Some Jewish sects taught that soon a saviour-king, called a "Massiah," would come to establish the kingdom of God the earth. Many Jesus thought that Jasus was this massiah
>>938 『謎解きの英文法 文の意味』によると、状態動詞が進行形になれるのは ・意図的な一時的状態の連続を表わす場合 We are living in Tokyo. ・少しずつ変化している状態の連続体を表わす場合 I am liking you more and more each week. ・一時的状態が繰り返し起こることを表わす場合 I am hearing strange noise. だそうです。 >>938の例の場合、やっぱりダメだろうね。
Judaism in those days was dominated by two sects. The Sadducces ans the Pharisees. The Sadducees denied the existancs of spirits, angels, miracles(except by God), and life after death. They therefore disagreed with Jesus, because he taugut that the dead would rise again and live after death; they condemned him for teaching heretical doctrines.
教えてください。下記の文章の和訳なのですが 「ジュリーは躊躇なく投票箱に行き投票用紙を入れた」みたいな意味だと思うのですが peparを修飾しているbearing her voteの部分がよくわかりません。 もっとうまい訳し方と文の構造を教えてください。 Julie strode up to the ballot box and dropped the paper bearing her vote.
>>984 (To)(tell)the(truth),I failed the test. To make a(long)(story)short,I don't like him. She didn't have lunch because she didn't want(to) She is,(so)(to)(speak),like an angel. I lost my car key,and(to)make matters(worse),I left my money inside the car.