When the machine scanned the blank paper, it found that it had a pattern that was just as clear as those found on the microchips. のthoseはa patternですか?でも、thoseはthe+複数形じゃないと指せないんじゃないですか?
>>3 「pattern」という一般名詞を複数化してthoseと言ってるだけだよ。 those found on the microchips = (限定詞無し)patterns found on the microchips the patterns found on the microchipsと言う必要ないし、 the patternsにするとthe microchipsで発見された、(その)patternsという意味になり意味が違ってくる。
というか、>>12はthe patterns found on the microchipsと言うと、どういう意味になるか分かってないんだろうなぁ、、 このthoseは既知情報でもないしさ。 theは簡単なようで、でも日本語にない言葉だから、きちんと分かってる日本人が少ない言葉でなかなかクセものなんだね。
When the machine scanned the blank paper, it found that it had a pattern that was just as clear as those found on the microchips.
逆にtheが必要って思ってる人は次の問題を考えてみて it(=the machine) found that it(=the blank paper) had a pattern that was just as clear as those found on the microchips. のa pattern that was just as clear でなぜ「a pattern」であって「the pattern」じゃないのかはいいヒントだと思うよ。
those found on the microchips でthose=patterns or the patternsが論点だけど これはa/the冠詞の使い分け問題だが、 theは基本的には話者と聞き手の共通理解を基に使われるんだけど、ここでは、少なくとも聞き手はpatternsを 特定できていない(実は話者も) 両者が特定できるものに対してはじめてtheが使える
冠詞問題の例として (1)I am with a girl who(m) we met last night. (2)I am with the girl who(m) we met last night. 英語じゃないと本当は理解しにくいが、無理に日本語で説明すると 電話で二人の男が話してるシチュエーションとして理解してもらいたいが (1)では、おそらく昨夜何人かの女の子と知り合って、今その中の一人の女の子と一緒にいるってこと (2)では、おそらく昨夜たった一人の女の子に出会ったか、あるいは 何人かの女の子グループに出会ったけど、目立つ子かすごい美人が一人だけいて 話者と聞き手でその一人を特定(共通理解)できる場合
Only later did I learn how something seen from the viewpoint of one's own culture can have an entirely different meaning when looked at from a foreign culture's point of view.
Only later did I learn [ how something [ seen from the viewpoint of one's own culture ] can have an entirely different [ meaning ] [ when looked at from a foreign culture's point of view ] ].
man is here for the sake of other men ー above all for those upon whose smile and well-being our own happiness depends, and also for the counterless unknown souls with whose fate we are connected by a bond of sympathy. この文のabove以下の分かりやすい和訳を教えていただけますか? 基礎英文精講という参考書からの抜粋なのですが 書中の訳が日本語として不自然で詰まってしまいました
おはようございます。 He depicted her walking through the street.この文の和訳は「彼は彼女が通りを歩いているところを描いた。」でいいのでしょうか?それとも「彼は通りを歩いている彼女を描いた。」でしょうか?あとこのwalkingは現在分詞でいいのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします。
>>111 that = [though you will deslike many of your neighbours, and deffer from some of them so strongly that you could not possibly live in the same house with them] 〜であっても、それ(that)が彼らを傷つけて良いということには意味しない。
though you will deslike many of your neighbours, and deffer from some of them so strongly that you could not possibly live in the same house with them, that dosent give you the right to injure them この文が読めてない奴って中学生か? thatじゃなくてwhichのはずだ、とか言ってるしw
though you will deslike many of your neighbours, and deffer from some of them so strongly that you could not possibly live in the same house with them, that dosent give you the right to injure them この文を見て、すんなり意味が取れない奴は中学からやり直しw
>>155 What you have to learn,(if you are to be a good citizen of the world,) is that 学ばなくてはならないのはthat以下のことだ that以下は、 though you will certainly dislike many of your neighbours, and differ from some of them so strongly that you could not possibly live in the same house with them, that does not give you the smallest right to injure them or even to be personally uncivil to them. ↓ though 〜, that(代わりにitでもいい) doesn't not give you...
What you have to learn,(if you are to be a good citizen of the world,) is that though 〜, that(代わりにitでもいい) doesn't not give you...
[ if you are [ to be a good citizen of the world ], ] is [ that [ though you will certainly dislike many of your neighbours, and differ from some of them so strongly [ that you could not possibly live in the same house with them ] ], that does not give you the smallest right そのことがあなたにわずかの権利も与えないと言うことである
[ to injure them or even to be personally uncivil to them ] ].
Takashi and Emi have been working hard これまで頑張ってきている [ preparing for their first presentation [ using a computer ] ],
The computer presentation can make [ their statement or insistence more effective ]. 発言、 主張を より効果的に タカシとエミは、彼らの初めてのコンピューターを使った発表のために頑張っている。 それ(コンピューター)は彼らの発言をより有効的にすることができる。
「ポレポレ」についての質問です。 例題15の下から3行目:, and never more so than today, の @andは何とつないでいるのでしょうか? Aあと、この部分の省略されている語句を補充していただけませんでしょうか? お願いします。
'Popular' music can be said to comprise all the various kinds of music that might not be considered under the general heading of 'serious' or 'classical' music. The division between the two worlds has always been fairly clearly defined, with those active in one sphere rarely trespassing in the other, and never more so than today, when, instead of the distinction being based on fluctuating artistic 'taste', it is fairly firmly based on economic consideration.
>>226 The division between the two worlds has always been fairly clearly defined, with those active in one sphere rarely trespassing in the other, and(そして) [the division between the two worlds has] never [been] more so(=clearly defined) than today,
The state's new energy czar claimed today that the inauguration of three new power plants would lower the risk of blackouts like those that affected the nation last winter. would lowerとなっている意味がよくわかりません。 lowerは動詞ではないのにどうしてこのような構文になっているのでしょうか?
>>292 訳し方が直訳じゃないから混乱してるんじゃないかな。 California offes a discount to those (who are) still on the grid who install solar panels orr other systems that utilize renuwable fuels. (しかしミススペル多いな・・・)
カリフォルニア州は割り引きを与える、those who 〜に。 thosw whoとは、まだ送電網にまだ頼っている人で、 ソーラーパネル、あるいは再生可能な資源を利用するほかのシステムを設置する人
すごい今更な質問なんですけど、 I am sixteen years old and high school student. I am sixteen years old and am high school student. どちらも正しいですか? andで繋いでいいものとダメなものがどういうものかわかりません。 andの後にisやareなどbe動詞を付ける必要があるのもどういう時ですか?
>>297 普通はわざわざamをくり返さないけど別に間違った英語じゃない。 ただし、a high school studentに。 あとamはあまり繰り返さないけど、areやisなら繰り返すこと結構あるな。 amをくり返すなら大抵はI amで。 それとbe動詞に限らないけどandの後に同じ表現をくり返すのは文章をより分かりやすくする場合や強調する場合。 たとえば、I am the champion and I am strong.とか。
ちょっとそれを開けてくれませんか? [ If you cared for me a bit ], perhaps you would be so kind [ that you would open it ]. [ If you cared for me a bit ], perhaps you would be kind [ enough to open it ]. 今あなたが私のことをちょっぴり気に掛けてくれたとしたら(反事実=過去形)、 多分、あなたは親切にしてくださるでしょうね(仮定の話、過去形)、[それを開けてくださるほどに]
Perhaps you would be kind enough [ to open it ]. もしかしてあなたが親切にしてくださってそれを開けてくれるといいのですが。
The typhoon hit Kanto Plain, [ which caused great damage ]. そしてそのことが大被害をもたらした The typhoon hit Kanto Plain, [ causing great damage ]. *結果を動詞を使って表したい、[動詞の原形←ing]の形を使う
The typhoon hit Kanto Plain [ as it caused great damage ]. 大きい被害を引き起こしつつ The typhoon hit Kanto Plain [ causing great damage ]. *動詞を使って修飾したい、[動詞の原形←ing]の形を使う
Today,the official International Olympic Committee policy has undergone a compleate turnaround, with the Committee acknowledging that "sport belongs to all human beings" and can "help build girls" and women's physical and psychological well-being and awareness and, hence, their role in society." henceが変なところへ挿入されていてどのように約していいかわかりません。
>>321 引用が多分間違っているが、henceの位置はちっとも変じゃないだろ。 can "help build girls' and women's physical and psychological well-being and awareness" and, hence, their role in society."
can "help build girls' and women's physical and psychological well-being and awareness" and, hence, their role in society." の、girls'がgirls”にみえて意味不明だったみたいです。 ありがとうございました。
あともう1問 (3) I (will/would) help you if I (can/could). ですが、 これって I will help you if I can. I would help you if I could. のどちらも正解じゃないでしょうか? 上は確実に手伝う意志があって、下は理由をこしらえて手伝う意志などないような感じだと思うんですが。
ポレポレの質問です。例題46です。 This state of things might have lasted until his working life had ended in the natural way had not his employer, the head of the firm, died and his son, a young man with modern ideas and a determination to increase his business, come into possession.
問い:had not his employer, the head of the firm, died を接続詞を用いた構文に書き直しなさい。 という設問で、解答が、if his old employer, the head of the firm, had not died となっています。構文は分かるのですが、なぜ「old」がつくのかが分かりません。 よろしくお願いします。
言葉が発明されたのは、それに対する必要性が感じられたからにすぎないと主張する人がいる。 Some people claim that words are invented only because... なぜ「発明された」と過去形なのに「were invented」ではなく「are invented」なんですか?
>>411 ならない。煙(orたばこの煙)がないということを意味するだけ。 ただ、 This area is free of smoke. とレストランにあれば禁煙席のエリアを意味するだろうが 欧米ではあるかどうかは知らない、完全禁煙多そうだから。日本だけだろうね。 No smoking.でいいじゃん
>>411 free from/of sth: not containing or affected by sth harmful or unpleasant ex) free from artificial colours and flavourings It was several weeks before he was completely free of pain.
-free: (in adjectives) without the thing mentioned ex) virtually fat-free yogurt tax-free earnings a trouble-free life
On July 1st 2007, England introduced a new law to make virtually all enclosed public places and workplaces in England smokefree. A smokefree England ensures a healthier environment, so everyone can socialise, relax, travel, shop and work free from secondhand smoke.
>>408 それがわかれば if his old employer, the head of the firm(会社の社長), had not died if his old employer had not died もし前のold雇い主が市ななかったら で意味が通るでしょ。もしoldがなかったら社長が父か息子かわからなくなる。 old父親社長の時は勤務条件が悪かった、給料が安かった等の含みがあるんでしょ。
>>422 主流煙と副流煙だな。 Secondhand smoke, also known as environmental tobacco smoke (ETS), is a mixture of the smoke given off by the burning end of a cigarette, pipe or cigar and the smoke exhaled from the lungs of smokers. ttp://www.lungusa.org/site/pp.asp?c=dvLUK9O0E&b=35422
This state of things might have lasted [ until his [ working ] life had ended in the natural way, [ had not his employer, the head of the firm, died ] and [ his son, a young man with modern ideas and a determination [ to increase his business ], come into possession ]. ------------------------------------------------------------ This state of things might have lasted この状況は続いたかも知れない(*反事実仮定) [ until his [ working ] life had ended in the natural way ],
[ if his employer, the head of the firm, had not died ] 企業の長である彼の雇用者が(その時)死ななかったとしたならば(*過去の反事実) and [ his son, a young man with modern ideas and a determination [ to increase his business ], had not come into possession ].
This state of things might have lasted until his working life had ended in the natural way, if his employer, the head of the firm, had not died and his son, a young man with modern ideas and a determination to increase his business, had not come into possession.
I think that students shouldn't use their electric dictionaries in school. For one thing,students don't try to guess meanings of unknown words and so decline their ability of thinking because electric dictionaries enables them to understand that words quickly and easily. Futhermore,some students probably plays with their dictionaries using option softs and ignore a lesson.It absolutely dose other students very harm. For these reasons,I agree with the idea that forbits students to bring dictionaries to school.
>>450 とてもよく書けているのでびっくりです。 あとはもう、ちょっとしたところだけ。 I think that students shouldn't use their ELECTRONIC dictionaries AT school. For one thing, students WOULDN'T try to guess THE meaning of unknown words and THAT WOULD decline their ability of thinking because ELECTRONIC dictionaries enables them to understand THOSE words SO quickly and easily. Futhermore,some students probably play[s] with their dictionaries using THEIR OPTIONAL softs and ignore THEIR CLASS. It absolutely dose HARM TO other students very MUCH. For these reasons,I agree with the idea OF FORBIDDING students to bring ELECTRONIC dictionaries to school.
It is an ideology incapable of inspiring the world ( ) the Western love of freedom, liberty, and justice can. @ in such a way as A in the way that B in such a way that C in the way how
>364 (1) Tom was at home when we arrived, but he (went) out afterwards. *arrivedの時間のこと、その後の時間のこと、どちらも過去
(2) Tom was not at home when I called. He (had gone) out already. *calledの時間のこと。その時までに出かけてもう居なかった。 *今を基準にして、今に至るまでのことを言うときには現在完了。「これまで〜」 過去のある時を基準にしてその時に至までのことを言うときには過去完了。「その時まで〜」
「しばらくでしたね」 (Goodで始めて) Good it is that I saw you after a long time. Good to see you a fter a long time. Good to see you again. バカでした 「すぐに終わります。」 (longを用いて) it will not take long (before I finish it). 「すぐそちらに参ります。」 (withを用いて) I will be with you soon.
It is an ideology (which is) incapable of inspiring the world (in the way that) the Western love of freedom, liberty, and justice can (inspire the world).
It is an ideology [ which is incapable of [ inspiring the world in the way [ that the Western love of freedom, liberty, and justice can inspire the world ] ].
The ideology can not inspire the world in the way [ that the Western love of freedom, liberty, and justice inspires the world ] ].
@ in such a way as A in the way that B in such a way that C in the way how
The ideology can not inspire the world in the way [ that the Western love of freedom, liberty, and justice inspires the world ] ].
The ideology can not inspire the world in the way [ how the Western love of freedom, liberty, and justice inspires the world ] ]. *論理としての文法で考えればこれが基本だよ。ただ慣用的にthatを使っているだけ。 The ideology can not inspire the world in the way. + The Western love of freedom, liberty, and justice inspires the world in a way. in a wayは関係副詞のhowに変わって従属節の頭に出る
The ideology can not inspire the world in the way [ that the Western love of freedom, liberty, and justice inspires the world ] が一番自然。howを使うと文法ガチガチになってしつこく聞こえる。
The ideology can not inspire the world in the way [ the Western love of freedom, liberty, and justice does ] が一番すっきりする
The ideology can not inspire the world in such a way. + The Western love of freedom, liberty, and justice inspires the world in this way. なら The ideology can not inspire the world in such a way [ as the Western love of freedom, liberty, and justice inspires the world ]. でよい。 *状況と慣用によって判断を求める問題ですね
片岡様 >>482〜>>484>>486での詳しい回答,本当にありがとうございました。 3回くらい読み直し,とても勉強になりました。感謝しています。 状況がはっきりしないので正解が必ずしも1つに絞れないので問題としては悪問ですね。 ちなみにsuch a way that と such a way as の違いは何でしょうか?
>>498 間違っても片岡だけは信用しない方がいい。 >>486は間違い。>>486の内容ならthatでなければならない。 だから正解はthat。 such A as 〜のasは基本的に関係代名詞。 だけど、問題の文章では、「西洋人が自由や正義を愛することが世界を 鼓舞できているそんな方法」 the Western〜canが文として完成しており、その前には関係代名詞ではなく関係副詞が入る。 関係副詞thatを選ぶのが正解。 悪問でも何でもない。 口説いようだが片岡だけは信用してはダメ。
After school I went to the library to study the problem of child labor. I found a few newspaper articles:chldren younger than me working hard in coal mines;others injured or killed by explosions at factories. Why was nothing being done to stop such terrible things? As I worked home through my middle class neighborhood. My thought were on the other side of the world. And my own world seemed a little darker.
I found以下の訳をお願いします。 最後のa little darkerなど・・どんな日本語にしたらよいのでしょう?
As per capita income increases, purchasing power climbs and with it a demand for higher quality foods, especially foods of animal origin such as meat, eggs, milk and milk products.
訳には 「一人当たりの収入が増えるにつれて、購買力が高有り、それとともに質の高い食糧 特に、肉、卵、牛乳および乳製品のような動物性の食品に対する需要が高まっている。」 とあるのですが、with it を「それとともに」と訳した後の文構造が全くわかりません。
>>524 purchasing power climbs and <with it> [climbs省略] a demand <for higher quality foods, (especially foods of animal origin such as meat, eggs, milk and milk products)>. ↑ higher quality foodsを具体的に説明したもの。同格。
>>522 文脈がなければ深い意味はわからないよ。 ただ力を貸してくれるなら使役とか使わず I would be more than honored if you could give me a hand.とか言うだろうけど、 たとえば何か企画やプロジェクトに相手が参加してくれることになり、 自分がその企画の発案者やリーダーのような立場だとしたら 相手は自分の指示や希望に従って力を貸してくれることになるから使役を使うかもしれない。
If we all pull together, we should be able to get the country out of the mess it's in.(もし我々皆が協力すれば、この国の現在の混乱状態はなくなるだろう) の構造なんですが、 get 〜 out ofでその国からthe mess that the country inその国が入っている混乱を引き抜く=なくす。ということですか?
Today I seem to have settled into a more integrated lifestyle, one in which I weave in and out of my three languages and the various worlds they are attachd to.
>>555 Today I seem to have settled into a more integrated lifestyle, one(a lifestyle) in which I weave in and out of my three languages and (I weave in and out of) the various worlds they(my three languages) are attachd to.
問題 受動態の文にしなさい Nobody will finish the work in time.
先生の模範解答 The work will be finished in time by nobody.
今となって思えば、この模範解答ってすごく不自然じゃありませんか? ぼくだったら、The work won't be finished in time.とか The work will never be finsished in time.とかにしますけど、 もしこの解答を大学入試の問題で書いたら正解にしてもらえますか? それとも、先生の模範解答のような不自然な英語を書いたほうが無難ですか? 今後の勉強法に関わることなので、諸先輩型のご意見をお聞かせください。
>>573 「何故それを気にするか」ですが。 What is やWho is で始まる文の時に、いつも考えます。 このisは、代名詞を主語にした、「代名詞 is B? 代名詞はBです?」で使っているのか、 それとも、疑問文のために倒置された「Is 主語 〜」、のisとして使われているのか。 これらが曖昧だと、どうしても英文が自分の中に入って来ないのです。
The author of this essay of psychoanalytical criticism is a Japanese lady. + Marry a Luxembourger live in San Francisco now ---------------------------------------------------------- The author of this essay of psychoanalytical criticism is a Japanese lady
[ married to a Luxembourger] and [ now living in San Francisco ]. *従属部分で動詞を使おうとするときはその動詞を分詞か動名詞の形にします。 動詞に受ける意味を持たせるときは過去分詞にします
>>596 以前にも言ったが、伝統文法と生成文法をきちんと勉強しなさい。 語用論的に見た場合、否定代名詞を含む文は、対応する肯定命題が想定な いし前提とされている状況で、その想定とか前提を否定するような時に通 常用いられる。 したがって、this workが10分で終えられる人間がいる前提など無いこの 文章を、特に否定辞は通常、文の前寄りで用いられる傾向を覆してまで 敢えて後方に否定辞を、更に否定代名詞という形で用いるのは不適切。 This work will not be finished in ten minutes by anybody. の方がはるかに良い。
”( )fish and chips?" "Yes, we had some yesterday."
(A) Do you have (B) Are you having (C) Have you ever had (D) Will you ever have 正解は(C)になっているのですが(A)でも可能ではないですか? 現在形は習慣を表すので「フィッシュ・アンド・チップスを食べますか?」 「ええ、昨日食べました」で意味が通じるように思えるのですが...
I think ,then it gets to concepts, and the concepts get to English immediately. So it is very easy [ for me to write anything [ I think ] ] [ as I write or say anything as I think ]. So I am no different from mother-tongue speakers of English though my mother tongue is Japanese.
You should have said, "I can immediately translate what I think in Japanese into something I believe to be English." Native English speakers, however, think in English, not Japanese. So there ARE crucial differences.
I write answers to questions on this site for this hour. I write answers to questions on this site every day. I write answers to questions on this site tomorrowr. I am writing an answer to a question on this site now. I wrote answers to questions on this site yesterday. I have written answers to questions on this site since this February. I will write answers to questions on this site tomorrow. I am writing an answer to a question on this site now.