∧_∧ ( ´・ω・) Let's have some green tea and chill out! ( つ旦O ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ と_)_) 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦
Hey!!! you, geeks, nerds, anime otakus, copy and paste spammers, pedophilias, cosplayers, neo-Nazis, Yukorin enthusiasts, here is the place to have a ball!
Native English speakers, please check this thread when you have a time. We need your opinions from your perspective as a native English speaker. ---- I posted the message above in the previous thread, but just in case you missed it, I posted the same message again here. Thank you.
>>8 it is getting very very boring. so stupid program everyday. they have nothing to do except EATING! I'm sick of watching some Talento eat foods eveyrday.
yeah, that's good. Don't turn on TV. you may see the scene that Oda and the whore eat some rotten food together. YUCK it will be a nightmare. so never turn on TV LOL
I have want to offer to everyone. Do everyone talk a 'common' topic that someone posted? I want to talk about a common topic with everyone, as everyone are sharing(and separated) always by some topics.
Oda Yuji is really annoying!!! I wonder what agent he belongs to. It must have a huge power to have him in the show evey year despite the obvious complaints from all over Japan!!!
>>81 There used to be a website called 'amifriend.com' - that's how I made mine. However, it is no longer around. You may want to try ttp://www.japan-guide.com/local/index_j.html I don't really know anyone who has used it, but it's quite a big website.
>>79 I'm not sure what the answer is, but it was remade into a live-action movie in 1995 by an American director and actors of various nationalities. Must admit, however, that it was a terrible movie.
http://www.japan-guide.com/local/index_j.html Hmmm, this site is good for joji obara(ex-name, Kim Sung Jong and his father is a president of a company ) and kazumasa sagawa(his father was a president of a company) ,too!!!!
there is nothing fun except one. stupid...I wonder why they make a person to person contact instead of using a public place. really annoying and everybody got so angry because they fooled others, using others for their private purpose.
>>119 whatever you call them. I just met one so far and he is great. if I feel like I will write something really interesting. but only when I have time.
Zen temples are fashionable tourist spots especially for French people these days. They spend one night, wake up early in the morning and join the Zazen practice.
>>145 ummm...you better not...coz I don't have enough confidence on that message. You better wait to write a message until a native speaker arrives...u_u;
>>149 That works too. Sorry, was a little tired when I replied earlier, but both do work, but 'on' is probably more common.
>>148 A 'baby shower' is something I don't really understand so well, because it is mainly an American tradition. It is a kind of party held before the baby is born, usually only for the mother and attended by women. It is then that baby- related gifts are traditionally given.
a stupid wife; boring but always agree to what you say but she has no comment after that. sometimes you want to punch her because staying with her makes you feel you are also a cheap person.
a clever wife; interesting to stay with but her overwhelming knowledge and a smart way of vanquishing you in argument and a look of disrespect makes you angry. sometimes you also want to punch her.
>>166 Your comments are cute. So I imagine your actual looking is cute as well. My pants and underwear are taken off to my knees by coincidence. Really coincicence. I just got back and room here is hot a little.
>>Westerners Which do you like to visit, Asia or Europe? And why? I'm asking this question because I saw many Western tourists both in South Asia and in Italy.
>>184 Both sooner or later. However if i was offered a free trip to either but could only choose one, i would probably choose europe. I want to see the land of my heritage (scotland). Also i've always loved the old knights and castles stuff so i would want to check out whats left of that first hand.
>>185 Snooty? Yes Hated? Not so much. More like we just rip on them more then others. You will find the occational redneck that really hates them but they usually hate everyone.
As for hating by race? French are just lumped in with white people so i wouldn't really call it racism.
I don't think he can write and publish and speak in canada the same way he is doing in Japan.
He is pointing out dark side of jewish and american economic relation. He just likes taboos like yakuza,uyoku,zainichi,buraku. Only jewish organization overreacted and trys to make him silent. He is no racist or white supremacist.
>>182 I was just really saying that as a racial stereotype, as relations between France and Britain have never really been very good throughout history. I think >>183 says it best when he mentions it is a big in-joke.
>>194 I do get annoyed sometimes, but it's aimed at certain people, not the entire nation. Just like I don't like a lot of British people. I must also admit that a great-grandmother of mine was French.
And yeah, a lot of people still don't like France as a nation, and see the people generally as arrogant and rude.
>>198 I think british people are taller than french. Is there some kind of superior feeling to them?
And how are people of french descent treated in the UK? Or do they esteem their ancestries and behave diffrently from other? Duran Duran Simon Le Bon is a french-english. You know.
>>190 I know this guy. I don't know exactly his motive to make people angry. What is his stance? he lives in Japan for 20 yrs and understands Japanese mentality well? trying to inspire our enthusiasm or he is just criticizing us...I don't know nothing exactly, nor have an interest what he really is...even he secretly has a passion or love towards Japanese, what he does is what we see. so if he is always against Japanese, we just see he hates us. if he gives his girl a promise ring, it is the real. if he gives another girl a drawing picture ring, that is a fake, even how hard he explains he has drawn the picture with his soul. SO he needs to prove his real stance.
France isn't all that bad, I actually plan to visit sometime in the future. I just don't like the citizens of Quebec who think they're superior to the rest of Canada. But they're few and far between, so it's no big deal.
Farm Minister Takehiko Endo steps down over a money scandal just eight days after he was appointed dealing Prime Minister Abe's week-old Cabinet a major blow.
How do you think about this scandal?
I think it's always happen so there are many lobby(?) that like to leak the scandal to the media and people make a big fuss over it. I've heard in foreign countries, this kind of silly scandals are not treated as a big news item and next day it's gone from the newspapers. But in Japan it continues so long. How do you think about this make-a-big-fuss society?
>>202 you think France is good. so you want to visit there. and in Quebec there are assholes. you are saying france is good? I don't understand. What is good about France. If I talk about one country, I woudn't say "it's not that bad so I want to visit there". We don't have that much money and time, so if I were you, and I like the country so-so, I won't visit there.
I must add 古歩道 is not as familiar face to japanese as Dave Spector. Most of the japanese know Spector. We sometimes see 古歩道 on tv. But I think most of the programs are late show and trivial and and his role is not much related to his real political opinion. position.
I know this guy. I don't know exactly his motive to make people angry. What is his stance? he lives in Japan for 20 yrs and understands Japanese mentality well? trying to inspire our enthusiasm or he is just criticizing us...I don't know nothing exactly, nor have an interest what he really is...even he secretly has a passion or love towards Japanese, what he does is what we see. so if he is always against Japanese, we just see he hates us. if he gives his girl a promise ring, it is the real. if he gives another girl a drawing picture ring, that is a fake, even how hard he explains he has drawn the picture with his soul. SO he needs to prove his real stance.
Farm Minister Takehiko Endo steps down over a money scandal just eight days after he was appointed dealing Prime Minister Abe's week-old Cabinet a major blow.
How do you think about this scandal?
I think it's always happen so there are many lobby(?) that like to leak the scandal to the media and people make a big fuss over it. I've heard in foreign countries, this kind of silly scandals are not treated as a big news item and next day it's gone from the newspapers. But in Japan it continues so long. How do you think about this make-a-big-fuss society?
I plan to visit Ireland, England and France in Europe. And then visit Japan and China in Asia. East and West... France just seemed to fit.
Plus, I only plan to visit France because of it's architecture and rich history. The fact that some of it's citizens are rude makes no difference to me.
>>210 I don't know. He is against everything. LOL I firmly believe uekusa is a pervert. So this point makes him less reliable. He'd better forget about Mr.uekusa. obssesion with uekuse is not a good strategy.
>>213 Yeah, I understand for this time well, thanks. so you are fascinated by France, is it? so you are only into France. I want to visit there someday too.
>>221 I'm glad you understand. It seems like a very beautiful place. Canada is nice too, but has no history... Well, it does, but it's boring. Lol. I've only ever traveled to the U.S.A, so when I travel again, I want to make sure to visit places only in Eurasia.
>>225 eh? I thought you said yoo are only planning to visit France...but what Eurasia. ah..not a big deal I understand your plan already. so just enjoy your trip! I will enjoy my travel around the world too! ^^
>>226 Oops, sorry, maybe I worded it badly... I'm visiting Ireland, England, China and Japan. Dx I hope you enjoy your trip as well, thank you. Maybe we'll bump into each other and not even know it. Small world, heh.
>>227 It all depends. Out West it's fun, with the Rockies and the forests of Vancouver. Toronto is good too, but it's no different from any other large city... Except for the CN Tower, which is awesome. It's where I live. Montreal is also nice, but it's kinda hard for English or Japanese speakers to get around.
Yeah, I want to travel but I am completely a broke so I am not able to. I'm going to start my part time job from next week and work hard. Hopefully I'll gain some money later.
So while I'll be working hard as a rug, have a sweetest time in France! and not necessary to inform me the detail of your happy travel diary! LOL just kidding! ^^
>>232 Lol, don't worry, I have to do the same thing as you. I have to work for some money as well. I'm working in a Grocery Store part-time, in the produce department. Plus, with all the money that school took from my wallet, I won't be going anywhere for a few years... Haha, looks like we're both going to have to wait. xP
>>199 Gone are the days that height and complexion actually stood for any kind of superiority in Europe, I think. At least here.
We don't really treat the French any differently when they visit over here though. The ones we see as arrogant and rude usually stay in their country and continue pretending not to understand foreigners.
France itself is quite a nice country with some beautiful areas, but I must admit that Paris is a bit dirty (didn't catch the double meaning until after typing it, sorry).
>>229 As a city, I really like Toronto. My sisters live on the outskirts. There was plenty to see and do there, and it was much cleaner than I'm used to. It was much hotter there than I'm used to, too! And I'm sure in the winter it goes to the other extreme.
which is better? born in the year of baby boomer or the year of low fartility rate?
I think yaer of the low fertility is better. Because in the year of babyboomer, there was a intensity of competition espescailly the entrace exam would be too highly competitive.
So I just went and spent a lot of money on myself for no real good reason, pure materialism. What do you do when this happens? How do you relieve the guilt.
cicadas have stopped singing recently.They are mostly dead..
cicadas were very noisy only a few days ago( day and night,even in midnight) and they were often seen lying on their back. they were dying. But many were actually still alive showing their bellies. When I kicked them, they suddenly flew off and started singing..
By the way, cricket is a word for the sport. Why? and why is cricket in canada as unpopular as it is in america? Nor is Canada a baseball country like USA. Ice Hockey is the most popular sport in canada?
>>267 Yeah, it is. It was invented here (by British soldiers stationed in Canada) and has been a national past-time ever since. The stereotype of most Canadians loving hockey is entirely true. Lol. I used to play it outside, as a goalie. And Cricket just isn't something North Americans have been exposed to. Who knows, it could become popular here one day. I know a few friends who play it.
I didn't know cricket was invented in Canada.... surprise! I know basketball was invented by canadian too. I personally don't understand fun of watching basketball game. tall guys are just throwing a ball into the loop. too many scores and boring. I think some cool black culture add tastes to basketball. many japanese young boys yearn for black culture.
I don't know jordan days. But Aren't there some barriers between blacks and nonblacks in the taste of sports? I suppose basketball is oriented mainly to blacks.
Cricket wasn't invented in Canada, Hockey was. Sorry about that. Basketball is tailored mainly to blacks, though other cultures watch it as well. I don't like basketball either. I find it boring, not enough psychical contact. Hockey has mainly white fans, in North America. Soccer is more European, but North Americans from Europe love soccer. Baseball is very American, but I heard that many Japanese people like baseball. Is this true?
No wonder ice hockey is a national past-time in Canada. Pride and suitable climate.
>Baseball is very American, but I heard that many Japanese people like baseball. Is this true? true. decades ago it was non comparable to others. nowadays soccer is getting more popularity because of j-league and world cup. baseball is losing spectators and its ratings are falling. But considering medie coverage and player numbers, baseball is stil No1, I think. Majour league baseball is becoming another detonator for baseball popularity. Do you know Ichiro? but still No1 sports , I think.
Japanse baseball relied too much on kyojin or Giants, which is somewhat japanese version of yankees. Kyojin popularity is falling.. so is base ball popularity.
But local people are getting attracted to local baseball team. local people used to love Giants, whose home field is tokyo. things are changing.
>>267 'Cricket' is most likely from an Old English word "cricc", which means a staff or stick, probably the one used to hit the ball. It has been around for many centuries.
Personally, though, I can't stand cricket and don't really understand some of the rules. It's not so interesting watching men run back and forth along a narrow strip of earth.
And just a bit of trivia. Baseball was first mentioned in a British publication in 1744, though the rules were somewhat different back then. It is derived from another older sport called 'rounders', which also involves hitting a ball with a bat and running around a pitch.
Ichiro is a typical high-average batter. He is left-handed and runs fast. He hits more than 200 for six or seven successive years. It is the second best baseball record. He made the season hit record by 262 hits in a year of 2004. He won the batting title twice time. maybe this year too.
His salary is over 10million dollars each year... as long as i remember
>>280 thank you. why don't british people like baseball? I wish they would. do they hate american originated sports? just like american hate or keep distance from english originated sports.
I should have said ranking. amounts of semen and continuance do matter! I am the one ranked No.1. I am confident with amounts. But I am relatively not good at keeping my cock erected!
>>292 That's a damn shame, I really believed in your masturbation abilities. You could've faced the world, you could've made a difference. But it looks like you don't have what it takes. I'm ashamed... I really am.
>>283 It's not entirely American-originated, it just became popular there and mostly played there. But I think it's just because football was the largest and most popular sport among the working class and cricket was the most popular among the upper classes, there just wasn't really any room for others. Rounders, the ancestor of baseball, is mainly considered a children's and women's sport.
>>295 It will be broadcasted from october. I happened to see mashioka speak Japanese on TV. His japanse is not bad. Understandable. but differnt from japanese natives. he has a foreigner accent and uses a little strange words. It may be strange to call someone strange with strange English though.
Yeah, the Japanese dialogue in *Heroes* is a little strange or rigid, but I've seen much worse.
I think Hiro's father has the worst accent of the bunch, no? I'm a native English speaker I can just barely tell the difference, but I can just barely tell when their vowels and intonations have an English coloration to them.
Hmmm, whatever I see about Hiro sounds fine to me. Maybe it's due to his acting in Japanese? Ando has some and hiro's father has a strong accent(is he chinese?). His sister has none. http://youtube.com/watch?v=raQ1zpc8jL8&mode=related&search=
When I first heard Hiro speaking Japanese, I thought he was 2nd or 3rd generation Japanese, so I was surprised to find out that he lived in Japan until he was 6 years old or so, and moved to the US with his parents after that. I'd bet he has been speaking English even at home, because his way of speaking Japanese is a bit strange, from time to time. But as >306 pointed out, he is much better than other guys. And his sister speaks authentic Japanese.
>>306 lol looks like an interesting drama! but Hiro seems american born Japanese. but he tried to speak English with an accent? "just minute" sounded strange...lol All the actors and actresses seem like American to me.
Nah, I think his English should be perfect! it's just that he is acting as if he is non-native English speaker!^^ I see many strange Japanese culture things in this drama lol
Heroes will be aired in Japan on Super Drama TV in 24 days. Is it a trend to include one Asian actor/actress in the drama nowadays? Asians were totally ignored previously in the western drama or movies....
>>311 Yeah, it seems that these days it's compulsory to have at least one Asian and one black actor in dramas in the West. All to do with being 'politically correct'. These are usually known as the 'token asian' or 'token black guy/girl'. The same goes with a lot of American commercials for bigger companies.
>>313 A kind of "affirmative action"? I once put myself in a position of ethnic minority in States but never thought of resorting on such a public assistance, because it is the same as admitting inferiority of my race.
>>313 Given that Asians (Either South Asian in Britain or East Asian in America, Australia etc.) make up an increasingly large proportion of the population. It's not at all unrealistic to include at least one actor of Asian decent. Same applies to including someone of African decent.
For example there's an ad that's been airing in Australia recently for some sort of small Ford. It flashes through pictures of lots of different young couples standing next to the car. There's probably about 10 white couples and one Indian couple. It's honestly strange to watch because you sit there wondering why all the actors are white. In a country like Australia where there are a lot of people of East Asian decent it's strange not to include someone who at least looks East Asian.
Anyway I think the same principle applies to modern dramas. It would be strange for the cast not to at least partially reflect the social reality.
>>316 I understand it is pretty natural to include ethnics in white crowd. As a Japanese who like to watch American drama, I find many Asians in school drama, especially if it is taken place in West Coast of U.S.A. I've heard there are always majority of Asian students in one school.
>>317 I can't speak for American schools but, It's certainly the case that in some Sydney schools the majority of students are of Asian decent. Generally it depends on what suburb the school is in. In certain suburbs the majority of people are of Asian decent --- usually Chinese, Vietnamese or Korean --- so naturally in schools in these suburbs the students are mostly of Asian decent. There are also schools with a majority of Lebanese students and so on.
It's even more noticeable in universities where often up to half the students are international students generally from China etc. who've come here to study.
I'm back! It's been much too busy here with the start of school. In response to >>317, there are lots of Asian-Americans on the West Coast, fewer on the East Coast except in the big cities, but that is changing thank goodness. Personally, I think living in a town with everyone from the same ethnic group is boring, boring, boring. For one thing, it results in lousy choices of restaurants.
Showing different ethnic groups in TV shows or commercials in America may be due to political correctness, but it is also driven by the fact that sponsors want to appeal to all groups and get their $$$. Who cares about someone's ethnicity when they have money to spend? We are a market-driven economy, after all.
I've been wondering why there aren't any big-name (rock) bands only consist of black people. Black people mostly dominate the hip-hop world, but I've never seen even one successful black band........
>>328 mireruyo mireruyo! only 3000 yen or something for about 10~20 channels. I subscibed it few years ago for my English listening practice. It's worth watching Amr drama everyday, I think your listening skill would improve dramatically!
>>333 thanks for the info. it says that his mother divorced and she and her son, Mashi went to U.S.A. alone I wonder if she had some relatives or somebody at that time. A brave mom!
>>316 I'm not saying it's unreasonable, I'm saying they do it for the sole purpose of trying to make themselves look as if they care about racial equality. I think >>319 says it best when she says it's all about money. It's the same in the UK. If it was reflective on social reality, they should include larger roles, rather than just throwing them in here and there for a second or two.
>>335 It's been posted here before, but a few threads ago. There are quite a lot of shows available to view at:
>>324 There isn't really a word that's an exact opposite, usually we would just say "don't recommend". I guess you coud use 'discourage' in some cases too.
>>338 Yeah, me too! I imagine how the Asian communities in the west are like! probably they are strict on marriage! (well I'm not sure though) i.e. not to mix with other nationalities etc...
I have that kind of idea because one of my Chinese friend in California is very conservative and she hates it when her big sis brings her Caucsian bf into her house. She turns on her favorite Korean singer's CD and refuses to talk to him. She said she only welcomes Asian bf for her sis. Is it a common opinion for Asian in U.S? I wonder...
How are you possibly going to eavesdrop the love noise they make, if you turn on the music that loud? It doesn't make any sense. She's just jealous, and she's missing a lot.
>>342 I guess that is same everywhere. Osaka jin only want to get married to Osaka jin and Nagoya jin only want to ....German only want to get married to German, English only wants...etc etc...
I think some people find it strange when people of different ethnic backgrounds get together. A lot of the older generatons still think of such practice as being very wrong, maybe due to their religious or political beliefs from the era in which they lived. Their children are then often influenced by this too.
My parents weren't really of different ethnicity, but they were born more than 5000 miles apart from each other.
I'm treating myself to lunch in the city today. To celebrate my kids going off to school. And I have an important decision to make. Should I go for Japanese food, which I know I like, or Korean food, which I haven't had, but would like to try? Argh...I can't decide.
It's not uncommon to see people of Asians and people of white people in a relationship, at least here in Australia. There's certainly no taboo about it. It's also pretty common for Asians and white people to marry.
One interesting thing is that although there aren't that many Japanese living here (Most Asian Australians are Chinese, Vietnamese or Korean). A lot of Eurasians seem to be part Japanese.
Another odd thing is that a lot of white guys who learn Japanese and live in Japan for a while seem to end up marrying Korean women....
What korean food? kuppa? Yakiniku is actually created almost by japanese. Many korean living in japan are operating yakiniku restaurants and serve kimchi with them though.
Thanks for the advice everyone! I'll give the Korean food a try. Unless I can't get parking. Then I'll have to go to the Japanese restaurant, which does have its own parking lot. So convenient. Talk to you later. Enjoy your day/evening/night, wherever you may be.
hourumon, kansai dialect is equivalent of 捨てるもの. 放るもん means discarded goods. And always follows the story that korean used materials that japanese used to throw away and invented new food called horumon. It is just a rumor. Another hypothesis of the etymology is that Horumon literally comes from "hormone" which bowels have a lot in it . Hormone was considered to be the source of stamina.
Hey, if it's good enough for Germany, it's good enough for Korea. sausages are bowels stuffed with various meats, after all. And tripe is considered very good food.
>>370, so generally, do you think that Japanese are more open about being lolicon/shotacon than westerners? In the Catholic Church it was classified as a grave sin and is still very much taboo, even very much illegal. You could be fired for revealing that sort of thing.
Do foreigners think a woman who is putting up a parasol and wearing black long sleeves in summer to avoid getting a tan is strange? I was wearing like that and made fun of by many people in Europe.
>>376 I know... >>377 Why do they think people with a tanned skin are sexy? Some white people look down on "the colored", but they like to get a tan? I can't understand...
It didn't used to be that way, tanned skin evoked the working class and was seen as very ugly in Europe. I don't really know when that started to change, maybe in the sixties.
I never much cared for the look of tan skin (I'm a European man) especially when you consider that it's essentially skin-damage. I always thought the girls who came out of tanning parlors were really ugly/scary.
I dunno why tans are sexy, they're just an in thing.
Also "the colored" is really just a nice way of saying "the black" which some white people look down on because they cause a disproportionate amount of crime and are openly racist towards whites with no fear of retribution. But anyways no matter how tanned you get you would never look black (excluding Ganguro girls, but those things are just scary). So it doesnt really have anything to do with them.
It's like getting your hair tinted or whatever. People just like it.
Anyways i don't really like tans anyways, but the women love em so i just go with it.
Just so you know, calling a non-white, or black person "colored" is an insult. "colored" is the politically-correct term used in the sixties, and that term has changed since then.
I think it got popular in the middle of the twentieth century for the opposite reason that it was unpopular before then. Most low-class jobs were performed inside, so a person with very pale skin meant they were inside all day, and thus working all day. If you had a nice tan, it means you have the money and leisure to go on vacations which were new at the time. So it's associated with athleticism and youth, and carefree lifestyle.
In general, people with low or no class tend to be racist towards minorities. The poorer they are, the less educated they get and just blame the victims.
Today's Hisahito-sama's birthday! He is one year old now. Hisahito is Akishinonomiya family's first son. Since Hironomiya-Masako couple has no son, Hisahito most likely to be a successor, so he will be the future Chrysanthemum Throne. He looks cute. His teether made by wood looks cute too.
Last night, I saw a TV show called "Sasuke". Have you seen it? It is an interesting show of physical challenge to an obstacle race. Last night, it was a Kunoichi's race. I was so amazed by their excelent physical abilities and mental strength. Unfortunately the last survivor could not achieve the goal of stage 3rd.
>>389 Sorry, maybe you got that from my post before "People of ... decent". Basically I misspelt it. It should have been "People of ... descent."
Anyway in my defence, often there are two spellings of the same word--- one with an `s' and one with a `c'. Other times there are two different words one spelt with an 's' and one with a 'c'. So it's not uncommon to confuse the spelling of two different words for being two different spellings of the same word.
Anyway sorry. I'm kinda embarrassed. Shouldn't still be making those sort of mistakes when I'm at university.
Yamazaki Masayoshi's "one more time one more chance" is still my favorite song. It is rather sentimental but it fits for the heart who has lost the most precious one.
I want to say I appreciate my ex girl friend a lot. I couldn't have a chance to say it to her in person...but I am saying it in my heart! and I have to apologize her to break her heart for for a long time. She's paying back the pain she had been tolerate from me. Now I understand how pain it would be for her. It is too late but if I still have a chance I want to say 'sorry' to her.
Girls are cruel.(It said so in a book I once read.) She probably doesn't even remember your name by now.(I'm jealous of your bitter but sweet experience.) Move on.(I'm fat and pathetic.)
>>406 she doesn't even remember my name? that's impossible.... but yeah...sorry it was too sentimental. I just want to say sorry to her for the time she had been tolerated for me and loved me. the time was sure existed...no longer though...
Girls usually move on so fast. So fast that they actually forget previous lovers' names. She might remember your name but it might be mixed up with someone else's face. They rather find another mate to fill her up. That's their nature. Get a new girl.(I'm not fat but maybe pathetic too.)
Yeah, thanks. I just want to say 'thank you 'to her. Our life is only 80 years so I used up 1/4 and little more already. There are not so many people that it would stays in our mind forever, but definitely she is one of those, But do I want her back? I feel there is 0% hope. ......................let me think over again...sorry I am too sentimental right now. Maybe next life? lol
>>409 sorry to interrupt. But don't think girls need to have many guys in her life. I am not that ugly (just for the excute) >< but I don't welcome too many girls for my life. I would say one in 3 yrs is enough.... I want to enjoy a lot of my real feeling from my soul...do you know that I'd be able to have a real feeling (even one way love). Therefore, I would be able to have love relationship between only age 16 to 36 (20 yrs) 6 persons maximum....I asked few of 30's women the same question and they all said she only met 1 to 3 persons in their lives so far....their replied proves that in general, even they met many, they'd be only serious with a few...so....don't be too pathetic... on the other hand, which is good? to have a realy passionate love with one or two persons in your life or the light love relationship with more than 100?
You have to realise that girls actually hate that kind of sentimentality you're stuck with there. It completely freaks them out. Both your ex and future girl friends.
>>414 You're around this morning. Good. If you really are teenager, I want to say this to you. Please think about it. Are you really sure that your American friend is who he says he is? There are a lot of perverts & pedophiles who use the Internet here to meet young people. Such as yourself. If you must meet him (and I think it's a bad idea to meet people you only know through the Internet), make sure it's in the middle of the day in a public place. Even better, bring a friend. Be smart and be safe.
>>415 No, it's the other way around. The poor guy from the States should be careful of Pat's moves. Pat is the pervert & pedophile here. He says so himself.
>>415 This is so difficult...my reading of Japanese is so weak. But you think he's okay because he's been sympathetic to you in the past? Am I right? That's exactly how he would gain your trust!!! If he is really an 18 year old American kid, where would he come up with the money to make two trips to Japan??? It just sounds so suspicious. Anyways, just recently there were reports of 2500 pedophiles with accounts on MySpace here. Well, I will stop nagging you about it. 気をつけてください。
>>405 If you really think you hurt her, it would be good to apologize to her, and let her know how important she was to you. And tell her you hope she can be happy. Maybe you won't get her back. Some relationships just don't work out, especially if one person was too hard on the other. But at least she will think better of you. And don't forget these feelings. Next time, be nicer to your girl.
>>421 It's a shame but don't worry. Have a haircut and refresh your wardrobe. That should help. Go out with your friends and talk to a girl there to ask out. And expect a lot of rejections but never let them discourage you to go for the next one. Hope you'll be too busy turning down lots of dates!
>>423 >Maybe you won't get her back. Some relationships just don't work out,
I agree. It was just my mumble. I know it is impossible, I was sentimental when I heard the song of Yamazaki. But I go to bed now and after I sleep, I will not think about it anymore. Thanks.
>>432 How dare you. I'm deeply disappointed in you. You've betrayed my pure innocence. I was even beginning to fall in love with you. I thought I was the only one who could once again fill the emptiness of your feelings. I was ready to give you my heart as well as my body. I'm really upset, and I will not forgive you for this.
>>422 Leather nazis are better. Non white perverts are not allowed to enter their circle. So japanese faggot perverts have no risk to get hurt by them!!!
I guess Iron Miaide is a rock band from Germany and 442 perhaps played a song of its. >I put Iron Maiden on and turned it up put on and turn up are difficult senteces for me.
by the way i have a question. the usage of "song of its" is a correct way? "song of it" is more natural?
But I think "song of mine(or his)" is more correct than "song of me(him)". still "song of its" sounds starange to me.
Right, they are British. The song is about the 'dog fight in the air' against Nazi's aircraft. Scorpions? Yeah, they are pretty much the same. LOL Actually, I should've played 'Rock You Like A Hurricane'.
I would say 'a song of theirs', one of their songs' or 'a song by them'.
>>447 How about in the case of "it" or "he". song of it or song of its. song of him or song of his.
In the case of "I" , I was taught that song of mine is more correct than song of me. mine is a genitiveto and his or its are equivalent to mine. right?
So according to rule, its and his would become correct. But I'm not sure.
>>447 I heard 'Rock You Like A Hurricane'lyrics sounds very silly and childish. and grammar is too simple. 'Rock You Like A Hurricane'lyrics seems to be written by foreigners. Do you think so? Are you british?
I don't know who wrote >>442>>442 is hard to understand. I wish someone would made it more easy to understand.
Must admit, I like The Scorpions much better than Iron Maiden, especially the songs 'Wind of Change' and 'Still Loving You'. Iron Maiden have some pretty good songs too, though.
It's very rainy and windy....... but my TV is out-of-order, so I have to listen to the radio, but my apartment has very low radio wave reception level.
>>461 I actually don't like that guy. Very American.
This kind of American way of "success" looks silly, looks like he is only having a self-satisfaction. If someone is very persistent, he will eventually gets what he wants? That's just an illusion. Maybe people around him are fed up with his persistence, and gave up to have a battle with him.
I have a different belief but maybe the bottom line is the same as the guy said, but in my case, it's not a "success" but to "sense" important things that you have passed over is a key to become happy.
I learned it as this way; Anythings happen to your life is a sequent. It is not a coincidence but It happened as it is predestined to happen. It happens to teach you to open up your eye, to discover something important and to improve yourself. There is nothing you cannot do. The problem you are actually facing now is happened because it leads you to learn something and in the process to resolve it, you will learn something very important.
I thought his video was hilarious, he's so ridiculous! I believe he was fired from his internship because of this video. He tried suing some of the original bloggers who posted it too! XD Poor guy, what a jerk.
I think the young guy handles it really well though. I probably would've behaved similarly i.e. give the old guy what he wants without actually ever truly admitting to any fault.
>>470 I guess that's western way of thinking. Because "admitting to any fault" is concerned as lose. That's what you said.
There is no win or lose... If you would encounter this kind of situation, I think, aplologize the guy and pay him a respect. Just let him say whatever until he is satisfied. Because I don't know what was the reason but he is angry and looks like he is not a decent guy, might be a Yakuza.
"western way" was too blurred expression...sorry. I mean the way of thinking where there is a high competition. And I think Japanese way is more harmonized community.
>>471 The old man was talking loudly on his mobile and so the young man tapped him on the shoulder and asked him to not talk so loudly. Then the old man got really angry.
I agree that it's a very Western way of thinking. If I'm not wrong I won't admit to being wrong unless I'm talking to a superior. Of course I don't think there's anyone Western way to handle this. It would differ depending on culture.
If it was me I'd apologise and agree with whatever the other person is saying but I'd do it so that they *knew* that I wasn't really sorry at all. Probably an Englishman would handle it in the same way. On the other hand I wonder how an American or Frenchman or Italian would handle it.
>>461 AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... Can you imagine the look on the face of the Human Resources person who first saw that resume? It's the most ridiculous American-style self-promotional garbage I have ever seen. But, just so you guys know, I ALWAYS bring my A-game when I come here...
>>464 And this is why it's a bad idea to interact with random strangers on city buses. Rule of thumb: if a person is behaving inconsiderately, they're usually not a nice person. So just leave them alone. That poor kid learned this lesson the hard way.
>>482 I just came back from work and found your happy post. Is this some kind of harassment?
LOL sorry just kidding. u know....I recently lost my lov...so I am a little bit sad. But anyway I'll try to have less wretched life. This is my favorite song, One more ~~ by Yamazaki Masayoshi, anime version. Are you an anime fan? probably so.. so I dedicate this song for you. Be happy, mate!
>>488 you sound sad, but I give you a clue. There is a way to be happy. Just don't force yourself as "I am supposed to do xx" "I have to make xxx". because even if you would pursuit, nothing is going to be as planned. I mean if even you feel that you are able to control, it is actually not. So just let your surroundings be comfortable, don't force them or yourself too much. If you won't force, plus if you respect and appreciate others, things may flow good way.
>>495, 496 On the right side, under the name of the poster click on "続き" (in blue) The English lyrics will be shown. But there seems to be a verse missing. I think the singer has many versions of this song、and the translation is from a different performance. But you'll get the general idea...
Sakuragicho(桜木町) is a fine place. I often go to the huge municipal library there, and pretend reading difficult books while actually peeping at college girls' legs. Smooth and long, beautiful and sexy legs. And then I'll head to the modern bay area and take a ride on the Ferris wheel to again peep at happy couples making it out in nearby carriages. Welcome to Yokohama!!!
>>499 Thanks for letting me know. I've never thought of the trnslation exists on youtube. I just listnened to the song, and found few errors;
できないことは もう何もない Dekinai koto wa mou nani mo nai There's nothing you can't do ------> There is nothing I can't do
すべてかけて抱きしめてみせるよ Subete kakete dakishimete miseru yo Show me your complete embrace ------->I'LL show you my complete embrace
haha...I guess He is saying that HE wants to show HER his effort if there would be a chance to see her again. but in this lyric it is asking SHE does something to him. lol just a small error though.
>>502, 503 When I checked the comments for that song, most of them were something like "Great song! Horrible translation!", so sorry about that. I expect that a better translation exists out there, but I'm not capable of judging that. I'll leave it to the native Japanese speakers.
>Please teach me how these sentences are different. Native speakers, I have a question. Does above sentence seem wierd English or Japanese English? Will you notice on the spot that the sentence was written by a non-native speaker?
It's quite correct English, maybe if you wanted to disguise the fact that you weren't a native speaker, you should try to make it less perfect like >>515 suggested.
It's true that on forums like this, many English speakers tend to write "say" or "tell" when they actually mean "write", "type" or "teach". They also tend to misspell words and abuse grammar. However, in a formal or academic context, your sentence would be fine.
"Please tech me how these sentences are different."
There are no errors here, so yes, as an English speaker, I would find it difficult to know just from the text whether the writer was fluent or not.
What I meant by making it "less perfect" is that casual, spoken English often isn't grammatically correct, it has a kind of natural rhythm and word/grammar choice that has to be picked up from speaking and listening with native speakers. But this varies from country to country and region to region, and also social context.
>>514 To be more polite, one would say: Could you please teach me how these sentences are different? or Would you please.... Adding the would or could makes it more of a request than a demand.
>>527 I'm not sure an exact translation would mean anything in English. When do you use that phrase? Sometimes we might say "Joke's on you!" meaning you got fooled this time.
>>528 well it is a common phrase when somebody says or does a stupid thing or insult you. Rather a soft way of cursing. It means like this. "your face is already a big joke (funny face) so that's already enough. so don't tell me another stupid jokes anymore" lol
It was great to have spent the time with you. I appreciate you very much. Thank you and now you are gone! have a happy life! I will try to have a happy life too! Thankkkkyyyooouuu!!
>>547 Lol, Australia was simply the *much* better team. It was Japan not Australia that was looking exhausted at the end of the match.
Anyway, it's a pity Japan got beaten so badly. I would've liked Australia to win by just a try or something. But Japan didn't field their full strength team... not that it would've made that much difference against Australia.
Anyway I hope Japan wins it's remaining matches and goes through to the next round along with Aus :).
>>579 Yes. To him, you sound a lot like a wannabe without "I'm"there. LOL いいんでない means 'You'd better' or 'It'd be better'. なんちって is something lke 'just kidding'.
I heard some video of some assholes being assholes at a station made it to the top of youtube. Why don't you Japanese follow the example of the Americans and us Australians, and beat the shit out of dumb kids causing trouble in public? Getting angry on the net just increases this little cunts' egos.
uh, I don't know. Apparently it was the most viewed video on the *japanese* youtube. lol, which I had no idea existed. It thought the only video place japan had was niconico or whatever you call it.
Just do it. Honestly, next year is going to be all about the Chinese trying to prove to the world they're better than everyone with their stupid Olympics. Come on Japan, you're cooler than China, aren't you?
>>589 Lol, I'm Australian but I wouldn't try to fight someone being an idiot on a train. Heck ever-time I've seen someone behaving like an idiot on a bus .etc. everyone has just ignored it.
Btw. beware of colloquialisms like "asshole" and "beat the shit out of" and "little cunts". There's a lot of non-native speakers here :).
>>599 lol, I grew up near Lakemba, or as I like to call it, Lebkemba. I remember a golden age when on the school bus home, if some little kid was being annoying, some senior would come and hang him up on the pole running near the roof of the bus by his tie. Good times, good times.
And I will admit it's not like it happens everytime. It's not like spontaneous breakouts of violence follow a bunch of idiots, but I've seen it happen, and it's always good for a laugh.
And colloquialisms are good. Swearing is the first thing most people learn seriously from another country, cause it's usually when a bunch of dumb native speakers from that country try to take advantage of their innocence and mix up their words.
>>600 I never said they were going to succeed at proving they are better than everyone else. They're just going to strut around thier country thinking how great they are.
>>602 Yeah I remember fights on school busses. I'm sure that happens in Japan as well :p. It's a bit different to a fight on public transport amongst adults though. They tend to end in lawsuits and gaol.
Oh yeah colloquialisms are great if you know the meaning. If you don't then they're a real pain to look up.
Shinohara Shinichi, the ex judo fighter, is my favorite man. He got reallly really gentle eyes. I like Korean, K-1 fighter Hon Man too! they are very big but extra-ordinary gentle. ^^
I live in Toronto, a city in the province of Ontario. It is basically Canada's largest city. Baseball isn't very popular here, but it does have somewhat of a fan-base. We have the Skydome, a huge stadium built just for baseball and football. So, many Canadians do enjoy baseball, but sports like Hockey totally overshadow it in terms of popularity.
And I've never been a baseball fan, so maybe another Canadian would know of Ichiro?
How about american football in canada? Canadian don't like sports of america?
If canadians get successful in some fields in america. they'll be seen as americans. at least from japanese eyes.
although NHL is one of four most popular team sports in america, icehockey does not seem as american as baseball or american football. so canadians don't have to be turned into american colour?
people who gets successful in canada are most likely to end up in USA business? japans baseball players are becoming the case.
But that also raises another question of mine: How much North American media is shown in Japan? Here, in North American, most Japanese media shown or sold is "anime" or "manga". I don't pay much attention to anime or manga, except for "Blame!" by Tsutomu Nihei. But it has a huge following here and is growing in popularity.
>>640 Canadians don't like to be mixed up with Americans, for the most part. We're a proud nation, and also proud that we are NOT America, but to become successful, in sports and many other fields, moving to the U.S.A is required... I just wish people wouldn't view Canadians and Americans as the same... But, oh well.
>>642 I go to Blue Jays games sometimes, with my friends, I'm sure I would have heard of him then.
>>643 donno. it depends. some people know some peple just mix up everything. such as my grand ma, she believes all the "gaijin" are American. just same as ordinary american in mid west mix up all the asians. they think we are somewhere in China. lol
>>643 We are immersed in american culture. music and movies and so on. I think USA movies are more selling than japanese ones. We can see western movies,mostly american movies almost daily on tv.
most of the japanese know celebs like Leonardo DiCaprio.
American comics are not as popular as american movies. We love Disney animes though.
As for music, most of yougsters know music stars like Avril Lavigne. sorry she is canadian. But I think she is seen as one of american culture. I think north american musicians don't have wide range of popularity.
more we get older, less we may know about rock musicians.
so you like typical japanese who don't experss their emotion, like Zen Buddhist ? LOL I think igawa and nomo are blunt and queer even in japanese society.
>>646 lol So I guess it balances out then. Also, do you think "Gaijin" is an offensive term? I know it's sort of a rude way of saying "foreigner", right? I don't think I'd mind so much if someone called me that, though.
>>647 Thank you for the response, I appreciate it. I didn't realize American movies did so well overseas.
>>651 Yeah, there are a lot of really horrible ones being released lately... I remember when there were decent American films being released, like The Matrix. Now it's all the same stuff repeated constantly, for the most part. No originality.
>>650 on news, we say gaikokujin. but gaijin is not so rude way. no ill intention. we use it commonly in conversation. yes it may be offensive to use gaijin directly to foreigners.
we might use gaijinsan more politely and friendly.
>>652 yes. and it is sick to watch ruined culturel and collapsed family stories. "American Beauty" was a typical ruined culture movie but was interesting.
>>653 lol but "gaijinsan" sound like we are all farmers. Japan is a mono-racial society, that's why we call people from outside, "gaijin" that's only the reason. no offensive meaning behind.
that genre of movies only give us a feeling of sickness. why should we pay a lot of money and sacrifice long hours to watch a movie that makes us sick?? we are born to be happy. we should enjoy our lives, don't we? hey! sorry time to go! although you never know which posts are mine! anywayz see ya have a nice day/evening!
>>653 Do you ever use 外国の方 or is that too polite? I've heard Japanese people use 日本の方ですか. To me personally 外人 sounds offensive. Like calling Japanese people Japs. All it's doing is creating unnecessary distinctions between people.
>>662 I use 外国の方ですか? when I need to know if the person is a foreigner, and it's not too polite at all. Bt at the same time, I use the term 外人, and it's not rude of offensive at all. There seems to be a deep rooted misunderstanding in the 外人 community that the term 外人 is very rude, but that is not the case at all. 外人 and 外国人 only mean non-Japanese, that's all.
by the way foreigner or alien literally means people ouside the country. We use 外国の方 too. not too polite. it depends on the situation. I think 外国の方 comes well with interrogative. Just like you said. 外国の方ですか? 外人ですか? probably is pushy and offensive way. I think we won't usually use like this. It's very hard to explain about japansese. 外人 gets offensive in the context.
>>664 So 外人 can be used both offensively and non-offensively, depending on what context it's used in? Interesting. Also, should I expect to be called 外人 a lot during my visits to Japan?
>>665 I guess it's the same as the use of 'Jap.' Depending on how you say it, it can sound very offensive or sort of friendly.
And yes, you'll probably hear people say 外人 when they talk about you among themselves, but probably not addressing you directly as 外人. In any case, there is no reason to get offended even if you hear the term 外人, 99% of the time, it only means 'a foreigner.'
>>665 I don't think you are called 外人 face to face. It is rather not because 外人 is a rude and discrimanation but because japanese try to be more formal and polite to strangers, especially to european descents. I think 外人 is colloquial and 外国人 is appropriate on the news and 外人さん is colloquial but more friedly and respectful.
>>663 I think the reason a lot of people feel that 外人 is an offensive term is that it is used in a derogatory fashion sometimes. If you went overseas would you be comfortable being called 外人 all the time? If I talked to a Japanese person staying in Australia by calling them 外人さん do you think they would be offended?
We usually use the term 外人 when we don't know them well and thus cannot tell their exact nationality. E.g., how could you tell if a person is from Australia or America or Canada? Please note that ordinary Japanese cannot tell the difference of different English accents.
So once we know the exact nationality of the foreigers, we call them e.g.オーストラリア人, or better yet, if we are close enough to know their names, we use the names.
>>672 Yeah I guess that's fair reason. I suppose in English we'd tend to say 'you' or 'that person' rather than 'that foreigner'. It's much nicer than 毛唐人 and other such terms :P.
All this talk about the term "外人" reminds me of something I read in a travel guide (for Japan, of course)... The American author, when he traveled to small towns, would sometimes have small children yell out 「外人だ」when they saw him. So he would pretend to act all surprised and yell 「日本人だ」 in an excited voice back to them. And they would laugh. It sounded like a cute scene.
http://ec2.famima.com/cp/0201/762/762000913.jpg even though he was a japanese national, he didn't look like japanese, he was called 外人. he was in little league team and feared to be gaijin pintch hitter!
"fear someone to be" is correst? I looked up in a dictionary but only to find the examples that "They are feared dead" or "The explosion is feared to have killed all the men". apart from original meaning, fear is getting close to consider or regaer or think?
>>684 In this case a "feared pinch hitter" would be "feared" because others "a-feared" or afraid, of him.
if he was "feared to be" a pinch hitter, than others would be afraid because he might have become a pinch hitter, but not necessarily be afraid of him as a pinch hitter.
It's slightly different, the source of the fear is moved in the second sentence.
>>688 Yes, Computer Science. The only Japanese courses they offer (Japanese I & II) are non-credit community education courses, but I'll probably take them anyway starting next semester. I don't think my scholarship will cover non-credit courses, but my grants might; otherwise, I'll just have to pay for the Japanese courses out of pocket.
>>690 Scholarships pay for tuition, books, etcetera, but often have requirements attached; whether those are keeping your grades above a certain limit, or otherwise. You have to earn scholarships, usually by doing well in high-school.
Grants are, basically, free money to use for fees. Some grants can be taken away, though, dependent on incidences such as arrests, DUI, etcetera. The most important thing about both grants and scholarships, though, is that you never have to pay them back. If you have more questions, the following link will likely answer them: ttp://www.exforsys.com/career-center/scholarships/difference-between-scholarship-and-grant.html
>>691 Gee, thanx for your very detailed explanation. We hear that private universities in the US are extremely expensive, but it sounds like if one has done very well in high school, they can get a lot of support from the government. Sounds good!
>>692 They can get quite expensive, yes, but most people can afford them if they did very well in high-school. Scholarships and grants can amount to over 100% of your costs. It's not just the government, either; a lot of private organizations give scholarships and grants.
>>694 Do you happen to be one of them? 'cause I had never seen them before, the program they 'invaded' is just one of many cable programs, so unless one is really keen on watching that show for whatever reason, he/she would never see them only by chance.
>>695 I'm not one of them. Nor gaijin myself. lol I just recalled this one that someone (maybe Merkin?) posted here before, while I was reading the discussion here about gaijin now. I don't find any offense in the term itself, but I could understand if someone in Japan from another country felt alienated when they try hard to fit in Japanese society.
generally speaking, living in Japan as a gaijin is good. they would probably get a better treatment, not only hakujin (european or american) but also Chinese or Korean or Vietnamese or African etc... Japanese like to be friends with different people. Probably such as one student who has never been abroad would be so excited to become a friend of one gaijin and boastfully talk about every single thing he experienced with his gaijin friend to his friends and family...lol
>>697 True. And gaijin in Japan are forgiven for many stupid deeds just because they are gaijin!!! I know some gaijins who exploit this by only purchasing the minimum-fare train tickets and get away with it.
heh...I once went skiing with one gaijin group and true...they sang so loud inside the train but nobody came and say please stop. It somehow made me feel embarassed but hum.....I thought that's ok because they are gaijin....lol...so many social rules are exempted... but at the same time in the office, maybe they are also ignored sometimes, such as not invited to the meeting or etc. but it depends on the person (those who don't understand Japanese language are often ignored...) sorry for that.
This is also funny, especially after 4:00 when they show fake gaijin celebs on the street of Shibuya and see how people react. It can tell how much we are not immune to gaijin in general. LOL It's from the same show.
People from big cities are much more exposed to foreigners, but Tokyo has a large number of country hicks who pretend to be Tokyoites, and they probably react funny when they encounter with gaijin, lol
>>700 I'd like to see those two try the same experiment in NYC or LA. I wonder if they would get the same result? People might get fooled by the British accents into thinking they're real celebs....
>>705, 706 I wonder... We have become such a celebrity-obsessed culture. And all of those reality shows blur the distinction between ordinary people and celebrities. Not to mention all those people who are famous mostly for being famous rather than possessing true talent, such as Paris Hilton. Anyways, the next time any of you Japanese 2-channelers visit the US, make sure to bring your camera crew!
Yeah, but in the case in the video there, most of the people who gathered didn't even know who they were looking at. People know it's Paris Hilton when they see Paris Hilton, and they'd gather around Paris Hilton. But if it was some random John Doe, I doubt they'd get much any reaction at all in the US.
>>704 Go over to the US, UK or Australia yourself with a camera crew. They think Japanese culture is wacky, so tell them you a big star in Japan, and make them do stupid acts, and tell them false meanings. Japanese people don't have to be so Japanese overseas. Do you honestly think that the people who go over to Japan and record themselves doing stupid things do the same in their home place?
Though I'm talking about tourists. You probably shouldn't act too stupid if you're on a business trip. Everyone thinks Japanese are really professional businessmen. You guys work too much, or maybe its just you don't complain about work enough like us westerners.
>>709 That's pretty much what a lot of Japanese businessmen did in the 1980's. That's why there is the stereotype of the Japanese businessman at a strip joint. That's how school-uniform fetishes came to be associated with Japan...
>>709 >You guys work too much, or maybe its just you don't complain about work enough like us westerners.
Isn't this statement rather stereotypical? I mean, I think 'successful' western businessmen also work their butt off, might even put in longer hours than ordinary Japanese businessmen.
Actually there was an interesting thing in the news a while ago Japan is now 3rd behind the US and Australia in average working hours. Not sure if it was counting unpaid overtime though...
>>713 That's like us. Even when I was working as a lowly stuff-mover in the city when I first left school I spent lots of time doing nothing.
>>714 Yeah, but the stereotype (in Australia at least) of people trying to avoid work or have fake sick days still persists. I worked at a supermarket when I was in high school, and I used to stay back doing about an hour unpaid overtime. Then I found out I was supposed to be getting paid, so I quit, haha.
>>715 lol in Japan, if you are employed by a company, you are supposed to do unpaid overtime work. That's just common. Before we used to have some unseen benefits if you are a permanent employee, but nowadays not as much as before.
>>716 or almost none. just working working working and no fun. (;_;) at night what I do is that I only come to 2channel...and read some crappy posts or exchange some boring mails with my mixi friends.
Everyone at work goes to crappy sites. Half the shit on sites like youtube only gets lots of views because bored office workers and secretaries are bored :/.
Just be careful and watch out for the boss or manager. It's pretty easy in a cubicle, and if you make sure you know where your manager is you don't need headphones, just the volume turned down somewhat low. Most other workers don't really care.
My husband's workplace installed a firewall to ban all of those sites... Many places, if you get caught watching porn during work, you can be fired. The IT guys can easily tell what sites you've been to.
>>724 I can. It's easy. You can sort of tell by what they're into as well, lol. The stereotypical young chinese guy is into cars, and his wallet is full of these print club stickers of girls. But then you find out they're all his cousins or something like that. Of course these are only the loud ones. Most study, get a decent job, which makes the rednecks out West angry.
The koreans are like the Japanese here. They own all the sushi shops and if they're in school or at uni, plaster their folders with "Shonen Jump" characters. You can also tell which houses they live in - just listen for the psycho mother hurling abuse at her son for not studying hard enough or at the pet for being uncontrollable. Again, these are the ones you hear (especially the mothers, lol) and they also imitate the Chinese in that most get jobs through tertiary education, further angering the rednecks out West.
The Japanese guy is easy to tell here, cause there aren't many at all. They either come here as tourists, as businesspeople, and then get the hell out of Sydney. I'm sure there are a few living around here and there, but I guess the bad jokes and the fact that that we're apparently very loud is what gets to them.
Mix those in with all the other asian ethnic groups and you get inner western Sydney!
On looks, of course you can see a difference. The Chinese look more chinese, the koreans look korean, and the japanese look like japanese people. It's crazy!
>>725 As a general rule, I always say that any porn sites or sites you know are pretty bad shouldn't be visited at work, if you need to view them at all. And there are always those dumb videos people send in emails.
>On looks, of course you can see a difference. The Chinese look more chinese, >the koreans look korean, and the japanese look like japanese people. ワロタ
I'm a japanese, but people say that I'm more like korean or chinese. well I think that's because I love wearing big earings, which is* so* korean, isn't it?
>>726 You forgot to mention a lot of the Chinese in Sydney are really into the whole "Azn Pride" stuff and crap like that. Also I always thought it was the Vietnamese who had the whole car culture thing going on. You can't not mention the Vietnamese! There's probably more Vietnamese living in Sydney than there is Chinese.
The whole "Azn Pride" thing is *seriously* annoying. I used to know a Chinese guy who would always divide things into "Asian" and "Australian." We were talking about what subjects we did at school once and I said I took Extension 2 Maths. To which he responded "OMG but your white." Naturally my response was "Yeah, surprise, surprise. There's more to Australia than inner-Sydney." </rant>
lol, azn pride. I didn't mind it, cause all the asian kids at my school were nerds. We had a steady supply of lebs, whose natural enemy is the asian, so it kind of evened itself out.
There are these chinese guys in one of my uni classes who are like that. They fancy themselves DJs, which is good, because it means that the people who listen to their music can tell them they suck at it, saving me the trouble.
>>743 We do. If you go to rural areas, you'll see lots of farmers but mostly they are ok since they don't have shotguns or anything. As for chavs, we sort of do have, but they aren't so serious. They are just into the Hip Hop fashion. The funny thing is they call themselves 'B-Boys/B- Girls' though most of them don't break or anything.
I have uni in the morning. I never realised how quickly I would hate getting up and going to uni the same way I hated getting up every morning and going to school.
>>748 Well, Hip Hop itself isn't that bad but the dumbasses around it make it look bad, at least here in Japan. It's embarrasing to see those wannabes.
>>746 http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%A4%E3%83%B3%E3%82%AD%E3%83%BC_(%E4%B8%8D%E8%89%AF%E5%B0%91%E5%B9%B4) You are wrong at some points. Some serious hip hop gang wannabes are doing worse than original yankee dokyuns. Essence of Crime in japan is changing. Have you ever read やみ金うしじまくん?
>>754 Still, they're not comparable to the ones in the UK and such. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chav I don't know anything about the situation in AU though.
I think comparable. most of chavs in japan are harmless. But some hip hop wannabees are(were) really atrocious.
By the way Is it also the case in the UK that teenager bear children and rely on their parents? I think this phenomenon was well known among black people in USA. I think This trend is not as frequent as USA. but it's growing. Of course, japanese teenage mama don't look after blacks in the sense of premature parents.
japanese yankee(bad boys) were known for inhaling thinner and some of them are known to become toothless. japanese (hip hop) yankees may go beyond thinner. In japan substance is getting easy to get. Chavs in UK usually do drugs?
>>730 Leb means Lebanese, right? How are they treated in Australia? Are they treated as white people? I'm not refering to statistics. Althogh they might be categorized in white race, there must be invisible social barriers between european descents and lebanese.
I suppose Lebanese want to be treated as whites. they are half between asian and european. So are lebanse attacking chinese? calling them chink and like that.
>>702 I think everone here writes perveted thing just for a joke.
But you really seem to be pervert, reject, deviant, abnormal, mentally ill. Just fantastic! I want you to stay in this thread. I want to hear more about you!
There are these chinese guys in one of my uni classes who are like that. They fancy themselves DJs, which is good, because it means that the people who listen to their music can tell them they suck at it, saving me the trouble.
These sentences are difficult for me. Would someone change these senteces in an easy to understand format?
Yes Leb means Lebanese. It's basically a Sydney specific term. In cities like Melbourne etc. Lebanese people tend to make up a small respectable portion of the community. Generally they're just like any other ordinary Australian. However the situation in Sydney is completely different. There's a lot more Lebanese living in Sydney than other Australian cities. In Sydney, so called Lebs have a reputation for being engaged in all sorts of illegal activities. Things like street racing, owning firearms and other weapons, drug dealing and all sorts of other illegal activities.
Anyway >>730 was saying that because a lot of the Asian kids at his school were nerds (into video games, etc.) They tended to be bullied by the Lebanese kids.
Oh and btw. we don't tend to say "white race." That's the kind of term neo-nazis use. Generally we say European. Oh and Lebanese people aren't considered to be European. They're Middle Eastern.
>>775 I should have said simply "white" or "caucasian". In census of america, lebanese are just categorized as the group of white. But I suspect things are not as simple as census classification. I suspect middle easterners are excluded from white society racially, culturally religionally. I don't have special affinity to korean or chinese. But I feel they are one of us from racial point of view.
Don't you feel lebanse are one of you white from racial point of view?
I supposed lebanese are driven to act violently becanse they don't have nowhere to go.
I learned that when white Australia policy couldn't go well with only north west european descents, They started to welcome a lot of east europeans, then south europeans. at last they allowed lebanese and turkish to enter as immigrants.
At that time Did Australian goverment pick up only christian lebanese? But most of turkish must be muslim.
There's a lot of Muslims most of them Lebanese living in Sydney in part they choose to exclude themselves from mainstream society in part they are discriminated against. There's been a lot of controversy about how Muslims fit into wider Australian society. The majority fit in well. However there is a sizeable and very vocal group who oppose mainstream Australian society and wish for Australia to become a Muslim country.
The previous Grand Mufti of Australia, Sheikh Hilaly, was particularly famous for his refusal to integrate with wider Australian society. He has lived in Sydney for several decades however still cannot speak English. He caused a huge uproar last year because he said that women who do not stay at home and wear a hijab are like uncovered meat and are inviting rape. He also caused a huge controversy this year because he said that Muslims had more of a right to Australia than non-Muslims.
There was also a huge controversy in 2000 because a large group of young Lebanese men gang raped 6 different white women. They said the women deserved to be raped because they were Australian. When the police did catch the group they were sentenced to almost 300 years in prison.
So yes there are a lot of Muslims living in Australia. In most places the relationship is quite harmonious and they're regarded as ordinary Australians. However in Sydney there are some rather unique problems. Also the discrimination certainly isn't one way.
>>779 it seems like thre are some problem on Lebanese in Australia. Speaking about Muslims, I don't really have a deep understanding on their religion, but they are the best people I've ever met in my life. Just through the people I met from Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore (muslims) so far. Their warm and kind attitude towards weaker people, serenity of mind are so special.
Also I should mention that by the time the White Australia policy ended (almost 40 years ago now) the government had stopped worrying about what religion migrants followed. In fact the first large scale group of immigrants to Australia after the end of the White Australia policy were Vietnamese.
>>780 I think that has less to do with them being Muslim and more to do with Malays traditionally being warm and accepting people. I should also be clear that these problems only exist in Sydney. In the rest of Australia Lebanese tend to be ordinary well adjusted citizens. Mostly they're indistinguishable from other Australians. The fact that there is tension between some Muslims and Christians though is unsurprising even though they both believe in the same God, the hatred between them goes back over a 1000 years. Generally though most Muslims and Christians get along fine. Especially since most Australians aren't particularly religious. Very few people attend Church on Sundays for example.
but how do you know it even you are not in the middle of Islamic world? Sorry I meant not to make you feel bad but I just thought why you are so definite to explain about other religious attribute...it's dangerous to see certain religion too negative. sorry I don't have enough knowledge on this matter, let's just wait until other australian's or muslim's or whoever's comment.
Let me add one more. Even I don't have enough knowledge on religion, let's say, I would meet 10 muslims and 10 ordinary people from the developed countries (who are atheism) such as north america or Japan, if I see an obvious difference in them in terms of their usual attitude, kindness and that is 10 muslims are much higher than developed country people, I should say they are good because of the religion. That's what I think.
>>787 >>788 Okay that's a fair assessment. But my point is if you look at the amount of violence in the Middle East at the moment, for example between Sunnis and Shiites in Iraq or between Hamas and Fatah in Palestine and so on, it would seem that being Islamic doesn't necessarily make someone warm hearted and tolerant. Also I may not live in the Middle East but I do at least have experience of Muslims in Australia, most of them are nice ordinary people, however some are violent and not at all accepting. Which I think is pretty clear evidence that being Muslim doesn't automatically mean that someone is a nice warm hearted person.
Also yes if you do meet 10 Muslims and 10 ordinary people in a Western country and find that the Muslims are definitely kinder than the non Muslims then I agree you could say that it is because of their religion. However the experience in Australia at least is that this is not the case and that you won't find a Muslim to be any kinder than a non-Muslim.
That's why I believe the kindness of people in South East Asia has to do with things other than them being Muslim.
Yeah, that's what most of the people say, I guess. My opinion. Everywhere, there is a different concept of value. Even they kill eachother and seems how barbarous it is, they are fighting for their own god. Their volume occupied by god in their mind is unbelievably huge, and we can never imagine how they take it important. That's their value. (I don't know their value but I suppose...). So everywhere, everybody has their own value which is unimaginable. My opinion is we should not compare it with our own standard. I wish the peace of course, but I can't really say this or that until I truely understand their way of thinking.
>>790 I don't think this Ausrtrarian dude is blaming Islamism in general for anything. He just explains it's some Lebanese in Sydney that use the Muslim religion to justify their unlawful activities in Sydney. He rather attributes those characters to their radical and violent proposition rather than the religion, mentioning Muslims living peacefully in other areas in Austraria.
I guess the problem is that Sydney has developed along the lines of being a series of small communities with a common CBD. There are suburbs that are almost of an entire ethnicity, and this makes integration harder. Lots of great international food though :).
I read on Wikipedia that the number of Japanese women migrating to Australia has increased. lolol, we're stealing your wemenz. It's probably all those lanky backpacking/uni nerds who are japanophiles. Ew, they probably even met in Japan when he was teaching English.
I just say some screencaps for an anime called "Kodomo no Jikan". Holy. Arsefuck.
How long have you been feeling this way about your children, Japan?
I also lol at your "U15" DVDs and lolicon. It's funny how the Japanese government is trying to push anime and manga to be cultural ambassadors of Japan. You know, I can't help but feel that's it's going to backfire. Either everyone gets used a stereotype that says Japan is full of perverts, or the government cleans up Akihabara, enraging the nerds encamped there.
I just happened to know there is a Korean girls' group called Girls' Generation. It's Morning Musume Korean version. Who is your favorite? I like Hyo Yeon.
>>800 HUH? we are really good in creating new interesting things. Manga used to be filled with full of literary and artistic flavor, not as cheap porn as now. so things are deteriorating. so what you, gaijin people are viewing thru internet are part of our ruiined culture. there are still great anime, manga though.
Japan will never be involved in the war. do you know kenpo 9 jo? Article 9 of the Constitution;
英訳文 Aspiring sincerely to an international peace based on justice and order, the Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of force as means of settling international disputes. In order to accomplish the aim of the preceding paragraph, land, sea, and air forces, as well as other war potential, will never be maintained. The right of belligerency of the state will not be recognized.
>>792 Thankyou. I don't mean to sound like I dislike Islam. I simply don't believe being Muslim automatically makes somebody a nicer person. If a person is nice they're going to be nice irrespective of their religious beliefs. Exactly the same thing can be said of Christianity. Christianity teaches love and forgiveness. Yet many extreme Christians aren't loving and forgiving people at all. In fact there are some who believe that anyone who doesn't follow exactly the same version of Christianity that they do are servants of the devil.
As for Australia, there are some rather unique problems in Sydney. I started talking about them because people asked. In fact I think this whole discussion started with people asking why 'Lebs' beat up Asian kids at School in Sydney.
>>788, 808 I don't dislike Islam either but... If ALL Muslims are kinder than non-Muslims, then why do we have to have this anniversary in my country? Not all religious people are kind or tolerant. I'm talking about any kind of religion here, not just Islam. Bye.
uh oh. Being sure of anything is the first step towards failing. The best way to live your life is to be uncertain of everything and afraid of everyone.
>>833 are you really preparing for that? you need to know a lot of advanced level vocabularies. articles are really tough to read in a limited length of time. Theme is often about something really abstract, i.e. physics, god etc..
>>836 さんくす 多分受かる。そんな気がする。7500円も払ったし。 >>837 I haven't prepared anything for that. But I have more than 1 month to go. I can make it. I'll go buy text books tomorrow.
uh, there are some questions on vocabularies. I showed the text book to one uni student in U.S. he knows the meanings but not-exactly-using-in-every-day-life kind of words. articles are excerpt from Time or Newsweek magazine. and there are some tricky questions. Also hearing test. and if you'd pass the 1st stage, there will be the 2nd stage. 5 min speech.
>>841 They say if you can make a speech for 2 minutes, you'll be worth level 1. How many words and what kind of grammer,I'm not sure. I think if you have vocablaries to read magazines for teenagers,that's enough.
Hooray, I am one third through my way of the essay I have to do. But I have to design a poster to sell my idea. I should have spent more time and used a computer, but since this is the night before, I'll just to have to draw stick people instead.
>>843 The way they're talking in the dialogues sounds really strange :p. It's so slow and they pronounce each word so clearly. But I suppose they have to do it that way.
The questions at the end of the dialogues on the other hand seem really hard. It's so vague what they're asking.
Has anyone ever done one of those creative writing courses at a college or uni? I'd like to do one, just out of personal interest, but I hate the idea of standing up and reading out what I've written or sharing my ideas for a story. I refuse to believe that any artist of any sort has ever been that sociable.
I don't think you necessarily need to read it out loud, though it depends on the professor. I've been in one where the stories are read as homework and then discussed and critiqued in class. I always had trouble writing though, I tend to censor myself to the point where I can't write a single word. It's terrible, so taking a class that forces you to write is a good way to practice getting over that kid of inhibition.
>>857 I suppose I could call what I do censoring. I can never write a single word, no matter how developed an idea I have, even if I sit down to write it. Maybe there's someone like an editor people can hire just to yell at them? My problem is that I don't do anything unless I'm made to, and even then it might be at the last minute. There's no deadline with hobbies, so I'm stuck daydreaming.
>>856 I've got to ask if you're that self conscious why do you want to get into creative writing in the first place? You mean if you can't stand the idea of actually having to present what you've written.
>>859 Because some people like actually writing a story or creating something more than they do selling it or showing it to everyone. Some people like actually making or creating things, even if they develop some epic story and they're the only ones who know about it. An extreme case would be that dead guy, Henry Darger. He was a sociopath and lived alone all his life, but after he died they went to his apartment and found an illustrated novel over 14,000 pages long. I don't want to end up like him, being somewhat crazy and all, but to each his own I guess. Oh yeah, this was 858
Discipline! Discipline! It doesn't mean writing a lot, just writing something everyday.
Arthur Miller set himself a work schedule where he wrote just two pages a day, no more, no less. If he was on a roll, he'd still stop after just two pages and save that momentum for later. It's not a bad strategy, I think. Maybe you can start with just one page. If you are truly writing even just a single page everyday, you can get a ton of stuff done.
I suppose I'll try. It's not like I'm doing anything else in life right now. All I have to do is start with one page, and I should get into the rhythm.
>>860 I don't mean to disparage creating something simply for the sake of it. In fact I do it myself. What I mean is if you have no confidence in your writing ability, what is it that is attractive about creative writing? I think if you're confident enough to write then you should be confident enough to present :).
>>863 I suppose you're right. I'm probably just not a good speaker, haha.
Anyway, I have to go now, it's already past 2am and uni is only a few hours away ;_;. I guess this means that there is only one Australian left in this thread, 863.
>>789 >Mostly they're indistinguishable from other Australians. Does it mean most of lebanese outside sydney are wearing in western style? Does it also mean their appearance are no different from european decent?
Yesterday I saw the faces of the rape gangs too. They don't look like europeans or them at all. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/6/6e/Skafbilal.jpg Even If he wore ties and suits, he won't look like european. So Does appearance matter?
here is my speculation. People with distinct middle eastern appearance tend to think they are separate from main Australians. People with relatively euaropean appearance have a tendency to try to integrate into main Australians. like that. Somewhat true?
In my opinion koreans and chinese are tenacious and tough. They gather in a group and speak loud. Japanese, even white and black Americans are overwhelmed by them.
I heard that at baseball world cup, korean-americans gathered to root for Korea, not America. At stadium They stood up and cheer, using noisy bell and big flags. They even yelled at an american spectator who warned koreans to sit down because he couldn't watch the game. In a way they have something japanese should take after a little..
Who are lebanese who can bully such chinese and koreans? Do Lebanese thugs target asians becauese asians are physicall weak and in a minority? I think Australia should bring more blacks. black gangs are strong. They are gonna punish lebanese.
>Muslims had more of a right to Australia than non-Muslims. >However there is a sizeable and very vocal group who oppose >mainstream Australian society and wish for Australia to become a Muslim country. These are beyond my imagination...LOL
Why do we pronuciate baseball and boxing glove as globu(グローブ). It's really misleading. And glove(globu) image is so strong that we have hard time associating glove with tebukuro. pretty complicating.
And globe is accented as gloubu too! The name of pathetic tetsuya komura unit including a possible drug addict is globe(globu)
>>876 Oh, yeah! How do you get to know that? Tokyo is rife with That Gloved Hitwomen. Be most carefull or you'll be in Pyong Yang soon! But I don't know what to do...
Most Lebanese in Sydney wear Western style clothes as well. A few choose to wear traditional Middle Eastern dress but not many. Some women wear a hijab but not all.
I don't think appearance has much to do with how well people integrate with mainstream society in Australia though. There are many Africans who live in Australia. They haven't had any problems adjusting. There are many Asians and Indians and so on as well that live as a normal part of mainstream Australian society.
>>868 You sound rather upset about it. It's not that they always specifically target Chinese or Koreans or anything. It's just that a lot of Chinese and Koreans tend to fit pretty much into the nerd category. They're into video games and stuff like that. It's not just Chinese and Koreans who are like that there are lots of Australians like that. I was like that when I went through school :). But anyway, those kind of people tend to get bullied. I'm sure you have something similar in Japan. I've heard bullying is a big problem in Japan? Doesn't part of Prime Minster Abe educational reform policies deal specifically with `ijime'?
Anyway it's hard for me to talk about it in detail cause I didn't go to school in Sydney.
<<886 Yes, I feel sorry to you too. that was an unforgettable tragedy. also for American innocent citizen, I imagine that it has still been a trauma. I feel really sorry for the pain you have to suffer from them. Last time, when I visited U.S.A, I felt a bit of tense toward foreigners especially at the airport...how is U.S.A these days?
>And globe is accented as gloubu too! The name of pathetic tetsuya komura unit including a possible drug addict is globe(globu)
This remind me of a pathetic story of Kahara Tomomi. Do you know her? she was a cute and nice singer founded by Komuro about a decade ago but recently she got fired by Avex of her drug abuse. Her life was both successful and misreable..she was just like a toy of Komuro. Komuro founded her when she was 16 or 17 and he started to produce her as a singer. He composed her songs and CD which got a million selling. He even didn't hesitate to prise her in media as she's "talented" "beautiful""she will be my one and only"...I assume she was treated as a princess so it shouldn't been forgotten for her...although there was a honeymoon period that you know she sold box office hit and had love life with Komuro, in a couple years he got tired of her and dumped her and got married to another woman (I think he later dumped her too. Now he's with Keiko from "globe". I guess it was a right choice. much better than ex). Later we see Kahara often in tabloid magazines that she's drunk or addicted to the drugs... she showed her eccentricity in many places. after age 30 she couldn't even continue her career as a singer and addicted to drug. how poor....but for Komuro's comment, he recently said "her life is nothing to do with me"...gosh...he is cruel... How do you think about Kahara?
>>892 Yeah, I remember when Komuro treated her special. she was just a girl next door. so we all thought???huh?O_O?? why is she that great? she is one of the very ordinary girls. but that was the key of success, like the Cinderella story; an ordinary girl become a princess. but it was miserable when she got fired by Avex.
He resigned? But he was in power for less than a year! Maybe he met all the world leaders here at APEC, and hated the idea of having to meet them all again.
So who's the new King of Japan? Holy shit, it's gonna be Rozen Aso!
His selection of cabinet memebers was so bad. Money & politics-type scandals after scandals, and his popularity plunged quite sharply. It is also reported that he is not physicaly fit to serve the office..... Maybe the physically healthiest and mentally toughest Asashoryu should become the next prime minister of Japan, lol
He was a bon bon (a good family's spoiled brat). he did not have a capability. since 代表質問, party representatives' questions was scheduled, he didn't want to attend said he will quit.and ぶっちした。 he's a childish man.
Wow, the Prime Minister resigned. Is that a surprise?
Thanks for your good wishes for yesterday. To be honest, most of our country has moved on from the events of six years ago. I think it's harder in the Boston and New York areas, since it was closer to us (by the way, I didn't personally lose any friends or family on September 11 although a few families in my town did). Yesterday was like a normal day, except I felt depressed all day. Some of that feeling is due to the fact that if the events of six years ago hadn't happened, our country wouldn't have gone in the direction we ended up going in. It changed everything.
>>903 Well, this is just my opinion, but the biggest effect is the war in Iraq. The Bush administration had always planned to go into Iraq, but I don't think they would have been able to sell it to the American people if they hadn't (falsely) linked it to September 11. We have spent untold amounts of $$$ there, so much that we can't properly address any of our domestic problems, most notably the relief efforts for the people of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, which have been a dismal failure. Not to mention the loss of civil liberties we have allowed, the use of torture by our Special Forces, all of these horrible effects made acceptable by September 11. And of course, there is all of the suffering borne by the Iraqi people, which never gets acknowledged by those responsible for it. I love my country, but I hate what the last six years have brought.
>>908 Again my opinion, based on what I have read & heard in the news: The first President Bush made the right decision. After the first Iraq war, he decided not to bring down Saddam Hussein. Everyone was surprised at that, but he avoided the situation we have now. His former advisors, namely Rumsfeld and Cheney, were unhappy with that decision and were able to persuade our current president to support an invasion. Their plan for the occupation was simply that all Iraquis would be so happy to get rid of their dictator, that we would be able to easily put a democracy in place and walk away. They never expected the wholesale destruction and looting that took place after the invasion, and they never factored in that Iraq was composed of a number of factions that hate each other (similar to the former Yugoslavia), making the formation of a democratic government extremely difficult, if not impossible. I honestly don't know what the solution is to this mess. I think we will have to swallow our pride and go to the other nations of the world to help us resolve it. And as much as we don't want to do this, we will have to involve Iran and Syria in any negotiations too, maybe through a neutral third nation. And in case you're wondering why we went into Iraq in the first place, I think was because of their huge oil reserves. Our leaders wanted a friendly government in place so we could take advantage of those resources. Although they deny that oil had anything to do with it...
I think I'll leave it at that, enough of my ranting. I'm curious though as to how people from other countries view the situation.
I hate the way democracies are formed just to support the West.
It will eventually turn into a situation where poorer nations see democracy itself as a form of subjugation and imperialism, with the West forming a sort of "Democratic Empire". Mix with some nationalists, some new political ideology, and you have a situation similar to the Cold War. While I highly doubt that Islamism will become popular enough to truly threaten the West, some new -ism will emerge, word will spread among the masses of the 3rd world, and next thing you know we're at war again :)
I already did, I was just wondering what others thought about him by asking the question. "Who is so and so" in this case can be used as a kind of open question like "what kind of person is he?"
Also, I would say: "What's that box in front of you?" (sounds more natural) and usually we say "Google it" plain and simple.
There are some good points there but from what i've seen and heard oil isn't bushes main reason for going into Iraq. He seems to think that he is gods chosen warrior to bring Christianity to the middle east.
On another note. Japan, you may rag on your otaku folks a lot but they come up with some of the best things ever. Like this.
>>919 I'm not sure why you're calling me a hypocrite, but I do know that Mel Gibson is an idiot.
>>923 I think that Bush panders to the Christian Right because they have been his most steadfast supporters. But you have to realize that oil consumption by the US per day is greater than three times more than that of the next largest consumer (China), and it has only gone up since the current Iraq War began. We account for 25% of the world's energy consumption in our country alone. People here see cheap oil and gas as some kind of birthright、and resent the idea that they may have to conserve.
>>925 I don't think he panders to them as much as he is a part of them, the guy is a borderline zealot. However it is obvious that he is in bed with oil companies as well.
It's impossible to say for sure why he did it. At least we can agree he fucked everything up doing it.
Do you know komura was a god father of stage name 'kahara tomomi'? And Initial of kahara tomomi is k.t.(surname, firstname order) Komuro's initial is t.k. it's not a coincidence.
you know how he was infatuated with kahara. quite often a word "you" appears again and again in lyrics of kahara's songs. you is simply about komuro. feel like vomiting. "thanks to you, i am what i am. I'm proud" like that.
>>930 You don't have to worry! Every North Korean Hitwoman uses Chloroform on her targets. You will, therefore, have lots of time to sleep before geting to Pyong Yang!
>>930 Now I've got to admit that "Self-Help" is most important. So I advise you not to hesitate to ask attractive females, "" Do you mind if I smell your black leather pumps?"
Man, I'm on an odd schedule. Woke up at 1:30 A.M. (roughly one hour ago). In any case.... Hello again folks. I can't seem to check here consistently due to time constraints, but I'll continue to drop in every once in a while.
As for the Iraq situation, I don't think I'll get involved in that conversation tonight as it'd keep me here for hours... so I'll skip that.
Ah yeah, I hardly realized that 9/11 had come by this year. Where I live in the US, most people hardly made mention of it. If they did, it was more of a minor note when they noticed the date. I don't think many will forget where they were or what they were doing at that time, though; it hit a lot of people hard, and was very memorable. I always hate to see the idiots preaching how 9/11 was fake, as it was obviously not. Some of them even go as far as to say the government did it, which is just stupid.
Moving along... what're you all up to? Let's get this thread rolling again. :)
>>941 Hi Ether! I agree with you! let's get this thread rolling again!
>>932 Oh yeah, she was a gravia idol at first. So she was picked up by Komuro one day. Those days Komuro was like a god in music industry so she was like "KYAAA!!!" the luckiest girl in the world. didn't she? But Komuro's glorious days ended in a few years.
>quite often a word "you" appears again and again in lyrics of kahara's songs. you is simply about komuro. feel like vomiting. "thanks to you, i am what i am. I'm proud" like that.
ewwww....so he was writing the lyrics for himself? to hear the words of love for himself from her mouth?
>>914 Aso is also a 2sei or 3 sei or 5 sei guy. his father, grand father and great grand father are historic lawmakers. Such as Okubo Toshimichi, Yoshida Shigeru! wow! but he is just a harmless otaku lawmaker.
What's new with me... This morning I'm listening to my new Yamazaki Masayoshi CD (Blue Period). I'm enjoying it a lot. It's very different from the J-Pop I'm familiar with. Thanks to Yamazaki's fan for introducing me to his music! Did anyone here see Britney Spears comeback at the VMAs? Yeesh.
wow~~ I just came to this thread before going to bed. I'm very happy that you are listening to Blue Period you like Yamazaki? 米人さん His music is great, isn't it? I would say his lyric catch our heart. he is a 詩人poet....ummmm.......thanks for your comment! you made me happy lol
>>948 heh, several of us Americans hate Britney too... in fact, we think a lot of mainstream entertainment sucks ass. God knows why the hell it's so popular, but we tend to assume most of our population's composed of idiots. XP It's probably no wonder that several of us (including your's truly) have gotten caught up in the growing popularity of Japanese media in recent years.
男女 I've read this danjo. and felt strange? But youmenat otoko onnna,right? You were right. LOL I think otokoonna is not a daily used word. you are great.