4 what you go to school? What do you study? How do you like it? Yeah I love having fun! Typical food here now adays is Mcdonales, because American ways come here and they build McD. everywhere some people like it cause its fast an hey it teast good. Also here now adays its KFC and stuff. My favorite I like Spazzico, You know of Spazzico? Well apart from FastFood I like Spaghetti alot,Shrimp scampy,Salmon,Tuna, Cibo d'mare is italian 4 food of the sea. I LOVE shrimp!!! Salad ugh Ceaser salads. My BF he co-owns resturante with his father so I get food from there yay me!! I like cereal.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What about china what you have there I know of sushi I try I like it.
1つ目 Following its earlier move into Mexico, Wal-Mart entered into the other NAFTA market in 1994 when it purchased 122 Woolco stores in Canada from Woolworth Corporation.
2つ目 Wal-Mart then took a controlling, 51 percent stake in Cifra for $1.2 billion.
Can that which one has learned from direct contact with an African master be passed on in writing to colleagues who until now have had little experience with African music?
No matter where you go, no matter who your ancestors were, no matter what school or college you have attended, no matter who helps you, your best opportunity is in yourself. The help you get from others is something outside of you, while it is what you are, what you do yourself, that counts. どなたかお願いします。
Many cancer victims can be cured if the disease are diagnosed in its early stages.But in many cases the disease is so advanced when it is detected that there is no effective treatment to give the patient.
None of these ways, therefore, are satisfactory ways to become international minded. What, then, must the Japanese do to achieve this? First, they need to know the basic facts about their own country - Japan. They need to know about their own history and culture; and they need to be able to speak intelligently about these things to foreign people - if asked. This last condition is of supreme importance: too many Japanese abroad boast about their country, show off their country's wealth and affluence, and get excited whenever they see Japanese goods in foreign shop windows and Japanese cars in foreign streets.
When describing diagnostic-therapeutic or ethical judgments, precise classifications are required similar to those contained in a typology of ethical problems or a diagnostic classification system.
have u been watching prison break??.... .i really got into it, but it kinda ended really silly....a bit of a let down. and csi is a great programme to watch....pure class!!! thanx for getting in touch.....hows it goin in japan these days?
If one thinks of social and political space in terms of a nine-cell matrix, more gevernance activities will occur outside the box represented by national of nation-state.
A guitar player eh :) You must of heard the girls like musicians lol I dont play any instrument myself. When i was little I could play a little piano but i forgot how.
On the weekend we had a party at my house, some of us went for a swim in the pool but mostly we had a camp fire and roasted hot dogs and marshmallows. I tried a new kind of margarita, it was ok but a little strong so i only had 2. My sister had too many lol she kept saying "I love you!" and giving people hugs lol I also went shopping in the USA which was nice since I found some really nice clothes...
There is more than one choice of action that can be morally desirable, justifiable, or permissible, and there are conflicting claims based on perception of moral duties or rights of the parties involved in the situation.
「Have you been up to much today?」 について、私のしたコメントについて、他の方よりいろいろ疑問が出ているようなので 私がコメントした意味について云っておきます。「今日はいろいろやってた?」と様子を聞いてるわけですが このフレーズは、ただ「yes」とか「no」とかで答えで済ますような挨拶言葉というより、これを きっかけに相手が何をしてたか、どんな様子であったか詳しく聞きたいというトリガー・フレーズと して使われる場合があるからです。whatやhowで聞くほど大げさではなく、今日の話をしてもらって、 会話を膨らませたいと思ってるということです。 How have you been up to much today? What have you been up to today? でもかまわないと思います。ただ、誰かがいったようにtoがtooのタイポであれば、意味は違ってくるかも。 「have you been up too much today?」は私はこういう言い方に出会ったことがないので分かりませんが、 代名詞が副詞のmuchになり、”be up”が強調されるわけですから、文脈がないと意味が取れません。以上
Troops went by the house and down the road and the dust they raised powdered the leaves of the trees. The trunks of the trees too were dusty and the leaves fell early that year and we saw the troops marching along the road and the dust rising and leaves, stirred by the breeze, falling and the soldiers marching and afterward the road bare and white except for the leaves.
She defines a nursing diagnosis as involving either a prpblem or a life process(eg,grieving) that necessitates nursing care; responses provide the observable, supporting date for diabnostic judgment
Here you may be delegates of your governments or organizations. But really you are mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, aunts and uncles. And each of you is somebody's child.
I'm only a child, yet I know we are all part of a family, five billion strong ― in fact, thirty million species strong ― and borders and governments will never change that.
I'm only a child, yet I know we are all in this together and should act as one single workd toward one single goal.
In my country we make so much waste. We buy and throw away, but and throw away. And yet northern countries will not share with the poor. Even when we have more than enough, we are afraid to lose some of our wealth.
The crossover initiative also has gradually found appreciation among Japanese. He performed with two visiting Indian musicians last week at a beauty salon.
I'm sorry I can't write Japanese on my laptop. I'm Japanese,but I'm in L.A now besides my English skill is terrible. My friend sent me e-mail yesterday,but I couldn't understand in detail. Could anyone please transelate from English to Japanese below?
What's up? The interview is next Thursday, so I have all this time until then.. But the job is in Westlake Villiage, which is closer to LA. I haven't moved to Camarillo yet, so I'm still in Wrightwood. If you get on the San Bernardino Line at LA union station at 1:20PM, you'll be at Rancho by 2:30.. then, it's a 30-40 minute drive from there to Wrightwood. The party starts at 5 or 6, so I'll show you around Wrightwood before, too.
>>137 どうもありがとうございます! 因みに こういう感じで書いてありました、 it have been so warm here in sweden the last week as well…and my flat is killing me…haha すいませんよろしくお願いします(>_<)
When they ask people questions, they rarely listen properly to the answers, and soon start talking about Japan. Furthermore, they tend to travel in groups - large groups and small groups; but even two Japanese will prefer to speak to each other in their on language, than to communicate with foreigners in their language.
>>144-145 僕なら >my flat is killing me…haha Oh, what do you mean? You mean your flat is too warm? とか軽く聞いてすませます。日本ならほとんどの部屋にエアコンがあるとか、もうすぐ梅雨だとか そんな話もするんでしょうか、いやそれはどうでもいいですがhaha
The best way to travel abroad, of course, is alone, or with a foreigner. Travelling in a group reduces the value of such a trip by at least half. Many Japanese, however, are not worried by this: the main point is to have been abroad, to be able to show their family and friends photos of themselves with Big Ben or the Colosseum in the background. This is not being international minded: this is simply being proud.
A book lying idle on a shelf is wasted ammunition. Like money, books must be kept in constant circulation. 「Lend and borrow to the maximum ― of both books and money!」 But especially books, for books represent infinitely more than money. A book is not only a friend, it makes friends for you. When you have possessed a book with mind and spirit, you are enriched. But when you pass it on you are enriched threefold. [Henry Miller]
しまった。出直し。 「 」の部分だけ訳していただけますでしょうか?特にof以下がなんなのかよくわかりません。 A book lying idle on a shelf is wasted ammunition. Like money, books must be kept in constant circulation. 「Lend and borrow to the maximum ― of both books and money!」 But especially books, for books represent infinitely more than money. A book is not only a friend, it makes friends for you. When you have possessed a book with mind and spirit, you are enriched. But when you pass it on you are enriched threefold. [Henry Miller]
would like to see other parts of Japan outside of Tokyo as well. It is so interesting to learn about other cultures, there are so many similarities and differences, and we are on the other side of the world! I would imagine that Tokyo, being such a big city is probably a bit more westernized than other parts of Japan? James and I have been pretty busy lately. I live in Albany, NY and work for Accu-chek. They make blood glucose meters for people with diabetes. I am in sales too.
VIRGO - The One that Waits Dominant in relationships. Someone loves them right now.Always wants the last word. Caring. Smart. Loud. Loyal. Easy to talk to. Everything you ever wanted. Easy to please. The one and only. 7 years of bad luck if you do not forward.
>>172 Thank you!! I totally understood what he said!! I can't say thank you enough for you!! I'm sorry,I'm going to install way to write japanese from now on!!
The crucial difference between the diary and the photograph as means of recording lies in the fact that the diary is a description. And here we come upon a factor of great significance. A diary is, necessarily, written in language which can be good or bad for its recording purpose. Words follow after, perhaps hours after, the events they describe. They may be accurate or misleading, true or false, exact or approximate, literal or figurative. よろしくお願いします。
お願いします。 Whether women stay at home to look after children or go out and drive trucks is a social matter of gender. Each society has its own ideas about the roles which go with each gender.
Women are in many ways physically stronger than men. They live longer and are less likely to suffer from chrtain diseases. Men can generally run faster and lift heavier weights.
Acceptance of this software implies you agree to use it for non-commercial purposes only you agree to accept it as nonproprietary and unlicensed not supported by Ericsson and not carrying any warranty, either expressed or implied, as to its performance or fitness for any particular purpose.
The game of baseball has always been the national sport of the United States. It comes from the British game of cricket, and has developed into what we now know as baseball.
Baseball itself has also changed in many ways over the years. For example, games were not allowed on Sundays in the American league, and woman were not welcome to attend games in the National League until the 1900s.
一文が長いので意味が上手く取れません。 お願いします。 The most interesting lesson Switzerland teaches is how tradition and institutions, taken together, may develop in the average man, to an extent never reached before, the qualities that make a good citizen ― shrewdness, moderation, common sense and a sense of duty to the community. It is because this has come to pass in Switzerland that democracy there is more truly democratic than in any other country.
おねがいします Recently, there have been numerous efforts by the Japanese to become more "international minded". Unfortunately, many of these efforts are of a rather superficial kind. Some people think it is enough to learn a foreign language, especially English, but many of these people give up after a few weeks of lessons and study - mainly because they find merely learning a language does not give them enough opportunity to use that language. Some people think it is enough to buy a few items imported from foreign countries.
@The crucial question is whether they will develop into separate but similar languages like French and Spanish, or remain regional dialects of one language. 極めて重大な問題は、フランス語やスペイン語のような似てる言語を分けるかどうか、またはある一つの言語の地域 言語を残すことである。 自分なりに訳して見ましたが、よくわかりませんでした・・。
AThe rise of English as one of a small group of emerging dominant languages is perhaps an inevitable result of forces of globalisation.
BOn the other hand, regional rivalries and competing trading blocs could emerge based on linguistic groups and bring more conflict into world.
There must be a problem w/ the postal service. I think maybe I should just refund the amount of you order. Sorry for any inconvenience. I would have responded earlier but, I've been out of town.
Also, the racial makeup of the teams wasn't representative of the nation. Before Jackie Robinson made his debut with the Dodgers, blacks were not allowed to play in professional baseball. Baseball grew from being just a pastime into a professional sport. The popularity of the sport led to the introduction of the first professional baseball club:The Cincinnati Red Stockings (now Red Sox). Boston and NewYork also had their own teams and fans. This led to the making of the National Association of Baseball Players now known as the National League.
Another major change in baseball has been in the players.
To sport such articles in public gives them a kind of international aura - so they believe. Other people think it is enough to make a trip abroad. Unfortunately, many of these go unprepared - not knowing enough about the countries they plan to visit, nor being able to communicate proprely with the people of those countries; nor, which is much more serious, having any real intention to learn anything about the countries they visit.
・He owed everything to "Beat" Takeshi, a Japanese pop figure of such unstintingly multitalented eclecticism that the West has no equivalent, nobody even close.
・With the newly limited mobility of his features turned to full advantage, he took us on his character's somberly delirious kamikaze run into a simple r and more hauntingly realized vision of nightside America than our own directors have given us for quite a long time.
>>228 同様に、チームの人種的構成もアメリカを反映したものではなかった。ジャッ キー・ロビンソンがドジャースでデビューするまで、黒人はプロ野球でプレイ することが許されなかったのだ。野球は単なる娯楽からプロスポーツへと成長 した。野球の人気は最初のプロ野球球団、The Cincinnati Red Stockings (現 Red Sox)の導入につながった。ボストンとニューヨークも自身の球団とファ ンを持った。このことが現在 National League として知られる National Ass ociation of Baseball Players の設立につながった。もうひとつ野球におけ る大きな変化は選手におけるものだ。
I speak fast and I'm not gonna repeat myself, So listen carefully to every word I say: "I'm the only one who's gonna get away with making excuses today. You're appealing to emotions that I simply do not have." Blackmailed myself, 'Cause I ain't got anyone else. "This is a stick up. Give us all your inspiration." I've got the red carpet blues baby.
>>279 サイエンス用語なら、ググったらこんなのが見つかった。参考まで。 symbatic behavior: good correlation between absorption and spectrally resolved photocurrent antibatic behavior: missing correlation between absorption and spectrally resolved photocurrent
We expect everybody else to feel towards us that tender love and that profound respect which we feel towards ourselves. It dose not occur to us that we cannot expect others to think better of us than we think of them, and the reason this does not occur to us is that our own merits are great and obvious, whereas those of others, if they exist at all, are only visible to a very charitable eye.
--------- > Do you need me to put a lesser value on your package for the customs form? Yes, I do. Thanks a lot! "ARIGATO" --------- ↑をメールで送った後に↓の返答が来たのですが...どういう意味か教えてください。よろしくお願いします。 I put a value of $10.00 on it :)
Heavy responsibilities are lightly assumed nowadays, because the temptation of power and publicity are very strong, and because too high a value is set upon worldly success. It is a plain and simple duty for those who wish to act rightly, and who have realized their limitations, to refuse great positions humbly and seriously, if they know that they will be unequal to them.
ohh! what movie! and i havnt really done much... just loads of exmas =[ not fun lol oh well only one more to go now! =] have you heard of a band called enter shikari?? theyre very good!
>>342 その文へんだから、ぐぐった。 But after 15 years the nuclear industry has received the endorsement of President George W. Bush which it hopes could herald its rehabilitation into public acceptance. だね。変なとこで切って出されてもわからないよ。
しかし15年後、原子力業界はGeorge W. Bush大統領から後押しを受け取った。 業界はこのことが、世間の原子力に対する信頼回復の始まりとなることを 願っている。
>>343すいません。 But after 15 years the nuclear industry has received the endorsement of U.S.President George W. Bush which it hopes could herald its rehabilitation
My sister is six years younger than I. She left school early. So indeed did I. I am an educated and cultivated person through my own zeal, efforts and talents.
Goodman Brown alternately crouched and stood on tiptoe, pulling aside the branches and thrusting forth his head as far as be durst without discering so much as a shadow.
There is certainly a relation between morals and scientific progress, but not a fixed relation working at a steady rate in one direction only, either towards good or evil. We cannot say that men's characters improve in proportion as their knowledge increases, nor can we say the opposite. Good or evil to our characters the increase of knowledge certainly does. But which of the two it does chiefly depends on the people who get it ― That is,on ourselves.
It vexed him the more, because he could have sworn, were such a thing possible, that he recoganized the voices of the minister and Deacon Gookin(グーキン執事), jogging along quietly as they were wont to do; when bound to some ordination or ecclesiastical council.
Japan has also been fully open to foreign technology and as a result has now become a world leader in science and technology. The same is true of its political and social institutions as well as its urban,industrialized life styles. Although there is much that is distinctively Japanese in the way people live,the general patterns of modern city life in Japan are basically much like those of life in any of the advanced democracies in the world.
I cannot determine the delivery time for this order to Japan from the US and just want to let you know that it may take a month or so for delivery, or it may arrive within just a week or so. I do not know.
I will be glad to ship your order once your payment is processed, but want to confirm that you still want the order processed in light of the delivery issue. Please reply.
In spite of the obvious good sense of all the objections presented above, there may be sound reasons to try to save ‘culture’. It is beyond doubt that there are relevant, systematic and sometimes striking differences between persons and groups, and that some of these differences –possibly some of the most important ones –are caused by the fact that they have grown up in systematically different social environments. At the outset of this chapter, the divisive potential of language was discussed briefly, but other differences of equal magnitude could also have been mentioned. Although it is necessary to be conscious of variation, the problem of boundaries, political misuse, change, flows and conceptual inaccuracy, it would be tantamount to intellectual suicide for anthropology if it were to discard a concept that tells us that people with different backgrounds, who have been raised in very different environments, live –to a greater or lesser extent –in different life-worlds and see the world in different ways. Thus, it seems necessary to keep the culture concept, but in an ideal world, it would be locked securely up in a cupboard and taken out only when it was needed. 長文ですが宜しくお願いします。
Him Buto,the goddess of the north,hid from the wrash of his wicked uncle Set. Yet she could not guard him from all mishap;for one day when Isis came to her little son’s hiding-place she found him stretched lifeless and rigid on the ground:a scorpion had stung him. Then Isis prayed to the sun-god Ra for help. The god hearkened to her and stayed his bark in the sky,and sent down Thoth to teach her the spell by which she might restore her son to life. She uttered the words of power,and straightway the poison flowed from the body of Horus,air passed into him,and he lived. Then Thoth ascended up into the sky and took his place once more in the bark of the sun,and the bright pomp passed onward jubilant.
A few molecules,such as many immunoglobulins,exist as a set of relativelyrigid units joined together by a few flexible links. It seems that inherent flexibility of this kind is associated with a specific,functional role of the molecule. Each immuno-globulin G(IgG)has two binding sites for the particular class of antigens against which it is specific(Fig.1-9). If IgG were a rigid molecule.it would bind two antigens on a surface or in an array only if they were correctly spaced to match the geometry of the two sites. If the binding free energy per site were ΔG,the apparent macroscopic association constant between IgG and a single antigen would be 2exp(-ΔG/RT),where the factor of two enters because either arm of the IgG can match up with one of the antigens.
she was of comfortable people-not the best in jefferson,but good people enough-and she was still on the slender side of ordinary looking,with a bright,faintry haggard manner and dress.
When she was young she had had a slender nervous body and a sort of hard vivacity which had enabled her for a time to ride upon the crest of the town's social life as exemplified by the high school party and church social period of her conteporaries while still children enough to be unclassconscious
At this college, there is a center that is dedicated to volunteer work, and it offers many opportunities for students to contribute their time and skill. "Volunteer work" sounds like it requires a lot of time and effort, but there are many ways for students to give a few hours of their spare time in a way that doesn't interfere with their work
Though their(それらの) figures brushed the small boughs by the wayside , it could not be seen that they intercepted , even for a moment , the faint gleam from the strip of bright sky athwart which they must have passed .
Hello, Am kelly bryan from Japan.i came accross your item you place on yahoo auction.i will like to order this item for my wife in nigeria.and i will be making the payment with Pay By Touch money order delivery. they will delivery the money to you in cash.i will offer you $3500.00 USD Including the shipment VIA EMS SPEED POST OFFICE OR /Yamato Transportation/kuronekoyamato/FEDEX/UPS/DHL to my wife in nigeria. i will like to know how many of this item do you have for sale.i will be waiting for you to E-mail me to my personal box
So don't try to make me what I'm not I just get by with what I've got Live let live that's my advice. If you have got questions ask me nice. I'm just trying to swing my way through life.
You hang off the side, without a care in the world, enjoy the wind in your hair and the clang of the car’s bell, as you travel the streets of San Francisco the same way others did more than a century ago.
ちなみに、483の文章の直後に続く文章は、 Globally, the language of risk combines abstractness with a scientific authenticity, endowing the concept of risk with an aura of assumed objecticity. However, the global deveropment of objectified, quantifiable assessments runs contrary to the idea of risk being grounded in cultual sub-systems, as desribed by Douglas.
Tell me please 教えてくれ Who the fuck did you want me to be? 俺に誰になってほしかったんだ? Was it something that I couldn't see? 俺がみえなかったなにかなのか? Never knew this would be so political こんなに政治的だったとはしらなかった
の部分の3行目の訳をどうしようか迷っててアドバイスください Was it something that I couldn't see?は 直訳的には 「俺がみえなかったなにかなのか?」ですが Was it〜のitが何を指すのか、「誰になってほしかった」にかかってるのか 「事態がこんな政治的だったのか」のどちらかにかかってるのか理解に苦しみます 前者なら上記の訳でもいいとおもうのですが 後者なら↓のような訳でもいいような気がします。 「俺が見逃していたのか」
The effect of the overlapping arguments, and especially the culturelist discourse which constructs ‘Africa’as incapable of change, including adapting to condom use, and which ‘explains’this in terms of certain immutable ‘cultural traits’and ‘cltural facts’,would seem to have a negative impact on international funding.
Psychologists from the 1960s to the mid-1980s acknowledged the general failure of ethical theory and research to accurantely prediet moral action, primarily because of the discrepancy between a subject talking about behaving in a particular, morally desirable way and actually behaving in that way.
she was last to realize thatshe was losing ground,that those among whom she had been a little brighter and louder flame than any other were begining to learn the pleaure of snobbery-male-and retaliathon-female. that was when her face began to wear that bright,haggardlook she still carried it to parties on shadowy porticoes and summer lawns,like a mask or a flag,with that bafflement of furious repudiation of truth in her eyes.
Queued stats may be processed when the system comes back online but people should realise that you will more than likely lose some or possibly all points earned since Thursday the 14th of June.
@・We must reduce tax rates stimulate work and savings and investiment. A・And because we are a Federation of sovereign states, we can restore the health and vitality of state and local governments by returning to them control over programs best run at those levels of goverment closer to the people. よろしくお願いします。
A 12-year- oke boy named Lionel Tate lifted 6-year-old Tiffany Eunick over his head and dropped her on a table in his living room. Tiffany suffered a torn liver, broken ribs, askull fracture, and many other injuries. As a result, Linel was put on tiral as an adult. The case was the focus of national attention because of the bizarre strategy used to defend the boy . The judge sentenced Lionel to life in prison without parole. We have forgotten the "dual purposes of our justice system-punishment, yes, but rehabilitation, too." 難しいのでよろしくお願いします。
Below are true descriptions of zodiac signs, with traits from a book written 35 years ago by an astrologist predictions. Read your sign, then forward it on, with your zodiac sign and label on the subject line, This is real deal, try ignoring it, and the first thing you'll notice is having a horrible day starting tomorrow morning - and it only gets worse from there.
In looking at the transformation of Roman art,there are,it seems to me,two attitudes in paticular by which one might characterize the nature of scholarly approaches. These may be summarized(and parodied)by the sentences:‘Everything changed’and‘Nothing is changed’.In a way,I agree with both these views
Tyler wasn't willing to give up one single moment of his childhood to this deadly disease.
It was not unusual to find him playing and racing around his backyard, wearing his medicine-laden backpack and dragging his tank of oxygen behind him in his little wagon.
All of us who knew Tyler marveled at his pure joy in being alive and the energy it gave him.
Tyler's mom often teased him by telling him that he moved so fast she needed to dress him in red.
ありがとうございますm(__)m Spread the jelly ohto one side of the other waffle.
5 Grab a cutting board.Peel the banana,then use the butter knife to thinly slice it on the cutting board. Neatly(or sloppily!)arrange the banana sllces onto the peanut butter-frosted waffle side.
6 Cover the banana-topped waffle with the jelly-coated side of the other waffle to make a sandwic―sort of!
One last task remains for me: namely, to indicate the direction that feminine evolution will take in the future. This, of course, is sheer folly: nearly all the detailed long-range forecasts men have ever made about such things have proven wrong except, perhaps, for such sure-fire pre-dictions as, “This, too, shall pass away.” 和訳お願いします★★
Still, what I have already said virtually states my guesses as to the near future, if not the far one. I think that the data collected by the U.S. Women’s Bureau on changing patterns in female employment make it seem very likely that more and more educated young women will hold jobs both before and after the infancy of their children, absenting themselves from the labor market only a few years rather than fifteen or twenty. I think it very likely that teaching, since it offers opportunities for part-time work, will continue to be the major choice of profession for college women; but at the same time more and more women will aim at middle-level executive posts as their goal in business, or will select certain professions that require less than a maximum amount of training and continuous effort.
Our records show an authorization being made at the time of ordering, but we do not make a final charge unless your order ships. Since the order was cancelled, the pre authorization has been cancelled as well. The hold should be taken off in 5-7 days.
I apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused.
Please feel free to email me if you need further assistance.
However, the broadcast nature of the radio channel introduces characteristics in ad hoc wireless networks that are not present in their wired counterparts.
Spread the jelly onto one side of the other waffle.
Grab a cutting board.Peel the banana,then use the butter knife to thinly slice it on the cutting board. Neatly(or sloppily!)arrange the banana sllces onto the peanut butter-frosted waffle side.
Cover the banana-topped waffle with the jelly-coated side of the other waffle to make a sandwic―sort of! お願いしますm(__)m すみません。
I have had many chances to talk to and listen to the people I take pictures of. I want to know them better, confirm. what I understand about them, and share their hardships and happiness. The boy in the picture is Papanii from Ghana. I met him first at the Ghanaian Embassy in Tokyo when I was teaching Japanese part-time to people from Africa and Asia. Papanii was four years old then. His father worked at the embassy. I was impressed with the color of his eyes. It seemed to me that the color reflected the sorrow that many Africans had experienced. Then his family moved back to Ghana, and I met him when I visited the country six years later. Two years after that, I saw him again in London. There was still sorrow in his eyes. I wonder when he can get rid of his sorrow. 訳お願いします
Thank you for sending me things even though you do not have to do that. It does make me smile though, especially knowing that people across the world care about me.
A third category of surnames could be defined as descriptive. Many are color names such as Black, White, Brown, Green, Gray or translations such as the French Leblanc (White), Lenoir (black), Lebrun (brown), Leroux (red), the Italian Bianchi (white), Neri (black), Brini (brown), Verdi (green) and Rossi (red). Russell, Reed and Read all mean 'red.' Gwyn, Wynne, Baine, Bean and Beane are Celtic versions of 'white.' Morris, Morrison, Morrel and Morse are derived from Moor, a native of Morocco (North Africa) and, by extension, anybody with dark skin.
Don't be mad please, stop the hating Just be glad that they'll be waiting Friends we have are ever changing Now the lid's about to blow When the Thunderbirds are go
An Environment Ministry survey showed, however, that only half of abouto 22.87 million units that stopped being used in 2005 were recycled in accordance with the law.
The ministry estimates that as many as 7.71 million units were exported as second-hand products or scrap materials.
>A third category of surnames could be defined as descriptive. >Many are color names such as....................... or translations such as the >French..........................all mean 'red.
>......................are Celtic versions of 'white. >......................are derived from Moor, a native of Morocco (North Africa) and, by extension, anybody with dark skin
Already, for instance, the percentage growth of women among accountants, auditors, chemists, draftsmen, and various kind of laboratory assistants is most striking. Some women among accountants, auditors, chemists, draftsmen, and various kind of laboratory assistants is most striking. Some women, to be sure, will continue to prefer the more demanding professions of medicine and law, but this does not seem to be the direction in which feminine evolution is moving. The percentage of women among physicians, for example, is no greater in this country now than it was in 1910; and although women earned one out of every six doctorates granted in the various learned fields in 1920, they earn only in ten today.
There is much controversy about the extent to which storage of information on computers constitutes an unreasonable interference with privacy, and as to what safeguards should be introduced. In the private sector computers are extensively used in employment, consumer credit, banking, insurance, and building societies. In the public sector, among others, the Department of Health and Social Security has some 48 million records, the Department of Education and Science 3.5 million student's records and the Police National Computer has criminal records, vehicle owners, stolen vehicles, fingerprints and wanted or missing persons. The significance of computer, as distinct from manual, records is that they make data more easily accessible and enable it to be transferred and combined with other material. The risks to which it gives rise are that the information is false or incomplete, that it is given to unauthorized persons, or that it is used for a purpose other than that for which it was collected.
海外のデパートに日本人のカスタマースタッフがいるかどうか聞いたところ、 『Thankyou for your email.
Are you looking for someone who speaks Japanese in the store to translate? we have a few japanese staff members in Our concession Muji and also Cherry Chau. For any further information contact our switchboard on the number below.』 このような返事がありました。 詳しくはどういうことでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。
To allow the market mechanism to be sole directore of the fate of human beings and their natural environment...would result in the demolition of society.
The existence of the alliance system above all conditioned expectations about the form a war would take if it broke out, and about who were likely to be friends and who enemies. These expectations laid down the broad lines of strategic planning, so that the general staffs were taking decisions which often committed them to irreversible military actions if war threatened; and consequently in a crisis the freedom of action of the civilian ministers was often more circumscribed than they themselves realised. What to many diplomats still seemed a stately and esoteric ritual which only they were qualified to perform became something rather different when translated into the logistical calculations of the military planners. However much the foreign ministers and diplomats believed that they were making foreign policy and that foreign policy held prime place in all acts of state, there were many other forces in twentieth-century European society which were limiting their choices, determining their actions and creating the climate of opinion in which they operated.
上の文の中ほど What to many diplomats still seemed a stately and esoteric ritual which only they were qualified to perform became something rather different when translated into the logistical calculations of the military planners. この訳をお願いします。
どなたかよろしくお願いします。 nothing is spoken; all meanings are in the context of shared experience: the tea house, the flower arrangement, the calligraphy scroll, the ceramics.
Our records show an authorization being made at the time of ordering, but we do not make a final charge unless your order ships. Since the order was cancelled, the pre authorization has been cancelled as well. The hold should be taken off in 5-7 days.
I apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused. Please feel free to email me if you need further assistance.
I didn't do too much this weekend, celebrated fathers day and went for a drive... How was the movie, i was thinking of seeing it tonight... though i am probably going to go see "knocked up"...
It might be thought that Cherie Booth would have enough to do being the Prime Minister’s wife ,but she chose to continue her career as one of the top lawyers in the country.
>>654 It might be thought that that 以下のことが考えられるだろう。 Cherie Booth would have enough to do being the Prime Minister’s wife. シェリー・ブースは首相の妻としてやんなきゃならんことは一杯ある but she chose to continue her career しかし彼女は仕事を続けることにした as one of the top lawyers in the country. 国(この場合は英国)のトップクラスの法律家(この場合は弁護士と訳してよい)の一人として
Only now is it dawning on scientist what a big and general idea it implies: that learning itself consists of nothing more than switching genes on and off.
prosecutors asked the court to give Murakami the biggest-ever financial penalty for insider trading, describing him as {lacking even the minimum of ethics} for using inside information about Live door Co.'s plan to buy shares in NBS to make a profit.
>>680 最初の文は倒置になっている。倒置してない文だと It is only now dawning on scienctists what a big and general idea it implies: only nowはis dawningにかかる。以前はわからず今になってだけ、を強調したいため前に出した。 なお、scientist -> scientists のはず。単数形だったら冠詞が要るところ。 what節はIt is only now(倒置させない文として)のItの真主語。 コロン以下は、what a big and general idea がどういうものかを言い直している。 「今になってだけそれがどんなに大きく一般的な概念を示唆するのかが、科学者にわかり始めている。 つまり、学習自体は遺伝子をオンオフすることから成り立っているに過ぎない、ということを」
It was sold out so we couldn't go see it but we went for ice cream and rented a movie instead... it was a bad movie... but at least the ice cream was good!
i like movies... but i have not seen interesting movies recently... i have not seen movies for 1 years.... this year..i 'm a little busy for my work... sometime i play tennis..... sometime i listem music...
Most of those who appear to be right-wingers, she says, are just frustrated people feeling the same sense of isolation that minorities such as herself feel. Many, in fact, are Koreans, she said. 「右翼と思われる人たちの大部分はフラストレーションを抱え、 マイノリティ(彼女自身もそうだが)が感じているのと同じ孤独感を 感じている。実際、その多くがコリアンだ」と彼女は言った。
Britain has already won a great deal of what it wants. The word “constitution” abandoned. A “reform treaty” in its place. The title “foreign minister” dropped. But he will tell the other presidents and prime ministers that he must get not 90% of his demands but 100%. This makes me think that an agreement must be just about in the bag. But some of his demands seem almost calculated to offend. For instance, he wants it made clear that Javier Solana, or whoever becomes whatever it is they decide to call now the new foreign affairs chief, is just a servant of the prime ministers and presidents of the European Union and can’t go off and make policy on their own.
The arrival of the Eouropeans and Africans in the course of the 1490s reflected developments that stretched back more than a century to the 1300's, if not erlier. Discuss the factors that finally brought new peoples to the Americas. 訳してください。お願いします。
On January 14 a saucer-shaped space craft weighing 320 kilograms made the “splat” heard round the solar system. The successful landing of the Huygens probe on Titan, Saturn’s large and mysterious satellite, delighted planetary scientists, who thrilled at the probe’s image of icy ridges and dark, riverlike channels.
In the following weeks, though, the euphoria turned to head-scratching as researchers struggled to decipher the data collected by the probe. Although the four-hour-long mission provided the first close look at Titan’s surface and atmosphere, Huygens raised at least as many questions as it answered.
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was a very important law in American history. The constitution itself guarantees civil rights and liberty for all Americans.
But many things like education and housing were left up to individual states to decide and the U.S. government did not pay attention to what each state did. That is until the 1960s when blacks and other minorities were tired of unequal treatment.
The U.S. Supreme Court joined in the Civil Rights movement and declared in the Brown Case that separated schools for black children and white children was against the law.
A dietary supplement is a product taken orally that contains a "nutritional ingredient" intended to make our overall diet healthier. The "nutritional ingredients" in these products may include: vitamins, minerals herbs or other botanicals, amino acids, as well as various other substances. Dietary supplements can also be extracts or concentrates, and may be found in many forms such as tablets, capsules, gelcaps, liquids, or powders. Whatever their form, dietary supplements are placed in a special category under the general umbrella of "foods," not drugs, which requires that every such product be labeled specifically as a supplement. The label "dietary supplement" means that a product is not offered for use as a conventional food or as the sole item of a meal or weight loss program.
The recent boom in health and preventive medicine has resulted in a large increase in the sale of dietary supplements. These products are sold in grocery, health food, drug, and discount stores, as well as through mail- order catalogs, on TV infomercials, and over the Internet. Supplements are taken by many people for a variety of reasons. Some take them fortheir health; some just as a vitamin or mineral "supplement" to prevent colds or osteoporosis; some as an immune system booster. Unfortunately, many people assume that they will stay healthy as long as they take enoughdietary supplements. Swallowing a vitamin C tablet for breakfast hasbecome a routine among the so-called health conscious. But as the market for supplements has increased, so have the risks.
Dietary supplements are important for improving a diet that lacks balance. And there is now overwhelming evidence that these vitamins and minerals do produce their desired effects, like strengthening theimmune system, or preventing cancer and various diseases. But ironically, health-minded people who take large doses of certain vitamins and minerals over a long period actually risk permanently damaging their health. According to Britain's Food Standards Agency, most vitamins and minerals are safe if they are taken in doses that don't exceed recommended limits. However, if taken in excess, they can cause side effects. For example, high levels of vitamin B6 in the body have been linked to nerve damage, memory loss and loss of balance. Consumption of more than 1,000 milligrams of vitamin C a day could lead to kidney stones and stomach problems, including diarrhea and gas.
It is unwise to replace your regular meals with supplements, nor is it a good idea to take too many of them. After all, a balanced diet provides all the nutritional. requirements for a healthy person. Quite simply, dietarysupplements are not a whole food, but just "supplements." Just as the label says.
Another significant constituent is methane, which condenses at low temperatures and appears to play the same meteorological role on Titan as water does on Earth. Scientists had long speculated that Titan might have could of methane and lakes or seas of liquid hydrocarbons.
To test this hypothesis, the European Space Agency built the Huygens probe, which for seven years journeyed to Saturn attached to NASA's Cassini orbiter. The two craft separated as they approached to Titan, and Cassini relayed Huygens’s data to Earth after the probe parachuted though the satellte’s haze, which had obscured previous attempts to observe the surface.
It was a fragile recovery, restoring pre-war achievements but exhibiting few signs of sustained expansion and buoyant growth as in the years before 1914.
Looked at in long-term perspective it is difficult to dispute Petzina's conclusion that the 1920s, or for that matter the whole inter-war period, was for Germany a period of economic stagnation.
Where GNP doubled in Germany between 1890 and 1913 and tripled between 1950 and 1970 it increased by only 4 per cent between 1913 and 1929.
Reports that say that something hasn't happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns - the ones we don't know we don't know
Yellow-colored translucent, fully dense CVD SiC plates with the impurity of ppb level were used as specimens, in which (111) planes are strongly oriented to the surface.
The loss of important industrial regions under the terms of the peace settlement in 1919 was in itself a significant blow to Germany's economic recovery.
But of more lasting significance were Germany's troubled relationship with the world market, and the related question of war reparations.
Resent research has sought to emphasise that world conditions were much less important a factor that the Germans themselves believed in the Weimar period; but even in a broader economic or political context it is clear that Germany's economic problems were related in many ways to the general problems of the world economy.
Cause I've been up 3 days, awake, awake, 2 more weeks and I'm threatening to fade The world still turns, what makes sense Stretch this song to a fever cadence
Amerca is a huge country,but in more than just acreage; so much inside it is vast as well. It has be so, otherwise you would have this fear that there might not be enough, that you might run out.
One of the mission’s first surprises was that this haze extended so far down. Titan ‘s main haze layer is at least 200 kilometers thick; the probe’s view of the surface did not clear until Huygens was less than 20 kilometers above the ground.
It has be so=そうでなくてはならない>中身が広大でなくてはならないね otherwise you would have this fear=さもないと恐怖を持つだろう (直訳的に) that there might not be enough=恐怖の説明ね 不足がでるかもしれない , that you might run out=カンマの後のこの文章も恐怖の説明 繰り返し的強調ともとれる 意味としては>なくなるかもしれない
From the success of Cherie Booth’s career it might seem that women have achieved complete equality in Britain, but women’s groups are at pains to point out that perhaps Cherie Booth’s receives so much attention because she is the exception to the rule.
For whatever reason, women do not achieve the same level at work as most men. Although it is strictly not against the law to discriminate at work on the grounds of gender, race or religion, women still do less well than men. The root of the problem, say some women’s groups, lies in society, especially in school, where girls are not encouraged to have the same expectations from work as boys.
Evidence of methane rainfall came from Huygens’s image of the surface, which showed sinuous, branching channels extending from relatively bright highlands to a tarry plain.
The contrasts in brightness suggest that precipitation may have washed dark hydrocarbon deposits off the icy highlands and into the channels. But some of the channels are short and stubby, leading scientists to speculate that liquid methane may also be flowing from underground springs.
The access point performs all networking and control functions that are distributed among all nodes, and routing that can exploit intermediate nodes as relays.
In contrast, an ad hoc wireless network has peer-to-peer communication, networking and control functions that are distributed among all nodes, and routing that can exploit intermediate nodes as relays.
When we talk of “open minds” and “closed minds” we imply that the ability to change a point of view is desirable. The man with the open mind says, “I will accept your statement if you can show that it satisfies the requirements of rigorous proof.” Or he says what amounts to the same thing : “I will accept your statement if you can show that there is some reason to believe that it is true.” The closed, prejudiced mind says, “I have my own reasons for believing what I believe, and I'm not interested in your proofs that I am wrong.” Such a mind will not only cling to false beliefs, but invents false “proofs” to support these beliefs. For the owners of such “minds,” the fact that they feel strongly enough about anything is sufficient proof of its truth. There is nothing wrong with feeling the truth or falsity of a matter, but if your conclusions are based only solely upon such feelings, you are acting with only part of yourself. If you arrive at the truth it will be an accident, and one that will not be often repeated. You cannot live an intelligent life on accidental conclusions.
To be blunt,some of the concern is driven by personalities. During the first four years of the George W.Bush administration,the State Department and National Security Council featured prominemt Japan specialists and supporters in very senior positions, and the Bush-Koizumi "special friendship" made criticism of Tokyo off limits.
Feature articles are about certain trends, situations, people or problems. Though they may be related to current events, they are not necessarily tied to a particular evevt.
Hello Tarou Item was sent but we cannot trace International Japan. So it is a Mail loss ands as such we feel no obligation to refund BUT understand & trust that you did not recieve and so as a uncompelled/goodwill/friendly repsonse we will refund as requested in full $100 and leave posiitive feedback, Pls. confirm and Kind 困っていますどなたかお願いします。
歌詞の訳を趣味でやってるんだけど みんなの助けを借りたいです Linkin ParkのHands Held Highという歌の歌詞です テーマとしては反戦の歌です
cause I'm sick of being treated like I have before. Like it;s stupid standing for what I'm standing for. Like this war is really just a different brand of war. Like it doesn't cater to the rich and an abandoned the poor. (ここから↓) Like they understand you in the back of the jet, When you can't put gas in your tank. (ここから↓)後の文章をうまく訳せませんどういう意味なのでしょう? 戦車のエンジンがかからない時に理解されるようなという意味なのでしょうか? back of the jetというのはどこなのか(噴射口?) どういう状況なのかというのがいまいちつかめません。そしてTheyはおそらく敵を指すのでしょうか お願いします。
数学者オイラーの言葉なのですが、抽象的でどういう意味なのか良く分かりません Since the building of the universe is perfect and is created by the wisdom creator, nothing arises in the unverse in which one cannot see the sense of some maximum or minimum. ググっても日本語訳が出なかったです。 どういう訳になるのか教えてください
I have tried to hide my feelings, but I am helpless in the face of my passion, and now I want to be with you forever. in the face of my passionのところお願いします。
Millions of customers have waited at checkout lines while clerks have passed the same package over the electronic scanner again and again before the scanner picked up the print message properly. All too often the clerk is forced to ring the product price up manually on the cash register. Some storekeepers, in effect, are now threatening, “If my scanner can't read your code, it's your problem. I'm not telling my clerk to try again and again, and keep the customer waiting. If it doesn't scan, and we have to enter it manually, we're going to toss the product into the customer's bag and not charge for it. We'll give the product away and stop payment to you!” Nobody ever talked back to the big companies that way. But then, nobody had the information that retailers now have. So vital is this information that some manufacturers are now paying the retailers for it ― either directly, or in exchange for services, or through intermediary firms who buy the data from retailers and sell them to manufacturers.
The best way to produce premature death of the mind is to induce a good psychosclerosis, until the mind grows so hardened that the vital blood supply of new and stimulating ideas is completely cut off. And the best way of inducing a really first - class psychosclerosis is infection with the virus of prejudice. You can swallow this virus in the sugar-coated pill of automatic community belief. The effects of that pill are startling. You think and behave like everyone else. You have mechanical answers to everything. You become like a robot with a series of geared responses. After a while your mind hardens altogether, and dies. You no longer have the capacity for self-examination which would enable you to realize that you are paralyzed. With so many others exhibiting the same symptoms your actions do not seem at all strange.
As a result she has created some of the most gorgeous clothes for women, but always with a twist−that is, with a special touch that marks them out as her individual work. お願いします!
The sluggish growth of world trade in the 1920s, and the worsening terms of trade for primany producers, hit the German economy particularly hard as it relied on a higt exports base to sustain growth. Germany's share of world exports fell 31 per cent between 1913 and 1927/9, even further than that of Britain. Germany's trade with primary producers fell by over a third over the same period.
Link SINR determines the communication performance of the link: the data rate and associated probability of packet error or bit error rate (BER) that can be supported on the link.
Which countries belong to the World Kindness Movement? What does the group want to do? Which of Singapore's ideas do you like best? why? Do you think Singapore will succeed and make the world a friendlier place? Why or why not?
Invite a new student to share your lunch! I invited John to see a movie. My friends invited us to go to the beach. They invited me to a party. I would like to invite a friend to dinner. Pei-ting often invites me to his house.
Acecook's sole distributors in the U.S,Canada,Mexico,Russia,South Korea as well as countries in Europe and the Middle East are all operated by Vietnamese who moved to those countries after the Vietnam War.
However, it is much more challenging to support high data rates and low delays over multihop wireless channel than over the single-hop wireless channels inherent to cellular systems and wireless LANs.
As power shifts, retailer demands grow more aggressive. Bypassing the country's 100,000 independent manufacturers' representatives, dealing direct with its suppliers, Wal-Mart, the United States' fourth - biggest chain, insists that companies like Gillette change how they ship. Wal-Mart now demands that all its orders be filled 100 percent accurately ― down to the numbers, sizes, and models of the products ― and that deliveries be made to its schedule, not the supplier's. Failure to fill the order or deliver precisely on time could result in a supplier's payments being held to ransom or a ‘handling cost’ being deducted. This puts manufacturers up against the wall. At the same time, retailers are imposing tighter wuality standards ― right down to the quality of the print on the packaging. This seemingly trival matter is in fact critical, since much of the information on which retail power now increasingly depends is found in the bar code, and bad printing means that the scanners may not be able to read the code accurately.
Nowadays, it appears that people only care about money. But these are people who really care about what they do and what the significance of their jobs will be in society at large. But these以下をお願いします。
Because accounting reports include only facts that can be stated in monetary amounts, accounting is necessarily an incomplete record of the status of a business and does not always give the most important facts about a business.
>>958 my dad fixed my cement giraffe that he broke the foot off of. My dog doesn't like my giraffe though. 僕のパパが足を壊して取れてしまったセメントのキリンを修理した。 だけど僕の犬は僕のキリンが好きじゃないんだ。
Janet withdraws $100 from Red Company, of which she is the sole owner. Janet now has $100 more cash, but she has $100 less equity in Red Company. Janet is no better or worse off than she was before.
War-related debts were an additional burden on the balance of payments, the more so as Germany's economy failed to expand as fast in the 1920s as her enemies had hoped. If it can be argued that Germans exaggerated the economic cost of reparations in the 1920s for political reasons, they cannot be ignored altogether. Moreover the reparations question helps to illustrate that underlying all these problems there existed the permanent danger during the 1920s that the structural weaknesses of the world monetary and payments systen, exacerbated by unilateral protective and defensive policies, would undermine what efforts the German economy was actually making to expand activity and honour debts.