@老人になっても寝込まないように、若いうちから健康に気をつけなくてはならない。 You have to mind your health from your youth so that you will not become bedridden when you become an old man.
A「確かに、あんたの言っていることはいい話だが、それにしても芝居のチケットに5000円は高すぎる」 "Surely, what you are saying is a good story, but even so five thousand yen is too expensive for a play ticket."
B最近いやなニュースが多いけど、スポーツはしばしの間、世の中のいやなことを忘れさせてくれるね。 Nowadays, there are many pieces of disgusting news, but sports make us forget disgusting things in the world for a little while.
C多くの日本人にとって必要なことは、たとえ少数意見であっても、自らの意見をはっきり言い表すことだ。 For many Japanese, what is necessary is expressing your own opinion clearly even if it is a minority viewpoint.
D世界の食糧問題という観点から見ると、決定的に重要なのは、何を食べているかではなく、どれだけ食べているかです。 In terms of food problems in the world, what is absolutely important is not what they eat but how much they eat.
>>890 By the way, how is your friend AA going? I had a contact via emails with AA, though the new email adress that he/she let me know did not work. However, the privious email seems valid because the email I sent to the adress did not return. The new email adress is as below, [email protected] .
>>901 @老人になっても寝込まないように、若いうちから健康に気をつけなくてはならない。 You have to LOOK AFTER your health WHILE YOU'RE YOUNG so that you WON'T BE ILL when you GET OLD.
A「確かに、あんたの言っていることはいい話だが、それにしても芝居のチケットに5000円は高すぎる」 "what you are saying SOUNDS LIKE a good DEAL, but even so five thousand yen is too expensive TO SEE a play."
B最近いやなニュースが多いけど、スポーツはしばしの間、世の中のいやなことを忘れさせてくれるね。 WATHING/PLAYING sports make us forget ALL THE BAD things HAPPENING in the world for a little while, DOESN'T IT.
C多くの日本人にとって必要なことは、たとえ少数意見であっても、自らの意見をはっきり言い表すことだ。 WHAT MOST OF THE Japanese NEED IS, TO express OUR opinion clearly even if WE THINK it is a minority viewpoint.
D世界の食糧問題という観点から見ると、決定的に重要なのは、何を食べているかではなく、どれだけ食べているかです。 what is absolutely important in the world in terms of food, is not what they eat but how much they eat.
>>933 I saw the photo attached to your email. Thank you very much. From the photo, I can feel how you enjoyed staying in Japan . It was surprising you were so grown up. You became to look alike your father, I guess.
>>943 The next day after we met, I sent an email to you. But it returned. I tried a couple of times but never succeeded. A few days ago, the mail you sent enabled me to check your mail addressto resolve the cause. The returned mail is attached below.
The credit card was unlawfully used. A credit card registering became the uselessness. The credit card is being changed now. Please request it in paypal. I am sorry for trouble.
>>954>>797 My registered credit card has been suspended for safety reasons after a fraudulent use by someone else. Please request the payment via Paypal. Sorry for the trouble.
>>963 China is a hot place in terms of the environmental issues. China has huge national land and seems to be mountanious. But compared to Japan whose mountain ratio is 61% of its soil, that of China is only 33%. Therefore we can say China is less mountanious than Japan. China is now a developing country and builds many plants to advance the economy. This is why China holds environmental problems such as increasing industrial and trading waste, and polluting revers and air to prompt desertification and so on. As an effect of the desertification, when it's strongly windy, sandy wind with so-called Yellow Sand from China reaches Japanes soil. And its discharge of Carbon dioxide is said to be the largest. As far as I've heard these stories, I have only impression that China is a polluted country.
For up to half a year we have been entirely unable to practice. We were practicing all the time at the university's gymnasium, but because our class members have all graduated we became unable to maintain the place of practice. Meanwhile, ○○ teamed up with ●●, participated in the Asian tournament and received a Bronze medal. By the way, the participation from Japan consisted of three junior male doubles.
My registered credit card has been canceled for safety reasons after a fraudulent use by someone else. Please request the payment via PayPal if you could, so I can complete the payment from my PayPal account deposit without a credit card, while my card being newly reissued. Sorry for the trouble.