thread. You can talk about anything you like as long as there are people who are interested to participate. And there seem several participants here. It's better to accept them.
P.S. I'm fed up with Nanao Sos. But I didn't try to stop him. Instead, I ignore him. That makes sense, doesn't it?
>>243 Grudge? You misunderstood me. I just had a good laugh. It's funny to see someone who declared he hated anonymous postings and would destroy such systems actually enjoyed anonimity fully himself.
They are both funny in their own way. The KGKGKG guy translates some of KGKGKG's posts for us, which I find quite interesting. The Nanako SOS guy is good because he is quite honest about his obsession for Nanako SOS, I find his honesty refreshing. And his comments are very funny.
>>245 I don't like kgkgkg either. But for the past few days, this thread is almost all about kgkgkg. Copy and paste his past posts from another boards. That's rediculous and kind of annoying to me.
I know all I can do is just ignore your posts as I had done before, though.
>>247 Come on, you still don't get it right. I didn't say I don't like KGKGKG, did I? lol It's not only me talking about him. Probably you took me for another guy. Don't take things so seriously, I mean, the topic is for fun.
You want to talk about something more serious? If you bring up a new subject that interests me, I'll reply to you.
>>250 Not on Youtube, but here. Just a couple of posts with those translations of kgkgkg's comments. And a few replies followed. Totally nonsense but was quite funny.
>>249 Anyway, kgkg said that he wouldn't post for a while so I hope you guys talk less about him while he doesn't post or beocomes anonymous poster.
Maybe he can't stay away from 2ch or can't keep himself anonymous, even just for a day amd your copy and pasting will start soon. I'll just ignore that.
>>253 That must have hurt! The snake seemd to try to swallow his fists.
He msut be British equivelant of ムツゴロウさん Part of one of his finger was bit off by a lion in a cage when he was standigng besides the cage and reporting on TV. But his love of animal never let him blame the lion for the act.
http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=oBeXIPTBCjE This video doesn't include the scene but can have glimps of his love of animal. from 0:00 He was bitten by a lion. from 2:47 his was smothered by an anaconda. from 4:57 he was about be killed by an elephant.
>>252 Nope. How naive you are. Now that it turned out KGKGKG loves anonimity, we're sure he's posting even now as an anonymous poster. lol
He's now trying to force anyone not to mention KGKGKG (by posting anonymously of course). lol He might think everyone would forget he's a liar, but I doubt they would.
>>254 Those looked painful too, especially being kicked around by an elephant. In the same show as the snakebite clip, he also dragged a Caiman (like an alligator) by the tail through a swamp of other Caimans, and grabbed a pair of mating anacondas (both of which didn't seem to mind as much as ムツゴロウさん's anaconda).
I guess almost every country has their Steve Irwin.
>>256 Ah ha, was looking out to see which finger it was, but couldn't really see clearly because of Youtube's quality. I see now, though.
'five' was first aired in 1997, and became the UK's fifth terrestrial television station. It's privately owned, yes, and is part of Europe's RTL Group. In its early days, it was known for its crude and uninspiring schedule, but has improved since.
The UK only has five terrestrial stations (which can be picked up on TV with only an aerial - other channels need things like cable, digital or satellite). BBC1, BBC2, ITV, Channel4 and five. I must admit that I watch BBC a lot more than other stations. I just find they have a better quality of documentaries, news and comedy than the others.
>>258 Yeah, I'm asking about the number of "terrestrial" stations. The number is less than I imagined.
In case of Japan, NHK's(Almost equivelant of BBC) documentary and news shows are highly evaluated but when it comes to entertainment programs such as a drama or music shows, programs of private TV stations are a lot more popular.
>>259 ITV has some of the country's most popular soap operas, such as Coronation Street and Emmerdale, and used to air the Australian soap opera Home and Away (which five has since bought the rights to). ITV was also the channel which aired the original 'Pop Idol' show. Personally, I can't stand soap operas, so don't really have much reason for watching it.
Channel4 provides a lot of funding for the British film industry (the most well known being Four Weddings and a Funeral, as well as Trainspotting). It also airs shows such as Big Brother, and American dramas, such as Sopranos, West Wing, 24, etc. The best part, though, is the free offshoot channel (FilmFour) which shows various old and new movies, English-language and otherwise.
>>260 The British dub was originally aired on the station UKTV Challenge in 2002. This was a subscription channel. Virgin 1 (part of the Virgin Group, owned by Sir Richard Branson) later showed it.
>>261 It seems like each station has its characters. I've heard of Vergin group. He is planning to launch manned commercial space flight or something if I am not wrong. I wish I had a private jet or two like him. What contribution to UK was he awarded Sir for? As a good business man contributing UK economy or something?
>>262 As posters in her thread in youtube board says, she was shooting videos from the best angle. She knows from what angle she shoots her video she looks most attractive.
I'm not a fan of leah dizon. But Leah is like a doll while magibon is a type of girl next door. But magibon has big boobs unproportional with her face. Leah dison's boobs are average or a little bigger than average.
Liah was just another bitch in the us. Her tongue was pierced. In japan she becomes a princess. But that kind of character must be stressful for original bitch. She looks always nervous on TV, frowning.
fuck with the dog forever but don't forget to APOLOGIZE. that's the least thing you should do. cats, esp the black cat is irresistible attractive. weak guys love whimsical cats, not dogs. that's the common sense.
>>253 I have seen him on the net before. But I didn't know "he" was identical to the man on youtube. http://www.onepeoplesproject.com/site/index.php Look at the left side of the page. There is a picture of a man holding a crocodile. I thought he was a boy. He is wearing short pants ,which makes him look more young.
As long as I remember. the topic about him this time is the second time on this thread. There was a topic about raping ray, and someone(probably me) introduced a man who was killed by ray sting. At that time I didn't know a ray man was a crocodile man at that time....
I wonder why he was dealt on anti-racists site...called one primates project.
so funny kekeke it really makes me laugh. finally they got married? lol but never forget to APLOGIZE. that's the least thing you should do. how relieved! if I see the apologies, I feel like heaven then. no more stalker!!!! congratulations to me!!!! eh? but why the heck you are sitll here? you should go back to your own little stinky chinese vietnamese box LOL
>>273 yeah, KGKG is funny. he is insane. I just combined two little things there. KGKG's insane activities and there is one kichigai chinese canadian resident around on this thread and he is a hacker. be careful. he is the one who yells like nanako sos and kgkg and noriaki and some other perverted stuff all the time. he claimed that he is happy now so I said you don't have to report it here anymore enjoy your own little life with rotten gyoza. lol
I go back to my blog. I should recruit more smart people everywhere on net. if you wanna join me write something smart and charming and give me your email address. I will give you my invitation! see ya.
you just put your sex scenes with the dog on youtube, why don't you? everybody of your community is waiting for it. your little doggy is a well known person as your sex toy. but you need to show it in public. lol
とにかく謝れ。just APOLOGIZE and everything is over. I won't sue your hacking and humiliating activities until now if you apologize. just APOLOGIZE. all you need is to APOLOGIZE formally.
My own opinion, studying KGKGKG is that he can be a decent person I guess.
But his problem is that he is a parasite for attention. He has realised he cannot get positive attention (compliments for his talents etc), so he concentrates instead on negative attention. This is his lifeblood so to speak. If you ignore such people then they simply dissapear, otherwise they will simply thrive in an environment where they are talked about constantly and so on.
Anyway, let's change the subject, what do Japanese think of barbeques? Me and my flatmates are going to have a barbeque soon, I am usually the person who does them because English people tend to be quite poor at cooking. I hope it will be sunny this weekend in London!
>>295 Sounds like fun. Is there a good open space to do barbeque near your apartment? I would want to do it in a open space with lawns on a beautiful day smelling a scents of spring.
Do you use seafood for the barbeque event? We use squid, shrimp, scallop and such. Popular vegitables are pumpkin, onion, corn, potato cabbage.
KGKGKG, decent person? If that is a joke, I'm not amused in the least. He complimented himself anonymously, as it turned out he did, and has never answered questions regarding reasons why he did that. Plus, he said he would be away for a while from 2ch with such questions left unanswered (We know he's still on 2ch anonymously, though).
So he disappeared for a while not because he was ignored, but because we've proved that his deed didn't match his words. In other words, he can't hold on any longer in a situation like this.
Interested what he's doing now? He's trying his best to distract us so that his lies won't be remembered.
A metaphysical reason that this is feces is to be feces in a reason and I follow it and the feces are inferior to a metaphysical theory to be feces However after all I show how feces are feces for the matter how is feces with the feces metaphysically The feces are feces like at the same time to be feces like and judging from the above-mentioned opinion have the origin toward feces That feces win is a thing of the kana that feces win Actually it is feces and can be said to be feces by me in a reason
We have a kind of 'roof' back garden, the first floor kitchen does not have any levels on top of it, so we usually have it there. Yes, sometimes we do seafood, I like scallops too, especially with bacon. I have discovered a new recipe whereby you grill mushrooms and fill the 'cup' of the mushroom with gorgonzola and pesto. It is so tasty, try it sometime.
Well, my impression of KGKGKG is only from his youtube videos. He seems ok in them I liked his video when he went to the temple for example. But I think his main problem is that he suffers from delusions of grandeur.
you know "transference"?Transference is a phenomenon in psychology characterized by unconscious redirection of feelings for one person to another. If you couldn't get enough love from your mother, after you've grown up aged after 15 or 16, by any chance, you would meet someone who would understand you very well and accept you wholeheartedly, you suddenly fell in love deeply with her and some people even can't think of any other any other things but that woman. But often the case is that the beloved one is not the same aged girl with the patient. psychological counselor often becomes the target. Stalker guy suffers from this symptom. I do wish he finds the happiness and leaves me alone. I hope he'd admit his fault and apologize me and then he would never disturb me anymore.
>>263 Officially, the honours were given for "services to entrepreneurship", but he's also significantly involved with humanitarian and environmental causes, as well as being a major supporter of several humanitarian charities.
As for his space flight company, that's called Virgin Galactic (I'm not making this up), and its first flight is due next year. Though not exactly in space, these flights are supposed to reach an altitude of between 100 and 110km.
*if you couldn't get enough love during childhood you will be in a state of starving hungry for love. but the problem is that 15 to 20 yr boys with this symptom cannot get satisfaction with the same aged girls. thus they look for love for their teachers or somebody older than them. They get some sexual desire towards the woman often but also anger. that kind of person can only get satisfaction with a woman who would play the role of his big sister, mother and lover.
The name of the group is Virgin? Isn't that sexual? Isn't it awkward to say "I work for Virgin." It's like saying, "I want to fuck a virgin"? Of course, they are not the same thing, but imagine you are with your parents and some guy on TV says the word "virgin", doesn't it creat an awkward atmosphere among you? In japanese, バージン totally means a girl with no sex experience. バージン is uttered only when the topic of the conversation is SEX A guy can't be バージン. A guy is 童貞.
>>305 It's a huge brand over here, though, so it's only ever taken in context. There's Virgin Rail, Virgin Megastore, Virgin Atlantic, Virgin Books, Virgin Digital, Virgin Media, Virgin Wines, Virgin Money, Virgin Health, Virgin Mobile, Virgin Earth, Virgin Radio... the list still goes on. It's not really uncomfortable. Not even when I go to see my grandmother every month to help her with her phone bill, as her provider is also Virgin Media. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virgin_Group
Apparently the company got its name because one of the owner's first business ventures was selling condoms.
and yes, the woman who is capable of being his mother, big sister. because that person is a very dependent type so he needs somebody who is capable enough for his emotional dependence.
a child wants to suck his mother's breasts. that kind of desire.
It looks like someone has some delusional beliefs elaborated in detail here. I can't tell if it's on purpose or not. Is this "fighting an imaginary enemy" style an in-thing now in this thread? Or something like a derived type of the KGKGKG infection?
>>313 I have no idea how it's been doing in other countries, but it's no longer an independent music label here. In 2006, Virgin Records was bought by EMI, and merged with Capitol Records, to form Capitol Music Group.
>>320 puwahahahaha you are doing it again. you never learn anything, don't you? it won't work. it says that you want to make some impact to someone's emotion. you are really hopeless.... haha poor boy.
>>302 I didn't know he has an aspect of a philanthropist. But to think his huge fortune, that is natural.
The space flight must be just like throwing a ball to the sky and falling. Just experiencing zero-gravity for a minuite or so.
There used to be a CD shop of Virgin megastore in my city but not anymore. There are other foreign affiliated CD shops in my city. HMV and Tower Record.
And as I expected, he didn't have higher education. Quite a few millionaires or billionaires don't go to college and start their businesses at an early stage of their lives and become successes.
>>338 Ah, HMV. Another British record label which turned to media sales. Over here, Virgin Megastore was recently bought by some of Virgin's other management and has been renamed 'zavvi'.
Seats on the Virgin Galactic flights are being booked at around 20.5 million yen, and they apparently have over 200 fully-paid customers already.
And right now, I'm addicted to a computer game when I should be working. That says a lot for my chances of success...
"At the time many products were sold under restrictive marketing agreements which limited discounting, despite efforts in the 1950s and 1960s to limit so-called resale price maintenance.[4] In effect Branson began the series of changes that led to large-scale discounting of recorded music. Branson and some colleagues were discussing a new name for his business when one suggested that it should be called 'Virgin' since they were all virgins to business."
Hey イギリス人, we can see rina akiyama right now on TV. You must feel chagrined! You envy me a lot. She has just kissed her boyfriend. and again a kiss and holding each other. hehehe.
Chinese seem to be gathering in Nagano, where torch relay is scheduled. And Japanese doesn't have guts to fight against tyranny and the authorities will deploy many riot police and keep away the protesters from our eyes beforehand.
I don't have any opinions about Tibetan issues. I'm not interested in politics at all. All I'm interested in is my personal issue. No one died of heart attacks because of what happens in Tibet. But you died of a heart attack, say, when you hear the news that your house was burned down or you are broke, your business went belly up.
That shows people are really selfish creatures.
>>352 That's my post in a youtube thread. Don't jump to the conclusion that's kgkgkg. I'm not as retarted as him.
Prime Minister fukuda already promised not to boycott the opening ceremony of olympic games and not to make tibet-issue politics between two countries. He put all his cards on the table. Don't expect idiot prime minister too much.
In addition to this story, He said chinese were doing very well about taintend dumpling problem. Even japanese ministries complains and shows the substantial evidences of faults on chinese side while chinese authorities just keep on saying they are not at fault and don't want to study on the issue with japanese authorities. I heard dumpling company was closed by chinese authorities.
But fukuda just nod and wants to escape from the problem.
I'm not that interested in Olympics in the first place, but I'm sure there are hundreds of athelets who have been trainning for the past four years just to be there. So, they should just keep those issues separate.
>>362 Yeah, I have seen his favorte videos list and found Noriaki's videos there, too. The reason why kg has his videos in his list is that Noriaki became famouse in youtube. Kg wants to follow Noriaki's footsteps. But Kg can't be like Noriaki. He is just a male version of attention whore.
The reason why I and kg pay attention to Noriaki is different. I like Noriaki because he is sarcastic about Japanese hiphoppers and his rap is like a parody of serious Black-wannabe Japanese hiphoppers. He takes advantages of his extremely skinny body which usually could be inferiority complex.
http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=4Uc1A1TUw2s Is he イギリス人? Brunette white. He is self proclaimed Dutch. But his English is pretty good. almost native speakers. イギリス人 is purpoting to be Dutch? Dutch man's English sounds rather american English. イギリス人 said he can manage both english...
I don't know about anyone else where the torch has passed through, but when the protestors disrupted events at Olympia I was embarassed. Why did they have to drag my country into this? As >>373 says, athletes just want to go and perform their best at the Olympics and represent their country. I was so embarassed when that protestor managed to break through the police cordon at Olympia. What a mistake... Olympic torch relay is usually something that can be enjoyed by everyone.
I don't agree. Athlete's dream is a trivial thing. Behind it, crimes against tibet is kept secret while china flaunts their superficial peace and glory in the olympics. too selfish.
Beijing's condition is not good for olympics. Polluted air and food, Shortage of water and bad facilities and restriction on moving and so on. Male marathon world record holder cancelled entry due to air pollution.
Learn how to cook, if you are addicted to 2ch as a hikikomori, take up cooking as a hobby, you dont have to leave the house and all you need is a few books to get started. You could also use 2ch for advice? (2ch has a cooking board, right?)
Maybe at the end of it all you could apply for exams to get a chef's certificate.
Cooking is also very relaxing. And it is nice when people compliment you on a meal.
>>382 Maybe that's because you stay at home all day and you have a PC. So you have to do either you go out or not use your PC. But I know both of them are difficult for you now.
If you are a hikikomori, you want to be connected to someone. NObody wants to be alone. When you are on 2ch, you can be connected to someone even if that is a virtual experience. 2ch provides you with virtual socializig.
When you are a neet or hikikomori, it's extremely difficult to keep yourself seperate from 2ch. I don't want to admit I am a heavy user of 2ch so I haven't used as 2ch browser. Because using it is the same as admitting you are a regular and heavy user of 2ch.
But I am on 2ch for more than 5 years. Oh my gosh. That explains how difficult to say good bye to 2ch.
you are less helpful for me, you've just burried me after I bothered it. Besides,you are the internet crawler everywhere is sitting on. I can't stand that you areintroduceing yourself and good luck to your own life.
Well, I don't think it's 'gay' to be honest. Unless there is a correlation, lot's of famous chefs have attractive wives and girlfriends. Some may be gay, but cooking is a good thing in general. Also, being just a good cook in general, it means you can eat better, become healthier and so on, so this is a positive externality, it hardly implies homosexuality.
If you stay in your room all day, and do nothing, that's a problem. But with the internet? It's travel around the world. You can virtually do anything on the internet. So there is absolutely nothing wrong with you and the internet in your room all day long.
>>390 I agree with you most of your comment. I don't think cooking is bad. All I'm saying is cooking in your room alone for only yourself is a bit gayish.
>392 I don't agree with. Cooking for yourselfr is better than buying frozen foods or eating pizza delivered to your home. No additives and more healthy.
I think some university students cook their dinner on your own.
Cooking itself is not gay at all. If you think it is, maybe it's because you suck at cooking. That is, you cut up stuff like a little girl. Cook like a man, boy.
>>397 Not in the least productive. Where is all the food that you use for your cooking coming from? Think about it. You have to earn it by working. Just there in your room alone cooking is tottally not productive.
>>377 That accent is typical of Dutch people speaking English. I'd say the majority of them are also quite fluent in English (except the woman at the bakery where I tried to buy a sandwich. Ended up pointing at the cheese sandwich I was after while repeating such advanced phrases as "ik houd van kaas! Ik houd van kaas!", which was a little embarrassing). Anyway, I don't play guitar and am not afraid of bicycles, so that's not me. I've got some family who live in his city, though, but he's not any of them.
>>393 In some countries, people eat insects such as locusts, grubs, ants, termites, and so on. I guess if someone is a dedicated enough hikikomori, they could come up with ingenious ways of catching bugs and novel ways of cooking them so they taste nice. And since noodles grow on trees, just cultivate one on a balcony or by a window. You see, all problems are solved.
The KGKGKG guy got banned finally. Seems like he's made gazillions of kgkgkg posts all over the entire board. I guess his obssession went way too far. In a way, he became more than real KGKGKG...
Karma? What exactly did he do wrong? Or is it just from your hatred of him that your comment comes? Is it possible that you hate him so much that objectivity is being put aside?
>>415 I never hated him, I actually enjoyed some of his posts. But, it's not that hard to imagine that someone got really annoyed. Very simple speculation.
>>415 I never hated him, I actually did enjoy some of his posts. But, it's not that hard to imagine that someone got really annoyed with his massive spamming. Very simple speculation.
a,ma,my name is Takafumi Koizumi death. a,I can speak Englishuu ,ba,ba but only a little.littoh,ritoru ne. d,d,Do you understand my English? Please call me Taka.
>>427 Don't generalize 2channelers. Some don't like her, some don't give a shit.
The biggest factor is that she loves and adores things Japanese and that made 2channelers have a good impression on her. And her personality looked through her videos seems to that of good old day's Japanese girls, not pushy and not arrogant. Her natural shyness has made a good imression, too.
I miss the days when she sometimes came to English board and answered our questions.
she will never do that now that she is a major star on tv shes changed, man. shes changed. but thats how people are should you become a major tv star like her, you would change too you cant blame her just be sad and leave it at that
Is Magi really that attractive to you guys? In America she isn't considered very attractive at all, I'm pretty sure that would be consensus of people in her school etc.
I seem to have a bad breath. What should I do? Almost all my teeth are covered by crowns partly because I had teeth decays and partly due to another reason. Not all crowns are silver, I mean. Some crowns, like those for front teeth, are white as normal teeth.
I want to remove all my crowns and chlorinate them like you do for dentures but in my case, all crowns are glued to my teeth so that's impossible.
Seems like food debris has sneaked in for a long period of time from a tiny gap between my teeth and crowns and that's the cause of the problem.
I think just washing my teeth carefully and keep them clean doesn't help. I can expect in five years the smell'll get even worse and in ten years, I don't even want to imagin!!!!
>>431 She knows from her own experience that you are right there. But what she and you american consider as her disadvantage or ugly (her bad teeth arrangement, her short hight, not good at express herself verbally) is not considered disadvantages in Japan.
Her eyes are round not narrow and that can be adored by Japanese since Japanese people admire those round eyes. She has relatively big boobs, beautiful and smooth hair and the color of hair. She seems like interested in Japanese fashion.
Just out of curiousty, what specific features of her aren't attractive to you or other Americans?
>>431 I don't know if you know this but Japanese people tend to think half western and half Japanese/Asian boys/girls are cute. Some stupid Japanese women don't even hesitate to make it public that she wants to go married with western man so that she can have more cute daughters and sons than gettng married with a Japanese man.
Magibon has blood of native American so she looks like a girl like that. That's another thing why Japanese people think she is cute.
And since noodles grow on trees, just cultivate one on a balcony or by a window. You see, all problems are solved. ------------------------------ What does these mean? "noodles grow on trees" does it mean "easy to get". "just cultivate one", what does "one" mean? Noodle(麺類)? I just can't understand.
>>436 I actually wouldn't mind her if she was just quiet etc. but her cheeks are really gigantic and her facial structure in general is just a bit odd. Maybe the difference is that in Japan people are more focused on her eyes and such?
Booobs. And her cheeks are not as gigantic as mine ;)
well, I don't think she is such a hot shot, but I can see some J people like her because she has big eyes and b... and is fair and most importantly, not as agressive as Paris Hilton.
She's been carrying herself pleasant and nice in 2ch, which is a favorable quality as a person in general. I don't find her extremely attractive but I like her for that reason.
I doubt she'll come back here again with her tripcode on though. After the thread got spammed like crazy when she visited here last, she took it as her responsibility not to cause any trouble to other residents. So..
Japanese media improved a bit. Untill recently, japanese media used to report on Dalai Lama and Lee Teng-hui(taiwan separatist) as little as possible.
Thanks to tibet unrest, japanese media starts to report on dalai lama more openly and intensively. Because japanese citizen's awareness about tibet is higher than everbefore and the world eyes to Tibet is very keen, japanese media have to report unwillingly.
On April 20th, I'll hold a party for people in this thread to show my appreciation for chatting with me.
Note that this is NOT a kind of party where participants smoke marijuana. Let's just get together and enjoy it!
We are going to watch Nanako SOS on TV together. Nanako SOS guy's karoke show. (Opening tune of Nanako SOS etc.) Dance competion with blasting sounds of Noriaki's PVs (The winner is awarded for Noriaki's autograph and the right to free download of his ringtones)
Guest performer: KGKGKG Dinner: Sushi (Uni only)
If you have someting you want to do at the party, let me know in advance. I'll try to make it happen.
For hikikomoris, the party is going to be aired via Internet. Broadband Internet connection is recommended.
>>448 With "grow on trees", I meant literally, just as leaves grow on trees. Noodles are a fruit, after all. Perhaps I should have been more specific when talking about 'cultivating one', though. I meant 'one' as in a noodle tree.
>>478 Hmm... you can't always take such videos at face value, though.
Some of the 'facts' there are just wrong. Northern Ireland was given a referendum for independence, in which a vast majority favoured remaining part of the UK. I believe that the referendum for Scottish independence is due in 2010. Canada held a referendum on whether Quebec should be given independence, and the majority said "no". He also tries to show that they've been united for "thousands of years", yet the evidence he gives shows less than eight hundred.
I'm trying not to have an opinion on the subject itself, but just think that the maker of the video could have tried to make a better case.
I don't really think so many good thoughts about Dalai Lama, I read about how he functioned prior to Chinese annexation. I find it a bit sickening that people are supporting such things now.... He was basically a warlord before.
i am chinese, mao was ok, he was a strong leader when there was a need of one.
he was like old emperors in many ways, brutal but had a great effectiveness.
anyway, yeh - i see that video, the media was lying. Did you know Chinese police saved 8 japanese tourists from the tibetan mobs? These people are criminals. Study some history of Tibet. We are not going to break up our country, we dont want war with anyone we want peace in eastern asia with other countries. i dont want to even be 'superpower' just want to live in peace....
China does not consider N. Korea as 'friends'. We consider them meddlesome barbarian people, and yes, we heard about the abductions of japanese. north korea is a barbarian nation. Do not put us in the same basket as them, you should study more beyond the propaganda about China.
well, i think japanese are brought up with hatred towards chinese.
considering us 'inferior'.
there is freedom of speech in China. Why dont you investigate history of tibet? as british possession, under warlord dalai lama and so on? Do you see how people were treated under dalai lama, do you realise how much money central government has put into Tibet? Most Han Chinese say that the government is stupid because it gives extra-rights to minorities (under minority rights plans).
That's a stupid thing to say. Chinese people don't have freedom of religion or speech or vote.. etc. That's a fact. If you think it's not true, then you're brainwashed.
Do I always support central committee of the communist party? no!
Some decisions I agree with, other times I don't agree with the decisions.
Tiananmen square was one of those times.
Japanese tourists were saved by Chinese police of military when tibetan rioters attacked. Tibetan rioters were destroying everything, burning things, killing innocents. What do you expect China to do?!
As far as I know, some monks in Tibet have been killed by Chinese force in this month. Those who live in the country are also emasculated their spermary because China doesn't want to get pregnant their children. Could you explain to us about the facts?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDKVEprC948 Please watch this video and learn history and fact. Chinese people don't have freedom of speech or the press or religion... They are under the control of the chinese communist party. Don't turn a blind eye to it.
But maybe chinese people are happy to be under the control of the govenment. Maybe they don't want democracy or any kind of freedom. Maybe Tienamon square genocide was an anomaly.
>Japanese tourists were saved by Chinese police of military when tibetan rioters > attacked.
Is it just a part of their duty to protect civilians, esp. foreigners, when something like that happens. I don't feel I owe them anything for that, though.
dont believe all you read in japanese media. They hate we chinese and want to see china fall. Do you realise that in China, as a minority you have MORE rights than HAN chinese like me?! Do you realise that we subsidize minority communities? We never force mongolians to come into the big cities and assimilate them.
Also, when a city is being burnt by a mob who is threatening a minority in that area (Han owned shops and people and so on), then what is the police supposed to do?
All countries would use deadly force in this situation! There is no other way.
dont believe all you read in japanese media. They hate we chinese and want to see china fall
Hmmm. But not harsher than western media though. It's quite recently that japanese media started to report on human right's problem in china. Unrest in tibet spured them. And western media, especially american media have a great infuluence on japanese media, I guess.
We don't have any actor or actress like Richard Gere, who openly speak against china. I heard he was dismissed from a commercial film. And Prime Minister fukuda promise to take part in olympics ceremony no matter what happens in tibet.
I don't hate chinese people or think they are robots controled by their government. But fact is fact. They don't have lots of freedom we take for granted and that's a shame. While you accuse Tibet of some wrong doing, you don't want to talk about lots of wrong things the Chinese government has done. I find that strange. That's all.
Listen, when a rioting mob is burning down YOUR city and threatening your homes I think you will want the police to intervene with a large amount of force.
As for Richard Gere, what does he care about Tibet? He meets the Lamas? The Dalai Lama? For him Tibet is just a playground, where Tibetans aren't people but merely like museum objects, not really humans but some kind of idea of 'idyllic' Tibet, people in Tibet worry about things like money, development etc.
Lamas were puppets, they were theocrats who oppressed their own people.
No. 535, don't you think if we are not robots we complain? Or makes jokes about our politicians? We will sit around for a tea and laugh about how stupid such and such politician or such and such policy is. We are like any other people, no matter how great or small.
Tibet is one issue where I agree with the Government. On perhaps hundreds of others I disagree. Like I said before, Chinese relationship with North Korea and earlier on South Korea, many Chinese felt we were being used and still are to dragged into disputes in larger regional politics. N Korea inparticular we regard as troublesome and we think Kim is just as crazy as you think he is. We want nothing to do with him, but he is like excess baggage that the government will occasionally support because of past times.
Does Ricard Gere understand Tibet from the Tibetans? From the peasants, the surfs who worked for decades to feed a few elite? Now look at Tibet, look at the money it recieves, at the infrastructure and so on. And the claims we are 'stamping out' Tibetan language? Central government pays lots of money for Tibetan language schools!
And now all Tibetans can go to school and escape the lifestyle of the peasant.
And the claims we are 'stamping out' Tibetan language? Central government pays lots of money for Tibetan language schools
This part is incredulous...Rather tibetans are made to learn chinese more, aren't they? Can't we say tibetan language is driven to the point where even presevation is needed?
I agree with you in most part about the Tibet issue. Tibet is a cult and should be crashed. But still, China should be democratised because it's a good thing to do.
To 551, well, I agree. But this will take time, we Chinese aren't really known for big protests like Europeans and Americans do. But I hope in 30 years we will be able to elect our leaders and parliament and so on.
You live in Canada and don't have to fear the Chinese regime watching you. So you can freely express your opinions in public. You could, if you want, influence your government by doing some stuff,, may be organizeing protests or somthing? You have the right to do so and that's a good thing. Please don't just brush off what happened in Tienemon square in 1989 because it's very importnat.
Yes, I agree that it was important. I never said the killings there were justified.
That was an example of too much force being used, because originally the protests were just protests and were not violent, but police provoked them and they turned violent. The Government were assholes for doing that.
I only came here because I think Japanese have the wrong idea about us, that we are robots, we always support communist party and koreans and so on. But in regards to the Korean issue, most of the time Koreans are antagonizing we Chinese! Not Japanese! For example, regularly claims pop up in the Korean media about how such-and-such Chinese historical figure was actually Korean, and how such-and-such invention during Song Dynasty was actually a Koraen invention and so on. We do not consider them as 'brothers'. I would like to be friends with them actually, but I don't really like nationalism. Which is one of the problems I have with the Communist party in China, there are many nationalist elements in there now.
For example, regularly claims pop up in the Korean media about how such-and-such Chinese historical figure was actually Korean, and how such-and-such invention during Song Dynasty was actually a Koraen invention and so on
>>548 They do exaggerate the pictures the video that you mentioned. Though I sympathise these partly, your country is still doing such terrors even though the year 2008.
I don't know much about civil wars. When the wars was occured?
>>561 We are exposed to korean plagirism as well. like samurai, bushido, anime, manga, ...are all korean originals. But most of japanese don't know or care about it. And Japanese media is so lenient on korea these days.. They report on only the good things about korea more than our interest. I don't think korean actor or actress is so good as is described in the media.
Many Japanese people don't feel good towards China due most part to the existence of the oppressive Chinese communist government. How can you like that kind of government? I like South Korea far more than China because South Korea is a democratic country, and China is not.
Well the Korean mentality seems to be one of ultra-nationalism as I explained and also trying to drag China into regional disputes. And this irritates chinese a little bit. But also, opinions towards Japanese aren't so bad, at least among Chinese friends abroad I have spoken to. Even my grandfather who lived through the war doesn't hate Japanese at all, as he said, nationalism is like toxins to a brain. That is why I don't care about these 'apologies', I think it was a Japanese professor who said something like 'we must remember the past, but we cannot be anchored by it', or something along those lines. Also, remember that a lot of the riots some years ago were organized by the Government when the Japanese Priem Minister came to visit. But I think the Japanese Prime Minister or some Minister made a visit some months ago?
I saw it on the news, and it was ok. Schoolchildren from China and Japan were there, and there were tea-ceremonies and other cultural exchanges and so on. It was quite nice to see to be honest. I hope there are more such things in the future.
I would like to see in the future if there is a stable democratic Government in China, that Taiwan would become a part of that.
Basically, Tibetan guerilla were trained by the CIA in order to kill ethnic han in the area in the 1950s, that is how the whole trouble started. There is a book published by an author in the US (a professor) called 'CIA’s Secret War in Tibet'.
564, yes, I have heard about that too. I don't understand why this is the case. Myself, I don't really care that much if Korean professors say Confucius is Korean or whatever. I just don't understand the need to claim historical figures like that. I wonder if Confucius would have cared either.
But what Japan did to China and Korea and other parts of Asia before and during WW2 was just unforgivable We have to keep showing our sincere regret about it to them, like Germany does.
What fault is it of today's Japanese? It is not their responsibility.
From my impression, most Japanese are not nationalist. Same with most Germans. But I think the only thing that should be done is to remember all bad events from all wars so we can make sure such things never happens again. Wherever they have happened in the past. Plus it promotes bad feelings if Japanese are made to feel like all Chinese are wanting 'apology juice', let's move on from those times.
I always think this type of argument is useless. Because two sides just insist on their points and never listened to each other.
Historical facts themsleves based on different sources and they rely on facts that help them push thier points in favor of their points. Maybe I am too ignorant of histrical facts in the first place to express my opinion though. I can't even join such an argument.
On the second thought, maybe this type of argumet play an important role in this day and age. If one movement on the net surges and draws a lot of attentions, some people act not only in this virtual world but in real life. Maybe you can say that protests around the world related to Tibetan issue was given momentum by the power of net citizens.
I have to admit I kind of respect those who are vocal about social or international issues and act in real life because all I do is just sit at the keyboard and ramble on.
Well I have no problem with that. It is up to another person who they sleep with and start relationships with, so long as it is consensual I have no problem.
Oh my, it would seem Strom is in jail for possession of child pornography. Serves him right.
I would say that Hal Turner is by far the most famous, as of late. But that's not really saying much, these people are intellectual hacks, so most people don't even notice them.
>>598 How about Bill White, attention getter wannabe? Did you know him? And how about Alex Linder? I'm disappointed to know Hal is much greater than Bill White, who thinks he is the greatest...
>>600 MacArthur was historically against the Atom Bomb's use, but personally I think that it is demonstrably true that the bombs forced the Emperor into his surrender decree much more quickly. It was the difference between a bad choice (the Atom Bombs) and a catastrophic choice (amphibious invasion of the home islands).
>>607 Nice try, but a real white supremacist, filled with hate and vitriol, would deem doujinshi "degenerate oriental trash". They're all mad you know.
I respect none of them, they represent the importation of dangerous intellectual traditions which do nothing but obscure the nature of race relations in the United States. The Neo-Nazis are an odious European import, one which I deign to recognize as even remotely valid in the conduct of modern civil society.
Did you know over 50% of rapes are committed by blacks in USA according to the FBI's official crime statistics, Japan must be careful and throw out the Nigerians.
>>616 I'm well aware of Malcolm X's murderous ideology. What you need to be aware of is that it was a result of a bizarre fusion of Islamic and Marxist indoctrination mixed with Black separatism, not some racially programmed "time bomb".
I am also aware of the rape statistics, but to be honest I believe that the white communities' temerity is partly to blame for this issue as well. A whole system of racial entitlement has been built up around the black community, and, as a community on life support, it feels no need to adhere to any sort of societal standard. The key to rectifying this issue is not in some brutal convoluted race war, but to remove this system of entitle- ment and allow the community to stand upon it's own two feet.
>>618 Again, you use statistics to arrive at a fallacious conclusion. East Asians beat us in tests because they have preserved a culture that rewards a strong work ethic and a culture which rewards intellectual pursuit. We are not quite as strong in this regard culturally, and it reflects in the data. The Protestant work ethic has been thoroughly devalued over the last century, and that has harmed us.
Douglas MacArthur, are you aware that IQ tests are not based on environmental considerations? Studies are various EQUAL academic levels have shown this.
East Asians are our superiors. We are on their superior 2channel and they reward us by gracing us with their glorious presence. Look at how shitty our electronics are compared to theirs, look at how shitty our animation and comics are compared to theirs.
>>625 Superior only due to their free-markets and cheap labor, do not lecture me on consumer goods, boy, the United States is the home of IBM, Macintosh, Lockheed Martin, Boeing, firms that conquered the world with their ingenuity and expertise and therefore became a model to be idolized an imitated. Animation? Derived from Disney, comics? Have you even looked at the quality of our print media as of late? Nothing derivative about it, except for the english language mangas.
You know what? You aren't a white supremacist at all, are you? You're just another miserable Orientalist with racist tendencies towards local minorities, how tragic for you. With that submissive attitude, it's no wonder we are still held back by the likes of you.
Who cares if it was derived from Disney? Do we see any good animation over here?
Western animators and comic artists/mangaka, all they do is the same shit over and over again. Superheroes, superheroes, superheroes... Don't comic book fans get tired of this repetitive formula?
>>634 I don't like him. I just ranked them, imagining name recognition order in America. Bill White > Kevin Strom > Hal Turner > Alex Linder > David Duke > Don Black This is my favorites in order.
>>628 Is it true that you are less famous in America than in Japan? Everybody here knows you. Did I confound you with Navy Captain Craig R. Perry, who threated Japan into opening the borders? Perry is pretty famous here as well.
And how about GHQ, acronym of General Headquarters? I once heard not many american knew GHQ.
Is it true Roosevelt was a jew? Do you hate him? you have to hate him if you are a true white nationalist. David Duke is renowned for his book, jewish supremacism and my awakening (to jewish conspiracy).
Duke is not a good speaker, though I have read his book and it is good, I agree.
I think Roosevelt was in the pockets of the Jews myself. I think he knew about Pearl Harbour beforehand. MLK was supported by the communist party in Russia and recieved significant Jewish financial support. Also, he is known for abusing prostitutes in quite horrible ways and using money from his church's collection fund to buy prostitutes. Additionally King copied his Doctoral thesis from somewhere else.
How about in Japan? Are there good speakers among the Uyoku? I hope they go to Roppongi and kill all the foreigners there. These people who go to Japan and get drunk and cause trouble are a shame for the white race. Get rid of them.
>>643 I don't know if you are a real white nationalist or not. But I understand you are relly familiar whith white nationalism theory. I guarantee this.
Hey, anonymous white nationalist. Do you respect Jared Taylor too? Your opinion is more close to that of Taylor in respect to the IQ of east asians than that of Duke.
>>658 Jared Taylor is a very intelligent man, very objective too and extremely honest.
I have great respect for him, he is right about East Asians as well. That looking at it in a honest manner, East Asians are superior to Whites. Basically, what Taylor wants is each people to be allowed to live their existence in the way they want. But his critics have no response, because Mr. Taylor deals in fact, all they can do is say 'you are a racist'. Nothing more.
>>627 >Western animators and comic artists/mangaka, all they do is the same shit over and over again. Superheroes, superheroes, superheroes... This is nonsense.
If you are people from overseas, especially those from English speaking countries, I think you have noticed some characteristics of English written by Japanese like me.
Would you tell me what you have noticed so far such as peculiar grammartical mistakes or wording and such? Listening to your feedback sounds interesting as an English learner. Thank you.
>>679 It's not really peculiar, but something we sort of expect - some Japanese (and Chinese, for that matter) English learners get 'r' and 'l' mixed up.
Another thing is mixed use of 'a' as an indefinite particle which, I guess, comes from not really having such a one in your native language. Some people miss it out... "She runs [a] sushi shop." Some people use it instead of a demonstrative pronoun (this/that)... "A[that] cat has grey fur." (when talking about a specific cat, for example) And some use it instead of a definite article (the)... "A[the] weather is nice today."
Some people miss out these particles and pronouns altogether... "I went to see [the] Tower of London today. It is [the] building [where/in which] [the] Crown Jewels are kept."
I must say, though, I help quite a few university level English-learners, but the level of English here (in this thread) is generally a lot higher than theirs.
>>669 Not really. The market for it went down in 2003 and some anime production and distribution companies have gone out of business.
And about american comics the reason its all the same stuff is that unless you're sucking off the man at the top of the comics world, you are NOT going to get your comic made. Really it's almost impossible to get in so they can sell the same stuff over and over with no competition.
I don't really know anything about japanese comics but i've heard that almost anyone can get in the market if you have skill.
>>680 That's "a" very interesting ovservation. (I'm not sure "a" is needed here. it's difficult to tell if a noun is countable or uncountable. orz..)
Yes, Japanese language doesn't have the notion of aritcles so it's difficult for us to use or not to use in some cases them properly. We learn basic ideas about how to use them correctly at school but when it comes to putting the knowledge about them to use when we write English, we find it extremely hard to use them right. Plus, there are some exceptions in the usage of them. That's a big trouble for us.
As for R and L, there are some jokes about wrong spellings such as election, erection and lice and rice (like, I ate lice yesterday.) to name a few.
I think there are other miscellaneous mistakes we Japanese make. For example, I am not sure I used the word "miscellaneous" properly in the sentence above. If not, the sentence must sound odd and I think that's because I don't grasp the notion of the word correctly.
So, you correct or proofread Japanese English learners' English somewhere else. Maybe they are your e-mail pals. Your explanation is very good as always.
IN and ON are very confusing to a japanese too. "in the thread" "on the thread" "get in/on a car" "get in/on a train" Also, FOR and TO. I still can't use them correctly.
>>681 I heard on the american tv news or something like this that american comic artists were weak and managed by publishers. Copyright fees or desigh right belonged to the publishers and comic artists got a handful of money for what they achieved. a comic artist featured on TV was the author of super hero series like spider man as I remember. I thought american indivisual(for example, comic artists) was given more freedom and right than japanese one. So information above was shocking and unexpected. My English and information is so limited that I could not have passed the information properly though.
I wonder how keira's plan for youtube debut is going? She said all she had to do was installing webcam software and I was secretly looking forward to seeing her "moving" instead of still images I have seen on her blog. I understand that you have to have a kind of courage to make your video seen on the net so procrastination happens, I guess.
Who first taught you how to saw a board? To fly a kite? To catch a fish? Or to whistle through your teeth? If anyone tsught you these sometimes playful, but always practical, skills of childhood, maybe it was your dad. As you learned these simple skills, you probably also learned that nothing was more rewarding than a job well done, or that you had to try again if at first you didn't succeed. You picked up valueble knowledge that molded your character for life.
Do you believe this show was aired in broad daylight at 1:00pm on every Sunday on a terrestorial channel. I remember it was pulse punding expecting a girl can't make it in time asa a kid. while switching to swimsuit. In your country this kind show is banned by moral code on broadcast or something?
>>705 We'd definitely have a lot of people complaining if there were shows like that aired at that time. That's the sort of thing Five would show here anytime after 9pm. Was there ever a time that they didn't make it?
Takeshi does look a lot younger there.
>>704 To saw a board and catch a fish, that would be my grandfather. He was very handy with practical skills, and very in-tune with the world around him. However, I've never flown a kite, and neither can I whistle through my teeth, though I wish I could. You're right, though, experience from all sorts of things definitely moulds one's character. Often for the better, but not always.
>>684 I've also found that people using Slavic languages, such as Russians, also have some trouble with particles in English. Anyway, you got the 'a' right, an observation is countable. Miscellaneous is correct too, as [various other] mistakes are sometimes made.
One thing I've noticed, though, is English learners don't often make the same mistakes as native speakers, such as with homophones. Native speakers often get [there/their/they're] mixed up, as well as [too/two/to], [lose/loose] and [bear/bare], to name a few.
And you're right, sometimes I do proofread and help through e-mail, though most of the time it's just conversation. I much prefer writing by hand, though.
Tiger Woods needs no defense. He has been measured and proven. Being one of the best athletes in the world, he probably does not even notice obscure posts about him in the 2ch.
I have an impression that it is wrong to consider issues of articles in English as issues of English grammar. It is anthropological and philosophical issues.
>>709 You are correct. English is correct and proper and pronounced and spelled differently all around our planet. Is the English the Australians speak less correct than the Philipinos' English? I think no.
Some culture/language only sees three different colors in rainbows. Some see six different colors. Some see seven different colors. It must be hard for those who grew up in the first culture to see 3 or 4 more colors in the rainbows. Likewise, it is hard for those who have no articles in their native language to get used to the system of articles in English.
>>711 Neither. It should be, "They are anthropological and philosophical issues."
And I don't know what you're talking about. There's nothing anthropological or philosophical about it. When to use the definite or indefinite article is purely a grammatical issue.
>>713 ah... not exactly. for example, French also has articles, both definite and indifinite, but their usage of these articles are different from how the articles are used in English. and that confuses French people a lot. So in a way, it's also anthropological, if not historical. I don't think it's philosophical, though.
>>714 How or why articles came to be used in their current form in a given language might be anthropological. My point was only that the question of when to use either 'a' or 'the' is an issue of grammar.
Rainbow always consisted of five parts, though its lineup constantly changed. And Ritchie Blackmore is probably an arsehole but still a kickass guitarist.
>>715 Yes, that is correct, but in which culture? It is at least an anthropoligical issue because different cultures use articles differently. What is correct grammar in the United States, is not necessarily correct grammar in India. Even in different regions of those countries grammar is not the same.
>>714 >French also has articles, both definite and indifinite, but their usage of these articles are different from how the articles are used in English.
That's a very interesting point! I've thought all along that how articles are used in French and English are the same........ Could you give us an example about how the usage differ between the two languages?
>>720 I am not French, so I cannot give you any specific examples. But some time ago, I was working on a publication with French researchers. They gave me some examples then, but now I forgot them all. Anyway according to them, in French, they use much more definite articles where indinfinite articles are normally used in English. One guy was telling me half-jokingly that if I am not sure about which articles to use, I should use definite articles. I also thought that was very interesting, but then maybe that is not so strange, considering that English is Germanic while French is latinate. One latinate usage of definite article exists in Englilsh clearly though. If you are talking about dogs as a species, then you can use the collective definite article as in 'the dog'.
So swedish housemaid(modeling was her side) was hooked by nigger big money. The nigger said he respected his nigger father. But his action contradicted his words. haha.
Forbes.com has Mr. Shumacher listed at $80 million. I think if you add the highest paid Japanese athlete's salary to Mr. Shumacher's salary you still will not be close to Mr. Woods salary.
If they were "equals" regarding income, and Tiger was a "regular guy" with an average income and no mansions or private jet or adoring fans, would a hot bottle-blonde like Elin marry him?
So how will the children of Tiger Wood's look? They won't look Swedish. Their skin will be dark, their hair will be black and kinky. Their facial features will be those of a strange mongrel. Elin's genetic heritage will be destroyed, unless she gets divorced and marries a Nordic man. And there is the truth to this matter. She is with Tiger for one reason: he has 200 million dollars. She sold out for a life of fame and luxury.
In conclusion, a poor guy gets jealous over a rich man' money and escapes to hold some delusion about racial superiority which he doen't even belong to.
Mundane conclusion. I'm not jealous of Bill Gates or Eddie Murphy. Woods is a good golf player. And he gets prize-money from the tournaments. I have to admit. But he hates his black blood. He has been trying to stay away from black community (eventhough his adorable father was almost black), and his strong fetisism for white blonde women. That's bad.
Tiger Woods is 1/2 Asian. Precisely Filipino. But Woods looks like perfect black. "I'm a asian and buddist" is just a pretext for denying his racial heritage. and having a mongrel child... I wish he had a healthy mentality as well as his healthy body. He is a race traitor.
>>724 Thanx very much for your explanation and also the link. English is my first foreign language and French is supposed to be the second.... however, I got really confused with the usage of articles when I tried to learn French, because sometimes the usage was imilar to English but other times it wasn't. But the link you introduced to us really clealy identified the differences and it was very interesting.
>>729 Nope! French uses too many definite articles, LOL~~
Are you guys white? So your pride hinders you from being chagrined at Woods while you are jealous and mad at the bottom of your heart. lol Money, money, money and hypocrisy. very american thing.
I'm not a white person fetish like kgkkgk. And I'm partly black.
>>753 Disgusting... I just watched for a few seconds and closed the window. I didn't know that staff. You are pervert! You have known it! You should die! apology to me!
Obama didn't grow up in a black community either. But he thinks he is black coz he looks like black and has been looked upon as black. The same as Woods.
I'm GAIJIN living in Japan over 5years, so I can understand Japanese a little, but I have a question. I watched Japanese famous actress Kaori Manabe says "Both Geinoujin and ordinary people can do...”at the advertisement of anti-acne medicine. I got uncomfortable because I've thought Geinoujin is also an ordinary person. However, in Japan, actors, actresses, and comedians have been treated as a sort of "special" people, I think. They really are special? If it is, what kind of special parts they have? I totally can't understand.
>>767 > instruction manuals Bwahahaha.. I don't think gay guys would read Junjo Romantica. The target audience of the comic series is 腐女子, otaku girls who like to fantasize about good looking gay men. Actual gay men would prefer something like くそみそテクニック.
And a bit of education can help gainoujin career. Manabe takes advantage of her education in a state-run university, which won't attracts as many attention as in daily life.
>>781 Why are you so homophobic? Homosexuality had been part of Japanese culture up until the end of the Edo period anyways. Haven't you ever read Ihara Saikaku?
we DO know people who addicted to 2ch like >>782 no doubt are trashy 2ch is a nest of jobless and hopeless people like >>783 who waste the properties in Japan. to be honest, they don't have all kinds of right. they should die in Tibet or Iraq for Japan.
If you're from abroad, you should go to other chat site. as soon ASAP. 2ch(this site) is the most worthless and rubbish site. Because of their immatureness, people who regularly do 2ch often tell a lie or insult people.
>>706 I think there were some time they didn't make it. Like this, http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=Em-Gp3MKBbc (She wears something that lookes like a school uniform but that's just a costume and she was not a school girl.) But when a girl/girls were too slow to slip into a swimsuite, a towel was throw in to hide her body parts. This TV program was a live program so there were no way to edit it.
Even if one vulgar program's gone another pops up that makes PTA frown. But kids love this kind of program. I used to, too.
If you're from abroad, you should go to other chat site as soon as possible. 2ch(this site) is the most worthless and rubbish site. Because of their immatureness, people who regularly do 2ch often tell a lie or insult people.
>>801 hehehehehehehehehehe It is not necessary to say as soon ASAP. ASAP = as soon as possible I think the correct way of saying most worthless is priceless. Like this: 2ch is priceless. immaturity is correct for immatureness
>>768 I think they are special in a way especially for kids. They are role models for some of the kids, although sometimes they are bad role models. Not many people have a chance to be on TV. Actors and musicians you see on TV have survived fierce competition. They are top-rated in the field of show business.
Actors and musicians who you see on TV are just a small portion of all actors and musicians. They are success and earn a big money so in my opininon, they are special.
But I undersatnd what you mean. They are the same human being.
How does Jero appear to the eyes of people overseas? He has mixed Japanese traditional 'Enka' and 'hip-hop', and is becoming very popular in Japan, but do you think he will also make it in other countries? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CwTFJ-Vwbgs
You know what? Jero says that his inferiority complex is he doesn't have much muscles. I thought black people were gifted with muscles, so they didn't have to go to the gym and do a lot of excercise to develop them. I think the proportion of gym-goers is much higher for the white than the black. Well, maybe Jero is just unlucky.
I think Jero is NOT so good at singing ENKA. But I thought it is interesting When I've heard his voice. Thanks to his identity:nothing to say nationalism,race and so on... so he could made a success.
>>834 African American we see on TV are singers, dancers in show business and athletes. The former work out to look good, the latter to do great performance in their sports.
So I think even African American have to work hard to have big muscles. But I think you can say that it's easier and faster for African American to develop muscles than other ethnic groups because of phyisical characteristics piculiar to them.
Anyway, the reason why Jero looks skinny is that he is just too lazy to wrok out. I would told him that if you have time to whine, just pump up iron, do push-ups, whatever.
>>720 Of course, one of the main differences is gender specification in French. Indefinite articles work the same as in English, except with genders. Une souris, un chapeau, des gâteaux (this one is indefinite plural, which remains the same nomatter which gender). The same goes for definite articles. La souris, le chapeau, les gâteaux.
However, one main difference in using plural articles is that they are always used when referring to a definite group of things. In English, you might say "Cakes are delicious", but in French, you would have to say "Des gâteaux sont délicieux", not dropping the indefinite article like in English. The exception is really just with peoples' names.
>>723 They'll be lucky if they don't need to go through Heathrow Airport. That place is a mess right now, because of the new opening of Terminal 5 (though it was a mess before, too. Last time I was there, I had to stand in a queue for an hour just to get on a bus to the next terminal building). Gatwick is a much better airport, even though last time I was there, there was a man wearing a sparkly pink cowboy outfit, with a peroxide blonde beard.
>>838 Thank you very much for your explanation about French articles. I reckon French is one of your large repertoires, and I envy you. And because whenever you give explanations, you insert 'hats' somewhere, so even without looking at the tripcode, we can tell it's from you, LOL~~
>>837 yeah, and I've heard that due to the amount of muscles, they are usually not very good at swimming. (They cannot float well). I just saw on TV news that some Masai tribesmen participated in a marathon race in London to raise money for improving their water system. As you know, they are famous for being able to jump very high, so one of the major Japanese pharmaceutical launched a health-improvement drink called 'マサイの戦士(warriors of Masai), which is a lactic acid bacteria drink.
>>842 I wonder if that drink sells. I hope it's not just marketing gimmic.
I've heard swimming is not for African American because of the reason you mentioned. I think the reason why we see far less African American in the descrimination against them, too. Maybe Whites didn't want to swim with them, claiming water in a swimming pool get dirty.
A syncronized swimmer Fumiko Okuno said before she retired, she had to force herself to eat lots of pieces of cake to increase fat in her body. The more fat in her body, the more buoyancy.
>>844 I watche HEY HEY HEY!! tonight and her ex-boyfriend was with her in the program. Seemed like he was her first boyfriend. He was tall white man who went to the same school with her. He speaks Japanese and now he goes to American University. They had never kissed anyone before they kissed each other back in school days.
Terrorist communist china is what chinese people selected. It's no doubt Tibet was invaded by the communist party. Chinse called invasion liberation. 'Liberation' was given by force.
Self-determination is a principle of modern state. So let the tibetans choose their own country. Let them vote freely. Let them speak freely and let the foreign media report freely in Tibet.
スコットランド人 said UK is a empire. Even so, Scottish and Northern Irish have the freedom to choose their own country and still stay with UK.
Another youtuber related to Japan is going to make appearnce on Japanese TV. He graduated from UC Barkly. Very good university in US. Seems like he majored in Japanese.
He is a vocal and guitarist in his band, working part time at English conversation school here in Japan. Seems like he moved over here after graduating from the uni to follow his dream to become a professional singer in Japan.
Other band members are all Japanese. Note that he won't be on the show as the band. There seems to ba a segment for amaterurs and he'll sing a pro singer's cover. I'm not sure how the show'll treat him on the program.
Part of the description above is not mentioned in this video below.
I happened to watch HEY HEY HEY! yesterday and got parts of the information about his appearance and his videos on youtube in the past were the source of the info. Maybe the day when igirisu-jin's debut on お宝鑑定団 is not far in the future. That is a Japanese TV show in which amateures bring antiques and collected items from their home to have them appraised by professionals such as a pawn shop ownerin or person in the know in various fields.
By the way, on the same TV show on the same day, Shimizu Shota http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=jNzRKEyK5BU makes appearance, too. But maybe segments are diffrent and shooting was done on a different occasion so these two won't be on the same frame of camera.
He looks like a character of X-men. His wisker. It took two of his videos for me to tell if what this guy is saying is true or not. I think I'll watch the rest of his videos when I have time.
He mimics the way we speak English very well. He speaks Japanese very well, too but no matter how well he tries to speak Japanese in the video, claming he was born and raised in Japan, his Japanese has English accent. But I can tell he is a very good Japanese speaker by just watching the two short videos. Not only he speaks decent Japanese, but also he seems to know the habits of Japanese English speakers inside out.
So I think he has lived in Japan quite a long time. The girl in the video is cute. I would jelous if she is his girlfriend. lol
>>856-857 I've been watching his videos for a while. At first, nobody knew if he was serious or not. He's an actor called David Ury, and he started out his acting career in Japan, while he was studying at college there.
>>864 I could not stop watching. It had me lol. I sent it to all of my friends, and instead of working hard. We are watching Youtube while our employers pay. I love the internet and 2ch!
I'm realizing I will never be fluent in English at this rate, so I'm thinking of learning another language. B English + C+ Someotherlanguage is better than just B+ English, I think. What language should I learn? German, French or Spanish would be useful but speaking something like Russian or Czech is 10000 times more badass.
>>860 He looks like a different person in the video. Actually when he makes a serious face, he looks cool. I think his acting skills awesome. Version is a mobile phone carrier as far as I remember. Or ISP? I forgot.
>>875 If you put how practical the language is on top of your list, then Chinese is the best, assuming that you are Japanese. Because I heard Chinese is easier for us Japanese to learn and Chenese ecnomy is getting bigger and infulencing its power on word economy. The socond top of the list would be Spanish. Peaplewho speaks spanish is large so it's practical to learn it.
Ken Tanake everybody here knows is ex-husband of Kotegawa Yuko. But When I googled Ken Tanaka, The first and second of ken tanaka was a creepy american who looks like Bruce Springsteen.
Japanese is also difficult language for foreighners to master perfectly. Even Dave Spector has strange acccents. Some european descents master English perfectly like Charlize Theron.
>>882 As heavily Latin-based languages, they are very similar in the way they are constructed. From experience, it was much easier to learn Spanish after learning French because of the similarities.
>>875 Learning Russian is pretty fun too. I still can't roll an 'r', so I'm still a failure at both Russian and Spanish.
>>840 If I make everyone read about hats enough, maybe one day they'll learn to appreciate them too...
>>881 Hmm I think I read somewhere that Chinese is hard to speak properly, with some complicated tones and stuff... Plus, the thought of having to re-learn how to pronounce all the damned kanjis scares me....
In japan, there is a rumor French is a very difficult language. Is Spanish as difficult as French? If so, I may prefer Spanish. Because Spanish is more influential language. But in advancing the understanding of English, which is better? Britains borrowed many words and maybe sentences from France.
But I won't study another language untill I get toeic full score or first degree in English Proficiency Test. So When will it be? I may never learn. lol
>>888 The English language (in general, not just British-English) has a lot of French-derived words. Apparently around 30% of the English language has French origins.
But probably Spanish has the similar words derived from Latin. So don't I have to care much about the etymology, between French and Spanish? Can I learn French derived words through Spanish?
Learning Norwegian might be a good choice too, since the war between Ninjas and Vikings is inevitable. That norwegian guy in this thread could help us learn it.
Spanish spelling and pronunciation is easier than those of French for Japanese, I think.
You read spanish words like you read ローマ字 so it's easier for us Japanese.
I don't remeber exactly, because it was a long time ago but I chose French at university as a second foreign language and failed. Next year, I chose Spanish, instead. I managed to get a credit for the spanish course because Spanish was easier than French.
All in all, I was not interested learning both the two languages. So, the point is that how much eager you are to learn a foreign language.
>>901 Not all words, but a great number have the same roots, yes. Colour in Spanish is 'Color', and 'Couleur' in French. Food is 'Alimentos' in Spanish, and 'Alimentaire' in French. Mountains is 'Montañas' in Spanish and 'Montagnes' in French.
This is just a very small example... depending on the words, you could link it from Spanish to French and then to English if you really wanted.
It's fun to learn French. Why Spanish? You know what? Spanish subjunctive is a killer. Pronouncing words is easy, but can you survive the Spanish subjunctive?
>>905 Thanks for all your advices. It's likely that I can learn both spanish and english in some regions in the us. lol And it's a high chance that one man can handle both languages in the us.
Spanish is more efficient language than French. More occansions to learn are provided. But you know, French has an elegant and affected image in japan. So you can boast French in Japan.
French people are more tanned and short than japanese imagine they are. Many japanese image typical french as more sophisticated like Aland Dolon or characters from shojo manga, blonde and tall. And their accennts and culture intimidate us. I'm not the one though. I don't like their arrogancy. lol