Rawls supposes that a (virtual) committee of rational but not envious persons will exhibit mutual disinterest in a situation of moderate scarcity as they consider the concept of right:
general in form universal in application publicly recognized final authority prioritizes conflicting claims Rawls claims that rational people will unanimously adopt his principles of justice if their reasoning is based on general considerations, without knowing anything about their own personal situation. Such personal knowledge might tempt them to select principles of justice that gave them unfair advantage - rigging the rules of the game. This procedure of reasoning without personal biases Rawls refers to as "The Veil of Ignorance."
Pinker (2002), describes Rawls' Veil of Ignorance this way in the midst of presenting wide-ranging evidence that a significant fraction of the variability among human beings, including variations in mental abilities, must be attributed to genetic, rather than purely environmental, factors:
Justice is the first virtue of social institutions, as truth is of systems of thought. A theory however elegant and economical must be rejected or revised if it is untrue; likewise laws and institutions no matter how efficient and well-arranged must be reformed or abolished if they are unjust.
Each person possesses an inviolability founded on justice that even the welfare of society as a whole cannot override. For this reason justice denies that the loss of freedom for some is made right by a greater good shared by others. It does not allow that the sacrifices imposed on a few are outweighed by the larger sum of advantages enjoyed by many.
Therefore in a just society the liberties of equal citizenship are taken as settled; the rights secured by justice are not subject to political bargaining or to the calculus of social interests. The only thing that permits us to acquiesce in an erroneous theory is the lack of a better one; analogously, an injustice is tolerable only when it is necessary to avoid an even greater injustice. Being first virtues of human activities, truth and justice are uncompromising
Tibet has been colonized by the Chinese government, so that means the Chinese' illegal ruling in Tibet is not an appropriate definition. I am not for the Chinese givernment, but it has been investing so much money in Tibet such as a railway and educational infrastructure even though many of the Han Chinese have immigrated into Tibe. What do you think of Hong Kong? If it had not been colonized by the Britishi, what would have happened to it? Therfore, colonization itself has the pros and cons. I think that the most important problem about Tibet seems to be human rights abuse and freedom of religion, but not something like economonal problems. In addition, I want to ask the people who blame the Chinese government for these problems if they have been to China and talked to the Chinese people. I have been living in Britain. However, I have ever lived in China and had some experience of communicating with the local Chinese people.
Hello, can I join? I don't know how you call the Chinese ruling "illegal". The authorities were just doing what they should do. If you were the head of authorities, and the violence had happened in your town, I believe you would have taken the same action towards the looters.
You haven't doubted the credibility of your media's reports, have you? I mean, have you ever visited Chinese before? China always was a peace-loving country. That's why it's willing to hold the Olympic games.
Fitstly you said "You haven't doubted the credibility of your media's reports"
On the contrary,I've never believed in media, especially about China. Have you ever read "Mao: The Unknown Story"? The Chinese authority killed 7 million people, and this book was not allowed to published in China. Why? Because there is no freedom of publishing there.
And I wrote "If you tell the truth about the Tibet,you shall be arrested ". No violence, no looters at all. Indeed ,I said "political activities", but it meant "tell them how the Chinese do harm to the Tibetan" :as 684 said.
Lastly, holding the Olympic games doesn't mean that the host country is a peace-loving one. Please remember "The Nazis Olympic"
No I haven't read the book before. You just believe in the media that you want to believe. Even if China has lesser freedom of press, it doesn't prove what you believe is right one, there's a crackdown or healthy-minded Tibetans unlike Chinese.
What I mean is, have you ever considered learning Chinese language? Have you traveled China? It is not a matter of logic, but likes and dislikes. Which side will win is desided in the first place before the race begins. Please remember the fact that the Japanese Ministry checks your textbook before you read.
I don't think that people should stereotype China and the Chinese people from their own cultural point of view because China is completely different from the Western civilization. Westerners think that China is still a horrble place at present. However, China and the Chinese people enjoy the happiest period in the 2000s. All of you should study the history of China in which too many people have died by natural disasters, famine and wars. Therefore, even though so many people have died by a powerful earthquake in in Sichuan province, it doesn't matter in China. Do you know how many people were killed in the Cultural Revolution? It must be at least forty millions people were killed, but it is not a so big problem. Therefore, you should not estimate human rights and freedom of speech because they are not so good for the Chinese society. These rights and freedom will cause a lot of problems in China, which might kill so many people. Province
I've read every comment about China. But the given theme by 680 is "How we think about stopping denouncing Chinese' illegal ruling in Tibet because of the big earthquake in Sichuan Province".
I think all comments are beating around the bush and don't respond to the theme directly. Let's not sidetracked.
Tibet should be independent from China. It won't make any difference if it's not a territory of the country. Looking at the map, I covered the Tibet autonomous region by the hand, I thought nobody would notice if China shrunk or not.
I want to tell all Christians living all around the world my opinion. please read carefully. I quote from the Bible for Christians. Matthew4.4 Man shall not live and be upheld and sustained by bread alone, but by every word that comes forth from the mouth of God. The Dalai Lama has been living in exile for along time. The Dalai Lama is to the Tibetan what Jesus is to Christians. However rich the Tibetan may become by Chinese economic assistance, The Tibetan never be happy if they can't live together with The Dalai Lama in Tibet. So the Chinese must stop their illegal rule immediately and let the the Dalai Lama come back to his country.
>>981 Yes,it is. I quoted from St.Matthew'Gospel,Chapter4,Verse4. "Man shall not live on bread alone,but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth ofGod." What I wanted to say is as follows. "The Tibetan shall not live on bread alone,but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of the Dalai Lama."
So many great hours have spent for discussing which universiy is better, and everyone agrees that the University of Tokyo is the best. Why don't they proceed further to talk which faculty is the best among the UOT?
I was graduate from a very famous university, though I don't know my university is classified as a first-class university or a second-class one. Anyway, I did not study English there. I studied my English in my high-school days, in a very local and rural town located in Tohoku area. My high school is the best high school in my prefecture. I was good at writing and speaking Englsih at my hish school. So I think my English skill is as good as those of Wasedas and Keios, I might say.
>>997 yeah youre right. in tohoku area where he lives, they believe former prime minister abe graduated from sokei. they dont know seikei and do believe theres a university named sokei. do you want to know why?
Let me hear your voice. Do you know what's behind the Akiba rampage spree? I know "interesting" is not an appropriate word, however, this news really makes me think so deep.
I feel sorry for him because he has a miserable background. He had no job, no friend or girlfriend, no love from family. He should not be reckoned as just another insane guy, What do you think?
Let me hear your voice. Do you know what's behind the Akiba rampage spree? I know "interesting" is not an appropriate word, however, this news really makes me think so deep.
I feel sorry for him because he has a miserable background. He had no job, no friend or girlfriend, no love from family. He should not be reckoned as just another insane guy, What do you think?