Hello. I have 5 math assignments that are due today in school, and I haven't started any of them. And school starts in about 4 hours and 20 minutes. I wonder if that's enough time to do them... What do you think?
Well, First of all, I don't need to buy equvalents of Playboy or Maxim now that I visit any adult site on the Net. I get to see Ketsuge burger in 2ch, too. lol When I read 2ch, I lose track of time more often than not and end up wasting my time.
So I got be careful. Among 2ch forum,I seldem read threads in other board rather than ones in English board. So it's part of my improving English and it's OK.
I e-mail and subscribe to e-mail magazines too. I read websites and blogs written by English speakers. I used to chat but haven't done it recently. When I first chat with people overseas, it was amazing to think that at the very same moments, someone half across the globe and I are at the screen and sharing the time beyond time diffrences.
What a Internet, I thought. What a technology!
I listen to music and video but don't have a habit of storing files except something useful.
>>9 I always think that when I talk to people :) One of my favorite people to talk to lives in Malaysia, which usually means that if we're talking, one of us is up later than we should be. Though, most of the other people I talk to live in the states, too.
I download a lot of music. Right now, I have about 12GBs of anime/manga and about 13GB of music.
As for websites, I have a few forums that I go to, and I use livejournal.com (like any good angsty teenager, of course!)
Angst: A feeling of anxiety or apprehension often accompanied by depression.
Antsy: 1. Restless or impatient; fidgety: The long wait made the children antsy. 2. Nervous; apprehensive: “Camps got shot up all the time, but if there wasn't a shoot-up, they'd get antsy” (Harper's).
>>31 It's more stressful! I have no money, and I have no where to go.
I would much rather have a job so that I'll have money when I turn 18 and can move out. It's more difficult to get out when you live with your parents.
>>48 People in HK celebrated the Handover. They threw a party and drank lots of beer on that day. The next day they felt dizzy and they couldn't work as usual. This is called Hong Kong Hangover.
>>63 Girls is Sweden shave their pubic hair? If so, all of hair or part of hair? I heard girls in US do. Japanese girls don't except some pubic hair concious girls.
>>62 Isn't that partially due to that HG was a pretty 2-dimensional character and that his actor got married with a girl, and so people feel he's not as funny any more, as the novely has worn off, and as well as that it's even more obvious now that he's only pretending?
>>68 He shouldn't have told us he's normal and held a press conference about his marriage. His popularity has been dwindling this year, and finally he disapeared from the screen. What a shame.
>>65 That very much depends on the person, really. Some do, some don't.
>>64 I hope that was sarcasm... I don't know how to get the proper characters, so I just use the lower case versions of the letters X and O.
>>67 "I can do it before breakfast" means it's a piece of cake? Really? Are you sure you don't mean "I do [x] for breakfast?" where x is some (impressive) feat?
Is there anyone who has good knowlege on computers? Today, a Dell laptop was delivered, but when I set it up, it couldn't boot!! A message was brought up to the screen, like "unsupported video configuration detected. At the point, I am stuck. What's video configuration? I didn't do anything about it!
>>75 I am impressed. How come you are so updated on Japanese show business? Do you have some Japanese friends and they informed you what's happening in Japanese show business?
>>74 I didn't know the expression until today's midnight news. It said, when American people say it's a piece of cake, we say "I can do it before breakfast", like African people say "it's porriage" to mean the same thing as it's a piece of cake.
How does it feel for Japanese people to be "in"? I got interested in Japanese culture way before the country became a popular culture icon, but now the masses think that everything Japanese is cool. China is supposed to become the next big thing. Not that I really care, but maybe I should study Mandarin and Cantonese as well as Japanese, to make sure I'll be able to get a job.
K-tan, do you know Swedish people eat many potatos like Japanese people do a lot of rice?
A swedish woman who is married to a Japanese man appeared on a tv show today. She cooked a traditional swedish food. She baked a lot of sliced potatos with cream. And one more dish is... I don't remember the exact name of it, but I'm sure she used canned herring (awfully stinky).
>>84 Do you know two british men wore the HG costume and helped ordinary people on the street? I watched the video clips they showed up in. Are you interested in British HGs?
>>86 Japanese eat more rice than Swedes eat potatoes, I'm fairly sure. I'm Norwegian, and I ate potatoes today in fact. Howver, I think it is common these days to eat all kinds of food. We eat Italian, Mexican, French, Japanese, Chinese, all kinds of food!
>>88 Popatos are heavier than rice. Is that why swedish people eat less potatos? Anyway, in the show, she cooked a large amount of the creemed potato food, though.
>>85 I don't really feel that things Japanese are cool overseas. Isn't that Japanese things appeal only to small portion of people overseas who are gamers or otaku who loves anime or hellow kitty?
If it's not, what attracts people overseas are things produced by Japanese not Japanese people themselves.
I personally would feel that people overseas, especially people in US think us cool when Japanese actors play leading roles in Hollywood films.
I was really surprised to see the canned salted herring was so fermented inside that it was a bit ballooned! You have to wear a rain coat and go outside to open the can, because it smells awful, and once you touched the liquid thing, the smell won't wear off for at least a month!
>>86 Hehh... Yes, I do know Japanese people eat a lot of rice worse than we eat potatoes. We used to eat a lot more potatoes in the past, but we still do eat a lot... Like >>88 said. I've never eaten fermented herring (that's the awfully stinky kind), and most people probably haven't, but it's famous. I would like to try, though. I'm curious about if I'd dislike or like the taste. I'm guessing I'd dislike it, but I'd still like to give it a shot.
>>78 Ah,no. Japanese people haven't been informing me. I've been reading about it. As >>83 pointed out, a lot of clips have been translated, and he's gotten quite popular with some. So I didn't have to know Japanese to read people talking about him. Also, the English Wikipedia has an article about him.
>>91 Japanese styles (clothing, interior decoration, as well as design) are seen as very trendy in many western countries, actually...
>>79 For some, it doesn't hurt at all. For some, it's several days of pure hellish pain. For some, it only hurts a little. For some, it only hurts a lot for a day or two of the entire period. I belong to the last category, and fortunately not anything worse. It didn't use to hurt at all the first few years I had a period, then gradually it started to hurt more -_- It isn't getting worse now, though. It just hurts enough for me to want to either constantly be on painkillers or spend as much of that time as possible unconscious.
However, you have to be kidding, right? Are you really oblivious to that being pregnant sucks even more than period pains? The thought of ever having to be pregnant scares me. The body gets so very fucked up during those nine months of pregnancy -_-;; It makes me wish humans reproduced like penguins or seahorses (i.e. the female just produces the eggs, the male carries the fertilized eggs until they hatch). That way I wouldn't have to go through that whole awful nine months and I could just gratefully pamper my poor,poor pregnant boyfriend xD And regarding giving birth itself.. Women (even such that are otherwise in perfect health) can get serious complications and die, or just get serious tissue damage when giving birth (this excluded the obvious one where the one end of the uterus gets completely ripped up, as an entire baby can't get through a hole that's normally a few millimeter large in diameter outside of pregnancy, even though it dialates somewhat during birth...).
>>95 Haven't you try the herring yet? Really? According to the narrator of the show, the food is served in sweden families around summer. She removed the bone, put the fillets on something like cracker and topped chopped onions on it. Everyone frowned at the smell first, but once they taste it, they said it was good.
>>91 I'm probably one of those overseas game/anime otakus, although my main passion is the culture and music. Japanese music is definitively not accepted as something cool, because I constantly get told to turn of the "Jap crap" when listening to my music. It's not like I'd expect them to like it either.
What I was going at was the culture. Movies like Kill Bill are influenced a lot by it, and things like karoke and sushi are very popular. The way you fuse together the old and new parts of your culture. Lost in Translation is a movie which is more about making fun of the Japanese popular culture, I guess. Not in a mean way, though. Movies often reflect what's popular, or sometimes makes things popular.
>>100 About the Japanese movies, I have only one recommendation. It's called Odoru Dai Sousa sen. Have you heard about it? I don't expect overseas people know the series, but it's really entertaining and touching.
>>107 Oh really? He is a macho guy...must be well trained to do a lot of shaking... Well, this may sound silly now, but at the first sight of him on the tube did I really think he was a funny gay...
>>110 Yeah. When he was in university, he was a member of a amateur wrestling club. I mean, not a kind of wrestling you see in the Olympics but it's like imitating professional wrestling. So he has great build. He graduated from prestageous university.
>>96 Speaking of pregnancy, surrogate mother has become a matter of debate. (Not as big as NK's nuke problem, though)
Mukai Aki, a Japanese female talent, got infected with some desease (don't ask me what it was. I don't know), and she had her genetic organ removed. She seemed to lose herself then. After that, she started to look for surrotate mothers so that she could have babies. And she finally found one in America. She paid her about 2 million dollars to get pregnant insead of her. Now she has twin babies.
The problem is, the civil law of Japan stipulates that the connection between the mother and the baby is proven at the time of birth. Plus, as most of the countries in the world, Japan also doesn't admit to the surrogate mother system (both because of an ethical problem. Can money buy babies?) She filed a lawsuit in an effort to get the babies enrolled in a list.
But many people doubt her action is acceptable. There are many things she should have got over before she did that. She hired baby sitters and go around to play and binge on drinks. What is she doing!? She should do something else important now.
Good grief, y'all have been quite chatty. Glad I created the thread when I did...
>>76 Does that happen when Windows starts up or before that? Try hitting F2 and in the menus, select "reset to defaults". That might fix things. (If you specified what model you had, I could perhaps help you out more.)
>>91 That's because, in part, it's very difficult for foreigners to see what the Japanese are really like. There's a huge language barrier, the tatamae/honne dichotomy, and a lack of context for how interaction really happens. It certainly doesn't help that Japan mostly keeps to itself; it's quite definitely unfriendly to foreigners in many ways.
>>116 Oh, thanks for the offer! I have to tell something. It's not a laptop, but a DELL's desk top computer. I wasn't myself...
Here goes the story.. I connected the computer and the screen as the instruction says, before I switched it on. And yes, its power was actually turned on, but this message appeared on the screen: "Unsupported Video Configuration Detected". What does it mean? I thought I followed the order, and didn't do anything else.
>>117 I have a question since you seem to know a lot about PC. I am not pretty sure but when I checked the capacity of my hard drive the second last time, if my memory serves, C drive has 40GB and D drive has 10 GB. When I checked it the other day, C drive has 6GB and D drive has 1 GB. Very weird.
Maybe I remebered HD capasity wrong when I checked the second last time. But let me ask you, Is it possible the capacity of HD decreased to that extent? I am not talking about how much capacity is left on both drives.
>>106 I hadn't heard about it before, but I'll be sure to watch the movie some time! Maybe I'll have to wait until I've studied more Japanese, though! But I'll put it on my movie list. I searched a little, and found out that there's a drama series about it as well. Have you seen it? The drama has been subtitled in English by fans of the series, so I would be able to understand the dialogue!
>>114 I think that sounds very wrong. I understand that she wanted children, but if she can't have one, then that's how things are! If she absolutely wanted to have a kid, why couldn't she adopt one? There are many children in Korea and China, and loads of other countries, that are in need of parents to protect them.
>>123 It shouldn't be possible... Could be that the hard drive is slowly dying, but I suspect that it's Windows' fault! Maybe you should try downloading another operating system and check the drives from there?
Ubuntu [http://www.ubuntulinux.jp/] can be run from a CD without making any changes to your hard drives, and it comes with several tools for hard drives.
If Ubuntu detects the D drive as being 10 GB, then you should probably reinstall Windows (or Ubuntu!).
>>116 Yeah, it's a culutural difference. I don't remember exactly how to call the difference technically, but people in the high-context culture(like Japan) expect listeners to understand what's not expressed explicidly and read their minds, while those in the low-context one don't, so they try to convey what they really want to say.
I don't say which is better. It's just a difference, and such varieties among the world makes it colourful.
>>100 >Lost in Translation is a movie which is more about making >fun of the Japanese popular culture ..Really? I didn't really feel that the country mattered, more of that the director/writer just needed some foreign country that was very western, yet very distanciated from western norm and language, to help emphasise on the emptiness and inadequacy both of the characters were experiencing. Both of them were at places in life they really didn't want to be, and I'm not talking about the geographical location. They were feeling very alienated from their lives as they used to know them, and so dragging them over to Japan helped emphasise on the alienation they felt even further. They were too lonely and too weary, and didn't really feel in control of their lives.
>>101 Ehh. I've had a lot worse. It's not a sharp stabbing pain most of the time, just feels like the achy aftermath of someone giving you a sharp kick in the guts (or so I imagine, at least). And it usually only lasts for a day or two.
"Fermented Baltic herring" is a speciality from up north, I live in the south of Sweden. It is very traditional to eat pickled herring here, however fermented herring is sort of less common in my city, being quite down south. There's no doubt about that you can get some somewhere, but I can't recall seeing any at any casual convenience stores that do carry pickled herring. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fermented_Baltic_herring
>>125 That's what most people here in Japan think (exclusive mass media). The woman surprised us by saying her husband's DNA was superior and she had to keep it going with the note of histeria in her voice... She is thought to be arrogant now, though I feel sorry for her situation...
>>132 At least it's not as bad as those couples that want to clone one of themselves, and then give birth to the over three decades younger twin of the husband or wife? -_-;;; Especially the way some of them spoke about the kid.. As if they would be an actual copy of the husband or wife, rather than just an extremely younger twin with a very different upbringing than what the parent/genetical-sibbling had...
It's possible for the usable area of a hard disk to decrease, but it's extremely unlikely that it would occur to that extent. The way the capacity can down is that disk sectors can go bad and become unsuable. However, damage to that extent is very unlikely without your hard drive becoming entirely unusable and even if it did occur, your system would almost certainly have lost crucial operating system components and would have had to be reinstalled.
>>130 Awesome! Is it very common to watch drama series? In Western countries, drama series are considered as boring and low quality, but that is because most of those are soap operas. Kitchen sink series aren't very common, from what I've heard (and seen).
Being on this topic, have you watched IWGP(池袋ウエストゲートパーク)? It's quite old already, aired on TV in 2000. Nagase Tomoya from TOKIO is playing the main character, he's an awesome actor! I'm planning to watch My Boss My Hero soon, because of him.
>>133 That sounds worst. Cloning human beings are banned, they should know that.
Anyway, what I think she did wrong was that she didn't even discuss whether or not the surrogate mother system was acceptable, jumped to her own conclusion and now she's asking for more. Actually, when she flied to America, she said all she wanted was babies no matter what, and after she came by what she wanted, she became hungrier. She refused to adopt the babies the surrogate mother gave birth to, which is an official way. It turned out that she just wanted to list her name as mother... (I'm so poor at English that I can't describe what's heppening precisely... It feels really frustrating...)
>>135 Watching foreign dramas is not common at all in the United States. However, the current most popular show is Grey's Anatomy, I believe. It's a medical drama, and is not like Korean or Japanese dramas. Another popular drama is Desperate Housewives. CSI is a forensic crime investigation drama, another popular show. There's also reality shows such as "Dancing with the Stars" and "Survivor".
>>136 Just to make sure, she took the babies, of course. But as I mentioned, she doesn't seem to be taking care of her babies from her action. Why does she let her babies in other people's hands (I mean, baby-sitters) if she really want to raise her children? I can't understand her..
>>137 Yeah, asian dramas are much different from Western. Western dramas tend not to have any distinct ending. Many are just shows that can pick up new viewers at any episode, without them being confused from not watching from the beginning.
The best, in my opinion, drama out right now would be Heroes.
When people say "Western", I always wonder if they're including Latin America. Latin American countries have what are called telenovelas which are similar to Asian dramas. It's really American dramas that are different, I think. Maybe Wester European ones as well, but I've never seen one of them.
>>135 I'm not sure what Kitchen sink series is like, watching dramas in itself is not considered so boring as it is in your place. As an example, 15-minute consective drama series is aired from Monday to Saterday on NHK (kind of like national broadcast). It's always rate good audience, I mean, 20% of the population sees it. (I'm one of them)
About My Boss My Hero, no, I didn't watch it, but it was really popular. The drama I like best Nagase Tomoya co-starred is, Hakusen Nagashi. It's not a funny kind, but very nostalgic and made me feel purified inside my heart.
>>117 Hmm! Do you have a different monitor you could try? It sounds like the monitor itself is creating the message, not the computer.
>>118 I'm in Silicon Valley because I know about computers, not the other way around; making misbehaving computers do what they're told is my day job. (What does GJ mean?)
>>123 That sounds very wrong; the only thing that should cause the overall capacity to decrease is if you changed the partition sizes. That's very difficult to do by accident. The only suggestion I can think of is to update your virus software and see if something naughty is hiding on your computer.
http://www.kotaku.com/gaming/top/sony-bleeds-lik-sang-clean-to-death-209729.php Oww... Won't this promote piracy, as it will make it more difficult for gamers to legally buy products they want? And thus Sony will get less money, as before that company purchased items such as games and consoles, and just resold them, no?
>>142 A kitchen sink example is the TBS drama Wataru Seken wa oni Bakari. Those series are very long, even though the story is barely progressing at all, and the people only quarrel and have endless numbers of problems which increase all the time. (Oh, and by the way, in season 8 Utsui Ken replaced the original main character's actor!)
Wow, Hakusen Nagashi is seven seasons long! I guess they must've gotten a very good story if they can the plot going that far, when it's not a kitchen sink drama. From your description of HakuNaga, it sounds very enjoyable!
My Boss My Hero got a viewership rating of 18.91%, and Odoru Daisousasen got 23.1%, so I guess you are right about them being very popular. I'm looking forward to watching both of them!
>>116 Using the "tatamae/honne dichotomy" as an excuse for not being able to understand the Japanese is too stereotypical. As a matter of fact, every human in any contry does this to a certain extent, and only babies are accepted to to express their feelings as they wish. In order to understand other culture, you need to use your brain a lot and need to think profoundly. If you keep on resorting to the stereotypical notion, you will never be able to understand other culture.
>>153 Oh, definitely. I phrased things poorly. As >>127 points out, people expect behavior to be in context - and for very high-context cultures (like Japan) it can be very difficult to both understand and respond appropriately if you don't grow up with them.
(As it happens, the East Coast of the US has a pretty high context culture - but instead of defaulting to being polite to outsiders, they're often rude instead.)
When I visited Tokyo, I became very aware of my own unintended rudeness; I think the two phrases I used the most were "gomen nasai" and "sumimasen". It's a very intimidating barrier.
>>150 Ahhh, now I see what the drama is. And in my honest opinion, "Kitchen Sink" is boring. It just goes on and on and on... Nothing has changed except that the actors and the actresses have got older.
>(Oh, and by the way, in season 8 Utsui Ken replaced the original main character's actor!) He's dead. That's why.
By the way, I remembered two good dramas. One of the title is "Hero". It's sometimes funny, serious, and awesome. Another is "Trick", in which a magician faces tricky murder cases and solves them with her uncanny guessing skills. Many people saw both of them. I would see it if I were you.
>>126 Thank you for your comment and the link. The problem is I am kind of PC phobia and not used to downloading and installing very much and afraid of trying new things on PC. But I'll check what the website says.
>>134 Thank you for your post. This PC seems to be working properly so maybe I remebered this PC's capacity wrong.
>>148 Thank you for your comment. Yeah, I know it needs a sofotware to change partition size and I don't have one. Plus to think both capacity of C and D has decreased, that's not about partition change is it? I'll do virus check.
I hope I remembered wrong both drives capacity the second last time I checked them. But another problem comes up, which is about the memory of my brain. :)
Does anybody know any customer support's phone number for me to repair my memory?
>>154 Don't be intimidated like that lol Maybe youve formed a preconception of how Japanese and Japanese customs are in your head on your own. I'm sure the image in your head and real Japanese people are tottally different. If you are constantly intimidated and scared, and keep saying "gomennasai" "suimasen" everytime you do something, that's one weird foreigner you don't wanna get friendly with.
GParted is free open source partition editor. Do you have a CD burner? If so, you can use the LiveCD version to see the partition setup of your computer. Your computer can boot directly from the CD, and you can see the partition setup without any possible interference from viruses.
>>152 I'm satisfied with my DS and Tetris DS. Many of 2ch people think either PS3 or Wii wont do well in Japan because DS is so dominant in Japan that Japanese people probably are not feeling the need to buy either of them, like they did when PS2 went on sale. PS2 works as a DVD player and at that time that was huge.
>>149 This won't promote piracy. This will decrease illegal purchase, and hard working people who observe the law will get rewarded. Sony has done nothing wrong in this case. Lik-Sang.com did illegal staff and made money illegally. Sony should not be the one who gets the blame. It's so fashonable to blame everything on big corporations nowadays.
>>167 Well, the recent laptop battery issue is another example. Sony was slow to issue a recall, and Sony may have known about the issue as far back as Dec. 2005 and didn't do anything about it.
Another example is that they always try to control the market with their own format, and have failed thus far. (Betamax,MiniDisc,Memory Sticks,BlueRay,etc.)
>>154, >>160 I think it's just the matter of appreciation and respect for other cultures. You need to be open-minded and have the capability to embrace the differences, instead of attacking other cultures only because they are different from what you are used to.
>>170 Well, while I think it is almost impossible to describe any culture in a few lines and have a fear that it could be misleading, if I mighg as well take one example about the high-context (e.g. Japanese) culture and low-context culture as >>127 kindly mentioned, the underlining notion the Japanese have in general is the "consideration for the other person's feeling" when we deal with people. Of course this is done in any culture, but we seem to place strong importance on this. Therefore people from the low-context culture sometimes claim that the Japanese are very implict and reserved so they can never understand us, but infact, all we are doing is thinking of the other person's feelings and trying not to hurt them, that's why we tend to be very careful and try to avoid too straight forward expressions. This was just one aspect of Japanese culture, but the point is, if one is open-minded and is able to understand the bottomline, one will be able to understand what one sees on the surface.
Japanese culture is inferior to Western culture. Western culture is based on the teachings of Chirst. So naturally it is superior. I wish I was born in a western country.
>>172 I don't think any culture is "superior." We all have our pros and cons, and that's what makes them interesting. Why do you wish to have been born in a Western country?
>>173 That's true, there are companies over here that will hire you for knowing Japanese.
As for me, I'm happy where I was born, though I wonder "what would it have been like if I had been born in a different country?" When I was a child, it seemed scary to think that, since we were all told "Be thankful for being born in the US! Many other countries aren't safe!" but then I grew older and learned that many other countries aren't that scary.
Even though I'm happy where I was born, I wouldn't mind going to other places. Infact, I wish I could right now.
>>173 Yes, it's too late. I already have been raised in japanese society and the rules or customs of Japan is already integral part of who I am. I can't get it off, it's in my bones. Everything I do, I do within that boundary conciously, unconcisouly. It's too late...
>>172 Oh please. Believe me, Japan is much better than the West. Japan's not full of uptight people who think they know it all. Christ was just another false prophet during a time when Jews were desperate for a Messiah.
>When I was a child, it seemed scary to think >that, since we were all told "Be thankful for being born in >the US! Many other countries aren't safe!
LOL! Same here. Where do you live? I live in California, and I got told just that here. I wonder if it's a nationwide thing they say to kids in elementary schools, like how they say you'll have to use handwriting in junior high and high school.
>>172 Western society is not based on the teachings of Christ. If any culture was based perfectly on a religion, whether it was Buddhism, Christianity or Islam, it would be perfect. But they're not. They are based on the Imperialist nature of the Roman Empire. They only used Christianity to declare war on heathens. Don't blame Jesus. Blame St Paul. Jesus was just a jewish reformer. Paul was a fanatic who made everyone believe if they didn't beleive in his version of the world, they would go to hell. Then, the Romans adopted Christianity to unify an empire that was breaking up because it was getting too large and people were unhappy because they were poor, or there were enemies nearby, like the Goths.
The only person who believes another culture is superior is someone who has never been to that culture. The only person who believes their own culture is superior is someone who has never been outside of their own culture.
We should start our own new culture. With no clothes and lots more women!
>>177 Well, I was born in Ohio, but most of my "growing up" childhood (between the age of 4 and 10) I lived in Eastern TN.
So, I guess it would've been there. I'm pretty sure that's something that's nation-wide.
>>178 You're very right! (And I giggled when I got to your idea of a culture with no clothes and more women!) Ah, how I wish I could be a nudist sometimes. 8)
>>180 What I meant to say is that if everyone followed their religion perfectly, the world would be better. But everyone has human flaws - some police are corrupt, some priests are child molesters and everyone breaks the rules from time to time. Religion in politics is dangerous because it expects that everyone is like a machine - their own people are pure good and the enemy is pure evil.
>>197 It's an idiomatic expression, you know. It's used when something painful things come up, like:
A: I have to get this done by no later than 6, but I have my hands full right now. Do you think you can possibly help me with this? B: Leave it to me! I can do it before breakfast.
>>199 :(? I have no trouble understanding the expression. I've heard it many times in my life.
What I don't get is why is he saying it without saying what he can do? Just saying "I can do it before breakfast" doesn't tell me WHAT he can do, just that he can do SOMETHING.
”It’s a piece of cake.”「そんなことは朝飯前だ。」を、日本語式に、 ”I can do it before breakfast.” と言っていいものか、という表現の問題にはどう対応すればいいのでしょう。 ただし、この表現は今や北米でも使われているという記述があります(『imidas'97』p.1165参照)。面白いですね。
業務管理部と長野マネジェーのみなさん、私はレベル4の解説をしてお子図解化成で居ます。有料クリックいっぱいです。 みんなに上のアドレス教えてあげ下さい。お金ホスイ。 Today's voice was farewell party for Holly. October 20, 2006L4-VOICE-111"Farewell Voice Today's voice was farewell party for Holly. Unbelievably 11 students were there. It rarely happens in my brunch. I mean it. There're only 2 or 3 students normally.
業務管理部と長野マネジェーのみなさん、私はレベル4の解説をしてお子図解化成で居ます。有料クリックいっぱいです。 みんなに上のアドレス教えてあげ下さい。お金ホスイ。 Today's voice was farewell party for Holly. October 20, 2006L4-VOICE-111"Farewell Voice Today's voice was farewell party for Holly. Unbelievably 11 students were there. It rarely happens in my brunch. I mean it. There're only 2 or 3 students normally.
Ah. I want some comment from you guys. Comparing ANA and JAL, which one is better? I've never ride on ANA, but tried on JAL from HKG -> Narita & Narita -> New Chitose . JAL's Japanese airladies were a bit old (30+?) but they served us very well. The Hong Kong airladies were young (´▽`)b and served us well too. I'm planing to come to Japan again, so see which one you suggest.
Wheelchairs are bad. They are slow and take up lots of space. I want all the wheelchairs gone. Isn't it time for some wise people to invent something new that can replace wheelchairs, like automatic robotic leg helper or something that enables people to walk, run, have sex like normal peiple do?
>>289 Everything is different. You can see/watch images/vids directly from hyperlinks. ttp:// links is available. quick posting, quick reading. you'll never be annoyed by "人大杉" error. And you can hide annoying message by names, IDs, and keywords, automaticaly.
>>298 What? Terada is "he". Well, it's true that he looks fragile (I'd rather say "weedy") and with long hair. Frankly, I'm disgusted with his such appearance.
Well, I've met/liked a few guys who had muscles (I wouldn't call them "macho"; they didn't have huge, overbearing muscles, they were just toned), but for the most part, I prefer guys who are skinnier. Is it a bad thing? :(
Don't believe what's written here in 2ch. Actually nobody has seen her boobs nor seen her in person. Her big boobs are big. That's what she said here. We ar ejust having fun exaggarating her size of boobs.
>>317 Oh yeah. I' was talking about Japanese water melon.
>>317 How about the cube one? HKD$1200 for one here. Freakish. I saw one in the supermarket that has been displayed for 2 years and It's still in the display box. It looks good outside; but it may be completely decomposed inside.
>>327 I'm not too into nipple-play. :) It's o-k, but it's not my favorite. Some guys in the past have prefered only that though, and it makes me kind of mad.
>>328 I watched it but don't understand what's going on there. I can write and read English to a certain extent but when it comes to listening, I am not good.
The Asain guy called Franklin is Hiro? Is he your type? Is he a famous actor?
>>329 Yes, Franklyn is him. He's fairly well-known right now since he plays Hiro on Heroes. He's not just an actor though. I wouldn't say "my type" but he's just so endearing; I want to give him a hug.
Practice listening! You won't get good unless you listen.
>>330 I'm practicing listening but it's hard. Listening news is wasier than listening dram or movie. I don't know why.
All I could understand was he is not happay with the way two men in uniform treats him and got grumpy. Then somehow get happy and carrying a birthday cake for "I don't know who."
>>332 Here, I'll transcribe what was said: First guy wearing blue scrubs: You can't just drag me out of the house in the middle of the night and cry on my shoulder, and then pretend like nothing happened. Doctor: Alright, first of all, Franklyn, there was no crying. (whistles). Say it. Franklyn: No crying. Doctor: Good boy. And you my little precious, should give some thought to purchasing some non-bunching panties. They give you the extra support you love so much, while protecting against those offensive lines underneath your scrubs. Guy in Scrubs: Mm, I get it. I'm a girl. Doctor: Franklyn, you heard it. Say it. Franklyn: He's a girl. Doctor: Good boy.
(I'll continue next post for the next scene in it)
>>160 Oh, I got more comfortable the longer I was in Tokyo - but I still got a lot of polite staring (i.e. they'd do it when they thought I wouldn't notice.) The little kids were a lot more comfortable around me than the adults, actually.
>>169 I hardly wish to attack Japanese culture; I'm quite interested in it. It is not simple or easy to fit into it if you're a gaijin, however.
Guy in Scrubs: I'm just asking you to check, Franklyn, and see if you could've made a mistake. Franklyn: Look, I've worked here seven years and never made a single mistake. Girl: You mixed some of my patient's urine samples yesterday. Franklyn: Okay I make lots of mistakes. But I really have to go to the bathroom right now, and after that.. I'm going to lunch. Guy in Scrubs: Franklyn
Next scene: Crossword Puzzle Guy: Five letters, showing vulnerability. A "blank" in ones arm. Guy in Scrubs: Chink (also a racial slur against asians) Crossword Puzzle Guy: ... What? Guy in Scrubs: Chink. Oh, no, no, Franklyn, We were, well we were, we were um, we were doing a crossword puzzle. And... Franklyn: I always suspected. Crossword Puzzle Guy: We all did.
Girl: Franklyn, I was wondering if you could put a rush on Mr. Loanstein's urine analysis, because I've got a really important interview for a fellowship next year. Franklyn: No. We're done talking now.
Next scene: Franklyn singing.
Next scene: Girl: Franklyn if you analyze this urine sample right now, then maybe I'll have sex with you, but probably not. Franklyn walks away.
Next scene: Girl: Please Franklyn? Franklyn: Oh, okay. Come with me, little friend!
>>341 Yes, he's a Japanese character. It is a slur against Chinese, but since most people can't tell Asian people apart, it's really just a slur against asians.
>>347 When I go to on vacation, one of the main things I remember is what I ate. (like, Sichuan green beans in Hong Kong, tonkatsu in Tokyo, Buffalo wings in Buffalo, lobster in Provincetown, Massachusetts.) When I lived in Austin, Texas, I got fat because of all the good food.
>>352 Since I hadn't played the doujin, I didn't realize that it was in multiple chapters, with different variations on the same series of events; it confused me quite a bit when things "started over". Reading the Wikipedia article cleared things up; once I understood that, I started enjoying it again. It's pretty good, although a little slow at times. Now I'm only confused by the theme song; the opening lines, 振り向いたその後ろの正面誰 sounds more like 振り向いたその後ろぞ正誰 to me. Am I hearing it wrong?
lolz~~ I like curry & rice. spicy and I can feel some sweet taste from some vegetable....the best! yummy and next day if there is a leftover, I like to eat it with udon(noodle- white and thick noodle)...yummy...^^
Now I want to have a sanma-no-shio-yaki for my dinner. I'd also like to eat shin-mai and miso-soup with tofu. I think washoku is really superb. I never tire of washoku.
"Mosquito device sends out a high pitched irritating noise that can only be heard by young men as most people over 25 do not hear sound at this frequency range. The purpose of Mosquito is to prevent unwanted gatherings of youths and teenagers in shopping malls and around shops or chase them away.
Not only shopkeepers, Railway companies have placed the device to discourage youths from spraying graffiti on trains and the walls of railway stations.
When Compound Security System developed Mosquito, they would never have imagined that the device would actually help kids and teenagers in their classrooms.
The sound emitted by the Mosquito Teens Repellant is now converted into a Cellphone Ringtone. Since adult teachers cannot hear the sound because it's too high-pitched, school children can receive text message alerts and incoming calls on their cell phones without the teacher knowing. *Even vibration makes too much noise..."
Oh I want this mosquito sounds for my cell phone ringtone man!
>>363 My boobs are normal. I think. My kyoui胸囲 is normal too. lolz~~
>>366 umm....maybe weird..why they put it age under 25...X.X
But err...as long as adult cannot hear my cell phone ringtone, I can secretly communicate with my friends while my mom or teachers are around...hehehe...*grin*
>>383 I tell computers to do what they're told; I moved out here because the work is interesting, the pay is good, and the people are nifty; and I'm old and senile and 34. (I always forget how old I am; I have to figure it out every time.)
>>381 I wanted to talk with Japanese people, and see what they had to say.
>>396 I also tell computers to do what they're told as part of my research. It's often a problem since what you tell them isn't necessarily what you mean.
>>400 Yes, I need to go to bed. Lots of work tomorrow ><
i protiein drink drink, so i am power up strong man.^_^ i strong man is macho , so i can fight and you lose, because i now power is big and afread . don't cry. hahahahahahaha
I am NEET but I am studying English to kill the time. I make it a rule to read a certain amount of English every day. Plus, I am writing in English here these days.
I'm fed up with English. I'm sick and tired of reading English. Even though I study everyday, progress made hasn't been remarkable. Yes, I'm inching up my proficiency but when you take cost-and-effect into account, I am not so improving.
I am tired. I am fed up with English. But still, I'll read Englihsh tomorrow, because there's nothing else to do in the daytime. I am gulit of not working, but if you study something, in my case, English, that helps reduce the sense of guilt.
Maybe I'll end up killing myself in the future but at least I'll be breathing tomorrow. Sorry for negative comment but I never asked you to read to the end! ^^
>>431 Your english is great, it's nice that you do something constructive with your time. I am NEET also but I don't do anything worthwhile at all. I thought about learning Japanese but I always give up. At least you keep trying your best.
>>435 Thank you. I have nothing else to be proud of other than English. That doesn't mean I am as good as a native English speaker, though. I am far from it. I have no job history except for part time job. I take it you aren't Japanese? >>437 You are right but I don't want to work on a low wage. My ideal and my reality is one mile apart and I can't accept my reality. I even don't know if I have ideal. If I lived in US, I would have been dead already. The reason why I am still living is I fear pain when I commit a suiside. If you do it with a gun, the pain is just a flash of a moment. You can't own a gun in Japan. It's illegal.
well suicide by gun can be painful because it is does not always end in dead. you can shot yourself and then be paralized by the end of life. but I suggest you to work on lowpaid jobs it is better than nothing.. is college impossible for you?
>>441 It seems you have a real understanding of the language though, which counts for a lot. I'm not Japanese. I am actually Filipino but I grew up in the US.
I talk to myself to make sure if I really like English. But the answer could be "no." I may not like particularly interested in communicating foreign people. I may just want to be considered to be cool by Japanese.
>>445 I do live with my parents and I am way too old for that so it is very embarrassing. I had a lot of money saved up from when I was working but once that ran out I started selling stuff on the internet to make money. I only do it when my funds get low though. I don't spend a lot of money and don't have to pay rent so I only really have to worry about food and misc items.
Usually I end up in front of my computer and surf the internet, or play games and watch tv and movies. I very rarely leave my room and if I have to I usually do it in the middle of the night.
I do have two friends, one I usually just see once in awhile, while the other is a very close friend. He helps me out quite a bit.
>>447 Please stop thinking of suicide. I feel you have accomplished something with your studies and if you keep it up, it will lead to something better for you.
>>458 Sounds like you are typical hikikomori, or shut-in except having a close friend or two. I don't have any and I am not the age to whine that I don't have any freinds. Many people around my age got married and have akid or two. You should keep in touch with the friends not to isolate yourself. By the way are you American with US origin?
>>459 Thank you. But when I look at the down side, I've never told that my English is excellent or superb. I am always told that my English is "pretty good." I know my English isn't excellent or superb, though.
I am a thirty something guy, latter half of 30 with no regular job history.
>>465 Thank you for your heartful comment. But I don't know how my future 'll turn out to be.
I don't think I've accompished mastering English at all. I know it's still long and winding road ahead of me to be as good as a native a English speaker.
>>478 I don't know what my idea is. I couldn't enjoy my school days when I was young. alomost no social life. All my dad said was STUDY STUDY STUDY. I hid my true emotion to want to have fun and do my dad told me to. I managed to enroll university but couldn't enjoy my life.
What I want to get now is my past. Bring back my past and enjoy life again from scratcu with friends. But I don't have a time machine so it's impossible. So nothing in sight in my life so I want finish my life.
http://blog.live door.jp/howyoudoing/ 業務管理部と長野マネジェーのみなさん、私はレベル4の解説をしてお子図解化成で居ます。有料クリックいっぱいです。そろそろ一周年になるなあ・・・L4歴(爆) みんなに上のアドレス教えてあげ下さい。お金ホスイ。 英会話スクールでのレッスン日記ですぅ Today's voice was farewell party for Holly. October 20, 2006L4-VOICE-111"Farewell Voice英会話スえいクールでのレッスン日記ですぅ Today's voice was farewell party for Holly. Unbelievably 11 students were there. It rarely happens in my brunch. I mean it. There're only 2 or 3 students normally. ※L4-80-F05-『That reminds me of the time of...』 有名になって、有料クリックでお子図解稼ぎ、情報は望校の内部除法です。 ラストレッスン・・・by Holly October 19, 2006 長野とラストレッスン・・・by Holly October 19, 2006 Farewell Voice October 20, 2006L4そろそろ一周年になるなあ・・・L4歴(爆)英
>>486 I know how you feel. I also wish I have a time machine so that I could change some decisions I made in the past. I made so many mistakes. I know if I had a second chance, it would change my life so much.
>>521 I have been teaching myself English for about 15 years mainly by listening to NHK (kind of like a state-run broadcast)'s radio program made for Japanese English learners. I haven't take language school classes and all.
English is a required subject at junior high and high school and you study it in university, too. The 15 years period doesn't include my school days. I mean, I started listening to NHK program when I was in my early twenties.
Not that I can think of, but Crystel looks beautiful. If she's lascivious like Mona Yamamoto, which can't be denied, then we want her to show her boobs to us.
>>529 Thank you but if I worked as a normal guy do, I am not sure I have been able to keep at it for such a long time.
You know, after a hectic day of working, business men feel exhasted and don't feel like studying after they return thier home. It's amazing some of them with their clear own goals in sight manage thier time and study English.
>>486 My childhood sucked, and I failed out of multiple colleges (and I still don't have a university degree.) The most hated words ever: "You have so much potential!"
Being an adult is a lot better than being a kid; you have control of your own destiny. It's taken quite a while to get rid of the misguided notions of what I thought I was supposed to do with myself (when it's turned out that's not what I've needed to do at all.)
>>571 Because I'm still struggling with 形容詞 - at least, I think 少し is a conjugable adjective, isn't it? I definitely am a beginner. (-_-;) Thank you for the correction.
I am always frustrated when my pc gets infected with ad-ware after checking lyrics of foregin music. It's a pain to remove it everytime. Sometimes warning windows pop up like this: Something horrible which puts your married life to an end was found in your computer. Click here and remove it. What? I will never get decieved with such a silly old trick. Never ever do that again, please, I always think this way in my head.
I love 御満子 after all. I saw it of her upon the shore and have needed it ever since. My feelings is nothing much! But ever now I cannot help but thing of it! はぁオマンコフィーリングが、、俺をbring back to where I saw it! おまんこぉー。
>>611 I had a wrong,sorry. Well..How often did you in here attempt to kill yourself? For the sake of the right coversation,which option is it right under? “Once!”“I have once”“I'm once”“A times”“One times” リアル聞き
I'll start out by mentioning my favorite, the Japanese Ring film. It's not as scary as it is mystic and interesting, but Sadako's so cool! I've named my computer after her!
>>650 It's a good film, kind of in the same genre as Ring, I'd say. Mystic horror. Miike did a good job overall, but the attacking zombie without any real explaination kind of put me off. At least the movie was many times better than the drama series!
>>649 Chinese, isn't it? That one is really scary! Thinking of that, I remembered another good one; Phone. It's Korean. Definitively one of the better ones I've seen.
Sorry to cut in while you guys are chatting about horror.
>>431 Thank you, Merkin. I need rewriting and proofreading again and again to wirte English. I know you know much about PC so I'd like to ask you something. I'd appreciated it if you answered my questions.
>>486 You seem to have your share of ups and downs. You mean you enrolled in one university,dropped out of it and you did that multipule times? Do you mean you are struggling to find out what you really want to study? Did your parents interfere with your dicision to choose your university or your major, expecting too much from you? Or you have a problems in interpersonal skills?
If hope you'll find what you really want and enjoy your life.
I bought this PC about five years ago. After about three years passed since purchase, it became really slow. And at last, every time I started the PC and just click on IE icon to start the browser, my PC came to freeze. I deleted Temporary Internet File, did defragmentation and such, expecting it wouldn't freeze any more but that didn't work.
Then my brother-in-low suggested that I add another memory and I did. The total memory added up to 512KB. (256X2) The result was remarkable. It started to work comfortably. It's been about two years since I added another momory but now I find my PC getting slow compared to two years ago. I make it a rule to delete Temporary Internet File do defrag regulary.
I have two questions. I hope if you answer them.
1.)Do you think my PC keep getting slower until it come to freeze just by starting the browser again like five years ago? I check virus and adware regulary, too so that's not because of virus and adware.
2.) Why does PC get slow over the course of using it. Is it just my PC? Just deleting Temorary Internet files and cookies and doing defragmantation can't stop it from getting slow?
>>657 What antivirus software are you using? Some programs are notorious for not updating as often as they claim. Also, no one adware-removal program gets everything; I usually use both AdAware and Spybot.
Another problem is that Windows programs get bigger and bigger over the years, using more and more RAM, which makes the computer swap to disk a whole lot. There's not much you can do about that except buy more RAM.
Reinstalling your system, as >>659 said, might also help. So might using firefox instead of IE.
A 5-year-old PC is likely running P3 or K7. I recommend you to use Windows 2000 rather than bloated Windows XP, unless you are very familiar with Windows and you can lite XP up.
Linux provides a good, cheap UNIX-like environment but its GUI is not polished enough for my taste. Also the learning curve is pretty steep. I am much happier at work after switching from a Linux box to a Mac; since OSX is built on top of BSD, I can still do many tasks I used to do on Linux - with extra eyecandy. But then, I didn't pay for the Mac. At home, I have a PC running Windows XP for gaming.
>>659 Thank you. Yeah. I know what you mean. The problem is I am not used to backing up photos, installing Windows and all. If I reinstall, I'll have to set up printer, router, updating windows... Just the idea of reinstalling and what comes with it makes me feel dizzy...ThisPC is shared with my parents so as long as it runs relatively smoothly, I want to avoid re-istalling.
>>660 Thank you. I've read somewhere Fire Fox is popular and less vulnerable. But it's nothing to do with what makes this PC slow, doesn't it?
>>661 Thank you merkin. I check virus trendmicro online virus scan free of charge. I have installed both adware and spybot but when I use spybot, it doesn't work well.
>Another problem is that Windows programs get bigger and bigger over the >years, using more and more RAM, which makes the computer swap to disk a >whole lot. There's not much you can do about that except buy more RAM.
Maybe this is the case. You must be talking about imaginary memory made on hard disk. I wonder why Windows program get bigger and bigger. I know it must be hard to explain something to a person who know just bare essentials about PC so if you aren't in the mood just igonore my asking.
>>662 Thank you. I don't know what you mean by P3 or K7 but this PC runs on Windows 98SE.
,-、 ,.-、 ./:::::\ /::::::ヽ /::::::::::::;ゝ--──-- 、._/::::::::::::::| /,.-‐''"´ \:::::::::::| / ヽ、::::| / /\ /\ ヽ| l , , , l .| (_人__丿 """ | I am a cat. l ヽノ l I don't yet have a name. ` 、 /⌒⌒i /⌒ヽ / `/ | | \ /
>>697 I mean the processor. P3 = Intel Pentium III, K7 = AMD Athlon Windows 98SE is good of gaming at that time. But talking about the stability, Windows 2000 wins because it's Windows NT kernel.
>>725 Isn't Linux user friendly? Doesn't it have icons on desktop and you have to type commands in order for you to work PC? How difficult it is to use PC running on Linux?
L seems a bit of a freak, but though Kira's got better of him so far, he's off-the-chart smart, isn't he? Anyway, L should eat more healthful food. He lives on sweets!!
yeah, I also think original stories (i.e. books) are better because you can indulge yourself into your own imagination! And actors can sometimes destroy the imagination.
Kira's so cold-blooded I can't understand him. He as good as killed his own girlfriedn, but he didn't seem to suffer from pangs of conscience. Did he sell his soul to the demon?
>>742 I don't know what sociopath means, but is it psycho? I think at first he was really angry at the fact that murderers get away with their crimes, but he seems to be getting used to writing names on the death note, especially to protect himself. Either way, the movie was enough interesting to me.
Do you know what the result will be, then? No, I don't mean to ask you to tell me who will remain alive. I just wondered whether. But from the trailer, Kira and the idol girl work together and the third person with a death note appears..
>>752 I would be surprised if a girl of her age has thick ketsuge, though. Why do you think all the girls let thier ketsuge as it is? Guess girls pay attention to it, and shave it.
Just because you graduated from the same place doesn't mean you are the same kind of person, that you are not. Don't worry. And having a lot of ketsuge doesn't mean you are lusty, either. I believe ketsuge is sacred as >>757 said. So girls shouldn't be ashamed of it, let alone hide it from males.
This is the first time I've ever heard people talking about anything ketsuge-ish as a good thing. Mostly I hear about it as being gross (and consider it gross).
>>766 Do you have Chinese accent in English? >>767 What do you think of English spoken in the South. Any differences you've noticed so far?
I think he tried to show you Flash. Someone who is good at making flash movie made Ketsuge Burger Incident flash consiting of many of the couples photos.
>>768 Well, I live in the south, and English in the south is spoken fairly differently (and some grammar useage is different, but incorrect at the same time).
Here's a link with a list of different places with people speaking English. You should be able to notice a pretty wide variety of accents.
>>769 Thanks. How did you know the website? I know that website, too because two men posted their samples first on 2ch and then on the site. "japanese7, male, osaka, japan" and "japanese8, male, tokyo, japan" are the two.
>>782 Wow, I am completely lost with that. That doesn't make any sense at all in that sentence. :(
I wonder though, how easy is it to understand a native English speaker speaking Japanese? Is it difficult to understand?
I can understand English being very difficult to pronounce, to be honest. I find lots of words that I still have to look up how to pronounce, either to find how to pronounce it, or what parts of the word to stress.
>>782 Actually, some bi-lingual people, especially those who go to international schools, mix Japanese and English like that. (sorry, I can't come up with any good example, but I fully understand what you mean.)
>>783 You won't under stand this because that is a sentence with Cantonese structure and English + Cantonese vocabularies. Yesterday I attended a career talk hosted by IBM. One of their representatives seems having trouble with speaking with pure Cantonese. His speech brought me headache because I need to translate all the English into Cantonese and reconstruct the whole sentence. By then he gave up speaking Cantonese and use his fluent English to present his company and the job; and I felt no problem with that at all. I'm very sure that if I can join IBM, I will surely not join his team.
>>783 I think it all depends on the individual's pronunciation, but as you know, Magibon, who I think is American, from another thread speaks very good Japanese.
>>789 It sounds like middle-east accents. The Japanese sample from http://accent.gmu.edu/ seems to be captured from a Japanese speaker with high English proficiency.
>>793 If my memory serves right, It is a combination of two words. One is Japanese word and the other is English.
kara is 空(から), which is means empty. Oke comes form English word, "Orche"stra. In combination, empty orchestra. The person who made Karaoke machine used the word "empty" because in Karaoke tune, there's no singer singing.
I hope what I worte above makes sense. Hard to explain in English.
He should have applied for patent right for the name of "karaoke." He missed much fortunes.
Also, "karaoke" is known in the US; pretty much everyone knows what the term means, even if they've never played karaoke (I haven't ever)
Pretty much everyone knows what "anime" is too, or atleast "Japanese animation" (since some stations broadcast anime, and back in the 90s, they'd have Sailor Moon or G-Force or Pokemon on in the mornings). A good chunk of people watch anime in the US too (not a majority, but a good amount), but a lot of those people are kind of scary, and a lot like Japanese-otaku.
>>810 Mostly teenage-aged kids. Once they get around college age, they either get even worse, or they stop being interested, or they're just non-fanatic anime fans.
>>811 Yeah, they broadcast Hi Hi Puffy Ami Yumi here. I didn't like it all that much (I found it kind of stupid).
Almost none of the anime I watch is dubbed into English or broadcast on the american networks. For instance, a lot of the shows that have aired this year have been excellent (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu, NANA, Ouran Koukou Host Bu, Welcome to the N.H.K., and even a joke toss-out for Musashi Gundou), but I don't know if any of them will ever be licensed/released in the US (the first three wouldn't surprise me).
Sarah or other native speakers, what does the narration say after 24 seconds have passed, after he says " get ready to meet the class," describing a girl half naked lying.
>>816 Okay, I think he said, "the Heather". "Heather" is a name usually associated to the mean, snobby girl of the school. It's a sort of social stereotype with schools over here.
>>822 It's not so common anymore, but it used to be. Just like in Japan, there are trends in naming children. So, some names become more popular than others over the years.
However, I did know a few Heathers at school and I seem to remember them as being nice people.
>>826 Actually she didn't appear on TV for a while maybe because of the pregnancy thing, but as you may know, she's suddenly starred many TV dramas and movies. But the truth is hidden from people, so you can't prove whether or not she was really pregnant and her baby, if she had one, aborted. But I think it's true. Her behavior's become weird since being active again. Chewing gum when she's interviewed in a press conference is just an example.
>>833 back then, many men charged into battle. And despite their differences, they risked their lives for the future of this country and the people's well-being. But you're different. The only thing you have is a desire to fight that is as cold as ice. Even now, you are assisting others and bringing pain to people. And as a nameless man trying to help people, I can't allow you to go on doing that.
>>834 That's fine. Keep challenging me until you are satisfied. However, this is between you and me, Sarah. I won't allow you to involve anyone else in this fight.
You mean you want to be a merchant of death! Don't tell me that you would go to such a length to get a hold of money that you would sacrifice human lives to feed your hunger for it!!
>>656 All of the above. I went to different universities, not just one. I changed majors four or five times as well. My parents didn't put any overt pressure on me, but since I was a child I was told by everyone how smart and brilliant I was - and so not being able to live up to that made me quite depressed. Many years after leaving school, I was diagnosed with chronic low-level depression, ADHD, and Asperger's Syndrome - which go a long way towards explaining why I had (and have) a difficult time connecting with people.
Now that I know much better who I am, how I work, and that I'm not required to do superhuman things, I'm much happier. I'm still dealing with things, though.
Mabe you and I have something in common, like me trying to live up to my parents (in my case mostly my dad's) expectation. I don't think I enjoyed my school days at all not to mention those years after I quit university.
I understand things are not so simple but now you are going in the good direction mentally and that's good news.
I did search on her images, but how old is she? She looks fairly young to me, 15 y/o or less. I don't think her burger is mature. You should wait 5 more years for her burger's development!
But the burger is still untapped. There's much room for development, you know. If she has cooked her burger very often at her age, her burger must be darkened and blackened. Do you still accept it?
>>862 Joseph Campbell's retelling of Gatauma Buddha's Enlightenment says that one of the temptations was "The Lord of Duty", holding Siddhartha to the religious duties he "ought" to be doing.
I encourage to do what you want to do, not what you feel duty-bound to do. Trying to be something you're not sucks, and little good comes of it.
>>870 The problem is I don't know what I like and want to do. Since school days, I have force myself to avoid things like buying comics and CDs and such which is considred fun thing to do. These are things that interfer with passing University entrance exams. Now that I am an adult, I'm not intersted in them.
You are interested in Indian philosophy or something? I don't understand what you try to mean by this;"one of the temptations was "The Lord of Duty", holding Siddhartha to the religious duties he "ought" to be doing.
What are you going to do tomorrow? Yesterday, I was NEET. Today, I am NEET. Tomorrow, I will be NEET. One year later, still I'll be NEET. 10 years later, I will be buried.
>>909 Here is what I had written in that thread: (The "Hey Native Speakers!" thread)
"There is no real English equivilent of "moe." I guess you could use the term "turn on," but a "turn on" is not always the same thing that "moe" is. A turn on is really just something sexual, isn't it?
Plus, you can't really say "turn on" the same way you can "moe."
Intelligent adults made the word "Moe" for lolicon, few people can buy goods for lolicon, however, some stupid people can buy goods for moe. The difference between loli and moe is just spelling.
Three swiss witch-bitches, which wished to be switched swiss witch-bitches, watch three swiss Swatch watch switches. Which swiss witch-bitch, which wishes to be a switched swiss witch-bitch, wishes to watch which swiss Swatch switch?
About the ketsuge incident, from her face, it seemed that she was drunk when she was taken a photo of. I'm worried to hear the rumour that her whereabouts are unknown and there's possiblities that she's already killed herself... Share softprogram works badly on people. I, for one, am not using any such ware, because of lack of good computer knowledge and skills. Are you using any?
>>878 Mara (a devil, or something like it) tried to distract him, so that he would not become enlightened. One of the forms the Mara took was a person that said "You are from the high caste; you should be doing your religious duties" - that it, what others expected the Buddha should do - not what he himself wanted.
ttp://www.sanspo.com/sokuho/1030sokuho100.html It's Japanese way to take responsibilities. I hope other top persons on responsible on that including Kyoiku Iinkais should go on after him.