説明しなおし A is important to himは何かが「彼にとって重要だと感じられることである、重要性が高い」と言ってる感じで A is important for himは大体、A is important for him to do itのような形で使われ、 それをすることが「彼にとって、彼のために重要だ」と言ってる感じ こんな感じ
The industrialization process had international ramifications from the first. It resulted from massive changes in world economic relations that had given western Europe access to capital and markets almost literally around the globe.
The industrialization process had international ramifications from the first. 産業化する過程は最初から国際的に支店、支社を作ってきた。 It resulted from massive changes in world economic relations that had given western Europe access to capital and markets almost literally around the globe. それは世界経済の連携に大きな変化、西ヨーロッパが文字通り世界中に 資本と市場を持つというをもたらした。
We were surprised to find in a writing, that this economy policy had actually taken a reversed effect, on which the Government had only ambiguous examination in adavance. This is why, and the more because they had expected this policy, people have withdrawen their support on the Government. Here, such NGOs from other coutries as NPO stimulated peoples demand of being saved and helped such voice reach clearly and certainly in the Government with their passion to offend restrained.
>>42 We were surprised because this economic policy actually discovered a quite opposite working to be done by the book that was. The government was examining only vagueness about this economic policy. Therefore, the people pointed NO at the government naturally because they had expected it of the policy. People's attack desires are controlled at the same time as the non- governmental organization of another country such as NPO stimulating this people's demands here, and the people will reach and the demand and the signal of wanting you to help reach the government clearly then.
君は一体ここで何をしているんだ (would/you/what/the/are/in) doing here? 彼はどうなったんだろうか I wonder (of/what/him/become/has). なぜ彼は3時40分の列車に乗らなかったのですか (come/get/he/how/didn't) on the 3:40 train? 若い人は、貧乏がどのようなものか知らない Young people don't know(like/be/what/is/it/to) poor. 明日ピクニックに行きませんか (you/going/do/to/what/say) on a picnic tomorrow? なぜそれについて前に私に話してくれなかったのですか (come/me/you/how/told/never) about that before? この本棚をどこに置いたらいいと思いますか (should/do/think/I/where/you) put this bookcase?
>>65 そう言われても、insist でも say でもその文は文法的に間違っています。 > I am very envious of people who insist are content with sleeping only a little because they can use plenty of time. せめて、"say they are" にして。
>>66 君は一体ここで何をしているんだ (What the hell are you) doing here? <- 詐欺 彼はどうなったんだろうか I wonder (what has become of him). なぜ彼は3時40分の列車に乗らなかったのですか How come he didn't get on the 3:40 train? 若い人は、貧乏がどのようなものか知らない Young people don't know what it is like to be poor. 明日ピクニックに行きませんか What do you say to going on a picnic tomorrow? なぜそれについて前に私に話してくれなかったのですか How come you never told me about that before? この本棚をどこに置いたらいいと思いますか Where do you think I should put this bookcase?
1 We don't use this type of camera now. 2 Do they sell Italian wine at that shop? 3 Did John take these pictures? 4 Whom did they invite to their wedding? 5 Who painted this picture? 6 Why did his father scold Henly?
() did the lady come to see you for? @ What A How B Why C When
Dou you know () the age of retirement in your company is? @ what A what time B how C how long
() her opinion about the movie star? @ How do you think A How do you think about B What do you think of C What do you think
() read in two weeks? @ How many books do you think you can A How many books do you think can you B Dou you think how many books you can C Dou you think how many books can you
I was really looking forward to getting to know her again. We hadn't seen each other in ages but we had no trouble enjoying ourselves We didn't do anything special. We had such a good time hanging out together. We spent hours ( ). Talking to her was so easy.
How () do you think it will take to finish the work? “How () dou you go to the dentist for a check-up?” “ Once a year.” How () do you think we can go in a day? “How () does the next bus leave?” “In twenty minutes.” @ far A often B soon Clong
>>94 結構むずいね。1語じゃなくてもいいんでしょ? 1文目以外はもう1人の返事でおk? We spent hours ( (my) knowing the content of your character ). We spent hours ( (my) knowing what you are ).
Jane's dog () than ours. [big] The question was () than I had thought. [difficult] Mother gets up the () in my family. [early] Smoking is the () thing for your health. [bad] I haven't read the () half of the book yet. [late]
その問題は考えていたほど易しくなかった The problem was (easy/as/not/as) I had thought. 私はトムほどたくさん本を持っていない I don't have (as/many/as/books) Tom does. この橋はあの橋の3倍の長さだ This bridge is (long/as/three/as/times) that one.
あの…私が持ってる英作文の参考書(英文法書ではない)に>93と全く同じ英文が載ってます。 Mr Kamei is the candidate who I think is reliable. そこではI think は挿入の節と考える、と説明されてました。 もしかしたら、それは英作文の本なんで説明を簡略しただけなのかもしれませんが…
そう。挿入だとどこにでもいれていいのかという問題にぶち当たる。 いつもの人は当たり前だとかほざいたが、そうではない。 I think The candicate is reliable.のThe candicateを繋いで関係詞節を作ろうとしている。 I thinkはその従節に対する主観投影だから who is reliableという関係詞節にその主観がかかるように配置しなければいけない。
I think Mr Kamei is the candidate who is reliable. と言いたいがための Mr Kamei is the candidate who is reliable. へのI think挿入じゃないんだから。
>>184 > すいません、ちょっと質問。 > > 例えば、 > Mr Kamei is the candidate whom I think is reliable. > Mr Kamei is the candidate who I think is reliable. > では何が変わってくるんですか?
前者は本当なら、Mr Kamei is the candidate と、I think him reliableという文が元にあると考えられる。 himに焦点をあてた関係代名詞の文になっているわけだな。 だが、I think him reliable という文はthinkの使い方としてはあまり宜しくない。 ゆえにMr Kamei is the candidate whom I think is reliable. という文は厳密にはよろしくない文なわけだ。
>前者は本当なら、Mr Kamei is the candidate と、I think him reliableという文が元にあると考えられる。 >前者は本当なら、Mr Kamei is the candidate と、I think him reliableという文が元にあると考えられる。 >前者は本当なら、Mr Kamei is the candidate と、I think him reliableという文が元にあると考えられる。 >前者は本当なら、Mr Kamei is the candidate と、I think him reliableという文が元にあると考えられる。 >前者は本当なら、Mr Kamei is the candidate と、I think him reliableという文が元にあると考えられる。 >前者は本当なら、Mr Kamei is the candidate と、I think him reliableという文が元にあると考えられる。 >前者は本当なら、Mr Kamei is the candidate と、I think him reliableという文が元にあると考えられる。
Her daughter come to look like herself in her youth. Her daughter became alike to herself in her youth. Her daughter became similar to herself in her youth in apprarance. Her daughter come to resemble herself in her youth in appearance.
彼女の娘は彼女の若い頃の姿には似ていないが話し方が似ている。 Her daughter does not resemble her mother in her youth in appearance but does in the way she speaks.
>>195 >Mr Kamei is the candidate whom I think is reliable. >の方は元の文はMr Kamei is the candidate と何になるんですか?
>I think that he is reliable.を連結させたものです
>Here whom is incorrectly used for who, the predicate >of the relative clause who it was, which is the object of the verb supposed. >しばしば think の目的語と感じられて whom になる(関係詞牽引 (relative attraction) と呼ばれる現象)。
Her daughter came to look like herself in her youth. Her daughter became alike to herself in her youth. Her daughter became similar to herself in her youth in apprarance. Her daughter came to resemble herself in her youth in appearance.
>だが、I think him reliable という文はthinkの使い方としてはあまり宜しくない。 >ゆえにMr Kamei is the candidate whom I think is reliable. という文は厳密にはよろしくない文なわけだ。 >だが、I think him reliable という文はthinkの使い方としてはあまり宜しくない。 >ゆえにMr Kamei is the candidate whom I think is reliable. という文は厳密にはよろしくない文なわけだ。 >だが、I think him reliable という文はthinkの使い方としてはあまり宜しくない。 >ゆえにMr Kamei is the candidate whom I think is reliable. という文は厳密にはよろしくない文なわけだ。 >だが、I think him reliable という文はthinkの使い方としてはあまり宜しくない。 >ゆえにMr Kamei is the candidate whom I think is reliable. という文は厳密にはよろしくない文なわけだ。 >だが、I think him reliable という文はthinkの使い方としてはあまり宜しくない。 >ゆえにMr Kamei is the candidate whom I think is reliable. という文は厳密にはよろしくない文なわけだ。 >だが、I think him reliable という文はthinkの使い方としてはあまり宜しくない。 >ゆえにMr Kamei is the candidate whom I think is reliable. という文は厳密にはよろしくない文なわけだ。 >だが、I think him reliable という文はthinkの使い方としてはあまり宜しくない。 >ゆえにMr Kamei is the candidate whom I think is reliable. という文は厳密にはよろしくない文なわけだ。 >だが、I think him reliable という文はthinkの使い方としてはあまり宜しくない。 >ゆえにMr Kamei is the candidate whom I think is reliable. という文は厳密にはよろしくない文なわけだ。
>>198 > >>195 > >Mr Kamei is the candidate whom I think is reliable. > >の方は元の文はMr Kamei is the candidate と何になるんですか? > > >I think that he is reliable.を連結させたものです > > >Here whom is incorrectly used for who, the predicate > >of the relative clause who it was, which is the object of the verb supposed. > >しばしば think の目的語と感じられて whom になる(関係詞牽引 (relative attraction) と呼ばれる現象)。
>>93 whoはなくちゃダメなんだよ。 whoが要るか要らないかの見分けは実はとても簡単で I thinkを取っても文が成り立つかどうかを考えればいい。 Mr Kamei is the candidate who (I think) is reliable. ○(I thinkが有っても無くても成り立つ) Mr Kamei is the candidate (I think) reliable. ○(I thinkを取るとやや不自然な文になるが成り立つ)
Mr Kamei is the candidate I think is reliable. ×(I thinkを取ったら成り立たない) Mr Kamei is the candidate is reliable. ×
最悪、意味は通じると思うけど(英語のロジック的にみて)、 基本Thinkの用法としてSVOCの形はとらないと思う。 見たこと無いでしょ? こんな使い方。 ただ、今回 - whom I think is - を分解した場合、現代の英文法の感覚だと、 I think him reliableという文が元になったと考えないと、whom が説明できなくなるからね。 それだけの話。
> Q2:185の説明は〜whom I think reliable.の説明であって、Mr Kamei is the candidate whom I think is reliable. > の説明にはなっていないのでは?
だから、185の説明の通りで、Mr Kamei is the candidate whom I think is reliable.はよろしくない文ということになる。 (元の文が可笑しく見えるから) それが結論だな。
>>233 つまり>>240は Mr Kamei is the candidate, I think, who is reliable. Mr Kamei is the candidate who I think is reliable. の違いを少し違うくらいの意味としてしか捉えていないんだよ。 な。わかってないだろ?
>>244 > >>233 > つまり>>240は > Mr Kamei is the candidate, I think, who is reliable. > Mr Kamei is the candidate who I think is reliable. > の違いを少し違うくらいの意味としてしか捉えていないんだよ。 > な。わかってないだろ?
Mr Kamei is the candidate, I think, who is reliable. Mr Kamei is , I think, the candidate who is reliable. と Mr Kamei is the candidate who I think is reliable. は雲泥の違い。
>>93 まぁこれ覚えておいて。 ************* whoはなくちゃダメなんだよ。 whoが要るか要らないかの見分けは実はとても簡単で I thinkを取っても文が成り立つかどうかを考えればいい。 Mr Kamei is the candidate who (I think) is reliable. ○(I thinkが有っても無くても成り立つ) Mr Kamei is the candidate (I think) reliable. ○(I thinkを取るとやや不自然な文になるが成り立つ)
Mr Kamei is the candidate I think is reliable. ×(I thinkを取ったら成り立たない) Mr Kamei is the candidate is reliable. × *************** それとI thinkを挿入と見なしても見なさなくても、whoが要るか要らないかの条件は一緒だから。
>>277 The candidate I think meets me tomorrow is Mr. Kamei. Mr Kamei is the candidate I think meets me tomorrow. これらがスタンダードな英語としてOKかどうか答えられるなら、はっきり答えてごらん。
>>279 お前の文の解釈なんか、どうだっていい。 以下が文法的に明確にOKかどうか答えてごらん。 The candidate I think meets me tomorrow is Mr. Kamei. Mr Kamei is the candidate I think meets me tomorrow.
The man I think likes music is Mr. Kamei. The man I think likes music is Mr. Kamei. The man I think likes music is Mr. Kamei. The man I think likes music is Mr. Kamei. The man I think likes music is Mr. Kamei. The man I think likes music is Mr. Kamei.
ちなみに>>282や>>285の文のI thinkは単なる挿入じゃないというが前提だということは言うまでもない。 もし以下のように単なる挿入だと見なすなら問題のない英語になる。 The man, I think, likes, music is Mr. Kamei. Mr Kamei is the man, I think, likes music. もし単なる挿入ならば、I thinkは基本的にどこに置いても構わない。
>>297 The man who I think likes music is Mr. Kamei. Mr. Kamei is the man who I think likes music. これらはOKだが、 以下を正しい英語だと思ってる人間がいるということ。 The man I think likes music is Mr. Kamei. Mr.Kamei is the man I think likes music.
誰かが、Mr Kamei is the candidate whom I think is reliable. こんな文をもちだして連結関係代名詞とか関係詞牽引とか引っ張ってきたのが混乱の原因だな。 現代の英文ではこのwhomは無しだから。 混乱している人はまずここだけは理解しておくように。 (どうしてもwhomを使いたいなら、Mr Kamei is the candidate whom I think reliable. な)
要は、文形成の時に、ハッキリと2文(Mr Kamei is the candidate. I think he is reliable.)が頭にあってそれを合成させようと働いた場合、 必然的にMr Kamei is the candidate who I think is reliable.となる。 連結関係詞とか馴染み無い文法用語を持ち出すから駄目なんだよ。 普通に関係代名詞の作りかたを考えれば良いだけ。
Mr Kamei is the candidate who I think is reliable.おk。 Mr Kamei is the candidate whom I think is reliable.古いがおK。 Mr Kamei is the candidate I think is reliable.おk。
次の各文の誤りを正せ。 (1) He caught me by my arm. (2) English is language spoken all over the world. (3) He is a last man to do such a thing. (4) We elected him a captain of our team. (5) She is an actress and a producer. (6) The lake is more beautiful when you see it from the distance.
The man who I think likes music is Mr. Kamei.これはどうにもならない Mr Kamei is the candidate who I think likes music.は>>274>>278の理由でおkだが The candicate who I think likes music is Mr. Kamei.これは微妙にあやしい。 主語に立てるには曖昧過ぎる表現だから。I thinkを入れる意味が感じられない。 の割に述部は簡素にはっきりと断定口調。どうなんだろう。 後でメディアに叩かれないようにうやむやに良いイメージを絡めながら、とにかく候補者は亀井さんだって言ってるようにしか聞こえない。 まあ、選挙応援ではありうるかもしれんが。
×The candidate I think meets me tomorrow is Mr. Kamei.理由:>>279上記理由。主語がわかってないんだろうね。 The candidate I think will meet me tomorrow is Mr. Kamei.か Mr. Kamei is the candidate I think meet me tomorrow.元に戻すか
The candidate I think goes to Tokyo is Mr. Kamei. これも何で主語の修飾に主観を込めなきゃいけないのかわからん。上と同じ処方箋。
>>314 (1) He caught me by THE arm. (2) English is THE language spoken all over the world. (3) He is THE last man to do such a thing. (4) We elected him φ/THE captain of our team. (5) She is an actress and φ producer. (6) The lake is more beautiful when you see it from A distance.
次の各文の空所に適語を入れて英文を完成せよ。 (1)君はリンゴが好きですか? Do you like () ? (2)君はもう今日の新聞を読みましたか? Have you read () paper yet ? (3)私は通りで弟の友人のひとりに会った。 I met a friend () my () on the street. (4)私のクラスにはスミスという名の人が5人いる。 There are five () in my class. (5)彼らは新しい隣人と親しくなった。 They made () with their new neighbors.
次の各文の()を主語にして同じ意味を表す文を書け。 (1) If you follow (this path), you'll come to the village. (2) I had a good appetite for breakfast after (a short stroll along the beach).
(1)君はリンゴが好きですか? Do you like (apples) ? (2)君はもう今日の新聞を読みましたか? Have you read (today's) paper yet ? (3)私は通りで弟の友人のひとりに会った。 I met a friend (of) my (brother) on the street. (4)私のクラスにはスミスという名の人が5人いる。 There are five (Smiths) in my class. (5)彼らは新しい隣人と親しくなった。 They made (friends) with their new neighbors.
It is a fact known to everybody that the attitude of your heart usually has far more to do with producing tiredness than the exercise of your body has.
(1)長い間読みたいと思いっていたが手に入らなかった本を、偶然ある書店で見つけた。 あまりにも嬉しかったので、少し高いと思ったが、言い値で買った。 I happened to find the book which I had long wanted to get in a bookstore. I was so happy that I bought it asking price but I thought the price is a little high.
(2)疲れやら飢えやらで、彼は死んだように大地に倒れた。 What with a fatigue and hunger, he fell down in the ground like a log.
(3)もし第三次世界大戦が起こったならば、文明の破壊はもちろん、人類そのものの滅亡さえ来すであろう。 If WWV happend, of course a destruction of civilization, it would bring us the total destruction of mankind itself.
(4)暦の上ではもう春だが、朝晩はまだ寒い。 しかし、庭の木々はかわいい蕾がふくらみはじめ、梢にさえずる小鳥のこえもなんとなく明るい。 According to the calendar, spring has already come in spite of chill of the mornings and evenings. However, the pretty bugs of the trees of my garden are beginning to expand, and birds talking on the treetop are vaguely cheerfully.
>>319 >>323 (3)私は通りで弟の友人のひとりに会った。 I met a friend (of) my (brother) on the street. これでも間違いとまでは言えないが普通は次のように言う。 I met a friend (of) my (brother's) on the street.
It is a fact known to everybody that the attitude of your heart usually has far more to do with producing tiredness than the exercise of your body has. the attitude of your heart は心労と訳すしかないな。 普通は体の疲れより心労の方がはるかに体を疲労させることは誰でも知っている事実だ。
>>355 解答:No sooner had they discovered the truth than they were much disappointed.
*on 〜ing:〜した時、(in 〜ing:〜した時、よりも同時性が強い) ⇒On discovering the truth, they were much disappointed. ⇒真実をdiscoverした時、彼らはとても落胆した。
*S HAD no sooner DONE than s did=No sooner HAD S DONE than s did :SがDOするとすぐにsがdoした 【解説】 (1)時間の流れとしては「SがDOした⇒sがdoした」だから、前者は過去完了、後者を過去形。 (2)直訳気味に訳すと、sがdoしたのとよりも、SがDOしたことのほうがsoonではなかった →SがDOしたのは、sがdoしたのとほぼ同じだった (3)No soonerのような否定の副詞が文頭に来ると、その後ろは疑問視の語順になる。
>>358 inform 人 that S V:人にSがVすることを伝える ⇒emails that inform account holders they need to re-enter their credit card data. ⇒account holdesにthey(=account holders)が自分たちのcredit card dataにre-enterする必要があると伝えるEメール
They include emails 〜:(そういう)EメールをThey(それら?)は含んでいる。
すいません、とても簡単な英作文の問題なのですが、これであっているでしょうか? もし間違えていたら該当箇所を指摘してくださるとありがたいです。 1.彼が昨年作曲した音楽は若者に大変好評だった。 →The music which he composed last year was very well received by young. 2.あなたが昨夜のダンスパーティーで会った学生はイランの出身で、日本語を専攻しています。 →The student whom you met at yesterday's dance party comes from Iran, and specializes in Japanese. 3.彼は先月僕から借りたビデオをまだ返していない。 →He hasn't returned the video which he borrowed from me last month yet. よろしくお願いします。
>He hasn't returned the video which he borrowed from me last month yet. 微妙だけど、 He hasn't yet returned the video which he borrowed from me last month. の方がちょっと自然でしょうか。
>>367 ありがとうございました! とても参考になりました。 調子に乗るようで申し訳ないのですが、もう二問ほど添削お願いします。 1.田中さんがかかった医者は、田中さんにタバコを減らすように言いました。 →The doctor (whom) Mr.Tanaka was under told him to cut down on his cigarette. 2.人はその読む本でわかります。 →People is judged by a book (which) they read.
the village and the people was completely changed the village has completely changed and the people has completely changed 過去分詞の形容詞的用法←文法学者が後付けした気楽な理屈。
I learned to my great relief that the danger was gone. learnにこんな使い方あるのでしょうか? 書き換えた方の文章 I felt greatly relieved to learn that the danger was gone. は分かるのですが・・・。
下の文ほど格式的 The doctor Mr.Tanaka was under told him to cut down on his cigarette. The doctor that Mr.Tanaka was under told him to cut down on his cigarette. The doctor who Mr.Tanaka was under told him to cut down on his cigarette. The doctor whom Mr.Tanaka was under told him to cut down on his cigarette. The doctor under whom Mr.Tanaka was told him to cut down on his cigarette.
>409 As is non related topic, insect stopping up the pitot tube was the cause of CI aircraft's bad take-off at Saga
It is reasonably insisted that the flight should have headed for Fukuoka with regards to length of the runway; Landing to the Saga's short runway as 2000m with the speed meter in fail was of a latent threat to safety.
彼は日曜日にめったに教会に行かない He seldom, ()(), goes to church on Sundays. その問題は決してやさしくありません The problem is () from easy. まったく心配がない人はいない Nobody is absolutely () from care. 私の両親は猫が嫌いだ。私もそうだ My parents don't like cats. ()() I. 私は今までこんな美しい風景を見たことがない Never in my life () I () such beautiful scenery. 健康を失ってはじめてそのありがたさがわかる It is ()() we lose our health that we appreciate its value.
(1)長い間読みたいと思いっていたが手に入らなかった本を、偶然ある書店で見つけた。 あまりにも嬉しかったので、少し高いと思ったが、言い値で買った。 I happened to find the book which I had long wanted to get in a bookstore. I was so happy that I bought it asking price but I thought the price is a little high.
(2)疲れやら飢えやらで、彼は死んだように大地に倒れた。 What with a fatigue and hunger, he fell down in the ground like a log.
(3)もし第三次世界大戦が起こったならば、文明の破壊はもちろん、人類そのものの滅亡さえ来すであろう。 If WWV happend, of course a destruction of civilization, it would bring us the total destruction of mankind itself.
(4)暦の上ではもう春だが、朝晩はまだ寒い。 しかし、庭の木々はかわいい蕾がふくらみはじめ、梢にさえずる小鳥のこえもなんとなく明るい。 According to the calendar, spring has already come in spite of chill of the mornings and evenings. However, the pretty bugs of the trees of my garden are beginning to expand, and birds talking on the treetop are vaguely cheerfully.
few は、many の反対語、意味は「ほとんどない」で否定的な語。 それに a がついたのが a few だけど、この a は、some の弱い意味で「いくらか」の意味。 そこから、ほとんどないけど、多少はあるというような肯定的な意味で a few が。 そして、肯定的な意味合いを持つ a few に quite が付くと、 quite が部分否定的な性質が 現れて、「少しはある」が「(予想外なほど)多分にある」になるらしい… 何故そうなるのかといえば、quite は副詞なので、どこかを修飾しているのだけれども、 a few を修飾しているわけではないんだよね、修飾している部分は、あくまで、形容詞の few のみで、冠詞 a ではないの。 a は、few を修飾して形容詞的な働きはしているけど。 副詞は、形容詞を修飾できるけど、冠詞を修飾することはない。 すると、few は、元々否定的な語であったから、それに quite が付き、部分否定な意味に なって、「多分にある」となるわけ。a は、「いくらか」だけど、程度の差には言及していないとみれば 「多分にある」の意味合いに飲み込まれてしまったと考えられなくも無いんだけど… あくまで、自論ですが。
(1)あまりにも嬉しかったので、少し高いと思ったが、言い値で買った。 I was so happy that I bought it at the exact price they offer (without negotiation) although I thought the price was a little bit too high. みたいにしたらどうかな?
(2)疲れやら飢えやらで、彼は死んだように大地に倒れた。 What with a fatigue and hunger, he fell down on the ground as if he were dead.
(3)もし第三次世界大戦が起こったならば、文明の破壊はもちろん、人類そのものの滅亡さえ来すであろう。 If WWV were to happen, it would bring us the total destruction of mankind itself, nothing to say about destruction of civilization.
>>426>>438 すいませんが、もしI was so happy that と言うなら これ以下は偶然見つけたから うれしいとなりませんか? I was so happy that I happened to find the book which I had long wanted to get in a bookstore. と、それでthought it a little expensive,but I took that. とか。
I was so happy to accidentally come across the book I had been looking for for a long time that I decided at once to buy it at the very price offered, which I felt was a little bit too expensive.
(3)もし第三次世界大戦が起こったならば、文明の破壊はもちろん、人類そのものの滅亡さえ来すであろう。 If WWV broke out, it would bring us not only a destruction of civilization, but also a destruction of civilization. 戦争はよくbreak out が使われてます。
和訳問題なのですが、結構難問で、構文がうまく捉えられず苦戦しています。 どなたか訳と構造を教えてください。 1.Somehow or other,life-in a pity- seems even finer with an unhappy than with a happy ending. →文構造を捉えられませんでした。 2.Today we are living in a time of hope for the future of mankind, and of fear; of great hope and of fear. →1同様文構造を捉えられませんでした。 3.It was noticed that the moon changed in shape, beginning with the new moon,waxing to the full moon,and then gradually waning. →月がその姿を変え、新月への兆しを見せ、満月へと月が満ちてゆき、それからじわじわと月が欠けてゆくのが見えた。 と訳しました。 4.Biological science must have begun with observation of plants and animals useful to man. →生物学は、植物の観察から始まったに違いないだろうし、動物は人間の役に立つ。 と訳しました。 5.I have always gained the most profit,and the most plesure also,from the books which have made me think most. →私は私が多くを学ばされた本から常に最大限の利益を得てきたし、同様に最大限の喜びを得てきた。 と訳しました。 問題数が多く面倒ですが、よろしくお願いいたします。
According to the calendar, spring has already come, although we feel still chilly in the mornings and in the evenings. However, pretty buds of the trees in my garden are about to burst forth, and birds singing on the treetop are sensed cheerfully.
3.It was noticed that the moon changed in shape, beginning with the new moon,waxing to the full moon,and then gradually waning. まず新月からはじまり、満ちて満月へ、そして徐々に欠けて行く、というように月が形を変えて行くのに気がついた。
>>458,>>462,>>467 さんありがとうございました! 皆さんレベル高いですね。 とても参考になりました! 最後に1つ質問なのですが、(2)の訳で>>462さんのヒントをもとに訳してみたのですが、 「今日、私達は人間の未来の希望という時間のもとに生きていて」以下の訳がうまく行きません。どなたか解説してくださらないでしょうか。 あと原文の訂正なのですが、文章最後のfearの前のgreatが抜けていました。 正しくは、Today we are living in a time of hope for the future of mankind, and of fear; of great hope and of great fear. です。すみません。
>>454 3.It was noticed that the moon changed in shape, beginning with the new moon,waxing to the full moon,and then gradually waning. 以下のことが気づかれた(観察された、発見された) 月は形を変える、まず新月から始まり、満月になり、そして、次第に欠けていく、ということを
>>454 4.Biological science must have begun with observation of plants and animals (which are) useful to man. 生物学は、人間の役に立つ植物や動物の観察から始まったにちがいない 「begin with 〜」は定番のフレーズなので覚えておこう
>>454 5.I have always gained the most profit, and the most plesure also, from the books which have made me think most. →私は私が多くを学ばされた本から常に最大限の利益を得てきたし、同様に最大限の喜びを得てきた。
日本語がこなれてないけど、文章の捉え方はこれで大丈夫。 ただしmade me thinkは「多くを学ばされた」とは少し違うかな。 無難に「もっとも考えさせられた」ぐらいが良いかも。
>473 これはですね、「;」の使い方がわかってるかどうかを試してるんですよ。 たかがセミコロン、されどセミコロンで、時に文脈によってin short, namely, for example, that is to sayなどの副詞的な意を持たせてるんです。 決してシェークスピアの飛べ飛べなんちゃら、とかましてや福岡弁のとっとっと のような言語ギミックではありません。
I've been using YouTube to share personal videos with my friends and family. I'm inviting you to become my friend on YouTube so I can easily share videos with you in the future. To accept my invitation, please follow this link and login. If you're not already a YouTube member, you can sign up first.
No one will dispute that steam engine revolutionized the political as well as the economic relations in the world. And that in this atomic age the process is bound to continue is clear to all,but none is able to predict to what end it will ultimately lead the peoples of the world. を和訳せよ。という問題で自分は「蒸気機関が世界の経済関係だけでなく政治までも大改革したということを討論する人は誰もいないであろう。」と1文目までは訳せたのですが、2文目はお手上げ状態で、文構造すらはっきりとつかめていない状態です。 どなたか解釈出来る方、お手数ですが和訳&解説をお願いします。
>512 497さん、せっかくご縁がありましたが、一応ここは中学高校生の英語で 究極的には大学受験向けの文語的な堅めの英語が優先的に使われます。 日本語→英語スレッドに行かれると、もっとビビッドでコロッケアルな 英語の答えが出て来ると思います。YMCA頑張ってください。 Let's come here the day before yesterday!!
しかしですね、これに似た語句でout of questionというのを使うと 文脈によって意味がひっくり返ることがあるんですよね。 例えば (1)It is out of question that the Yoshinoya beef bowl taste so nice. の文に (2a)Mom's hand-made beef bowl with sugar tastes far better (2b)I go to Yoshinoya more than three times a week. I'll never got fed up with it.
>>470 地域お国柄によって異なる。 イギリスだと表面では a few >>quite a fewとしたくて使うこともある。上流階級なんかでね。元々はこの意味。 実際は謙遜で大したものじゃないと言いながらも大したものなんだろうが。 それを聞いた大衆が、大したものじゃんよって言って大したものになっただけ。
fewはほとんど「ない」 a fewはほとんどないが輪郭を捉えられるほどには(いくらかは)「ある」 quiteはfew(ほとんど「ない」)を修飾 まったくと言っていいほどほとんどないが、多少なりにはあるという意味が元。
She is going to have another blouse made to go with her costume. この文の訳が「彼女は自分の衣装に合うようなブラウスをもう1着作るつもりだ。」 となっていて、この訳ではブラウスを作るのは彼女自身、という意味にもとれますが、 have another blouse madeは使役となっているので、正しくは「(誰か他の人に)作ってもらう」という意味でいいんでしょうか?
あと、to go with her costumeの部分がよく理解できません・・・。 これは不定詞の副詞用法でしょうか?
Here's the temple (designated) as a World Heritage site by UNESCO. 過去分詞の形容詞用法。 The temple was designated as a World Heritage site by UNESCO. The temple designated as a World Heritage site by UNESCO is 法隆寺。ウソ。 指名打者 designated hitter
more than 50% ⇒ >50%:50%より大 not more than 50% ⇒ not>50% ⇒ ≦50%:50%以下 less than 50% ⇒ <50%:50%未満 not less than 50% ⇒ ≧50%:50%以上
ということになる。ただし、50%を含む場合(以上、以下)は588氏や590氏が書いているような 表現を使うことが多いようです。その場合でもlowerが50%を含まないからこそ 「at 50%」や「equal to 50%」を加えるわけです。
また、more than 10000 peopleのような場合は「1万人以上」と「1万人より多い」を区別するほど 厳密な用法ではありません。10000人と10001人を区別しても意味はないからです。 「lower than 50%」も同じようなことです。厳密に解したとしても「49.9999999999%」も「50%未満」です。 つまり「50%以下」も「50%未満」も現実にはそれほど大差ないわけです。
それでも「more than 3 people」のような場合には「3人」を含むかどうかは重要です。 この場合は「5人より多い」あるいは「6人以上」ということになります。
(1)In Japan, there are a lot of words which come from foreign countries, and they are often used incorrect way more or less. We think that we realize about these things; neverthless, small mistakes can cause awful tragedy.
(2)I think Japanese at the present day belongs to the peoples which don't hold to the native languages. There are a lot of people who think no matter what he is bad at Japanese, the people who is fluent in English is more clever than the people who sophisticated in Japanese is certain.
(3)You would found a lot of arranged attractive things when you go to a street, and you can travel abroad if you pay ten-thousand-yen, and magazines or TV introduce new leisure activities one after another. It has never been such age that has a lot of choice and we can enjoy it freely. However, a lot of people are seemed to have vaguely sense of dull and anxiety although the are in such age.
In the Japanese language, there are many words originated from foreign languages, which are often used with the meaning much sipped off from the origin. Despite that we are sure to be enough careful in use of this kind of words in a context of its original language, a slight misunderstanding sometimes causes unexpected tragidy to happen.
I think the Japanese nowadays belongs to those folks who do not much stick to their own language. It is certain that those Japanese who speak English fluently are more evaluated than those who speak sophisticated Japanese, even if they speak their mother tongue so roughly.
Today we are living in a society in which we can enjoy attractions with more alternatives to select and are more free to do than ever.However, even though in a society like that, not a few people seem to feel vaguely dull and uncertaied in it.
Today we are living in a society in which we can enjoy attractions with more alternatives to select and are more free to do than ever; lots of wonderful things in a town to buy, internatinal air tickets affordable for less than some ten thousans yen, and newly founded leisures introduced in a magazine or TV programs. However, even though in a society like that, not a few people seem to feel vaguely dull and somewhat uncertaied in it.
>>640 There are many words of foreign origin used in Japan, it is not uncommon for them to be used with meanings a little, sometimes a lot, off from their original use. We believe we are fully aware of this but even so a small mistake can sometimes cause a great tragedy.
>>640 A Can the modern Japanese people not be categorized among the peoples of the world who hold little interest in their own language? It is certain that there are many people who find those who can speak English fluently (even if their Japanese is a mess) to be more impressive than those who can speak intellectually in Japanese.
英検2級の並び替え問題で2、4番目に来るものを答える問題です。 A : William, could you go to another room, please? I'm trying to do my homework, and I can't concentrate ( ). B : I'm sorry, Brad. I didn't realize you were studying. 1your 2 with 3 playing 4 you 5 guitar
(1)The climber was fat and as he toiled up the slope was so scant of breath that he wheezed asthmatically. 自分の訳→その登山家は太っていた。彼が苦労して山の斜面を登るにつれて、彼は激しく息を切らし、喘息でぜいぜい息をしていた。 (2)From the standpoint of geography, and ti a less extent, historically and politically, England ans Wales are usually considered as one country. 自分の訳→地理学の観点から言うと、ほんの少しではあるが、歴史的にも政治的にも、イングランドとウェールズは通例一つの国としてみなされる。
明日までの宿題なのですが、上記二問について問題点があったので質問させていただきました。(1)は正確な文構造がわからなかった。(2)はand to a less extent におけるandの共通関係とこの文の訳出がわかりませんでした。 面倒だとは思いますが、どなたか解説をお願いします。 あと一応問題の下に自分の訳を載せておきました。添削していただけるとありがたいです。
>>779 (1)The climber was fat and the climber (as he toiled up the slope) was so scant of breath that he wheezed asthmatically. 「喘息で」より「喘息のように」のが無難と思われる。
(2)From the standpoint of geography, and(また) to a less extent((地理的な観点)より程度は小さいが) historically and(および) politically, England ans Wales are usually considered as one country.
(2) to a less extentはhistorically and politicallyにかかるね。 to a less extent than from the standpoint of than geography 地理学の観点から、また地理学の観点からほどではないが歴史的にも政治的にも、の意
辞書を引け 研究社英和より since 2 [理由を表わして] …だから,…のゆえに 《★【比較】 because のような直接的因果関係を示さないので, because と書き換えができないものがある》._ S_ there's no more time,we must stop. もう時間がないからやめざるをえない _We must do it ourselves,〜 we can expect no help from others. 他の人からの援助は期待できないのだから私たちでやらなければならない._ 引用終わり becauseは前にコンマがあれば前から訳すコンマがなかったら後ろから訳す。
>>784 日本人はsinceを使いたがる人が多い sinceのが文語調 sinceは意味が1つじゃないのでsinceを使う必然性がない場合はbecauseを使っておくほうが安全 That's because〜のような使い方はに日常的にはよく使われれるけど、きちんとした文書などでは避けるほうが安全 参照: [接] 3 ((名詞節を導いて))((主に略式))…ということ. ▼正式な書き言葉ではthat ・ The reason I don't eat much is because I've got indigestion. 私が少食なのは胃弱だからです ・ Because he seldom writes you doesn't necessarily mean he no longer loves you. めったに手紙をくれないからといって, もう愛していないとは限るまい.
>>751>>757 というか We returned these computers with a message.の次に The message requests immediate shipment〜 (そのメッセージ「が」荷物の直積み込みを要求している) なのか They requests the message immediate shipment〜 (そのメッセージ「に」荷物の直積み込みを要求している) なのかどっちの構造が妥当かだな。
amongの使い方を教えて下さい。 This building is the tallest among all buildings in Tokyo. というような使い方はダメで、 This building is among the tallest of all buidings in Tokyo. というように使うべきだと書かれているのですが、 なぜですか・・・?
1,I really like to watch news updates, but I dislike to hear about terrible crimes targeted at young children. 2,Since Emily was offered worked at a rapidly growing advertising company, she has been busy in her office to get things organized. 3,Bill put on 5 pounds from all the eating and drinking over the holidays, so he decided to get back into shape by swim.
>>809 >1,I really like to watch news updates, but I dislike to hear >about terrible crimes targeted at young children. I like watching news updates, but I dislike hearing about the terrible crimes involving young children.
> 2,Since Emily was offered worked at a rapidly growing > advertising company, she has been busy in her office to > get things organized. Since Emily was offered work at a rapidly growing advertising company she has been busy in her office getting things organized.
> 3,Bill put on 5 pounds from all the eating and drinking over > the holidays, so he decided to get back into shape by swim. Bill put on 5 pounds from all the eating and drinking (he did) over the holidays, so he decided to get back into shape by swimming.
この新しいコンピュータはあのコンピューターの3倍のメモリーがある This new computer has (as/three times/as/memory/much) that one. 彼は君のおよそ2倍の本を持っている He has (number/about/the/of/twice) books you have. あの会社は、昔ほど大きな会社ではない That company is (a/as/big/company/it/not/riches) was. 幸福とは、裕福さにあるというよりむしろ満足感にある Happiness lies (as/in/not/much/so/riches) in contentment. 彼は10行の中で綴りを10箇所間違えた He made (ten/in/as/many/mistakes/spelling) lines. 人の価値は、財産よりはむしろ人物しだいです A man's (in what/he is/lies/has/in what/not so much/as/he/wroth). シカゴはアメリカで3番目に大きい都市です Chicago (in/largest/third/is/city/the) the United States. 当時父の身長は少なくとも私の2倍はあった My father was (I/at least/was/twice/as tall/as) at that time.
For many people, (for a long/one of/sitting still/is/the worst things) about flying.
>834 結果のTo不定詞 I arrived at the shop only to find I’d left all my money at home =I arrived at the shop (but it was) only to find I’d left all my money at home
店に着いたが、財布を家に忘れたのに気がついた。 (結果として何も買えず無駄足になった) の意。
I ran to the station as fast as I could only to find the train was much delayed. 駅まで全力で走ったが電車が大幅に遅れていた。
>>827 1. planning on → planning to 2. thouhsands of → thousand 3. work located → work location 4. provides → provide 5. has announced → announced 6. one of most → one of the most 7. provide → provide 8. collection → collected 9. already visited → yet visited 10. transference → transfer 11. they should → should
>>855 three times as much memory as about twice the nubmer of not a big company as riches it not so much in riches as mistakes ten spelling in as many worth lies not so much in what he has as in what he is. is the third largest city in at least twice as tall as I one of the worst things is sitting still for a long
この新しいコンピュータはあのコンピューターの3倍のメモリーがある This new computer has three times as much memory as that one. 彼は君のおよそ2倍の本を持っている He has about twice the number of books you have. あの会社は、昔ほど大きな会社ではない That company is not as big a company as it was. 幸福とは、裕福さにあるというよりむしろ満足感にある Happiness lies not so much in riches as in contentment. 彼は10行の中で綴りを10箇所間違えた He made mistakes as many in ten spelling as in ten lines. 人の価値は、財産よりはむしろ人物しだいです A man's worth lies not so much as in what he has as in what he is. シカゴはアメリカで3番目に大きい都市です Chicago is the third largest city in the United States. 当時父の身長は少なくとも私の2倍はあった My father was at least twice as tall as I was at that time.
For many people, sitting still for a long time is one of the worst things about flying.
>>809 >1,I really like to watch news updates, but I dislike to hear >about terrible crimes targeted at young children. I like watching news updates, but I dislike hearing about the terrible crimes involving young children.
>>866 それ本当に不定詞の問題? 私の妹もピアノを弾くことができる、というならこんな感じだよ。 My sister, too, can play the piano. 形を変えてもいいなら My sister can play the piano, too.あるいはSo can my sister.とか。 あとはcanをやめて、My sister is able to play the piano, too.とか。
It has aspects not found elsewhere, especially the emphasis on human relations and the weak interest in logical and argumentative thinking. Even its educated classes remain biased in the village/familial direction rather than toward the rationlism found in all the older civilizations.
In other words, when someone asserts leadership, it is often destined to be a kamikaze-style undertaking,with the leader having to quit his leadership role and exit the stage after forcing a decision.
Anyway, It took 2 weeks to find the unit where I live now because it was not that easy to find where I and my boyfriend both like.
Anyway, it。is a nice and new apartment with 3 bed rooms, so that I want to have another party like we had with Emma(little / big Emma is a Captain Emma) or my leaving party.
この文を意訳的に書き換えると In other words, when someone asserts leadership, it is often destined to accept a kamikaze-style, in which the leader has to quit his leadership role and exit the stage once after he has forced his men to excute a decision.
あとafter forcing a decisionは「決定を迫られた後に」にはならないと思う。 そうだとしたらafter being forced a decisionとなるはず。 forceの意味上の主語はthe leader、decisionは決定した内容を意味すると 思われる。この手の文章ではちょっとした句でもその主客関係や抽象語の 具体的内容を的確に取らないと意味が良く分からなくなってしまうのだ。
1.公園には大きな松の木がありました ( ) ( ) a big pine tree in the park. 2.このバスは名古屋と大阪の間を走っています This bus ( ) ( ) Nagoya and Osaka. 3.弟はよく朝食をとらないで学校へ出かけました。 My brother ( ) ( ) for school without having breakfast. 4.松山空港に着いたら私に電話してください。 Please call me when ( ) ( ) at Matsuyama airport.
人の価値は、財産よりはむしろ人物しだいです A man's (in what/he is/lies/has/in what/not so much/as/he/wroth). シカゴはアメリカで3番目に大きい都市です Chicago (in/largest/third/is/city/the) the United States. 当時父の身長は少なくとも私の2倍はあった My father was (I/at least/was/twice/as tall/as) at that time.
For many people, (for a long/one of/sitting still/is/the worst things) about flying.
>>899 人の価値は、財産よりはむしろ人物しだいです A man's wroth lies not so muchin what he has as in whathe is. シカゴはアメリカで3番目に大きい都市です Chicago is the third largest city in the United States. 当時父の身長は少なくとも私の2倍はあった My father was at least twice as tall as I was at that time.
For many people, one of the worst things is sitting still for a long about flying.
Mexico City is trying to fight ( ) The city's subway stations are now also ( ) The city will give away ( ) The books contain ( ) In some stations,you can also see ( )
1. art 2. millions of books. 3.libraries. 4.crime. 5.stories that are very short.
()内の動詞の一方を過去時制に、他方を過去完了にする問題と 1.When I (arrive) at the party, Tom (go) home. 2.He (die) after he (be) ill for a long time.
()内の動詞を正しい形に書き換える問題です 3.Would you mind (open) the window? 4.Has he decided (marry) her? 5.They are planning (visit) New York this winter. 6.Have you finished (clean) the kitchen? お願いします
>>918 ()内の動詞の一方を過去時制に、他方を過去完了にする問題と 1.When I (arrived) at the party, Tom (had gone) home. 2.He (died) after he (had been) ill for a long time.
()内の動詞を正しい形に書き換える問題です 3.Would you mind (opening) the window? 4.Has he decided (to marry) her? 5.They are planning (to visit) New York this winter. 6.Have you finished (cleaning) the kitchen?
1.He got up as (early,earlier,earliest) as his brother. 2.We had (much,more,most) rain this summer than last. 3.When he got home, his daughter (will go,has gone,had gone) to bed. 4.He (will work,is working,has been working) at the same store for the last ten years.
1.Are you getting ( ) with your new neighbors? 2.My children look ( ) our dog. 3.She had to give ( ) the plan because of the bad weather. 4.My best friend lives close ( ) me. 5.Television has a strong influence ( ) people.
>>920 (early,) . (,more,) (had gone) (has been working)
1.Are you getting (familiar) with your new neighbors? 2.My children look (after) our dog. 3.She had to give (up ) the plan because of the bad weather. 4.My best friend lives close (to ) me. 5.Television has a strong influence (on ) people.
1,私はジョージと違って、別にお洒落な車を持ちたくはありません。 Unlike Geroge, (much about/owning/I don't care/a fancy car/to have). 2,あんなに美しい女性に会ったことを忘れるものですか。 I (such/will/to meet/never forget/meeting/a beautiful woman). 3,学術論文を書くには、その分野のものをたくさん読む必要があるとは知らなかった。 Didn't you know (reading/requires/writing/to read/a lot of/an academic paper) in the field? 4,サラは、人生の大半を慈善団体でボランティアをして過ごしました。 Sara (a volunteer/a big part of/working as/in/to work as/her life/spent).
aと同じ意味になるようにbを不定詞を用いて完成させる問題です。 1. a.It happened that no one was in the room when the fire broke out. b.No one ()()() in the room when the fire broke out. 2. a. It turned out that the stranger was their uncle. b. The stranger ()()()() theiruncle. 3. a. The workers request that you shouldn't change the plan. b. The workers request ()()()() the plan. 4. a. Steve expected that everybody would forgive him. b. Steve expected ()()() by everybody.
That is () the boys have () this town. It is () this reason () we don't see the boys in this town () more. This led is to the () of the boys () this town
[any, disappearance, bacause, for, why, that, from, left, on]
>>929 That is (why) the boys have (left) this town. It is (for) this reason (that) we don't see the boys in this town (any) more. This led is to the (disappearance) of the boys (from) this town
Many companies went under one after another () account of the industrial deperssion. I can't make out what you're saying because () the noise. She turned her coat collar up owing () the cold wind. Her world-wide fame is due (9 his support. It was thanks () your stupidity that we lost the game. He became ill () eating too much.
>>947 いろんな書き方がある。どっちでもいいよ。 >945で、help + O + 原型不定詞がふつう。 >946のif we take itはなくても(あっても)いい 私なら This player will allow us to carry thousands of songs with us. help(助ける)というより、そのプレーヤーが直接持ち運びを可能にするわけだから。
>>958 んなこたぁない。 a much bigger boxとか考えてみたらいい。 muchは「もっとずっと大きな(1つの)箱」の「ずっと」に当たる部分で、 これをmany bigger boxesにしたら「沢山の、もっと大きな箱」になってしまう。 またa many bigger boxなんていうのは英語になってない。