What is Sokolov responsibel for? Why is his job dangerous? How did he make his job easier? Do you think Sokolov enjoys his job? Why or why not? Is there crime in your neighborhood? What kind? How can you stop thieves from getting into your home? What or who do you take care of? Do you have a good idea for making your life easier? What is it?
These days, I have to decide for my subscription to the Opera. There is a special event in spring, called Japan Festival. There are many pieces I would like to attend, but it is very difficult to choose (and expensive by the way !). May be you can recommend one more than the other. There is - Lady Sarashina, (Peter Eötvös) - Hanjo (Toshio Hosokawa) - Curlew River (Benjamin Britten) from Sumidagawa / Juro Montomasa And many others that I will mention you later.
Haply,when I shall wed,That lord whose hand must take my plight shall carry Harf my love with him,harf my care and duty:Sure,I shall never marry like my sisters,To love my father all. お願いいたします。
He wouldn't have married her if the German farmer hadn't tried to tell him where to get off. He got her to go riding with him in his buggy one night when he was threshing on the place,and then he came for her the next Sunday night.
Another major source of drugs in our lives is our food. Much of our beef,chicken,pork――and now even fish taken from "fish farms" ――contains significant amounts of antibiotics. It may also contain growth hormones and genetically modified substances fed to the animals to prevent diseases or to promote growth.
In scene three,we are introduced to Brnardo's sisuter,Mria,who has been brought to New York from Puerto Rico in order to marry his best friend,Chino.
Maria tells Anita,who is Bernardo's lover,that she is not interested in Chino as a husband. She confesses that 「When I look at CHino,nothing happens.」 Anita wryly asks,「Well,what do you expect to happen?Maria replies,「Idon't know.Something.」 When Mria meets Tony at the community dance,however,their mutual attraction is immediate and powerful.
If your friend reminds you kindly of your faults, take what he says not only pleasantly, but thankfully. Few treasures are worth as much as a friend who is wise and helpful. Such a once alone can remind us our faults.
Bob and I emulated. As someone who used to go to Woolworth's to buy bin album by The Beatles, he fell in enthusiastically with our plans to form a pop group that aimed to modernize AM radio sounds. John never wanted any thing else but to be a pop star.
Baby you're all that I want When you're lying here in my arms I'm finding it hard to believe We're in Heaven Love is all that I need And I found it there in your heart Isn't too hard to see We're In Heaven
And being a single guy I had no problems with company, which sometimes made me look troubled as I'm a rather shy person. I was really surprised when I was approached by a girl and asked for a dance couple of times. (because it was her who made the first step, not because I'm ugly and no one wanted to dance with me)
One of the saddest things about life in America's inner cities is the breakup of the black family.
Generations of joblessness, hopelessness, and despair caused by racial discrimination have made it very difficult for black fathers to remain at home and live up to their family duties and responsibilities. So many just run off, disappear.
This helps to explain why ordering from Chinese menus using Chinese names results in confusion usless the customer is tonally proficient,and perhaps why the selection process has degenerated into numbering or uninteresting English descriptions such as ''beef with special sauce''.
Comparison of FARS and the differentiated Poynting vector results for a 10-wavelength dipole shows them to agree to within 10% relative to end peaks in the distribution of spatial radiation, except in the vicinity of the antenna's feed point.
When you have to learn, if you are to be a good citizen of the world, is that though you will certainly dislike many of your neighbours, and differ from some of them so strongly that you could not possibly live in the same house with them, that does not give you the smallest right to injure them or even to be personally uncivil to them.
To be educated also means to understand something of how to make our intentions effective in the real world, of how to apply knowledge to the life one lives and the society in which one lives it. The aim of education is the acquisition of the art of the utilization of knowledge.
Both also show that radiation occurs not only near the feed point and ends of the antenna, but is distributed along its length, being associated with maxima of the current standing wave.
For instance, in one complex attack, where an ISP blocked outbound traffic on port 25 (the email port) but not inbound traffic, spammers were able to perform low-level TCP/IP protocol hacking to route outbound traffic through unblocked machines and inbound packets to the blocked machines; the result was that the email appeared to have been sent by the blocked machines.
Results presented for antennas such as a bent-wire dipole, circular and square loops, and for a straight-wire scatterer demonstrated the effects of shape and excitation on the distributed radiation.
Because the goal of a HIP is to prevent automation, adversaries can accept relatively low solution rates; if they fail, they just try again over and over. The most effective HIP tested in could be broken only 5% of the time, while the worst could be solved 67% of the time.
Spammers would create a new domain name, then create the relevant records, proving that the email was not spoofed. It is important to understand that these identity solutions are not aimed at stopping spam directly. Rather, they are a key part of a more complex strategy, aiming to prevent safe-list abuse and phishing while allowing the spam filtering component to learn "good" reputations for legitimate senders. They've shown early success in moving toward all three goals.
The exhibition seeks to give visitors a glimpse of work in urban London areas previously neglected by developers and planners, and providing homes for clients ranging from celebrities to art collectors to recent immigrants お願いします
>>94 <<97 専門的な話なので難しいですね。実際のメールサーバーシステムを想像したり、 Outlook Expressを動かしてみたりしながら、わからない語句をいくつか英英、英和で調べ、 Googleで検索して関連する文書をあれこれ読んだりしながら、なんとかがんばって和訳しました。 たぶん同じようにすれば、97さんも同様に理解できると思います。大変でしょうけどがんばってください。
Spammers would create a new domain name, then create the relevant records, proving that the email was not spoofed. Spammer(大量メール送信者)は新しいドメイン名を作成し、それに関係する記録を作り、 彼らのメールが詐称でないかのように偽ってその認証をくぐり抜けたのです。
It is important to understand that these identity solutions are not aimed at stopping spam directly. これらのID認証技術は、スパムメールを直接阻止することが目的ではなかったということを理解してください。
Rather, they are a key part of a more complex strategy, aiming to prevent safe-list abuse and phishing while allowing the spam filtering component to learn "good" reputations for legitimate senders. それよりも、それらは、スパムフィルター機能を持つコンポーネント(プログラムの一部)に 正当な送信者を見分けるための「良い」信用を与えてながら学習させて、 safe-list(安全なメール送信者リスト?)の濫用とフィッシング詐欺を防ぐことを目的とした、より複雑な戦略の主要部分でした。
They've shown early success in moving toward all three goals. この技術は、初期の段階では、その3つの目的すべてを達成するということに成功しました。
Gustafson's law addresses the shortcomings of Amdahl's law which cannot scale to match availability of computing power as the machine size increases. It removes the fixed problem size or fixed computation load on the parallel processors, instead he proposed a fixed time concept which leads to scaled speed up. Amdahl's law is based on fixed workload or fixed problem size. It implies that the sequential part of a program does not change with respect to machine size (i.e, the number of processors). However the parallel part is evenly distributed by n processors. The impact of the law was the shift in research to develop parallelizing compilers and reduction in the serial part of the solution to boost the performance of parallel systems.
One disappointing result was that rate limiting is surprisingly ineffective. When ESPs are notified that they are a major source of spam, a natural reaction is for them to impose rate limits on senders. We found that it is important for ESPs to include some sort of rate limiting; with no limits, spamming is very cheap. But past a certain monetary point, rate limiting has almost no effect. Intuitively, if the rate limit is cut in half, it takes about twice as long to receive enough complaints to terminate the account; the same total spam is sent, and the spammer's cost per message is unchanged. If a spammer wishes to maintain his sending rate, he can purchase twice as many accounts. His up-front costs double, but the asymptotic costs per message stay the same.
i was jw, you probs wont want to. if you'd send me the video of the making of flw? ive look evrywhere for it and i cant find it :/ If you'd send it to me thatd be amazing! email it or send it to me on msn, ○○○@msn.com Thank you so much! :]
Yes it was a long time ago and sometimes I feel your e-mails are too important for me just to send quick answers.I therefore read them carefully and spend more time formulating my answer than to most other e-mails I receive.I am just no crossing the bridge from Copenhagen,Denmark to Malmoe,Sweden. I see a wonderfull full moon reflecting the suns light and the sea is dark in the night but I can see it glistening.I really think it is interesting to have the possibility to communicate like this over borders of seas,countries,languages and cultures.I do not remember if I told you that I spent a month in Buenos Aires Argentina,where it was really hot...that was January +35 C...I came back to a very very cold Sweden..-8C. then I have been travelling alot...Norway skiing downhill for the first time in my life with a very skillfull instructor. He was skiing backwards down and helping me, ustaining me whil skiing backwards downhill himself.Then I went to Russia and in a week I will be of a few days in Iceland.I heard they have wonderful nature there.
I am reading a book about Flow and they say this is a very old idea in Japan and also in China but some experts mean there are differences in the way we search for flow.When we devote ourselves totally to somethingand thereby stop feeling us a persons and more feel like a part of something bigger, a unity between ourselves and the surroundings and the activity we are up to. It was a very inspiring book.
>>114 相手に聞き返してみたらどうですか。私も略語は苦手でその部分はよく 分からない。 There were a lot of abbreviations whose meaning I don't know in your mail. (あなたのメールには私の知らない略語がたくさんありました) For example, I dont know about jw or flw. (例えば、jwやflwについて知りません) So I couldn't understand exactly what you want me to do. (だからあなたが私にどうして欲しいのか正確に理解できませんでした) Could you send me e-mail once again,if possible? (もし、可能ならもう一度メールください)
Young peaple learn how to use journaling as a way to explore and share their feelings on diverse topics.
The stories you tell bind you close to one another, yet they give you wings to fly confidently into larger world. They teach you how to the world works and where you belong in it.
>>123 The stories you tell bind you close to one another, yet they give you wings to fly confidently into a 抜けてるのでは?larger world. They teach you how to the world works and where you belong in it. あなたたちが語る物語は、あなたたちを互いに近づける、しかしその一方でより大きな世界に 自信を持って羽ばたいていける翼をあなたたちに与えるのだ。
sorry, I made you bored. Actually, I was feeling down a bit. Maybe I feel a vague anxiety about my future. I’m trying to do my very best, but I feel my efforts prove futile now.
Sadly,all the evidence from around the world is that people are not conserving the sea and the life that abounds within it as they should be doing. The water near to land is in the greatest danger from mankind. Here the water is shallowest and here usually are the biggest catches of fish. Here too are usually the biggest oil reserves, and here too there are the busiest shopping lanes and all the ports and harbours. These busy sea areas around our continent have in recent years seen conflicts between competing fisherman, between nation looking for minerals and between people who want to build and people who want to conserve. In these waters there has been the greatest pollution. Modern technology has made all questions connected with the sea much worse. Oil tankers are so big these days that if there is an accident at sea, then the consequences will be very great. In 1989 the oil tanker the Exxon Valdez had an accident off the coast of Alaska. The spillage of oil from the ship caused pollution to 2,000 kilometers of previously unspoilt coastline. The damage from this pollution is still being repaired today.
お願いします One, to create, within the complex of terminal that makes up Idlewild, a building for TWA which would be distinctive and memorable.
its particular site - directly opposite Idlewild's main entrance road and at the apex of the curve in the far end of the ter-to the surrounding buildings in miss, but still assert itself as a dramatic accent.
Two, to design a building in which the architecture it self would express the drama and specialness and excitement of travel.
therefore, we arrived at this structure, which consists essentially of four interacting barrel vaults of slightly different shapes, supported on four Y shaped columns.
He got her pretty easy himself,the first time he was out with her. He wouldn't have married her if the German farmer hadn't tried to tell him where to get off.
I think that the most basic and powerful way to connect to another person is to listen. Just listen. Perhaps the most important thing we can ever give each other is our attention.
>>167 “You have a good way to go yet;it is at least 35 more miles.”The driver might be disappointed,but he would know what to expect. まだたっぷりあるよ、少なくとも35マイルだ。運転手はがっかりするかもしれないが、あと何が待っているか(道のりがどの程度のものであるか) 知ることができただろう。 what to expectは何を予想すべきであるか、になるか
At the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino (in Las Vegas) they were supposed to have Jim Morrison's writings there at the Hard Rock, but to my disappointment, they took it out. :(
(数年前、私が教える大学で紙の使用量を減らすことと能率を上げることのためにelectronic“quick mail”systemを作った。今では電子でのコミュニケーションは大半の組織では普通になっている。) The results,however,are mixed at best. The most obvious is a large increase in the sheer amount of stuff communicated, much of it rather trivial.
if I get these leaves now, I shall save my self the troble of a walk by-and-by.
They gladly sat down by a well. Then Gudu's betrothed,who had been watching for him, brought out a pitcher of water ― which she poured over them to wash off the dust of the road ― and two portions of food.
vocational education teachers,also referred to as career and technical or career-technology teachers,instruct and train students to work in a wide variety of fields,such as healthcare,business,auto repair,communications,and,increasingly,technology .
"It's a kind of snapshot of London now," said Raymund Ryan, the curator of the exhibition, who has written about London architecture and travels frequently to the city. "It's about what's there in the city as opposed to having some abstract idea." 誰かお願いします
"It's a kind of snapshot of London now," said Raymund Ryan, the curator of the exhibition, who has written about London architecture and travels frequently to the city. "It's about what's there in the city as opposed to having some abstract idea." お願いします
Emotions plays an important part in memory. Like atteotion,memory is highly selective. Memory space is limited,so we have to use it economically, remembering as little as possible and fogetting as soon as it is no longer ncessary. という文ををお願いします。出だしからうまく訳せない…
この部分だけお願いします its particular site - directly opposite Idlewild's main entrance road and at the apex of the curve in the far end of the ter-to the surrounding buildings in miss, but still assert itself as a dramatic accent.
The pronounced existence of the wave presumably arose from the rather artificial initial condition in which the only perturbations present were the side bands. These side bands were present initially at a level that was 1% of the mother wave amplitude corresponding to an amplitude above the thermal level and was more akin to a secondary mother wave.
Besides, there is the fact that just knowing the places where radiation most likely originates does not necessarily reveal the relative contributions these places make to the total radiated power.
It has also been argued that it is not the physical structure from which the radiation originates, but rather from the stored fields around it.
That leaves the Wii, for now, with everything to lose. "Their challenge going forward is to make sure this is not a passing fad by getting a stream of content into the market," Gartenberg says. "The game console purchase driver is still going to be first and foremost games. The secondary stuff is the icing on the cake."
These data apply only when the criterion used for a positive test is that of 1mm or greater depression of the STsegment. The maximun increments for positive and negative tests occur when the prior estimates are 40% and 60% ,respectively. Thus, the physician has most to gain from this test when the prior estimate is nearest to a 50:50 likefood.
From a practical perspective, the analysis and design of antennas and scatterers remains at least partially ad hoc, taking on a trial-and-error flavor that might become more purposefully directed were the origin of the radiation coming from antennas and scatterers to be quantitatively better understood.
Ellis can be glossed to mean that illustion, or nonmimetic instability, is a central feature of the protean Gothic forms. Spectral persons and objects appear and disappear, transmogrify and morph. Indeed, in this genre of the unspeakable and the violated, it is primary task of spectral objects to come and go.
Culture shock is what happens when a traveller suddenly finds himself in a place where‘yes’may mean‘no’, where a "fixed price" is negotiable, where to be kept waiting in an outer office is no cause for insult, where laughter may signify anger.
Clara Miller's son-in-law drives her to college, carries her book bags and leads her up and down the stairs. Her back often hurts. Her hearing is not good enough to sit in the back of the lecture hall. She has had breast cancer surgery. She struggles to recall names and dates. Mrs. Miller is the oldest student in the university and is 14 credits away from graduating with a music degree. Still ahead is the science requirement which she has put off, the same as many an 18-year-old. But if she can push through a heavy schedule next year, Mrs. Miller will graduate alongside her granddaughter.
In age when reading for most people is a nonintellectual plearure, and when at the same time there is a constant stream of books falling from the publishers' presses, a book has only to be barely readable once in order to serve its purpose. It need not be reread, nor dose it need to lie in the mind as a source of future pleasure. It thus ceases to matter whether a book is memorable; and when literature is not memorable it is nothing. よろしくお願いします。
Being able to these things for sentences that the individual has never before come across is also included in fluency, for a truly fluent person is different from one who, like a parrot, has learned by heart a number of sentences of that language and is able to produce and understand just those sentences and no others.
Little Girl“if you please, STR, mother says, will you let her have a quarter of a pound of your best tea to kill the rats with, and a ounce of chocolate as would get rid of the black beadls?”
it can't be one person. because for example the pattern of 3 letters(space)3letters like so, "hgj ryp" or another name such as the name, "wunv" with different numbers at the end about 200 times over like so, "wunv123,wunv124,wunv125".
"She gave me a look that only a mother could give a child."
The Queen said in Washington: "Divided or alone we can be vulnerable, but if the Atlantic unites not divides us, ours is a partnership always to be reckoned with in the defence of freedom and the spread of prosperity.
For simplicity in the following, FARS is assumed to validly and quantitatively show where radiation originates for the kind of problems addressed, to avoid preceding FARS results with qualifiers such as "...if correct, FARS...," etc.
Total illiterates who depend on folk literature for their pleasures of the imagination are thus much better off than semiliterates who read forgettable novels merely because they are available. よろしくお願いします。
One thing I am curious about is the architecture in Japan.Many of the buildings are very modern, but, to my view, not very beautiful.Is that a new trend? Or has it been prevalent since the end of the war? Or,perhaps,I’m not appreciating what I’m seeing!I think there is quite a contrast between the old beautiful temples and the new buildings. We were mostly curious about the Shinto and Buddhist religions. Are people quite religious?” Or is it just a certain segment of the population? We saw the dragon ceremony at one of the temples in Kyoto. It was fun to watch; but I wondered how seriously it was taken by most folks.
This year I have been very busy at work. I am the director (headmistress) of a small private elementary school called ABC School. We had a teacher leave her position mid-year, so I have also had to teach the upper elementary grades. Our school year will be finished on June 1. I am looking forward to taking a break over the summer and will be in Hawaii for the months of June, July and August.
@Another way that young Japanese workers meet potential boyfriends and girlfriends is through a "goukon" party. Again, this is usually a dinner party made up of young men from one company and a group of young women from another company. Over dinner and drinks, they can meet each other and pick out a possible woman or man they would like to stay in touch with.
AIn general, dating is a slow and polite process in Japan. It may take many meetings before holding hands and kissing become acceptable. And of course, for those with little time for dating, "Omiai" or arranged meetings usually costing a great deal of money, can be made by a matchmaker. And there's no guarantee the arranged couple will actually like each other.
Please respond to this email to advise of legitimacy of transaction eBay has advised of anauthorized payment to my account and I wish to verify Have you bought and paid for an item from me? Regards
You shouldn't have told me! I would've been all surprised and all SQUEAL!!!!!!!! Heh..not like I'm not now...*waits eagerly and begins to work on one for her*
I just got a great new job! Would you open the door for me, please? Finish these reports and send them to the president, OK? Thank you so much for your help, Margie! There are 120 students in my new English class.
This means that 7 out of 10 black children are being raised ─often in dire poverty─ by single mothers.
For young black males, this is especially devastating. “Boys raised without fathers, or some domestic model of manhood,”says one black psychiatrist, “are far more likely to express their masculinity and frustration violently.”
With no male role models to look up to, they are left with huge gaps in their lives.
>>335 “Boys raised without fathers, or some domestic model of manhood,”says one black psychiatrist, “are far more likely to express their masculinity and frustration violently.” ある黒人の精神科医は言う、父親もしくはなんらかの男らしさの模範となりうる家庭内の人物なしで 養育された男児は自己の男らしさや不満を暴力で表現する可能性が遥かに高くなる。
I noticed another tech answered a ticket you recently put in, when I disabled your database I changed the mysql user to not have privileges to it in the control panel, it seems you have a user setup to use it at this time so it should work, if not please let me know what errors or problems you are having at ****@*****.com.
The outcome of spatially differentiating the poynting vector parallel to the axis, to obtain the differentiated Poynting vector, is demonstrated, as an alternative to FARS for exploring where the power leaves the dipole.
Additional FARS and differentiated Poynting vector results for scattering from a straight wire are presented, as are results for some other wire antennas of interest.
The article concludes with some general comments and observations.
Throughout the ages, several health-promoting benefits, including diuretic, laxative, cholagogue, anti-rheumatic, anti-inflammatory, choleretic, anti-carcinogenic and hypoglycemic activities, have been attributed to the use of dandelion extracts or the plant itself. In the following, the scientific investigations supporting the pharmacological properties ascribed to Taraxacum are reviewed.
An aqueous extract of dandelion roots (Taraxaci radix) or dandelion herb (Taraxaci folium) was administered through a gastric tube to male rats at a dose of 50 ml/kg body weight. The results showed that the diuretic action of extracts obtained from dandelion herb was consistently stronger than that from the root extracts, reaching the highest diuretic and saluretic indices corresponding to 8g dried herb/kg body weight.
I had to reinstal all programs and windows in my computer.I am preasure that you like photo of Prague Castle. I was thinking for a long time about choosing photography for you. Prague is a place where you can find various architecture and beautiful landscapes.And it´s specification is architecture in cubistic style. Only Prague has this sort of buildings with it`s atmosphere.I visited Bologna, world cosmetic trade Cosmoprof and than I and Natali traveled to Switzerland to Kreuzlingen, which is near Bodamsee spent several days and relax.
I noticed another tech answered a ticket you recently put in, when I disabled your database I changed the mysql user to not have privileges to it in the control panel, it seems you have a user setup to use it at this time so it should work, if not please let me know what errors or problems you are having at ****@*****.com.
would you like to have ownage of one of my pics?? if you dont get what i mean look at all my pisc and under some it should say owned by if youdo wish to own one yh just comment the pics saying owned if u dont get me i shall try in better detail
The point-wise Poynting vector is of interest, among other reasons, because of the insight that it might yield about propagation, radiation, and scattering processes.
If we assume that the erythrocyte indices will be low in 90% of anemic, iron-deficient patients and in 25% of those with the anemia of chronic disease, the finding of normal indices makes the latter diagnosis highly likely, as indicated figure.
Measurements were taken to see how far subjects could roll their eyes, the ability to roll their eyes correlating strongly with their level of hypnotizability. お願いします!
どなたか>>332お願いします。↓ You shouldn't have told me! I would've been all surprised and all SQUEAL!!!!!!!! Heh..not like I'm not now...*waits eagerly and begins to work on one for her*
I forget if he had a name.. x.x or what his real purpose was.. but he stays in the main hall and announces the arrival of anyone to the queen or the appearance of the queen. He speaks in one tone and really fast and he rules.
A further advantage of using the induced sources for this purpose is that they are normally obtained in a boundary-value model, whereas computing many additional near-field values can be computationally expensive.
This means the ocean at the top of the world could be free or nearly free of summer ice by 2020, three decades sooner than the global panel's gloomiest forecast of 2050.
No ice on the Arctic Ocean during summer would be a major spur to global warming, said Ted Scambos, a glaciologist at the National Snow and Ice Center in Colorado.
"Right now ... the Arctic helps keep the Earth cool," Scambos said in a telephone interview. "Without that Arctic ice, or with much less of it, the Earth will warm much faster."
That is because the ice reflects light and heat; when it is gone, the much darker land or sea will absorb more light and heat, making it more difficult for the planet to cool down, even in winter, he said.
While it is acknowledged that care must be used in making inferences based upon the point-wise Poynting vector, it never-the-less has been widely used to investigate spatial power flow in EM fields.
Furthermore, the point-wise Poynting vector seems to have a connection to the ray tubes employed in the Geometrical Theory of Difraction, and to the role of rays in Geometrical Optics.
In any case, it is reasonable to ask what physical interpretation can be attached, if any, to the point-wise Poynting vector at the surface of a PEC wire (where it should be noted in what follows that it is assumed that P=0) ?
Hope you are all well.... Yes, I know two updates in 4 weeks!! Amazing! Even more astonishing is that we have actually managed to finish the holiday blog – it’s only taken us 6 months to chronicle 1 months holiday! He! he! Here ‘tis: http://homepage.ABC/ Enjoy the pictures – as well as the holiday update you will find some other blog and gallery updates too! We’re spoiling you! ;-)
As was noted earlier,this range will vary according to whether the physician is concerned with confirming a disease, exculding one, or as Sackett has indicated,indentifying a level beyond which treatment should be instituted.
>>477 Your action of opening a dispute has introduced problems since I now cannot find your mailing address to mail package Please advise 私は今や小包を送っていい貴方の住所がわからないので、論争を開ける貴方の行動は問題を引き起こし続ける。 どうぞアドバイス
Other workplace exampt from the smoking prohibition in the Republic of Ireland in clude prisons and hotel rooms,so renting a hotel rooms rather than going to the pub is another option. 訳してください。お願いします。
Other workplace exampt from the smoking prohibition in the Republic of Ireland in clude prisons and hotel rooms,so renting a hotel rooms rather than going to the pub is another option. 訳してください。お願いします。
Other workplace exampt from the smoking prohibition in the Republic of Ireland in clude prisons and hotel rooms,so renting a hotel rooms rather than going to the pub is another option.
ちょっと長いかもしれませんが、先の質問と合わせて下記の英文をお願いします。 Nakamura Shunsuke became the first Japanese player to win a major award in a European soccer league on April 22 when the Scotish Professional Foot baller's Association voted him Player of the Year.
中村俊介は4月22日に「to win a major award in a European soccer league 」の最初の選手となった スコットランドのプロサッカーの協会が投票で彼を最優秀選手に選んだとき
よろしくお願いします。 Consequently, they turn to the only “heroes” they know of ─the gang leaders and drug dealers who─ dressed in their fancy clothes and driving luxury automobiles ─look so successful.
It doesn't matter that these “heroes” usually meet violent deaths before they reach thirty.
His personal success came on the same day he sealed a second successive league title for his team by scoaring an 89th minute goal from an amazing free kick outside the box.
Darwin,population of 80,000, is the unofficial capital of the "Top End" of northern Australia and the site closest to Australia's Pacific and Asian neighbours.
Darwin was founded in 1869.
Apart from a goldrush inspired boom in 1871,the town grew slowly.
But all this was to change on the 19th of February 1942.
Employing firepower equal to that used to bomb the United States forces at Pearl Harbour two months earlier, Japanese planes attacked an important base for Allied in the islands to the north of Australia.
In one of the largest battles ever waged on Australian soil, 243 lives were lost
Despite what I cautioned you to cancel the shipment, but you said that everything is good to go for you, and you went ahead with the shipment. Just as I expected, the package was impounded the E by Fedex. and I was charged $ as fines. Please reimburse me for $
We think not only about what we are but also about what we ought to be: about the kind of person we should be, and how we should live our lives, with what pursuits, attachments, commitments.
Risin' up, back on the street Did my time, took my chances Went the distance, now I'm back on my feet Just a man and his will to survive
So many times, it happens too fast You change your passion for glory Don't lose your grip on the dreams of the past You must fight just to keep them alive
It's the eye of the tiger, it's the thrill of the fight Risin' up to the challenge of our rival And the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night And he's watchin' us all in the eye of the tiger
>>550 Foreigners often claim that the Japanese are no good because they were closing their country for 300 years. Of course, it is one reason. But it is little known that 80% of Japanese were farmers like bond laborers. Young Japanese are cunning because they have farmers' blood. Moreover, 'more relaxed education' and the wide spread of the Internet are contributing to the erosion in academic abilities. They abuse three words: uzai (I don't want you here), kimoi (You are ugly), mousou (You idea is insane) and hurt others. These wors are also used for bullying. Taking advantage of anonymity in the Internet, they often pretend to be older than the opponent despite that its possibility is very small. Sometimes, they make up an irresponsible reason and say "You are mentally a kid." This is a defender instinct which is shared by animals. They are also spoiled by lack of working experience due to the long depression.
By way of explanation, note that it is plausible that the net PPV can can vanish at a PEC surface if it ware to be identically zero, a trivial case not of interest here.
Alternatively the more interest case is if PPV consist of inward- and outward- flowing Poynting-vector components that must be equal at BB because of the boundary condition on the electric field.
和訳をお願いします。 In the year 1607 a small group of british colonists arrived on the east coast of North America. They named the place where they landed Jamestown - the first British town in North America. The new arrivals set up farms, roads and schools, and it was hard work to build a new colony. In such a tough place the colonists developed a strong sense of individual freedom. By the 1700s thirteen British colonies had been established in Noeth America. Each colony was still under the British flag, though for a few years the colonists had a lot of freedom to make their own goverment. The British government decided to impose new laws and taxes on the colonists, which the colonists refused to pay. This marked the beginning of the Revolutionary War. On July 4th 1776 the American Independence Day has been celebrated on the fourth of July with picnics, parades and fireworks.
I doffed my boater and Echo gave a sweet curtsey. "Please," I said. "No ceremony. Let's all be family today." Turning to Dr Stubbs, I asked, "Are the crew in fine fettle?" "The best I've seen, sir," he told me. "They've been here for a week, staying at the Red Lion, getting in hours of practice." "Not at the bar, I trust," said I, evincing a delightful laugh from Echo. "Shall we offer them our good wishes?" "Oh, yes!" said, Echo, with a shade more passion than seemed appropriate. She made a beeline for a diminutive figure in blazer and flannels whom I recognized as Bilbo. "He's our cox," said Dr Stubbs, as if I didn't know. "He steers a canny course." "Is there some skill involved?" I said. "Good Lord, yes. The steering is paramount. He'll be steering for the church." I didn't understand. I hadn't heard that Bilbo had religious affinities. "Do you mean Christ Church?" "No, sir. You misunderstand me. Henry Church is the object to have in one's sights until Poplar Point is cleared. We've drawn the Berkshire station and that should be to our advantage. He'll make it tell. You'll see."
I forget if he had a name.. x.x or what his real purpose was.. but he stays in the main hall and announces the arrival of anyone to the queen or the appearance of the queen. He speaks in one tone and really fast and he rules.
Although confident placement of these parasites has been achieved with these data, more studies, including more taxa and characters, are needed to refine the positions of Rafflesia + Rhizanthes and Mitrastema to determine whether they are nested within, or sister to, the Malpighiales and Ericales, respectively.
Choose four questions that you find interesting. Read the answers in more detail underline the words you don't know. Try and guess the meaning from context or check in the glossary.
Choose four questions that you find interesting. Read the answers in more detail underline the words you don't know. Try and guess the meaning from context or check in the glossary.
New York recent sugers in U.S. corn futures are expected to directly hit American and Japanese consumers with higer prices for steak, pizza, ice cream and tofu, according to Japanese and U.S. grain traders. There are growing connerns among American consumers that rising animal feed and food material prices will juck up a variety of food.Higher food prices in turn would force comsumers to pay more at supermarkets are restaurants.
New York recent surges in U.S. corn futures are expected to directly hit American and Japanese consumers with higer prices for steak, pizza, ice cream and tofu, according to Japanese and U.S. grain traders. There are growing concerns among American consumers that rising animal feed and food material prices will jack up a variety of foods.Higher food prices in turn would force consumers to pay more at supermarkets are restaurants.
The conventional method used to define the normal range and the failure to standardize the range for factors other than disease that may influence the test values leads to many values being falsely labeled as abnormal.
The unusual agreement, which came after weeks of negotiations, would guarantee workers the right to organize, ban child labor and prohibit forced labor in trading-partner countries. It would also require trading partners to enforce environmental laws already on their books and comply with several international environmental agreements.
here is my comment about it, and by the way its pointless to argue about either its fake or not, it's pointless to argue about either its fake or not, if you have read any news, the japanese government has issued high-level apologies on 17 occasions to China since 1972, and i believe no one would admit to the crime that they didn't commit! so open your eyes for those who thinks the nanking massacre was fake!
The soaring corn prices stem in part from a surge in demand for ethanol, an energy source althernative to gasoline, amid global efforts to cut back on emissions of greenhouse gases. Ethanol is typically produced from corn and other gain products.
Will you be glad when your receive love from me ? your're always cool with your Poker face. we can't get closer that makes me blue. I hate it when you are not around when you are gone and I know it's true Nothing's real We are always compromised I know it's true So many lies and we have to leave it all behind. But I never wanna be away ,Forever I'll pursue Everything it takes to be with you. お願いします。
"Active purchases of commodities, including corn, by investment funds for the last few years have also helped lift corn prices," said Athushi Morinaga, manager of the gain feed and oilseeds depertment at Mitsui and Co.(U.S.A)Inc. "It's certain that these factors will contribute to higher prices of a variety of products in Japan," he said.
While the Japanese media widely criticized the prime minister for not smiling enourh,Akki even managed to win hearts by holding her husband's hand warmely when they arrived in the United States and staying behind him in the Middle East, where such open displays of affection are frowned upon.
It turns out that people perceive the VOT in a nonlinear, categorical fashion, rather than as changing gradually and cuntinuously as the color of a sunset goes from orange to red.
For this reason a secondary standard of 250mg/L for chloride in drinking water has bee set by the U.S. EPA, the same value contained in the WHO guidelines. In many areas of the world where water supplies are scarce, sources containing as much as 2000mg/L are used for domestic purposes without the development of adverse effects, once the human system becomes adapted to the water.
1文目のfor this reasonは、水の塩化物濃度が250mg/L以上で多くの 人にとって有毒だってことです。 1文目secondary standard の意味や 2文目の without 以下の訳し方などでつまづいています。 よろしければどなたかよろしくお願いします。
hi, i was just wondering where u got the sasuke videos from and where can i watch these episodes? because i really like it. Has the 2007 series finished yet? and lastly how long does a series last. Sasuke (or ninja warrior) is amazin and i would really appreciate a reply,
As Eimas and Corbit explain,it is as though we have ''phoneme detectors'' that are triggered by stimuli,much like frogs have specialized ''fly detectors''that make the frog do all that frogs do when they see flies.
よろしくお願いします。 I end my astronomy course with the Hubble Space Telescope's Deep Field Photograph, a 10-day exposure of a part of the dark night sky so tiny that it could be covered by the intersection of crossed pins held at arm's length.
Her exceptional beauty, which was visible even through the enormous welts and bruises disfiguring her arms and forehead, coupled with the oddity of her inquiries, had attracted a sizable group of curious onlookers, and because her little speech seemed to them to cover just about everything, no one attempted to injure her in any way, although there were some raucous comments to the effect that it was pretty peculiar for someone who was trying to hire a crook to invoke the protection of a high-up policeman uncle.
In any case, human activity is reducing the chances for our future survival. Humans have badly damaged our environment in th last 50 years. If this behavior carries on for the next 50 years, the world will be struggling just to feed its estimated 14 billion people, in addition to having to worry about animals, or plants.
>>733 In any case, human activity is reducing the chances for our future survival. Humans have badly damaged our environment in th last 50 years. If this behavior carries on for the next 50 years, the world will be struggling just to feed its estimated 14 billion people, in addition to having to worry about animals, or plants.
The usefulness of the test in this instance is marginal since there is only a small confirmatory gain when the test is positive and normal result is misleading in about three of four such patient.
I have faith because I believe things can always changes, because people can always change, especially when they don't have the right attitude in their work. So I always have faith
I have faith because I believe things can always changes, because people can always change, especially when they don't have the right attitude in their work. So I always have faith
They are designed to give you lasting service, unusual convenience, and best of all, top performance to put real pleasure into your hobby or profession.
am confident he can be the A(人名) of old, because I think that a person can always change, especially when he does not behave appropriately for his own work
I am confident he can be the A(人名) of old, because I think that a person can always change, especially when he does not behave appropriately for his own work
There has been an increasing pressure on the livestock sector to meet the growing demand for high-value animal protein. The world`s livestock sector is growing at an unprecedented rate and the driving force behind this enormous surge is a combination of population growth, rising incomes and urbanization. Annual meat production is projected to increase from 218 million tonnes in 1997-1999 to 376 million tonnes by 2030.
There is a strong positive relationship between the level of income and the consumption of animal protein, with the consumption of meat, milk and eggs increasing at the expense of staple foods. Because of the recent steep decline in prices, developing countries are embarking on higher meat consumption at much lower levels of gross domestic product than the industrialized countries did some 20-30 years ago.
am confident he can be the A(人名) of old, because I think that a person can always change, especially when he does not behave appropriately for his own work
Although the Mollys love such stereotypically Australians fare as grilled meat and "nibbles",the proximity to Asia gives Australian a thoroughly contemporary awareness of and experience with genuine Asian culture and food.
Solely due to this phenomenon, is considerable, particularly for those tests that were not solicited. When an SMA is obtained in an apparently healthy patient, primarily to determine blood glucose and urea nitorogen, the likelifood that an accompanying serum potassium value of 3.4meq/dL in dicates potassium deficiency may be as low as 4%
Will you be glad when your receive love from me ? your're always cool with your Poker face. we can't get closer that makes me blue. I hate it when you are not around when you are gone and I know it's true Nothing's real We are always compromised I know it's true So many lies and we have to leave it all behind. But I never wanna be away ,Forever I'll pursue Everything it takes to be with you. お願いします
Though related to zeolites, MCM-41 is not crystalline, but rather a material that consists of amorphous walls around channels that can be ordered, inducing long-range crystallinity.
What didn't the principal like? What did he write to the parents? How did the parents reply? Do you agree with the principal or the parents? Why? What do you wear to school? Which clothes are better for school-jeans or uniforms? Why? What do your parents think about your hair and clothes? What are the wildest clothes you have?
Bayes formula is cumbersome and unnecessary as it simplay extrapolates the information gleaned from the horizontal assessment of data from the binary table
In the future, mobile phones may have a warning on them saying that they are bad for your health, so for now, it's wise to use your mobile phone carefully.
still he submitted,being of that latest generation of sons who acknowledged,however reluctantly,however bitterly,their mystical never to be forgiven debt to the womb that bore them,and the breast that them.
去年、留学先で知り合った台湾人(男)と今でも連絡を取るくらい仲良しです。 昨日、このメールが入ってきました。長文の一部です。 これは告白??あいまいな表現とこのメールから何をどう感じ取ったらいいのか、感覚が分かりません。 彼に会えるものならば、会いたいです。 どなたかこのメールの捕らえかたのアドバイスをお願いします。 Recently I have been studying very hard cause I would like to share my experiance of life with you at somepoint in the future. とか、we will share anything in the future. が、入ってきました。
和訳お願いします Will you be glad when your receive love from me ? your're always cool with your Poker face. we can't get closer that makes me blue. I hate it when you are not around when you are gone and I know it's true Nothing's real We are always compromised I know it's true So many lies and we have to leave it all behind. But I never wanna be away ,Forever I'll pursue Everything it takes to be with you.
The limits of normal for most analytic tests are determind by measurement done on a large number of subjects and arbitrarily defined as the range encompassed by two standard deviations from the mean value. There are limitations inheret in this conventional definition. First, the definition excludes approximately 5% of subjects whose values lie at the extremes of the distribution curve, rending them abnormalbut presumably not diseased.
>>813 we will share anything in the future. かあ。 「君とだったらどんなことでもともに分かち合っていけると思うんだ」 積極的だな。そいつがまじめな男ならわりと一世一代の告白なのかもしれないよ。 大学生なのかもう就職できるのかは知らないけど、Your word? (それ本当?)とかでも返してみるのがいい、かな?
Second, for most measurable biologic substances, the distribution curve of test result is skewed rather than symetric and the method used to express the normal range does not precisely define the central 95% of subjects. This problem is usually "corrected" artificially by ploting the distribution of the logarithm of the test values rather than the values perse.
Many countries were beginning to build railroads and tunnels,and needed a safe,powerful explosive to construct railroad tracks through mountains. これをお願いします。
Will you be glad when your receive love from me ? your're always cool with your Poker face. we can't get closer that makes me blue. I hate it when you are not around when you are gone and I know it's true Nothing's real We are always compromised I know it's true So many lies and we have to leave it all behind. But I never wanna be away ,Forever I'll pursue Everything it takes to be with you. どうかお願いします
These observasion suggest that the physucian should feel confortable in repeating the test or tests at the patient's convenience, usually at the time of the next scheduled visit if the patinent is ambulatory.
Somewhere between 10,000 and 15,000 years ago, man's first clash with nature may have begun. Historians and philosophers agree that since the developmen of agriculture, human beings have had an effect on the natural surrounding of many plant and animal species.
pricisely as he said it to his own mother,exproding in his natural irascibility as if he hoped to clear the air somewhat of the something matriarchal tyranny to which he had been delivered by the death of his father.
In nineteenth-century anatomy rooms, identifying characteristics were routinely obliterated from the dead to prevent the reclamation of corpses by relatives. It is worth remembering that this practice of anonymization was observed in Edinburgh in 1828 by those who purchased bodies from Burke and Hare. The murderers were protected rather than exposed by their customers. Signs of violence upon a body were easily overlooked or removed, either because the manner of death itself meant such signs were few or equivocal, or because forensic evidence could be destroyed by medical collusion. The “London Burkers” had devised―some thought they had been advised of ―a way of dispatching their victims which left no marks. The ease and the rapidity with which both victims' identity and evidence of crime could be disposed of in the dissecting room materially assisted successful homicidal activity over long periods of time.
It can be seen in Figure 3 that the IPV was zero except at the first segment, i.e., at the source, being zero elsewhere as a consequence of the boundary condition on the tangential electric field at the surface of a PEC.
大文字はアルファべットのままで boundary condition:境界条件 tangential electric field:接線電界
Similar problems and possibilities exist today. High values attached to organs, severe shortages, and fierce competition between “consumers” are all factors currently operating to carious degrees in the international organ market. As corpses did in the past, organs now have value. Attempts to establish and sustain cost equilibrium within countries, such as organ exchange, have helped stabilize the situation and have kept transplantation a nonprofit endeavor in many parts of the world. Professional self-regulation has attempted to ensure ethical practice. However, despite the endeavors of the profession, government agencies, and lawmakers, a global medical marketplace exists, and its imperatives may operate within countries, even within institutions.
Reputable agencies, of course, do all they can to obtain organs responsibly and to distribute them fairly and usefully. Routine anonymization is a component in this process. The most obviously worrying modern scenario, along lines suggested by past experience, might be in the contamination of networks served by such reputable and well-regulated organ brokerages by the infiltration of illicitly obtained material. A recent discovery at a Colombian medical school school of thirty murdered corpses was reported to have been the work of a gang murdering down-and-outs for dissection. Here we can witness a Burke and Hare situation replicated in the present day in a Third World country which does a great deal of other illicit trade with the United States and other Western nations. It may be only a matter of time before such goods enter Western routes of supply. The poor bookkeeping revealed in the HIV case mentioned above could serve to assist such activity.
The number of degrees of freedom, F, which the equilibrium in the system may have is defined as the maximum number of variables which may be independently altered in value without disturbing the equilibrium in the system.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery was talking about the airplane , the telephone , and the movies when he said that the best things people have made are all things that bring people together
Also,the FARS and IPV results exhibited the same spatial variation away from the source region, with the result for R=0.2 wavelengths approaching that obtained from FARS.
The IPV results of Figure 3 are equivalent to taking spatial derivatives of the IPPV values shown in Figure 2, as the are the differences between the power flowing into and out of the ends of successive annular pill boxes, and provide the motivation for using the on-surface point-wise Poynting vector and differentiated point-wise Poynting vector, shown next.
It is interesting to see that PPV decreased monotonically away from the center feed point, toward each end of the dipole, and that AAA=0, although the latter condition is not the case in general, as will be shown below for oblique scattering from a straight wire.
Swimming as a sport is comparatively recent, the first records of it belonging to the beginning of the nineteeth century, when we hear of swimming clubs and swimming pools existing in England. おねがいします。
Differentiating either of these expressions for PPV with respect to ZZ to get DPV on the wire should then show the net rate at which the power was changing as function of position.
A particular point to observe in Figure 5 is that the "incident" or exciting power was clearly shown as an abrupt change in the PPV across the two source segments.
This woule gibe them a home , they thought , from which no one could drive them out. And so they began to build ,baking the bricks hard and using tar for mortar. よろしくお願いします。
Since all point-wise Poynting vector results that follow employ PPV, the QI subscript will be dropped from PPV and DPV, as will the subscript BB, since only their parallel components will be shown. Also note that in the results to follow, we use DPV=〜.
I've got sunshine on a cloudy day. When it's cold outside I've got the month of May. I guess you'd say What can make me feel this way? My girl (my girl, my girl) Talkin' 'bout my girl (my girl).
I've got so much honey, the bees envy me. I've got a sweeter song than the birds in the trees. I guess you'd say What can make me feel this way? My girl (my girl, my girl) Talkin' 'bout my girl (my girl).
ある人に自分の自作プログラムを送ったところ、次のような返事が来ました。 ... and for now I might only be able to have a quick look on the manual and the program. Are there any things that you would like me to do immediately for you ?
Hello, Am John Joes from Japan.i came across your item you place on yahoo auction.i will like to order this item for my wife in Nigeria.and i will be making the payment with Pay By Touch money order delivery. they will delivery the money to you in cash.i will offer you $1000.00 USD Including the shipment VIA EMS SPEED POST OFFICE OR /FEDEX/UPS/DHL to my wife in Nigeria. i will like to know how many of this item do you have for sale.i will be waiting for you to E-mail me to my personal box ([email protected])
>>911 ハロー、私は日本にいるJohn Joesです。ヤフー・オークションで君の品物を見た。 ナイジェリアにいる妻の為に注文したいと思っている。支払いはペイ・バイ・タッチの money order deliveryのサービスを使って支払いたい。ナイジェリアにいる妻の所まで EMS SPEED POST OFFICE OR /FEDEX/UPS/DHLのどれかをつかって送る費用を 含んで、1000米ドルを提案したい。また、これと同じものを何個ほど君が売ることが出来る かも知りたいと思う。君が私にE-mailしてくれるのを待っている。
A comparison of DPV, normalized to the end peak of FARS. This result and the result in Figure6 demonstrate that the distributed Poynting vector and FARS are in quantitative agreement to within 10% or so relative to their peak values except near the feed point, with the addition of the incident power to FARS improving the agreement in this region as well.
(1) He was such an obstinate man that he refused to (abide by) the rules of the club. (2) The newspaper says that the weather is going to (clear up) tomorrow. (3) Our solicitor is going to (draw up) the contract. (4) He is such a nasty person that he will never lend you any money, and that's (for sure). (5) The old man (held onto)his job stubbornly and would not retire. (6) He told us about books (in terms of) their publication. (7) Grandma will (look after) the baby while we go to the lecture. (8) Please help yourself to a drink and (make yourself at home). (9) being (on your own) may be a frightening experience. (10)We (ran out of) gas right in the middle of the street and blocked traffic.
(a)alone (b)be fine (c)certainly (d)exhausted (e)feel comfortable (f)kept possession of (g)obey (h)prepare and write out (i)take care of (j)with regard to
どなたか訳して頂けないでしょうか? アメリカの裁判についての文です。 By today's standards, those rulings seem rather incredible and clearly misguided. But, of course, they were made in different times, and to some extent reflected the feelings of Americans during those times. This, of course, tells us something important about the Supreme Court. Being a human institution, the Court, as lofty an institution as it is, is bound to be influenced by societal sentiments, and cannot possibly achieve perfection.
>>917 (1) He was such an obstinate man that he refused to (abide by/obey) the rules of the club. (彼はとても意固地なひとで、そのクラブのルールを守ることを拒否した) (2) The newspaper says that the weather is going to (clear up/be fine) tomorrow. (新聞によれば、明日は晴れるだろう) (3) Our solicitor is going to (draw up/prepare and write out) the contract. (我々の事務弁護士は契約書を作成する予定だ) (4) He is such a nasty person that he will never lend you any money, and that's (for sure/certainly). (彼はとても性格の悪い男だから、君に金を絶対貸さないだろう。それは確かだ) (5) The old man (held onto/kept possession of)his job stubbornly and would not retire. (その老人は頑固に職にしがみついていて、引退しようとしなかった) (6) He told us about books (in terms of/with regard to) their publication. (彼は出版することに関して本について我々に語った) (7) Grandma will (look after/take care of) the baby while we go to the lecture. (祖母は我々が講義に出ている間、赤ちゃんの面倒をみてくれる) (8) Please help yourself to a drink and (make yourself at home/feel comfortable). (飲み物をご自由にどうぞ。おくつろぎください) (9) being (on your own/alone) may be a frightening experience. (一人でいることは恐ろしい経験かもしれない) (10)We (ran out of/exhausted) gas right in the middle of the street and blocked traffic. (路の真ん中でガス欠して交通を妨害した)
Concerning commercial television,some businesses sponsor certain television shows,so they may work with the creators of the programs and have some say over the content. の和訳をお願いします。
Well, the last several months have been exciting for several reasons.I have been continuing with my medical studies. I completed my interships in several specialties that interest me a great deal:neurology, psychiatry, and general medicine.Now I am doing my intership in child psychiatry, which has been emotionally difficult but highly gratifying.Then I will learn about Family Medicine, after which I will begin a year of laboratory research on brain development and language in children.I am really excited about this research project, because it is a subject that I find very important and fascinat Also, my best friend recently came to visit for my birthday.It is quite a coincidence because he has the same birthday as well So we celebrated together.Otherwise,I have tried to save free time for visiting with friends,jogging,tennis,going to concerts and spending time with my girlfriend (she is also a medical student).
"Higher crude oil prices lead to a rise in operaning costs at a number of manufuctureing factories. Looking at our familiar products around us, prices of trays and wraps for displaying products at supermarkets will go up," Morinaga said.
"Makkers would have no choice but to raise prices of their products if they find it impossible to cope with higher prices with their streamling efforts." Japan importants around 16 million tons of corn, making it the wourd's leargest importeter, with 95 percent coming from the United States. This makes it inevitable that Japoanese comsumers will be affected by higer corn prices there.
Since the effect of the incident power was essentially the same for the wire antennas discussed below as seen in Figure 6, this effect will not be considered further for the antenna results that follow.
Life is a flow, a soft curving flow, a flowing together and a flowing apart and a flowing together again, in a long subtle motion that has no full-stops and no points, even if there are rough places.
FARS linear power densities for the same dipole as shown above are plotted in Figure 7, normalized to the second FARS peak. (The squared current was used since the power is related to a product of the current and voltage, or one or the other of these quantities squared.)
While an expected maximum in the current magnitude occurred about 0.25 wavelengths from the end, the maximum in both the DPV and FARS results was found instead at about 0.17 wavelengths from the end.
That FARS and DPV indicated that there was zero radiation right at the end of the dipole was consistent with the fact that the axial PPV must be identically zero there.
This being the case, a smooth increase to a peak some distance from the end should be expected when the combined effects of current-maxima and end-reflection radiation are considered.
and the square of the current normalized to the FARS peak second from the end for a center-fed dipole 10 wavelengths long and 1000 wavelengths in radius.