The course at Staffordshire University, which had 20 places on offer, attracted traditional A-level school-leavers, but also proved popular with mature students seeking a career change, according to Miceal Barden, the university's director of student recruitment for business and law.
He told today: "We interviewed all the applicants to determine whether they realised the intensive study involved and for some of them we suggested they took the three-year route instead.
The legal forms under which, normally, business may be carrid out in Germany are presented in Table 2.1: the German are given in column 1. Certain specialized forms are not included: co-owenrship of ships, the mutual insurance society and public-sector enterprises under private law. In the other columns of Table 2.1 various characteristics are presented.
お願いします。 Out of the darkness of my lonely hours you came to me like a beacon of brighter things to come. You reminded me to hope, where I had placed defeat. You've helped me remember my dreams, where I knew it was all impossible, and inspired action, where I'd become dormant. Faith has been renewed, where all had been stripped away. My deepest fears, vanished into the night
How wonderful it is having a friend in my life who brightens even my darkest hours, making them become the most beautiful of moments. The serenity you bring me from my chaos, knowing you are out there caring for me, is the most precious gift anyone could offer. 901です。有名な詩みたいですが、どなたかよろしくお願いします。
The ability to turn to you the rock you give me, is indeed my friend a much appreciated blessing.
The ban on American beef was initially lifted in December but reimposed in January after spinal bones were found in a shipment of veal. The error was traced to U.S. plant workers and a government inspector who didn't realize veal cuts with backbone, accepted in the U.S., are considered a risk for mad cow disease in Japan. The error以降を、訳してください。お願いします。
洋楽(More than words)の歌詞の一部ですが、 最後の1行目の意味が良く分かりません 歌詞カードの対訳も変な感じでした(手元にありません・・・) 宜しくお願い致します What would you do? If my heart was torn in two More than words to show you feel that your love for me is real