>>944 >>947 レスありがとうございます。 つまり強調構文も関係代名詞の文も英語が母語ではない人にとって区別するための名前に過ぎないって事ですか? It is the hospital which I visit everyday. 関係代名詞を使った文 It is the hospital that I visit everyday.の場合このthatは関係代名詞とも取れるし(whichとwhoの代用として使えたはずですよね…?)強調構文(It is...that)とも取れるわけなのですか?
実は、今読んでる7年くらい前のNHKビジネス英会話のテキストに I have been approached by a head hunter. という文が出てくるのですが、この approached が分からないのです。 have been + 動詞?ググるとめちゃくちゃ出てくるけど… I have approached by a head hunter.ではないのですか?
1. Scientific studies reveal that (A. even if) the (B. most common) causes of death - cancer, heart disease and stroke - (C. eliminated), life expectancy (D. would only) slightly increase.
2. In the (A. upcoming) vacation, many students (B. are looking) forward (C. to taking) advantage of the break and (D. go snowboarding).
3. (A. Once) the concert began, fans (B. puch) (C. for) a spot (D. close) to the stage.
4. (A. After winning) the 2005 Tour de France, Lance Armstrong (B. was quoted) (c. to say) that he (D. was retiring) from professional cycling.
5. The opportunity (A. to contact with) long-lost friends has increased (B. due to) various ways (C. of finding) and communicating (D. with people) via the Internet.
"The new electric cars run partically on free energy as rechargers installed at business have no means by which to measure or bill for the electicity used."
上の文の、"by which"の理屈が分からなくて悩んでいます。
"The new electric cars run partically on free energy as rechargers installed at business have no means."と "...to measure or bill for the electricity used [by means]"を 関係代名詞のwhichで1文にしたのかな…と思ったのですが、第2文の 中に動詞が無いのが気になっています。