Not my favorite Onmyouza's song but still cool, with a great solo with both guitars, Maneki/Karukan are definitively the best Heavy Metal pair of guitarist I've ever heard along with Tipton/Downing (Judas Priest), Bittencourt/Loureiro (Angra), hide/Pata (X Japan) or the early years of Murray/ Smith (Iron Maiden)...
Glad to know you're Happy.. you're welcome to send me a want list of what you might be looking for as I have over 3000 promos & about the same number in Videos. .bye for now[what ever it is in your country's language?]
JR West officials told a news conference that the train, operated by a 23-year-old driver, overshot the stop mark at Itami Station by 8 meters and had to backtrack, resulting in a 90-second delay in the operating schedule. The train was speeding to make up for lost time when it derailed, official said. The speed limit for the relatively steep curve is 70 kph. Officials said a train would have to be moving at 133 kph to derail. よろしくおねがいします!
CUNT is originally a variation of COUNTRY (girl). 500 years ago, when a young country woman went into the city, she often had to use her sexual skills to survive. This led to the degrogatory use of the abbreviated CUNT to refer to such a women and her vagina. All future uses are derived from this original definition
>>36 When someone is asking for help in translation of an english word to japanese. It probably wouldn't help to give the meaning of the word in english...
but that wasn't the reason Loli passed on her native language to her children.
"I spoke to them in Spanish because I had thoughts and feelings that I knew I could only communicate to them in the language in which my mind works. I wanted to (略)
分子配列の出現以前に、バクテリアは原核生物という大きなグループに分類されていて、真核生物とは構造面で考慮すると本質的に異なっていた。 However, comparative sequencing studies of ribosomal RNA have led to the astonishing and totally unsuspected finding that life on earth is not fundamentally of two types, prokaryotes and eukaryotes, but instead comprises threeprimary lineages, two of them bacterial(prokaryotes), the other eukaryotic. Comparative sequencing further suggested that the two prokaryotic lineages were no more related to one anothe(in an evolutionary sence)than either was to the eukaryotes, despite the fact that both“look like bacteria.”
Now what are the misunderstandings between them? In the case of "sumimasen," usually when a Japanese hears this apology, he or she will respond by saying, "No,no,I should apologize to you."
Variation in dialect, and especially in pronunciation, however, is a subject about which most people when pressed, and many people without requiring any invitation, are quite prepared to express an opinion.
The Ekati diamond mine sits alongside an important caribou migration route in Canada’s desolate Northwest Territories. Grizzly bears and other wild animals are known to pass by occasionally,but the region was rarely visited by man until Broken Hill Proprietary,the Australian group,began developing the site almost two years ago. The logistical challenges of establishing a mine in the remote region around Lac de Gras, some 300km north of Yellowknife,were compounded by an inhospitable climate that can send temperatures plummeting to minus 50 degrees Celsius.
In other words,apologizing is a way for Japanese people to maintain good human relationships when there is a problem. On the other hand,Americans only apologize when it's obvious that the fault is theirs. 訳お願いします
@ Given the importance of these various functions of human language,it may be surprising to learn that there is a major debate among scientists regarding the extent to which functions determine the shape of language.
A The extent to which the Arab world succeeds in redefining its relationship with the United States will determine whether the Middle East emerges as a shareholder in the American enterprise,or as a follower.
B The ease with which an adult may learn a second language depends on how similar the new language is to that person's first language.
One time at an airport in Des a woman was forced out of the bathroom she was watching his niece and her mom came home his sister in law got a message from his mom saying "don't ever do that to her" Just because you're on tv, you're not the most important person in the world.People can actually live without tv. Doctors are more important than you.
@ Given the importance of these various functions of human language,it may be surprising to learn that there is a major debate among scientists regarding the extent to which functions determine the shape of language.
A The extent to which the Arab world succeeds in redefining its relationship with the United States will determine whether the Middle East emerges as a shareholder in the American enterprise,or as a follower.
B The ease with which an adult may learn a second language depends on how similar the new language is to that person's first language.
I know someone who Studied Graphic Arts in school, and is Indepently employed, They also go and set up rooms with artsy like stuff, it's cool, they put together a Masquerade like party, and now they're gonna be working on some sort of theatre like work. So if you like art you might get to do those kinds of things too and Maybe even Be the host. お願いします
ジジイ「長いこと政治をやっていて、いくつかわかったことがある」 オリバー「聞きたいッス」 ジジイ「You see, people have got it wrong. It's not who you know. It's what you know about who you know. Everybody's got a little skelton buried somewhere. All you have to do is dig it up, and you'll be surprised how glad they'll be to help you with whatever you need. I happen to know that there's a congressman in washington who once spent a year in a mental institution. A representative from up north served time in a reform school for stealing.Well, you can see what it would do to their careers if word ever got out.But it's grist for our mills.」
. I think we still enjoyed spending all our time together but i started to think it was more as friends as we stopped having sex. This didnt mean i stopped caring about u and loving you.
Phintias at the First Edition has acquired a new read that is not for sale, but I'm sure a skilled thief could acquire it...
Adds a book to Phintias's room at the First Edition that allows the 'B' keyboard button to cause you to feint death. By reading the book, you can tell what stats help and hinder you to feint death. If you decide not to read it, agility and willpower help the chance while strength hinders it. When you feint death, you will fall to the ground and either have the enemies walk away, or attack you if you have failed. To get back up, just press W, S, A, or D (the default movement keys). I advise you not to use it while running or jumping, as you may be stuck on the ground. I tried to help this, but it doesn't work all of the time.
お願いします。 Perhaps in atonement for such journalistic lapses, a campaign reporter here provides a series of anecdotes to applaud the President more or less.
Oh( ^ω^) oh( ^ω^) oh( ^ω^)! I came from VIP. The festival place is here, isn't it? My penis erection, erection! Why lul lul lul lul Laugh lul lul lul Way!
Not many people live in Antarctica. The few who do, stay there only a short time. They are scientists from many countries. They have come to study and explore the great frozen continent. In 1959, a group of explores from New Zealand discovered something strange there. It was a great amount of coal. It was buried in the ice and snow - black coal. Why was this so unusual? Scientists know that coal is made from leaves, flowers and other plants that once lived - then died. Soon they were covered over by mud. During thousands of years, the mud became heavier. It slowly pressed the plants together until they became and changed into coal. Here then was the mystery. How could trees and plants have once lived in this icy land? 長いですがよろしくお願いいたします。
After reading Cousins'book,scientists began to think about the healing effects of laughter. A group of scientists at a university in California began to study the connection between laughter and health. They carried out several studies. They found that laughing improves the immune function of the body, that is, the body's ability to fight disease. A lot of research followed their studies. As a result, two things became clear: laughing releases a feel-good chemical in the brain, and it is this chemical that increases the immune function of the body. Scientists already knew that this chemical fights pain. This explains why laughing relieved Cousins'pain.
They don't use"I'm sorry" just to smooth human relationships regardless of who is to blame. Some of us may feel irritated at their making excuses, but to them an apology is an admission of responsibility. 訳お願いします
Phintias at the First Edition has acquired a new read that is notfor sale, but I'm sure a skilled thief could acquire it...
Adds a book to Phintias's room at the First Edition that allows the 'B' keyboard button to cause you to feint death. By reading the book, you can tell what stats help and hinder you to feintdeath. If you decide not to read it, agility and willpower help the chance while strength hinders it. When you feint death, you will fall to the ground and either have the enemies walk away, or attack you if you have failed. To get back up, just press W, S, A, or D (the default movement keys). I advise you not to use it while running or jumping, as you may be stuck on the ground. I tried to help this, but it doesn't work all of the time.
Unglück: At least 15 dead ones - Merkel on way to the Unglücksort In the accident on the Transrapid distance in the Ems country several humans died. According to data of the zuständigen public prosecutor's office the Rettungskräfte could save so far 15 dead ones. Ten hurt in Krankenhäuser were brought. The rescue work becomes difficult according to data of the police, because the route stands on stelzen. The magnetic levitation transport system had hit today früh with approximately 200 kilometers per hour against a drilling platform and substantially beschädigt. The operator company proceeds from human failure as Unglücksursache. After present knowledge level the accident does not have a technical background, erklärte the Geschäftsführung. - meanwhile is Bundeskanzlerin Merkel on the way to the Unglücksstelle, in order to make itself a picture from the situation to. Traffic Minister depth lake broke his China journey off because of the accident and furnished a crisis staff. It wants to arrive tomorrow in the Ems country.
They said the accident occurred while the conductor was in contact with JR officials to explain the overrun at Itami Station. Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi set up a liaison office within the government’s crisis management center to deal with the accident. “I have instructed concerned organizations to keep close contact with each other and deal with the situation appropriately,” Koizumi told reporters after being informed of the crash. よろしくおねがいします!
What's more important is that the monsters are controllable by the players. It could be the monster within yourself, [representing] fear or anger, for example. And they are put in capsules. Plus, everybody can give them their own names. Pikachu is like the name of the species. But each player can name their own Pikachu. So kids can relate to it more. They get more attached to them that way.
Words are easy to learn. In French, it's la fille and le chien. In German, it's das Mädchen and der Hund. In English, they're just a girl and a dog. And that's all you need to know.
When scientists are puzzled about something they cannot explain, they first make a guess. They think of an idea that might exolain whatever it is they are puzzled about. Then they try to prove that their idea is either right or wrong. Such an idea is called a hypothesis. お願いします!
続きの英文で詰まってしまいました。 In Japan, violence in games is pretty much self-regulated. In the 1980s, there was a game called Bullfighter where the matador stabbed the bull and red blood squirted out. The day after it was released, they changed the blood to green. There's more violence in games in the U.S., in things like Mortal Kombat, where they rip out hearts and cut off heads. Japanese people wouldn't come up with ideas of blood splattering all over. Japanese focus more on the intricacies of the actions, the motion.
In 1915, Alfred Wegener, a German scientist, had this idea; At one time Antarctica had connected to other continents! Then, he supposed, the continents had broken apart. Over millions of years, he thought, they had moved to where they are now. This idea was called the hypothesis of continental drift. よろしくお願いします。
When a Japanese hears "sumimasen," he or she usually says,"I should apologize to you." Japanese people apologize to maintain good human relationships. 訳お願いします
Look at maps. Can you tell which continents Antarctica might have been connected to? Would you say South America, Africa, and Australia? If so, you agree with Alfred Wegener's idea. Not all scientists, however, believed Wegener's hypothesis. よろしくお願いします。
訳お願いします To improve the situation, Americans should realize that "sumimasen" is an expression whose meaning isn't quite the same as "I'm sorry." It doesn't necessarily mean the speaker is completely acknowledging his or her fault.
日本訳お願いします All three use pork, but they are not fattening Boiling the pork reduces the fat ojii and odaa eat much pork they eat every part of the pig, from head to toe They also eat a lot of tofu, vegetables, and kombu All these foods are rich in protein, vitamin and minerals NO wonder ojii and obaa are so healthy
>>239さんありがとうございました。 They agreed that Antarctica had once been a warm place. But they needed facts to make them believe Antarctica had really moved away from other lands. Could it be proved that plants that once lived in other continents had also lived in Antarctica? どなたかよろしくお願いします。
訳お願いします Japanese, for their part, shouldn't feel irritated when Americans don't apologize. Let them finish their explanations first. Then point out the problem with their arguments logically and suggest ways of solving the problem.
If we take the time to understand the way people in another culture express their ideas, we can get a richer view of life. It doesn't mean that we have to change our culture. お願いします
In 1969, Dr.Edwin Colbert decided to go to Antarctica to find the missing facts. He was going to look for fossils. A fossil is a trace in rock of a plant or an animal that died millions of years ago. It can be a picture of a leaf, a flower, or an animal bone. Sometimes the actual bones of the animal are found. They have been maintained in good condition within the rocks. よろしくお願いします。
It means that we need to think in different ways than we are used to when we deal with people from outside our culture. We need flexibility and patience. That's the secret to working with other cultures and the fruit is a greater understanding of people. お願いします
Hello. My important friend. I know that I spend the time when you are significant and think very delightfully. A typhoon come here. This was weaker, but was blackout in my home for about 1 day when I compared it with Okinawa.
Largely absent(though increasingly advocated and practiced with respect to some repertories) has been the kind of criticism of individual works that has formed a major part of interary studies since the middle decades of this century.
和訳お願いします Ask ojii and obaa, why are so healthy? They will tell you, lt's because we work in the fields and eat fresh vegetables every day. It's because we sing, dance, and enjoy ourselves It's because we just take it easy you may have seen ojji and obaa dancing or singing on TV
Maglev technology has been around for years, but it has not caught on even as high-speed train service has expanded using the conventional wheels-and-rails approach. Concerns have included the expense of building new lines.
その目の前で同僚の男たち(SKETCHY他)がエロ話をし、それを二人があきれ顔で見て、CINDYがほらね、という シーンです。その時のCINDYのセリフ「i rest my case」の意味わかりません。 吹き替え版では「あれが実態」、字幕では「まだ疑問ある?」と訳されていましたが・・
MAX : I just hope he's not in any trouble. CINDY : I'm telling you, girl, he's probably just out being a doggy-dog. MAX : You make it sound like that's the only thing guys ever think about, which I don't happen to believe is true.
SKETCHY : So she opens the door to sign for the package no bra.
すいません、小説内の英文ですが、よろしくお願いします。put up あたりの 意味がよくわからないのです。
The absence of a landing puzzled the army staff, particularly after the beginning of June when it became impossible to put up more than token resistance in the north.
To examine the situation of these regulations toward industry, the weight of the regulated sectors in the total value added of that industry (the regulation weight) was calculated based on the Input-Output Table to find differencebetween the situations in 1995 and 2000 (refer to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (2000) for the 1995 analysis)
Dr.Corbert wanted to find fossils in Antarctica that were the same as fossils in Africa. This would prove that the same plants and animals had lived in both places. Dr.Corbert and his team of scientist-explorers went to Colsack Bluff. This was where the coal had been discovered. Two days later, Dr.Colbert was as excited as a child with a new toy. He wrote this letter to Dr. Bob Schaeffer at the American Museum of Natural History:
We did it! On our first day of fieldwork we found a hill full of fossil bones. We are so happy. This really points to continental drift, in my opinion. Antarctica must have been connected!
Already in the sixteen century the first Christian missionary to Japan,St.FrancisXavier,remarked on the inquisitiveness of the people in his letters home. お願いします。
最後です 和訳お願いします They really love to dance and sing They are very cheerful ojji and obaa show us that good food, a balanced lifestyle, and a cheerful nature are the key to a long and healthy life
An expense claim will not be covered by the person’s expense account because the person’s expense account for this fiscal year has already reached the maximum.
An insurance claim for rare teddy bears lost in a flood will not be filled.
There's a saying, "Without love, you are nothing." If all you want is sex and nothing else, that's not good. I think it's easier to hurt people that way.
Jim has pointed out to me that, in magic, originality is measured largely by how well versed the reader is.
Therefore, to be a trifle different from those inventors who preface their writings by stating that their creativeness extends only to such and such variation, twist or improvement, he asked me to enter in the record that nothing in the following routine is original.
However, as you read the material he has prepared, keep in mind that the bigger liar you can make him, the happier he will be.
The scientists continued to gather more fossils that would support their hypothesis.
A few days later Jim Jensen, one of the team,found an animal's tooth. As soon as he could, he showed the strange tooth to Dr. Colbert,Dr.Colbert studied the tooth. Suddenly he shouted. "Jim! This looks like a dinosaur I found in Africa."
This Discovery was very important. It was the tooth of a kind of animal that once lived in Africa. All the findings proved one thing. Antarctiba was once connected to the other sourthern continents.
The idea of continental drift was no longer a hypothesis. It could now be accepted as fact.
At Wal-Mart, the world’s largest company, “every day low prices” is more than a slogan; it is the fundamental tenet of a cult masquerading as a company.
お願いします And how about their lifestyle? ojll and obaa are respected by young people and they are central to family life Even after retirement,they work in the fields or join in social activities It is important for ojii and odaa to stay busy and have a sociallife It keeps both their bodies and minds healthy
in the address field of your e-mail program write "contact" (without the quotation marks) followed the by the at character; then type "mpesch3" and finally a full stop character followed by the two letters of the german top level domain: de
The prime minister said he has given instructions for steps to be taken to privent a recurrence. The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport also set up a task force to deal with the accident and sent accident investigators to the scene. Political parties also sent representatives to the area. There are quite a few connections at Amagasaki Station for which the train was heading. よろしくおねがいします!
She was more pleased than upset when Mr.Pickering told her there was a good six hundred pounds owing by people who either hadn't been asked to pay or who were simply not troubling themseles.
As implied by the term itself, Turn-key Revolution speaks of the distinct transformations on the way businesses are managed and should be managed. One very prominent example is the introduction of McDonalds the idea of business format franchise to the business world.
The business format franchise has set dramatic turn around on the future of small businesses. Here, the franchisor entitles the franchisee to owning rights to his entire business system. This format is anchored on the belief that the real product of a business is its sales technique rather than what it sells.
He turned to her and now he was again the way he had been with his guests at his dinner party: attentive, full of courtesy and consideration, making her feel that she was the only person there who mattered to him.
(前文に挨拶とお名前があったので省略しました) I wish to excuse myself by advance in the way which I contact you, and I hope I wont offence you in any manner, because it would not be in my attention.
I am in perpetual search of new contacts in the world, within the framework of our work on good and healthy ferrets genealogies. We have a small family-ferretry for more than ten years, and wish to find breeders impassioned and serious who could be interested for a work of collaboration with us. I found some Japanese websites of impassioned of ferrets, but I test great difficulties of understanding your language. Also wished I to know if you could recommend breeders of your knowledge to me? Thank you very much for your attention, Best Reguards
He made vain efforts. ←S(He=彼は) +V(made=した) +O(vain efforts=無駄な努力を) He made his efforts vain. ←S(He=彼は) +V(made=した) +O(efforts=努力を)+C(無駄に) この考え方で合っているでしょうか?
A short recreation of the last concert at the Surf Ballroom in Clear Lake, Iowa. Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens & The Big Bopper. Filmed with permission by The Grandbury Opera House in Texas ...
I know someone who studied Graphic Arts in school, and is Indepently employed. They also go and set up rooms with artsy like stuff, it's cool. they put together a masquerade like party, and now they're gonna be working on some sort of theatre like work. So if you like art you might get to do those kinds of things too. and maybe even be the host ^_^
1, Many researchers now think that alternative medicine can be integrated into modern science. 2, When combined with conventional treatments, mind-body therapies can improve clinical status. 3, At the Village of Integrative Medicine in Tokyo, all medical treatment is conducted with the goal of preventing cancer and promoting natural healing methods. 4, In spite of evidence to the contrary, few medical professionals believe that alternative medicine can be effective. 5, In Duke University’s survey, about fifty of its affiliated doctors agreed with the idea of cooperating with CAM providers.
I really wanna know what the japanese symbol for inner peace is as i want to have it tattooed on my neck! i saw it on some tv program but i cant remember what it looks like and i dont wanna end up having something tattooed on me that doesnt mean what i think it does.
The mine site was far from ideal and many sceptics believed hopes of extracting diamonds from the Canadian tundra were a pipe dream. Territorial officials and native leaders acknowledge that BHP was quick to understand that for the project to succeed,the interests of the local population would have to be taken into account. The company spent several years negotiating with the territorial government and four native groups that claimed rights to the territory on which the diamond-bearing pipes were discovered
Who should realize "sumimasen" doesn't really mean "I'm sorry"? American should. What should Japanese do when Americans make excuses? They should point out the problem with their arguments logically and suggest ways of solving the problem. 訳お願いします
We need especially to be on our guard when we come across propositions which seem to be “obviously” true―so obviously that it seems impossible to doubt them. That the earth must be flat, formerly seemed so obvious and self-evident that the very suggestion of any other possibility would have been―and was―regarded as a joke. お願いします
nothing to loose, consider this your breaktime BLESSED VIRGIN MARY Ina ng Laging saklolo (pls do not ignore) In Honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary: Mother of Perpetual Help, please help our parents, brothers, sisters and other people of the world. Let us pray to the Mother of Perpetual Help. The letter started in Davao City, Philippines scattered all over the world. Please send 24 copies to your friends. Do not laugh or delete this.
every one of them was full of incidents that he thought mocked him, since they seemed to say that the meaning of life, the pack of existence, the core of events was one certain emotion, to which he was a stranger, and for which he was very likely too rational. Therefore, he stood on the steps of the library, so cracked by longing that it seemed only gravity held him together.
it seams that teachers are competing with each other to see who can give the most homework. Homework is the only thing that I have time for... I just need to get things of my mind... to send you some stuff (stickers, prints and T-shirt) that some friends and I have been working on... Just let me know where to send it and i would love it if you could help us out just by wearing or even putting up some stickers for us.....
>>427 uniに行くからサイトにはしばらくいられないよ(顔文字) uniってなんだ?university? >>446 "zoo enclosure"で一つの言葉のようなものなので問題なし >>449 不幸の手紙のたぐい。 (there is nothing to lose. consider on this on your breaktime.) 失うものはない。休憩時間にでも考えてみてください。 聖母マリア。Ina ng Laging saklolo (どうか見てみぬふりをしないでください) 聖母マリアの御名において、 無原罪の聖母、我々の両親を、弟たちを、妹たちを、そして世界のほかの人たちをお救いください。 無原罪の聖母に祈りましょう。 この手紙はフィリピンのダバオ市で始まり、世界中に広まりました。 あなたの友人に24通送ってください。これを笑ったり、削除してはいけません。
>>451 (原文はこれでいいのかな?つたない訳ですが) He was taking courses in English Literature, in German Literature, in Italian Literature, in History, ancient and medieval, ancient and medieval, and every one of them was full of incidents that he thought mocked him, since they seemed to say that the meaning of life, the peak of existence, the core of events was one certain emotion, to which he was a stranger, and for which he was very likely too rational. それらすべてが、彼が馬鹿にされたと感じるようなエピソードでいっぱいだった。 なぜならそれらは、人生の意味や、存在の絶頂(packじゃなくてpeak?)や、 事件の核心がある感情だ、と言っているように思われたからだ。 この感情に対して、彼は門外漢であり、そのために理性的すぎた。 それゆえに、彼は図書館の階段に立って、切望のためにひどく傷つき、 まるで重力(引力?)だけが彼をつなぎとめているかのように思えた。
Hypotheses are useful because they fit the known facts, but they are always subject to future rejection if, in the light of new information, they are found to be incorrect.
I have often thought it would be a blessing if each human being were stricken blind and deaf for a few days at some time during his early adult life. Darkness would make him more appreciative of sight; silence would teach him the joys of sound. お願いします
お願いします Fire can be deadly,and it may come as a surprise to you that wildlife biologists sometimes start fires deliberately. Are these biologists literally playing with fire?
People so strong so resilient unfortunately it took such a disaster to show the world how strong the people from the Big Easy are, it is a honor to be invited to the grand re-opening of the Superdome. Being here in this magnificent city I can see how excited and ready this city is for a since of normalcy.
>>523 ありがとうございました。同じ文章の違う部分です。お願いします。 To satisfy the demand for lumber, many timber harvesting companies are "farming"forest land by planting trees, both to replace those that are cut and to produce timber for future harvests.
カップヌードルについて語っています。 Now, one doubts any self-respecting lover of anything Japanese has never had a cup of noodles, so it should not be necessary to describe how they look- all hardened into a lump inside a special cup which becomes a bowl when water is added to the noodles and left to sit for three minutes.
What it amounts to is that we do not so much believe what we see as see what we believe. Seeing is an activity not only of our eyes but of the brain, which works as a sort of selecting machine. Out of all the images presented to it it chooses for recognition those that fit most nearly with the world learned by past experience.
Other simulations of the basic model, not reported here, seem to justify a belief that further extensions of the effort should be made, particularly along the lines suggested earlier in the model description section of this paper.
When we are told that the total population of the United States now stands at 200000000,that dose not mean that we have the same number of speakers of Amerikan English.
Leaving out of account very young children who have yet to learn to speak,there are in our midst forign groups whose mother tongue is something other than English.
Innovations in transportation in the 1800s permitted space to be traversed more rapidly and were crucial to the industrial expansion of the North. The great spaces that separated producers from consumers made speed essential,especially in the movement of perishable freight.The development of the steam-powered locomotive in the 1830s and the rapid extension of the railways in the 1840s and 1850s provided the answer to the need for faster transport and dramatically altered patterns of economic development throughout the United States.In 1830 there were 32 miles of rails in the country,in 1840 there were 2,818 miles,and by 1850 there were more than 9,000 miles.The rapid extention of rail mileage enabled the railroads to significantly reduce their costs for shipping freight and carrying passengers,thus enabling them to price their services more cheaply and competitively.The extention of trunk lines, into which short or local lines fed,further tightened the east-west flow of commerce and bound the Northeast and the old Northwest together with bands of steel. 誰か、助けてくださいorz.........お願いします。
About all we can do is to subtract the forign-born population from the total number of inhabitation, then make a rough estimate as to what proportion of the forein-born may be expected to have learned the language,and add that tentative figure to the native-born population.
Words are to truth what raw materials are to any industry ---- the substance upon which, and with which, the directing mind must work. True enough that they are most readily susceptible of error, and that few minds can deal with them with precision. But the effort must not be given up on that account. Rather, indeed it is necessary for us to be a thousand times more critical.
The Ministry of Defence went to extraordinary lengths to cover up its true involvement in investigating UFOs, according to secret documents revealed under the Freedom of Information Act.
As was often said about the traditional Englishman, if a foreigner did not understand what an Englishman said, then he would simply repeat it more loudly. This rude attitude was undoubtedly a reflection of Britain’s experience of having had both a great empire and enormous wealth and power in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
BEIJING - In an announcement intended to coincide with opening of its annual parliamentary session this weekend, a spokesman for the Chinese Parliament said on Friday that China intended to increase its military spending by 12.6 percent this year to $29.9 billion.
The few places left on earth that have not been altered by humankind are almost invariably hostile to humans.One such place is the Alaskan Arctic,which is inhabited,where inhabited at all,by only a scattering of Eskimos,Native Americans,and whites.But while the Arctic is indeed a chill and inimical realm of snow,ice,and polar bears,it is also a region of great beauty and,above all,purity,where plants and animals still exist undisturbed in a state of natural balance.Nearly one third of Alaska lies north of the Arctic Circle and consists of pristine land.The Brooks Range cuts across the region like a wall,making access difficult.Even today,in an age of jet travel,the number of persons who have had firsthand experience in the Alaskan Arctic remains small,and countless valleys and mountains go unnamed and even unexplored.
We can see that the measure of length lies between 47.6 and 47.7cm. from the position of the edge of the rectangle we can estimate the second decimal as being less than 0.5mm but not less than 0.3mm.
Medical doctors also recognize the healing effects of laughter. The movie Patch Adams tells the true story of an interesting American doctor. He has been using laughter to help his patients for more than thirty years. You may not believe it,but he even dresses as a clown with a big red nose. An Indian doctor also uses laughter to treat his patients.
The sharing of profits is governed by § 121 (German laws are made up of paragraphs, denoted by the symbol §) of the Commercial Code, unless the partnership contract specifies otherwise : each partner is credited with 4 per cent on his capital account, the remainder to be divided equally.
The few places left on earth that have not been altered by humankind are almost invariably hostile to humans.One such place is the Alaskan Arctic,which is inhabited,where inhabited at all,by only a scattering of Eskimos,Native Americans,and whites.But while the Arctic is indeed a chill and inimical realm of snow,ice,and polar bears,it is also a region of great beauty and,above all,purity,where plants and animals still exist undisturbed in a state of natural balance.Nearly one third of Alaska lies north of the Arctic Circle and consists of pristine land.The Brooks Range cuts across the region like a wall,making access difficult.Even today,in an age of jet travel,the number of persons who have had firsthand experience in the Alaskan Arctic remains small,and countless valleys and mountains go unnamed and even unexplored.
No matter how accurately a given parameter is measured, when it is combined arithmetically with another measurement the result is only as accurate as the least-accurate measurement.
could you translate my say please. i am a good man and I hate someone cheat themselves, I love you so much, time is over, but Im stil loving you. I hope you can get the nice one and you meet the guy who really love you.
I am a honest man and I hate someone cheat themselves, I love you so much, Our time may be over, but I'm stil in love with you. I hope you will get the nice guy and you'll meet the guy who really loves you. >>600
But, like Tom, we should remember the words of Scottish novelist Sir Walter Scott, who wrote, "What a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!"
自分を偽るような人っていうのが英語喋る人達の感覚としてあるのかわからんけど とりあえず、i hate someone who cheats himself.ですね、文法的に。 cheatはだまして利益を得る的感覚があるから、deceiveの方がいいかも。 あと、自分の気持ちに嘘はつきたくないってことでしょ?要は。 そういう人は嫌いだなんてややこしい言い方せんで i dont want to suppress(hide) my emotion(feeling). みたいにストレートで良さそう。
time is over. は、根本的なところでよく意味がわからない・・・ので、その辺は放置。
最後はまとめてしまいましょう。 I hope you'll meet a nice guy who really loves you. 上のsomeoneの後もでしたが、3単現のs忘れ多かったですよ。 あれだけ愛してるって述べた後に、この一文ってどうなんでしょうね。
They operate on a nonprofit basis, that is, all profits go towards keeping the prices of books down, for paying the student employees, and often to support student scholarships and other financial aid.
1, Many researchers now think that alternative medicine can be integrated into modern science. 2, When combined with conventional treatments, mind-body therapies can improve clinical status. 3, At the Village of Integrative Medicine in Tokyo, all medical treatment is conducted with the goal of preventing cancer and promoting natural healing methods. 4, In spite of evidence to the contrary, few medical professionals believe that alternative medicine can be effective. 5, In Duke University’s survey, about fifty of its affiliated doctors agreed with the idea of cooperating with CAM providers.
閣僚、中川さんの言葉の英訳[the Japan times]ですが "We have a crucial battle (next summer) and I want to put everything I have into my work," Nakagawa told a party meeting after the appointment. put everything I have into my workのところ「もてるものすべてを仕事に注ぎ込む」「仕事に全力を尽くす」とでも訳すのでしょうか。
The Celtic manager hit out at fans who quickly turn against veteran right-back Paul Telfer.
"He was excellent tonight," said Strachan. "He gives one bad pass and the fans get on his back. "But he makes 50-yard runs without the ball to allow Nakamura two. "Ask Nakamura who he prefers to play with and it will be Paul Telfer by a million miles."
When programmed to do so,is asserted when H3048 detects a wake event and is requesting the system to wake up from the associated sleep state. The polarity and buffer type of this signal is programmable.
The fire destroys the mature plants and seeds alike, and it may take several decades before a tree can grow again. By that time, other fires may have destroyed any succeeding seed plants that have begun to grow.
Originally used by African American men between the age of 16-30, this phrase is now used by caucasians of the same age group.
-Often used to question the identity of a person.
(on telephone) Person A: Hey Zambo, what's up? Zambo:Who dat?
by Mike Dec 1, 2004 email it permalink: Send to a friend your email: their email:
2. who dat 10 thumbs up
From "Who dat say dey gonna beat dem Saints?", an exclemation or cheer that was taken from a song celebrating the hiring of head coach Bum Phillips in 1981. Also, a Saint's fan.
He played piano from an early age, and discovered jazz at the age of twelve, when a friend played him a live recording of John Coltrane.
wikipedia - English "Brad Mehldau" より、
この when節 で、文法的に「 play O O 」があるみたいなんですが、 こんなplayの用法を見たことがないのですが、どう解釈すればいいのでしょうか? と、思ったら自己解決。。。
in below
〈楽器を〉弾く;(…で)〈楽曲を〉演奏する((on ...))(⇒(自)); 〈CD・ラジオなどを〉かける;〈人を〉(音楽を演奏して)迎え入れる((in));送り出す((out));〈曲を〉演奏する; [play A for [to] B/play B A]〈B(人)にA(楽曲)を〉演奏してやる, 〈BにA(レコードなど)を〉かけてやる
A: As with any career, education and practice are important. A good first step would be to discuss your interests with a school counselor or drama teacher, if you are still in school. We suggest you familiarize yourself with any local theatre group in your area, and read the entertainment industry trade papers, which are available at most libraries. In these you will find advertisements for upcoming auditions.
Also, The Walt Disney Company employs thousands of performers for the various Theme Parks and Resorts. Auditions are held regularly to cast singers, dancers, actors, DJs and VJs, musicians, and bands.
For information on these exciting opportunities, please visit our Disney Careers site, at:
When you feel ready to do so, you might consider finding an agent. Their job is to locate work suitable for you. As most film and television organizations require agency representation, having an agent is almost essential for getting paid work.
Please understand that we cannot recommend a particular agent or talent agency. For information on how to find an agent in your area, please consult your local entertainment trade papers or the career and entertainment sections of your local library.
We hope these suggestions are helpful to you. We admire your enthusiasm, and wish you much success.
No engineer or industry would proceed to build anything so costly and complicated as a city without having an exprerimental prototype. Tne experience of many industries tells us that it is often cheaper to build a new modern plant than to patch an old one. Similarly,it may be cheaper and more beneficial to create a new city than to try to rehabilitate an old one. This is the concept behind the Minnesota plan for an Experimental City.
what would they be?i have to write an essay on this for english. i seriously feel like i'm in 7th grade. anyway i need help. and i dont want lame things.for example my one wish is for unlimited supply of cds. duh thatd be amazing.
Native and territorial leaders were very concerned about protecting the environment and demanded that the company divert waterways, safeguard against environmental damage and maintain the purity of small lakes at the mine site. In possibly the most contentious issue,government leaders demanded that BHP build a sorting and evaluation centre in Yellowknife and sell 10% of the mine’s output to buyers within the territory. Native Indians have received training and jobs at the mine as well as financial compensation
So dont worry they handled it so well. I went last nite it realli wasn't as bad as people are making out!(Ive seen a lot,lot worse) The Mics didnt work like twice (when they 1st came and when he started to sing) but I think they handled it realli well! improvising. And the sound sounded a bit dodgy when they 1st started but it wasnt their fault it got fixed within a few seconds, because to be fair them didnt sound too good when they came on so I think that was all down to the crew realli.
He started an organization called Laughter Clubs International. He has developed a laughter therapy with yoga techniques. Now that you know laughter is good for your health, why don't you try a little laugh? If you laugh more often, you will certainly be happier, and you will also be healthier.
なんでこんな質問したかって言うと、 コンサートのチケットがあるんだけど行かない?と聞かれて、 A:Wow! I'd love to. ( ) B:Let's meet in front of the station at 6:30. の( )にあてはまる英文を選べという問題の選択肢に、 「Where shall we meet?」と「When shall we meet?」があったんです。 でも、上のBの文は時間からも読めるし場所からも読めるから2つとも選んだんですけど、 答えは1つだけだったので・・・
It's the first time I communicate with somebody so far away and it's very fustrating, too far...feeling too close but what can i do for the moment...otherwise I hope you are well.
こんばんわ お願いします。 You don't have to use dirt, just check the water level every week and add fertilizer. I have an old fish tank that I have half way set up for the hydroponics. I still have to figure out how to hang the plants above the water so that only their roots are in the water. ガーデニングの事だと思うのですが・・
At the request of New Komeito, Tetsuzo Fuyushiba, the party's departing secretary general, joined the Cabinet as minister of land, infrastructure and transport. この文脈においてdepartingはどんな意味ですか
You can't link to it through the home page because the site is closed but if you have the direct link to the media section you can get there. I forgot what the link was but I'll try and check my history to see if I can find it.
The treason charges, Mr. Reischauer wrote, were "egged on by a public still much under the influence of traditional racial prejudices and far from free of the anti-Japanese hatreds of the recent war." お願いします。
Boeing 747s cost $200 milion and seat 400 passengers. Boring 777s cost $160 milion and 300 seat, The airbus seat 200 and $60 milion cost. With 2.1 bilion dollar budget, 4500 passengers and instructions to purchase twice as many Boeings as Airbuses. How many of each should you order?
just woundered if you could make any more "★"design to go on ●s bass drum???? (maybe a checkered pattern design) あるバンドにそのバンドのバーナーをつくったらこのような文が来たんですがこれだけわかりません… "★"の部分はバンド名で、●はそのバンドの中の人の名前です!!
companyA makes sells dog food in 40kg cartons. Each kg must contain 50% protein by weight. The mystery meat used is 40% protein while the rest is soybean extract at 80% protein. How much ingredient is in each carton?
He started an organization called Laughter Clubs International. He has developed a laughter therapy with yoga techniques. Now that you know laughter is good for your health, why don't you try a little laugh? If you laugh more often, you will certainly be happier, and you will also be healthier.
The mother of one of Japan's biggest pop stars was recently caught with more than $400,000 in suspected drug proceeds as she tried to board a plane from New York to Las Vegas, according to federal prosecutors now seeking forfeiture of the funds. In March, screeners at JFK Airport discovered t he money in the carry-on luggage of Junko Utada, whose 23-year-old daughter has been described as the Japanese Britney Spears. Hikaru Utada, pictured at right, has sold more than 40 million albums in Japan, with her debut album selling more copies than any record in the country's history. According to investigators, when Drug Enforcement Administration agents approached Junko Utada, 55, as she waited to board a March 6 America West flight,
All of a sudden people really change how they treat you. I found a lot of people being disingenuous. So my circle of friends tightened, as in there are fewer of them.
There is no reason why the English dog should mean a friendly animal with four legs any more than the Russian sobaka,the Spanish perro,or the Japanese inu.
In the first half of the nineteenth century,the first distinctly American culture took form.The rise of an American tradition in literature paralleled the expansion of the nation,as American writers began to look within themselves and across their enlarged continental homeland for their subjects and themes.The romance,or novel,provided a useful form for dealing with the large moral subjects and the peculiar circumstances of the American setting.In James Fenimore Cooper's The pioneers(1823) and The Deerslayer(1841),Natty Bumppo and the Mohican guide Chingachgook confronted the environment of the American frontier,chronicling the advance of"civilization"and questioning the implications of its impact on the natural world.The theme of the individual confronting nature was further developed by Herman Melville in the classic novel Moby Dick(1851) .Nathaniel Hawthorne dealt with equally difficult questions of inner limits and the individual's responsibilities to society in The Scarlet Letter(1850)and The House of the Seven Gables(1851)
Because different tree species adapted to different climates and soil types have evolved over millennia,many kinds of forests occupy the earth today.The primitive forests of several hundred million years ago consisted of fewer kinds of trees.In fact,the earliest"trees," which grew nearly 500 million years ago,were like giant club mosses. They lacked true roots and consisted of a tangle of specialized branches that clambered over rocky ground.Fifty million years later came the dense forests of tree ferns that prevailed in tropical climates of that era.The forerunners of modern conifers were on the scene 300 million years ago,when plant life abundantly colonized marshy land,building the tremendous coal and oil reserves so important today .By the time the dinosaurs roamed the earth some 180 million years ago,during the Cretaceous period,seed-bearing trees had evolved that shed their leaves in winter,from these have sprung the angiosperms and our present deciduous forests.
Foreign visitors are often surprised and frequently annoyed to find young staff members daring to challenge older executives or argue points with them. 和訳お願いします
In the first half of the nineteenth century,the first distinctly American culture took form.The rise of an American tradition in literature paralleled the expansion of the nation,as American writers began to look within themselves and across their enlarged continental homeland for their subjects and themes.The romance,or novel,provided a useful form for dealing with the large moral subjects and the peculiar circumstances of the American setting.In James Fenimore Cooper's The pioneers(1823) and The Deerslayer(1841),Natty Bumppo and the Mohican guide Chingachgook confronted the environment of the American frontier,chronicling the advance of"civilization"and questioning the implications of its impact on the natural world.The theme of the individual confronting nature was further developed by Herman Melville in the classic novel Moby Dick(1851) .Nathaniel Hawthorne dealt with equally difficult questions of inner limits and the individual's responsibilities to society in The Scarlet Letter(1850)and The House of the Seven Gables(1851)
Because different tree species adapted to different climates and soil types have evolved over millennia,many kinds of forests occupy the earth today.The primitive forests of several hundred million years ago consisted of fewer kinds of trees.In fact,the earliest"trees," which grew nearly 500 million years ago,were like giant club mosses. They lacked true roots and consisted of a tangle of specialized branches that clambered over rocky ground.Fifty million years later came the dense forests of tree ferns that prevailed in tropical climates of that era.The forerunners of modern conifers were on the scene 300 million years ago,when plant life abundantly colonized marshy land,building the tremendous coal and oil reserves so important today .By the time the dinosaurs roamed the earth some 180 million years ago,during the Cretaceous period,seed-bearing trees had evolved that shed their leaves in winter,from these have sprung the angiosperms and our present deciduous forests.
アメリカの中学生向け?の本読んでます。 @物語の始めに登場人物の一人が自己紹介するんですが、 その内容が何を言ってるのかさっぱりわかりません。 1行目はジッパーだからつなぎ合わせることができると言いたいのでしょうか…。 Hello, my name is Zips.I hold everything together. Time flies by for me.I like pantomaies I can get my teeth into. Im as fast as lightning!
A母と子供のやりとりなんですが、 Mother:Its time for your aerobics classes. children1:I dont want to go the toilet! children2:And I dont want no exercise! これは子供1は行きたくなくて、2は行きたがっているということで良いのでしょうか?
B上記Aでエアロビに行った後の会話です。 これも何を言ってるのか全然わかりません。 ウィルソンさんなんて先にも後にも出てこないですし…。 ここまでの状況としては、二人は姉妹、二人の母は最近再婚した、位のものです。 C1:I worked hard. C2:Yeah, but I worked HAEDER! C1:I dont start that again. C2:I will get my sister on to you. C1:My mam can fight our dad. C2:What is that got to do with it. C1:I will see you after school. C2:Yeah at 3:30 when Miss Wilson goer off duty!
The times in our lives in which we feel that we have the least power are actually the times when we have the most. Those are the times in which we affirm or redefine who we are, what we believe, and make choices that can impact ourselves and those we encounter for a lifetime.
>>835 スマソ、なんか無茶苦茶なこと書いてた。 意味的には、 students taught at home are ranked 〜 のほうがすっきりするよね。
勘違い内容をちょっと書くと、 SVC(SVOCの受身)って書いたのは、thatの場合とは別々に考えないとまずかった。 students are taught ranked = they teach students ranked かな、と思った。意味の上では、 students are taught that they are ranked と同じになるってのを、文法と混同してた。 しかも、teachをSVOCな意味で使う場合はSVO to be Cにしないとダメでした。
これだと「学生は平均か平均以上だと、家で教えられる」となって、すごい不自然だったね。 なのでstudents taught at home are rankedのほうが自然だと思う。 >>833の訳が正しかったです。
We met in the summer and walked 'til the fall And breathless we talked, it was tongues. Despite what they'll say, it wasn't youth, we hit the truth
Faces of Strummer that fell from your wall And was left were they hung So sweet and bitter, they're what we found So drink them down and
Walk out to winter, swear I'll be there. Chill will wake you, high and dry You'll wonder why. Walk out to winter, swear I'll be there. Chance is buried just below the blinding snow.
You burn in the breadline and ribbons and all So walk to winter You won't be late, you always wait This generation, the walk to wall But I'm not angry, get your gear Get out of here and
These are but a few of the problems facing our heroes as they methodically work through each problem and finally hit the big time in a street sales campaign led personally by the president of the company in Ginza.
(You burn in the breadline in ribbons and all,) 君は貧しさでぼろぼろに疲れ果ててる だから冬に向かって歩こう (you won't be late, she'll always wait.) まだ遅くない、彼女はいつまでも待ってる 僕らの世代はあの壁に向かって歩く でも僕は怒ったりしない、君はギアを入れて、ここから脱出して
Which came first? The Teenager or Rock n Roll? Join Stan Velour at Prom Night, Herbert Hoover High 1956 and Farley Farkel on his first date at the Drive In. It's all too cool.
While competitive bidding for first-time contracts makes sense, for subsequent procurements in some sectors, wouldn't automatically awarding contracts to vendors with a good track record make sense as an alternative? おねがいします
The 2007 Yamaha news have been the best guarded secret in 2006. Not anymore... Look at the new gorgeous R1. New R6 inspired fairing sides and larger headlights and ram-air scoops. 6-pot radial calipers and a new heavily braced swingarm point in only one direction. Massive horsepower! Just how much is the big question. The new Suzuki GSX-R1000 weighs in at a claimed dry weight of 172kg. We expect similar figures from Yamaha. バイク板よりやってきました。当方さっぱりです・・是非お願いします。m(__)m ヤマハの新しいバイクR1,R6に関する記事なのですが・・
セルティクの監督ストラカンの言葉です “Paul had one bad pass that was greeted with some moans and groans when other players were let off for similar things,” the Celtic manager said. “However, he’s got mental strength. Just ask [Shunsuke] Nakamura who he prefers playing with on the right. It’s Telfer by a million miles. That’s no offence to young Mark Wilson, who will go on to become a very good player, but Telfer is prepared to run 40 or 50 yards without the ball to give Nakamura just two yards of space.”
While the PlayStation 3 and 360 versions of Assassin's Creed are virtually identical, Raymond did say that on the 360 the team is putting a special emphasis on achievements. The hardware also allows for improved threading, which will improve even further the crowd AI.
From this perspective it is a short step to the recognition that every work has musical meaning only to the extent that a competent listener engages it.
The little valley down which it came was much steeper and rockier than the one he had just left and much overgrown with bushes, so that he could not have managed it at all in the dark. Even as it was, he got wet through for he had to stoop under branches, and great loads of snow came sliding off on to his back.
2文目の最初の部分の、“Even as it was” をどのように訳せばいいでしょうか。辞書を調べたんですが、しっくりくるものが見つけられずにいます。もし助言がいただければありがたく思っています。よろしくお願いします。
I'd been working around the area and it come time to go in and I went in. I figured if I was going to have get in, I might as well get right in the middle of it.
It is a good word, rolling off the tongue no matter what language you were born with.Use it. Learn where it begins, the small alphabet of departure,how long it takes to think of it, then say it, then be heard.
Marry it. More than any golden ring, it shines, it shines.Wear it on every finger till your hands dance, touching everything easily, letting everything, easily, go.
Strap it to your back like wings.Or a kite-tail. The stream of air behind a jet.If you are known for anything, let it be the way you rise out of sight.when your work is finished.
Think of things that linger: leaves, cartons and napkins, the damp smell of mold.
Think of things that disappear.
Think of what you love best, what brings tears into your eyes.
Something that said adios to you before you knew what it meant or how long it was for.
Explain little, the word explains itself. Later perhaps. Lessons following lessons, like silence following sound.
For I'm not familiar using English, I may mistake grammars and words at the following.
1 : A decreasing number of children is not occured to masturbation. 2 : Is there such a thing that 'By way of A(That is, a sort of proverb)'? It's error ! A is ex.)Let sleeping dogs lie... Ignorance is bliss... 3 : Is there such a thing that 'By way of playing a earnestness nasty trick on a particular person'? etc. What relation is it?
Incidentally, I have liked English since my university days. Because To study English changed more Freedom in myself and by myself. I have writed to refer to mostly a dictionary(of the Net, Not translation software). Of course, Not only the Net but also various books.
Please...Please... I don't hope me to doubt yours. If yours want to kill me, Please kill me. I dont't ran away. (That is, It is better for yours(and me) to be developed into a bloody affair.)
どなたか和訳お願いします。 Play is activity which often appears unproductive. It is a way of testing the possibilities of the environment and the capabilities of the player. It is important to distinguish play from specific trainings. Children in the water can be trained to swim, or can teach themselves to swim, but this is not play. Water-play, splashing about in the waves, is not organized towards a specific goal. It is an end in it self. But the more children do it, the more in play they are in the water. They gain incidental insights into the properties of the liquid and into the range of abilities of their own bodies.
The efforts to organize the world (1) pease past and present have always broken down (2) the end. This is a simple statement of the historical record. One cannot argue lack of good will or honesty of purpose,or lack of (3)genuine desire to achieve an effective international body that would take (4) itself the role of peace-keeping . But,(5) the whole world knows,successive efforts have been frustrated. There are many reasons (6) this has happened. Human affairs are complicated matters. They have been shaped and influenced by a myriad (7) 'causes 'which taken togetherhave given us our present dubious heritage ―a threat of human annihilation ,and an appdarent inability to stem the drift (8) converting the theat into an imninent convulsion. Man seems to have no effective instrumentaliy (9) hand to reverse the armaments race or stop him (10) the last decision he would probably ever be called upon to make―
Abe said China and South Korea, which Japan is trying to get its first summit meetings with in nearly a year amid strained relations, have very close ties in a number of areas, including economic. 普通「会を催す」と言えばhave [or hold] a meetingと思うけど、下の文ではgetを使っているよねえ。この場合、get its first summit meetingsとはどのような意味なのでしょうか。
【質問】 1 1989 Demonstrator force communists from power in East European states. (出典 OXFORD Children’s HISTORY OF THE WORLDの年表) 漠然と『デモ隊が、共産主義者たちを政権から引きずりおろした。』と思うのだけれども 英和辞典を見ても、 force の語義でぴったりくるのがないのですが…。 2 The police forced a confession from a suspect. なんかと同じ用法でしょうか?これは、 @『警察は、被疑者に自白を強要した。』A『警察は、被疑者から自白を引き出した。』どっちでしょうか? ご多忙中、恐縮ですが、教えてください。英語学習のエロイひと。
It's by far hardest thing I've ever done to be so in love with you and so alone Follow me where I go What I do and who I know Make it part of you To be a part of me Follow me up and down All the way , and all around Take my hand and say You'll follow me
>>982さん、ご親切にご回答いただき、ありがとうございます。 2 は、どうでしょうか。The police forced a confession from a suspect. @『警察は、被疑者に自白を強要した。(強要はしたが、自白したかどうかは不明)』 A『警察は、被疑者から(強要して)自白を引き出した。』どっちでしょうか?