Market breadth was negative. On the New York Stock Exchange, losers topped winners by more than three to one on volume of 1.26 billion shares. On the Nasdaq, decliners beat advancers four to one as 2.07 billion shares changed hands.
お願いします。 I know the female translator in this thread in person. She is a flasher. When she walks all in buff in the street, her crotch is so wet that the juice drips onto the ground.
There were smaller farmers who favoured cheaper fodder imports but restrictions on other imported food. But there was general agreement that the government should not embark on any policy in favour of one group at the expense of the rest. Bruning hoped to strike the right balance between interest groups, parties and foreign creditors by adopting the economic policy that divided them least. In the deepening recession of the winter of 1931-2, with the prospect of a settlement of war debts getting closer, the government determined to do nothing but hang on in the grim expectation of improvement. In May 1932 the German Minister of Labour announced gloomily that there seemed 'no possibility whereby the political authorities might overcome the existing difficulties'.
Suddenly, the walls of the cell become transparent, like huge windows on all sides. Through them, the monks see, like movies on multiple screens, endless varieties of scenes from human lifeーbattles, voyages, love affairs, the buildeing of cities, the creation of pictures, sculptures, music, poetry and dances, philosophers deep in discussion, inventors hovering over gleaming machines, banquets, processions, coronations of kings and queens, festivals, laughter and tears, anger and kindness, men, women and children of every age in every walk of life, displaying every nuance of human emotion.
Is there certain times that you email people or friends, like at the end of the month of during autumn season or something like that???? Only because I kept asking Julie has Hideo sent an email....everyday..... This is my email address at work and I work shifts so I am not always here but if not I will reply as soon as I am back on shift, or send one to Julie, whichever you like.
Chad Bantner attended the Joffrey Ballet School in NYC before moving on to the Julliard School, where he graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree.He also studied at the Martha Graham School of Contemporary Dance and the Ruth Page School of Dance. His credits i nclude the Martha Graham Dance Company, Ballet Hispanico of New York, The Icelandic Dance Theatre in Reykjavik, Iceland, the L.A. Chamber Ballet,and the State Street Ballet of Santa Barbara.Chad has performed with the Los Angeles Contemporary Ballet at ABC studios, appeared on the Late Show with David Letterman,has extensively toured the US, Canada and Europe,danced for Celine Dion's "A New Day...",and for the past two years worked with Blueman Group as a Blueman.
The other group,however,say that it is better to rely upon market forces to achieve the same goal. They believe that it is possible to calculate how much the environment is worth; for example, according to their figures, pollution costs Europe 5% of its GNP. In other words,companies should be taxed according to hou much pollution they cause, so that they will be encouraged to use cleaner technologies and make cleaner products. Pollution taxes of this kind would send a signal to industrialists and consumers that pollution does not make economic sense, while the prevention of pollution does.
The release of the Windows Vista operating system represents a significant opportunity for developers to build the next generation of applications that deliver compelling user experiences. We want to help you take advantage of this opportunity and assist you in developing and delivering Windows Vista based software faster, more cost effectively, and with greater impact than ever before. During the development of Windows Vista, several key investments were made to vastly improve overall quality, security, and reliability from previous versions of Windows. We’re also testing to ensure that your .NET Framework 1.1 and 2.0 applications will work on Windows Vista so that your existing applications will continue to run as expected. While we have made tremendous investments in Windows Vista to ensure backwards compatibility, some of the system enhancements, such as User Account Control, changes to the networking stack, and the new graphics model, make Windows Vista behave differently from previous versions of Windows. The changes impact Visual Studio and thus we're unable to support Visual Studio .NET 2002 or Visual Studio .NET 2003 on Windows Vista. However, your existing .NET Framework 1.1 and 2.0 based applications will continue to work on Windows Vista, and will be able to take advantage of many of the new features available to Windows Vista applications.
I have no doubt (said the poor relation) that I shall surprise the assembled members of our family, and particularly John our esteemed host to whom we are so much indebted for the great hospitality with which he has this day entertained us, by the confession I am going to make. But, if you do me the honour to be surprised at anything that falls from a person so unimportant in the family as I am, I can only say that I shall be scrupulously accurate in all I relate.
Dear Seller, I just found you advert place on Yahoo auction and i am interested in Buying it to my Nephew abroad ,Please let me know the condition of the item,and i am going to offer you $800 USD for the item including the shipping due to the urgently needed and i am going to pay you via cash delivery payment kindly provide me with your full name and your contact address for me to name the payment ,I want you to kindly reply me directly to メールアド I will await for your mail soonest .
"The tofu road" that started in China does not end in Japan or Asia.Tofu has become popular around the world because it is not only rich in protein but also low in fat. It is thought of as an ideal health food.
The United States is now one of the tofu-loving countries.The first Americans who took a great interest in tofu were the hippies in the 1960s. Many of them did not eat meat. They preferred natural, healthy food. Tofu was the perfect answer. ↓続きます
They ate tofu, however, without any sauce. People came to think of tasteless tofu as one symbol of their unusual lifestyle. In 1975, The Book of Tofu was published. In those days, more and more people were beginning to worry about health problems caused by eating too much fat. The book changed people's minds about tofu.
he novel's protagonist, Winston Smith, is a citizen of Oceania, one of the world's three superstates (along with Eurasia and Eastasia). It is the year 1984, and Winston lives in Airstrip One, which used to be known as Great Britain.
上の続きです Winston is a member of the Party, which rules Oceania under the principles of Ingsoc (English Socialism). Oceania is an oligarchy, under hierarchical rule. The Party consists of Inner Party members, who are the ruling elite, and regular Party members, who are citizens of Oceania.
上の続きです Outside of the Party are the proles, non-Party members and simple people who live in poverty and are free from Party regulations. The Party's leader is Big Brother, and there are massive images of his kind visage, complete with dark hair and a substantial mustache, displayed throughout London, some accompanied by the words "Big Brother is Watching You.
" The Party's three slogans are: "War is Peace," "Freedom is Slavery," and "Ignorance is Strength." Winston lost his parents and little sister during the Revolutionary period that destroyed capitalism and instituted Ingsoc in Oceania. He was placed in a Party orphanage and integrated into the Party system. Now he works in the Records Department of the Ministry of Truth, which handles all Party publications and propaganda, altering previously published Party publications to ensure that the Party's version of the Past is never questioned.
Every human action aims at some good, and the good which is chosen for its own sake rather than as means to an end is the highest good. Ethics is a part of politics, which is the most authoritative and architectonic science. An inquiry into ethics should not be expected to have the same sort of precision as a mathematical inquiry, because the nature of the subject-matter is different. A proper student of ethics must already have substantial life experience and training in virtue; otherwise he will not profit from the subject because he is more inclined to listen to his passions than to reason.
>>38 The Party said that Oceania had never been in alliance with Eurasia. He, Winston Smith, knew that Oceania had been in alliance with Eurasia as short a time as four years ago. But where did that knowledge exist? Only in his own consciousness, which in any case must soon be annihilated. And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed—if all records told the same tale—then the lie passed into history and became truth. ‘Who controls the past,’ ran the Party slogan, ‘controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.’ And yet the past, though of its nature alterable, never had been altered. Whatever was true now was true from everlasting to everlasting. It was quite simple. All that was needed was an unending series of victories over your own memory. ‘Reality control’, they called it: in Newspeak, ‘doublethink’
>>38 The war, therefore, if we judge it by the standards of previous wars, is merely an imposture. It is like the battles between certain ruminant animals whose horns are set at such an angle that they are incapable of hurting one another. But though it is unreal it is not meaningless. It eats up the surplus of consumable goods, and it helps to preserve the special mental atmosphere that a hierarchical society needs. War, it will be seen, is now a purely internal affair. In the past, the ruling groups of all countries, although they might recognize their common interest and therefore limit the destructiveness of war, did fight against one another, and the victor always plundered the vanquished. In our own day they are not fighting against one another at all. The war is waged by each ruling group against its own subjects, and the object of the war is not to make or prevent conquests of territory, but to keep the structure of society intact. The very word ‘war’, therefore, has become misleading. It would probably be accurate to say that by becoming continuous war has ceased to exist. The peculiar pressure that it exerted on human beings between the Neolithic Age and the early twentieth century has disappeared and been replaced by something quite different. The effect would be much the same if the three super-states, instead of fighting one another, should agree to live in perpetual peace, each inviolate within its own boundaries. For in that case each would still be a self-contained universe, freed for ever from the sobering influence of external danger. A peace that was truly permanent would be the same as a permanent war. This—although the vast majority of Party members understand it only in a shallower sense—is the inner meaning of the Party slogan: War is Peace.
I will try to please everyone by kind, considerate actions, and always try to remove the cause of any misunderstanding that arises. I am thinking with the mind of all. I am feeling through all feelings. The flowers of joy blooming on all heart-soils are mine. I am eternal laughter. My smiles are dancing through all faces. I am the wave of enthusiasm in all hearts. I am the king of scilence sitting on the throne of emotion.
Generally speaking, we can say that all the people in the world fall into one or another of two opposite classifications: good or evil, meditative or restless, wise or ignorant, happy or sad. What is more, they mentally "fix" themselves in certain categories. 続きます
Tell an evil person to be good, or the restless one to be meditative, and both will make you feel that either they do not like to, or they cannnot. Their attitudes are due to previous habit, and not to a true desire of the heart. Onve our habits are strongly established it is extremely difficult for us to change. THe feeling that we cannot change is only a delusion, but it is very hard to overcome that delusion. Therefore do not willfully or carelessly put aside good habits, but cultivate them, and develop a taste for the superior, lasting happiness they bring. ↓続きます
Otherwise you may lapse into weak habits and find yourself unable to change when you wish to. A man may have either very good or very evil tehdencies, or somewhat good or somewhat evil tendencies. An exact balance of good and evil qualities is rarely to be found in anyone. There is always a little more tendency to good than to evil, or vice versa. It is a law of nature that if you are a little less evil than good, your evil gradually will be taken away by the greater power of good, and if you have a little less good than evil, your few good habits will gradually be absorbed by the greater number of evil tendencies. ↓続きます
The dominant quality, by its very preponderance, tends to attract moreof the same quality. "For he be taken even that which he hath" (Mark 4:25) It is just as difficult for some people to be evil as it is for others to be good. But man cannot remain under the influence or error forever, because he is made in the image of God.
In modern times, the Vtican within the city of Rome still exists as an independent city state; and in Switzerland, the system of government, which makes use of the referendum, has many similarities to the ancien form of direct democracy. Aristotle, the Greek philosopher, was highly critical of the inequalities of the democracy practised in Athens during his lifetime. In his famous work politics, he laid down one of the most fundamental principles of pure democracyー ''that the poor shall be in no greater subjection than the rich; nor that the supreme power shall be lodged with either of these, but that both shall share it.'' As we can see, the Christian concept of society in theory seemed to scorn the rich and powerful, with the idea that ''the meek shall inherit the earth.'' Much later, in our own times, Communism has placed greatest emphasis on the working classes (again in theory). Nowhere, it seems, and in no age, can we find true democracy being practised.
Democracy was first introduced in Athens in the fifth century B.C. , although most modern democracies are based to a lesser or greater extent on the parliamentary system of UK.
お願いします。 Only people with access to millions of dollars can become the president. There were no challenges to the power of the Communist Party, which could impose any policy that it chose.
お願いします。 The introduction of this system can lead to instability in a country, as Russia discovered in the 1990s after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
this is mike the gentleman that you met from the united states who studying abroad on the ship. i just wanted to let ya know that we all made it back to the united states in one piece. i am at my home now with chris in sand diego ca taking classes at my home institution of university of san diego.
Then,five years later,in a printed preface to his opera Alceste, Gluck explained his ideas of what an opera should be. The music should serve the story while stillreflecting the drama and emotion of the poetry. There should ve less distinction between aria and recitative, and the action should be more continuous, avoiding interruptions merely for vocal display at the demands of the singers. Instruments should be chosen and used to suit each situation in the story, and the overture should prepare the audience for the nature of the drama which was to follow.
>>72 The introduction of this system can lead to instability in a country, as Russia discovered in the 1990s after the collapse of the Soviet Union. この制度の導入はロシアがソ連崩壊のあと1990年代に発見 したように、一国の不安定に繋がる可能性がある。
Many democracies guarantee the rights of free speach and of resistance against a tyrannical government, but then make it illegal, or at least difficult, to exercise these rights.
Paul Drake's code knock sounded on the door of Mason's office. Della Street opened the door and said."You've got back in a hurry,Paul" "I was told to."
It is open to abuse unless there are sufficient safeguards in place, for example, the rule of law and a strong, independent judical system. The most common abuse is electoral fraud(選挙違反), where one or other of the competitors chaets.
イギリスの法律関係の説明なんですが、下の2文がうまく訳せません。 お願いします。 Appellate review of the decisions of the corts of appeals is in the hands of the Supreme Court which since 1869 has consisted of nine membersーone chief justice and eight associate justicesーwho sit as a body and not in panels. 「sit as a body and not in panels」=「一部の裁判官の合議ではなく、全体で裁判する」
As will be explained shortly, it is not only the highest appellate court of the federal system, but also has a limited power of review over the state court.However, the proportion of cases in which either sort of review occurs is verry small.
これもお願いします。1つの文章なのに長くて・・ The judicial system is the best starting point for an inquity into the sources of law for, though decisional law stands below legislation in the hierarchy of authorities(法源) and case law is subject to change by statute,the judiciary has been the traditional fountainhead of law in America as in other common law countries.
よろしくお願いします。 This was something that worried Madison when the US was being debated. Indeed, even in the most advanced countries, women have only been able to vote for less than 100 years, and minority groups have had protection for less than 40 years.
Hello,everybody! はじめまして,皆さん! 私は中国からの大学生です,今広州に勉強しています。日本語は専門ではないのですが,たくさんの興味がありますよ。日本のことも大好ですよ。 i can speak every good english, and if you want to improve your english, you can always be welcome to contact me by this email: [email protected]
While coffee remains the most popular remedy forsleepiness, Anthony recommends that people try to rejuvenate themselves with a short nap, which,he says,has been proven to improvemood and productivity. It doesn't have to be a long nap,Anthony explains. Just fifteen minutes should do the trick.
Even if you produce a great work of literature which continues to be read thousands of years from now, eventually the solar system will cool or the universe will wind down or collapse, and all trance of your efforts willvanish. In any case, we can't hope for even a fraction of this sort of immortality.
An interesting point of contrast with British education is that the Japanese do practically no précis writing; children are not trained to seize the central point of an argument. This is reflected later in life; in newspaper editorials, the British are more pithy than the Japanese. The British view is that the best judgement is a detached one, by someone who has nothing to gain or lose. But Japanese people are more likely to think: who in fact will have studied the matter more closely, the man who is not involved in it, or the man who is deeply involved? The man who is putting a good deal at risk is bound to have studied the question more intensively, and so is more likely to be right. In Japan the sincerity with which an argument is presented is a great factor in carrying conviction. Matsushita Konosuke, the great Japanese industrialist, sometimes said, ‘The trouble today is that businessmen have no convictions; they make their estimates but don’t really believe in them’.
However strong his imagination might have been, Berlioz, cut off from his family fortune, struggled for years to prove himself to an indifferent public, all the while suffering through a debilitating bout of unrequinted love for an Irish actress named Henrietta Smithson. With his life practically defining a romantic soap opera, Berlioz channeled his emotional distress into a grand rpic, the 1830 masterpiece of program music called Symphonie Fantastique. Sherman and Seldon describe the symphony as having "high passion and graphic 'musical' descriptions of everything from the beauties of nature to a sitches' sabbath, from a glittering ball to the composer's opium-clouded vision of his own execution"
長いのですが、上手に訳せなかったのでお願いします。 The first category embrarnces not only criminal actions, but also other acthions brought "by the United States, or by an agency or officer thereof expressly authorized to sue by Act of Congress" and certain actions against the United States in which Congress has conferred jurisdiction upon the district courts.
The second category, cases under federal question jurusdiction, consists of controversies arising under the Constitution, law, or treaties of the United States. The federal courts are thus charged with the vindication of federally created right.
The third category, diversity jurisdiction, includes cases where the dispute is between citizens of different states including foreign states, and the amount in controversy exceeds $10,000. Its justification is not entirely clear.
>>134の続きです。裁判所関係の話。お願いします。 The conventional explanation is that the framers of the Constitution sought to avoid the partiality that might result if, for example, a New York creditor were obliged to try a claim against a Massachusetts debtor before a Masachusetts state court.
In any event, litigants' preference for the federal courts today comes less from afear of prejudice than a belief that the court, the procedure, or thecourt calendar is more favorable. Diversity jurisdiction has come under fire from time to time and remains the most controversial ground of federal judicial power. come under fire =批判を受けている
日本語訳よろしくお願いします。長くてすみません。 Appeals from a district court are generally heard in the vourt of appeals for the circuit in which the district is located, through in rare instances appeal may be directly to the Supreme Court.
There are twelve such circuits, eleven comprising geographical divisions of the states and including a number of districts and a twelfth for the District of Columbia. These are the intermediary appellate courts in the federal system, but because of the limitations on review by the Supreme Court they are, in fact, the courts of last resort for most federal cases.
In addition o hearing appeals from the district courts, thei also review decisions of certain federal administrative agencies such as the National Labor Relations Board. The number of judges in each circuit varies, but the judges ordinarily hear appeals in panels of three.
この3文の和訳をよろしくお願いします。 The determination of the jurisdiction of the state and federal courts is a part of the more general probrem of the distribution of state and federal power.
Under the Constitution, the federal government has only those powers that are granted to it, and the residual powers are left to the states or to the people.
Whatever judicial jurisdiction has not been given exclusively to the federal courts remains in the state courts, and it is therefore customary to discuss the division of judicial power in terms of federal, rather than state jurisdiction.
日本語訳よろしくお願いします。 In each state there are trial courts(第一審裁判所) of general jurisdiction, which are called by such names as superior, district, or circuit courts or courts of common pleas.
A single judge presides, whether there is a jury(陪審) or not, and is generally competent to hear all cases, civil and criminal(民事および刑事),that are not restricted to special courts or divisions. Such special courts domestic relations or family courts(家事事件裁判所または家庭裁判所), juvenile or children's courts, and provate or surrogates' courts(検認裁判所または検認後見裁判所) for decedents' estates.
In addition there are courts of inferior jurisdiction that handle petty matters. These were traditionally the justice of the peace courts(治安裁判所), but they have often been supplanted by county, municipal, small claims, police,and traffic courts. Neither at the state nor the federal level are there special administrative or commerecial courts(行政裁判所または商事裁判所) like those in some countries.
長いですがお願いします。がんばって訳した日本語が意味不明です・・・ In some cases Congress has made the jurisdiction of the federal courts exclusive. Thus incases under the federal criminal laws, some admiralty or maritime cases, bankuptcy proceedings, and cases under patent or copyright laws, the matter cannnot be brought before a state court. In most case it has not done so and jurisdiction of federal and state courts is concurrent, which means that the plaintiff can bring the action in either.
Cases of diversity jurisdiction and many cases of federal question jurisdiction are instances of concurrent jurisdiction. Thus state created rights may be enforced in the federal courts. Where jurisdiction is concurrent and suit has been brought in the state court, however, the defendant usually has the right to have the case removed to the federal district court.
In these caes of concurrent jurisdiction, either party may select the federal courts; the plaintiff by the original choice of forum and the defendant by removal.
お願い致します。 The district courts are the trial courts of general jurisdiction for both civil and criminal matter, including admiralty cases. They also review the decisions of some federal administrative agencies. There are 90 decisions court located throughout the fifty states and one for the District of Columbia.
Some state contain only one judicial district, while other states are divided into as many as four.
Although a judicial district may have a numebr of judges, depending on the volume of cases. District court judges are assisted by magistractes and, in bankrupcy matters, by special judicial officers.
The Court's jurisdiction is in the main appellate and is determined, within constitutional limits,by Congress.
The mechanism of review is designed to limit those cases decided on the merits with full consideration toarelatively small and manageable number, which are usually of some concern to the public at large as well as to the litigants.
Thus, while the Court may dispose of upwards of four thousand cases a year, it decides less than ten percent of them on the merits and roughly one-half of this smaller number with fullopinions.
Whether you like to use oral sex as part of foreplay or prefer to take it all the way to orgasm, whether you like to enjoy it regularly or just once in a while as a special treat, oral sex can certainly be one of the greatest pleasures of a romantic relationship. Is there anything to say on the subject that hasn't been said before? Perhaps not, but there are one or two things to remember which can make it a more comfortable or pleasurable experience.
At top of the state judicial system is the hightest appellate court of that state. In most states it is called simply the supreme court;insome it is knownby another name, such as the court of appeals inNew York and inseveral other states.
The number of judges ranges from five to nine, with seven the most common number, including achief justice and associate justices.
In over half the states there are intermediate appellate courts, usually called courts of appeal orappellate courts, between the courts of general jurisdiction and the highest court.
The great bulk of all litigation comes before the state courts.
Each state by constitution and statute has established its own systems,and the lack of uniformity makes it impossible to give a detailed description to fit all states.
Too often the state courts bear the stamp of conditions and concepts belonging to the time of their origins and long since changed or outmoded.
In the late eighteenth century, when the first court systems were established, travel was difficult and communication was slow.
The response was to create anumber of courts of general jurisdiction to bring justice close to the people, who soon came to regard the state court in their locality as their own particular possession .
Thus policy of multiplication of courts and decentralization of the court system has persisted until modern times. In recent years, however, considerable progress has been made in the simplification of state court systems and the improvement of judicial administration.
"If you have this magnitude of surgery . . . you should have monitoring done," McGuire said. "Going anywhere without proper care and monitoring is inappropriate."
どなたかよろしくお願いします。 For the most part, law in the United States can be conveniently classified, according to its sources, as decisional law(判例法) and legislation(制定法).
ttp:// の、 United Kingdom Although the term home room is not used in the UK, secondary students are usually assigned to a tutor group or form, which serves generally the same purpose as a home room.
The usual arranged marriage works like this. When the parents or daughter decide that it is time to seek a partner, the family will tell all their closest friends and relatives and ask them to keep an eye open for a suitable match. They will bring a photograph of a likely candidate, and eventually someone, probably a friend or relative, or it may be the section head in the prospective bridegroom’s company, will be elected to act as ‘go – between’, whose responsibility begins when he brings the two together. He may arrange for a chance meeting at a restaurant, or an accidental meeting at the theatre; after this meeting both sides decide whether they want to continue the acquaintance. If so, personal histories are exchanged and then the couple will date and see each other.
Four – fifths of Japan is uninhabitable mountains, so that 108 million people have to live, manufacture, and grow their food in an area about the size of the Irish Republic. And not only thickened, but changed, and changed again. Working in timber rather than stone or brick, the Japanese have never built to last. Then nearly half of Tokyo was reduced to ashes in the great earthquake of 1923, and well over half if it destroyed again in the fire – raids carried out by the Americans in 1945. Hide Ishiguro, a philosopher at London University, who had been back to Japan for only two short visits in the last five years, was constantly astonished as she showed me round Tokyo by the sight of new buildings, and baffled by miles of new subway line. The population has increased by half since the war, and shifted like sand; the great majority of Tokyo’s inhabitants were born elsewhere.
Four – fifths of Japan is uninhabitable mountains, so that 108 million people have to live, manufacture, and grow their food in an area about the size of the Irish Republic.
>>146 He is very famous for being highly rated in FIFA 07 game in which he is one of the best goalkeepers. 彼はFIFA07の試合での高い評価で有名であり、彼はそこで最高の ゴールキーパーの1人である。
She introduced me to an executive in a pharmaceutical company who worked from nine to six, Five days a week. His firm was just going over to a system whereby office staff put in 160 hours a month arranged in any way they chose. But a Swedish woman I met in Kyoto. Who had lived in Japan for a number of years, and worked in the offices of Japanese companies she spoke fluent Japanese was very vehement about the effect which ‘the company’ had on life for its employees. ‘The effect?’ she cried. ‘The company is life! And the real slave of the company is the boss. He has to work ling hours – till nine, till ten – and the system is that no one else feels able to leave before he does. Men feel that they have to demonstrate their strength by working until they drop. And sometimes that happens. Every now and then in he office where I was working, late in the evening, a man would literally collapse and have to be taken home.’
To write these characters well calls for much greater dexterity and precision than the western cursive hand, and there is also a great aesthetic tradition in calligraphy, which is as highly regarded as traditional painting.
One or two stories are my own and others happened to boys in my school Huck Finn was areal boy and Tom sawyer is made from three real boys.
My book is for boys and girls , but I hope that men and women also will read it. I hope that it will help them to remember when they were boys and girls, and how they felt and thought and talked, what they believed , and the strange things they sometimes did.
In all our education efforts, our nation is working to expand access for women and girls, so that the opportunity to get a decent education is open to all.
Quite often this clam reply strikes a little chill into the high; school enthusiasm.
Think of the difficulty a lot of English children have in mastering the 26 characters of the Latin alphabet, and then look at what a Japanese child faces.
We British have a similar but less imaginative compound, ‘bread-and-butter’. Again, ‘sugar’ followed by ‘clothes’ would be ‘sugar – coated’, as a pill. ‘Sugar’ followed by ‘urine’ and ‘disease’ means ‘diabetes’
本当に長くてすみません。どなたか翻訳お願いします。 I had a really good time with the people I worked with, 3 other girls and an Irish guy, with whom I wanted to get acquainted since the beginning of the year haha Well, he turned out to be a really nice guy, but I'm not sure that he thought I was nice!! I know it's stupid and my parents always tell me how stupid it is, but I'm kind of depressed these days because I feel like I didn't enjoy as much as I could my high-school life, because I didn't really do anything interesting like being in a club, play an instrument or things like that... I know it's too late to regret it and that I should have done something about it when I still had the time, but now it really makes me feel that everything I do is useless, that I can't concentrate on anything.
NOOOO don't let her watch the email haha, otherwise she will begin to ask you lots of questions about me, why you write long email and won't have any other choices but cave, and tell her everything hihihihi I'm kidding, you can tell her what you want, since I already told lots of things to my friends, since I'm too talkative.
>>202 1 This is the woman who the artist said posed as a model for the painting. これはその画家がその油絵のためにモデルとしてポーズをとったという女だ。 2 We had no knife with which to pay it. 我々にはそれを払うナイフがない。
A person convicted for the commission of a crime shall be released from punishment, unless the court's sentence has been enforced within the following periods since the time of its entry into legal force: a) two years, in case of conviction for a crime of little gravity; b) six years, in case of conviction for a crime of average gravity; c) 10 years, in case of conviction for a grave crime; d) 15 years, in case of conviction for an especially grave crime.
Though the United State became a formal colonial power with the acquisition of the former Spanish-controlled areas, there was considerable resistance from the Anti-Imperial League to the further acquisition of territory. Anti-Imperialists contended, among many other reasons, that the peoples of the potential colonies had not given their consent to join the Union; that their inclusion would violate the Constitution; that imperialism was morally reprehensible; and that the Union should remain largely under white control.
Several years ago, interviewing candidates for a job, I grew tired of asking, “What experience do you have?” So I decided on a one-question quiz to find out how clever the candidate might be. Here it is: You are on a yacht over the deepest point in the sea, the Mariana Trench, where you drop an iron ball over the side. How long will it take for the iron ball to reach the bottom of the ocean? Before reading on, please try to solve this yourself. Did you make a completely wild guess because “there wasn’t enough information”? Did you get lost in the details while trying to come up with the “exactly right” answer? Or did you focus on the two most important problems-how deep the Mariana Trench is and how fast an iron ball might fall through the water-then make a guess?
In the 1960s, Europeans, the French in particular, were concerned about American cultural infliuence in their countries. The French called it the American challenge. They treated the spread of American cultural phenomena as a sort of American cultural population that would harm their culture and traditions. The French were worried about the spread of the English language into their own, and many intellectuals spoke of the need to protect their language. よろしくおねがいします。
The Bruning government lacked the political imagination to overcome the purely political constraints, and was able to use such constraints as a justification for economic timidity. Yet given the way in which economic and political life was structured during the depression, it is difficult, in the end, to see how Bruning could have behaved otherwise. The strength of the interest groups he faced was amply demonstrated by the fact that the leading agrarian political circles were able to bring pressure to bear on President Hindenburg to dismiss Bruning in May 1932 because of his unfavourable attitude to the large aristocratic estates. The irony of Bruning's dismissal was that circumstance were on the point of a sudden change. Even though reparations formed only a part of the problem, the outcome of the Lausanne Conference in June 1932 was a victory for the German government's painstaking efforts to reduce the burden of war debt in Germany.
Are you feeling restless? Do you need an outlet for your energies and desires? No surprise if you say yes - Venus and Mars are giving you spring-like thoughts (and, if you remember, 'in spring a young man's fancy turns to love...'). Especially if you have a 19 September birthday Venus is poised to unite with Pluto inspiring passionate feelings and bringing a relationship to the brink. Now, this may mean that you are ready to give your all to someone or it could mean that after a long struggle to keep a relationship together, there is really no option other than to throw in the towel. Expect a week of revelations.
What does this have to do with business or creativity? A great deal. In the real world, it is often necessary that we make decisions when the full information does not exist. Suppose, for example, you have been asked to make a marketing plan for a new kind or telephone. You would like to know the number of phone stores in the United States. Unfortunately, you do not have this figure. What do you do? One solution would be to turn to the Yellow Pages of a large city. You could then guess how many stores there were in the whole country, based on the number of stores per 100,00 people in that city. The question about phone stores is called a Fermi problem, named after Enrico Fermi, who was a Nobel Prize-winning physicist. Fermi used problems such as this to teach his students how to think for themselves. A Fermi problem does not contain all the information you need to solve it completely.
Merry Christmas, hopeful children. May your stockings bulge with tangled traces of presents, not unlike varicose veins swollen and tender in an aging thigh.
You might find it more interesting to wander along the nearby streets to see if you can find a place to eat that is less expensive and more fun. Snack bars are sometimes cheaper than coffee shops, but they may be busier, requiring you to stand and eat at a counter. よろしくおねがいします。
If you look up "sitting sex positions" on the search engines, there isn't much useful information. Why on earth is that? Do people not have sex in sitting positions? Well, of course they do, but they obviously aren't very popular or at least they aren't considered worth writing about! Is that because everyone knows how to do it? Presumably, the logic goes, the man sits in a chair without arms, then his partner sits on his lap and puts his erect penis into her vagina as she lowers herself onto his lap. Simple? Of course and yet there must be more to it than that!
The output of producer's goods had turned up in the second quarter of 1932, that of consumer durables in the third quarter. Profits began to rise as a proportion of industrial income, while costs were beginning to fall far enough to restore some measure of business confidence. A more important change was in the prevailing attitude to government intervention. While many businessmen continued to resist pressure for more government intervention, the very intensity of the crisis, and the mounting fear of political extremism, inclined both politicians and businessmen to accept more state initiative in helping the economy to recover. Armed with such preparations, and in the knowledge that economic conditions had now reached their lowest ebb, circumstances were ripe for some departure from the negative policies of the depression years. How great a departure continued to depend upon political circumstances.
Democratic voters increasingly are focused on nominating the most electable presidential candidate, a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll finds, and Illinois Sen. Barack Obama fares better than New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton against prospective Republican rivals.
"Why would you ask me that!!?? Would you ask Picasso if he still had time for his art??!!" (To be fair, she was laughing at this point, though a trifle disturbingly)
"…Well, I think its too early to be thinking about an epitaph. All I can do is make the best of everyday and enjoy the fact that I'm still alive. I'm just counting my blessings."
The outside world has put answers concerning extremely impoverished countries, especially those in Africa. Everything comes back, again and again , to corruption and misrule. Western officials argue that Africa simply needs behave itself better, to allow market forces to operate without interference by corrupt rulers. Yet the critics of African governance have it wrong. Politics simply can't explain Africa's corruption is the basic source of the problem does not withstand serious scrutiny. During the past decade I witnessed how relatively well-governed countries in Africa failed to prosper, whereas societies in Asia perceived to have extensive corruption, such as Bangladesh enjoyed rapid economic growth.
Russian President Vladimir Putin Vowed Wednesday to strengthen the country's military capability and step-up spying abroad in response to U.S. plans to build missile defense sites and deploy troops in Eastern Europe. ロシア大統領・ウラジミール・プーチンが、水曜日に国の軍事能力を強化すると誓って、米国に対応した海外のステップ上がっている探りは、ミサイル防衛サイトを造って、東欧で軍隊を展開するのを計画しています。
"The situation in the World and internal political interests require the Foreingn Intelligence Service to permanently increase its capabilities, primarily in the field of information and analytical support for the country's leadership," Putin said at a meeting with senior military and security officers in the Kremlin in remarks posted in the Kremlin's Web site.
Putin did not identify specific nations as targets, but officials in the United States and Britain have said recently that Moscow has intensified its spying in those countries.
続き Putin said the United States planned ti station troops in Eastern Europe and Washinton's intention to base missile defense sites in Poland and the Czech Republic pose security challenges for Russia. Washington says the facilities are necessary to protect the United States and Europe from missiles launched by Iran or other rogue states.
Putin has proposed the United States use a Soviet-built radar base in Azerbaijan for missile defense. U.S. officials have questioned whether the facility is technically compatibre with U.S. systems.
On Wednesday, Putin said Washington was stonewalling. "Alternative ways of protection from hypothetical missile threats which we proposed have been left unanswered... All-round strengthening of our military forces is one of our indisputable priorities," hi said, promising to continue equipping the military with new weapons.
Putin also criticized the United States and other North Atlantic Treaty Organization members for failing to ratify an amended version of the 1990 Conventional Forces in Europe treaty, which limits the deployment of tanks, aircraft and other heavy nonnuclear weapons around the continent.
タイトル:Putin orders stronger military, spy operations プーチンはより強い軍事・スパイ作戦を命令する MOSCOW (AP)─モスクワ(AP通信) Russian President Vladimir Putin Vowed Wednesday to strengthen the country's military capability and step-up spying abroad in response to U.S. plans to build missile defense sites and deploy troops in Eastern Europe. ロシア大統領、ウラジミール・プーチンは水曜日に、米国の東ヨーロッパでの ミサイル防御システムの構築と軍隊の派遣に対応して、同国の軍事能力の強化 と海外でのスパイ活動に力を入れると明言した。
>>270 The Foreign Intelligence Service is a successor agency to the KGB. 外国情報局はKGBの後継局である。 Putin did not identify specific nations as targets, but officials in the United States and Britain have said recently that Moscow has intensified its spying in those countries. プーチンは特定の国を目標にするとは言わなかったが、米国と英国の高官は モスクワがそれらの国でのスパイ活動を強化していると最近発言していた。
>>269 "The situation in the World and internal political interests require the Foreingn Intelligence Service to permanently increase its capabilities, primarily in the field of information and analytical support for the country's leadership," 「世界情勢と国内の政治的利益が外国情報局に、まず同国の指導力のために 情報と分析的なサポートにおいてその能力を常に向上させることを要求する」 Putin said at a meeting with senior military and security officers in the Kremlin in remarks posted in the Kremlin's Web site. プーチンはクレムリンのウエブサイトに投稿された発言の中で、クレムリン の上級軍事安全将校たちとの会合でそのように述べた。
>>271 Putin said the United States planned to station troops in Eastern Europe and Washinton's intention to base missile defense sites in Poland and the Czech Republic pose security challenges for Russia. 米国が東欧に軍を駐留させる計画をしていることとワシントンのポーランド とチェコ共和国にミサイル防衛施設を建設する意図はロシアの安全に問題 を為すとプーチンは言った。 Washington says the facilities are necessary to protect the United States and Europe from missiles launched by Iran or other rogue states. ワシントンはその施設はイランなどのならず者国家から発射されるミサイル から米国と欧州を守るために必要だという。
>>272 Putin has proposed the United States use a Soviet-built radar base in Azerbaijan for missile defense. プーチンは米国がソ連がアゼルバイジャンに建設したレーダー基地をミサイル 防衛のために使用することを提案した。 U.S. officials have questioned whether the facility is technically compatibre with U.S. systems. 米高官はその施設が米国の設備に較べて遜色ないかどうかに疑念を呈した。
>>273 On Wednesday, Putin said Washington was stonewalling. 水曜、プーチンはワシントンが時間稼ぎをしていると言った。 "Alternative ways of protection from hypothetical missile threats which we proposed have been left unanswered... 「仮定上のミサイルの脅威からの保護の我々が提示した他の選択肢の返答が ないままである。 All-round strengthening of our military forces is one of our indisputable priorities," he said, promising to continue equipping the military with new weapons. 我々の全面的な軍事力の強化は争う余地のない最優先事項の1つである」と 彼は言い、軍に新兵器を設置し続けることを断言した。
>>274 Putin also criticized the United States and other North Atlantic Treaty Organization members for failing to ratify an amended version of the 1990 Conventional Forces in Europe treaty, which limits the deployment of tanks, aircraft and other heavy nonnuclear weapons around the continent. プーチンはまた米国と他の北大西洋条約機構の 加盟国が1990年の欧州通常兵器条約の改定を批准していないと批判した。 その改定は大陸の戦車、航空機、他の非核重兵器を制限するものである。
Another highly unusual feature of the shcool is the Work Education system, in which more senior pupils teach children who,owing to poverty,never before had a chance to study. (the Work Education system=労働教育システム) 長文ですいませんがどうしてもわからないのでお願いします。
There are readers who find it difficult to comprehend thoughtful writing without first taking notes; and it is significant that among these are people who in their professional capacity summarize documents and from the summaries write reports. Writing things, however, is a practice that can be abused: it can so easily lead to a passive and unconfident attitude to books; every little point the student read may in its context be so persuasive and conpelling that he feels constrained to include it in his notes, which become an abridged version of the original. 過度にノートを取る人は、よくノートを見直すまで、学習しない。 ;but as these are not always the product of understanding they may be lengthy and unreliable. Furthermore, sentence-by-sentence note-taking compels the reader to page-by-page reading, this is not necessarily the best way of reading and understanding a book.
Human right activists say that until the military clears the air about the full extent of the bomb's use, it will be that much harder to round them up and stop the damage.
I just changed home a few days ago and so I have no telephone. I just have a mobile. You can also SmS me if you want to.
But don't be shocked when I take the call. By the way. Do you think we can get this? I mean my englih is... ok, it's not bad but it's even not that good ^^'
At this stage neither the baby nor the headline can be considered as really saying anything. We can discern in a general way what both are driving at.
When the baby says, "pretty spoon," we gather that it is pleased; when the newspaper says "Tragic Accident," we gather it is shocked. But no direct statement is being made.
Wish for peace Wish for dreams Wish for love You are gone Without saying good bye
Starry sky I can still see the light You've saved And I think of you tonight Soon the dawn will come again What have I got ? What has it cost me ?
I can feel you are near Within me, outer space Here and there Tell me please How much we have to bleed When we'll get the land of dream After lonely bitter days
すいません アメリカのネットショップで Total sum $859.00 ってなって 下の欄に Sales Tax IL residents will have 9% sales tax added to their order とあります 最終的に支払いは859×1.09=936.31になるのでしょうか? それとも859だけでいいのでしょうか?
I'm asking around about jobs near Hiroshima It seems cool for Italians there. I think i'm gonna love Hiroshima. Unlucky I started the full time again at work,so I hope to catch you soon on msn. also cause I need to ask you some things about Hiroshima.
Greater wealth has brought a down side. In the last 20 years, many Asians have abandoned their traditional carbohydrate-dominated diets for more fatladen foods. よろしくおねがいします。
Experts agree that it is a chromic illness not unlike high blood pressure. Thus, as with high blood pressure, if doctors and patients decide to wrestle with it, effective treatments can be found. すみませんが、よろしくおねがいします。
We have begun to contemplate our origins:starstuff pondering the stars;organized assemblages of ten billion billion billion atoms considering the revolution of atoms;tracing the long journey by which,here at least,consciousness arose.
(a) the effect made by the 'delayed appearance' of the soloist; (b) the variety of musical material shared by soloist and orchestra; (c) the contrast between passages where the soloist is heard alone or quietly accompanied by the orchestra, and loud orchestral tutti passages (tutti meaning 'everyone'); (d) sections of musical dialogue between soloist and orchestra; (e) the musical and dramatic effect of the soloist's cadenza(based on the themes of the movement) followed by the orchestral coda.
サブタイトル Appointment of Babacan, other moderates viewed as nod toward EU Babacan、うなずきとしてEUに向かって見なされた他の軟派のアポイントメント
ISTANBUL(AP)─ イスタンブール(AP通信) Turkey's new president approved a Cabinet with a mix of of islamist and secular figures, many with reformist backgrounds that signal the Islamic-oriented government's commitment to winning entry into the European Union. イスラム教指向の政府のヨーロッパ連合に エントリーに勝つ委任を示すイスラム教徒と 世俗的な数字、リフォーミストバックグラウンドがある多くについて 新しい社長がミックスがある内閣を承認したターキーがあります。
President Abdullah Gul, a devout Muslim who has pledged to respect the country's traditional separation of religion and stat, swiftly sined off on the Cabinet proposed by his old ally, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. アブドラ・グール社長(国の宗教とスタットの 伝統的な分離を尊敬すると誓約した敬虔なイスラム教徒)は 彼の古い同盟国(内閣総理大臣のRecep Tayyipエルドアン)によって 提案された内閣で迅速にサインオフしました。
The 25-member Cabinet, which includes eight new members, has strong business credentials and appears designed to project a moderate image. 25メンバーの内閣(8人の新しいメンバーを含んでいる)は、 強いビジネス信任状を持って、 適度のイメージを映し出すために設計されているように見えます。
"We'll work for more freedoms and for more economic welfare," Erdogan said after Gul approved the list Wednesday. "We'll continue on our path, with a new enthusiasm with the new blood that we've brought in. We've formed a strong team." グールが水曜日にリストを承認した後に 「私たちは、より多くの自由と、よりよい経済の福祉のために働くつもりです。」と、エルドアンは言いました。 「私たちは持って入ったニューブラッドと共に経路で新たな熱意をもって続くつもりです。」 「私たちは強いチームを形成しました。」
Opponents have said they will watch Gul closely for signs of cronyism at the expense of the presidency's traditional role as a check on government. Gul, who won the presidency in a parliamentary vote on Tuesday, has the power to veto legislation and official appointments. 相手は、彼らが縁故優先のサインのために密接に政府のチェックとしての 大統領職の伝統的な役割を犠牲にしてグールを見ると言いました。 グール(火曜日に議会での投票における大統領職を得た)は拒否権法律と公式の任命にパワーを持っています。
Nearly four months ago,the militarybacked opposition forced Gul to abandon an earlier bid for the presidency because it feared he would erode secular traditions. On Wednesday,he was ensconced in the presidential palace,where Erdogan met him for n hour and a halr to discuss the new Cabinet. およそ4カ月前に、グールは、軍によって支持された反対によって 彼が世俗的な伝統を浸食するだろうというのが恐れられるので、 やむを得ず大統領職のための以前の入札を捨てました。 水曜日に、彼は大統領官邸に身を落ちつけられました。そこで、エルドアンは、 新しい内閣について議論するために1時間半の間、彼に会いました。
One of the most prominent Cabinet members is Ali Babacan, the former economy minister who takes over as foreign minister─a post left vacant when Gul was elected president. The U.S.-educated Babacan played a pivotal role in lifting Turkey out of recession and is an advocate of European Union membership. 最も著名な閣員のひとりはアリBabacan、外務大臣として引き継ぐ元経済大臣です。 ─グールが社長に選出されたとき、ポストは空のままにされました。 米国によって教育されたBabacanは不況からトルコを持ち上げる際に 極めて重要な役割をプレーして、ヨーロッパ連合会員資格の支持者です。
Babacan,40,is one of the youngest ministers in the government. He retains his role as chief negotiator for EU membership. Babacan,who earned a business degree at Northwestern University, acted as steward of economie reforms that were backed by the International Monetary Fund. Babacan(40)は政府で最も若い大臣のひとりです。 彼はEU会員資格のための交渉責任者として役割を保有します。 Babacan(ノースウェスタン大学におけるビジネス学位を得た)は 国際通貨基金によって支持された経済改革の執事として務めました。
One figure who was notably absent from the Cabinet was Bulent Arinc, the former parliament speaker who is consideres strongly religious and less given to compromise. 1つの内閣から著しく欠けている図がビュレントArincでした、 宗教的であると強く考えられて、妥協するために与えられていない元議会議長。
Arinc, who cofounded the ruling AK Party with Erdogan in 2001, drew the ire of secularists earlier this year by calling for the election of a "religous" president. Arinc(2001年にエルドアンと共に支配的なAK Partyをcofoundedした)は、 今年の初めに「宗教」の社長の選挙を求めることによって、世俗主義者の怒りを引き起こしました。 写真を説明を説明している文
New Turkish Foreign Minister All Babacan, center, attends a meeting of the new Cabinet in Ankara on Wednesday. センターである新しいトルコの外務大臣アリBabacanは水曜日にアンカラでの新しい内閣のミーティングに出席。
In 1972, UNESCO adopted the World Heritage Convertion in order to identify and protect places of cultural and natural heritage around the world. To be listed as a World Heritage site, a place must be important to people all over the world. In other words,[the site must be important to everyone in the world, no matter where they come from.]
On the island, there is a building call the "House of Slaves" which is now a museum. When you look out of its small window, you can see the beautiful ocean.[If, however, you`d been forced to stay there in the past, you wouldn`t have thought the ocean was beautiful.]
Excerpt from TETSUGAKU“Japanese is only used in Japan. In comparison, English is used in countries all over the world. It's the official second language in even more places. That means the market is worldwide. That isn't the case for Japanese. That means you have to focus on the Japanese population, don't you? And so, it means there's no possibility to broaden your market. I think if Japan had won the Second World War, history would have been changed. The Japanese language's sphere of influence would have grown. Also, the way I see it, it would have been better if Japan had adopted English after losing the war. Wouldn't it be easier that way? We'd all have been speaking English since we were born (laughs). We could have kept Japanese for historical, cultural things. It would be easier. The market would be bigger.” よろしくお願いします。
歌の歌詞なのですがお願いします どこでどう切れて文章になっているのかわからないので、歌詞カードをそのまま転載します 題名「 I see me passing by 」 I see me passing by oh Why can't I be just me Guess I'm afraid to try For all my mind has dreamed Like that walking, talking Late at night Smiling, running Out of sight Hung-up on hang-ups I know In a private world I go Down dusty, sun-splashed streets I've Caught within my own mind I know the kind I meet there Has to be my kind If I'm making, faking People out Got to know what I'm about Walk out On hang-ups and go In a private world I know...
>>358 I see me passing by 通り去る僕を見る I see me passing by oh 通り去る僕を見る Why can't I be just me なぜ素直になれないのか? Guess I'm afraid to try 僕が怖いことを当ててみて For all my mind has dreamed 皆僕の心は夢を見た Like that walking, talking 歩くように、話すように Late at night 夜遅く Smiling, running 微笑みながら、走りながら Out of sight 消えていく Hung-up on hang-ups I know 知ってる悩みに囚われて In a private world I go 僕の行くプライベートな世界を Down dusty, sun-splashed streets I've 埃っぽく日の足り返す照り返す道を Caught within my own mind 僕の心は捕まって I know the kind I meet there 僕は会う自分を知っている Has to be my kind 自分でなければならない If I'm making, faking もし僕が人を作り People out 騙すなら Got to know what I'm about 僕は自分について知らなければない Walk out 歩き出そう On hang-ups and go 囚われながらも行く In a private world I know... 僕の知るプライベートな世界を
どなたか翻訳お願いします。 Really you can sleep at night, without worrying about me, I don't easily get along with boy, because I am really really shy ^^ But the irish only have girl friends, so he's more open I think! He was at the party by the way, and I played video games all night with him ahahahaha I'm sorry, I only say that to make fun of you, because you're jealous, whereas there is absolutely nothing to be jealous for.
どなたか翻訳お願いします。 There were a number of carved stone figures placed at intervals along the parapets of the old Cathedral; some of them represented angels, others kings and bishops, and nearly all were in attitudes of pious exaltation and composure. But one figure, low down on the cold north side of the building, had neither crown, mitre, not nimbus, and its face was hard and bitter and downcast; it must be a demon, declared the fat blue pigeons that roosted and sunned themselves all day on the ledges of the parapet; but the old belfry jackdaw, who was an authority on ecclesiastical architecture, said it was a lost soul. And there the matter rested.
>>363 is it really possible? I would love that to happen before i start to get serious. That way I can understand u better too. 君がやらせてくれるって本当か? それなら嬉しいけど、その前に慎重にならなきゃならない。 そうすれば君のことももっとよく分かると思う。
Congratulations! Has true harmony in the universe been achieved by the defeat of the solar systems enemies? Space seems peaceful. Still,an eerie silence hints of danger yet unseen since the collapse of the huge industrial civilization....
>>371 Congratulations! おめでとう! Has true harmony in the universe been achieved by the defeat of the solar systems enemies? 宇宙の真の平和は太陽系の敵を滅ぼすことによって達成されたかい? Space seems peaceful. 宇宙は平和にみえる。 Still,an eerie silence hints of danger yet unseen since the collapse of the huge industrial civilization.... しかしまだ巨大な工業文明の崩壊以来、不気味な沈黙がまだ見えぬ 危険をほのめかしている・・・
While the sacrifices of taxpayers cannot be precisely measured, as many earlier writers assumed, it is neither necessary nor wise to abandon the idea of appraising and comparing, in a rough way, the burdens that taxes impose.
President Abdullah Gul, a devout Muslim who has pledged to respect the country's traditional separation of religion and stat, swiftly sined off on the Cabinet proposed by his old ally, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
The 25-member Cabinet, which includes eight new members, has strong business credentials and appears designed to project a moderate image.
"We'll work for more freedoms and for more economic welfare," Erdogan said after Gul approved the list Wednesday. "We'll continue on our path, with a new enthusiasm with the new blood that we've brought in. We've formed a strong team."
Seaport Can't Keep Up With Demand! Mayor, a city's needs are in phases, some are imported, and some are exported. When your city's industrial parking lots are filling up with manufactured goods, it is time to take action! It's clear to me that expanding the Seaport will soothe parking lot congestion and get city's industrial wheels turning once again.
I am Mariam Musa young medical student from west africa. i would like to go into a partnership with you It is my pleasure to contact you for a business venture which I intend to establish in your country. Though I have not met with you before but I believe, one has to risk confiding in succeed sometimes in life. There is this huge amount ($4.500,000,00) Million USA Dollar which my late Mother kept for with a Fiduciary Fund Holder in Abidjan before her Death.
Now I have decided to invest these money in your country or anywhere safe enough outside Africa for security and political reasons. I want you to help me claim and retrieve these fund from the Fiduciary Fund Holders and transfer it into your personal account in your country for investment purposes .
I am honourably seeking your assistance in the following ways: 1) To provide a bank account into which this money would be transferred to . (2) To serve as a guardian of this fund . (3) To make arrangement for me to come over to your country to further my education and to secure a resident permit in your country
If you can be of an assistance to me I will be pleased to offer to you 20% Of the total fund. I await your soonest response.
自動翻訳しても、いまいちわからないのですが訳していただけませんか? Hello your order is ready to hgo, however we are out of the following item escape xlt sprot in red, we do have the xlt in red if you want it is the same model just not a sport Leet me know and we can ship rght out thanks
Scared and froze I'm not going for it. It's gone too for and it's sick I will not understand til wished decisions all appeored I sive enough of a flat refusal was i here to be afraid and escape? in a flash. I am gone.. a cleah world is all i have seen before i got obsessed wish that i could promise myself one more round. I said wish that i cloud promise myself one more round. I said a sphere I am hyphotized wish that i am always in scarcely found when it started to fade. I was not aware of it wish i did before i got orsessed. I was not awarke of it. before i got orsessed. It's taking over me It's taking over me I am taking over it. お願いします。
President Abdullah Gul, a devout Muslim who has pledged to respect the country's traditional separation of religion and stat, swiftly sined off on the Cabinet proposed by his old ally, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
The 25-member Cabinet, which includes eight new members, has strong business credentials and appears designed to project a moderate image.
"We'll work for more freedoms and for more economic welfare," Erdogan said after Gul approved the list Wednesday. "We'll continue on our path, with a new enthusiasm with the new blood that we've brought in. We've formed a strong team."
機械を使わないでお願いします。 There were a number of carved stone figures placed at intervals along the parapets of the old Cathedral; some of them represented angels, others kings and bishops, and nearly all were in attitudes of pious exaltation and composure. But one figure, low down on the cold north side of the building, had neither crown, mitre, not nimbus, and its face was hard and bitter and downcast; it must be a demon, declared the fat blue pigeons that roosted and sunned themselves all day on the ledges of the parapet; but the old belfry jackdaw, who was an authority on ecclesiastical architecture, said it was a lost soul. And there the matter rested.
President Abdullah Gul, a devout Muslim who has pledged to respect the country's traditional separation of religion and stat, swiftly sined off on the Cabinet proposed by his old ally, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
The 25-member Cabinet, which includes eight new members, has strong business credentials and appears designed to project a moderate image.
"We'll work for more freedoms and for more economic welfare," Erdogan said after Gul approved the list Wednesday. "We'll continue on our path, with a new enthusiasm with the new blood that we've brought in. We've formed a strong team."
The contribution of the spectral transformation to the properties of the converted signal can hardly be distinguished from that of the residual prediction.
I sent some book to japan using express mail the post office says they would get there in 5 days - it was $50. your box would not be so much but I like the 5 days. So? 410 min to 460 max until I send it then I will charge for the real price.?
A year's worth of eggs produced by one Petit Gris snail is displayed at the snail farm of French breeder Dominique Pierru near Soissons, northeast of Paris, December 19, 2007. Pierru, who revived the caviar d'escargot by making it purer and fresher, hopes to farm 200kg (440lb) of eggs this year and 600 kg in 2008.
we were very very busy during December, catching up with friends and family and,in my case,finishinhg the last of my clinical practice (I am a rehabilitation medicine specialist,now,as of the end of December fully retired.) Peter's mother in England had a stroke,and for a couple of weeks in December,he returned to spend time with her and his 5 brothers and sisters to decide where it would be best for her to live after she left the hospital.In England,and here in Canada,many elderly people who can no longer live at home will live in an Extended Care facility,where they receive all meals,some recreational/ entertainment facilities,general care and basic physician care.she is now there and seems to be happy or at least content,although her memory is very poor.
Since returning from Japan,I have read The Tale of Murasaki and have seen the movie Memoirs of a Geisha,and Peter has read the book of Memoirs of a Geisha. Are you familiar with these? What do you think of them? Are they fairly accurate? We have very much enjoyed them, but it would be nice to know if they are factual!!!
As a result, many state(public)schools today are still Church schools,teach-ing children ordinary subjects and also how to be good Angli-cans, Methodists,Catholics etc.(There are also 35 Jewish schools and at least one Muslim and Sikh school.) どなた様か訳をお願いします。
The assertion has appeal because it is plausible to suppose that people first satisfy their most urgent needs and then use additional income to meet less urgent wants and because, in civilized communities, public or private assistance is given to those whose income is below a minimum level.
Henry Simons, for example, urged that the discussion be reduced “frankly to the level of ethics or aesthetics” and, in a much-quoted sentence, said, “The case for drastic progression in taxation must be rested on the case against inequality―on the ethical or aesthetic judgment that the prevailing distribution of wealth and income reveals a degree (and / or kind) of inequality which is distinctly evil or unlovely.”
保険の言葉の意味なんですがよくわかりません。 おねがいします。 where a policy subscribed by or on behalf of two or more insurers,each subscription,unless the contrary be expressed,constitutes a district contract with the assured
>>457 where a policy (is) subscribed by or on behalf of two or more insurers, each subscription, unless the contrary be expressed, constitutes a district (distinct?) contract with the assured
保険証書に二名以上の保険業者が署名している、もしくは二名以上の保険業者の 代理で署名している場合、各署名は、反証を明示しない限り、被保険者との district contract をなす。
>>446 日本から戻って以来、The Tale of Murasaki を読み、 映画のMemoirs of a Geishaを見ました。 ピーターはその本も読みました。あなたはこれらを良く知ってますか? これらをどう思いますか?かなり正確な話ですか? 私たちはそれをとても楽しみましたが、 事実かどうか分かったらとてもすばらしいですね。
アインシュタイン語録 66 :ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:2008/01/18(金) 03:47:10 ID:QjGx9/b8 “Physical concepts are free creations of the human mind, and are not, however it may seem, uniquely determined by the external world.” Albert Einstein お願いします。
You may find that the answers you receive raise even more questions. On the one hand, Jupiter and Saturn provide substance and promote progress yet other factors generate uncertainty and emotional turbulence. Thus, when faced with information you have been hoping for you may find either there are errors or misunderstandings or that you haven't got what you expected at all. With this in mind, be flexible and fair-minded. When other people sense an openness and lack of resistance in you they will be less rigid and more accommodating. And you will be on your way to the outcome you had hoped for in the first place.
It thus comes as no news to anymore that different levels of description have different kinds of utility, depending on the purpose and the context,and I have accordingly summarized my view of this simple truth as it applies to the world of thinking and the brain. Thinkodynamics is explained by statistical mentalics,as well as its flipped-around version. Statistical mentalics can be bypassed by talking at the level of thinkodynamics.
The baby now says, "Gimme pretty spoon," "Nice papa come home," and the headline with its newly loosened tongue exclaims, "The Maine Blown Up" or "Two Held on Fraud Charge."
日本語訳教えて下さい One officer had even objected to her appointment as a medical assistant because he could not believe that Barry was anything other than a man.
お願いします。 Hey man we all are cool. and if people have a problem with it we can fight them LOL. Most japanese people are cool, but some are too reserved. yes really, Ai is cool ;) Maybe you and I could go there. I could show you around lol. 英語力なくてすいません。
I'm going to send this picture to you because I think it's beautiful and I hope you don't think I'm being nasty ...however SADE looks amazing in this foto!
Most business situations,the kind that come to the attention of the senior decision makers you are, require that leaders get a couple of big things right: the destination,so people know where they're going, and a polestar,so they don't get lost. Butthe voyage itself is sure to be anything but clear sailing. Success comes to those who read and react to the unovious but important complications of wind and current, who tack tirelessly in the face of adversity,who exploit every puff in the doldrums,who seize the chance for a long run downwind.
As a result, many state(public)schools today are still Church schools,teach-ing children ordinary subjects and also how to be good Angli-cans, Methodists,Catholics etc.(There are also 35 Jewish schools and at least one Muslim and Sikh school.) どなたか訳をお願いします
i think you have a flair for languages. sounds like your english have improved a lot too. you had chance to use alot of english recently?
if you like snorkelling, thailand is a great place ne. I had a good time when i went to phuket, and snorkelled nearly at phi phi islands, sugoi kirei. think it would be nice to do that together. i dont know if i am going to japan anytime soon, though sometimes i am very, very tempted to go over just to meet you ne.
next mth i'll go back to singapore for 1 week. think i am finally beginning to miss home ne :) looking forward to my chicken rice and singapore kohi
It seems likely that the monarchy will change to suit changing times, that people will come to like Charles more(as they did with his sister Anne),and that it will recover from its current difficulties. 大変申し訳ありませんが和訳をお願い致します。
With the demise of the Soviet bloc, the rise of the Internet, and the emergence of India and China, the world has become a level playing field, where competitive advantage accrues to talent and effort, not to accidents of birth or geography. This is an important argument, but the discriminating mind sees two things wrong with it.
In the world according to Ghemawat, most companies'global strategies are flawed and incomplete. Flawed because they assume that cross-border integration is or should be the same thing as standardization. (A company can be integrated across borders without presenting a uniform offering or business model; it's the ability to manage differences well-which includes both acquiescing to and overcoming them-that matters.) Incomplete because, in the pursuit of simplicity, they tend to omit a whole class of approaches that exploit differences (in the cost of labor, for instance).
* level playing fieldは時事英語では良く出てくる表現。前後の文脈から多少日本語を 補って訳すといいかも。 * accrue to (accrue fromではなくて)の部分は、>>507の訳は日本語としては それらしくなってるけど、ちょっと意訳しすぎと思う。
accrue: to come by way of increase or addition : arise as a growth or result - usually used with to or from: advantages accruing to society from the freedom of the press
Although I started one,I did not have the time to finish it,because I have been only short times in Hamburg,where I lived before.I was offered a better job in April or May last year. o finish all my duties in my former job took about two months and after that I started the new job in August last year in Switzerland (in Zurich).After having lived in a hotel for three months,I was happy having found a good opportunity to share an appartement with a young woman. Although one coud say that Switzerland is quite close to Germany and some things are quite the same, it is completely different, e.g. the language. Now I have been living here for almost six months and can say, it is not as strange as before but,it did not became my "home". Every four to five weeks I try to fly home to Hamburg to see my boyfriend or to see my mom. Living like that is not easy but it opens up my mind. The job is not bad but,I will now try to find one in Hamburg,in Germany,again,because I fear that the relationship with my boyfriend could suffer.For me it became more and more important to have a good working relationship and a "home" and the family around.
As I have not yet finished my studies,I had to pass two more written tests in December last year. And, as I know since Monday last week, I did pass them - both! Slowly I can see a light at the edge of the tunnel ... After the last written test on 22. December, we went to Potsdam to see my Mom. We stood there til the 24. On 25 Dec, we went to Berlin, to see my boyfriends Mom. The next day we visited my boyfriends sister and her family. Then I had one day alone with my Mom and on the 28 Dec we turned back to Hamburg for Sylvester because we have been invited to a Sylvester Party with friends.I had holidays from 24 Dec 07 until 6 Jan 08 - my first holiday since Juli, where we have been on Mallorca for one week(this is an island in the mediterranian sea, belonging to Spain).
At present,I can say that it could be a very good year concerning my job, because I shall have the chance to perform in several concerts, especially next May, in Italy and Germany: I have to prepare myself and my choir and Iìll have a lot of work to do, but I am happy with this.Maybe we'll receive an invitation to come back to Japan in 2010, and I hope it could be possible, because I love so much Japanese audience and theatres.Who knows?
My children are back in school and so I am back to my activities raising money for the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, working at my children's school, cooking and spending time with friends trying to think of a good business idea.So far,2008 is no different from 2007!
Allowing the Royal Family to become less Private, less mysterious,has caused great problems, but there remains the feeling that they are not ordinary human beings like the rest of us. 大変申し訳ありませんが訳をお願い致します。
Peace negotiations generally follow a set pattern, regardless of whether they are for a regional conflict or civil war. First, an agreeement on key issues is sought to put an end to hostilities. Following this, negotiations will move toward the signing of a peace agreement, and if this is successful, armed action will be suspended, after which combatants are disengaged. The introduction of peacekeeping operations (PKO) follows this stage. What is important is that those responsible for assistance should take part in the negotiations from the start, that is, initial negotiations aimed agreement on the key issues.
Lash, president of the World Resources Institute, is a leading expert on climate change and has helped many corporations understand its severity and its implications for them. He , too, sees complexity where others don't: Although climate change is a global problem, it's one that presents many different faces, ranging all the way from regulatory risk to competitive opportunity. In this extremely important article, Lash and Wellington provide a framework that allows you to audit your company's exposure to climate-change risk, both in your operations and in the competitive context in which you do business. It will help you identify ways to mitigate risk and understand how to compete successfully in a carbon-constrainedworld.
For example, Suzuki Ichiro and Katsui Hideki are on the level of American Major League Baseball, but they have teammate who may not be good enough to play on a minor league team in America.
Most team in America are owned by wealthy individuals or groups of people who actually live in each individual team's community.
'It is possible that up there in those high-pitched inaudible regions there is a new exiting music being made, with subtleharmonies and fierce grinding discords, a music so powerful that it would drive us mad if only our ears were tuned to hear the sound of it'
翻訳お願いします。 And I tried not too make a really long mail since you're not feeling good, I don't want to bore you too much (because my mail is indeed long but I can do better haha)
Kings in the past have frequently been highly unpopular,and have often indulged in scandalous behaviour,particularly in the eighteenth century,but since the time of Queen Victoria(reigned 1837-1901)have generally been well-behaved and respected.
I can't stop at just two. A word about "Crisis at the Summit", by George Parsons and Richard Pascale. We've all seen the syndrome or been there: It strikes when a star performer, at the top of his or her game, gets bored. When the old challenges aren't challenging enough. These are dangerous times for great performers, who may make stupid mistakes, get wooed by headhunters, turn their energy away from work and into hobbies or other activities, or mess up their personal lives. Like sharks that cannot breathe unless they are moving forward, truly talented people start to suffocate if they are not learning. Recognizing the summit syndrome, in others or in yourself, is not easy, but it can be one of the most important discriminations a leader makes.
Write about 3 things that stand out in your mind that you think are things that will serve you well for a long time(these maybe things of a physical,intellectual,personal nature)
Once Fermi is said to have asked his college students how many piano tuners there were in Chicago. To answer the question, he recommended they break it into smaller, easier questions, and then have the courage to make some guesses. How many people live in Chicago? Three million would be a reasonable estimate. How many people per family? Let’s say there is an average of four. How many families own pianos? Say one out of three. Then there are about 250,000 pianos in Chicago. How often would each be tuned? Maybe once every five years. That makes 50,000 tunings a year. How many pianos can one tuner tune in a day? Four? And how many in a year? If there are 250 working days, one person can tune 1,000 pianos a year. So there is work for about 50 piano tuners in Chicago-which, as it turns out, is rather close to the actual number in the Yellow Pages.
The version of the Bible used until recently in Anglican churches,the Authorized or King Version(1611),stands at the centre of English literature,along with Shakespeare,and the English language is full of words and phrases taken from it. すみませんがこの文章の意味が分からないので教えて下さい。お願いします。
The version of the Bible used until recently in Anglican churches,the Authorized or King James Version(1611),stands at the centre of English literature,along with Shakespeare,and the English language is full of words and phrases taken from it. すみません文章間違えました。こちらを日本語訳にお願い致します。
Kings in the past have frequently been highly unpopular,and have often indulged in scandalous behaviour,particularly in the eighteenth century,but since the time of Queen Victoria(reigned 1837-1901)have generally been well-behaved and respected. すみませんが日本語訳を教えて下さい。
The trouble is,people then didn't know it."Politicians,business leaders,scholars and ordinary citizens were very uneasy regarding the future,"says Fuse."Nobody then looked ahead and saw prosperity just around the corner." Today's shrunken birthrate gives us a sentimental admiration for a time when baby boomers were children,not retirees,and kids were everywhere. How did people see it then?
Along with changes in africultural production and a stream of new inventions and attendant intellectual enthusiasm came some less dramatic shifts in England.
Some less dramatic shifts in England came along with (changes in agricultural production) and (a stream of new inventions and attendant intellectual enthusiasm).
* attendant: accompanying or following as a result: (それに)付随する、伴う
My husband,Michael,and I are expecting our first child in May 2008.We have found out that we are going to have a little girl. We are entertaining the idea of naming her Ava.In terms of our living arrangements,things have changed drastically since I met you in Tokyo.As of 2008,we have moved back to California in the United States.My husband's career has him working on a long-term project in the states.We are happy to be back,but we do miss his family in England very much.Once the baby is born,we will travel back for a long visit.The soon-to-be grandparents are awaiting the arrival quite anxiously.As for my career,it has been put on hold for a while.I have applied to work within the local school district as an aide for children with special needs.This is a new industry for me as my background is in the advertising and marketing arenas.I hope to find out about the job in the next week or so.If I can work full time until the baby comes,I'll be able to see if I want to continue working in the educational field after my kids(I hope to have more than one) are in school themselves.
Young Goodman Brown came forth at sunset into the street at Salem village; but put his head back,after crossing the threshold, to exchange a parting kiss with his young wife. And Faith,as the wife was aptly named, thrust her own pretty head into the street, letting the wind play with the pink ribbons of her cap whileshe called to Goodman Brown.
>>611 文章の意味がイマイチ理解できません(ノ_・。) この文章は自分で訳してみましたがよく分からないので直して下さい。 Kings in the past have frequently been highly unpopular,and have often indulged in scandalous behaviour,particularly in the eighteenth century,but since the time of Queen Victoria(reigned 1837-1901)have generally been well-behaved and respected. 過去において、王はしばしば国民に不人気であったり、とりわけ18世紀においてはスキャンダルな行動にふけったりもしていた。 しかしヴィクトリア女王(在位1837-1901)の時代からは概ね規範的であり尊敬を集めるようになった。
こちらの文も自分で訳してみたのですが手直しお願いします。 The version of the Bible used until recently in Anglican churches,the Authorized or King James Version(1611),stands at the centre of English literature,along with Shakespeare,and the English language is full of words and phrases taken from it.
>>37 ありがとうございます☆中心に直しますね。それと全体的に文章がイマイチなので、直していただけませんか?? The version of the Bible used until recently in Anglican churches,the Authorized or King James Version(1611),stands at the centre of English literature,along with Shakespeare,and the English language is full of words and phrases taken from it.
皆さんには簡単だと思います。 僕は馬鹿なので教えて下さい。 I always wanted to go to Japan after reading about Japan and that kind of stuff. =] I might study uni in Japan. Who knows?
you asked for that picture. I made that because me and my friend brendan will hopefully start a clothing brand called communist eagle because there's a clothing brand called american eagle that we hate in the US you got any shirt ideas :) hell maybe you'll help us expand the buisness to japan...
We spent 3 weeks in France during December because my father was very sick ( cancer) and finally died just before Christmas. As we said in France, "c'est la vie", .....That's life... 和訳 おしえてください。
It was very strange because at the same time,it was very tough, you just can do anything to help and feel rage,and on the other side, it was a a very lucky situation to spend with him these latest days on hearth. There was so much love on his face and eyes.
No wonder, since baseball is Japan's most popular sport. Introduced in the 1980s and having become a professional sport in 1936, baseball is as important to Japan's culture as it is to American's. よろしくおねがいします。
Why was the estimate so accurate? At any point, your guesses may have been too high or too low. However, your mistakes probably canceled each other out. Here is another puzzle. You probably already know that black absorbs the most heat, while white reflects the most. But what about other colors? How could you find the answer? Hint: it is winter, but not too cold. Benjamin Franklin’s solution was elegant. He laid cloth samples of various colors on the snow on a sunny morning. “In a few hours, “he reported, “the black, being warmed most by the sun, had sunk so low that it was not hit by the sun; the dark blue, almost as low; the lighter blue not quite so much as the dark; the other colors, less as they were lighter; and the white remained on the surface of the snow.”
We have loads of them still available but this week tagging alot for spring shipment. We need to know if you know of any customs requirements for Japan?
I hastened to reassure the purchasing agent that he had been brought up in Europe only because his father had been the American ambassador to many foreign countries, and that his family could be traced back to the Mayflower.
Would anyone of such noble character move way out in the sticks for a salary of 40 yen a month? 40 yenというのは昔の話ですから、今で言えば妥当な金額だと思います。 それよりも、noble characterの人なら安いといいたいのだろうけど、move way out in the sticks forがわからない。
The christmas tamales my mom made were too good to deny.I love the foods during the holidays. Thank you for your concern. I would have gone to tokyo and Ishikawa perfecture, and Kyoto during the month of January,but since i had spent such a long time in Japan,I now have to repay for the debit incurred.This is the only reason why i am not there now.Japan is where i would like to live for another few years filming and photographing and teaching of course.But I now have returned to school to improve my math skills and get the degree to be able to teach there and live with my favorite culture aside my own. I have great respect for people who like you, who try so hard to make a better life for themselves and their families. I am saddened to be here at this time.
Can I ask about your faith? Do you believe in the Christmas story about Jesus? That's why we celebrate so much in the West. I think many people have lost touch with what Christmas is really about, it seems quite sad.
We spent 3 weeks in France during December because my father was very sick ( cancer) and finally died just before Christmas. As we said in France, "c'est la vie", .....That's life... It was very strange because at the same time,it was very tough, you just can do anything to help and feel rage,and on the other side, it was a a very lucky situation to spend with him these latest days on hearth. There was so much love on his face and eyes.
we believe that you met my Sister also at Heian-jingu in 2005. She has a picture of you. You have also been in touch with her by email as well. She is in the process of moving at the minute, so we can't get the picture, but we will send it on when we can get hold of it.
We finally found the house of our dreams and we moved in on the 22nd of December. Since the move we have been spending most of our free time doing work on the building and getting the house just how we like it.
That, therefore, which when absent, it is so indispensable, but so difficult, to create, how worse than absurd it is to forego, when spontaneously offering itself!
Bright future Others are more optimistic. "It's a new idea," says Mark Mattson, a researcher at the National Institute on Aging in Baltimore, Maryland. The findings, he says, open the door to developing drugs that could boost levels of the megalin shuttle and help keep the brain healthy. "It's initial data but I think it has potential to be very relevant to people," he adds.
Mattson notes that the link between exercise and brain health is still not certain in humans, although the evidence is mounting up. Other research has found that staying mentally agile or even maintaining a slim physique may help to protect against Alzheimer's and other brain disorders. おねがいします
Exercise helps to flush a toxic molecule from the brain and causes a beneficial one to move in and protect nerve cells, research on mice shows. The discovery might help to explain why staying fit and keeping mentally active seem to fend off Alzheimer's disease in humans. "Our experiments support the idea that exercise is a good approach to all types of problems in the brain and that a sedentary lifestyle is a risk factor, " says Ignacio Torres-Aleman, who led the study at the Cajal Institute in Madrid. Torres-Aleman and his colleagues were intrigued by previous studies showing that exercise slows mental decline in mice engineered to mimic Alzheimer's disease. They set out to discover the reason. They found that exercise doubled the levels of a protein that helps to flush molecules thought to underlie Alzheimer's disease out of the mice's brains and into their blood.
The protein, called megalin, ejects a potentially destructive protein called amyloid-beta. In Alzheimer's patients, amyloid-beta accumulates in clumps throughout the brain.
Megalin also binds to a beneficial molecule in the blood, called insulin-like growth factor, and transports it to the brain. This growth factor is perhaps best known for bulking up muscles after exercise, but it also helps to keep nerve cells healthy.
Once in your life you will find her Someone that turns your heart around And next thing you know You're closing down the town Wake up and it's still with you Even though you left her way cross town Wonderin' to yourself Hey what have I found
When you get caught between the moon and New York City I know it's crazy but it's true If you get caught between the moon and New York City The best that you can do The best that you can do is fall in love
Arthur, he does as he pleases All of his life his master's toys
And deep in his heart he's just He's just a boy Living his life one day at a time He's showing himself a pretty good time He's laughing about the way They want him to be
As I have not yet finished my studies,I had to pass two more written tests in December last year.And,as I know since Monday last week,I did pass them-both!Slowly I can see a light at the edge of the tunnel... After the last written test on 22.December,we went to Potsdam to see my Mom.We stood there til the 24.On 25 Dec,we went to Berlin, to see my boyfriends Mom.The next day we visited my boyfriends sister and her family.Then I had one day alone with my Mom and on the 28 Dec we turned back to Hamburg for Sylvester because we have been invited to a Sylvester Party with friends.I had holidays from 24 Dec 07 until 6 Jan 08 - my first holiday since Juli, where we have been on Mallorca for one week (this is an island in the mediterranian sea,belonging to Spain).
1 Children were asked to state how many pets they own. Frome the tally chart,what are the values of x,y avd z? 2 The perimeter of this shape<each cude has a side length of1cm>is 3 The number of sweets in a jar is 60,correct to the nearest ten. What is the least and greatest possible number of sweets in the jar?
1 If lamp 1 is unscrewed from its holder,what happen to lamp 2? 2 Which of the follwing is not a general property of metals? 3 What is the NUTERIENT IN meat,egg and fish?
they were Just a W an A and a S all alone until someone put them together made a word! がありました。
しかし、そのあとにかきこまれた文の方が楽しいかも。 Was was never was before was was was because was didnt exist berfore was was was, therefore was was never was, but was is was now was.
I've tried several antivirus programs and antispyware. Some of them do really say that the file is infected, and put it to isolator. I just ignored it or turned off the antivirus for the time I generate the key. I have a Symantec Corporate edition installed at office and it says almost about every keygen for many programs I've installed that they are infected. But that's not true. That could be beacuse the antivirus considers the file has spyware or any threat to computers security, but that is not a virus!!! Actually all keygens are spyware and a threat for security, because they are made for piracy!!! So, finally it is up for you to decide to use any keygen or not. よろしくお願いします。
Since the end of 2002, the pound's share of deposits has doubled from 6% to 12%. An attractive yield is one reason.
↓ここからお願いします。 Another is the growing heft of emerging economies, whose central banks put a bigger chunk of reserves into deposits than do their counterparts in developed countries.
The high-yielding pound has gained from this trend.
For now, to place an order for any of the items you see on the site we'll have to ask you to call, fax, mail or e-mail the information to us. Credit card information should only be exchanged over the phone. The prices, sizes and products on the site cannot be guaranteed and may be changed without notice. We have a constantly rotating inventory and many one-of-kind items. We have tried to select products for the website that we will often have or that we acquire on a regular basis. We have a $25 minimum for shipped orders. Please call or email if you have any questions
Unfortunately I had to come home early due to some unexpected family problems and the resulting monetary constraints,and afterwards it was a rough few weeks acclimating in America and sorting out grades and international schooling as well as signing up for my classes! I have only just gotten back into my e-mail and started sorting through e verything now that things are a bit more stable.
I worked also during those days; it was supossed that was going to have vacations but I didn't...well, I think it's better to have work than do not right? : )
Here is a verse I dedicate to you... "Life is not what it seems no - Think of a rainbow and your wish will come true. Life is a never enjoying wheel look upon a star so you'll know just where what do you see. Reflections of a friendship you gave so me. A sign to build a dream on. I hope you feel the thing I say. Dream for awhile of the things that make you smile."
In an ideal world you'd be taking a couple of weeks off and turning over your responsibilities and duties to others but since life is far from perfect you're going to have to find time to chill within your existing schedule. But this you can and should do. Virgos have a tendency to put themselves second and everyone else first and with a Venus-Jupiter conjunction in the area of pleasure and productivity, it's time you let some romance into your life or discovered the joy of doing what you, personally, want to do. Just how much Neptune will interfere with the enjoyment available rather depends but if something fails to materialize now, give it time.
When the girls read fashion magazines, they inevitably compare their bodies to those of fashion models often fearing that they are not thin enough to be beautiful like the models.
But much of the current boom has been fuelled by a Korean soapーopera called A Winter Sonata , and its leading man Bae Yongーjoon,or Yonーsama as he is affectiomately known in Japan.
I work a lot so don't have much time to check e-mails. I actually almost deleted this without even reading it because I didn't recognize the address right away.
This would be an ideal moment to marry, become engaged or get back together with an old love. And should you meet someone new, expect to be romanced in style. The only problem with this uplifting astro-scape is that Mercury is retrograding which could cause delays and confusion in general but in particular with the start of a new relationship. You're a naturally patient sign but when your heart is involved even you can become easily discouraged. Don't be.
In a world where demands of the economy are pressing against the limits of natural systems, relying exclusively on economic statistics to guide investment decisions is a recipe for disaster.
While economists see booming economic growth, ecologists see an economy that is altering the climate with consequences that no one can foresee.
she seems like an attention fiend and maybe she is mad that she is losing attention from people... So I am lead to believe. 〜〜〜 I am sorry to hear about the trouble she is causing you... I hope it ends soon.
和訳をお願いします。 In all his theories of the world, man has at first deviated widely from the truth, and has only gradually come to see how far otherwise God has ordered things than the first daring speculator had supposed. It has been popularly assumed that the Bible, bearing the stamp of divine authority, must be complete, perfect, and unimpeachable in all its parts, and a thousand difficulties and incoherent doctrines have sprung out of this theory. Men have proceeded in the matter of theology, as they did with physical science before inductive philosophy sent them to the feet of nature and bid them learn in patience and obedience the lessons which she[she=nature]had to teach.
As a teacher I am very lucky with holidays , thirteen weeks a year. I wonder how many weeks Japanese teachers have.I had ten days holiday over the Christmas period. It was a very busy time.
Sarah finished her BA degree in Human Geography at University College in London in June 2007.She worked very hard ( 2 jobs) to save enough money for her visit to Cameroon.Sarah is volunteering with a NGO for 6 months.Basically she is teaching English for 3 days a week and helping the director of a charity,Self Reliance Promoters,with various projects.The main project is to construct a school building.Currently the charity rents a premises for the 80 children who attend.The children are aged between 12-16 years. The majority are orphaned due to their parents dying of AIDS. She is staying with the director and his family.The facilities are very basic,no running hot water and the electricity supply is erratic.A few weeks ago there was no electricity for 3 days. Sarah helps the director write proposals for fund raising as money is in very short supply.In the past,the charity has received money from Canada and America as well from the Cameroon government. The charity was established in 1999 and helps local people to initiate and sustain various projects;education,water treatment,mills to grind corn,palm oil distribution etc.I am very proud of Sarah doing this charitable work,though at times I am worried about her safety and health issues.Sarah is really enjoying being in Cameroon.Although the people are living in poverty they are very happy,friendly and generous I have attached some photos of where Sarah works in Kumbo,north west Cameroon near a big town called Bamenda.I am sure you will find the photos interesting.Increasingly young people in England are doing this type of work, helping in less developed countries.
I'm thinking also to do some excursion outside Tokyo. Can you tell me something interesting to see? I know about Kyoto, Kamakura, Nara and Hakone. But I don't know what is really important to see... If I remember you told me that you are from Yokohama. I'd like to come there from one day trip, can you tell me what I should see?
. Pick a number from 2 to 9. It can be 2 or 9, or any number in-between. 2. Take your number and multiply it by 9. 3. That should give you a 2 digit number. Take these 2 digits and add them together. 4. Take the resulting number and subtract 5 from it. 5. Take that number and correspond it to the alphabet, numbering the letters. A=1, B=2, C=3, D=4 and so on. 6. Take your letter, and think of a country that begins with that letter. 7. Take the last letter in the name of that country, and think of an animal that starts with this letter. 8. Now, take the last letter in the name of that animal, and think of a color that starts with this letter. 9. Oh, and one more thing . . . . . There aren't any orange kangaroos in Denmark!
Finally send me a brain teaser or a joke. We Canadian guys like to wear short pants. Do you know why?
The reasons respondents gave for being afraid to use the Internet included leaks of personal information through computer viruses, illicit computer access through unauthorized use of their passwords and so on, and being billed for fictitious expenses.
A sense of enthrallment when confronted with this display, whether tinged with thrill,omen,or even fear,may be among the more universal of human response to the physical universe. What this state of emotion might mean to the individual, however,as well as what he or she might actually perceive in the glowing orb itself,will inevitably vary from one people to the next. Strong threads of continuity bind several traditions of representation and imagination through the centuries. One of the oldest of these is the tradition we carry with us today,which we have inherited from the openig decades of modern observation,dating from the first use of the telescope.
The holiday may be Christian, but the etymology of Easter comes from a pagan goddess whose festival was held at the spring equinox. The beautifully decorated Easter eggs, which children and adults love so much, originated in Germany two or three centuries ago. お願いします。
yer just to tell you ChaozXII, asians aren't black. you mean to say why did they use a caucasion kid
uuuhhh...what's the difference in what he asked and what you corrected him to say? He didnt imply japanese people were black...Education people. He was saying why did they use a white kid/caucasian as you like to say, to play a japanese character. Hope it made you feel good though to take a shot at this man and make a race issue out of nothing.
well i'm sorry that it seemed like i was 'making a race issue out of nothing' to you. hope it made you feel good analyizing my comment..
I enjoyed your remarks, but there is one thing the chapel promises to do that you're probably not aware of because you're not a physician. When I heard you talking about the chapel, it occurred to me that if I could go there and talk to God, tell Him what I had done and how I felt about it, I would feel better.
And the high probability cannot be denied that by evolution of this kind the present races of living creatures have been formed.
And to these arguments the strongest collaboration is given by the frequent occurrence , both in plants and animals, of useless parts which still remain as indications of organs that once were useful and have long become useless.
Sun of San Sebastian eighteen years young today She's all I ever dreamed, but now my skies are turning grey It was good I got to know her well, because it made me see That the sun of San Sebastian is just too hot for me
Back in time with a dream of mine I try to find my way back to life Burning fever, night time screamer, waiting time when I'd come alive
Every single day, for the rest of my way I live without my love, my God, I have to stay in shade When I'm old and gray, I remember that day When she came, that perfect dame and she blew me away I was eager, day time dreamer, waiting time when I'd come alive
お願い致します。 This is an organisation I heard about through a mate who has been doing a lot of travel through them. Can do volunteer work with kids internationally developing principles of world peace and equality and I think they cover all expenses inc airfares.
Most Morgellons patients, if found positive for Chlamydophila pneumonia, a Babesia species or a Borrelia species pathogenic to humans and given appropriate antibiotics long enough, resolve most symptoms. Research and clinical experience are still too early, and numbers treated too few as yet, to know whether present treatment success will mean total, once-and-for-all cure. Many Morgellons patients are improving significantly. お願い致します。
Both the mythical form of discourse and the value system inherent in the myths themselves were challenged in an evolving Greek society by new ethical attitudes and particularly by a different kind of human understanding that found its external and formal expression in a new form of discourse called logos.
It was not Plato and Aristotle who introduced God or the gods, once only the subject of myth and the object of ceremonial worship, to the scrutiny of logos; nor, once introduced, did the supernatural surrender its more traditional hold on the minds and hearts of the Greeks.
1) The full name and address to which your credit card is registered. 2) Name of the issuing bank or credit card company. 3) A contact telephone number at which you can be contacted. 4) Full confirmation of your delivery if it differs from the billing address. Please state the relation of the delivery address to the billing address. These checks are put into place to ensure card holder protection is at a maximum and to reduce the occurrence of credit card fraud.
Since 1981, a 13 percent drop in natural incomes per head in sub-Saharan Africa has resulted in a doubling of the number of people living on under a dollar a day, from 164 million to 314 million.
As India gives formal shape to its contacts with NATO and openly participates in the US's missile defense program, the trajectory of US-India strategic cooperation will begin to impact on Russian interests, unless, of course, Delhi takes corrective measures, for which, however, political will becomes necessary. Washington is, in any case, resolute in steering its strategic cooperation with India precisely in such a direction that it leads to an all-round rollback of Russian influence in South Asia.
4行目の for which, however, political will becomes necessary. の部分の意味がおわかりになる方、教えてくださいませ
Did you try to answer the original question about the iron ball? The answer is that it would take the iron ball about an hour to reach the bottom of the trench. Could this be guessed? Of course, not easily. First, you need to know how deep the Mariana Trench is. You might guess that the lowest point in the sea is about as low as the height of the highest mountain. You might happen to know that the highest mountain On earth is Mt. Everest, and that it is about 9 kilometers high, so you could guess that the trench is about 9 kilometers deep. (The trench is actually 11,000 meters deep, so your guess would be a little too low). Next you need to know how fast an iron ball falls through water. You might think about a metal ball falling to the bottom of a three-meter-deep pool of water. You could imagine that it might take a heavy ball about a second to travel that far through water, and this is close to the correct answer. These two estimates would bring you to an answer of 50 minutes, which is only about ten minutes away from the right answer.
I got through it. I am not sure how good it was -not very good at all,I imagine, though I tried not to display any of the obvious signs of nervousness:no drying-up, no flickering of the eyes,no shaking in the voice.Afterwards I rung the editor and asked him,with the kind of quaver I had managed to keep out of the broadcast, if it had been all right.
Some critics see Takahashi as nearing her limits as an athlete, recalling her leaving her longtime coach Yoshio Koide, and pointing out the difficulty for a marathoner in her mid-30s to maintain a top position.
Freegans are people who employ alternative strategies for living based on limited participation in the conventional economy and minimal consumption of resources. Freegans embrace community, generosity, social concern, freedom, cooperation, and sharing in opposition to a society based on materialism, moral apathy, competition, conformity, and greed.
After years of trying to boycott products from unethical corporations responsible for human rights violations, environmental destruction, and animal abuse, many of us found that no matter what we bought we ended up supporting something deplorable. We came to realize that the problem isn't just a few bad corporations but the entire system itself.
Freeganism is a total boycott of an economic system where the profit motive has eclipsed ethical considerations and where massively complex systems of productions ensure that all the products we buy will have detrimental impacts most of which we may never even consider. Thus, instead of avoiding the purchase of products from one bad company only to support another, we avoid buying anything to the greatest degree we are able.
The word freegan is compounded from "free" and "vegan". Vegans are people who avoid products from animal sources or products tested on animals in an effort to avoid harming animals. Freegans take this a step further by recognizing that in a complex, industrial, mass-production economy driven by profit, abuses of humans, animals, and the earth abound at all levels of production (from acquisition to raw materials to production to transportation) and in just about every product we buy. Sweatshop labor, rainforest destruction, global warming, displacement of indigenous communities, air and water pollution, eradication of wildlife on farmland as "pests", the violent overthrow of popularly elected governments to maintain puppet dictators compliant to big business interests, open-pit strip mining, oil drilling in environmentally sensitive areas, union busting, child slavery, and payoffs to repressive regimes are just some of the many impacts of the seemingly innocuous consumer products we consume every day.
It's been an amazing trip (17 months and counting),and I really am enjoying my travels. Sadly, though, it means that me and Ewa have gone our separate ways. We exchanged a couple of emails over the holidays,but apart from that, we don't really speak. It's sad, but our lives have taken us in different directions. Still, I've been glad to hear that she's doing well, and I'm genuinely happy for her happiness.
When I met with him, our first feeling was to lay it out there, and then step away, and when we reconvened, see if we felt same way, And that's what happened.
I have been writing lately. I hope to finish my first book before April. Then, I will look for a publisher. Maybe I will also have the book done in Japanese and some other languages. But, that is too far in the future. I just plan to finish first and then we'll see.