I saw "Noh plays" last night. It was first time for me.Their action was very very beautiful. I thought,Japanese culture is so cool in this world. We should have confidence own country again. We have been chased American style. So we can drink coca-cola or McDonalds or some foreign things. But we lost beautiful own culture by contract. It is sadness. They have still real Samurai spirit, I was impression on that. It was thrill with me and other audience.I could spend good time last night If you have interest for Noh plays,at all cost you see it! please. I think you can impression so much and maybe you will love your Japanese soul. And we have that's soul as them,too. Maybe we can't notice own beautiful blood and soul. I love Samurai spirit so much,because they had peculiar culture in this world. And I love their brave and wish,We must follow in their footsteps. When I read some samurai books, I was surprised their history, Especially,Shinsen-gumi is really characteristic in Samurai, They have severe commandment.If your enemy cut your back,you must suicide yourself!! Can you believe it? Always they felt death near by own. We can't feel death now, Especially,Japan is peaceful compare with other countries. We are so lucky nation. I always think about it.
Make a flutter couple,Norika and Jinnai. They upped and married!It was a big news for Japanese society. I was surprised too.She loved him too much. So I hoped her happy and good matrimony. But this result is too regret. Certainly,I think they had many trouble and they couldn't resolution trouble for each other. I read news about Jinnai's domestic violence to Norika. Is that truth? I think maybe Norika also interference hard to him. So I think they have fault each other. I thought "If you(me ) are beautiful and influential person, but if you(me) are not happy, it is very sad". I hope have peaceful heart always. I have never married so I can't understand their truth. Perhaps,marry is very difficult thing isn't it? I hope many couples always peaceful.
I must improve my English for my future. Therefore I must go to school.If I can talk with foreign colleague, I don't seek go to school. But I don't have foreign colleague.So I must make surrounding like that. Certainly,just Japanese is comfortable,because I don't need study hard for speaking with foreigners. But maybe if I can speaking English well,I will get more larger than my present world. It is likes my school days.Then I could enjoy my life more. Because I could know many scene of the world and people. I could get many good foreign friends! That's good memory for me. I would like to get former my life again. Recently, I am thinking about it always. Former my life was so exciting and I could live full days. My present is not bad,maybe normal,but I also want to more exciting life compare with now,. I could charge nice energy last year.I could get good rest. But now,I don't need like rest. I must challenge again for my life! Recently, I am meeting new friends and people. But this is so less for me yet(laugh). I need more! I would like to live more exciting life in this year. Maybe if I always thinking about it and take action, I can get all. I think so.Haha!
I came to Kasumgaseki this evening. Here is unique place isn't it? Maybe I hate here when if I must work.(laugh)Tonight I will meet my friends at there. I am thinking if I can working with people of ministries and government on Kasumigaseki. It's difficult for me yet.I have interest of system of Kasumigaseki. For example why the Ministry of health and Welfare lost our pension. I want to know that's truth.I already know that now.But I think many misterious things mriggle here.
It's too much.We can't know things.So I think here is factory of big trouble. For example from foreign countries pressure and makes somd strange policy. We always just obey for government but if you can know truth and build relationship with important people, it is so fantastic. I want to get it in my future.I know some ministries and government offices people. But they don't know real truth of Japan or world system.They can't working when if they can know it?
I don't know.I want to have relation with important people with my wisdom. Maybe it's so fun!I can seeing new world but this imagenation is just my delusion yet. And my life is too long.So I can realize many challenges.You too. So the life is wonderful.Hahaha.