Chat In English (英語で雑談) Part 61

( ´・ω・) Let's have some tea and chat...or else your life is mine.
( つ旦O ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫
と_)_) 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦

Previous thread:
2名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/11(金) 22:32:09
3moriman:2006/08/11(金) 23:57:20
oh! thanks!!
*Target* i memorize a lot of word on this thread
4k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/12(土) 03:30:53
Hmm.. I wonder what happened with the offsite chatlog....
5 ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2006/08/12(土) 03:34:10
6k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/12(土) 03:35:39
7k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/12(土) 03:36:14
I apologize for ruining your fun.
8 ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2006/08/12(土) 03:39:29
I no longer trust Swedes. (´;ω;`)
9k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/12(土) 03:43:19
Sorry, I didn't quite realize you were out to get 1000th post. I'm not
used to thinking of it.
10k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/12(土) 03:44:29
I would have let you have it if I had known
11k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/12(土) 03:45:17
12 ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2006/08/12(土) 03:48:15

   〃∩ ∧_∧
   ⊂⌒(  ・ω・)
        ⌒ ⌒
13k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/12(土) 03:49:49
14k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/12(土) 03:51:58
I'll join you, though with school related material.
15 ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2006/08/12(土) 03:55:09

   ミ彡゙ .._    _   ミミミ彡
  ((ミ彡 '´ ̄ヽ '´/ ̄ ` ,|ミミ))
  ミ彡  ' ̄ ̄'  〈 ̄ ̄ .|ミミ彡
  ミ彡|  ) ) | | `( ( |ミ彡
  ((ミ彡|  ( ( -し`) ) )|ミミミ   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
    ゞ|  ) )  、,! 」( ( |ソ   < Throw away your book! Drop out of school!
     ヽ( ( ̄ ̄ ̄' ) )/      \__________________
     ,.|\、)    ' ( /|、
   ̄ ̄| `\.`──'´/ | ̄ ̄`
      \ ~\,,/~  /
16k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/12(土) 04:43:44
Nooo. That would be very bad ;__;
17名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/12(土) 05:01:17
My English skill is poor.But i have a confidence to
retute anyone in English.
Is there any tough guy who has a courage to challenge me?
18名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/12(土) 05:03:43
Sorry ,retute→refute
It's not spelling but the logic that matters.

hey!Bring it on!
19k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/12(土) 05:04:03
Do you perhaps mean "retort"?
20k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/12(土) 05:07:44
I'm slightly confused... What kind of replies are you looking for?
I can play along, if you're looking for some practice.
21k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/12(土) 05:19:57
22名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/12(土) 05:22:48
speak politely in front of me!
hey!you can argue anything!
politics!economics!public entertaiments!daily life!anything!
start an argument!
refer every thing to me!
23k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/12(土) 05:37:38
I will speak politely to you, if you do the same, Cyrano-kun.
Arguments as mere means of picking a verbal fight are rather passé and
quite pointless, unless one's practicing playing the devil's advocate
and one's ability to use rhetoric to one's advantage.
If that is what you wish, I can assist. Otherwise, I suggest we have
a discussion.
I see arguments as a process between several parties to come to
a conclusion and an agreement, even if it is but to agree to disagree.

Arguments held not for the sake of the topic, but for the sake of
"winning", are of no use but practicing the art of arguing in an intelligent
and convincing manner, holding a dialog with your opponent with the intent
of swaying his/her (or the audience's) opinions to your advantage.
Is this what you're looking for?
24名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/12(土) 05:49:36
Actions speak louder than words!
Let's talk about middle eastern politics.
How doy think about israel's foray into Lebanon.
Do you affirm their actions?
25名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/12(土) 05:55:28
She fled away...I won.
26k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/12(土) 06:01:39
Squee! I found music videos by the band Pain at youtube :-3 i love how the music video is set to the song. Saad... i love the dialog in the end xD

Sorry, no ;D I was merely distracted by my find! <3 the band.
Though to my sorrow, there aren't any of Weeping Willows' music
videos there...
Regarding Israel and the Hezbollah, they're both being asshats,
as far as I've noticed. They're both claiming to act in their
own interests, which they probably are, but they refuse to see
beyond themselves. That is my impression, though I have a
limited amount of knowledge about the situation. I only know
what I've read in various newspapers. My impression may suffer
from an amount of truthiness. I haven't bothered to investigate.
27k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/12(土) 06:04:34
What you do think about the dutch pedophile party, Cyrano-kun?
That topic interests me more.
28名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/12(土) 06:05:41
you're a jew. next!
29名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/12(土) 06:07:34
jew is the hot bed of degenerate industry.
on top of that, you're a jew.
30k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/12(土) 06:14:22
Cyrano-kun, that's not arguing, nor does it in any way dismiss my statement.
That's stating something about me, an incorrect statement too.
Even worse, it isn't connected to what I stated. How would me stating
that both the Israeli government and the Hezbollah are behaving badly
make me someone of the Judean religion or ethnicity?
You have a long way to go, Cyrano-kun, before you can claim to be
even remotely skilled at arguing.
You even fail at giving a good retort, as it's but mere unrelated
"name-calling" that lack wittiness as well as any attempt to twist
my words into insult myself.
You have much to learn. Should I give you links to threads where
you can practice snappy one-liners? You seem to badly need it.
31名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/12(土) 06:18:32
There is a only way that you can match up to me.
It' very easy but very hard to find.
32名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/12(土) 06:20:26
I should say 'the only way'.

33k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/12(土) 06:20:32
You seem to be fond of looking down on Judeans, as well as people
who profess themselves to Judaism. What's the matter, did
the Torah crawl into your crib and rape you as a child?
Should I start referring to you as the Jack Thompson of anti-Judaism,
34k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/12(土) 06:30:15
Not really, Cyrano-kun. If there's a way for me to "match up" to your
level, I'd hate to know it. I wouldn't want to sink down to your level.
Your comments lack wittines, intelligence nor do they manage to actually
be offensive. You're just tossing out random pointless noise, Cyrano-kun.
Your "retorts" are as worthless as the effort you've put into them. They
have nothing to say, and they achieve nothing. isn't as good as what
it used to be, but it's more than good enough for you to learn
from it.

Anyone can go "lawlz hay u r poooopy", but it takes skill to
actually be able to argue well, and even just a battle of insults
requires some thought put into it for it to actually have an effect
and to be noteworthy.
35名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/12(土) 06:37:56
How can I call your name?I don't know your name.
Let me know your name.Horovitz?Friedman?Goldberg?Rosenberg?
I would call your name as much as you like.
36名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/12(土) 06:47:20
Jack Thompson ?lawyer?
As a lawyer , Edgar.J.steele is far and away beyond
37k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/12(土) 06:50:38
Sir, you massively fail at insult.
Your one-track mind is also horribly dull, and lacks any kind of
ability to comprehend when it's time to stop trying to pull non-existant
strings. I do not find it insultive to be called a jew, nor any other
ethnical group of people, and thus your attempts to insult me by
refering to me as one goes straight to /dev/null.

I'll happily have an insult fight with you, if that's what you want,
but this isn't even insultive. You're just being horribly dull and
pointless. There are plenty things about me you can use as ammunition,
yet you've horribly failed to even realize that they exist.

You dissapoint me greatly, Cyrano-kun. You need to get back to the
drawing board. Should I suggest some reading for you?
38k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/12(土) 06:57:21
Yep, Jack Thompson the idiot lawyer. I seriously bloody hope he's
just trolling and not that bloody retarded.
39名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/12(土) 07:03:35
i can't see any jewish article on his account in wikidepia.

Is he a ultra conservative as Pat Buchanan?
40名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/12(土) 07:04:32
an "ultra....
41k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/12(土) 07:08:16
And I bloody hope you weren't waiting for me to invoke Godwin's Law,
Cyrano-kun. That's a too stupid way to counter any negative comment
about jews.
42k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/12(土) 07:17:06

He does not have an account at Wikipedia to my knowledge, nor is
there any point for searching for jewish articles about him.
Next time you're trying to use a search engine: Use the minimum amount
of keywords, and after that (if there are too many search results)
just add more keywords.
x search: Jack Thompson Jew Article Account
o search: Jack Thompson
o search: Jack Thompson attorney
43k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/12(土) 07:19:28
x nor is there any point for searching for
o nor is there any point in searching for

Bah, it's late, and I'm tired =(
44名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/12(土) 07:28:14
Who is cyrano-kun?
45名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/12(土) 07:32:39
I want to say this is the account of jack thompson.
46名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/12(土) 07:33:32
wow new thread! thanks >>1
47名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/12(土) 07:36:54
should i use article and account back to front ?
48k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/12(土) 07:41:39
The one who is so very ill-fitted to bear such a name. That is who.
49k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/12(土) 07:44:55
What I meant to say was, that it's my pet nick-name for the
poster whom the name fits so badly. The bloke with the peculiar
obsession with jews, who thinks that he "wins" arguments by stating
dull nonsense.
50k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/12(土) 07:54:54
51k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/12(土) 07:56:02
I'm off to bed, good morning/night, all.
52名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/12(土) 08:05:03
the kike went off!
michael jackson rules!
53名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/12(土) 08:09:00
54k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/12(土) 08:22:07 Gary Jules' video for "Mad World" Donnie Darko version. I should see the movie.
A very beautiful song. Though I prefer that cover over the original:

Cyrano-kun? Why do I have to leave for you to comment? Are you afraid of me?
55k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/12(土) 08:24:36
I really need to cease being distracted by youtube and go sleep...
Bye, all.
56名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/12(土) 08:34:45
You really should know about the psychological state
of people who give a groan of despair.
57名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/12(土) 09:02:23
after someone is in deep despair, what the person's next movement?
first the person should cry and yell hard and then probably does really nasty
things to others. Is it easy for him/her to give it up?

In my case, I was in a "mood swing" for a long time then gradually
I got back to a normal state.
58名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/12(土) 09:19:17
But maybe the whole thing could be a trick.
59名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/12(土) 09:30:31
Do you know whose kiss tastes like peach?
60名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/12(土) 09:40:38
I think someone who ate peach has kiss tastes like one.
61gaijin ◆cjcO/40IKM :2006/08/12(土) 10:01:09
oooh impressive. k-tan didn't take the anti-semitic bait.
She's thinking many steps ahead like a good chess player.
62名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/12(土) 10:39:34
According to the boy who kissed Sawajiri Erika, her kiss
tastes like peach.

Yukorin's fart smells like vanilla, by the way.
63名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/12(土) 10:50:16
the boy is Yagura Yuya. I thought he was still a kid but he said
that he often kisses with girls. lol
64名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/12(土) 11:04:13
Which do you like better, Peach Erika or Vanilla Yukorin?
65名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/12(土) 11:06:43
I hate them.
66名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/12(土) 11:06:44

Home alone on Friday night. There aren't enough 24 hour places in
my neighbourhood to hang out at.
67school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/12(土) 11:07:47
*lost* *blinks*
Only I know is...the guy?? who tried to challenge
k-tan was in a bad mood???
68名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/12(土) 11:11:27
the movie is called "Sugar and Spice"
The music is by Oasis!! I like their music lol
69名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/12(土) 11:13:08
you like to hang out after midnight?
70名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/12(土) 11:16:33

Only 22:15 here, but I live in an area with a university and a lot
of older people, so there's a couple bars, a supermarket, and a
donut shop open at this hour along with one diner that has a two
customer per table minimum during peak hours (all weekend). I
was hoping to get some translating work done tonight, but it's
too distracting to try and do something like that at home.

Ah well, I'll just go tomorrow.
71名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/12(土) 11:23:22
cyrano-kun,needless to say, won't be able to win K-tan
His acts look like Don Quixote
72名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/12(土) 11:27:47
Oh I see, Cyrano de Bergerac!
73名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/12(土) 11:31:58
Oh I see. To get some fresh air out side is the best, probably.
That's just what I think...I usually walk around when I'm on the edge.

Why are you so distracted? if the reason is too private,
you don't have to tell me. ^^
74名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/12(土) 11:37:18

I just don't feel productive at home. I'm easily distracted by
the net and the DVD player (the former will even pull me away
from the latter) when facing big tasks, and they make it too
easy to procrastinate.

Plus I like doing any kind of writing project with pen and
paper and then typing it later. It just feels better and
more productive that way to me with the added benefit of being
able to do some editing and crosschecking as I type it into the
computer afterwards.

A walk is probably a good idea, as the weather is not so
hot anymore. If nothing else, I should go buy a drink so that
I have change to use with the laundry machines tomorrow.
75名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/12(土) 11:43:07
change to use with the laundry machines? lol

I can imagine your life partially lol maybe nothing special for you
but it looks really fun for me. lol
7675:2006/08/12(土) 11:43:39
*that was for 74
7775:2006/08/12(土) 12:03:40
I hope you will go back to a productive mode soon.
78school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/12(土) 12:12:12
*sigh* it's Saturday...but I'm still in my room...*listening to miyavi
reading miyavi's essay and wathicng miyavi's pix* lolz~ X.X
79名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/12(土) 12:12:31

Life is pretty dull right now. Get up, go to work, come home,
watch whatever DVD came from rent-by-mail, and if I'm lucky do some
kind of hobby/project work. I'm not under a deadline for my
translation except for a self-imposed one, so it's not a huge deal
if I slack, because I know that once I start I'll get through it.
On the upside, I'm mostly through another translation project...
right now I'm getting a proof together to send to my editor so
that I can revise it and be over with.

And do public laundry machines in Japan not use coins? The ones
in my building and at most laundromats do, but a couple of the
buildings I've lived in used a card based system instead.
80名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/12(土) 12:36:40

If you take a look on other threads in this English seciton, most of the
people are like you. Our life are not fun and trying to come here
to ge some fun. They come here when they have some questions on their studies
and ask some experts in English.
Maybe we are just happy to know the real meaning of the inexplicable word.
Something like that...haha

I don't know your age, but if you have some buddies you can enjoy to hang out with,
it's good just to chat with them or go to a club and pick up some girls...well...
if you feel like it...if you like staying alone...then just ignore my suggestion.

Yes, we use coins in laundromats. I just said your life sounds fun
is's hard to say...sounded you have plenty of freedom(?)lol
sorry if I sounded offended.
81名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/12(土) 12:44:22

It's all good.

I'm not a hikki, but I do prefer spending time by myself and get
uptight when in crowds.

The English forums are lots of fun; I've posted a few times in
the help threads.

As far as freedom goes, I guess that's what being an adult means.
While I like being able to travel if I want or buy porno, etc.,
the freedom to be responsible for paying my rent and bills
isn't overly appealing, either. I guess that it's just one of
life's little trade-offs.
82名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/12(土) 12:58:24
yeah, that's right. Probably I kind of envy you because I live
with my family. I have my mother and father always staying in
my small house and keep guard on me and sometimes give orders etc..>,<
So I'm looking forward to living alone in the future. Hopefully
I go to U.S. or Canada and study there. lol

Yeah, me too. I don't like to be in crowds. When I want to buy
something, let's say if I want a certain book, I go to a book shop
as straight as an arrow and pick up that book and go to a
It's still very hot here so yes...I'm not a hikki either but
staying home is much better than walking around
83名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/12(土) 13:05:34

I sympathize with living with your parents. After my first year
away from university I returned home and thought that I would kill
my mother or myself out of anger by the time I went back to campus.
As it is, we've come to the conclusion that we can stand visits
of three to five days with each other before we have to go our
separate ways. It's one of those benefits of being an adult and
on your own.

If you can study in the US or Canada, go for it. Studying abroad
is one of the best things you can do in your life. It opens your
mind and forces you to learn a lot about yourself, grow up in ways
you may not want to otherwise, and provides you with stories for

re: crowds, I'm not so bad that I can't be in a shop with people,
but a packed subway or a location where there's no way to get around
the issue short of outright leaving bothers me. It's bad enough
that when I make semi-annual vists to New York (I'm US based), I've
already worked out how to get anywhere near Times Square without
having to actually go through it because of how hard it is to get
around once you enter the masses of people.

Maybe that's why I haven't tried to visit Tokyo yet...hmmm....

As for the heat....28°C on Friday, should be around that Saturday
as well.
84名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/12(土) 13:30:39
28℃?That's good. ^^

here is like 35℃. but there is a sudden rain and a thunder! >,<
Maybe I'll go to an electronic shop later and buy a special device muhaha
see ya nice talking to you! ^^
85名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/12(土) 15:48:27
Does anyone here like Captain Planet?
86名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/12(土) 15:53:33
Captain Planet?No.
87名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/12(土) 16:11:30
Do you like the planeteers?
88school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/12(土) 16:16:51
Whoa!!! I just took a nap. *blinks* I got sweaty while I was sleeping!
because there was no aircon! >,<

Bbbbbbut !!!! I met miyavi in my dream!!! *dances* lolz~~ we were dating! but
I got him lost! *mew* but we met again in the toilet! lolz~^^
but....I wwwwooonder why he was wearing that uncool red stripe shirt!!>.<
89名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/12(土) 16:23:16
school girlは何歳でございますか?
90school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/12(土) 16:27:19
91名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/12(土) 16:33:21
92school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/12(土) 16:37:35
奇遇ダニャ nya nya
93k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/12(土) 16:42:09
Don Quixote was noble, albeit utterly deluded.
Cyrano-kun was but a troll that couldn't even
troll well.


My sister loved the series.
94k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/12(土) 16:43:10
it's rainy, rainy, oh so rainy.
95名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/12(土) 16:50:16

Don Quixoteのスペイン語は読みにくいでございます。私は読めません。
96k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/12(土) 16:53:31
97k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/12(土) 16:56:20
I apologize, but I do not speak Japanese yet... Could you try stating that
in English?
98school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/12(土) 17:00:05
Your Japanese is very polite. @.@
99k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/12(土) 17:11:00
wow, neat. Not origami, but still nice.
100school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/12(土) 17:16:00
k-tan, that's nicieee~~ thanks for sharing! *grin* lolz~~
101k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/12(土) 17:30:24
You're welcome ^_^
102gaijin ◆cjcO/40IKM :2006/08/12(土) 17:53:19
103iso:2006/08/12(土) 19:01:24
May I join? I'm Jp 16yo.

It's impossible!! I cant believe my eyes^^;
Especially "Looking Back" is impressive. What a good idea!
I want to put it in my room (lol
104k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/12(土) 19:04:17
soup is good. i just wish i didn't feel l ike curling up in bed and going
to sleep with some movie running in the background. i hate being sick.

Of course you may join. After all, this is a public thread, and not some
private chatroom. Welcome ^-^
And yes, very impressive artwork. It would be neat to make something
like that.
105k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/12(土) 19:24:34
i'm going to go rest, see you all later.
106名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/12(土) 19:24:45
Hi! iso! Yes indeed k-tan! the artwork is impressive!^^
107名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/12(土) 21:00:05

(ヽ__/) the bunny loves all his children~
(='.'=) even the ones that fail him
(")_(") well not realy since hes a Darwinist
108名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/12(土) 22:04:56
Anyone who read The Da Vinci Code?
109名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/12(土) 22:10:58
not yet and the boom is gone...^^;;

so you can forgive a juvenile delinquent?
the person has multiple crimes such as;

and drug addict...
110moriman:2006/08/12(土) 23:13:04
oh!! "changumu" started !!
anyone who watch it?
111名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/12(土) 23:25:29
nope...I was watching "koi no karasawagi"^^
112k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/12(土) 23:39:23
113名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/13(日) 00:54:54
i wanna marry k-tan
114名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/13(日) 00:56:02
good evening!!!
115k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/13(日) 01:11:56
And I want an army of tribbles. Alas, sometimes wishful thinking goes
not further than that. But then again, it's usually for the best.

Good evening! ^_^
116sammi:2006/08/13(日) 01:17:12
hi everyone -V-
117k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/13(日) 01:21:03
Hi. You look familiar, somehow.
118名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/13(日) 01:21:54
Have you ever read the story of Gon-gitsune, Gon-fox?
119名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/13(日) 01:23:40
what do you remember about entrance test at your university
was it hard???
120名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/13(日) 01:57:26
I think peach kiss is tasty.
121k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/13(日) 01:59:04
What's that?

Ah, my education doesn't require an entrance test. Some educations do,
like the most sought after ones, or the ones that are related to some
sort of performance such as art, dance, etc.
The grade-average you had before university level is all most educations look
at, as well as if you have taken all the courses that are necessary for
you to be eligible for the education you've applied to.

I apologize for my slow reply, my boyfriend was online for an hour, so
I was busy speaking with him.
122k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/13(日) 02:03:50
By test in the performance related educations, I mean a representative
sample of what you are capable of doing. Such as paintings for
an art school educations, etc.
123名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/13(日) 02:13:38
Yuya said Erika's kiss tastes like peach.
Yukorin said her fart smells like vanilla.
124k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/13(日) 02:29:09
The former is far easier to achieve than the latter.
All Erika needs to do is to use peach-flavoured lip products, or
just chew on some peach-flavoured candy/chewing gum, or drink such a drink.
How Yukoring gets her farts vanilla scented... I don't really want to know,
nor do I think it's likely to be particularly healthy.
125名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/13(日) 02:37:27
I have half a mind to call you a genious.

Let's think of a good way of making human fart vanilla-scented.
126名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/13(日) 03:10:17
Have you ever made your kiss peachy?
127名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/13(日) 03:19:29
k-tan is really majime to answer such a question lol
128名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/13(日) 03:37:40
Most of us think fart smells like shit, but that doesn't apply to Yukorin's
fart, which is really aromatic.
129k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/13(日) 04:22:52
Majime? What does that mean? If it means bored, then yes :-p
Though there was no question, I was merely bored enough to
commented on a silly statement.

Let's not... As it really can't be healthy to make one's bowel
gases smell like pure vanilla. I think the yukorin fans would
get pretty upset if she found the suggestions for how to
carry the plan through and attempted any of them, dying in
the process.

Hmm... I don't I've ever used peach-flavoured lip balm, though I
like using fruity lipbalm. Melon, strawberry, cherry, pear, raspberry,
and vanilla are the different flavours of lip balm and gloss that I
remember using over the years (listed in no particular order).
Umm... And passion fruit, I think? I'm not too sure. A friend of mine
gave me that one.
130名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/13(日) 04:58:56
"Majime" means "serious".
131名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/13(日) 05:30:41
You call that silly? No way!
Erika's lips are thought to be peachy! No question about that.
132名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/13(日) 06:17:32
sawasiri has a face not special.
her inpropotional media expose is to do with
her influential talent agency and CHOSEN interest.
infamous director izutu inculcate incorrect,biased
history into her.
she put on airs and deludes herself.
she is only an ignorant uneducated banal teenager.
133名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/13(日) 06:25:01
it's doubtful that yagirayuya can possibly
be the one of any Johnnys's group.He is ugly and dokyun.
He admires oshio mamoru(another dokyun)

his talent agency is the most influential one.
it is said that buring production president subo was
a YAKUZA(japanese mafia)
134k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/13(日) 06:45:27
Ahh, thank you for explaining that to me. ^_^

The silliness didn't lie in stating that, but in connecting the two statements:
the peachiness of her lips with Yukorin's farts.
It isn't a particularly natural sounding mix, you know...
135名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/13(日) 07:36:45
Are you awake?
How does yukorin look to ordinary americans?
I want to know american male's taste for women.

japanese guys prefer angelic lolita girl.
yukorin still looks appealing to american guys?
136bernardo ◆D8OZ1FIlis :2006/08/13(日) 07:44:28
good morning and good evening world!
137k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/13(日) 07:53:48
Good morning! ^_^

Yes, I'm still awake. I might be so for yet another few hours.
I can't tell you what american's think. That might be stereotyping
it too far? I'm not sure. I think Yukorin is plain cute, but that's
me. There's also a difference between behaving in a cute and adorable
manner, and just being plain annoying. I've never seen Yukorin in
action, I've only seen some photos of her, so I don't know if she
crosses the border.
Oh... Wait, I forgot I could try to see if I find any vids of her on
youtube.. Is this her?:
138k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/13(日) 07:59:01
Hmm.. If this is her, then her singing voice isn't bad, but
quite unremarkable. But then again I've been told that her
quirky personality is the best bit about her. I have no idea.
139bernardo ◆D8OZ1FIlis :2006/08/13(日) 08:01:18
Hi! k-tan! *hugs*
Yeah! that's Yukorin. lol she's rather annoying type of girl.. lol
I wonder why she didn't play the Ranger girl' role yet...(Yellow or Pink
140名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/13(日) 08:11:43
absolutely,she is yukorin.

i think americans prefer more sexy,agressive, type
just like jenniffer love hewitt or paris hilton.

I don't know famous US celebrity like a yukolin.
To stretch a point ,yukolin is similar to MEG RYAN ,JENNIFER ANISTON.

They are cute and somewhat scatterbrained.
Still i feel there is a big diference.

some people may be abrobed in yukolin.
But he is a nerd otaku.
141k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/13(日) 08:11:58
...Power rangers are still running on TV?! O.o;;
Still? After almost two decades? o.O;;;;
142bernardo ◆D8OZ1FIlis :2006/08/13(日) 08:20:42
Yeah Power Ranger is still's like an endless TV program
but every year, under another form, Right now the one of the Ranger
series is Bokenger...

Jennifer and Meg Ryan are cute and also smart while Yukolin is not...
or maybe she's smart enough to show herself it's hard to explain.
143k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/13(日) 08:21:49
Paris Hilton? x_X;;
Meg Ryan is more attractive than Paris Hilton... My impression isn't
particularly positive, sadly. The impression I have is that she's
daddy's girl with a particular love for his wallet, a rich bimbo,
scatterbrained and just does whatever they can get away with.
I badly hope I'm mistaken.
Though I heard that she even got a manga made after her, in Japan...

More sexy, agressive women can be quite attractive, provided that
they're not airheads. But then again, that's just my opinion.
I like it when people aren't stupid and happy about it.
144k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/13(日) 08:27:33
To clarify... Paris Hilton = wallethungry bimbo, not Meg Ryan.

Wow.. I should watch some Power Rangers, at some point, I guess.
And yeah, my impression too is that they're smart.
Regarding Yukorin, I don't know. My impression is that she's
just playing along with the character she presents to the
outside world, but who knows. Perhaps I'm just overestimating her.
145名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/13(日) 08:32:26
>she's smart enough to show herself fool
I'm not one of her fan.
I bet she is acting deliberatly.
I see her cynically.
146k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/13(日) 08:41:10
While as I do think she's acting the way she does deliberately,
I don't think it requires a cynical point of view. The media
have never been a really good indicator of how things really are,
after all. People may be famous for one way/style, but that doesn't
mean they can't do/be other ways.
147名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/13(日) 08:41:42
Reiko Chiba was cult of otaku about 10years ago.
She is a mania of manga,anime,video games.

She played a role in one of ranger series.
148k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/13(日) 08:50:34
Ah, I see.
149名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/13(日) 08:57:14
It is very hard to express in English.
I also think that for foreigners it is very hard to get subtle
nuance frome Ogura yuko.Some feel attractive and others feel
Ogura yuko ranks top ten of most hated talent from women's view.
She is frequent one.
150k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/13(日) 08:59:14
Hm. She looks very unhappy and uncomfortable. I pity her.
151k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/13(日) 09:02:50
Oh? Which subtle nuances?
I'm guessing some women see her fanbase as a threat against people
finding women who do not act like 12 attractive, is that why they
dislike her?
152bernardo ◆D8OZ1FIlis :2006/08/13(日) 09:07:09
>I bet she is acting deliberatly.
I see her cynically.

lol Yeah, some girls are like that. I thought it's only in Japan
but one of my friends in Canada said there are some girls exist who act
just like Yukorin. So this trend(?) is
153名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/13(日) 09:08:50
To put it in a nutshell,it's a jealousy.
But not simple as it is.
You should also search the name of "tamao sato".
154bernardo ◆D8OZ1FIlis :2006/08/13(日) 09:10:17
opps my English was terrible...
○my friend in Canada said there are some similar girls who act
as Yukorin...

×my frinds in Canada said there are some girls exist who act...
155名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/13(日) 09:14:17
tamao sato is little different from yuko-type.
She is the fixed top of most-hated list.

YUki NAE is the predecessor in early 90's.

yukorin,tamao sato,yukinai, they have in common, but
have their own characteristic.
156k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/13(日) 09:16:17
Ah. Well, a lot of people discover that they gain advantages by behaving
in certain ways, and then utterly exploit that. Though did you mean
lolitaesque behaviour?

Confusing O.o;;
157bernardo ◆D8OZ1FIlis :2006/08/13(日) 09:18:53
Do you know this expression in Japanese "tennen"?
That's similar to Yukorin's deliberate character but more like
natural born silliness. "tennen" 天然is literally means "crude".
So someone who is born with a silly and natural and follow one's own path
kind of personality. But tennen people are not always stupid.
you can find tennen ppl more in the intellectual crowds.

Some people say I am "tennen". I would say most of my female girl
friends are tennen. So tennenxtennen makes us very out of the society
158k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/13(日) 09:18:59
159bernardo ◆D8OZ1FIlis :2006/08/13(日) 09:25:27
>Though did you mean
lolitaesque behaviour?

Yeah. Even the one shows rather innocent personality in front of men
even though she is just a normal girl. She even knows a lot of things
more than normal girls. the pretentious cutie. Are there many girls like
that in Sweden too?
160k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/13(日) 09:25:59
Oh, ah, I see. Interesting. :-)
161bernardo ◆D8OZ1FIlis :2006/08/13(日) 09:27:05

I used a lot of "even" some English errors...forgive me.
162名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/13(日) 09:29:26
I'm searching english word for 天然. lol

i think yukorin is a imposter.
ishihara marie and fujitani miyako are probably real.

ishihara marie is the originator of ぷっつん(puttun)女優(actress)

i think yamaguchi moe is real too.
At least she is not fulsome.
163k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/13(日) 09:31:12
I don't know, to be honest.
The people I hang out with display a pretty consistent character.
I think it's more common in Japan, as it seems that the focus
on that youth equals beauty/desirability is greater there.
Though, this is just my impression.
164k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/13(日) 09:34:19
Don't worry. At this point I'm so sleepy most minor errors to not
register in my brain. It's a pretty weird experience when you
misread things to become what they were intended to say.
Besides, not as if my own English is particularly good when I'm
in this state. I can't complain.
165名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/13(日) 09:34:27
I thought k-tan is in UK.
Because she uses british english? sometimes.

Is k-tan a swedish?
166bernardo ◆D8OZ1FIlis :2006/08/13(日) 09:34:52

Yeah, what you said is right. So Tennen is the real. Do you know
comedian, Jimmy Ohnishi? he is the genuine 100% tennen guy. lol
He is almost like retard but he is genius at the same time (he is a painter).
167名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/13(日) 09:35:40
He is between genius and idiot..
168bernardo ◆D8OZ1FIlis :2006/08/13(日) 09:38:34
lol yeah. but ppl used to think he is idiot until his real talent is
169k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/13(日) 09:39:08
I'm rather inconsistent when it comes to that... I have preferences
when it comes to single words, rather than a single style.
I favour color over colour, and favour over favor, etc.
I'm a Swede though, yes.

I've never heard of him before. Neat.
170名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/13(日) 09:42:22
But i don't like his paintings.
I like simple ones like yamashita kiyoshi's.
Yamashita kiyoshi is mentally ill.
He is an autistic person.

jimmy's paintings are so clattering.
just like peeping at his ill-confused mentality.
171k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/13(日) 09:43:56
Ahh, I see.
172名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/13(日) 09:45:15
I should use "was"
yamashita is deceased
173bernardo ◆D8OZ1FIlis :2006/08/13(日) 09:46:03
umm...well something that we, the normal ppl never able to express.
that's why it's awesome.
174bernardo ◆D8OZ1FIlis :2006/08/13(日) 09:52:38
so right are more than 3 people? or only 3....well nvm
175名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/13(日) 09:54:15
i recommend this. he is jimmy onishi.
He is an ex-comedian.

recently a man who sold his counterfeit got arrested.
176k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/13(日) 09:54:45

Well, 3 people minimum.
177k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/13(日) 09:55:39
Ah, thank you! I was having difficulties finding pages about him.
178school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/13(日) 09:56:25
lolz~~ *cough*
I'm here too! so hyper active XXXXDDDDDD dunno why!!! lolz~~
179k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/13(日) 09:57:47
Hm, sugar OD?
180名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/13(日) 10:01:32
Are you a returnee from abroad?
I wonder why you can use such colloquial,unformal
181school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/13(日) 10:06:05
*blinks* yep! sir! I am a returnee. lolz~~
182bernardo ◆D8OZ1FIlis :2006/08/13(日) 10:08:26

10 10 parts are esp funny!!! LOL
183school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/13(日) 10:10:13
*fall off a chair*
he's sooo cuuuuttiiieee! I like Jimmy ! LOLZ~~
184名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/13(日) 10:12:41
oh where are you from?
How is your school life?
Are you respected for your uniqueness
or distanced ?
185school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/13(日) 10:17:25
lolz~~sir you are sharp! lolz~~ I think both.*sweats*
both distanced and respected...umm not quite *shifty eye*
some friends love me very much. ^^ *grin*
186school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/13(日) 10:23:04
my life is full of Miyavi-kun...*drools*

Just im insane over him 24 hours...lolz~~other than that,
I'm studying or surfing...lolz~~
187名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/13(日) 10:23:26
Why do you love miyavi?
Many japanese women is making a fuss over hollywood stars
like johnny depp.
You don't like white americans?

miyavi is still a minor talent in japan.

miyavi is better than brat pit,johhny depp,....?
188school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/13(日) 10:31:54
*shifty eye*
hum..I just like him. He attracts me a lot. ^^
I used to like Johhny Depp, white guys...hehex but now...
Asian rules! ummm..bbbuuut I like
some white guys too. keke
189k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/13(日) 10:33:43
Why is it necessary to like a certain ethnicity, and not just some types of
character, regardless of ethnicity? Ethnicity has a lot less to do with
most celebrities than what some think.
190school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/13(日) 10:37:16
K-tan! *huggles* and other people here...but dunno who lolz~~ *hugs*

ummm...but I am too faithful to miyavi-kun. I can die for him..lolz
191gaijin ◆cjcO/40IKM :2006/08/13(日) 10:39:25
"ordinary" americans (or canadians like myself) aren't attracted to
the cute act that yukorin puts on. It looks silly. When trying to
get attention, most girls here try to look sexy and intelligent,
not cute and childish.

omg! the ending song from school rumble... that's funny.
192k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/13(日) 10:40:00
I never complained about your obsession for miyavi :-D
You can like him as much as you want, as long as you don't
stalk him.
193名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/13(日) 10:41:10
I just thoght people from abrod
tend to like people of their home town.
little surprising.
194k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/13(日) 10:44:13
Hm. Though, Sexy doesn't necessarily exclude cuteness.
However, it does exclude childishness.
195school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/13(日) 10:45:20
oh no~~...sorry k-tan. I shouldn't mention about ethnic stuff. I just love
miyavi-kun. that's all...sorry for my ignorance. *blush*
196school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/13(日) 10:49:03
nope. it my bf, I like Asian. but not for all the girls
I'm only talking about my case. *lolz* ^^;;
197k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/13(日) 10:49:09
..."Home town" makes it sound a bit too inbred...
But personally, I'm a lot more interested in people's personalities
than their nationality/ethnicity. I know far too well that someone
being of a certain ethnicity is no guarantee whatsoever for them
containing certain qualities. Though the culture where people
grew up does guarantee that they are aware of that culture,
regardless if they follow (some of) its conventions or not.

..Wait, what? School Rumble? That explains why the tune was so
oddly familiar. I couldn't place it, though.
198名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/13(日) 10:51:05
When I want to eat peach, should I kiss Erika?
199k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/13(日) 10:53:08
Most definitely not...
That would yield very scary results...
And possibly jail....

If you want to eat peaches, you should eat peaches.
When you want to taste peach-flavoured kisses, you could kiss Erika, if
she lets you.
200名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/13(日) 10:55:03
I once read on the web .
Americans were taiking about a certain japanese av(porn) actress.
They praised her beaty,especially her breasts and face.But they
were dissapointed about her shy,euphemistic moves.

They seemed to want more straight actions.
201school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/13(日) 10:57:29
LOLZ~~~you are reaalli funnie k-tan~~*clapssss* lolz~
202名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/13(日) 10:59:53
Who's that actress, by the way?
Erika is not a porno actress, though.
Her kiss tastes like peach.
203k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/13(日) 11:00:00
Hm.. What I've heard people complain about when it comes to Japanese
porn actresses are that they "sound like little girls being hurt" and that
they're stiff and show little enthusiasm. How true this is though, I don't
know. Is this really true?
204k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/13(日) 11:04:39
Good to see that at least someone gets some entertainment value
out of my posts here ;-)
205gaijin ◆cjcO/40IKM :2006/08/13(日) 11:08:23
Porn is something else entirely. An "ordinary" american could have a
preference for either the innocent child-like virgin, or the
experienced aggressive girl, or both. It doesn't really reflect on
what one looks for in a mate, as they're just fantasies.
206名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/13(日) 11:11:28

someone said just like this"i would pay one million dollar if i
could sleep with her"
207k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/13(日) 11:11:56
Though I agree with that what one desires may not be what one needs,
isn't what one prefers in fantasy connected to what one is may be looking
for in a partner, regardless of if it is wise or not?
208school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/13(日) 11:12:41
LOLZ~~ k-tan go go k-tan!
There are fewer restrictions on what people can talk about in this thread!
*whistles* *hides and peeks*
209名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/13(日) 11:17:49
japanese porn videos tend to be more roundabout.
men are teasing with words and Girls are more passive.

210名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/13(日) 11:20:23
oh! that's exactly what i want to express.
211k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/13(日) 11:20:39
Umm? "can"? Restrictions? Where? What? Confused and tired -_-;;
I was not aware of that there were some sort of restrictions about the
topic, as long as it in some way related to English, this being an
English board and all. But as we're conducting the conversation in
English, I thought that covered it.
212k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/13(日) 11:22:57
If you're >>209, then that is scary O.o;;
213gaijin ◆cjcO/40IKM :2006/08/13(日) 11:28:01
Sometimes that may be the case (pedos are easily distinguishable),
but porn is entertainment, and like any entertainment or fantasy
you have to switch things up to keep it unpredictable and
interesting - different characters and stories.

anyway, i have to go... neighbouring females invited me to a BBQ =P
214k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/13(日) 11:30:20
See you, have fun.
215名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/13(日) 11:36:04
I don't think watching the pantsu so much, but why
the guys prize a pantsu or pantira? It's just a cloth.
I can't understand. I can't understand Tashiro, too. what is the things to gain?
therefore, I can't understand the romantic comedy , ( )
and the pantsu mangas. It's just a cloth.

additionally, why do girls wear the clothes that can't cover their pantsu?
not but it, the girls make it the school uniforms? I approve it.
no, the reason why I like it is I can see the pantsu. because I feel it's something good.
I pretty love the schoolgirl uniform, and that kind of things.

no, the problem is the pantsu. not the schoolgirl uniform.

no,no, what I want to ask is why they wear the clothes that not cover the pantsu.
I approve it.

Sorry. I made mistakes. never mind.
216k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/13(日) 11:45:39
You've slightly confused me, but at this late hour it's no great feat.
Regarding why people may wear clothing that doesn't cover their underwear
well: perhaps due to comfort reasons, or because they enjoy teasing others,
hinting at things the onlooker may never get to see/experience except for
in their mind?

Regarding the comfort reasons: too long skirts can be annoying sometimes,
if they're not wide enough and one wants to have one's movements unobstructed.
217school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/13(日) 11:52:21
no...I mean I am still 16 so I just thought compare to English sites,
this place is fewer restrictions. But nvm. Pls continue! I want to
listen(read) your convo.

oh in da summer months, I don't want to wear something to cover my pants...lolz~~
but I normally do. lolz~~ you like schoolgirl's uniform? oh no~~pervert!
218k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/13(日) 12:20:59 "Cabin baggage ban hits musicians"
oww.. Poor musicians.
219k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/13(日) 12:30:24
Eh. I think it's sort of like comparing apples with oranges to compare
this BBS system with traditional western forum systems... Especially
while as the latter usually have a lot of mods, 2ch is generally
without moderation, to my knowledge. For instance, if someone's
trolling, it's seen as the responsibility of the other posters
to ignore the troll and carry on.
220名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/13(日) 12:38:38
i know you are pretty girl.
you don't know me.
but you will....
221k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/13(日) 12:45:53
222名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/13(日) 13:33:39
223名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/13(日) 15:30:00
Sometimes posts are replaced by あぼーん.
224Kouki:2006/08/13(日) 16:33:51
I found out that most people on the net are against Kameda Kouki,
who achieved the world-wide fame as a boxing champion.
They say it was a fixed match he won.
225名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/13(日) 17:41:23
World-wide fame? I've never heard of him. Then again, I doubt I know the name of a single boxer... LOL...
226名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/13(日) 17:42:15
Oh, wait... I know Mike Tyson and Muhammed Ali (he's dead, though)...
227名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/13(日) 17:44:00
Hahahahaha... I just realized his name is "Muhammad Ali" and he's not dead! Hahahaha...
228gaijin ◆cjcO/40IKM :2006/08/13(日) 17:53:15
"oh in da summer months, I don't want to wear something to cover my pants"

*bursts into nose bleed* oh... I see...
229名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/13(日) 18:01:58
But It was so exciting and impressive match!
Did you watch it? I did.
He's won. It's indefeasible. However we argue on the Internet world, it will make no use.
And on a few days later,Sakuraba's match in HERO was more unforgettable.
He has next one on coming day. Check it out^^
230名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/13(日) 20:45:36
Sakuraba is one of my favorite fighters
On the Internet you may say Sakuraba is week
hoxever,I think no other fighters are more fascinating than he
for example,even if he has been defeat over and over again,he try to confront his enemy without fear.
When I watch the spectacle,I feel immense power.

What his disposition do you like?
231k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/13(日) 21:04:37
232k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/13(日) 21:05:48
233k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/13(日) 21:34:14
Ah well, I'm off. See you all later.
234名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/13(日) 22:34:14
I dont know what that I feel is.
But dont you think he has something special :warm and humane?
I feel familiar to him and his action.
Bashfully say, I couldnt stop tears dropping ;)
235名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/14(月) 00:40:19
In turn Kameda Kouki
236名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/14(月) 00:43:48
237名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/14(月) 01:43:11 BE:770851687-2BP(0)
(・∀・)Come on!
238名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/14(月) 01:49:13 BE:550608285-2BP(0)
Today is Monday…
I have to go to the office…
239名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/14(月) 01:51:32
You should take a vaction for BONN.
Or your ancestor will miss you.
240名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/14(月) 01:55:13
i couldn't sleep!oh!my god!!
241名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/14(月) 01:58:59 BE:770851878-2BP(0)
I appreciate your kindness.
Well, I'll visit the grave of our family…

Why dont you join us! ( ・∀・)つ旦
242Kouki:2006/08/14(月) 02:02:31
It's just a figure of speach, you know.
But I guess his father would persist in telling us Kouki won a fair
match. hehe

Of course, I did. Plus we can watch the match again on youtube.

He's spectacular, yes. But do you know the cordinator of the k-1, Tanigawa
whatever his name is, was criticised becuase he didn't order the judge
to stop the fight when Sakuraba almost lost his consciousness? he would have
been in coma, or worst, dead.
243名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/14(月) 02:11:34
i don`t want to go office today
244名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/14(月) 02:11:52 BE:660729986-2BP(0)
You are familiar with martial arts. Don't you?
I'm not familiar, but I was impressed by Sakuraba's match.
245名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/14(月) 02:14:12 BE:867207997-2BP(0)

Oh…You think so too…
( ・∀・)つ

Actually, it is high time for me to go to bed…
246Kouki:2006/08/14(月) 02:23:12
Well, I'm not sure if I'm very familiar, but yes, I love to
see k-1, boxing, Pride (which isn't supposed to be on the air any more),
and what not. And I admit the match was really dramatic.
He flew to Brazil in order to hone his fighting skills.
That's really impressive. He knows what he does.
247>>230です:2006/08/14(月) 02:23:41
if Sakuraba have been coma or dead in the fight,he had wouldnt give up defeating his enemy.
His fighting style moves everyone.
248Kouki:2006/08/14(月) 02:24:25
Have a good night! See you again sometime.
249名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/14(月) 02:29:13 BE:55061322-2BP(0)
I'm still here(・∀・)
I had too much coffee…
250Kouki:2006/08/14(月) 02:33:31
Just to make my position clear, I didn't say the match was good.

Tanigawa replied to the criticism that he should've made a
clear rule whether to stop a match when a fighter loses consciousness,
and also said that it was really difficult to make such a rule,
especially if a fighter keeps standing or something. It's a case-by-case
basis whether or not a match should be continued.
251Kouki:2006/08/14(月) 02:36:11
I'm sorry,
let me correct myself: I didn't say the match was NOT good.
252名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/14(月) 08:39:49
Erika's kiss tastes like peach, while Yukorin's fart smells like vanilla.月) 10:07:44 BE:156216825-2BP(0)
test月) 10:11:06 BE:390540555-2BP(0)
Ohhhh looks like it got back to normal goodie...
255merkin:2006/08/14(月) 11:03:26
My continuing adventures in Tokyo:

in the past week I've been approached, at random, by three people wanting to talk to me:
a cute young woman who saw I had my tokyo map out and was wondering if I was lost;
a person from Ohio, USA who was wondering if I was also going to Comiket (I was);
and some guy in Akiba who asked if I knew english, and then begged me for 500yen.

I'm an extra-scary gaijin, I guess.
256名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/14(月) 11:05:17
257school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/14(月) 11:27:15 BE:765458977-2BP(0)

lolz~~should I eat spaghetti or ramen...that is the question....lolz~~
258school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/14(月) 11:50:41 BE:281190029-2BP(0)
lolz~~I mean I just follow Miyavi-kun's order...lolz..coz I'm his slave awww
259Kouki:2006/08/14(月) 11:52:49

Hmm, I thought you dyed your hair purple.
By the way, Comiket made news. I watched it on today's news report this morning.
It said there were not a few people from overseas coming to the place.

>some guy in Akiba who asked if I knew english, and then begged me for 500yen.
That's crazy of him! Did he also seem from an English speaking country or Japanese?

I would go for Ramen!
By the way, what's that blue colored numebers and alphabets opposite to the time?
260school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/14(月) 12:00:36 BE:312432454-2BP(0)
thanks! then I go for Ramen! loz hell you don't know what you wanna eat?
(hitori tsukkomi) lolz~~

I dunno. this blue thing there....all of a sudden it appeared...>,<
oh I couldn't post until some mysteries...*ponders* XXDD
261Kouki:2006/08/14(月) 12:08:16
I see.

About the Miyavi guy, he looks sort of like Kamenashi from Kat-tun, doesn't he?
I think I can't tell them apart if they both put make-up on their faces, can you?

Ramen is one of my favorite food. hehe
Soy-sauce flavored one is tasty, but that's me.
262Kouki:2006/08/14(月) 12:18:17
>I couldn't post until now
Ah, the same thing happens to me sometimes. I don't know why, though.
For what it's worth, the guidelines of 2ch may tell you
why you couldn't post:
263school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/14(月) 12:32:45 BE:328053773-2BP(0)
lolz~~oh Kamenashi? YEAH! I like him too! well he didn't attarct me
at first but only recently...humm....but I think Miyavi-kun is the one and only! *faints*

Yep Shouyu! Shio Tonkotsu! My favo is shouyu too! *yum yum* XXXDDDD

Yeah, I think some providers said I am only allowed maybe it happens saaaaddddd.....T_T
264Kouki:2006/08/14(月) 12:42:42
A sudden and torrential shower has poured where I am.
I don't know exctly how to spell it out, but it's like

Have you already eat it?

>maybe it happens again
I hope not.
265school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/14(月) 12:56:56 BE:702972959-2BP(0)
lolz~~I just finished my Ramen...gochisosama!! instant ramen with an special egg lolz~~

LOLZ~~ you mean "squall"? scal is scall is something you like! lolz lolz~~
*can't stop laughing*

Yeah I hope not but when it happens it happens...T_T..
266Kouki:2006/08/14(月) 13:08:15
Oh, "squall". Thanks. Yes, that's it.
It's cleared up now, though.

>an special egg
I guess it's boiled, seasoned with soy-sauce, right?
I really like that!

Well, now that you've finished ramen, I'll have spaghetti for lunch.
267school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/14(月) 13:15:23 BE:468648656-2BP(0)
Yeah.....mmm....*blush a lil* lolz~~~bona peti!(Idon't know how to spell...) >,<
268merkin:2006/08/14(月) 14:11:41
Yeah, my hair's still purple. And I have a nostril ring.
I suppose that's too weird for lots of people.
I didn't see all that many foreigners at comiket - unless you count
"more than ten" as a lot.

The guy begging for money was oriental, and couldn't speak english very
well. Don't know what was up with that - maybe he was related to the
korean/chinese/vietnamese/whatever cellphone hustlers a few blocks
up the road, up to no good.
269gaijin ◆cjcO/40IKM :2006/08/14(月) 14:17:44
hehe, it's "bon appetit"
270gaijin ◆cjcO/40IKM :2006/08/14(月) 14:19:46
what are you doing in Japan? studying/working?
271名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/14(月) 15:06:45
A purple hair with a nostril ring.

Surely my grandma would go mad if I were you
272school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/14(月) 17:42:55 BE:702972195-2BP(0)
ah! Thanks gaijin-san! *grin*

wow!^^ so you have purple hair and nostril ring? I wanna try once in my life!
*too quiet here today....zzzzzz* but nyanya I'm too happy lolz~~
273school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/14(月) 17:44:29 BE:156216252-2BP(0)
○life time
274merkin:2006/08/14(月) 19:43:36
I'm on vacation (but they had me come into the Tokyo office to fix some
things, bah.) Comiket was the main excuse I had for coming over here, but
I've wanted to visit for quite a while. I'm wondering if tonight I should visit
one of the onsen.

One of the nice things about being in the (American) tech industry is that
you can be as bizarre as you like, as long as the work gets done. For
instance, my boss is highly respected within the company - and she also
has purple hair.
275k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/14(月) 20:14:21
Ah, neat, my boyfriend was at Comiket too.
At what days did you attend?

What shade of purple? ;-)
276名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/14(月) 20:19:04
When will you tell me the color of your panties, k-tan?
277名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/14(月) 20:21:53
278k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/14(月) 20:48:05
You make it sound as if I only own one pair :-p

...Um. why did you link to that ebaumsworldized image? :-/
I suggest that the next time you grab a fresh copy of an image you
want to link to, and upload it to photobucket, or imageshack, or
whatever really instead. Or just go get some AA to post instead. That
works too.
279k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/14(月) 20:54:57
I'm assuming everyone has heard of this:;_ylt=AvT8F24WzWEcyYsQm7lv6MGs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA2Z2szazkxBHNlYwN0bQ--

And my boyfriend's flying home tomorrow, with one layover at Heathrow airport...
I pity him...
280k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/14(月) 21:20:05
Hm. Time to scamper off for a while. Bye all.
281Kouki:2006/08/14(月) 23:26:03
Yikes! The photo of your passport may look really vivid.

The scary news has reached Japan as well, of course.
As a matter of fact, they have tightened security for Japan-US and UK flights.

Oh, your boyfriend's suppposed to be stuck at the airport and Japan's narita
airport.. Hmm bad timing. But happy for you. You didn't see him for a long while,
did you?
282ながい○いこ膀胱○猫浜フランス:2006/08/14(月) 23:27:20
○浜本校OICEスケジュール(中国語) ながい○いこさん
月:OFF 火:14:15-17:40 水:OFF 木:OFF 金:19:30-21:00 土:OFF
(Jun 25, 2006 01:54:13 PM)

○浜本校OICEスケジュール(ドイツ語) ながい○いこさん
月:OFF 火:OFF 水:OFF 木:14:15-16:50 金:OFF 土:14:15-15:55 TOPIC
日:15:50-17:20 Club7
(Jun 25, 2006 01:52:56 PM)

○浜本校OICEスケジュール(フランス語) ながい○いこさん
月:17:00-19:20 Club7, 19:30-21:00 Free 火:OFF 水:14:15-18:30 TOPIC or Free 木:17:00-20-10 TOPIC or Free
金:OFF 土:16:05-18:30 HIGH LEVEL 日:OFF (Jun 25, 2006 01:51:10 PM)
283school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/14(月) 23:58:33 BE:421784339-2BP(0)
Hi! *blinks* I was sleeping on the keyboard...~_~;
284Kouki:2006/08/15(火) 00:04:59
Did you hunch over it?
I don't think it was refreshing. Are you alright?
285school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/15(火) 00:08:46 BE:562377694-2BP(0)
lolz~~^not exactly over the keyboard but fallen asleep on the desk...
thanks...kouki..lolz~~ ^^
286Kouki:2006/08/15(火) 00:12:18
I see.

As for me, I can't sleep on my stomach, though.
287名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 00:13:16 BE:619434195-2BP(0)

By the way, what does "?2BP(0)" mean?
Anybody knows that?
288school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/15(火) 00:13:58 BE:843567269-2BP(0)
but I'm too crazy over miyavi...all I think is about him...maybe
I'll stalk him during my summer you think it's a good
idea? lolz~~ so that I can be happier than now...^^;;
289school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/15(火) 00:15:31 BE:702972195-2BP(0)
HEY!!! I was about to ask somebody about that too!!!
I saw your posts and you also have that number WHY??? LOLZ~~
what is your provider? dion? *shifty eye* lolz~~
290school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/15(火) 00:17:13 BE:124973524-2BP(0)
291Kouki:2006/08/15(火) 00:20:07
I'm afraid I don't.
I googled it and the results are:
"?2BP(0)" の検索結果 約 41,600 件中 1 - 10 件目 (0.08 秒)
292名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 00:22:13 BE:495547294-2BP(0)
My provider is "Fiberbit"
It is one of the subsidary providers of TEPCO.
Is it a kind of restraint?

293school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/15(火) 00:24:01 BE:546756757-2BP(0)
Thanks Kouki. there are some other numbers as well.. dunno what those are...lolz~
but it is annoying...=_=;;
294Kouki:2006/08/15(火) 00:25:22
Oy, you sometimes jump to another topic. lol
295名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 00:25:47 BE:440487348-2BP(0)
My provider is "Fiberbit"
It is one of the subsidary providers of TEPCO.
Is it a kind of restraint?

296school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/15(火) 00:27:11 BE:562378166-2BP(0)
Yeah, it caused by an electrical power failure yesterday or
some other reason...which I really don't know what that is...lolz~~^^;
297名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 00:27:17 BE:289070137-2BP(0)
Sorry for my multi…
298名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 00:29:19 BE:192713827-2BP(0)
I think this phenomenon started about five days ago…
So there is no association with the electrical power failure.
299k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/15(火) 00:31:38
Genuinely stalking him would be a very bad idea...
Though it would probably a really good idea to join official fanclubs of
his. I hear official fanclubs get perks and such. Perhaps if the club
arranges a trip to some concert, you might get to see him backstage?
Some celebrities do such things for their official fanclubs.
300school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/15(火) 00:31:38 BE:765458977-2BP(0)
I know lolz~~girls are good at it. *sniff* from the right brain to the left
brain....anywayz...*dies* really seriously sick...I mean insane
over him. *sniff* so I'll probably stalk him 24 hours. until I'll be caught
officially....lolz~~ don't blame meeee~~~~that's his fault! he's too hawwwwwttt! *dies*
301school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/15(火) 00:34:31 BE:562378166-2BP(0)
REALLY? but from today, this phenomenan started to me...dunno weired..*shivers*

I'm alreay in his fanclub. lolz~~k-tan! thanks I'm only insane over him but I'm
a normal girl I think...lolz~~
302名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 00:37:22 BE:165183034-2BP(0)
Oh… So there is a difference among some providers…
Anyway, it is a eyesore!
303k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/15(火) 00:39:55
Oh? Neat. Does the fanclub arrange any events?
304Kouki:2006/08/15(火) 00:41:22
I would read this website if I were you:

I'm not sure what "BE points" mean, though it seems they have got
to do with your ?2BP(0) thing.
305school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/15(火) 00:42:23 BE:140594933-2BP(0)
yeah, really annoying..

but if you take a look at that 規制解除要望people there....many ppl
are with the blue number that we have...lolz~~ X.X
306school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/15(火) 00:51:00 BE:187459362-2BP(0)
Thanks Kouki!! ^^

OH maybe わかった!!!

that's the 人気 (how popular you are) point. *shakes head x 5* I've read it'll gain that point
but people's vote..but I don't know why I got that point all of a suden!
I've never requested that! >.<
307school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/15(火) 00:53:39 BE:624864285-2BP(0)
Yeah! the fan club has some events. lolz~~
308k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/15(火) 00:57:17
I'm amused.
Apparently pink is the official color for my education in my university.
309Kouki:2006/08/15(火) 00:57:46
Don't mention it.

I'll vote for you if you tell me where I should do that. lol
310school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/15(火) 00:58:05 BE:249946728-2BP(0)
anywayz....1 bed time...good nite! *hugs* nice talking to you people!

OMGz!!! 4 posts in a row !!! and MAYBE I'M ALL ALONE HERE!! nobody's here anymore!!!
OMG OMG!!! T_T.....*chirps*
311名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 00:59:09
k-tan wears pink panties?
312school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/15(火) 01:00:54 BE:234324735-2BP(0)
oh were still here....ppl might think I am insane and
too hyper...T_T...I'll be more quiet from tomorrow and save my energy
for miyavi-kun....*dies* Thanks Kouki *huggles*(ehehex)*blusher*
313Kouki:2006/08/15(火) 01:00:55
Hmm, pink reminds me of cherry blossom and spring.
314Kouki:2006/08/15(火) 01:08:06
Take it easy. No harm done. It couldn't hurt if you talk about
the guy.
315Kouki:2006/08/15(火) 01:09:30
Good night.
316k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/15(火) 01:10:53
Sweet dreams *hugs*

That too, apart from being a stereotype girly color.
Computer science isn't exactly anything I'd associate with those things.

Not currently, no :-p
317名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 01:17:17
k-tan doesn't wear panties.
That's her principle of life.
318Kouki:2006/08/15(火) 01:19:29
And you wear panties on your face? lol
319k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/15(火) 01:20:50
Hehh.. That's just wishful thinking from your side.
320名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 01:26:17
k-tan has penis.
321Kouki:2006/08/15(火) 01:35:38
My internet connection is often cut even when I don't mean to.
It's not stable. Really frustrating.
322名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 01:36:03 BE:578138876-2BP(0)
Innovative BBS was born!!

In this BBS, you can have your writings castigated for free of charge.
You can pay by castigating others' writing in your mother tongue.
This BBS was founded in order to improve language skills of each other around the world!!
323k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/15(火) 01:41:43
Wishful thinking from your side too... Sorry to dissapoint you, I'm
not a shemale nor a hermaphrodite.

=( I know too well what that's like. I hope things will get better for you

Hm. Interesting. Though castigation is a bit too... Severe and negative...
I'd rather visit more friendly places to get sentences and habits
constructively criticized, rather than flamed.
324Kouki:2006/08/15(火) 01:47:16
Thanks. I'll take a look later.
I don't know what the verb "castigate" mean(I'll do some quick search later),
but you mean we can "donate" money by doing something in our mother tougue?

Ahhh, as I said my internet connection got out of hand! Why can't I post
more smoothly? --;
325gaijin ◆cjcO/40IKM :2006/08/15(火) 01:51:11
"ppl might think I am insane and too hyper"

I don't know how you even manage to compose yourself at the keyboard
to type your messages ^^;
326k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/15(火) 02:24:07
Random amusing show: Adam & Joe Go Tokyo. They try to make it big in Japan,
the goal is to becoming celebrities within 8 weeks.

Pages about the show:

The Big In Japan clips: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
(missing) Part 7 Part 8

Random more Adam & Joe: Top 5 mobile phone accessories

I'm off, though. Need to get some things done.
327Kouki:2006/08/15(火) 06:16:47
I'll check it out.
This video is really hilarious. I couldn't help laughing out..
From the appearances of the girls on the video, I'm guessing
it is at least 20 years old.
328k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/15(火) 06:35:07
I greatly pity the fact that I do not know Japanese...
Nevertheless, it's hilarious... :-D
I sincerely hope it's not a serious clip.
329Kouki:2006/08/15(火) 07:00:31
No, not at all. But I must've thought some people don't like the scene
where a guy holds a girl from behind (though not serious, IMO)
What I found funny was just the "take anything you want" dance..

Anyway, I watched part 1 of The Big In Japan.
I felt kinda ashamed. Japanese people easily get enshusiastic,
I admit. ^^
330Kouki:2006/08/15(火) 08:02:36
Prime minister Koizumi has paid a visit to the Yasukuni shrine.
Every Japanese TV networks are reporting the news now.
331Kouki:2006/08/15(火) 08:04:38
Ah, grammar..
Every J-TV network is broadcasting it.
332school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/15(火) 08:24:56 BE:749837186-2BP(0)
Morning! Ehhhhh oui Yasukuni mondai whole day.X.X They really like
to talk about it...WWII eikyuu senpan etc...*back away slowly*

lolz~~WAHAHA! but I think that's an old video *doubts*

>gaijin-san~~ lolz~ @.@?really am I?? lolz~
333k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/15(火) 08:28:28
Don't feel ashamed, I'm willing to bet good money on that you could do
the exact same thing in any other famous big city in the world
(for instance New York, or London) and get the same results. :-)
People who are used to celebrities popping around all the time
usually become like that.
334Kouki:2006/08/15(火) 09:23:03

The music and rythm's still in my head.

Yeah, perhaps.

By the way, the Kanou sisters on part 2 of the show are bogus celebrities...
They are not real sisters, but a unit. I don't understand why the media
adore them.
335名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 09:30:35
You mean they have been fake from the beginning of their appearance on
the mass media?
336Kouki:2006/08/15(火) 09:35:09
Nearly. Do you believe what they say?
337school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/15(火) 09:39:16 BE:218702472-2BP(0)
lolz~ This is the B point system...ah...annyoing...(;;)
338Kouki:2006/08/15(火) 09:45:10
Did you read this line?

If you think it annoying, isn't it wise to log out from
what's called "Be"? I'm not sure if you intended to
log in to it, though.
339k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/15(火) 10:00:47
Ah, I see.
340k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/15(火) 10:07:35
i should go sleep -__-;;;;;
bye, all.
341school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/15(火) 10:09:40 BE:468648656-2BP(0)
Thanks Kouki....but I don't know I've ever login from Be thinggy...o_o
342school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/15(火) 10:12:54
lolz~ Thaks Kouki...I logout just now...I guess....^^;;
343school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/15(火) 10:14:49
ohhhh IT WORKED!!! silly I was...lolz! but I appreciate Kouki
I give you whatever you want from me lolz~~ (^^)/
344Kouki:2006/08/15(火) 10:20:38
You seem tired. Sleep tight and have a good dream. See you later.

I wish I were of help, but hmmm, I don't know...
Did you resister it?
345Kouki:2006/08/15(火) 10:22:37
Oh, you did it.

Then, I want you to do a lot of "take anything you want" dancing.
346Kouki:2006/08/15(火) 10:24:13
I'm going to be off. See you later.~
347school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/15(火) 10:27:57
LOLZ~~ what is that? lolz~~ ok now I am dancing!! *dances*
my little bros said I am insane...oh nvm lolz~~
they already think I am insane lolz~~

( ・∀・)つ <-----this guy should do the same! lolz~~ but he's not around...lolz~~
348Kouki:2006/08/15(火) 14:55:53
Oh, I was just kidding.^^
349名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 15:44:19
I am trying to find a good chat via ICQ random chat.
350名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 15:58:28
What does ICQ stand for?
351名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 15:59:50
it is famous instant message programm.
352名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 16:03:41
I seek U
353名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 16:04:59
Ok, but what does ICQ stand for?
354名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 16:06:56
read >>352
355名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 16:08:34
356school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/15(火) 16:15:08
LOLZ~^ you were kidding? but I seriously danced for u! lolz~~

♪(((*^-^)八(^∇^*)))♪ deance dance!
357名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 16:15:09
do you want to have a chat in english
lets talk about something!!!
358名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 16:16:37
I am trying to find a chat via ICQ but no one answers me ;_;
359名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 16:18:35
I feel shyness
360名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 16:20:44
hey school girl
do you have any exams???
361名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 16:22:27
Repeat after me.

Yukorin's fart smells like vanilla.
Erika's kiss tastes like peach.
362名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 16:24:40
no thnx!!!
363名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 16:24:53
Next sentence.

My angel Maki chan has two wings on her back.

Say this 3 times.
364名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 16:26:38
Then comes a next sample.

Emma Watson is meant for me.

Say this 3 times.
365名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 16:26:46
do you have ICQ number??
366名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 16:27:33
Yes sure!

I want to try this it like a msn messenger?
367名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 16:28:55
I'm going to install it into my pc...but is it a private chat software?
368名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 16:31:41
how is the weather???
369名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 16:32:32
yes it is
370名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 16:33:30
I am eating an apple. it is a bit sour ;_;
371名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 16:37:01
nobody answering me on that ICQ programm
372名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 16:38:01
OK! I'll try to install it! and will see what happen!

hot enough for geckos to play around my room lol
373名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 16:39:21
Here it goes...
Yukorin's fart smells like vanilla.
Erika's kiss tastes like peach.
374名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 16:42:40
it is time for masturbation
375名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 16:47:59
the box popped up on the right handed side...
then how to included people here?
376名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 16:49:27
Contacts -> find and add contacts
377名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 16:49:45
Are you Yukorin's fan as well?
378名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 16:52:32
AHAHAHAHAHA easy! I added now! ^^ thanks
379名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 16:53:01
is it works?
380名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 16:55:02
No it isn't works.
381名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 16:55:57
what happened???
it not work for me too!!! people dont answer me!!! I wait but nothing happens
382名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 16:56:12
Yeah! well I added my friend there but the person is not online..
or this person does not exist?
383名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 16:56:43
I don't think fart smells so good.
It always smells of shit or nothing.
384名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 16:59:17
 .i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i     ;,,_,,;;;;;;;;,,..;_   、     ,.__..,;_,,,;;;,,;;;;;;;;__,,___  ....;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
:!;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;フ;'"゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙~~ ̄゛  `!i、            ̄´  ̄ .`''‐  i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  幼稚な単語を並べて書いておけば、
. l;;;;;;;;;彡;;;;;ゝ .if'=====ー゙  ::          ,.========r    ゙i;|.l;;;;;;;;;;   
 ヽ;;ノ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  .`''`-ヽ--''゙゙゙  ;;         '゙ゝヽ-ノ-‐'゙´   ;.i;;;;;;i.フ;;;;;;l  Yeah, I am making myself understood!
    ゙l;;;;;;;;;;;;`、         ,!                   : ,、|ll/ ;;;;;;;;r" 
    i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;l、           /   ;:;:              :.゛゛:l ;;;;;;;;./
     '';;;;;;;;;;;;;i         i;;;;;;.;:;:;;;;;;;:                 .i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;   
       /;;;ゝ       ./´:::: ´;:;:;;;;;;                ,!;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i   そんなふうに考えていた
        ミ;;;;'!       .ヽ;;、_;.::__::::;;::              /;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;!  
    : 、.-、/;;;|l            `;:;:;:               ,.ノ.::: :lく;;;;;;;;l゙゙′  時期が、ワタスにもありますた。
    ''";;;;;;;;;;;;;'l、     .,,   :::::::::___   ・         ,'" ::::::  .ヽ;;;;;丶;
     ;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ヽ,    ゙゙--= ゙̄~゛`''>,,._,..,r;"      ,,l゙ ::::::::::::   i;;;;;;
     .`";'"゙;;;;;;;;;;;;;i、    ヽ_ ゙̄ ̄゛_、        __r:::::::::::::::::    ヽ
          ;;.'ミ;;;;;;;;;:'.、    ゙゙゙゙"'''"~        ‐""::::::::::::::::::::
385名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 16:59:43
you should add another person
386名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 17:01:44
I added two if I put whatever the name, they can
search that person and I can add them? lol...
387名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 17:03:00
yeah !!! do they answer you???
388school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/15(火) 17:05:00
lolz~~he came back.*shivers* He must have gone for a while.lolz~
He must have returned to his hometown. X.X lolz...he is a human being! lolz~
389名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 17:06:39
hey school girl
arent you worrying because of exams???
390名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 17:07:41
Nah! none of them are online.....there are numbers under my name..
do you want to know that number? then you can contact me? lol you wanna
try? lol
391名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 17:10:51
ok! give me your number!!!
392名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 17:10:58
You are such a freak!
393名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 17:12:31
Why me? It's common knowledge.
394school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/15(火) 17:12:57
lolz~~ I'm still juken is still way ahead for meee...lolz~
or I just become a hair stylist...lolz~ ^^ and later translator...lolz~~
395386:2006/08/15(火) 17:15:26
But hey this ICQsystem is dangerous...I mean no security...
if someone find my name cute? they just can add my name
and talk with me, right? well I don't mind though...
396名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 17:16:23
you can add autorization
that means no one can talk with u until you autorize them
397386:2006/08/15(火) 17:19:10
>>396 it. BTW you could find me by any chance? lol
398386:2006/08/15(火) 17:20:39
399名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 17:22:07
no!! how it is possible?
400名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 17:22:52
Feel my fart.
401名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 17:23:14
I sented an autorization request to you!!!
402386:2006/08/15(火) 17:29:40
Yeah! I got it now! strange...I am talking to a russian
so you were a russian? OMG...

403名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 17:31:09
Oh, you recieved my fartful massage?
404386:2006/08/15(火) 17:34:06
what is that? ummm.....too
405school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/15(火) 17:40:04
lolz~~ what is that ICQ? I maybe try it then! lolz~~~ I wanna talk to
k-tan and bernardo. lolz~~~ ^^
406名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 18:27:34
ふたなりis very popular in japan.
Or at least, it's more visible.
407名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 18:44:25
well I think I will go to study!!! see you later!!!
408school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/15(火) 18:46:17

k-tan is from sweden. Very liberalized country.

futanari? I've never seen such a person in my it common here?
409school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/15(火) 18:47:14
futanari...sounds weird to mee...*shifty eye* anyone can
explain to me what it is? lolz~~
410Kouki:2006/08/15(火) 19:48:06
What's ふたなり? I've never heard of it, but
I guess it's some visible material.
411名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 20:08:52
>>409 >>410
That word means the one with both male and female generative organs.
412名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 20:09:43
futanari means persons have sexual organs both male and female.
413名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 20:11:08
You shall go to 猥談's thread if you talk about sexual something.
414k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/15(火) 20:15:54
415 ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2006/08/15(火) 20:18:35
"Heh" sounds like Japanese word for "fart."
416k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/15(火) 20:36:09
Oh really? How is it spelled?
417 ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2006/08/15(火) 20:46:31
_| ̄|○
418k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/15(火) 20:47:59
What? Why the orz?
419 ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2006/08/15(火) 21:01:41
○| ̄|_
420k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/15(火) 21:05:07
You enjoy confusing me, don't you.
421 ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2006/08/15(火) 21:06:04
        / /|)
        | ̄|
         / /
422k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/15(火) 21:08:48
So, could you please answer >>416 ?
423 ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2006/08/15(火) 21:09:15

  _| ̄|○ <し

    __○  |
   ノ) /|  <し

  \_○  |
  ノ  /|  <し

     \/ \○
      |○  |
      /|  <し

      |/ \○
      |○  |
      /|  <し

       (      ○」
     _/ ̄   「/
      ノ○   />
424名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 21:09:16
425k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/15(火) 21:11:55
I guess not.

Hi! ^_^
426名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 21:12:38
que haceis todos?
427k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/15(火) 21:13:15
428 ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2006/08/15(火) 21:14:46
You can't spell it.
You can smell it.
429名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 21:34:13
what are you guys talking about now?
430k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/15(火) 21:37:37
Nothing, really. Though I have to go soon.
431名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 21:39:09
well what is your score of toeic
432k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/15(火) 21:43:05
Um.. I've never taken it. So, I wouldn't know.
433名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 21:44:23
then what about EIKEN?
434k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/15(火) 21:47:09
Um.. I'm confused.
I'm assuming that you're not referring to
435k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/15(火) 21:48:22
oh, this?
No, I've never taken it.
436k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/15(火) 21:50:48
I haven't taken any English language proficiency tests, though I'm
likely to take IELTS within a few years.
437名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 21:52:27
gonna study abroad?
then you needa take toefkl
438 ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2006/08/15(火) 21:52:47
You like wikipedia, do you . . .
439k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/15(火) 21:58:51
No, I was planning to stay put and study here in Sweden. Though
possibly try to do some year in UK if my boyfriend still will
be studying there and not in Japan.

I blame my boyfriend. He's a wikiholic. It's rubbed off on me a little,
I guess.
440名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 22:13:20
k-tan , be naked and send me una foto porfavor
441 ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2006/08/15(火) 22:18:08

   〃∩ ∧_∧
   ⊂⌒(  ・ω・) Hmm
        ⌒ ⌒
442k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/15(火) 22:28:13
To quote Santa Claus in one of the songs the band Tyskarna från Lund made:
"Kein paket! Ho-ho-ho!"
443k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/15(火) 22:48:44
It feels a bit like late autumn... Odd..
444名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 23:05:51
is it cool there? here is still hot...
445k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/15(火) 23:16:11
It's around 17-18 degrees Celcius, 73% humidity,
as well as cloudy and rainy outside. But it's colder than
that in my room.
446k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/15(火) 23:27:32
447名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 23:28:05
I wanna sex with k-tan in that cool room.
448名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 23:38:29
Oh that's cool!! here is still above 30degrees. We can't sleep without
an aircon.
449名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/15(火) 23:41:32
450k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/15(火) 23:56:49
That sounds about as fun as having sex with an ice cube. :-p
My room is far too cold for my liking, I've gotten far too used to the
hot temperatures this summer. I'm even wearing double layer shirts
right now. Though the scarf I'm wearing just because of my cold, and
that my throat is hurting a bit.
I feel wussy. I used to wear just a t-shirt and a thin jacket on my
upper body in the middle of winter before. =( Now I can't take this
"high" temperature without freezing. -_-;;
451 ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2006/08/16(水) 00:00:26
(´-`).。oO( I think you should take a nap.
452k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/16(水) 00:01:36
453k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/16(水) 00:02:43
Eh, I've slept too much already... I need to get things done -__-;;
Like studying for the math test next week.
454 ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2006/08/16(水) 00:04:10
(´-`).。oO( I think you are lying.
455名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/16(水) 00:05:10
It's gotten humid here again, although the temperature isn't as
hot as it has been previously.

Of course, having good air conditioning at work helps. Now if only
applying for grad school was this easy...
456k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/16(水) 00:09:44
457 ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2006/08/16(水) 00:12:46
Do you have a blog of your own?
458名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/16(水) 00:25:50
>>Mr Hell/6W/Cs
are you Japanese?
459k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/16(水) 00:28:24
Lying regarding what?
Ahh. I wish you luck.
Yesno. I have an old one, which is fairly pointless and crappy. I'm
going to get a new one at one point soon, one where I'll be blogging
about my education somewhat as well as other topics.
460 ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2006/08/16(水) 00:29:08
461 ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2006/08/16(水) 00:32:30
Will you tell us when you started blogging again?
I want to visit and leave some absurd comments religeously.
462k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/16(水) 00:33:00
Have you ever seen the movie Mars Attacks? :-D
463k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/16(水) 00:34:03
Hehh, that sounds fun ^_^
Sure thing.
464k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/16(水) 00:36:18
Hmm... Does anyone know of any good, free blog-services? There's always
LiveJournal, but I'm not so certain if I want to use that one,
though I know it's good.
Was contemplating Wordpress, but I don't know how good they are.
465 ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2006/08/16(水) 00:36:19
I'm listening to Keith Jarrett right now.
Standards, Vol 2.
His moan-like humming bugs me.
466 ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2006/08/16(水) 00:37:41
The one with young Natalie Portman in it?
No I haven't seen it yet.
Is it any good?
467k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/16(水) 00:39:08
O.o That sounds odd.
It started raining again, so I put on "Rain is falling" by
Electric Light Orchestra, just for the heck of it.
468 ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2006/08/16(水) 00:42:32
I don't know anything about blog services outside Japan.
Is it preferable that it supports non-Roman characters like kanji?
469 ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2006/08/16(水) 00:44:34
The thermometer in my room says it's twenty-eight degrees Celcius.
470k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/16(水) 00:47:13
..Natalie Portman was in it? I didn't notice... But then again
I saw that movie before I noticed her.
The movie is silly and amusing, so I liked it.
471 ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2006/08/16(水) 00:48:09
(´-`).。oO( I think you are lying again.
472k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/16(水) 00:49:21
Yes, it has to be able to handle such things, though I will be
blogging mainly in English.

Ah, wow. I'm not sure if that's a good or a bad thing.
473 ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2006/08/16(水) 00:52:16
I don't know nothing about anything.
474k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/16(水) 00:53:53
And once again, I have to ask this: What do you think I'm lying about?
Mars Attacks came out before Star Wars 1-3. I have yet to see Leon (sadly),
so I didn't commit her name nor face to my memory before her role in Star Wars.
475 ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2006/08/16(水) 00:55:26
(´-`).。oO( Don't be so adorable.
476k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/16(水) 00:58:54
;_; You like confusing me too much.
477 ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2006/08/16(水) 01:02:20
Confusion will be your epitaph ♪
478k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/16(水) 01:05:34
I'd prefer if it were "Random". :-p Randomness is interesting.
479 ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2006/08/16(水) 01:06:17


480k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/16(水) 01:07:56
481k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/16(水) 01:11:20
Ohh.. So that's where one of the two missing cups from >>1 went...
482 ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2006/08/16(水) 01:12:13
I'll give you a c+.
483k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/16(水) 01:13:42
Heh :-p
484k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/16(水) 01:14:51
485 ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2006/08/16(水) 01:19:22
If you talk about copyright violation,
thousands of 2ch'ers could get arrested.
486名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/16(水) 01:23:00
that's cute
487 ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2006/08/16(水) 01:23:56
(´-`).。oO( No one in their right minds is here.
488k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/16(水) 01:25:12
Surely you mean that millions of Japanese would be arrested?
Considering the large amount of doujinshi that uses characters
the artist does not have legal right to use, and such, that's
being sold in the country.
489k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/16(水) 01:28:43
Perhaps. Perhaps not. I think it's more of a matter of how one uses 2ch
than if one ever visits this place at all.

I need to go though, bye all and good night. ( ^-^)ノ
490 ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2006/08/16(水) 01:36:54
( ´・ω・)ノ
491 ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2006/08/16(水) 01:43:06
(´-`).。oO( No one is here.
492名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/16(水) 01:58:27
Hey, stay for a while and discuss;
Doujinshi are made, though in obmutescence, by courtesy of the
original authors in the sense that they're homage works, whereas
2-channelers are overtly anonymous and even quite often lack
communication manners. I know the same matter, in common-sense
terms, occurs regarding BBS all over the world, but it might be
somewhat difficult to try to identify the matters together as
definite conclusion.
By the way, k-tan, did you go to the comic market this summer?
493k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/16(水) 02:09:06
No, but my boyfriend did. I'm not in Japan, though.
I wasn't stating that I think that there shouldn't be
doujinshi made, either. I think that fanart is beneficial for
the hype of any product, it makes people more fond of the
product. I was merely stating that fanart/fanfiction technically
is a breach of copyright ;-)
494k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/16(水) 02:17:13
By the way, my replies may be slow, I'm going to be AFK in my room,
tossing an eye at the screen whenever I remember, to check if there
are new posts.
495名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/16(水) 03:55:21
Yukorin or Erika...that's the problem.
496k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/16(水) 04:13:47
Why "or"? Why not both? :-p
497名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/16(水) 04:34:13
I hear Erika is younger and cuter.
498名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/16(水) 07:41:22
499名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/16(水) 09:52:37
Hell/6W/CS is a Japanese or a real gaijin....that's the question.
500school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/16(水) 10:09:59
*blinks* ... X_______X what am I doing here?! gotta study! gotta study!
I wanna go to university...yes yes oh yes..!AHHHHHHH! *dies* teachers!!

.....forgot this one too... uhh... grrrrr..
T_______T *panics* T___T math this is hopelesssss... AHHHHHHHH!
501school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/16(水) 10:19:41
yarrrr.....then I have second thoughts... maybe just to have a break
have a kit kat *it's okkayyy schoool g you can you can* ^^;;
and go into the love section and see if
some abnormal love and read their stories...sometimes so hawwttt
or should I go to NEET section for my future reference lolz~~press
kakikomu yes yes! >.<
502school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/16(水) 10:38:50
XD....hahaha...but Miyavi is MINE!
*glares at someone*

*press kakikomu* pRRResss!!!! sorry....forgive me....T_T
NooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooo 3 posts in a row!!! >,<
503名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/16(水) 11:56:44
hello my namo is miyavi.
i want a mail friend.
504名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/16(水) 11:58:05
Here comes a fake.
505school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/16(水) 12:26:27

506merkin:2006/08/16(水) 12:50:06
(not quoting the message #, since I'm lazy.)

I was at comiket friday and sunday. sunday was a little insane.
The humidity has made the color in my hair fade; it's now only
a slight magenta.

I'll be at Bob's in Akasaka for international night tonight. Woo!
507gaijin ◆cjcO/40IKM :2006/08/16(水) 12:53:05
lol time for your pills...
508名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/16(水) 12:59:03
509k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/16(水) 15:38:13
Ah neat, the same days as my boyfriend. Hope you have fun tonight.

You miiight want to reduce the amount of sugar in your diet. ;-)
What do you mean with abnormal love, though? O.o;;;;
And what does kakikomu mean?
510school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/16(水) 15:51:51
lolz~~ if you go to the love section and read, you'll know it...@.@
you'll see many love stories that are not mainstream! lolz~~ (some
are gross) *shivers*
kakikomu = submit I wish there was "preview" button *shrugs* ^^;;
511名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/16(水) 15:58:26
Hi! Schoolgirl how are you?

Somebody gave me this Tokyo changes every 16
amazing! so beautiful~~~
512k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/16(水) 15:59:54
Umm... I can't read japanese, so that's sort of preventing me from investigating
on what you mean by abnormal. Could you explain, more than just stating
not mainstream? I'm not even sure what you mean by mainstream love stories...
And I agree, it's a pity there isn't a preview button.
513k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/16(水) 16:10:22
Do you mean this board?:
514school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/16(水) 16:22:07

the one you showed is the pure love section. ^^

not the mainstream love?

fell in love with a woman who is about the same age with his mom
fell in love with a girl 20 cm taller than him
a Jr high teacher fell in love with a student...etc..^^;

and the gross one knwo incest...? *yuck
yuck yuck!!* *almost makes me throwing up*
515名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/16(水) 16:24:25
Oh, Fuck You idiots!
516school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/16(水) 16:27:34
sorry *scratch my head*.....that's why I didn't wanna make it know...
*sweatdrops* ^^;;
517school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/16(水) 16:28:22
*errr damn!! that was for >>515!
518k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/16(水) 16:32:45
*hugs* Don't worry :-)
Though I fail to see why falling in love with someone who happens to be
taller than yourself is an odd thing O.o;;
519名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/16(水) 16:36:59

people in this thread blame couples for flirting in the thread.
I don't see any of us flirt in this thread though...^^
520k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/16(水) 16:39:09
Don't people usually get annoyed at others who flirt in casual chat threads,
521school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/16(水) 16:39:12
lolz~ I agree! that's not bad...lolz but I see many other threads
talking about guys' they would concern about that...maybe..X.X
522名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/16(水) 16:47:06

this thread is saying "why good looking guys go for 3 dimentional
girls (real girls) instead of 2 dimentional girls (anime or idol).
silly but 2channelers would agree with his idea...

yeah I think so.
523k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/16(水) 16:49:22
Ah *shrug* Personally I sorta don't care about the length of my partner,
as long as it's not too tall. I don't like almost breaking my neck or
having to fetch a ladder just to be able to place a kiss on my partner's
cheek. Though if I would have found someone right who happened to be
too tall, I would have put up with it. I'm too picky about people's
personalities to let someone as trivial as height stand in the way.
524school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/16(水) 17:00:07
lolz~~ yeah! haha you need a ladder? lolz~ I don't mind guys height either
but I like a tall guy with a black boxer...lolz~~hehex
525Kouki:2006/08/16(水) 17:02:41
Ah, thanks.
But I think such people are rarely to be seen.
Or do they just hide the secret from public?

Have you ever met any one of them?
526school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/16(水) 17:13:51
Hi! Kouki! XD

sorry maybe I've changed the mood of this thread!!! T__T I sometimes peek those
unusual love stories...but most of the time...I feel ewwww....grosss gross grosss!!!>.<
and end up refreshing myself with the miyavi's world to cleanse myself!!! Yay!! miyavi rules!
527k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/16(水) 17:20:24
Nah, my boyfriend is around 176 cm. Or was that 179? Something like that.
I'm 163 cm. So, I'm happy about my boyfriend's length ^_^
528school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/16(水) 17:26:41
*cough* I mean...unusual love stories...are so intense and I like it though...
ahhhhhh I dunno what I am saying! grrrrr!!!! XXXDDDD
529Kouki:2006/08/16(水) 17:27:38
Any topic will do, I think.
I can't say I always keep track of what's going on here, though.

So you gravitate to unusual love such as, say, girls who love girls
or boys who love boys?
530school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/16(水) 17:31:36
Kouki! >.< you are so cool unlike me!!!....lolz~~*panic panic*
always....I worry about the impact I've made...but you are always
so even tempered....XXDDDD lolz~~ envy you!!!! even you are only 17?
yeah yeah!! i once even liked..a girl....what am I talking about???? what am I??
*dies* *rest in peace*.......obon version...lolz~~~>.< *panic*
531Kouki:2006/08/16(水) 17:37:17
Ah, I don't remember quite well how the weather was then, but I suppose
it was thunderstormy on the last weekend..

Anyway, have fun drinking(?).
532k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/16(水) 17:38:01
Don't worry ^_^

Considering the fact that you fancy Miyavi, it's not odd that you once
liked a girl, you know :-p Miyavi does look feminine.
533school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/16(水) 17:44:50
*crancky* well...k-tan, that's what people say...but what I like about him
is his puuuuuurrreeee heart and yes! beautiful face and atmospher..but
inside he is very manly...that paradoxical(?) combination.XXDD I love a guy
who owns incompatibility inside! lolz~~ *sniff* XXXDDDD
534k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/16(水) 17:50:40
I'm not saying he isn't manly, just that he looks feminine. :-D
Though I do not find that combination paradoxal. It's fun when people
make others aware of the existant gender biases, and do well in spite
of not conforming to them in a traditional way. Though in Japan,
I guess such things actually are partially traditional.
535Kouki:2006/08/16(水) 17:51:01
How about masculine and macho guys with femine and gentle minds?
536k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/16(水) 17:51:47
537Kouki:2006/08/16(水) 17:53:54
What's the word hacker in the address mean?^^
538k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/16(水) 17:54:11
539パーヤン:2006/08/16(水) 17:56:03
I like ARASHING in every thread.
I cannot stop this habit.
What should I do?
540Kouki:2006/08/16(水) 17:57:34
Try best to grow out of the habit.
541school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/16(水) 17:58:10
lolz~~*shivers* that's too kimoi!!!! Kouki!!! I like pure heart with a
cold blooded looks! XXDDD

OK you just said he looks femine, right? I am extreme!!! XXXDDDD
forgive meeee!!! lolz~~~~X.X
542school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/16(水) 18:03:31
ok then go for it! バーヤン!go go! XXDDDD
543k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/16(水) 18:05:29
>1. A clever or elegant technical accomplishment, especially one with a
>playful or prankish bent. A clever routine in a computer program,
>especially one which uses tools for purposes other than those for which
>they were intended, might be considered a hack.

The sites Lifehack and Lifehacker are about doing hacks related to real life,
in order to make one's life more practical/efficient.
544k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/16(水) 18:07:39
That sounds like fun ^_^
But then again, I like "weird" people too.
545k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/16(水) 18:09:44
>This site dedicated to life hacks. Danny O’Brien linked together the
>words “life” and “hacks” and created a phrase that enable to
>describe any hacks, tips and tricks that get things done quickly by
>automating, increase productivity and organizing. This site is built
>around this theme. It is a frequently updated, to provide news and
>articles which able you to get things done in a faster pace.
546k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/16(水) 18:18:32
Interesting, so soon we're gonna get a few more planets in our solar system.
Alright, so only per definition, but still.
547Kouki:2006/08/16(水) 18:22:10
Thanks. I just thought computer hackers managed the site.

Kuro-chan is a macho guy with a girly mind. Do you like him?

The skin-headed guy on the right side is called Kuro-chan, who has a heart of
gold. His outside is manly, while his inside is pure and feminine.
548k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/16(水) 18:25:18
Don't worry ;-)
Hm. I used to know a really androgynous bloke. He's awesome. ^_^
549school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/16(水) 18:36:56
Nooooo!!!! I don't want a guy with a girl's heart and macho body!! >.<

umm...not feminine heart!! manly and warm heart with mysterious outside!!! >.<

>k-tan! the word "androgynous" fits me well! thanks! =DDD
550k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/16(水) 18:38:20
Neat, though why do people keep auto-associating purity with femininity?
And woah, the midde guy is as short as me.

..Is my length pretty normal for females in Japan? Or am I short there too?
551k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/16(水) 18:41:38
Hmmm... Odd, I thought the average height for females in Sweden
was like 174 or so... Ah well, at least I don't have to
feel too short now, I guess.
552k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/16(水) 18:42:54
You're welcome ^_^
553k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/16(水) 18:47:19
554k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/16(水) 19:05:43
I'm off to hang out with a friend, good evening and good night everyone
555名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/16(水) 22:20:16
Same members as usual.
556名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/16(水) 22:38:20
557名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/16(水) 22:41:25
k-tan is a ugly white swede who is getting the cold shoulder from
her counterparts.
So she is getting around japanese web site all day long.
558名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/16(水) 22:50:31
559名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/16(水) 23:38:16
it's muggy but windy day today...
560名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/16(水) 23:40:30
561名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/16(水) 23:52:37
3 new asteroids,Charon Ceres, and Xena may be regarded as planets of solar system by AIU meeting in Plague on 24 August 2006.
562名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/16(水) 23:58:15
not AIU but IAU.
but I have a bad news for you. You bekieve in Korin Planet somewhere.
But IAU denied its planet is a perfect lie told by notorious busaiku idol named lol lol
You are deceived by her. lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol
You should have only to masturbate! lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol
lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol
563名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/17(木) 00:00:21

lol lol lol lol lol

tennnouheika bannza------iii
564名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/17(木) 00:03:02
If I reserved NASA space shuttle...
How many years do I need to go to the korin Planet?
How is Korin Planet?
565名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/17(木) 00:04:53
Long time no see lol
566名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/17(木) 00:08:31
ya, long time no see. how r u?
I am fine my cock is much finer
567名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/17(木) 00:11:06
When Prime Minister Koizumi or next PM Shinzou Abe help NEETs out?
Neet is a big and serious problem in Japan.
568名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/17(木) 00:13:46
You never change lol lol lol lol lol lol
569名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/17(木) 00:18:49
Shut up! never use the word lol! suck my cock
570名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/17(木) 00:25:11
No way !
your cock has triple defects : small,short,chinkasu
571名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/17(木) 00:27:43
shut! small and short are the similar word! Suck my cock! My chinkasu teates good for you!
572名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/17(木) 02:09:19
What the hell is this unspeakably sudden degradation of your communication level...?
573名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/17(木) 04:42:27
I can't sleep well
574名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/17(木) 06:13:47
Wake uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup!! >.<
575名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/17(木) 06:16:51
lol I woke up!
576名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/17(木) 06:22:54
*scratch my head* well, you did. *blush*
577名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/17(木) 06:37:58
you sound like
578名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/17(木) 08:42:03
Hi, I am a 37aged warehouse boy!
579名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/17(木) 08:47:40
Emma Watson?
580名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/17(木) 08:52:09
Yes! She is my angel. She feels addict to my love I bet. I wanna pet her.
581名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/17(木) 08:55:12
She's getting uglier as she get old.
582名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/17(木) 09:01:43
It's your stupid bias. she is getting on sexier and much further beautiful when she grows.
583名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/17(木) 09:12:28
Even when she gets fat, can you say the same thing?
584名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/17(木) 09:15:27
Of course I will! My love for Emma will unchange
585名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/17(木) 09:42:45
Even when she's as fat as Akebono?
586名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/17(木) 09:51:41



ソース:スポーツ報知 2006/08/17 06:04



ソース 2006/08/17 06:30
587名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/17(木) 10:07:53
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, noooooooooooooo!! You are sooooo funnnnnnnnnny!! lol
588名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/17(木) 11:15:07
Could somebody translate this into English?
589Amy:2006/08/17(木) 11:15:08
Hello. I live in Canada. ^_^~
590名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/17(木) 12:44:40
What's that e-mail address? *blinks*
591名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/17(木) 12:58:47
So do I.
592名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/17(木) 14:34:17
Do you? Why?o_O"
593school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/17(木) 16:29:11
Hi! hehehex...
594school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/17(木) 16:55:06
Hi Amy!Nice to meet u!

Talking about the figure skater, Arakawa Shizuka. She'll appear a Japanese
CF with Yukorin. ^^
595school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/17(木) 19:52:12
yeassshhh!!! (^_^) how are you?

*mwahugglesssss everyone*
596k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/17(木) 19:56:33
How would you know what ethnicity I have? Who says I'm caucasian? As far
as you know, I might as well be inuit ethnically, or even a genetically
modified dolphin the military hooked up to the internet via brain
implants connected to a computer network. :-p Who cares what ethnicity
I have? It's not as if it would matter the slightest, unless you're
planning to transfer some of my organs to yourself, and you need a
donor that matches your genes as close as possible. :-p You bring up
the matter of ethnicity when it's completely irrelevant, which gives
the impression that you're racist. Cyrano-kun, is that you?
Also, my life would have been easier if i would have been getting
ignored. My friends whine about that I keep neglecting them too much
IRL, as I deal poorly with stress, and try to decrease the stress by
focusing on whatever's giving me the most stress, and thus in the
process accidentally ignore my friends. Fortunately most of them have
learned that I'm "weird" like that, and do not take it personally.
I'm trying to learn to handle stress better, and to plan better, so
that I'll be able to deal with things more efficiently without putting
the rest of my life on hold.
597k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/17(木) 19:57:32
Unfortunately, this board is the only japanese site I really visit, and most of the
time I only read this Chat in English thread. I do have this thread up
on my computer most of the time nowadays indeed, regardless of if I'm
at the computer or not, as it's summer and I actually can afford being
social online here while doing other things at the same time. I spent
a lot of time here last summer too, then during the school time my
visits decreased a great deal. The same will happen now, though
probably worse, as I'm going to be spending a lot of time in the city
my uni is located and I don't know if I'll have time to post here
whenever I get computer access there.
Also, you might have great difficulties with multitasking, I however do
not. I'm almost never just here, most of the time I'm doing one-three
other things almost simultaneously as being here. For instance sorting
through documents while looking some things up on top of replying to
the thread, or studying + keeping an eye on the thread.
598k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/17(木) 19:59:55
I need coffee... Or tea...

Hi! ^-^
599gaijin ◆cjcO/40IKM :2006/08/17(木) 20:29:22
damn trolls, just ignore them k-tan.
600nihonjin:2006/08/17(木) 20:32:36
It thundered !
601nihonjin:2006/08/17(木) 20:36:47
602nihonjin:2006/08/17(木) 20:37:32
This weather will probably hold for another week.
603名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/17(木) 20:39:36
you ignored your thread.
604nihonjin:2006/08/17(木) 20:39:44
but I don't like nasty weather.
605名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/17(木) 20:44:28
Yeah! me neither!!!
606k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/17(木) 20:52:54
That kind of trolls rarely pop up anyway. But yeah.

He has a thread of his own?
607名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/17(木) 20:58:21
yeah,he does.It's called"what does Japan think about Korea"
I posted comments in it several times.
608gaijin ◆cjcO/40IKM :2006/08/17(木) 20:59:47
I've never created a thread, so I don't know what you mean.
609k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/17(木) 21:00:21
Ahh, I see. ^_^
610gaijin ◆cjcO/40IKM :2006/08/17(木) 21:03:03
that's a can of worms I wouldn't want to open - definately not my thread.
611k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/17(木) 21:05:43
random cute flash animation.
612k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/17(木) 21:06:46
Definitely sounds like it, which is why I never bothered having a look
at that thread.
613gaijin ◆cjcO/40IKM :2006/08/17(木) 21:16:33
hehe, yeah saw that a while back.
614k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/17(木) 21:20:36
Me too, though I felt like having it running in the background again. It's
nice ^-^
615school girl ◆8Ekb6b7YOI :2006/08/17(木) 21:48:07
lolz~~ I really do miss my miyavi-kun today. oh I've got to get
the new stuff of him!!! T___T
616k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/17(木) 22:07:29
Oh? What new things?
617school girl ◆8Ekb6b7YOI :2006/08/17(木) 22:13:47
lolz~~something that I didn't know until now lah..lolz~~ ^^
618k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/17(木) 22:15:50
Heh ^_^
Do you have any favourites amongst the songs he's sung?
619YUU:2006/08/17(木) 22:24:58
Hi! What`s up guys!!
620LAN☆:2006/08/17(木) 22:25:48
Hi all.
It's my first time to write this thread.
621LAN☆:2006/08/17(木) 22:27:06
Hey! Yuu come!!
such a nice your english ever i imagined.
622YUU:2006/08/17(木) 22:28:14
Look like now one`s talking...

623LAN☆:2006/08/17(木) 22:29:04
you understand me? this >>621

please rectify me.
624YUU:2006/08/17(木) 22:29:12
What do you want to say??w

625YUU:2006/08/17(木) 22:29:44
626YUU:2006/08/17(木) 22:30:56
Waite!! wanna go to the bathroom...
627LAN☆:2006/08/17(木) 22:31:16
you just install this

this maybe more easiler to write here i guess.
628LAN☆:2006/08/17(木) 22:33:49
I wanted to say "Your English is very well than I had imagined"??

you went washroom i know.
629YUU:2006/08/17(木) 22:37:22
What a heck is this?!
630LAN☆:2006/08/17(木) 22:37:24
oh? toire says "bathroom" in english? I didn't know.
631LAN☆:2006/08/17(木) 22:38:27
What's a heck?
632k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/17(木) 22:39:45
Oh, Hi all ^_^

Heck = a euphemism for 'hell'
633YUU:2006/08/17(木) 22:40:22
What a heck ←なんじゃこりゃ!!(スペル間違ってるかも・・)
634LAN☆:2006/08/17(木) 22:40:28

This is a "gikonabi". it's browser of 2ch.
just install it! you'll see.

I can't explain in english so far!!!
635school girl ◆8Ekb6b7YOI :2006/08/17(木) 22:40:52 is dead...I have to go to another room but no
pc there...ghaaaa....*sweats*

Hi LAN and YUU

k-tan, there are so many, Rockn' Roll is "not dead", senoru senora senorita etc ^^
636YUU:2006/08/17(木) 22:41:22
HI! k-tan
637名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/17(木) 22:41:41
Are you Japanese?
638LAN☆:2006/08/17(木) 22:42:17
Oh, really?

but YUU seems didn't know herself.
639LAN☆:2006/08/17(木) 22:44:17
Hi k-tan and school girl!
Yes. I am.
and I got the 400 marks in TOEIC test this march!^^;
640YUU:2006/08/17(木) 22:44:28
What do you think?>k-tan
641YUU:2006/08/17(木) 22:45:40
What was that?? >LAN
642k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/17(木) 22:46:32
Ah, I see. I'll see if I can find somewhere to listen to those at, perhaps
amazon does have 30-sec previews of those songs.

Hi ^_^

643k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/17(木) 22:49:09
What do I think of what? >>639 ?
No idea... I have no idea what the TOEIC is like, nor what various
scores in it signify... Sorry...
644LAN☆:2006/08/17(木) 23:01:14
sorry. YUU has fallen?
I mean she went to bet.
645k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/17(木) 23:05:46
She went to bet? O.o;;
646LAN☆:2006/08/17(木) 23:09:36
bed. I wanted to say "bed".

and i also go to bed. see you tomorrow~~
647school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/17(木) 23:12:12
maybe try this one...if you have time ^^
648k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/17(木) 23:12:29
Ahhh, okies!
Sweet dreams, and see you ^_^
649school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/17(木) 23:13:02
see ya LAN and YUU lolz~~
650k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/17(木) 23:17:21
Ah, neat :-D Thanks!

I've listened to one track sample, I'll listen to the rest later,
I need to go have really late lunch, and then go off to a place.
See you later, sweet dreams.
651school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/17(木) 23:21:37
lolz~~ have fun! k-tan! lolz~^^
652名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/17(木) 23:25:00
I am really sleeeeeeeepy so I am going to bed soon. Please don't try to wake me up. I have
unsteadable temper when my sleeeeeeeeeeeping is disrupted!! Caution!!
653名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/17(木) 23:42:47
lol at least I won't. Don't worry! lol
654k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/18(金) 01:44:35
655k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/18(金) 06:02:00 "Japanese Sushi Documentary"
This is pretty hilarious.

I'm off to bed, bye all.
656名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/18(金) 08:04:23
I imported a game called 伝説のクイズ王決定戦
for the Nintendo Gamecube, and it's really
difficult!! The only questions I can answer
are the game and comic related ones!
Thankfully Nintendo have furigana over the
kanji, but I'm having a hard time reading
fast enough to actually answer the questions
before time's out! Also, the game uses a
microphone, and doesn't like my Japanese
pronounciation very much, so I have say each
sound very clearly.

Have any of you played it?
The more the merrier, so please come here
and play it with me some time!
657656:2006/08/18(金) 08:06:17
PS. I'm Norwegian, and only know Japanese through self-study.
PPS. Masashi Tashiro forever!
658名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/18(金) 08:11:04
Shut up! suck my dick!
659名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/18(金) 08:15:40
Your dick is too small, I can't see it!
660名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/18(金) 08:20:00
Unfortunately, I don't have the game. But I guess the game has many
Japanese-related questions which is difficult for non-Japanese to answer
even if you've learned the language.

I would help you solve such questions, though, if you put down any of them here.
661名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/18(金) 09:11:21
*blush* you are insane and rude!!!>.<
You don't know what you're saying!*panic panic*
662名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/18(金) 09:40:47
I guess you can't answer Japanese-related questions even if you are a Japanese.
because you don't have common knowledge about Japan at all.
If you get angry with me,try the questions below.

To begin with,geographical questions
1 what's the longest river in Japan ?
2 What's the deepest lake in Japan ?
3 How high is Mt,Fuji ?
you should answer immediately,not referring to any materials
663school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/18(金) 09:55:46
lolz~~ you talk like meee~~~ no~~~
664名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/18(金) 12:35:11

665名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/18(金) 12:39:02
666名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/18(金) 12:45:07
琵琶湖ってthe deepest lake だった?
667名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/18(金) 12:46:48
668名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/18(金) 12:48:27
669名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/18(金) 12:53:10
670名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/18(金) 13:22:01
671名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/18(金) 14:48:19
How embarrassing ! those questions were in elementary class.
I expected you to answer all of them easily.
but I don't want to make questions any more.
because I never know whether you google them or not.
672名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/18(金) 15:20:02
come what may
i will love you until my 〇〇〇〇〇 〇〇〇.
673k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/18(金) 16:25:42
674名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/18(金) 16:50:58
Miyavi's ugly as shit, and he can't sing at all.
Did you ever think about how much his voice actually sucks?
Well, that might be something he has from sucking so much
cock. I don't understand why many people like him.
675名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/18(金) 17:09:05
Thanks for the offer! But actually, I'm far from the level of fluency
required to seriously play it! A friend who also studies Japanese
visited me, and we tried our best, but the computer won in the end
every time!!

I can't think of any specific questions now, except for some kanji
I'd like to ask about, but I don't have any image of them
right now. Thanks!
676名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/18(金) 17:09:59
I thought that“Do‘How could be,’and‘The way life's meant to be.’stand for?”when I heard a music.
Please reply my question if a man were in here that he can understand it and represent it in Japanese.
677k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/18(金) 17:54:56
I've barely heard him sing, so I can't really judge the quality of his
voice. I tend to not care what an artist looks like, as long as I
like what he/she produces. If a really good artist looks like a hobo,
I may question his taste in attire, but that wouldn't make me think
any less about the quality of the music he/she produces.
678名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/18(金) 18:11:17
>I don't understand why many people like him.
I don't understand why you think many people like him...
679名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/18(金) 21:40:00
Close your mind, and look around to see what's in front of you.

Just a computer!
680なが○膀胱○カキコ誰か猫浜に来て無私しないで私好かれているの:2006/08/18(金) 22:08:33
2. Posted by ながい 2006年08月12日 12:29
681名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/18(金) 23:42:32
All non-Japanese J-rock fangirls are like "OMG YES MYVMYVMYVVVVV *drools*
he's SOooOOOo pretty MARRY ME MYV!!!! *squeeeee*" about him
all the time. That is why I hate him the most, for all his stupid fans.
682k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/19(土) 00:12:03
Hehhh... That sounds like boyband fangirls.
683名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/19(土) 00:36:03
684名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/19(土) 03:56:55
Windows sucks dick!!!!! Honest humans use GNU/Linux!!!!!!
685k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/19(土) 06:10:51
..You are aware of that there are more operative systems than just
the ones you counted up, right?
686k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/19(土) 06:15:13
x operative
o operating

Swenglish is bad. I need to go sleep indeed.
687Kouki:2006/08/19(土) 08:25:19

The world basketball championship is taking place today.
Japan's having a game versus Germany today. A famous NBA player
Dirk Nowitzki, a great shooter, heads the opposing team.
In my layman's opinion, Japan will have difficulty scoring
against Germany, and still I'll be happy seeing our representatives
keep up competitiveness and hold them own against other national teams.

sI'm going to see the game on the tube!
Is there someone here with interest in the championship?
688名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/19(土) 11:05:26
you are a neet, aren't you?
689名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/19(土) 12:19:53
I will be happy.
690名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/19(土) 14:36:46
Less populous.
691名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/19(土) 16:00:51
I don't know what you mean.
You are always talking about it. *blush*
692名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/19(土) 19:10:37
Wow, this thread is very popular.
693名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/19(土) 20:42:48
694名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/19(土) 21:15:27
no one is here
695名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/19(土) 21:36:03
Except you!
696名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/19(土) 22:05:40
Jeg kan ikke snakke svensk. Jag ein pen.
697k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/19(土) 22:46:32
O.o;;;; Jaså du...
698名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/19(土) 22:48:33
【I'M】英語の偏差値80以上だけど何か質問ある?【A GENIUS】 2

699 ◆bVH3qOhQt2 :2006/08/19(土) 23:14:05
A man was arrested in Thailand, who says he was with Jon-Benet Ramsy
when she died...
Why do you think he came out?
700名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/19(土) 23:35:58
701名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/19(土) 23:37:10
702名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/19(土) 23:43:23
Why I haven't had a girlfriend for my entire life of 37 years? That's not my fault!
703 ◆bVH3qOhQt2 :2006/08/19(土) 23:48:13
It's certainly not your fault.
I read in today's newspaper lots ot Japanese men over 30 or 40 don't really want to
have a girl friend and just stay single
704名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/19(土) 23:51:19
I don't want to remain myself single! I wanna marry a pretty girl just like Emma watson.
But, Most female around me reagard me as a lolita-complexed mania! They insult me as if I were a crimer!
They and many males around me are laughing at me! That's my tragedy!
705名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/19(土) 23:56:20
is that you warehouse boy???
706 ◆bVH3qOhQt2 :2006/08/19(土) 23:57:27
Emma Watson?
Is she the girl who plays the part of Harmioni(spelling?)?
She is quite cute, isn't she?
but...she is still 16...
707名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/19(土) 23:57:57
Yes I am a warehouse boy. what kind of idea do you have at me?
708名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/20(日) 00:00:48
yeas she is 16. but in case you didn't know, Japanese civil law permits us to marry and have the sweetest and happiest life!
I wanna make her happy! I want her. I need her love!
709 ◆bVH3qOhQt2 :2006/08/20(日) 00:06:17
All right. What do you like about Emma? Her looks?
Do you always fancy girls at her age?
710名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/20(日) 00:08:44
I love her all. her looks, voice and more. I wanna marry
711 ◆bVH3qOhQt2 :2006/08/20(日) 00:13:32
Well, all I can say is "Good luck," to you.
I imagine you are in her fan club...
At least you can send her fan letters.
712名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/20(日) 00:15:53
When we marry, I want to invite you to our wedding ceremony.
You will see the most beautiful girl in wedding dress.
713 ◆bVH3qOhQt2 :2006/08/20(日) 00:21:50
Wow! That would be nice. I would like to see her in person.
That is something I can boast about for the rest of my life.
I could say, "Listen. I attended Emma Watson's wedding ceremony."
I hope she will be interested in marrying 37 year old guy.
714名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/20(日) 01:36:42
Wow! my dick is erecting now!
715名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/20(日) 06:16:29
I wish you the best luck in your marriage!
716名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/20(日) 06:18:32
Yeah, I sure do. I don't like the BSD license, as it permits others to lock up the code and thus take away the users' freedom (GO!!GPLv3)

I don't like Linus Torvalds, though. He doesn't care about freedom.
717名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/20(日) 06:21:33
718k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/20(日) 06:27:43
I have no idea what he's like, apart from reading the piece of text he
wrote for the Hacker Ethic:
It was a quite interesting book.
719k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/20(日) 06:29:10
Hm. I should try to fall asleep. I need to be up too early tomorrow morning.
720名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/20(日) 07:14:25
It's not so late yet. Are you going up at seven o'clock?
721Kouk:2006/08/20(日) 07:38:40

Japan lost by 11 points to Germany. Nowitzki is one of the best NBA
players of the age. Any Japanese players couldn't stop him scoring yerterday.
And our reps often failed to shoot in the paint area, while the opponents
made good spin moves to shoot there.

But on the bright side, Japan kept running all the time: speed and stamina.
I hope we will win the game versus Angora today.
722名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/20(日) 10:27:49
I have no choice but to masturbate with saki fukuda
723名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/20(日) 10:29:05
Are you sure?
She's only 15yo.
724名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/20(日) 10:29:35
Do you like Emma, too?
725名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/20(日) 10:35:53
15 is the nicest age for me to wank.
726名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/20(日) 11:22:44
How about 16 then? *blush*
727名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/20(日) 12:29:33
16 is a bit young for my tastes, but at least 16 is old enough
to have decent breasts.
728TC:2006/08/20(日) 12:55:13
I am 16 year old boy.
I really like little boys.
729名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/20(日) 12:55:55
730名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/20(日) 13:03:14
Shake your short houkei cock at randam and then do your homework!
731TC:2006/08/20(日) 13:07:01
but this is hisashiburi time to use computer.
I need to find some onapet
732名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/20(日) 13:10:45
Imagining your girl classmate can help you when you wanna find another comfortable masuturbation.
you may fall into addiction.
733TC:2006/08/20(日) 13:16:19
I can masturbate by using girl.
but cute boys are the best
734名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/20(日) 13:26:08
I am a cute ojisan(near 50). what about me?
735TC:2006/08/20(日) 13:34:24
736TC:2006/08/20(日) 13:52:30
u know CM about oishi gyunyu
737k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/20(日) 14:18:01
Yeah, though I was originally supposed to get up at 6. But I figured it
would be foolishness to get less than six hours of sleep. I've been
having difficulties with falling asleep lately, took me two hours to
fall asleep the day before yesterday -_-;; This past night I didn't
fall asleep until around one a.m. -_-;;;;;;

Ah, interesting :-)
738TC:2006/08/20(日) 15:50:10
Is there onother shotacon here?
739TC:2006/08/20(日) 16:11:59
Does anyone have shota video??
I also love crush video
wanna watch crush video crushed by cool boy.
740TC:2006/08/20(日) 16:45:43

741k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/20(日) 16:48:41
What about shota is it that you find so alluring?
742TC:2006/08/20(日) 16:56:28
743k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/20(日) 17:04:16
I beg your pardon?
744名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/20(日) 17:08:37
745TC:2006/08/20(日) 17:10:34
cute little boys are really cute than girl
746k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/20(日) 17:15:12
Why do you feel that's sexually enticing?
747TC:2006/08/20(日) 17:20:10
yea i masturbate
reallt nice
748k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/20(日) 17:25:10
Well, you did imply that much. Why do you find it sexually arousing, though?
Cuteness doesn't automatically mean that it's sexual, so I'm curious
regarding what you associate with "cute boyhood"? What do you think a
cute boy is like, since you find it so sexual?
749名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/20(日) 18:18:47
what did you say ? There's no account for taste ?
It's in vain to ask him such a difficult thing.
and he doesn't look so smart enough to analyze himself as a psychologist.
750k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/20(日) 18:36:54
751名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/20(日) 20:08:55
wow this thread is really perverted
752k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/20(日) 20:57:11
Sometimes. Fortunately, most of the time, it's not.
753名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/20(日) 20:59:00
754Kouki:2006/08/20(日) 22:46:15
Yeah, it is.
Unfortunately, Japan lost again today, though..
Quickness and toughness of the players of Angora overwhelmed those of

What help do you want? More importantly, I can't get access to the site. It says
755k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/20(日) 23:15:42
Oh. Maybe next time?
756school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/20(日) 23:34:46
Hey Kouki! @.@
Do you support Japan or not? *blinks*
757k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/20(日) 23:39:00
Or not? I thought he did, judging from his statements regarding the topic.
758school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/20(日) 23:58:30
k-tan! hi! phew....I could not post until now..*swet drops*
some providers are banned from cuople days ago. T__T
759名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/21(月) 00:04:03
( ´・ω・)
760k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/21(月) 00:06:51
Oh =( *hugs*
At least you're back now ^_^
761Kouki:2006/08/21(月) 00:18:06
Japan have another 3 games left: Panama, New Zealand, and Spain.
We should win Panama and New Zealand at least in order to step to
the tornament of the championship. Even Jerico, the head coach of Japan
(who is from Croatia), said Spain is so strong we can't expect to win
against the team; Spain is ranked at the 5th position in the world,
while Japan is 25th.
We should keep reminding ourselves that Japan is a challenger.

I'm supportive of Japan, of course.
I just looked at the game from an objective veiw point.
762Kouki:2006/08/21(月) 00:27:54
Welcome back.
763k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/21(月) 00:34:56
Ah, I see.
Thank you for filling in an uninformed person on the situation.
Hmm, fascinating. I had no idea Serbia & Montenegro, Argentina and
Lithuania were that good.
764Kouki:2006/08/21(月) 00:46:57
To tell the truth, I also haven't seen either Serbia & Montenegro's national
team or Lithuania's play basketball, but I watched Argentina win the gold medal
in Athen's olympic games.
765Kouki:2006/08/21(月) 00:51:52
And speaking of Argentina's national team, Ginobili did really good.

By the way, I didn't know Competition Ranking Scoring System.
Thanks for the info.
766k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/21(月) 01:23:44
No worries :)
767名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/21(月) 01:57:48
Nothing gonna be a disadvantage you have ever experienced
so why don't you stat doing something new? I have plenty of things
I want to do but as I don't have so much time, I cannot do it.
Please make a move instead of me. I konw you can make it. you have time to see
768名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/21(月) 08:32:07
Mind your own business !
769名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/21(月) 10:40:42
What the hell ?
I'm not sure what you are saying.
770名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/21(月) 11:09:37
771名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/21(月) 12:28:57
772k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/21(月) 13:34:51
Good afternoon everybody! ^_^

"Nothing gonna be a disadvantage you have ever experienced
so why don't you stat doing something new?"
Could you please rephrase that section?
773名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/21(月) 17:28:03
Who's your favorite idol?
774名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/21(月) 19:16:06
I went to a store that was recently renovated, and I saw a peculiar thing.
The section that sells milk, cheese and the like had a sign in english
that said 'Daily Foods'. I thought to myself,"Sure, I drink milk 'Daily'
but isn't it usually called 'Dairy'"
I thought of mentioning this to the store manager, but I get a good laugh
every time I go buy milk from the daily section.
Does anyone have a similar peculiar japa-english situation?
775名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/21(月) 20:09:08
That's funny.
776k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/21(月) 20:40:28
777名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/21(月) 20:51:35
English self! Thank you. Creative is C changing Reactive. Both word is interresiting.
Please self mind!
778k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/21(月) 21:02:44
O.o Um, congratulations?
779名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/21(月) 21:31:24
Conversations with God self!
780k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/21(月) 22:57:22
You want to have conversations with God?
Have fun.
781Kouki:2006/08/22(火) 00:31:59
Hmm, it seems the thread has got less busy for the past few days.

Just to bring up a subject, I'm studying the civil law of Japan
and several other sections of laws now
because I'm going to take an exam to get certificated.
Is anyone here who knows a lot about laws?

That's a funny story.:)
For some reason, I haven't paid much attention to signs in English
except for the ones in the trains: priority seats.
Well, maybe priority seats were called "silver seats" in Japan for long.
I remember I wondered if the name made sense to non-Japanese people.

By the way, the basketball game, Japan versus Panama, is on the air
soon. I think I'll watch it.

So bye now.
782k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/22(火) 02:31:25
Priority seats? Is that supposed to be first class seats, for people of
high priority such as elders/injured/pregnant people or seats
that are supposed to be taken before the others?
I sadly do not know much about various laws, though if you notice
anything you find particularly interesting, it would be nice to hear
about it.
783名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/22(火) 12:07:37
A perplexing statute in Japanese civil law: §822 basically states that
with permission from the family courts, a guardian of the child can put
the children in a detention facility for up to SIX months. Note that
the child does not have to commit a CRIME!
The statute was inacted in S22; to this date, no such facility
has been built...nor should it ever be.

If a parent is unable to discipline a child without help from the big
bad government, doesn't that prove the parents' incompetence...
784TC:2006/08/22(火) 12:40:16

SHin Kikuchi is really cool boy
I masturbated yesterday
785k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/22(火) 16:42:31
Schoolgirl might enjoy this one:
Miyavi clips set to the song "They're coming to take me away, haha" by
Napoleon XIV.
786TC:2006/08/22(火) 16:55:11
I want to make friend foreign kids
787k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/22(火) 17:00:00
I'd rather you wouldn't have any friends that are children, whether
they're foreign or not, please?
788Kouki:2006/08/22(火) 20:24:44
Fisrt class may be too strong a word, but yes, priority seats
are for those who are elderly/pregnant/injured.
The seats are not modified or castamized for such people, but
we are supposed to make sure they sit down on priority seats.

Silver hair reminds us of older people so I think priority seats
were called silver seats in the past, even on the English signs
in the train (and the bus). Actually they are dyed different colour
than the other seats even now.

Are such seats not needed in your country?

Intersting. I haven't carefully studied the family part yet.
I didn't know about the article 822.

Saddly, but I don't know much about law technical terms in English.
Maybe the civil law is translated into English and there're established
translations word for word, though.
789school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/22(火) 20:33:38
ohhhh!!! finally I cound post???? let me test now...@.@
790片思い:2006/08/22(火) 20:48:08
Hi! Kouki do you remember me?
791名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/22(火) 21:35:07
good evening
792TC:2006/08/22(火) 22:18:41
793Kouki:2006/08/23(水) 00:27:58
Of course, I do. How's everything going with the guy?
794Kouki:2006/08/23(水) 00:30:28
Is there still a problem with your provider?
795名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/23(水) 01:04:39
Hell, Hell.
796片思い:2006/08/23(水) 02:52:17
Thanks seems like he is going well with his present girl friend.
So there is no space for me. Maybe I'll find the way to be happy
without him lol. But it's ok I can manage it. I am the one who
meddle in their relationship. ^^
797片思い:2006/08/23(水) 03:01:01
but but .....I still can't forget him...So I will be loving him
even how annoying it would be. lol but as long as they woudn't know,
it would be ok.....T_T ah I sound too pathetic!!! >.<
798名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/23(水) 04:06:35
Who said polygamy is wrong. Unless you belong to a certain religion, why
not be in love with multiple lovers.
It's funny that when it comes to love, people opt for exclusivity. Try to
disconnect your self from western, christian theology and connect with you
Japanese roots.
Is there any logic to confining your self to one lover, or do you just
feel that exclusivity heightens the value of that lover?
Traditional Japanese marriages were arranged, and were not based on personal
choice, that's why exclusivity occurred, not out of emotion, but because
the women were property.
You are free to love as many person as you like, you can't marry multiple
people legally but that's only if you want a marriage licence from the
government. So feel free to have a 内縁関係 with multiple people.
Sharing is a beautiful virtue!!
799名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/23(水) 04:26:53
I'd say go for it.
Competition can be good. I'm sure the new girl friend will try to become
a better lover to the guy, as well as you will try to become a better
lover to him.
It's really a win win situation, I don't know if you'll be able to win
his love at the end, but you'll definitely become a more lovable person.
Unless your definitely certain that you can't love him as good as his
girl friend, then you should accept the fact that your a pathetic person
who just doesn't deserve his love.
However, if you think your as good as his girl friend, but he doesn't
think so, he is the pathetic person who just doesn't deserve you.
800merkin ◆BeSm0ofY92 :2006/08/23(水) 04:53:18
I'm back home from my vacation in Tokyo. Woo.
I could write up my thoughts on the visit, but doesn't nearly every
gajin do that anyway? I don't know what I could add that'd be new or
801名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/23(水) 05:12:56
Sure every gaijin does that but have you?
802名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/23(水) 08:00:52
an old Japanese proverb says
any doctor or kusatunouo can't cure a patient of love sickness.
love sickness is a sort of mental illness
The more lonelyness you feel in this world,the heavier sickness you tend to suffer from.
803k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/23(水) 08:39:41
The dinner party at my uni was a lot more fun than what I expected ^_^

Yeah, some of the seats in the front of the bus are reserved for such
people, though they are a bit different from the others. The bus
usually has room for baby carriages too, or bikes, in the middle of it.

Speaking from experience, you'll get over him, just give it enough time, activities
and new people.
804k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/23(水) 08:45:02
Polygamy is wrong if done badly, or in an unfair way, the same
way monogamy is wrong if done badly/in an unfair way :-p
Your statement about competition is very hyporcritical, as it
indicates more of monogamy type relationships. Or are you talking
about competing about who gets to be his "primary" girlfriend?
That's still very unfair. That's playing two different people
against each other. Doing something as mean as that deserves
both of them dumping that person's sorry ass.
I feel that if people have polygamous relationships, they should
be complementary, not some sort of mindgame in order for one of
the many parties to get the maximum benefit out of the other
people, who get to suffer and anguish a lot thanks to the
situation. That's way too parasitic for my taste.
I don't feel that being in a monogamous relationship with my
boyfriend makes him worth more, more of that being in a
polygamous relationship is too much of a hassle. It's difficult
as it is to find someone to be with that fits you well, to fit
two people who work not only very well in your life as
individuals, but together is even more difficult. Also, too many
people have too big communication difficulties. -__-
It's a huge pain in the ass to be with someone who expects you to
be able to read their mind, and keep playing mind games with you.
805k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/23(水) 08:45:36
"Sharing" isn't some sort of magical "panacea" that will take
care of problems, though it is true that some dramatical stories
are rather silly when you consider the option of polygamy.
However, I do hope that you're very bloody well aware of
exactly what you're talking about. Polygamy isn't easy, it
requires that all parties are mature individuals, as well as
that they are all not only in on the exact contract of the
relationships, but also strive to maintain them for the greater
good, rather than being petty and try to damage the relationships
because of some silly event that isn't even related to the
806k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/23(水) 08:46:47
ah, i'm horribly tired, and i have to be up in five hours,
or possibly six if i'm lucky.
good night all, see you later.
807片思い:2006/08/23(水) 08:47:27
Thanks. Yeah, I am a little negative. I'll try to be more positive even
it's a hard thing to do. A triangular love affair only gives you a nagative
spirit I think. So I just want to be relieved from there. I try not
to think about her presence and just try to be nice to him and when I can stay
with him, I'll just enjoy and take the precious time and feel how pleasure it is to stay with him.
But about the competition you mentioned, I don't want to compete with her.
it's not an economic matter. So development of a competitive economy would probably make
this society more exciting but I am out of it. I'll just ignore her completely.

Yeah, my case is like a sickness. lol But I live with this sickness
for more than a year...and still a long way to be cured^^lol
808名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/23(水) 09:07:34
K-tan is coming to resemble a sleep man.
809k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/23(水) 09:10:13
Though my impression is that very little in your life has changed over the years
when it comes to this bloke. Would it be possible for you to get some
fresh settings, find new fun people to hang out with, that are not
connected to the bloke nor his girlfriend?
hmm.. I need to be up in six hours. Good night *hug*
810名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/23(水) 09:16:30
OK! My name is musashimaru!
Im a man who every time is break heart to playing ps2 games.
it's not a such a shame.I feel great smile when it`s play.
But my mother not plesure that Im a play game.

it`s a tlable!!!!

811片思い:2006/08/23(水) 09:33:23
Though I think what you said is reasonable enough, it is too hard for
me to get over from it. But it's not impossible for me to change my
life. I will maybe slowly change my life...but don't know if I will be
able to forget about him. I just don't want to.....T___T but should I move on?
812名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/23(水) 11:18:19
an recent reserch shows that playing game make a bad influence on your brain.
so be careful not to play too much.
813school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/23(水) 11:33:52
lolz~~I'm so happy that I can post here again! lolz~~ (^^)/

oh...*hugs* you do like him very much!! ^^ But I envy you!;)

I've never experienced that kind of feeling in my life before.
oh lolz~~I'm only miyavi-kun's addict!! not a real boy...lolz~~

and...*cough* I think if you like him very much, you don't have to
give it up! *nods* be happy! ^^

I don't play games but it should be hard to
814school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/23(水) 11:38:05
gahhhh....I was halfway and pressed kakikomu!!! noOO!!

but I forgot what to write...lolz~~gomennn.....^^;;
815名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/23(水) 12:34:43
I wonder who's being the hypocrite? When you compete for anything
there are rules which is very simple, anything you do to be better is good
anything you do that tries to destroy the other is bad. Just as in a debate
you try to make your point, not by personal attacks but by logical reasoning.
Don't u'all think sometimes when you just can't understand why someone would
fall in love with a certain person. Don't u'all feel like your better than that
person. Don't u'all think when you see someone you had thoughts for get dumped
that YOU would never do that to that person.
That's what I mean with competition.

816名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/23(水) 12:35:19
As for polygamy, the maturity issue is certainly valid. But the point
I wanted to make is that only in the 20th century has the common people
been able to enter in to marriage out of love. So we're still making up
the rules as we get use to this sort of thing.
Think about the divorce rate going up, you think those people were mature?
They opted for exclusivity, and they got sick because of it.

Another reason for monogamy is blood line which I don't think too
highly of. Sure, leaving your legacy behind makes sense, but a bastard
born out of wedlock has gotten a unfair rap in and around the world.
Even in Japan, a bastard can't get the same amount of inheritance as a
legitimate child does.
What I'm trying to say is if you gonna stick to monogamy, then you better
know why your stick'n to it. And you better know what kind of unjust
consequence the marriage institution has put in place for the child born
out of wedlock.
Ever heard of 非摘出子, how until recently the government labeled that
on your 住民票. There's a certain stigma attached to that word, and the
child gets punished, so that the society can enjoy... WHAT?

As for the sharing thing, it was sort of a 'cheer up' statement. You know
I don't know how old u all are but my motto in life is this, "the Almighty's
delays are not Almighty's denials." Just cuz you can't have something now
doesn't mean your denied for life.
817名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/23(水) 15:04:04
About the sharing part, it's good to think that way. If you can't have
it now...think some other way to have it and that's creative.
818名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/23(水) 15:07:01
819名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/23(水) 15:08:53
It happens all over. has some of the better examples.
820名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/23(水) 15:10:20
let's play game with me.

821school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/23(水) 15:39:32
lolz~~online game? no..lolz~~I don't play! X.X sorry lolz~~
822名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/23(水) 15:56:25
I'm afraid your frequent laughter may cause dislocation of your jaw.
823名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/23(水) 16:20:06
Gold mine!
824名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/23(水) 16:22:03
You make my jaw dislocated, too!
825school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/23(水) 16:31:29
lolz~~ thanks for your concern but not that kind of loud laugh
lolz~~ ^^
826k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/23(水) 16:45:11
What's a "sleep man"? O.o;;

If you don't want to forget about him, you won't. Which is why you need
to find proper motivation for wanting to move on, otherwise you're only
going to give yourself mixed signals. Making yourself too confused
isn't beneficial for you.

>Rivalry between two or more businesses striving for the same customer
>or market.
That is the kind of thing I associated what you said with, that several
parties strive to conquer a single market, in your context two people
trying to take the same position the person's heart, as if it wasn't
possible for both of them to be loved for their different qualities.
I normally do understand why people fall for certain others. I do not
see it as that I'm "better", just different. I have different values
and abilities in comparison to them. They're not better nor worse,
just different. I might be a lot better in x than them, but they might
be better at y than me. Which ability is better depends on the
situation one is in. So it all works out. When someone I liked gets
dumped, I do not think about that I never would do so, but focus on
how to help my friend to stop emotionally hurting him/herself because
of the damage their ex caused their feelings. They have experienced a
lot of things because of their time with that person, and they should
see it as experience to draw on and use to their advatage in their life.
827名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/23(水) 16:47:22
Do you knnow a colloquial expression in Japanese says "hasiga korondemo
okashii tosigoro" ? you're a typical example.
828k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/23(水) 16:48:34
I have plenty of experience of situations where people I like were into
others, I even blessed my ex boyfriend's attempt to find a girlfriend
in real life instead of me when we were together (we were in a long
distance relationship), as I very well could see what he saw in her and
I agreed on that she was good for him. I loved him immensely, and I
still have a few feelings for him, but that doesn't mean I'm going to
be blind about what the best course of action for him is, nor would I
try to claim him for myself without his consent. That would only make
both of miserable in the long run.
I'm not going to claim something silly like that I have a really high
EQ, or that I'm a phsychology major, but I have spent my entire life
focusing on understanding people and their motives as much as possible,
that does result in that one is able to spot and grasp a lot of things
better than for instance someone who's been constantly too wrapped up
about their own emotions to pay attention to others.
829k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/23(水) 16:50:39
Like I stated, I consider monogamy to be as bad as polygamy, if
either is done by the wrong reasons. It has to be a conscious and
stable choice. Regarding the divorce rates, I quite agree on that
many people aren't handling marriages in a mature fashion. It takes a
lot more to maintain a good marriage than just love, or just family
compatability that results in an arranged marriage. You need friendship
, a lot of team work, financial compatibilty (as in that not one party
causes strain on the relationship by being too unreasonably much of a
money waster or scrooge while the other one can't stand that sort of
behaviour), responsibility and that both parties strive to make the
partnership work.
Too many people fall in love, think that "eh, we like each other
plenty so if we just get married and have a relationship that
is recognised by law it will all work out". Too many people
marriage is somehow supposed to magically work, as long as you
just love each other hard enough. That if it requires work to
work well, it's not worth keeping.
830school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/23(水) 16:52:58
You've got that right! ^^v

I often get stomach pains for that lolz~~~
831k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/23(水) 16:53:36
As in any partnership, one will have good times, and bad times.
The good times are supposed to make it all very worth it, but a
marriage isn't something that runs itself, or magically fixes any
problems. Too many people also think that your partner is supposed
to be some sort of mind reader, and get upset when they can't
accurately guess what they're supposed to do. I have to point out
that there's a difference in knowing someone so well that you have
a fairly good check on what's good and what's bad to do, and to be
able to read their mind and cater to their every whim. A marriage
should be about teamwork, not slaving for the other one via
imaginary telepathy.

There are a lot of people who are complaining about the existance
of marriage (yes, even plenty of straight people), they want legally
binding partnerships that will grant them the same rights as marriage.
I have to agree with several of their points.
I don't know Japanese, nor old culture, sorry...
Personally, I'm not used to the concept of people who are born outside
of marriage being looked down on, even though I am aware of that it
happens at some places. I consider such things to be silly, as I feel a
person should be judged after his or her actions, not by random statistics
life has given them (such as skin color, gender, etc)
832k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/23(水) 16:57:05
Nice motto, by the way. Even though I'm not religious. I'm very well
aware of that life isn't about getting things "NOW NOW OR IT'LL
NEVER HAPPEN!", like what someone with the self restraint of a five year
old might constantly crave ;-) A lot of things in my life have fallen into
place a long while after I first became aware of the possibility, so
I've learned that if one works towards the goal, and is open for other
possibilities as well, things usually turn out for the better,
whether the future is exactly the one intended or not.
I quite like this quote:
“Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it”. -Charles R. Swindoll
as I feel it's very true.
833school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/23(水) 16:58:44
that was for >>827

k-tan! *applause* (sorry if it sounded sarcastic)
K-tan is sugoi! ^^v
834k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/23(水) 17:01:25
I'm sorry about the too lengthy replies. They're too likely
to be full of typos and weird expressions too, as I'm still very
sick and have difficulties with focusing on anything, including
writing. I have a doctors appointment at two p.m., I'll probably
get some antibiotics or such.
At least I'm not doing as badly as the day before yesterday, my
sense of balance was too imparied because of the infection in my ear,
I kept losing my balance and falling. I have a lot of big bruises
now T_T
835名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/23(水) 17:01:51
Is your "Conversations with God" "IGod"?
Its God is dictionarry of english learner. I mean other one.
Converstaions with God is Neale Donald Walsch's best selling book. It's 5 million selling book.
This book will open to sight of new creation of human being. Read this self!
836名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/23(水) 17:12:00
It's obvious you flatter K-tan.
and you didn't read K-tan's whole sentences at all like me.
I don't want to read her sentences at all because it's too long !
837k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/23(水) 17:22:45
Ah, don't worry. I assumed you were talking about whatever it was
the expression in >>827 meant ^_^
838school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/23(水) 17:23:46
wha????I've read them all of course!!! *spank your butt*
839k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/23(水) 17:27:57
My statement about conversations with god was a joke, a play
on that the bot is named God. I haven't read the book, I'll
keep an eye out for it when I'll get the time to read books.

I can't really can't blame you.
But the posts above aren't really anything worth wasting your time on.
They're really "tl;dr" material.
Unless the topic interesting to you, or you're the one I replied to.
840名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/23(水) 18:46:35
That expression means "the age when even chopsticks falling is funny".
841名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/23(水) 19:14:57
Don't you think it's interesting whether that expression can be applied
to all the girls all over the world or not ?
842gaijin ◆cjcO/40IKM :2006/08/23(水) 20:34:31
That expression certainly applies to girls around here.
It's cute anyways, let them enjoy it while it lasts.
843Kouki:2006/08/23(水) 21:25:01
All I can say now is that things can't change that easily.
I don't think it's a good idea to be fast and easy.
As you can't forget him easily, the guy can't move from a girl to
another, I think, if he's serious about the girlfriend now.

To my mind, you seem really in a rush. It might be better to
take it easy, whether you put some distance from him or keep
close to him.

Go ahead. I'm looking forward to it. :)

Happy for you. What kind of food was served at the party, by the way?

And now that you said it, Some buses in Japan
also have room for baby carriages like in your country, but not
all of them for now. I think such kind of buses started to replace
the ones without space for baby carriages and wheelchairs.

By the way, about world basketball again. Japan won against Panama the day before yesterday.
According to the sport news report, Japan has won a game for the
first time in more than 40 years. It's kind of like new age has come!
I hope we beat NZ today. Oh, the game today was over now, but I won't
look at the result until I see the game on TV; it was recorded and planed
to be broadcast later, I mean, it's not live broadcast.
844Kouki:2006/08/23(水) 21:32:54
Ah, in more than 40 years "in the world Basketball", I mean.^^
845名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/23(水) 21:55:51
speaking of basket ball,I watched a TV program yesterday
and a cute girl who handled basket balls very well like a juggler appeared
on it.Disappointingly I forgot the name of the sport.
846Kouki:2006/08/23(水) 22:11:06
What TV program? I'm sorry I'm not sure about it.
But I remember Oshikiri Moe was invited to the game 2 as a guest speaker,
though she didn't handle a ball..
847名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/23(水) 22:27:29
Sorry I don't know the title of the TV program.
and I'm afraid you also don't know it because it is being televised
only in kansai district.Do you know of Mr.Hidekazu Akai who was an ex-boxer
and is an actor. he's the main personality of the program.
848名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/23(水) 22:31:48
For an ailing person, you do get your point across.
I hope you feel better soon. And you got the final word.
849名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/23(水) 22:39:08
kokono eigowa damedame ne〜〜〜〜〜〜!
850名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/23(水) 22:43:45
antano nihongomo damedame ne〜〜〜〜〜〜!
851Kouki:2006/08/23(水) 22:45:55
I see. Although I know of Akai, I haven't heard of any TV program which
he hosts. I had the impression that it was a variety show. Is that right?

Hmm, I have no idea what sport it is, in which players use basketball like a juggler,
however hard I try to strain my brain.^^
852Kouki:2006/08/23(水) 22:49:28
Well, I'm going offline. Talk to you later! Bye!
853名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/23(水) 22:51:50
you're right.and I've heard that sport is becoming popular in Japan.
854名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/23(水) 22:56:32
how to say "goshujin-sama" in english?
i want to say to friend like this. "i was like a dog waitin goshujinsama".

please help me lmfao
855school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/23(水) 22:58:26
lolz~~maybe "master"? I dunno! X.X
856名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/23(水) 23:00:37
hahaha XD
ohh what does it mean of "XD"??
thanks anyway!
857名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/23(水) 23:13:44
tawaketemonomega! kikutokoroniyorimasuto antaha eigo damedamene~~
dokusouseiga omahenn na-.
858school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/23(水) 23:20:09
XD is like >.< kind of face. I think ~~~ ^^
859TC:2006/08/24(木) 01:02:49
Boylove is Japanese traditional thing.
like 稚児
860k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/24(木) 03:37:34
xD or XD is the kind of laughing/amused face where your eyes are closed,
your upper and lower eyelids scrunched shut.
861名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/24(木) 05:46:14
Can you write it in Japanese, please?
jdic isn't giving terribly useful answers.
862k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/24(木) 07:14:03
The food? I'll try to translate the Swedish menu...
"Entré: Shrimp toast" That was a creamy sauce mix with shrimp in it,
served with toast, a piece of lettuce and a big wedge of lemon. Quite
"Main course: Whiskeyspiced back-steak with blue cheese
sauce, potato half, and butter-cooked carrots on a bed of spinace" The
steak was really good ^_^
"dessert: Chocolate cake with sorbet" The piece of cake was really very
yummy, but also dense and large. They served a ball of sorbet with it,
smaller than the piece of cake. A pity they didn't do it the other way
around, a larger amount of sorbet, with a smaller amount of chocolate
cake. I could only eat half of the piece of cake, after all the good food
I had before it, as it was very filling.
_ The food was good, the entertainment was heaps of fun, and the mingling,
even if limited (as you were sitting down at a fixed spot), was quite
fun too. I'm surprised and glad that I didn't faint or something.
Though I was feeling a lot better than the day before, I still felt ill.
Still feel ill, even though it's better now than before. Huzzah for good,
efficient medicine ^_^ The doctor said it was a virus, and not bacteria,
which is why I had throat problems at the same time as infections in
my ear canals, the virus had spread. I thought originally that several
different bacterias/viruses had ganged up on me, taking advantage of my
bad immunesystem. Hm. Sorry about the TMI.
863k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/24(木) 07:15:49
The victory against Panama, do you think it'll boost the interest for
basketball in Japan?
And for future reference, one of the shorter ways you could have phrased
it like is "..but I won't get to see the results until they finally
broadcast the game on TV." I hope you don't mind me giving you an example
nor that you take it as an insult. Your English is rather good, even if
you might have difficulties with conveying what you want to say once in
a while.
864k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/08/24(木) 07:19:41
oh, wow. it's really late. time flies when you're barely conscious.
it's time for me to go to sleep. bye all. ^_^
865名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/24(木) 09:08:08
You might be strongly and seriously shocked when if you had a news that Yukorin goes out with a comedian.
she betrays you.
866名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/24(木) 12:23:51
School girl already gave the answer. If you want to know it in Japanese, it's ご主人.
867school girl ◆lk0KbeC12s :2006/08/24(木) 15:13:55
>"i was like a dog waitin goshujinsama".

please help me lmfao

lolz~~you have your goshujin sama? lolz~~u must be a
faithful perrrrssssonnnn!!! he is
a Karate master? *blinks* X.X lolz~~ ^^
868名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/24(木) 15:36:32
yukolin is in love with ugly comedian hamaguchi.
how does it feel, yukomania ?
869名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/24(木) 15:45:29
Is that so? wow hamaguchi and yukorin...? do they really love
eachother? but we never
870Kouki:2006/08/24(木) 19:03:16
Wow, "Entré: Shrimp toast" must've been really tasty!

I'm afraid I don't know what sorbet means. Is it some kind of fruit?
(I'll look it up in my dictionary later)
I like chocolate cake very much.

More importantly, have you been in bad condition? Even when you were at the party?
I didn't know that... Take good care of yourself.

I hope so. Japan ended up failing to proceed to the tornament after all;
our national team lost against NZ by only 3 points.. A bit sad.
But I think they did more than expected!

And I'm open to correction on my English sentences as long as you tell
me how to say it right. No, I don't take it as an insult.
I'd be happy if you kept giving me examples when you think they're needed.

Hamagu-CHE, isn't he? hehehe (Do you know he didn't write his name properly
in English?)
871名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/24(木) 19:17:36
872名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/24(木) 19:52:50
Today is not my day.
873名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/24(木) 20:02:13
What is the Tom Curise's eccentricity?
He looks pretty normal but he is not...but he's too cute...
874asmodi:2006/08/24(木) 20:06:14
Hey guys, what's going on in this thread?
875名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/24(木) 20:20:59
Nothing much. Almost dead. But if you'd wait for couple hours,
you'll probably meet a nice Swede girl. ^^
876asmodi:2006/08/24(木) 20:59:53
I am going now, I'll be back in a couple hours though. You better not be lying about the Swede girl!
877名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/24(木) 21:05:53
Hey,calm down you must.
I apologize to you instead of him for rudeness.
878名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/24(木) 21:58:52
For your information, her fart smells like vanilla!!
879名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/24(木) 22:49:18
His rudeness has not begun just now .
880片思い:2006/08/25(金) 00:21:35
OMG.....I can't believe what he has done to me....
881名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/25(金) 00:22:51
What're you talking about?
882片思い:2006/08/25(金) 00:38:35
He humiliated me in front of many people.
People think I am a stalker...
He just hides that he personally contacts me but he pretends as
a victim. He wanted to show that way because his gf started to
distrust him....Oh I was silly...the end....
883Kouki:2006/08/25(金) 00:42:30
Can I ask...what happened?
884Kouki:2006/08/25(金) 00:46:41
Oh..that's awful..
885名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/25(金) 00:47:47
Are you seeing someone as well?
886片思い:2006/08/25(金) 00:49:26
My crush said a lot about me as if I have been stalking him everyday.
We had a gathering today. He suddently started to complain about me
after lunch. I was like "Huh???"....because he's been saying "I like you"
"you are so cute" etc when we are alone. He calls me or sometimes we meet
secretly. That's why I could not forget about him for a year. (since he shows
the behavior that he likes me). But today I finally discovered how sneaky he
was.....I am crying really hard now....I can't write rational sentence anymore...
887片思い:2006/08/25(金) 00:53:51
Someone? what do you mean?
I am only thinking about him. He said he is a hypnotist to occupy
my heart.... and laughed really hard like this HAHAHAHA
I can't believe....what a cruel guy....I can't really stop crying....
888Kouki:2006/08/25(金) 01:04:13
Hmm, now I think I know perfectly well why you couldn't go away from him.
Hmmmm, it seems to me that he showed his true colour, I mean, he's self-centered.

Well, take a rest.
889片思い:2006/08/25(金) 01:10:02
I am crying really hard. I don't think I can sleep tonight.
But sadly....I can't take any action. I am really coward...
I just coudn't see his face and other people's face.
What I can do is just stay away from them...
But I feel so miserable now...
890名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/25(金) 01:20:22
That's meanful action. Who? Let's ask to mirror.
That's inspirated question. Who? That's answer of you of yours.
891Kouki:2006/08/25(金) 01:20:34
Don't think you did anything wrong or out of bounds.
Because you didn't.

And you don't have to keep yourself level today.
He is evil and you are the victim. It's he who shoulda been
ashamed, not you. So keep your head up.
892片思い:2006/08/25(金) 01:28:13
I know about myself. I haven't done anything wrong.

But other people believe that I was a stalker, Also even I finally
discovered who he was...I have no idea what to do. I just leave
that place quietly. I will ignore everything from now on.
Is that the best solution? I don't even know what to do next
He even said I am such a vulnerable person to get effects. I hate what
he has said....I wanted to talk back to him but I coudn't ...I am
too weak. I hate myself...
893Kouki:2006/08/25(金) 01:39:45
I can understand how you are feeling now, but
you might not want to decide anything today, I think, as you are
emotional now. All that should be done now is say what's on your mind.
Speak yourself.

And don't hate yourself.
894Kouki:2006/08/25(金) 01:42:24
Well, I'm really sorry, but I have to leave now.

Do you think we can talk tomorrow? If it's ok, why don't we talk
about this then?

See you later! And don't blame yourself or anything.
895片思い:2006/08/25(金) 01:46:19
well...yeah, I'll think about it tomorrow. I was not that aggressive.
But I think he worried so much about his gf since she doubt the relationship
between him and me. I will stay away from them. Yes I will never disturb him.
896名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/08/25(金) 08:03:12
I think what he has done is really terrible because even you are a nice
girl, he humiliated you in front of many people. You don't deserve that
humiliation... But I think only the reason why he has done is for his gf.
And maybe since his gf has been harass you, he just wanted to persuade
her to trust him, not having any feeling toward you, so that she won't harass
you anymore.

So I think you should just stay calm and live your life.
You don't have to be bothered by them anymore. Do your study,
This tolerance would make you improve. I think you just have to stay cool
whatever happened. You knew the consequence because you knew
he already has someone anbut you've never stoped liking
and even you met him secretly, right? That's why it happened....
897merkin ◆BeSm0ofY92 :2006/08/25(金) 08:09:12
Tom Cruise is a nutcase. He's high enough in the Scientology organization
that he has to have learned about Xenu and the volcanoes and all that
other nonsense.
Please stay cool as if nothing happened. I think
it is nothing. You even can still keep your love towards him.
What happened is just nothing I think.