30 だが31のいうとおり。 たしかに was ( were ) ~ ing だと過去のある期間にわたって ということを 表現する。だが、それは I was coughing all night long. というようにその期間は範囲が小さい。 When I was youngと漠然とした広い範囲には使えない
>>40 tell me bedtime storiesは、時間的感覚が食事と同程度。 例えば、my parents eat with meで置き換えてみると実感しやすいかと。 When I was a child, my parents was eating with me. いかに変だか分かるよね? When 〜の中身には、瞬間的な内容も幅広い内容も来る。 瞬間的なら進行形もありだが、幅広い場合は進行形は合わない。 それにこの問題は、「寝る時にお話をしてくれた」という行動を 繰り返したことを読み取れというもの。 ある瞬間に話をしてくれていたわけじゃなくて、よくしてくれたというAが正解。
>>59 OALDの抜粋 12 used for talking about things that often happened in the past used to: When my parents were away, my grandmother would take care of me. ジーニアスの抜粋 He would (often) go fishing in the river when he was a child. 子供のころ彼はよく川へ釣りに行ったものだ
>>72 大ざっぱに言うと look like 〜 は、〜に似てる。 look to be 〜 は、〜であるように見える だから、 彼の顔はカボチャみたい。は、 His face looks like a pumpkin.が良い。 His face looks to be a pumpkin.だと本当にカボチャである可能性が出てくる。 逆に、彼は紳士に見える。なら He looks to be a gentleman.が良い。
>>85 You should not be expected to take pictures here. は、公的な言い回しだなと感じます。それに比べて、 I don't think you should be expected to take pictures here. は、 I don't think までは個人的な言い回し(主語がI という個人だから)であるけど、 you should be expected 〜 は公的な言い回しに聞こえて、なんだか変な感じがしました。
You should not be expected 〜のYou は、個人を特定しないように複数形であるということが 大切なんでしょうね。
ちなみにexpectを和訳すると期待する・予想するだけど 会社で英文メールのやり取り日常的にやってる人ならわかると思うけど You are expected to be in the office. って言われたら、絶対に会社にいなければダメ。そのままの意味だとやさしい言い方だけど 暗にhave toという強い外からの圧力がある。 大人の社会ではYou are expected to=You have to
>>105 We had little rain this summer. (過去)なら単純に過去の事実を言ってるだけだけど We have had little rain this summer. (現在完了)なら 今夏雨が少なくて現在なんらかの影響受けてる感じがする。 例えば、そのせいで農作物が不作で、値段が高くなったとかいう文が続きそうな感じ
I am such a good man [ that many want [ to see cherry blossoms with me ]. Jesus is such a great spirit [ that I can not help [ admiring him ] ].
Church Sunday service is such a nice place and time [ thay I have had a blessed time ]. Home is such a nice place [ that food [ that I eat ] is so nice ].
that I am so happy that I want to tell you all how good Jesus is.
I am such a good man [ that many want [ to see cherry blossoms with me ]. Jesus is such a great spirit [ that I can not help [ admiring him ] ].
Church Sunday service is such a nice place and time [ thay I have had a blessed time ]. Home is such a nice place [ that food [ that I eat ] is so nice [ that I am so happy [ that I want [ to tell you all [ how good Jesus is ] ] ] ].
It is next to ( being )impossible そのことはほとんど不可能である *文の中心でないところで動詞を使う時は[動詞の原形←ing]、 何回も使うようになってbeingを省略 [ for Miyazaki Prefectural Education Comiittee to undrstand 宮崎県教育委員会が理解すること [ how important human life is ] ]. 人の命がどんなに大切かを I am always next to Jesus, and Jeus is always next to me.
>>185 その例文の存在は知ってるよ。だけど、完璧とか言うから敢えて違うと言ってみた。 本来は、why節は「〜が…する理由」という意味でreasonの省略と考えられる。 そこで、the reason ( ) is because 〜という形を見てみるとやはり問題がある。 the reasonが主語なら補語はthat節が正しい。 だが、誤用の氾濫のせいでthe reason is becauseも認められてきただけ。
>>185 同じジーニアスの中に The reason (why [that]) we are late is that [《略式》because] our bus broke down on the way. 遅刻したのはバスが途中で故障したためです とある。 正式な英語ではないから略式となってるわけ
音楽の歌詞に『I WANT TO BE IT, I WILL BE WHAT I WANT TO BE』というやつがあり『でかい奴になりたい、成り上がってやるぜ』という訳がついてました I WANT TO BE ITは、『私はそれを存在することを欲しい』という訳でよいはずですが、ITには『でかい奴』という意味もあるのでしょうか?
『COKE IS IT』って広告は『コカコーラが究極の飲み物だ』という意味らしいんですが、 ITがなぜ究極なのかさっぱりわかりません。
つまりITはすごい事って意味ならば 『IT IS FRIDAY』が、『すごい事は金曜日です』になってしまい意味不明です。
>>196 that〜そのものは文法的には良いよ。 ただ自分の意見では、This(とか名詞節) is because SVはよく使われてる表現だけど 学校英語で使うべきか?というと、これは避けた方がいいと思う。 学校英語で、こういう表現もOKだということになってるなら良いと思うけど、そこまでは知らない。ごめん。
I am good at cooking. Each and every time I cook by myself. I have cooked various foods. The other day I cooked Nikujyaga of Japanese home cuisine. I cooked it for my mother. My mother ate it and was delighted. I thought that cooking for other people is very funny.
I am good at [ cooking ]. I always cook by myself. I have cooked various foods. The other day, I cooked Nikujyaga a Japanese home cuisine. I cooked it for my mother. My mother ate it. She was delighted. I thought [ that [ cooking for other people ] is joy ].
>>184 Sally had enough money [ to buy a new car ]. The hall was full of audience. Sally had as much money [ as he could buy a new car ]. The hall was filled with audience.
What a Friend we have in Jesus [ all our sins and griefs to bear ]! What a privilege (it is) [ to carry everything to God in prayer ]! O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear, (it is) all so [ because we do not carry everything to God in prayer ].
What a Friend we do have in Jesus [ to bear all our sins and griefs ]! What a privilege it is [ to carry everything to God in prayer ]! Oh, what peace we often forfeit. Oh, what needless pain we bear! It is all so [ because we do not carry everything to God in prayer ].
The Constitution of Japan Article 20. 1. Freedom of religion is guaranteed to all.No religious organization shall eceive any privileges from the State, nor exercise any political authority. 2. No person shall be compelled to take part in any religious act, celebration, rite or practice. 3. The State and its organs shall refrain from religious education or any other religious activity.
[〜が〜いる、ある(存在)]:@〜〜主語+be動詞+〜 [〜が〜〜する(作用、行動)]:A主語+一般動詞(〜する)((e)s)+〜 [〜は〜どんなだ(性質、状態)]:B主語+be動詞+形容詞+〜 が基本で、 [〜は〜どう←するか、しない、であろう、 であることができる、、]:C主語+助動詞+動詞の原形+〜 この4つの形通りにやっていけば、中学の英語の80%は完璧です。 --------------------------------------------------------------------- He is at his desk. He studies English. He is earnest. Does he study with an NHK radio English program? Yes, he studies with an NHK program. But he does not read an English newpaper. He can speak English. He can write in English.
将来何になりたいかという題で200語程度で自由に書いてきなさいと言われました。 一つの夢だけで200語は厳しいので 「大学生になって〜がしたい。それから(何かの職)になりたい。また、父親にもなりたい。」 という風に書こうと思っています。 その書き方についてですが、 First,I want to be a college student.And I want to (やりたい事). Then,I want to be a (職の名前). And I want to be a father. でいいのでしょうか?特に、どの文も最初の1語に自信が無いです。 ご教授お願いします。
In addtion, earthquake regulations, and having a right to see sky in the city often prevent very tall buildings from being built, which also keeps the price of land high.
この文章を訳したいのですが、どこからどこまでが主語なのでしょうか? earthquake〜in the cityでいいのでしょうか? カンマが多くてわかりづらいです。 それとbeing builtとはなんのことなのでしょうか? どなたかお分かりになるかたいらっしゃいましたら是非ご教授お願いいたします。
>>249 全部をIwant to で統一するのは芸がないというか、英語では同一表現をできるだけ 避けたほうが好ましいです。 まずは日本語で「〜したい」というのを別の表現で考えて見てそれを英語にすることを 試みたら多彩な表現が可能になると思います。 例えば、「私は〜したい」というのを「私の目標は〜です」に置き換えて、 あなたが高校生なら、As a high school student, my goal at the moment is to enter college. のような文章を作ってみることができると思います。
Canaries used to be used in mines to detect odorless, colorless, and poisonous gas--when the canary died, ( ) was present.
1: to mean poisonous gas 2: it meant that poisonous gas 3: meaning the poisonous gas 4: the poisonous gas meant it
答え: 2
解説: This sentence actually has two sentences. If we choose D, we don't know what it refer to--? We have no referent for the pronoun: the poisonous gas meant what was present??
この問題もお願いします。 Linguists believe that the clicking and squeaking of porpoises( ) of larynxes is actually a form of communication.
1: are thinking indication 2: that once thought to be indicative 3: once thinking indication 4: once thought to be indicative
答え:4 解説: We have a reduced adjective clause here--that were once thought to be indicative of larynexes is reduced to once thought to be indicative of larynxes. We should remember that when we reduce an adjective clause, we keep the adverb. This question is hard because the grammar and vocabulary is pretty advanced.
>>259 まず1がダメなことはすぐ分かるはず。 2も文法的におかしい。that once people thought to be indicative とでもすればいいけど。 3は文法的には有りだけど、これではporpoisesがthnkingの主語になってしまい文章が意味不明になる。 または分詞構文としてLinguistsがthnkingの主語になってしまい、これも意味不明な文になる。 4だけが可能。 [the clicking and squeaking of porpoises] (which wasを省略) once thought to be indicative larynxes
>>259 ごめん、>>266少し間違えた。 ×[the clicking and squeaking of porpoises] (which wasを省略) once thought to be indicative larynxes ○[the clicking and squeaking of porpoises] (which wereを省略) once thought to be indicative larynxes [the clicking and squeaking]だから複数だった。
>>270 なるほど、それは良いツッコミ。 解説では、 We have a reduced adjective clause here--that were once thought to be indicative of larynexes is reduced to once thought to be indicative of larynxes. と言って、the clicking and squeakingを複数として捉えている。 でも、文章の方はis actually a form of communicationと言っていて、単数として捉えている。 ([the clicking & squeaking]という感じで、これを一つの活動として捉えれば単数と考えるのもまぁ可能) どっちとも取れそうだけど解説は複数と捉え、問題文の方は単数として捉えているのがややこしいね。 indicative of larynxesとしては複数として捉え、form of communicationとしては単数として捉えているってことかな。
>>291 普通に読むと2だが文脈によっては1もありえる。 たとえば Have you forgotten? We went to see the movie, didn't we? Don't you remember? Oh, yes. Now I remember. I remember seeing the movie a few years go, but I can't remember the story.
(1) I spend more time than I used to spend. (2) If I passed the test, I could graduate from school. (3) I told you that you should be more careful. (4) If I had the key, I could open the door. (5) If the earthquake occurred, what would you do? (6) The gentleman asked the boy where the post office was. (7) If I were you, I would not do that. (8) Mary asked her father what time it is. (9) I did not spend money as much as he. (10) My teacher advised me to use a dictionary more. (11) The building is just as high as Tokyo Tower. (12) The police told the driver to drive more slowly. (13) He was disappointed at missing to see her old friend. (14) She sings better than she used to sing. (15) My big brother is as tall as your big brother.
>>298 日本語の方を見ないで、とりあえず英語として添削 (1) I spend more time than I used to. (2) If I passed the test, I could graduate from school. (3) I told you that you should have been more careful. (4) If I had the key, I could open the door. (5) If an earthquake occurred, what would you do? (6) The gentleman asked the boy where the post office was. (7) If I were you, I would not do that. (8) Mary asked her father what time it was. (9) I did not spend money as much as he (did/does). (9) I did not spend as much money as he (did/does). (10) My teacher advised me to use a dictionary more (often). (11) The building is just as high as Tokyo Tower. (12) The police told the driver to drive more slowly. (13) He was disappointed with missing seeing her old friend. (13) He was disappointed to miss seeing her old friend. (14) She sings better than she used to. (15) My big brother is as tall as your big brother.
English is now so widely spoken in so many places that a great many versions have evolved. Some of them are so peculiar that even "naitive"speakers may have trouble understanding each other.
>>303 English is now so widely spoken in so many places [ that a great many versions have evolved. Some of them are so peculiar [ that even "naitive"speakers may have trouble [ understanding each other ] ].
>>259 Linguists believe [ that the clicking and squeaking of porpoises [ once thought [ to be indicative of larynxes ] ] is actually a form of communication.
We have a [ reduced ] adjective clause here --[ that were once thought [ to be indicative of larynexes ] is reduced to once thought [ to be indicative of larynxes ]. We should remember [ that [ when we reduce an adjective clause, we keep the adverb ]. This question is hard [ because the grammar and vocabulary is pretty advanced ].
ALinguists believe [ that the clicking and squeaking of porpoises [ once thought [ to be indicative of larynxes ] ] is actually a form of communication.
AWe have a [ reduced ] adjective clause here --E[ that were once thought [ to be indicative of larynexes ] is reduced to once thought [ to be indicative of larynxes ]. CWe should remember [ that [ when we reduce an adjective clause, we keep the adverb ]. BThis question is hard [ because the grammar and vocabulary is pretty advanced ].
Linguists believe @[ that the I[ clicking ] and I[ squeaking ] of porpoises [ once Ithought H[ to be indicative of larynxes ] ] is actually a form of communication.
We have a I[ reduced ] adjective clause here --G[ that were once thought H[ to be indicative of larynexes ] is reduced to I[ once thought H[ to be indicative of larynxes ]. We should remember G[ that G[ when we reduce an adjective clause, we keep the adverb ]. This question is hard G[ because the grammar and vocabulary is pretty advanced ].
>>291 瓶レスだが、>>295氏も述べているように、 中高では"remember 〜ing(動名詞)"は「〜したのを覚えている」と学習する。 したがって正解は2番。 一部の人たちが「同じようなもの」とか、不自然な文章を作って「どちらもあり得る」と 述べているが、それは中高では間違い。 「2、3年前にその映画を観たのを思い出したが」という文章にするなら、 "I remember to have seen the movie a few years ago," となる。
ようこそ、revivenova 神奈川グループへ。 Welcome to "revivenova Kanagawa Group". ここは、旧NOVAと新NOVAの神奈川県内の先生とスタッフと生徒の交流の場です。 This is a social function for the teachers, the staffs, and the students from NOVA in Kangawa Prefecture. revivenova と連携して運営していくことにしました。名称も「revivenova 神奈川グループ」と改めました。前の名前はG社関係者と誤解を受けるかなー。と思っていたので、ちょうど良い機会だったと思います。 (I can't explain in English.) 英語が変だったら、指摘してください。 If my English is strange, please tell me.
A glance at the history of modern science will make it easy to see that progress is one of the laws of human life . In the world of animals and plants , those which do not go ahead die out .
1 I had no difficulty (find) her new book. 2 Is it easy for him (speak) French? 3 Mr.Black let his students (do) as they ilked. 4 English is (speak)all over the world. 5 There is no(stop)Ben. He is violent. 6 (See) from a distance, the big rock looks like a lion. 7 We are looking forward to (see) you again. 8 I will tell him waht (do). 9 He never enters a bookstore without (buy) a few books. 10 If I (be)you,I would visit New York first. 11 If he (help)us,we could have finished the work. 12 I wish you(be)here at that time.
>>361 A glance at the history of modern science will make [ it easy [ to see [ that progress is one of the laws of human life ] ] ] . In the world of animals and plants , those [ which do not go ahead ] die out .
>>366 (19) The girl was seen [ to dance to the music ] ( by us ). (20) The boy will be made to play the piano ( by her ). *受け身文の主語に焦点が強く当てられた場合は、by〜は省略されることがある。
>>367 1 I had no difficulty [ finding her new book ]. 2 Is it easy [ for him to speak French ]? 3 Mr.Black let [ his students do [ as they ilked ] ]. 4 English is spoken all over the world. 5 There is no [ stopping Ben ]. He is violent. 6 [ Seeing from a distance ], the big rock looks like a lion. 7 We are looking forward to [ seeing you again ]. 8 I will tell him [ what to do ]. 9 He never enters a bookstore without [ buying a few books ]. 10 [ If I were you ], I would visit New York first. 11 [ If he had helped us ], we could have finished the work. 12 I wish [ you had been here at that time ].
(1) If you hadn’t helped me then, I (fail) in my business. (2) If I (know) the importance of reading, I wouldn’t have spent so much time watching television. (3) We had never met before, but we talked as if we (know) each other for a long time. (4) She looked very hungry as if she hadn’t (eat) anything for many days.
自分でやってみました。合ってますか? (1)=would have failed (2)=knew (3)=have known (4)=hadn't eaten
関係代名詞について質問があります I met the man on the street と The man works at the bank を関係代名詞で繋げよと問題があり I met the man who works at the bank on the street として答えを見たら 間違いでした 正解は The man who I met on the street works at the bank になっていました
この問題がよくわからなかったので、解説よろしくお願いします。 Many mountain animals have hooves more ( ) than similar animals living on land.
1: develop 2: developing 3: developed 4: to develpo
答え: 3 英語の説明: This is another top five problem area. Here we have a reduced adjective clause: hooves that are more developed reduces to hooves more developed. Also, we can't say more developing because it would mean hooves that are more developing. We should use more with the adjective developed to show the degree. If we wanted to use a comparative with developing, we would have to use a sentence like this: Many businesses in Asia and Latin America are developing more quickly than those in Europe and North America.
>>464 Many mountain animals have hooves [ which have been more developed [ than those of similar animals [ which live on an even land ] have been developed ] ].
Don't smoke! You are spoiling the air that I breathe. Tabacco smoke spoils my lung as wrong as your lung. If you smoke and the somke gets in my lung, I will force you to hand me 1000 yen each time, OK?
Smoking is bad for and to anyone, you, me, him, her, cats, dogs, clothes, anything. If you still smoke, I will confine you in a closed room and let you smoke a lot until the room gets too smoky to see anything so close to your eyes, no wonder there is not any split in the room where even a little air gets out or get in.
Don't smoke! You are spoiling the air [ that I breathe . Tabacco smoke spoils my lung as wrong as your lung. [ If you smoke and the somke gets in my lung ], I will force you [ to hand me 1000 yen each time ], OK?
Smoking is bad for and to anyone, you, me, him, her, cats, dogs, clothes, anything. [ If you still smoke ], I will confine you in a [ closed ] room and let [ you smoke a lot ] [ until the room gets too smoky [ to see anything so close to your eyes ] ], [ no wonder [ there is not any split in the room [ where even a little air gets out or get in ] ] ].
on't smoke! You are spoiling the air [ that I breathe . Tabacco smoke spoils my lung as wrong as your lung. [ If you smoke and the somke gets in my lung ], I will force you [ to hand me 1000 yen each time ], OK?
Smoking is bad for and to anyone, you, me, him, her, cats, dogs, clothes, anything. [ If you still smoke ], I will confine you in a [ closed ] room and let [ you smoke a lot ] [ until the room gets too smoky [ to see anything so close to your eyes ] ], [ no wonder [ there is not any split in the room [ where even a little air gets out or get in ] ] ].
Koji feels guilty about lying to his parents. He could tell them the truth. の文章ですが、 「コウジは両親にウソをついたことに後ろめたさを感じている」とまでは分かるのですが、 その先は、ふつうに考えて 「@彼は真実を述べることができた。(過去の能力)」 「A彼は真実を述べるかもしれない。(未来の推量)」 のどちらでしょうか? これは問題集の例文ですので、前後の文脈はありませんです。
A: Which is your ex boyfriend (among them)? (In the video footage) B: The one laughing at me. みたいな状況はありえるとしか。
どっちかと言えば、(一緒に)写真見てるときにThatを使ってるほうがちょい違和感アリ。 写真見終わって、話をしているときに A: It's a funny pic, isn't it? lol B: Yeah, well, what was the boy's name again, I mean, that kid laughing at you? A: It's Taro. Why? B: He's my friend's son! A: You must be kidding! lol
教科書の内容の状況は、クリスマスで、子どもとお母さんがいて、お母さんが子どもにプレゼントをあげるというものです。 問題集では、そのページに書かれている「There is a present under the tree. 」の間違いとしてこう書かれています。 There is the present under the tree.
>>595 表現というのものは、ある場面では不自然になったり、大抵の場面では言わないとか、 ほとんど言う状況が考えられない等など色々な可能性があるから一概には言えないだよな。 There is/was/are/were の後にthe,this,my などがつく語句が来ることは少ない、というならその通りではある。 大体の場合、there be動詞の後には、既知のものではなく新情報が来て、その後に説明が加わる。 と言っても、これは絶対のルールじゃなくて、 There is the present under the tree. もあまり言いそうもないけど There is the present (about which I told you yesterday) under the tree.と言いたい場合ならまぁ言える。 また、たとえばマジシャンが「みなさん、There is my ring in this box. Look.」なんて言ったとしても全然おかしくない。
>>592 There was an old [ deserted ] house here. *人の住まない古い家があった There was the old [ deserted ] house here [ in which we used to play ]. *あの、人の住まない古い家があった
がいけない理由は、 there というのは、新しい情報を相手に伝える用法だと考えれば簡単。 theだと、すでに相手も自分も既知の情報になる。 there is the cat ~~.といいたいかもしれないがもしそう伝えたければ The cat is ~~ . といえばいいだけ。there is ~ はあくまで新しい情報を相手に伝えるための ものだから、the など特定しているものと一緒に使うことはできない。
A: Bob, look at thaaaaaaaaaaaat! B: There's that old castle we know over there. A: Wooooooooooooooow, Harry, there's also the big rose garden next to it!
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少々スレ違いかもしれないのですがVoyagerのUnit1-1の和訳をお願いできないでしょうか。 In the middle of the world's fastest growing city, a group of young businesspeople and students push theirway into a circle. In the center is a young man looking at the crowd. People gather to listen to his speech. He has only one quality that could attract so much attention from the audience ― he speaks in English. This is not a scene from Speakers' Corner in Hyde Park in London,but one of the English corners inShanghai,China. English corners are very popular among the young people in some big cities in China, such as Beijing, Dalian, and Shanghai. “I come here every week to talk about anything in English," says one engineering student studying in Shanghai.
>>634 there is構文は新情報を言うために倒置的にできたもの *間違いです。 A rose garden is there. バラ園があそこにあるよ Theeeeeeeeere is a rose garden! わっすっげーあそこあそこほらあそこにバラ園があるじゃん あそこを強調して thereが前に出たのです。
ジーニアスから抜粋 *un・com・mon 〔→common〕 ―[形] 1めったにない,まれな(unusual,rare) ¶Birds of this sort are becoming very uncommon. この種の鳥はどんどん見られなくなっている. 2[限定]《正式》異常な;著しい;すばらしい ¶dance with uncommon grace すばらしく優雅に踊る.
>>682 けっこう普通にありますよ。 例:「ドアを開けたら、そこに何が居たと思う? There was my dog, Snoopy in that room! I was so surprised, you know?」 文脈によって、まったく不自然じゃなくなる。 もし日本の中高生げの学校の指導ではtheを置くのは間違いだと教えているならゴメン。 ただし、そうだとしたら現実の英語をまったく無視しているけどね。
And the other conditions do not exactly make things easier. There is the heat―it varies, but in some mines it is suffocating―and the coal dust that stuffs up your throat and nostrils and collects along your eyelids, and the unending rattle of the conveyor belt, which in that confined space is rather like the rattle of a machine gun.
Usually it is bad going underfoot―thick dust or jagged chunks of shale, and in some mines where there is water it is as mucky as a farmyard. Also there is the track for the coal tubs, like a miniature railway track with sleepers a foot or two apart, which is tiresome to walk on. Everything is grey with shale dust; there is a dusty fiery smell which seems to be the same in all mines.
The Trotskyist is against Stalin just as the Communist is for him, and, like the majority of Communists, he wants not so much to alter the external world as to feel that the battle for prestige is going in his own favour. In each case there is the same obsessive fixation on a single subject, the same inability to form a genuinely rational opinion based on probabilities.
From the little Tom had heard about Minor, he sounded like that kind of man: one of those overbearing zealots who laid down the law to others, a sanctimonious prick.
それでその時、存在のthere 構文でも定名詞句が用いられるケースがあって その例が列挙してあったんだけど内容は忘れた。w 不定の名詞しか使えないんだったらこの世に一つしかないものには存在のthere構文は 使えないことになるね。 例えばthere is the moon in the sky とは言ってはだめなんだw
>>789 @Next Sunday I will stay in Kobe for three years.だと、 Next Sundayが文頭にあるために中心的副詞となり、日曜日の中で3年間 神戸にいることになる。まったく意味不明。 @Next Sunday I will have stayed in Kobe for three years.が正解。 3年間の完了なら日曜日1日ですむ。 Abeとgoの語感の問題。これについては理由なんて気にすべきことではない Bhave been toの完了は、〜に行ってきたところだ。結果は使わない。 go絡みで継続や経験は無い。 完了・結果はそれでよい。
@Next Sunday I will stay in Kobe for three years.という文は何処が文法的におかしいですか? >>この文を訳すと、次の日曜日に神戸に三年間滞在する。 From next Sunday, I will stay in Kobe for three years. ならいいんじゃない?
have been to で完了結果で使うと、「〜へ行ったことがある(もう帰って来ている)」 have gone to 「〜へ行ってまだ帰って来ていない」
>>789 Next Sunday I will stay in Kobe for three years.は変。 Next Sunday I will go to Kobe and stay there for three years.や I will stay in Kobe for three years from next Sunday.のように。
have been toは「〜にいってきたところだ」ではなく「〜に行ったことがある」 have been toが完了・結果で使うとどうなるかというのは結局「〜に行ったことがある」と同じことだと思うけど。 「〜に行ったことがある」という状態になったわけで完了とも結果とも言えるでしょ。 I have finally been toとか言えば完了のニュアンスになるだけで。
have gone toも経験の意味にもなるし、「〜に行ってしまった」にもなる。 have gone toの後に、たとえばthree times a week for three yearsのように付ければ、行き続けている・通っているという意味になる。 have been going to も継続の意味に使うことは可能。
>>795 just have been toとでも言えば「行ってきたところだ」になるけどね。 そういうものを付けないと「行ってきたところだ」にはならない。 have goneは経験や継続にもならないよ。 have gone toだから経験や継続にもなるんだよ。 継続なら"have gone to church"とかで検索して出てきた文をいくつか読んでみそ。
そりゃhave been toで行ってきたところだという意味になりえるかならないかと言ったら文脈次第でなりえるけどさ。 「行ってきたところだ」と言いたいなら普通have been toじゃない表現を使うわな。 have been toは決まり文句のようなもので、やや特殊な言い回しで特定のニュアンスを持ってるからね。
>>802 そんな疑問文使わないだろ。 辞書を確認してみたんだが、 ジーニアスの I have been to the station. 駅へ行って来たところだ. 研究社英和中辞典の I have been to the station to see him off. 彼を見送りに駅へ行ってきたところです. は間違いだと?
A: Where have you been to? I missed you. I have wanted you close to me. B: I have been to the station [ to see my friend off ]. A: Is he simply your friend? He is not your lover, isn't he!!? B: Oh, dear, you have wanted me so much! You are such dearest guy [ that I can't help [ kissing into your mouth] ]. A: Oh, yeah, oh, yeah, that's the way. Touch my dick, and put you dick into my ass hole,oh, yeah dear.
その辞書は間違いとまでは言わないけど実際の英語とは乖離してしまってるね。 そんな言い方をするならI just went to the station to see him off.と言う方がはるかに自然だ。 変な英語だなと思って "I have been to the * to see * off"で検索してみたら ほとんどが韓国人か中国人が書いた文で、どうやらすべて非ネイティブが書いた文だった。 おそらく日本の辞書の不自然な英語表現をそのままパクッたのではないだろか。
ごめん。 Have you been to 〜?が「〜に行ったことがありますか?」という意味だと知らない人、 I have been to the station to see him off. が自然な英語だと思ってる人、 Where have you been? =Where have you been to?だと思ってる人は あまりにもレベルが低すぎるので会話が成り立たない。 いくらなんでも、これではレベルが低すぎる。 この人とは話をする意味がない。
>>925 canの有る無しで何を言いたいのかよくわからないけど I'm serious.と言うと、私は真剣だよ・本気だよといった意味で 真面目な性格だという意味じゃないよ。 You are not serious, are you?と言うと、 あなた真剣に(本気で)言ってるんじゃないよね?・マジじゃないよな?といった意味で You can’t be serious.とYou are not serious, are you?、あるいはAre you serious?などは だいたい近い意味になります。 youの本質のことじゃなくて、youの今の状態を言ってるだけで、 縁を切ってもいいような相手にしか言いたくない、というようなものじゃないですよ。
一応、例を出して、これで失礼。 たとえば、すごく良い奥さんか旦那さんを持ってる友人がいて、その人物から 突然「離婚しようと思ってるんだ」などと言われたとする。 そんなときに、その友人にこんな風に言うでしょう。 You can’t be serious. そんなバカな。まさかマジじゃないよね。 You are not serious, are you? なに? マジで言ってるんじゃないよね? Are you serious? おい、マジで言ってるのかい?