Keith Moss loves plants. So he did something ( ). He put chicken wire over his old car and then put plants under the chicken wire. Big, beautiful flowers went ( )the car. The car is unusual, Moss ( ). But I love driving it! he says. People look at me ( )surprised, with their mouths open. Moss's car changes every day because the plants grow. Small, ( ) plants grow bigger.
Keith Moss loves plants. So he did something (strange). He put chicken wire over his old car and then put plants under the chicken wire. Big, beautiful flowers went (on top of)the car. The car is unusual, Moss (agrees). But I love driving it! he says. People look at me (so)surprised, with their mouths open. Moss's car changes every day because the plants grow. Small, (short) plants grow bigger.
教えてください 日本語の意味になるように並びかえろ 1.1957年には、ソビエト連邦は人工衛星を打ち上げることに成功したと発表した。 In 1957,the Soviet Union (in/had/that/they/announced/succeeded) launching a satellite. 2.アメリカ人らは科学と宇宙技術の分野でソ連に遅れをとってしまっていると気ずいた。 Americans realized (the Soviets/that/were/they/in/behind)science and space technology. 3.その結果、アメリカ政府はARPA(高等研究計画局)と呼ばれる組織を設立した。 As a result,the government (was/a research organization/which/called/founded/ARPA). 4.1969年、ARPAにネットワーク技術を研究するよう命じたのは、アメリカ国防省であった。 It was the Department of Defense that (computer networking/ARPA/to study/ordered/technology)in 1969.
T、適切な語句を選びなさい。 @ Hi, Jo. I (will / am) writing this e-mail to ou in the library. A I think I (am / will) going to finish my homework today. B Let's meet soon. What (do / are) you doing this week? C Akiko and I (are going / go) out for a concert tomorrow night. D (Do / Will) you want to join us?
U、次の( )内の指示に従って書き換えなさい。
@ Sorry, I can't answer the phone tonight.(tonight を last nightにして過去の文に) A When you call me, I will be watching a movie.(callをcalledにして過去の文に) B I will put my headphones on, so I don't hear the phone ring.(will putをputにして過去の文に) C I want to call you back, but I can't.(wantをwantedにして過去の文に) D You are having some trouble wiht your cellphone.(過去形の疑問文に)
>>49 The adoption of a new machine gave a qualitative progress to the products of our company. If you are to study English,you should be interested in cultural differences between Japan and foreign countries. 間違ってたら指摘してください。
@I want you to meet him ( ) hear his opinion. ア,in addition イ,therefore ウ,thus エ,in order to
AI spoke to him kindly ( ) him. ア,to not frighten イ,so as not to frighten ウ,in order to not frightening エ,for not to frighten
BThe fence wasn't ( ) keep the wolves out. ア,high enough to イ,higher than to ウ,so high that can エ,so high as
CWe ( ) in May but had to postpone the marriage until June. ア,are married イ,were married ウ,were to be married エ,will be married
DThe fees listed after each course description ( ) directly to the instructor at the first class meeting. ア,are to be paid イ,are to pay ウ,is being paid エ,is paying
【 】内の語(句)を並べかえて、英文を完成しなさい。 @The truth is 【we / to / no time / have / play / that】. A【don't / is / that / I / the problem /have】a car. B【he / slept / have / seems / to】for only a few hours. CI am【had / have / happy / to】a talk with you.
>>77 @The truth is that we have no time to play. AThe problem is that I don't have a car. BHe seems to have slept for only a few hours. CI am happy to have had a talk with you.
>>74 There is a possibility that he will succeed . The book cost me ten dollars. It was his braveness that make him enter the burning building. She has been dying for seven years.
@ Today all of my family are going out. A I am going out with my younger brother to see a movie. B Are you wondering what movie we will see? C Well, we are going to see Matrix5.
>>121 関係代名詞/関係副詞の落とし穴だね。まず前提として、 when/whereなどの関係福祉は「前置詞+which」 に置き換えられる。だから I can vividly remenber( the time) I spent (the time) with my parents・・・・ と2つの文にすると・・前置詞がなくて関係代名詞whichだけにしか チェンジできないよね?でも例えば・・ A time will come when Hiroyuki come back to 2ch.だと・・ (A time) will come と Hiroyuki come back to 2ch (at a time) at a time だから 置き換えるなら前置詞at とa time の代わりにwhichでしょ? これが関係副詞whenかwhereが使える環境なんだ。まあ予備校的だけど。 例文が変なのは勘弁してね。
続き 長くなりそうですまん。 ここからは問題を解いてみます。まず@。 上の説明を参照すると一瞬で答えが分かります。 @の文を分解してみたら置き換えのターゲットが 前置詞を含んでないことは分かったよね? 冠詞theと名詞timeだけだもんね。ということは・・ 関係副詞も前置詞+関係代名詞も置き換えれないからだめ。 whichが正解。他の選択肢は余計なものをおんぶしてるもんね。(whenは抱っこかな?) で、続いてAね。 これもさっさと分解分解。 Crying is (one of the few ways).Babys have (the way) to express themselves. あれー?前置詞ないね。the+名詞の代わりは・・もちろんthatだね。 数学の因数分解みたいでめんどくさそうだけど慣れれば分解しなくても ぱっと見でわかるから。んじゃ以上。
未来完了形の例文に By this time next year the new gym will have been completed. というものがあったのですが、【will have been completed】の beenは何を意味している、というかどんな働きをしているんですか? will+have+過去分詞ならcompletedが過去分詞で beenはいらないんじゃないかと疑問に思ったのですが、 よく分からずもやもやしています。どうか教えてください。
>>155 学ぶ喜びを知る者は幸いである。 Happy are those who know the joy of learning. その者時にだらしなし。 Rarely does he come on time. 全ての物言いはこれにつきる。 On this depends the whole argument.
( )( )came the ( )( )of the helicopter( )( )( ). [above / completing / fading / from / its / noise / pass]
答はおそらく、 From above came the fading noise of the helicopter completing its pass. になるのではないかと思うのですが、あってますでしょうか? あっているとしても、completing its passの部分がなんかよく分かりません。 その前の部分は、from aboveという場所を表す副詞句が文頭に置かれたため、 倒置が起こっているのは理解できるのですが。 どなたか解説御願い致します。
Books picture for us the wonders of nature and lift us above our own narrow world, (give) us a much deeper understanding of ourselves and others. 本は私たちに自然の驚異を想像させ私たちを自身の狭い世界から高みに持ち上げ 自分自身と他の人々についてはるかにもっと深理解を与えてくれる。 てわけで答えはand giveしか思い浮かばないんだけど。
He achieved a fame greater than that of any other scientists. これが原文なのですが まぜ He achieved a greater fame than any other scientists. 形容詞に修飾語句がついた場合うしろから修飾するのは知ってますが の語順にならないのですか?比較の文の場合は後者の語順が正しいと思ったのですが。
間違えました He achieved a fame greater than that of any other scientists. これが原文なのですが 形容詞に修飾語句がついた場合うしろから修飾するのは知ってますが、なぜ He achieved a greater fame than any other scientists.
>>207 He achieved a greater fame than any other scientists. は正しいと思うんだけど、 He achieved a fame greater than that of any other scientists. は文法的におかしいし、変に聞こえるのだが。でも原文なんだよね… He achieved a fame greater than other scientists did. (great 副詞)か He achieved a greater fame than any other scientists (did). (great 形容詞)
どうしてもthatを使いたかったら、 He achieved a greater fame than that of any other scientists. =He achieved a greater fame than (the fame) of other scientists.
だから、 The fame he achieved was greater than that of any other scientists did. ではないのかな。
it is difficult for japanese people to speak english っていうのは it is difficult to speak english for japanese people にしたら意味はあってるんだけど テストでは構文とかいうのの問題で駄目なんですよね?
>>240 1.rememberはto不定詞、動名詞のいずれも取りうる。 このような動詞は通常to不定詞の時は未来の話、動名詞の時は過去の話になる e.g. I remembered having seen her.(彼女にあったことを思い出した) c.f. Remember to see her! (忘れずに会ってね) 従ってここはto postが妥当ではなかろうか。
it is difficult for japanese people to speak english っていうのは JapaneseというのはJapanese people という意味ですから 上の文章は It is difficult for Japanese to speak English. とする方が良い英語だと思います。Redundant(冗長)と言って英語では嫌われると思いますが
じゃこれ・・・ 同じ意味になるように空所えお埋めよ。 account for = ( ) catch up with = ( ) do away with = ( ) find fault with = ( ) look up to = ( ) make out = ( ) take after = ( )
account for = ( ) catch up with = ( ) do away with = (deal) find fault with = (criticize) look up to = () make out = (understand) take after = (resemble)
1. blue dragon won the championship in @ autumn sumo tournament in the morning. As for me, a blue dragon feels the sumo wrestling excellent in the point that Mot is early of that by especially the first in the morning because I am in the school child though various grand champion sumo wrestlers such as Takanohana and Akebono have been seen. 2. North Korea has finally gone in the nuclear test. Japan is the only radiation exposure country and a lot of Japanese feel fear of the nucleus strongly, too. I think that the nuclear weapon cannot defend the peace of the world. 3.Nippon Meats, Seibu, and Softbank became three high-ranking team in B Pacific League and the playoff was done. Nippon Meats won the championship as a result. This team thinks that the pitcher is very good. 4.Declaredly that C Shinjo player retired because of the limit at the beginning. He surprised.. then it finished off the last season by the top of Japan. It was able to have had the highest time for the first time at his baseball life end. 5.The problem of the finishing leakage occurred in the high school in D the whole country. It is a result of too attaching importance to the examination measures too much. And, it finally develops even into the suicide of the principal and it is regrettable. 6.The problem of the bullying is often taken up with TV recently as for E. Especially a lot recently though it was so for a long time. News related to the school like the problem etc. of the leakage of finishing of recent is numerous.
並び替えをおしえてください!!お願いします! *テレビの音がうるさくて、父が入ってきたのが聞えなかった。 The noise of the TV (come/father/from/hearing/in/me/my/prevented) *旅行の用意が周到であれば、面倒が大いに省けるだろう。 (preparation/trouble/you/a lot of/a journey/save/will/for/omit/careful) *言葉が通じないと、どんなに不自由かは、自国語の通じない外国へ行ってみないと分からない Before you go to a foreign country where your language in not spoken, you cannot (realize/understood/yourself/to make/how inconvenient/it is /to be unable)
The noise of the TV prevented me from hearing my father come in. prevent A from B/hear O 原形(近く構文)
Careful preparation for a journey will omit a lot of trouble you save.
Before you go to a foreign country where your language is not spoken, you cannot realize how inconvenient it is to be unable to make yourself understood.
it is inconvenient to be unable to make yourself understood. "to be unable to make yourself understood"に該当するページが見つかりませんでした。 だれだこんなアホな言い回し考えた低脳教員は。
次の構文が全くとれません。特に2回目のas thatとは?です。教えてください。(全訳でもかまいません) Although research as the college student knows it is not the same kind of enterprise as that of the chemists, physicists, and biologiists, it affords some valuable training.
as it ofが実際の所は、実情は だった This choice dictates the format as that of a dialogue, in which we can overhear what goes wrong, and how the students sooner or later find out how to correct their errors and misunderstandings.
young people do not know what it is like to be poor だな wouldが余ってしまうけど young people do not know what it would be like to be poor とも言えるけど これはこれで、beが二つ必要になってしまう
1,Butterflies were flying from a flower to a flower. 2,I'll get him call you back as soon as he comes home. 3,Of these two cars, one is belonging to me, the other to my brother. 4,That is the very point that you are mistaken. 5,Is John wake or asleep now? 6,I'll finish my homework till tomorrow afternoon.
>>335 なるほど。 君の日本語をそのまま訳せば、 This advertisement says, ゙this massage helps you to be thinner by 11cm.゙ ぐらいかな。 thinner by 11cmは11cm thinnerでも同じ意味。 ゙゙の中身をthat節にして間接話法にしてもいい。
>>308 I hope someday the day will come when they can live more easily in our society. ty.
I'm longing for someday when this society will be easy to live for them. この社会がそれらを求めて生活するには楽であろう時、いつか私は何かを待ち焦がれてる??? I'm longing for ○○がない。somedayは副詞。 I'm longing forだと今切迫して待ち焦がれてる感じがして、somedayと合わない。 I'm longing for going to the bathroom someday??? おもらし魔の変態野郎の戯言にしか聞こえない。
来るというfactorが抜けてる。 the day will come when(whenはthe dayの関係副詞)が成句。 × this society will be easy to live for them. ○ this society will be easy for them to live.
1.I'd love to work with you some time (or other). Or you can say, in other situation,"I would have a good time with you some time". 2.Sally, could you tell me the way to the bathroom?I got a fuckin' pee. 3.Mr.James,let me introduce my friends, Dick James.
「私はパソコン検定部です。 I'm in PC Proficiency Test Club. 毎週3日間パソコンやテキストを使って勉強しています。 I use a PC and a text, study three days in a week. この前の夏休みパソコン検定準4級の資格をとりました。 I took the qualifigrade of pre-4th grade of PC proficiency test last summer vacation. 今月の21日に4級にチャレンジします。 On this month 21, I challenge the fourth grade. なので今私はテキストを使ってパソコンの勉強をしています。 So I use a text, study about PC now. 中学校卒業までには3級以上をとりたいと思っているので、 これからも部活動を頑張っていきたいと思います。 Because I want to take more than the third grade by graduation from junior high school, I want to try club activities hard from now on.」
I'm with the club for candidates for a PC prociency test. I study on PC or with a text three days a week. I passed the exam on the licence of pre-4th grade during last summer vacation. And now I study harder to try taking the 4th grade on this month 21. I'm at least willing to get the 3rd grade by graduation from Jr. high so I hope I engage to work as hard as I can from now on.
I'm with the club→I'm in the club during last summer vacation→last summer vacation now I study harder→now I'm studying harder to try taking the 4th grade→to get the 4th grade I'm at least willing to get→I hope to get at least so I hope I engage to work→so I'm working from now on→いらない
>>347-348 (2)She insisted ( ) Kenji should be invited to the party. =She insisted ( ) Kenji ( ) invited to the party. 下の文だけど、意味的におかしくないか? Googleで検索しても。 "insisted on him being invited"に該当するページが見つかりませんでした。
I'm in a club for people who are preparing to take a PC proficiency test. I study on the computer or with a text (ちょっとおかしい。何のtextなの?textbook?) three days a week. I passed the exam for the pre-4th grade license last summer vacation. Now I'm studying even harder for when I take the 4th grade exam on the 21st. I hope to get at least the 3rd grade license by the time I graduate from Jr. high, so I'm going to work as hard as I can from now on.
1,To do him justice 2,I took it for granted 3,Seeing that he is angry, 4,I had my brother 5,They were deprived
a,that he would agree to the plan. b,paint my portrait. c,he is delligent and honest student. d,there must be some misunderstanding. e,nothing is to be seen but sand. f,of all enjoyment in life.
All I can tell you is "seeing that" is just an expression that means exactly the same as "because". You could restate the sentence as "Since he is angry, there must be some misunderstanding." and the meaning would not change...
Poverty in such curcumstances is ,in a sense,itself an honor. 正訳だと このような場合には、貧しいこと「自体」がある意味名誉なことなのである。 なのですがitselfがpoverty を修飾するならなぜitselfがhonorの前に来てるんですか? これだと貧しいことが名誉そのものなのである と訳したほうが正しくないですか?
They ask much more of life than just day-to-day enjoyment and financial security. They ask that life be meaningful.
なんとなく意味はとれるんですが、 ask much more of life の部分が正確に訳せません。文法的に どうなっているのかが見えないのです。あと、ask that life be meaningful で、なぜ、be動詞が原型になっているのかが 分からず、こちらも訳ができません。 どうかご親切なお方、ご教授くださいませ…
>>386 They ask much of life. They ask more of life than day-to-day enjoyment. They ask much more of life than day-to-day enjoyment.
なのでは? だから、この of は意味的には from に近いと思います。 人生から多くのことを求めます って意味の文をを比較級にしているんだと 思いますが。
2つ目の文は、文法用語を使うと直接法というものです。 命令文で起きろを Get up! と言いますが、これは相手に向かっていっているので You が省かれていると考えることができます。ですので You get up! も 命令文になります。そうすると3人称の人やモノを命令するときは It get up! になるわけです。ですので命令や今回の場合は要求ですが、 そういうときには動詞の原形になるのです。3人称に対する命令文だと 考えればいいと思います。
Such a conflict is sometimes seen as taking place between what is good in a man and what is bad,sometimes between his higher and lower parts,or sometimes between his inner feelings and his outward acts. こんな感じで長いのですが… 訳もよく分かんないんですよ。 よろしくお願いします。
Seeing that he is angry, there must be some misunderstanding. 彼が怒っているからには何か誤解があるはずだ。 研究社英和よりコピペ __ [しばしば that [《口語》 as] を伴って] …である点から見ると,…であるから(には). _S_ (that) he's young,his salary is not so bad. 彼が若いことを思えば給料はそんなに悪くない.S コピペ終わり 英語の意味を感じ取れても結局日本語の表現力が問題。
>>395 > >>391 > Such a conflict is sometimes seen as taking place between what is good in a man and what is bad,sometimes between his higher and lower parts,or sometimes between his inner feelings and his outward acts. > こんな感じで長いのですが… > 訳もよく分かんないんですよ。 > よろしくお願いします。
Such a conflict is sometimes seen as taking place between what is good in a man and what is bad,sometimes between his higher and lower parts,or sometimes between his inner feelings and his outward acts. 人の心の葛藤、矛盾について書いてある。 人の心の善の部分悪の部分 向上心と投げやりな心、心に感じたことと行動 どうしようかと思うのがconflict。
( )内にwho,which,thatを適当な形に変えなさい。 1.Do you know that gentleman ( ) has a beard? 2.Yesterday I saw a bear ( ) can ride a bicycle. 3.He says that he lost a book ( ) cover is red. 4.That is the taddy bear ( ) my grandmother bought for me. 5.The tree ( ) was planted last year has already blossomed. 6.The socks ( ) I washed this morning are still wet. 7.I met some people at the party ( ) I had seen before. もしよければどなたかお願いしますm(_ _)m
worthについておねがいします。 たとえば、 This book is worth reading. や This book is worthy of reading. と言えると思いますが、 なぜreadingの目的語がThis bookになるのでしょうか? タフ構文のような形ですよね。 どうして「水を沸かす」ではなく「お湯を沸かす」のか、 というような類の難問かもしれませんがお願いします。 ちなみに「お湯を沸かす」の「を」は結果用法の格助詞ということになっています。
あと、This book is worth 100 dollars. なんて言い方も まったくOKなんだけどね。 This book is worth reading. みたいな言い回しは 文法的に突き詰めたら変なんだろうけど、 実際の英語の中では、よく使われちゃってる表現だと 覚えるしかないんじゃないかな。
1.( )内にwho,whose,whomのうち適当なもの入れなさい。 1.I don't like people ( ) make fun of others. 2.Brad Pitt is the actor ( ) Tomoko likes best. 3.I have a friend ( ) mother is a famous writer. 4.I want to find a person ( ) can teach me Italian. 5.A person ( ) job is to read news is called a newscaster. 2.次の2文を関係代名詞を用いて1文にしなさい。 1.a My father is wearing the tie b My mother made the tie. 2.a The garden has a tennis court. b The garden is in front of the house. 3.a Look at the house. b Its window is broken. 4.a The camera was very expensive. b My aunt bought me the camera.
1. 1.who 2.whom 3.whose 4.who 5.whose 2. 1.My father is wearing the tie that my mother made. 2.The garden that is in front of the house has a tennis court. 3.Look at the house whose window is broken. 4.The camera that my aunt bought me was very expensive.
1、2は英文を完成させ、3、4は英語に直しなさい(関係詞を用いること) 1,あそこど背の高い男性と話している女性は、私たちの英語の先生です。 _____________ is our English teacher. 2,その寺を訪れた人々はその庭に感嘆した。 _____________ admired the garden. 3,これは私の誕生日に彼女がくれたCDです。 4,私が撮った写真は見ましたか。
3は「should not allowed」がおかしいから、この中の単語を使うとすれば Industrial waste should not be allowed to pollute our rivers. あまりしっくりこないが… 川が汚染されるべきではないのなら「our rivers should not be polluted」「our rivers sould not be allowed to be polluted」とするのが普通だが、そうすると単語が合わない。
4. The (man had to shout to make himself heard above)the noisy music.
1.十年後の世界がどのようになるかを予測することは実に困難なことだ。 It is extremely difficilt to(predict what the world will be like in) ten years' time.
2.昔はこの古い城にはたくさんの鳥がいたものだ。 (There used to be lots of birds in this old) castle.
3.He arrived early at the ticket office only (to be told that all the tickets) for the show had already been sold out.
4.このレポートを読めば、我々の計画の概要が分かる。 This report (enables you to get our outline of the plan). readが不要
1、2は英文を完成させ、3、4は英語に直しなさい(関係詞を用いること) 1,あそこど背の高い男性と話している女性は、私たちの英語の先生です。 (The female teacher who is talking with the tall man over there) is our English teacher. 2,その寺を訪れた人々はその庭に感嘆した。 (The people who visited the temple) admired the garden. 3,これは私の誕生日に彼女がくれたCDです。 This is the CD which she gave me on my birthday. 4,私が撮った写真は見ましたか。 Did you see the pictures that I took? whichでも可。というか受験ではthatを使用しない方がいいんだっけ??
The information must have been accumulated over generations and generations, the observers using naked-eye sighting techniques to discover the patterns of movement in the universe.
The information must have been accumulated over generations and generations, the observers using naked-eye sighting techniques to discover the patterns of movement in the universe. 幾世代にも渡って星の動きの形を肉眼で観察して情報(星座、星の動き)を蓄積した。
>>471は途中まで考えた上での質問なのでやってみよう。暇、というかやらなきゃいけないことから逃げたいのでw The information must have been accumulated over generations and generations 「情報は世代を超えて蓄積されていったに違いない」 the observers using naked-eye sighting techniques to discover the patterns of movement in the universe. 「観察者が裸眼(naked-eye)技術を使用して宇宙での運動パターンを発見した」
教えてください 問、間違いを見つけ訂正 1.(A,In) 1969,ARPA (B,make) the (C,world's) first computer (D,network). 2.(A,This) network (B,links) the main (C,computers) of four (D,universities) in America. 3.Four years (A,later),a few (B,university) in Britain and Norway (C,joined) the (D,network).
1.(A,In) 1969,ARPA (B,make makes) the (C,world's) first computer (D,network). 2.(A,This) network (B,links) the main (C,computers computer) of four (D,universities) in America. 3.Four years (A,later),a few (B,university universities) in Britain and Norway (C,joined) the (D,network).
T、 I 【am】 in the film club 【at】my college and 【there】 20 【members】. U、 Now my 【younger】 colleagues 【make】 a 【new】 【film】. V、 【When】 I 【saw】 them the other 【day】, they 【wear】staff-jackets. W、 All of 【them】 wewe 【working】 very hard, but they were all 【looked】 very 【happy】. X、 The 【members】 really liked what they 【are】 doing and 【they will】 soon 【finish】 the movie.
We all know from a study of history the progress of the working people from the stage of barbarism to that of slavery,serfdom and later individual freedom. In the early days of human history the wants of the masses were few and simple.
>>551 > 適切な語句を選びなさい。 > @Have you ( done / been ) abroad? > AYes. I have ( gone / been ) to England. > BHow long did you ( stay / stayed ) there? > CActually , I have lived there ( for / since ) two years. > DWhen ( was / have you ) that? > どなたかよろしくお願いします > 予想 1, been 2, gone 3, stay 4, since 5, was です。 あっていますでしょうか?
(1)President Coolidge said, “Had we searched all America we could not have found a better type than young Lindbergh to represent the spirit and high purpose of our people.” This was Lindbergh’s fate, to be a type.
(2)It is no less difficult to discern the futures of public Lindbergh, that symbolic figure who presented to the imagination of his time all the yearnings and buried desires the American people had.
(3)Lindbergh gave the American people a glimpse of what they liked to think themselves to be at a time when they feared they had deserted their own vision of themselves. The grubbiness of the twenties had a good deal to do with the shining quality of Lindbergh’s success.
あっ すみません もう1つありました。 教えてください。 相手の誘いを断るときに 理由をつけて英文を書きなさい という問題です。 模範解答は I'm sorry but I can't. になっているのですが、 これは I'd love to but I can't. ではないのでしょうか? 日本語でも 「行きたいけどいけない」というように・・・ 模範解答は 「ごめんなさい。でもいけません」だと思うのですが 変じゃないですか? これは英語的にはOKなのですか?
Room. Child's named room god lives in an old house in Tohoku. "Noisily" and the starting sound are done in the room in none of interiors that are, and the sound swept with the broom is done. The pillow plays a trick at times, that is, return it. It becomes opposite around before one is aware when awaking and it might be asleep. It decides and the mischief of room at such time. A red kimono looked and the child of looked pure-white. It disappears laughingly with showing a beautiful, white teeth. When it falls when prosper, and gone, the house where it settled down is a said god. Moreover, the adult doesn't see the room seeing only by a small child.
A Japanese train with thousands of passengers ( )to a worried teenager. The 15-year old wrong ton trl was on her way to an important ( ) at a ( ) near Tokyo. She ( )a traiot en g and thn ticket and then got on the wrong train. Surprised and worried, the girl ( ) her problem to some kind strangers near her. We'll make a special stop, the official quickly ( ),
bought, school, decided, explained, gave a special gift, exam
1、to tell someone about something to help the person understand it 2、something that makes you worried 3、very unusual or surprising 4、not high 5、to notice something with your nose 6、very new; not old 7、not later than
>>593 has fixedは文法的には間違ってないんだけど、なんか不自然な英語なんだよ。 こうしたら、より分かりやすいかも。 He has been reading the book for four hours since noon. He has read the book for four hours since noon.
He has studied English for ten years but he speaks only a little. なんて文なら良いんだけど。
>609 にもあるけど、 まず、重要なのは、状態動詞・行為動詞の区別。 fix, read などは、行為動詞。 そして、中高の英文法の「現在完了の継続用法」で 例文に使われているのは、ほぼ全部状態動詞。 (We have known each other for a long time, John has been dead for three years, We have lived in this town since ...) したがって、「現在完了に継続用法があるのだから、 John has fixed the car for four hours since noon. は良いんじゃないの」という意見は、この意味で間違い。 中高の英語では、状態動詞・行為動詞の区別をハッキリ 教えないのにも問題がないわけではないが(しかし、教え たら教えたで、わけのわからなくなる生徒が増えるので むずかしいところだが). . . 以下は行為動詞での話。 たとえば、現在時制で考えてみよう。[注1] 現在形の文 John studies English. は、ジョンの現在の行為を表してい るのではなく、そういう行為を現在習慣的におこなっている ことを表す。[注2] そして、現在行っている行為は現在進 行形で表す。 John is studying English. で、話を戻すと、John has studied , has been studyng は、 この現在形、現在進行形の解釈に対応して、習慣の継続・ 行為の継続の解釈になる。
[続き] ちなみに、as you all know, 修飾語をいろいろつけて 現在完了のそれぞれをを区別するので、>>616 では、 もとの問題文に for ... since ... がついている以上、 継続の用法としてはどんな解釈になるか、に話を絞って いる。
注1 fix the car に関係して、目的語が the car か a car か それとも cars かなど、定・不定の区別が時制解釈に少なからず 影響するので、この点をゴマカせる study English を例として 用いる。 注2 現在形で、現在の行為を表す用法に、実況中継の用法が ある( Ichiro hits, runs to the first base . . . Safe!!! ) が、その話は今は除外する。また、現在形や現在進行形 の多種多様な解釈の可能性についても、話を簡単にするため、 省略する。
蛇足ながら、過去形では、行為も習慣も表す。 John studied English yesterday (行為) John studied English when he was a child. (今では行われていない過去の習慣) もうひとつ、John began to study English . . . は、study という行為が始まったのか、習慣 が始まったのかについて、両方の解釈の 可能性がある。
( )内と同じ意味を表すものを選びなさい。 Can you (tell Tom from his twin brother)? @ask Tom's twin brother to tell him Agive Tom a message from his twin brother Btell which is which when you see Tom and his twin brother Ctreat Tom and his twin brother differently です。訳はなんとなくわかるので、BかCかなと思うのですが答えに自信がありません。 もしわかる方がいらしたら、教えてください!よろしくお願いします。
I came to Osaka recently, so I have few friends. He is rich but far from a gentle man. I'm not always home on Sundays. Ms.Smith is the last person to tell a lie. I seldom go to City library,but when I go there,I meet Kimura without fail.
``Since my husband died 12 years ago,I don't drive it as much as I used to but I still go in to town regularly. ``I never get bored of driving around with the top down―it's great fun. ``I have become so fond of James I could never part with it. I will pass it on to my son and hopefully it will keep on going for many years to come.''
文脈が分からないので私にはこれが限界ですorz 一応構造といわゆる直訳を <Since --- ago>12年前夫が死んだので I dont drive it as much as I used to昔ほどはそれを運転しません not as - as ... / used to but I still go inn to town regularyしかしまだ定期的に町へ行きます。 I never get bored of driving around / with the top down ---it's great fun top downが分かりませんでしたorz be bored of / drive around I have become so fond of James (that) I could never part with it. become fond of / so--- that ... / I will pass it on to my son and hopefull it will keep on going for many years to come keep on -ing / many years to come やって来るmany years → この先何年も
1.We also know that many people who do not have access to such resources do not live as long. 我々はそのようなResourceにAccessするそのような手段をもたない多くの人々が長く生活(生きる)ことが出来ないという事も知っている。 .Now that we have thought about the length of our lives,we may want to ask ourselves about their quality. いまや(もはや)人生のながさは自分自身に自分自身の質を問いかけたくなるようなことであると分かった。 あ〜わかんない中学生ってこんな難しいことやってんだ〜。。
>>689 We also know that many people @ do not live as long (as people who have access to such resources live (long) ). @(who do not have access to such resources) not as asの形だけれど比較対照が明らかなのでomitされている。
>>689 Now thatは接続詞 いまやーだから...、−以上... <Now that we have thought about the length of our lives,> we may want to ask ourselves about their(=our lives') quality. いまや我々は人生の長さというものを考えつくしたので、その質について自らに問いかけたくなるのかもしれない。
My topic is about our school uniform. Why do we have a uniform in this school? I think we should be able to be dressed as we like. It's dirty to wear the same clothes all year around without washing. Also it also discourages our desire to be different from others. I'm against school uniform.
My topic is about a cell phone. It's very convenient and I really think our school shouldn't ban the use of cell phones in class. Naturally we want to talk with our friends at any time, rather than attending boring classes! We should be able to use our cell phones whenever we like.
My topic is about working part-time. I really think students should work part-time. Why? In that way, we will know how difficult to earn a yen and start using our money sensibly. We will also be able to learn to work with the other workers, which is a great experience for us teenagers. We will learn how to work as a team. Some schools don't allow the students to work part-time. I think it is all wrong.
The astronauts will land on Mars to find themselves in very dangerous conditions, although Mars is known to be the planet whose environment is closest to that of Earth. The atmosphere is 95 percent carbon dioxide. The temperature at the equator goes from a high of 15 degrees above zero to a law of 100 degrees below. The pressure of lower on Mars than on Earth.
There was a school festival of us last week and we here got to do business to sell a juice and cookies and stuff. But We got to waste all this materials to drink.
オークションでのやり取りの会話を訳さなければいけないのですが、 この一文だけ意味がいまいち理解出来ません。よろしくお願いいたします。 You wrote correctly my adress and my name , but the parcel have a second etiquette where all of them were wrong!! (あなたは私の住所と名前を間違いなく記入していましたが、 荷物は・・・?)ちなみにその前の一文は、あなたが送った雑誌は 届きましたが、郵便配達人の間違いで他局行っていました。という文です。
call him Bob「彼をボブと呼ぶ」 (彼はボブ) make him happy「彼をうれしくさせる」 (彼はうれしい) make him go「彼に行かせる」 (彼が行く) tell him to go「彼に行くように言う」 (彼が行く) force him to go「彼に無理やり行かせる」 (彼が行く) let him go「彼が行くのを許す」 (彼が行く) allow him to go「彼が行くのを許す」
以上、いわゆる使役動詞で、V O doの形も含めて、 V O to doはすべて、VOCと判断できる。 なぜなら、訳の後ろの( )内に書いたように、 OとCの間に、主語・述語関係があるからである。
それだけじゃ、ただのいいがかりなので、 consider him (to be) honest V O (to be) C のことをいうと そもそもが、議論の出発点がこの種の例文を検討して出来た説で、 to be に固有の意味が(ほとんど)ないために生じた。つまり、 C だけでも、to be C でも、(ほとんど)意味は変わらないから。 だれが言い出したのかは残念ながら知らない。
ちなみに、有名な S = C とか O = C の判定法で、 consider O[his work] C[to make shoes] (cf. S[His work] is C[to make shoes]) で [his work] = [to make shoes] というのが示せるが、知ってのとおり allow [him] [to make shoes] で [him]=[to make shoes] はずいぶん無理が あるとは思わないかな?あわせて言えば、consider も be 動詞以外に状態動詞を とることが出来るが、 conder Mary to have a lot of money で [Mary] = [have a lot of money] もかなり無理がある。でも、たしか、こういうのも VOC とする説では、 「イコールが成り立つ」って言うんだよね。「成り立つ」ってことについて 十分な議論は見たことがないなぁ。
Intuitively, "physicians" is subject and "give" is verb. Therefore, "physicians give their patients marijuana" is a copmlete sentence. However, to become the original meaning, we need to use "allow". In that case, we use "to" to connect them. "That case" means that if " they allow me to introduce" is uqual to saying that "they allow that I introduce",
call him Bob → He is Bob. make him happy → He is happy. tell him to go → He is to go.(いわゆるbe to不定詞で、「彼は行くべきだ」) force him to go → He is to go.(いわゆるbe to不定詞で、「彼は行かなければならない」) allow him to go → He is to go.(いわゆるbe to不定詞で、「彼は行くことができる」)
つまり、VO to doのさまざまな意味は、 be to不定詞のさまざまな意味に、おおよそ対応しているわけですわ。
Long before the discovery of America the English language had its beginning in the place now known as England or Great Britain.
When you compare a modern English word with its Anglo-Saxon ancestor, you can see how much the two words are alike.
But now, with many millions of people living together in industrial societies, the earth, our home, has many problems which are leading to the destruction of its environment.
この3つの文のitsは何を指しているんでしょうか? また、なぜitsが要るんでしょうか
After a while, fierce tribes from Germany rowed their boats up the rivers of the island.
このupは動詞ですか? だったらtoはいらないんですか?
She lives and sleeps in her downstairs living room in order to avoid having to struggle upstairs.
its beginning 動名詞がもともと動詞で意味上の主語がひつようだから its beginning 動名詞がもともと動詞で意味上の主語がひつようだから its beginning 動名詞がもともと動詞で意味上の主語がひつようだから its beginning 動名詞がもともと動詞で意味上の主語がひつようだから
the English language had the beginning in the place now known as England or Great Britain 何ら文法的に問題ないけど。
ただ、漠然としたbeginningじゃなくて the English languageのbeginning、つまり日本語でいう"起源"の意味合いの文脈だから its beginingが正解だというだけ。
The first thing he said to me was,“If you really want to hear about it,the first thing you’ll probably want to know is where I was born, and what my lousy childhood was like,and how my parents were ocuupied and all before they had me,and all that David Copperfield kind of crap, but I don’t feel like going into it,if you want to know the truth.”
I thought,“Wow,what a strange guy!” He seemed really smart and honest, but I wondered why he was so angry. As I got to know Holden better, however,I found out that he only seemed as if he had always been so angry. Sometimes,Holden is very funny and makes people laugh out loud. He’s also very sad and lonely. He loves his sister,Phoebe. He has an active mind and admits that he’s a terrific liar sometimes. A lot of people say that he swears too much,but it doesn’t bother me. He’s just a very honest person.
Without some weapon,neither the beaver nor the deer could be destroyed, and therefore the value of these animals would be regulated,not solely by the time and labor necessary to their destruction,but also by the time and labor necessary for providingthe hunter's capital, the weapon,by the aid of which their destruction was effected.
>>899 Without some weapon, neither the beaver nor the deer could be destroyed, and therefore the value of these animals would be regulated ,not solely by the time and labor necessary to their destruction ,but also by the time and labor necessary for providingthe hunter's capital,the weapon
,by the aid of which ↑ここだけ難しいので説明 このwhichは前文の内容の一部 the value of these animals would be regulatedを指す their destruction was effected.
It is a pity that no one has investigated the (r ) that pockets have played in preventing women from attaining the social status and rights that could and should be theirs.
間違えてるところの番号と、どう直すのかを教えてください! 1.@(He) isA( said)that he is the best player they B(have had) since theyC( founded) the club. 2.Everyone @(of us) A(has) B(a responsibility )to the society C(which) he is a part. 3.I can't decide @(if)A(I will) B(join to )us the tennis club or the lacrosse team C(when) I enter college. 4.My English is @(pretty) good, but sometimes I A(have)trouble B(to understand) lectures C(at school). お願いします!!
並び替えを教えてください! ★天気がよければあの峰を征服するつもりです If it is fine, (are/couquer/going/peak/that/to/we) ★トムはこれからカムバックというところを、交通事故でなくなってしまった Tom was(make/about/a comeback/when/to)he was killed in a traffic accident. ★日本人は昔から、夏を上手に暮す工夫をしてきました。 The(measures/been/Japanese/various/devising/have)to help pass the summer in comfort since long ago. ★待つほども無く、彼はやってきた。 I(he/had/waited/not/appeared/long/before)
Which parent do you take after?;take after=resemble Be sure to turn off the fire before you leave. The baseball game was called off on ground of the rain.
we are going to conquer that peak about to make a comeback when ; be about to V Japanese have been devising varyous measures had not waited long before he appeared.
>936 If it is fine,we are going to conquer that peak Tom was about to make a comeback when he was killed in a traffic accident The Japanese have been devising various measures to help pass the summer in comfort since long ago. I had not waited long before he appeared
Suppose the weapon necessary to kill beaver, was constructed with much more labor than that necessary to kill the deer, on account of the greater difficulty of approaching near to the fomer animal, and the consequent necessity of its being more true to its mark; one beaver would naturally be of more value than two deer.
its being true to its mark →it[=beaver] is true to its mark[=マルク(金額)] 後半部 またその理由は前者の動物(ビーバー)に近づくのがはるかに難しく、結果的に、ビーバーが金額に見合う価値を持つということ、つまり、一匹のビーバーが2頭の鹿より当然価値のあるものであるということに、より真実味を持たせる為であるとしよう。
>>962-963さんありがとうございます! これもお願いします。。 Without some weapon,neither the beaver nor the deer could be destroyed, and therefore the value of these animals would be regulated,not solely by the time and labor necessary to their destruction,but also by the time and labor necessary for providingthe hunter's capital, the weapon,by the aid of which their destruction was effected.
“When you have the radio turned up that loud, its not safe. It's a distraction because you can't hear emergency vehicles, honking horns, or other cars,”according to Morley. It's a real problem at the beach resorts where you can hear music screaming from car radios. Many people who come to the resorts are looking for peace and quiet. They complain that the loud music from car radios is annoying. どなたか和訳をお願いします。
1、次の各組の文を関係代名詞を用いて1文にしなさい。 1…a This is the very book. b I've long wanted to read it. 2…a This is a story about Lucy and her dog. b They were born on the same day.
2、( )内に適当な関係代名詞または「前置詞+関係代名詞」を入れなさい。 1 History is a subject ( ) he is very interested. 2 The woman ( ) I told you of is coming. 3…Bob has the building ( ) a famous doctor lives. 4…I stayed at the hotel ( ) a fine view could be seen.