冬のロンドンでは天気のよい日は数えるほどしかない。 それも一日中快晴という日はまずないといってよいぐらいである。 従ってどうしても家の中にこもりがちになる。 イギリスで芝居が発達したのは、あるいはそんな所にも理由があるのかもしれない。 ともかくロンドンの冬の夜長を過ごすには、芝居が最適である。 In London, we have a few fair days in winter. Moreover, we seldom find it is completely fine all the day, so we can't help being likely to stay indoors. This may be why play has developed in Britain, I guess. Anyway, watching a play is the best way of spending London's long night in winter.
わからないことがあると、インターネットで検索すればなんでもすぐに答えが見つかるから、 百科辞書といった書物はもう必要がなくなった、と言う人がいるが、それは大きな間違いだ。 わたしたちは、そうした書物が実は巨大な知識と知恵の宝庫であることに、今ようやく気付くのである。 そして、それを編集した人々の想像を絶する努力に、あらためて感謝するのだ。 Some say that encyclopedias or dictionaries are no longer necessary because we can immediately search for everything we want to know, but it is a big mistake. Now we notice at length that such books contain a great amount of knowledge and information and show gratitude again to their editors' unimaginable efforts.
>>35 説明をありがとう。 I had three hamsters, but they eventually multiplied into more than ten. I started off with three hamsters, but before I knew it, I had more than 10. などでいいと思います。
>>44 I've received the CD album of ~~ today. I still haven't opened it, but I have one thing to ask about. To me, the album jacket looks like a pirated copy. No offence, but is this a counterfeit? I wonder whether the disk is プレス盤 or a CD-R.
>>53 This time I have a photo attached to e-mail. The boy with her in it is my firiend who I met on the internet. He fortunately happened to met her and was allowed to talke a picture together. He didn't seem to know much about her but he was so excited as he realized that she was a famous actress.
>>53 I attached a picture to this email. The boy with her is my friend, I met him on the net. Luckily he met her by chance, and took a picture with her. He didn't really know her at that time, and then he was delighted to know that she was a famous actress.
It is not until Mr. Sakurai uploads his English pronunciaton that his right to communicate with others will be officially guaranteed by the English Board residents.
ゲームや映画とかのスタッフロールで、Music、Sound Effects、Visual Effects、…などと 役割が名詞で並んでいるときに、制作指揮とか監督とかってどういう単語を使うのが良いでしょうか? 調べると、Producer、Director、もしくは Produced by、Directed by らしいのですが、 他の単語が名詞になっているので、そこだけ対比がとれていないような気がするのです
>>89 I can't think of anyone that had a great impact on my life so far, but a maternity nurse who helped my childbirth left a strong impression in my life. When I was suffering from the pain, she explained to me clearly what was going on with my body and what I should do then.
>>112 Although Japanese Postal Office says it takes X to Y days to deriver a package, in my experience, it often takes a little longer. Would you consider this in advance and wait for a mean time please. Thank you.
>>112 Please be forewarned; Japan Post announce that it takes xx days to xx days to arrive in this way, but actually, from my experience, it often takes a few more days. Thank you very much for your patience.
Ich bin ein male 23 yarles elden um thus March. Ich wante English zu learnen und had looked fur somme foreigner who kan English zu sprechen. Und zu sehen BBS these chance I had einen male zu send to Aris.
率直に言って、デイブのジョークはつまらない ( )( ),Dave's joke isn't funny. スポーツと言えば、あなたはバスケをするのが好きですか? ( ) ( )sports,do you like playing basketball? ケンは目を閉じたまま音楽を聴いていた Ken was listening to music with ( ) ( ) ( ). 水を流したまま歯を磨くな Don't brush your teeth with the ( ) ( ) ビンの中にはジュースが少し残っていた There was a little juice ( ) in the bottle. 昨日私は部屋を掃除するのに忙しかった I was ( ) ( ) my room yesterday.
I am a man to be 23 years old this March. I have been looking for someone abroad who speaks English in order to learn English. Since I have found you at the message board, I am writing this mail to you, Mr Aris.
スレ違い気味ですが… 「あなたはこのクラスの大事な屋台骨だ」は you are important cornerstone of this class. と you are important backbone of this class. ではどちらが適切でしょうか? どちらも間違っていたら、ご指摘宜しくお願いします。
The content was so serious that I felt bitter upon reading. I got surprised to know this incident was happen while the era in which slavely trade was actually committed.
The role that the day of "Hare" used to play in relieving people's stress when they did something apart from everyday life has vanished nowadays. Moreover, as everyday has become somewhat of "Hare", the continuous state of being mentally elevated contributes to create another stressor.
>>183 It's not that easy to support my family with my this limited income. Did anybody see somebody get in the room? Is there anybody who is going to help me carry this desk upstairs? It sounds like a good idea to have the rules of this match explained by him. ????
通りすがりの者ですが、普通に日本語→英語なら翻訳ページを使えばいいのでは? 例えば >>189 If it thinks too much about things seriously, it becomes impossible to take action. When some problems arise, it is important to have a margin in the heart first.
少し修正して、 If you think too much about things seriously, it becomes impossible for you to take action. When some problems arise, it is important to have a margin in your heart first.
>>161 At first, I was supposed to return to Tokyo office in around half a year, but I'm still in Yamagata prefecture. Since the new business I'm working for is behind schedule, I'm not really sure when I return to Tokyo. For such circumstances, in the worst case, if you come to Tokyko in April, I'm really sorry but I'm not available.
@The sofa which I sat was so hard. ACan you tell me about friend who lived with you in New York? BDo you remember the day which we met first? CCharrie fixed his old PC like that. DWhat are your reason why you want to be doctor?
(編集者)「先生の出された『新日本語論』に対する問い合わせが、すごく多いんですよ。」 We have many inquiries on your book ‘New thought on Japanese language’ that you have published. (著者)「そうですね。それは予想外ですね。」 Oh! Really? We have not expected. (編集者)「わたしたちとしては、予想通りの評判で、うれしく思っています」 Yes, we are glad that the book get nice reputation as expected.
The combination of the two phenomena, the rapid decline in birthrate over the last couple of years and the aging population due to increase in average life expectancy, has been causing many problems.
Today's lecture will be the last for this semester, I guess? It's too bad that I cannot attend. Anyway, I have enjoyed your class so much throughout the year. I am so lucky that I had the chance to meet you.
My eyes are pretty bad, so I wear contact lenses. Last night, I fell asleep with my lenses on while I was writing a paper and preparing for a speech. So my eyes got unbelievably so swallen that I had to see a doctor right away. They still hurt though.
Parents are all to blame for the collapse of classroom. If family discipline were thorough, there would not be children who cannot control themselves in the group life. Unlike the situation of tens of years ago, parents tend to overprotect their children. When their children cause a problem, they blame homeroom teachers for everything without admitting their children's fault even a bit. Accordingly, teachers cannot scold children, and the collapse of classroom progresses in the meantime.
This is a problem in America too. My sister is a teacher in the Bronx (New York) and her student's parents do not teach their children to be responsible citizens.
I think it is worse in Egypt though. My friend was an English teacher there, and all of his students cheated all the time. The parents didn't understand why this was a problem.
>>254 You believe you can sit down on a priority seat when nobody around you doesn't need to, but if there is one, you should stand up and tell them to have a seat. In addition, if you are too shy to say that, I'd say you mustn't take the seat there in case those who need priority seats appear.
People are likely to talk longer than is needed by cellphone without care about time and money. That would reduce a total amount of time one could spend on studying. I suggest you decide on how long you use cellphones.
Spoiling kids would never be a good idea. But at the same time, parents might be afraid of being judged by 'moral' society or even being sued by their own kids. It is a crazy world.
Please teach me the catalogue number of this CD これと比べてどうでしょうか?
May you teach the catalogue number of this CD? Will you teach the catalogue number of this CD? Please teach the catalogue number of this CD 「ME」を入れる入れないはどちらが良いでしょうか?
>>204 The poster with a dog drawn on it reads "Don't let your dog pee here on the premises." That place is a part of popular course that dog owners use when they take their dogs for a walk. There hadn't been such a poster until one year ago and dogs had left a stain of their pee on the ground or some parts had been corroded due to dogs' pee. I think that with the numbers of dog owners increase, more rules and regulations related to dogs will be set up. I sometimes see a place where you are prohibited to bring dogs for a walk
>>266 Could you tell me the catalogue number on this CD? teach は知識・技術などを「教授」する場合の動詞ですのでこの場合は使えません。 will/would は上司が部下に頼む時など、「頼めば必ず聞いてもらえる」場合で、 please をつけていくら丁寧にしても、 基本的に「誰かにお願いする」場合は使わないほうがいいです。
和文が「カタログナンバー」だからってcatalogue numberっていうのもなんだかなぁ。 これはカタログに載ってる番号ってことだから、僕ならこうします。 >>266 Could you tell me the number of the CD on the catalogue? まぁ大違いというわけでもないが。
>>282 Only one year has passed since I entered The A university. So I would like to write about my campus life in comparison to that of collage I used to be. When I was going to collage I saw no one wearing skirts as it was simply agricultural. Because students had to change their clothes to lab coats or fatigue uniforms for experiments or field studies. On the other hand, students of arts look fashonable.
>>301 I'm sorry I didn't say thank you properly this morning. Here's a small token of my appreciation. Please accept it. I hope you'll like it. (すみません、3行目4行目は書かないほうがいいと思います)
健康にはどんなに注意してもしすぎることはない。 You(about/be/can't/careful/health/too/your) トムは今日の午後なにをすると思いますか? (do/going/is/think/Tom/what/you)to do this afternoon 並び替えどなたかお願いします
A good thing about B university is that you can learn necessary subjects for living. Some say they have too many foreign language courses to take, but I find it fun, not hard, to be in a class where I speak with people. The bad side is its location. It's in an incovinient neighborhood for living. Also, as I have to commute long didtance, I have less spare time for study and myself. It's pretty tough when I have to work.
I have learned in my first college year that lack of information can lead to a big loss. I've missed three classes in this course; I went to the room 301 because I didn't know about the classroom change. So I'd like to advise the freshmen that they should not neglect collecting information.
>>346 What I learned from my life as a student of university last a year is that I get nothing worth without information. I have had absence three times since this class started. Because I went to the room 301 without knowing that the room had been changed. So I want to give freshmen an advice to catch up informations up to date.
>>347 びみょーに惜しいのが、欠席した理由は、まず301に行ったせいなので 文章の流れとしては、まず「I went to the room 301」にbecauseが付いた方がわかりよい。 あと、I didn't know about the classroom change.のaboutは不要かつ changedとするべきだった。
>>350 This is your company's image character. Is NIKE company which selling sports goods for win game only? or selling a wonderfulness and dream of sports?
>>359 I'd like to explain it again because I think I didn't make a good explanation about it before. A year ago, when I was sitting on the train, a Sumo-wrestler from foreign country got on the train and sat next to me. We had a chat for a while, then he told me he came to Japan a half year ago. And he told me he used to be a amature wrestler in Humgary and he was one of the strongest wrestlers. In these couple of recent Sumo-tournaments, he finished barely with winning or losing mediocre records, I guess he is supposed to be on e of the strongest wrestlers, so those records make me worry if he's got injured or someting.
>>360 (I think) Takeshi-kun can't move to Wednesday's class. So Tomoya is the only who is moving to Wednesday's 4 o'clock class.
>>363 Recently Keiko-chan is to come home later than before due to school, so it seems she can't take the Wednesday 4 o'clock class. But she said she don't want to stop learning English and keep learning. So her mom asked me if she could move her class from Wednesday 4 to Wednesday 4:30.
「ていうかさ」 To make it short(simple), 〜 「いや、待てよ」 Uh, wait a minite. 「どうしよっかなー」 Now, what'll I do ? 「そういえば」 (Talking, Speaking) About 〜, 「まさか」 No way ! 「ということは」 That means, 「よーし!!」 Way to go !
>>372 Masami-san's mother asked me if it is possible for you to open another new classes on both Wednesday and Thursday which starts at or after five in the evening.
>>385 Finally, my PC was back. I hadn't been able to listen to or change music, and look at everbody's photos or pictures for a time.But at last, all functions are OK again.
>>386 Then, would you make it as close to my request as possible? Could I make an order again?
Substances such as nitrogen-oxide, sulfur-oxide, hydrocarbon,carbon-monoxixide are the major cause of air pollution. Air pollution is responsible for two harms, one is afflicting respiratory problem to human being by directly inhaled, and another is contamination of the soil by falling as acid rain.
Thank you for caring about me all the time. That always makes me so happy. I remember our outstaring each other, missing eye contact, and many other things. We can't do them anymore now, but they reminds me my having good times with you. All of the precious time I spend with you there is being my best treasure.
>>418 Hasn't the item that I ordered shipped yet? I must warn you that it's too late. One of your Japanese customer received the item earlier than me. Why is it? Please tell me the exact date of the shipping.
>>423 How did you spend the past holiday season? My New year's holidays were 7 days. I stayed for three nights in Gunma prefecture. One of my friends started running inn in the mountain in Gunma from last fall after he quitted his company and I styed there. I was thinking of enjoying sking and hot spring but I couldn't ski as much as I had expected because of lack of snow.
>>434 私の会社は、あなたの会社を吸収合併したいです。 We are considering acquiring your company. 私は、今期の名古屋支店の営業目標を達成すべく、一生懸命努力します。 I will try my best to meet sales goal for this period at Nagoya office. 特に、ホンダとは、コミュニケーションを深くして情報を入手し、、製品を使ってもらうよう I will propose, especially for Honda, to get them to use our products by by increasing communication and get more information. 提案していきます。
>>437 宮崎県は九州の南東部に位置し、県の東側は太平洋に面しています。 Miyazaki prefecture is located at the south east corner of Kyushu. It's east side is facing the pacific ocean. 暖流の影響で、気候は温暖で、晴天の日が多いです。 Because of the warm current that runs nearby, the weather is mostly sunny and mild. 宮崎は、たくさんのプロ野球やプロサッカーのチームがキャンプをすることで有名です。 Miyazaki is famous as the base for training camps for many professional baseball teams and soccer teams.
>>441 It's a surprise there is such a large park in a downtown.
If a Briton says "he lacks sense of humor", it's abiously criticism. It is the spirit of humor that they regard as the most important and are most proud of.
>>442 直 This is a picture drawn by the famous painter. Someone was heard to be singing loudly outside. The hat was taken off, and the gentleman bowed politely. Because it is a birth in Hong Kong, she can speak both Chinese and English. The climate of Japan is calm if it says generally.
>>489 カーペンターズから Mr. Guder, say Mr. Guder May I have a moment with you? Because there is something I have to say And please don't let it scare you away...
ってことで Excuse me, may I have a moment of your time?とか
>>492 In the easten south of Kyushu is situated Miyazaki prefecture, the easten part of which is faced with the pacific ocean. It's often sunny and warm in the prefecture thanks to warm currents. Miyazaki is famous for many professinal baseball teams and succer teams having camps to train.
>>458 Firstly, working part-time, You'll notice how much efforts it takes to earn money and how important money is through working experience. Secondly, it's not only for money, no, but also for your future and firsthand experience of how the society you're in is functioning. In conclusion, put simply, woring part-time means a lot to me and tells me how important money is. is
>>440 We are looking for a guitarist複数ならguitarists regardless of your age and sex. We play jazz and we cover tunes and also play original tunes, too. We practice in 00 We need a member/members who is an international student/students because we would like to improve our English. We are not good at English so your entry Japanese proficiency is required. It's OK if you have no experiences of playing in a band but if you have played in a band, it might be easier for you. Let's practice seriously and enjoy music with us. If you are interested contact at OOOOOO
When a child is born , it can see to some degree but the eye has yet developed completely. と訳したのですが、the eyeよりits eyeのほうがよいでしょうか? また他におかしいところがないか御指摘をお願いします。
Music is very essential to me because it helps reduce my stress. I love both listening to music and going karaoke. I pick calm music when tired, fun music when happy, driving music for driving, and I go karaoke to sing loud when I'm stressed out. Music touches and excites me like that. Without music, I bet my life would be tedious.
We conducted fire-fighting exercise there untill a while ago, Calture property fire-figting's day is on Jun 26th. so we practice it at this time every year, sort of appeal strongly. and then almost volunteer fire fighters usually get a drink, particularly rural erea. It often happens that they who drunk-driving become problems.
>>633 All you need to do is plug a microphone into your PC and then you can talk like a phone. A group of people can join it and, in addition, it's free to download. What a convenience!
>>625 I heard someone singing loud outside. The gentleman took off his hat and bowed politely. Since she was born in Hong Kong, she can speak both English and Cantonese. Generally speaking, the climate in Japan is mild.
We have waited for you to make a contact with us for one year, but since the situation did not seem to improve anyhow, please be notified that we unfortunately have no other choice than to take an appropriate action. We are very sorry to inform you of our conclusion.
>>633 With just plugging your microphone into your PC, you can chat with someone like a phone, or chat with everyone like a conference call. And the Skype software is free to download. That's something, isn't it?!
>>651 Excuse me for the belated thanks for your E-mail. Thank you for sending the photograph in wonderful Alaska. It's majestic nature and scale is large.
>>658 I'm so sorry. I may have asked some troublesome work. I thought it was possible just by sending your photo from mobile phone to your PC by email, and sending the photo to me by email. (I usually do it like that) In addition, there may be some problem to open picture files when sending files from Mac to Windows PC.
>>658 I'm sorry I bothered you. I thought it had got to work that you emailed the cell phone picture to your Mac and forwarded it to me, as I do. Sending image from Mac to Windows may have any problem with file opening.
申し訳ない、私は他の***シリーズにはあまり詳しくないので 私がそれらを動画に撮影してもつまらないと思います。 I'm afraid, but if I film an animation, I think you will find it boring in that I'm not well familier with other *** series.
Find the maximum volume of regular tetrahedron when you arrange regular tetrahedron so as not to include the lattice point on the space (on the surface, it may be included).
Find the maximum volume of regular tetrahedron when you arrange regular tetrahedron so as not to contain the lattice points on the space (on the surface, it may be included).
This Webpage is the site where group members share information and improve skills. OR The webpage is a site for sharing of information and improvement of skills among the members of the group.
もひとつ >>667 誰もレスしてないので・・・ Enjoy in the first year, make memories in the second year. You needn't think of going to university until the third year. In particular, making memories is of most importance. If you belong to culture blub, achieve something. It's also good to join the club that you can steadly attend. Work actively, or you will repent!
>>709 Thank you for your email. Really? Can you correct my wrong English? You are so kind. I'm pretty happy. I live in Yokohama, Japan. Eindhoven in The Netherlands...sory, I've never heard of that. What is it like? Have you got some pictures? I've never been to Europe. But, I wish to visit there someday. Can you take me around then? I love sushi, too. I'd love to see your picture.
>>693 Has progress in scientific technology really broughr us happiness? A major issue for the 21st century is how we should handle the problems on global environment.
>>727 こんなもん頼むなよ、無茶だろ。専門家に頼め。 Please check beforehand whether the DNA analysisi is done by restriction fragment length polymorphism method or by comparison of a specific losus of the genome. The first method would be completed in under 5 hours including the time for the PCR reaction, although the time necessary to purify the genome would differ depending on the tissue used. The latter method can also be done in 2 hours even if analysis of multipule loci is necessary, providing that the sequencer would be run all day and night. "It'd take several days' is not true.
Please check beforehand whether the DNA analysis would done by restriction fragment length polymorphism method or by comparison of a specific losus of the genome. Analysis using the first method would be completed in under 5 hours including the time for the PCR reaction, although the time necessary for genomic DNA purification would differ depending on the tissue used. Analysis using the latter method can also be done in 2 hours even if analyses of multipule loci are necessary, providing that the sequencer would be run all day and night. "It'd take several days' is not true.
>>744 A new school year begins in April, and I'm wondering which classes, I mean, biology or geology, to take. I'm supposed to decide it by next Monday.
>>748 >>732は "this salesclerk is ○○○(某芸能人), by any chance?" "noooooooooo. i highly doubt it." という会話の後に返そうと思った文です。 上手く思いつかなくて悩んでたので本当に助かりました。 ありがとうございます!
Thank you for purchasing OO. I received your payment today. Since you seem to be interested in XX also, would you like it to be shipped with OO? If that is the case, please make an additional payment of \△△ for a balance. If you prefer OO to be shipped first, I will send it out right away.
>>770 I sometimes watch scenes of Israel on TV. They give us the pictures of skirmishes between Israel and Lebanon or Palestine. Japanese people, who enjoy peace for a long time since the last war, are surprised by them. We strongly feel the need to appreciate our situation, and at the same time, deeply respect you, who live positively under such adverse circumstances. I hope that the warfare will be over soon and you will live in peace from the bottom of my heart.
>>773 Mr. OO told me, "Flight companies seem to give us a lot of tasks. I'd like to do work that only lasts for a relatively short term, which begins on March 9, when half the classes I have registered are over, and finishes during this semester." I think there's a high demand for someone who speaks both English and Spanish at travel agencies that have a lot of foreign customers.
>>783 Come to think of it, a newspaper said that there were some visitors who carried Norovirus at the hotel you stayed--in Ikebukuro. Were you OK? It was just during the term you stayed there.
60億分の1の量 a quantity equivalent to one of six billion parts 60億分の1の時間 an elapse of one of six billion time spans. 60億分の1の確率 a probability of one over six billion cases.
Good morning to the people of X city! I visited this X city yesterday and have been moved by the scenes of nature and town streets which are more beautiful than I expected. It is my hope to promote our relationship between City X and Y ward. I am now confident from my visit that ours will be stronger and solid.
ありがとうございます 国指定史跡の下に表記する形なので一文的な短いものってありませんでしょうか? 国指定史跡 ・・・・・・・ という形です、性格な英語の文だと長くなってしまいそうなので japanese national historic site?のような意訳的に通じる文がいいです よろしくお願いします
@都心なのにこんなに大きな公園があるとは驚きだね。 まったくいい気分だ。 It is surprising that there is such a wide park in the center of of downtown. It makes me feel perfectly good.
Aさてクラスは4人ずつのグループに分かれなさい(break up into〜を使って) Now break a class into the groups of four. (classの冠詞、「4人ずつのグループ」の言い方が分かりません) Now the class shall be broken up into groups so 4 members belong a each group.
>>822 その意味に近い、私の知っている表現としては、 Win gold and wear gold.(一生懸命働けば、その報いを受けることができる) がありますが、聖書の Ask and you shall receive.(求めよされば与えられん) をひねって、 Not ask but win, and you shall receive. なんてのはどうでしょう?w
Ws should admit the fact more definitely. Namely, we have been deceiving ourselves to believe that we are in love with each other so much that we should be together. The truth is that we don’t like and can’t stand being alone, so we have stayed together.
>>872 A cell phone enables you to call your friends anytime you want to talk to them. Some people make themselves annoying to others speaking private matters at loud voice in train or bus.
>>884 A new taxation rule is considered in many cities but we have to conduct analysis on factors of operation in A city and the result and also survey on the reason why it couldn't be operative
As there are many autonomous local governments with plans of introductions of new tax systems. We must analyze the difficulties of tax introduction at A City and its result of realized system and the factors left unachieved.
>>901 I guess you are now tired of my obstinate questions. To tell the truth, I am also a poor professional. My lack of money has driven me to force you to translate commercially valuable work while with no understanding of the thread. Yes I might be a kind of lunatic, so please ignore me.
>>904 There have been many stoppages of electric power systems due to big snowfall in Canada. We used to be dependent on candle lights almost half day. I have never experienced these kinds of situations, so I was very surprised.
>>904 In Canada, blackouts had often occured by heavy snows. Once I spent half a day in a room by candlelight. I was very surprised because I had never experienced such a long blackout.
I was a bit sad about the fact that he was more concerned about the video game player he recently purchased, than the fact I was about to leave the country.
>>904 We aften have the erectricity down by heavy snow in Canada. I sometimes spent about half a day with only candles. That was the experience amazed me most I had ever.
>>916やり直し 起き抜けでボケてる。 We often hade the electricity down by heavy snow in Canada. I sometimes spent about half a day with only candles. That was the most amazing experience I had ever.
>>923 ちょっと待て。「〜代目」って言い方は立派にあるぞ。 国の大統領の話をしているのかわかっているという前提でいえば、 "Which president was he?"でいいんじゃないか。 心配なら "What number?"って付け加えれば誤解は絶対無い。 "Which ordinal number corresponds to his presidency?"でもいいかも ちょっと固くて不自然かな。 すべて分かってて嫌味のレスだったならコメン。
>>925 All rights reserved. No part of the site or any images/material appearing on the Site may be copied, reprinted, reproduced, redistributed,stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without the prior written permission of the Website Owner. Any violation of this may result in criminal and/or civil prosecution.
>>936 1. I'd love to see the photo. please send it to me by email. 2. I haven't sent email to you since a few days ago. I wonder the email must be from somebody else...
>>941 People go to university after they go to highschool from 16 to 18 years old. Of course it depends on their own choice. That's the Japanese education system.
>>941 Japanese people usually take education of four years at universities after high school between 16 and 18 years old. Of course, education at university after high school is optional.
The matter of the payment inquired of your shop the other day was contacted the card company and solved. And I have already received products. I have been deeply very moved because I did not think that products reaches so early. My best regards in the future.
The matter of the payment,on which I had inquired you the other day, has been solved as I contacted the card company. And I have already received products. I have been very deeply moved because I did not expect that products came so early. My best regards to you and good relation with you in the future.
>>926 I'm so jealous that you got to see the profesional baseball players practicing so close. Can you ask your friend what team they were and tell me? I 'd love to come see them when I have a chance.
>>982 Did you take a note of all the words that the teacher put down on the blackboard yesterday. It seems like we'll have a test on them. If you didn't, you could see my notebook.
>>953 I'm seriously concerned about global warming, since the situation has not gotten any better even though TV and newspapers frequently cover the issue. I think we should individually have a sense of responsibility