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You might also be interested in the following project:
~300-page Annual Catalog listing over 500 Top Websites, including museums, artists, galleries and curators worldwide. -1/3 page print publication listing over 500 of the top art websites from museums and blue-chip galleries to art fairs and non-profit institutions. -ALL approved directory/catalog applicants will receive a complimentary catalog at the time of publication. - ALL materials must be submitted by June 30th, 2006
For a total cost of $500, your listing will include: * Artist Name * Website address * One image (300 dpi) of your work * 50-75 words, which you will provide, that best describes your site and the nature of your work. This can be an artist statement. * Your e-mail address * Optional and recommended: List 2 of your favorite websites to be considered (subject to selection).
cost realization以下がよくわかりません。 In contrast,with full information the strategy of a firm depends o both his cost realization and on the average realization of the cost parameter.
To determine whether pCtr conferred resistance to bile through the active efflux of the compound, de-energized washed cell suspensions of E. coli KAM3 (pCtr or pBluescriptSK) that had been grown to mid-exponential phase in Luria-Bertani broth were preloaded with [carboxyl-14C]cholic acid (New England Nuclear Corp.).
'I'm afraid to have to tell you, sir, that one of the envelopes contained your name and address, and a series of six negatives in which you futured engaged in a certain activity in company with this woman. We have established that this woman, along with a certain man, was one of the occupants of the flat visited by the Metropolitan Police. The man in the case was the other occupant. Do you begin to follow me?'
>>30 to have to tell you that を I'm afraid ですsir, ↓ どんなthat ? ↓ one of the envelopes は your name and address and a series of six negatives を contained である ↓ どんなsix negatives ? ↓ in which に you が in a certain activity にengaged が futured なsix negatives ↓ どんな a certain activity ? ↓ in company with this woman な a certain activity
It was the duty of these priestesses of Vesta to guard the fire which continually burned on the alter of the goddess, for the safety of the people was taught to depend on this sacred flame. No Vestal, as these priestesses were called, was allowed to marry Mars, and keeping her marriage a secret, continued to live inthe temple.
Most Americans do not want to be treated in any especially respectful way owing to their age or social rank. たいていのアメリカ人は扱われたくない(Most Americans do not want to be treated)までは分かるので、それ以下の文章の訳をお願いします。
暇なら、翻訳してほしい。 Coming around a long, rainy, New Mexico curve west of Magdalena, the highway turns to a footpath and the path to an animal trail. A pass of my wiper blades, and the trail becomes a forest place where nothing has ever gone. Again the wiper blades and, again, something further back. Grate ice, this time.
cost realization以下がよくわかりません。 In contrast,with full information the strategy of a firm depends on both his cost realization and on the average realization of the cost parameter.
2.purpose The inside where the senior citizen was in the increasing tenden cy, and the nursing facilities were needed and we knew only the home for the aged of attendance on old people by content of help, and I wanted to examine it in fuller detail.
Later in her life,around 1971 she often saw a shocking picture in her dream:a naked Vietnamese girl running down a road,after a bomb exploded close by. お願いします
>>89 If it's relatively easy one, which maybe a homework of 7th or 8th class college, someone in 3rd class university or so is elated at answering. Consequently, he offers the answer only to irritate us.
>>94 I never mind even if it's just for practice oh. Wierd sentences, wrong grammers, whatever. No one has to take any responsibility. Be free to do it or not to.
in short,a pet is a constant companion who,if you treat it well,will give back the affection that you give to it in a clear way,which is something that cannot always be expected from human relationships.
The addition of the home-visiting family education component did not significantly improve the home environment, the parent's attitudes, or the children's or parents' behavior.
The results of this study were similar to those found for the Abecedarian Project in terms of the intellectual development of the children up to age three.
Consistently over the preschool years, childlen in the educational child-care program in the Abecedarian Project scored significantly higher than those in the control condition.
This, however, was not the case in Project CARE.
One major reson this may be the case is that some children in the control condition attended and participated in community child-care programs/
To say that the Bush Administration is exasperated by North Korea's provocations is an understatement.
After all, the only thing worse than watching a charter member of President Bush's "Axis of Evil" thumb its nose at the international community is not having an effective means to respond.
But as my knowledge of things grew, and I learned more and more words, my field of inquiry broadened, and I would return again and again to the same subject, eager for further information.
You could always use this kind of setting and the need for decorum that it produces, to get someone close to agree to an idea you've been incubating for months.
Arnold says, “I don’t do practical jokes anymore, if that’s what you mean…” Murray jumps up, grabs both of Arnold’s arms, and shouts, “PRACTICAL, that’s right; a way to stay ALIVE! If most things aren’t funny, Arn, then they’re only exactly what they are; then it’s one long dental appointment interrupted occasionally by something exciting, like waiting or falling asleep.” おねがいします
I learned a number of years ago that I was taking life too seriously. In fact, if being serious had been an Olympic sport, my picture would have been on a box of Wheaties. おねがいします。
The passage states in lines 22-23 that the buffalo was the chief source of food, clothing, and tent covering. ''Chief means ''most important'' in this context. NOTE: By using the word NOT, the question asks the reader to remember to remember which of the choices were mentioned and to recognize which choice was not, or to review the passage to be sure. The correct answer is the choice that is NOT mentioned- in this case, log cabins.
Some drumming and chanting opens the evening reading. People with asthma sit near the door so they won't inhale too much smoje.A Swinomish elder in her 80s,wearing a shawl,rises and tells a story to welcome us.
I look around the giant smoky space at poets and listeners of all ages and think,Incredible. Every voice is welcomed. No one says,Use my style. I think,This is my second family. The family that adopted me. The world of words that helped me a map of this mysterious living. How various we are in our eccentric,multi-colored land,our trails dotting so many landscapes,cultures and histories up till now. お願いします。
There was a big roar in the hall as upper house President Chikage Ohgi declared the bills had been rejected. Heizo Takenaka, the minister responsible for postal privatization, bowed to the chamber in the hall before heading to an extraordinary Cabinet meeting, at which Koizumi asked ministers to sign the agreement to dissolve the lower house. But in a rare move, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Minister Yoshinobu Shimamura refused to sign the agreement, saying it did not make sense to him to dissolve the lower house because the bills had been rejected by the upper house. Koizumi dismissed Shimamura, who belongs to the Kamei faction, and took on his ministerial role, resulting in total Cabinet approval of the dissolution. Koizumi has advocated postal privatization throughout his political career, despite strong opposition from postmasters throughout the country, a traditional support base for the LDP.
I had bought into the movement because, like countless others, I felt something was missing. I was looking for the fulfilled life but never found it in the personal-growth movement. It had become expensive, exhausting, and serious. Too serious. And it actually did more harm than good, because it began to weigh me down. Then a funny and unexpected thing happened. During this time, yet totally unrelated to my relentless search for personal nirvana, I saw two movies which had a more positive and lasting effect on me than all these “growth experiences” put together.
Although both Japan and North America have a democratic system which originated centuries ago with a focus on indvidualism in Europe, politics in the two societies are very different. In democratic countries, each person has a right to vote in an election for a candidate. This cnadidate is usually a member of a party that has a certain political view, left, right or center. The candidate receiving the most votes then represents his or her district. In most Western countries, there is more than one party, and their job is to debate ideas to improve their country. For example, political parties often debate about what level of tazes is best. After debating, the ideas of the strongest party usually prevail, but often there is some kind of cpmpromise. Then, these new ideas are sent as instructions to bureaucrats so they can put them into effect.
シェイクスピアのハムレットAct 1, Scene 4より。 ハムレットが父の亡霊に話しかける寸前のところです。
Be thou a spirit of health or goblin damn'd, Bring with thee airs from heaven or blasts from hell, Be thy intents wicked or charitable, Thou comest in such a questionable shape That I will speak to thee
Be thou〜とBe thy intents〜は仮定法現在のifの省略だと思うのですが、 その文全体のつながりがよくわかりません。 和訳の本は持っているのですが、意訳してしまっていて、どういう構造になっているのかわかりません。 直訳をよろしくお願いします。
Some Americans think that the expression of some ideas should not be protected bx the law. However,others agree with the courts' unwillingness to curtail freedom of expression. Arguments on issues such as the right of Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan to march and air their views can become quite heated. However,when considering the issue carefully,it seems that the courts' strong protection of constitutional rights is justified. For if the rights of some Americans to speak freely are cut off,all Americans'freedom of expression will be put in jeopardy. どうかお願いします<(_ _*)>
Are you over your Physicians' Recommended Weight? Are you in a High risk area for Radon Exposure? Are you exposed to Air Pollution? How often do you find yourself stressed ? お願いします・・・
Do you share needles during drug usage? ⇒あなたはドラッグ用法の間、針を共有しますか? (ドラッグしない/めったに/数回/しばしば/頻繁に) Are you over your Physicians' Recommended Weight? ⇒体重は標準体重に比べて? (下/最適/約7キロ以上/約15キロ以上/約23キロ以上 Are you in a High risk area for Radon Exposure? ⇒ラドンにさらされているところに住んでいる? (イエス/ノー) Does Diabetes run in your immediate family? ⇒肉親に糖尿病の人は居ますか? (イエス/ノー) Who you are? ⇒あなたの性格は? (標準/悲観的/サディスト的/楽観的)
本題ですが、質問です。よろしくお願いします。 None of the other occupational fields mentioned have anything like the scope for the wielding of real power - political power, power over who governs us and to what purpose power to shape our society and its values, to determine our destiny and future.
They lived in a block of concrete flats which from the outside could have been in Cumbernauld or Rotterdam. But inside their front door was a traditional Japanese interior. You left your shoes in the little concrete vestibule, and stepped up into slippers waiting on the raised wooden floor beyond.
>>199 Information to be found on the Internet so much that these knowledge skills become even more important. インターネットでみつかる情報が非常に多くなったので、 こういう知識処理能力はさらに重要になった。
The slippers took you some four or five feet to the door of the living-room,where you kicked them off to step on to the straw mats,the tatami,in your socks.
It was a 4 1/2 - mat room - about nine feet square - just big enough to accommodate Mr and Mrs Okamoto and myself sitting on cushions around a low table to eat,or at nightk,with the cushions piled in the corner and the table upended,the bedding for me to sleep on.
It was a 4 1/2 - mat room - about nine feet square - just big enough to accommodate Mr and Mrs Okamoto and myself sitting on cushions around a low table to eat,or at night,with the cushions piled in the corner and the table upended,the bedding for me to sleep on.
She ordered the troublesome clerics back into their pulpits to preach personal morality adn render everything else unto Caesarena.
The poorest fell ever further behind the rest,almost out of sight. When the front and the back are streched so far apart, at what point can they no longer be said to be travelling together at all, breaking the community between them? at what pointからの訳がわかりません。倒置 されてるのかな?続きは There is no such thing as society, why care? Because every one needs a justification for the way we live. We can no longer muster anything that feels remotely credible as an excuse for paying so many people too little to live on for work that society depend on for its standard of living.部分的には理解はできるものの、一つの文章に訳すとどんな 感じになるんでしょうか?お願いします。
Ken Kutaragi President, Sony Computer Entertainment Remember the Betamax debacle? Sony seems to have forgotten all about it. Under Kutaragi, who is the power behind Sony's PlayStation videogame consoles, the company is launching another format war with its Blu-Ray high-definition videodisc, the successor to the venerable DVD. Unfortunately, the PlayStation 3, which was supposed to put Blu-Ray into millions of living rooms, is months late and hundreds of dollars more expensive than competing consoles from Microsoft and Nintendo - largely because it includes one-of-a-kind technologies like Blu-Ray. The delays and cost overruns are likely to make both the PS3 and Blu-Ray nonstarters. But there's also another problem, which leads us to Warren Lieberfarb ...
上の一文だけでもいいのでよろしくお願いします Tragedy must be understood, then, in terms of the festival of which it is a constituent part and the silence of critics on the preplay ceremonies is indicative of a general unwillingness to consider both the extended context of the tragic texts and the particular difficulties involved in reading this literature of transgression and impasse. The tragic festival may at first sight seem to have little to do with our expectations of the Dyonysiac religion under whose name it takes place.
So, just as Alger reawakened belief in the American dream for the lost boys after the divisive Civil War, Adams explicitly gave the dream its name and expansively stated that it was open to all classes of people and both genders. He asserted that it was the power of this dream in the lower stratum of society that not only defined America but also could save America, and enable the country to truly glow in strength and influence. He was reaching out to the members of American society that carried the greatest part of the burden for American development in order to reassure them of the value and opportunity that still resided in a system that appeared to be in financial collapse. He invested in them American's future growth.
>>231 Tragedy must be understood, then, in terms of the festival of which it is a constituent part そうすると悲劇はそれが一部を担う祭事の中で解釈されなければならず, and the silence of critics on the preplay ceremonies is indicative of a general unwillingness to consider both the extended context of the tragic texts and the particular difficulties involved in reading this literature of transgression and impasse. その幕開けの儀式への批評家の沈黙は、悲惨な内容が強調された脈絡、およびこの破戒と行き詰まりの文学を読む時の特別な困難の両方を考察しなければならないことへの一般的なためらいを示唆している。
They are not likely to be so strange,however, That we could not recognize them as animals. This is simply because their bodies would have bilateral symmetry.
>>234 ありがとうございます まことに勝手ながらやはり下の文もお願いできないでしょうか The tragic festival may at first sight seem to have little to do with our expectations of the Dyonysiac religion under whose name it takes place.
訳お願いします。焦ってます。 (Japan) The National Diet Library will no longer offer six choices for the foreign-language portion of its tests for job applicants and will instead limit it to English. Commencing this year in June, the new testing format will test examinees in three phases; general knowledge, foreign language skills and specialized subjects. Previously, the foreign-language test was offered in English, German, French, Russian, Chinese and Korean. Some sources believe that budgetary considerations are behind the move.
A very important part of the political system in Western countries is the open debate of ideas. Dating back to the time of Socrates in ancient Greece, it has been believed that an honest and open exchange of ideas has always been considered necesary for a successful democracy. In North America, political parties on the left and on the right propose and debate their ideas. When the people are satisfied with the ideas and performance of one party, they continue to vote for that party.
The abandoned dying, deserted babies, and victims of diseases – these “poorest of the poor” – Mother Teresa made a place in her heart for them all. おねがいします。
>>290 「汚染されたウラニウム238リフレクタは消え去り、それよりも小さいプラトニウム239という汚染されていない 核は、上昇していった。」 カンマを挟んで、前後の文章がそれぞれ倒置されている。 The dirty Uranium 238 reflector was gone. and The purity of the smaller Plutonium 239 core went up.
>>292 None of the other occupational fields mentioned have anything like the scope for the wielding of real power - political power, power over who governs us and to what purpose power to shape our society and its values, to determine our destiny and future.
purpose clause で「目的節」という言い方がある。purpose には形容詞としての 意味はないけど、形容詞に使われることもあるらしい。よって、purpose power は、「目的力」と捉えていいのではないかな。
to what purpose power この場合、to は「〜に対して」という意味の前置詞、 what は「どのような」,、purpose power で「目的力」。後ろの文と合わせると、 「私達の社会や、その価値を形作ったり、私達の運命や未来を決めたりする ための、どのような目的力に対しても〜(中略)〜力を振るう範囲らしいものが ない。」
The first manifestation of this approach caused some surprise and hostility among observers more used to different ways of working, but the techniques were quickly adopted and adapted by many researchers, often creating hybrid systems.
機械翻訳に関するものです。 more used to different ways of working がどこに係っているのかわかりません。 どうかよろしくお願いします。
>>297 [The first manifestation of this approach(主部)] [caused(動詞)] [some surprise(補語)] [and(接続詞)] [hostility among observers(主部)] [more(副詞)] [used(動詞)] [to different ways of working(目的語)],
I would like to translate the video into English and I have a friend from Japan who is helping me. Do you have the video in a higher quality than here on YouTube? If yes, maybe I could download it from you and use the better quality version for translation. Oh, I am an English teacher in the US. Here's my website: http://www.alexwrege.com
There is Pat Mora(Latina),Li-Young Lee(Chinese-American), Edward Hirsch(Jewish-American),Joy Harjo(Native American), Kurtis Lamkin(African-American,who plays native African instruments when he speaks his DeFrees(a nun for more than 30 years before leaving her order), and the witty Thomas Lux and David Lee,who writes in a colloquial small-town vernacular. This festival feels like a reunion,since we have all met before and read one another's work and value the power of communication above everything else. お願いします。 ※>>306
この訳し方がよくわかりません If I had to choose one word to describe this world,it would be acceptance. In a family of voices this wide,no one can be excluded. Do you hear me?The little boats are traveling out to you.
A great many voice teachers, in their effort to teach a workable vocal technique, take away a singer's style and the individuality that established his career in the first place. A great teacher is able to direct a singer toward a healthier, more extensive use of his voice without losing that special quality that sets him apart. Seth Riggs is such a teacher. His assistance on my albums ET, Thriller, Bad, Dangerous and HIStory and his traveling with me on the 1988 World Tour, continues to confirm my confidence in this approach.
But such an event is less likely to happen than for a member of our own species, say a shopkeeper with all the usual ties - to family, to friends, to society - to drop everything and walk away from his life with only the spare change in his pockets and the clothes on his frame. 少し長いけどよろしくお願いします!!
The author organizes the passage is on Marianne Moore's life and work. The other choices are details that are mentioned but not explained.
NOTE: By using the word EXCEPT, the question asks the reader to find which of the choices is not explained. ''Caribou'' is the only one of these words that is not explained in the passage.
訳お願いします。 This is an exciting time in the world of computers and information. New things are coming, amd new jobs, are coming with them. I hope for great things from the future, but I worry a little, too. Workers will have to learn these new jobs. Countries will do more business with each other, and this will change the way we feel about other countries. There will be new problems, but today we can only guess what they will be. For most people the problem is “Where will my place be in all this?” They worry about their jobs and their children’s jobs. In fact, some jobs will disappear. But people worried about the same thing when the personal computer arrived in the workplace, and nothing terrible happened then. Each time a job disappears, the worker who has that job becomes free to do something new. This means people do more work, and that is good for everyone. In 1990, more than half the 501 different jobs you could have were jobs that were’t there in 1940.
>>320 「しかし、そのようなことは、我々自身の種族の一人が(=一人の人間が)、 例えば家族、友達、社会と普通の関係を持っている一人の店主が、突然着の 身着のまま、ポケットにある小銭を持っただけで、全てを捨てて人生から 逃げてしまうことより、もっと起こりそうにない事だ。」 such an event が何かわかればいいが ・・・
It is also worthwile to point out that the trend toward nuclear power will mean, in an increased number of cases, that we will find the power stations close to the population centers.
It is fatal for anyone to reveal a weakness to a weak man. He will either take advantage of it,or despise you for it,because the weak man unconsciously despise his own weakness and therefore cannot stand it in others.
Aids has political implication in the United States unlike those of any other diseases. There has never been another disease whose treatment has been so deeply influenced by non-medical issues.
thank you so much for the video! I greatly appreciate it. My friend (Mahomi - from Japan) will help me translate the video and I'll send you a message when I have it on my website, ok?
Likewise, many of the hostile displays of sports fans and teenage gangs are primarily concerned with displaying their group image to rival fan-clubs and gangs. Except in rare cases, they do not attack one another's headquarters, drive out the occupants, and reduce them to a submissive, subordinate condition. It is enough to have scuffles on the borderlands between the two rival territories. This is particularly clear at football matches, where the fan-club headquarters becomes temporarily sifted from the club-house to a section of the stands, and where minor fighting breaks out at the unofficial boundary line between the massed groups of rival supporters.
Your private life is your own affair as far as the police are concerned, providing it breaks no laws. And visiting a prostitute does not break the law.
If they are not satisfied, which is often the case, they will support a different party. In this way, the power shifts back and forth between two parties based on the will of the people. Unfortunately, this style of politics results in almost constant arguing and bad feeling among the various parties and politicians. During the long American presidential and election campaigns, which begin more than a year before voting day, candidates attack each other daily, even when they are members of the same party. Disagreements among parties also make it difficult to make changes. For example, a recent attempt to reform the heakth care system failed because the president and Congress could not agree. Still, this failure may have been a sign that the American people did not want to change the system.
Harper children will soon discover joy of living in a home that former first kids fondly recall as a big old `jungle gym' `Nothing ever seemed to get broken or stained ... I know (dad) really got a kick out of the fact that we were all having so much fun.
The official residence of Canada's prime minister is drafty and dated and needs repair, but if history repeats itself the first children to live there in more than 10 years are in for a treat — 24 Sussex is the best jungle gym going. おねがいします。
She and her husband caught their daughter Catherine sliding down the banister of the staircase. She was hanging on for dear life. 最後のhang on forの意味を教えてください。
訂正 The Kids on the Hill Life at 24 Sussex ↓ The Kids on the Hill Life at 24 Sussex 自力でほとんどわかりました。以下の質問にだけ、答えていただけるとうれしいです。 FRANCINE KOPUN は人の名前ですか? FEATURE WRITER 「特徴ある記者」と訳すのですか? おねがいします。
訳お願いします。困ってます。 More often than not,while reading a text written in your native language, you draw on your background knowledge to question the content of the text. You are also likely to ask yourself whether the author's interpretation of the subject is plausible or not. You have likely developed some strong“Self-Questioning”〈i.e.,asking yourself if the content is reasonable〉 While-Reading Skills.However,if the text is written in a foreign language,you may well end up paying so much attention to the vocabulary and grammar that you are unable to do much,if any,“Self-Questioning”of the text.To become a better, more active reader,you should constantly ask yourself the following questions while you are reading: ・Am I missing any key words that are vital to understanding the text? ・Am I following the author's argument? ・Is the author's argument consistent? ・Are all the author's points consistent with the overall argument of the text? ・Are there any other inconsistencies in the text?
Luckily, I woke up and see that the world is just as it should be. For my best friend has one best woman. I have a gift. However, this is on loan until you two find your song.
If HE could make a mouse live so long, how much longer do I have? We each owe a death. There's no exceptions. Oh, God. Sometimes, the greenmile seem so long.
"My parents made it a very happy home," said Mark Mulroney, who lived at 24 Sussex from the age of four to 14. "It was an amazing experience. The house was a home. I guess it's just the people who make it that way." 上記の文中The house was a home.だけ訳してください。
Law reflected in the assumptions, concepts, institutions, and procedures of international society is not the kind of international law one commonly thinks about because it does not, on its face, direct governments.
The concept of the nation determines that the United States has relations with Canada, not with Quebec.
The concept of territoriality means that the United States can do largely as it likes within the United States, but is sharply restricted in what it can do outside.
But things did not always go well for Jesse. He nearly hit a whale. For a few days there was no wind and he could not move. A large ship almost hit him,he was almost attacked by pirates,and he sailed through a very bad storm.
That's right, tickets for all of next summer's biggest festivals will be up for grabs every night at this year's Carling Weekend: Reading and Leeds Festivals!
In return for handing in your empty camping gas canisters, we'll give you a coupon that will enter you into a daily draw to win a pair of tickets for next year's Reading & Leeds, Glastonbury, Spain's Benacassim and Download. Each day a runner up will also receive a pair of tickets to either Reading or Leeds 2007.
The Gas Canister Exchanges will be situated at Piccadilly Circus on the Reading site and at a to-be-confirmed location on the Leeds site (please keep checking the website for further information).
The exchanges will be open on Thursday 24th August, Friday 25th, Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th - from 10am until 6pm. They will also open on Monday 28th August between 7am until 1pm.
Winners from Thursday and Friday's draws will be announced from the Main Stage on Friday before the headline slot (tbc), with Saturday and Sunday's winners revealed at the same time on the respective days. Monday's winner will be notified by post after the event.
However,the courts ruled that the three ordinances that the village had passed violated the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the constitution,and were therefore unlawful.
However,the courts ruled that the three ordinances that the village had passed violated the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the constitution,and were therefore unlawful. In essence,the Nazis' right to demonstrate in skokie was upheld. shortly before the demonstration was to take place,the leader of the Nazis cancelled the demonstration in the village,and they subsequently demonstrated elsewhere. However,the fact remains that the courts refused to curtail their right to demonstrate,even in Skokie. 長いですがどうかお願いします(ρ_<,)
もう一つお願します。 告白されたときのメールなのですが、アバウトにしかわからなくて、、、 sorry about today i was a litle drunk! and i have to confess somenthing i like u! but in the club u didnt paid attention to me so i decide to go to ○○ with my friends i know i was rude but i think u enjoy... i saw you try hide from me... anyways take care and thanks for today...
I am sorry for calling you yesterday when I was drunk. I don’t remember quite well what we talked. I just wanted to hear your voice….. You said that I hid myself when I (we?) went to the club, but you are mistaken. I think it is a miracle that I ran into you twice on the train.
I am very much interested in you. I like (love?) you too.
I am sorry for calling you yesterday when I was drunk. I don’t remember quite well what we talked. I just wanted to hear your voice….. You said that I hid myself when I went to the club, but you are mistaken. I think it is a miracle that I ran into you twice on the train.
I give you good advice, you just ignore The truth at any price is more than you can afford But when you're not doing too well I'll be here, here for you still A little bit longer
[Chorus:] Brokenhearted Won't you come back to me? You're so brokenhearted I'll fix yours for free Brokenhearted Brokenhearted Won't you come back to me?
Life gives us both a chance An equal vote And it's just the circumstance if it all goes up in smoke When all the answers you're trying to find They don't come easy, there's no peace of mind Somebody's there for you
In Japan the subject of one's age often come up in conversations,and the people seem quite open about discussing it. In fact,"How old are you?" is one of the very first questions asked by the Japanese upon meeting someone from another country for the first time.
I wondered why you sent the video to me. I wondered how you happened to have my email. I wondered why I should be interested in a dramatization of a possible future catastrophe. I wondered why you made the video, why you decided on the dramatic format(the woman narrator sounds like she's in anguish). How would you like me to send you a video of the sun exploding?
This traveling infection is particularly sneaky and dangerous. The tooth causing the trouble may feel fine. Yet, it may cause symptoms of arthritis, rheumatism, neuralgia, and other general disorders.
At any time since that afternoon have you received any phone call, or had knowledge of a phone call being made in your absence, that might have been connected with a demand for payment in blackmail as a result of these photographs being taken?
have you (現在完了疑問文) [received any phone call] ? or [had knowledge of a phone call being made in your absence] ? (≒known that a phone call was made in your absence)
[a phone call]←[that might have been connected with a demand for payment in blackmail as a result of these photographs being taken] 関係節
VATICAN CITY (Reuters)- Roman Catholic Cardinals have elected arch-conservative German Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger as pope, choosing a shy, elderly theologian to defend the stern legacy of his charismatic predecessor, John Paul U. Ratzinger took the name Pope Benedict XY after one of the quickest conclaves of the past century. He said Wednesday he felt a sense of inadequacy after being elected by Roman Catholic cardinals but believed his predecessor John Paul U was holding his hand. “On one hand, I have a sense of inadequacy and human turmoil at the responsibility entrusted to me yesterday… on the other hand, I feel living in me a deep gratitude to God, who dose not abandon his flock but guides them always,” the pope said at the end of his first public Mass.
Since Japan adheres to the Kyoto Protocol for the reduction of greenhouse gases, Harper's government has made it clear that it is skeptical about, if not hostile, to the Kyoto accord.
Nationalism is obviously a force that cannot be checked; but it ought to be turned to noble ends. It is clear that the problems of the world today cannot be solved by the pursuit of the national interests alone,for if we may judge from present-day events, the more nationalistic aims are achieved the more seeds for international conflict are sown.
Many times, I'm sorry. I forgot to be talking about it a short while ago, I don't like speaking English indeed. If you can't answer well, I'm sorry. は、「何度もごめんなさい。 さっき言い忘れてたんですが、実際英語を話すのが苦手です。 うまく受け答え出来なかったら、ごめんなさい。」 という文に合ってますか?
Presenting opposite characters permits the child to comprehend easily the difference between the two,which could not do as readily were the figures drawn more true life.
>>555 「英語を話すのは苦手です」と言いたいんなら、 I'm not a good speaker of English. とか I'm not good at speaking English. とか I can't express myself in English so well. とか I can't make myself understood in English. とか。
>>565 他のサイトで見たものなので でもそれだと思います。 抜けてました。 すみません。 訳お願いします。 two,which could not do as readily were the figures drawn more true to life. のところの could V以下と were V以下は同格のVなんですか?
Without any effort or even realizing that it’s happening, we can turn our lives into exercises in mindless conformity: go with the flow, be in, be cool. In other words, let others do our thinking for us. I know how easy it is because I’ve been there. It’s like getting into a big circle and following the follower to nowhere. おねがいします。
I was shy girl,quiet,never aspiring to be a writer,never thinking to assert my Native identity,an identity always clear to my sister and I when we were in Oklahoma with our Chickasaw grandparents. We come from horse and wagon grandparents,and it was not so very long ago. The smell of the pecan trees,the black walnut with flesh I can still smell. お願いします。
I look around the giant smoky space at poets and listeners of all ages and think,Incredible. Every voice is welcomed.No one says,Use my style. I think,This is my second family. The family that adopted me. The world of words that helped me make a map of this mysterious living. How various we are in eccentric,multi-colored land,our trails dotting so many landscapes,cultures and historics up till now. お願いします!!
I am sorry for calling you yesterday when I was drunk. I don’t remember quite well what we talked. I just wanted to hear your voice….. You said that I hid myself when I went to the club, but you are mistaken. I think it is a miracle that I ran into you twice on the train.
>>572 I'm afraid I upset you yesterday because of my drunken call, the conversation in which is now out of my remembrance at all; To hear your voice might have been my then wish, as far as I presume at present... Your assumption was, though misunderstanding, that I got myself latent when I was to go to the club. But God's bliss should it have been that I happened to see you in station tantivy even twice! That, I feel, increaced my interest in you all the more -- so much that my fondness of you might be as much as you last confessed to me.
In hindsight, it would appear that perhaps these individuals, given their apparent intimate knowledge of the perpetrators immediately following the bombing should have been included on the investigating team.
But when one radicalized it - that is, observed the form it took in the minds of those who saw the root problems as more acute than the moderates did - the element of internal reform diminished, and the concentration was on the reality or the symbolic trappings of political power, namely, independence.
Sunadays in San Francisco , the Green Street Monrtuary Band winds its way through the busy streets of Chinatown , with a "picture" car , a hearse , and a stream of mourners trailing behind . Spirit money floats through the air . Cymbals crash , scaring off evil spirits . Onlookers bow their heads in respect as the brass band blows a dirge .
I will kiss in the dance hall indefinitely this night. Still,this space where end is mot seen. The gentleman of a wonderful middle age invites you. It chimes in for the time being.
You only have enjoy nothing not worrying this night. Your fearing it doesn’t happen today. Therefore ,you may not worry about anything. You only have to enjoy forgetting everything.
I explained that we did not correct her because it would be discourteous;because we were too pleased to hear her talk to be worried about 'mistakes';and because,realizing that she had done some bold and powerful thinking, we did not want to do anything to make her doubt its worth or discourage her from doing more such thinking in the future.
I also emphasized that correction was in fact not needed,that the child was soon able,by oneself,to get her names and classes straightened out.
She stopped thinking about the ear-rings when she found she could not see Mr,Huws-Evans anywhere in the crowd of people waiting for their freinds on the steps of the Odeon. 【She knew at once then that he had not really meant it. After all, what could an Inspector Taxes (Assessment Section) see in an eighteen-year-old comptometer operator?】
He watched for a bit, a smile showing round the curly stem of the pipe he was biting.
>>615 I explained that we did not correct her because it would be discourteous; 私は説明しました。私たちは彼女の間違いを直さなかったんです。なぜなら、そんなの失礼でしょうし, because we were too pleased to hear her talk to be worried about 'mistakes'; 私たちは彼女の話すのを聞いてとっても楽しくてミスのこと心配するなんてできなかったんです。 and because,realizing that she had done some bold and powerful thinking, それに、彼女は大胆で力強い考えだってわかったんで、彼女がその価値に疑問を持ったり将来、そいう考えをするのをためらったりしてほしくなかったんです。 we did not want to do anything to make her doubt its worth or discourage her from doing more such thinking in the future.
I also emphasized that correction was in fact not needed,that the child was soon able,by oneself,to get her names and classes straightened out. またこれも強調したんですが、そんな修正は実際不要なんです。自分で名前やクラス(ちょっと何のことかわからない。彼女のミスがなんだったのかわからない)をちゃんとできるようになるんです。
an Inspector Taxes ... = Mr. Huws-Evans, as an Inspector Taxes, in an eighteen-year-old comptometer operator = in "her", who was an eighteen-year-old comptometer operator
he had not really meant it. → Mr. Huws-Evans's intention was not to wait for their freinds on the steps of the Odeon.
>>618 この文の前文なんですが、 I spoke at a PTA meeting recently,and repeated the story of Lisa giving the name 'cows' to a class of animal including cows,horse,and sheeps. なんですよ。
長文問題の途中です。あらすじは 完全な自然は人が住むには適さないが、 完全な人工環境もよろしくない みたいな感じです。 It can be argued, indeed, that the conservation mobement, as we know it today, is largerly a product of the industrial revolution.
as we know it todayがわかりません。 私たちが知っているように、環境保護運動の多くは産業革命の産物だということは 十分に議論されうる。 と訳したのですが、どうも違うようです。正しい訳し方を教えてもらえませんか。
Valentine's Day,as it is observed in the West, is a day to celebrate real love. これと同じ用法らしいです。 よろしくお願いします。
[4] 付言の副詞節を導く接続詞 (1) 従位接続詞の用法 【2】 as の導く節が形容詞節のように前の名詞を限定修飾する場合。 This is English as it is spoken in the South. (これが南部で話されている英語です) Many of the features of the pub as we know it today were developed during the Georgian period. (今日我々が知っているパブの特徴の多くは,ジョージ王朝時代に作り上げられたのである) * it があることから as が関係代名詞でないことがわかる。〈as we know it〉は慣用句のようによく用いられる。
conservation movement, as we know today, is A・・・ となってた場合、asを関係代名詞と考えて「一般に知られている保護運動はAである」と asを接続詞と考えて「一般に知られているように保護活動はAである」と ふたつの訳が考えられると思ったのですが、そういうときは文脈判断ですか?
Most Americans do not want to be treated in any especially respectful way owing their age or social rank. たいていのアメリカ人は、彼等の年齢のためか、社会ランクのために、特に敬意を表すやり方で扱われたくない。
この句が名詞のすぐあとに続いてその名詞を修飾している場合、すなわち The Japanese Government as one knows it is still feudalistic. の ように使われている時には「私たちが知っているような」とか「誰もが 知っているとおりの」と直訳するのは見当違いだと思う。むしろ、 「知っている」という語を省略して、「現在あるような」とか「今のような」 と意訳したほうが的確に原意を伝えられる。 The space-shuttle as one knows it is still imperfect. 「現在の形ではまだスペース・シャトルは不完全だ」。
1st paragraph 1.Research into how machines can be made to simulate human thinking processes began in the late 1950s, and at that time two scientists, Herbert Simon and Allen Newell, wrote in a technical paper: 2.There are how in the world machines that think, that learn and that create. 3.Moreover, their ability to do these things is going to increase rapidly until - in the visible future - the range of problems they can handle will be coextensive with the range to which the human mind has been applied.
1.Research into how machines can be made to simulate human thinking processes began in the late 1950s, and at that time two scientists, Herbert Simon and Allen Newell, wrote in a technical paper: 2.There are now in the world machines that think, that learn and that create. 3.Moreover, their ability to do these things is going to increase rapidly until - in the visible future - the range of problems they can handle will be coextensive with the range to which the human mind has been applied.
2nd paragraph 1.Depending on your bias, the prediction could be construed optimistically or pessimistically; as foreseeing a triumph for science or a blow to human self-esteem, if the mental faculties proved reducible to mechanics. 2.Since the 1950s, research on artificial intelligence has been intense. 3.Computers have been programmed to perform a range of sophisticated 'mental' or intelligent tasks, such as making medical diagnoses, designing complex systems such as electronic circuits, and developing ways of improving their performance. 4.Considering these and many other functions that computers are capable of, it is undeniable that man has developed 'thinking machines' with powers often equal to and sometimes even superior to his own. 5.Its practical implications aside, artificial intelligence research has raised some fundamental questions and helped clarify our thinking about the nature of human intelligence.
Perhaps because of America's tribulations and ultimate defeat in Vietnam, pethaps as areaction to a decade of devastating political assassinations,perhaps as a repercussion of Watergate scandal which brought about the demise of a president, by the seventies,Americans had seemed to completely lose faith in "the system.
(Perhaps) because of America's {tribulations and (ultimate defeat)} in Vietnam, (pethaps) as a reaction to a decade of devastating political assassinations, (perhaps) as a repercussion of Watergate scandal [which brought about the demise of a president], (by the seventies,) Americans had seemed to completely lose faith in "the system."
i will add another friend he is my best friend mayby he will not write do not right to him even if he starts to write he does not know english he is 15 years old yes i am good yes i was in asenovgrad with my grandmother and uncle i have a lot of friends there it was fun
Thus,it may not be that Japanese families survive because husbands and wives love each other more than American couples do, but rather because they love each other less.
The partners' winning bid was $3.2 billion for holdings estimated to be worth more than $8 billion. JP Morgan Chase, a prestigious investment-bank that's the flagship firm of its kind for Rockefeller family interests, advised the Port Authority, another body long influenced by banker and builder David Rockefeller, his age then 85, in the negotiations.
特に another body long influenced の辺りが良く分かりません。 よろしくお願いします。
Verb -- advised Object -- [ the Port Authority ] ↑同格 [another body (= group, company, etc ) ] ↑ 過去分詞の修飾 long influenced [ by [ banker and builder David Rockefeller, his age then 85,] ] [ in the negotiations ]
Judy Blume,in defense of her hyperrealistic books written for Free adolescents, wrote,“I hate the idea that you should always protect children.They live in the same world we do.” A divorced New York mother told Marie Winn in her book Children Without Childhood that children“might as well find out sooner than later that life can be complicated and unfair and infueiating.”
Judy Blume 主語 [in defense of [ her hyperrealistic books](←[written for Free adolescents] 過去分詞の修飾)] 文修飾の副詞句 wrote 動詞 “I hate the idea that you should always protect children.They live in the same world we do.”
[ A divorced New York mother] 主語 told Marie Winn 間接目的語 in her book "Children Without Childhood" that 節 ↓ children might as well find out sooner than later that 節 ↓ life can be [ A. complicated; B. unfair; C. infueiating ] can = ... のこともある → A のこともあれば、B のこともあれば ...
Thank you very much for love me tender. では、文法がおかしくて頭が悪すぎるだろ? どうしてforの後に動詞のloveが原形のまま出て来るんだよ? Thank you very much for loving me tender. とかじゃないとおかしくないか。中学生レベルの英語だと思うが。
"A and B and C" can be i) "[A] and [B] and {C]"; ii) "[A and B] and [C]"; iii) "[A] and [B and C]" ; and iv) "[A and B and C] (as a whole)". であるが、ii), iii) は、文脈がはっきりしていない限りちょっと 不自然。iv) も、この解釈なら、単に "A, B, and C" でもいいので、 i) と解釈してみた。しかも、i) ならば、can との相関関係の意味も 生きて来る。この相関関係の意味があると考える必要がないなら、 iv) かもしれない。
>706 can = ... のこともある → A のこともあれば、B のこともあれば ... は、 4[S can do]〈人・事・物〉時には…しかねない, 時に…する場合もある《◆(1)S はしばしば総称名詞. (2)通例好ましくないことをいうのに用いる》‖A fussy referee can ruin a bout. 規則にうるさい レフェリーは試合を台なしにしかねない(=Sometimes a fussy referee will ...)/Driving can be dangerous if traffic rules are ignored. 交通ルールを守らないと車の運転は危険なものになる/ Acid precipitation can kill animals and plants that live in water. 酸性雨は水に生息する 動植物を死なせる可能性がある. の応用であるが、無理に「可能性」と訳す必要はないと思う。 may は主観的、can は客観的な場合、と使い分けると思う。
>>712 A and B and C は特殊な文体でない限り、 ii) [A and B] and C iii) A and [B and C] と解釈するものだと思います (申し訳ありませんが、>>712のi)とiV)の区別がわかりません)。 複雑、不公平、腹立たしい、という3つの並びで、ii)と判断しましたが確証はありません。
canとmayの区別は主観と客観ではありません。 canは、可能性が1%でもあるかどうかを問題にし、 mayは、may or may not を含意しています。
Alayne Yates advised parents in her 1982 book Sex Without Shame that at seven years of age, if your“child is not yet masturbating he should be.” She went on to give tips on how to encourage this. “Brothers and sisters may experiment with each other,”she suggested. “Most sibling incest doesn't cause emotional damage.” There wasn't much encouragement for allowing children to do what comes naturally――act like children.
any and all users found to be reporting jokesub releases without stating their nature in their release report may be banned from the channel without warning.
Alayne Yates advised parents (in her 1982 book "Sex Without Shame") that (at seven years of age,) (if your "child is not yet masturbating) he should be." She went on to give tips on [how to encourage this]. (go on toは熟語的) "{Brothers and sisters} may experiment with each other," she suggested. "[Most sibling incest] doesn't cause emotional damage." There wasn't much encouragement for allowing children to (allow A to do は頻出) do [what comes naturally] [=act like children].
Spelling are not nearly as common in other languages as they are in English . Their popularity in English is attributable , at least in part , to the challenge presented by our inconsistent spellings . But while some folks glory in the diversity , others are more interested in predictability .
Neglect of the alphabetic principle (which states that the letters of the alphabet were designed to represent speech sounds ) and the failure to systematically modernize spelling has made literacy unnecessarity difficult .
"One writes because one has a burning desire to objectify what it is indispensable to one's happiness to express." 「何かを表現できるという幸せを感じるために必要なものが 何であるのかをはっきりさせたいという激しい願望を持っているから人は書く。」 「表現することが人の幸せにとって必要不可欠であることを具体化 したいという激しい願望を持っているから人は書く。」 多分どっちか(・・上)だと思うのですが分かる方お願いします。
ペンパルからの文章が難しくてわからないので誰か和訳おねがいします。 I believe that DECO can't play will deffiantly be in England's favour,although there form hasn't been great recently. 特にcan't play will deffiantly be in England's favourとthere formが意味しているものが分かりません。
he spoke in his high, penetrating voice, and in a little over two minutes delivered this speech, surprising many in the audience by its shortness and leaving many others quite unimpressed. どなたか訳していただけませんか? お願いします
The election of Ratzinger delighted traditionalists in the 1.1 billion-member church but dismayed liberals who had longed for a more moderate papacy. “After the great Pope John Paul U, the cardinals have elected me, a simple, humble worker in the Lord’s vineyard,” the 78-year-old Ratzinger told cheering crowds in St. Peter’s Square as he made his first appearance in his new papal vestments. In other corners of the church, the celebrations were more muted amid fears that the silver-haired German will be too distant and too divisive to unite his huge, disparate flock. The strict defender of Catholic orthodoxy for 23 years, Ratzinger has made clear in recent speeches that he will brook no dissent and will block debate on issues such as women priests, priestly celibacy, abortion and homosexuality. よろしくお願いします!!
>>794 I believe that DECO can't play. (It) will be definately in England's favour, although their (=England's) form hasn't been great recently. または I believe (that) that DECO can't play will be in England's favour, although their .... DECOが試合に出れないことは絶対イングランドに有利になると思う。 イングランドの最近の試合ぶりはあまりいいとはいえないけど。 でしょう。
A camera-based equivalent of a typical distance-based localization system would be acquiring a detailed three dimensional model of the environment [39]. 和訳希望です お願いします
皆さんの知恵を貸していただきたく参りました ↓の文なのですが・・・ >I was a believer in life to be myself always >and was asking whether I would be alive に対して↓の訳が充てられてます >いつだって 自分が自分であるため この命を信じていた >そして訊ねたの 私が生きていられるかどうか
>>763 I have something to be done. やるべき仕事がある。と同じように、考えればどうだろう。 life to be myself. 私らしくあるべき人生 1行目と2行目、 過去の時制が一致しているところを見ると、 「信じながらも、生き続けられるのか、尋ねていた」 ということになるのだろう。 believe life to be ではなくて、believe in life to be とあるから、 俺的には、なんか宗教的な信仰にも似たような感情だったのかと 思う。つまり、 100%なんの疑いもなく信じきっていたという文章ではないのじゃないかい。 筋金入りのクリスチャンだって、神が天地を創造したという旧約聖書の内容を すべて信じきっていたわけでもないと思う。
Automatically detecting the visual attention level of drivers early enough to warm them about their lack of adequate visual attention due to fatigue may save a significant amount of lives and personal suffering.
>>765 Automatically detecting the visual attention level of drivers early enough to warm them about their lack of adequate visual attention due to fatigue may save a significant amount of lives and personal suffering. 疲れによって不充分な視野的注意を喚起するのに十分な速さで、 ドライバーの視野的注意力を自動的に検出することは、 大量の事故や命そのものを救うことができるかもしれない。
最初から、fatigue までが、主部。may save が述語動詞。a significnat から最後までが、 目的語。文型はSVO。
Annie Gottlieb,in her groovy Boomer chronicle,Do You Believe in Magic?, casually excused this open parental attitude toward children by,in essence, blaming Boomers’ own parents for being “overprotective.” “We had enormous security as kids,”said one man interviewed in her book. But this was not something to be grateful for. “We couldn't breathe,” he complained.
So is there an age limit beyond which people should consider themselves too old for romance? And why is it that we find it so hard to believe that people of our parents' generation can fall in love? お願いします。
Because of this horrible childhood background of their own,he noted that this group,now parents themselves,actively“tried to suppress our instinctive protectiveness.” Observing the new parent-child relationships,one therapist confessed,“Sometimes I think I'm too old-fashioned to practice in today's world.Half the time the children act like adults and the adult behave like children.”
It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. どなたかこの訳をおねがいします。
The company presents kabuki in a shibaigoya a re-creation of a traditional Edo-period theater when kabuk began in the Edo period it was very popular a mong the common people kankuro wanted to make kabuki enjoyable、for everyone ar it was in the Edo、period
Heisei nakanura_za built their temporary theater at the Lincoln center in new york materials for setting up the theater were sent from japan to new york by ship
The 13-man comittee,drawn from the facukties of medicine,public health.law arts and sciences and divinity,was headed by Henry K. Beecher of the Harvard Medical School.
The 13-man comittee,drawn from the faculties of medicine,public health,law, arts and sciences and divinity,was headed by Henry K. Beecher of the Harvard Medical School.
>>809 あ、いや、いいんだね。これは失礼しました。大文字でなくてもよいものだった。カンマとピリオドの後だけ気をつけましょう。 「13男委員会」、薬学、公共福祉、法律、芸術、科学、そして神学の分野から選び出されたこれらの 人達は、Harvard Medical School のHenry K. Beechers氏によって、統率されていた。
Yet,even though the act of launching unclear weapon is consciouly nothing more than faithful obedience of an order, there remains a question of whether or not in deeperlayers of the personality there must exist, if not destructive impulses,a deep indifference to life,to make such acts possible.
While reading the newspaper on his way to work , he was amazed to see his lifeーstyle and feelings ( ) perfect by "Dear Abby" お願いします。( )の中には何が入るのかもできればお願いします。
Static reduction schemes, which do not depend on any particular distribution of data, are more directly applicable to life-long learning situations. Compact image signatures can be formed from the coefficients of the low-frequency components of the Fourier transform [22,37], applied to each row of a 360- degree panoramic image. This approach can provide rotational invariance, but as each row is treated independently it results in rather large image signatures, about 1 to 2 kB per image [38], and the Fourier transform has been criticized [26] as being an inherently non-robust transformation in the case of occlusions.
すいません。経済学の論文からなのですが、ヤフーの翻訳でうまくいかなかったのでお願いします。 Disallowing the exchange of cost information may come at a cost.The question then is how to devise a rule of thumb for policy absent a complete estimate of the potential benefits of information sharing.
[ Disallowing the exchange of cost information ] 動名詞の主語 ...ing ...であることは may ことがある、 come at a cost. The question then is then それならば how to どうやってすべきか devise 動詞 [a rule of thumb] for ... ...向けの経験則、実際的な方法 policy absent 前置詞用法 ( = without) ? 誤用とされる a complete estimate of the potential benefits of information sharing.
As long as you have a router, then the above method should work just fine. If you don't, the only way to get out of it without spending money would be to figure out a way to change your NIC card's MAC Address. If you do figure that out, remember to share!
T[he central features of anorexia nervosa] include 「主語は... を含む」であるが、「主語は ... である」と大体同じ、なことが多い。 [A. fear of becoming obese] and [B. a distorted view of one's own body] 目的語2つ B. は one's own body が意味上の主語、distorted 意味上の述語の関係 → the view that one's own body is distorted
After beginning the year with Triple-A Colorado Springs, David was first purchased on May 9 and, after that, spent all but 9 days in early July in the Rockies' bullpen...established career highs in every category... was one of the final cuts at the end of spring training, as he was not assigned to minor league camp until March 31.
Because of this horrible childhood background of their own,he noted that this group,now parents themselves,actively“tried to suppress our instinctive protectiveness.” Observing the new parent-child relationships,one therapist confessed,“Sometimes I think I'm too old-fashioned to practice in today's world.Half the time the children act like adults and the adult behave like children.”
a system based on the belief that government is a necessary evil that should interfere with individual freedom and privacy as little as possible. これの訳をどなたかお願いします
thanks to everyone from japan and europe and back to the states, you know who you are, if i was to start writing names, i would be writing continuously, for weeks.
I really don't know how hard it is to find a real job in here. All I've done until now are small works here and there for part-time jobs. I worked in construction, in a restaurant, in a salad company, in an elevator company, mowed grass, washed windows, made Christmas decorations and many more that I forgot... And most of them were jobs that I was offered, I didn't "search" for them much. But this time I will need to find a real job, in my domain. I study in animation 2D/3D, which means I'll make video games. ^_^ I'll stay a kid for a long time lol. これを訳してくださいお願いします
Now, this does not mean that you should let go of the ball but that you should loosen your grip to avoid damaging a situation that simply needed a little time to breathe.
>>823 Yet, /even though [the act of launching nuclear weapon] is (consciously) nothing more than faithful obedience of an order,/ there remains a question of whether or not (in deeperlayers of the personality) there must exist, (if not destructive impulses,) a deep indifference to life, (to make such acts possible).
>>872 おつかれさまです。 最後の「such acts」は「the act of launching nuclear weapon」だと思います。 あと、「無関心さがあるはずなのではないかという疑問が残っている」が主文の骨格だと思います。
It has been argued that something that has been programmed cannot be said to think independently and flexibly, and that it is by its very independence and flexibility that human thinking is distinguished. But on the other hand it is arguable that human beings themselves are programmed, genetically, and that their instincts are inherited subroutines and their acquired skills the product of the kind of programming that we call education or training. On the other hand it is not arguable ? although it is often argued ? that computers are inflexible, can only do things that their human programmer has instructed them to do and therefore are necessarily under his control. Chess-playing machines can learn from the experience of their own and their opponents’ play, and can compose subprograms for future use independently of their human programmers. To maintain, therefore, that human thought is unique by virtue of its independence and flexibility is insupportable.
Damn, DFC. Why you gotta be so hard on my Sony crew? Look, just because my PlayStation bwoyz are gouging us poor upper-middle class saps to the tune of 600 bones doesn't mean you gotta be so... nasty. I'm talking about your recent memo that says Sony could very easily slip from first place in the gamespace to the dreaded Nintendo Third.
I agree with you, DFC Intelligence, that "Sony has done very little to justify why the system is worth a premium price for consumers that don't care about raw hardware performance and are not hard-core audio/visual consumers" but nobody wants to hear you spew such heavy handed market research vitriol.
Plus, it has always been my contention that the $600 price point just doesn't matter—for the first six months. After that, when launch hype...
The scandal has also caused investor jitters,contributing to a sharp stock market drop. The benchmark Nikkei index slipped 2.2percent in June. The flareup comes at a delicate time for the BOJ,which poised to raise interest rates amid a budding economic recovery. Some analysts say the scandal may distract the bank and push back the first rate hike,which many had expected would come in July.
>>884 ■deliberately {副-1} : わざと、故意に、意図的に◆行為者が悪意を持っているニュアンスがある。 ・Because he was angry, he deliberately tripped his opponent. 彼は怒っていたので、わざと相手をつまずかせた。 {副-2} : 時間と手間をかけて、丹念に、慎重に、細心の注意を払って、悠々と
深夜に申し訳ないです。 TOEICからです。 To: Dr,Donald Kirkpatrick,Dean of Foreign Languages Dept. From:Martin Balboa,PR Section,Admin. Date:March 15 1996
Re:Your Questions Concerning A Campus Survey on Latin American Studies
Upon receiving your inquiry, I contacted several privately run universities in New Mexico and received replies from all. Three schools have already conducted such a survey and will send us copies of their survey forms. Tow other schools have set up project teams to prepare and conduct such a survey. One school is considering a similar move. The latter three schools are interested in forming a joint project team. I can report to you directly on Wednesday 25. Please let me know if it's convernient.
How many times a day do you complain? If you are anything like my students were, both in the high school and in the university, the number is pretty high. If節のみおねがいします。
Whatever you call the collectivist system -- Soviet socialism, New Deal socialism, corporate socialism, or National socialism - it is the average citizen, the guy in the street, that ultimately loses out to the boys running the operation at the top.