Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part107

( ´・ω・) Let's have some hot tea and chat!
( つ旦O ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫
と_)_) 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦

Previous Thread:
Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 106

Hey!!! you NEETS, nerds, Akiba maid-cafe frequenters,
Youtube-link spammers, pedophiles, neo-Nazis, Yukorin enthusiasts,
Nanako SOS admirer, Diplomats' spoiled sons,
Losers who can't remember Kanji characters, Big-boobs fans,
and Weeaboos from all over the world,
And I pray for the resurrection of the Internet-addicted housewive.

Here is the place to have a blast!!!!!
2名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 02:37:24
2 getto zuzazaza---
3名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 02:38:54
Oh, thanks. I aprreciate your kindness.
Now I'll take every lash and pain you'll get on behalf of you.
4名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 02:41:27
I dislike Nanako SOS, it should be removed from the next part.

Nanako SOS is a bitch!

5名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 02:42:35
Good job, you idiot!
Good job.
6名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 02:50:34
No. pure like her.
But real thing can't surpass imaginary GOD.
7名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 02:53:09
But noriaki is real!
8名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 02:56:50

tell me which DVD to watch.
9名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 02:56:56
Forget about him. And praise /りマ干.
10名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 02:57:09
Nanako is so bitchy. Why does she sleep with so many men?
11名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 02:58:45
Cut out "Akiba maid-cafe frequenters" for the next one, and
I don't like the pronoun part of "I pray for..."
Rephrase that or leave it as it was.
12名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 02:59:06
One of the most kinky animations is 'Akagi'.

You can masturbate many times to this!
13名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 03:02:00
Hey bustards, how about finishing your former thread?
14名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 03:02:04
>>10 Are you trying to hurt me?
15名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 03:04:45
Jesus fuckin' Christ!!
Who is Nanako?
16名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 03:04:59
My english may be odd.
Fisrt, the internet-addicted wife was alread gone, so I tried to
delete her. But I liked her and I hesitated to delete.
So I changed my mined and called for her reappearance instead.
17名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 03:05:56
X bustards
O Bastards
18スウェーデン人:2008/03/08(土) 03:06:53
See, this is why I suggested discussing it in the old thread. When
it's time for part 108, nobody is going to remember what was said in
the beginning of this thread either, it's just going to be copy-and-paste.

I'm a traintard, not a bustard. Get your facts straight!
19名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 03:11:13
>>18 Funny! You yardturd!
20名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 03:14:31
I'm taxitard. Any problem?

My father is planetard and my mom is biketard.
My sister is segwaytard.
21名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 03:19:04
Does this song hit home to you all?
some what to me.
22名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 03:20:26
Don't delete it, as that's been discussed, but just don't use the first personal pronoun "I"
so it won't sound like your personal wish. You can paraphrase it without using any pronoun.
23名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 03:22:11
I have DVD of haruhi and am masturbating to it right now.

But I stopped to post here.

Shall I continue with masturbation or practise my English?
24名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 03:22:18
I see. So what is proper wordings?
25名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 03:22:41
>>21 The singer looks queer as a 3 dollars bill
26スウェーデン人:2008/03/08(土) 03:23:21
"Let's hope for the return of..."

But it should not be there at all, it doesn't fit with the style of the
rest of the first post.
27名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 03:23:39
28名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 03:24:49
How about lyrics? I pitied him.
29名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 03:27:19
>>21, 27
Stop listening to fake music.
This tune makes my day.
30名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 03:27:22
Being organized does not fit in with style of thread.
31名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 03:29:13
I don't care about the style of the music and animation,
but the programmed voice sounds pretty good.

32名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 03:30:08
programmed voice? like YMO? LOL
33名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 03:31:04
Just to keep the >>1 look presentable. The rest can be a total mess.
34名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 03:31:25
YOU MUST BE NORIAKI to bring this shit up this time of the night
35名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 03:31:35
But it makes me feel alone!

with no one, only my family.

No girlfriend. Ever.
36名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 03:33:00
>>32 Programmed voice means the sound comes from a software called HATSUNE-MIKU
It sounds much closer to a real human voice comparing to what YMO was using, called Vocoder.
37名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 03:33:22
No, I got to know him on this thread, since then I'm his big fan.
His music is addicted and I can't help but listening to it when my PC
is on.
38名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 03:35:44
>>37 You 釣り!! (Damn, what is the right interpretaation of 釣り?) 
39名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 03:38:57
His style is obviously attention getting. BUt If you listen to his music
deeply, melody is no bad. I think noriaki has talent of
40名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 03:39:39
I'm not a troll.

I think troll is the word for 釣り

Anyway, at least Noriaki's music is more real than any other Japanese hip hop artist.
I love his promotion Video. Crazy lyrics and crazy beat, That's all
about Noriaki. He challenged the notion of Hip Hop. He is the man.
41名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 03:40:10
42名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 03:40:19
I'm not quite sure if it's a good idea to add something like that to >>1. But it
might not be a bad idea either if someone could come up with an appropriate expression.
43名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 03:42:18
>>39 FUCK!

44名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 03:42:47
Wait. Is this voice purely produced from machine?

I guess ymo just transmitted their voice into machine and
changed the voice.
45名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 03:45:19

empty and restless and rapid melody, desperately wanting recognition
from someone.
I want to name noriaki japanese Tears For Fears.
46名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 03:46:40
Y=Yano Akiko
M=Matsutake Hideki
O=Omura Kenji
47名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 03:46:46
Noriaki's english pronunciation is good.
ファッカー、マーダーハウス、 for example.
48名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 03:48:03
49名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 03:48:45
Is this real origin? I heard yellow magic orchestra.
I don't like 80s pretentious trend personally...which leaads to disgusting
sibuyawise? music.
50名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 03:50:49
This is the kind of music i like. Do yo have any problem? If you do, go fuck yourself!!
51名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 03:51:18
I guesss the police and ymo somewhat have in common.
organized and planed well in advance.
All looked intentional.
YMO and Police were adults and well educated at debuet.
Police didn't sell academic image though.
52名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 06:59:53
Noriaki is the baddest joke, and no one would fall for this crap.
Just quit it.
53名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 07:06:28
You think noriaki is only hip hop guy?
He has a wide variety of music style.
54名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 07:07:52
I hear you. So just cut it out.
55スコットランド人:2008/03/08(土) 07:15:15
Pfft, you're just jealous because you can't be as riaru as him.
56名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 07:18:32
I know you're as riaru and looking good as him, but I got over that.
57名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 07:21:14
HaHa. You know very well. The pronuciation of real is very american
(english) sound for japanese.. It's rather close to riul, I guess.
58スコットランド人:2008/03/08(土) 07:27:06
I think the way I pronounce it is closer to リール than リアル.

Pretty much the same as reel, really.
5913:2008/03/08(土) 07:29:48
You're Right! I maybe a kind of walkingtard!

Hey dont mix them up!
Vocoder is one of voice effects using synthesizers for sound harmonizatoin.
Formant singing technology is quite different.
In that case, a synthesizer has the voice charactors inside and sing by itself.

60名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 07:34:02
It sounds cheesy anyway.
61スコットランド人:2008/03/08(土) 07:37:29

I thought this VOCALOID2 mix was pretty cool.

The French and English were actually pretty accurate.

I've tried making her sing in English before
and failed badly.
6213:2008/03/08(土) 07:45:23
If you have a spare money, you may as well try VOCALOID1.
The series must have English charactors in line-ups.
63名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 07:46:10
Yukorin's fart smells like vanilla.
64名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 07:50:58
You must be the Vocaloid speaking that.
6513:2008/03/08(土) 08:00:37
If varieties of vocaloids started reading this thread it might be more REAL than NORIAKI, I guess.

Anyway, I'll go watching TV shows~~
66スコットランド人:2008/03/08(土) 08:04:33

This pretty much combines all my interests.

I am a socialist weeaboo.
67名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 08:08:12
I don't like terrorists.
And She Shepherd is a terrorist organization.
That's why I don't like it.
68名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 08:10:07
Yukorin said in a press conferrence that her fart is vanilla-scented.
69名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 08:20:58
I guess Yukorin smells really good. I want to smell her.
70イギリス人:2008/03/08(土) 08:27:55
Hmm... called the police about an hour and a half ago because some
filthy chavs were smashing up a wooden fence across the road, then
picking up the fenceposts and running after some other chavs at the
end of the road (knocking a few cars on the way). Hopefully they all
managed to kill each other and won't cause trouble anymore.
71名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 08:34:46
You should've busted out and slayed them.
I think you missed the opportunity to become a super hero in your neighbourhood.
72名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 08:36:55
Do you think Yukorin was involved? I hope she's safe.
Her vanilla-scented fart should be saved no matter what!
73名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 08:45:10
Tell me what happened to Piano Man?
His memory is still lost? I hope he's fine now.
74名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 08:47:32
For Anon of Athen
Your KG is trolling again. lol

223 :KGKGKG ◆S8KGB88cvE :2008/03/08(土) 08:34:44 ID:p1iecJY70

224 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/03/08(土) 08:38:01 ID:jAi9VhDk0

225 :KGKGKG ◆S8KGB88cvE :2008/03/08(土) 08:39:46 ID:p1iecJY70

226 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/03/08(土) 08:40:45 ID:jAi9VhDk0

227 :KGKGKG ◆S8KGB88cvE :2008/03/08(土) 08:41:16 ID:p1iecJY70
75イギリス人:2008/03/08(土) 08:59:44
I would have, but was in the middle of eating. I'd have had to clean up
the blood and bile, by which time my food would have been cold.

I'm sure she was safe. Probably hiding behind two or three boyfriends.

After returning to Germany, he went on to study French Literature in
the city of Basel in Switzerland (where he is now). His memory returned
on arrival back at his parents' place. His father was pretty angry at a
British tabloid (the Mirror) for publishing allegations that he could
not play the piano and was gay.
76名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 09:02:12
KG is such a miserable fag...
He has nothing better to do than make creepy videos and troll in 2ch.
77名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 09:18:59
Oh, he seems ok now.

Speaking of Gay, I read that a 14-year-old gay boy was shot to
death in America and some gay association made a statement that
gay people should be treated fairly or something like that.

Do you think gay is discriminated against in your society?
Ah, probably no. In the UK, same sex marriage is legal.
Possibly you are interested in it?
78イギリス人:2008/03/08(土) 09:31:03
Makes no difference to me, gay people can do as they like (as long as
it's ethical, anyway). The way they live their lives doesn't affect me.
However, I think that though there is quite a lot of tolerance for them,
there still is a lot of discrimination, of which the working class and
tabloid-readers seem to be the loudest.

A few years back, there was strong opposition to raise a gay clergyman
to the title of Bishop, but even Christian sects here are becoming more
79名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 09:39:12
Do you have gay friends?

I don't want you to take this personally, but I have no idea why
some males like males (females, female likewise). Yeah, I know
they surely exist and I sometimes see TV shows where gay males appear,
but I still can't understand...

Do gay people in Britain speak like females, by the way?
Japanese gay guys (on TV) speak TOO softly.
80イギリス人:2008/03/08(土) 09:48:52
I have one friend who is gay. We had no idea he was until telling us
a few years ago, though. He was terrified that he'd lose his friends
after 'coming out' (revealing he was gay), but nobody really cared.

Some gay guys are totally indistinguishable from heterosexual guys in
the way they act and speak, but some guys act overly effeminate: they
speak quite high pitched and 'mince' when they walk (arms out, limp
wrists, and so on). It's people like that who often annoy other people
by flaunting their sexuality. We wouldn't care if they didn't make such
a big deal about it; it's not like we flaunt that we prefer girls.
81名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 10:05:00
Talking about sexuality, Hilary seemed to win this time.

The situation is going to be more complex...
82名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 10:18:21
Personally, I don't care if someone is gay or not and believe they have every right to
do whatever they want to, but I have to admit that I have some gut feelings towards
stereotypical flaming gays at the same time. This has nothing to do with their
homosexuality, I think. Perhaps, that might be similar to ones towards ugly girls, in my case.
83名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 10:30:44
well, not just ugly but also unpleasant and loud girls.
84名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 10:39:29
You are joking, right?
Nobody flaunts their sexuality. That's who they are and what they are.
Why would anyone have to hide their true self and act "normal"?
That's just stupid.
85名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 10:41:24
Ugly women in general should get a face job.
Being ugly is not ok.
Just like being ignorant is not.
86イギリス人:2008/03/08(土) 10:49:34
I mean other than being effeminate, they're the ones who are most
likely to obnoxiously tell people that they are gay, and to "deal
with it". They often just assume that anyone who isn't gay is
automatically anti-gay. To put it in perspective, it would be like
Sea Shepherd blockading and throwing stones at merchant ships (as
well as whaling ships) just because they're not activists.
87名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 11:12:55
That is true. And some gay guys believe that they are better than straight ones
just because they are gay, and have some serious attitude problems.
I kind of understand where they are coming from, though; probably they have
nothing else to be proud of. It's like a reversed version of homophobia.
88名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 11:32:15
Gay may be diffrent from others.
But it doesn't mean they neither be better nor worse.
Just different.
Some like the difference, others don't.

Dont make the simple problem more complicated.
89名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 11:41:40
I guess you've never had to deal with those people in real life.
Some can get really nasty, and even some gay guys call that 'gay'.
90名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 11:52:28
I guess you've never made friends with Elton John nor Iggy Pop.
There are so many nasty people in the world.
And they are not always gays. You see?
91名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 12:05:44
Stating that gays are bad based on some past experiences is like saying Arabs are terrorists or
Japanese enjoy killing whales after watching some news stories.
Simplistic generalization is stupid, especially when it's based on your own possibly biased view.
92名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 12:06:38
You totally missed the point.
I don't care if you are gay or not, but some gay guys do have problems with straight
people, which is what I observed and was talking about. And I've had a good amount of
gay acquaintances. So please do not fuck with me like this.
93名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 12:10:58
Gay bashing based on nothing other than your own opinion is not ok.
Gay bashing based on the Bible is ok, because the Bible is always right.
I know lots of good humble downtoearth gays. They're great to be with.
But a sin is a sin. You shouldn't tolerate that.
94名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 12:18:40
No one is bashing gay people here to start with.
95名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 12:21:20
96名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 12:27:29
97名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 12:35:02
マーチト読み易く書き直せばto be以下
though not so far as to be unable to move rapidly when occasion required
though not so far as to be unmovable with occasion-required (enough) rapidity




98名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 12:37:27
But each of us has only limited informations and experiences.
If you deny the generalization, we can not even use our languages or look comic drawings.
Coz Language itself (also comic drawing) is made from the generalization.
And sometimes it makes discriminations too.

Then I think all we can do is not stopping generalization
but being sensitive to the differences.

We know that gays and others are different.
Then we should know that all nasty people and gays are also different.
How about this? Do I make a sense?

I understood you know so many nasty gay persons in your life.
99名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 12:49:23
Who cares some gays have problems. People ARE problems anyways.
I don't mind sleeping with one. I HAVE to be the back spoon though. hehe
100名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 12:52:18
Go for it.
101名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 12:53:33
Oh, and where can I get the bible that Jesus wrote?
I, as a Japanese, am not really familier with Christianity
and having hard time finding one.
102名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 12:56:32
103名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 12:58:07
I knew it. Everything is online nowadays.
104名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 13:16:47

I heard primitive Christianity was supported by so many prostitutes
under the rule of the Roman Empire.

At that age, homosexuals or sort of incestuousness must be decadent and aristocratic.
Those background are supposed to be the reason why Bible blamed the homosexuals.

These days, I feel Christians especially Catholic people are changing.
But I guess it's getting more severe issues among Protestants and other new schools.
How do you think?
105名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 13:41:11
Me Japanese dont care homo.
All shoguns are homo. Samurai supporsed to be bisexual.

as far as I know the bible doesn't say homo is bad.
Old testimony says 'abnormal sexual conduct'
is bad. What is 'abnormal'?? that's up in the air.

That's said, we will never understand this gay thing in
christian countries. Not like I want to be a gay, but I don't
know why they have to bash it or fight for it. I dont even care
my mommy's sex life. Why whould you care about complete stranger's???
106名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 14:01:07
Technically, homosexuality does not contribute to societal prosperity through their
statistically abnormal reproductive activities. This has a lot to do with how religions
and moral systems have been formed to exclude it from societal norms in history, I think.
Not only Christianity but Confucianism and other teachings also define homosexual
activities as something dirty and prohibit them.
107ギリシャ語:2008/03/08(土) 14:01:57

Does he troll about others being 'afraid' to show their face?
108名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 14:09:44
Your name should be ギリシャ人, not ギリシャ語?
109名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 14:11:39
That is his life project, which is least likely to lead him anywhere.
110ギリシャ人:2008/03/08(土) 14:11:59

111名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 14:12:05
Do you have any relation to him?
He is just playing both roles of conversation all by himself.

Anyway, you'd better change again your name to ギリシャ人.
ギリシャ語 means Greek language in Japanese. :D
112ギリシャ人:2008/03/08(土) 14:16:27
Oh I see. I liked his video where he visited the temple.

But apart from that. I have never understood his videos - like this one:
113名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 14:17:07
Me English so bad Me cant tell if you are a Japanese or a Wersterner
but you sounds very Western.

Japanese don't enen know what Confucianism is, and even if they do,
I don't think they would consider it as a 'religion'.

In fact, most of us hate 'religions' deep in our heart because they are
too dogmatic.

I think for most of Japanese, moral and religion are 2 completely different
114名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 14:17:47
Your mommy can neither be homosexual nor shogun or any of samurai fighters.
Settle yourself down, okay?
115名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 14:19:34
My daddy could?
What ya point.
116名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 14:28:08
ahhh.. I understand.

But he is a kind of nuisance in streaming board.
So you'd better not be close to him, I guess.
117ギリシャ人:2008/03/08(土) 14:32:09
Oh don't worry, I only know him from videos.

I have never spoken to him before :)
118名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 14:35:27
For Anon of Athen

>237 :KGKGKG ◆S8KGB88cvE :2008/03/08(土) 12:09:45 ID:p1iecJY70

KGKGKG says he's basically interested in around 14 year-old girls.
119114:2008/03/08(土) 14:35:31
I don't think such many posts have done during my compositions...
I wrote it for >>105.

And correction.
X Your mommy can neither be homosexual nor shogun or any of samurai fighters.
O Your mommy can be neither homosexual, shogun nor any of samurai fighters.
120名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 14:36:04
Sorry if I offended you. But I assume, if people come here to hang around, they are hoping to get a hang on what these shy Japanese people are really thinking.
And you've gotta admit while Japanese REALLY care about moral, we just have no clue about what a religion is.

I didn't started all this gay and religion thing in the first place. Juuust tried to help.
121名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 14:38:44
Former British leader Tony Blair to teach at Yale
122ギリシャ人:2008/03/08(土) 14:42:28

lol... that explains why he likes magibon so much - she looks 14 years old.
123114:2008/03/08(土) 14:47:53


Sorry for my Japanese post.
124名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 14:50:35
Can you read?
The title says "Chat in English".
In English please.
125114:2008/03/08(土) 14:53:04
I am always writing in English.

But this time I wannna write something for him >>120.
126名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 14:56:07
Like I said, I juuuust tried to help cause you guys were screaming.
First time posting here, and now gone. Try not be like me. Bye.
127名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 14:56:11
You find a bag with $15,000 in it in the middle of the road.
Do you
A) Keep it, spend it, love it? B) Donate it to charity? C) Return it to the woman who lost it after leaving it on top of her car and driving off?
128114:2008/03/08(土) 15:02:15
Oh don't go..
Or come back later.
And have same pleasant chat!
129名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 15:05:28
Yukokin enthusiast is back. or Did he just restart
yukolin story?
Maybe, her strong rival appearance prompted it.

Do you know yukokin had her moles moved away
and possibilitiy of plastic surgery?

And she changed her way of speaking. She once was a noisy
130名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 15:05:57
Would you use a condom that made in china?
131114:2008/03/08(土) 15:09:33
X And have same pleasant chat!
O And have sOme pleasant chat!

D) Donate it to Sea Shepherd and buy some Aussie beaf with rest of it.
132名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 15:12:39
I haven't Yukorin on TV for a while now.
Whatever happended to her?
Is her popularity still high like it used to?
How do you know she talks differently now?
133名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 15:15:08
What is it???
134名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 15:18:16
X beaf
O beef
135名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 15:20:11
Yukolin was at least cute. But Iwas
flabargasted by pre-surgery face of ann megumi.
She had her nose shapened.
Ann now is considered to be one of 癒し系, men healing actresses.
I won't be healed by her anymore!
136名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 15:21:05
On You tube. she was a typical kogal.
137名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 15:24:35
She is called Yasu Megumi though.
138名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 15:26:22
And I have seen Blonde hair yukolin at the younger age.
Cast away illusions of pureness and innocence in her.

139名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 15:27:33
Uwahahaha. I have a habit of calling her ann...
140名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 15:33:12
Maybe you're Korean guest here.
Aren't you?
141名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 15:33:38
'In youger age' is more appropriate?
142名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 15:37:47
No. I'm japanese. last name(in japan first name), yasu is not familiar in japan.

Maybe her Ancestors are korean or chinese. Maybe.

Toyota's president hari has hardly anythihg to do with korea or china.
His ancestors are educater in nabeshima clan of edo era.
143名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 15:39:14
Come to think of it, "Yes, I'm japanese(affirmative sentence)"
is more English?
144名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 15:41:06
That doesn't convince anybody of anything!!
145名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 15:43:01
She must have been under plastic surgery at this time...
Still nose was slightly different.
146名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 15:44:07
His name sounds Cho, though..
147名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 15:45:15
Nose holes were more wide. Her nose holes are very thin right now.
Watch her at around 2:48.
148名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 15:46:54
i want to make this thread as homey as possible
149名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 15:47:14
NoNoNo. Hari... Talking about cho, Seung-Hui Cho comes to my mind
first. But kanji is 崔, not 張.
150名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 15:49:31
I want to crowds surfing one day like a rock star!!
151名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 15:49:41
Speaking of(talking of) is better.
152名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 15:52:18
Why not do it in yamanoteline or keioline.
I want to take romance car to commute. Now I'm neat though.

crowded train to more than its capacity in japan is ridiculous!
153名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 15:54:23
Japanese don't write the name these ways like "Seung-Hui".

I don't hate Korean. But I don't like pretenders...
154名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 15:55:31
took a too wide a turn and they are tied again
155名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 15:58:25
Wow wow wow hold your horses.
No korean bashing please.
156名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 16:04:31
I've got calf cramps!! Fuck!!
157名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 16:07:19

He is not good at trolling, I guess.
158名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 16:07:22
wow this thread runs too fast!
I was here yesterday morning and I came here again and found it's
already #155 of the new thread No 107?
I can hardly catch up with you guys.
159名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 16:08:42
Good evening Normal Guy.
160名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 16:09:04
sorry to interupt, but I just want to comment for this post.

>924 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 01:47:30
he is like someone who knows the outcome already and doesn't like
to experience the process to reach there. I am still a kid but I feel
he is also a kid mentally. ironically that's the reason
why he attracts boys and girls.
hahaha. You've got it! he is also mentally ill, pretty narcissitic person
in brain and outer lookings.
In reality, just a geek looking ossan!
And genius usually don't exist in low genre like sociology...
Miyada is just a halfway between arts and sciences.
Comparing him to mazart is ridiculous. He won't admit he couldn't
enter science department in tokyo university. But it must be true.

Miyadai has a wide range of information. But he lacks sense and intuition.
That's all. He wiil reamin just a trend watcher and see me man.

Yeah, But he may have changed after his marriage.
He somewhat admits his mistake. He is grown up.

He supported highschool girl prostitutution but resented it at the
bottom of heart Ironically. And he praised school girl hookers
at the time as with the wisdom to live through endless reality.
They turned out to be just a low IQ dokyun. pathetic
161名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 16:12:21
I did it in last thread.
162名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 16:13:01
I can't believe it's not butter.
163名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 16:14:50
Then it must be margarine.
164名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 16:18:32
It actually is migraine.
165160:2008/03/08(土) 16:18:33
First of all I am so glad that Mr 924 replied to me and he
seems to know a lot about Miyadai. Although I appreciate what he said,.
I am against his opinion in some sense.

>genius usually don't exist in low genre like sociology

what do you mean by that? I think you are only talking about the grade
in school. Yes, it surely seems like smart people go to 理科系 while
dumb people go to so-called half way between arts and science like sociology.
if you are concerned only what grades you get in school. Many genius
in history are seen as dumb student and used to get all F in school but
showed the revolutionary performance on his own ground.
166名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 16:20:52
meaning he or she is dumber than butter.
167160:2008/03/08(土) 16:30:37
Most of the remarkable filmmakers were not good at math.
Anyway, I think Mr Miyadai is a good student from 1st grade in
primary school until now, but probably not as good as those who graudated
from Todai Medical section. There are many genius people in this world
and we are all amazed by their new ideas. At least,
I was inspired by Miydadai's freewheeling thinking. But I also agree
that he is just like a little child who is crying over his
misfortune. The fundamental reason of his studies of schiology is generated
from his inferiority complex.

I used to read a lot of his books. the reason is that I was also a bullied
child from the primary school until now.

So Mr 924, what was the reason to be interested in Miyadai's world?
In my case, since I was so frustrated in Japanese school's system, I thought
his ideas are revolutionary. and I started to be liking his ideas a lot.
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170名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 16:41:35
I'm not 924 myself, And I do never say sociology is low genre.
Where did 924 quote this from?

Sociology is new genre in study for sure, but it doesn't mean they are all wastes.

In fact, Tokyo Univ. did't have special departments for sociology before.
And so many young scholar must have studied in law Dep.
文一 students are not all dumb.

The commentator of 924 seems to know nothing and is just speaking ill of Miyadai.
171名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 16:52:46
And about inferior complex.
At only this point, I agree with you.

Sociology is study of communications.
Just imagine what kind of Hi-IQ people are interested in study of communication.

You said you like him because he is like a kid.
But it's not right.
You and also Miyadai are intersted in Sociology because of all your inferior complexies for communication.

Hi-IQ people tend to be face the problems of discommunications, I guess.
172名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 17:00:55
lol yeah.
just seeing around my area. There are many low IQ people
who go out with good looking guys/girls.
while High-IQ people staying alone saying complicated things and
yelling how attractive they are....but he has no friends/girl friends.
many so called smart guys are staying home alone and watching anime
or listening to J-idols' low level music. lol
at least I don't watch anime. I read and listment to some complicated stuff
although my IQ is not as high as them
173名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 17:01:54
And I'm 961 myself in last thread.
Please read my comment too.

Then I'll go out. Bye~~
174名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 17:03:43
many so called ×
many of so-called ○

listment ×
listening ○

sorry I just pressed kakikomi before checking (;_;)
175名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 17:06:33
Ahhhh.... I made serious mistake....

Not law Dep.. (文一)

maybe literature Dep...
176名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 17:06:52

961 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 02:18:43

is this your comment?
I think he himself is personally odd, still he was a kind of genius in last 20 years.

Genius is not always ordinary, polite, and decent person.
Of course they often are

177名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 17:09:19
And more...

X Hi-IQ people tend to be face the problems of discommunications
O Hi-IQ people tend to face the problems of discommunications
178名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 17:12:37
you are right. high IQ people are often like retarded in the
area of communication.
179名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 17:25:21
Ok. I'll stay more and try to answer you, little brother.

The problems of dicommunications are not always directly connected to IQs.
Everyone has possibility to suffer. Like you and me.

And Anime.
I can't find certain reason to avoid all the animations.
And categoraize is sometimes useful but don't trust your impressions too much
especially when you don't know it enough.
You must doubt your prejudice and your first impressions.

See the society as it is. It's changing every second.
180名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 17:30:07
X categoraize
? categoraization

So? Miyadai was genius. At least when he was on the stages.
181名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 17:46:05
Are you satisfied with this?
Or any objections more?
182名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 17:52:40
I am also a huge anime/manga fan, so I don't deny anime completely
but as you get more mature, you would want to read more 活字 (the printed words)
and start to avoid anime slowly. for refreshing, anime or manga is ok.
but you know as your brain grows, you would get bored in childish stuff and
start to get more fun in resolving more complexities.

but, looking around my area, I see many high IQ people still indulge in
stupid stuff. I guess the problem is not only IQ, their maturity. So called
EQ (emotional quotient?). I guess those who have high IQ tend to have
low EQs... sadly.
183182:2008/03/08(土) 17:54:57
opps sorry manga/anime are not stupid stuff.
they are great. but compare to 活字materials...
it is not for adult. that's what I wanted to say.
184名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 18:00:58
to be more specific, they even fell in love
with two dimentional girls. (anime characters).
that's what I hardly understand. but that's the fact.
I guess there is a huge abyss between the reality and
the imaginations that they have created in their mind, and they can
not cope with the reality.
ok this theme requires me to write the too long text. so let's stop
here. but remember, it is true high IQ people are very bad
in communication in reality and they like to build their own
world and thus it links to the two dimentional world.
185名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 18:04:42
I find my sister to be hot.

Like in the manga Koi Kaze.
186名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 18:13:25
If you got matured as well as I did, then you would avoid just reading paperbacks
and start watching blogs, even start insisting something outside.

Because reading 活字 (the printed words) is so passive
and has never chance to be tested by others.

About Anime and Manga, again.
These sub-cultures are not only for children. That is your prejudice.
If you will know better, then you must be going to understand what I say someday.
187名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 18:16:45
188名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 18:20:29
nah, not a prejudice.
are there many 60 year old anime fans?
that's the fact. as you get older, you would not like it
as much as before. so it is something to do with
the matuity level. (I am a big anime fan myself though.
I read katsuji as well).
189名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 18:21:19
>Sociology is study of communications.

This notion seems a bit misleading, though. The study on interpersonal interactions is a fairly
new sociological discipline that has been developed mainly at University of Chicago since the 40's.
It is called "Chicago School." They focus on how individuals interact with one another
at a micro level, rather than directly on social strafication and structure at a macro level.
It is only one aproach in sociology, though, if I remember right, but it is actually utilized to
help social workers deal with people with social problems caused by urbanization today.
But then, Miyadai or what he says is completely unfamiliar to me, so I'll stay out of this.
190名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 18:23:29
I'm never talking about "falling love with Anime charactor".
And never have those experiences before.

But it maybe not so serious as you said.
You should know the Japanese spirits more called "粋".
They are much alike fun-loving light stuffs.

Anime is not always concerning to IQs...
You know who are making Animations?
They are not Hi-IQs.
191ギリシャ人:2008/03/08(土) 18:23:35
I haven't watched much anime. I mainly read manga before. But I started watching recently.
I am watching Kaiji (賭博黙示録カイジ) at the moment, it is very good.

We don't have animation like this in the West. With a contiguous storyline.
192名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 18:26:49
You know what Animations existed 60 years ago in Japan?

Womens even can't vote though..
193名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 18:29:00
X Womens even can't vote though..
O Womens even couldn't vote though..
194名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 18:29:45
well...almost everybody read manga or watch anime in Japan
and it's hard to find the one who doesn't watch or read them.
so it is just norm. but what I said is....high iq ppl tend to
avoid the real relationship esp with girls. and they seriously fall
in love with anime. that's what I said...but this is not something
we should talk enthusiastically....I'm kinda tired of those people.
high iq, I mean I find many of those guys in prestigious univ in Japan.
195名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 18:31:59
"粋" is more like sophisticated. not
not the fun loving light stuffs.
196ギリシャ人:2008/03/08(土) 18:32:39
X Womens even couldnt vote though
O Women couldn't even vote though
197名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 18:37:54
What on the earth is difference?
I learned the sociology was much popular in Europe countries recently.
Deeply connected with Marxian economics, Semiotics, and also Systematic theory.
198名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 18:40:37

>They focus on how individuals interact with one another
at a micro level, rather than directly on social strafication and structure at a macro level.

Maybe micro and macro level are different. ^^;
199名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 18:42:57
Original Kaiji is really awesome. If you are Japanese then you can understand it more.
And thank you for your correction. :) >>196
200ギリシャ人:2008/03/08(土) 19:00:16
No problem, always happy to help.
201名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 19:01:15
this one way argument went to nowhere or it's gone as
disintegration in midair.
202名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 19:02:07
Ok. I don't mean to hurt you.
But you should listen to others' opinions more honestly.

What you said in >>194 is so-called prejudice.
You can't enter all UNIV in Japan and see all UNIV students in Japan too.

We Japanese is not like sort of artists but more like craftsmans.
Craftsmans are hard working not to sophisticate something or not for ideals,
but to amuse themselves and for their pride and craftsmanships.
That is Japanese way. Self-satisfactions.

I see. I understand. ^^v
203名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 19:05:32
So you admit there is a possibility of miyadai being unable to
go to scienece department and still being unable to admit he was not
good at math and physics because of his pride?
That's enough. I don't like his attitude that all are dumbs except him.
So I just wanted to ridicule him.
Do you know his father and grandfather were scientists and
granfather was a notable botanist who served showa tenno?
So I assume theare was too much pressure for miyadai to
study science at tokyo uni. He justied his conversion to arts
because of lack of dream in science at that time. But I doubt it.
Just coulndn't handle math and physics well. It took one more
year to enter tokyo uni.

I don't know him well. But I was suspicious of his praising of
high school girl hookers.
It's my assumption that high school girl dokyun life style was beyond
his understanding and elite obottyan miyadai were just mistaken
that there had to be something great about them.
Youths are always
fearless and laugh things away at any time. I guess.
I think they didn't consider their life well
in youth and may be paying price for that.

They may be marring wealthy
men or leading a dokyun life style. always the same or worse.
I don't think it's grown up indivisual.
204名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 19:08:24
Maybe you foreigners had better think the difference between
the word "粋" and "粋がる".
205名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 19:14:30
I used to read a lot of his books. the reason is that I was also a bullied
child from the primary school until now.

Miyadai was bullied? it's new to me. Oh, I heard gaki daisyo, boss
juvenile helped him. So he somewhat delusion about yankee and bad
guys. First yankees who come to my mind are concreate-encased
high school murder case. It's not my personal experience though.

I was also bullied in my primary days. Nobody helped me.
And it was rather insidious bulling among friend circle in which
i was.

But miyadai has been always good at studying and brought up in
wealthy family with love and care. I think he has been fortunate.
My father was rather neglecting type.
206名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 19:14:45
(-_-"). well...even if I haven't seen all the students in uni,
there is a certain tendency in this age in 2008. even if you don't see
the graph and data to prove the tendency you can just feel it from
what others do and say...of course there are some exceptions. if 6 out of 10
in your school and other 3 prestigious uni's friends say the same thing,
maybe it proves that there is a certain tendency, I think.
207名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 19:21:08
child from the primary school until now.

untill now....? I am at a loss for words. bulling in uni?
You are closely related to miyadai in personal life. I understand.

miyadai escaped to top class private school, so there must have been no
actual bulling. And his lack of "real" experiece of athletic or
martial arts club made him praise which many were
actually killed in low rank uni or high school.
208165:2008/03/08(土) 19:25:35
yeah, I admit maybe Miydai was not good enough to enter
the science section of prestigious uni. but what I said is
that doesn't matter. his original ideas are the pineering.

re highschool girls' prostitute issue, maybe yes.
although he tried to see through something break-through
materials from their life style, he failed. today's highschool
girls' unstable behaviors are not somthing he should have focussed
on and study. I even forgot what he was writing there about that issue
although I enthusiastically read it long time
209名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 19:27:32
I'm not 160. But you know Miyadai much better than me.

>So you admit there is a possibility of miyadai being unable to
>go to scienece department and still being unable to admit he was not
>good at math and physics because of his pride?

I think he didn't say so. But we don't have enough informations about his exam now.
So every possibilities and suspicions must be discussed, I think.

>I don't like his attitude that all are dumbs except him.
>So I just wanted to ridicule him.

I can understand your feeling. Now I don't like him too.

>Do you know his father and grandfather were scientists and
>granfather was a notable botanist who served showa tenno?

I've never heard that.

>It's my assumption that high school girl dokyun life style was beyond
>his understanding and elite obottyan miyadai were just mistaken
>that there had to be something great about them.

I don't think so...
He was surveying テレクラ for long time
before his activities of praising high school girls.
And I heard that he started it because he wanted to protect some certain high school girls,
Maybe he wanted to be another jesus christ for saving those girls' spirits.

It may sound ridiculous, but he must be serious, I guess..
210名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 19:28:13
I think morale has a greatl influence on their academic scores.
Most students at low rank uni give up from the start.
They can fill the gap somehow but they are determined to
abandon dream. They are only around 18 but discouraged.

In america students seem to study hard at low rank uni because
of possibility of transfer and support system.
211名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 19:31:17
Miyada is somewhat like aoyama bengosi, lawyer aoyama,
who are obliged to give good things to poors and inferiors
because he feel guilty of his wealth and academics...
212165=miyadai's enthusiast:2008/03/08(土) 19:34:25
oh haha it's getting very interesting
but sorry I'll get back to you later.
it's not a toilet break though.
213名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 19:38:57
You know aoyama and miyadai shouln't feel guilty of
their wealth and elite status.
But they are what they get for their efforts.

I have known many wealthy kids. But most of them were just
spoiled and unpassionate still looking down on inferiors.
some are bulling boys and some are really insiduous.
Most of them are rotten from the root.
And whatevery they do, parentes end up in helping them..
214名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 19:41:17
It sounds like that you'll know all the tendencies in Japan
just from 6 out of 10 students of your UNIV and a few other friends...

First, you can talk 6 out of 10 students in your UNIV for sure?
Second, you can know all tendencies in Japan from that?

Are you sure?...
215名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 19:42:07
He was surveying テレクラ for long time
before his activities of praising high school girls.
And I heard that he started it because he wanted to protect some certain high school girls,

Interesting. SO he somewhat thought テレクラ was a lair of unhealthy
people..? And angel miyadai tried to help a unfortunate girl
from hell....LOL
216名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 19:44:56
Oh, I meant to say "it is NOT only one approach in sociology", but I assume
you know exactly what you are talking about, so never mind.

Who is Miyadai?
217名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 19:47:02

"Periodic Table of the Elements" (元素の周期律表)
Deep purpleのベエス奏者だつたRoger Gloverのコソセプト


218名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 19:47:54
I got exhausted after talikg about rather complicated things.

Back to norm and talk about nanako sos.
219名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 19:50:57
Please make one thing clear.
People are not superior just because they are welthy.
220名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 19:54:08
Miyadai is one of sociologists,
who used to be famous in talk discussion varieties on TV.

10 years ago? I'm not sure.
221名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 20:01:02
In my case, since I was so frustrated in Japanese school's system, I thought
his ideas are revolutionary.

I went to the most free high school in japan and many were
obbsesed with how they looked from others monomaniacally.
I feel very stressed. I wanted free in my spiritual stage..
some students have rotten eyes and students were screened into
the positves and dropouts, including me?

I think what is free not as Utopian as comic be free.
when free is attained, nothing can be left.

Freedom includes boredomness, no objection, restlessness.
My high scool days remind me of escape of freedom by fromm.
I've never reat it though.
Maybe I was too childish and needed support.

But I can say free is not everything.
222ギリシャ人:2008/03/08(土) 20:04:57
What is Nanako SOS?
223名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 20:09:37
google it and see the images.
I bet you'll fall in love for the first time!
224名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 20:11:53
I think he must have been more strategic.

At that time, sociology school was one of young, small, academic, snobbish schools.
All left wings and big mouth.
It isn't bad meaning. They are really eloquent and accurate too.
But that only.

Miyadai attempted to change the world using their logic and impact, I guess.
225名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 20:12:01
A incompetent goverment demand the central bank to keep interest rates artificially low,
just to meet its interest in a country where there is a rapidly aging population.
The debt-ridden goverment want its borrowing costs and payment to the bonds to be low as posible as it could.
The above mentioned is my view about the goverment during "lost period",
referred to the decade-long depression.
226ギリシャ人:2008/03/08(土) 20:12:24
A shojo anime from the 80s. It isn't really my thing.
227名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 20:16:37
huh? how about her looking?
228ギリシャ人:2008/03/08(土) 20:18:24
She looks pretty normal for that style and time period in my opinion.
229名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 20:19:58
I can't look straight at the face of nanako sos. hahahahaha.
230名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 20:23:35
I resent the way of today's typical manga writing style.
many people reccomend death note here, But I have not read.
I can't stand its anime 絵. today's contents of syonen jump
seem to be all the same.

Should I cast away my prejudice and read death note?
231名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 20:25:34
I think you are pervert.
232名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 20:26:07
No. You should try not JUNP but MORNING.
233ギリシャ人:2008/03/08(土) 20:27:19

It is ok I suppose. I liked the end especially (end of the manga version).
234名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 20:27:37
I read some of morning stuff.
I read some of morning and big comic spirits stuff.
235名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 20:29:47

( ☆_☆)b
236ギリシャ人:2008/03/08(土) 20:30:50
lol why?
237名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 20:32:09
Red hot chilli peppers really wrote the theme song for live version of death note...?
Americans know this fact? just a stunt to make the movie look
like more world wide? film maker just used already written song as the theme
I feel ashamed of these stunts since komatsu sakyo movies. LOL
unnaturally white foreigners among japanese actors and actresss or theme song by
western musician.
238名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 20:32:54
If you are sane, nanako sos feels adorable.
239名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 20:34:39
>>since komatsu sakyo movies. LOL
>>since komatsu sakyo movies. LOL
>>since komatsu sakyo movies. LOL
240名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 20:36:01
井上竜太郎博士:平田昭彦 ※本作品が遺作である。

cast of sayonara jupiter... many whites and mixed race who can speak
english. people described with カタカナ are mainly not japanese.
241名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 20:38:38
If you say so :)
242名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 20:54:29
Why Red Hot Chilli Peppers got famous.
And why Living Color or Fish Bone didn't.

I don't get it.

But anyway today's philosophy class was over.
People need the credits must write a report about Miyadai
and submit it to me within a week please.

Good luck on you~~
243名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 20:57:46
Where was his or her philosophy??
244名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 21:02:16
please ask high school girls on the street.
but it costs too.
245名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 21:09:20
It's written on the hips of them with very small fonts...

You may need a magnifying glass and please look so carefully..
246名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 21:21:02
Star Wars is the past.
247ギリシャ人:2008/03/08(土) 21:40:15
I have just ordered the Oxford 'Learning Japanese' books from Amazon, which are supposedly the best.
So I can finally start learning Japanese.
248165=miyadai's enthusiast:2008/03/08(土) 22:00:06
yeah, he had to be more strategic, but he failed.
and during his attempt, another disaster happened and he suffered
from neurosis?(or something like that) and he kept silence. although
he publish some books and writes blogs, nothing affected school system.
meanwhile, Wada Jr Highschool's principal is working hard.
249165:2008/03/08(土) 22:10:34
Anyway talking about Miyadai seems out of date by now.
I want to see or read somebody who has a very new innovative ideas
that to reform present boring systems as if drinking a cup of strong coffee
to make myself wakeful but really hard to find those kind of people
nowadays. I used to think he was one of those people...
250165:2008/03/08(土) 22:20:20
I still believe in Miyadai. that's why I am still updating his blogs.
he would restart the activities again maybe. Probably he's fed up with
media and lost contact to them since people make big fuss over it.
251名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 22:22:42
I even forgot what was the main reason to raise
up his name...probably I talked about my experience with
a prostitute highschool girl and someone said I sounded like
Miyadai-sensei. lol
252名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 22:30:30
but anyway I am so impressed that many people knew him
and have varieties of opinions on sociology. I guess
I am a bit young fan of Miyadai or I wonder if many uni
students read his books...(those who know him very well
must be a bit older than me).
253名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 23:15:20
back to normal please. yukolin or oshita yoko
254名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 23:21:33
Do not feed 本玉儿 please
255dear 本玉儿 :2008/03/08(土) 23:30:23
本玉儿 is obsessed with tearing up woman's crotch!
Can he loo at the picture for a while and be sexually
aroused by it? If he is real, you can do it.
If he escapes and turns his face, he is just another big mouthed, coward!

warning!. this picture is explicitly cruel and traumatic. So don't see
this without precaution.
256名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 23:33:04
Look at... K was void.
257名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 23:47:48
I guess he can't click the url! lol
258名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 23:48:43
Even if this movie won't move your heart,
I recommend you go to therapy.

Why can small girl like nanako drive a car?
Don't mention. It's fantasy.
fantastic! I want to cry out.

259名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 23:50:41
本玉儿 tunrs out to be superficial pervert?
260名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/09(日) 00:26:25
I went to see my doctor last Friday and he told me I would be put on
IV drip "every other day" from then on and see how my foot would go.
My foot is getting better little by little partly because of IV drip,
partly because of warmer weather. I haven't put any uho painkiller in
my anus for the past week. Yipppiiieeee!!!

For the past 40 days, including yesterday I have gone to hospital to get
IV drip treatment everyday. I don't have to go to hospital today (March 9th
It's past midnight so it's 9th now).
(Sunday) Yeaaahhhh!!!

Yesterday's nurse in charge of IV drip was a man who looks fresh from
vocational school for becoming a nurse. I have seen him on weekdays
but today was the first time he took care of me. Because he is in
charge of injections not IV drip treatment on weekdays.

Something unbelievable happened when he placed his hand on my arm.
My heart started beating fast and blood pressure went high and felt
dizzy, beads of sweat on my forehead. Oh my! What on earth is this ?
Is this an Uho feeling to him? Maybe because of accumulated side
effect of uhoish painkillers melt in my anus in the past.
I'm kidding of course. In reality, when I found out he was in
charge of IV drip yesterday, I just mumbled to myself, "Uho!" jokingly
and I thought I had to write about this in "chat in English" thread. lol
261名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/09(日) 00:27:28
The pain I felt when he put a needle in my skin was the hardest among
40 days of IV drip treatment. I felt sudden impulse of slapping his head
but instead I just said Ouch! in my mind. He is very friendly type and
other middle aged female nurses seemed very nice to him. It's still rare
to see a male nurse so he must be sort of popular among other nurses.

What was nice about him was he adjusted the speed of each drops falling
precisely and today's IV drip treatment was precisely for 90 munites.
This was the first time except when one nurse used IV drip electronic device
that adjusts speeed to finish IV drip treatment on exact time.

But maybe that was just coincidence. Another patient who were
taken care of by him complained it's passed 20 munites beyond due time.
I don't think I have to use an uho painkiller anymore at least until
Autumn or Winter when it gets cold, preferably forever.
Cold weather is bad for my feet.

If you want to experience the joy of putting a pinkiller in your anus,
I don't mind giving them all free of charge. Let's become Uho buddy, dude.
262名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/09(日) 00:54:20
263名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/09(日) 02:07:16
>>165 さん
I personally don't wanna talk abou miyadai any more.
He was/is too narcissistic and noisy man.

But I want to know about bulling you have got.
How have you been bullied? Is it phsyical bulling as well?
I have not been bullied physically, but mentally.
like mocking and ostracized from a group.
When I cried, they ridiculed me saying tears filled up his eyes and
almost that. others just kept observing, no interset
in me or somewhat disdain on their faces.

I was queer but rather sunny boy and somewhat familiar figure in the class.
I tried to be happy hiding my pain inside while I started to
distrust people.
But when i entered junior high school, things started to look completely
different and I changed completely. ironic and dark man..
Maybe I cut relations with the people to defend my self.
Bulling was just one reason, I guess. My parents and my inborn trait were
also ascriable I think.
264名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/09(日) 02:09:30

Rapper in this video is less than shit but featured vocal, Shimizu Shota
is genious in my book.
265名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/09(日) 02:37:34
non white jew!
266名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/09(日) 03:00:39
I love uho men
267名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/09(日) 03:26:56
Today I bought I-D magazine, famous london fashion magazine. The magazine
contained story about chanel masterhead Karl Lagerfield it fascinated me.
268名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/09(日) 03:27:36
you know Gi Gi Leung?
269イギリス人:2008/03/09(日) 03:48:11
Yes, yes I do. She has a good voice. Her hair used to be quite boyish,
though, and I didn't really like that.
270名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/09(日) 04:12:09
Why do you love hirosue, who sold boyish image?
271名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/09(日) 05:02:58
This is crazy. We've got 270 posts in one day? I don't feel like going through all the posts.
272名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/09(日) 06:02:07
This is not crazy.
273名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/09(日) 07:06:50
Wow. You will be a trilingual soon!

You got me wrong.
I never said he should be more strategic.
I just said he must have been strategic for selecting these tactics.
In fact, he was strategic enough. Even too much consciousness.
He must have decided to start that campaign to make his power most.

And he failed as you said. He couldn't change the social systems.
But he changed the people's mind. Especially those who had strong stresses in current society.
He did it because he was a kind of genius.
I don't like him but still he was a real genius, I think.
274名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/09(日) 07:10:54
X I don't like him but still he was a real genius, I think.
? I don't like him. Yet he was another real genius, I think.

What do you think?
275名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/09(日) 07:31:49
Yes. And It's me.
I'm still wondering if you're female or not.
(Did you say you're still virgin before?)

Anyway, people are needed to be loved. I believe you've made right decision.
276名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/09(日) 07:36:29
X people are needed to be loved.
O people need to be loved.
277名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/09(日) 07:56:10
Yeah, we are kind of crazy nerds. lol

If you're using 2ch browsers, then choose NG word management function.
Ban the words such like "gay" "christianity" "sociology" and "Miyadai".
You maybe happy with it. :)
278名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/09(日) 08:07:49
Thanks for your concern, but those words are intellectually stimulating topics though.
279名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/09(日) 08:21:56
I'm very glad to hear that.
Excuse my bad English and also my fellows' one.
Please correct them whnever you think you need.
280名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/09(日) 08:27:58
I'll do myself sometimes though...

X fellows' one
O fellows' ones

X whnever
O whenever
281名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/09(日) 10:08:34
Obama SOS Obama SOS
282名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/09(日) 10:31:53
283名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/09(日) 10:47:20
Got my passport today...good for 10years
where should I go now.....
284イギリス人:2008/03/09(日) 10:49:47
I really don't know. Leung's hair is always really noticeable because
she doesn't really have a face that stands out. Hirosue's face is
easier to distinguish from other peoples', so I notice that first and
then the hair. Still, though (in my opinion) she looks okay with short(ish)
hair, she looks much better when it's longer, as does Leung.

I'm glad your foot's improving, and that you haven't had to perform any
acts of uhoism lately. What do you do during your IV? Read magazines?
285名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/09(日) 10:58:33
Hi イギリス人.
What do you think about Clinton.
Do you think she can do the jobs?
286スウェーデン人:2008/03/09(日) 12:33:39
>What do you think?
I don't think I like him, genius or not.

I just got home. It's past 4:30 and time to sleep...
287名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/09(日) 12:35:29
Miyadai's followers are mostly nerds and traumatic people who
have small influence in this world.
They are not established individuals whom miyadai
idealized. They are always crying over the past and ask for compassion.
some heroism in them too. I may be one of these...
So very tiny and trivial matter. Very personal issue. tempest in a teacup?
far from changing the world.
I 've heard cult people and activists
closely related with communism party say something like If
We change one by one, then ultimately the world would change
or small human chain would bring people one by one then change the the world.
They always seem to overlook the fact that people are all
different and others don't necessarily admit their ideal...

The notion that all people live in harmony is like communism.
It should be,,,but miyadai is like univisity activists in 60s-70s.

I think miyadai would really take care of his children.
Cos miyadai is a kind, weak minded man essencially no matter how
he tries to make him look bad.
But many communist-like people even can't protect their children.
John lennon is famous. He left deep trauma in his first child..

kobayashi takeshi, sakamoto ryuichi,,,The list goes on..

And what am I? Trash. LOL very messy articl I wrote. sorry.
My english is not good and I'm mentally unstable.
288名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/09(日) 12:40:11
I have to make much of miyadai changing or helping one man.
But It's his own business too.
changing the world or genius sounds exaggeration.
289スウェーデン人:2008/03/09(日) 12:42:47
> My english is not good and I'm mentally unstable.

That goes for pretty much all of this thread. I say we should elect
you president of "Chat in English".
290名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/09(日) 12:54:03
>I say we should elect you president of "Chat in English".

I don't think so.
2ch is an anonymous message board, where neither leader nor president,
only NANASHI discuss variou topics, basically.

*I don't intend to deny existences of KOTE, イギリス人, スウェーデン人, and all that.
291スウェーデン人:2008/03/09(日) 13:00:18
Okay, "supreme dictator" then.
292名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/09(日) 13:01:58
293名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/09(日) 14:12:58
How did the Paparazzi discover the shampoo that Lady Diana used?

They found her Head and Shoulders at the back of the car.
294名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/09(日) 14:40:12
but some guys act overly effeminate: they
speak quite high pitched and 'mince' when they walk (arms out, limp
wrists, and so on).
Like this? lol
295名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/09(日) 15:22:10
I could grasp the outline of what "real" Marc says.
But could hardly follow what "fake" marc says.
296名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/09(日) 15:33:26
wowwowwow! it's already #294 in two days?

>I personally don't wanna talk abou miyadai any more.
He was/is too narcissistic and noisy man.

Yeah, he is narcissistic. he is not a likable man.

> But I want to know about bulling you have got.
How have you been bullied?

lol I was a bullied child all my school years. well but to be more
precise, I was vulnerable child and am still vulnerable. People
probably find it's fun to tease me or make fun of me because of my
transparent impact of being bullied. I think my face shows very much
of my conditions. I am not Jimmy Onishi but I kind of like him. people
really enjoy bulling me both physically and mentally but slowly I realized
that my innocent or stupid reaction would amuse bad students so being
their 餌meat, is natural phenomenon in my life....sadly. could somebody
advise me how to avoid to be their 餌?
297296=165:2008/03/09(日) 15:34:47
opps I was 165
298165:2008/03/09(日) 15:40:29
lol Of course I am a boy. as I mentioned on the
last thread, I met one girl on net and she was
doing a ptostitution even she's a highschooler.
I said I fell in love with her. did you see my post?
299165:2008/03/09(日) 15:41:56
*I was A vulnerable child
300名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/09(日) 15:44:22
So you are like a clown. And with happy face inside pain?
But unlike jimmy onishi retard,
you've got high marks in the school examination, have you?

I always wear glum face and it kind of scare people off...
But I'm not familiar guy either...

Why not mingle with smart guys only and stay away from dokyuns?

I was not good at academics but rather seen as clever or queer.
So I have had difficulity getting along with people in school and the places
I belonged to.
otakish people seem to be seen clever or idiot.
301165:2008/03/09(日) 15:57:27

>Miyadai's followers are mostly nerds and traumatic people who
have small influence in this world.

maybe so. but how can a vulnerable child know the big world?
they all live in a tiny world where their
parents, siblings and their friends (or even there are no friends
just some aquaintances) and they get traumatic hurt
verbally and physically. they must be too weak but they really don't know
how to protect themselves from those insenstive attacks. after seeing a big world,
they would know that their would be staying in the place of neurosis, but first of all,
they need to know the real world. some of us have only met tepid and boring adults who
live with dead fish eyes and do the routines.
302165:2008/03/09(日) 16:09:00
imagine if you are in a vulnerable child's situation,
really seriously there is no choice but to suffer anguish.
well I am talking about the situation in jr or highschool in Japan.
after you grow up, you would know that there are alternatives,
such as ....just can move to another prefecture.
that's so easy to change your present environment.
but being a strengthless child, it's like walking on water
to breakaway from the present plight is almost impossible. I know
because I was a child like that before. and...miyadai's idea sounded
like a dream for me. (ok no more miyadai sorry).
303名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/09(日) 16:12:16
jimmy was retard. But that was his merit.
He keeps on drawing for no return and finally got acclaimed..
He doesn't strive to highten him to normal standard.
I personally don't like his paintings, which make me feel
sick... His paintings are unhealthy to brain.

jimmy's life style is not recomended for everyone because jimmy
is somewhat genius or mentally ill enough... If you are dumb enough, social welfare system
will protect you. But not?
We? borderline personality disorder people are helpless.
They are normal in appearance... So people just assume
we are lazy and loser. then when we strive to be common people,
we'll lose something in ourselves.
It's very difficult to get along with people normally.
304165:2008/03/09(日) 16:16:03
that's interesting. ummm the people close were either bad guys
or smart guys.
but it's hard to stay away from dokyun. I can't distinguish
them. "stay away" sounds so hard for me. lol I tried to ignore them
many times, but it got even worse so I can't ignore them anymore. I just
listen to them I don't talk to them though. you know there are various types
of people in this world and some ppl can't behave as cool as you guys behave.
305165:2008/03/09(日) 16:25:44
I'm not a borderline person. I don't need a social welfare system
to protect me either. lol
I am watching Hidaka-tan on TV. well it does not prove that
I am smart but I am neither a dokyu nor a borderline person. I am only
a strange person and used to be a vulnerable child before. lol
thanks for your advice anyway. sorry I have to go now. see ya later.
306名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/09(日) 17:23:15
You seem to be so amusing when you say you were bullied or vulnerable.

Then all your enthusiasm and admirations have gone in only 2days.

wow wow
307名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/09(日) 18:02:59
who are you?
308名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/09(日) 18:07:07

>>528タソ 当ビの配下に日蓮系の糞坊主がをる。修業完遂の暁に

>>485のp.149(7)に付記汁と、a lot of等は口語つぽいと云ふので
2番目の文は長い上にTop heavyだからThere would be no progress,
309名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/09(日) 18:25:45
wow lolita cospure!
310名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/09(日) 18:50:37

>your enthusiasm

means. what 165 had towards sociology?
311名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/09(日) 19:27:04
He doesn't know sociology at all.
He just loved a high school hooker and Miyadai.

His story sounds like a kind of online swindle 美人局 cases.
312名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/09(日) 20:08:49
B side of nanako sos record was lolita of love.
The lyrics have nothing to do with nanako sos. the lyrics
focus on more immature girl around senior primary school girls and it's insulting
to high school girl nanako.

Anyway people have to be grown up to live with society and
abandon pureness. the author are so pure that he abandoned
society reversely. He lived as homelee for several years and became
alchoholic... He seems to be sober now.
313名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/09(日) 20:10:26
the authoer azumma hideo was...
314イギリス人:2008/03/09(日) 21:09:15
Hello there. Personally, from campaigns and things, I don't like Hillary
much; she just seems too smug about things (after all, it always seems
like the US elections are all about who has the best campaigns, not necessarily
who has the best policies). Bill Clinton was charismatic and seemed to do a
good job of things, despite his bad press (by Matt Drudge, who also published
that Prince Harry was serving in the British Army in Afghanistan, which caused
him to be pulled out - all the press in the UK agreed not to publish the story
in the interest of security of him and other troops with him). it seems like she
feels she is the best candidate mainly because she was married to a president.
Personally, I hope that Obama gets in.

There was a short slot on the BBC last night about Obama City's (小浜市) campaigns
for Obama.

In the introduction video that was posted, she starts off flying. Can she fly?
315名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/09(日) 21:33:56
>308 文体がキチガイ過ぎる
316片岡数吉:2008/03/09(日) 21:42:22
Hello there. Personally, from reading her biography, I like Hillary
very much; she is too frank about things (after all, it always seems
like the US elections are all about who has the best will to change it actually, necessarily
who has the best policies). Bill Clinton was charismatic and seemed to do a
good job of things, despite his bad press (by Matt Drudge, who also published
that Prince Harry was serving in the British Army in Afghanistan, which caused
him to be pulled out - all the press in the UK agreed not to publish the story
in the interest of security of him and other troops with him). it seems like she
feels she is the best candidate mainly because she was married to a president.
Personally, I hope that Obama gets in. But wouldn't things go too slowly if Obama gets in?
317本玉儿:2008/03/09(日) 21:51:54
Stop the talk of azumma ! !

By the way , Do you think that the woman's hip is soft ?
You may think the woman's hip is soft because there is more subcutaneous fat than the man's hip .
But I cannot agree to your opinion .
Have you eaten fatty meat ?
How about the resistance to the teeth you bit fatty meat ?
It is hard to bite off the fatty meat than the red meat .
This means that subcutaneous fat is stronger than the muscle !
In other word , the woman's hip is more firm than the man's hip ! !

318dear 本玉儿:2008/03/09(日) 21:56:50
finally I caught 本玉儿! don't excape!

本玉儿 is obsessed with tearing up woman's crotch!
Can he loo at the picture for a while and be sexually
aroused by it? If he is real, you can do it.
If he escapes and turns his face, he is just another big mouthed, coward!

warning!. this picture is explicitly cruel and traumatic. So don't see
this without precaution.
319片岡数吉:2008/03/09(日) 21:58:37
I think the woman's hip is mild because there is more subcutaneous fat than the man's hip .
It is hard to bite off the fatty meat than the red meat .
The woman's hip is more firm than the man's hip..............

But I like young men's hip.
They are goooooooooood to tooooooooooooouch
How happy I should be thinking of their hips
320名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/09(日) 22:13:27
321本玉儿:2008/03/09(日) 22:13:34
Awful , My onanisum is terrible ! !
I masturbate by the force that Ben Jonshon dashes 100m , while looking at a JPG image of Yoko Osita ! !
322dear 本玉儿:2008/03/09(日) 22:17:03
Then how about this 本玉儿? This scene is what you've been
dreaming of doing. Now you got it! don't escape.
323名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/09(日) 22:34:50
I think sha can fly. My memory is pretty vague and thin..
But as long as i remember, nanako is a esper girl.
She is shy and reserved, dull girl but when she put on nanako sos suits,
she'll become super girl nanako! Or she'll automatically wear
nanako sos suits when she changed into esper.
When she changs super girl, distinctive theme song "nanako sos nanako sos" is played.

Image of flying in the sky make me think of youth image.
In youth you can do anything. or you shoud have doen anything..
324名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/09(日) 22:35:32
when I went to Suzuki An's blog, I smell something fishy.
I mean I feel that she is or was Matsuken's gf.
but someone said Aoi Yu could be also his gf.
but I think it is impossible to confess his love feeling towards Nagasaku
in public, in front of Aoi Yu. if she were his gf, he wouldn't
say " ohhh I like Nagasaku san so much" on the
325名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/09(日) 22:36:11
nanako sos! nanako sos! is more close to the atmosphere.
326名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/09(日) 22:46:09
No! No! No!
327名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/09(日) 22:50:21
I'm glad that finally I could get イギリス人's reply about nanako sos.

You are a fan of hirosue and okina megumi, right?
They were pure and innocent in looks.
actually not..
So You taste must have been touched by nanako sos somehow.
But your english tendency to hide your sexual orientation
must have hindered you from commenting about nanako.
But please talk about your humble opinion about nanako..
easy and simple words are o.k like cute and adorable.

by the way hirosue and nanako sos are completely different thing
for me. But frome a wide perspective they might be in the same category.
328名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/09(日) 23:03:58
hirosue sucks.
but I like one drama of hers.

she was a blind young girl but a millionaire's heir.
her big bro was lost long time ago but one
day one guy appeared and claimed he is her lost bro.
but she can't see.
her bro disappeared and she lost contact with him and she has no parents.
of course he is fake he met her real bro coincident so
heard a lot of information of their memories.
after living with Hirosue, slowly he started to love
her. I forgot the title of the drama but it was a nice drama.
329名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/09(日) 23:04:02
I wish someone would cut your throat.
330名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/09(日) 23:10:13
He is an ostensible pervert. He is excessively self-consciousness.
He just pretent to be pervert, trying to be someone special.

I don't like fake. I like real no matter what pervert they are.
331名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/09(日) 23:11:30
the good part of the drama was
that the fake guy tries to approach Hirosue for money
because he has a huge amount of debt and if he cannot
return until the day the yakuza lender said, he'll be dead
because he signed to sell his internal organs.
the internal organs buyers were so weird. I think that guy
was Morimoto Reo.
332名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/09(日) 23:14:17
Morimoto Reo is dirty guy in real life.
He was perceived as a good-natured man.
But he was reported to be involved in many nearly
criminal acts one after another.
333名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/09(日) 23:16:50
really, such as?
his voice is really soothing though.^^
334名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/09(日) 23:18:53

> But frome a wide perspective they might be in the same category.

same category? like what category?
335名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/09(日) 23:22:21
lolita?? young growing up image?

raped vergin mizusawa aki.
336名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/09(日) 23:26:00
he trained mizusawa aki as a real fucker?
he's still doing that kind of training to the young girls.
337名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/09(日) 23:27:29
maybe.. morimoto's smile is fake.
338イギリス人:2008/03/09(日) 23:34:24
Well... I was just wondering because >>258's comment makes it sound
like the strangest thing she does is drive a car. I'd say being able
to fly is quite unusual though. And why does she drive when she can
fly? When I was about 6-8 years old, I had a recurring dream where I
could fly. Now I have (somewhat) a case of acrophobia.

Wouldn't really say I'm a fan of Okina's, but have seen a couple of the
movies she was in (Akakage and Ju-on). I'm afraid I can't really comment
much on Nanako SOS, though, because I've never seen it.

That was '愛なんていらねえよ、夏', wasn't it? Haven't actually seen it, but
now you've mentioned it, will give it a try, thanks!
339名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/09(日) 23:38:50
but if morimoto's voice is soothing
he does Kikansha Thomas.
340名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/09(日) 23:40:33
Thank you for your nice comment.
I usually just sleep during IV. It's not until a few days ago that
I could sleep very well. My sleep hadn't been deep because of strange feeling
in my foot or slight pains so I had had to make up for the lack of sleep
during IV.

When I felt pain during IV, I couldn't sleep so I just had to be patient
waiting for the pain to go, which didn't go most of the time, though.
You can read a book or magazine or whatever you like during IV but I just
saw only one person reading somthing during IV. Almost all people just lie
on a bed.

Maybe it may be a good idea for me to read something now that I can sleep
well enough. Or reading something until late at night and sleeping during
IV might be a good idea, too.

There were a noisy day when three infants came in turn, in the 90 minuites
of my IV, to get a injection. I couoldn't sleep that day at all because
all of them cried like hell, being frightened of an injection.
On that day, my foot condition was really bad, so I was irritated
and frustrated by the crying kids even more to the extent that the idea
of shouting to them, "shut up!" crossed my mind, to be honest.
341名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/09(日) 23:42:30
Awww I love Thomas!
342名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/09(日) 23:43:37
*he does the narrator for The Thomas Tank Engine(?),
the popular real toy's anime from England.
343名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/09(日) 23:48:11
yeah! イギリス人さん。that's it!
that's one of my favorite Jdrama. pls
try to watch it. it won't fall short of your expectation.
Hirosue's acting was great as a blind girl.
344名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/10(月) 00:09:24
I coudln't believe somebody said that we've consumed 343 already
but I see the number and I believe it now.
345名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/10(月) 00:26:42
But half of the post are mine so it's not a big deal
346名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/10(月) 00:29:48
How can a half of your post be yours when 90% posts are all mine?
347名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/10(月) 00:51:41
You are good at math!
348名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/10(月) 00:56:00
what you meant is half of your posts right?
it should be plural, because post is countable. no?
let me know your opinion
349名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/10(月) 00:58:18
My opinion is that who gives a fuck.
I don't think anybody here would give a fuck.
350名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/10(月) 01:01:33
Yeah, I am so good at math and plus, I can become a fool when I count
a number that includes 3 and multiples of three and become like a dog
when I say multiples of 5.
351名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/10(月) 01:02:38
You are right. Forgot to add s.
352名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/10(月) 01:03:48
I think you become a fool when you count numers.
Because there is more than one numbers when you count.
What do you think?
353名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/10(月) 01:05:55
Please, refrain from making an ad hominem attack when you respond.
If you do so, it gets fucked up.
I think we can do without getting fucked up.
354名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/10(月) 01:14:30
Maybe you are right. don't know.
355名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/10(月) 03:38:19
Well... I was just wondering because >>258's comment makes it sound
like the strangest thing she does is drive a car. I'd say being able
to fly is quite unusual though. And why does she drive when she can
Hahaha. very honest opinion. I want to reply in a honest way too.
As I said before, nanako is a super girl who can fly. So she flies
as usual.
while driving a car is easy and usual scenery, person of 18 years old
and over can drive a car in Japan. Nanako is prohibited to drive a car
by traffic law. Even if she is 18 years old(most likely not), she is
most likely to be banned to drive a car by school regulations.

>I'm afraid I can't really comment
much on Nanako SOS, though, because I've never seen it.

You've seen it and will see it! ending
Only comments on her lookings and atomosphere are OK! please comment on it.
I somewhat came back to senses by her!
356cont:2008/03/10(月) 03:40:02
I'll post my translation of nanako sos in english so that イギリス人's imagination
can be sparked. japanese lyrics use both past tense and present tense even
if every tense of lyric is simultaneous.
so my translation may be odd.
Colour of the wind changes into blue.
Tempted by summer which starts to dance,
忘れていた あなたのこと 思い出したの
you I had forgotten I recalled.
It is because of summer.
呼び出したりして ごめんなさい 突然海が 見たかったの
Sorry for calling you away, suddenly I feel like seeing the ocean.
思い切り あなたと 白い渚
In abandon, with you, on the white beach.
今ならば もう 愛せそう
In this moment I feel like I can love you.
思い切り あなたと 光るしぶき
In abandon, with you, shining splash.
オレンジのダンシング まぶしいわ
Orange dancing, dazzling.
357名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/10(月) 03:42:17
突然海が 見たかったの
This is past tense. But she is talking about past.
So it was natural..
358ギリシャ人:2008/03/10(月) 03:47:55
What is the story line of 'Nanako SOS'?
359名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/10(月) 04:05:08
brief synopsis.
I don't really remember stories in detail.
But her looks stuned me.
360ギリシャ人:2008/03/10(月) 04:08:59

Oh I see, so she solves mysteries? As a Detective?

Was it a sad ending or a happy ending?
361イギリス人:2008/03/10(月) 04:17:05
Thanks very much, I'll take a look at the ending too. I guess you're
right about her driving, though. There are, of course, age limits for
driving, so she could get into trouble if caught. However, if she's
caught flying, she can't really be arrested (since you have to be in
a vehicle for airspace violations).
362名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/10(月) 04:37:53
It all depends on where she would fly to. If she violated the airspace of North Korea,
for instance, I'm sure they would attempt to intercept her with a missile without
warning. But, she would most likely survive it. I can't believe I'm talking about nanako sos.
363名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/10(月) 04:54:16
Can I ask about direct narration and indirect narration?
I used to think pronoun must be used from third person(reader's) standpoint.
For example, direct narration 'you(the name, tanaka) should die" will become
"he should die" in indirect narration. Because for third person(a reader)
tanaka is He.
But how about this narration?
'you(my tentative name, sato) should die'
I assume "he should die" is correct in indirect narration. Because I(sato) am "he" from third person.
But "I should die" must be correct, right?
I stumble over it. Because for a reader "I" equals to "reader himself".
"I should die" means "a reader should die".
Something must be wrong. Help me.
364名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/10(月) 04:55:48
I used to think pronoun must be used from third person(reader's) standpoint
""in indirect narration"".
365名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/10(月) 05:24:21
366名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/10(月) 05:28:36
I have a question about English pronunciation.
When you say "with some books", do you pronounce the "th" sound
clearly? Do you think it's ok to use the "Z" sound instead
when you speak naturally?
So it's like "wiz some books". I'd appreciate it if you gave me
good advice.
367ギリシャ人:2008/03/10(月) 05:58:12

It is understandable, but the pronounciation is 'wiv' though, at least 99%
of the time.
368イギリス人:2008/03/10(月) 06:15:51
You sound much more educated if you do pronounce the 'th', and much
more understandable. If you want to sound like a London street urchin,
you can say "wiv", though. At least up here, it's mainly chavs who say
"wiv". If you run words together (such as making the end of a word sound
a bit like the beginning of the next word), you're probably either speaking
too fast, or being lazy about the pronunciation.
369名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/10(月) 07:10:09
If you were Kira, you'd put all chav names on the Death Note, huh?
370イギリス人:2008/03/10(月) 07:21:58
If I knew what a death note was, then sure. Anything to do with dead
chavs can't be bad.
371363:2008/03/10(月) 07:48:53
My English is too lousy to understand?
372名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/10(月) 07:54:35
It's nonsense to ask such a question here,
We know how the English language works grammatically, based on text books etc.,
but nobody here can actually speak English.
All we are doing here is just pretending to be able to speak English and, perhaps, wanking.
373名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/10(月) 07:57:18
Do U wanna piss inside my ass?
374名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/10(月) 08:09:44
Exactly, just as you did but your cum load stinks!
375イギリス人:2008/03/10(月) 08:10:49
Sorry, it's just a bit hard to follow the question.

If you converted "You should die" from direct narrative to indirect
narrative, then I would assume (if the "you" is the reader), it would
be "you should die", but without direct quotation.

"You should die", he told him. - Direct narrative (Addressee is third person)
He told him he should die. - Indirect narrative (Addressee is third person)

"You should die", he told me. - Direct narrative (Addressee is first person)
He told me I should die. - Indirect narrative (Addressee is first person)

If this is what you're thinking is wrong, it looks perfectly fine to
376名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/10(月) 08:38:28
I wonder how he inveigled that innocent gentleman
into his apartment...
377イギリス人:2008/03/10(月) 08:56:48
Either with perspicacity and acuity, or with chicanery and monkeyshines.
378名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/10(月) 09:05:40
I'm wondering if you would mind fucking my anus, please?
379名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/10(月) 09:11:46
You must be more polite, gentleman.

I am wondering if you would mind inserting your penis hard into my anus, please?
380名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/10(月) 11:12:25
I wrote something last night to >>287.
About Miyadai's attitude for the world.
Also the difference between left wing and communists in Japan.

But it was too long to be called chat thing. ^^;
Then I posted them in other thread not to interrupt the chat here.

All I can say now is that if you found the tempest in your tea cup,
then you would get the Nobel prize and Academy award of SFX at the same time!
lol lol lol
Newton Sir Isaac had found universal gravitation from falling apples, you know.

If you have interests in my post, then check it up please.
381Randugulf:2008/03/10(月) 11:31:43
So i went and looked up what a death note was thinking it was some new weapon i
could use to rain hell upon my enemies.

I was sorely disappointed.
382名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/10(月) 11:37:51
Geniuses are not so rare. Everywhere they are. Even in our children.
But they are hardly found and appreciated.

About changing world. It's taking place every second,
no matter why you deny it..

Do you know what happened now at Lake Chad?
383名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/10(月) 11:39:51
wow google seems to stop working...

anybody noticed this?
384名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/10(月) 11:43:31
X Do you know what happened now at Lake Chad?
O Do you know what happen now at Lake Chad?

Or my problem (JP proxy problem)?
385名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/10(月) 11:58:47
Don't correct other people if you don't know English yourself.
386名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/10(月) 12:04:33
Thank you!

It is really tough for me to make and/or put together the "th" and "s" sounds.
You need to put your tongue in between your teeth to make the "th" sound and
then pull your tongue back to make the S sound, don't you?
My tongue will be twisted that way! lol
387名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/10(月) 12:31:23
I'm just correcting myself. :)

And google is now working...
Really nobody noticed?

Then my provider might have had some problems..
388387:2008/03/10(月) 12:32:15
X >>384
O >>385
389287:2008/03/10(月) 12:49:26

wowwow!Thank you so much!

That was impressive!!!
I can see how you see him and your way of understanding his theory.
I often see Miyadai bashing everywhere. He is kind of the guy who
creates the controversies. People just can’t ignore the person
like him Why? if one doesn’t like him, the one can ignore him completely
and the person like Miyadai would get no places to give a bark and eventually
dies. But always, somebody make a big fuss over his theory,
thus he still caught attentions. Reason why Miyadai gets so many opponents is because;

390287:2008/03/10(月) 12:51:55

1) he is not a person of integrity like Oh Sadaharu lol
2) his theory is always extreme
3) narcissist
4) his hypothesis is based on his inferiority complex
5) おぼっちゃん
6) he often reel people who suffered from depression while he, himself is even 躁病 
(the opposite state from depression). you know that's really inresponsible.
it'S like he sets a fire to millions of 鬱 people, and he goes away for resort to Hawaii.
391287:2008/03/10(月) 12:54:58
I see many key words of him, まったり(being quiet? no emotion?), 終わりなき日常(live an endless life).
I remember he said “those who have load of toils? from the beginning of their
lives such as poor, his mother died, handicapped etc, are lucky. Because they
have means to live. Meanwhile most of us are born in too carefree abandon environment.
That’s why it’s hard to live. We feel empty all the time so to survive this boring days,
we should create something by ourselves, as you mentioned 強度。But it is very
inresponsible to innocent youngsters..
392287:2008/03/10(月) 12:56:37
I would say if we’d listen to his hypothesis seriously,
we'd end up killing ourselves or in order to find the self-fullfilment,
we should go “prostitution” (which is to represent the word, 強度) 
as some biologist used to say, that we have fate from the beginning
that we all own genes that manipulate our pathes. so everythings is already set.
(sorry this is another story, but again it seems like a hopeless hypothesis in
life). Anyway, what I said his ideas are some theory to reform the school system.
Of course it is based on this “mattari” hypothesis but I actually agreed with his ideas.

393287:2008/03/10(月) 12:58:14
I still like him a lot. He is not the god but he is more like
an extreme OTAKU boy who used to be a もてないsuper nerd..
Later succeeded to become a playboy thru many media, machines such as computer,
テレクラ、and by using smooth tongue, some ideas to make people surprise.

Conclusion; we should not listen to Miyadai seriously but he is fun.
Let’s just don’t stay too close to him but let him give freedom to say what
he wants.
So that sometimes he would save some いじめられっこlike me.
394287:2008/03/10(月) 13:00:17
but いじめられっこlike me should be smarter than him.
that's the key point. otherwise we all would suffer
more depression than before knowing him. lol

Forgive me for writing such a long text. (>389 to >394)
395名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/10(月) 13:03:18
Why don't you argue with him there, as he suggested?
Not that I'm trying to kick you guys out or anything though. Just respecting his courtesy.
396287:2008/03/10(月) 13:18:46
oh ok then later.
I don't have enough logc armed right now.
I even forgot what i've read from Miyadai long time ago.
so I have to go thru over his books again. I'll be back.
397名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/10(月) 13:31:55

287 should read others posts more carefully.
Nobody ask you neither to read Miyadai's books
nor arm yourself with broken logic nor to be back...

Do you think you really need to do it in English?
398名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/10(月) 13:44:37
I have a feeling that you would be one of the very first people to be written in the note anyway.
Don't get me wrong, this is a compliment.
399名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/10(月) 14:13:23
Yukorin probably loves to smell Hamaguche's fart.
400Randugulf:2008/03/10(月) 15:32:05
Haha aint that the truth. Ah well, i would probably end up being brought back as
some unholy monstrosity anyways.

After all when you make a 1000 year contract with the elder gods for untold power,
they don't let a little thing like death get in the way of your duty.
401287:2008/03/10(月) 17:08:51
(=_=)well probably I didn't read your post
carefully but it's not that bad to be called
awful or something. anyway, I won't talk about it anymore.
it's just not fun for other people.
402287:2008/03/10(月) 17:15:03
but to write anything you want make your
English improve. so for the purpose of my
writing skill, I wrote that broken logic.
it's not even a logic though. if you don't like
it, just ignore. thanks
403名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/10(月) 17:19:44
_,,....,,_  _人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人_ 
-''":::::::::::::`''>   Please relax here.!!!    < 
ヽ::::::::::::::::::::: ̄^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^ ̄ 
 |::::::;ノ´ ̄\:::::::::::\_,. -‐ァ     __   _____   ______ 
 |::::ノ   ヽ、ヽr-r'"´  (.__    ,´ _,, '-´ ̄ ̄`-ゝ 、_ イ、 
_,.!イ_  _,.ヘーァ'二ハ二ヽ、へ,_7   'r ´          ヽ、ン、 
::::::rー''7コ-‐'"´    ;  ', `ヽ/`7 ,'==─-      -─==', i 
r-'ァ'"´/  /! ハ  ハ  !  iヾ_ノ i イ iゝ、イ人レ/_ルヽイ i | 
!イ´ ,' | /__,.!/ V 、!__ハ  ,' ,ゝ レリイi (ヒ_]     ヒ_ン ).| .|、i .|| 
`!  !/レi' (ヒ_]     ヒ_ン レ'i ノ   !Y!""  ,___,   "" 「 !ノ i | 
,'  ノ   !'"    ,___,  "' i .レ'    L.',.   ヽ _ン    L」 ノ| .| 
 (  ,ハ    ヽ _ン   人!      | ||ヽ、       ,イ| ||イ| / 
,.ヘ,)、  )>,、 _____, ,.イ  ハ    レ ル` ー--─ ´ルレ レ´ 

Does it have some incongruity just for me?
404名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/10(月) 17:28:47
yukolin and hamaguchi live together?
their parents approved it, right?
405名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/10(月) 17:30:20
Oh well, I guess I'm going to get kicked out of the university...
I have no will to fight for my position anymore.
If it end up in a huge crack between me and my parents, so that I have to
leave my home (it's unlikely, because my parents are so good,
but I fail their expectations again and again! orz)... In this case
I'll just enter the army service. It's much better than being a
homeless anyway...
406名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/10(月) 17:32:12
I don't think that the logical sequence of yours is incoherent.
Those who censure you for your alleged logical flaw just can't
recognize the things for what they are.
Please be reassured; sanity is not statistical.
407名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/10(月) 17:44:57
you have another crack and mushroom. lol

joke is aside, first of all, you should talk to your parents
and apologize. or write a long aplogy letter.
408名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/10(月) 18:03:14
I live with my parents. Of course, they know about that. But I can't stand that
I'm making them sad.

In school I was top of class, though I never put enough effort and concentration
to my studies to get the best grades... In university this became much worse.
Being such a shy young man I have a trouble with talking to my lecturers,
dean and others about my poor situation... Some students can blatantly lie
or argue with them to prove their point and they succeed! I just nod in reply
and say something like: "I understand... I understand... Sorry...", so
almost any conversation leaves me somewhat depressed, because I don't
want to talk to them again, but I have to.

Eh, where one can buy STOP-BEING-A-FAILURE pills?
409名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/10(月) 18:11:00
I don't exactly get the whole picture of your
situation, but please try to do it with a fair rule.
if you show your sincerity, people including your parents
would understand.
410名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/10(月) 18:58:50
Hamaguchi is pretty ugly guy.
somebody can't take it?
411名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/10(月) 20:55:03
die die die die jew boy!
412名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/10(月) 20:59:57
Bill white's site overthrow is back today!
Bill white, commander of American National Socialist
Workers Party, the most active and effective nazi organization
in america today!
413名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/10(月) 21:01:04
Bill white's site overthrow is back today!
Bill white, commander of American National Socialist
Workers Party, the most active and effective nazi organization
in america today!
414名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/10(月) 21:11:24
The National Socialist Movement is the past. Jeff Schoep is the past.
And The American National Socialist Movement is the future!
415380:2008/03/10(月) 21:36:16
Get kicked out of the university?...
What problems on the earth you made?....

Anyway, you should read others carefully first as >>397 said.
Try to make your compositions as compact as possible.
(You did it in >>401-402)
I always write once in text editor and improve them before my posting.

Probably you'd better go to sociology board to find your buddies to talk about it in Japanese,
and use this thread for having some relaxed chats.
It goes off if everybody started spaming they want and ignore each other. You understand?
I'm talking about sociology mostly for those who don't konw it.
In fact, I have no particular interests in Miyadai. Almost no ideas,
but I had to correct your posts becoz it might make those misunderstood the whole sociology.

I do never hate long posts or general talking about anything,
but you must give priority first to others here.
416名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/10(月) 21:47:23
X It goes off if everybody started spaming they want and ignore each other.
O It goes off if everybody started spaming they wanted and ignored each other.

You never seem to correct yourself.
Probably you don't read what you post all over again.
Then you can't expect furter improvement however.
417名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/10(月) 21:51:12
Or maybe "It would go off" is much better in this case?
418名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/10(月) 22:08:52
hahahaha i love you
419名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/10(月) 22:30:55
anyway apologies are the first priority.
420名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/10(月) 22:46:30
Apologies for his parents you mean?
It should be.

But I'll strongly recommend him staying home.
Don't be alone even if he is in a difficult position now.
421名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/10(月) 22:51:10
? Does not be alone ?

Can I make myself understood?
422名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/10(月) 23:35:45
so gone back home.
423名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/10(月) 23:36:43
but at least he seems to apologize his parents.
that's good news.
424名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/10(月) 23:59:09
Yukorin's said her fart smelt like vanilla.
Then what about her poop? Does it smell like chocolate?
425名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/11(火) 00:11:29
Yes, her poop must be chocolate-scented. Brown Colour Poop!!
426名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/11(火) 00:22:00
Your day neither ends nor begins without listening to his music.
427名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/11(火) 00:41:41
You dude know this girl?
She is a promotion charactor of correspondence educational company
called はてなようせい Hatena Yousei, a fairy of questions.

Now she seems to be hot not only among the primary students but in 2ch geeks too.
428名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/11(火) 01:05:18
saaberu taigaa waarudo izu sekusii huoo miii
429名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/11(火) 01:08:08
arigato gozaimasu イギリス人さん

"You should die", he told him. - Direct narrative (Addressee is third person)
He told him he should die. - Indirect narrative (Addressee is third person)

"You should die", he told me. - Direct narrative (Addressee is first person)
He told me I should die. - Indirect narrative (Addressee is first person)

I seem to have completely misunderstood.
Prououn seems to be determind from the wirter's standpoint.
I was just confused. I don't always make mistakes based on
the my false assumption that pronous is determined from the
reader's standpoint.
430名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/11(火) 01:12:41
Indirect narration is based on Addressee's objective relationship with
431名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/11(火) 01:35:08
Please tell me whose fart and poop is the most aromatic in this world?
432名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/11(火) 01:46:17
Or rather objective relation betwee writer and bddressee from the
their person standpoint?
433名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/11(火) 01:47:15
may be ood. Forget it.
434名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/11(火) 01:54:05
vegetarian farts must smell organic. good for your health too.
435名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/11(火) 06:12:34
vegetarian's farts.... too effective... more than some cloves of garlic...
436名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/11(火) 07:26:39
what the hell
you are testing huh...
437名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/11(火) 08:14:07
I love はてなようせい too!
438名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/11(火) 08:41:14
I am an international student attending at community college.
It's really hard to live in CA without car, cell phone, and PC...
And homestay really makes me mentally tired.
I want to move to an apartment, but since I made 3 months contract
with homestay company, I have to live in the current host's home
at least 3 months.

I have to take 2 buses to go back host's home from community college.
And since I registered some evening and night classes,
I won't be able to catch the last bus.
About this issue, my host mother said
"You have to change classes so that you can go back home by bus."
but I think it's unreasonable to take classes what I don't want to take
because of transportation problem.
What do you think about this?
439名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/11(火) 08:48:50
Three days before, a friend asked a question.
He said“Which is good ,two million yen or two million yens?”

I told him it is not bad thing whether there is s or there is not s.
440名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/11(火) 08:49:45
hmm... how about changing host mother?

Maybe host fater is pleased too!
441名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/11(火) 08:52:29
too bad...
the only solution is to cause some trouble in you host's place, so that
they will terminate the contract and kick you out. of course, you have
to find a new accommodation secretly before doing this. and get
somewhere closer to your college. good luck
442名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/11(火) 08:54:40
Get a bike.
443スウェーデン人:2008/03/11(火) 09:02:40
No, I dude did not know that girl.

It's strange to me that the first "related video" would be a short
looping clip set to some really bad Swedish "hits for kids" type music.
Not to mention that the song would show up on other related videos too.

Now I'll have to listen to SID music for a while just to flush that out
of my system...
444名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/11(火) 09:04:16
Ask the best looking opposite sex in the class for a date everyweek.
445スウェーデン人:2008/03/11(火) 09:07:29
I don't think you can expect the host family to solve your transportation
problems. Of course, you could offer to cover the costs and see what they
If you can't work something out, it looks like you have to drop the late
classes. It sucks, but what else can you do?
446名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/11(火) 09:16:37
find other transportations. if there is only bus,
try to find somebody who goes to school by a car
and ask the person to get a ride on his car. is
it hard?
447439:2008/03/11(火) 09:20:25
I suffer from my answer.
Please answer my question!!
Is my answer right??
448名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/11(火) 09:20:39
Get a segway.
449名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/11(火) 09:20:48
just ask the person with a polite manner.
made a very low and obsequious bow and say I am sorry but
can I ask you? like this. lol
450名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/11(火) 09:25:35
that means you promised to your school friend
that you'll be back to his apartment
in 3 months? wtf. you are always lying to your host mother.
you just behave more natural to her and say the truth
she would be nicer if you'd say your trouble honest with a respectful manner.
451イギリス人:2008/03/11(火) 09:26:44
When talking about your currency in English, we use 'yen' in both
singular and plural. One yen, one hundred yen.
452名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/11(火) 09:40:53
Ask mates and professor to let you attend the class through a web cam.
453名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/11(火) 09:57:43
Prostitution link tarnishes N.Y. Gov. Spitzer's 'Mr. Clean' image
454名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/11(火) 10:00:30
OK. I read >>440-452.
This is my last advice for >>438.

In every meanings, dogs sled is most stable and ecological.
455439:2008/03/11(火) 10:15:33
Thank you very much.
Your advice is very nice.

You are right.
Oh, I'm sorry...
456名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/11(火) 10:33:41
don't play the game too much.
just stay in the stable dog's sled even it is
too boring to ride lol
457名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/11(火) 10:54:37
Get a De Lorean, skate and plutonium.
458名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/11(火) 11:04:45
stable sounds so boring lol
I never ever want to stay in a stable place. lol
459名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/11(火) 11:11:23
dogs sled is not that boring. good transportation for the perverts!lol
460名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/11(火) 11:43:28
whatever these psychotic otakus do and write are dead boring.
they like routines and do the same things over and over.
461438:2008/03/11(火) 11:56:51
Thank you for your advice.

The homestay company says,
"We require students to make a time commitment to our program
according to the schools and areas where they will live.
In most cases, a three-month commitment is required.
Exceptions are made for schools that have programs with shorterterms.
Once we accept a student’s application,
the student is required to stay for the entire time period.

Does this mean I can't move out of current host's home within 3 months?
Or, does this mean even if I moved out of current home this month,
I have to pay for the rest 2 months?

The bus system here is really disgusting so I strongly want to
move to a house or apartment which is located near my college.
I am really afraid to tell my host mother about the fact that
I want to move out, because I have 3 months commitment...
If I tell her about it today, maybe I would be bullied by her
until I move out.
I want to die...
462スウェーデン人:2008/03/11(火) 12:12:10
As I read it, your agreement is with the homestay company, and not with
the individual family. ("commitment to our program" is all it says)

You should be able to at least ask the company for advice without
hurting any feelings. And even asking for better acommodation should
not be a problem, I think. You don't have to tell your host family
yet, of course.
463438:2008/03/11(火) 12:21:40
Thank you for your advice.
I'll contact the homestay company first.

I have to go back home now.
I'll come back tomorrow morning.
It's 8:20PM here in CA.
464名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/11(火) 12:32:52
I agree with you. dogs's sled is the best for a
snail like you. lol
465名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/11(火) 12:34:04
just apologize and everything goes smooth. good luck.
466名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/11(火) 12:45:03
probably he has too high pride and doesn't want to aplogize the host mother
in front of many people.
for Japanse, saying "gomennasai" and bow down is just a piece of cake though.
467名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/11(火) 13:00:30
Let's have a kick out of this song and get motivated!
468名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/11(火) 13:05:06
no more. it's limit to her patience.
just apologize within today. there is no tomorrow.
469名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/11(火) 17:30:14
nanako sos! nanako sos!
470名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/11(火) 20:07:01
fuck nanako sos! fuck nanako soso!
471名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/11(火) 20:58:33
now i want Noriaki to fight with Nanako Sos or Yoko Oshita.
472MF:2008/03/11(火) 21:01:02
>>470 Fuck Nanako, fuck you, go fuck your mother and your father.
473MF:2008/03/11(火) 21:02:48
Oh, and don't forget to fuck your sister.
474名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/11(火) 21:08:11
Noriaki is not fuckable.
475名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/11(火) 21:12:44
just apologize now. you have only 3 hours left.
476名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/11(火) 21:13:53
what do fuckable mean?
477本玉儿:2008/03/11(火) 22:11:08
Why is your penis by rubbing it ?
If your penis were not tense , you would pick off your penis because of too much a passion .
Your penis will be strong and firm with a surge of libido so that there is not such a thing !
478名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/11(火) 22:19:19
よつてウカーリRussellタソのThe Conquest of Happiness(邦訳題「幸福論」)

 12番(Chap.14 "Work")
及14番(Chap.10 "Is Happiness Still Possible?")
及31番(Chap.4 "Boredom and Excitement")



479名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/11(火) 22:26:01
Die you cunt.
480名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/11(火) 23:08:24
this thread will die in a day or two.
481名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/11(火) 23:14:08
or even faster you may.
482名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/11(火) 23:16:18
are you a big fan of Ohe Kenzaburo?
483名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/11(火) 23:32:12
Now I'm reading Wataya Risa.
484名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/11(火) 23:37:16
you are out of date.
now is the time for Yamazaki Naokora or Kawakami Mieko.
Unfortunately Yamazaki Naokora missed to get the Akutagawa
award by her splendid work, カツラ美容室別室.
485名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/11(火) 23:37:23
i'm reading the bible.
486名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/11(火) 23:46:24
are you man?
487名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/11(火) 23:47:10
are you chicken?
488名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/11(火) 23:51:16
Overthrow is finally back!
Everybody, be delighted!
I almost burst out almot crying.
Is this the late chrismas or valentine present from Mr.Bill white?
489名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/11(火) 23:51:23
you are a glider not an airplane
490名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/11(火) 23:56:38
yes. both can fly but glider cannot fly by it own strength.
glider human sucks
491名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/11(火) 23:58:53
ckickens go to hell
492名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 00:00:13
time is up bye
493名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 00:03:54
I just love searching out of date cheap writers in BOOK OFF.
If she was still widely noticed, then I'd never thought of reading them.

Also I'm now trying Fukui Harutoshi.
I bought 2 paperbacks each of them. It costed me 200yen.
494名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 00:05:06
But main question is between European and African swallow bird,
which has bigger velocity?
495名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 00:12:00
Why do you keep on ignoring the split crotch that you have been desperately
You insult real mentally ill people like Ed Gayne and Jeffrey
Dahmer! I resent normal people like you pretending to be like
queer just to make you look "special"!
You don't know the pain of mentally ill people. They would rather
have lived a normal life. But couldn't!
496名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 00:13:18
497名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 00:13:31
498名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 00:13:32
And I'm now wondering if it is high time for my reading Miyabe Miyuki's works.
499名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 00:14:19
That's it?
That's the evidence??
500名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 00:15:59
Your way stupider than anybody anywhere
your beyond help at this point
501名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 00:16:30
Are you real life serial killer??
502名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 00:18:05
No I am a virtual world serial killer.
503名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 00:19:13
Which do you support, Obama or Hillary?
504名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 00:21:15
505名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 00:23:09
Ahhh... I may make some people here misunderstand.

I'm reading Wataya, Fukui, and thinking of Miyabe.
But I'm not 木王ル.

I'm just talking about my book taste not relating to the >>482's questions.
Settle yourself down pls.
506名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 00:24:38
No I don't. And I'm not a prospect serial killer. I hope.
And I have not posted grotesque stories like 本玉乙.
I don't idolize their acts. I pity or abhor them.

and as for Ed, Ed Gein is correct.
507506:2008/03/12(水) 00:26:11
oohh. ×>>495 ○>>501
508名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 00:27:30
Tell me about your fart.
I think yours smell horrible as hell.

But you know what? Yukorin's fart smells fantastic as heaven.
Everyone wants to smell it!
509名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 00:28:42
Perhaps 本玉儿 is real life serial killer. But lonely pervert
is much more likely.
510名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 00:32:44
So any other second_hand_book_lover here?

Is it good topic for the time being?
511名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 00:34:12
Sounds like yo'll are thirsty for da real music.
You gotta check this out.
512名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 00:35:48
X any other second_hand_book_lover
O any other second_hand_book_lovers


I love second hand book because I don't get used to libraries somehow.
513イギリス人:2008/03/12(水) 00:36:36
I like second hand books as long as the pages are not stained yellow
with nicotine, and the spine is not bent. It's nice not to have to
spend £7.99 (1,650 yen) on a new book, sometimes.
514名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 00:37:34
Who do you support, McCauin or Obama?
515名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 00:38:05
516名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 00:39:15
I think I'm suporting Yukorin.
If she becomes a president, the world will be a wonderful place to live.
517名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 00:41:12
Good Morning Sir.England!
Do you have some novels recently?

Let me know your taste. I don't mind if the writers are English people or not.
518名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 00:41:18
I support the nigger.
A nigger has a huge smelly cock.
519名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 00:43:26
For those who don't think >>511 is enough to quench your thirst,
this is what you need.
520名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 00:43:33
Maybe NASA starts the serious researches into The Korin Planet...
521名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 00:44:05
Watched Monster dick videos?
522名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 00:45:17
I went to a convinience store near my apartment.
I saw a white man(probably american?) on the other side of rack.

He was probably 5 centimeters taller than me. He was average
looking. So he was not イギリス人.
That's all.
523名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 00:45:24
Today I lifted a heavy object and now my arms are stiff.
What should I do to alliviate this stiffness?
Please, tell me.
524名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 00:46:55
I reccomend aromatherapy.
Vanilla scent might be a good choice.
525名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 00:48:08
What the fuck?
Aroma my ass!! Fuckhead!!
526名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 00:49:17
didn't your doc tell you to quit that crack that makes you think everything you hear is fake?
527名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 00:49:34
What's the weirdest place youve ever had a fuck in?
528名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 00:50:09
in your head
529名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 00:50:52
Yukorin's fart smells like vanilla!!!!!!!
You should smell it in order to alleviate your stiff neck!
530名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 00:52:09
Smells like vanilla?
I've never smelt vanilla before.
What kind a smell is that?
What's the closest thing that smells like vanilla?
531名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 00:52:58
self-correction >>493
X If she was still widely noticed, then I'd never thought of reading them.
O If she was still widely noticed, then I would never think of reading them.

My English never seems to be improved...
I may boy some English study book next time..
532名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 00:53:52
I'm reading The Audacity of Hope by Barak Obama.
It's seriously boring. I woudn't recommend it to anyone.
533名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 00:54:54
I think this one is more "real"
close to the life-size of noriaki.

Don't accept his lyrics at face value. his
lyrics like uncontrollable chav or an idol of class is infatuated
with noriaki's flow..
It's fake. But real. Noriaki's real shouts from inferiority complex!

534名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 00:56:12
I don't like all of second hand things ranging from clothes, book, car
to a potential girlfriend. In reality when I buy a book in English, I sometimes buy
a second hand though just because it's inexpensive. Sometimes a second hand
book smells bad maybe becuase of dust or mold. But I was patient enough to
read it through. Can't complain.

As for second hand clothes, I don't want to wear those clothes whose
previous owners are unknown to me. I feel their lives and histories
was seeped in the clothes so I really hate it. Like if the previous owner
had bad luck, then I think it can be contagious to me.

Books are ok because those are things just to hold in your hand but
in case of clothes you are wrapped in them. Can't stand it.
As for potential girlfriend I just want to avoid a woman whose pus*y
was rubbed again and again by unknow men, if you know what I mean.
535名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 00:56:18
What do you mean by "next time"?
Is that the next time you come here?
Or the next time you comment something?
536名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 00:58:39
Next time.

Yukorin is a popular celeb in Japan. Who's gonna be a big celeb next time?
The answer is, Suzannu!!!

The problem is, we still don't know how aromatic her fart is.
537名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 01:01:16
X I may boy some English study book next time
O I may buy some English study book next time

Next time I go to the BOOK OFF, I mean.
538名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 01:01:16
I feel their lives and histories
was seeped in the clothes so I really hate it.

Are you gibo aiko? lol
aside from it, your english is very good..
539名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 01:03:48
Talking about close to the life-size, in these two videos, you
can see more private side of him.
540名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 01:07:13
Maybe that person is loving Matuken and also his favorite Sokagakkai.

Virginity is just an idea inveted by social virtues.
541名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 01:13:45
You must be Japanese. If not, it's impossible to know about Gibo Aiko.

Matsuken and sokagakkai? What do they have anything to do with my post?
I love virgin women but let me tell you first that I'm not pedophile.
I love grown-up virgines.
542名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 01:14:39
hay! Why do you avoid commenting on nanako's lookings and motions?

I'll tell you the truth.
Nanako must have taken you by surprise! Nanako took
your breath away! Your heart ached and never stops.
She stole your heart. You are thinking about her all day long!
She preoccupy you. You get a lump in your throat..
You want to touch her. But can't. Because you want to
keep her pure and innocent. You just keep watching her
from distance.

That's like a first love. You are born again. Congratulations!
We can live a life again and again thanks to nanako!
543名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 01:17:32
Way too many crackheads tonight..
544名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 01:17:33
OK. I understand.

You mean you love the grown-up virgines like Yoko Oshita.
You turned out to be 木玉ノレ.
545イギリス人:2008/03/12(水) 01:21:04
Good morning (or good afternoon, by my time)!
Hmm... the three most recent novels I've read were...

Collected Short Stories, by Anton Chekhov
The Brothers Karamazov, by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
The Count of Monte Cristo, by Alexander Dumas

Just got my hands on 'The Time Machine' and 'Island of Dr. Moreau',
by H.G. Wells, so will probably start one of those quite soon. Seen
so many movie versions of Time Machine, but have never actually read
the book.

How about you? And are there any books which you would recommend?
546名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 01:21:10
Crackhead implies she or she is addicted to crack cocaine?
Like negro crackhead.
You must be american, aren't you?
547名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 01:26:16
And are there any books which you would recommend?

This sentence will be corrected by japanese english teacher.

It's my assumption. any is a picked up lump from a group and not
necessarily just one.
right? Any questions include a question or several questions.
548名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 01:30:19
Why Yoko Oshita?
There are more attractive female narrator/TV announcer on TV.
I love Mao KObayashi.
She was virgine at that time so probably she is still virgine.
549名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 01:33:08
You finished Karamazov?

And Wells. You loved classics not only of music but of novels too.

I don't read enough English novels,
but I heard you are woking on the web site and making malware or something. XD.
So that makes me think of "Neuromancer" or "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?"..

or Jules Verne's ones. XD
550名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 01:36:23
I don't like buck theeth, ugly, noisy kansai jinn.

anyway, cute girl confession of verginity won't hurt her
image, rather highten her image.
Ugly girl's connfession? I don't wanna hear!
Maybe mao will marry the first man!

551名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 01:37:11
H.G. Wells was a commie and scottish.
552名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 01:39:18
Are you girl? Girls seem to prefer emoticons like XD.
By any chance Are you k-tan or keira?
stay anonymous if you like.
553名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 01:39:50
X You loved classics
O You much love classics

I used to love the B class SF movies and their originals..
Strange Days or Johnny the memonic..
I remember Peter Gabriel was singing the theme of Strange Days..
Now I feel as if that was yesterday.
554名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 01:41:24
He is busy making malwares and viruses.
His current project is to spread a totally new type of virus on April 1st.
Yeah, April Fool's day.

He is thinking of compelling and irrisistable title of e-mail to which the
virus will be attached. The title has to have something to do with
April Fool's Day.
555名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 01:43:52
Girls read neither much Dostoyevsky's nor Wells's.
And don't watch the B class SF movies, I guess.
556名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 01:56:06
"Neuromancer" or "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?"..

Uwahahaha. nostalgic! cyber punk!
Reders of cyber punk used to be high-nosed
and think themselves special! I've read none of them.
But I like cyber punk image of dark, hopless future!
acid rain and skyscrapers lighted by flying cars!
Animation, armored troopers botoms was one of my favorites.
It was heavily influenced by
blad runner(original piece, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep.)

Oshii mamoru must be a follower of blade runner or cyber punk. So he is overpraised
, I think. Pretty old and mannerism approach. too stick to meaningless
footage in detail.

557名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 01:56:09
Maybe I'm the first one to her.
558イギリス人:2008/03/12(水) 02:04:31
Oooh, have yet to read Gibson's 'Neuromancer', but have already read
'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep'. Though he seems to have been
little mentally disturbed, he did write some good books (though I've
only read that, 'A Scanner Darkly' and a couple of his short stories).

Right now, I must go get some things for cooking, so will continue this
later... but still, which novels do you prefer reading? Any favourites?
559名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 02:05:17
560名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 02:06:07
I never heard the name of The Count of Monte Cristo and Alexander Dumas
Then I found its adaptation is much famous in Japan called 巌窟王.

I rather prefer clockwork orange's movie to blade runner.
And "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" is original, you yardtard.
561名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 02:07:28
I want to add that cyber punk is losing to reality..
Perhaps cyber punk is related to music like
kraftwork, which depicts estranged and systematic human relation
under robot power in the near future.

Information technology made people more human.
chatting and laughing and anger, jeoulsy, ridiculing all the same... better or

cyborg technology is another factor. But violent still cool society will be rality?
oshii is so absorbed in dark, silent future.
562名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 02:09:11
Huh? you pointed out the lack of question mark?
I know!
電気羊はアンドロイドの夢を見るか? desyo!?
563名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 02:12:29
OK. I also go reading and have some work.

X Reders
O Readers
564名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 02:19:00
Odyssey 2001 failed to forsee the future.
It's not the main issue though.
Some idiots and stubborns pointed out the face and exulted.

But Odyssey 2001 depicted china as super power who launeced
aerospace ships and built space station.
It's very close. Even clark could not have seen its greediness
565名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 02:20:27
typo. pointed out the fact.
launeced× launched○
566名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 02:26:35
Now I finally understand what you said.
You mean, Botoms is heavily influenced by blade runner,
and the "Androids.." is its original?

I'm confused much because I never thought of relations
between Botoms and Philip K Dick as you did everyday.
You must be too much biased by animations.
567名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 02:27:18
Asimov wrote frendship between robot and human detectives
by The Caves of Steel.
Asimov's approach is different to cyber punk, I think.
He was science person and proferssor unlike oshii and Dick.

I have not read Sf for a long time but have some knowledge about it.
not up-to-date though. I'm arts person(not good at science in another word).
So I should stay away from SF or study elementary math first..
Too much fantasy will destroy me too..
568名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 02:32:59
I'm confused much because I never thought of relations
between Botoms and Philip K Dick as you did everyday.

It's frequently quoted fact, I guess. I'm not mentioning story
line, but world view, acid rain and structures of city and vehecles...
Blade runner is just one of quotations.
569名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 02:36:41
I understand you love animations.
SO pls you understand there is another person here who wanted to talk about second hand books with buddies in this thread.

Good night!
570名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 02:37:03
Sorry, heavily might be exaggeration.. just one of
571名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 02:38:16
Ex-anime geek. Not now.. I'm half way about everything.
572名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 02:39:45

You said you're an artist? Are you Noriaki?
573名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 02:45:02
I mean arts as 文系. not special meaning.
If there is an alternative way to express more correctly,
please tell me.
574 ◆PsikRCoAY. :2008/03/12(水) 02:46:15

575名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 02:48:24
I'm a hard core 2channeler. Is it what I am?
576名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 02:57:40
I see. I have no offensive meaning.
Actually I love animations too. But I'm not addicted, I guess.

Maybe we'll have another chats here about foreign animations here someday..
I love the street fighters in US. www

Goog night, again.
577名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 02:59:27
X we'll have another chats here about foreign animations here someday
O we'll have another chats here about foreign animations someday

hmmm.. too much mistakes..
578名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 03:08:17
No, "anoter chat" is right.

When we talk about animations here,
we should take care of others who don't have much interests in it.
It's my lesson I've just learned a couple of days ago..

Watch はてなようせい you dude. Bye.
579名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 03:47:36
580名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 04:22:03
Come to think of it, writer of GHOST IN THE SHELL is
not oshii. I'll be bashed by oshii's enthusiast!

But oshii joined an event to commemorate phlipp dick and
movies, GHOST IN THE SHELL and うる星やつら beautiful dreamer
seem to be influenced by blade runner.
I'm not really interested in oshii. So I stop right here.
581名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 05:18:42
CHICAGO - At least one in four teenage girls nationwide has a sexually transmitted disease, or more than 3 million teens, according to the first study of its kind in this age group.
582名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 05:36:09
You seem to be only person who is frequently talking about Oshii here.

If you were no more interested in Oshii's works, then you wouldn't have to watch
his former video works like 機動警察パトレイバー, ダロス or 天使のたまご.
His real nature is lying there however.

うる星やつら BD is good.
But IMO, his recent works seem to be just diffusions.
583名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 05:43:20
That is none of my business. I'm a virgin.
584名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 05:46:15
Hello Virgin Dude, again.
585名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 05:50:30
One in four teen girls(Age 14~19) in the U.S. has an STD.
586名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 05:54:12
Good morning. I'm a virgin girl.
587名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 05:59:02
Why could you push the panic button
for the girls whom you've never met before and with almost no possibility to meet them?
588名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 06:04:26
You could pick it up from a toilet seat too...
589540:2008/03/12(水) 06:05:51
Oh that sounds much amusing me.

But virginity is supposed to be much important by the people here than I imagined.
You may better not talk the fact to anyone else.
590名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 06:08:28
STD from toilet seat?

Then 80 old virgin has possibility to catch them...
So poor to say..
591名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 06:10:59
X 80 old virgin
O 80 yo virgin

So what are you doing, american virgin teenager girl?
592名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 06:18:06
Try not to share the vibrator with anyone...
593名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 06:19:17
And tell your room mate not to shit in the bath room.
594名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 06:49:45
595名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 06:55:43
Are you tired? Eat some vegetable soups and take a long bath tonight.
596名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 06:57:57
No thanks.
597名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 07:02:52
Then, a vigorous masturbation session would work for you.
598名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 07:06:34
Oh it's pity.
599名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 07:07:56
Hello 金玉ノレ dude.
600名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 07:09:49
I'm not tired.
601名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 07:10:30
Hey, 無玉ル girl.
602名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 07:12:02
Sounds great.
603名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 07:15:30
604名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 07:16:16
Don't get angry 被玉ノレ. Please forgive me.
605名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 07:18:42
I don't think I will ever forgive you for this one, 虚玉ル.
606名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 07:19:34
Hope it so
607名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 07:21:04
What makes you think so, 潰玉ノレ?
608名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 07:22:19
I love you.
609名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 07:22:44
Because I say so, 臭玉ル.
610名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 07:23:09
I can't love virgin dude... sorry.
611名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 07:25:49
Why you can't love me?
612名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 07:26:19
You said? I heard nothing from you, 腐玉ノレ...
613名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 07:27:33
Please ask it to your parents. They must know the reason.
614名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 07:28:20
You are deaf to love, 汚玉ル.
615名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 07:32:37
Oh I have to call a doctor you mean, 借玉ノレ?
616名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 07:34:43
Do you know that I'm >>586 ?
617名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 07:38:26
Ain't no love doctor, 安玉ル.
618名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 07:39:45
It doesn't matter. No one loves you.
619名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 07:40:55
I neither love nor hate the virginity, dude.
620名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 07:42:27
Tell me the reason.
621本玉儿:2008/03/12(水) 07:42:58
Have you read "The woman-child aretalogy" of the chinese literature ?
As for this story , The 13-younger sister is the chief character .
The 13-younger sister is master of the martial arts that she can beat to 500 enemies .
But she has a weak point and if she was tickled armpits , she would cry "eek! !" and run around .
I like such 13-sister .
622名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 07:44:36
Oh a love nurse is what I prefer. How do you think, 漏玉ノレ?
623名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 07:44:39
Everybody loves you, then.
624名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 07:45:57
I sort of agree, 萎玉ル.
625名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 07:48:13
Oh thank goddes! You mean you forgive me, 滅玉ノレ?
626名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 07:49:42
Everybody loves me. I know.
627名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 07:50:50
That's a totally different issue, 叩玉ル.
628名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 07:53:44
Oh you are so cruel, 減玉ノレ...
629名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 07:56:47
I sincerely apologize you for that one, 怖玉ル.
630名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 07:59:30
apologize? I don't get it.. But I'm pleased to hear that, 刺玉ノレ!
631名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 08:03:51
I think I'll have breakfast. Bye bye, 列玉ル.
632名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 08:05:32
Me too. have a nice day, 割玉ノレ!
633名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 08:06:07
You guys are so funny, 死玉ノレ.
634名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 08:11:02
And you mistook >>618 for me. I'm >>619.

Bye virgin cutie~~
635名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 08:13:12
chicago is full of niggers.
That's all. and niggers don't have a chance to sleep with me
except rape me.
636名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 08:15:17
Oh yeah? Anyway, bye sexy baby!
637名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 08:23:04
I'm gonna kick the crap out of niggers if niggers
approach to raping me!
638名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 09:12:27
At least one in four teenage girls nationwide has a sexually transmitted disease, or more than 3 million teens, according to the first study of its kind in this age group.
A virus that causes cervical cancer is by far the most common sexually transmitted infection in teen girls
aged 14 to 19, while the highest overall prevalence is among black girls — nearly half the blacks studied
had at least one STD. That rate compared with 20 percent among both whites and Mexican-American teens, the study from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found.

Among girls who admitted ever having sex, the rate was 40 percent. While some teens define sex as only
intercourse, other types of intimate behavior including oral sex can spread some infections.

For many, the numbers likely seem "overwhelming because you're talking about nearly half of the sexually
experienced teens at any one time having evidence of an STD," said Dr. Margaret Blythe, an adolescent
medicine specialist at Indiana University School of Medicine and head of the American Academy of
Pediatrics' committee on adolescence

639名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 16:33:37
Tinabon is really cute!!!!!!!!
640本玉儿:2008/03/12(水) 16:49:48
Yoko Osita has ever walked nude in Chicago where was full of niggers .
Naturally , Niggers attacked her all at once , but Yoko Osita fought them while getting a wet in own vagina and repulsed them .
For a while , Yoko Osita cried out , "はひぃ〜、はひぃ〜", while rubbing her soaked vagina ! !
641名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 17:23:38
Come to Japan! Tinabon!!
642名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 17:47:02
And two niggers happen to be noriaki's buddy.
643名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 17:47:45

644名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 18:36:05
645名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 18:37:07
Tinabon>>>>>>>>[unsurmountable wall]>>>>Magibon
646MF:2008/03/12(水) 20:10:30
Tinabon Magibon.... Who are they?
Soapland bitches sucked your little dick?
or bitches dumped your short dick having Jap ass?

647片岡数吉:2008/03/12(水) 20:35:35
Dick has a great dick. Dick likes dicks very much. Dick is really fond of dicks.

Dick's favorite dicks are [ uprising ] large and tight dicks
[ which spring back [ patting the belly with sharp sound ]
[ when let go after lifted forward ] ].
648名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 21:11:42
I want to ask you something, you foreigners.
There are various boards/forums beyond your imagination in 2channel.
As far as I know, you can see amateur girls' nudes in some boards.
They are never forced to show their nudes but they do that with their own

I said amateur girls but maybe some of them work in sex industry but
some are apparently school girls, teenagers. They are all called 女神,
or Goddess, cause for sex hungry boys/men, they are the object
of admiration. Some accept poses the men/boy request, like, " I wanna
see you in an imaginary doggie style" then, the "Godess" accept it
and upload their photos of them in an imaginary doggie style.

Almost all people have a cell phone with a digital camera built in,
and girls/women use their own cell phone to shoot their photos.
Sometimes they shoot a short video with it in which they do a sensual pose
and even they do masterbation like rubbing thier own boobs or spreading
their pussy or using dildos.

I can't help but being dumbfounded by this phenomina in which girls/women
do everything if they are anonymous. While they show their photos and videos,
boys/men keep throwing very nice and flattering words to those girls.
I can understand the girls/women feel like a popular girls or movie stars.
Maye be that's one of the reason some girls do that stuff.

So my question is, is there this type of phenomina overseas in which
completely amateur girls show thier nude to strangers via net ?
I think some of you guys have the impression that Japanese women/girls
are relatively reserved but when under annonymity, they do explicit things
beyond our imagination.
649名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 21:16:14
Do you know in one facility for orphants on an island in English channel used to
be a stage of child abuse? it is transformed into youthe hostel now but it is
said that lots of skuls and bones of aboused kids are still beried in
the premises of the facility. Is it a big news in UK?
I read an article about this news on IHT. (International Herald Tribune)
650イギリス人:2008/03/12(水) 22:10:02
This is very big news here in the UK. Initially, remains of one child
were found by a sniffer dog under a few inches of concrete. Police then
found parts of the cellar were bricked up. After breaking through, they
found a bathtub with bloodstains in it next to some shackles. They still
have more chambers to investigate, though. Some more bone fragments have
been found, but they haven't actually given any more details.
651本玉儿:2008/03/12(水) 22:55:33
Hey Katachyan ! !Who is the woman whom you imagine rubbing your penis ?
If your onapet is Yoko Osita , You have a good judge of women though you are abnormal .
But it is Emi Takeuchi , You have a poor judge of women though you are normal !
You should have eyes watching a woman !
652名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 23:09:30
This thread is completely occupied by some real perverts of the time. LOL
(Sorry for including you, イギリス人)
653本玉儿:2008/03/12(水) 23:21:36
You are one of them too ! !
654名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/12(水) 23:44:50
I think they should investigate throughly.
It's bad and disgusting that this kind of abuse has happened in
history. Always the weak in the society are targets of these type of crimes.
Abuses in Catholic churches by clergies are on the same line.
Criminals in a jail can be victims of this type of crime, too.

I read an article about Japanese jail in which a doctor abuses
inamtes. He conducted unnecessary invastigation into thier anuses.Criminals have to
be given human rights. In the case of the children abused in the facility,
their lives must have been like a hell. It's a really sad story.
655イギリス人:2008/03/13(木) 00:06:11
There's no doubt that the forensics are doing a very careful and in-depth
job. It is sad that things like this have happened. The children who were
housed here were too afraid and humiliated to report this before. Even now
that some of them are in their fifties, they've still lived with their abuse
and not said anything, also afraid that nobody would believe them.

We very rarely hear stories of abuse in prisons here, and the same goes with
the Catholic church (though we're still all aware of stories from the past).
At least things are becoming a lot better than they were in the past, at least
in these cases.
656名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 00:33:23
Tinabon's page (>>639)
657名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 00:56:04
I wonder why people can be so cruel. It's sad.
Maybe, is it orphanage?(sorry I checked the posting again and it was
orphanage) So even If children were killed,
nobody would notice them dead. And caretakers must have taken
advantage of the situation to fill their crooked sexual satisfaction.
Just like pedophile becomes teacher or boy lover becomes pastor..

Nanako Sos will save the world? Rather I would hang myself for her.
But I don't wanna be noticed coz I don't want her to cry.
658名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 01:06:10
serial murder cases and lust murder cases(often with serial murder)
mostly happen in protestant countries.
America and England and Germany are on the top list.
It's not because of religion but because of germanic white blood?
659438:2008/03/13(木) 01:53:08
I cantacted the homestay company,
and it replied, "The only solution is you change classes."

I have some social science credits I acquired at University in Japan,
so the classes I need to take here in this quarter are Math and English classes,
both of which are evening classes.
What should I do??!!!
660名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 01:55:31
I don't know.
661名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 01:58:35
Nobody but you cares about your class arrangement.
Going community college is a loser's choice.
662名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 02:04:08
Don't mention it. And his English is pretty good.
I think he can enter, at least enter prestigious school.
663 ◆g24Dbsaf9o :2008/03/13(木) 02:05:35

664名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 02:11:10
Are you nuts?
Stop whining here. What'S the point of complaining here? Now that
you are living in US, you have to solve all of your problems on your own.
Your attitude is disgusting.
665名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 02:13:31
You are very tough and harsh. Is it an american way?
solve problems or go home or die?
666スウェーデン人:2008/03/13(木) 02:20:49
Tough situation. But it seems like you have done as much as you can
without inconveniencing your host family. I think it is time to ask
them for suggestions.

It makes no sense going abroad, and then *not* taking English classes,
because of a schedule problem. I think you could quite easily
convince them of that, at least.
667名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 02:29:08
Mr.Bill White have it in more detail.
668名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 02:32:25
Suicide is painless.
I've tried it. It was painless.
669名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 02:33:16
I don't buy that. As long as you go to American university or college,
all classes are lectured in English so that makes you improve your English.
English is not something you study but you study in.
670名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 02:36:26
Easiest solution: Get a bicycle.
671名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 02:36:59
I mean, English is not something you study. It's English you study something
672名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 02:38:16
lay railroad from your host family's home to the college.
673名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 02:41:22
What's your college's favorite food?
You put it on the end of a long rope and pull the rope from your hot family's
home. Maybe your college is drawn to your home little by little for its favorite food.
674スウェーデン人:2008/03/13(木) 02:44:31
And I disagree. It helps to have an environment specifically for learning
English, and it really helps having a teacher whom you can ask questions.

It is possible (at least after you know the basics) to learn by doing,
but if you can have both, that's better. IMHO.
675名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 02:51:53
Doraemon could. But.
676名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 03:11:24
Dolf Rangren is a national hero? Rockey4's guy who plays Soviet's
boxer. You are as big as him. I heard Swedish is very tall.
677名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 03:17:31
Sleep depravation is a good way to die.
678名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 03:19:33
That must be a theme of M.A.S.H.
Hey welcome another preacher!

Then listen to their first album.
Little Baby Nothing and Motorcycle Emptiness will rock you! I guess.

I said that already. I mean, a bike is a bicycle.
Or any segways will do.
679名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 03:25:26
K-tan(swedish girl) said before that dolph is not as tall as
his profile. He is around 190p forward?

How can I say 190p台前半 in english?
680名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 03:26:52
Tall but can't beat dutch. Even イギリス人(184p tall) is
less than average of his contemporaries in netherland.
681678:2008/03/13(木) 03:27:19
Ahhh... I totally forgot that "Suicide is painless" is not a song of Manics..
They've just covered it..

And movie itself was not my taste, at least when I saw it in my college youth.
Anyway, >>668 please forget my post >>678.
682438:2008/03/13(木) 03:29:34
Thank you for thinking about my problem.
How can I convince my host mother and the homestay company
without offending them?
Maybe, moving out in this month means I violate the 3 months commitment...
I want to make them think I cannot help but move out before classes start.

I like the life in the U.S. better than that in Japan,
because I have friends and most people are friendly here.
But surrounded by many problems, I began to think
it would be better for me to go back to university in Japan.
I have to decide as soon as possible whether I go back to Japan...
683名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 03:29:40
180cm is the average hight of Dutch men so 184cm is taller than average.
684名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 03:32:09
I have an idea.
Jump off from Golden Gate bridge. Then every problem of yours will be solved.
685スウェーデン人:2008/03/13(木) 03:36:56
Dolph Lundgren? Don't know about "national hero", I don't think the
impression most people have of him is anything special. I guess most
people think he's just this big dumb guy, but he actually has a civil
engineering degree, in chemistry. And apparently he's quite a smart

As for being tall, he's over 190 cm. I'm only around 180 (which is

I've heard that the average in the Netherlands is 184-185. Tallest
population in the world...
686名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 03:38:15
Tell me why you don't get a bike.
687438:2008/03/13(木) 03:43:31
Which bike? Bicycle or mortercycle?
It takes at least 40 minutes to go back home by bicycle.
Isn't it dangerous for women?
688スウェーデン人:2008/03/13(木) 03:45:09
Hmm. What will happen if you move out? Does the homestay company
have the power to do anything to you? I think that if you are paying
them, then you can do whatever you want. Find somewhere else to live.

Don't worry about offending the people at the company. And you should
just have to explain the situation to your host mother, and tell her
it is your only option.

But you should talk to your friends too, first.
689名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 03:55:01
40 minutes!
Are you a sort of Japanese princess?

If you didn't manage to do, just crying that you were bullied by your host mother,
just complaining in 2ch that 40 minutes ride at night time is too heavy and dangerous,
then your further life would go like that from now.

Try someting yourself, unless you get nothing. Get a bike and choose your life.
690名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 03:56:54
Ask your host family how to get a gun as well a bicycle.
They might think about giving you rides then.
691名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 03:59:13
A bike may not be a good choice for a woman.
The vagina can't avoid the inevitable rubbing against the seat, which can cause
irritation or possiblly orgasm.
The former is a serious disease and the latter is dangerous while riding a bicycle.
692名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 04:00:28
X Try someting yourself, unless you get nothing.
O You will get nothing, unless you try someting yourself.

Ooh I gave very good advice but my grammer seems to be so poor...
693名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 04:08:26
A bike is totally out of the question in this case.
RIding a bicycle at night can be very dangerous in the US, where rape and murder are
as common as bowing is in Japan.
694名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 04:12:46
So no womens are rinding bikes at night time in US you said?

Don't stop thinking how to get your ride in safety.
695名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 04:14:07
696名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 04:26:57
X grammer
O grammar

X crying that you were bullied by your host mother,

Cry maybe not used in this way?
I'm not sure.

Do you (or your family) have enough money for this problem, you think?
697名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 04:31:30
Please stop (self) correction.
Nobody here would give a damn about tiny mistakes, typos, and wierd choice of words
as long as we can communicate. So please stop it.
698名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 04:45:00
I see. Then I'll write them in my memo pad.
I'm coming here to improve my English and have some chats.
Some people here seem to hate rude English, so I may be bit nervous.

Still I guess it's very good to learn English for me.

And I ask you too to use anchor(>>) for identifying the person you are talking with.
This is not the thread for solving the CA students' transportation problems, you know.
699名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 04:52:18
US Olympians air a gripe about Beijing

Fearing the pollution, some will train offshore and may wear masks; others talk of skipping all or part of the Summer Games.
700698:2008/03/13(木) 05:00:43
And please don't take it too offencive.
I was joking at first because I would like to make you relaxed somewhat.
(e.g. dong's sled, segway and etc etc..)

If you were so depressed, then you would not hit upon good idea,
or you wouldn't even see what problems were.

You are the only person who knows the answer.
So don't give up thinking on the way.
701名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 05:18:21
lots of reaction videos
so funny!!
i can't stop watching those reaction videos!
702名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 05:22:01
There should be a video of reaction videos to the reactions.
A reaction reaction video.
703名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 05:27:27
Have you guys watched the original? I haven't.
It must be really disgusting.
704438=682:2008/03/13(木) 05:44:34
Could you give me some advice on how to make my host mother think
I cannot but move out before classes start, please?
I am not thinking about having a bicycle.
705名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 05:47:19
I'm still watching these reaction videos!
There are a LOT of them.
On top of that there are LOTS of two girl one finger reactions.
I can't stop. Theyre all funny!
706名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 05:49:56
YouTube's reaction video system donen't seem to be working good now.
Google should modify it for us to find the original source video more easily, I guess.

It may help so much YouTubers including Tinabon and Magibon.
707名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 05:57:24
Kermit's reaction is the best.
708名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 06:11:34
Tell your host mother that you really need to take that class because it'd be
a waste of a lot money otherwise, and you're willing to pay for the gas and such,
say 40$ or so a month, if she can pick you up. After all, if you move out, they
won't get paid. If she says no, then tell her you have to move out.
709名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 06:25:19
Is this it?

I wached rowlf's one too. XD
710438=682:2008/03/13(木) 06:28:56
My host mother is working so she won't be able to drive me home.
Since I made a 3-month commitment with the company,
even if I move out in this month,
my host mother will tell me that I have to pay for the rest 2-month...
It's awful...
When I applied for the homestay program, I told the company
that I wanted to stay in a house which is located near college and
from which I can commute to college in a short time.
If they could not find such houses,
they sould have told me so!
711名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 06:39:21
Then you should only tell that to them (Company that you made a contract with).
2ch people are totally useless for your college programs and transportation.

Any consulting counters for foreign students in your college?
712名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 06:39:24
I don't think you have to pay them at all if you move out.
And homestay companies usually have something like a home change
option in case some problem happens. Tell them their coordination for
your host family didn't work, so they have to rearrange it. If they say no,
just fuck them and find a roommate or sublet room.
713名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 06:53:10
If you were still serious,
then stop chatting here right now and go to other board
to find the infomation in Japanese.

It would be better for you.
714438=682:2008/03/13(木) 06:53:56
That's good idea.
I will go to International Student Office in my college
and tell them about this issue tomorrow...
The company said "There are no host families available
where you can take the bus for evening classes."

The following is what I want to say to the homestay company:
When I applied for your program, I told you
that I wanted to stay in a house which is located near college and
from which I can commute to college in a short time.
If you could not find such houses, you sould have told me so.
If I can't move out in this month, I will sue you.

I don't know what "3-month commitment" means...
715438=682:2008/03/13(木) 06:59:39
I am now looking for an apartment, of course secretly,
and I already found some good sharerooms online,
so I want to visit them.
But I can't do that until the host company says
I can move out in this month
without paying for the rest 2-month.
716名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 06:59:51
>If I can't move out in this month, I will sue you.

USA is already having effect on you!
717名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 07:05:20
Of course Yoko Oshita will sue the 金玉ノレ in the US soon!
718名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 07:05:29
Just tell them that since they didn't redeem the contract, you will not either.
I hope you can find a room. Good luck.
719ギリシャ人:2008/03/13(木) 07:41:31
Hi 2ch, I have been watching the television show 'My Boss, My Hero', it is
very funny.
720名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 08:13:18
Please let me say something to >>635-637 before my leaving.

Somebody asks me to stop self-correcting so now I can't.
If you find something wrong with my compositions,
then tell me anything for my improvements.
I don't mind if the corrector is a native English speaker or not.

I know some non-native speakers here are using good English.
Even if you (I mean Japanese) were not good at using it, you might be good at correcting others.

And when you don't like the long posts, pls go through me.
721名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 08:15:47
If you happened to be there, (it doesn't matter he is a nigger or not,)
then you should escape at first to safe spaces in good light and crowded.
When it's difficult, scream "Help!" as loud and many times as you can
so that people around there will be noticed.
Or always bring the handy alarm with you.
Don't think of fighting against them.
Your priority there is not to beat them.

In fact, if they decide to do it, you can hardly avoid it.
Because sure that they must have inferiority complexies to females in their mind,
but they are also looking for the womens who are apparently weaker than them in power.
And the conditions, circumstances, they must consider them much better than you do.
I mean criminals are preparing for it.

If someone gotta be one of victims unfortunately, she might have two options to choose.
One is that she can go to the hospital and then try to forget it regarding that as a serious accident.
Two is that she can report to the police, and fight against them in the court.

Option one needs a sort of patience, I guess.
In the case the victim have strong menatality enough then this might be her choice.

She will have hard time in later option too.
But it will save not only herself but other victims
as well as potential victims in the future.
722スウェーデン人:2008/03/13(木) 08:21:20
But did the company agree? If they agreed to try and find somewhere
close to the college for you, then you might have a chance to to put
some pressure on them. If they never agreed, then I'm not sure what
you can do. (Except leave without paying, obviously.)

Find someone in the area where you live to give you advice. They will
know how to deal with companies better than some people on 2ch.

And keep looking for somewhere else to live, of course.
723名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 12:00:04
I've watched Tinabon's video just now.
And now got some questions.

She much looks alike half Japanese girls (Or maybe Korean. Or Chinese).
Like Meisa Kuroki.
Does she Tinabon look like ordinary Hawaian Americans, you foreigners think?
I know it doesn't matter for her cuteness,
but I've never been to Hawaii, so I'm just curious.
And if any her funs here,
pls tell me what she said in her second video.
It might be named "How to be a Japanese girl" and I heard she said
"seductive Japanese stairs" or something like that.
I don't understand.

Somebody help me.
724名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 12:44:48
I think she is cuter than Magibon. But she needs originality, all she
has done in her videos seem like imitating the Magibon's video style.
I haven't been to Hawaii, either so I dont't know much about how Hawaiian
girls look but as far as I know lots of Asians have moved to Hawaii,
including Japanese so I think you see more interracial marrages there.

This is what she says in the video.

"Have you ever wondered how random Japanese girls get so many views
for doing absolutely nothing? Well today I'll teach you five simple steps to
get you started. You have to look "kawaii." Step 2 You have to have some
cute little Asian song. Step 3 Learn to make a peace sign. Like this.
Step 4 Wave. Step 5 Most importantly, do a seductive Japanese stare.
And ??? you look a little something like this. That's it. Post a video
response and let me see you try. Thanks for watching."

I'm a Japanese English learner myself so I couldn't catch what she said
in the video completely so the part I didn't understand was written
like, ??? above.
725名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 13:20:18
You helped me a lot.

Actually I'm one of Magibon's funs.
But Tinabon is cute for sure. I think so too.

Hmmm.. I minded a little that she said "Asia".
If she had roots in Asia herself, then she might mention to exact country.
Anyway your view for Hawaiians is much helpful for me.

And about originality.
I know what you mean, I guess. But Magibon herself has no originality too in fact.
Now she is a symbol of all cute weeaboos and playing that role very faithfully
since she was one of YouTubers.

However what Tinabon said in 2nd video may be all about Magibon.
And that made me know how big her impact was to other weeaboos.

726名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 14:26:57
Oh I hope so!
727名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 15:04:59
Why you hope so
728名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 15:10:58
To a woman who are giving a helping hand in Japanese--->English translation

Hey, you said you have been studying Japanese for 10 year. Have you
been teaching yourself all the way? Do you consider yourself a weeaboo?
Did you come from 4chan? You are a regular here in "chat in English thread?"
Who's your favorate Japanese male actor? Have you gone out with a Japanese
guy? Would you show me your boob?
729名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 15:23:14
Yo. Long story short, I had a private tutor for the first five years. Then I graduated high school and moved to another city, so since then I've been studying on my own.
Hehe, I don't consider myself a weeaboo. I didn't come from 4chan, although I go there, too.
I post in this thread rarely because the topic of conversation usually doesn't interest me.
I don't have a favorite Japanese male actor, I don't know any of them. I've never gone out with a Japanese guy. I'd like to, though. It'd be nice to have someone to practice my Japanese with.
And nope, no tits for you.
730名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 15:31:21
wow 10 years.

You learn aural communication or reading & writing?
731名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 15:33:51
Dude, you sound like a dude, but whatever. lol
732名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 15:33:53
733名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 15:34:37
Eh, I get that a lot. I'm one of those chicks who mostly hangs out with guys, cusses a lot, etc.
734名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 15:38:48
Curious. Now you live in the states?
735名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 15:40:23
That's even better.

How long have you been here at 2ch?
I hope you are not sick of being asked too many questions.
736名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 15:42:01
Lived in California my whole life.

I don't want to be rude to other people who want to talk in this thread, but I'll answer anything you want.
I've been lurking on 2ch for over a year now. Don't remember exactly how long.
737tks:2008/03/13(木) 15:42:14
can i ask you a favor?
738名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 15:42:43
Not many people are in good circumstances in which private Japanese
lessons are given. Five years to boot. I wonder what interested you
so much to the extent you took private Japanese lessons.
If you didn't come from 4chan then how did you come here? You have
a good command of Japanese so you can browse 2channel and somehow
arrived at English board?

I don't know many female Japanese learners who understand Japanese
as well as you do so, I want you to stay in 2ch's English board.
If you don't want to use Handle name then, that's OK. You don't want
to show your personal blogs or myspace, youtube or other stuff to keep in
touch with anonymous 2channelers?

I know it's unfair if you show your info and we keep staying anonymous though.
739スウェーデン人:2008/03/13(木) 15:44:38
Wow, like locusts. I bet this thread will be over 1000 when I come
740名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 15:46:30
I guess lots of Japanese live in Cali. Do you have any Japanese friends
to hang around with on daily basis?
You somwhow sound like a party animal, by the way.
741名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 15:49:50
So you're not really 'new' here. That explains alot, cos you handle things here just like a 2channeler.
Enjoy your stay here on the English board anyways.
742名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 15:50:17
A presss conferance for >>729 has just started.
No flash light please.
743名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 15:50:47
Thx. Now are you working with your Japanese skills in CA?
744tks:2008/03/13(木) 15:52:28
is that for me?
745名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 15:53:03
What's up?

Eh, trust me, I'm not rich. I spent 2 hours with my tutor once every 2 weeks, because that's all we could afford.
The very very original reason I got into Japan was Sailor Moon orz
They used to show it dubbed in English on TV when I was in middle school, and I really liked it.
I first found out about 2ch from watching the Densha Otoko drama.
And yeah, my reading comprehension is (usually) good, but as I think you saw in that other thread, I fuck up sometimes. T_T But I'm always learning.

To be honest, I don't keep any blogs, and I don't have a myspace/facebook/anything like that.
I don't like social networking sites, I think they're stupid and a waste of time.
I wouldn't mind posting an email address, though, if someone wanted it for some reason.

Yeah... Sorry. I could tell you I honestly don't want to be an attention whore, but here I am answering their questions, so.

I think we have a decent number of Japanese people here, but I actually don't know any.
I go to a very small university (only ~850 undergrads), and I could probably count the number of Japanese students on my fingers.
And I'm just the opposite actually. I hate parties, and I don't drink or do any drugs. I like to read books and hang out with small groups of friends^^


I'm graduating university in June, and starting work in September. I won't be using my Japanese for that job
(I'll be working as a programmer, I studied computer science),
but eventually in a few years I'd like to try and get a job in Japan, and live there for a little while...
Who knows what'll happen.
746名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 15:58:03
A 4ch is asking for donations to support them lately. Anyone ever send them any money?
747名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 16:00:53
Nanako SOS!
748名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 16:01:32
Thanks for answering.
You are bookwarm otaku geek type?
749名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 16:02:38
I think I might've met you here before, if you joined the weeaboo chat that we had a while ago.
The girl had the most manly yet insightful opinion on the issue. lol
750tks:2008/03/13(木) 16:03:30
is someone be here?
751名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 16:05:52
Nope, I wouldn't say that.

Ah! I think I remember that. XD
752名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 16:06:13
And other than J---->E ttranslation thread, where can I see you?
Someone said in J-->E thread that you are busy with posting many
threads or something.

Which one of these are you?
753名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 16:06:40
Wow. You must be a newbie hacker here! Make malwares for me!
You already thought what I wanna say. Very smart. I like you. :D

And I agreed this.
>I don't like social networking sites, I think they're stupid and a waste of time.
But web PGs need to join in facebook at least, I guess. XD
754tks:2008/03/13(木) 16:07:44
i'm gonna take toefl test 24th march.
how should i study now?
755名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 16:09:00
How couold you identify one specific person with her?
I admire you.
I think I read that dicussion but posts are too many to read and
I couldn't understand who is who in the commotion of the discussion.
756名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 16:09:49
It's not a good time to go to Japan now...
Yen is toooo expensive, $ worth shit now
757tks:2008/03/13(木) 16:11:17
i used to got 600 points
758tks:2008/03/13(木) 16:13:43
teach me!
759名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 16:15:44
Haha! Oh God, I would kill myself if I were like one of them.
And I was only participating in one other thread. I'll leave it a mystery.

Ha, you're one of the few people who agree with me. I'm literally the only person I know who doesn't have one of the damn things (social network accounts).

Yeah. T_T American economy is in the fucking toilet.
But whatever. This summer is my last summer vacation, and I'm going to Japan for a month with my best friend.
I'll be working when I get back, so a little bit of debt won't hurt. XD
760名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 16:16:27
I'm not the person who you asked for, but I'll teach you...

761tks:2008/03/13(木) 16:16:28
can you see my words?
762tks:2008/03/13(木) 16:18:00
just pray?oh my gosh!
have you ever take it?
763tks:2008/03/13(木) 16:19:16
just pray? oh gosh!
have you ever take it?
764名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 16:19:33
>I'm literally the only person I know who doesn't have one of the damn things

You have enough people skills? Don't feel isolated not joining in
765tks:2008/03/13(木) 16:21:02
but thank you
766名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 16:22:41
Why would I? I know all of my friends in real life. I see them every day, talk to them in person and on the phone.
You know, a normal social life, like we all had before SNSs came around.
Most of my friends say the same thing: they think their facebook/myspace is a pain in the ass, but they do it because everyone else has one.
That's just not a good enough reason for me... ^^
767tks:2008/03/13(木) 16:23:05
are you realy japanese
768名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 16:24:03
You understand?
>>764さん is typical Japanese. They think I should feel myself so isolated.
We still much love たてまえ (SNS) and ほんね (2ch).
769tks:2008/03/13(木) 16:25:02
do you feel lonely
770名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 16:25:33
771tks:2008/03/13(木) 16:26:00
oh i see
772名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 16:28:39
Are you planing to go to China to see the Olympics in this summer?
773名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 16:30:07
But on that topic, one of my friends is Chinese, and we (my friends and I) have promised that one day we're all gonna go to China together.
774名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 16:30:29
But there is something that attarct people to those SNSs.
If you get a job realted to programming then getting to know these sites
isn't crucial is it?
775名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 16:31:27
Are you expectin one night stand deep down in yuor heart while
travelling in Japan?

776名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 16:32:45
You said you didn't mind to exchange the mail address?

I want chat friends seriously to improve my English skills.
(Not for any qualifications but for communication.)
So if you please, would you like to be one of them for me?
777名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 16:35:00
You love computer so you majored in CS right?

What do you think you are most benefited from the Internet?
What does the Internet meant to you?
778名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 16:36:36
I'm not her but if you want to know her addresss you should show your
address here first.
779名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 16:37:49
I'm willing to!

If she allow me.
780名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 16:37:56
What do you think about Hikikomori or NEET here in Japan?
Do you think they are garbage? Do you empathize with them?
781名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 16:40:55
What do you think abuot young Entrapreneurs like founders of google, youtube, facebook?
You would like to work in Google campus if you can?
782名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 16:42:14
Read >>648. What do you think about those Goddess phenominon?
783名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 16:53:18
Christ guys, I can't keep up with all these questions. XD

Nope, not at all. In fact, Facebook was interviewing me for a job and I don't even have a Facebook! (Which I'm sure they realized.)

No. Even if I wanted one, it's my policy to not have sex with someone until we've both been tested for STDs.
I think it shows respect for your partner to do that. Obviously this means I won't have casual sex.

Sure. I can't guarantee we'll find each other interesting, but we can give it a shot. I made a garbage email address: [email protected]
Email me there, and I'll email you back with my real email address.

Actually I love English, and languages in general. Right now I wish I had just gone with my heart and majored in English. But too late for that now^^
I really do enjoy CS, too, though. I like programming, so it's not so bad.
I guess the biggest benefit I get from the Internet is the ability to immediately look up information on anything I want, and to talk with people around the world.
It's pretty amazing when you think about it. When I grew up the Internet was still in its infancy, so I remember what it was like not to have it around.
784名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 16:53:39
I don't think they are garbage, and I don't empathize with them either.
Everyone's different. Everyone's gone through different problems in their life, and everyone deals with their pain and unhappiness in different ways.
I may not agree with how someone chooses to live their life, but I try not to pass judgment on them for it (unless they're deliberately hurting other people).
Ultimately it's their life, and their decision. Who am I to say anything?

Yes! I interviewed at Google. I got to their second-round interviews, but I didn't make it. T_T
I have a lot of respect for Google, Youtube, etc. The guys there are amazing people that have literally changed the world.
I can't hope to do anything that huge, but I hope my work will benefit a smaller number of people^^

Eh, like I said, I try not to judge people. If doing that makes them happy, then whatever.
Honestly I can't help thinking both the men and women involved in that are fucking stupid, but hey, it's their lives.
And I see >>648 has never been to 4chan's /b/. Women there post their nudes all the time. (So do men. XD)
785名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 17:03:24
>Women there post their nudes all the time.

Didn't know that! I found 4ch's URL where's /b/? URL please.
786名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 17:06:00
Everytime you get a new bf, you take tests of STD?
That's ridiculous.
787名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 17:08:44
Well, 4ch is different from 4chan. 4chan is at /b/ is the Random board.
But it's not friendly to newcomers or people who aren't native speakers of English.
Like 2ch, people on 4chan use a lot of very special slang.
But if you're just there for the pictures of naked ladies, there's lots of those.
788名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 17:09:07
I think I found it.

Am I right?
789名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 17:09:44
790名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 17:11:40
How on earth did you get to have an interview with facebook when
you don't even have an account. In what round did you have to move on
to get a job in Google.
791名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 17:14:45
Well, I guess it means they don't care if their candidates actually use their product or not.

Google's interview is usually in two rounds. First it's a phone screen, then if they like you enough,
they invite you to their main office in Mountain View to interview with their engineers.
Then they make their decision to hire you or not.
792779:2008/03/13(木) 17:19:23

I was taken so much time at excite to make an address for the first time..

My one-day-add is malware_from_ca at
But actually I'm not a sort of PG, so pls don't doubt if I send mals to you. XD

Now I'll write to you!
793名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 17:21:35
>Women there post their nudes all the time.

I sure found some nude photos there but seems like almost all
of them are those of picked up on the net not thier own nude except one.
Is it really common female posters themselves show thier own nude

794名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 17:23:25
Yup. They're called camwhores, women on the forums that take pictures of themselves with their webcam and post them.
They usually write something like "sup /b/" and the day's date on their breasts or hand or something, to prove it's actually them.
795名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 17:25:14
Facebook approaced you or you approaced them to get an interview test?

I heard Gooogle get 5000 resume a day from all around the world.
Are there job slots there set aside for students who are going to
graduate university or graduate school other than picking up candidates
from those resumes?
796名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 17:27:22
Wow. Sounds nice. Are they all interested in things Japanese?
I mean, those camwhores and 4 channelers are all interested in Japan?
Is /b/ the most dangeropus place among 4 channel?
797名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 17:35:18
Well, the way it works at my school is twice a year we have a career fair.
This is when lots of companies come to the school and set up booths, and the students can walk around, talk to different people, and drop off their resumes at the companies they're interested in.
So I gave Facebook my resume at a career fair, and they liked it and emailed me later asking to set up an interview.

Sorry, I'm not sure I understand your second question... They hire both undergraduate and graduate students, and I imagine they have some loose number of slots for each category.
Also they don't just pick candidates from the resumes they receive, I hear they actively go after people they're interested in, even if that person didn't ever submit their resume.

Nope. /b/ has nothing to do with Japanese stuff. There are boards specifically for anime and Japanese culture, but /b/ is the general discussion board.
As for "dangerous", yeah you could say so. Some very graphic, potentially disturbing images are often posted there.
People make racist jokes about just about every ethnicity there is, and /b/tards (that's what we call people who post on /b/) in general have no sympathy for anyone.
It's not a place for sensitive or easily offended people.
798スウェーデン人:2008/03/13(木) 17:36:20
The point of Facebook, at least, is not talking to your everyday
friends, it's _staying in touch_. If you talk to someone every day,
you're not going to use some site just to say "wanna come over?".

But when they move to another town and don't call you for a month,
that's when it starts being useful.

One of my college friends got in touch with me a few days ago -- we
haven't talked for over a year. Apparently, he lives in Estonia now.
That's the sort of thing it is useful for.

Plus birthday reminders and pictures of people being drunk.
799名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 17:38:26
Amateur-look photos I found on 4chan /b/ is only this pic
800名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 17:38:43
Internet hate machine...
801名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 17:44:49
Thanks what I meant was that other than prospective seniors of college and
graduate students, googles get 5000 resume of people who have already
gotten into workforcfe and working somewhere now.

So my questions were if there are different job slots for students
fresh from university and people who have already working somewhere
but want to get a job in Google.
802名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 17:45:49
That's the problem though. Everyone I know uses it to interact mostly with people they *do* see every day.
I hear it's useful to set up parties and invite everyone through Facebook.
Personally I find sites like Facebook a kind of "cheap" way of keeping in touch. It requires little effort, and (from the examples I've seen from the people around me) the interaction tends to be pretty shallow.
But you raise a good point, those kinds of sites are a great way to find someone you've lost contact with.
803名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 17:48:05
>It's not a place for sensitive or easily offended people.

Hahaha Sounds exactly like here in 2channel.
804名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 17:49:43
Ahhh. Hm, honestly I don't know that much about how Google allots their job slots, but they probably have some specifically for new graduates and others for people with work experience.
805スウェーデン人:2008/03/13(木) 17:55:38
Exactly, cheap and shallow. Then you pick up the phone and talk to the
people you really care about. (joking, but it's also true in a way...)

And yes, most of the time you're dealing with people you see every day.
806名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 17:58:10
Fair enough. I guess I just don't have any examples around me of anything meaningful coming out of those kinds of sites.
Maybe because I'm surrounded by college kids and we don't do much of anything meaningful one way or another.
807名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 18:10:34
808名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 18:12:54
Do you do bit Torrent?

What cities do you plan to stay in Japan?

What Japanese manga or novels have you read so far.

Steve Jobs is droppout of university how can he made Mac.
Any opinion?
809名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 18:15:07
810名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 18:19:02
811名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 18:24:50
Yup, I use BT for lots of stuff.

I haven't sat down and planned the trip yet. I've been to a lot of places already, but there's so many more I want to go to.
I want to travel around Hokkaido, and go island-hopping in Okinawa. I want to walk the road between Tsumago and Magome.
I thought I wanted to go to Yakushima, but I read online that there are a lot of leeches there... T_T

I don't read that much manga, but I like Naruto, One Piece, Planetes, King of Bandit Jing, some other ones...
I'm not familiar with the Japanese novel "scene" (what kind of genres are popular, etc.), but I'd like to get into it.

As for Steve Jobs, he's a fucking smart guy. What else can I say?^^ He knows how to make money.
812名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 18:39:50
I think you have travelled around Japan more than I did.
You stay inexpensive inns or youth hostels or decent hotels?
813名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 18:47:15
Mostly cheaper inns and youth hostels. I don't think I ever stayed anywhere that cost more than 8000 yen/night.
814名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 18:47:36
What was it like when your anus was licked for the first time?
815名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 18:52:14
Pretty awesome. I mean, it seemed like your mom had a lot of practice.
816名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 19:16:10
I see. In 4chan, when you start a discussion you have to put a photo first?
817名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 19:17:55
Yeah, since 4chan is an image board.
818名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 19:24:35
Thanks. I thin I have seen a few amateur girls nude since I started
browsing 4chan abuot an hour or so ago.

The latest is a girl/woman who wrote smily on her nipples.
819名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 19:53:59
I find it hard to take you very seriously when you have so many typing/spelling/grammatical errors.
820片岡数吉:2008/03/13(木) 20:26:49
Disgizing Nori who was captured by terrorists in Iraq is cute
might I close his lips with mine?

This is Kazuyoshi who is a ryo-sei-ru, a, no, bisexual
and who is made hony with Kennichi Matsuyama's lips

I won't kidnap Nori-pretending
I won't commit crimes
I would play kidnapping if upon consensus
821名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 20:26:58
I am an expert of typing/spelling/grammatical errors.

Sorry about that.
822本玉儿:2008/03/13(木) 21:19:23
I see .
Hey , Katachyan ! ! Try to say honestry ! You should like Bisyounen .
I have seen that you put your hand into the shorts of Bisyounen in the library.
Do you like Yoko Osita ?
823名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 21:29:03
Multiposter and 本玉儿 must die.
824本玉儿:2008/03/13(木) 21:42:35
nothing die for .
825名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 21:46:38
Hang yourself.
826名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/13(木) 22:08:50
I'm tired of studying.
Since last month, I've been studying English hard; about five hours a day.
Five hours of study is quite a hard work, so I often feel overwhelmed and deprived.
Though my English ability has been improving gradually, it seems it's not enough to keep me motivated.
How do you think I can feel less stressed?
Since your English is pretty good, it might be worth taking a break
and not working at it so hard. Might be worth just watching something
in English, or reading a book.