一日100個は少し覚えすぎのような気がします。たとえば「1100 words you need to know」 の場合、5日サイクルで覚える設定になっていて、一日に覚えるのは「単語5個+イディオム1個」 だけです。しかも5日目は「復習問題」となっているので、5日間で「単語20個+イディオム4個」 だったりします。
Conscious of the fact their host had recently been fired, the dinner guests were careful not to ( ) to work in any way. (1) allude (2) accrue (3) modulate (4) pander
>>341 1. モノ、goods, products 2. PO (purchase order, order confirmation, bill of lading, invoice 3. one-o-one dash (stroke in Brit) ei-bee-see 4. E-mail me an estimate, ASAP! I've got an PO! 5. $3,000. Delivery in 2 weeks. Minimum order quantity of 1,000.
>>341 @モノ、ブツ、製品 merchandise(スペル自信なし) A…→買い付け注文書 order sheet?→注文請け書 acceptance sheet?→送り状、請求書 invoice?→… B”101−ABC”の読み(電話で) one オー one hyphen エービーシー? C「見積もり至急よろしくです!注文書アリ!」(メールで) I need estimated price about my order as soon as possible! An order sheet is attached (to this e-mail)! D「3000米ドル、納期2週間、最低注文量1000個」(メールで) 3000 USD, need two weeks, at least 1000 items in one order
@ item, product A…→purchase order (P/O)→confirmation of order→invoice→… B”one, zero, one, dash, Apple, Becky, Charley” C plz quote asap, HAVE PO ! D @3000usd, L/T 2wks, MOQ 1Kpcs.
Bは新卒者が電話に出た時一番面食らう英語表現だと思います。 型番のゼロをオーと読む癖がつくと混同の恐れもあり、避けます。 hypenは誤解なく通じますが、通常は世界中どこでもdashが用いられます。 periodとdotの区別と同じかもしれません。 中韓の人たちには「デシ」のように発音されます。 アルファベットは、基本的に何でもよいものの、人名が多く使われます。 "A for Adam"のようにも話されます。
@ Squander = waste, lavish A Tantamount to = commensurate with, equivalent to B Emulate = compete, match C Ponderous = elephantine, weighty D Enclave = exclave, detached estate
E Interim report (interim = tentative, temporary) F Keynote = motif, main subject G Elixir = panacea, magic drug H Nonchalant = indifferent, carefree I Gloss over = whitewash, cover up
J Rift = discord, disagreement K Ameliorate = improve, upgade L Draconian = rigorous, severe M Exacerbate = worsen, aggravate N Inundate = flood, deluge
@宙に浮いて、宙ぶらりん up in the air (The plan is still up in the air.みたいに) A間一髪で by the thin hair じゃなかったっけ。thinはいらないか…。 B適者生存 The fittest surivive.じゃなかったっけ。 C実を結ぶ bear fruits D呉越同舟 on the same boat (We are on the same boat.みたいに。) E目には目を an eye for an eye 冠詞はいるのかどうか記憶定かでない。 F絵空事、絵に描いたもち a pie on the wall だったっけ。pie in a pictureだったっけ。 G火に油を注ぐ fuel a tankだっけ? H言葉を失って lose one's wordじゃなかったかな。I lost my word.みたいに。 I氷山の一角 a tip of the iceberg
@宙ぶらりん up in the air A間一髪で by a hair B適者生存 the survival of the fittest C実を結ぶ bear fruit D呉越同舟 in the same boat E目には目を an eye for an eye F絵に描いたもち pie in the sky G火に油を注ぐ add fuel to the fire H言葉を失って at a loss for words I氷山の一角 the tip of the iceberg
@結局はお金次第なのです All said and done, it depends on money. A肉食獣が草食獣を餌にするように、強者が弱者を食い物にする Just as beasts of prey feed on grass-eating animals, the strong prey on the weak. B苦労をしたって人間は成長しません If you take pains to do something, you will not always be rewarded. C他人の力を利用した人間が金持ちになるわけです。 This is how those who make use of the capabilities of others become rich. The person who makes optimum use of others' talents will be well off. Dそういえば、あの強がりを言っていた男のことを誰も知らない。 When you come to think of it, no one knows what has become of the man who talked tough.
>>386 @結局はお金次第なのです After all, money is the key. After all, money is the decisive factor. It depends of money after all. A肉食獣が草食獣を餌にするように、強者が弱者を食い物にする As predators eat 草食動物, The strong take advantage of the weak. B苦労をしたって人間は成長しません Hardship never helps you mature/grow up. C他人の力を利用した人間が金持ちになるわけです。 It's the fact that those who take advantage of others get rich. Dそういえば、あの強がりを言っていた男のことを誰も知らない。 Come to think of it, nobody knows the man who tried to make himself look larger than life.
@結局はお金次第なのです It's money, after all. A肉食獣が草食獣を餌にするように、強者が弱者を食い物にする Like predetors feed on preys, the strong does on the week. B苦労をしたって人間は成長しません Just because you take pains does not always mean you gain. C他人の力を利用した人間が金持ちになるわけです。 Thus, those who exploit others become rich. Dそういえば、あの強がりを言っていた男のことを誰も知らない。 When it comes to think about it, nobody knows the man of bull talk had become.
1.As is often the case, it is a matter of money. 2.A canivore animal eats a herbivorous animal is no less than the strong eat the weak. 3.Human being doesn't grow up if he or she works hard. 4.The person who make most out of other person's power will be the rich person. 5.If you say so, no-one knows the man who used to say strong things pritending so.
@結局はお金次第なのです Money talks in this world. A肉食獣が草食獣を餌にするように、強者が弱者を食い物にする The rich and poor is like the lions and zebras. B苦労をしたって人間は成長しません You don't grow with hardships. C他人の力を利用した人間が金持ちになるわけです Use people. This is how you grow rich. Dそういえば、あの強がりを言っていた男のことを誰も知らない Speaking of which, where is the bravado now? (lol)
@直訳は火砕流、熱雲(仏由来)です。 C時にblow, blastなど Dご推察のとおりです G要するに、溶岩が固まるとcrustになります。 Hマグニチュードは各地震固有のエネルギーであり、震度とは違います。 日本の震度はseismic intensity (on Japanese scale)と表現されます。 Jけが人の治療優先順位を決定することです。意外と頻出・重要 M日本語と語順が違い、注意です Ncf. 震災地 quake hit area
Jフライパンに油を引きますput oil on the frting pan? K生地をこねます ??? flourLオーブンを温めておきます heat the oven in advance M泡だつまで混ぜます mix until .... N野菜をミキサーにかけましょう put vegitables in the mixer?
@砂糖大匙2杯 2 table spoon of sugar A塩小さじ半分 1/2 tea spoon of salt B鶏がらスープ計量カップ1杯 a cup of chicken broth Cなべつかみ pot holder D泡だて器 whisker E一口大 bite-size Fざる strainer Gふるい shifter H皮むき器 peeler Iめん棒、のし棒 rolling pin Jフライパンに油を引きます oil (grease) the pan K生地をこねます knead the dough Lオーブンを温めておきます preheat the oven M泡だつまで混ぜます whisk till it becomes foamy N野菜をミキサーにかけましょう put the vegetable in the blender / puree the vegetable
@ 2 table spoons sugar A 1/2 tea spoon salt B 1 cup chicken broth
C potholders(しばしば複数形) D eggbeater, whisk(er) E bite-size F colander, strainer G sifter, sieve H (vegetable) peeler I rolling pin J grease the pan K knead the dough L preheat the oven M beat it until frothy, stir till the mixture is bubbly, whip until it foams, etc N puree the vegetable in the blender
1.As is often the case, it is a matter of money. 2.A canivore animal eats a herbivorous animal is no less than the strong eat the weak. 3.Human being doesn't grow up if he or she works hard. 4.The person who make most out of other person's power will be the rich person. 5.If you say so, no-one knows the man who used to say strong things pritending so.
貼っておきましょう A 1. It's money, after all. 2. Like predators feed on prey, the strong feed on the weak. 3. Pain doesn't always lead to gain. 4. It's those who exploit others that become rich. 5. Nobody knows where the bravado is now. B 1. In this world it's money that does the talking. 2. The rich prey on the poor like lions prey on zebras. 3. One doesn't grow through hardship. 4. The rich get rich by exploiting others. 5. Where is the bravado now?
A 1.これはうまくいきました 2.preyは複数形にならないと。 3.もっと短い言い方がありました(not always lead to ...) 4.いわゆる強調構文 5.これは1〜4の文脈で捕らえる必要はありませんでしたf(^_^;) B 1.これも強調構文 2.冠詞や動詞を略して書く必要はないみたいですね 3.youよりoneのほうが良さそうです 4.これもyouが消えました 5.そんな破滅的に変な文かなぁと思ってましたが、通じていてよかったです
Shichigosan Maple: LEAVES incised palmate, 3-7 segments, cut down to midpoint. The Japanese name comes from the Shinto festival SHICHI-GO-SAN for 3- and 7-year-old boys and 5-year old girls.
E日本語で「みずかけ二年」といい、水遣りにも熟練が要るのです。 F作業中に、形成層(cambium layer)を剥くためです。 G接木を出題するつもりが挿し木に。 I couldn't find the word which corresponds well with 挿し木。 It is just one of propagation techniques. "Raise from CUTTINGs" may be it. H&I 盆栽以外にもワインのブドウ栽培の話題にも出てきます
>>479 水墨画(墨絵)picture written with chinese ink 五重塔five-storied pagoda 天ぷらtempura-fly 書道caligraphy 漢字kanji, chinese character 狛犬gardian dog 豆腐tofu soybean curd おたくotaku-nerd 往復切符round-trip ticket おみくじoracle 天守閣 …たしか易しい単語だったはず castle pagoda 犯罪率crime rate 入れ墨tatoo 屏風biombo
@果肉 A種子 B果梗、果柄 C手摘み DThe (ぶどうの樹) is healthy when it is well (鍬起こし)ed. EThe (発酵) starts inside the (粒). FThin-(果皮)ed grapes are prone to (貴腐菌). GThe (澱) protect the wine from (酸化). H還元 IWine is (寝かす) for two years in (樽)s.
Hi, >>507 I've been studying English for next EIKEN Grade 1. I make quizes of words & phrases I've learned last month every night, in order to shear knowledge with you. Answers are to be announced every next evening.
>>508 @果肉 (fruit) flesh A種子 seed B果梗、果柄 vine? C手摘み picking? DThe (ぶどうの樹grape vine?) is healthy when it is well (鍬起こし plow?)ed. EThe (発酵 ferment?) starts inside the (粒 piece?). FThin-(果皮 crest?)ed grapes are prone to (貴腐菌). GThe (澱) protect the wine from (酸化 oxidisation?). H還元 IWine is (寝かす kept) for two years in (樽 barrel)s.
@果肉 pulp, flesh A種子 pip, stone, seed B果梗、果柄 stalk, stem C手摘み hand harvested, hand picked DThe (vine) is healthy when it is well (plough)ed. ... when it is well cultivated. ...plowed.
EThe (fermentation) starts inside the (berry). FThin-(skin)ned grapes are prone to (nobel rot). ... grapes are prone to the botrytis cinerea fungus.
GThe (lees) protect the wine from (oxidation). The sediment protects the wine from ... The deposit protects...
H還元 reduction, de-acidification IWine is (aged) for two years in (cask)s. Wine is matured for two years in barrels.
Mmmm... It made me think a while. I take it as a voice from a candidate who take EIKEN from the 1st stage which I have already passed.
Don't worry, I did not forget about the test. Backgroud is, I have leafed through a huge volume of books. The words are just "the tip of the iceberg". (←remember? haha)
@前髪が気になる My 前髪 buggs me. 前髪ってbangだっけ?--ngみたいな単語だった気が。 Aご飯をかきこむ Push in rice? B鼻に山葵がツーンとくる Pepper stimulates my nose? C針に糸を通す put a thread through the hole of a needle? D飴をなめる lick a candy? Eケンケンで進む hopping along with one leg? F目を回す roll one's eyes? eye単数だったけ。 Gカッコつける act like a cool man? うへへ。 Hウンチをした後はおしりをよく拭きなさい Wipe off enough after you poo. I一秒間に1000京回(1,000,000,000,000,000回) One zillion (times) a/per second
@My bangs are getting long. Ascarf it down. BIt stings. Cto thread a/the needle Dsuck on candy Ehop on one foot Fget dizzy GHe is a poser. HClean yourself well. I1 million billion times a second
A解答にあげたものがbetterらしいです。 第二候補としては、snarf, woof, chowがあり、スラングですが、どれも広く通じるようです。 最後の二つは綴りに自信のない人もいました。 B C D口に入らない大きさならlickでOK。 E F GHe poses.とは誰もいわないが、通じるとのこと。 H下品な言葉を想像したのは誰ですか?!
Iquadrillionという単語もありますが、注釈(10の15乗)がつく。 million, billion, trillionの3つがあれば、どんな大きさの数も表せます。 分数ならa millionth of a billionth of a second !
I agree(disagree) with-(トピックに対する自分の立場主張) Some may say - (反対意見の擁護) Even so I still think - There are two main reasons. First-(理由を示し、具体的な事実などで補足する) Second--(理由を示し、具体的な事実などで補足する) For these reasons, I agree(disagree) with-
why not discuss something which might help you structure your speech.
1)greenhouse effect and its causes 2)use of public transport, its pros and cons 3)cause of global warming and its possible solutions 4)is a professional knowledge of a subject enough to qualify a person to be a teacher?
you may choose one, or all and we'll discuss about them. (I actually had no.4 for my test.)
I agree with - greenhouse gases are causing global warming. It stems from human industrial activities, especially from burning fossil fuels.
Some may say - enhansed nuclear power plant will carve emission of these gases.
Even so I still think - there are safer, cheaper way. Neuclear energy needs expences. Also, it still has power controlling problem.
There are two main solutions. First- is to stick to the 3R principle: reduse, reuse, recycle. If we could reduse the energy we want, that leads to less CO2 emission.
Second- is to scatter scrap iron powder into the ocean, mainly into under-nourished area. In this way, we can increase number of planctons per cube meter. Thereafter they can absorb the CO2 in the atmosphere.
For these reasons, I believe we can cut the mass of carbon dioxide in the air.
PROS: can tranceport a mass of people all at once good from a view of energy efficiency CONS: cause massive crowd in urban area, if too dependant? too expencive in Japan, compared to other nations
greenhouse gases includes carbondioxide, ozone, methane, watervapour and some other gases. they envelop the outer atmosphere of the earth and by doing so, causes the heat from the sun to be trapped inside the atmosphere rather than escaping out. recently there's an increase in the amount of carbondioxide, due to use of excessive fuels, urbanisation in lots of countries, and so on. however, the culprit i am most interested in, is the methane gas. they're produced from cattles and their manure emits further amount of them, and they have a higher extent of greenhouse effect compared to CO2.
Perhaps it would be benefitable to use this methane gas, to use for energy. in this way, the amount of methane escaping to join the global-warming-team of gases would be redused, and furthermore convert them to CO2 which has a smaller extent of greenhouse effect.
I think the good thing about public transport is, that you know where you're going. I have this tendancy of going completely off-direction while im driving, cycling, walking whatsoever. its like, I see a map, and I start walking, and after a while I have no idea where I am. in public transport like trains and buses, you don't have to worry about that. you can just get on it, and maybe even enjoy the view during the ride!
however, there are some things that aren't so good about public transport too. have you ever been on the trains near the cities in a rush-hour? its outrageous how we get crammed into the small compartment for some time, you can't even shift your foot since most of the time someone else's foot is on yours already, and you're being compressed by complete strangers. Also there are worst case scenarios where someone who smells a bit odd gets squashed next to you.
but oh well it boils down to getting used to these stuff... we surely depend on it!
Tell me you are a returnee or studying/have studied abroad quite a long time, or else..... I feel miserable to think that I passed Eliken Grade one in my early thirties.
>>598 yes, I'm studying abroad, and I've been studying IN english for more than 14 years. its actually a "no-wonder" that i have english abilities to some extent.
I do not think highly of myself, since I was exposed to english from early age, and has more time studying english than Japanese english learners. in fact, I look up on people who pass Eiken even though they study in Japan. their devotion, is certainly what I do not have.
my father passed 1st grade somewhere around in his 30s too, and he took english literature in university. he was in fits when he heard i passed the 1st grade.
Ah-ha! Now I see what you mean. So, I don't have to come up with great idea. I thought I had to say things in well constructed manner. You gave me a step forward, still, I'm not so sure if I can do that.
>>599 yes, you don't have to come up with a great idea or smart lines. however you do need to say things in a well constructed manner (although my example was a bit haphazard and not-so-nicely constructed and you shouldn't sacrifice your structure by trying to out in some bombastic phrases.
for instance, I was going to write something like: "a claustrophobic wouldn't last a minuite in there!" (at >>594) But I thought it would interfere with the whole structure so I didin't put that in.
>>600 I'm sorry, I don't understand what you mean. Is it "Post it before you proofread" ? If so, I'm quite opposite... (Reasons are available upon request)
>>601 You mean, "No, you don't", right? I was about to make the same mistake today. "Would you mind ...?" I was asked. (Yes, of cour... Oooops!) "After you, please."
Abe's resignation did not surprised me. I wanted him to quit anytime soon.
Fukuda is just any politician, I assume. Perhaps dull or boring says it better. I can tell from his appearances. I hope LDP to be replaced by the opposition Democratic party.
Koizumi was not savior for local economy, however, Japanese politics needs a strong leader like him.
Ozawa is making a new era of Japanese political industry. New dynamism in politics would lead us more to the voting center.
By the way, I found that 4ch had Foreign Language board. http://dis.4chan.org/lang/ I registered it to My Favorites as soon as I found it. Japanese language thread is the most popular one among them.
I knew today that 2ch is the largest Internet forum in the world. Also, I've heard Japanese is the largest language on writing blog (?grammer not sure, I must ask someone) whose sourse was NHK.
>>624 Sounds interesting. You seem to like 2ch type of chaos. You don't even show any interests in digg, more decent message-board-type website whose link I put up above.
Well, let's see... Digg seems not like I was looking for. I don't know. Thank you anyway. I don't mind 2ch's chaos. In fact, I enjoy it. I got used to it. hehe
>>635 yes, i am him. one guy actually told me in mixi that there's a link to my account in 2ch. i've yet to find the actual link though. (and this dude refuses to reply...)
actually I've been visiting here around 2 years ago. at that time, quite literally everyone hated me so i was away for a while. I've used the same ID as the last time i was in 2ch, so some people may recognise me.
>>631 Even my father wouldn't say that. >>632 I don't know. It was many many years ago. >>633 Both !
>>634 Yes I would ! Just wait a second. 名乗るほどのものではございません。 どこかのスレで負け組学科と言われていたと思います。ついていない。 However, I'm much interested in science field, rather than literature.
a.What do you think is the difference between M & F ? b.What are you proud of about your country? c.The best and/or worst invention in the human beings' history. d.If you were the head of Education Ministry, what would you reform? e.If you could travel time, where would you like to go?
4)Professional knowledge of a subject enough to qualify a teacher?
Well I don't know. But I think, to be a teacher, professional knowledge is the most important factor. From my view point, personality comes second, althogh it is important factor, too. If talk about teachers for children, personality is prioritized on top of the list. Teacher literally means a person who teaches. He or she must teach.
You might want to follow a general pattern of discussion in English, which goes 'general - specific - general'. First, you make a general statement about your position on the topic. Then you go down in detail on it with analysis, description, comparison/contrast, pro/con, etc, to back up your point. When you parallel the oppositeside to yours, you should put it first and then counterargue so you can smoothly and logicaly lead your discussion to the conclusion. You can just paraphrase the first statement for your conclusion with 'therefore', 'thus' or even 'in conclusion'.
well this is going to be interesting, since I said "no, it is not enough" the reason being is that even though a person has an overwhelming amount of knowledge about a subject, if he cannot transfer his/her knowledge to the students, it is almost as bad as having no knowledge at all. obviously, this is more prominent in the lower age-groups, where the teacher should spoon-feed the students up to an extent.
I think the more intriguing question is teaching in university-level subjects, where students are expected to learn through self-motivation. Do you think you can learn from a genious, whose mental capability and thought processes seems to be almost alien to us? or perhaps a very knowledgeble lecturer, who seems reluctant to teach?
from my personal experience, I have a lecturer who has a doctorate degree in maths, and teaches maths. He seems to be helpful, but sometimes I think intelligent people are unfit for teaching since they think in an accelerated speed compared to an average student. for instance, he shows his working on the whiteboard, but you have to "read between the lines" of steps that were skipped, and some "obvious" stuff which is most of the time quite the contrary.
d.If I were the head of Education Ministry, what would I reform?
I would change three points. First, I would introduce English education system to elementary school. Some may oppose this idea, I know. But in order to teach students English more efficiently, we have to increase the length of teaching times. We can't increase that in later year than junior high any more. Thus, elementary.
Second, I would change highschool education curriculum. Current English education is putting emphasis on grammor and reading. In order to improve speaking skill, I would emphasize more on listening. University entrance exams would employ listening tests more. I think it would bring good effects to Japanese student's speaking skill.
Third, I would reform post/undergraduate's education and tuition system. As our land and natural resorses are limited, education is most crucial. My Minisry would emply sufficient scholarship systems to the low incomes. Furthermore, our reform would inforse students of low academic achievements to study longer years.
Reform from the elementary through the post graduate. I believe these three would enhance academic power of our nation.
今日は洋画2時間、本1〜2時間。 These days, more and more people writing in English here. That's because the test date is getting closer now? Ah, I have nothing to write it in today. Maybe tomorrow. Good night.
c. In my opinion, the greatest AND the worst invention in history is... religion.
religion has been mankind's greatest influence upon its development. lots of arts and human moral was created through religion. Although it is quite scarce in Japan, this is still true in countries like America where most citizens are christians, and Islamic countries. childrens are tought rules using religion, and they keep their belief even after their youth. you learn to respect, and think about other people.
although atheist myself, i think this education of order through religion is clear and effective.
however, on the other hand, I have stated that region is also the worst human invention, because of the power it possess. recently this power has caused people to give up their lives to take another, as we see on the news. becasue religion is absorbed in people's beliefs in the early life, it forces them to obey, and this is used by malicious leaders who knows the nature of religion.
now, as we develop our scientific knowledge, there seems to be less influence of religion in our life. however i think it is not extinguished, but just being consealed behind our accumulated knowledge. religion would not become outdated still yet.
>>648 your plan seems fabulous, but there are some points I'd like to point out.
how would you make sure that the teaching levels of english in elementaly school is standardised?
your idea about secondary school seems to be under progress, since I've had english listening tests in Japanese school. however, I think listening and speaking is quite different. We had ability to listen and persieve simple english, but we wouldn't be able to speak and present our thoughts. How would you counter that problem?
Also, I would presume that the time spent for learning english in elementary and secondary schools would be taken up from the time that was spent for learning other subjects. are you saying that you'll sacrifice the other subjects in order to enhance english abilities, although the fact that some of us never get to use them?
regarding the university education, what would you expect from a student from low academic achievements? do you believe that they would produce some sort of result from longer time in university, or is it this a scheme to extract money from less able students?
>the teaching levels of english in elementaly school This is a good question, I must admit. mmm Let me sleep on it.
>listening and speaking is quite different. I know perceptive knowledge and productive knowledge is different. However, I suppose shadow-reading transcripts while it is spoken substitutes reading-only class. I think it would somehow bridge the gap between practical and academic.
>sacrifice the other subjects in order to enhance english abilities The relaxed education policy is getting back to its old style. Putting English class into increased hours must be not bad.
>what would you expect from a student from low academic achievements? Let me sleep on it also. These questions, I can't come up with good answers, if not prepared.
貼っておきます A. Pros and cons of science and technology advancement B. Pros and cons of buisiness ethics today C. Pros and cons of advertisement in public D. Pros and cons of medical today E. Pros and cons of TV broadcasting
>the teaching levels of english in elementaly school How about asigning the same amount as secondary shcool teaches? Basic skills for primary, detailed knowledge for secondary. Just like current Japanese history class.
>what would you expect from a student of low academic achievements? I think it will drive overall students to study harder. Japanese universities are hard to enter, but easy to graduate. It's not only to extract money from less able students. 伝わるかな
ProsとConsの両方について触れないとダメですか? A. Pros and cons of science and technology advancement
In my opinion, science discovery itself is not evil. Human beings invented nuclear bombs, bio, and chemical weapons. Also, other substanses are destroying natural environment.
However, overall population of human beings is increasing rapidly because of advancement of science and technology. We created better-producing crops, more efficient irrigation systems, energy, fast transportation networks, and so on.
As a whole, new scientific findings produced more happiness than sarrow. Dark sides are because we are not perfect, we make mistakes. We will be creating mistakes forever, however, we will soon come up with more good ideas forever. 自分でそんなに面白い文章と思えないですが、練習のためと割り切りました
ことわざ編 A. Money is the root of all evil.--Is it true? B. The end justifies the means.--Is it true? C. Nurture is above nature.--Do you agree? D. Better be the head of a dog than the tail of lion.--Do you agree? E. Jack of all trades, and master of none?
>>651 oso-resu >i think this education of order through religion is clear and effective. Do you think modern education and religion coexist?
>Although it is quite scarce in Japan, Why don't they believe in religion?
>as we develop our scientific knowledge, there seems to be less influence of religion in our life. Do you think religion would be outdated in the future?
I disagree. Many people on English board @ 2ch think that special skill comes first, other skills, such as English, come next after. You also might think it is true. It is true ONLY WHEN YOU ARE SALARIED. What if you begin running your own business? You often have to be a Jack-of-all-trades.
Let me explain. You can't hire extra people for a moment. Then you have to do almost all proseasures, all by yourself. You have to answer the phone, fix machine, and check account. You have to be a plumber, a carpentor, and a salesperson. In order to exell at one thing (only one thing) in a serten field, you sometimes have to do as many things as you can.
Thus, if you are self-employed, being Jack-of-all-trades means that you have good advandage. In fact, in many cases, it is the most wanted talent above all.
A. Merits and demerits of rural life B. Why are there so few female CEOs in Japan? C. Will violence on books or in music influence children? D. Is the current taxes worth paying? E. Are we addicted to cellphones?
I think there are two main reasons for that. One is that although women join workforce more and more, when they get married, many of them stop working and focus on house chores and child rearing. Some of them get back to workforce after their kids need less care. However, in a corporate promotion system, once you quit working temporarely, your chance of climing corporate ladder becomes slim. This is the fisrt thing that prevent a women from getting promoted to the top of hierarchy. The notion that men is the only bread winner in a house hold works in favor of men's more chance of getting promoted.
The second reason is what is called the glass ceiling. In my opinion, there's still a conventional idea porevailing that men can perform better than women do. So men tend to be considered they can manage a more important project than women and they are given more opprtunities to brush up their skills in their carrer. This gender equality helps men become the top of a company.
The two main reason that produce less female CEO come from the gender role of a houshold and gender equality in a company.
Merits of rural life come down to less crime rate and abundance of nature. People in a rural area know more about their neighbors and they people in a city and they help each other when something you can't handle yourself happens. The fact that everybody knows everybody contirbute to becoming a safe community and that leads to less crime rate.
An rural area is rich in nature and it has less air and water poollution. Living a life surrounded by nature gives you an ease of mind. You never get stressed out. Rural life gives children more opportunities to strengthen their body and safe environment to grow up.
Dmerits are people in a rural area sometime have to give up modern convenience which a city life provides. They have to give up good transportation systems and shops which carry anything you want. There's less things to do at night that people in a city enjoy. So only they do at night is making love with their spouse or partner.
After all, sometimes disadvantage of a rural life can be its advantage and vice versa.
The number of cell phone users has been increasing as more and more people understand the convinience it gives. A cell phone is not a tool just to talk with someone on the other end anymore. You can send and receive e-mail, play games with it and it even gives you an opportunity to get accessed to the Internet and browse websites.
All these features is extremelly attractive especially to young people. They can't get their mind off of incoming e-mail their friends send 24 hours a day and keep checking them even in a class, at a station and at home.
Some people are addicted to free online games and playing them all the time. Even when they are hanging around with friends in town they never forget to monkey around with their cell phone. Sometimes virtual world a cell phone provides to them is more imprtant than real friends.
Parents don't know what their kids are doing in their room. As long as they always have it with them, they are doing something with it, whatever it is. I would go as far as to say that this is a kind of addiction.
C. Will violence on books or in music influence children?
Yes, it will. Didn't you ever feel you had a super power after you saw a super-hero movie? Even grown up adults are sometimes prone to be decieved, brainwashed, or influenced after seeing advertizements. Why not inexperienced children are more susceptible to violent scenes?
However, I don't think all violent scenes are evil. The older people get, the more intellectual thoughts they develop. (So did I, I hope.) As we see things "through" the intellectual screen, we can understand metaphor, or other types of expression of art. Authers or movie directors need violence in their pieces to convey their messages. But children see the world only as it appeares.
In conclusion, children should be kept away from violent scenes until the age they can understand the hidden meanings.
隣の人の会話までわかってしまうようなお粗末なつくりの旅館が、 逆に観光客に受けることもある。 In oppsite case, tourist prefer to pick a ryokan-motel with low quality construction bad enough to be able to hear what people are talking about in the next door.
私もやってみるか。まあ、通じるかな、というレベルで・・・。 Some tourists find it more agreeable to stay at a cheap ryokan which is so poorly constructed that they can hear what people next door are talking about. 「逆に」の部分は訳しにくいんだが、文脈に応じて、ということで。例えば 「必ずしも高級ホテルを望む者ばかりではない。」につづく文ならば Actually, some tourists ....
Tourists sometimes may find some poorly constructed hotels unexpectedly comfortable to stay in where the walls in their rooms are so thin that they can hear the others next door talking.
隣の人の会話までわかってしまうようなお粗末なつくりの旅館が、逆に観光客に受けることもある Some tourists find it more attractive to stay at cheap ryokan which is so poorly constructed that they can overhear the next room they are staying.
>>701アドバイスできるなら、主語が長いのでsome peopleを前に持ってきて ruin hotelは廃墟のような感じ。catch the meaningsは意味がとおるの意?
隣の人の会話 the conversation spoken in the next room お粗末なつくりの旅館 simple (shabby) ryokan 観光客に受ける attract tourists 隣の部屋が聞こえる can hear the voice of the next room
Some tourists are attracted to a type of Japanese inns, or "ryokan" which is so simply built that you can hear the conversation in the next room.
> Some tourists are attracted to a type of Japanese inns, or > "ryokan" which is so simply built that you can hear the > conversation in the next room.
> Some tourists are attracted to a type of Japanese inns, or > "ryokan" which is so simply built that you can hear the > conversation in the next room.
"a type of Japanese inn" にした方がいいです。
それで inn は is と一致します。
Some tourists are attracted to a type of Japanese inn, or "ryokan" which is so simply built that you can hear the conversation in the next room.
動物は脊椎動物と無脊椎動物の二種類に分類される。 A. The animals have the classification as either vertebrate or invertebrate. Animals are classified as either vertebrate or invertebrate. 理由:勘
超新星がアマチュア天文家によって発見された。 B. A new supernova was discovered by an amateur star-gazer. A supernova was discovered by an amateur star-gazer. 理由: "discovered" だから、"new" に決まってるんです。
私は海外で二年間勉強しました。 C. I had studyed in abroad for two years. I had studied in abroad for two years. 理由:綴りミス いや、冗談でした。 I have studied abroad for two years. 理由:・・・を期待してもダメです。
アルパチーノ風な英訳? 隣の人の会話までわかってしまうようなお粗末なつくりの旅館が、 逆に観光客に受けることもある。 Sometimes fuckin' tourists are happy with some fucked up ryokan-hotel built shitty enough to be able to hear the fuckin' next door conversation.
科学論文の書き方からすると、 A. The animals have the classification as either vertebrate or invertebrate. ⇒Animals are classified into vertebrate or invertabrate. B. A new supernova was discovered by an amateur star-gazer. ⇒An amatuer star-gazer discovered a supernova. C. I had studyed in abroad for two years. ⇒I have studied abroad for two years. です。順に説明します。
総称の話をするときの主語は、An animal, The animal, Animals どれでもOKですが、統計的にはネイティヴは無冠詞複数形が多く、 日本人は定冠詞単数形が多いそうです。 ただしThe animalsは総称表現に用いることはできません。
have the classification as either のくだりはくどく、簡単に be classified asなどとしたほうが科学論文向きといえます。 ex, receive infectional effects ⇒ be infected 名詞が動詞化できるならそうしたほうがいいということです。
過去完了形はそれ自身単独で現れることはなく、常に If he had taken her advice, he would have succeeded.(仮定法) She thought he had been depressed.(時制の一致) I wish he had learned something from it.(I wish 構文) の中でしか現れません。(◆2LEFd5iAoc調べ)
あとはabroadの前に前置詞はいらないことの確認です。 overseasのまえに(go) to, (live) inはつきません。from overseasはあり。
>>733 リスニングは合格圏レベルのようですから、語彙と作文ですね。 これは語彙の予想問題です⇒>>367, >>712 作文の練習もしていきますか?(使いまわし) A. What do you think is the difference between M & F ? B. Pros and cons of buisiness ethics today. C. Should we introduse female-only train cars? D. Nurture is above nature.--Do you agree? E. Is the current taxes worth paying?
2. five consecutive years 3. the second highest 4. for the first time in three years 5 record high 6. public project 8. adversely affect 9. restructuring? 10 trade surplus? 11. labor union 12. economic growth 15 power consumption どれも英字新聞のどっかでお目にかかっとるはずなんだが・・ 思い出せないのが多い。やっぱりその都度覚えていかんとダメだなあ。
>>737 As far as I read your Japanese, you sound like a native Japanese speaker. Actually, I wouldn't have recognized you are not if you hadn't told us so. This thread is a place where English learners who'll take an English proficiency test called Eiken. Eiken Grade one, that is. I guess it's equivalent of 日本語能力試験一級. I guess you are fluent enough in Japanese to pass it or you already did.
>>741 @前年比で year on year A5年連続で five consecutive years/ five years in a row B2番目に高い the second highest C3年ぶり for the first time in three years D過去最高 highest/largist on the record? とかrecord high?
E公共工事・公共事業 public work?/public project? F景気刺激策 economic stimulation measure(s)? G悪影響を及ぼす have? a bad influence on H人員削減 layoff I貿易黒字 trade surplus
J労組 union K経済成長 econimic growth L雇用状況・雇用環境 Working situation, working environment M就職の見通し prospect of being employed/hired N電力消費 electric power consumption
>>743 > I guess it's equivalent of 日本語能力試験一級. > I guess you are fluent enough in > Japanese to pass it or you already did.
I did, but that doesn't mean I don't still make stupid mistakes. The JLPT (日本語能力試験) doesn't test the ability to hand-write kanji, which I'm practically unable to do. (恥
The F.B.I. sends an agent to South Africa to learn how the police there stop riots. The South African Police General takes him to a township disturbance where the police fire tear gas grenades at the niger mob. The mob runs away a few blocks, regroups, and comes rushing back at the police. Then the cops open up on them with powerful fire hoses, sending the rioters spinning down the street like soccer balls. They regroup and come charging back again, only to be met with squads of German Shepherd attack dogs. They bite those niggers so full of holes that they run like hell and don't come back. "Very impressive," says the F.B.I. agent, "But let me ask you; since the dogs were so effective, why not just use them first?" "Ah, you don't understand," said the Police general, "The niggers down here smell so bad, first we have to fumigate them and rinse them off before our dogs will touch them."
>>748 Man, I didn't know the project called JDIC. Sounds helpful and I should bookmark it.
Do you happen to be Jim breen's student or something? With the fluency you have, you can read other boards in 2ch although that could "adversely affect" your Japanese because of the 2ch jargons. lol
I'm >>744. Does "G悪影響を及ぼす have? a bad influence on" sound unatural?
@前年比で from a year ago, from last year, from the year earlier, year on year, on a year-on-year basis A5年連続で for the fifth consecutive year, for five years in a row, for five straight years at a time B2番目に高い the second highest C3年ぶり for the first time in three years D過去最高 record high, the highest on record
E公共工事・公共事業 public works, public projects F景気刺激策 economic stimulus package, stimulus measures G悪影響を及ぼす adversely affect, have a negative impact H人員削減 job cuts, staff reduction I貿易黒字 trade surplus
> Do you happen to be Jim Breen's student or something? "or something". I do have some indirect connection with WWWJDIC, but if I say what it would be the equivalent of saying who I am. I'm not Jim Breen though. ;-)
>I'm >>744. Does "G悪影響を及ぼす have? a bad influence on" sound unatural? No, "To have a bad influence (on)" is fine, as is "To adversely affect" "To have adverse consequences." I'm a bit dubious of.
@前月ならmonth、前期ならquarterと入れ替える ex. Unemplyment rate is down 1 % year on year. A for the 序数th straight yearの言い方に注意 D all-time highも。最低はlowと入れ替えるだけ
G>>750 "have a bad influence on" sounds O.K., but does not sound like newscasters' English... I guess?? H>>742 restucturingは企業再編、経営再建ですが、事実上は人員削減ですね。 personnel reduction, RIF, reduction in force もOK とにかくcut, reduceをつかいまわす
J組合・unionといえば、しばしば労働組合のことですね 他に出題したかったもの: 割り込む fall below 企業景況感 business confidence, cooperate sentiment 消費者心理はconsumer confidence/sentiment
>>752 Thank you for the info. Ok, you don't have to who you are and if anybody can subscribe to it, I want to try.Would you put a link where you can sign up?
>>758 >Ok, you don't have to who you are and if >anybody can subscribe to it, I want to try.
Anyone who has an appropriate interest can subscribe to it (generally people interested in dictionary development, in terms of content, interface, software, etc.) You don't have to say who you are - but you do need to provide an email address (obviously) and sign up to yahoo groups. Yahoo groups asks for names and such, but doesn't check what you enter. So if you don't trust it to protect your privacy you can just lie your head off.
>>759 Thanks for the link. I thought participants are talking about Japanese language and how to improve it but seems like mails exchanged on a daily basis are about how to makethe online dictionary easy to use focusing on the technival side.
Even if I joined the mailinglist, I couldn't understand what you are talking about.
>Ok, you don't have to who you are and if >anybody can subscribe to it, I want to try.
My bad English. I meant to say that you, >>752-san don't have to reveal who you are. Maybe you are a reasearcher or a student majorig in computer science, minoring Japanese or things like that.
On the second thought, to think that your level of proficiency in Japanese usually can't be acheived by studying just for four years of college, you are a researcher.
Sorry for being inquesitive. I'm just mumbling to myself. lol
>>761 > but seems like mails exchanged on a daily basis > are about how to make the online dictionary easy to use focusing > on the technical side.
At the moment they are also implementing Japanese language interface for the dictionary, so comments and translations on that would be welcome.
> On the second thought, to think that your level of proficiency in > Japanese usually can't be acheived by studying just for four years > of college, you are a researcher.
Mostly I learned Japanese as a hobby. I've certainly been learning it for more than four years though.
>>734 E. Is the current taxes worth paying? Yes, I think so. Although governments are prone to be criticised, I am much satisfied with munisiple government. I have all things I want in my town. Libraly, nature, pool, busy commercial district, and so on. It is also helpful to the weak, the poor, the old, all kind of handicapped people. All in all, in my personal opinion, it is worth paying taxes in my town. 受かった人はもう何度受けても受かる気がするでしょうか。
"Is the current taxes" -> "Are the current taxes" munisiple -> municipal "I am much satisfied" -> "I am well/very satisfied" "I have all things I" -> "I have everything I" Libraly -> Library nature -> greenery/green spaces
Yesterday, I saw 90 minutes' VT, 1hour CD and stuff. The movie was just for checking to what extent I can understand it. It wasn't for learnig words nor phrases.
I went English class @ chirch tonight. It wasn't challenging today because the subject was not difficult. Some people who claim that they can't feel their English improving give up looking up words from dictionary because they are not so skillful using it. They sometimes say "my dictionary doesn't have the word covet". Which of course it has.
>>769 What you have said was quite similar with what I would say when I passed the exam.
I intentionally used grammers and punctuations which were not sure whether correct or not.
>>770 > I saw 90 minutes' VT, 1hour CD and stuff. 'watched' is generally better than 'saw' in such contexts. > It wasn't for learnig words nor phrases. learnig -> learning(タイポでしょう) nor -> or > skillful using it. skillful -> skilful dictionary -> dictionaries using it -> at using them
> I intentionally used grammers and punctuations which were not > sure whether correct or not. -> I intentionally used grammar and punctuation which I was not sure whether they were correct or not. (?)
Thank you very much, N-san. I am using Firefox now. I appears OK so far. I had trouble finding correct spelling of the word "neighbor". >>771's Japanese is not strange, however, I prefer 引かれます. 引かれている sounds it is already drawn before you see. 引かれる sounds after you see. I wonder if I can call it even "a mistake".
I have learned Korean in university one year. Although the teacher began learning Japanese at age 30, she spoke Japanese faster than I did. Only by careful listening, I could notice her "gyuu-nyuu" was always "kyo-nyu".
I can't come here tomorrow night because I will be hosting guests from neighboring prefectures. I will be back at the night after tomorrow. Yesterday, I watched VT 130 minutes, listened CD 1hour.
> I had trouble finding correct spelling of the word "neighbor".
It will have a different 'correct' depending on whether you have British English or American English installed. You should be able to switch between languages (right click -> languages).
There is also "DictionarySearch" ttps://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/68 which takes a little getting used to but does more than just spelling (I use it all the time to lookup words in Japanese dictionaries).
>>776 I know Fire Fox has been far ahead of IE. I bought a PC running on Vista the other day and it came with IE7 so I am still using IE. IE7 comes with the feature of tab browser which Firefox adopted long before.
I happened to know that FF is better than IE but in general, I am not updated on good softwares or webservices. How do you get those info. I'm was not a computer science major or anything, so I have no clue about how you access to such info that better your websurfing experience.
Popup dictionary is one of add-ons of FF? Even though IE adopted tab function, it seems firefox is better application in many ways with lots of add-ons you can choose.
How can you keep updated with such a useful info about free softwares and web survices. Maybe the best thing to do is keep reading CNET website or other websites or blogs that give up-to-date info about what's happening to Internet? I have no friends who gives me such a info so I can't count on word of mouth in real world.
>>777 > Popup dictionary is one of add-ons of FF? Sort of. There's (included as default) a 'inline dictionary'. Then there's DictionarySearch which is a 'right-click dictionary' that opens a new tab. (Incidentally it does Yahoo, Google and such as well). There is at least one Pop-up dictionary add-in but the one I came across is _paid for_ not free. There are probably free ones too.
As to where to find these things I just do Google searches like "firefox dictionary add-on" and see what I can find ;-)
I had a good time, thank you. Sorry, I couldn't write here. I was dead tired. I felt my legs were going to fall off. I couldn't go to the conversation club yesterday. Yesterday, I watched 2hour movie, listened 1hour CD.
I got no correction on >>775. Seems like I had no mistakes, did I? (<-?)
In December, I'm going sit for a Chinese test and an Eiken's sample test. In this year 2007, I am taking tests and exams in every month. Each year in my life is unique and fun, but I don't think I want to go back time. Maybe it's because I feel getting better each year. I get better of experience, life, and so forth.
>>775 >I have learned Korean in university one year. I studied Korean at university for one year.
>I could notice her could I notice her
>I can't come here tomorrow night because I will be hosting >guests from neighboring prefectures. 微妙だけど、 I can't come here tomorrow night because I have guests coming.
A. Is Japan a comfortable country for foreigners to live in? B. Pros and cons of scientific research whaling C. What type of culture do you think represents Japanese culture best? D. Which can easily find a job in Japan, foreigners or Japanese? E. Is the Internet harmful to children?
I chose #E. I think it is. I have read an article that children are susceptible to frauds such as fishing. Many children today are so addicted that they lose interests in real life. They sit up late at night, so they cannot focus on classes in the next morning. As a result, they often drop out from school.
Children are also addicted to cellphones. Many of them today become anxious when they feel they are disconnected to the Net. Besides, there are bullying issues using cellphone and the Internet. Bullied children's humiliating picture images are often posted on the net, which makes them feel more than uncomfortable or reluctant to go to school. There are also child porn problems.
When PC skills are taught in school, they should be also taught how to avoid these kind of danger. And being involved in these sorts of activities is serious, often criminal.
>>786 >I watched 120minute DVD yesterday. "a 120 minute DVD" or "120 minutes of DVD"
"frauds such as fishing." -> phishing "lose interests in real life." -> "lose interest in real life." "feel they are disconnected to the Net." -> "disconnected from the" "these kind of danger." -> dangers (ケアレスミスですね。
Yesterday, I watched DVD 1 hour, listened CD 30 minutes. How would you say if you are to make a >>786speech, N-san?
A. Can money buy you happiness? B. Should the capital moved away from Tokyo? C. Are today's children healthy? D. Should moral values taught in schools? E. Pros and cons of nuclear power.
I choose #B. I'm for with moving the capital. However, I don't think far away place from current location is good. I would say Yokohama, Japan's second largest city, or suburban area of Tokyo, Tama region, would be most suitable. Many countries such as Germany have successfully moved its capital. And some others such as Malaysia are going to be.
Some people may oppose for cost reason, however, I believe it will create more job. By selling its expensive site in the center of Tokyo, the government can receive some huge sum of money to compensate.
It should moved away because it's creating overpopulation. The capital move will ease traffic jams, train jam-packing, and pollutions.
>>788 >How would you say if you are to make a >>786speech, N-san?
Not sure what you mean by "How would you say".
B. Pros and cons of scientific research whaling
Scientific research whaling isn't scientific or for research. Leaving to one side the rights and wrongs of whaling _itself_ so-called 'research whaling' is the blatant exploitation of loop-holes in regulations. I do not believe that such acts do anything to improve the reputation of Japan or of whaling.
We test takers are supposed to give a 2-minute-long speech. I don't think my speech given above is not so enough, though, I'm doing my best anyways. Were you taught in classes to construct always a head-body-body-conclusion style when you make a speech?
"What would you say if you were an applicant of Eiken" How about it?
Talking to myself↓ Testing centers always say "you have to give specific, concrete reason". But I don't know what is 具体的concreat when topic is one such as "how to find good new location to live". I have never moved my house. What would I know?
>790 >We test takers are supposed to give a 2-minute-long speech. Ouch.
>Were you taught in classes to construct always a head-body- >body-conclusion style when you make a speech? Hmm, not exactly but I don't recall now.
>"What would you say if you were an applicant of Eiken" >How about it? That's better, but maybe "What would you say in your speech if you were an Eiken applicant?"
>I have never moved my house. What would I know? Ah, the trick is that you aren't being tested on your knowledge but on your English. So it doesn't make any difference if your concrete reasons are _wrong_ or not.
For example:
"When moving house it is important to tip the movers before they start loading the removal lorry or they will drop something fragile."
Total rubbish, but as long as it's good English they won't care. ;-)
Yesterday, I watched DVD 2hours, listened CD 30minutes, read and composed 30minutes.
>Ah, the trick is that you aren't being tested on your knowledge but on your English. Thanks for the tip. I'm not so witful especially when in English, but I'll try. If you happen to have topics interested, plz post.
A. The role of convenience stores B. How to cope with increasing stress of overwork C. Are we too dependent on digital equipment? D. The future of the declining birth rate in Japan E. Are we apathetic towards politics?
I choose #D. I don't think population should expand, but decreasing it would minimize national power. It would cause inconveniences when passing down traditional skills, and whatsoever. I am not quite sure, though.
I have two solutions for this. #1 is to encourage married couple to give birth. The government should introduce safety nets for the poor with many kids. For example, scholarship.
#2 is to promote more foreign people to live in Japan. I guess some would oppose it would cause rising of crime rate. I think increasing crime rate stems from over-population. Alleviated population would help decrease the rate because people can look after each other. If citizens know their faces each other, even foreigners would refrain from committing crime.
>>792 >I'm not so witful especially when in English, but I'll try. witful -> witty >If you happen to have topics interested, plz post. "any interesting topics" ?
> I don't think population should expand, but decreasing it would > minimize national power. I don't think population needs to increase, but if it decreases it would reduce national power. > It would cause inconveniences when passing down traditional skills, > and whatsoever. It would be inconvenient ... and so on.
> Alleviated population would help decrease the rate because people > can look after each other.
That's a bit of a confused sentence. "Alleviated population" doesn't make sense.
> If citizens know their faces each other, even foreigners would > refrain from committing crime. "even foreigners" はちょっとまずいです。文法的ではなくて、人種差別 の方面で。
Thank you, I'll remember that. "Not only Japanese, but also foreigners" is it O.K.?
I don't remember what I studied yesterday. 30minute listening, 30minute reading, and 30minute composing? Yesterday's topics in the church was mainly about showbiz. Favorite actors, singers, and so on. I'd like more challenging ones.
A. Is sports education necessary? B. My views on English education at an early age C. What should be done for child abuse? D. Can we eradicate global food shortage? E. The importance of protecting endangered species
I choose #C. The town I live in is quiet, peaceful place, however, I know a severe child abuse case which didn't make even a headline. I don't state that particularly because it would violate professional confidentiality.
Child abuse happens because parents don't know. They don't know how to release their anger betterly, they don't know who and where to rely on when problem arise.
To curtail child abuse cases, we have to promulgate there are helping hands. Using not only NGOs, but also the government. It is related to the issue of the disparity between the rich and the poor.
In this way, perhaps we can eradicate the tragedies of child abuse someday.
>How should society, and the law, handle P2P file sharing? Gee, I don't know. This is beyond my knowledge. I'd rather not waste the thread. Does P2P stand for peer-to-peer? I don't figure what's wrong with it. Does it bring any problem? I can only imagine. I am far from computer expert. Probably this type of file sharing cause patent problem and pirate problem. blah blah blah... 2 minutes.
>>734 A. What do you think is the difference between M & F ? I think Mather Theresa said she didn't understand why people didn't appreciate the differences between male and female. I also heard a scientific research found there are some differences. Which said boys are aggressive, girls are good at languages.
Male and female are different. That's true. We must treat M & F equally, that's also true. We mustn't be obsessed from either of which. If we would ever forget either of which, that could be enforcing one fixed role of male/female to either sex. We must adapt and apply flexibly.
this would be a definite YES from me. There are several reasons why I firmly believe sports education are necessary.
firstly, the need to nurture the physical body by means of health well-being. childrens, and even adults need a regular excersise in order to stay healthy. the most effective method of maintaining a healthy body, is physical excersise.
secondly, the need to cultivate sporting talents in early stages of life. i believe childrens should be exposed to various sports in young age, to be able to find talented personelle, someone fit for doing sports. I think there are lots of people who, are being left undiscovered in terms of their sports talents.
thirdly, for fun. Nowadays children are more exposed to stress in the modern world, and I believe sports could be one of the factor which they could release their accumilated stress in their life.
ofcourse, Im sure not few people don't like sports, and some even hate them. but I feel that the above reasons are convincing enough to say, that sports education is one of the necesarry things in modern education system.
Yesterday, read 1hour, listened 1hour. Today was(is?) Eiken's first stage test date.
Back to the whaling subject: I came to realize that Japanese are, generally speaking, not so harsh on whaling. On whaling, I hear no body part of a whale is left unused. Meat, bones, skin, et cetera. Honestly speaking, when non-whaling countries attack whaling countries, I feel it disturbed, even though I have never eaten whale.
Who knows the exact number of whales? Come to think of it, what we can know as an individual is very limited. Counting the number of whales is beyond us individual. When the number of whales in the ocean differ from researcher to researcher, from country to country, what do we do? It may sound irresponsible, but Nanjing Massacre? I don't know either. I can hardly dare to say that in front of Chinese people, though.
For above reasons, I think education, brainwashing, and advertisement are all the same in terms of influence upon humans.
>>801 Good morning and good for you ! >>802 Because I found English-only postings slow down the speed. There are only two hundred rooms left while this thread consume about toe hundred fifty entries a month. And also, essay writing is unpopular topic altho it is important. Sorry if you find it monotonous, boring.
Watched 90minutes DVD, listened 30minutes. When I attended the club for the first time in 2 weeks, I felt like I haven't been there for weeks. My brain was in English mode for many hours even after dismissal.
My random guess about N-san is that he is a software programmer, has mainly involved in translation programs in recent years, has a teaching experience of English, came from UK, unmarried.
A. What can we do to reduce car accidents? B. My definition of success C. Do university students today lack in academic knowledge? D. Should more be done to eradicate suicides? E. Has people's moral declined these days?
>>804 B. My definition of success In my idea, it doesn't involve in money. Money cannot buy happiness, it buys conveniences.
I have visited a developping country, once war-torn. I asked a man what he was proud of most about his country. He replied, "I'm proud of peacefulness of my country". Although the country was by far poorer than Japan, people there seemed to live a happy life.
I'd say, a person living a successful life is who is healthy both mentally and physically, and who loves his/her job and people. Because a life is consisted of working hour and private time, and in order to enjoy a life, you are required to be healthy.
Many Japanese these days suffer from either being jobless or being extreamly busy. I am afraid if the total amount of success in Japan is decreaced. I hope the economy will recover soon.
こんな英語でも考慮してくれるものでしょうかね? A. Is sports education necessary?
Definitely YEA, man. Lemme tell you reasons why.
No. 1, you can stay healthy, know what I'm sayin'? Children, adults, everybody need regular excersise. The most effective way to maintain your body is physical excersise. Unless you know, malfunction.
No. 2, to find out talented kids. Coz there are lots of talented kid out there. Let me find out, some kids become rich yo. I mean like Michael Jordan, Shaquille O'Neal and all that.
No. 3, it's fun after all. Today children are so stressed, everybody pissed bad for no reason, aggravated and all that. Y'know what? come on man. I swear without sports class things go wreak. Word up.
I know many don't like playin' sports, some even hate them. But who cares? No doubt sports are necessary for all of us yo. So that's why.
>>807 I think it's the same. TOEIC, TOEFL, EIKEN, they are roughly the same when it comes to speed. It depends on your psychological situation whether to feel it's fast or slow.
>>808 It totally depends. I think, however, 14/28 is a bit low to pass the exam. 14 is about the same as average score, so total would be 60-70 points?
Today's church activity was Halloween party, therefore no English class. Ytdy, I listened CDs 100minutes, same one as the day before yesterday.
>>806 Probably you are >>238&>>242. >>810 I wish you a good luck to you. May god bless you.
>>794 B. My views on English education at an early age I agree with early English education. Young kids pick up foreign languages quickly. The earlier one begins to learn, the more efficient it is. English is the biggest international language, therefore, the introduction of English education at an early age would enable us to speak out our opinion more to the world a few decades later.
... Maybe not. It would be costly either to hire foreign teacher or to re-train Japanese teacher. You can't have and eat cake at the same time. I mean, while English classes are given, other classes are impossible to offer. Besides, L2 education at an early stage may impair the acquisition of their L1 acquisition. Some researchers say "it always impair". I disagree with early English education.
I don't recall what I studied yesterday. Perhaps, reading 30 minutes, listening 30 minutes.
A. Is space exploration worth the cost? B. Are we too much concerned about health problems? C. The best animal as a pet for our daily life. D. Do we need to impose higher cigarette tax? E. Should we invite the next Olympic Game to Tokyo?
E. The idea of the new Tokyo Olympic Game was proposed by the Tokyo governor, Shintaro Ishihara. The aim is to promote tourism, to stimulate economy, and above all, to make us witness dreams.
Many people argue that it is an obsolete idea. Others doubt the economic effect. Some point out it would have a negative impact on environment. Saying that it should make efforts for caring help-needed elderly, and so on. Taking all these into account, I want to have the next game in Tokyo.
China took the Beijing Game as a footstep and have been making the country move forward. I know it arouse many problems, but it needed renovation rather than stagnated. I can't better express, though, Japan too need to breath some fresh air. I believe holding of the Game would open up opportunities to change things. All complaints are made during anti-Ishihara movements. I don't think they had enough reasonable doubts against the idea. Let us enjoy the festival!!!
Yesterday, DVD 60minutes, CD 100minutes. I have made 10-15 speech drafts on this thread so far. やれやれ
When I want say "to make a new rule(s) come into effect" in one word, I come up words which begin with "in, im, en, em". ???Can you guess??? Especially when it is unpleasant one, such as tax or sanction, the word would be "impose". haha These are for tomorrow↓It gets harder.... A. Merit system vs. seniority system, which would you rather work for? B. The need to introduce the lay judge system to Japan C. Which is responsible for NEETs - society or individuals? D. Should we give the suffrage to 18 years old? E. Self-study vs. classes -- which is more effective?
Hi, I'm back from the club. Yesterday, DVD 30minutes, CD 100minutes, and a little bit of readings.
E. Self-study vs. classes I learned/am learning English with heavy self-study, and recently I have taken 2 classes. The classes helped a lot. I definitely could not have learned on my own because there are few English speakers in my area. So I have to find a place I can practice a lot, and I actually did.
You can learn reading and listening by yourself, but when it comes to speaking, it is nearly impossible. Real speakers ask you unexpected questions, which makes you find out your week points, what you have to go over again.
I learned Spanish in a class, and I'd say it's definitely better to do that. Learning verb reflections from books or DVDs alone was nearly impossible for me. Besides, I had no Spanish speaking friend from whom I could learn in person.
So I'd say it depends on location, what's available to you, whether you can motivate yourself. Self-study should be best prioritized on a daily basis while classes make up what you are missing.
I have received the test result which was taken earlier this month. Speaking section was unchanged from 6 months ago. (+_+) Writing score was slightly improved. Reading has dropped. Reason unknown. Those are different from what I feel about myself. Anyway, I have to accept the result and reflect sincerely.
For tomorrow↓ A. How do young people reflect society? B. Ethical problems of organ transplants C. How to be a wise TV viewer and/or PC user D. Should we introduce more immigrants into Japan? E. What affect will genetically modified crops have on society?
Organ transplant has been implimented in very recent medical practice, and although seeming to be an amazing work of science to help potentially untreatable illnesses, there are some ethical issues under its resplendant appeal.
the main ethical issues are; where is the organ from, who should be getting the organs, and the less commonly known use of anti-rejection for the rest of the transplant-recipient.
the organ is mainly fron donation, and recently many more people are signing up for organ donation in case of brain death or accident etc. however there is always a constant lack of supply, if compared to the amount of people requiring the organs. this has given rise to some subtle crimes such as organ robbery, which has been proven not just to be an urban myth, by actual cases in some parts of the world. also, because there is a lack in the number of organ, the amount of people who actually get, and the "type" of people who gets the organ, will be limited. obviously, the people with more wealth gets immediate medical attention and insurance. this gives rise to the unfairness of organ transplant in terms of its distribution. poor people never gets organ transplant, and the rich, even if the recipient may be old, will most probably be the first to recieve organ transplants.
the last issue I have raised is the use of anti-rejection drug. if a person recieves a foreign organ, he/she has to use an anti-rejection drug for the rest of his/her life, in fear of the constant threat of an infection which a normal person may have no problem with.
I think ethic issues of organ transplant has a lot of room to be discussed, in order to perhaps increase the unambiguity of medical practice, and in the future provide a more fair practice.
Yesterday, I was browsing old books at Xxxk-Off from 7:00-9:00. I didn't do any particular study to mention.
D. Should we introduce more immigrants into Japan?
Definitely not. Some people say that immigration help increase the government revenue, solve the shortage of workforce, and what not. This opinion differs from person to person, but I don't agree. Let me express my candid opinion. I have just learned on 2ch that as the number of foreigners got increased, so did the number of crime. It would become difficult to live comfortably, especially in the city area.
Look at the United States. It is a multiracial country, therefore, the gun violence cases are incredibly high. Look at N. Korea, for another example. It is mono-ethnic, thus it has no major violence, according to its national report.
It is scary when foreigners flock in a number, speaking incomprehensible gibberish. Why don't they learn Japanese when it is the most beautiful language on earth? Besides, so called multi-ethnicity dilutes the country's own unique culture. Today's Japanese, particularly spoken among the young, is disrupted in many aspects. I assume the increasing population of foreigners is contributing to it. To regain the purity of our precious culture, I believe we have to restrain immigrants from coming to Japan.
To conclude, immigration destroys culture, worsens security, spoils, harms whatever. The government should pass a low to shut out any non-Japanese entering this country.
>>824 are you serious? it is somewhat dangerous to state your opinion in a totally subjective view. although it gives a more confident image on your statement, you have some drawbacks as well, such as giving the impression of on-sidedness and lack of leniency.
also, if your argument is one-sided, it makes it easier for people to retaliate on your statements. e.g. You have stated US as an example of multiracial country and North Korea as a monoethnic country, so are you trying to suggest we're better off becoming like North korea? what would be the drawbacks of not accepting foreign workers? do you really think foreign immigrants are the cause of Japanese language deterioration? how would the foreign countries react to your idea? etccetc.
I think you should include a bit of self-discussion where you also look at your statement with a more objective view, to avoid sounding too selfish.
HA-HA-HA I thought nobody was reading this tread anymore. I am not lopsided, silly. The United States was/is, nonetheless, a terrorism sponsoring country. That's the fact. Tibetan culture is disappearing from the Earth because more Chinese are entering to the area, because Tibetan is not taking culture preservation program. That's the fact. Plus I don't care if it's North or South, United or not. Japan is the best.
Adding, language corruption can attribute to English education. I think English is such incomplete language it doesn't have distinctive male-female form. English has less variant grammatical endings either, which makes it less attractive. In contrast, Japanese has 3 kinds of characters that makes easy to find materials from bookshelves or words from pages. That's the reasons why so many girls today speak like debased men, young people use less kanji, worsening their academic achievements.
I may fail UNATE exam but EIKEN, they say it only examines your English speaking ability. They say it doesn't see your character. There is no section for "leniency".
Oh, and you may wish to capitalize each initial letter of sentences to make your English look better. Furthermore, you never be too careful about spelling.
Whatever makes you happy... I have no right to dictate whats right to say or otherwise.
However you might have noticed the 3 marks allocated for "attitude" in the interview, and whoever you refer to as "them" differs by each interview. You can never be too careful about your idioms, too.
I really cannot be bothered about spelling as long im in 2ch, but thanks.
>>826 I'm reading. The reason I haven't post any messages these days is that I want this thread to be alive until the day of 合格発表. I just didn't want to consume this thread. Keep up the good work. I'm rooting for you.
The day before yesterday, it was, I think, 120minutes of CDs. Yesterday, it was a few of CDs and a little bit of reading, I guess...
I have changed my mind. I take >>824 back. I apologize for being selfish. It was completely illogical, either. #D. Should we introduce more immigrants into Japan?
Definitely, yes. I believe it revitalizes society. Japan is now graying rapidly, having fewer and fewer children. It would lose national strength it used to have. But taking immigrants into Japan substitute for young workforce. What's more, people say immigration help to increase the government revenues.
It vitalizes cultural intercourse, too. Most Japanese today speak only one language, however, bringing a huge number of foreigners would activates our motivation to speak one more or two. It would create new jobs or stimulates already existing jobs such as interpretor. And I firmly believe understanding one culture and learning a language is two sides of the same coin.
Understanding of other cultures needs government's help, however, the case is opposite. What I mean is, for example, Japanese government is taking very few refugees. It is afraid of security deterioration, although the government promotes tourists from overseas. No wonder Amnesty International criticizes Japan for not doing enough humanitarian support. Japan used to afraid of change. The trend still lingers on. I wish Japan would changes its course, and reborn into a multi-cultural nation, living with neighbor countries hand in hand.
Yesterday: Browsed 4ch for about 2 hours. Today, I went picnic so I'm tired.
I had(have?) never imagined if someone would believe what I wrote about immigrants. That was a big lol. I do trolling and everything to make 2ch interesting. Of course without breaking the rules.
I don't know Roots, but it'd have some violent scenes against black people in the beginning. >>831 The rest are easy. Those are stereotypes that Afro-Americans don't work, utterly depend on welfare and other etceteras.
>>817 #D. Should we give the suffrage to 18 years old? I'd rather say they should. Back then, Japanese were uninterested in politics. Look at nowadays, however, it is going to change it into two major party system. Now is the time to give suffrage from 18 years old. This would make Japanese political industry more interesting. I think it would push up the polling rate, wouldn't it?
Some are afraid of lowering smoking/drinking age and what you have like that. I am one of them. I don't know either. But now, Japan is growing rapidly, which might mean it works against young people, isn't it? I think it also give the young a chance to take their country seriously. Actually, more than 90% of nations worldwide give suffrage to 18. Why not Japan? It must be exiting.
Last night, I fell into sleep when I was listening to a CD. CD 30 minutes and little bits of reading (books, dictionaries, websites, and things like that).
By the way, you know what?? Results 1 - 10 of about 1,830,000 for "a heritage". (0.22 seconds) Results 1 - 10 of about 57,700 for "an heritage". (0.17 seconds) Last Thursday night, I've learned that "an heritage"is not grammatically wrong. However, it still outnumbers in results as shown above. The native speakers of English couldn't answer whys, though.
The thread consuming rate has dropped from 240 r/m -> 90 r/m.
For tomorrow's... A. Pros and cons of zoos and aquariums B. Can news reporting be always objective? C. Should scientists take responsibilities for their discoveries? D. Does the library hinder the economic activity in the publishing industry? E. Are the Japanese working too hard, too long?
>>824 Patoriot, nationalism... racism? nazi? kicking foreigners out of Japan? putting foreigners in concentrate camp? don't go too far, because it's very dangerous.
How do you think about kicking all the foreigners out of Japan. Great thing to do to protect Japanese culture?
Then, how would you feel if you are in some foreign country that you love the best, and somebody say the same thing against you? Would you leave the country for the respect you have to these people?
More foreigner, more lifestyles, more different cultures, more international job opprtunities, no more too many copy monkeys have same hair style, same sox, more freedom, unfortunately it comes with MORE CRIME.
..... typical problems for international countries.. So, don't make a big deal about it. Just need to be careful about the situation we are in. always need to be aware of crime can possible happen around you,
I mean, don't talk to a stranger, lock all door as soon as you get in a car, stare at people you pass by in the dark at night, don't leave anything valuable in your car. ..etc..
>>836-837 I don't know ! At least, I have passed several "difficult" exams including the first stage of STEP Grade 1. haha
Many 2channers complain that "it is 2 minutes late" is unsophisticated, it should be "it is 2 minutes behind the schedule". I don't care as long as it communicates. ...Come to think of it, ◆hBCBOVKVEc was not picking tiny little things about whatever, was he?
「Sで普段の滑らかさが全然出ませんでした。これは恐ろしいことです。(´0`)オー」 -> "Speaking section was unchanged from 6 months ago. (+_+) " ... I am afraid of getting nervous. There is a difference between free conversation and making a speech about "Japanese Self Defense Forces".
I have written about guys who have never been to foreign country though, sooo fluent in English as native speakers. Today, I knew one of the guys had failed EIKEN Grade 1's interview once, and lately is thinking about trying again. _He is studying as well._ I was relieved and cheered a bit.
#A. Pros and cons of zoos and aquariums I am in big favor of zoos and such like institutions. Zoos could originally have been, perhaps, established for money purpose, however, they are now totally conservation-oriented. Without them, many species like the giant panda or the white tiger could have been extincted now.
Some of you might feel sorry for them being captivated in a cage. But it can't be helped. Or rather, it could be happier than wild life. I hope so. Zoologists are not only finding ways to increase the number of animals, but also observing how they grow, mate, and reproduce. Keeping animals prevent them from being poached, so......I can't blame zoos and aquariums.
Anyway, I hope animals someday can go back to their places safely. And zoos still exist then after forever.
it might have been funny if you did not call me a fool, but anyway... internet is not the kind of place where you get anything back by being emo.
I hate sounding harsh but your speech is still slightly too short. can you last 5 minuites with that?
I suggest giving a more definitive conclusion, as you did not mention the exact PROS and CONS of Zoos. a more specific statement could help lenghten the speech.
also, its a good idea to develop your idea from a single PRO sentence, and go on to the CON which is in direct conflict with the PRO statement.
e.g. one of the advantages that zoo contribute to the community is.......(PRO) however this also causes...... (CON)
I don't think there's anything more i could help you anymore, and i don't think you find my suggestions helpful, so you're on your own from now.
Yesterday's posting was so too long. It wasn't beautiful.
C. How to be a wise TV viewer and/or PC user So, it is rather a timely topic. First of all, Hiroyuki, the founder of 2ch, says the following: "One who can't sniff out lies from the truth could hardly be a good user of 2ch." I believe I am on the can-do side. Believe it or not, I wasn't surprised a bit when Aru-aru's set-up cases came out to public. I should put it aside because it's another story this time.
If you have gone through university education, you might have heard of the importance of being critical. It is important because students have to read through a pile of documents, sort out the facts, and organize logically when they write an essay.
However, whether you can tell a lie is beyond logic. Unlike debating skills, classroom teaching cannot support it enough. It is a very humanly skill, like a sense of humor. Most people are neither an easy target for swindlers nor stubborn believer of oneself. So, most of us have the sense, to some extent. One can never be truly the media literate without a sense of truth.
(I can hardly conclude this speech) Anyway, it takes time for some young people. The young have to go through unpleasant experiences before they get old, before they get into real trouble.
>>840 It's not my fault. It seems like somebody is using my ID cap these days... Just kidding. f(^_^) In fact, I found your post helpful. Thank you. (And you too >>829) I thought we are all agreed with the way how 2ch goes. If only you could read over my essays, I think you'll find the planted subtexts here and there. It should've been considered fishy from "I have just learned on 2ch that..." in the first place. haha
Oh, and to tell the truth, I enjoyed writing Nazi style more than serious ones. ;-) I got to go now. Good night.
Here is some small corrections. B. Should the capital moved away from Tokyo? I support removal of the capital. However, I don't think a distant place from the current location is a good idea. So I would say either Yokohama (the second largest city in Japan) or Tama region (suburban area of Tokyo) would be the most suitable candidate sites. Some countries, such as Germany, have successfully moved its capital. And many others, such as Malaysia, are following suit.
Some may claim it is costly, however, I believe it will create more jobs. And the government can make a huge sum of money to compensate by selling super expensive sites in and around the central Tokyo.
It should be moved away because it's getting overpopulated. The capital moving would ease traffic jams, train delay, and/or pollutions. Japan has moved the capital city for many times in its old history. It's not impossible to do once more.
And when moving the capital it is important to tip the movers before they start loading the removal lorry or they will drop something fragile.
>>844 >Here is some small corrections. Here are some ... >I support removal of the capital. I support the moving of the capital. >However, I don't think a distant place from the current location is a good idea. 微妙だけど、 However, I don't think place place distant from ... >Some countries, such as Germany, have successfully moved its capital. ... successfully moved their capital. >The capital moving would ease traffic jams, train delay, and/or pollutions. Moving the capital would ease traffic jams, train delay, and pollution.
It's yes and no. During 1950s through 60s, Japan grew to the second biggest economic giant in the world, mostly by the growth of the manufacturing industries. In this industry, workers have to keep up with cutting-edge techniques by hard working.
In a surviving foreign company I know, the president was working as hard as no-one else. He used to work hard from early morning till dusk, even after he gets back home, he would reply to our requirements from his fax machine at home.
Unlike this industry, farming industry has rather slow and steady working style. But Japan couldn't grow that fast with farming, since its arable land was/is limited, and both land cost and personnel cost was (and still is) high. It had to rely on high-tech industry.
You may say "How about the word 'KAROSHI', death from over-working?" If I remember correctly, KAROSHI exists all over the world, it's just Japan that has named it for the first time.
So the reason why I said "yes and no" is because it depends on where to look at. There is no big difference Japanese and non-Japanese, if so, it must be subtle. Japan would have been described as a not-so-hard-working pastoral country if it could have remained as an agricultural nation.
It's N-san, long time no see! Sorry for stupid errors. I should've taken enough time. I've just omitted "between" in the above entry.
I am going to escort Taiwanese customers next week. (Who did believe I was a xenophobia?) I am afraid of forgetting English. <G> I have just corrected one of the customers Japanese, so I understand your 微妙だけど means. My farther corrected them first, but his Japanese was 微妙 as well. <L> Oh, it was his birthday, by the way.
Not only did I feel like my passive and active vocabulary got bigger, but my writing skills as well. Should I have kept it in my mind? OK.
>>845 >However, I don't think place place distant from ... 編集ミス (汗 -> However, I don't think a place distant from ... >>846 >working as hard as no-one else. -> working as hard as anybody else.
B. Are we too much concerned about health problems? >>815
Yes we are. Health is better than wealth. We are all agreed upon the concept. Magazines and TV programs are filled with information about how to fit oneself. But many are so concerned about health problems that they get ripped their money off by the scam. I say that's ridiculous.
If we are too ignorant about health problem, we will be possibly deceived by wrong guys. We'll be probably get disease such as AIDS, that's for sure. To some extent of scientific knowledge would help us, but we don't have to be professionals. The most important idea is always much more basic. Regular exercises, medical check-ups, and balanced diet. What is needed is not unprecedented methods, but traditional ones.
But seriously, what's in it? What's so good about being healthy? It is important, however, it's not everything of our lives. Everything is the best when it's in the medium.
The life span of Japanese is longer than people anywhere else in the world today. But the result doesn't come from being health-conscious, but from the advanced medical technique, and above all, modest life style. It is unhealthy to fear about sickness until you actually realize it. So stop worrying and go walk for shopping instead of using a car.
I borrowed a tape on introduction of the church of Jesus Christ of latter-day saints. I will be fluent in introducing it in English by tomorrow.
A. Supposing you were to die within 3 days, what would you do? B. If you can make 1 wish come true, what would you wish? C. What only one thing would you bring to an unmanned island? D. Tell us your favorite joke(s) or funny story(es) for 2 minutes. E. Describe the city where you live in.
#E. Let me introduce my city. My city has a population of over 40 thousand and it is still expanding. The city tree is zelkova, known for its bloom style. Its trunk grow upright, twigs grow spread over head, indicating a wish for city's continuous growth. The city bird is kingfisher, welll known as "the gem in the river".
You can see a stainless-steel gateway arch monument in front of the main station, which was designed by an internationally famous architect Kisho Kurokawa, who was just died last month. A famous novelist/poet whose name were written on textbooks of Japanese loved living here. And Tagawa Suihou, the author of Norakuro lived as well.
The city where I live has both quiet greenery areas and a prosperous downtown district. I especially love the giant central city library and a number of kinds of insects. I have everything I want in this town, I am lucky I was born in this city.
How did you know? You are correct! Did you just guess, or researched? I hope you are not someone I know. It's humiliating. キーワード【 単語 of and in you the is 】
C. Are we too dependent on digital equipment?
Cellphones, PCs, and televisions are digital equipment. The advancement of information technology made possible to know the other side of the planet instantly. It enabled us to share the same experience with so many people no matter where we are located. We can now relate better, communicate better. As a whole, scientific findings brought forth more happiness than sorrow.
However, behind the idea of technology, there is always a negative side. It can promote misleading information among us at the same time. It can be utilized as a sort of remote controlling device, promoting what we should think, how we should feel We should develop a sense of media literacy so as to make the most of technology. . Cellphones and the Internet are also indispensable for people today. These media are so convenient that some of us are quite literally addicted to it. And corporate business today is heavily dependent on digital database or network. So even though something small goes wrong, the overall damage can be enormous whilst most technology is vulnerable to earthquakes or power failure.
In my opinion, scientific discovery itself is not evil, but neutral. It is a double-edged sword for us human beings, in a sense. We have to be in control of technology, not under the control of technology.
(continuing from >>849) Maybe TV producers are tied up with food industry, maybe they are back-scratching each other. TV airs on some specific food, the food company sell the food, the food company pay for TV. I mean, what if the television features on the importance of the grape sugar, who's profitable?
>>853 Glad to see you again and congratulations. Talking about my side, I don't know if I can fully exercise what I've learnt this time.
2TEP 2007-2 Grade-1 (二次試験) Choose one topic among the five choices below and prepare for a speech in one minute. Then you are going to give a speech for two minutes. TOPIC A. 「自由」「民主制」「人権」は絶対善なのか?(648) - 世界史板 B. ゆとり教育の何が悪いのか????? (352) - 社会・世評板 C. 【胎児は】中絶の是非!??【人間ではない!??】 (326) - 朝生板 D. 格差社会が何故ダメなのかが不明 (954) - 負け組板 E. 死刑の是非・適用基準 (473) - 司法試験板
I did too much Net surfing today, so my eyes are tired now. The above topics are for tomorrow. Each one of them are equally tough for me. I don't know if I could, but I'll try.
I have changed my mind a little bit. A. なぜ語学スクールへ通っても英語ができないか (784) B. おまえらが英語勉強して役に立ったこと教えろ (48) C. 英語ってどうやって勉強すればいいんだ? (55) D. なぜ一般に英語はかっこいいか (336) E. 英語教員はなぜ日本語しかできないのか? (206)
E. Why can't Japanese English teachers speak English at all?
I think they can, to some extent. Many students on English board @2ch say teachers are incompetent and so on, but I think teachers have no time to brush up their English because they are chiefly concerned about doing chores or taking care of students.
Skills required for teaching may as well different from what's required for interpretation or translation. Take a business person working overseas, for instance. He/she is required no native-level English skill if better contract negotiated.
I agree with the argument that the required amount of effort for studying English is less than that of the other professionals. But what I think teachers lack in is not EIKEN Grade-1 but a variety of experiences on the world outside. I wish the Education Ministry hire more ex-something for English teachers. Their stories would motivate students to study, use and enjoy English more. But unfortunately Japanese culture is not adopted enough to accept job hopping.
So in conclusion, I'd say highest English skill is not needed for teachers. For students, to become fluent in English in 3 to 6 years is nearly impossible from various aspects. It is enough if teachers could lead them well and make just foundations for further challenges.
You mean, "Practice makes perfect, keep your chin up"? Then thank you, I will. キーワード【 it of you is 英語 単語 in 】
I'm so week on this discussion. I need to study more about this issue. E. 死刑の是非・適用基準 (473) - 司法試験板 Pros and cons of the capital punishment & application standard
There are countries have the system, but overall number is decreasing. I don't think we MUST have. What if one sentenced to death later turns out to be innocent? ...That's irreversible! And I often hear a criminal who becomes so sorry and shows deep regret before one dies. I might be very useful if we can let the one live and contribute to society once more, I think?
And on the prevention side. Although it has almost nothing to do with me, lifelong sentence is scary enough for me to commit a crime..
I don't know how the victims feel. Would I be satisfied when the brutal murderer dies right in front of me? And Japan is now introducing what's called "lay-judge system". What if found innocent after lay-judges executed corporal punishment? Does it cost too much to contain many criminals for a long time? Maybe I would find my answer soon later but not now.
>>639 #d. If I were the head of Science and Education Ministry, I would change three points.
Firstly, I would introduce English curriculum to elementary schools. You may oppose this idea, but in order to teach students English more efficiently, we have to increase the amount of teaching hours. But we can no longer increase that in the school years later than junior high. So, I thought we should begin from elementary schools.
Secondly, I would change high school education curriculum. Current English education is putting emphasis on studying grammar and reading. In order to improve speaking skill, I would emphasize more on listening exercise. Universities would employ more listening sections on their entrance exams. I think it would bring positive effects on Japanese students' speaking skill.
Lastly, I would reform post/undergraduate's education and tuition system. As our land area and natural resources are limited, education policy is most crucial. My Ministry will implement scholarship systems sufficiently to the low income. Furthermore, my reform would enforce underachievers to study longer.
Reforming from the elementary schools to the postgraduate schools. I believe those three points would enhance the academic level of our nation. Thank you very much.
>>682, >>679 Why are there so few female CEOs in Japan?
I think there are two main reasons for that. One is that although more and more women join the workforce, when they get married, many of them stop working and begin focusing on doing household chores or rearing children. Some of them get back to workplaces after their kids has grown, however, in the corporate promotion system, once you quit working even temporarily, your chance of climbing corporate ladder becomes slim. This is the first thing that prevents women from getting to the top of the hierarchy. The notion that man is the only breadwinner in a household works in favor of men's chance to get promoted.
The second reason is what is called "the glass ceiling". In my opinion, there's a conventional idea still prevailing that men can perform better than women do. So men tend to be considered they can manage more important projects than women so men are given more opportunities to brush up their skills in their carrier. This gender inequality helps men become the top of a company.
The two main reasons for few female CEOs come from the traditional family role and gender inequality in a company. 第一段落stop xx-ing and begin oo-ingにして調子をよくしました。 最終段落less female -> few female, equality -> inequalityになおしました。
(Self-talking) A bald eagle is not bald. It has feathers on its head. A vulture is bald. Because it scavenges on carcases. Being bald makes it easy to keep its head clean.
>>716 It's probably the difference between so-called 非制限用法&制限用法。 If you put "," in front of "which", you are speaking general. If you don't, you are speaking specific.
So it should be... 隣の人の会話までわかってしまうようなお粗末なつくりの旅館が、逆に観光客に受けることもある Some tourists find it more attractive to stay at a ryokan which is so poorly built that they can overhear the next room.
... because ryokan is not always shabby. Am I right?
I've made 20 and more speech drafts so far. It seems like nobody would notice if I skip the test, but I do it for my own sake.
A. Are we smarter than 100 years ago? B. Will the wartime memory disappear someday? C. Is it necessary to learn the third language? D. The role of philosophy in high school education E. Is current hospital system doing all right?
#A. I think we haven't changed so much since 100 years ago. Scientists say we haven't changed since 20 thousand years ago. They say it takes a big heap of evolution to become entire humans more intelligent. But I hear our average IQ score has improved, however. And I think we became powerful to both smart side & stupid side. We can be smart for the accumulated knowledge from our ancestry.
I also learned about "bonobos", or pygmy chimpanzees, I thought they were very peaceful animals. Unlike chimpanzees who show their violent aspects sometimes, they don't fight, let alone killing each other. It's sad to know that they are decreasing.
We human beings could have been a warless animal like bonobo. I don't really know whether or not we should be so cruel to roam and dominate around the world. I know we had to hunt for meals but suicide car bombing? But I hope in the next time of evolution, we can be more kind animal to each other, since we are already smart enough to survive any disaster.
Ugly word always comes in Japanese. xp But I was thinking of changing this current style in a few days anyway.
>>786 A. Is Japan a comfortable country for foreigners to live in?
Just let me think about it. When I went abroad, I found 3 major good points about Japan. Firstly, water is usually free of charge even in the middle of the humid summer season. In a super hot developing country, you could drop dead by thirst if you have no money, no water.
Secondly, roads are paved and clean no matter where you go. In many developing nations, roads are cracked, distorted, unclean. And yet, you might think developing countries are nature-oriented, thus eco-friendly, but it's not true. Chances are, dust bins are filled with burnable, non-burnable, recyclable and dangerous, all mixed up. Don't get your foot hurt !!
Thirdly, you have a lot of choices for everything you buy in Japan. Unindustrialized countries don't have even a smallest bookstore if in a village. Even though there's a bookstore, you are likely to find no map to walk around there. Besides, when you are thirsty, you have few options to drink. Other than mineral water, it was only cola-or-fanta in the African continent.
So all in all, Japan could/must be a comfortable country to live in. But some of us would think the opposite. Especially when Japan is experiencing a hard time. After all, rich in money does not mean rich in heart.
What a weird essay. ww P.S. I could enjoy even one of the dirtiest smelly toilets in the world !!
1. People who don't have a specific political party to support. 2. The head of North Korea 3. voters 4. The list of nations that support terrorism 5. middle ground plan 6. retail price 7. has 80% of 8. on emergency 9. make one's support to--- in public 10. give subsidies 11. bridge 12. pass the bill
政治編解答 @swing voters, floating vote, independents, ANorth Korean leader Bvoters Cthe list of nations supporting terrorism Dcompromise (plan) Eretail price Faccount for 80% Gin case of contingency, in a state of emergency, in the event of emergency Hvoice(announce, express, declare) support for Isubsidize, provide subsidies Jact as a bridge, act as liaison Kpass a bill into law, enact a law, approve a bill
解説 @unaffiliated voters, those with no party affiliation(preference)
A他にJapanese Prime Minister, US president, Chinese Premier, German Chancellor, UN Secretary-General, (複数形はSecretaries-General) 内閣官房長官Chief Cabinet Secretary などなど
Cthe list of nations sponsoring terrorismも Gin times of emergency, at a time of emergencyも H強い懸念を表明する express deep concern 不支持disapproval
昨日は英会話、今日は洋画、明日は会話個人レッスン Maybe this time, can it be? My score fell 3 points below the passing point last time. I know my skills have been greatly improved but ...it does not mean for sure. (-_-;) You know what I mean.
E. Is the Internet harmful to children?>>786 (revised)
I think it is. I have read an article that children are susceptible to frauds such as phishing. Many children today are so addicted that they lose interest in real life. They stay up late at night, so they cannot focus on classes the next morning. As a result, they often drop out of school.
Incidentally, children today are often also addicted to cellphones. Many of them become anxious when they feel they are disconnected from the Net. Besides, there are bullying issues using cellphones and the Internet. Bullied children's humiliating picture images are often posted on the net, which makes them feel more than uncomfortable or reluctant to go to school.
There are also child porn problems. Not only seeing it, but once a picture is uploaded on the net, it is impossible to delete it. It's too late after someone had already copied it. This fear could haunt the child on and on forever.
When PC skills are taught in school, skills of how to avoid these kind of dangers should be also teached. Children must keep in mind it has truths and lies mixed together. Under these instructions, the Internet is useful regardless of our age. It connects the world, and the searching skill is important and necessary. I'm sure Internet would bring a lot to children if only properly used.
>>875 >>875 Thanks for your answer. But what's the difference between 可決 and 成立? I have to admit I'm hopeless about Japanese political system, (not to mention those of overseas,) even though I'm Japanese. You don't have to answer this question. You'll have a big day tomorrow so, all you have to do is jerk off, take a bath and then have a good night sleep. If you are relaxed, I'm sure you can make it. Good luck.
Thank you very much. I'm grateful for you saying that. It seems as if no test candidate except me is coming this tread.w
キーワード【 in have it you the to are 】 I can't judge my English objectively but as for >>855, of which I have shown to a native English speaker, I got only one correction "different from -> differ from" for it sounds more fluent. And for >>820, I've got the best compliment. It means a lot coming like this. "I'm from The Netherlands. It's great that you got so far in the same way. I didn't knew it was possible because Japanese and English are so different, whereas Dutch and English are somewhat similar." 殆どただの自慢ですが(^ ^;)、知りたい人もいるかもしれなかったので。 ■ おすすめ2ちゃんねる 開発中。。。 by FOX ★ このスレを見ている人はこんなスレも見ています。(ver 0.20) 【日韓】8月15日に韓国が対馬侵攻!? 海軍前高官の計画立案が話題に★3 [08/14] [東アジアnews+] I printed out the essays, and will take it to the test place tomorrow as a talisman.
As soon as it finishes, I will start Chinese study. It's not so serious as EIKEN test but I hope I can make it too.
Me: Myself? K, I live in XXXXX, XXXXX. What's my professi, what do you think's my profession? I am a (内緒), I make and sell XXXX, to customer. Today, I wore this suits because I had nothing to wear. I gave my winter clothing to, poor country. So it must be in a, African continent, or somewhere. I hope they don't get sick from my WINTER cloths in a HOT countries. (still time left) Aaand.... I, (alarm sound)
A: Flip the card and choose one....you have 1 minute..... and make a speech.
Me: Ah-uh. ************************************** 1. Japanese company and global economy 2. Fathers and upbringing children 3. Poverty and crime 4. ? 5. Philosophy today *************************************** Ppppp(alarm sound) Which topic do you choose?
I think it's important to think about philosophy. Because I go to church, to learn free English conversation class, I don't really believe in what's called God, or Heavenly Father, but I like them, the member of church. I believe what they do, what they say, how they act. and it seems like they are confident about uh, what they are doing, or... who to marry and so on. I think it's shared opinion among us, the students who, go to church to learn English.
Japanese people tend to have no religion, so we must, it might be a must to learn philosophy, because when we are in trouble, we need guidance, about what to do next, where to go, ...and... we need to know what's gonna happen in the future. We can act (with philosophy,) accurately, quickly, ... precisely. (2 minutes' alarm)
もうちょっといろいろ話したと思いますが、なにせ my memory is already fading。。
>>881 Hey, you chose a topic I would never choose. The topic is too abstract to me. Sounds like you aren't too nervous. I was kind of nervous so I didn't remeber the topics that I didn't choose.
>>882 You expressed your opinion about religion, not philosophy in the first half of your speech. I know you need to talk about it just for introduction of your speech but I got an impression that that's too long. But if you made the speech with confidence and you successfuly handled the Q & A part after the speech, you'll pass the test. Now you have a good rest.
A: Why do you think is philosophy important? Me: Because we need an answer when we are in trouble such as in, business? or... study and other cases.
A: Do you think people in society value philosophy? Me: Ahhhi don't think so. Because, we have, philosophy class in, high school education curriculum. And thee university entrance exam, it doesn't, see your, uh philosophy.
A: You said "students don't study philosophy". How do you think people seek guide when they are in trouble? Me: In my case, for example, I found a book, which was written by, I think it was a professional psychology counselor? I find answers from the list. It's not big book, but small one. And people search for guide from ah, usually from parents or their close friends.
A: You said "parents". Do you consult your parents when you need help? Me: Yes. For example... (thinking) ... I can't find any example... I didn't used to listen to what they say. (Interviewer B smiles) But, as I get older, I began to listen to them, because, what they say is basting on their, actual experiences.
B: Last question. Do you think people are more "goal-oriented"? Me: Gold? oh, ah, GOAL. ....(thinking).........Maybe not. because.......(thinking)..... It seems as if people are missing.... what to aim, where to go.... I can't explain. They are at a loss of, ...what to do next, in the (alarm interrupted) future.
A: Sorry the alarm might have upset you. You can leave now, thank you. Me: Is it finished? A: Yes, it must be so quick.
Yeha, I know what is likely to happen in such interview tests as the ones for Grade 1 of EIKEN. One thing would be, as someone already mentioned above, that some people tend to digress from the topic they select in the tests. It could be harder to stay on the topic than you imagine especially when you feel extremely nervous and the topic is about something you are not so familiar with. If you found the topic not so familiar, you might try to associate it with something that you think should be related to the topic or something you are familiar with. And, alas, you would end up making a speech digressing from the topic. But, as far as I’m concerned, religion and philosophy are somehow correlated, so you would not have to worry so much about what you said in the speech. Besides, the Q&A ◆2LEFd5iAoc had with the interviewers seemed to go smoothly. Good Luck!
>>888 I felt the same way when I was heading home after the test. I mean, I thought I would pass the test to think I made a pretty good speech. I even thought that I would never pass Grade 1 test if the speech was considered good enough. The result was I passed Grade one test. I hope you'll get the same verdict. I have a hunch you'll pass.
>>877 Now I'm not so sure. I thought "being enacted" is being in a state as shown below. 「本学則は平成20年4月1日から施行する。」 It passed the Diet, it's stipulated, still it's not taken effect. I can't assure you because I'm not a law school student. Sorry.
>>883-884>>886-887>>889 I've never thought there were so many readers. Further, I thought all applicants of Grade 1 was ignoring me. It was good to receive advice from Grade 1 winners, though.
>>891 Thank you for the correction. I appreciate that.
>>893 We don't know the result until December. I'd assume the score is in the middle of 70s, but...? I would run away if it was a bad result. hehe
>>877, >>884 and >>889 is me. I already passed Grade 1. I think >>886-887 is a native English speaker, the guy who is involved in setting up the online English<---->Japanese dictionary, if I'm not wrong. It's just a hunch, though.
I would call you "Mr. Hunch" then. Mr. Orz's English looks as if written by a male, while his Japanese looks like written by a female. Wow, the average TOEIC score among the residents here must be very very high. haha. So just I had thought, there is no today's candidate? Of course I welcome you all tho, I wonder why the sister thread's residents sort of ignore this thread??
※本番直後クーリングダウン用表現力テスト※ I have no time for vocab quiz. Maybe tomorrow.
it seems to me that you have chosen a topic you did not have confidence in... you are frequently contradicting yourself, and you went off-topic for the speech.
昨日はこれなくてすみませんでした。 >>898 それはいけるんじゃないでしょうか?iBTの内訳にもよるかもしれませんが。 記念に英文で書き込んでくだされば作文の程度もわかると思います。もう見てないかな? GREverbalはよく知りませんが、手元の本には560が1級相当のようにあります。 でも旺文社の単語集をまるまる覚えているなら大丈夫かと。 >>899 That's one pessimistic opinion. I thought you were another flaming leacher, but you wrote in English. I have to appreciate it. One of the reasons why I am so optimistic is because I have got a score report which says my fluency and pronunciation and sentence mastery have been greatly improved since June. Those would help, I think. I'm not 100% sure, but I have a hunch.
PS (I would have thought you were another flaming leacher if you hadn't written in English.) 時制に自信なし orz
調子のすごく悪いとき Your responses indicate some difficulty speaking in English about everyday experiences and opinions. Listeners sometimes have trouble understanding you because of noticeable problems with pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary. While you are able to respond partially to the questions, you are not able to fully develop your ideas, possibly due to limited vocabulary and grammar.
調子のいいとき Test-taker easily handles a wide variety of discourse and speaking styles, and can contribute to a native-paced discussion. Speech is fluent, smooth and intelligible; test-taker controls appropriate language structure for speaking about complex material.
A. Should high school students be allowed to work part-time jobs? B. Should terminal cancer patients be informed of their conditions? C. How to revive consumer spending D. Merits and demerits of being the only child in a family E. Would daylight saving time be beneficial for Japan?
A. Should high school students be allowed to work part-time jobs?
I think they should be allowed to work part-time. Some families are in financial difficulty and their parents earn low income. In that case, students can help their household's financial hardship by working after school.
However there are negative sides to it. If a student is thinking of going to university, they have to study hard after school. Working after school makes them exhausted and they have less time to study. That is one of the disadvantage to them.
The advantage of working part-time is it gives them the idea of what work means to them and it also gives them a sense of independence from their parents. It gives students the idea of what kind of job matches them and what carrer path they want to choose in the future.
Basically, it shouldn't be a school that decides whether students can work part-time. It has to be their parents that decide whether thier child can work or not.
In concluson, a high school has to give their students the right to decide whether they work part-time or not.
"whether -- or not" is too colloquial for a speech and essay? I am wondering.
I think you'll pass. Don't make me tell you that thousands times. What would I say If you didn't pass? I would just say, "I'm sure you'll pass next time." lol
"A box with a line in it." →日 What's this? Quize? 日 sure looks like "a box with a line in it" but it also looks like "a box with a line 'on' it."
>>903 A. I think it'd be good experiences for students to work part-time jobs. First of all, today's many young are at a loss of what to do in the future since they don't have clear images of what working is like. I bet part-time jobs would help create specific ones if they attempt seriously.
I watched a TV program featuring on craftsmanship and their skills, and in it, child spectators looked exited to see brilliant skills of which specialists performed. I saw in their faces that they had positive images about being professional.
Some parents might be afraid of getting behind classes. But this also is a good training for managing oneself. It's worth challenging, see if your kids can do really well. Someday they have to live on their own, it's earlier the better.
There are many things you can't really learn from textbooks. Communication skill is one of such. This could be directly useful as soon as students graduate from high schools while most subjects you learn in the classrooms are said to be useless.
Lastly to conclude, I suggest shops and stores hire students not as mere easy workforces but as individuals who have rooms to develop, and give them chances to grow for their sake.
>>906 I don't think it's "too colloquial". And I thank you for your kindest remark. 日 was not a quiz, I just saw missionaries studying kanji and I found the phrase funny and interesting. I thought Japanese would say "squire".
You aren't going to see your test result on the web? That's ridiculous. If I were you, I wouldn't be able to wait for a postcard which let you know the result to come some days later.
The result is at your fingertip and you don't try checking it in this age of of Internet. hmmm.
>>915 What the fuck! I can't believe it, either. Fuck the Eiken. Fuck the interviewers.
I don't get it. To be honest, sometimes I felt that your essays you wrote here is better than mine. You knew what you should have done before the test and you tried really hard to reach your goal.
Hmmm... I really don't know what to say. You must be more puzzled by the result than me. One thing is for sure. You didn't pass this time but your English has definately reached Grade1 level. Hmmmm... I really don't know what to say. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
皆さんいろいろありがとうございます。 次回挑戦するか考え中です。 ESOLの試験とは相性がとてもいいみたいなので、 ケンブリッジのCAE(which is said to be equivalent to EIKEN Grade 1) などで代替できればそれでいいとも思っていますし… 非常に高いし、ずっと先ですが。 もし受けてそして受かった暁にはもちろん書き込ませていただきます。
今日初めて、目立つタイトルを付け途中でスレを放棄した初代スレ主にお礼申し上げます。 それから添削と有益な情報を提供してくれたNさん。(イギリス人?) Mr. Hunch, Mr. orz, ◆SSbrKUC47.、花粉症で鼻炎でホコリに弱い鼻を持つ人。 MOTTAINAIから誰か引き継げよと言った人。 >>554のおそらく一橋大生のひと。And ◆hBCBOVKVEc, I thought it was funny. 帰国子女の人、スピーチは大丈夫だったでしょうか。 アメリカで仕事してる人。関西弁の人。ジョークのコピペをしていた人。
Most Surprising Reply Award goes to...>>732 Worst Lame-Flame Award goes to...>>629 Best Pun Award goes to...>>407 Best Cheering Award... Can't choose. >>917 is one of candidates. Best fighting-Spirit Award...>>419 その他大勢、ここに書き漏らした人。
i was merely being realistic and honest, when i wrote that post in 899.
2LEFd5iAoc, the reasons why I said that you would most probably fail are;
1)sometimes your idioms are a bit odd. for example "I should choose no.5" this is never used in spoken or written english.
2)you chose a speech subject you didin't have background knowledge in phylosophy is not necessarily related to religion. also, Phylosophyは「道徳」ではなく「哲学」ですよ・・・ you seem to be confused with terminologies... never choose a subject with some foreign idioms or unfarmiliar words in it.
3)you frequently miss the question's point. a good idea is to start from a conclusion, don't be smart and try to give them the large picture firsthand.
4)you are still stuttering during QandA.
however its really a matter of time you will pass. (after all you have much wider vocab than me) just don't give up.
貴方の努力は皆が認める筈です。 これをバネに、また来年是非チャレンジしてみて下さい。 if i can do it, you can do it, right?
>>928 I'm far from perfect but I passed. I think ◆2LEFd5iAoc's command of English is almost the same as mine. Perhaps he is better than me. It's a matter of time if he'll pass the test. Unfortunately, lucky factors dominate the interview test. He wasn't just blessed with lucks needed to pass it. I hope he'll pass it soon.
You were only average but somehow passed the exam? You think he has an average command of English? His can be better than yours? Luck plays a significant role in an interview? He will pass the exam when a lucky star is above him? You hope for his success?
いいえ、スペイン語の勉強をしています。 Finalizamos este boletín informativo, con noticias financieras. En el mercado de devisas de Tokio, el dolar subió frente al yen miércoles.
A las 5 de la tarde hora local, el dolar se cotizaba entre 113.24 y 113.27 yenes, con una alza de 20 céntimos de yen respecto a la misma hora de martes.
Mientras tanto, en el mercado de valores de Tokio, el indice TOPIX, con puesto por todas las "selecciones" registradas en la primera sección de bolsa, cerró a 1456.79 puntos con una baja de 12.98 unidades, respecto a la cierra de martes. ””内は自信のないところ。
Estoy bien, gracias. I am fine, thank you. 哲学の入門本に宗教の事がふれられていたのでOKと思ったのですが、点を下げてしまいました。 "I should choose no.5"はひとりごとみたいなものです。 (I don't know much about no.1, no.2... OK,) I better choose no.5 のような。 I don't understand "contradictions in my speech" either??
These days, I feel like my English is getting better than my dad's Japanese. He frequently forgets easy kanji, misunderstands what we say...lol Gee, I could really fail this test _in my mother tongue_!!
>>931 I'm not saying I'm average among Japanese English learners. Actually, I think I have a good command of English for a Japanese English learner but that doesn't mean I'm perfect. After all, it depends on what standard you use to judge your English proficiency. Comared to a native English speaker, my English is just a shit. All I can say is that at least my English is good enough to pass Eiken grade1 test. I sure wish him a good luck.
I agree. At this level, there are no such special things to improve your English dramatically. But you've been doing the right things to make your English better. If you keep doing what you've been doing, that leads to passing the interview test in my opinion.
You are somebody among Japanese, but nobody among native speakers when it comes to your command of English?
Now I clearly see why you talk the talk here. I surely hope you will soon walk the walk in the English-speaking world. Test scores have no use at all if your English does not work in a real world. Best of luck to you!
a. Are we working more hours than we used to? b. How can we prevent a giant cooperate from running out of control? c. For or against single-sex education d. When privacy and public interests conflict e. Should scientists take their responsibilities for the consequences?
>>945 I don't have any opportunities to talk with a native English speaker. Sometimes I talk to tourists from overseas but that's rare. I'm not as good as you commented. I know I'm not. But thanks for your compliment. complement? I'm not good at spelling.
I was told my English is pretty good by native English speakers but have never been told my English is excellent, not to mention, phenomional. Maybe you are a Japanese English learner like me. Let's keep up the good work.
>>942 a. I'm a bit sceptical about the assumption that we are working longer hours. By and large, we tend to romanticize --this is my word-- old days. We feel the life has got busier because the advancement of technology has brought a lot of changes. We feel it busy when there's a lot to keep up with.
b. I agree that the economy has been driven by the rule of capitalism. By that perspective, many take the market-oriented economy as absolute. And it WAS the free markets which couldn't stop big companies from corrupting. I can see no good reason that capitalism would listen to the voices of the poor. Regulations are needed to take economy under control. (maybe talking away from the topic.)
c. Single-sex supporters claim it helps students achieve more, and seemingly it is true. I know the best-known high schools, such as Nada, Kaisei and Azabu, are single-sexed. However, I'm a bit worried about interpersonal skill development. I remember one of my friends said he was afraid of speaking with girls since he was raised among boys, having had almost no chance to chat with opposite sex....
>>942 d. Today, almost all form of personal data are digitalized varying from medical records to pension records. I find people collecting signatures against passing a new privacy law just overreacting. People will lose nothing under the new regulation, it'll make the process more efficient, thereby the change is needed, but I understand the danger of private info floating in cyberspace at the same time. Out of the clash of extremes, light should arise. (--have no particular answer to this subject. Perhaps should avoid this topic)
e. I used to think technology is innocent itself, scientists has nothing to do with the consequences, thus manufactures and consumers are to blame, if anything. But I had changed my mind recently, because many refuse sites are filling up quickly, and CO2, which is a sort of garbage into the air, is increasing. Scientists should have made much more efforts to invent recyclable, decomposable eco-friendly materials. They didn't because they were being utilised by money-driven employers. It's time for scientists to voice their opinion for not being used but to get a grip of themselves.
>>951 You proved yourself you are dumb. Why do I have to take Grade 3 test when I already passed Grade1? You should start with 児童英検. By the way, the more you use www, the more you look like a moron.
China is experiencing its growing pain. Even native Chinese admit it's on a premature stage. I hope it'll become a good rival for Japan ASAP, not just a scary big neighbour.
>>950 I'm gonna take the exam this month. I've read a couple of books on JUKEN English grammar for the past few weeks, and am studying useful expressions these days. Still, I don't feel much progress myself. I can't develop my ideas well because of my lack of view, just as shown above. (´_`)-3 btw, start from (place), start with (item). 児童英検 is Junior STEP. when is ok, I'm smart, ;-) I hate Jochi. XX-(
The rich should spare their income for the poor. There are opposing voices from high-incomes, of course. Their main reason goes like this:
>Rich people will lose a drive for work if the income tax rate is risen. >Wealthy people would even flee abroad to seek a tax haven. >Our fortunes are due to our hard work and talents. >Nobody is equal, so we should get paid according to the differences. >Only communism countries can steal from the rich for the poor.
The above first-come-first-served idea should be respected for sure, but to some extent. What if a car coming down a hill says to a car coming up, "well, I came here first, you should move aside to the shoulder"? It's morally unacceptable.
And poor people are not always poor for their laziness. Bad luck often gets the better of your effort. In the same way, not all talented and/or diligent people become rich. One is often too proud of oneself, thinking his success doesn't owe to people around him.
Lastly, safety net is not only for the needy. You maybe successful today, but nobody can tell decades later. If you are rich and not covered by safety net, you feel unsafe, you may not risk to invest new business. Poor social security system would harm the liveliness of the economy.
>>958 I hope you can make it this time. Keep in mind that you pick up the most familiar topic to you and stay focused on the topic when you make a speech in the interview test.
1. Do Japanese have their patriotism? 2. Will the interpretation machine unite people? 3. How Japan is like in next 50 years. 4. Do we have to preserve tradition? 5. Is a democratic society the best for people?
Hello, I'm still studying. By the way, a big job offer came the other day, and it fell on the next Sunday. I have two minds. Gaining Eiken does not make big difference on my life, but money does. I unwillingly turned down the offer, but I can make it back. mmm... That is the question.
1. When I see many Japanese are interested in American presidential election and show no interest in their own country's, I feel patriotism has gone to somewhere. Thanks to conversation schools, Japanese know about foreign counties, but when being asked about Japan, they become silent. I'm not talking about young Japanese, those in mature ages are included. The only occasion Japanese show their patriotism is when cheering sports players in a world tournament and the like.
I think it might be the happiest form of patriotism. Patriotism were used to be abused by the leaders. It was pointed out by the notorious dictator Adolph Hitler. "It's easy to control the people", he said. "All you have to do is your country is being attacked, and the pacifists are putting the country in danger".
Patriotism must not be nurtured by loathing neighbouring countries. I'd like Japanese to know more about his/her own country, as well as foreign country. The key is not to grow unilateral love, but to build up uneven ♥ to the human races.
2. I don't think the machine will come true, but let's just pretend.
It must change the whole world. It's not a mere international language. It's a creation of a universal language, which makes us possible to communicate without language barrier. It might eradicate the wars on earth.
However, I have one thing unclear. When the telephone was invented, they thought people would stop travelling. Their imagination didn't come true. When a car was invented, they thought people would stop walking. It didn't come true either. There must be something doesn't come true as we expect.
I assume the "something" must be disappearance of conversation schools. People will be learning languages for fun, for tests, or for business. It must remain the same because a language is a tool for communication, after all. I definitely want the wars to be vanished, though.
3. I have a clear image of how I'd like Japan to be. I'd like to see a more barrier-free society. Having a female prime minister would be a dream-come-true.
Since Japan depends heavily on food and raw material imports, I'd like it to be stay peaceful with the neighbours. I'd like it to be open to foreigners, and to become a clean, safe, exiting country. Also, I'd like it to lead the intellectual industries such as high-tech, auto, patent, and other industries.
However, I'm afraid that my image of these changes is not clear and I feel that much of this nation will remain the same in both good and bad terms. It's been said "this nation will end in 100 years" since 100 years ago. I think it'll still be here, if may not be prosperous. There is one thing I'm optimistic about. We will be speaking better English in 50 years. ^^
4. I don't think it ought to be protected. I associate traditional things such as old customs with formal mood. Personally, I don't feel relaxed in the mood.
Even traditions should change as people want it to be. In other words, only traditions which are needed by people should be passed down to descendants. Japanese have "Mottainai Spirit" which is to handle things with care. This is one of the most needed traditions among us in the future.
On the personal side again, I'm selling things Japanese for a living. I'm making efforts to keep up with the customers' demands. ^^
Anyway, the elegant mixtures of new and old, or east and west make Japan very unique country. Struggles and competitions are preferable if it's peaceful.
5. A democratic society is the best to live in because it can shift its policy as soon as the policy fails to meet the people's demand.
I really can't continue this issue. My parents say living longer doesn't assure you to be opinionated. What should I do? I'm not empty head.
And what if this thread overflows before the test...? It doesn't fulfil my sense of completion. I'm now looking for a deserted thread to parasite. What is the most acceptable for the residents.
I'm planning to take cheap English proficiency tests in March. I can prove you my English skills other than writing.
5. A democratic system is the best to live in because it can shift its policy as soon as the policy fails to meet the people's demand. We cannot change the leader in a feudal society or dictatorial nation.
However, when you look around the world, Cuba is doing more than so-so where it is a communism country. And when Singapore, it once was nearly under dictatorship of the then-prim minister. It came to prosperous because the head of nation was very tactful.
In a democracy, it takes much time to make decisions which opinions to accept, and which ones not to amongst a wide variety of values. It's where democracy is good, but it poses difficulties. In particular, when malicious things happen concerning a newly developed technology like the Internet, and the law doesn't apply the reality and comes to need quick revising, then problem arises. And chances are very small, but a democracy could choose a leader like the North's Kim.
Yet, all in all, a democratic system is a system ready to discuss deeper till get to the both sides agreement, and to respect a variety of values. It's not perfect, though, one can safely say "it's one of the best".
I'm done. The speech was miserable. speech9/30 interaction21/30 grammar15/20 pronunciation15/20 TOTAL 60/100 (pass) it's my dream score.
I spoke about the goverment and diseases. It's promoting campaign enough and it's good. But there are many young ppl who get AIDS and it's spreading. And adults of metabo-stg syndrome. plus a few more and...that's it! I made a few errors and lots of silences saying ''I have no idea''.
It's not that I'm an imcompetent speacker. They should know. I think anybody in the room understand it. bcz q&a went great. What if a miracle didn't happen, then what do I do? I'm not a politician nor a lawyer...but that's the way the test goes. (sob)
Have a good night sleep tognight. Sometimes you'll pass the test when you don't think you will. Sometimes you'll fail the test when you don't think you won't. Only God knows.
You are making your share of efforts. I hope they'll pay off.