You don't understand what is "owarai" all about at all. Yagyuu hiroshi is far funnier than neko hiroshi. He is also a chairman of wild bird association.
I think 40 percent of stupid resident in this thread used to wank with Haruka Igawa, she choosed another man than you losers, NEETs or
College aged women are too shallow and too stuck-up for a serious relationship. Men this age also. No one should marry until they are done with education and have a few years of independence under their belts.
すまん このスレの人たちはレベルが高いと聞いたんで、俺の疑問に答えてくれ! 町でよく見かけるような「HELP WANTED」とか、「THESE CHARACTERISTIC FIGURES AUTHORIZED〜」 これって文法的に正しいの??何故にBE同士がつかない(HELP IS WANTEDにならない)の? 正しいようならBE動詞がついた場合(例えば、THIS BOOK WAS BOUGHT BY 〜みたいな文)との意味の違いを教えてください! 何故「HELP IS WANTED」じゃないのか! 気になって夜も眠れません!!
I saw her posts in the previous thread. She'll turn up sometime. So shut your filthy mouth up and hold it, or write in English to obey the one and only rule here.
>>63 i think there are many native english speakers but they might not be able to undestand your jap.
i'm not good enough to explain thoroughly but let me try; it's just the same way of jap sentence skipping unnecessary words.
you still can undestand what does it mean and the meaning is tighened. for eg, 'HELP WANTED' tells us urgency of the emproyer, and 'these figures authorised...' emohasises the absolute rights of that figure holders.
does it make sense? hey, please can anyone help me to explain this...
Here comes a man who is'nt lolicon at all.I desdain stupid lolicon guys in Japan. We've got to lay them out. Then mature society would be made.Definitly,it would prevend crimes which Tsutom commited.
I'm writing from London. I got a girl friend who is half colombian half English here. Before I came to UK I've heard from someone that one can be fluent in English if he or she get a boy friend or girl friend. I've been with my girl friend for half a year and I found what I^ve heard was unreliable....
I^m a full-time student in MA of language learning & teaching Japanese language. For my field, it's unavoidable to think how to teach Japanese in direct method.. I think that's one of the reasons why my english hasn't been improved....
It's not a matter of popularity but proficiency of English. Not many Japanese people can express their ideas in English. I passed Eiken Grade 1 test but still find it hard to write in English.
Hey, 香港人 if you read this post answer me. I read somewhere that one fat boy from Shanghai looking sideways suspiciously became icon on the Net, Being morphed into Madonna or other famous people with Photoshop.
>>153 I guess you shy away from sexy women. What about Sakashita Chilliko? She's not sexy at all for her age, though she talks a lot and it is a bit annoying.
my situation is, i had a boyfreind, he is a japanese soldier.what do you am i going to do, so that his parents will like me. Well really filipina has a bad image with Japanese. What do you think so.?
Yukorin is a filthy whore. I know this because I pimped her out to many men while living in Tokyo (I've retired to rural beauty of Muroran in Hokkaido since this) and she caught syphillis at least a dozen times. She was a good slut though. She made me a lot of cash and I was able to retire at the early age of thirty-five. But you have to realize, you fucking nerds, her vagina is very loose and wide and probably riddled with many sexually transmitted diseases.
>>244 nop but where did you get seeds? ここで外人が韓国と日本の歴史について熱戦中。 スペイン語と英語 Ha estat un altre comunicat friki de iLchuL @ 9:30 PM 16 comments ここんとこね
>>260 Well, you can choose to be the Emperor from the "Emperor's New Clothes," by walking down the street naked. ^-^ Maybe you want to wait until summer though, LOL~~
lolz~ you guys are still talking about ketsuge and Yukorin and random stuff....hahaha...oh my...I see no improvement here lolz~~ even around this year end time...lolz~~ you guys really make me laugh...lolz~~ (just stopping by...)lolz~~ (^^)/
>>53 ....lolz~ anywayz thanks for searching me lolz~
>>65 ....I don't think I look like Yukorin. lolz~~@_@;
Ayu was in CNN interview just now. Geez she speaks English much better than I thought. She was so pretty. Many ppl like her in U.S. and is popular in countries in Asia..lolz~~
NEETs can be preserved as they are during this winter and I guess it is good to let their blood frozen so that they don't have to be hot blooded for a while! lolz~~sorry..just kidding! lolz~
>>288 Doesn't she spend a lot of time in Los Angeles?
Also - if people would like New Year's postcards, email your address to my name, followed by '2ch' at, and I'll try to get them out. (If too many people email - and knowing how 2ch works, I wouldn't be surprised if I were flooded with mail - I may reply to the messages and ask them to say something [in English] about themselves. Or something funny. Or if they're NEET. You get the idea.)
>>325 Do you mean a sender should write their real address in thier e-mail to get a Christmas card from you or just mean you write to e-Chrsitmas card back to senders? You are thinknig of taking the torouble to answer all the -mail you'll get?
I don't think you'll get floods of junk because reading 325 and knowing your e-mail address needs high command of English.
Where is the moment we needed the most You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost They tell me your blue skies fade to grey They tell me your passion's gone away And I don't need no carring on!!
I agree! I think tinkerbell likes Peter very much while he sees her only as a lil sis...butttt X.X... maybe she is the only one he can live with (amen...) coz even how hard Peter loves Wendy, she lives in a different world. *cry*....but I guess....Peter doesn't really need a special girl. He is popular among many girls, such as Little Mermaid etc. guys r really funny! lolz~~
did someone call? Ah, it's you. I just finished forging your *Master Sword*. You'll need a *Wiimote* to use it however, and lately those have been difficult to find. I heard a rumor that a brilliant white *Wiimote* has been spotted across the *Pacific Ocean* in the country of *Japan*. Good luck!
Wow... There are still two split threads.. Shouldn't they merge soon? "Would you like umlauts with that? By Bruce Campbell" (no, not the movie star by the same name) This is a rather amusing and informative read... I had no idea Häagen Dazs was supposed to pretend to be Danish... I thought it was from somewhere lower in Europe, somewhere in the vicinity of Germany. I didn't know it came from the bronx.. x-D
>>375 That may be true or, at least, he had some experience and training as a surgeon, but there's also the theory that Jack the Ripper may have been a butcher. Some believe Jack the Ripper was really the grandson of Queen Victoria, or even her personal physician, Dr. Gull.
I saw a movie about Japck the Ripper called "From Hell". In it, the criminal turns out to be a royal family's doctor, who feared the possibility that its prince may have any babies with whores on the street. The prince liked to go out for pleasure at night in town.
I like the scene where Katsumoto's son had to get killed. I think that scene depicted the Bushido spirit very well. The director must have studied very hard about what's inside the Samurai back then.
>>380 As fantasy, the movie is really good. It shows the spirit nicely. As documentary of the true situation in that point in time, the movie is very lacking.
>>377 The movie is based on a comic book of the same name. The comic book is infinitely better.
For the record, Tom Cruise is a huge and phony douche bag and he can take his Scientology crap and shove it up his ass. And The Last Samurai wasn't even that great, and neither are those stupid Mission Impossible movies.
Do you know that Noro-virus has been widespread in Japan these days? Be careful! I have a stomachache right now... lolz~~ gotta run to the toilet! excuse me!! lolz~
>>387 I have not. Historians know much though. The movie painted things in a very romantic light. Western knights often are shown in very romantic light too. They too were not the way common people enjoy pretending they were like.
>>388 Did you see the commentary for the movie? It was hilarious. Cruise was clearly applying Scientology to Bushido.
>>397 2ch is a wild place and anything terrible could happen. Not many people believe posters in 2ch and dare to tell their address even though you sound a reliable person with fixed handle name.
Why in the world did you come up with the idea of sending real Christmas cards to 2ch people? Do you feel close tie or friendship with people here?
merkin. That's nice of you. But I can't imagine receiving a new year's card from someone from 2 channel. Do ppl ever exchange e-mail address or msn address on this site?
>>404 I could send you a card if you want :-) It will be for NYE indeed, as opposed to christmas, but ah well. I'm sending out a small bunch of cards soon. ^-^
I'd offer to send a card to anyone who wants one, the way I used to years ago at another chat-place, but I'm lacking the money and time for that (i usually wound up sending off somewhere between fourty and sixty cards/letters, where half or more than half of that were people not from online. I haven't done that for a few years though, and this year I'm sending off less than ten.
Background: In terms of nuclear warfare, India, Pakistan appear to be capable. North Korea claims to be nuclear capable. Neighbouring countries Russia and China are well known nuclear banks.
Question: Do you think Japan is desirable to start her own military nuclear development?
yes, ass is singular in English. Unless of course, there is more than one person, then you have asses. You do, however, have asscheeks, but only one asshole and asscrack. The collective term for the hair on your ass is asshair.
>>432 They punish them in Japan too. Here in the west, they are pretty lenient with punishment too. You'll stay longer in prison for armed robbery or business fraud than sexual abuse of a child.
Pedophiles have to be shot on the spot!!!!!!!!! i would legalize this if i was an Emperor. i don't mean japanese emperor. Emperor like napoleon,hitler.
>>438 Maybe you could lead a lolicon uprising against this tyrant. I wonder what the world would be like if lolicon conquered it. Imagine the state-regulated school uniforms :)
>>443 Not really. Those girls can wear longer skirts, but most choose not to. Besides, aren't the uniforms that are too short worn by girls who are too old for lolicon?
>>442 If they had more female judges, I don't think it would help. They need to change the laws to protect children, not to just punish pedophiles after they've abused children.
>>443 Students like to do extream things, so right now their skirts are extremely short, but, say, 20 years ago, they were extremely long. So long that female students looked like sweeping the ground when they walked.
>>446 i'm japanese. but i don't know correct information. school girl's skirts is tailored short itself ?or girls pull the skirts up so that skirts can look short?
>>451 I don't know. I heard they pull their skirts up. It's too bad, though. Personally, I'm not attracted to flagrant sexiness. I like a more natural look. I don't talk to many girls, and I don't feel I'm missing out on much by doing so. Maybe I'm getting the mindset of a lolicon. Hmmm...
>>459 I hate short skirts if a girl wears them all the time. If young girls really did all wear short skirts, I bet lolicon would be happy at first, but as time goes on, they'd want to see them even shorter.
>>466 Ha? Is it a quetion for me? I have even dreamed of the situation without girls serve me. Girls are nothing but air, affluent and free to take anytime I wish. It is as stupid request as to teach you how to breath.
when i see early Britney Spears early clip, i feel Americans have also preference for high shool girls in high school uniforms, especially check on short skirts.
japanese stars like kumi kouda,maki goto? imitated her image in their promotion video. not only fashion,group dancing on school's corridor is also the same.
Of cause. I am the most celebrated actor in the scene. Anything I do attracts millions of girls. Teens all worship me and follow the smallest action I make!
By the way, most of the people are using translating tools but their English is odd. The grammer is all messed up and shitty. Only DQN Japs and show-offs use them.(´,_ゝ`)
Is Jap a bad word? Hell yes)www but hey, what about the word nigger? Black people would say to their own kind," what's up my nigger(niggal)" It's like saying,"what's up my brother!"
So, Japanese people should say what's up my Jap)wwwwwww By the way, I'm a Japanese-American
I'm not a racist nor a sexist nor a feminist nor an alchemist nor an alienist or an alpinist or some kind of Catholic who still advocate antidisestabishmentarianism..... What I am is an ordinary 19year old man.
It would be pretty hard for them to meet IRL because merkin lives in America and K-tan lives in Sweden. It would cost one of them a lot of money to buy a plane ticket, wouldn't it? They don't even talk to each other much anyway. The ones that should really meet up are bernardo and keira. They used to use this thread as their personal chat room.
Other than the use of the name/tripcode on some of my posts, I don't reveal much personal information unless specifically asked. This is intentional; I do it not because I jealously hoard my privacy, but because I don't want what I write to be overshadowed by the fact that I'm the one writing it.
One who argues against a cause or position, not as a committed opponent but simply for the sake of argument or to determine the validity of the cause or position.
Perhaps this is a better way for me to put it: 'merkin' is an identity that's not personal. 'merkin' is consitently the same person, but it doesn't matter who that person is. (Perhaps I'll give the tripcode to baby merkins one day!)
>>551 Heh! Nope; it's been over ten years since I was a virgin.
My world is made out of Tenka. Every day I think about Tenka. I dream of her. Then I go crazy and I jerk with her. I wish I can fuck her. She is my angle. My everything. Am I in sane? I guess so. But that does not a stop me from loving her.
>>625 you are just another crazy pedophile(or lolicon w/e). all u do is wank in front of your pc screen displaying female children u dont even have the adult-balls, and certainly dont have what it takes to curse me!
>>876 Hi! It's been a long time since we last met.How've you been? How's it going in Fountain Valley? Getting colder, isn't it? I'm doing well in Canada because of you. I'm really appreciated. Please say hello to Witt, Mike and your lovely daughter Kathy. Bye!
Good morning, it is, everyone. I study English. I think that it is very difficult. By the way, is the color which you like what? The color which I like is blue color.
matsuzaka's lawyer is asolutely a jew.intentionally raising money to to the ceiling, impossible sum of money!!! when the client just go out of the negotiattion,then the jews lower the money,settle down. that is a gambling.he don't really care for matsuzaka's career.
very very very jewish way!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the jew destroyed japanese fame!!! unforgivable
Mr.boras might not be a jew. even thogh he don't have jewish blood line,don't have jewish religion, innner side of him is very jewish.
he was an alumnus of University of the Pacific. western pacific university is the best. yoshimura sakuji(natable egypt scholar) and akiyama masato (high power esper) are alumni of it. they have docter's degree.
Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore -- While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door -- "'Tis some visiter," I muttered, "tapping at my chamber door -- Only this and nothing more."
Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December; And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor. Eagerly I wished the morrow; -- vainly I had sought to borrow From my books surcease of sorrow -- sorrow for the lost Lenore -- For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore -- Nameless here for evermore.
And the silken, sad, uncertain rustling of each purple curtain Thrilled me -- filled me with fantastic terrors never felt before; So that now, to still the beating of my heart, I stood repeating, "'Tis some visiter entreating entrance at my chamber door -- Some late visiter entreating entrance at my chamber door; -- This it is and nothing more."
Presently my soul grew stronger; hesitating then no longer, "Sir," said I, "or Madam, truly your forgiveness I implore; But the fact is I was napping, and so gently you came rapping, And so faintly you came tapping, tapping at my chamber door, That I scarce was sure I heard you " -- here I opened wide the door; ---- Darkness there and nothing more.
Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing, Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before; But the silence was unbroken, and the stillness gave no token, And the only word there spoken was the whispered word, "Lenore?" This I whispered, and an echo murmured back the word, "Lenore!" -- Merely this and nothing more.
Back into the chamber turning, all my soul within me burning, Soon again I heard a tapping somewhat louder than before. "Surely," said I, "surely that is something at my window lattice; Let me see, then, what thereat is, and this mystery explore -- Let my heart be still a moment and this mystery explore;-- 'Tis the wind and nothing more!"
Open here I flung the shutter, when, with many a flirt and flutter, In there stepped a stately Raven of the saintly days of yore; Not the least obeisance made he; not a minute stopped or stayed he; But, with mien of lord or lady, perched above my chamber door -- Perched upon a bust of Pallas just above my chamber door -- Perched, and sat, and nothing more.
Then this ebony bird beguiling my sad fancy into smiling, By the grave and stern decorum of the countenance it wore, "Though thy crest be shorn and shaven, thou," I said, "art sure no craven, Ghastly grim and ancient Raven wandering from the Nightly shore -- Tell me what thy lordly name is on the Night's Plutonian shore!" Quoth the Raven "Nevermore."
Much I marvelled this ungainly fowl to hear discourse so plainly, Though its answer little meaning -- little relevancy bore; For we cannot help agreeing that no living human being Ever yet was blessed with seeing bird above his chamber door -- Bird or beast upon the sculptured bust above his chamber door, With such name as "Nevermore."
But the Raven, sitting lonely on the placid bust, spoke only That one word, as if his soul in that one word he did outpour. Nothing further then he uttered -- not a feather then he fluttered -- Till I scarcely more than muttered "Other friends have flown before -- On the morrow he will leave me, as my hopes have flown before." Then the bird said "Nevermore."
Startled at the stillness broken by reply so aptly spoken, "Doubtless," said I, "what it utters is its only stock and store Caught from some unhappy master whom unmerciful Disaster Followed fast and followed faster till his songs one burden bore -- Till the dirges of his Hope that melancholy burden bore Of 'Never -- nevermore'."
But the Raven still beguiling my sad fancy into smiling, Straight I wheeled a cushioned seat in front of bird, and bust and door; Then, upon the velvet sinking, I betook myself to linking Fancy unto fancy, thinking what this ominous bird of yore -- What this grim, ungainly, ghastly, gaunt and ominous bird of yore Meant in croaking "Nevermore."
This I sat engaged in guessing, but no syllable expressing To the fowl whose fiery eyes now burned into my bosom's core; This and more I sat divining, with my head at ease reclining On the cushion's velvet lining that the lamp-light gloated o'er, But whose velvet violet lining with the lamp-light gloating o'er, She shall press, ah, nevermore!
Then, methought, the air grew denser, perfumed from an unseen censer Swung by Seraphim whose foot-falls tinkled on the tufted floor. "Wretch," I cried, "thy God hath lent thee -- by these angels he hath sent thee Respite -- respite and nepenthe, from thy memories of Lenore; Quaff, oh quaff this kind nepenthe and forget this lost Lenore!" Quoth the Raven "Nevermore."
"Prophet!" said I, "thing of evil! -- prophet still, if bird or devil! -- Whether Tempter sent, or whether tempest tossed thee here ashore, Desolate yet all undaunted, on this desert land enchanted -- On this home by Horror haunted -- tell me truly, I implore -- Is there -- is there balm in Gilead? -- tell me -- tell me, I implore!" Quoth the Raven "Nevermore."
"Prophet!" said I, "thing of evil -- prophet still, if bird or devil! By that Heaven that bends above us -- by that God we both adore -- Tell this soul with sorrow laden if, within the distant Aidenn, It shall clasp a sainted maiden whom the angels name Lenore -- Clasp a rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore." Quoth the Raven "Nevermore."
"Be that word our sign in parting, bird or fiend!" I shrieked, upstarting -- "Get thee back into the tempest and the Night's Plutonian shore! Leave no black plume as a token of that lie thy soul hath spoken! Leave my loneliness unbroken! -- quit the bust above my door! Take thy beak from out my heart, and take thy form from off my door!" Quoth the Raven "Nevermore."
And the Raven, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting On the pallid bust of Pallas just above my chamber door; And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming, And the lamp-light o'er him streaming throws his shadow on the floor; And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor Shall be lifted -- nevermore!
>>678 O.o;; Are you talking out loud, or to me? I've already met the one who sweeps me off my feet. I'm probably going to have to take half a year or a year long break from my studies for his sake. -_-;;;
>>680 Oh. Have you read any of Edgar Allen Poe's other works? He is one of my favorite authors, even if his stories are often rather dark, because he writes in such an interesting way.
It is imperative that I give you the following information, which 2ch wants concealed from the public. To get right down to it, 2ch once tried convincing me that honesty and responsibility have no cash value and are therefore worthless. Does he think I was born yesterday? I mean, it seems pretty obvious that 2ch's suggestions do not represent progress. They represent insanity masquerading as progress.
>>681 Is he an asian or a muslim or a black ? If not so,you are a hypocrite If you can't sleep, why not sleep with the guy? Comfortable tiredness will lead you to a good sleep.
Although 2ch wants nothing less than to pursue an abhorrent agenda under the guise of false concern for the environment, poverty, civil rights, or whatever, I want this letter to speak a language of reconciliation, not retaliation. Before I launch into my rant, permit me the prelude caveat that the spectrum of views between boosterism and clericalism is not a line but a circle at which disorderly scatterbrains and stinking freaks of nature of one sort or another meet. To properly place 2ch somewhere in that spectrum, one needs to realize that 2ch's favorite tactic is known as "deceiving with the truth".
>>683 Thou seemest to be a moron. Obviously, thou copied'st that and didst replace someone else's name with "2ch". Also, wherefore dost thou call thyself Bruce Wayne? He is naught but a fictional character.
Where, oh where, should I begin telling you about how irritable 2ch is? How about here: 2ch's cop-outs are amalgams of popular themes among treacherous exhibitionists, demented, vainglorious card sharks, and hostile slumlords. You see, I really believe that 2ch's publications are closed-minded in their impact, aberrent in their aspirations, vile in their political deviousness, and primitive in their semi-intelligible philosophies.
>>682 I haven't read much, sadly. I've read "The Fall of the House of Usher", though that was many years ago, perhaps even an entire decade by now. I may have read some more of his works, I'm not certain. I saw an animated version of The Tell-Tale Heart as a kid, and I adored it. Perhaps that might seem like an odd choice of words, "adore", but I was simply fascinated with the tale, and loved how it was executed, bothy storywise and the artwork in the animation . I think it is this one, though I'm not certain, without seeing any photos of it.
>>689 I apologize for telling thee "hence", but I still wish to hear wherefore thou camest. If thou will just copy from other places, thou art of no use here. I pray thee write thine own posts rather than copy them. Should thou do that, I have no problem with thee.
Mr.Bruce Wayne uses hign-level english words. He writes intellectualy in english. But somewhat sounds unnatural to me. is it just for my english ability?
>>684 Asian, muslim, or black? O.o;; Who? My boyfriend, or the above poster? My boyfriend is none of that, and I assume the above poster is Japanese and thus is Asian. I do not sleep next to people I do not trust, which is why I am not interested in sleeping next to that poster. I can't sleep next to my boyfriend because he's in Germany right now, and I am not. How does that make me a hypocrite? Also, sadly I'm not comfortably tired. I'm exhausted, but too worried to go to sleep just yet.
>>695 Are you trying to toss Godwin's Law at me? O.o;; People are individuals. My boyfriend isn't racist. Though if you are that keen on referring to that time period, may I remind you of that Japan were allied with Germany, with the German nazis. Just because things happened in the past doesn't mean future generations are like that. Why would you get to be free of such guilt, when you're as guilty as them through history? Double-standards are no way to go.
>>663 Japanese wannabe? Hardly. There's absolutely no way I could be "Japanese", ethnically, culturally, etc. I don't look Japanese, I don't act Japanese. (Although, if that's the worst insult that comes to mind, I suppose I'm doing well.)
>>698 Why not? It has an interesting culture. Also, I have a thing for calligraphy, although I do not practice it myself (yet). Also, I like the art-form comics, and graphical stories are a lot more common in Japan that many other countries, though it's starting to get more popular again. Also, regarding design, I quite like the assymetry and beautiful simplicity that tends to be quite common in Japan. By no means believe that Japan is the only country I find interesting, but for the past few years, it's been one of the countries I've been most interested in finding out more about. This especially due to that my boyfriend used to study Japanese culture and language in U.K., and is quite likely to live there for a number of years, meaning that I too will have to. Can't say I mind, though. Japan has a reputation for making quality things, which appears to be true more often than not, and thus it seems as if staying there (for however long it will be) would be quite a rich, and fascinating experience. It will just take me some time to adjust to some of the customs. I have a bad habit of being too honest and blunt, though I avoid being unnecessarily rude about it (i find it appalling when people try to use honesty as an excuse for blatant arrogance and rudeness).
And yes, Sweden is relatively small. Though the amount of people is smaller in comparison to other countries in Europ, than the size of the landmass in comparison to some other European countries' landmass. I.e. we have a low people/km^2 ratio.
>>700 Ah. My point was that every country has done a lot of bad things and good things, and thus it's a bit difficult to justify blaming people from a different generation for bad things previous generations have done, without doing the same to oneself. It just doesn't properly work.
hmm... It's terribly late considering how early I need to wake up tomorrow... I guess I'll just take some valerian and try to get some sleep.
>>700 You are forgetting the crimes that Japan committed against the Koreans and the Chinese. Japan should apologize, and it should stop erasing the Nanjing massacre from history textbooks.
>>705 I doubt many people know who Ming the Merciless is anymore. He was Flash Gordon's nemesis and tyrant ruler of the planet Mongo. It seems like anything creative people do these days is immediately deconstructed into some smarmy and sarcastic idea.
>>715 In men's singles, I hope Takahashi will win but Brian Joubert is pretty strong this season... I don't want to miss Nobunari Oda's first quadraple attempt, too! He said he would try on tv the other day. I like all the Japanese ladies skaters too, anyone could win... but hope to see Mao's second victory in the final! I like her SP. How about you?
I didn't see Mao skating. This doesn't have anything to do with her performance, but I think she looks like Shimura Ken especially when he masquarade as silly master of a castle. I mean, her face is really maroish.
good masuturbation and good tiredness will lead you to a good sleep. i agree. i recommend you special masturbation style,not jerking off style, i recommend swinging hip style. you lie down with your stomach on the bed. then swing!!!!!!!!!!!! your hip!!! and grind your dick to the bed!!! then spew!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gooooooodddddddddddddddddd!
speaking of the spot for ejaculation,it should not have to be vagina only . ass hole is another good spot we can ejaculate to, no matter what sex ass-hole belongs to. i'm not racist, and peace.
nowadays phomophobic people are seen as mentally ill. someday, fags will be seen normal and special and phomophobia will be seen as severe mental disorder. phomophobia will be crime. they will be sent to the concentration camp.
Why do you learn English? Do you need to use English now or future? I definitely think that a language is a method for communication, not for fashion. You won't master English if you learn it for only it. A language is a method for taking your dream!
Why do we learn English? The answer is, if you can speak English, you can communicate with American or English-speaking girls. Then you can express how much you want to fuck her! You can have the opportunity to have sex! SEX IS LIFE! To have sex, you MUST be able to speak English. Isn't that a good reason to start learning English? Don't hesitate. For your guranteed sex life, learn English. For English education Call 1-800‐?%&‐5?5
>>763 Why should we call someone mentally ill for having a view that's different. If someone is homophobic, then why don't homosexuals not associate with them? And why don't homophobic people just avoid homosexuals? There is nothing wrong with you mentally if you just don't like someone. I like my democratic right to be 'publicly antisocial' :).
Besides, these days people just accuse other people of being racist or sexist, even when they may not like someone just because of their character. I don't find anything wrong with gays, but I hate people who are promiscuous.
>>781 If everything else besides sex is boring, then you're doing something wrong. Don't forget that enjoying yourself with the things you do in life is quite important for your wellbeing. Shifting the responsibility for all that fun to only sex is quite sad, as that is a bit too one-sided.
>>779 There are a lot of prettier girls to get married to in this world.
>>798 Hmmm. Be with my family, mainly. If I recall correctly, Europeans/North-Americans tend to celebrate Christmas the way Japanese people celebrate New Years Eve, as a family holiday in other words. New Years Eve on the other hand is something people are more likely to spend with friends, or at parties.
>>797 That's great! Congratulations and good luck! And thing we can do beyond being moral support?
>>796 Dear Anonymous, you've been looking at the wrong spy-cam. I am not 2hawt4Uprincessgurl16, whose webcam you've obviously fallen in love with. May you have the best of luck with her and her chat-speak mongering ways ;-D
>>808 Could you please explain it for us who do not grasp it yet?
>>810 Not really. You're quite a welcome addition to this place. People like having native English-speaking people to converse with. They also usually like when native English people correct and explain things about the English language that they haven't quite understood yet (or grammar/spelling). At one point in time, I visited a certain restaurant, and my boyfriend insisted I'd try their guacamole. I had never had any before, and it was ridiculously delicious, and a truly a delicacy. A year later, I visited that restaurant again, but to my sorrow they had changed the guacamole recipe... It wasn't bad... It tasted good. But it was terribly plain in comparison to what it tasted like before... I think I'll be searching for an as good recipe as the one they had used the first time I visited the place, until I find it. :-/
>>818 Well, guacamole certainly tastes a lot better than it looks. :D I like eating it with tortillas. The taste can vary... as long as you don't go crazy with the onions or garlic, it's usually pretty good. If you can gather the ingredients, then it's quite easy to make at home.
The Doritos sold in Japan are probably made in Japan! The Doritos sold in the U.S. has a better taste. Japanese Doritos tastes a little weird. Well, if you dip it in salsa or nachos, it doesn't really matter.
>>820 Hi fru (^-^)/ I'm a 23 year old Swede. I do not speak Japanese yet (it's on my list of languages to learn) My English has to be good, considering the fact that I've studied it since 4th grade. It's not at all as good as it should be, though. I need to get better at it.
>>822>>824 Pray that you never will come close to any of your idols in real life, you'd be terribly dissapointed to realize that they too are merely human...
>>821 Yeah, I know. My boyfriend and I once made some. It wasn't as good as the kind I first tasted at the restaurant, but as good as at the second visit to the restaurant.
>>830 ..Heh? There are a lot of foreigners visitors to this board. Just not that many this hour, it seems.
>>835 You're right, indeed! I'm the butler, disguised! @__@ This was just an evil plot to pin the murder on k-tan! Oh, drats... Perhaps I shouldn't have revealed that... Oh well.
>>836 Perhaps you should try to do something about it, if it really bothers you. Otherwise, it's a bit pointless to feel bad about it.
I haven't lost my cherry yet and I'm tired of it. I've lived 19 years and it is very miserable to jerk yourself... I don't mind fucking a prostitute though so I should go to the UK.
God bless the 5 womans who were killed by "Jack"...
Hi. I'm Z-tan. K-tan is merely my bothersome little sister. She gets on my computer when I'm at my after school job at the reindeer ranch. While I'm shovelling caribou manure, she's busy on my computer. I don't mind so much so please don't tease or harass her. She's only five years old and I love my little sister.
A few years ago, all the threads in 2ch were full of (^^). Every thread you go, (^^) was found to the point of irritation. But now that 山崎渉 has been removed completely, I feel I want (^^) back.
Did someone see my dick? It's been missing since yesterday and I really need it now to take a piss. Probably he's upset because I haven't "used" him yet.
>>847 x-D I wish I had been that awesome, such a brilliant little genious. Though it would have been a bit scary... For a five year old kid to know as much as I do... Ah well ^_^ yet another random link. I need to learn to do that some day :-D I've only had an intensively hyperreal dream (not a lucid dream, just hyperreal) once, that I can remember. It was terribly odd; symbolism galore.
>>883 Actually, "media" was correct. He was referring to the mass media being controlled by Jews (total garbage of course, but his English is okay lol).
>>886 You're missing my point. Though if we're gonna nitpick on grammar, his usage was incorrect, regardless of if he was using the mathematical operator or programming related assignment (as in programming, e.g. int x = 5+y;) "Media = several instances of medium" <=> Media equals to several instances of medium. Media != Jew (Several instances of Medium is not Jew; they are two completely different objects) Media != Jews (Several instances of Medium is not Jews; they are two completely different objects) What he wanted to say, was "Media = Jew-controlled", or "Media = under Jewish power"
I was saying that my use of the equal-to sign was accurate, unlike his comment stating that mass media was controlled by Jews (the notion, not the grammar/equations). Some conspiration theories I can't but feel credit way too much to the ones they claim are the spiders in the web. The more people you involve in something, the more significant human error and flaws come into play. The notion that Jews as a race consciously and continously tamper with media, i.e. standing above everyone else in that aspect, is ascribing them ridiculously too much "übermensch" qualities. If they truly had attempted to do such a thing (being just as human as anyone else, and not some sort of legion of superhumans), it would have been a world-wide recognised fact, not a pet conspiracy amongst a few people who paradoxally by it state that the jews are super-humans, yet claim the jews are subhuman, in the same breath. Hmm.. Interesting way of looking at things. And heh... The mention of Laxmi in there suddenly makes me understand why a blogger whose readings I sometimes find quite interesting likes that godess. I see what he did there. x-D
>>890 Yes? That doesn't detract from my point. My point was that conspiration theories like the self-contradictions of that they're simultaneously super-human yet sub-human really doesn't work. I stated that my variant of "what media was the same as" was correct, unlike the conspiration theory version, due to the fallacy of that conspiration theory. And though it's perfectly understandable what the poster meant, it's too oversimplified and requires too much knowledge about conspiracies to be an acceptable, proper simplification. Compare: "pain = mud". (the example would have made a lot of sense said at e.g. a place where people constantly have a lot of exasperating mud on their roads. Only make sense, though.) It's not the same class of word-omittal as the examples on that page you linked to. Though that really doesn't matter: what matters is that the conspiracy-concept is too self-contradictory to work (in reality as well as theory).
>>896 I'm more likely to hug him. I'm too friendly, believe it or not. I have a bad habit of taking a liking for people far too easily, being too helpful, and believing the best of people too much. I'm not ignorant about that people can be mean and evil, just that I can't believe that a healthy human being truly would work to intentionally poison things. I feel that people just have different values and opinions of what things are like and what matters the most, as well as having a various amount of problems that cloud their minds in different ways. Our pattern-seeking mind is one of our greatest advantages, yet simultaneously one of our greatest flaws. (too great simplifications are as dangerous and useless as barely any...)
But yes.. I can't shake the feeling that a healthy person would work for "the greater good", people just have very different ideas of what that is. (By greater good I mean to make it better for the world one lives in. Some view their immediate social circles/environment as the only significant parts of one's world, others view it on a global scale, and of course there's also everything inbetween...) After all, who wouldn't want to live in a better world? (Though to say once again, what "better" is, is highly debatable.) And if one wants something to be in a certain way, one contributes to ensure that things will be bent towards that way.
>>897 Yeah, indeed. Silly typos. I do need sleep -_-;; Too many typos, too much incoherent babble... But I'm too awake. I feel like jogging some energy off, but it's late, and my family would be very upset at me randomly doing that this late. I don't live in some metropolis, but it is nevertheless the 3rd largest city in Sweden. I wouldn't have a problem with doing it, I feel too safe in my city, but others would be worried sick about me, as people have been robbed/murdered/raped/injured in this city. I've just never known anyone who actually has gotten robbed/etc. Hmm.. Well, some tiny kids foolishly tried to rob a friend of mine once. He promptly slapped the kid for the insolence, and then when he tried to stab my friend with a pocket knife, my friend picked him up and tossed him away. Ahaha. I didn't see it myself, though. That friend of mine is over two meters tall, and quite strong :-p I boggle at that those tiny kids decided to try to rob him, of all people. Hmmmm... I'm babbling again. Not good @_@
>>902 Not that kind of hugging. Keep in mind that I live in a country where hugging one's friend when meeting each other is our equivalent to the french custom of kissing friends on the cheeks when meeting them :-p It's quite de-sexualized here. If you'd imply that hugging is a purely sexual thing, you'd be given rather odd looks, here. Hugging can be sexual, the same way dancing can be sexual. Hugging can be terribly asexual, too. Good friends of even the same gender do not shy away from hugging each other as greeting, unless they're overly homophobic. Though I guess the degree to which this custom is followed depends on where in the country one is. However: Carrie? By Stephen King? I've seen that movie. *shakes head* It's a terribly sad movie.
>He's famous everywhere Is it true in Scotland. I once heard that doraemon is not so popular in Europe. Because kids,especially nobita is not as independant as european children.He is always seeking help from doraemon.
>>910 Nope, they weren't black. They were locals :-p If you think that the only people who commit crimes are people who did not originate in the country they commit the crime in, then you are sadly mistaken. And Dolph Lundgren is shorter than my friend, according to wikipedia: "Dolph Lundgren is 196 cm (6 ft 5 in)". ("Dolph has often been the victim of over-billing, something he loathes according to his statement on a recent interview with a Swedish state channel. At one point, the interviewer asked "Are you 6 ' 5 feet tall?" To which Dolph responded by saying, "No, it's supposed to be 6 ' 3 feet". At the time of Showdown in Little Tokyo, he was marketed to the Japanese public as a 10 feet tall body-builder from a country near the North Pole and the son of a bear-trapper, who grew up in the harshest northern wilderness known to mankind." ...AHAHAHAHAHA! I did NOT know that... poor Lundgren... Ahahahaha.... Poor 'son of a bear-trapper' x-D ... ) He's shorther than my friend by at least half a decimeter. Though not as muscular as Lundgren (at least used to be) is. And yes, tall people are common here, however two meters is significantly tall. The average height for men in Sweden is around 179 cm, according to the link I got from wikipedia, but a bit more than that is far from uncommon. Though, as I said, two meters is significantly tall, even in Sweden. My friend likes the fact that most booths in clothing stores where people can try clothes on are not build with people of his length in mind, and are usually just cubicle shaped but with a door: i.e. there's a big space between the ceiling and the door :-p He's amused at how easily he can see people topless from that angle. He's stated that if he had been a bit less than two centimeters taller, then it would have officially and legally counted as a handicap.
>>914 Well, maybe that's true... Doraemon isn't as famous here as he is in Japan. It is on TV though. I wouldn't say the European children are that much more independent than Japanese, but I can't really tell. But other Japanese series like クレヨンしんちゃん are really popular with kids here. I'd say that he's pretty independent, wouldn't you?(^^)
>>912 Shy, reserved people? I don't know. I can't recall meeting any fins, as far as I was informed. The stereotype of them here, as far as I know, is that they drink as hard as the Russians, and are beyond fond of saunas. I'm terribly amused at the fact that most of Finland's polulation originates from a population of around a quarter of a million (if I recall correctly). My tired eyes can't quite find any references to that there, I might have missed that. My source for the fact I mentioned was a news-paper article, about how some scientist loved that, as it helped her gene-research greatly (as she could look for specific disease-genes in a lot fewer people, and find connections. By fewer I think it was 1000 in finland vs 40000 in London).
>>915 so even swedish people look up and stared at him?
how about holland? why are they so tall?dutch karate-kickboxer Sem Schilt won k-1 (kick boxing tournament)grand prix two times in a row.He is over 2.1m.
>>917 Is shinchan described as japanese? In korea, shinchan is supposed to be korean. captain tubasa(soccer manga) is korean,,,maginger Z is korean,,, only a few people know the fact. I'm not blaming though.
>>915 Poor Dolph Lundren. I don't think the man has ever starred in a movie worth watching. But he's also had a fairly interesting and varied acting career.
By the way, Showdown in Little Tokyo was one of Brandon Lee's, Bruce Lee's son, first movies. A few years before The Crow, I think.
>>916 "if we go to Sweden,we can see people like hime everywhere in sweden? " <-- That depends on if you spend most of your time in various body-building gyms or not. Keep in mind that there are plenty of brown-haired Swedes, as well as males who are BELOW 190 cm. So, if you're expecting a country with just blond-haired giants, you're gonna be quite dissapointed. But if you expect to ALSO see that, among other things, then why not :-D They do quite exist, and aren't rare, but they're not the norm (though for a Japanese male, I guess that even the average height for men in Sweden miiight seem towering, being a decimeter and a half taller... But I'm talking of people taller than Lundgren, not of average height.)
>>924 No, we are not the country with most natural blondes, Finland is. However, also keep in mind that it's common for hair to grow a darker shade as people grow older. Yet the "nordic blonde" color is quite liked, and thus people with dark-blond(e)/light-brown or even darker hair are inclined to dye their hair to such shades. Sweden is the country with the highest percentage of people who bleach their hair x-D Not that odd, though. People everywhere like to maintain looks that are associated with youth, that includes more light-blond(e) hair.
>>921 # The Crow, 1994 - Eric Draven; # Rapid Fire, 1992 - Jake Lo; # Showdown in Little Tokyo, 1991 - Johnny Murata; # Laser Mission (also known as Soldier of Fortune), 1990 - Michael Gold; # Ohara (TV Episode), 1988 - Kenji; # Kung Fu:The Next Generation, 1987 - Johnny Caine; # Kung Fu:The Movie (1986) - Chung Wang; # Legacy of Rage (Long zai jiang hu), 1986 - Brandon Ma.
>>926 just like this. "author was the korean.and people in the comic book is korean." i think koreans are gradually getting aware of the fact. but at that time,they don't know.
>>930 Oh, I see... plagiarism. The Korean マジンガーZ is protecting Takeshima/Dokdo? (I'll use both names when referring to them, because I'm neutral on the matter)
Is that to get kids interested in that issue at an early age?
Did you mean that you find a picture of a Norwegian?
Racism - # based on racial intolerance; "racist remarks" # a person with a prejudiced belief that one race is superior to others # discriminatory especially on the basis of race or religion
Ah, ah, We come from the land of the ice and snow, From the midnight sun where the hot springs blow. The hammer of the gods Will drive our ships to new lands, To fight the horde, singing and crying: Valhalla, I am coming! On we sweep with threshing oar, Our only goal will be the western shore. Ah, ah, We come from the land of the ice and snow, From the midnight sun where the hot springs blow. How soft your fields so green, Can whisper tales of gore, Of how we calmed the tides of war. We are your overlords. On we sweep with threshing oar, Our only goal will be the western shore. So now you'd better stop and rebuild all your ruins, For peace and trust can win the day Despite of all your losing.
>>938 There was once a day, but old Time wasythen young, That brave Caledonia, the chief of her line, From some of your northern deities sprung, (Who knows not that brave Caledonia's divine?) From Tweed to the Orcades was her domain, To hunt, or to pasture, or do what she would: Her heav'nly relations there fixed her reign, And pledg'd her their godheads to warrant it good.
A lambkin in peace, but a lion in war, The pride of her kindred, the heroine grew: Her grandsire, old Odin, triumphantly swore, - "Whoe'er shall provoke thee, th' encounter shall rue!" With tillage or pasture at times she would sport, To feed her fair flocks by her green rustling corn; But chiefly the woods were her fav'rite resort, Her darling amusement, the hounds and the horn.
Long quiet she reigned; till thitherward steers A flight of bold eagles from Adria's strand: Repeated, successive, for many long years, They darken'd the air, and they plunder'd the land: Their pounces were murder, and terror their cry, They'd conquer'd and ruin'd a world beside; She took to her hills, and her arrows let fly, The daring invaders they fled or they died.
The Cameleon-Savage disturb'd her repose, With tumult, disquiet, rebellion, and strife; Provok'd beyond bearing, at last she arose, And robb'd him at once of his hopes and his life: The Anglian lion, the terror of France, Oft prowling, ensanguin'd the Tweed's silver flood; But, taught by the bright Caledonian lance, He learned to fear in his own native wood.
The fell Harpy-raven took wing from the north, The scourge of the seas, and the dread of the shore; The wild Scandinavian boar issued forth To wanton in carnage and wallow in gore: O'er countries and kingdoms their fury prevail'd, No arts could appease them, no arms could repel; But brave Caledonia in vain they assail'd, As Largs well can witness, and Loncartie tell.
Thus bold, independent, unconquer'd, and free, Her bright course of glory for ever shall run: For brave Caledonia immortal must be; I'll prove it from Euclid as clear as the sun: Rectangle-triangle, the figure we'll chuse: The upright is Chance, and old Time is the base; But brave Caledonia's the hypothenuse; Then, ergo, she'll match them, and match them always.
>>942 Ah, the allegory of the cave. That's the only thing I like about Plato to be honest. I was never really a fan of euthanasia, human breeding, the militarization of society and his ideas about the need for a military and political elite
>>943 Plato had *some* ideas, but things don't really get interesting until Socrates, or the Stoicism. It's amusing that the only way the idea of someone not belonging to a country, but being a "citizen of the world" only came after Alexander the Great, who, amongst his exploits, razed towns and plundered the land. I wonder if the world could survive another enigmatic conqueror such as Alexander?
>>945 Well, I would argue that Greece at least, was better off than it was before Alexander's conquests. I can't really imagine anything like that happening now though. Alexander with nuclear weapons?
I don't like BUSH and Americans How about this? Should I hit the head of the US SOLDIER "parasiting" to Japan with big beer bottle and thrust his throat with the broken beer bottle?
I always thinking how I can panish and execute the sinful AMERICANS for world piece and I'm always hesitating that I shold really hit the "在日米兵"'s head with baseball bat when I'm speeding with my 50cc bicycle
>>953 I heard Americans are easy to be identified in Europe because they don't mind their fashion. I mean they don't care how they look, wearing sloppy jeans and casual wron-out T shirt and all. Is that the case?
>>954 I'm not sure that their fashion is so bad... sometimes, I suppose. They are easily identified though, because...well... I don't really like saying it, but they are usually a bit obnoxious.
>>955 In what way do you find American tourists obnoxious? Do they act as if they are in their own country even if they are just visitors? I'll hit the sack. It's about 3 in the morning. See you around.
>>956 Yeah, that's pretty much it. They act as if they are in their own country. Well, kind of. They're really loud in quiet places like restaurants and on public transport. Also, they seem to have no respect for people around them.
Funny that most of my American friends find stereotypical American tourists obnoxious. They are loud, inconsiderate, do inappropriate things at sacred sites, ask for a discount in 'English' on a dollar souvenir, etc. But tourists are obnoxious anyway, whatever country they are from. I guess American tourists are a bit more than just tourists...
>>957 I am still awake. ^^ How does American English sound to you as a Scottish intonation or pronunciation-wise? What is your impression on spoken American English?
This time I'll really go to bed!
>>958 What you said reminds me of a Japanese proverb, "旅の恥はかき捨て”
i've just watched late-movie show.evil side was germans in nazi costume.they were all blonde. good side is ally of Tibetans(chinese?actors are chinese) and american whites. typical good VS evil's boring.
in hollywood movie, people with blond hair and blue eyes are sometimes characterize as the movie of "karate kid" enemy was california golden boy who parted his hair on the side. Ralph Macchio is italian-american. his girl friend in the movie was blonde though....
>>962 yes. i don't think german's blond rate is exceptionally high in europe.
but every nazi or nazi sympathizer in the dramas or movies are almost all blond.
set aside the topic of blonde, nazi is typical enemy for american movie or drama. i don't support nazi,but we've watched these too many times. stories are too stereotyping and boring.not creative.
but you'll agree blond is the sign of stupidity as well as sign of sexiness in hollywood . i'm not interested in blond people much.but i don't like the way they act.
>>966 Blonde's are on the receiving end of thousands of jokes about their intelligence actually. It's not just in Hollywood. I think that blondes are becoming less popular these days.
don't americans pay homeage to scotland? scotland is one of their homeland. priortizing america over their descents is natural. but they should respect their ancestors somewhat.
some chinese americans do much.they have strong sense of chinese rather than (chinese) american.
>>964 In movies, Nazis (or their sympathizers) are usually blond, due to that the blond, blue-eyed muscular man is what the nazis stereotyped the so called "Aryan race" as. Which is pretty amusing considering that the one who was most for breeding forth an army of this kind of men was the exact opposite of this. Hitler must have hated himself a lot.
>>966 Blond(e) hair in itself isn't a sign of stupidity, however the blond(e) stereotype of bimbos quite use it as a such. It probably developed centuries ago, when bleaching your hair was rather dangerous, and the ones who did so indeed literally lost many brain cells each treatement, rendering themselves idiots in the process.
>>977 Do you mean that without dark hair, it wouldn't have appeared as if he was doing it with the country's interests in mind, but just trying to ensure his own superiority?