Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 68


Here you go.

\____ゝ>\ Zzzzz......

Previous Thread:
Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 67
2k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/10/20(金) 21:41:21
Heh ^-^ Thank you.
3名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 21:41:25
4名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 21:42:02
If I get 2 of this thread, k-tan and Sarah give me blow jobs and
we three enjoy gangbangs!!!
5 ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2006/10/20(金) 21:42:02
In case you need this AA.

( ´・ω・) Let's have some tea and chat!
( つ旦O ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫
と_)_) 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦
6名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 21:43:20
I missed getting 2 so you don't have to give me your head.
7k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/10/20(金) 21:43:21
8Sarah:2006/10/20(金) 21:43:54
From the previous thread:

I'm 17!
Soon-to-be a college student.
Mmm, nothing right now, but I'm hoping to get a part-time job soon.
I'm Jewish.
English; born/raised in the states, still living in the states.
Straight, but girls are pretty.

an omlette sounds good!
Are you in Europe? I'm not very good with timezones.

9名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 21:45:14
Don't be embarrassed, Angelina.
10 ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2006/10/20(金) 21:45:48
What? [・∀・]
11k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/10/20(金) 21:46:12
Yeah, Sweden. GMT+1 a.k.a. Central European Time (CET). ^-^
12k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/10/20(金) 21:47:58
Are you feeling a bit robotic tonight?
13名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 21:49:31
I was a bit late and couldn't get 4 so you don't have to give your
head, too, but if you insist, I'm happy to.

I'm in my thirties. Do you call me online predetor or sheer pervert
who takes most advantages of online anonymity?
14名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 21:51:01

Are almost all people in Sweden blonde?
15Sarah:2006/10/20(金) 21:52:29

I'm not good at giving head though; I would use teeth. :V
16 ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2006/10/20(金) 21:53:50
I don't follow you at all. ( ・∀・ )
17名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 21:55:21
If you are 17, you have a lot to learn rather than blow job.
18名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 21:56:41
I have a question.
Can Swedish people and Norwegian people and Finnish people communicate with each other only with their own languages?
Are their languages similar to the extent that .,.masdaalj.. ok i think i don't have to ask this here
I'll google it, thankyou.
19Sarah:2006/10/20(金) 21:56:52
Obviously! But it's not a bad thing to learn either.
What should I learn then?
20Sarah:2006/10/20(金) 21:59:06
I've seen two people, Swedish and Norwegian talk in their language with eachother (though with some difficulty)
But Finnish is very different from the others, isn't it?

I think Swedish is to Norwegian kind of like Spanish is to Italian (Or maybe Italian to Sicilian?)
21 ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2006/10/20(金) 22:01:10
Learn to unlearn. (o;TωT)o"
22名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 22:01:42
Thank you. You are very kind and knowledgeble, I respect you.
23Sarah:2006/10/20(金) 22:04:23

Thank you! I could be incorrect though, so I'm sorry if I am.
Are you interested in Swedish/Norwegian or other European languages?
I had a German class once, but I failed it. :(
24k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/10/20(金) 22:04:40
Naturally blonde/blond? Nope. Many, though. There are plenty of people
with brown hair too, here.
There are a lot of blonde/blond people, but I'd guess two thirds of them
are properly blond, the rest just color their hair.
Though also people who are darkblond tend to color their hair lighter.
Keep in mind that hair gets darker as one grows older, so while someone
might have been born with blond hair, they might get darkblond or pale
brown hair as an adult. That was the case with my youngest little sister,
for instance. She had blond hair when she was little, but as she grew older
it turned darker, and now it's light-brown.
> Blond hair is common in infants and children, so much so that the term
> "baby blond" is often used for very light-colored hair. Babies may be
> born with blond hair even among groups where adults rarely have blond
> hair, although such natal hair usually falls out quickly. Blond hair
> tends to turn darker with age, and many children born blond turn from
> anything between a light brown to even black before or during their
> teenage years.
25 ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2006/10/20(金) 22:04:46
I have a muscle ache. (⌒_⌒)
26名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 22:05:29
You should prepare for SAT.

Do you masterbate by the way? If so what imagination do you use when
you finger your clit or vagina or whatever?

You picture yourself fu*king with many men while jerking off?
27Sarah:2006/10/20(金) 22:08:57
I haven't taken the SATs yet (it would take a long time to explain my current situation)
So you're right, I should prepare. n_n

It's kind of rude to ask about masturbational habits, but I'm clit all the way.
(Most girls don't get off very easily through vaginal stimulation, but near all will through clitoral!)
I don't usually use pornography or thoughts. I guess I'm kind of luck in that I don't need them!

(Though I do like pornography sometimes) If I am going to use imagination though, I usually go for Cunnilingus (oral).
28名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 22:10:44
Thank you for the trouble you took to look up in Wikipedia.
I didn't know that blond turns into light brown and all as they grow

I've heard somewhere that blond change into another color in summer
because of strong rays of summer sunshine....

I'll take a night walk now. See you guys around.
29 ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2006/10/20(金) 22:10:54
...... (´-ω-`)
30k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/10/20(金) 22:12:46
Ah, no. Swedes, Norwegians and Danes can get their points across with each other,
as our languages have a lot in common. Finnish on the other hand is from a very
different language branch.
>Finnish is a member of the Finno-Ugric
>language family and is classified as an agglutinative language. It modifies the
>forms of nouns, adjectives, pronouns, numerals and verbs depending on their roles
>in the sentence.
31名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 22:14:58
I know it's rude to ask you such a question. Plus I am in my thirties.
I wouldn't ask you such a question if we were face to face.
I can ask you because of anonymity here.

You'd call the police and I'd end up in jail! LOL
Maybe I'd better be behind bar.

Old goat is going to take a night wall. See you around and nice masterbation life to you.
32名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 22:15:18
Is there anyone here who wants to eat ketsuge burgers?
33名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 22:15:34
people here know things!
34名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 22:18:19
Of course, I do. But can you prepare a ketsuge burger for meal?
35k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/10/20(金) 22:18:36
Make sure to relax for at least two days before exercising more like that?

It wasn't a problem.
All don't turn brown-haired, but blond hair usually turns darker,
though for most people it just becomes a darker shade of blonde.
A lot of people get their hair in a different shade in the summer,
not just blondes, though. A friend of mine, who's a quarter Japanese,
her hair turns from dark brown to various reddish shades, if I recall
correctly... My hair turns more red in the summer too, though not
by much.
See you (^-^)/~
36Sarah:2006/10/20(金) 22:18:41
What would you like to know? Or are you being sarcastic?

What are ketsuge burgers?
37名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 22:20:57
Didn't you know that?
Ketsuge burgers are tasty, but it needs several essential
38名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 22:22:05
Who knows Kim Jon Ill will not bomb America with nuke?
39Sarah:2006/10/20(金) 22:22:13
Are they just regular beef burgers? I've never heard of them. What do they have on them?
40k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/10/20(金) 22:22:33
My hat's off for your brutal level of honesty. :-D
(note to everyone who does not know: yes, it's an expression)
41Sarah:2006/10/20(金) 22:23:41
After dealing with many teenaged/20-something perverts on the internet, I have no problem discussing it :D

42名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 22:27:12
i want to go to Saga and eat ketusge burger.
43k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/10/20(金) 22:27:43
I don't have a problem discussing such a topic with people who aren't going
to leer at me for it, i.e. people who are going to be more serious about the topic,
and not just use it as an excuse to go fwap. -_-;;;
44名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 22:27:45
I don't believe NK has the guts to wage war against America,
because US army is one of the best in the world. However, when it
comes to terrorists, it's a different story. If NK has nukes and
sell them the nukes, then herrible things will happen.
Terror with nuke is really threatening.
45名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 22:29:50
i would like to sweep all.
46Sarah:2006/10/20(金) 22:30:23
I tend to forget that some people would go off and use it as masturbatory material when I talk about it.

It seems strange to think about it like that. :(
47k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/10/20(金) 22:33:02
Strange? You're lucky, then. Either that, or you've just spent too little
time at 2ch/similar. But yeah, don't let that stop you. We need more people
being honest, lest others forget that it's not unnatural nor weird.
48名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 22:33:27
Strangers herein can tell lies with no limit.
49名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 22:33:50

American people are not interested in NK having nukes. They are sure
their arch enemies are Iran (and other anti-American countries), but
NK wants to directly talk with America just to make sure it'll stop
the financial sanctions.
So this nuke problem would be resolved if Bush have a talk with Kim Jon Ill.
50Sarah:2006/10/20(金) 22:34:59
Oh, no, I've spent more than enough time at 4chan (and /b/ at that!) to get used to it.
But when it comes to myself talking, I don't think of it. Kind of stupid on my part.

Most of the people I talk to online aren't shy about masturbation, so I've never thought of it as unnatural.
51名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 22:36:55
Thanks for the detail. That was interesting.

I think, they only have Guts and Nuke but nothing else.
52名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 22:37:49
I heard North Korea was decided on having nuclear weapons
when Bush referred to NK as the axis of evil. So it's all
his fault NK is intimidating Japan with the ultimate weapon.
53k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/10/20(金) 22:39:01
Ah. Wow. I used to spend a lot of time at 4chan, /b/ mostly. But that was
a long time ago :-D I usually rarely spend more than five minutes at 4chan
(read /b/) nowadays. I visit the place anything from once to three times
a week.
And it's not unnatural. It's just that some sadly think of it that way.
54M:2006/10/20(金) 22:39:59
In spite of i want master English,my ability of English is on avarage .
at a loss
55名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 22:40:07
Are you sure NK will attack Japan and America with the ballistic missiles?
56Sarah:2006/10/20(金) 22:40:36
More reasons why Bush isn't very popular in the States either.

Though if I recall, when NK did their Taepodong (sp?) test, didn't it end up landing in the sea instead?
57k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/10/20(金) 22:41:29
Oh? I don't think it was that little that made NK want to get nukes.
I think they wanted to make it so that people couldn't just casually
dismiss them, but have to pay attention to them.

By the way, do you have AIM?
58名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 22:41:49
Bush is in the stalemate now.
His party might lose in the next election.
59Sarah:2006/10/20(金) 22:42:07
Ah, I never go there anymore. If I want images (anime or others), I go to iichan/wakachan instead.

Practice here! It will help.
60名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 22:43:22
Hair can appear almost anywhere and it is certainly not unusual for it to appear on the buttocks (particularly of men) or between the buttocks (on women)
So. don't worry.
61Sarah:2006/10/20(金) 22:44:12
Yes :) Is it safe to post it here?

The next Republican representative may want nothing to do with what Bush has done.
If his party loses, it's not really any hurt to him; he'll be out of office anyhow.

Even if the term limit weren't on, with his popularity as low as it is right now (30%?), I doubt he would get reelected.
62名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 22:47:19
You are right. The tepo-dong missile aimed at America was broken
into pieces in the sky, but we can't rule out the possibilities
they will develop good missiles one of these days.

Anyway, this NK's desire should be taken more seriously.
I don't want to imagine terrorists have nuke weapons and
use them, but it might happen if we leave NK as it is now.
63k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/10/20(金) 22:49:02
You can always try to improve your English here. We can give you links to
some resources, such as online dictionaries and literature-archives.

Hmm.. I don't quite know. I expect you're a lot safer posting it here than
at /b/, but don't bother. ktan2ch, I think it was. Drop me a message ^^
I'll pop online. Though I have to go soon.
64Sarah:2006/10/20(金) 22:53:11
Okay :) I'm on as tangelogummies (not my main aim name, just for safety)

This is true. They want to be taken seriously (even though to much of the world
they are a bit of a joke), and they will try to be taken seriously.
Which is why we shouldn't leave them alone, right?
65名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 22:54:40
A Chinese dignitary have a big influence about this nuke problem.
He flied to both America and Russia in order to discussed it before the UN decided on
the resolution under article 7.
66名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 22:59:11
Japan should arm themself with nukes so that if North Korea nukes Japan, japan can counter-nuke it.
67名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 23:00:37
According to some report written by an American person,
they suspect Japan might have nuclear weapons if NK's experimens
continue to go under way. That's why America should pay attention
to Japan, and make sure Japan is under the nuclear umbrella of America.
68名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 23:00:37
No! They should arm themselves with mechas.
69k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/10/20(金) 23:02:10
Mechas would be rather inefficient considering how bad the technology is
at the current time, no?
70名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 23:02:44
America's hands are tied behind its back in Iraq.
It can't do anything, if North korea goes nuclear on Japan.
71名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 23:03:25
Such a theme will be worth discussing.
Nuclear weapons shouldn't be used casually, but NK is one of the
countries that may actually use them. It's really scary.
72名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 23:03:37
k-tan is one serious maji responder.
That's why we love k-tan.
73名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 23:04:19
NK is obviously overestimated here.
74Sarah:2006/10/20(金) 23:05:20
Maybe, but it would be every geeks wet dream.

75名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 23:06:23
please remember North Korea has the fifth largest army in the world.
Iraq used to have the sixth, though.
76k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/10/20(金) 23:06:40
But it's entertaining to take some things literally sometimes. Like if someone
states that they want to build a kite out of squirrels and fly it to the moon,
it can be entertaining to discuss how to actually get the person to achieve hir
77名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 23:08:22
In a sense, you have a point.
America has been too busy paying attention to Iraq to notice
what happened in Asia. But Bush did sort of good about financial
sanctions on NK, which ironically made NK more resolute on
having nuke weapons. It's a dillenma.
78名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 23:09:05
Even if Japan gets nuked, Hiro can turn back the time and save Japan.
79Sarah:2006/10/20(金) 23:09:12
Flying to the moon to take cheese back, you mean. And each squirrel has to have a little box to store it in.

We could harvest it!
80k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/10/20(金) 23:10:30
I never said it wouldn't be ;-)
81名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 23:11:11
Oh? Really?
I didn't know NK has such a large number of army people.
But its missiles and tanks and air forces are not so decent,
are they?
82名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 23:12:31
What are you talking about? Who's Hiro?
And there's no time turner thing invented so far.
Are you dreaming?
83名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 23:12:34
84名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 23:15:01
If we hope so, NK will easily disappear on the map.
Bush could say so to mad Kim.
85Sarah:2006/10/20(金) 23:15:18
Hiro Nakamura is SUPERHIRO!
(every Monday night on NBC!)
86名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 23:16:59
North Korea can annihilate Seoul in a day with its conventional weapons.
87名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 23:17:11
What? NK is fighting for food. They try to get financial help and
rice and other items, intimidating neighboring countries.
No food leads war.
88名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 23:19:50
Haven't heard about him. How can he turn time?
Anyway, that's just a TV program, isn't it?
89名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 23:19:53
That's good news!
Hope to come true.
90Sarah:2006/10/20(金) 23:21:10
Yes, but it's fun to think "oh if he were real..." isn't it?
It has to do with the show; a bunch of people start realizing they have "powers"
He's just one of the many characters in it, and his power has to do with time.
91名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 23:21:55
Hiro can bend time and space.
I watch TV v^-^v
92名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 23:22:50
No food leads war.

Korean don't have fighting spirits, but always just words.
93名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 23:22:50
Next stop, Tokyo!
94名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 23:23:12
But South Korea and North Korea were the same country.
Watanabe Miki mentioned on TV that NK will not raid South Korea.
Plus, if NK actually use nukes, the target will be Japan.
95Sarah:2006/10/20(金) 23:23:58
Hiro: "Sutaru Turekku"
Investigator/Interpreter: "He says he can bend the space/time continuim."

I loved how the Investigator got that just out of "Star Trek"
96k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/10/20(金) 23:23:59
Hmm.. Time for me to run off, I think... Bye all!
97merkin ◆BeSm0ofY92 :2006/10/20(金) 23:24:34
Hee hee! /b/tards, nyah! I don't bother with /b/ these days, but I read
/cgl/ pretty regularly.
98Sarah:2006/10/20(金) 23:26:35
Byebye! Same for me, soon. Have to do some cleaning, then I need some sleep.

But if NK tries to attack Japan, what happens?
Japan would attack back, right? (I know nothing about that area for Japan)
99名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 23:27:44
Yeah. I like fantasy books.
But the problem is real, mundane, and worldly.
We should do something to stop NK conducting unke tests.
100Sarah:2006/10/20(金) 23:28:57
My ex loved nekomimi so he's (I swear) constantly on the Nekomimi board for iichan.

I rarely check 4chan/iichan anymore. I spent my time on other forums, or finding music to get
or (shame!) watching anime/dramas.

101merkin ◆BeSm0ofY92 :2006/10/20(金) 23:29:06
IIRC, Japan's Self-Defence Forces are the third-largest standing army in
the world. I don't think they'd take NK attacking them lightly.
102名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 23:29:26
k-tan = sarah
103Sarah:2006/10/20(金) 23:31:43
k-tan != sarah

I would put up a tripcode, but I forgot how. It's a stupid question :(

Ohh, I see.
104名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 23:32:13
105名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 23:32:48
what?? really? third-largest?? I never heard that
is it budget-wise? wages and prices are high in Japan, you know.
106名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 23:33:34
k-tan ≠ merkin
Sarah ≒ merkin
107名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 23:33:42
Nothing we can do about it while NK only tries to do it.
And when NK attacks Japan, US will attack back instead of Japan
under the Japan-US security treaty.
But now that the US is busy with Iraq, japan shouldn't expect much
from America. That's why even some of the people here (not including me)
are insisting Japan should change some law in order that Japan
can defend itself on their own.
108Sarah:2006/10/20(金) 23:35:31
There are probably still more than enough troops over here to send out even with those in Iraq.

Why are you not included?
109 ◆QkRJTXcpFI :2006/10/20(金) 23:35:39
110名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 23:37:22
Kim Jon Ill made it clear that NK won't conduct an additional
nuke test. But I must say that he betrayed our trust many times.
His word is not trustworthy.
111名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 23:39:06
the head of kim consists of a stone of 100%.
112 ◆QkRJTXcpFI :2006/10/20(金) 23:39:17
to put a trip code, write # and any number or letter you like after your name
i put #123456 on name
113Sarah:2006/10/20(金) 23:39:17
Exactly; we don't know if Kim Jong-il will go back on his apology or not.
114 ◆09SquFN9wU :2006/10/20(金) 23:40:36
115Sarah ◆R9J85veOuw :2006/10/20(金) 23:41:39
Thank you!
116merkin ◆BeSm0ofY92 :2006/10/20(金) 23:42:29
Ack, I'm misremembering. It's North Korea with the third-largest
standing army, not Japan. Japan has 239k, NK has 1100k. (That said,
I imagine Japan would still beat NK silly. NK doesn't really have
much in the way of resources or motivation, while Japan does.)
117名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 23:43:08
Which do you think is prettier, Gomaki or Ayaya?
118名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 23:45:56
In this case, by "defending itself" I meant pre-emptive attacks.
It was strictly banned by the Constitution of Japan. And I doubt
you know who the prime minister of Japan now is, but prime minister
Abe is known as a grand son of a former prime minister Kishi Nobusuke,
who sent Japanese civic people to war, if I'm correct.
I don't like war. So I don't feel it's a good idea to change laws
easily. Some of the Japanese politicians take advantage of this problem.
119名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 23:46:18
Both were mine.
Gomaki was good response.
Ayaya shouted so loud.
120Sarah ◆R9J85veOuw :2006/10/20(金) 23:48:06

Which is prettier, Masafumi Gotou or Matsujun?
121名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 23:50:07
Iraq didn't have mass weapons while NK does. Which country is more dangerous?
122名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 23:52:38
Yeah that's easy, 99 percent choose Ayaya

I only know Matsujun so I go with Matsujun.
Masafumi Gotou???
Who is he?? Is he one of Johnny's??
123名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 23:52:55
I'm sorry. Neither is pretty.
I hope girls will not be surgically improved like them.
124名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 23:54:15
I thought Yukorin was the most popular here in Japan.
Do you know her fart smells really sweety?
125Sarah ◆R9J85veOuw :2006/10/20(金) 23:55:54
No, he's the singer for Asian Kung-Fu Generation.
Though Ooki Nobuo from ACIDMAN has a prettier voice than Masafumi. He has really pretty rolled r's.

126名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 23:56:20
I think everybody thinks the father of Sun's child is that bald guy.
So naturally, he is not the father because it's too obvious.

By the way Sun picked up English really fast.
I envy her intelligence.
Now, she even understands what Jack or Chalie, or even Sawyer says
To me, Sawyer's English is really difficult.
English spoken in the South is too difficult..
127名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 23:56:43
No! Now that it came to light that Yukorin was tarnished by the idiotic
comedian, she is not popular any more. But I really want to smell her
fart, by the way. lol
128Sarah ◆R9J85veOuw :2006/10/20(金) 23:59:20
129名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 23:59:41
NK's beautiful girls who root for its representatives in sport events
are very famous and popular.
130名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 00:00:34
I see.
The funny thing is I don't know either of them! LOL
But they must be quite goodlookng and popular in Japan because even a girl in the US knows them!
131名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 00:02:09
Yep. Her name was tarnished. She was thought to be a pure girl who's
never dated boys, but her and her bf's photos were taken. She's not
pure any more.
132名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 00:02:48
As you know, Yukorin's popularity used to be based upon her being virgin and mysteriously Korin planetary mysterious.
Now that the wild sex orgy stories have come to light, she is tarnished.
133名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 00:04:39
Yukorin is not who she used to be.
134名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 00:06:06
Why don't we move to the Planet Korin when the day has come that the earth comes to an end?
135名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 00:07:24
They are yours. Nobody complains about it.
136名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 00:07:48
North Korea won't do anything.
What the North korean leadership fears most is its breakup.
They are only concered about their safety
If they go all out war, they are bound to lose.
So they won't do it.
137名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 00:09:37
Your belief will be changed when NK goes out of control.
138Sarah ◆R9J85veOuw :2006/10/21(土) 00:09:55
Oh :(
I've never cared too much about virginity. Some people like virgins, some people don't.
139 ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2006/10/21(土) 00:12:36
You guys are full of energy.
140merkin ◆BeSm0ofY92 :2006/10/21(土) 00:13:38
The Economist had a good article about Abe a few weeks ago, right after
he became head of the LDP; it pointed out that (unlike Koizumi) Abe had
no plans to go visit Yasukuni as the Prime Minister. I think that bodes
well for him not wishing to go to war.
141Sarah ◆R9J85veOuw :2006/10/21(土) 00:13:39
This is a good thing!

Though actually I am not full of energy at all... ._.)
142名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 00:16:37
You don't know what kind of people have been supportive of her.
She betrayed her fans. And you don't know how she acted in press
conferences. She didn't even admit the scandal was true, nor did
she mention it. All she did was pout and frown and make faces.
Her bad image was unchangeable now.
143Sarah ◆R9J85veOuw :2006/10/21(土) 00:21:10
So she wouldn't even take responsibility for her actions?
That's unkind.

I see why she has a bad image now.
144名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 00:24:52
Good point, merkin. We don't expect him to go to the shrine, at least
until the next summer. He was put under the dillenma.
America put pressure that his belief was dangerous and so Abe changed
a bit. But some of his followers support him because he's right-winged.
So he will show his true colour one of these days after he changes
things as he want.
145名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 00:30:22
>Abe had no plans to go visit Yasukuni as the Prime Minister ???

really?? I think that's not true.
Iit's just that he has no plan on saying publically whether he has visited it or not.
If he actually goes, he won't tell it, because it is a private thing not to be disccused domestically or interenationally.
That's his stance on this issue.
Let's not make this an international problem, and move onto more imoportant things.
146名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 00:31:01
I was surprised to know there are still someone who gave any thought
to what Gomaki is doing. People thought she had her breasts bigger by
surgery. She's Un-natural, isn't she?
147或る醫學生 ◆jv9PhcfTmc :2006/10/21(土) 00:31:49
N. Korea will go to war with at least one country.
It may be S. Korea. Maybe Japan.
The most idiotic choice may be waging war against the US.
148名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 00:42:26
That's right. And I'm sure you know that NK is cunning enough.
Kim Jon Ill and his followers know America couldn't actually
attack NK just because they had a nuke test. One, Bush is being bashed
in America because of Iraq war. Two, America is busy with dealing
Iran and Iraq. And three, They know if democratic party of the US wins the next
election, then America's attitude towards NK will change.

What NK is doing seems irrational, but at the same time it makes sense.
149名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 00:46:16
I dont think there is any countries around on the earth who would go to war
with long as they dont go totally pissed off.
Well, north Korea seems to be very shrewd. They will exploit
stupid Japanese politicians, perhaps. God, I hate Japanses educational system.
150名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 00:46:22
japan may be used as a bargain chip for the NK to avoid war with the US
151名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 00:46:31
           r"r          ゝ、:;:ヽ
   r‐-、   ,...,, |;;;;|       ,,.-‐-:、 ヾ;:;ゝ
   :i!  i!  |: : i! ヾ| r'"~~` :;: ::;",,-‐‐-  `r'^!
    !  i!.  |  ;| l|  ''"~~   、      i' |   PEACE! PEACE!
     i! ヽ |  | |    ,.:'"   、ヽ、   !,ノ
    ゝ  `-!  :| i!  .:;: '~~ー~~'" ゙ヾ : : ::|
   r'"~`ヾ、   i! i!   ,,-ェェI二エフフ : : :::ノ~|`T
  ,.ゝ、  r'""`ヽ、i! `:、   ー - '" :: : :/ ,/
  !、  `ヽ、ー、   ヽ‐''"`ヾ、.....,,,,_,,,,.-‐'",..-'"
   | \ i:" )     |   ~`'''ー---―''"~
   ヽ `'"     ノ
152名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 01:02:34
Yukorin is pretty. She needs to marry me.
Emma Watson is a drinker. Fukuda Saki is stupid.
Ayaya is busaiku. Gomaki is nothing.
153名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 01:09:25
This thread proceeds too rapid for me !
Does anybody know slower one ?
154名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 02:02:06
you summerize them really good !
IMO, Masami Nagasawa is by far the prettiest girl on this planet.
She is a good actor and sings very well.
She should be the one to lead the entertainment industory in Japan.
155名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 02:21:34
Are you sure Masami sings? Anyway, yes, Masami looks cute, but somehow
I can see through her. I can smell something nasty deep inside her heart
she can't hide from my eyes. She knows very well she's really cute,
how males think of her, and on top of that, she plays like a cute cat.
So I guess many females are irritated to see Masami talking with male talents.
She can charm most of them.
156名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 02:56:17
Damn. Almost 200 hundred posts already, and this thread was just started.
157名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 02:58:21
But they don't feed the hunger deep inside your soul.
158名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 03:03:14
I want to have a rice ball.
159名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 03:06:11
You better confess your truth right now!!
160名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 03:10:35
I really want to dry your tears from your eyes. What can I do for you?
I hope you don't cry like that in front of your computer.
161名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 03:19:56
This thread is finally back on track towards reconstruction.

Anyway, do you know what Zeppo means?
I would really appreciate it if my question were answered.
162名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 03:25:06
You are like a meek, obedient cat. I like it.
163名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 03:30:58
Kamiya, come here.
164名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 04:00:49
Who the hell are you?
165名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 04:02:53
It's no fun beating up wimps like you.
166名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 05:17:56
[Hypnosis] Hypnotic Seance, by Richard BerghHypnosis is a psychological condition in which some people may be induced to show various differences in behaviour and thinking.
Although some individuals experience an increase in suggestibility and subjective feelings of an 'altered state of consciousness', this is not true for everyone. In fact,
some supposed hypnotic indicators and subjective changes can be achieved without relaxation or a lengthy induction, a fact that increases the controversy around hypnosis.
[Altered state of consciousness] An altered state of consciousness is any state which is significantly different from a normative waking beta wave state. The expression
was coined by Carlos Castaneda and describes induced changes in one's mental state, almost always temporary. A synonymous phrase is "altered states of awareness".
[Beta wave] Beta wave is the term used to designate the frequency range of brain activity above 12 Hz (12 transitions or cycles per second). Beta states are the states associated
with normal waking consciousness. Low amplitude beta with multiple and varying frequencies is often associated with active, busy or anxious thinking and active concentration.
Rhythmic beta with a dominant set of frequencies is associated with various pathologies and drug effects.
167名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 05:48:53
3. Posted by えびす July 13, 2006 10:42
がいな◎いこの2人の友達のブログより★あきンたさん&ラヴうささん 以下が彼との会話の一部です。
しかし、私が今L4にいることを告げたときの彼の顔といったら・・・ クックック・・・見せたかったですよ(核爆)
168名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 06:21:55
No way!
169名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 07:37:17
170名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 07:55:39
171Sarah ◆R9J85veOuw :2006/10/21(土) 11:08:24
Zeppo? I've never heard the word "zeppo." I have heard of "Zippo" though, which is a brand of lighter.

Did you mean "Zippo?"
172名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 11:16:42
>>161, >>171
How about Chico, Harpo, Groucho, Gummo, Zeppo - from The Marx Brothers?
173Sarah ◆R9J85veOuw :2006/10/21(土) 11:18:41
I've never acttually seen the Marx Brothers. The only one I knew was "Groucho Marx"

174名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 11:26:11
Zeppo Marx:
Herbert Marx (February 25, 1901 – November 29, 1979) is best known as Zeppo Marx, the name he used when he performed with his brothers, The Marx Brothers.

Derogatory form of Gypsy, a slang term for travelling people, usually of Romanian origin. They steal your pegs and try to sell you lucky heather.
175名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 11:30:15
An intentional peep at another man's testicles while urinating in a bathroom.

176名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 11:32:13
One person in a group or gang that is either used, ignored, and/or stepped on quite frequently.
Came into common use with the Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 3 Episode, "The Zeppo", in which it was highlighted that a particular member of a gang was simply the uncool one. This has various effects on how we use the word today.
The word "Zeppo" is also used in reference to a person in a group who simply doesn't fit, be it because of their lack of coolness or other negative attributes.
177名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 11:35:38
do you listen to podcasts?
what are your favorite podcasts?
178Sarah ◆R9J85veOuw :2006/10/21(土) 11:37:57
I don't have an ipod, but I have listened to a couple of podcasts.
My favorites were the ones from Project Runway (Do you have that?)

If not, Project Runway (it has three seasons so far) is a show about
clothing designers competing against eachother. It's good.
179名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 11:42:11
I washed my ipod with my laundry.
I need to buy a new one.
180名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 11:56:44
podcast about behind the scenes of a TV show
it seems interesting
but the show itself is not avairable...
181Sarah ◆R9J85veOuw :2006/10/21(土) 11:59:48
There are videos up on of the designers.
This third season just finished airing here on Wednesday night.
182school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/10/21(土) 13:11:18
lolz~ uh...*sigh* exam is just finished...but I am studying again..
but this time, I am enjoying because it's some translation about
U.S. violent crime. I like these words; FBI, nonnegligent manslaughter(意図的な殺人)
forcible rape(強姦),robbery(窃盗), aggravated assault offnses(加重暴行), etc...
MUHAHAHA *evil laugh*

When I have some questions, I might come
over here and ask one of the natives...may I? Thanks in advance! (^^)/~
183Sarah ◆R9J85veOuw :2006/10/21(土) 13:12:10

I'll help in any way I can. :)
184名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 13:48:42
Aso Taro, the minister of the foreign affairs department, got in contact
with the President of South Korea, in order to tell him that Japan doesn't
make South Korea participate in the financial sanction which is planed
to be effective sooner or later. One reason why Aso was soft on SK was
that he knows perfectly well SK is put in a difficult position:
Under the name of the Sun policy, SK has given financial aid to NK,
and done business in a joint effort to improve their relations.

Perhaps, Aso was right. If he asked South Korea for help
in reference to this matter, some SK people would feel unindependent
and stiffened, as a result of which SK took sides with NK.
As Japanese people are irritated when America takes indirect control of Japan,
we don't feel independent. That's why I think Aso's decision was right.
185名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 13:53:33
I don't understand your logic.
Pushing South Korea makes it side with North korea? is that it?
186名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 14:11:08
As I pointed out, South Korea is in difficult position.
SK has powerfully and financially supported NK at least for 5 years.
And in the meanwhile, Japan and South Korea has not been in friendly terms with each other.

If Japan tries to push SK hard, then it's obvious that some of the SK people( who don't like
Japan) start to say "SK should act like an indepent country".
I mean, no wonder SK might start to give NK financial aid. That's not
the result Japan is asking for.

Get it?
187名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 14:25:30
Do you think Japan should also arm itself with nuke weapons
just to make sure we defend itself from NK's threats?
188名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 14:32:28
China and Russia (also South Korea) prefer North Korea to be
more active.
189school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/10/21(土) 14:43:24
>.<.....just ignore my post...(I'm just talking to myself)

I am crying crying crying....really hard...(号泣)
hidoiyo~~ he hurts me too much..
and never notice why he hurts me!!
(but that was my fault...I had to concentrate on my study
but instead...I called that boy and talked...) *dies for real*
190school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/10/21(土) 14:52:11
It was so happy to have stayed with him last week...*sigh*
(even it was only few telephone
conversations...) I felt like heaven when I was with him on a telephone line..
But....but next day he suddely showed me his fake pictures with his gf one after another.
That really broke my heart. And just now, he was nice but...he pretended as somebody else.
That's ok...but I am so act like that anymore... I just want to be treated
normal when I am in school...
191名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 14:58:57
school girl stinks
192名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 15:02:04
Don't take your anger out on her. Even if her B.O.'s so awful, you can keep
away from her.
193名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 15:02:29
太陽政策 is Sunshine Policy, not Sun polisy, I think.
You love talking about politics, don't you.
You are always talking about NK and all.
What's so intersting about politics if I may ask?

>his fake pictures

What do you mean by this, fake picture?
194名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 15:05:57
For what it's worth, we can talk about anything we want here.
And for your info, it's not only I who love talking about politics, though.
195名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 15:09:55
>we can talk about anything

I know we can talk about "anything" here but all you are talking about
is politics so I asked the question.
196school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/10/21(土) 15:11:16
means it is not exactly his real pictures. But kind of photoshoppped
pics. I dunno. Maybe just for fun? He wanted to make me laugh or
intentionally wanted to hurt my feeling....I never know.

stinks....tte? UH?? that's an awful word...(`▽´#)
197名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 15:11:32
I would smell her stinky body odor.
After her perspiration dried, salty smell travels through the air
around her. Why don't you smell it too?
198名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 15:12:41
And I don't think I am always talking about politics.
What give you the idea?
199名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 15:13:24
Take a shower, why don't you?
200school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/10/21(土) 15:16:18
Omaemona~~ lolz~~(`▽´)
201school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/10/21(土) 15:17:09
opps for got you too..Omaemona~~ lolz~~(`▽´)
202名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 15:18:42
NK nuke probrem is what is going on now. I don't talk that much of that kinds of topics though.
Politics is not silly topics as much as Yukorin or Ketsuge burger.
203名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 15:20:38
It's good to smell or lick a girl's armpit if she is gorgeous.

But remember, school girl is a real ugly girl. lol

204名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 15:21:10
To answer your question, however, talking about Politics is
exchanging one's opinions about what the world should be like,
how you want it to be. It's really interesting.
Sometimes we are agreed on things, but as you know, it depends
on people how to look things over.
205名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 15:21:54
school girl is not even a school girl but a midlle age man with bald hair and fatty love handles who loves to pretend
206名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 15:25:08
She's not so ugly a girl, that she is not.
Your ideal may be too high. SG may look good enough.

So smell it!!
207名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 15:25:37
>it depends on people how to look things over.

what do you mean by that?
208名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 15:26:32
Ketsuge burger is preferable to me.
209school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/10/21(土) 15:28:02
lolz~~seems like many negative minded ppl are here now...*makes me more tired...*

better go back to study....bye~~ (´ー`)/~~

210名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 15:28:53
Well, each person has an opinion about something.
The way of seeing things is different from each other.
211名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 15:30:11
She said herself that she is ugly.
212名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 15:31:01
What are you studying, ugly girl?
213名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 15:31:34
What the fuck are you talking about? Are you retarded or what?

First of all, you've got to see things inside, then you can find the way to Ikeda Taisaku.
214名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 15:31:37
Just because one person spoke bad about you doesn't mean
everyone here is negative. You don't want to expect everyone
to love you. But yes, you don't need to stay here when
you don't want to. Bye for now.
215名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 15:32:52
Shut up, bitch.
216名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 15:32:56
I don't understand what you mean.
217名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 15:32:59
you mean Ikeda Daisaku, right? LOL LOL LOL
218名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 15:33:43
Let's talk about Ketsuge burger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
219名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 15:36:05
What do you think she is doing now?
Do you think she is in Tokushima now or went back to Osaka, her hometown?
Do you think will employee of Sanyo electric company, ketsuge burger's
boyfriend get married ti her?
220名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 15:36:41
Hey, I mean, there is always one thing people have to believe in, like, the water boils at 100 centigrade, you know what i mean?
Well, I know now you understand what i mean, but let me tell you, why don't you believe in Jesus Christ?
221名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 15:38:15
I don't understand why you think school girl is ugly.
She may not be beautiful, but she said she looked good.
Gorgeous looking girls are sometimes nasty inside her shell,
so I'd say school girl is not the kind. Why don't we see the bright
222名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 15:39:05
Oh shit I'm totally fucked up, so wasted that I cannot write properly, have a good night guys!
223名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 15:39:41
I don't think it's wise to talk about Ketsuge burger of all the topis we can choose
Anyway, I think the fist thing she did after all the Ketsuge Burger breakout was to shave her Ketsuge LOL
224名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 15:40:08
Who do you think is a gorgeous girl?
225名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 15:41:36
What does she do now...?
She made me laugh, but I feel she's stupid.
226名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 15:42:08
Kanou-sisters are considered gorgeous, I guess.
227名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 15:42:25
And sold her ketsuge at Yahoo auction?
228名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 15:43:03
that wouldve been fun!! LOLOLO
229名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 15:43:52
You must be kidding! What do you see in them?
230名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 15:43:53
Ysuko Mitsuura
231名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 15:44:34
I think Mrs.Devi is so gorgeous.
232名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 15:44:36
She's yours.
233名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 15:45:06
Could you elaborate why you think she is gorgeous?
234名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 15:45:56
I don't think even a bit of ketsuge grows around school girl's anus.
235名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 15:47:36
It's impossible to sell her ketsuge. She doesn't have ketsuge.
236名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 15:47:41
I'm school girl now but I REALLY have some ketsuge.
237名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 15:48:40
You better fall in love with Mitsuura that you do.
238名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 15:49:51
What do you mean? Who is Mitsuura?
239名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 15:50:19
She is intelligent and has pretty good figure.
She is warm-hearted.
240名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 15:51:28
Now I understand why you think school girl is ugly.
241名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 15:52:03
Let's say you can buy one underhair of Horikita Maki, how much money
would you pay for it?
242名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 15:53:21
I agree.
243名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 15:54:41
Not that I wanted to, but some fanatic of her might spend milions.
Anyway, you can't make ketsuge burger from underhair.
It's useless.
244名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 15:56:11
I'm certain school girl is prettier than Mitsuura. lolz~~
245名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 15:57:19
They might have a similar (good) sense of humor, though.
246名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 15:58:02
Do you want Mitsuura's ketsuge?
247名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 15:58:24
you know k-tan looks like Angelina Jolie. she said that herself.
248名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 15:58:40
What do you mean by "they"? Who're they?
249名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 15:59:31
I thought she denied it a couple days ago.
250名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 16:00:09
I strongly believe school girl looks like Maki Horikita.
251名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 16:00:10
Mitsuura and SG.
252名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 16:02:44
To be honest, I don't want.

If I had to choose, Sarina Suzuki or Yasuko Mitsuura as my wife,
I might choose Matsuura.

Suzuki Sarina is just a Yankee without class.
253名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 16:03:08
No way is she such a kind! She's different from Mitsuura!!!
254名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 16:03:41
Don't you see school girl working outside?
255名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 16:03:41
ok, you go for Ayaya. that's very understandable
256名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 16:04:27
No. To be exact, one of or some of her friends said she looks like Angelina.
K-tan herself denied that she looks like her.
257名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 16:04:29
school girl has big boobs. Don't you like boobs?
258名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 16:05:33
Hey! Ayaya is busaiker than SG!
SG is kawaii!!
259名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 16:06:05
I love boobs of course.

I can suck and lick them for 24 hours.
260名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 16:06:38
but that's just her humility showing up
you deny those flatterly of cousse not to look arrogant
261名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 16:07:35
Then school girls will turn you on! Her boobs smells good
and taste nice. She puts hanny on her boobs!
262名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 16:10:36
Maybe you are right.

Her armpit stinks. I will faint if I smelled her armpit.
263名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 16:13:07
school girl himself is with us as one of, us trying his best to make school girl look good
it's too obvious, though
264名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 16:14:49
Which number post, for example?
265名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 16:15:08
Do you want to taste her big boobs?
266Sarah ◆R9J85veOuw :2006/10/21(土) 16:18:16
So schoolgirl is a fat boy prentending to be a girl?
267名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 16:20:36
No way! Are you deluded or concussed?
She has big enough boobs! No boys wear a bra like she does!!
268Sarah ◆R9J85veOuw :2006/10/21(土) 16:21:24
I've seen some guys with fairly large boobs....
But they were made of fat!
269名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 16:21:49
Don't be taken in.
We are just having fun as if she were middle-aged man.
I think she IS a real school girl.
270名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 16:22:28
Who are you kidding?
I don't think the guys you met wore a bra!
271名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 16:22:40
LOLOL you are good!!
272名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 16:23:34
School girl is a pretty and cute girl, I'm way sure of that.
273Sarah ◆R9J85veOuw :2006/10/21(土) 16:24:42
No, they didn't. It was a gross thing to see though :(

Do you think I am a real 17-year-old American girl? (I am! So
schoolgirl could be real too!)
274名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 16:27:00

I think school girl's boobs are beautifully shaped. *blush*
Perhaps she doesn't put any honey on her boobs, yet they smell
really nice like soap.
275名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 16:30:24
May I ask...How big are your boobs?
276名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 16:30:42
I ask you to grow your underhair for two months.

And let me buy the right to shaving it off and bring back the underhair
with me. How much money do I need to pay to you?
277Sarah ◆R9J85veOuw :2006/10/21(土) 16:31:17
Averaged sized. I can give my height/weight/measurements!
278名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 16:32:05
I'd buy her ketsuge, if I were you.
279Sarah ◆R9J85veOuw :2006/10/21(土) 16:32:13
I'll deline.
280名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 16:32:36
You upload your naked photo with your face hidden to an uploader
and let us starving wolves erect rock-hard!
What do you think?
281Sarah ◆R9J85veOuw :2006/10/21(土) 16:32:47
What is a ketsuge?

And I made a mistake, I meant to say *decline.
282名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 16:34:04
That's hair growing around anal.
283Sarah ◆R9J85veOuw :2006/10/21(土) 16:34:50
No joke?
284名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 16:36:06
Don't you know "mixi"?
285名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 16:36:21
I wonder if your back or shoulders become stiff because of the weight of
your boobs. I hope your boobs smell good, too.
286名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 16:36:42
Oh,I'm sorry...>>284 is for >>283
287名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 16:36:51
ketsu is buttocks
ge( or ke) is hair

ketsuge is buttocks hair, especially hair around the ass hole
288名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 16:38:20
No joke.

Ketsu means butt and ge or ke means hair.
289Sarah ◆R9J85veOuw :2006/10/21(土) 16:39:18
Well, awesome, I learn something new everyday. I was asking
yesterday what a "ketsuge burger" was (someone said they wanted
a ketsuge burger), but no one said what it was.

a "ketsuge burger" reminds me of scatporn.

No, my breasts aren't THAT large :)

290名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 16:39:22
Hey!! Don't pay too much attention to Sarah!!
I prefer School girl whose boobs are big!!
291名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 16:39:44

to Sarah
292名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 16:40:57
Did she say her boobs are big in the past?

How big?
293名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 16:41:08
Don't you have any other topics to talk about?

I'm sure that your mother crys.
294Sarah ◆R9J85veOuw :2006/10/21(土) 16:41:34
I would rather see skinny asian guys with glasses, than have 2ch boys
see my picture naked and get hard from it.
295名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 16:41:46
School girl's skin is finer than Sarah!
Once you touch her, you'll get haunted with her.
296名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 16:43:36
Yes, she did. I'm sure at least hers are bigger than Sarah's.
297名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 16:43:55
if you lie sideways, your buttocks looks like a hamburger, if there is extremely thick hair in the crack of buttocks

2 buns = ass cheeks
meat in the middle = ketsuge
298名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 16:44:04
Hey do you like skinny guys with glasses rather than great build athleat type?
299名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 16:44:41
Mixi is very very famous website, you should google it.
A shoking happening called "Ketsuge burger accident" happend on mixi.
300名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 16:45:13
Personally, I love to press my face beween Sarah's boobs...
301Sarah ◆R9J85veOuw :2006/10/21(土) 16:45:54
I shave that hair. It's gross.

Yes! I don't like lots of muscles; it's not pleasing.

Oh, I see. Can you explain it to me?
302名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 16:46:15
What's Ketsuge burger accident? What happened, exactly?
303名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 16:46:16
I tried to explain where the expression ketsuge burger came from but
gave up because of my lack of skills to describe it.

You did a good job!
304anal:2006/10/21(土) 16:47:46
hay guys i found a cool site
305名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 16:47:59
I googled scatporn....
you made me do it....

306Sarah ◆R9J85veOuw :2006/10/21(土) 16:48:01
I looked it up just now; a photograph of a girl got leaked off of
307名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 16:48:17
Which girl do you like better, School girl or Sarah?
I guess you prefer school girl as I do.
308Sarah ◆R9J85veOuw :2006/10/21(土) 16:48:50
Sup again /b/

Hahahahhaha, Oh goodness I'm sorry, I'm so so so sorry!
309名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 16:52:40
Hey, I don't want Sarah more popular among people here.
She's nasty!! Why don't we go back to school girl?
She's cheerful and funny and humorous! Plus, her boobs are
really appealing to us male posters!!
310名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 16:52:53
Of course Sarah hands down.
She is knowlegeble and intelligent and funny. I respect her.

school girl is a middle-aged pervert pretending to be a school girl.
311Sarah ◆R9J85veOuw :2006/10/21(土) 16:53:35
Schoolgirl isn't around right now though!
Though schoolgirl is better than I am, that's true.
312anal:2006/10/21(土) 16:54:13

actually that fine-ass post was courtesy of byob
313名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 16:54:48
Ketsuge burger photos... I missed the biggest chance of seeing
real ketsuge
314名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 16:55:02
<The story of Ketsuge burger.> episode 1

One man made a habit of taking advantages of Peer to peer software
to exchange files which are more often than not illegal in the
terms of copy right and porn movie files.

There are several viruses desigend for the p to p software.
One of the virus is very vicious and if you are infected with it,
all of the files including document files, movies files and
image files on your hard disk are released into the P to p software's

to be continued....
315Sarah ◆R9J85veOuw :2006/10/21(土) 16:55:23

Oh shi. $10 someone knows who I am by now then. oshioshioshi
316名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 16:57:18
Uh, It's difficlt for me to explain the accident...but I'll try to that.

At first, do you know "share"? This soft allow user to exchange use's file like Winny.
O.K? To be continued.
317名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 16:57:26
Of course, she isn't!
But it's nothing to do with you.
318名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 16:58:22
lots of " to be continued..."here, lol
319名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 16:58:24
Do any of you really download the photos of ketsuge burger?
320名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 16:59:32
HAHA, I'm>>316.
>>314 did good job, so I'll entrust him with that accident.
321Sarah ◆R9J85veOuw :2006/10/21(土) 17:00:44
Yes, I use a couple of peer to peer programs for finding music and

Not particularly.
322名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 17:00:50
I want to see ketsuge burger photos.
323merkin ◆BeSm0ofY92 :2006/10/21(土) 17:01:30
At least you didn't mention tubgirl.
324名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 17:02:34
Hah, I can't believe most of you idiotic males are easilly taken
in by the American girl.
325Sarah ◆R9J85veOuw :2006/10/21(土) 17:02:54
This is true :)
Wasn't tubgirl originally a japanese shock photo?
326名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 17:03:24
WOW.I want your HDD!! What kinds of music and anime do you have?
327名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 17:03:41
<The story of Ketsuge burger.> episode 2

The man who works for Sanyo electric, which is a multinational corporation
and maybe Sarah have heard of the name tried to get an erotic anime game
through the p to p network called "share." He did.
But unfortunately the game file he got was infected with the virous
and when he click on a file in the game file, all of his files stored
in his hard drive are released in the p to p network.

to be continued..
328名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 17:07:04
I like school girl better than Sarah. I don't know why, but
my spider sense told me I should better choose School girl.
329Sarah ◆R9J85veOuw :2006/10/21(土) 17:07:55
Right now I only have a 20GB, an 80GB, and a laptop with a 30GB.

I have Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu, Ouran Koukou Host Bu (Ouran Highschool Host Club),
NANA, Bartender (the 2nd episode airs soon, right?), Honey & Clover,
and some of Eureka Seven.

As for music,
is a picture that lists most of my music (I've gotten more since the
last time I updated that).
330Sarah ◆R9J85veOuw :2006/10/21(土) 17:09:49
Thank you for this!
331名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 17:09:51
Share the photo of ketsuge burger with me, pls.
332merkin ◆BeSm0ofY92 :2006/10/21(土) 17:10:42
I believe so, yeah; encyclopediadramatica agrees.
333名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 17:11:13
which boobs do you like best?
334名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 17:11:33
Even if school girl is not around now, I won't betray her.
I'm her loyal fan anytime of the day.
335名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 17:13:43
<The story of Ketsuge burger.> episode 3

The problem is on his hard drive, he had stored lots of photos of
his girlfriend and himself traveling around Japan and photos where
his girlfriend are doing blow job to him and photos where she
show her pussy. What's called ketsugeburger photo was of course
included. After all the girl's nick name comes form the photo that
looks like a humbergur.

I said, all forms of his documents were spreaded into the p to p
network. E-mail mmessages he had recieved and excel file of his
company has spreat into the network.

From his e-mai, his real name and her girlfriend's name was known
to everybody.

The story didn't stop there....

to be continued...
336Sarah ◆R9J85veOuw :2006/10/21(土) 17:14:44
Here's a picture of my media folder that I just updated.

There were a few things that aren't on the other one.

Thank you again! This is informative.
337名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 17:15:54
I don't know if sarah is popular here, but I'm sure how much
school girl caught attention from males. Her contribution to
the thread is awesome. So I'm still on school girl's side.
She will show up again to amuse us!
338名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 17:20:10
Hey, the storyteller, can I ask you one thing?
Did you have the ketsuge burger photo?
How does it look? Beautiful?
339名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 17:20:48
Sarah, do you want to see the photo?
340Sarah ◆R9J85veOuw :2006/10/21(土) 17:22:09
Nah, I'll pass. I don't really like pubic hair. It's kind of gross.
341名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 17:28:08
<The story of Ketsuge burger.> episode 4

Both the guy and his girlfriend happened to be members of Mixi, which is
a social networking site boasting more than 600 million members,
biggest of its kind in Japan.

In mixi, it's considered to be a good thing and recommended for members to reveal
their real name.

One crazy man put her naked photo he had gotten through the p to p
software in mixi for her friends to see.

That made it possible for her old friends in her schooldays and current
friends to see her photo where she is doing blow jobs and the photo where
she spread her legs naked and ketsuge burger photo.

What a tragedy. He and his girl friend soon deleted their accounts
of mixi and dessapeared into thin air and we now have know idea what
they are doing now.

Thie real name and where they work and the name of their alma mater
and all personal information imaginable were open to public because
of the p to p share and Mixi...

This is called ketsugeburger incident.
342名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 17:30:20
I'm dead tired trying to explain what ketsugeburger incident was.
I need pats on the back or a blow job or two from Sarah... hahaha
343Sarah ◆R9J85veOuw :2006/10/21(土) 17:31:05
That's pretty horrible.

I bet the girlfriend was fairly pissed.
344Sarah ◆R9J85veOuw :2006/10/21(土) 17:32:10
Thank you very much for explaining it! I would give you a pat on
the back (not a blowjob!)
345名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 17:32:28
You write very well!!
346名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 17:35:09
So did you get the ketsuge burger photo?
347名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 17:35:35
Thank you very much!
I think my writing skills improved thanks to ketsuge burger incident. hehe

Seriousely though, I hope they don't commit a suiside or anything.
348名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 17:37:44
Not to worry. I don't know who they are, what her ketsuge is like,
and the photo is not available online! So time can make people forget
this incident.
349名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 17:38:26
yes i have all the ketsuge burger related photos, making sure this incident will not be forgotten for the future generations.
350Sarah ◆R9J85veOuw :2006/10/21(土) 17:39:10
Yeah, that would be best for the parties involved.

351名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 17:40:34
You are funny. Well, I think you can't
download them any more. Where can I get them? That's
impossible. So this incident will be forgotten.
352名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 17:40:46
I hope so but the reality is that we can get the photos of her
even in 2ch. More often than not, her photos were shared with 2 channelers
by uploading her photos to various uploader on the Internet.
353名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 17:41:40
you are naive
354Sarah ◆R9J85veOuw :2006/10/21(土) 17:43:44
Okay guys, I'm going to watch a show for a while.

Have fun! (And thank you again for explaining that incedent!)
355名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 17:44:34
Will the girl friend file a law suit against the boyfriend, or are they still together?
uhmmmmm, kinda curious.
356名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 17:44:43
I use 2ch, but I didn't know about the incident and I don't know
how to learn about their names. So only a part of 2ch and mixi users
know it. They won't kill themselves for this. Perhaps, however,
they are likely to break up.
357名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 17:45:06
Plus the man's family name is very rare.
I've heard less than 20 families in Japan have his family name.
I can't tell it here though.

If she get married to him, her familyname changes to the rare name.
358名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 17:45:58
like the 911 terror attacks or holocaust or Atomic bombs in hirosima and Nagasaki or NangKing genocide
there are things that must not be forgotten .
ketsuge burger is one of them
359名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 17:47:32
Thanks for uploading!
I could find some names of Japanese music group in the picture.
I'd like to exchange Japanese music with you, LOL.
360名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 17:48:06
See you!

Maybe you are right. I don't know how many people got her naked photos
and know their real names but I hope not many.
361名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 17:50:57
308 :Sarah ◆R9J85veOuw :2006/10/21(土) 16:48:50
Sup again /b/

↑ what's this "sub again /b/ mean?"

362名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 17:51:15
See you again!
363名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 17:51:25
I don't even know what the ketsuge burger is like and what their names are.
And many Japanese women's naked pictures are uploaded online so
this ketsuge girl will not remembered. She's just one of them.
364名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 17:52:56
Where can I take a look at the photos?
365名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 17:54:41
I want to see school girl's ketsuge burger.
366名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 17:56:02
Ketsuge girl's name is Mayuko.
Her friends and old classmate saw Mayuko's pussy picture...
She never meet her friends I think.
367名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 17:56:18
What if school girls have a munage burger between her boobs?lol
368名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 17:59:25
>mayuko ketsugeに該当するページが見つかりませんでした。
Phew, her name is not searched by google.
She can live!
369名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 18:02:14
Sorry I missed your message.
I don't do p to p network but I got those photos including
ketsuge burger shot. I love erotic photos but I don't store
erotic movie or erotic photos on my PC.
So I deleted all of them after I saw them
370名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 18:02:26
万由子 ケツ毛 の検索結果 約 9,100 件

371名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 18:05:55
You deleted them all? Oh, a bit sad.
I wanted to see them. Thanks anyway.

I, for one, stored such kind of movies, though. lol
Hmm, I should care not to get infected with computer virous.
372名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 18:08:37
Oh my goodness!!
She must be so shocked.
373名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 18:10:09
Sorry again, my post 337 doesn't answer your question completely.

>How does it look? Beautiful?

To be frank, She is my type. I couldn't believe a girl like her
spread her legs naked and all. But as for the Ketsugeburger photo,
it didn't look beautiful.

I think she was kind of forced to be shot naked by his boyfriend
and there's a possibility she didn't know he had stored her naked
photo. なぜなら、彼女のえろ写真だけが隠しファイル扱いになってたらしいから。
374名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 18:16:39
Thanks for the precise info! So she's cute..
You tincled my interest. I take it from what you said
she's twenty or something.
Well, I feel sorry for her, but at the same time I want to
see the photos. What a bad guy I am.
375名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 18:29:34
I want to eat Ketsuge burger, don't you?
376名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 18:30:13
She is cute on my standard but some who saw her doesn't think she is.
She graduated from MA coruse and has just started working isince this
spring so she is around 24.

>Well, I feel sorry for her, but at the same time I want to
see the photos. What a bad guy I am.

I know how you feel and you are not bad at all. That's what man is all about.
377gaijin ◆cjcO/40IKM :2006/10/21(土) 18:51:34
378或る醫學生 ◆jv9PhcfTmc :2006/10/21(土) 18:54:48
379keiko ◆y/jU0OiBZs :2006/10/21(土) 18:57:19
380名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 19:21:03
Hey you!
381名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 19:38:40
382名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 19:45:02
383gaijin ◆cjcO/40IKM :2006/10/21(土) 19:57:39
はい、私はブルーアイって外人です。でも、メアドを書き込む事はとても恥ずかしいです (笑い)

Is "blue eyes" a derogative term?
What's a common derogative term for whites in japan? I'm curious...


くせ...私は? =(  日本語ちゃんと教えてください!
384名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 20:41:15
385gaijin ◆cjcO/40IKM :2006/10/21(土) 20:44:28
on my way to work this morning a japanese tourist snapped a candid photo of me!
I'm going to be famous in japan!
386名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 21:00:39
Whyd did the tourist want to take a picture of you? Did you happen to be stark naked or something?
387gaijin ◆cjcO/40IKM :2006/10/21(土) 21:14:48
I think he was trying to take a pic of his girlfriend + scenery.
We were at a particularly scenic part of the transit route, but
I just happened to be in the way and ruined his shot.
388名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 21:28:44
Thax, and although I'm not 379, I might as well try to answer your questions.
To be honest, I don't know of any derogative terms for 'whites' in Japanese, and
'blue-eyes' is never a derogative term either.
I thought people usually admire 'blue-eyes' in any country.
Sorry for the boring answers, couldn't come up with any punch line~~
389或る醫學生 ◆jv9PhcfTmc :2006/10/21(土) 21:38:09
"Gaijin" is the derogatory term itself, I guess.
If you want to add a punchline to your posting, just use this:)
390名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 21:40:20
Don't go away
391名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 21:43:23
That's what some people, especially foreigners in Japan say, and they get offended
when Japanese say 'Gaijin', but is the term really derogatory?
I think it depends very much on 'how' you say it, is it not?
392gaijin ◆cjcO/40IKM :2006/10/21(土) 21:49:52
393名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 21:51:50
Where are you from?
394gaijin ◆cjcO/40IKM :2006/10/21(土) 21:54:11
395名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 21:55:44
how come you write such good japanese?
396k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/10/21(土) 21:56:13
What >>256 said. ^-^

Umm.. But that site isn't anything you should believe, you know...
It's a parody wiki, not an actual wiki... It's got some brilliant joke pages here and there.. but yeah...
397名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 22:00:38
K-tan, do you speak Japanese?
398或る醫學生 ◆jv9PhcfTmc :2006/10/21(土) 22:00:56
Gaijin means "outside person", or "outsider". That's why
foreigners in Japan hate this term. Some of them, especially
who are seriously studying Japanese culture, hate it because
they want to be accepted and assimilated into Japanese people.
399k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/10/21(土) 22:03:33
Not yet. But I guess it's inevitable that I will learn Japanese properly
in the future, as my boyfriend's studying Japanese and might want to move to
Japan for a longer period of time in a decade or so.
400名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 22:04:34
I see, then I guess the term 'Gaikoku-jin' is also hated among foreigners?
401k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/10/21(土) 22:14:22
may be rather enlightening for you.
402或る醫學生 ◆jv9PhcfTmc :2006/10/21(土) 22:16:03
IMHO, Gaikoku-jin literally means a foreigner, and I don't see
it as a derogatory form.
This page explains the words gaikokujin and gaijin in detail.
403名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 22:17:12
Do you talking about your lover?
404名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 22:20:00
What you mentioned make them misunderstanding.
Gaijin doesn't mean "outside person", or "outsider".
It's not even like nigger or jap.
We could say Gaijin-san. It sounds very friendry.

Then what should we use the term for foeigners?
405k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/10/21(土) 22:22:36
My beloved, my angel, my boyfriend, my significan other, my fiancé - whatever
really. He's still as lovely regardless of which label I'd refer to him with ^-^
406外人さん:2006/10/21(土) 22:27:50
In Canada, Asians who learn English and properly integrate into society
are well accepted... as for the others, we label them ignorant FOBs
(Fresh Off the Boat)
407k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/10/21(土) 22:37:37
Gaijin-san only sounds friendly if people don't have a better word for you,
i.e. if they know you that little that your visual aspect is all they know
about you. Wouldn't it be more polite to refer to someone who one knows under
a profession or similar by their profession or name, rather than the non-ethnical
Japanese look of theirs? I don't really know, but the impression I've gotten
is that such usage is what many object to (as well?).
But yeah, that's just my opinion (as opposed to people who want the word gaijin
banned or something). I don't really mind it, as long as it's not used to overshadow
more important features about a person.
408名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 22:38:25
I don't see what do you men.Yes or No?
409k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/10/21(土) 22:41:43
And I'm not too sure about what you're still asking O.o;;
I'm in a serious longterm (longdistance at the moment) relationship,
I usually refer to him as my boyfriend or my S.O. (Significan Other).
410外人さん:2006/10/21(土) 22:44:36
oh fiancé?
when did he propose??
411名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 22:51:27
I see
I wouldn't be happy either if my friend who I knows call me foreigner. It's like that.
It doesn't mean any discrimination when Japanese people say Gaijin to foreigner.
412名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 22:58:36
Yeah, some foreigners over-react when they are called Gaijin,
but as someone already mentioned, the term Gaijin is very different from
Jap or Nigger etc.
413k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/10/21(土) 22:59:04
He didn't really propose.
We've more of discussed the topic on many occasions and decided that
we want to get married once we actually live together (as opposed to living
in different countries). Nothing fancy, just indefinitely engaged. No rings
or anything at this point, because it would feel rather silly to do something
like that before being able to set an actual wedding date.
Though we'll probably do something to celebrate once we live together. ^-^
Not sure on how the symbolic proposing would go, apart from being
pretty amusing and cute. We're not really oldfashioned in that aspect either,
so who gets to do the honors isn't really decided. Nor if we're actually
going to have one of us do that, maybe we'd just celebrate. I don't really
know, we haven't bothered discussing the specifics at this point, as we're
not likely to get married for at least three if not five-six years (both of
us are studying at universities, and I won't be done with my education for
five years or so, and he somewhere around the same or more, depending
on what he decides to do later).
414名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 23:00:48
Oh,I see! You have a sexfriend.
415k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/10/21(土) 23:03:00
Heh, no.
I don't have a sexfriend/fuckbuddy. I'm sorry for ruining your fantasies.
416名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 23:07:06
417名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 23:09:37
It's well planned but not romantic.
418名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 23:12:02
how are you planning to propose?
419k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/10/21(土) 23:15:07
It's okay though :-D We have it good, so our lives don't have to be constantly
romantic ^-^ I already have more than enough romantic memories to last me a
decade the least.. xD
Besides, sadly long-distance relationships ensure that one has to plan well
and not rigidly if one really wants the whole thing to last.
420名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 23:20:39
I didn't think about propose yet,
But, I will marry with my girl friend sometime
421外人さん@日本語語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 23:21:32
Hi all.
Erm being a forienger I wanna know whether it will be lots of considerations if I want to marry a Japanese girl.
In my region the girls are just too bad.
422名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 23:22:10
wow, many happy people on this thread!
423外人さん@日本語勉強中 :2006/10/21(土) 23:23:43
Maybe this is the only threads that I can fully understand. lol
424名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 23:25:04
Are you worried about old rituals or tranditions, and stuff?
There are many foreign men happily married to Japanese women, actually.
425外人さん@日本語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 23:31:29
Na, something more practical.
Being a forienger in Japan may not have the life as good as the native has.
If my wife don't wanna move out, I have to consider this.
I need to understand the situation before something further.
426名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 23:31:46
As long as you are not Arabic.
427外人さん@日本語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 23:33:42
What's wrong with Arabic? lol
428名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 23:35:00
Is there anything wrong with the combination between Japanese and Arabic?
429名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 23:37:49
some countries in arab restrict rights of women.
430名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 23:38:55
Judging from what you have written so far, you sound like a down-to
earth person.

Did you read about the Ketsuge burger incident written above?
What do you think about it? Do you use peer to peer file
exchange software?
431名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 23:39:49
I don't really recommend you to live in Japan.
You are Canadian right? You can find Japanese girl overthere.

Japanese girl like white or Japanese. Some like black and korean.
I am not 426 though.
432外人さん@日本語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 23:41:28
Oops. But I don't think Arabic with such mind could even move a Japanese girl.
433k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/10/21(土) 23:49:03
Hmm.. I think I need to go... I'll be back later.

I read the story, yeah. I pity the girl.
I used to use Imesh many years ago, and DC++, but nowadays I only use bittorrent,
and that not often.
434外人さん@日本語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 23:49:46
Na, somewhere just nearby you. Hong Kong.
I've made a visit to Sapporo 2 years ago. That place is really good for living: fresh air, cool summer, low density, and a slow pace of life.
I've considered moving to there for study and work, but since the situation is totally blur in my mind, I've abandoned that.
I have no more fantasy on Hong Kong girls, they are just too arrogant. Maybe I'm not good enough to reach their requirement, but they are not very good comparing with girls in nearby region.
Chatting with you guys may bring me a clearer picture.
435名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 23:49:59
I pity the fool.
436外人さん:2006/10/21(土) 23:53:06
oh I see... well I hope for the best for you two (but cmon you know
you want him down on one knee proposing with a ring that better be damn
expensive and fancy)

yeah lots of cute Japanese girls here in west canada,
just how to hook up with them I have no clue
437名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 23:58:08
I don't see what's wrong with canadian girls in the first place.
438名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 23:59:55
Suspect Muroi is very intersting.
But you are cromers of lolita complex.
439名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 00:06:14
hi, foreigner monque.
440名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 00:08:15
I don't really think chatting with us help you to find Japanese girl friend.
This chatting room is polluted by freakin' school dude(mostly guy).
Any way, Sapporo is nice place to live.
441外人さん@日本語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 00:08:51
Anyone here watched the drama <<たった一つの恋>>?
Hong Kong girls are just like the rich bitches in the club, except having the wealth.
BTW Ayase Haruka looks really 萌え inside.
442名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 00:09:47
Haruka has a huge chin.
It's freakish.
443外人さん@日本語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 00:12:10
OK. I'll continue my study on Japanese Language first. LOL.
Indeed, finding a girl friend is a difficult task.
444名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 00:12:42
But her large tits can not betray her fans.
445外人さん@日本語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 00:13:55
Erm, but she looks attractive to me.
446あや:2006/10/22(日) 00:20:05
447外人さん@日本語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 00:20:26
448名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 00:20:38
Ayase Haruka's popularity has gone down the drain.
Dramas with her in them are always boring and record low ratings.
She has a problem with acting.

You should watch ones with Masami Nagasawa in them.
Her acting is really convincing.
449名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 00:21:17
this thre is contaminated with dirty small guys wearing foreigners.
450外人さん@日本語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 00:29:48
I'm watching the new drama <<Sailor Suit and Machine Gun>>.
Masami acts real cool. I like the Aki act by her in <<Cries for Love in the Centre of the World>>.
Well, I can't make a comment on her performance in the new drama yet, but I'm looking forward to that.

Haruka's drama? Honestly, I watch Haruka's drama for watching Haruka's only. The story is too typical.
451Sarah ◆R9J85veOuw :2006/10/22(日) 00:43:33
Sekai no Chuunshin de, Ai wo Sakebu?
(Crying Out Love, In the center of the World)

I've only seen the movie.

Ohh, what about the other way around?

I like the look of some Japanese guys, but I don't think I'd want to
have a relationship/get married with one. I've heard bad things about
the way Japanese/other Asian men treat women.
Any truth to it?

Also, good morning!
452名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 00:57:19
Not so bad as much as American women do
453Sarah ◆R9J85veOuw :2006/10/22(日) 00:58:38
As American women treat other women?
454外人さん@日本語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 01:00:30
That's the one. I haven't watch the drama version too. At the time that it announced, I thought Haruka can't act.

Well in Asia things are changing. Female's position are just going balance with male's.
Coming along with the equal education opportunity, Female are having the ability that male had in the past in the society.

The traditional "man-dom" may still exist, but reducing.
Try making a Japanese boy friend and you may feel that.
455名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 01:05:31
As American women treat men.
Compared with Japanese girl, American women have pure mind. But, they are stronger and more agressive.
456外人さん@日本語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 01:07:12
Japanese girl don't have pure mind? Oh shit LOL.
457名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 01:11:26
>I've only seen the movie.

You must have gotten it by peer to peer infringing copyright.
I have just called the police. :D

And Good night!
458或る醫學生 ◆jv9PhcfTmc :2006/10/22(日) 01:11:32
Japanese girls are no longer innocent like they used to be.
Sure they look more innocent than American girls, but
actually they are not.
Asian women now are getting stronger.
459Sarah ◆R9J85veOuw :2006/10/22(日) 01:12:31
Hahah, American women don't have pure minds at all.

None around here! I would love to find a cute skinny asian boy
who wears glasses (I like glasses), but it's kind of hard when there
aren't any around.

But white guys are good too, and there's more of them.

I understand what you mean about men and women becoming more
and more equal. It's a good thing! Do you know what the term
"glass-ceiling" means?
460外人さん@日本語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 01:15:14
I look for your explaination.
461名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 01:15:17
good morning america.

those things are things of the past
japan has its fair share of abusive husbands but not so much more than the western world
462Sarah ◆R9J85veOuw :2006/10/22(日) 01:15:19
I didn't use a peer to peer software to get it :)

As for other shows that I've watched (anime and such), as long as
it's not licensed in the US it's legal for people to sub the shows
in English and send them out through peer to peer clients for
people to download.
463Sarah ◆R9J85veOuw :2006/10/22(日) 01:16:59
It's a term that describes how sometimes, there's an "invisible-ceiling"
that women/some minorities can't get higher then. Does that make

So abusive husbands exist just as much as they do here?
464名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 01:17:35
America is fussing about rampant Chinese piracy.
But the fact is, Americans the one doing it the most.
465外人さん@日本語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 01:18:55
Kind of. Abstract. LOL.
466Sarah ◆R9J85veOuw :2006/10/22(日) 01:19:10
Well, there is a difference between Chinese bootlegging and
America's piracy. In piracy, the creator is usually credited and
given for free.
With bootlegging, you have to pay for it. That said, I have bought
a few things that were bootlegged.

How big is piracy in Japan?
467名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 01:20:28
Grass seiling is kind of like a barrier in corporate ladder.
Companys declair on surface employees have the same opprtunity to promote
but in reality, there is a unequality between male and female employees.

Grass is transparent and there seems to be no ceiling above but
actually there is a ceiling or barrier that prevent women from
promoting in a company.
468Sarah ◆R9J85veOuw :2006/10/22(日) 01:20:46
Mmm, here's a scenario:
A woman is a good employee in a company, she works hard and she gets
promoted a few times, and she continues working hard to continue
getting promoted. Instead of continuing to be promoted, she's kept
where she's at, and people (male) who don't work as hard as she does
get promoted instead of her.

I think that should explain it a little better.
469名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 01:20:55
Do you think American ketsuge burger is tasty?
470Sarah ◆R9J85veOuw :2006/10/22(日) 01:21:49
I think you mean "glass." Grass isn't transparent; it's green!
471外人さん@日本語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 01:22:18
>>467 >>468
Thanks. I get the picture now.
472外人さん@日本語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 01:25:38
Hell talking about burgers, I missed the half-raw egg burger in Asahikawa. Damn tasty, but can't be found in Hong Kong.
473名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 01:27:55
You are right. I made a typical mistake common among Japanese English
learners. Shame on me. :(

But as for explanation about glass ceiling, mine is a little bit better
if you ignore few grammatical mistakes in my writing. hahaha.
I am being arrogant.
474名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 01:28:40
a few
475名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 01:29:41
I wish I had ketsuge burger.
476Sarah ◆R9J85veOuw :2006/10/22(日) 01:29:58
You're right, it is better :) I'm not very good at explaining

I don't mean to offend when I correct someone! It may seem odd, but saying
"grass is transparent" makes me laugh trying to imagine it.
477名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 01:31:04
ah! i get your point.. money-making pourpose vs private enjoyment! you are wise!

I think piracy in japan is no different than in any other place.
and mostly for private purpose.

Winny or Share has caused alot of leaking problems.
A lot of confidential lists or docments are being circulated throught those P2P networks even right now.
You can get bunch of them if you want to take a look.
Stupid government officials use those softwares without fundamental knowledge of the interenet
and get virus that do the uploading.
But they rarely get fired. Bearoucracy is very rigid in Japan. They don't easily admit mistakes.
478外人さん@日本語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 01:37:10
Well, how about the IT security policy in Japanese Government now?
Strong enough?
479名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 01:38:33
Hilary Clinton is going to be the next leader of the free world.
Glass ceililng no more for women.
480Sarah ◆R9J85veOuw :2006/10/22(日) 01:40:20
In that case, how about a more light hearted topic? :)

What bands do you like? Any language.
481名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 01:40:27
You should see if you've got one.
I think you'll be surprised.
Mine is really ugly. It's got sesame all over.
482外人さん@日本語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 01:45:30
M-flo. I love Lisa's vocal, and their Soul X HipHop fusion. Too bad they dismissed.
Recently I like Hirai Ken and Hitoto You. Their songs really touches me.
I don't like Cantonese POP. Holy crap in terms of lyrics, melodies and the singers.
483名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 01:47:59
Are you chinese?
What about Fay Wong? "Eyes on me" brings back memories as well as
bring tears to my eyes.
484名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 01:48:54
I've been dreaming all these days...
485名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 01:49:21
Eyes on me is the theme song of Final Fantasy 8 !!
The song is really good. The game itself is not as good.
486名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 01:50:58
If you like M-flow, you'll like soul'd out, too.
487Sarah ◆R9J85veOuw :2006/10/22(日) 01:51:36
I've never heard Cantonese Pop.

I mostly listen to English indie music and some J-indie music now.
A good friend of me introduced me to a few bands.
488外人さん@日本語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 01:52:46
Yep I'm from Hong Kong.
Faye Wong is a legend.
489名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 01:55:22
Ketsuge is easily pulled off and it's qutie painless.
Important thing to remember is do it quickly.
Do it on the spur of the moment.
And yours can be as good as baby's
490名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 01:55:55
Yeah, that's what I think.

By the way, I wonder if some of the lines of the song is incorrect:
"whenever sang my song...".
I didn't have any interest in what the lyric say back then,
but now that I've studied a little English, I want to ask,
"who sang your song?".
491名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 01:58:31
492名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 01:59:11
Whenever sang my songs
On the stage, on my own
Whenever said my words
Wishing they would be heard
I saw you smiling at me
Was it real or just my fantasy
You'd always be there in the corner
Of this tiny little bar
493外人さん@日本語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 01:59:27
Well, you may discover some very familiar melody from CantoPop that you've listened from Western or Japanese music, but the "author" is a Chinese.
Just go fuck those artist who cry for piracy while they are plagiarizing somebody.
494名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 02:01:18
Truthfully, she's the only Chinese singer I've heard singing.
Anyway, I'm listening to the song now.
495名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 02:02:18
I think it's"I"
"Whenever( I ) sang my song ..."
Make sense??
496名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 02:02:47
Thanks. That's the lyric.
497名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 02:05:42
I love "fuck"

What the fuck ??? or Who the fuck are you? or How the fuck things come to this??
Those phrases are rythmic with "fuck" in them.
Without fuck, they are lame.
498名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 02:07:06
Of course, it does. But again, I wonder if you could drop the
subject "I" like this.
Doesn't "Whenever singing my songs" make sense?
That said, the song sounds really melodious. I like it.
499名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 02:11:22
Yuck. I don't like my ketsuge pulled hard and quick. It would hurt.
500名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 02:11:59
Whenever I play tennis, I seem to get my butt handed to me if I'm up early and pull out victories when I start behind. I think I ease off and get cocky
501名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 02:19:07
Mysteriously silent...
502外人さん@日本語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 02:20:30
... having dinner now
503名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 02:30:42
ho- that's difficult.
I think you can't. but I am not sure.
May be in this case ok because it's a song lyrics or something.
504名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 02:32:18
Who sings the english version of "Freckles"?
505外人さん@日本語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 03:09:17
whoa big dinner...
506名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 06:27:11
507名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 08:02:37
"How about night like this?"
508日) 08:04:42
(2006.08.21 23:24:36)

509名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 09:49:53

510merkin ◆BeSm0ofY92 :2006/10/22(日) 11:31:54
I used to listen to lots of Shibuya-kei sorts of music (Pizzicato 5,
Fantastic Plastic Machine) and their predecessors (The Polysics, The
Plastics, etc), but I've gotten out of touch with what's current.
What Japanese music is new and interesting? And not just boring idol stuff?
511名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 12:04:45
You mean you want to learn about japanese pop music charts?
512名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 12:34:35
7 o'clock, I opend my eyes, looked at clock, and closed my eyes.
10 o'clock, I tryed to wake up, and failed.
11:15, I woke up and had breakfast in my dream.
10 mins ago, I woke up actually, and now writing this.
What a waste of precious 5.5 hours of my youth!!
513名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 12:39:09
5.5 hours is not too long of your life.
Learning English for 6 years and still having hard time to say a word
means a real waste of time.
514名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 12:40:39
Whose ketsuge burger do you want to eat?
515名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 12:58:18
Learning the basics (grammar, vocab. etc.) is important for communicating through the language sensiblly.
Now that you have the basics, all you have to do is use them.
In other words, your 6 years have not been a waste at all.
516名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 13:11:40
Hey! How are you? I'm fine! My cock is more fine and erecting now!
517merkin ◆BeSm0ofY92 :2006/10/22(日) 13:15:40
No, not the pop charts; much of the current pop (the little I've
head) sounds all the same. I want to hear the more interesting
music that's around right now.
518名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 13:23:12
How about my 5.5 hours?
519名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 13:35:39
You wake up, but can afford to sleep again......
That's considered a luxuary^^
So your 5.5h is not a waste either!!
520名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 13:38:12
You need to sleep well sometime.
Stick around in 2ch could be waste of time.
521名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 13:44:40
Thank you.

well... I should study some?
522名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 13:44:57
>>517 and click on the "blog"

The entry of October 19, 2006 might give you a hint.
I have only given it a rough read and don't know how informative enough
it is though. But it is something about Shibuya-kei
523名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 13:46:32
School girl's ketsuge burger must be tasty.
524Kouki:2006/10/22(日) 14:09:42
A smash hit song this summer.

BONNIE PINK - A Perfect Sky
525school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/10/22(日) 16:43:32
Yeah! she's pretty and her music is nice! *ummmmm....runs!*
526名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 16:52:47
Hi! school girl!
How was your school?
527k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/10/22(日) 18:09:15
528 ◆mG/.eicE2U :2006/10/22(日) 18:18:03
Hello,my name is momo.I'm a student between school.Nice to meet you.
529 ◆KEiA2PcJ2Q :2006/10/22(日) 18:20:25
I want nice trip.please give me the chance to test.
530 ◆tsrzioRs5E :2006/10/22(日) 18:21:44
531 ◆dRwnnMDWyQ :2006/10/22(日) 18:22:44
532 ◆hEpdoZ.tHU :2006/10/22(日) 18:24:26
last test
533k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/10/22(日) 18:25:54
O.o;;; Actually, no. It would not make me feel happy to get a bloody expensive
ring. It would feel too wasteful. A simply nice ring is more than good enough.
The cash left over from that would be better invested in many other things.
Like the future. Besides, I'm not too fond of rings, I'm likely to wear an
engagement ring on a necklace. So who knows, maybe we'll get engagement braclets
or necklaces instead?
I liked his suggestion for wedding rings (titanium) because that ups the chances
of me being able to put up with wearing a ring for a long amount of time :-D
(no, I'm not allergic to anything as far as I know.)
534 ◆hEpdoZ.tHU :2006/10/22(日) 18:26:36
I can't get good trip...give me some advice.
535k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/10/22(日) 18:28:08
Define a nice tripcode? You could always just use a generator to
achieve a nice tripcode if that's your main concern.
536名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 18:30:17
if you want to test your trip code, do it here.
537名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 18:31:41
Trip code that matches with you is

538名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 18:31:49
There are some application software which find you some trips.
539k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/10/22(日) 18:32:29
Speaking of generators, I miss the lack of secure tripcodes at 2ch.
Ah well.
540名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 18:32:56
go to the following site.
you can be a god.
541名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 18:34:24
you are a real japanese man.
542名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 18:35:50
furthermore you live in japan.
543k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/10/22(日) 18:40:06
>>541 >>542
I am? I live in Japan? News to me... Especially since I can't speak Japanese...
Should I speak Swedish at you until you change your mind? xD Det kan vara värt att försöka...
544名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 18:42:30
Please fill in "fusianasan", in the cell of "名前:"
545k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/10/22(日) 18:45:08
Um. What's fusianasan? I think someone mentioned that word many threads ago.
But I don't really remember what it was :-( Why would I want to use that as name,
546東京在住日本人:2006/10/22(日) 18:46:35

アハハ アハハハハ 

日本人だろ おまいら?
547名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 18:47:42
Please do it, and you can see the result.
548gaijin ◆cjcO/40IKM :2006/10/22(日) 19:03:36

well according to google:

fusianasan - 2ちゃんねるにおいて投稿時に名前欄に「fusianasan」と入力する

so, it displays your ip address...
549203.188.84.23:2006/10/22(日) 19:13:08
testing fusianasan...
550外人さん@:2006/10/22(日) 19:14:32
oops I'am exposed.
551 ◆hEpdoZ.tHU :2006/10/22(日) 19:14:44
Thanks!but I watch 2ch by mobilephone.I couldn't downlode trip search.Sorry,If you can,please search the trip 'chihaya'or'momo'...
552gaijin ◆cjcO/40IKM :2006/10/22(日) 19:16:08
University of Hong Kong?
553外人さん@:2006/10/22(日) 19:17:30
Na. City University of Hong Kong.
Totally different things with "University of Hong Kong".
554gaijin ◆cjcO/40IKM :2006/10/22(日) 19:20:01
ah I see.
Yes it does say in the trace: CITY University of Hong Kong
555名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 19:29:31
you showed this thread is international.
anyone else who says that i'm foreigner, please show your evidence.
556k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/10/22(日) 19:36:13
557名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 19:38:48
I'm not >>554 but what makes you hesitate?
There's nothing to lose.
559外人さん@日本語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 19:40:03
Well, the main purpose of posting here is to practise English. That's what my idea.
Nationality is not that important.
560gaijin ◆cjcO/40IKM :2006/10/22(日) 19:40:57
I will do a port scan immediately, and if there is a backdoor I will exploit it.
561merkin ◆BeSm0ofY92 :2006/10/22(日) 19:41:21
Of course, there are open http proxies across the globe; I could
choose to appear from wherever I wanted.
562gaijin ◆cjcO/40IKM :2006/10/22(日) 19:41:45
563名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 19:43:47
Before you post the comment knowingly, you thank the guys who
gave you information about shibuya-kei.
564名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 19:45:35
Where did you get the knowledge on network like that?
565名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 19:46:31
hello! This is Makoto writing.
What do you think about Photon-belt?
What will happen in late 2012?
566merkin ◆BeSm0ofY92 :2006/10/22(日) 19:51:09
Well, I'm grateful to those who've give suggestions. (I wouldn't call
much of what's been suggested shibuya-kei, though, unless the
meaning has changed since I was last keeping up with it, five or six
years ago. I could well be confused, however.)
567外人さん@日本語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 19:52:10
Will it be like the death in <<The End of Evangelion>>?
Everybody decompose into orange juice.
568gaijin ◆cjcO/40IKM :2006/10/22(日) 19:53:54
Looks like a bunch of crap not even worth discussing.
569k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/10/22(日) 19:54:40
Ah, no, I was trying to find some help for momo :-/ I'm not too keen on downloading
a lot of random programs, so I was trying to find a server-hosted version
running. Alas I didn't find any.
570名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 19:57:20
This hamburger looks like delicius!日) 19:57:48
Hmm..Testing? Something. Ah well.
572外人さん@日本語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 19:58:35
Finally I understand what you guys mentioned.
573名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 19:59:41
Then why don't you try fusianasan now.
574k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/10/22(日) 20:00:38
575名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 20:01:02
Congratulations and now you are infected with a virus just by clicking on
the link.
576名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 20:01:16
I'm sorry. and I respect you.
577名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 20:02:21
k-tan, forever.
578名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 20:02:31
What kind of hmmmm this time?
I'm fed up with your excuses.
579外人さん@日本語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 20:03:25
Thanks for your advice.
580momo:2006/10/22(日) 20:04:29
thanks anyway.
581gaijin ◆cjcO/40IKM :2006/10/22(日) 20:04:57
she posted her IP in >>571
582名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 20:05:11
Is this your pen?
583名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 20:05:53
I don't know why you insist. This is online that has no border.
You can find foreigner anywhere in Japan.
Japanese are everywhere in the world.
Get out of countryside.
584fusianasan ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2006/10/22(日) 20:09:34
You will never know where I'm from.
585gaijin ◆cjcO/40IKM :2006/10/22(日) 20:10:06
586k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/10/22(日) 20:11:08
Eh? Excuses for what?
587k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/10/22(日) 20:12:33
It's not as if we need to. We like you anyway ;-)
588名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 20:12:53
Show me how to get 10000$ in easy way.
I have to gain cash to pay.
589名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 20:15:06
>>571 >>581

Don't know if this is ISP of Sweden but maybe it is.
I'm sorry, K-tan for doubting you.

Call me doubting Thomas.

What you wrote doesn't make sense at all.
590名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 20:15:07
I am a NEET.
591名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 20:17:34

I have been a NEET,I am a NEET,I will be a NEET.
592fusianasan ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2006/10/22(日) 20:17:56
593k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/10/22(日) 20:19:41
The ISP of Sweden it's not (i.e. not the only one we have).
It is however a Swedish ISP. Don't worry.
594名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 20:20:11
I am a cherry boy.
595名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 20:21:23
Hell/6W/Cs still doing nothing? well waiting in cars can't get you far!!!
596名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 20:21:52
I mean K-tan could be stinky old Japanese guy live in Sweden.
597名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 20:22:10
I read an article in New York Times about japanese who escape from japan to New York.
they look pretty happy there!!
598名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 20:22:20
Thank you for the link.
She's definately accessing to 2ch from Sweden.

Now I'll do Harakiri to show her I never doubts her.
See you at the Pearly Gate or in hell or whatever.
599fusianasan ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2006/10/22(日) 20:22:43
I haven't the foggiest idea what =( signifies.

I love your stiff sense of humour more than anything.
600外人さん@日本語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 20:23:40
Any online version?
I'm interested on the word "escape"
601名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 20:24:20
I am sorry. now Harakiri time. See ya all guys.
602名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 20:24:52
I am a gay.
Your big cook I want!
603fusianasan ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2006/10/22(日) 20:25:07
What? [・∀・]
604名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 20:26:24
you are NEET, we know it!! it is useless to hide a fact!
605gaijin ◆cjcO/40IKM :2006/10/22(日) 20:26:29
It's a sad/frowny face
606Holy Ghost ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2006/10/22(日) 20:29:56
So you are the one who's dropping out of college, aren't you?
607k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/10/22(日) 20:32:41
Unless you have a fetish for large chefs, that surely must have been a typo.
608名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 20:33:11
where is Korin star? I want to live there with her.
609gaijin ◆cjcO/40IKM :2006/10/22(日) 20:33:13
nothing wrong with college dropouts =(
college isn't for everyone
610The Least Samurai ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2006/10/22(日) 20:36:28
Ah, now I see it. =(
So I have to look at it with my head bent over. (´・ω・`)
611Kouki:2006/10/22(日) 20:36:32
The thread is very active today.
612名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 20:38:10
yeah, cock that is.
613名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 20:39:39
have a fetish for large chefs   fumufumu  interesting expression. I am goint to use it.
614名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 20:39:55
I want your large cock!
I believe you are a gay chef with big cock!!
Please meet me!
615gaijin ◆cjcO/40IKM :2006/10/22(日) 20:40:06
Yes that's how we do our emoticons -- sideways.
However, I think the emoticons you use are much more creative and expressive.
616k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/10/22(日) 20:45:48
I'm so sorry... Alas, I must break your heart; a man, let alone a gay chef, I am not...
617名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 20:46:21
tell me why?
618名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 20:46:43
   / ̄ ̄\
 /   _ノ  \
 |    ( ●)(●)
. |     (__人__)  
  |     ` ⌒´ノ   I want to enlarge my cock ...
.  |         }
.  ヽ        }
   ヽ     ノ        \
   /    く  \        \
   |     \   \         \
    |    |ヽ、二⌒)、          \
619Gay Castillion ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2006/10/22(日) 20:51:51
This flow of conversation is most hilarious.
620 ◆iIGjxo77MY :2006/10/22(日) 20:52:29
I get my trip! Ya!
621名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 20:54:21

Anyway,you must have hole to do that,so I think we have to met once.
Without cock is not problem! It's good for us,I think.
Meet me tonight!!!
622名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 20:55:42
             / ̄ ̄^ヽ 
             l      l        ____
       _   ,--、l       ノ .     /_ノ  ヽ、_\      YOUR COCK IS SO TINY !!!
   ,--、_ノ:: `ー'::   、ミー---‐,,l     o゚((●)) ((●))゚o    
  ,/   :::         i ̄ ̄  | .  /::::::⌒(__人__)⌒::::: \   
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ヽ  :l::::   ト:;;;;;;;;;/-/__...........  /                   ̄`ー‐---‐‐´
623k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/10/22(日) 20:59:49

Once again I must greatly dissapoint you; I have nor time, nor interest, nor
the cash to meet up you, alas. So sorry...
624gaijin ◆cjcO/40IKM :2006/10/22(日) 21:03:54
it takes a special kind of girl to tolerate this nonsense
625Kouki:2006/10/22(日) 21:04:37
I completely forgot the baseball championship of Japan is being held
626 ◆chihayanYE :2006/10/22(日) 21:06:23
My trip
627名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 21:06:57
I am waseda student. I have a brigth future!!!
future is the time to think
628名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 21:08:37
I have an important test in my school very soon. but I dont know what to do about it!
should I study more???
629k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/10/22(日) 21:09:23

630k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/10/22(日) 21:10:51
You probably should study more, yeah.
631名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 21:13:57
                      ,、 '";ィ'
________              /::::::/l:l
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  . : : : : : : `゙'ヽ、:::゙ヾ´::::::::::::::::::::::`゙゙゙'''‐'、. l|
、、 . : : : : : : : : r'":::::::::::::::::::::::::::ノ::::ぃ::ヽ::::::ヽ!
.ヽ:゙ヽ; : : : : : :ノ:::::::::::::::::::::::::/" ::     '\-:'、       WHAT?
. \::゙、: : : :./:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::(・ )::  ,...,(・ ):::':、      
 r、r.r ヽ 、 /:::::::::::::::::::::::::     _  `゙''‐''"  __,,',,,,___
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|  `".`´  ノヽ:::::..,.r'゙         ,,. ,r/ ./    ヽ
   入_ノ   ン;"::::::.       "´ '゙ ´ /      ゙、
 \_/  //:::::::::            {.        V
   /   / ./:::::::::::::            ',
  /  /  /:::::::::::::::::.            ',.
632k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/10/22(日) 21:15:49
I have to go and do some cleaning now, bye all ^-^
633日) 21:16:15
634名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 21:16:15

The night is long.You can call me if you change your mind.
I believe you will want to cook my cock tonight!!
I'm looking fowerd to taste what you will cook for me!!
635 ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2006/10/22(日) 21:20:23
I love this song:
The singer Hansi Kirsch (from Blind Guardian) is awesome.
What would a native speaker of English think of his pronunciation?

"Harvest Of Sorrow"

She is gone
Leaves are falling down
The tear maiden will not return
The seal of oblivion is broken
And a pure love's been turned into sin
At the dawn of our living time
Hope may cover all cries
Truth lurks hidden in the shadows
Dreams might be filled with lies
Soon there will be light
Pain remains inside
Suddenly it seemed so clear
All the blindness was taken away
She closed her eyes
And she called out my name
She was never ever seen again

Harvest of Sorrow
Your seed is grown
In a frozen world full of cries
When the ray of life shrinks
Shall cold winter nights begin

(Read more:)
636名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 21:21:48
Yes yes! Let's watch it!
637名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 21:26:23
I thought you were english, LOL!
638名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 21:27:06
Hit me Queen one more time!
639 ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2006/10/22(日) 21:28:51
i'm engrish.
640 ◆ChihayaQYU :2006/10/22(日) 21:29:38
641gaijin ◆cjcO/40IKM :2006/10/22(日) 21:30:05
Nice song. The singer's pronounciation is fine, he has a
british accent of some sort.
642いのき ◆w4ArEkKkcg :2006/10/22(日) 21:31:38
my ago is shyakure. T_T
what should i do?
643名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 21:33:19
Drink lots of Tabasco, LOL!!
644名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 21:35:19
Oh shit Michael !
645名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 21:36:15
mr.Hell is just worthless NEET and a bookworm
646 ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2006/10/22(日) 21:38:58
Thank you. (^ε^)-☆Chu!!
Hansi Kirsch is German.
The stiffness of the German language is
perhaps closer to British English rather than American.
647 ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2006/10/22(日) 21:41:12
m9(^Д^) Ha ha ha!!!
648いのき ◆w4ArEkKkcg :2006/10/22(日) 21:41:54
ill try
thank you
649名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 21:44:45
You never want to take 2 channelers' advice too seriously!!!!!
650 ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2006/10/22(日) 21:46:34
>>632 ( ´・ω・)ノ
Poor k-tan's last word is blurred between those large copy&pastings.
651 ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2006/10/22(日) 21:57:37
652名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 22:00:00
have you heard of the band "suidakra"?
if you like blind guardian, you might also like their music.

here are a few samples:

and you will find also some samples and information on
653名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 22:08:54
Wow... what a boring post.
654名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 22:38:35
sometimes when neet go crazy with their unhealty lifestyle they go on rampage!
655名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 22:44:29
I live in Edo.
656名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 22:45:01
better be nice to all neet then, else you might have a problem if they do.
657名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 22:45:30
658名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 22:49:21
I live in Tokyo.

Change the sentense above into the past tense.
The anwer is "I lived in Tokyo."

Mr. Giants, Nagashima's answer was "I live in Edo."
659名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 22:49:35
past tense of "I live in Tokyo."
660名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 22:49:40
661名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 22:50:26
I had lived in Tokyo.
662名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 22:51:11
ワタシハ アッメーリカカラキタジョンデス
ニッポンノカルチャー トテモキョウミアリマス
ニッポンノミンサン トモダチニナリマショウ
663名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 22:51:55
oh I shouldve known you already wrote that before I did
664名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 22:52:55
My rice cooker has just passed away.
He was 7 years old.
665名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 22:53:52
I am going to hong-kong. with my beautiful girlfriend. for two weeks!!!
we will have a great time in hong-kong.!!
666名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 22:54:00

It's common in Africa.
667名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 22:54:29
I am going to milk my penis until the white liquid comes out!
668名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 22:55:35
My favorite clothing brand is UNIQULO.
The prices are low and the qualities are high.
669名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 22:56:06

Show us your girl'S shirtless pictuers.
670名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 22:56:14
I-ve been dreaming all these days.
I-ve been aching all these days
to try to find a way to stop.
I-ve been waiting all these days.
I-ve been standing all these days
to find it hard to get it through.
All I want is a good chance
for we can live underground.
All I need is a sharp knife
to cut the tails you are afraid to show
All I hear is your endless speech
to stuff my ears again and again.
All I dream is a wonderful place
for I can build myself a world.
Dream in a wishful way
Dream in a wishful way
671名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 22:56:22
That's a novel way to say masterbation.
I will use it from now on.
672名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 22:56:57
What do you mean?
I don't get it.
673名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 22:58:08
UNIQLO succks.Better to out naked!
674名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 22:58:19
I dont gave up on my dream of learning cantonese!!!!
675名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 22:59:09
Which do you choose, Wii or PS3?
I think most Japanese choose Wii, because the PS3 battery catches fire automatically.
676名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 23:02:13
I've given up on my cantonese-phimosis penis.
677名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 23:03:23
If you make fun of Uniqulo, you will end up crying over Uniqlo.
678名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 23:03:55

Is it smell?
679名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 23:05:26
My English typing is really slow.
Any of you guys know a good site or two where you can improve your typing speed?
680名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 23:07:15
I play tetris with my Nintendo DS for 2 hours a day.
What a waste.
Tetris is addictive, you don't wanna get near it.
681名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 23:10:07

I don't make fun of it.I mean it is useful to clean up my ass.
682名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 23:10:30
When you wear a tie, you tie your tie in front of the mirror so that you can know what exactly you are doing.
683Kouki:2006/10/22(日) 23:21:19
I don't have the game console, but I know what you mean.
Sometimes I've played tetris on my computer since someone provided
a game site here.

Hmm I probably won't buy either.
684外人さん@日本語勉強中:2006/10/23(月) 00:06:47
In which speed you play usually?
685momo ◆momo../C7o :2006/10/23(月) 00:57:00
I'm so sleepy...
686外人さん@日本語勉強中:2006/10/23(月) 01:01:37
just finished <<tatta hitotsu no koi>> ep 2
Haruka san moe~ (´∀`)ハァハァ
687名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/23(月) 01:07:35
i saw the movie "nada so so"and cried !
688外人さん@日本語勉強中:2006/10/23(月) 01:08:28
What sort of thingies make you cry?
689外人さん@日本語勉強中:2006/10/23(月) 01:17:24
Just googled about that.
Erm, it is unlikely to be shipped to Hong Kong.
See if there will be any DVD released here.
690香港人@日本語勉強中:2006/10/23(月) 03:12:49
"外人さん" seems to be too strange.
I'd rather clearly state my origin.
691名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/23(月) 03:53:44
if someone causes your lover to cry for some reason ,
What is the right things to do as her boyfriend ?
I 'd like to kill the culpit who caused her tearing
regardless of whether she would like me to do or not .
I want revenge for hersake or mysake .For being born man, there
are several times in our life time when you should rise up and
throw yourself into the noble fight againt what you think is wrong .
692名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/23(月) 04:06:00
growing up is painfull as hell. I dont know what is like being adult. I am still a kid.
I am dependent on my parents.
693名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/23(月) 04:20:00
The most needed to be done is, protect her, hug her, and comfort her.
To kill them is a means of it. but not a must.
694merkin ◆BeSm0ofY92 :2006/10/23(月) 04:20:37
Uniqlo was one of the few places I found that had clothing in gaijin sizes.

Wow - a German deathmetal/acoustic folk band. Can't say I'd heard of that
combo before. O_o

hee hee!
695香港人@日本語勉強中:2006/10/23(月) 04:25:46
Violence helps nothing at all, dude.
Try understand the real situation first. You may find a more intelligent way to solve that.
Being a boyfriend, your girlfriend need your support.

That's just what I feel too.
Adult world is filled with hypocrites and fakeness. Competition is something good for the world, but fakeness does not.
I'm 22 now and having the last year of university study. After this 2 semesters, my childhood should be gone...
I missed my happinesss in the pass, which may never come back.
696名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/23(月) 04:52:54
Fear not. There's still a lot of fun to be had, even after college.
697名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/23(月) 04:55:33
he told me that I am useless
she told me
my face mades her mad
but I am still here doing nothing
and I feel empty
waiting for someone
to hold me
I know nobody is coming
he told me to die
she told me to see nothing
698香港人@日本語勉強中:2006/10/23(月) 05:15:23
Get a cold water shower to chill yourself first. (I don't recommend beer.)
If you screw yourself into the dead corner, you will be screwed forever.
Try find a new point of view in the incident, you may feel better.
I'm not familiar with what sort of stuff happened on you, but I hope my words can help you a bit.
699名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/23(月) 05:22:01
boooooooooozeee!! booooooze!!!
screwwwww me up harrrrrdd!!!
i need more boooze though...

and revenge is sweet
700香港人@日本語勉強中:2006/10/23(月) 05:23:36
Anyway take care yourself.
Sleeping time now.
701名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/23(月) 05:45:51
now it is 4:44 in HK.
sleep soon for your health.
702名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/23(月) 05:54:30
u better pick up fight with that guy.
the situation is too simple sometimes so u just have to do it.
703名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/23(月) 08:43:04
Those who like Monday, please raise your hand and explain why, LOL!!
704名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/23(月) 09:01:44
Rainy days and Mondays always get me down.
705名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/23(月) 09:06:23
Yeah, LOL!!
But I like the Carpenters!!
706名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/23(月) 09:28:45
\o/ Mondays are like mornings; a new beginning - a glimmer of hope that
maybe, just maybe, things will be better this week than they were
on the last.
707名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/23(月) 09:53:59
Wow, very encouraging!
yeah, I'll go for the "maybe" and move forward!
708chihaya ◆ChihayaQYU :2006/10/23(月) 10:05:11
Good morning!
709chihaya ◆ChihayaQYU :2006/10/23(月) 10:12:47
Today is monday...School began.I'm sad now.I want to see my friend.
710名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/23(月) 11:33:33
You can do it!
Run away from school immediately!!
This is my pen.