>>862 It is completely a mistaken idea to regard the Japanese as samurais. During 260 years' Edo Period, only 7% of the whole Japanese population ware samurais, and 80% farmers. Then, what on earth were farmers in Edo Period? All the tax of the feudal Japan was rice produced by farmers. The tax rate was about 60%. Craftsmen and merchants were not taxed at all how much they earned. Instead, farmers were ranked above them, as called 'Shi-nou-kou-shou'(samurai, farmer, craftsman, merchant). Then, were farmers equal? Not at all. Farmers were divided into 'Souya' (village heads), 'Hon-byakushou' (ordinary farmers), and 'Mizunomi' (peasants). Tax was taken village by village. They were not allowed to get away, and jointly responsible by the 'Goningumi' (five-man-groups). Also, in Edo Period, humble class was fixed. They were restricted in some areas and not allowed to engage in agriculture. Farmers were very envous of samurais, while they resolved tax frustration by bullying other farmers in the same village or humle people. One bullying was 'Mura-hachibu'. According to one estimate, the origin of the word was that only funerals and fires were exceptional because 'Hachibu' means 80%, but it is not sure. This very farmers' bullying is the basis of the bullying in the modern Japanese society. Farmers became equal without any effort by the introduction of draft system after the Meiji Restoration. The then government tried to spread samurais' good manners by implementing compulsory education, but it seems to have failed because it lasted only less than 80 years.
I'm not so big on Rap, but the group that Wes is in, Black Light Burns, is releasing a new CD next month. Check it out on You Tube. It's not typical "Rap". I don't know why he is stripping in the video, but he just wants to show it off, I guess.
Hello,my name is /// in Japan. I would like to parchase ///. so can you sell any propagable female fish which is similar to the one at same time? I wish paypal.
>>881 Recently,I am making killing by secound job rather than primary job. so I am planning that left the job and devote the secound job as primary. then I might be making more money.
>>881 I have been making more money on the second business than my main job recently. That's why I'm thinking about quitting the main job to focus on the second one. Then I may be able to make more income than I do now.
@入試も間近に迫っていますから、風邪を引かないように気をつけてください。 Be careful not to catch a cold because an entrance examination approaches. (entrance examinationの冠詞、「間近に迫る」の言い方が分かりません)
Aあなたからまたお便りをいただき、どんなに嬉しかったことでしょう。 You don't know how (happy I was to have heard from you again.) (時制はこれでいいでしょうか?)
B昨日この手紙を書いたんだけれど、君に投函してもらうのを忘れたんだ。 I forgot to have you post this letter though I had written it last night.
C子供が3歳か4歳になるまでは、どれだけはっきり見えるかを決めるのは難しいです。 It is defficult to decide (どれだけはっきり見えるか) until children become 3 or 4 years old.
Dこの重大な社会問題を解決するために、みんながどうすべきだと思いますか? What do you think everyone should do in order to (この重大な社会問題)?
Eインターネットは私達のコミュニケーションのやり方に大きな変化を起こしてきています。 インターネットは時間と距離の壁を克服してくれます。 世界各地から好きなときに、いつでも情報を入手できるのです。 The Internet has made our communication way cause a big change. The Internet overcomes the barrier between time and distance. We can get information whenever you are in manu parts of the world. (全体的に自信がありません;)
私は携帯でここにメッセージを掲載しました。そして、私のアドレスはホットメールか何かには返信できません。だから、もし携帯からのメールを受け取れるのであれば、メール下さい I inserted msg in here with my mobile phone. And my email address can't reply to hotmail or something. So if you can get email from mobile phone, email me.
私は鳥のさえずりで目が覚めた I() 右側に立っている男の子が弟です () is her brother. 校庭は落ち葉でおおわれていました The schoolyard() 私たちはオーストラリアから輸入された牛肉を食べることがあります We sometimes() イギリスの探検家として知られている ()